(Ronald R - Lee, J - Colby Martin) Psychotherapy After Kohut
(Ronald R - Lee, J - Colby Martin) Psychotherapy After Kohut
(Ronald R - Lee, J - Colby Martin) Psychotherapy After Kohut
After Kohut
A Textbook of
Self Psychology
Copyrighted Material
Copyrighted Material
After Kohut
A Textbook of
Self Psychology
Ronald R. Lee
J. Colby Martin
Copyrighted Material
Copyright © 1991 by the Analytic Press
All rights reserved. No part of this book may be reproduced in any form, by
photostat, microform, retrieval system, or any other means, without the prior
written permission of the publisher.
Published by
The Analytic Press
365 Broadway
Hillsdale, NJ 07642
Lee, Ronald R.
Psychotherapy after Kohut : a textbook of self psychology / Ronald
K. Lee, J. Colby Martin.
p. cm.
Includes bibliographical references and indexes.
ISBN 0-88163-129-9
1. Self psychology. 2. Psychotherapy. I. Martin, J. Colby.
II. Tide.
[DNLM: 1. Ego. 2. Psychoanalytic Theory. 3. Psychotherapy. WM
460.5.E3 L479]
RC489.S43143 1991
for Library of Congress 91-31485
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Acknowledgments vii
1 Introduction 1
2 The Magical Covenant 8
3 Freud as Clinician 21
4 Freud’s Mental Apparatus 37
5 Drive and Conflict Theory 50
6 Ferenczi, the Dissident 63
7 The British School 77
8 Metatheory: Theory about Psychotherapy Theory 92
9 Empathic Understanding 105
10 Narcissism 118
11 Mirror Transference 128
12 Idealizing Transference 139
13 Twinship and Merger Transferences 152
14 Selfobject Experiences 167
15 The Self System 178
16 Conflict and Deficit Theories 190
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vi Contents
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2 Chapter 1
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Introduction 3
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4 Chapter 1
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Introduction 5
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6 Chapter 1
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Introduction 7
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The Magical
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The Magical Covenant 9
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10 Chapter 2
Example 1: Mr. J
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The Magical Covenant 11
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12 Chapter 2
“magical fluid” that had a high alcohol content. Then she had to sit
naked and shivering in the cold for 10 minutes before drinking a
pint of fluid. The healer massaged her vigorously with eggs and
with one of his sandals. The woman then dressed, lay down on a
bed, and was covered by blankets. She was thoroughly relaxed. After
the shaman pronounced the cure finished, the patient fell into a
snoring sleep. Eventually, when the woman recovered from her
fever, her hypochondriacal complaints, her nagging of her husband
and relatives, her withdrawal from social contacts, and her anxiety
symptoms all disappeared.
E x a m p l e 3: T h e Miracles at Lourdes
The magical covenant is evident in the healing rites still practiced
in such places as Lourdes, France. There is evidence that some
people who go to Lourdes for their afflictions are helped, tempo-
rarily at least (Weatherhead, 1951). To substantiate the claim of
religious healing, however, the religious authorities at Lourdes have
concentrated on carefully documenting“definite organic illnesses.”
A Dr. de Grandmaison, who studied 20“cures,” lists cases of
pulmonary tuberculosis, cancer of the tongue and the breast,
tuberculosis of the spine, ulcer of the leg of 12 years’ duration,
compound fracture of the leg for eight years, and fracture of the
femur of three months’ standing (Weatherhead, 1951, p. 147).
Example 4: N e w Testament H e a l i n g
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The Magical Covenant 13
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14 Chapter 2
Example 3: Miss Κ
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The Magical Covenant 15
Example 4: Scheduling
Just as impatience over being evaluated and the need for an instant
cure are the signs of Miss K’s wish for an archaic magical covenant,
other signs may occur when the first appointment is set up.
Potential patients seeking a magical covenant often want the
scheduling to suit their convenience, and they expect to receive the
psychotherapist’s services for virtually no fee, even though they can
afford the fee. For example, one morning Dr. F, who worked in a
group practice in Chicago’s loop, received a telephone call from a
woman who had selected his name from the phone book because
his office was convenient to where she worked. She wanted to see
him and bring her boyfriend at 7:30 p.m. that evening but said that
she could not afford to pay more than a nominal fee.
