Mr. Bliss
Mr. Bliss
Mr. Bliss
J Tolkven, Isak. RR. (Johm Ronald Revue),
Enc BIO 2 — sO a.
Mr. Bliegs 7 J2.R.R. Tolkien. --— ist
American ed. —-- Boston : Houghton
Mat raiim UO Gis
Dp. cm. ;
M-. Bliss.
The Hobbit
Farmer Giles of Ham
The Adventures of Tom Bombadil
Smith of Wootton Major
Tree and Leaf
Sir Gawain and the Green Knight,
Pearl and Sir Orfeo
The Father Christmas Letters
(edited by Baillie Tolkien)
The Silmarillion
(edited by Christopher Tolkien)
Pictures by J.R.R. Tolkien
Unfinished Tales
(edited by Christopher Tolkien)
Letters of J.R.R. Tolkien
(edited by Humphrey Carpenter)
Finn and Hengest: The Fragment and the Episode
(edited by Alan Bliss)
With Donald Swann
The Road Goes Ever On
M, Bliss
First American Edition 1983
‘ ORtourse tis! eat One Sirabobst _ days ere fine teif foxcbsskin
wos of mockintosh ond he had made a dep, Arup, hale in Pre Froud ond he
Woe bund soe newer hue shether the Sun Was Shirin aynok. Asa n.cber
of Fock he Useall, went be bet after breakfast and gokup fo supper se that
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After breakfast Mr. Bliss put on his green top-hat, because the Girabbit
said it was going to be a fine day.
Then he said: “I will go and buy a motor-car!”’
So he got on his bicycle, and rode down the hill to the village.
He walked into the shop, and said: “I want a motor-car!”’
Aber breakfast MrBliss ton his Grean hp hat 5 because ne girabbit—
Seth ik uwsas Going Ww be Sine doy
Chen he Saud ~ 4 oil ge omd Duy oo malor- Car’
So ht Sgro his Vieycle erm suds doun Hy hilt tn the villadse
He weollled enh the Sop , and Sach: * S Wont co malbpr- cas | %
“What colour?”’ said Mr. Binks. “Bright yellow,” said Mr. Bliss, “inside
and out.”’
“That will be five shillings,” said Mr. Binks.
“And I want red wheels,’’ said Mr. Bliss.
“That will be sixpence more.”’
“Very well,” said Mr. Bliss; “only I have left my purse at home.”’
“Very well, then you will have to leave your bicycle here; and when you bring
your money you can have it back.”
It was a beautiful bicycle, all silver — but it had no pedals, because Mr. Bliss
only rode down hill.
7 Whet colour? is said M* Binks. . Torght yellow” Said MY Bliss * insihe
aud auk”
“That wit be Five shitlings, sikh MY Binks .
* And GSuont ved wheels “ Said Mt (Bh ss .
: Theat ai be gs; Dench more. e
“Very Gall sauce MY Bliss. aly S howe left wy purse at howe
: Very well then you ill howe hy leave snr breycls here. crnd chev yor berry
Sumy wily you Con hewe ib (nck 5
Ssasesbemk fee bicycle oft silver, ——— Gah th bhadl na pedals because tr
(Ks only was dawn Will,
Mr. Bliss’s motor-car.
Mr. Bliss got into the motor-car and started off. Soon he asked himself:
“Where are you going to, Mr. Bliss?”’
“T don’t know, Mr. Bliss,’’ he answered himself.
“Let’s go and visit the Dorkinses, and give them a surprise!’
“Very well!’’ said Mr. Bliss to himself, “‘very well!”
MBiiss’s moter ear.
Mr Bliss SF ints the motor car and statted off, Soon he asked umself :
EWhere are you going te M*Bliss? :
= I dont know, Mr iliss y he answered himsdlF, :
* leks §e and visit theDorkinses and Sve them a surprise |
: Very well I” said MY Aliss bhimaelF, : Very well Lg
So he turned sharp to the right at the next turning, and ran straight into Mr. Day,
coming from his garden with a barrow-load of cabbages. This shows what happened.
So he tummed sharp & the right ak the next tuming’, and ran straight into Mr
“Day, Coming’ Bem his garden with a barvow-load of cabbruges. This shows what—
So he had to pick up Mr. Day and put the cabbages on the back of the motor-
car. Mr. Day said he was too bruised to walk.
Now he went on again and turned sharp round the second turning to the left,
and ran slap into Mrs. Knight with her donkey-cart piled with bananas.
The cart was smashed. So he had to pile the bananas on top of the cabbages,
and Mrs. Knight on top of Mr. Day, and tie the donkey on behind the car.
Ss. he hadla pick uy My Day and put bhe cabbaces on the back of the mobr
cay, M'Day said he was ho bruised b walk.
Now he went on again an ca tumed shavy youncl the Secand harming? b bhe lee
and yan Slap ind yo Knight with her clon key cave piled with bananas
Che Conewas Smashed BS So he had \, pile the hamomas ou op ofthe cabbus co)
and mr Rarcecht on hyp of Mr Day and We the orvjeey Ou bed; nok he car’,
The car was now very full, and would not go very fast. Soon they came into the wood,
because the road ran through the middle of it.
Te Corwas now vary Pall aud would nol go ver fask, Say th oy Came
inty the waad ,because the wad ran Mrrouch the micelle of ib,
Of course the bears came out, and stood in the middle of the road and waved their arms:
Archie and Teddy and Bruno.
So Mr. Bliss had to stop, because he could not get by without running over them.
“T like bananas,’’ said Teddy.
“And I like cabbages,’’ said Archie.
“And I want a donkey!”’ said Bruno.
“And we all want a motor-car,” they all said together.
“But you can’t have this motor-car; it’s mine,”’ said Mr. Bliss.
“And you can't have these cabbages — they’re mine,”’ said Mr. Day.
“And you can’t have these bananas, or this donkey — they’re mine,” said Mrs. Knight.
“Then we shall eat you all up — one each!”’ said the bears.
