Practical Research II Worksheet 2

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St. Michael Academy

OP-Siena School System
Catarman, Northern Samar 6400
Tel/Fax No.: (055) 500-9880
School Year: 2022-2023

“Passion for Truth & Compassion for Humanity”

Name: Year and Section: Class Group:

Subject Practical Research II

Unit No. and Title Unit 1: Nature of Inquiry and Research
Lesson Title/s Characteristics and Strengths and Weaknesses of Quantitative Research

Lord, thank you for all the blessing that You have given to me and my family. Thank you for making
me feel the love of my parents and friends. Lord, I am asking for your continuous support so that I will
be able to finish the tasks that I have to accomplish. I am praying also for a stronger mind and spirit
so that I will be able to surpass whatever trials I am facing right now and will be facing in the days to
come. All this I ask through Christ. Amen

Previously, you have learned that a quantitative research, studies and understands a phenomenon
through the use of numbers and figures. Results are then analyzed using statistical tools in order to arrive at a
conclusion or generalization that could be used to describe and explain the phenomenon.

In this material, you will learn more about quantitative research. Specifically, you will be dealing with
its characteristics, strengths and weaknesses, and uses across disciplines. The tasks in this module were
designed to help you appreciate and value more this discipline. Good luck!

Learning Competency:
At the end of the lesson, I can:

1. Describe the characteristics, strengths, and weaknesses. (CS_RS12-Ia-c-1)

2. Illustrates the importance of quantitative research across fields. (CS_RS12-Ia-c-2)

Learning Objectives:
At the end of the lesson, the learner will be able to:

1. Describe the characteristics of quantitative research.

2. Identify the strengths and weaknesses of quantitative research.
3. Explain and identify quantitative methodological techniques used in selected social science
4. Identify specific life experiences where quantitative research design was applied.


Learning Task 1: Quantitative Research Designs Task Time Tracker

This task is good for 5 minutes
Using the Venn Diagram below, cite the similarities
Time Started: _________ Time Finished: __________
and differences of the included research designs.
Afterwards, answer the question that follow.

Descriptive Correlational

Why is choosing an appropriate research design

for a certain study is important? Explain.



Oftentimes, quantitative research is illustrated using graphical representations such as what is shown
below. What does the image say about this type of research? In your own understanding, what distinct
characteristic makes quantitative research different from qualitative research?


Below are some of the key characteristics of quantitative research.

Characteristics of Quantitative Research

As described previously, quantitative research uses numbers and figures to record quantifiable
phenomenon by using surveys and questionnaires as the main tool during data collection. This type of research
is highly objective, that is to say, only real and factual information matters. Unlike qualitative research, this design
dictates the researchers to ignore all the emotional and cognitive aspects of the subject. This further entails that
in this design, researchers are merely observers of the existing phenomenon. But it is worth note taking that the
results of a quantitative research are generalizable considering that the data are taken from a sufficient
representative of a population.

Can you give some more characteristics of a quantitative research? Proceed to the task below.

Learning Task 2: Quantitative Research Designs
Task Time Tracker
Using the information from different valid sources, This task is good for 10 minutes
give three more characteristics of a quantitative research. Time Started: _________ Time Finished: __________

Strengths and Weaknesses

There are multiple reasons why quantitative research is highly used in understanding and explaining
almost all sorts of social phenomenon. One is the fact that if a properly conducted, it can gather precise
empirical data which can be applied in various fields of study.

The link and QR code provided below contain the lists of strengths and weaknesses of quantitative
research. Access the given source of information then provided a synthesis of what you have read in the space
provided below.

Note that a synthesis is a summary of an information presented.


Use of Quantitative Method Across Fields

It has been mentioned repeatedly that quantitative research is of great significance in understanding
and explaining the occurrence of social phenomenon. This research design is useful in fields like political science,
demography, psychology, economics, and sociology. Presented below are the different social science
disciplines and some of the uses of this design, complete the table by providing the indicated number of
methodological techniques.

Political Science Sociology Psychology Economics Demography

* Poll Survey * Field Survey * Experimental * Feasibility Study

* Tracking poll * Mail out * ____________ * Census
Questionnaire * ____________
* ____________ * ____________
* ____________ * ____________
* ____________
* ____________

In this part of the worksheet, you are expected to Task Time Tracker
apply what you learned into real-life situation. This task is good for 10 minutes
Time Started: _________ Time Finished: __________
Learning Task 3:
Instruction: Recall your experiences in your daily life and cite three particular situations when you use quantitative
research design to understand a phenomenon.


This section aims to measure how much you have learned from the different learning tasks you had
performed. In order for this assessment to achieve its objective, you are hereby encouraged to answer the
problems by yourself.

A. True or False. Write TRUE if the statement is correct and FALSE if not. Write your answer before the

1. Basic researches are used to answer specific questions and they have direct applications in life.
2. Quantitative research relies on using statistics to analyze quantifiable data.
3. It is okay to have plenty of biases on the final research since the study is done based on the
perspective of the researcher.
4. Scientific research is empirical.
5. Quantitative research is not used in hard sciences.

B. Essay. Briefly and precisely answer the question below.

6. Based on what you have learned, how important quantitative research is in helping to address the
social problems that we have in our society?


Lord, thank you for your never-ending love and support. Thank you for guiding me
as I continue working on my task in my modules and may You continue to inspire me to
do more and do better in my upcoming learning tasks. In Christ I trust, Amen.


• Arcinas, Myla M., Applied Research: An Introduction to Research Methods and Report Writing.
Phoenix Publishing House, 2016
• Baraceros, Esther L., Practical Research 2. Rex Book Store, 2016


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