FIDP Q1 Applied Economics G 12

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4-4 Maya St. Maria Village, Balibago, Angeles City

Angeles City, Pampanga, Philippines
Contact Number: 0919-672-9128/0995-055-8114


Grade: Grade 12 Semester: Quarter 1

Core Subject Title: Applied Economics No. of Hours/Semester: 80 hours/ semester
Prerequisites (If Needed)
Core Subject Description: This course deals with the basic principles of applied economics, and its application to contemporary economic issues facing the Filipino entrepreneur
such as prices of commodities, minimum wage, rent, and taxes. It covers an analysis of industries for identification of potential business opportunities. The main output of the
course is the preparation of a socioeconomic impact study of a business venture.

Culminating Performance Standard: The learner should learn to work individually and in groups to perform practical activities designated at the end of the semester.
What to Teach? Why Teach? How to Assess? What to Teach?
Highest Enabling Strategy to
Learning competencies Highest Thinking Skill to Assess Use in developing the Highest
Thinking Skill to Assess
Content Performanc KUD Flexible
Content Essential Flexible
Standards e Standards KUD Classificatio Assessment Enabling
Topics Learning
Complete Classificatio Most Essential n RBT Level Activities (FAA) General
n Performance Strategy
1st Quarter
Week 1 The learner The learners
demonstrates shall be able Differentiate U Differentiate U Analyzing Communicatio
Introductio an Introductio to … economics as economics as n
n to understandin n to analyze and social science social science
Applied g of… Economics propose and applied and applied
Economics economics as solution/s to science in terms science in terms
an applied the of nature and of nature and
science and economic scope scope
its utility in problems
addressing using the Apply the Apply the
the economic principles of concept of U concept of U Applying Make a Individual
problems of applied opportunity opportunity list/computatio Connections work:
4-4 Maya St. Maria Village, Balibago, Angeles City
Angeles City, Pampanga, Philippines
Contact Number: 0919-672-9128/0995-055-8114

the country. economics. cost to cost to n of your school Allocate your

economic economic expenses and budget in
choices and choices and books that you your school
decision to decision to need to buy, expenses and
satisfy human satisfy human applying the books
needs given needs given concept of needed in
limited limited opportunity school. Write
resources resources cost. the
Differentiate U Differentiate U Analyzing n of your
between between Communicatio computation
macroeconomic macroeconomic n in 2-5
s and s and sentences.
microeconomics microeconomics

Week 2
Introductio Basic Examine the U Examine the U Analyzing Communicatio
n to Economic utility and utility and n
Applied Problems of application of application of
Economics Society applied applied
economics to economics to
solve economic solve economic
issues and issues and
problems problems

Propose D Propose D Creating Make an essay Individual

solutions to the solutions to the about Problem draft essay
4-4 Maya St. Maria Village, Balibago, Angeles City
Angeles City, Pampanga, Philippines
Contact Number: 0919-672-9128/0995-055-8114

basic problems basic problems proposing Solving writing, with

of the Philippine of the Philippine solutions to the teacher
economy using economy using basic problems comments
the principles of the principles of of the for
applied applied Philippine improvement
economics and economics and economy and .
provide provide provide
innovative ways innovative ways innovative ways
in putting the in putting the in putting the
proposed proposed proposed
solutions into solutions into solutions into
actions. actions. actions.
Week 3
Application Demand, Analyze market U Analyze market U Analyzing Communicatio
of Demand Supply, and demand, demand, n
and Supply Equilibrium market supply, market supply,
Price and market and market
equilibrium equilibrium

Analyze how U Analyze how U Analyzing

changes in changes in Communicatio
demand or demand or n
supply or in supply or in
both can affect both can affect
the equilibrium the equilibrium
price and price and
equilibrium equilibrium
quantity quantity
U U Applying State one Group work:
Apply the Law Apply the Law situation of Give an
of Demand in of Demand in Philippine Connections example of
relation to the relation to the housing Philippine
Philippine Philippine shortage and housing
housing housing apply the law of shortage and
4-4 Maya St. Maria Village, Balibago, Angeles City
Angeles City, Pampanga, Philippines
Contact Number: 0919-672-9128/0995-055-8114

shortage and shortage demand. apply the law

show how this Discuss it to the of demand.
has led to real class. Discuss and
estate boom in report it to
the country the class
Week 4
Application Elasticities Determine the U Determine the U Analyzing Communicatio
of Demand of Demand implications of implications of n
and Supply and Supply market pricing market pricing
on economic on economic
decision-making decision-making

Distinguish U Distinguish U Analyzing

between types between types Communicatio
of elasticity of of elasticity of n
demand and demand and
supply supply

Illustrate in a D D Creating Using a table, Individual

table price of make an draft of
food and illustration of Problem illustration
include the food you Solving showing
illustration of are about to elasticities of
price elasticities compare the demand and
of demand price elasticity supply in
and include its terms of
price elasticities foods.
of demand

Week 5
4-4 Maya St. Maria Village, Balibago, Angeles City
Angeles City, Pampanga, Philippines
Contact Number: 0919-672-9128/0995-055-8114

Application Market Differentiate U Differentiate U Analyzing Communicatio

of Demand Structures various market various market n
and Supply structures in structures in
terms of: terms of:
a. number of a. number of
sellers sellers
b. types of b. types of
products products
c. entry/exit c. entry/exit
to market to market
d. pricing d. pricing
power power
e. Others e. Others

Describe the Describe the

characteristics K characteristics K Understandin
of and of and g Representation
distinguish the distinguish the
features of the features of the
market market
structures structures
(perfect (perfect
competition, competition,
monopoly, monopoly,
monopolistic monopolistic
competition, competition,
and oligolopy) and oligolopy)
D D Video Group work:
Make a short Make a short Creating presentation Problem Video
video video about market Solving presentation
presentation presentation structure in the about market
about market about market Philippines structure in
structure in the structure in the discussing; the
Philippines Philippines perfect Philippines
4-4 Maya St. Maria Village, Balibago, Angeles City
Angeles City, Pampanga, Philippines
Contact Number: 0919-672-9128/0995-055-8114

competition, featuring;
monopoly, perfect
monopolistic competition,
competition, monopoly,
and oligolopy. monopolistic

Performance Task: As a final requirement, students shall prepare an actual business plan from an environment analysis of business opportunities.

Prepared by: Mrs. Normina Leah F. Garcia

Check by: Ms. Arlene Javonillo
Noted by: Mrs. Rogeliana L. Canlas


4-4 Maya St. Maria Village, Balibago, Angeles City
Angeles City, Pampanga, Philippines
Contact Number: 0919-672-9128/0995-055-8114


4-4 Maya St. Maria Village, Balibago, Angeles City
Angeles City, Pampanga, Philippines
Contact Number: 0919-672-9128/0995-055-8114



Expectations exceeded EXEMPLARY 25 – 28

Expectations met ACCEPTABLE 21 – 24

Guidelines met NEEDS IMPROVEMENT 16 – 20

Guidelines somewhat met INADEQUATE 0 – 15

Incomplete; Information not available

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