Of course they were only teasing; but they rolled their yellow eyes, and growled,
and looked so fierce that Mr. Bliss was frightened (and so was Mr. Day and Mrs. Knight).
So they gave the bears the cabbages and the bananas.
Archie and Teddy piled them on the donkey and took them away to their house in
the wood. Bruno sat and talked to Mr. Bliss. Really he was watching to see Mr. Bliss
did not drive away before Archie and Teddy came back.
5 Mr (Sliss had hb shp, because he could nol get by withouk winning over Ehem |
al like bananas. Suid Ceddy .
>And T like cabbawres Said Pryce,
“Ana Twant a Aonlury | i Sack Swng.
A wa all want amuhn- car, " hey all Scoxd tocrether,
* Tus Sark cawn’b Hows U's mahr-~ car, tes wicne 3 sacd Mr Aliss .
Sane you can't have these cab bares. — Mhey’re mine ; said MY Day.
a 1 ;
JAnd wou Cank hone Ehae ban amas orblurse clauk iy — bho re mined De ss
Sere cl MY? Kuig th,
*Chen we Bhall eat you at wj> — one aah Y » Said the beayve.
ORtauye then were only tras: iwes Suk they waled ther wellaw eves, and grsled ,
antlucad Sua Perce that Mr less was Aeghkened € and Sowas Mh Dery and Me
Rwesht). So hey Save the bears the cobbases and the bananas.
Archie and Teddy piled them on he donkey and hnoh thew away Ib Thais howse ar
The wad Poeun sak and lafkid te Mr Bhiss. Really he was waking fe tee MY
Talis Asd nob Anive Anny before Arthie avd Caddy crret bach.
When they came back the bears said: ‘“‘Now we want a motor-ride!”’
“But I am going to see the Dorkinses,” said Mr. Bliss, ‘‘and you don’t know them.”
“But we could know them,” said Archie.
So Mr. Bliss had to let them all get in at the back, and there was such a squash that
Mrs. Knight had to sit in front by Mr. Bliss, and he was so squeezed he could hardly steer.
Then they started off again, and came out of the Wood to the top of the Hill, because
the road ran straight up it and down the other side.
The cabbages and bananas are not in the picture, of course — the bears had hidden them
all in the Wood.
Tea PSS Aowhey WAY ved CMA yeduind Af Carne A He Avot yok Wen Vind ett Ret beoaure
with Siximside Ee maby 4:9 nek go very Fash uphik Bt hem ty conn ty ty by of the TALE cased
beyaw by gu? mu
Cbe coma bh sone MOT Lived at Ike boty) 1 Lasvery diferent. Wr Bless wae
Su socesad by mr ae he corwld nok puto Thibrnkes Suan My begen by calhriz2 crarol the
“Dowtiy was dragged By ing Cryvrrau Me ain, Fasher amok fouten Huy rom, unhl thy crashed
playmp in hs the Pah le Garden Wott Thr all shals out head fivols pawd Flt uty the wall
Be 22/9 bh doh ha he Waa a SomevoauwU {- ink tha Can, hike this : ——= 5
The cabbav as And bananas are nak em ble pekmye , tigate ramparts oe RE, of COMA gee
i =, A a. %
f Ly 4) “\~ 6
The Dorkinses
were the other side of the wall, sitting on their beautiful lawn on little stools.
They were eating soup out of little bowls, and their lovely carpet was spread on
the grass. They were fat people; but one of them was specially fat; and he
Tha Dove ises
lu yuk GAY B suroen sb WIE hes BpLIm™M D>. But Albert lowked wc wisre Yowwed C
Secaind (aker, coud Me Verks U0, Somorshd very flee. rok by Egbert y jug then thal
aarky he th Gul of bine thy ou ko Pla Dorharses thre HUA/ , lice GeoHe aur
Metvicgseaun ai lets
My. Bless Fert Face downwards on he butl. MY Day Knocked Alberl- over and Shrod on fs
Nead onthe lavely Carpet. Prune sal-dowu bump- Arrive saton Herberk MP [kus aht
Senk Egbert overbackuards But Tettdy put his head ban through bre Viclof be awe asrel
Soup splashed atl over him and gotimld both Wis eyes
The Dorkinses Were quite bowled oveyxy —anda ied — ay Fathe was last
ans"), because nobody had Fallen own hiv | Though e losl- aoe
AA his tluyd helping
of Soup, he laushed very luud, “Thatouky mack “Albeyt all ie: the AMY CY.
“Next bie you come’ he said te hy Bliss “go to the Honk door ancl ey, ,
very little) was picking daisies. So Mr. Bliss introduced them all to the Dorkinses, and the
Dorkinses, who were very polite, said: “Pleased to meet you, we hope you are quite well.
Isn’t it lovely weather, and won't you stay to lunch.’ They did not really mean any of it
very much (except the part about the weather — for the Girabbit had, by accident, been
quite right). But Mr. Bliss and Mrs. Knight said: ““Thank you very much.”’ And the bears
said: ‘““We would rather walk round your beautiful garden, if you don’t mind.”’ So lots
more soup was brought out, and cakes, and pickled cabbage and banana-fritters, and they
all sat on the grass and ate. Except the bears who disappeared.
After lunch they walked round the garden. There was no sign of the bears, till they
came to the kitchen-garden.
This is just a glimpse of what they saw there.
The three bears fast asleep under a large apple-tree.
They were snoring and their tummies were frightfully fat.
There was only one little row of cabbages left in all the great big garden.
The bears had eaten all the rest, and lots of green apples, and raw potatoes.
