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Pre Processing of Twitter's Data For Opinion Mining in Political Context

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Procedia Computer Science 96 (2016) 1560 – 1570

20th International Conference on Knowledge Based and Intelligent Information and Engineering
Systems, KES2016, 5-7 September 2016, York, United Kingdom

Pre Processing of Twitter’s Data for Opinion Mining in Political

Ratab Gulla*, Umar Shoaiba, Saba Rasheedb, Washma Abidb,Beenish Zahoorb
"aUniversity of Gujrat,Gujrat,Pakistan"
"bNational University of Computer and Emerging Sciences, Islamabad ,Pakistan"


In the wake of political activism among youth in particular and the whole population in general, everyone is not only
eager to share their political orientation but equally curious regarding the voice of the masses. As a known notion,
the perfect orifice to this emerging need of political activism can be found on social media platforms, from where
the numerous aspects of public opinion can be captured easily. These sites have begun to have a large impact on
how people think and act. It is a known phenomenon that public opinion is the largest indicator of success and
failure of political parties and is a direct reflection of the party’s reign. Where increased sharing of public feedback
has increased awareness and promoted accountability, it has also created chaos and confusion for many. Using
Twitter, the most popular micro blogging platform, this paper aims to give a method to ease and smooth the task of
opinion mining with the help of linguistic analysis and opinion classifiers, which will together determine positive,
negative and neutral sentiments for the political parties of Pakistan. A method is provided which pre-processes the
raw data of twitter and comparison of two classification techniques to classify this data. That will aspire to capture a
snapshot of current political scenario to promote the spirit of accountability, self-analysis and improvement in
among Pakistani politicians. Moreover, with this we aim to give general public an important consolidated voice in
the realm of politics.
The Authors. Published
by Elsevier by Elsevier
B.V. This B.V.
is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility ofKES International.
Peer-review under responsibility of KES International
Keywords:Tweepy;Pycharm;Sementic;Opinion Mining

* Corresponding author. E-mail address: ratabgull@yahoo.com

1877-0509 © 2016 Published by Elsevier B.V. This is an open access article under the CC BY-NC-ND license
Peer-review under responsibility of KES International
Ratab Gull et al. / Procedia Computer Science 96 (2016) 1560 – 1570 1561

1. Introduction

General public these days react to political parties by the means of social media. Due to the large number and
diversity of posts these important public reactions are not processed to formulate useful information that can be used
to form a better picture of the public voice in the political scenario. To fill the information gap between public
opinion and correct an accurate summary of a pool of opinion orientations of the country, it provides a unique
opportunity to directly help a common man as well as politically invested individuals and experts seeking
consolidated and easy access to social data.
Two of the most prominent implementations of opinion mining technology are Obama’s Campaign and Indian Prime
Minister Modi Campaign. Obama’s Campaign took social media and the field of opinion mining to a whole new
level, which resulted in the predictions of elections to be only 2.5 % off than the actual result. The significance went
far beyond predicting the winners of the election. His approach amounted to a decisive break with 20th century tools
for tracking public opinions. He revolutionized the field by introducing a new way of using social media to mine
opinions. After this break the field of opinion mining came into the limelight and people began to realize the
importance of opinions on social media and how they can be used to form analysis and predictions. Narendra Modi
is said to be India’s First Social Media Prime Minister. He has declared that social media is the direct form of
information and said that it was social media that gave him the much needed local pulse. The need to utilize social
media to mine opinions has never been this much. In today’s world where everyone posts their opinions online, there
is a great market to utilize these opinions to form proper information.
The people’s opinions can be expressed linguistically in different forms called subjectively, emotions, evaluations,
beliefs, sentiments and speculations. The sentiment analysis can be done from subjectivity detection both
independently or dependently. The research in this area has recently started but the substantial growth in the online
information in the recent years has proved the sentiment analysis a constantly growing area of research where the
efforts of research community are concentrated. It is evident from the research published in the area of sentiment
analysis that it is tedious task not just due to syntactic and semantic variations of language but also due to
involvement and implicit assessments of objects or indirection extraction based on the emotions or attitudes of
Summary of some of the products developed for opinion mining is here. As a part of a study conducted by
Department of Computer Science, NC State University an application by the name of Sentiment Viz was introduced
(see Figure 1). This application uses twitter as its data source to classify tweets into different set of emotional
categories. The tweets are extracted based on keywords.

Figure 1 Sentiment classification defined over the keyword "PTI"

The screenshot of the website shown in Figure 2 is a commercial system aimed for companies and think tanks
looking for user input on different topics and entities. This website uses data from Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn
1562 Ratab Gull et al. / Procedia Computer Science 96 (2016) 1560 – 1570

to formulae results in the mentioned domains.

