Teks Eksposisi2
Teks Eksposisi2
Teks Eksposisi2
Why is Physical Activity and Fitness Important? There are some advantages when we get
fitnes. SOme of them are:
Physical activity is essential to prevent and reduce risks of many diseases and improve
physical and mental health. It can even help you live longer—research from the American
Journal of Preventative Medicine indicates that regular exercise can add up to five years to
your life.
Physical activity also keeps you in shape so you can enjoy leisure activities and safely
perform work and home chores. It offers great mental and social benefits as well. The
Lancet released a series of studies that attribute positive outcomes to physical activity,
including “a sense of purpose and value, a better quality of life, improved sleep, and
reduced stress, as well as stronger relationships and social connectedness.”
On the other hand, lack of physical activity is associated with increased risks of healthy
Why Sleep is Essential for Our Health
Modern-day living, especially in urban areas, does not always embrace the necessity of an
adequate portion of sleep. Yet, it is essential that people make an effort to get enough sleep
Enough sleep makes us be more active. When we get healthy sleep, our energy levels are
higher. So it can improve athletic performance, including better speed, agility, and
Sleeping is the most vital time to shape memories and make the connections between
events, feeling, and experiences. In fact, sleep helps us to form new learning and memory
pathway in our brains.
Good sleep allows our mind to regain focus and tackle those tricky mental challenges. It
can also stimulate creativity.
Sleep makes our immune system stronger and helps us to fight infection. It is our body
mechanism to ward off infection. When we do not get enough sleep, our immune system
will be weaker, making us more susceptible to illness.
From the fact above, it is clearly obvious that sleep is essential for health. Getting enough,
healthy sleep will make us be more active, boost our memory, keep us stay alert, and
strengthen our immune system.
The Importance of Drinking Enough Water
How much do you drink water today? Water is often considered insignificant but beyond
that, it turns out that water has essential roles for our body. There are several reasons why
you need to drink enough water every day.
Firstly, our body fluid is replenished by drinking the water. Water is used by the body to
digest food and helps to transport essential nutrients throughout the body. Besides, body
fluid is also useful for producing saliva and regulating body temperature.
Secondly, water improves the kidneys' function. Our kidneys process 200 liters of blood in
our body every day. They also filter out waste from the blood in the form of urine and
deliver it to the bladder. To do all the tasks, they need enough water to clean anything
unnecessary for our bodies.
Thirdly, drinking water helps to moisturize our skin. It makes our skin feel fresh, soft, and
Lastly, drinking enough water a day can improve the function of our brain. It helps us to
concentrate more and unleash the nervous system in the brain.
In conclusion, drinking enough water is important because about 60 percent of our body is
water. It helps to improve the kidneys and brain function and is good to keep skin healthy.
Why Farming is Essential for Us
In this modern era, people can get their food conveniently by buying it from the
supermarket or grocery store. It is the farmers who provide us with fresh produce,
vegetables, meats, and other non-processed items. Unfortunately, farming has become the
least attractive employment sector for youths. Yet, farming is important to support our life.
Farming is a huge boon to our local economy. Most of the farms owned are family-owned
farms. It means when we buy local produce, we support their family while they support
The healthy way to eat is consuming fresh fruits, vegetables, and animals which are grain-
fed and raised in humane conditions. Without the local farmers, we would sorely lack
healthy food and would be forced to consume processed and less healthy food.
Agriculture is the largest industry in Indonesia. These jobs range from actual farming,
processing, distribution, and much more. With this great opportunity, it will absorb a lot of
local workers and advance the development of the community's economy.
I personally believe that farming is essential for us as a community and local farmers can
be a great way to empowering local economies, providing healthy food, and advancing the
development of the community's economy.
The importance of School Extracurricular Activities for Students
Besides learning formal lessons, students at school are able to develop their personality by
joining certain extracurricular activities that held at school, for example, boy scouts,
martial art, music, English club, sports, and so on. The activities have significant roles for
Firstly, school extracurricular activities will reveal the students' hidden potentials. This is
important since knowing students’ potentials will ease school to direct and manage the
students’ progress in certain talents. If some students join sport extracurricular, for
example, the school basketball team, it is easy for the school to choose the best student
sent if there is any student basketball competition.