Vern Lites) was picking dersies . So Me. Bliss inbs duced therm alt bo the Darkirrges , nd bhe
“Dovkinses. oho were Very parte, Sacd +” Phased to meek y) Ou: , we hopes Vou are quite Tite Tsit
bday tlyweather cand wonkarcustay to Lunch | “They, ‘di a marl vealls ware any Oph oy
vauch(excepk the park ob wwe Hey Oe aH —= Aor (he Girabbik had, by accident, bein quviks We gk)
uk My iss and MY? Neright Sahn iogreys YOu, Ver veel Aud the beay said wc ommld mle
Walle mun d Nour beaul nhl ssavelen, iF You daub HOT 4 Sys tuts move Soup Ww Bo bros tel:
oul am sant aud prohtect cabbage anck beomana-nikese parc bhey AW Sak av Flee grass
“What naska cross peopl. your frends are, My Bliss seid Archie . “They ask you
b lunch and then are amdry if you eat, We ave gomg fe Finish our ie :
“They alr lay Aan under the beg oscar aud would not move - Pout the cvagse st
* Never mind Ray calkd back Swe have got obs of cabbaces arse bananas ab houre
“My cabbages!”’ shouted Mr. Day.
“My bananas!”’ shrieked Mrs. Knight. ““Drat the bears; I am a-going after them!”’
“But they will eat you all up,” said Mr. Bliss; “‘and anyway you will never catch them
up now.”
“They will eat the cabbages and bananas all up, you mean,’ said Mr. Day. ‘We shall
easily catch them up in the motor-car.’
“No!” said Mr. Bliss. “I am not going to chase bears. I would rather let them eat
bananas than me.’
‘““That’s because they ain’t your bananas,” said Mrs. Knight. And they pushed Mr. B.
Nol’ seud My Qtess “Jem mabYyorrg we charts bem. Scull rather Leb tran tat bananas
thon me,
Naganosi bo cotit they aint your bananas’
Sard MY Rasaght Act Uy pusrr ys 3.
Revoards bu gete
But they could not get him through! Still they pushed and squeezed him against the
posts, until at last he said he would go after the bears, if the Dorkinses came too, and
brought the dogs. The Dorkinses rather liked the idea, for they were still angry with the
bears. But, of course, when they got to the motor-car, the Dorkinses saw at once that it
would not go again without a lot of mending.
“What are we to do?” said Mr. Bliss. ““This car is worth five and sixpence, and Binks
has got my silver bicycle!”’
‘““Hee-haw! Hee-haw!”’ said the donkey suddenly from behind a hedge. They had
forgotten all about him, and he had gone to find his own lunch — thistles.
‘I know!” said Mr. Bliss, immediately he heard the donkey — “‘the donkey shall pull
the car home.”
“No he won't,”’ said Mrs. Knight, “‘not if I knows him.”’
She knew him quite well. He was already trotting away quickly. They shouted, and
shouted, and offered him four pounds of carrots. So at last he stopped and waited to see
what would happen next.
Bur they Cornrtcl nak gee him though | Stu they pushecl and Squeczec him ousarinst the
posts unktat last he ona he would gocafter tha bens if the Dork inses came hsp ,crnob bray ht
the Lscgs : The Doyleinses rather Lied the idea Be Huey were sha angry with te bears
Tak oFeauses, cahen they Sot bh Khe mubhyCay , de Dorvkeinses Sow) ahkua Haat th woutd rst J?
Gs) CAVA without a Vok oF mending ,
My. Miss thus Conmvs worth Sve aud 3KXPencey aud Bivhs ha, gol
i Whoahue wchre sod
Sail Bae Aowkey Suddenly FSan behind a heS§ge- They had Farce Here
Mee hows | We- Wares :
AV alot wis pond tre had Cone lo Aud Wis aon Lunch —— Ustlis
She lense bie quite ull. i uw alre ady beth ug awery apidily . They shouked oo
of A) Yuwt Paar Pounds of canzts | So at Yast bre Daraets aud wouke d by See
Srouked our
And han Baty bred hin “P. “Them Muy fetched out three Oi ce C Alb evbs : Egbers : and
ederts — Cth us hr heavy by howe Apauy ) - “Than they bred and ta 9 WUNies oud FAs |
Aowlery On Wy bl Bunt of Fla ear , afk, they had lawantrek and Camyeod | ne Shaight ,
Or Tl-wuas olrea dy very late tea-hnw when Muy got Io bee inn ak Goss Raands,
Bathe tee
: “They had o Warge bea, espe cially
“TMhen Fathe inssted ou stopping
iiss -— the Soh ee
er Wiad OUF on hug « GAL for Ms
Nad ne nowy, so the (am hesp
Scr dit woo his pasty.
Thave dyawwua ;
ps chive of Ba party
on the inn- gran 1,
the wad side, The
cor is just here (and
| ponies Aa lie, Mle
laces E
wracces peas Wii G5)
head oF Arnromy l-.
ee ae 2.
we *
When Fattie had finished at last, they packed themselves up and started.
It is a good way from Cross Roads to Three Bears Wood. Very soon the sun began to
sink. Dark was coming on and the moon was rising when they came to the edge of the
Even Mrs. Knight began to wonder whether her bananas were worth all the trouble,
when she saw how bluey-dark the wood could look. She thought “‘the dogs will look after
us!’ But the dogs thought: “It is one thing to chase bears out of the garden in the
afternoon, and quite a different thing to hunt them in their own wood after dark. Where
are our nice comfy kennels?”’
Albert said: “‘Isn’t it time you put on your lamps?”’
Then Mr. Bliss remembered he had never bought any — as you will see if you look
back at the pictures. He had only bothered about the colour of the wheels.
‘Never mind,”’ said Herbert. ‘There won’t be any policeman out in this lonely place.”’
“T wish there were,’ said Mr. Bliss — “‘lots and lots of policemen.”’
WY eu Fattre had Rwushed at last they packet themselves up anct started -
Ttisa geod way fom GossReads bb Three Rear wood Ven Sacan the Sun beean ke Suk.
Dark was Coming on awl he wraan was WSNG when th ey Came » the eee of the Wood «
T cosh Chere vere. sescd MY Shoe ——* loks and Iots of paticencon ‘
They drove only just inside the wood, and dragged the car off the road. Then they tied
up the ponies and donkey, and set off. The dogs were leading, because they smelt bear,
and Albert Dorkins would not let them run away, but Mr. Bliss was behindmost, and he
probably would have never come along, if he had not hated being left alone. Anyway
Mrs. Knight kept on looking back to see he was following. The wood got darker and
darker as they went deeper and deeper. All they could see was the faint signs of a path —
the path the bears made going to and from their house.