Figure 2 Marketing page of social baker's analytics section

2. Literature Review

With a sharp increase in the users of social media sites, opinion mining has now become a very well researched
topic among scholars. A publication by Pang and Lee, Foundations and Trends in Information Retrieval 2008,
provides a high level overview of existing techniques and styles adopted for opinion mining. However, not many
studies or development projects based on opinion mining have given much attention to micro blogging and
structured political opinion orientation is almost an undiscovered field. Mentioned below are some major research
and development that has been conducted in the domain of opinion mining over social media. The most important
part of opinion mining is to determine opinion orientation of unit data that can be used to form an opinion summary.
As the key determinants of an opinion are the use of opinion words, many researchers (Hatzivassiloglou, 1997) have
tried to mine such words so that a semantic orientation can be built. A pool of specific dictionary words is used as
seeds and their synonyms and antonyms are used to further streamline the technique. Moreover sentence level
opinion classification has also been explored by (Kim, 2004). Furthermore, different studies have used a pool of
different techniques based on the type of data at hand to mine opinions over different mediums. As determining
positive and negative opinions are learning classification problem by characteristics. The researchers have
investigated different classification techniques to achieve desired accuracy. Another approach of opinion mining is
discussed by (SamanehMoghaddam & Martin Ester, 2013), where the opinion is classified into a quintuple
consisting of target entity, aspect of entity, opinion holder, time when the opinion is expressed and orientation of
opinion. The opinion is classified on the basis of sentiment lexicon but the disadvantage of using lexicon is that it is
domain dependent. In another study conducted by (Wei, 2012) it was found that the opinions were classified into a
holder, target, polarity and auxiliary. After that they also used lexicon classification. In an another research
conducted by (SamanehMoghaddan & Martin Ester, 2012) opinions are classified into quintuples consisting of
target entity, aspect of entity, opinion holder, time but in this they have used a sentiment orientation formula to
classify the opinion. In a publication (Changhua Yang, 2007) the authors discuss using a web blog to mine opinions
based on the emoticons assigned to blog posts to determine the mood of the users. Data was passed through a
classier (SVM and Naïve Bayes) to mine rules and which then classified each unit into positive, negative and neutral
categories. Built on a similar approach in a publication (Alec Go, 2009), Twitter has been used to obtain training
data as the basis of opinion/sentiment classification. After testing a range of well-known classifiers, the authors
determined that Naïve Bayes algorithm provides the most accurate (up to 81%) results on the test set. Another study
on opinion mining was conducted by (Anwar & Rashid, 2013) in which they determined polarity of text and
frequency distribution.
In this paper, we introduce a novel technique to do the opinion mining in political context. To the best of our
knowledge this is the first study to introduce the analysis which provides the results (mined opinion of people) with
Ratab Gull et al. / Procedia Computer Science 96 (2016) 1560 – 1570 1563

respect to the region about any political party of Pakistan.

This process includes these steps Extracting customer feedback, POS tagging from natural language, Extract all
features and their polarity, finding the polarity feature wise and overall polarity using Naïve Bayes probability and
frequency distribution and Finding the polarity of each product with a total of polarity with frequency distribution
by calculating the positive and negative comments.
This paper is organized into five sections. Section 1 provided the introduction about the topic while section
describes the related work done in this area. In section 3, the methodology adopted to extract the information and
perform sentimental analysis is discussed. In section the discussion about the study and results are illustrated. The
conclusion and future work is shown in section 5.

3. Methodology

In order to extract the opinion first of all data is selected and extracted from twitter in the form of tweets. After
selecting the data set of the tweets, these tweets were cleaned from emoticons, unnecessary punctuation marks and a
database was created to store this data in a specific transformed structure. In this structure, all the transformed tweets
are in lowercase alphabets and are divided into different parts of tweets in the specific field. The details about the
steps adopted for the transformation of information are described in next subsections.

3.1 Data Extraction

It was the first step of this whole process. In this python was used as scripting language to extract data from twitter
using a twitter API written in python named tweepy. The data was extracted using names of all the political parties,
names of prominent party members and campaigns along with the major events occurred in that particular time
frame to ensure that the tweets extracted are relevant and according to the requirements. Extracted dataset consisted
of text of the tweet along with the date and time of the tweet.

