Lab Task1
Lab Task1
Lab Task1
Addressing Table
Device Interface IP Address Subnet Mask Default Gateway
Submission Note: Student must submit the Packet Tracer File and screenshots of above task,
Marks will be given accordingly for each step.
Part 1: Configure Basic Device Settings .25 Marks
Configure IP addressing on PCA, S1 and R1 according to the Addressing Table
Part 2: Configure Basic Security Measures on the Switch (S1) and Router (R1) .25 Marks
Assign class as the privileged EXEC encrypted password.
Assign cisco as the console password and enable login.
Assign cisco as the VTY password and enable login.
Save the all configuration to NVRAM.
Part 3: Configure the S1 to accept only telnet connections from remote locations 1 Marks
Configure the username SSHadmin with an password of cisco
Configure S1 all VTY lines for Telnet access transport input telnet and login local
Save the all configuration to NVRAM.
Attach the screen shot of S1 for the above configuration. (No marks without screenshot)
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Secure Network Devices
Part 4: Configure the R1 to accept only SSH connections from remote locations 1 Marks
Configure the username SSHadmin with an password of cisco
Configure R1 all VTY lines for SSH access transport input ssh and login local
The router’s domain name should be set to
The key modulus should be 1024 bits.
Set security and best-practice configurations on the console and vty lines.
Users should be disconnected after 5 minutes of inactivity.
The router should not allow vty logins for 2 minutes if 3 failed login attempts occur within 1 minute
Save the all configuration to NVRAM.
Attach the screen shot of R1 for the above configuration. (No marks without screenshot)
Part 5:
Telnet to S1 From PCA using cmd (attach screen shot below) .25 Mark
screen shot of the remote connection with S1:
SSH to R1 From PCA using cmd (attach screen shot below) .25 Mark
Note: Student must submit the Packet Tracer File and screenshots of above task,
Marks will be given accordingly for each step.
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