When Dr. F indicated he had other commitments that evening,
but had an opening in his schedule several days later and would see
them for half fee, the woman declined. She could not wait; she had
fought with her boyfriend and wanted someone to confirm, in front
of the boyfriend, that she was right. When Dr. F mentioned two
marriage and family centers, the woman was not interested in a
referral. She then abruptly ended the conversation, obviously
annoyed that Dr. F would not drop everything to meet her need.
The usefulness of the magical covenant cannot be completely
discounted. Torrey (1972, pp. 102-114) provides evidence that
“therapists” from a wide variety of cultures, whether witchdoctors,
priests or psychiatrists, receive roughly the same kind of treatment
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16 Chapter 2
results with their patients. It is possible, then, to make the case that
over the short term, as long as the patient is highly bonded to the
priest’s religious community, the priest with sacraments may be as
effective as the psychiatrist using medications, but without the side
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The Magical Covenant 17
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18 Chapter 2
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The Magical Covenant 19
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20 Chapter 2
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Freud as Clinician
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22 Chapter 3
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Freud as Clinician 23
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24 Chapter 3
Anna Ο, and the case of Frau Emmy Von N, another case, that of
Katharina (Aurelia Kronich), involved a conversation at a mountain¬
top lodge where Freud often vacationed. This case has been
referred to as“wild analysis,” but because such a term conjures up
images of treatment“out-of-control,” Swales (1988) clarifies two
points. First, Freud was not attempting treatment with Katharina. He
was gathering data for his research, and Katharina’s history con
tained a clear example of incest and symptoms of hysteria. Second,
this was not the casual encounter depicted by Freud.
Swales, in an impressive piece of historical research, identifies
the mountain where Freud met Katharina as Raxaple in the Austrian
Alps and traces the ownership of the lodge in the early 1890s to
Gertrude Kronich, the mother of Katharina, who had separated from
her womanizing husband, Julius. Swales makes the convincing case
that Freud, who had climbed this mountain many times, knew a
great deal about the family, including Julius’s inability to leave
women alone. We wonder at the effect on Freud’s growing interest
in free association of Katharina’s unburdening of herself in one
informal session, compared with his wealthy clients who were
trained by upbringing to censor everything they said.
Another patient, Frau Elizabeth Von R (Ilona Weiss), Freud was
unable to hypnotize. Her resistance to hypnotism induced Freud to
use catharsis without hypnosis. Freud’s constant questioning so
irritated her that she criticized him for interrupting her flow of
speech. When he stopped the questioning, Freud found that her
speech flowed freely, and she demonstrated a talent for hermeneuti¬
cal inquiry (Swales, 1986). Hermeneutics is the theory of interpreta
tion developed by biblical scholars to establish the meaning of a
text. It involves an iterative process in which the meaning of a
particular text is determined by its relation to the whole passage,
and then the meaning of the whole is determined by studying
particular texts. The philosopher Dilthy applied hermeneutics to
history. Freud used it working with Frau Elizabeth von R as a part
of what he called free association.
In the case of Frau Lucy R, whom he also could not hypnotize,
Freud used hand pressure on the patient’s head, a holdover from
the laying-on-of-hands technique of the renowned hypnotist
Bernheim and plainly related to well-established religious healing
rituals. Freud then relaxed the pressure and asked the patient to tell
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Freud as Clinician 25
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26 Chapter 3
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Freud as Clinician 27
had an effect; it brought relief, but did not yet produce what Freud
called a“complete restoration.” Psychoanalysis needed to demon
strate permanent changes in a patient if it was to be accepted over
other methods, religious or medical. For example, Freud treated
Frau Emmy Von Ν for approximately seven weeks (six times a
week) and a year later for about eight weeks; then several years
later she urgently sought treatment with someone else. Freud’s early
analytic treatment, nevertheless, created hope.
Most of Freud’s treatments in the beginning of his career were
relatively short. Frau Emmy’s lasted a total of 15 weeks. Lucy R’s
treatment took nine weeks; Elizabeth Von R’s took eight months. On
the other hand, the treatment of Frau Cäcilie Μ was intense: daily
or twice-daily treatments for nearly three years. The challenge to
demonstrate permanent change, however, proved more difficult
than the optimistic Freud and his colleagues anticipated.
