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Rev.F Mar.-2016 DATA SHEET

描述 / Descriptions
TO-220 塑封封装 肖特基二极管。
Schottky Barrier Diode in a TO-220 Plastic Package.

特征 / Features
Low power loss, high efficiency.

用途 / Applications
For use in low voltage,high frequency inverters, free wheeling, and polarity protection applications.

内部等效电路 / Equivalent Circuit

引脚排列 / Pinning


PIN1:Anode PIN 2:Cathode PIN 3:Anode

放大及印章代码 / hFE Classifications & Marking

见印章说明。See Marking Instructions

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Rev.F Mar.-2016 DATA SHEET

极限参数 / Absolute Maximum Ratings(Ta=25℃)

参数 符号 数值 单位
Parameter Symbol Rating Unit
Peak Repetitive Reverse Voltage VRRM 100 V
Peak Repetitive Forward Current IFRM 20 A
IF(AV) 10 A
Average Rectified Forward Current
IF(AV)(total) 20 A
Non-Repetitive Peak Forward Surge Current IFSM 150 A
Repetitive Peak Reverse Surge Current IRRM 0.5 A
Thermal Resistance Junction to Case RθJc 2.0 ℃/W
Junction Temperature Range Tj 150 ℃
Storage Temperature Range Tstg -55~150 ℃

电性能参数 / Electrical Characteristics(Ta=25℃)

参数 符号 测试条件 最小值 典型值 最大值 单位

Parameter Symbol Test Conditions Min Typ Max Unit
IF =10A(TC=25℃) 0.8 V
IF =10A(TC=125℃) 0.7 V
Forward Voltage VF
IF =20A(TC=25℃) 0.95 V
IF =20A(TC=125℃) 0.85 V
VR=100V(TC=25℃) 0.15 mA
Instantaneous Reverse Current IR
VR=100V(TC=125℃) 150 mA
Voltage Rate of Change dv/dt 10000 V/μs

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