20 Bragg Reflectors For Cylindrical Waves
20 Bragg Reflectors For Cylindrical Waves
20 Bragg Reflectors For Cylindrical Waves
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JOURNAL. O F MODERN OPTICS, 1999, VOL. 46, NO. 5, 875-890
Department of Physics, University of Durham, South Road, Durham,
D H l 3LE, U K
1. Introduction
Bragg reflectors (BR) [l], in the form of a periodic arrangement of pairs of
quarter-wave dielectric plane layers are well established optical components and
find application in semiconductor devices, for example, as the mirrors in vertical
cavity surface emitting lasers (VCSELs) [2]. I n a BR the reflection band corre-
sponds to the frequencies at which electromagnetic waves cannot propagate in the
structure-the so-called photonic band gap. T h e existence of the photonic band
gap can be used to confine the light, as in the case of a VCSEL. During recent
years, interest has grown significantly in materials capable of confining light in two
dimensions (e.g. two-dimensional photonic honeycomb-type crystals [3, 41).
However, an alternative method of producing two-dimensional confinement is a
multilayered cylindrical structure where the refractive index is a function of the
distance from the axis of symmetry as illustrated in figure 1.
A straightforward way of calculating the electromagnetic field in a linear
multilayered structure is to use the transfer matrix method in which the electro-
magnetic fields at any point can be obtained from their values at another point by
the process of multiplication by a matrix-the transfer matrix [5, 61. Recently the
transfer matrix method has been used t o obtain various theoretical results [7-91
concerning the propagation of electromagnetic waves through cylindrical inter-
Journal of Modern Opfics I S S N 0 9 5 0 3 4 0 print/lSSN 1362-3044 online 0 1999 Taylor & Francis Ltd
876 M . A . Kaliteevski et al.
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faces and in multilayered cylindrical structures, while the scattering of the plane
waves from these structures has been investigated for many years; see for example
[lo]. However, some interesting features of the results require further investiga-
tion, such as the reflection properties at an interface with small radius and the
behaviour of the phase of the waves in multilayered systems [8]. Also the
polarization-dependent properties of cylindrical waves have not been considered
in previous work.
T h e aim of this work is to give a detailed description of the transfer matrix
method for structures of circular cylindrical symmetry (as illustrated in figure 1).
T h e method is applied to the investigation of the propagation of electromagnetic
cylindrical waves of different polarization through a cylindical interface, to the
design of the structure with the highest reflection coefficient for cylindrical waves,
and to the study of the properties of such a structure. However, the method could
also be used in a wide range of other problems including, for example, the study of
non-diffracting Bessel-beam generation [l 11 and the calculation of the modes of
cylindrical lasers [ 121.
2. Basic equations
2.1. Transfer matrix in the bases of electric and magnetic field components tangential
to the interface
T o obtain the transfer matrix for the fields varying at angular frequency w in
the structure of figure 1, we start by considering the matrix for one of the coaxial
layers. For a layer of permeability p and permittivity E , two of the Maxwell
equations are:
V x E = ip-H,
V x H = -i&-E.
1 dH, W
- -iE-Ep,
P acp C
aH, - iE-E,,
-- w
aP c
It is possible to find solutions of equations (5) and (6) with only components
E,, H,, Hp non-zero (the E-polarization), or only H,, E,, Ep non-zero (the H-
polarization). This can be seen from the independence of the field components
(E,,H,,H,) and (H,E,,E,) from each other in equations (5) and (6) and the
independence of the boundary conditions for the tangential and normal field
components at the cylindrical interface with an adjacent layer. Cylindrical waves
of arbitrary polarization can be represented as the sum of waves with an electric
components E and a magnetic component H parallel to z axis.
We shall consider the case of E-polarization (results for the H-polarization can
be simply obtained by a substitution rule [4],i.e. by substitution of the magnetic
878 M . A. Kuliteevski et al.
field for the electric field and --E for p). In this case the electromagnetic field
(Ez,H,, H p ) ,obeys the relations:
8 dE, d2E, 1a p a E ,
p-/I-+-- p + &p-p2EZ
= 0. (8)
ap ap a92 p a p ap c2
Ez = V(P)exp (imp), (9
a(PU) -
Equations 10 ( u ) and ( b ) can be combined to give a single equation for V :
= AJln(kp) + BYm(kp),
where A and B are constant, Jmis a Bessel function, Y , is a Neumann function
and k = ( ~ p ) ' / ~ ( w c ) .
U ( p ) follows from equation (1O u ) as
where i6’is the transfer matrix from point po to p. T h e elements of the transfer
matrix can be found by considering the relations produced by the equations (12)-
(14) when the vector ( V ( p o ) , U ( p 0 ) ) has the special values ( 1 , O ) and ( 0 , l ) . Solving
the equation with the help of the identity
In the case of the H-polarization the form of the transfer matrix is the same but
with p = ( ~ L / E ) ’ ’ ~ .
