The Newton Raphson Method in The Extraction of Par

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The Newton Raphson Method in the Extraction

of Parameters of PV Modules

Article · April 2017

DOI: 10.24084/repqj15.416


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3 authors:

Laiz Reis José Roberto Camacho

Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU) Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU)


Débora Novacki
Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU)


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International Conference on Renewable Energies and Power Quality (ICREPQ’17)
Malaga (Spain), 4th to 6th April, 2017
Renewable Energy and Power Quality Journal (RE&PQJ)
ISSN 2172-038 X, No.15 April 2017

The Newton Raphson Method in the Extraction of Parameters of PV Modules

L. R. D. Reis, J. R. Camacho, D. F. Novacki.

School of Electrical Engineering

Universidade Federal de Uberlândia (UFU)
Campus Santa Mônica- Av. João Naves de Ávila, 2121. ZipCode:38400.902 – Uberlândia – MG - Brazil
Phone: +55 34 3239 4734, email:,,

Abstract. This research is justified by the expansion of electricity; And (ii) heliothermic, which consists of the
electrical systems and the large-scale adoption of small generation of electricity through the heating of a fluid
electric power generation systems, in this particular case and will function in a similar way to a conventional
the semiconductor photovoltaic(PV) systems connected to thermoelectric plant [3]. Among the two types of solar
the grid. In order to analyse these systems it is imperative power plants, photovoltaic systems have proved to be
that the parameters of these generation systems are of more viable and therefore more competitive.
reasonable reliability. This research aims to study The efficiency of photovoltaic systems is influenced
mathematical methods to obtain parameters of by three questions: the efficiency of the photovoltaic
photovoltaic modules for static and dynamic studies in module, which depends on the way it is made, the
medium voltage electrical energy systems. Therefore, it is materials used and the constructive aspects of the
necessary to use equations that characterize this converter used, and lastly the efficiency of the algorithm,
generation system, depending on the parameters of which controls and traces the point of maximum power
interest. These model parameters are: generated photo for the system, the maximum power point tracking
current, reverse saturation current, ideality factor, series (MPPT) algorithm.
resistance and parallel resistance. These parameters are Improving the efficiency of the module and the
of fundamental importance for the simulation of this converter is a more labor-intensive task, which requires
generation system and the reconstruction of V.I and P.V research and development by the manufacturers,
curves of photovoltaic systems in power systems. Other however, improving the efficiency of the MPPT
genetic algorithm methods have already been used in this algorithm is easier and cheaper [4].
research in the past to obtain these parameters when To work on the development and improvement of the
totally unknown [1], [2]. The Newton Raphson method is control algorithm it is necessary to first extract the
a mathematical method widely used in power systems and parameters of the module or the photovoltaic system that
can be used when one has a rough idea of the solution. one wishes to work. Therefore, this article aims to obtain
This article clearly shows the possibility of using this fast a method that is able to extract such parameters through
method. traditional fast numerical methods applied to engineering
problems, able to characterize the behavior of the module
Keywords. Parameters extraction, Newton Raphson in working conditions.
Method, Photovoltaic Module, Modeling. The extraction of parameters of a photovoltaic
module has already been studied by another researcher at
1. Introduction the Center of Research and Extension in Alternative
Energies (NUPEA). Although, the research developed in
Among all renewable energy sources, the most abundant is this case used a genetic algorithm based method, the
solar energy. This energy reaches the earth through the Trust-Region Optimization Method [1], [2], since the
solar rays, which are electromagnetic waves that carry parameters were completely unknown.
light and heat necessary for terrestrial life.
The conversion of solar energy into electrical energy 2. PV Module Modelling
occurs through the solar irradiation that reaches the surface
of the earth. The energy transformation can be harnessed Some technical characteristics of the photovoltaic module
through two different types of power plants: (i) are provided by the manufacturer, they are: The open
photovoltaic, which consists of the arrangement of circuit voltage VOC, obtained from the measurement of
photovoltaic modules installed in a relatively large area, voltage in the module when it has no load; the current of
usually made of semiconductors (silicon, germanim, the module when the device is shorted ISC (short circuit
etc…), capable of converting solar irradiation directly into current) and the maximum power (PMP) of a photovoltaic 634 RE&PQJ, Vol.1, No.15, April 2017

module, reached when are obtained the maximum power In the case of PV modules with various series connected
current (IMP) and the maximum power voltage (VMP)[5], cells, equation 1 become:
illustrated in Figure 1.
( ) V+IR
I=I −I e −1 − (2)

Being N the number of series connected cells.

