Revision Worksheet 2

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Alafaq Schools
Name: ______________________ English Department Revision Worksheet CH
Date: _______________________ Grade 12 (A-B-C-D) 17.1+2

1. Provide a definition to the following terms:

Term Definition
Appeasement Foreign policy of pacifying an aggrieved country through
negotiation in order to prevent war.
Pacifism the belief that war and violence are unjustifiable and that all disputes
should be settled by peaceful means.

Neutrality Acts laws passed in 1935, 1936, 1937, and 1939 to limit U.S.
involvement in future wars.
Anschluss political union of Austria with Germany, achieved through
annexation by Adolf Hitler in 1938.
The Axis Powers Germany, Italy, Japan
The Allies led by Great Britain, the United States, and the Soviet Union
The Nazi Soviet Pact Nazi Germany and the Soviet Union surprised the world by signing
the German-Soviet Nonaggression Pact, in which the two countries
agreed to take no military action against each other for the next 10
Blitzkrieg a method of offensive warfare designed to strike a swift, focused
blow at an enemy using mobile, maneuverable forces, including
armored tanks and air support.
Luftwaffe the best air force in the world utilized by German military planners
allowed for the use of blitzkrieg tactics against overmatched Allied
Vichy Germany occupied northern France. In the south, the Germans set
up a “puppet state,” with its capital at Vichy in France.
The Lend-Lease Act had given President Roosevelt virtually unlimited authority to
direct material aid such as ammunition, tanks, airplanes, trucks, and
food to the war effort in Europe without violating the nation's
official position of neutrality.
Concentration camps a camp in which people are detained or confined, usually under
harsh conditions and without regard to legal norms of arrest and
imprisonment that are acceptable in a constitutional democracy.

2. Fill in the chart with the required information.

Country Acts of Aggression
Italy Italy invades ethiopia in 1935 and conquered it the following year.
Japan Japanese military leaders and ultranationalists thought that Japan
should have an empire equal to those of the Western powers. In
pursuit of this goal, Japan seized Manchuria in 1931.
Germany Hitler goes against the treaty of Versailles. first, he built up the
German military in defiance of the treaty that had ended World
War I. Then, in 1936, he sent troops into the “demilitarized”
Rhineland bordering France—another treaty violation.
Spain In 1936, a local struggle in Spain polarized public opinion
throughout Europe. Trouble in Spain started in 1931, when popular
unrest against the old order forced the king to leave Spain. Spain
collapses into civil war
3. Complete the information about the practices of the German and Japanese occupation during WWII.
German occupation Japanese occupation
He believed that Aryans, or light skinned Japanese forces took control across Asia and
Europeans, especially Germans, were a superior the Pacific. Their self-proclaimed mission was
race and that all others were inferior, especially to help Asians escape West- ern colonial rule.
Jews, Slavs, and the Roma. They forced In fact, the real goal was a Japanese empire in
conquered peoples from these groups into slave Asia. The Japanese invaders treated the
labor in work camps and in concentration Chinese, Filipinos, Malaysians, and other
camps; millions were systematically killed. conquered people with great brutality, killing
and torturing civilians throughout East and
Southeast Asia. The occupiers seized food
crops, destroyed cities and towns, and made
local people into slave laborers.

4. Complete the chart with information regarding the significance of the following figures during
Figure Significance
Francisco Franco a conservative general named Francisco Franco led a revolt that
touched off a bloody civil war. Fascists and supporters of right-
wing policies, called Nationalists, rallied to back Franco.
Supporters of the republic, known as Loyalists, included
Communists, Socialists, and those who wanted democracy.
Mussolini He was the fascist leader of Italy, and he was with Hitler in the axis
Hitler He was the dictator of Germany, and he formed the Nazi party. He
was in the axis powers.
Churchill As prime minister during most of World War II, Winston Churchill
rallied the British people and led the country from the brink of
defeat to victory.
Roosevelt/ FDR looked for ways around the Neutrality Acts to provide warships and
other aid to Britain as it stood alone against Hitler.
Rommel was a German army officer who rose to the rank of field marshal
and earned fame at home and abroad for his leadership of
Germany's Afrika Korps in North Africa during World War II.
Nicknamed “the Desert Fox,” Rommel also commanded German
defenses against the Allied invasion of northern France.
5. Provide short answers to the following questions.
Question Answer
What did Japan do when the League of nations They left the league and went on to invade
condemned its invasion of Manchuria? parts of China.
Why did Italy invade Ethiopia? How did the In the past Italy was defeated by Ethiopia, and
League of Nations respond? Mussolini wanted to restore roman victory, take
revenge, and expand. The league imposed
economic sanctions, but they were not applied.
How did the western democracies respond to Western democracies responded to the
Hitler’s acts of aggression? aggression of the Axis powers during the 1930s
by following a policy of appeasement to keep
the peace and a series of Neutrality Acts to
avoid war, but it didn't do much.
Why did Germany favor the use of air strikes on Because Britain had a strong navy, Germany
Britain? would need to ensure that it had control of the
air to successfully invade the country.
Why did Hitler turn against his alley and He wanted to gain control of the many raw
decided to invade Russia/USSR? materials in Russia. He also wanted to crush
communism in Europe and defeat his powerful
rival, Stalin.
Who are the Aryans? What was their They believed that Aryans, or light skinned
significance during the reign of Hitler? Europeans, especially Germans, were a
superior race and that all others were inferior,
especially Jews, Slavs, and the Roma. They
forced conquered peoples from these groups
into slave labor in work camps and in
concentration camps; millions were
systematically killed.

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