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28 Chapter 3
The search for a way to effect permanent change with hysterics led
Freud to publish“ T h e Interpretation of Dreams” (1900). In this
major book, Freud worked from a theory of a conscious and an
unconscious mind (topographic), a theory formed in treating
hysterics as they resisted making their traumatic memories con-
scious. Importantly, this work indicates Freud’s increasing interest
in unconscious wishes and fantasies as well as traumatic incidents
and memories. From“The Interpretation of Dreams” it is clear that
Freud had shifted away from a theory of sexual seduction as the
etiology of hysteria, even though it was not until 1905 that he
publicly renounced it. According to Freud, reports by patients of
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Freud as Clinician 29
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30 Chapter 3
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Freud as Clinician 31
gives her a kiss. Wolf asks if she was sexually aroused, as Freud
claims she must have been. Wolf’s friends, after being told this story,
described her inner state with such adjectives as startled, frightened,
embarrassed, and angry, but not erotically stimulated. Dora herself
said she experienced disgust. Freud, however,“who usually was a
most introspective and empathic analyst, could not or did not really
empathize with Dora” (p. 41). Instead, Freud thought she was
sexually stimulated and that her disgust was simply a manifestation
of a reversal.
Wolf (1980b) writes:
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32 Chapter 3
The Rat Man was a 29-year-old single man who saw Freud for an 11-
month period commencing October 1, 1907. Mahony (1986)
discovered that he was Dr. Ernst Lanzer, previously referred to in
the literature as Paul Lorenz (Lipton, 1977). Dr. Lanzer’s presenting
symptoms“were fears that something might happen to two people
of whom he was very fond—his father and a lady whom he
admired. Besides this he was aware of compulsive impulses—such
as an impulse, for instance, to cut his throat with a razor” (Freud,
1909, p. 158). Freud evaluated this case as follows:
This case, judged by its length, the injuriousness of its effects, and
the patient’s own view of it, deserves to be classed as a moderate-
ly severe one; the treatment, which lasted for about a year, led to
the complete restoration of the patient’s personality, and to the
removal of his inhibitions [p. 155]·
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Freud as Clinician 33
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34 Chapter 3
insight into their own dynamics and can explain the theory behind
their condition, but who retain their symptoms. Clinical experience
suggests that Freud’s success came from other than what he
thought—many following his techniques literally, have not been
able to replicate his results.
Lipton (1977) also confirms Chessick’s position. From a detailed
analysis of the case of Ernst Lanzer (Paul Lorenz), Lipton concludes
that“Freud’s technique in that case was his definitive technique” (p.
255) and was different from the modern classical technique of strict
neutrality. Modern technique, has not been an advance, but a
“disadvantageous” development. The difference between Freud’s
technique in the Lanzer case and modern technique is a“ r e a l
relationship.” Lipton claims that Freud had a real relationship with
his patients separate from any techniques. He thinks“that a central,
important difference between Freud’s technique and modern
technique is the redefinition of technique to incorporate the
personal relationship which Freud excluded from technique” (p.
271). In the Lanzer case, the real relationship is reflected in Freud’s
behavior, which is now criticized by adherents to modern tech-
niques. For example, in the second hour Freud made a self
revelation and introduced general talking; he did not challenge
Lanzer when he got off the couch and paced in the room; he sent
him a postcard signed ‘cordially’; he asked for a photograph of
Lanzer’s lady friend; and he gave Lorenz a meal.
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Freud as Clinician 35
This case has led some therapists astray in that the exposition
emphasizes symbolic and intellectual material; in my opinion,
however, the key to the success of the treatment is Freud’s
personality as well as his interpretation of the patient’sfeelings in
the transference. I cannot help but wonder if such a case—in
which during the second session the dazed and bewildered
patient calls the analyst ‘captain’ and gets up from the sofa—
would these days be considered a suitable case for formal
psychoanalysis [p. 150].
Further support for the idea that the real relationship was the
major therapeutic agent of change in the case of Ernst Lanzer comes
from reports of those who had their training analysis with Freud.
Lipton (1977) states:
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36 Chapter 3
The case of the Rat Man was an important step forward for
Freud and psychoanalysis, even though Freud’s claim at the time
may have been overly optimistic. In the next chapter we turn from
Freud’s clinical experiences, and their theoretical implications to an
exploration of Freud’s theory of the mind. Using the analogy of a
machine, he called the mind a“mental apparatus.” We examine this
model’s philosophical assumptions and in the light of a modern
understanding of the brain’s functions, its inadequacy for the task
given it.
