Law Relating To Women and Children
Law Relating To Women and Children
Law Relating To Women and Children
Question 1: During the colonial era, on one hand, we had progressive legislation
orthodox Victorian moral standards affecting the women rights movement in India.
Could you weigh the positive and negative impact of the colonial rule and give an
Question 2: Explain various aspects of liberal feminism and radical feminism.
kind of feminism do you support? Give reasons for your answer.
Question 3: Over the years, both Hindu and Muslim women have gradually gained
more rights and autonomy with regard to divorce.
comment on the statement with the help of appropriate case laws and
legislative amendments.
Question 5: Explain how the Maternity Benefits Act, 1961 has helped in
Question 7: Comment on the role played by the Commission on the Status of Women
Convention Elimination
b) Assume India is a party to the Optional Protocol to the on
case drags on for five years without any development taking place. She and her family
members started receiving threats from the perpetrators, because of which pursuing
the case has become very difficult. Complaints to the police have yielded no result.
framework of facts, you can add facts to make your case a more
(In the given
to be presented to the Committee) (10 Marks)
compelling one
modern democracy.
Paper No. V
MM: 75
Time: 3 hours
and equal opportunities for w o m e n
I. The Constitution of India guarantees equality of sex'. Discuss the statement
to all persons irrespective
implicitly, as they are applicable Gender Justice with the heip of
as a means of
in reference to the concept of Equality
relevant case.
have suffered discrimination in
2. Women have been discriminated against and
ameliorative steps so that women as a
class may make
silence. It is necessary to take the light of
as soon as possible.' In
to remove their disabilities
progress and are able
constitutional provisions and judicial decisions for
given statement examine the various
the protection of of women in India.
for ful
3. i) Maternity benefits are aimed to protect the dignity of motherhood by providing
child when she is not working. Comment
and health maintenance of woman and her
the Maternity Benefit Act, 1961 in support of
and refer to the relevant provisions of
your answer.
1986 protects the rights of
(ii) The Muslim Women (Protection of Rights on Divorce) Act,
Muslim women who have been divorced. Does
this Act debar a Muslim woman to
to decided
seek maintenance under section 125 of the Cr. P.C.? Explain referring
4. (i) Discuss the additional grounds of divorce avdilable only to a wife under Section 13(2)
ofthe Hindu Marriage Act, violence in India with special reference to section
(ii) Discuss the law relating to domestic
498-A of Indian, Penal Code and the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence
Act, 2005.
5. (i) How is gender discrimination defined in Convention on the Elimination of all Forms of
Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), 1979? How does that Convention seck to
address it?
parties' obligation under CEDAW, 1979.
(ii) Discuss the state
6. (i) Women's Rights are Human Rights. Discuss.
(ii) What are the themes of Beijing Conference of Women,
to statutory
7. (i) Can transfer be made in favour of an unborn person? Explain referring
(ii) 'X* a Hindu girl was contracted into marriage by her father during her minority.
Prohibition of Child
wants to repudiate her marriage. Advise her in light of the
Marriage Act, 2006
Who is in need of and protection under the Juvenile Justice (Care and
8. i) 'child care
Note: Answer ONE question from each Unit. Al questions carry equal marks
1. Exploring the linkage betwcen women right to reservation and gender justice, explain the
concept of gender equality in the light of the constitutional provision.
2. Discuss the rights of women guaranteed under the Indian Constitution. Also discuss the
role of higher judiciary in expanding the rights of women in India
3 (a) Mira. a
pregnant woman working in a factory for past one year loses child due to
accident at home. What is the Maternity Benefit that Mira is entitled under the
Maternity Benefit Act?
(b) Who can ask for dissolution of Muslim Marriage under the Dissolution of Muslim
Marriage Act, 1939? What are the grounds for divorce under the Act?
4 (a) Discuss the law relating domestic violence in India with special referenee to section
498-A of IPC and the Protection of Women from Domestie Violence Act, 2005.
(b) Discuss the statutory provisions addressing the issue ofl workplace sexual
harassment with special relerence to the SeNual Harassment of Women at
Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013
against Women.
document for gender equality in World.
6. Beijing Declaration is considered the watershed
******* **
(Write your Roll No. on the top immediately on receipt of this question paper,)
1. 'Sameness' And 'Difference' are two expressions used by feminists to
intrigue the concept of
equity. Comment and discuss in the light of the Constitutional Provisions relating to women in
Discuss the concept of gender justice assured under Indian laws to correct the historical
wrongs perpetuated in the Indian society against women. Also elucidate upon the active role
played by the Judiciary in ensuring gender equality.
Personal laws conferring inferior status on women are an anathema to the principles of
equality. Though these laws derive from Holy Scriptures they must be in conformity with the
Constitution lest they become void under Art. 13 if they violate Fundamental Rights.' Examine
extent to which the current laws of Marriage, Divorce and Maintenance could be amended, in
the light of Art 44 of the Indian Constitution, to ensure discrimination free environment for
Diseuss the salient features ofthe following:
(a) The Indecent Representation of Women (Prohibition) Act. 1986.
5. The rightful place for women in the whole world is granted in the first UN Conference on
women held in 1975. The journey for equal development and grant of her rightful place has
not yet ended. Discuss the various efforts made at the International level in this regard.
6. How has the International instruments respoaded to addressing the issue of Human Rights ot
Women? Discuss.
7. With the help of case law, discuss the salient provisions of the Juvenile Justice (Care and
Protection of Children) Act, 2000.
(a) The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act, 2009
Discuss le principles laid down under the Convention on the Rights of Child, 1989 for the
International Law.
protection, relating to the Human Rights of the Children under
10. Write short notes on the following:
Total Pages : 2
BL-176 Your RolI No...
Paper No.
Time: 03 hrs. M.M.: 75
(Write your Roll No. on the top inmmediately on receipt ofthis question paper.)
Note Answer any one question from each Unit. All questions carry equal marks.
1. Discuss briefly the safeguards given under the Indian Constitution for the protection of
2 Discuss, in brief, the position of women during the Vedic Period. Do you agree with the
changes brought out by the British Rulers with respect to the upliftment ofthe status of
women to bring Gender Justice through legislation ? Elaborate with the help of case
(a) The object of maternity leae and benefit is to protect the dignity of motherhood by
providing for the full and healthy maintenance of women and her child when she is not
(6) Equal pay for equal work.
(b) Salient features of the Protection of Women from Domestic Violence Act, 2005.
BL-176 P.T.O.
5 Discuss how the international community has r:sponded to the issues of protection of
human rights ofwomen in general and violence in particular. Discuss.
Discuss the protection given to the "Juvenile in Conflict with Law" and the "Child in
need of Care and Protection" under the Juvenile Justice (Care and Protection of Children)
8. "Adoption'" means the process through which the adopted child is permanently separated
from his biological parents and becomes the legitimate child and therefore, it is
considered as one of the remarkable safeguards to prolect the rights of legally adopted
childen." Discuss the statement with the help of the provisions followed by the Central
Discuss the principles given under the Convention on the Rights ofthe Child, 1989 for
second and third generation human rights of children under
the prolection of first,
International Law.