Then the path got wider, and became a road. So they walked very slow and quiet.
Mr. Bliss sat down and thought he would wait till they came back.
This is all he could see. He did not like it [at] all. “I can’t see if my hat is black or
green,’’ he said.
“IT know your face is white without looking,” said Mrs. K., who was only just in front.
“You come along with the rest!’ So Mr. Bliss had to come along. Not much further. They
were very near the bears’ house now. As a matter of fact, it stood just round a corner at
the back of the picture, which Albert has nearly reached.
“hey clove aly yust imsidle the wrod vomd dim ged Mianasath the wale hee He yited
“p the ponies ancl clonkuy ond SebofF. “The Lugs were leadar , decanted they Suiell Kean ee
Albert Dorkins woutd wat let them yin awoy ; but MY Bliss was behindmasl anc he yrobably cna
howe nak hated
never Come cloug ,iFhe hat “The bemg tefhatume. Any cay Mi? Krighh keptow Malang
bet lehytea he was Fall Wig | woad sol Aarvkey and Aakse as tha cwent Aouaer ond
ALnior. AU they Cuts sea was the Sounk Sreus ofa Pats m= the path the bears aes Gong
Face is white witheul> Loaheng” Said MP K., Sho was only’ jastin Bont. © You come clang with the vest
do M2. Buss had to come alow, yeti rartene Mey were Uery near Hu bears! beu now . Asa
moa leer of Fuck cb shrvd ‘yst Maund a cornes at thi bark oF the pichara check Alberle has nea rly yeachedk -
The dogs went round the corner. Suddenly they gave the most dreadful howls, and
bolted back with their tails between their legs and their hair on end. Mr. Bliss did not
wait to see what they had seen, but fled after them as fast as his long legs would carry
him. Every time he bumped into a tree he got more frightened, and every time he
tripped up and fell flat on his nose he got up and ran faster without ever looking back.
He forgot motor-car, ponies, cabbages, Dorkinses and all, and ran all night till morning.
But in the meanwhile, you would like to see what the dogs saw — and the Dorkinses and
Mrs. Knight, and Mr. Day. They did not turn to run away until it was too late.
Now, are you surprised that they all lay down on the ground and hid their faces — even
How did the bears do it? That is their own private-secret. I expect they painted
themselves with something that shines in the dark, and that they had been expecting the
people to come after them. I expect that, as soon as they heard the dogs snuffling outside
their house (which you can see), they popped out. But I don’t think they expected to
“The dogs went vuund the commer. Suddenly Mey gave The mosk Arveadhl howls, onc holted
back with their tnils behueen their eys and ther hairon enct. MY Bliss did not wot to see ohat—
hey had sean, but fladafler them as Wost as hes tong legs would cary Ys Every hun he bumped
caty a tree he got Wore Reghtened and every biwie he brppeot “p and Fell Haton lis hose ue got Se
And yen Fasken Rr Lice oaiesloony back He Fn got ynalwr-car » Poness, cabboges | TORS os wey and
all and yan aha cght bu yMmomimg. But in the meancwhil Nou would Uke bo sexe hak the dey
S Uw — and eile 3p and. ine Avy gw, aud Vo. Day , They daidwuuls fiari ho sua Avetry eeicG,
& % ws ; .
ikuas haa liate. ‘
Nae you
a: aw FE Surprived thal they all lay
Aoou on Mae swousd q . i And livid their faees pas CAllaa
Albert x ; B
io e he oe : ; -
Private Secrok. “ 4 expecl- they Pambed Cheus-
seluto with Borne TACAe That shines in tha dark
paudthat 1 Aty had been
the expech uy
People ty Cenne afte theu. TeG ecls Frat as sou ag Uh ery De cl Hx Adiys Sturt trey ambide
treiy howae Cuch Ms Cord sen), bay poy YA oul, That ey think bly enrechod ly anh
frighten everybody as much as they did. The people thought they were bogies, or ghosts,
or goblins, or all three. Iattie rolled on the floor. So did Mrs. Knight, and she kept
on saying “bananas, bananas, bananas’’, as if she was counting. Mr. Day hid his face
in his hat, and said “‘I will be good, I will be good.”’ The other Dorkinses lay as quiet
and as still as they could for shaking.
Then the bears began to laugh. They did laugh! They sat on the floor and
roared, and when they got up again they left shiny patches like enormous glowworms
on the ground.
“Now we had better all have supper,’’ said Archie, when he got his breath.
Herbert was the first to recover, and he was cross, because he felt so silly. But
when Fattie heard “‘supper’’, he forgot all his troubles.
The bears really took pains with that supper, and the Dorkinses and Mrs. Knight
and old Mr. Day forgave them altogether when they saw it; and when they had
eaten it they danced and sang together like old friends. But they couldn’t find
Mr. Bliss anywhere, though they roused all the birds with their calling and shouting,
before they sat down. There is a picture of the party on the other side.
Crory bady AS Mun as ty did. “The jew ple Thought thiy Vere begies, or ghosts , on
goblins, Ov All tree. “Poltre salledanthe Play. So asa Mrs Wreght era deshec r
on saying bananas bomanas bananac , as if She wae Commbhury , Mr Dery Hed hus face
tn bas hale aud sod Till be soad, Lodt be good. The othen Day hunis ley as qucet
aud as shi cro thry Contd for Shakicay ‘
“The Geave really hol Nouns uth Phok Jumerr pond Ee Dorh.r¥eo De Nis Kee
Oe old M2 Day TIAD OWS. tes alheye Then wo her Huey Sores he ANA. chan than, jet
olen ib Hey danced And Sang hry eleer lige els oye ee Dut lize, BV ar Pes
Mr Ness anyohirn, thrash (ary Yr anr wll Haw Ceesk conllavass ond Shavhuy befere
milo and milesaway but he wate looking doon into his own uitloge and Cot See has ores
Vase om Per Stance ona Purthe ill.