3.2 Data Transformation

The information extracted from the tweets of selected dataset was in raw form. In order to use them, we had to clean
and transform it into more usable structured dataset to ensure that our next phases of the process are smooth, easy
efficient and effective. For this purpose, following steps shown in Figure 3 were adopted.
1564 Ratab Gull et al. / Procedia Computer Science 96 (2016) 1560 – 1570

Figure 3 Visualization of data transformation process

3.2.1 Tweet cleaning

Tweet cleaning is the first step towards data transformation. This task consists of three subtasks to accomplish this
process. The overview of the subtasks is given following.

x Converting all Tweets into Lower case

We had to convert all tweets to lower case in order to bring the tweets in a consistent form. By doing this,
we can perform further transformation and classification without having to worry about non-consistency of
data. This task is done using python in Pycharm IDE with Lower () function. This function converted all
alphabets in lower case and solved case sensitivity problem by making all data consistent in lower case.

x Removing emoticons and punctuations

We had to remove emotions and punctuations because they were not needed in our analysis. One might ask
why we removed emoticons. We removed them because when they were being extracted they appeared in
the form of square boxes instead of proper emoticons. These garbage values of emoticons were removed by
using “replace” keyword. Replace keyword was used in a way that it replaced all emoticon symbols and
values with an empty space making data clear from useless emoticon mess.

x Removing URL’S:
The very next step is to remove the URL’S, as they provide no information during analysis. URL’s show
links to other webpages and websites. These were of no use so from all tweets these were removed by using
re.sub () in python, which replaced all sentences and sub parts of sentences started from http with blank

3.2.2 Tweet Parsing

After cleaning the data, the selected tweets are then parsed. This is the second and final step of data transformation
and to get this achieved below explained steps were taken

x Extracting Hash tags

As hash tags are the newest trends in voicing opinions and gaining public popularity, we have captured the
essence of hash tags to help us determine the value of the tweet at hand. We know hashtags are those words
Ratab Gull et al. / Procedia Computer Science 96 (2016) 1560 – 1570 1565

which start from number symbol (#) so extracted them using re.findall() from all tweets. This command
extracted all words started from “#” symbol.

x Extracting change of direction indicators:

We needed to save the words which can change meaning and context of the whole sentence like “and” “or”
“but” etc. So we searched all those words and saved them in a separate column that will be used for better
and accurate analysis.

3.3 Database Creation

To prepare storage for saving large amounts of streaming data and to be able to easily reuse required information the
following structure of database was created to facilitate the steps involved in the next phases of this analysis process.
Following figure 4 is representing different fields of the database designed for this process.

Figure 4 Structure of the database to store transformed information

In Figure 4 each block is representing a single field of the database. The first block of the figure is raw tweet; this
column of the database contains the selected data in the form of raw tweets. It is exactly in the same form as it is
extracted from twitter along with the date and time. After performing the data cleaning process it is forwarded to
second phase, which is called Tweet text. It is the second column, which contains only tweet text cleaned from all
emoticons punctuations and numbers only alphabets in lowercase. Hashtags column store all those words which
were highlighted by the user and were appearing in tweets with the ‘#’ symbol. All the nouns appeared in a tweet are
stored in Noun entity field. Time and date of tweets are stored in Timestamp field. Direction change indicators are
all those words which can change context of the whole text like “and”, “or” etc. Hashtag buckets keep record of the
quantity and impact of hash tags in the form of numbers. Location stores location of the tweet and the last block of
the figure, which is Opinion tag, will store positive or negative opinion of the tweet after analysis at the end of
whole process. After the database of the selected tweets is created the next step was collection and organization of
the data set that can be used for training purpose. The details about this process are given in next section.

3.4 Collecting and organizing training data

The main sources of the training data were as follows:

x Selected, filtered and tagged twitter feeds covering major political opinions
x Word stat sentiment dictionary
1566 Ratab Gull et al. / Procedia Computer Science 96 (2016) 1560 – 1570

Figure 5 Composition of training data

Forty per cent of twitter-extracted data was treated as first source of training data, which was used to make
system learn for future analysis and predictions. That data was not used in its raw form instead it was
transformed in to the specific format. The structure of the format is explained in above Figure 5. We gave labels
to the tweets and tagged them on the basis of their polarity. The polarity could be positive and negative words
used in them and what were the neutral entities, which were present in them.
Second source of training data was out self-built dictionaries of positive words, negative words, positive
sentences, negative sentences and famous slangs of political parties.

Figure 6 Explanation of terms used in training data

The Figure 6 is giving details of the context and meaning of the taggers and labels used in training data. For example
if a tweet has positive tag it mean it is giving positive opinion about some party. The neutral tag represents that this
tweet neither gives a negative indication about some party or particular event nor have the positive opinion about
any party. Negative means that tweet having this tag was discussing or expressing negative opinion about any
political party and irrelevant told that this specific tweet is not in the political context. This data is garbage and not
relevant to us.
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3.5 Supervised sentiment taggers

To train our system, we used two different approaches and then compared their result to conclude which one
performed better than the other. The general processes of classification of the tweets along with all the subtasks are
described in Figure 7.