Thirdly, joining school extracurricular activities will train students to learn how to
organize and give a contribution to a certain kind of organization. This knowledge and
experience are vital to developing students' leadership and cooperation. Here the will be
involved in choosing the leader of the school extracurricular, managing the administration
of the group, promoting their activities to other students, building good communication
with school management and running the activity continuously. This needs strong
leadership and full commitment and cooperation among members.
Learning a new language can be an enjoyable experience at any age. People learn new
languages for many different reasons, such as travel or work, and the benefits can be
incredibly worthwhile, whatever the reason.
First the importance of English is, it is a global language English is spoken at a useful
level by some 1.75 billion people worldwide – that’s one in every four! Being able to
speak English is not just about being able to communicate with native English speakers –
if you want to speak to someone from another country then the chances are that you will
both be speaking English to do this!
Second, English is the language of science, aviation, computers, diplomacy, and tourism.
Knowing English increases your chances of getting a good job in a multinational company
within your home country or of finding work abroad.
Third, travelling is a lot easier with a good knowledge of English. Even if you are in a
country where English is not the official language, chances are that English will still be
used as a tool for communication!
Why is geography important? Why study it? There are so many reasons why geography is
still a vital part of the curriculum. Here are just a few:
First, studying geography helps us to have an awareness of a place. All places and spaces
have a history behind them, shaped by humans, earth, and climate. Studying geography
gives a meaning and awareness to places and spaces.
Second, learning Geography can lead to learning History. Geography puts history in
context. It helps us see the why, when, and how of what happened in history. You’ll learn
history better by learning geography.
Third, understanding geography helps us to travel smartly. Study the geography of a place
before you travel. Learn about its natural landscapes, cultures, and their influence on one
Fourth, we can understand globalization. When you travel abroad, you are participating in
globalization. Globalization is the process of cultures travelling globally and having an
effect on others. Studying geography helps us understand where globalization might lead.
Cry is associated to negative emotions. However, we need to cry frequently for health
reason. Why so?
These natural chemicals give your brain that “soothing” and “empty” feeling that takes
over after you've been crying.
These hormones are associated with relief, love, and happiness, and can help you manage
powerful emotions associated with grief and loss.
Even though crying is one of a sign of negative emotion, the after effect of crying can help
us recover our emotion. So, it's completely okay when you cry whenever you want to cry.
Benefits of Public Transportations
Climate change and environmental problems are some of the biggest challenges that we
are currently facing. One way to contribute to nature conservation and help tackle climate
change is to use more public transport services.
The excessive number of cars coming into a city does have harmful effects on nature and
human health. Therefore, choosing the public transportations is one way to reduce the
pollution to the minimal.
The number of cars in cities cannot grow indefinitely, because, at some point, space runs
out and people and their vehicles will not fit. By using public transportation, the traffic jam
could be avoided.
: Public transportation give so much benefits for the environment. That's why we should
using the public transportation frequently.
Why We Should Stop Consuming Sugary Drinks?
When it comes to ranking beverages best for our health, sugary drinks fall at the bottom of
the list because they provide so many calories and virtually no other nutrients. These are
the dangerous facts of sugary drinks.
The average can of sugar-sweetened soda or fruit punch provides about 150 calories,
almost all of them from added sugar. If you were to drink just one of these sugary drinks
every day, and not cut back on calories elsewhere, you could gain up to 2,5 kg in a year.
Clean, fresh water is a limited resource. With all the severe droughts happening in the
world, the limited supply of fresh water is becoming one of our most precious resources.
How to save water for the better life?
First, wee need to save water because its use is endless. We need water to live, to drink, to
wash ourselves, to cook, to grow plants, and so on.
Second, Only 2% of the Earth’s fresh supply of water is locked in ice caps and glaciers,
while 97,5% of the earth’s water is saltwater. Some water are already polluted and harmful
for consumption.
We need to save water, because we always need water. Also, we need to save water for
the better future.
Coffee Makes Us Not Sleepy
How often do you drink coffee? And at what moment do you drink coffee? Coffee is
usually drunk when someone is staying up all night like when doing office work, doing
chores, or doing work that must be according to deadlines. That is because there is a myth
circulating among the public that drinking coffee can make us not sleepy.