Note that the determinant of the transfer matrix in both cases is given by the
ratio of the inital and final radii:
This result reflects the decrease in field amplitude with radius which is required by
the conservation of energy.
T h e transfer matrix for a region containing two or more different layers is
simply the product of the transfer matrices of all the layers. This follows from the
continuity of the tangential components of the field at the interfaces of cylindrical
layers. Hence the determinant of the transfer matrix for a multilayered cylindrical
shell is given by the ratio of its external and internal radii.
where A is a constant and H i ) is the Hankel function of the first kind. T h e ingoing
880 M. A. Kaliteevski et al.
where B is a constant. For a field with azimuthal variation specified by m the field
component E, and Hv can be written as
E, = + E;, (20 a )
T= j
At the interface between two layers there is continuity of the tangential
component of the electric and magnetic fields (H,, Hv). T o express the interface
conditions in terms of (E:,E;) it is convenient to define a matrix l$' for the
conversion from the basis (E:,E;) to ( Ez , H v),which is given by
Therefore, the transfer matrix fi through the interface of layers 1 and 2 is the
product l@;' x W1 and for an interface at radial position p has components given
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It follows that the amplitude reflection and transmission coefficients are given by:
Using equations ( 2 9 a ) and (300) one can show analytically (taking into
account that C:) is the complex conjugate of C g ) ) that the power reflection
coefficients for the different sequences of the same two layers are equal, even when
the aximuthal number m is non-zero.
transmission coefficient rd and t d and are related by the transfer matrix defined
in equation (14) and subsequent discussion:
boundary for outgoing and incoming waves respectively, we can write (by taking
the sum of the series of multiple reflections, for instance) the expression for the
reflection coefficient r for the layer confined with boundaries at p~ and p1 as
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@ = f q ’ ( k p o )fQ(kp1)
H i ) ( k p o )HF(kp1)
and k is the wave vector in the layer.
T h e required p1 is that which gives the maximum value for the reflection
coefficient of equation (33a). T h e maximum occurs when the terms in the
numerator have the same phase. Hence p1 and the coordinates of the other
boundaries can be obtained by numerical calculation. In the limit of infinite radius
p, equation (33) predicts the quarter-wave thickness that is well known for plane
m=5 a
0 0.5 1 1.5
Figure 2. (a) Dependence of the phase and ( b ) the square modulus of amplitude
reflection coefficient of an E-polarized cylindrical wave from the cylindrical interface
of t\vo media with refractive indices 1 (internal media) and 3 (external media) as a
function of interface radius p for the azimuthal numbers WI = 0 , 2 , 5 .
884 M . A. Kaliteevski et al.
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0 0.5 1 1.5
Figure 3. (a) Dependence of the phase and (b) the square modulus of amplitude
reflection coefficient of an E-polarized cylindrical wave from the cylindrical interface
of two media with refractive indices 3 (internal media) and 1 (external media) as a
function of interface radius p for the azimuthal numbers m = 0 , 2 , 5 .
wave at the interface of two dielectric cylindrical media with refractive index
values 1 and 3. Figure 2 refers to the structure where the layer with refractive
index 1 is innermost while figure 3 gives the results for the reverse order. T h e
three curves correspond to azimuthal number m = 0, 2 and 5. Figures 4 and 5 show
the correspnding results for H-polarized wave.
One can see that all of the curves exhibit similar asymptotic behaviour. When p
is sufficiently large, the power reflection coefficient approaches 25%, and the phase
approaches either 0 or x depending on the arrangement of the layers. It is also
apparent that the behaviour of the power reflection coefficients for the same
polarization but opposite arrangements of the layer is identical.
We can explain this phenomenon using simple physical arguments. When the
number m defining the azimuthal variation of the field is equal to 0 the energy flow
of the cylindrical wave is radially directed. However, when m is non-zero the
Poynting vector of the cylindrical wave has both radial and azimuthal components,
and the azimuthal component is proportional to the ratio m l p . One can say that a
cylindrical wave propagates through a cylindrical boundary like a plane wave
through a plane boundary with an angle of incidence 8 given by:
sin 8 = - (34)
'Tc 12
Downloaded by [East Carolina University] at 02:36 10 September 2013
0.5 1 1.5
Figure 4. (a) Dependence of the phase and (b) the square modulus of amplitude
reflection coefficient of a H-polarized cylindrical wave from the cylindrical interface
of two media with refractive indices 1 (internal media) and 3 (external media) as a
function of interface radius p for the azimuthal numbers rn = 0 , 2 , 5 . Note the
fundamentally different behaviour in the rn = 0 reflectivity for small radii compared
to the E-polarized case (figure 2). Note also the shallow minima in the reflectivity
which correspond to the Brewster effect.