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Freud’s Mental
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38 Chapter 4
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Freud’s Mental Apparatus 39
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40 Chapter 4
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Freud’s Mental Apparatus 41
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42 Chapter 4
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Freud’s Mental Apparatus 43
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44 Chapter 4
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Freud’s Mental Apparatus 45
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46 Chapter 4
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Freud’s Mental Apparatus 47
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48 Chapter 4
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Freud’s Mental Apparatus 49
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Drive and Conflict
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Drive and Conflict Theory 51
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52 Chapter 5
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Drive and Conflict Theory 53
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54 Chapter 5
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Drive and Conflict Theory 55
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56 Chapter 5
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Drive and Conflict Theory 57
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58 Chapter 5
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Drive and Conflict Theory 59
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60 Chapter 5
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Drive and Conflict Theory 61
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62 Chapter 5
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the Dissident
When the analytic phase of his career began in 1907, Ferenczi had
already published about 30 scholarly papers on various subjects in
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64 Chapter 6
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Ferenczi, the Dissident 65
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66 Chapter 6
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Ferenczi, the Dissident 67
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68 Chapter 6
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Ferenczi, the Dissident 69
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70 Chapter 6
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Ferenczi, the Dissident. 71
Mutual Analysis
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72 Chapter 6
Lay Analysis
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Ferenczi, the Dissident 73
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74 Chapter 6
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Ferenczi, the Dissident 75
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76 Chapter 6
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The British
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78 Chapter 7
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The British School 79
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80 Chapter 7
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The British School 81
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82 Chapter 7
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The British School 83
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84 Chapter 7
This was a significant theoretical leap. The ego, that is, self-struc-
tures, not the id, comes first. It took many years for infant studies
to build up substantial observational data to support Fairbairn’s
Several other matters need to be considered in this brief
discussion of Fairbairn’s underrated, often ignored, contribution to
psychotherapy theory. First, Fairbairn used the diagnosis of schizoid
to cover a broad range of character disorders, many of which would
now be diagnosed as narcissistic or borderline. Second, Fairbairn
was the first theorist to challenge Freud’s developmental theory of
growth from narcissism to maturity, that is, from dependence to
To Fairbairn (1951), the self grew from an infantile dependence
through a period of transition to mature dependence (p. 163). The
stage of infantile dependence was characterized predominantly by
an attitude of taking. The transitional stage saw the use of paranoid,
obsessional, hysterical, and phobic techniques. The stage of mature
dependence had an attitude of giving, with accepted or rejected
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The British School 85
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86 Chapter 7
Our technique was worked out for patients who experience the
interpretation as interpretation and whose ego is strong enough
to enable them to “take in” the interpretation and perform what
Freud called the process of “working through” [p. 10].
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The British School 87
she got up from the couch and to her great amazement, did a
perfect somersault without any difficulty” (pp. 128-129). This act
signaled her new beginning.
Such a constructive view of “acting out,” as reflected in the idea
of a new beginning and in Ferenczi’s and Klein’s view of enactment,
involves an understanding that therapeutic regression can be
beneficial. Balint also recognized that it could be malignant, as was
the regression of Breuer’s Anna Ο (Breuer and Freud, 1893-95).
With malignant regression, the patient seeks an external event, a
gratifying action. In the benign form, the patient seeks consent to
use the external world to solve an internal problem. That is,
malignant regression is regression aimed at gratification, whereas
benign regression is aimed at recognition. To Balint, these benign
regressions never had the qualities of despair and passion that
characterize the malignant type. So it was that Balint expanded on
Ferenczi’s (1913) idea of repairing deficits from arrested develop
Balint, like Kohut, rejected Freud’s idea of primary narcissism,
where the infant was incapable of attachment. For him, the concept
of primary narcissism was an unsupported theoretical extrapolation,
whereas secondary narcissism was clinically observable. This
secondary narcissism was largely a response to a disturbed infant
relationship with the mothering “environment.” Instead of experi
encing an early state of primary narcissism, an infant experiences
“primary love,” that is, a state of intense, harmonious relatedness to
the mother-environment. Like Kohut, Balint saw aggression as a
behavior emerging when disjunctures and discontinuities occurred
between the participants in primary love.
Like Fairbairn, Balint saw a person’s development as moving
from archaic dependence to mature dependence. He saw object
relations as developing from a passive, archaic type to a mature
interdependent form of love. Beginning with the earliest stage, the
“work of conquest” transforms the object relationship to one of
mutuality in which the object can no longer be taken for granted
and its own independent and interdependent needs must be
recognized and respected. To achieve such growth and mutuality,
an infant needs a “co-operative partner” (Brandchaft, 1986).