The reverse saturation current of the diode (IS) is
produced by the component when the cell is not under
sunlight, i.e. it is in the dark. It depends on the local
temperature and is generated thermally.
The series and parallel resistors presented are
responsible for internal dissipations in the cell. The series
resistance (RS) originates in the resistance of the
semiconductor material itself, in the metal contacts and in
metal-semiconductor junctions, characterizes the
material's ohmic losses, the series resistance contributes
to reduce the Isc of the cell, but practically does not affect
Fig, 1: Tipical V-I curve of a PV cell[6]. its Voc.
The parallel resistance (Rsh) is caused by impurities
A. Equivalent Circuit of a Cell Photovoltaics: Single and defects in the structure, especially near the edges,
Diode Model which produce an internal path for a leakage current, thus
reducing the current effectively produced by the device,
A photovoltaic cell is simply a P-N junction so Rsh consists of reducing VOC without influence in ISC
semiconductor. When exposed to sunlight, a current is [6].
generated and varies proportionally to the irradiance at that
time [7]. Figure 2 below shows the equivalent circuit of a 3. The Newton Raphson Method
photovoltaic cell with one diode.
The Newton Raphson Method is an iterative method that
consists in estimate of a given function f(x) with an initial
The method is obtained through the Taylor series
expansion in ( − ) given below.

f ( x)  f ( x0 )  f ' ( x0 )( x  x0 )  f ' ' ( x0 )( x  x0 ) 2  ...  0

Suppose the initial guess is very close to the real root

of the equation. Then (x-x0) is small enough and only the
first terms are important for estimating the value of the
root, given x0. By truncating the series in the second term
Fig. 2: Equivalent circuit f a PV cell with one diode [8]. we obtain the general formula of Newton Raphson's
method [9].
Equation describing the circuit is given by:
f ( x0 )
( ) V + IR x1  x0  (3)
I=I −I e −1 − (1) f ' ( x0 )

where: Therefore, given xn, the point x(n+1) will be obtained

I - cell current (A), by intersecting the tangent line at f(x) in xn with the x
I - photo generated current (A), axis. You can illustrate this mathematically, according to
equation (3) and graphically, according to figure (3).
I - diode reverse saturation current (A),
q - electron elementary charge (1,602 ×
10 coulombs), f ( xn )
xn1  xn  (4)
K – the Boltzmann constant (1,381 × 10 J/K), f ' ( xn )
T - cell temperature (K),
m – diode ideality fator,
R – cell series resistance (Ω),
R or R – cell shunt resistance (Ω),
V – cell output voltage (V). 635 RE&PQJ, Vol.1, No.15, April 2017

relationship of voltage and power, highlighting the point
of maximum power.

Fig. 4: Curve 1 – Relationship of voltage and current.

Figure 3: Illustration of the Newton Raphson Method.

The convergence of the Newton Raphson Method is

guaranteed for a certain interval [a,b] containing the root
of f(x), provided that f(x) and f'(x) are continuous in this
interval and that f(α) = 0, where α is the root of f(x)[10].

4. Problem Formulation
The data were obtained through measurements performed
on a photovoltaic module. The technical characteristics of
the module used are shown in Table I.

Table I. - Feature of the PV Module Fig. 5: Curve 1 – Relationship of voltage and power.
Power 40 W
16.6 V
2.45 A
V 20.5 V
I 2.80 A
N 36
Material Type monocrystalline silicon

The voltage and current curves of the photovoltaic

module were obtained through the mini KLA meter. The
meter operates with a temperature range of -20 to 100° C
and an accuracy of ∓0.4%. In addition, the meter provides Fig. 6: Curve 2 – Relationship of voltage and current
the internal temperature of the module and the solar
irradiance to which it is subjected.
Two tests were carried out with the same photovoltaic
module at different times. The data of the two curves
obtained are shown in Table II.

Table II. - Used curves.

