Chapter 4-5 - SystemParticleRigidBody
Chapter 4-5 - SystemParticleRigidBody
Chapter 4-5 - SystemParticleRigidBody
of system of par#cle
Review theory
1. The Center of Mass
∑ ii
m r
rcm =
∑m i
3. Conserva1on of Momentum
! ! ! ! ! dP ! """""!
P = ∑ pi = ∑ mi vi = Mvcm Fnet _ ext = 0 => = 0 => P = const
i i dt
4. Kine1c Energy of a System 1
K = ∑ K i = ∑ mi vi2
i i 2
The net external torque acting on a system equals the rate of change
of the angular momentum of the system.
dL /Δ ! ! !
= τnet,ext / Δ L /Δ = I Δ ω
Steiner theorem:
2 d
I Δ = I z + md G
ω: angular velocity in rotational motion
7. Rolling mo1on without sliding: α: angular acceleration
Vcm,acm: speed and acceleration of the CM
For rolling with sliding :
For rolling without sliding :
f friction = µ k .N
f friction = f static ≤ f s. max
v cm ≠ ωR v cm = ωR
a cm ≠ αR a cm = αR
Wfric = −µ k N.s Work of static friction force is zero
! !
ma cm = Fnet,ext Icm α = τnet ,ext / cm
Kine1c Energy in Rolling:
1 2 1
K= mvcm + Icmω2
$ " 2!#!
$ "
K.E of Translational motion K.E of Rotational Motion
of CM about the axis throughCM
1. A water molecule consists of an
oxygen atom with two hydrogen
atoms bound to it (Fig.). The angle
between the two bonds is 106°. If the
bonds are 0.100 nm long, where is the
center of mass of the molecule?