“There és ecthera Ras Reyssasgfiw wy Climwey walee the sowie has got VM ee though § ween
ordeved Wve b> comms T Ne Sacd hiwselh.
“Well, I am blessed!”’ said Mr. Bliss aloud, and he got up and staggered down hill, over
fields and fences, till he struck the road through the village. He went to Binks’s, but no
one was up. So he pushed into the yard at the side of the shop, and there was his bicycle
just inside a shed. He wheeled it out, and started home.
Of course he meant to come sailing down the hill again with his purse as soon as he had
changed his clothes and put on his shopping hat (and had some breakfast). But you will
agree it looked most suspicious. 5o thought Mr. Binks peeping through his bedroom
window. He began to dress in a great rage, long before his usual time. “‘All right, my lad,”
said he, “‘I’ll go straight to
Mr Bliss, aud he got up and Sstagcered dour hill over fietoo
; Well Tamblessed! Sad
Gud Fences, Hithe Shuck the wad thorugh tre village. He went b% Binks's Gu wae ee
of he Shoup ; and heve acs lus begets gushes: cle
ets x is 4
3J i # i i i
We purse
wilt ag sawashe had shite
hilt aon
Of cwurse he meank to come Sailing Aen bMhe
esl AST Ee «f- frwsheecd urost-
The bears were in a very good temper that morning. They gave back Mrs. Knight her
bananas (or most of them); they gave Mr. Day some fresh cabbages (and he did not ask
where they got them). But Mrs. Knight wanted a new cart, and Mr. Day wanted a new
wert learn }t Se offie: th my weohyr- Cave ren hove.
Sergeant Tofkn at We polcesta tion . and
rvs Youn bach a Atte Same he ted nal put off breakfast murctled Me huwy over (Ft.
Whileht was munching a scusaye ond candemng hos ME BNSs wanted Wee ty send hig
iy Vee Dears Ha wee Ape Cae + of talkies
Sum mew Wold cys (A Pie, away
The Beave verein avery Saad beamper Bhal: Mom's “They cpwe back Mr Regt: Wen
bomanas Cormost ofr)
5 Huy fave MY Day Some Kesh cabbouses Cand ke dik wets ash
wwhert Wty got twem *) But Mr, Rutor Wl wanted amin cark and
Day Vambeh a noo
barrow, and the Dorkinses wanted a new soup-tureen, and the bears wanted some fun;
and each of them thought Mr. Bliss was the man to get it from. Also the Dorkinses
suddenly thought they might charge Mr. Bliss for hire of ponies — which was not nice of
them, as they were disgustingly rich.
Anyway after an early breakfast they all started off again together. It was a great squash
of course, because although Mr. B. had run goodness knows where, and the dogs had run
home, the bears and the Dorkinses and the other two made nine. Bruno sat on Mrs.
Knight’s lap, and Archie and Teddy took up as much room as they could — but Fattie
did not leave much.
When they got to the village, they found a row going on — or just beginning.
Mr. Binks was trying to make Sergeant Boffin believe that Mr. Bliss was a thief, and that
he ought to run straight up the hill
barveue ound the Dovinses wanbehR anero Sor ~tuveen and the beava wanted Sone Oa /» and
Gack of them theavght My Bless was the man lv gee Bou . Mso the Dorvkinses Suttewly trnrags bls
they wight charge Me Bless Poy have oFporwes — which vas nalwice of Mem ay Mery vere Aisyushig -
ly ue,
Ww Way aflerau early brealtfast Mruiy all seuleS ofa gain hac then Thias a great squash
o Fromme, Jeauer attmragh Wr B. had win codon kus ohere, and Ue dejo lad wun hows, the
bear ond MeDorinses oud Ue othroe mak nina, byimo satou Mia krights lap, cmd Arelia
cmd Teddy trol ap as vanch rari as Hety Coutat — Cat Pathe id uut (Cove wack «
When they got tn the vile they Pound avne Joing ou— or just begining OMe Biche eos byrny
h mahu Sergoowt Bef Fim believe Prat MY. Bless Was xa tek ond that hea uwsht’ bh wun Shawl} wy? Glas ha
and bring him back to prison. In the picture Sergeant Boffin is just saying: ‘“‘Wot! ‘im ’as
lives up the ‘ill’; and Binks is shouting, and people are coming out. You can see Sam,
Sergeant Boffin’s eldest boy, calling to his friends to come and see his dad knock old
Binks down. The barber and the butcher are there; the cobbler (next door) is peeping;
Uncle Joe is at the door with his specs on, Mrs. Golightly is standing with a parcel in
her arm, and has stopped talking to Mrs. Simkins, old Gaffer Gamgee is trying hard to
hear, elegant Alfred is taking a superior interest; there is somebody else’s face at another
window, and there are one or two kids.
But this is absolutely nothing to the excitement a minute later, when up rolled Mr.
Binks’ car, full of bears and Dorkinses and others, drawn by three ponies and a donkey.
All the village was there in a minute. And they laughed. And they said things about Mr.
Binks’ tin-cars that made him angrier than he was before.
“He ought to be in prison he ought,”’ said he, “sending home a nice car bent and all,
and full of a parcel of bears and strange folk.”’
“G-r-r-r-r,”’ said Archie; and Mr. Binks stepped back sudden[ly] and fell in the gutter.
‘Now stand up and be polite, and say ‘thank you’!”’ said Archie. ‘You ought to be very
pleased we have bothered to bring your car back. Mr. Bliss left it in our wood, and ran
away, and hasn’t been seen since.’