Balint also took an important step in delineating the nature of
pathogenic influence on the development of a person. He not only
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88 Chapter 7
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The British School 89
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90 Chapter 7
Having now completed the first phase of this text covering the
preparers of self psychology, we next explore a basic philosophical
stance that is consonant with self psychology—postempiricism.
Influenced generally by postempiricism, self psychology was able to
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The British School 91
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Theory About
Psychotherapy Theory
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Metatheory: Theory About Psychotherapy Theory 93
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94 Chapter 8
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Metatheory: Theory About Psychotherapy Theory 95
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Metatheory: Theory About Psychotherapy Theory 97
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Metatheory: Theory About Psychotherapy Theory 99
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100 Chapter 8
In the span of just a few years the school of self psychology has
emerged as representing perhaps the most important para-
digmatic shift in psychoanalytic theory and practice in decades. Its
deceptive simplicity belies its conceptual sweep as a major
systematized alternative to classical theory [p. 165].
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Metatheory: Theory About Psychotherapy Theory 101
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102 Chapter 8
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Metatheory: Theory About Psychotherapy Theory 103
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104 Chapter 8
Readings for Chapter 11: Kohut, 1959; Wolf, 1983b; Basch, 1983b;
Chessick, 1985, chapter 18.
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106 Chapter 9
could observe his own inner world and that of another person if
there was also the capacity to introspect vicariously. Such vicarious
introspection he called empathy. Introspection and empathy were
the perceptual tools for the exploration of the world of the
subjective. They were means of observation, of gathering subjective
data. Basch (1986) adds that empathy is a“readiness to experience
what it is the patient is experiencing in the patient’s terms” (p. 25).
Kohut (1959) cited the example of a tall man to describe what
he meant by“vicarious introspection:”
Only when we think ourselves into his place, only when we, by
vicarious introspection, begin to feel his unusual size as if it were
our own and thus revive inner experiences in which we had been
unusual or conspicuous, only then do we begin to appreciate the
meaning that the unusual size may have for this person and only
then have we observed a psychological fact [pp. 207-208].
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Empathic Understanding 107
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Empathic Understanding 109
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Empathic Understanding 111
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Empathic Understanding 113
Kohut (1971) made it clear that empathy is not projection (p. 65).
In classical theory, projection is first and foremost a defense against
drives, but it is also a defense against self-understanding. In contrast
to projection, by vicarious introspection a person tries to imagine
what it is like to be in another person’s shoes. With projection, the
focus is the self; with empathy the motivation is to understand the
other person. Projection as understood classically not only interferes
with understanding another person but is experienced by the
patient as unempathic rejection because there is no obvious effort
to understand.
A second reason empathy is not projection is that empathy
involves the hermeneutic circle; projection does not want such
“feedback.” Trainee therapists, who frequently defensively project
because of fear, are unable to describe clues in support of their
“hunches,” especially those that may indicate what the patient is
feeling. They also miss all but the grossest signs of patient fragmen-
tation as a result of their unempathic projective stance. It is not just
that the projecting therapist misses the clues; there is a basic
resistance to the need for the clues themselves. Those who project
their intrapsychic dynamics tend to be self-righteous personalities
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114 Chapter 9
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Empathic Understanding 115
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116 Chapter 9
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Empathic Understanding 117
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Narcissism 119
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120 Chapter 10
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Narcissism 121
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122 Chapter 10
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Narcissism 123
Creative Activity
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124 Chapter 10
A c c e p t a n c e of T r a n s i e n c e
Capacity for H u m o r
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Narcissism 125
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126 Chapter 10
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Narcissism 127
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Mirror Transference
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Mirror Transference 129
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130 Chapter 11
For example, with one of them, they urinated on each other and
then wallowed in the warmth of the urine.