0 0.5 1 I .5
Figure 5. (a) Dependence of the phase and (6) the square modulus of amplitude
reflection coefficient of a H-polarized cylindrical wave from the cylindrical boundary
of two media with refractive indices 3 (internal media) and 1 (external media) as a
function of interface radius p for the azimuthal numbers rn = 0 , 2 , 5 . Note the
fundamentally different behaviour in the rn = 0 reflectivity for small radii compared
to the E-polarized case (figure 3). Note also the shallow minima in the reflectivity
which correspond to the Brewster effect.
886 M . A. Kaliteevski et al.
normal to the cylindrical boundary does not depend on the refractive index of the
layer in which the wave is incident.
When p goes to zero, the power reflection coefficient of waves with m = 0
decreases for E-polarized waves and increases for H-polarized waves. For waves
with non-zero m , the reflection coefficient approaches unity. I n [8] this phenom-
enon was called ‘total reflection at small radii’ and it was concluded that the value
of amplitude reflection coefficient was (-l)m+’i. However, we show in the
Appendix that total reflection does not occur for any non-zero radius, but the
reflection coefficient asymptotically approaches unity from below as the interface
curvature increases.
In contrast to the case of reflection of a plane wave from a plane interface, total
internal reflection does not occur for cylindrical waves propagating in the plane
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2nclm (nm)
Figure 6. ( a ) Spectral dependence of the phase and ( b ) the square modulus of amplitude
reflection coefficient of the quarter-wavelength cylindrical Bragg reflector (dashed
line) and of a cylindrical Bragg reflector optimized according to the procedure,
described in section 2.5. The azimuthal number m of the incident wave is equal to
zero. The refractive indices of the materials forming the reflector are 1 and 3. The
radius of the first interface is 400nm. Number of the pairs of the layers is 8.
However, this phase mismatch can still have a significant effect on the eigenmode
frequencies of the structure [13].
Finally, we note that the method developed makes possible the treatment of the
two-dimensional problem of the propagation of electromagnetic waves in a cylin-
drical structure, using an essentially one-dimensional approach. Consequently, the
probability of numerical instabilities [14] arising is much reduced, even for large
systems or in the presence of absorbing materials.
In summary, the transfer matrix method developed for cylindrical waves is a
simple and effective method for describing light propagation through multilayer
cylindrical structures and an aid to the design of such structures with predeter-
mined properties. T h e method has allowed us to obtain an expression for the
transmission and reflection coefficients of cylindrical waves at a single cylindrical
interface, and to show that, instead of total internal reflection, cylindrical systems
exhibit the phenomenon of enhanced reflection at small radii. We have studied the
analogue of the Brewster effect for the cylindrical geometry. We have also shown
how to determine the parameters of the cylindrical equivalent of a Bragg reflector,
which possesses the maximum reflection coefficient at a defined wavelength.
T h e authors would like to thank E. L. Portnoi, S. Brand, T. F. Krauss, R. M.
De La Rue for useful discussions. T h e work was partly funded by an E P S R C
research grant and partly by the RFBR.
888 M . A . Kaliteevski et al.
Behaviour of the rejection coeficient at small radii
T h e value of the reflection coefficient for a diverging E-polarized wave incident
on the interface between layers 1 and 2 is give? by equation ( 2 9 a ) : r =
(n2C;j - nl C;,))/(nlCtin2Cij), where C;;') = Hi1>')( k l p ) / H i V 2 ) ( k l p ) .
T h e discussion of the behaviour r given here refers to the cases m # 0 unless
otherwise specified. T h e Hankel function in the expression for Ci92) can be written
in terms of Bessel and Neumann functions:
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F ( x ) = - - X- x I n x + o ( x I n x ) , (A 3 a )
G(x) = - x
+ -x4 (2 In (x/2) - 1 + 2y)x3 + O(xs), (A 3 b)
G(x) =
( m - 1)!222m-'
x2m-1 O(x2"f').
For E-polarized waves the reflection coefficient can be written in the form
. x ( m - I)nim
r=-1+1 (Kp)2m-
( m - 1)!222"-3(ni - n i )
x 2 ( m- 1)2n:mnim
( m - 1)!424m-6(4 - nil'
(Kp)4m-4 O((Kp)8m-8).+
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r= -
( n ; ' F ( n l K p ) - n ~ ' F ( n 2 K p ) ) i(ni'G(n1Kp) - n z ' G ( n 2 K p ) )
(n;'F(nlKp) - n ; ' F ( n z K p ) ) - i ( n i ' G ( n 1 K p ) n ; ' G ( n z K p ) )
and when m = 1
2 4 4
R = l - +
n1n2 (Kp)4 O ( ( K p y ) .
(ni -
For m 2 2
(A 1 1 a )
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