“O yes, ’e ’as,”’ said Binks. “I seen him sneaking ‘ome, early this morning, as I was
a-telling the sergeant ’ere.”’
and bring Vim back t pison ; On thencclare Serseort RDoffin cs jest Saying ° (sot! Nae as
Vives up the i 5 and Bhs is shouhuy and perpls ave comring owk, Yona se Som Lergeauh
ToefFias eldist bey _collrwg belus brends come ond cu lis dad Kuackate Gxhs down. The barber and
the butcher an Phere, bre cebbbur Crerct- sar) ‘s aes hae Unckk Toe isaat the Quan ilk lus ‘specs cu 7 My
Gdgitly is stawdiny uta porcel cia ee orn ord Woes Sanyo ect Fatlhivny ls MY Sicduns , old Ga fle Gan gee
Os Byny bore by hea j ryan Alfred (s behing rn Suptnor cubrre sl- ; Chere cs ber day elacs free altoiecteee
windins card Mhire ave ont or hey keds, ; ;
Tuk Musis absolutely nothing b the axcitemenks a minute later (wee wp watt MY Ards can
Au ch Gemve and Devluntis and blir, Daun by three pores aud a dnkes Mba lane va, Here
alout Mi Birks’ bdcenve Heat 7, bea
imamate. And bry Tangled . Aud Pug Sord Mingo
ie cuyht bein Pride We cra ght iaSaicl he a Sending home a wice cay bent and al omd Alt of
howe bokhered by brewg syorcay bork . Mr OWwss Leflle tr ound cmd sein awoy and haste
Deen Mein Sin.
s fal
- © Ne Sect Oko, = T seem have Sak AL ver Ours, ear, Hus WSU aby T Use
a-beibwy he Serdecrwt SEA. S,
“Then we must follow him,” said Teddy; “he owes money to everybody. Mr. Day wants
a new barrow, Mrs. Knight wants a new cart, the Dorkinses want a new soup-tureen, Mr.
Binks wants his money; and we want to see him too. We will all call together.”’
And that’s what they decided to do. Poor Mr. Bliss knew nothing of all this. He was
having fresh troubles. As soon as he got to the top of the hill (very tired) he looked up at
his chimney. Then he stood still in the road.
“Tam blessed and bothered,” he said, “‘if it isn’t the Girabbit’s head sticking out of my
chimney; and he seems to be munching carpet”’ (that’s why he looked like a flag from far
Wig, bh evergndy ; MyDas: vauls AWM
Sth we Yust Rite Jaw, Said “Teddy , She wed
bam, Mrs. Rights Gants omer cack, theDovanice vant ance Soup- harem, Mr Binks cows
wewank t Ser him boo . We ullatt cath Rrycther :
Wes mows ; and
Ana thats what Oty Aeccded bv do - Daca Mr. Bess Brew notuge ofall tus. wae
Sesh bowbhles. As Seon ashe got bh Bh hop of the hal (ee hrea) hee lwoked up at lid
climny . Tens he Sruusd SHU on Bhat Marek «
he act shrehiny oul: ohuy cluvsney 3
battered’, he Souk 2 oA iSnk lace Grrabbibs
* Tam blessed and
o Hey Fraw for Cuvory)
aucl Wt Leews bo be wench ay carpet” C thats chy be Vober lute
It was the Girabbit’s head! Mr. B. had gone off and forgotten to feed it, so it had burst
open the back-door, squeezed in finally into the dining-room, and eaten its way through
the ceiling into the best bedroom — and through the next ceiling into the attic, and up
the attic chimney, knocking off the pots. There he was blinking in the morning sun with a
large piece of the best-bedroom hearthrug in his mouth.
This will give you some idea of what Mr. Bliss saw when he got inside. Though he had
had the Girabbit for some years, he was very surprised. He did not know that its neck
was quite so telescopic.
Mr. Bliss was also really and truly angry; but the Girabbit would not come down again,
not though Mr. B. pulled hard at his tail in the dining-room.
All he would do was to keep on saying “‘It’s going to be a wet day! — leave me alone!”
Mr. B. was so tired that he left it alone, changed his clothes, took some food on the
lawn, and had a kind of breakfast-lunch (or brunch).
Then he fell fast asleep, under a tree, and forgot even to dream.
Just after eleven he was waked up by the Girabbit speaking. ‘“‘There’s a powerful lot of
people coming up the hill, Mr. Bliss,” said he. “I can hear Sergeant Boffin’s voice, and
Binks’s, and the voices of those Dorkinses you had to tea last Tuesday; and other folk;
and bears growling.”
3: ,
7 Gruas the simbbit's head! — Mr®. had gone off and Pnyotien be ferdit, soit had Gust
open the hack aay , Sauuzed in Rally inks he
dining ane eaten ibs CAEL, ths gh Hes
culing imbs the best bedroum — and Bien ye be next coiling inty theathe and the athe clit ty
heUte Begin the A bY CAS Suu ale alorge prec SE bla best
Rnucking off the puts There
hedvn uu heatthmry ay Mes mosh
polinside ; Thou he badd Sur err a Womecsuaanesy Sie mages estes Ie lene C2 owe st
the Givabbit fr Some year, ee ee i alin |
e f ae. {i |
he was ver Surprised, He tee): MWY.®, va so bred that he Uftst
aidwatknow thatks nock alous chanwod his clutly, heck source
Woe Guste 30 telescopic food vm tht evo cand hada Bid
hy. Bliss was also veally ond af breaber ste ~ lunch (or brinch)-
tml, Andry Gut We Goabbil-
oe IB 2 i? 7‘A “Then ue Fert taskasleop pundir
wild nul come deve roa te Gee: — a Tree ant Frcol ever be dream.
met Bung My. 73. pulled . ee &
¢Justafber eleven a one cas Ag by tha ars pedrivas : + Theve's a Peverbut lukot copie
ible Yall MY less sad he. 7 Jean hear Sercreawt idodhin $ Wick, and Oi hols ond
eeVEC Ck§ of thou )
Delrin ses syuu had by bec last Tisaday ‘ aud ollacr
but le » Ayah bea cp rurti ag 4
ae Semcon v <
(The Girabbit may be practically blind, but it can hear mighty sharp). “And they all
seem dreadfully angry with you, Mr. Bliss,’’ added the Girabbit.
‘“Lawks!”’ said Mr. Bliss; ““What are they saying?’
“They are saying: we are going to take it out of old Bliss, and twice over, we are.”
“Save us!’’ said Mr. Bliss, and darted indoors and shot all the bolts and turned all the
Then he peeped out of a bedroom window, but the Girabbit pulled in his head.