Another indication of a mirror transference was Mr. I’s wanting
to be admired for the changes he had reported, yet he bemoaned
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Mirror Transference 131
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132 Chapter 11
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Mirror Transference 133
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134 Chapter 11
Countertransference Rejection
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Mirror Transference 135
Mirroring W i t h o u t A c h i e v e m e n t
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Mirror Transference 137
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138 Chapter 11
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F ors
or thousands of years, high-status religious leaders and counsel-
were idealized by persons seeking help. Freud recognized
the importance of idealization, maybe because he had sought a
relationship with a succession of idealized persons in the first part
of his own life (Gay, 1988). He also believed that much of the
temporary improvement in his early analytic cases had occurred
because they sought to please him as the idealized analyst. Balint
(1936) noted that the prospect of termination often triggered a
patient’s renewed yearning for the sustenance of an idealized
Classical analysis, however, relegated the idealizing analytic
experience to the status of a pathological defense in need of
purging. Classical analysts see idealization not as a manifestation of
transference, but as a defense against libidinal drives. Their
technique is to interpret the defensive purpose of idealization to the
patient so that underlying primitive drives, especially aggression,
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140 Chapter 12
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Idealizing Transference 141
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142 Chapter 12
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Idealizing Transference 143
Silent Idealization
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144 Chapter 12
Resistance to Idealization
Defensive Idealization
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Idealizing Transference 145
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146 Chapter 12
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Idealizing Transference 147
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148 Chapter 12
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Idealizing Transference 149
her father. One occurred when the two of them were to go into the
house but did so secretly by ducking down beneath the kitchen
window so that no one in the house would see them returning. The
second occasion was when she went with her father to visit old
cronies, who made a great fuss over her. They said she was
beautiful and intelligent and were delighted with how sweet she
Mrs. A’s response to the loss of her father also suggests the
extent of her trauma. After it,
she was frequently truant from school. She would leave the house
in the morning as if on her way to her classes but instead would
get on a bus, ride from one end of the line to the other, transfer
from one bus to the other, and at last after several hours return
home. Then she would go to her room and read. She felt like a
zombie. Sometimes she would begin to cry—on the bus, or
walking on the street. Once she was so self-absorbed that she
walked into a lamp post and bloodied her face [p. 464].
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Idealizing Transference 151
me here. Nothing was like this before” (p. 477). Early in the
treatment, however, the idealizing transference was revealed by an
increased sense of vitality, which was turned off during vacations
and short breaks in treatment.
There is evidence also of both a twinship and a mirror transfer-
ence, but these are more fleeting than the more “dominant”
idealizing one. In an example of a twinship transference, Mrs. A
said, “If I were not to leave at the end of the hour, I’d not be lying
here, but I’d sit and read and you’d read and we’d be in the same
room. That was the only thing I did with father—except for taking
walks with him. He’d read and I’d read and there’d be no talking
but I knew he was there” (p. 471). In an example of a mirror
transference, she related how she watched a farmer’s son jump from
box to box and look to see if she was watching. Then she said, “I
need to be looked at, I want to be watched the way he wants to be
watched” (p. 471).
While Tolpin’s case does not cover the working through and
termination phases of treatment, its excellent material reflects the
intense process through which patients often pass in overcoming
the shame of wanting an idealized bond to the therapist.
In summary, the ubiquitous idealizing transference is one way
a self with insufficient narcissistic capacities can feel cohered and
energized and can seek to repair the “basic fault.” Other ways are
to form mirror, twinship, or merger transferences or some variation
of all four. Kohut left relatively undeveloped the constructs of the
twinship and merger transferences. These are explored in the next
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Twinship and Merger
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Twinship and Merger Transferences 153
to whom she could relate whenever she felt unsupported and alone.
This patient also remembered a time when as a little girl, perhaps
four years old, she had stood in the kitchen alongside her grandma,
kneading dough (p. 196).
She remembered that at age six her cold and unresponsive
parents had moved away from the grandparent, and, as a conse-
quence, she had experienced terrible feelings of loneliness. She had
replaced the self-validating experiences of the grandmother with a
genie in a bottle to whom she talked. She did not accept Kohut’s
conclusion that he was the genie in the bottle in view of his just-
announced long vacation plans. She claimed that the captive in the
bottle was a twin, just like herself, and understood by her. The
patient’s need was for a silent presence; she would talk to the twin,
but the twin did not have to respond to her. “Just being together
with the twin in silent communion was often the most satisfactory
state” (p. 196). Kohut then saw the significance of so many of the
long silences that had occurred in the treatment: they were not
resistances but a beneficial twinship experience the patient was
ashamed of needing.
To Kohut, the twinship transference is the “third chance” for a
cohesive nuclear self, because in it the experience of sameness or
likeness serves the function of acquiring skills and “tools.”
