Factory Rules and Regulations
Factory Rules and Regulations
Factory Rules and Regulations
State some laws and regulations known to you for factories that produce goods under
the following aspects:
Non-discriminatory practices
Labour coercion
Under-age labour
Wages and hours
Freedom of association
All factories shall issue employment exercises without regard to race, colour,
gender, nationality, religion, age, maternity or mental status.
All factories shall structure wages, remunerations and decisions on benefits
without regard to race, colour, gender, nationality, religion, age, maternity or
marital status.
Factories shall not make use of involuntary labour of any kind including prison
labour, debt bondage or forced labour.
Factories must recognize the right of workers to terminate their employment at
will and pay the required agency recruitment commission in an event of
recruiting foreign workers on contract.
Be employed or work in any capacity except where he is employed by a
member of his faintly on light work of an agricultural, horticultural or
domestic character approved by the Minister; or,
Be required in any case to lift, carry or move anything so heavy as to be
likely to injure his physical development.
The wages of a worker shall in all contracts be made payable in legal
tender and not otherwise; and
If in any contract the whole or any part of the wages of a worker is made
payable in any other manner the contract shall be illegal, null and void.
Factory workers must be given the liberty to make decisions as regards joining
lawful organization and associations in workplaces.
There shall be no threats, penalties, restrictions, or interference with workers
wishing to join useful organizations or associations of their choice.
Define the word “Factory” and state five factory laws under each of the following
An employer is required to protect the health and safety of workers at the workplace in
accordance with the provisions of Factories Act and Labour Law.
a. accumulations of dirt and refuse shall be removed daily by a suitable
method from the floors and benches of workrooms, and from the
staircases and passages;
b. The floor of every workroom shall be cleaned at least once in every week
by washing or, if it is effective and suitable, by sweeping or other method;
c. All inside walls and partitions, and all ceilings or tops of rooms; and all
walls, sides and tops of passages and staircases shall;
where they have a smooth impervious surface, at least once in
every period of twelve months be washed with hot water and soap
or cleaned by other suitable method,
where they are kept painted with oil paint or varnished, be
repainted or re-varnished at least once in every period of five years,
and at least once in every period of twelve months be washed with
hot water and soap or cleaned by other suitable method,
in the other cases, be kept whitewashed or colour washed, and the
whitewashing or colour washing shall be repeated at least once in
every period of twelve months
a. A factory shall not, while work is carried on therein, be so overcrowded as
to cause risk or injury to the health of the persons employed therein.
b. Without prejudice to the generality of the foregoing provisions, a factory
shall be deemed to be so overcrowded as aforesaid if the number of
persons employed at a time in any workroom is such that the amount of
cubic space allowed for every person employed is less than four hundred
cubic feet.
c. Every workroom shall not be less than nine feet in height, measured from
the floor to the lowest point of the ceiling or, where there is no ceiling, to
the lowest point of the roofing material.
a. Effective and suitable provision shall be made for securing and
maintaining by the circulation of fresh air in each workroom the adequate
ventilation of the room.
b. The Minister may make regulations specifying a standard of adequate
ventilation for factories or for any class or description of factory or parts
Where any process is carried on which renders the floor liable to be wet to such
an extent that the wet is capable of being removed by drainage, effective means
shall be provided and maintained for draining off the wet.
a. Sufficient and suitable sanitary conveniences for the persons employed in
the factory shall be provided, maintained and kept clean, and effective
provision shall be made for lighting the conveniences and, where persons
of both sexes are or are intended to be employed (except in the case of
factories where the only persons employed are members of the same
family dwelling there), such conveniences shall afford proper separate
accommodation for persons of each sex.
b. The Minister may make regulations determining for factories or for any
class or description of factory what is sufficient and suitable provision for
the purposes of this section.
a. Every flywheel directly connected to any prime mover and every moving
part of any prime mover, except any prime mover mentioned in subsection
(3) of this section, shall be securely fenced, whether the flywheel or prime
mover is situated in an engine-house or not.
b. The head and tail race of every water wheel and of every water turbine
shall be securely fenced.
c. Every part of any electric generator, motor or rotary converter, and every
flywheel directly connected thereto, shall be securely fenced unless it is in
such a position or of such construction as to be as safe to every person
employed or working on the premises as it would be if securely fenced.
a. Every part of any transmission machinery shall be securely fenced unless
it is in such position or of such construction as to be as safe to every
person employed or working on the premises as it would be if securely
b. Efficient devices or appliances shall be provided and maintained in every
room or place where work is carried on by which the power can promptly
be cut off from the transmission machinery in that room or place.
a. Every power-driven machine having its individual sources of power shall
be provided with an efficient starting and stopping appliance or control.
b. Every electrical equipment or appliance intended for use in a factory shall
be of such construction as to be safe for use by all persons required to
use same or who come into contact with same and shall be maintained at
all times in a safe condition.
a. Every dangerous part of any machinery, other than prime movers and
transmission machinery, shall be securely fenced unless it is in such a
position or of such construction as to be as safe to every person employed
or working on the premises as it would be if securely fenced, provided
that, in so far as the safety of a dangerous part of any machinery cannot
by reason of the nature of the operation be secured by means of a fixed
guard, the requirements of this subsection shall be deemed to have been
complied with if a device is provided which in the opinion of the Director of
Factories satisfactorily protects the operator or other persons from coming
into contact with that part.
b. Any part of a stock-bar which projects beyond the headstock of a lathe
shall be securely fenced unless it is in such a position as to be as safe to
every person employed or working on the premises as it would be if
securely fenced.
a. There shall be provided and maintained so as to be readily accessible a
first-aid box or cupboard of the prescribed standard, and where more than
one hundred and fifty persons are employed an additional box or
cupboard for every additional one hundred and fifty persons.
b. For the purposes of subsection (1) of this section the number of persons
employed in a factory shall be taken to be the largest number of persons
employed therein at any one time, and any fraction of one hundred and
fifty shall be reckoned as one hundred and fifty, so however, that where
the persons employed are employed in shifts the calculation of the number
employed should be according to the largest number at work at any given
c. Nothing except appliances or requisites for first-aid shall be kept in a first-
aid box or cupboard.