Irradiance Temperature
Curve 1 225 W/m² 25°C
Curve 2 596.8W/m² 35°C

With the knowledge of data to obtain the curves, a

program was developed in the Octave computational tool
to generate the two curves, according to the figures below. Fig. 7: Curve 2 – Relationship of voltage and power.
Figures four and six show the relationship of voltage and
current obtained, highlighting the five points used in the In order to apply the Newton Raphson numerical
developed program. Figures 5 and 7 illustrate the method to the proposed problem it is necessary to use
several points of the sampled curve. In the case of a diode 636 RE&PQJ, Vol.1, No.15, April 2017

model, it is necessary to extract five parameters, and it is being close to VOC. The second and fourth were chosen
essential to formulate five equations so that the solution of arbitrarily, considering (I2, V2) = L/2 and (I4, V4) = 3.L/2,
the problem becomes possible. Therefore, it is necessary to so that L represents the total number of points of the real
extract from the real curve five points that will be used in curve. The five points sampled are highlighted in VxI
solving the problem. In this work, such points were used: curves of figures (4) and (6). Through equation 2, it is
The first corresponds to the initial point of the curve, being then possible to generate the five equations used in the
I1 near ISC; The third corresponds to the maximum power system, as shown below.
point PMP, with I3 = IMP and V3 = VMP; The fifth

 (V1  I 1 x 4 )  (V1  I1 x 4 )
  (V1  I 1 x 4 ) 
 6 10 6
x 2 (V1  I 1 x 4 )  e 36 x 3
10 6
I1 x 2  e 36 x 3
I V1  I 1 x 4 
1 10 ( e 36 x 3
 1)  1 
36 x 32 36 x 3 x5 x 52
  (V 2  I 2 x 4 )  (V 2  I 2 x 4 ) 
  (V 2  I 2 x 4 ) 
1 10 6
x 2 (V 2  I 2 x 4 )  e 36 x 3
10 6
I 2 x2  e 36 x 3
I2 V2  I 2 x4 
10  6 ( e 36 x 3
 1) 
 36 x 32 36 x 3 x5 x 52 
  (V 3  I 3 x 4 )  (V 3  I 3 x 4 ) 
1   (V 3  I 3 x 4 )
10 6
x 2 (V 3  I 3 x 4 )  e 36 x 3
10 6
I 3 x2 e 36 x 3
I3 V3  I 3 x 4 
J  1 10  6 ( e 36 x 3
 1)  
 36 x 32 36 x 3 x5 x 52 
  (V 4  I 4 x 4 )
 (V 4  I 4 x 4 )  (V 4  I 4 x 4 ) 
 10 6
x 2 (V 4  I 4 x 4 )  e 36 x 3
10 6
I 4 x2  e 36 x 3
I4 V4  I 4 x4 
1 10  6 ( e 36 x 3
 1)  
 36 x 32 36 x 3 x5 x 52 
 (V 5  I 5 x 4 )  (V 5  I 5 x 4 )
  (V 5  I 5 x 4 ) 
1 10 6
x 2 (V 5  I 5 x 4 )  e 36 x 3
10 6
I 5 x2 e 36 x 3
I5 V5  I 5 x 4 
10  6 ( e 36 x 3
 1) 
 36 x 32 36 x 3 x5 x 52 
 
corresponds to the last sampled point of the curve, V5

Fig. 8: Inverse of the Jacobian Matrix

Being the inverse of the Jacobian matrix given by

 (V1  I1 x4 )
(V1  I 1 x4 ) Figure 8, where,
f1 ( x)  x1  10 6 x 2 (e 36 x3
 1)   I1  0
 (V2  I 2 x4 )
 x1   I ph 
6 (V  I 2 x4 ) x   I 
f 2 ( x)  x1  10 x 2 (e 36 x3
 1)  2  I2  0  2  d 
x5 q
 and  x3    m  .
 (V3  I 3 x4 )
(V3  I 3 x 4 ) T    
f 3 ( x)  x1  10 6 x 2 (e  1)   I1  0  x4   Rs 
36 x3