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Twinship and Merger Transferences 155
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shared values, but left unresolved the need for twinship affirmation
that had formerly been taken care of through sibling relationships
and membership in an extended family or tribal structure. The basic
human need for twinship, that is, the experience of sameness,
becomes exacerbated in a society that stresses autonomy and
individualism. Self psychology’s increasing emphasis on the twinship
selfobject function arises from treating patients with neglected
childhood needs that manifest themselves in the transference
because of arrested development.
The more archaic the twinship transference, the more it
approaches a merger transference (Kohut, 1984). In clinical practice,
however, it is useful, even if somewhat artificial, to distinguish
between the two. There is in the twinship experience a great deal
of perceived concordance between the thoughts feelings and
behaviors of the two partners, but there is not a complete, overlap-
ping correspondence. In the merger transference, the one needing
the merger experience expects a total and complete concordance,
and any kind of difference or individuation not only is intolerable
to the patient, but is experienced as wounding. Such merger
transferences are much more archaic and difficult for the therapist
to manage than is the twinship transference.
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160 Chapter 13
the other, and both perceive themselves in control of the other, for
different reasons.
The mutual merging explains the sticky enmeshment generally
encountered in such a relationship. The “sadist’s” experience of
being in control is obvious. The “masochist’s” more covert,
subjective sense of control can be seen in an ability to get the
“sadist” enraged any time it is necessary for the masochist to affirm
the sense of being in control and hence feel cohesive. Kohut’s
theory also satisfactorily explains why both the “sadist” and
“masochist” stay locked in such a mutual control arrangement; a
subjective sense of control is necessary for maintaining a sense of
self-cohesion in each of the participants in mutual merging.
The clinical observation of the frequent presence of pain in
merger-prone persons is an accurate one. Further, it is easy to
understand why the prevailing pre-Kohutian interpretation was that
the sadist enjoyed inflicting pain and humiliation and that the
masochist took pleasure from such pain and humiliation, since both
persons so actively contribute to the pattern. While there seems to
be a“payoff”for the pain and humiliation of a masochistic recipient,
it is not in a pleasure but as a defense against fragmentation.
Physical pain may be provoked when the fantasy of control is lost
and fragmentation feared and when masochistically sought pain is
needed to overcome the feelings of inner deadness. Pain under
these circumstances is an example of the process of concretization.
It is a concrete, external response to an inner experience of
Many patients develop an archaic merger transference in
psychotherapy. The prime requirement of such a transference is that
the therapist accept this merger and all the behaviors that accompa-
ny it that test out the patient’s experience of being in control. As
Chessick (1985) says,
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162 Chapter 13
T h e Case o f Mr. Z
Mr. Z’s analysis took place in two installments, each conducted five
times a week and lasting about four years and separated by an
interval of five and one half years. During the first installment,
Kohut interpreted the material from a classical analytic position.
During the second installment, which began while he was writing
his “Forms and Transformations of Narcissism” (1966) and ended
while he was immersed in writing The Analysis of Self (1971), he
viewed the patient’s material differently, from a self psychology
When Mr. Z began treatment, he was a graduate student in his
mid-20s. His father had died four years before, and he lived with his
widowed mother. A few months before Mr. Z consulted with Kohut,
an unmarried friend with whom he had been close since high
school formed a relationship with an older woman. This friend not
only excluded the patient from the relationship with this woman, he
also became less interested in seeing Mr. Z.
Mr. Z’s masturbation fantasies were masochistic. In these he
performed menial tasks submissively for a domineering woman. He
always reached sexual climax after imagining being forced into the
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164 Chapter 13
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166 Chapter 13
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Selfobject Experiences
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168 Chapter 14
the self. Kohut realized that the self, to remain adaptive and
cohesive, always needed selfobjects.
Grotstein’s claim (1983) that “the subject of selfobjects has a
long history” (p. 186) alerts us to the fact that Kohut’s idea was not
entirely original. Not only did Klein and Fairbairn have a similar
idea, but Freud’s concept of secondary identification was close to it.
Terman (1980) also points out that “there is a great similarity
between the experience which they [Balints] describe as primary
love and Kohut’s description of a selfobject relationship” (p. 354).
Further, Boyer and Giovacchini (1967) came close to the idea of a
selfobject by acknowledging the analyst’s function as an “adjunctive
ego” or “alter ego” in borderline and schizophrenic cases.