And as almost everyone already knows, that coffee keeps you awake because it contains
caffeine, a drug that produces a number of chemical reactions in the brain that act to keep
you awake aka literate. Caffeine works by blocking the brain’s ability to absorb adenosine,
which slows down nerve activity, which causes the human body to become sleepy.
The caffeine molecule is chemically similar to adenosine but, when attached to nerve cells,
caffeine does not cause cells to slow down but rather blocks adenosine nerve receptors,
which in turn causes an increase in the level of nerve cell activity. This increase causes the
body to think that something is wrong and then the body continues to the psychological
reaction “Flight or Fight” that is the body’s response when threatened, or there is danger.
As a result, the body floods the bloodstream with adrenaline, which increases blood
pressure and heart rate.
It also increases the rate of blood flow to the muscles and widens the alveoli and
bronchioles in the lungs, all of which keep the human body awake. In the same way that
amphetamines (a type of drug) do, caffeine also increases the level of dopamine in the
body, dopamine is a neurotransmitter that stimulates brain function and induces overall
sense of comfort, thus making you feel more energetic.
Carrots Good for Eye Health
Have you heard the facts about Carrots is very good for eye health? Our parents must have
been advised since we were young to eat lots of vegetables. That’s because in vegetables
there are vitamins and other substances that are very good for our growth.
Then, have you ever been asked to eat carrots? And is carrot good for eye health? Carrot
contains beta-carotene antioxidants, compounds that are converted into vitamin A in
the body. If vitamin A deficiency can cause blindness. Because in fact, vitamin A
deficiency is a cause of blindness in some children. Vitamin A is also very important for a
strong immune system, and healthy eyes, skin and mucous membranes.
Vitamin A deficiency can also cause xerophthalmia, a condition in which the eye cannot
produce tears, dryness in the eyes, swollen eyelids and corneal ulcers. Eating carrots can
prevent us from vitamin A deficiency which can also prevent the formation of cataracts
and macular degeneration.
White Patches on The Nails
Have you ever found a white spot on your fingernail? Some people believe that the spots
on our nails indicate someone who likes and dislikes us. And there are also some other
people who say white spots on our fingernails indicate that we lack calcium. In fact, all
that is a myth. But, do you know what the facts about the white spots on our fingernails?
Medical explanation, white spots on our fingernails are also called Leukonychia punctate
or caused by mild trauma that occurs on our nails. The white patches form at the bottom of
the nail and then move up when they are starting to grow. However, most people do not
realize what causes the appearance of these patches. Not only that, other causes of the
appearance of white spots can occur due to allergic reactions in nail polish.
Duration Staring at the Computer Screen
The more sophisticated technology can make our daily activities depend on computers,
smartphones, laptops, and others. And without realizing it, we can sit in front of the
computer for hours.
Effects that may occur on our eyes because they continue to stare at a computer screen for
a long time, namely Computer Vision Syndrome (CVS). The disorder is better known in
terms of digital eyestrain. Do you know what is meant by CVS? CVS is a condition where
there is a group of eye complaints that arise due to exposure to light from gadgets or
computers for a long time. As for complaints that arise due to CVS there are various types,
for example, blurred vision, aches in the eyes, dry eyes, headache, and pain in the
Then how to overcome it? And how long is the duration of staring at a computer screen?
According to experts from the American Optometric Association, the rules of staring at a
computer screen are 20-20-20 in order to avoid CVS. That means, you shouldn’t be staring
at a computer screen constantly, and you shouldn’t be staring at a computer screen for
more than 20 minutes.
Classical Music Good for Baby Brain Development
Classical music is called to calm the baby and can help him like the type of classical music
in the future. The Mozart effect has stated that listening to classical music in infants can
increase IQ and other aspects of the cognitive development of babies, even when the baby
is still in the womb.
The Mozart effect was also examined for the first time in 1993 by scientists from the
University of California at Irvine. And the alleged baby can become smarter if they have
listened to classical music also obtained from this study. The georgia government also
ordered the distribution of classical music CDs containing sonata music and then donated
Sony to newborn babies when they left the hospital.