DeEO Unit 1 Merged
DeEO Unit 1 Merged
DeEO Unit 1 Merged
Rohit Rammurthy
1. Course Plan
2. Case Studies & Class Discussions
3. Business Plan Outline
4. Class Representative
Introduction to Enterprise & Entrepreneurship
Session Outline
Concept - Entrepreneurship
The concept of Entrepreneurship can be understood as
1. Entrepreneurship involves decision making, innovation,
implementation, forecasting of the future, independency
& success.
2. It is a dynamic process of vision, change and creation.
3. It is a blend of capital, technology and human talent.
4. It is a knack of sensing opportunity where others see
chaos and confusion.
Introduction to Enterprise & Entrepreneurship
Meaning - Enterprise
• Enterprise means an economic organisation or activity. It is
called a place of business of an entrepreneur or an
• Enterprise is considered as an organization engaged in a
business activity.
Introduction to Enterprise & Entrepreneurship
Functions of an Entrepreneur
• There are five main functions of an Entrepreneur:
(a) Risk Bearing function
(b) Organizational function
(c) Innovative function
(d) Managerial function
(e) Decision making function
Introduction to Enterprise & Entrepreneurship
Dose of Inspiration
Introduction to Enterprise & Entrepreneurship
Entrepreneurial Mindset
Entrepreneurship is more than the mere creation of business.
The characteristics of seeking opportunities, taking risks
beyond security, and having the tenacity to push an idea
through to reality combine into a special perspective that
permeates entrepreneurs.
Myths of Entrepreneurship
• Entrepreneurs Are Doers, Not Thinkers.
• What do you understand by Entrepreneurship & Enterprise?
• What are the functions of Entrepreneurs?
• What are the common myths around Entrepreneurship?
Rohit Rammurthy
Faculty of Management & Commerce
Introduction to Enterprise &
Rohit Rammurthy
Introduction to Enterprise & Entrepreneurship
Session Outline
Pick any solvable local problem within your community. Create a personal plan of action to start to resolve this problem.
2. Intuitive Decision-Making
Create a plan for learning something new like computer programming or a new language that will take you out of your ‘comfort
4. Identifying Opportunities
Think about the major or minor incidents that occurred in your life in the past few weeks. Create a list of top three
incidents/conditions/circumstances that you could turn into ‘opportunities’ alongside a ‘next step’ to initiate action.
5. Creative Problem-Solving
Try and spend time on those problems that annoy you the most and that you believe not only solvable but also worth your time
6. Strategic Thinking
Becoming familiar with what master strategists used in the past to ‘get what they wanted’ would be a good starting point in building
your own strategic thinking skill set.
7. Personal Effectiveness
Develop a plan to become physically and financially independent spanning over a period of one year. Detail down to the individual
tasks to be achieved for each milestone you set for yourself.
Introduction to Enterprise & Entrepreneurship
What is Creativity?
Along with the profit motive, risk taking, opportunity recognition and the
creation of an enterprise, creativity and innovation are also fundamental aspects
of entrepreneurship.
Creativity is the ability to make sense of the world in new ways, to discover
hidden patterns and make connections between seemingly unrelated
This is done for the purpose of generating solutions to problems, which is the
main focus of the creative individual.
SCAMPER Technique
S – Substitute
C – Combine
A – Adapt
M – Modify
E – Eliminate
R – Rearrange
Introduction to Enterprise & Entrepreneurship
What is Innovation?
• Innovation is the transformation of a creative idea or an invention into a
‘solution’ that is ‘better’ than what was available in the past and generates
new value.
5. Industry & Market Changes – Health care changing to home health care
7. Knowledge based concepts – Mobile phones today does almost all work.
Introduction to Enterprise & Entrepreneurship
Types of Innovation
1. Invention – Totally new product, service or process. Ex: Wright brothers
Principles of Innovation
1. Be Action Oriented: Active and Searching for new ideas, opportunities &
sources of innovation.
4. Start small.
5. Aim High.
9. Work-work-work.
Introduction to Enterprise & Entrepreneurship
Gig Economy
India’s gig sector is likely to grow to US$455 billion at a CAGR of 17 per cent by
2024. It has the potential to grow at least 2 times the pre-pandemic estimates,
according to the ASSOCHAM report.