 x5   Rsh 
 (V4  I 4 x4 )
(V4  I 4 x4 )
f 4 ( x)  x1  10 6 x 2 (e 36 x3
 1)   I4  0 5. Results Analysis
 (V5  I 5 x4 )
(V5  I 5 x 4 ) After the tests made un the program developed using
f 5 ( x)  x1  10 6 x 2 (e 36 x3
 1)   I5  0 Octave, the following results were obtained:
Table III. - Initial Guess Used
Given the equations, it is possible to assemble the INITIAL GUESS (IG)
system to solve the problem. 1º x0 = [1.5; 0.5; 1.0; 0.5; 50]
2º x0 = [2.0; 0.1; 1.0; 1.0; 100]
 f1 f1 f1 f1 f1  3º x0 = [2.0; 1.0; 1.0; 1.0; 100]
x x2 x3 x4 x5  4º x0 = [2.0; 1.0; 1.0; 1.0; 50]
 1 
 x1, k 1   x1, k   f 2 f 2 f 2 f 2 f 2   f1 ( xk )  5º x0 = [0.6; 2.5; 1.5; 2.0; 100]
x   x   x1 x2 x3 x4 x5   f ( x )
 2 , k 1   2 , k   f f 3 f 3 f 3 f 3   2 k  During the simulations executed several guesses were
 x3, k 1    x3, k    3  . f 3 ( xk )  used, some of them converged to solve the problem,
     x1 x2 x3 x4 x5   
 x4 , k 1   x4 , k   f 4 f 4 f 4 f 4 f 4   f 4 ( xk )  others did not. From those that converged, shown in
 x5, k 1   x5 , k     f 5 ( xk )  Table III, it was observed that the generated values were
     x1 x2 x3 x4 x5 
identical. In addition, it was noted that the initial guess
 f 5 f 5 f 5 f 5 f 5 
when closer to the root generated fewer iterations, as
x x2 x3 x4 x5 
 1 shown in Tables IV and V. 637 RE&PQJ, Vol.1, No.15, April 2017

Table IV. - Obtained Parameters of the Curve 1
IG Iph(A) Is.10-6 ( ) m Rs (Ώ) Rsh(Ώ) Iters
1º 0.6687 2.006 1.4288 1.1686 120.58 9
2º 0.6687 2.006 1.4288 1.1686 120.58 7
3º 0.6687 2.006 1.4288 1.1686 120.58 9
4º 0.6687 2.006 1.4288 1.1686 120.58 9
5º 0.6687 2.006 1.4288 1.1686 120.58 4

Table V. - Obtained parameters of curve 2

IG Iph(A) Is. 10-6 ( A) m Rs (Ώ) Rsh(Ώ) Iters
1º 1.8462 0.0441 1.0245 0.1979 58.92 5 Fig. 11: Curve P x V, T=25°C e G=225.0 W/m².
2º 1.8462 0.0441 1.0245 0.1979 58.92 7
3º 1.8462 0.0441 1.0245 0.1979 58.92 8
4º 1.8462 0.0441 1.0245 0.1979 58.92 8

With the results obtained in tables V and VI, it was

possible to simulate the corresponding curves. Figures 9
and 10 show a relationship of current and voltage,
comparing a real curve with a simulated curve. It is
possible to observe that the simulated curves go through
the five points used in the problem formulation, thus
obtaining a good approximation of the real curve.
Figures 11 and 12 show the relation of power and
voltage. It is possible to observe that the simulated curves
were able to reach the points of maximum power and that
their shape is close to the real curve. Fig. 12: Curve P x V, T=35°C e G=596.8 W/m².

When using the Newton Raphson method, it is

necessary to have a knowledge of the approximate value
that one wishes to obtain, since the initial guess should be
close to the solution of the problem, otherwise the
method is not able to find the solution. This knowledge is
necessary because, the Jacobian matrix calculated in each
iteration must be nonsingular, that is, with the
determinant other than zero.
The study of photovoltaic systems has evolved a lot in
the last years, this has generated in the researchers of the
subject an improvement of the knowledge, thus allowing
to estimate values close to the real parameters of
photovoltaic cells.
However, tests were performed with values distant
from the solution, as an example, when the initial guess n
Fig. 9: Curve I x V, T=25°C e G=225.0 W/m².
curve 1 was x0 = [1.5; 1e-3; 1.5; 1.5; 100], and in curve 2
when x0 = [1.5; 1.0; 1.5; 1.5; 100], the result was not
obtained because the method did not show convergence.
Comparing the results obtained in this article with
those from [1], the parameters Iph (photogenerated
current), m (diode ideality factor) and Rsh (parallel
resistance) approximated to those found by that author.
The parameters Id (diode reverse current) and Rs (series
resistance) diverged considerably, as shown in Table VI.

Table VI. - Obtained Parameters fromTrust-Region Methods [7]

Curve Iph(A) Is.10-6 (A) m Rs (Ώ) Rsh(Ώ)
1º 0.6736 2.4258 1.3390 2.0364 129.8172
2º 1.8498 0.1632 1.0411 0.5282 69.1844

Fig. 10: Curve I x V, T=35°C e G=596.8 W/m². 638 RE&PQJ, Vol.1, No.15, April 2017

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