Soon up came Boffin, and Binks, and the Dorkinses, and the bears, and Mrs. Knight,
and Mr. Day, and lots of the people of the village.
There was no sign of the wet day the Girabbit spoke of.
It was hot, and they mopped their faces.
Then they all shouted: “Mr. BLISS!”’
No answer.
So Mr. Binks shouted: “I wants my money.” And they all shouted in chorus: «od
E wants
‘is money, and ’e means to ’ave it.”’
No answer.
“Why don’t you arrest him?”’ said Archie, who was standing by the gate.
“T will!’ said Boffin.
R “+0
CT Gonblite may be practically bind Cubikcombear mighty sharp) LT Awd eey lt seers
Arex dhally ods ry OE yrs | Phy Qliss, added Me Sorabbit.
. Lawks' Sand MXiBNss, © What arc Paty Saying 7]
‘ a
7 Thiyave saying + we are Suis by bake’ out of old Bhss end hicce over, Ue ane -
as! Stace MI Bless and dared indore andr shh an tlk blo ch WANs GC te Ray:
= Sox
Ye bears and Mi kught, 64 be i : chowns 1“ £ venty is
) Sah ai Larit ye I : nowy , tnael a means
Mr Pay and lets of Hispesple fe te
: * pie. aA UAL & o brave wh,
ar the willaage ;
Rees sips Pf Te Be hb Ne ougcres
uaemuSigs of th th
mAory bre Svebd. . spake of. .a , : . = | Bi m, ey, i y; te x Why Yote yum awesl
Na. 1 se oie Perc ChaAa LSim arth‘fat
eat tha at Secon of| Op prs Wes Healt a yar or tua ouk oF
the rary WA Wey ; He heard hewn nok Soro Meas but they did mot Ruow Whol. Tha Vuhuck “0 cu
Sees dim : and thatunro anaucoeh., “They csere astowished . Tnicectt most of hen, fell flahon the
Bpok. ( Nou see My Bess had so tar Rept Mea arabb.t quite Seerclk, Voause he Aik nol ward
sure it Gault be daub priu ——
Fo Pos Se vise wk Lo thy Rr ox Wi conace Sor ee mrveg Wiss yas he vac
Sake IS So senr }. “The ccoabbik was berinedk ly dive dnalhuk chen Shargers Come ae ve
Lett aud up bo maw nacm else had cee wore than his head. Wu's dong CO SCAN Ox A Sree
\yecaume Me enrabb: li“ had quake Raw tte Ais kuas COnd Nraniwht uw nH ab Cua busied)
— ¢ c
: Cy ehnp cary! j SE pak Bool bh so ab bAt-. Grekup A cara ok Yo AWAY oy G slat CUR yuk ot Vany,
Vide eee. jury om you “ , ons ww“ PRee hues head
hon Rie got sad aud LY eul- L NAA CAM Ck ew Ou bh lay! Joust.) <—S (VAIER, van Pie pu
except te Decve adhe Grre wail parke ak She paral be wea . “Thig owt belinda o Ledge +
The others fell over one another in their hurry. Fattie and Sergeant Boffin rolled over
and over like barrels, quite a long way down hill before they stopped in the ditch.
It was now Mr. Bliss’s turn to laugh; and as he had not laughed since the day before
yesterday, with nothing but bother in between, he laughed a lot. He came out and stood
in the road, and waved to his friends.
‘Good morning!”’ said the bears, popping their heads over the hedge.
“Lawks!”’ said Mr. Bliss, jumping into the air.
“Anything we can do for you?”’ said they.
“The others Petiaver oncanather in their vary Fate and Sergeort (Jothw vlad over
Mak Oye Gite bawels Guale a lows Cay Aen Wil behre tary Shpped im the clitch .
Mawr dou! Sentare i loll — yas _thahs natunl&ss you Can hulp ye bo gob ry gorabbit—
out ofthe hase? i
|” iat pate Dele hbo cacaae! eee nolaie noablurvesg |
. Cestarnts
So thes came im and Beh wp b he cgerenbbi & Bhat hry were yoiny hy Stark cabs athe tad
and cam Upuarels , fhe Aidu't Cie down, and ok imme Crake .
OFcmioehe drow in his week immediate —in a dtne flurry of Suak and plaster — , uk os hone
Khe lawled orto Pe vor, feel and Sus Che cant? see ven clan ty) chev luuked (dee Genre,
awd whot Swett Cou bear We hk such a Regt hat ies Jompect ben trrngls te vind.
Sn two more wee
| he uaz over Mhe hedqe and in the wad
When the people saw him coming they yelled ‘murder!’ all together, and ran and rolled
faster than before, and every house in the village slammed its doors. As for the Girabbit it
never stopped jumping till it was quite lost in the distance; and Mr. Bliss wept big tears
at losing it.
After lunch the bears made out a bill for helping; and Mr. Bliss went and got his purse
and his money-box, for he thought the time had come to settle up. I thought you would
like to see what all these adventures cost him, by the time everything was paid for. It
was a very expensive time.
It quite emptied his money-box (except for one or two foreign coins he kept for
collections); so he did not go away for a holiday that summer.
at losin.
Ade Land the heayo ynacle cual cs bet Dr halons 5 and Wr. Bliss went on k got hes DUT LE Eros la:
umes — box rer he Mareisht the Hm had come lv 8cHl Ke - Pa Tharcht Mou wats lil Ip see ohal
All bhtaa dwen bus Cosh hin : by Hae hive ever Harv Was paid Fon ; Mua A Viny SA ae Ruse
7 Pee= By fe a ete =
“Cheists acomy uk | Cees ae a: >- bary) oa pee Slee he e did did we. sat
ance My Muss ie Opty a ey gy RS
~ ‘ 7 iar 1 Ant Spa h Hire eRe Hose
yng 1S $7
ran ile fu hes diag
Wa mie fc :
Fo Claice a
ties Hivessere Cems
Ag o oy ie. | mn
4 afY fa
Vea abe tanUae Imad =
= bmab ry
tly CBHE
Whig? + cio tne <3.