India possessing one of the world’s youngest working populations, we are on the
path to becoming the biggest economy in the world with the highest number of gig
workers and volume and value of work.
Introduction to Enterprise & Entrepreneurship
• What are the seven essential enterprise skills?
• What is creativity? SCRAMPER?
• What is Innovation? Principles?
Introduction to Enterprise &
Rohit Rammurthy
Introduction to Enterprise & Entrepreneurship
Session Outline
In this session we will –
1. Explore what leads to Creativity & Innovation
2. Product Innovation
3. Intrapreneurship & Traits of Successful Entrepreneurs
4. Mini Case – Gig Economy
Introduction to Enterprise & Entrepreneurship
What is Creativity?
Along with the profit motive, risk taking, opportunity recognition and the
creation of an enterprise, creativity and innovation are also fundamental aspects
of entrepreneurship.
Creativity is the ability to make sense of the world in new ways, to discover
hidden patterns and make connections between seemingly unrelated
This is done for the purpose of generating solutions to problems, which is the
main focus of the creative individual.
What is Innovation?
• Innovation is the transformation of a creative idea or an
invention into a ‘solution’ that is ‘better’ than what was
available in the past and generates new value.
5. Industry & Market Changes – Health care changing to home health care
7. Knowledge based concepts – Mobile phones today does almost all work.
Introduction to Enterprise & Entrepreneurship
Types of Innovation
1. Invention – Totally new product, service or process. Ex: Wright brothers
Product Innovation
Product Innovation is probably the most famous type of innovation. Product
innovation is the development or improvement of products in a way that tries to
solve problems for consumers, customers, companies or society at large.
The sweet spot is balancing the three approaches: new products, improvements
and targeting new markets. Focusing only on one of them is a mistake we see
even in big companies.
Introduction to Enterprise & Entrepreneurship
Product Innovation
For example, in 2003 Lego ventured on new markets. Unfortunately, they lost
focus and went on selling clothes, accessories and lifestyle products. After these
failed experiments, they refocused on their core business and positioned
themselves as leaders in toy construction kits. This focus enabled them to grow
their revenue from €0.9 billion in 2004 to €4.8 billion in 2015.
However, some caught up pretty fast and as we’ve seen in recent years, Apple
lost market share in front of Samsung. In turn, they have grown by adding other
products and services, like iCloud, Apple Music and different earbuds and
Introduction to Enterprise & Entrepreneurship
Why should companies consider product
innovation? Contd…
2. Encourages resilience
It is common for companies that miss the innovation train and lag behind their
competition to eventually disappear altogether.
Product innovation is the chance to bounce back. If you create the right
circumstances and strategize around this decision, product innovation can help
you pivot.
Consider Nokia, a company famous for its numerous innovations and strategic
pivots. They started as a wood pulp mill, then moved on to rubber boots and of
course to their most recognizable products, the Nokia cell phones.
When Apple took the world by storm with their smartphones, Nokia was not
able to catch up. They were close to bankruptcy but once they sold their cell
phones business to Microsoft, they pivoted their business once more and turned
to high-end networking and software products.
Introduction to Enterprise & Entrepreneurship
Why should companies consider product
innovation? Contd…
3. Drives growth
Product innovation allows companies to grow, turn higher profits and conquer
new markets. There are several contributing factors that enable growth and
those that get product innovation right reap the benefits on a long term
The best way to become more innovative today is by creating a more
entrepreneurial culture.
Gig Economy
India’s gig sector is likely to grow to US$455 billion at a CAGR of 17 per cent by
2024. It has the potential to grow at least 2 times the pre-pandemic estimates,
according to the ASSOCHAM report.
India possessing one of the world’s youngest working populations, we are on the
path to becoming the biggest economy in the world with the highest number of gig
workers and volume and value of work.
Introduction to Enterprise & Entrepreneurship
• What is Innovation?
• What is the importance of Product innovation?
• What is Intrapreneurship?
• What are the traits of successful entrepreneurs?