Figure 7 Details of the classification process

We first used Naive Bayes (McCallum Andrew & Kamal Nigam, 1998) approach, which used our training data’s results
to tag test data’s tweets as positive negative or neutral. The Naive Bayes classifier uses the prior probability of each
label, which is the frequency of each label in the training set, and the contribution from each feature. The algorithm
operates on the following principle (see Figure 8):

Figure 8 Mathematical description of used Naive Bayes algorithm

The model of Naïve Bayes classifier was fed with the created trained data and after that classifier was trained to
work on test data which was our remaining sixty per cent extracted data. After getting results from this classifier we
would be able to use transformed tweet text’s results as the basis of producing overall sentiment opinion.
The second approach was used to train system in comparison of Naïve Bayes was Support Vector Machines (Simon
Tong & Daphne Koller, 2002). SVM’s on the basis of features of the data predict a tweet either positive or negative
and if it doesn’t lie under these two tags declare it as neutral along with political party name about which tweet was
posted. We used one verses rest multi category support vector machines method. In this method we trained one
classifier for every political party on the basis of party’s negative and positive slogans, leaders names hashtags were
used in training. First we plotted all the data points in an n dimensional plane, where n was the total number of
1568 Ratab Gull et al. / Procedia Computer Science 96 (2016) 1560 – 1570

features which was in our case and then draw decision boundary to classify all points in different classes, where
each class was representing a different political party. Following Figure 9 is showing pictorial presentation of this

Figure 9 Working of SVM model

The training data was used to train this model, which became capable of classifying unseen test data after training.
The results of this classification could be used further for opinion mining task or data analysis.

4. Results
The above stated model was developed using Python’s natural language processing for programming core, jQuery
for statistical visualization and Sqlite database for storing data. Using this tool we extracted a total of eighty
thousand tweets. Fifty thousand tweets were used as test data and thirty thousand tweets to train the model. The
results we got on the basis of those fifty thousand test tweets are showed by pie charts and bar graphs, which are
given in below Figures 10 and 11. The results showing different facts about political opinions in Pakistan like
positivity of public in different cities towards Pakistan Muslim League (PMLN) are shown by this graph in below
Figure 10.

Figure 10 Visualization of positive opinion about PMLN is different cities

In the same manner another graph in following Figure 11 shows visualization of negative opinion of public for
Pakistan Peoples Party (PPP) in different cities. It is showing that Lahore city have maximum negative opinion
about PPP. This information is giving us insight about a lot of facts, for example that PPP have most vulnerability to
their status in this city and needed to work hard in this city. Moreover, other parties can see this fact from a different
angle that it is easier for them to get a lead as compared to PPP.
Ratab Gull et al. / Procedia Computer Science 96 (2016) 1560 – 1570 1569

Figure 11 Magnitude of negativity about PPP in different cities

The comparison of results of both SVM and Naïve Bayes are shown in following Figure 12. This clearly shows that
SVM is better than the Naive Bayes in terms of classification accuracy. Naive Bayes has an advantages in its
simplicity with respect to SVM, while SVM is bit more complex in classifying the tweets, but overall in our case
SVM perfomed better and gave better accuracy than Naive Bayes.

5. ConclusionandFutureWork
In this paper pre-processing of raw data for a data analysis approach is presented that extracts quantitative and
qualitative information from the social media text selected in the form of tweets in a specific date and time. The
selected dataset is then transformed into more useful structured data. Using Twitter, the most popular micro
blogging platform, the presented approach aims to complete the task of pre-process data for the purpose of opinion
mining with the help of linguistic analysis and opinion classifiers which will together determine positive, negative
and neutral sentiments for any given political party or any event during a specified timeline in Pakistan. This is an
effective technique, which will aspire to convert raw data into useful transformed form to be used for the political
scenario analysis, use for political scenario analysis, to promote awareness and improvement in systems. Moreover,

Figure 12 Comparisons of SVM and Naive Bayes

with this we aim to give general public an important consolidated voice in the realm of politics. Main features of the
presented technique are to extract tweets from Twitter along with their time date and location, then cleaning their
form useless emoticons punctuations. After cleaning process, tweets are eventually stored in a database. Then,
parsing on the whole text into useable datasets is performed with respect to the fields like hashtags, direction words
and hashtag counts. Finally, two classification techniques SVM and Naive Bayes are compared for tweets
classification. We concluded that SVM performed better in this case.
Future work can also be done on the extraction of data from other social media platforms like Facebook and
Instagram. In the next phase the focus will also be given to multimedia data along with the textual information.
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