The Newton Raphson Method in The Extraction of Par
The Newton Raphson Method in The Extraction of Par
The Newton Raphson Method in The Extraction of Par
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3 authors:
Débora Novacki
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU)
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Abstract. This research is justified by the expansion of electricity; And (ii) heliothermic, which consists of the
electrical systems and the large-scale adoption of small generation of electricity through the heating of a fluid
electric power generation systems, in this particular case and will function in a similar way to a conventional
the semiconductor photovoltaic(PV) systems connected to thermoelectric plant [3]. Among the two types of solar
the grid. In order to analyse these systems it is imperative power plants, photovoltaic systems have proved to be
that the parameters of these generation systems are of more viable and therefore more competitive.
reasonable reliability. This research aims to study The efficiency of photovoltaic systems is influenced
mathematical methods to obtain parameters of by three questions: the efficiency of the photovoltaic
photovoltaic modules for static and dynamic studies in module, which depends on the way it is made, the
medium voltage electrical energy systems. Therefore, it is materials used and the constructive aspects of the
necessary to use equations that characterize this converter used, and lastly the efficiency of the algorithm,
generation system, depending on the parameters of which controls and traces the point of maximum power
interest. These model parameters are: generated photo for the system, the maximum power point tracking
current, reverse saturation current, ideality factor, series (MPPT) algorithm.
resistance and parallel resistance. These parameters are Improving the efficiency of the module and the
of fundamental importance for the simulation of this converter is a more labor-intensive task, which requires
generation system and the reconstruction of V.I and P.V research and development by the manufacturers,
curves of photovoltaic systems in power systems. Other however, improving the efficiency of the MPPT
genetic algorithm methods have already been used in this algorithm is easier and cheaper [4].
research in the past to obtain these parameters when To work on the development and improvement of the
totally unknown [1], [2]. The Newton Raphson method is control algorithm it is necessary to first extract the
a mathematical method widely used in power systems and parameters of the module or the photovoltaic system that
can be used when one has a rough idea of the solution. one wishes to work. Therefore, this article aims to obtain
This article clearly shows the possibility of using this fast a method that is able to extract such parameters through
method. traditional fast numerical methods applied to engineering
problems, able to characterize the behavior of the module
Keywords. Parameters extraction, Newton Raphson in working conditions.
Method, Photovoltaic Module, Modeling. The extraction of parameters of a photovoltaic
module has already been studied by another researcher at
1. Introduction the Center of Research and Extension in Alternative
Energies (NUPEA). Although, the research developed in
Among all renewable energy sources, the most abundant is this case used a genetic algorithm based method, the
solar energy. This energy reaches the earth through the Trust-Region Optimization Method [1], [2], since the
solar rays, which are electromagnetic waves that carry parameters were completely unknown.
light and heat necessary for terrestrial life.
The conversion of solar energy into electrical energy 2. PV Module Modelling
occurs through the solar irradiation that reaches the surface
of the earth. The energy transformation can be harnessed Some technical characteristics of the photovoltaic module
through two different types of power plants: (i) are provided by the manufacturer, they are: The open
photovoltaic, which consists of the arrangement of circuit voltage VOC, obtained from the measurement of
photovoltaic modules installed in a relatively large area, voltage in the module when it has no load; the current of
usually made of semiconductors (silicon, germanim, the module when the device is shorted ISC (short circuit
etc…), capable of converting solar irradiation directly into current) and the maximum power (PMP) of a photovoltaic
f ( x) f ( x0 ) f ' ( x0 )( x x0 ) f ' ' ( x0 )( x x0 ) 2 ... 0
4. Problem Formulation
The data were obtained through measurements performed
on a photovoltaic module. The technical characteristics of
the module used are shown in Table I.
Table I. - Feature of the PV Module Fig. 5: Curve 1 – Relationship of voltage and power.
Power 40 W
16.6 V
2.45 A
V 20.5 V
I 2.80 A
N 36
Material Type monocrystalline silicon
(V1 I 1 x 4 ) (V1 I1 x 4 )
(V1 I 1 x 4 )
6 10 6
x 2 (V1 I 1 x 4 ) e 36 x 3
10 6
I1 x 2 e 36 x 3
I V1 I 1 x 4
1 10 ( e 36 x 3
1) 1
36 x 32 36 x 3 x5 x 52
(V 2 I 2 x 4 ) (V 2 I 2 x 4 )
(V 2 I 2 x 4 )
1 10 6
x 2 (V 2 I 2 x 4 ) e 36 x 3
10 6
I 2 x2 e 36 x 3
I2 V2 I 2 x4
10 6 ( e 36 x 3
36 x 32 36 x 3 x5 x 52
(V 3 I 3 x 4 ) (V 3 I 3 x 4 )
1 (V 3 I 3 x 4 )
10 6
x 2 (V 3 I 3 x 4 ) e 36 x 3
10 6
I 3 x2 e 36 x 3
I3 V3 I 3 x 4
J 1 10 6 ( e 36 x 3
36 x 32 36 x 3 x5 x 52
(V 4 I 4 x 4 )
(V 4 I 4 x 4 ) (V 4 I 4 x 4 )
10 6
x 2 (V 4 I 4 x 4 ) e 36 x 3
10 6
I 4 x2 e 36 x 3
I4 V4 I 4 x4
1 10 6 ( e 36 x 3
36 x 32 36 x 3 x5 x 52
(V 5 I 5 x 4 ) (V 5 I 5 x 4 )
(V 5 I 5 x 4 )
1 10 6
x 2 (V 5 I 5 x 4 ) e 36 x 3
10 6
I 5 x2 e 36 x 3
I5 V5 I 5 x 4
10 6 ( e 36 x 3
36 x 32 36 x 3 x5 x 52
corresponds to the last sampled point of the curve, V5
x5 Rsh
(V4 I 4 x4 )
(V4 I 4 x4 )
f 4 ( x) x1 10 6 x 2 (e 36 x3
1) I4 0 5. Results Analysis
(V5 I 5 x4 )
(V5 I 5 x 4 ) After the tests made un the program developed using
f 5 ( x) x1 10 6 x 2 (e 36 x3
1) I5 0 Octave, the following results were obtained:
Table III. - Initial Guess Used
Given the equations, it is possible to assemble the INITIAL GUESS (IG)
system to solve the problem. 1º x0 = [1.5; 0.5; 1.0; 0.5; 50]
2º x0 = [2.0; 0.1; 1.0; 1.0; 100]
f1 f1 f1 f1 f1 3º x0 = [2.0; 1.0; 1.0; 1.0; 100]
x x2 x3 x4 x5 4º x0 = [2.0; 1.0; 1.0; 1.0; 50]
x1, k 1 x1, k f 2 f 2 f 2 f 2 f 2 f1 ( xk ) 5º x0 = [0.6; 2.5; 1.5; 2.0; 100]
x x x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 f ( x )
2 , k 1 2 , k f f 3 f 3 f 3 f 3 2 k During the simulations executed several guesses were
x3, k 1 x3, k 3 . f 3 ( xk ) used, some of them converged to solve the problem,
x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
x4 , k 1 x4 , k f 4 f 4 f 4 f 4 f 4 f 4 ( xk ) others did not. From those that converged, shown in
x5, k 1 x5 , k f 5 ( xk ) Table III, it was observed that the generated values were
x1 x2 x3 x4 x5
identical. In addition, it was noted that the initial guess
f 5 f 5 f 5 f 5 f 5
when closer to the root generated fewer iterations, as
x x2 x3 x4 x5
1 shown in Tables IV and V.