< iepe for |
eins’ e 7-2 aa
ld sega TeeYeats Yop»
Collachions ) 5 So \ bat Pays td
Aanee fh
ee eee aq
Fae f
Pelee ee
That afternoon, as soon as he had said goodbye to the bears, he took all his money, got
on his bicycle, and went down to the village. He paid Mr. Binks and Mr. Day and Mrs.
Knight on the spot (and sent postal orders to the Dorkinses and the Innkeeper). They
said they knew he was a gentleman all the time.
As a matter of fact Mr. Bliss never used the motor-car again — he had taken a great
dislike to it. So he gave it to Mr. Day as a wedding-present. Yes, wedding-present. Very
soon after this Mr. Day became Mrs. Knight’s third husband. She said it seemed suitable,
seeing how they were both in the same line of business, and had had a lot of adventures
together. So they set up a green-grocers shop in the village, and called it “Day and
e lb the beayo , ne hah ackhis wroney , gok
“Chat afternoon as Saucon ashe had Said goodby
onus bicycle , and went doin be Me villa
‘ hoe He paict Mr 13; whs AYN) y Dar ancl d sai colah on
Yo ik- =, he gow it M*. Dory my a wedding: resent. res ,wedcling -pres: wh. Very
Pep BON ence be ae “(.
Saou after this WDors becornne WP Rats AI of Swuikdbu, Setoueg
They are very friendly with Mr. Bliss now, and they always let him have bananas and
cabbages very cheap.
There were great doings at the wedding. Mr. Bliss played his concertina. Fattie Dorkins —
sang a comic song, but as it was all about policemen with large feet, Sergeant Boffin did
not laugh. The bears drank everybody’s health several times, and did not go home till
next morning. But best of all, in the middle of it the Girabbit put his head in through the
“Ha! Ha!’’ he said. “‘Here we all are again.”’
And everybody choked.
They ave very frienaly with Mr Bliss now, and they always tet him have bananas and cabbages very cheae
There were great doings at the wedding, Mr Briss played his concertina.Fathe Dork ins Sangaconrit Song,
bil-asit was atl about policevres with large Fest: Sergeant offin didnallau ig. “The bears drank aaenry
~ body's heatth several Hmes amd didnut sebavesc BU next moming. “ut best of all in tha michal of iF
the sivabbit put hishead in through the windurs!
When the Dorkinses got this they were very annoyed, and Mr. B. and they have not
been particularly friendly since.
oWher: haye you been? Sacad My Bless ms w
© Hal hal” seid he wouldnt ou Vike h Ruow! Ask the Dork.nses and the bears’
That's ohs he Dorkinses Vett early Thy AdAnul Vhe The Sauned oft. But just Rhea the
Dear didval cave what happened rough they Changed Meir minds when Puy Ayek get Ioyeae
Th Sivabbit had eaten even bik of Froud on ther hause and byokon the anby, indo .
Bs — tne Dorveinses, Pes Peamd hechad bitten the kyps osf evens) brat in Cheiv arc hayol : anel
made an enormuaus hele im the wight “oh bin the middle of there best lawn.
The heave Sos: ! Well vere blawead | Ola Bess has gol the best ot ater all 2 amd Huy
YettHh at that, Tout Phased avon. rec senkn Aan ASIN, auc mile they were about al- trey
Added anu achawre Sy the Sears’ cabbaxfes volich Mer had Brera es about: Khe yg hats est fs
’ (e ; (o met
“Touts Mt Mess had Sokmab manty at the monn and hevas gethrg satis byed of the
Dorlarses. So Sem WE Founeene cu Stownps auda bdlolhes wu
“Cass is lawns he mrad oul. ~~
Dahon 2d OMe.
Fag Ol 7)
Y Bess ;
Sol thes they Dhe, %
When the Dorams
r) Dd S
Were VOry muncry eck EM e x, f ¥ 1
fF ce
‘ ” ps y P
trl O42. €a
ta : on x
Wav! eat jaa a Maere
maak they haue vol
f re « ay Drgrbencig Valse Grtadrd
Sam ¢ :
- 2, ;
lary ean le Since
CIRM IEE in Tunph
Vis Sencetcl,
ee“<! ( nybeead
a “
But Mr. Bliss is quite happy, though the village children are always trespassing in his
garden, to catch a glimpse of the Girabbit. He drives a little donkey cart now, not a
motor, and Sergeant Boffin salutes him every time he appears in the village.
“Ow’s yer little pet, sir’ says he.
“Nicely, thank you,” says Mr. B., “but hard on cabbages. And how are all the
“Nicely, thank you,”’ says he, “‘but cruel hard on shoe-leather.”’
And that is the end of the story — except that Mr. Bliss threw the green hat away (and
the Girabbit found it on the dustheap), and he wears a white hat now in summer, and
a brown in winter. And that is all.
And Drakts the ena of the shovy — except Dial MY BUSS Meo the gram hal cmos Canct te Qoabbit
Poumcl dyn the Austhenp) omc he Wear achrile hat nano in Summer and abrsunin onter. And thal
is all ,
as iyes a ; 7 ot
ys a
continued from front flap
The reader, young or old, will want to
discover for himself what happens next. For-
tunately, all ends well, and even the yellow
motorcar with red wheels (to which Mr. Bliss
has taken an understandable and great dis-
like) turns out to be useful in the end.
Tolkien himself bought a motorcar in
1932 and suffered some misadventures that
prompted him to produce this book. His
biographer, Humphrey Carpenter, describes
Mr. Bliss as being a little like Edward Lear
and a little like Beatrix Potter.
Quite unlike anything else Tolkien has
done, Mr. Bliss has a puckish charm for
children and grownups alike.
a tee
e 2 il
=I, - ’ So he tuned sharp t the right abBre next tuming and van stvaight into Mr
in | “Day, Coming Hom his garden with a barrvow-load oF cabbrxes. ~ This shows what— 5
Poe oe bpp ; ¢