Notwithstanding that Kohut’s idea of a selfobject was foreshad-
owed, no one else placed the construct at the center of a theory of
psychotherapy. Nor did anyone give it the specificity, with clinical
examples of idealizing, mirroring, twinship and merger that Kohut
did. Further, the ideas of others never led to sweeping changes in
the theory and practice of psychotherapy or to the prospects of even
further change, that Kohut’s emphasis on the selfobject achieved.
Kohut’s interest in the selfobject needs evident in the narcissis-
tic transferences eventually culminated in The Analysis of the Self
(1971), in which he said, “The subject matter . . . is the study of
certain transference or transferencelike phenomena in the psycho-
analysis of narcissistic personalities, and the analyst’s reaction to
them” (p. 1). Kohut’s clinical experience with patients who had
idealizing or mirroring transferences led him to see, initially, that
there are two kinds of selfobjects:
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Selfobject Experiences 169
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Selfobject Experiences 171
Case Illustration
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Selfobject Experiences 173
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Selfobject Experiences 175
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Bringing together as it does the self and the object, the selfobject
concept suggests a system—something I have called a“contextual
unit”—between patient and analyst (Schwaber, 1979). It is
therefore not to be viewed as a construct pertaining exclusively
to failures of differentiation between self and object or to a failed
recognition of the autonomy of each, but more fundamentally as
one which recognizes the immediacy of the surround as intrinsic
to the organization and perception of intrapsychic experience [p.
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Selfobject Experiences 177
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The Srlelf System
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The Self System 179
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180 Chapter 15
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The Self System 181
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182 Chapter 15
Stern’s (1985) studies of infants a few days old made him aware that
they were born with a capacity to distinguish the invariants from the
variants in their“surround.” He concluded that“an invariant pattern
of awareness is a form of organization. It is the organizing subjec-
tive experience of whatever it is that will later be verbally refer-
enced as the ‘self’” (p. 7).
Stern sees the self as emerging as a more complex entity
through what he calls“domains of relatedness” rather than phases
or stages. By avoiding the concept of stages, he is being careful not
to reflect a mechanistic, deterministic drive theory. These domains
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The Self System 183
are the emergent self from birth to two months; the core self
during the two-month to eight-month period; the subjective self
from the eight-month to fifteen month period; the verbal self from
fifteen months to about thirty-six months; and then the narrative
We shall not discuss in detail here these five domains of related¬
ness. However, the idea of a core self as conceived by Stern merits
discussion because of its association to Kohut’s nuclear self. These
two concepts, core self and nuclear self, may sound interchangeable,
but they are“shorthand” for different processes. According to Stern,
the differentiation of the infant from the mother occurs during the
period between two and seven months, not later, as classical
analysts and Mahler believe. A core self experience and an experi-
ence of being separated from others are two facets of the same
process. Merger experiences (see chapter 13, this volume) are
secondary to and dependent on an already existing sense of self and
other. Major invariants of the core self are (1) self as agency
(control), (2) self as coherence, (3) self as affectivity, and (4) self as
history (memory).
Self as Agency
Self as Coherence
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184 Chapter 15
Self as Affects
Stern points out that the invariants of affect are (1) the proprio-
ceptive feedback from particular motor outflow patterns, to the face,
respiration, and vocal apparatus; (2) internally patterned sensations
of arousal or activation; and (3) emotion-specific qualities of feeling.
(Understanding the function of affects in human development is so
important that we devote chapter 21 to the subject.)
Self as History
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The Self System 185
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The Self System 187
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The idea that the self, a product of earlier givens and previous
selfobject experiences, continues to be shaped by emergent
givens and new self–selfobject encounters, suggests that the self
is, throughout the life cycle, a self in transition, a changing self
[Tolpin, 1986, p. 116].
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The Self System 189
Readings for Chapter 16: Kuhn, 1962; Hanly and Masson, 1976;
Stolorow, 1983; London, 1985; Curtis, 1986.
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Conflict and Deficit
S elftreating
psychology’s new theoretical constructs and its successes in
narcissistic disorders posed a major problem for
psychoanalysis. At first self psychology’s ideas broadened the scope
of psychoanalysis by adding new theory, but as this new theory
grew, the ideas of self psychology became a major complement to
drive theory. They became such a major complement that eventually
self psychology was proposed as an entirely new paradigm, able to
explain neurotic conflicts as well as narcissistic deficits.
Most psychoanalytic theorists were able to accept self psycholo-
gy’s broadening of psychoanalysis, and even saw its potential as a
major addition to drive-conflict theory. In general, however, they
rejected self psychology as a radically new paradigm. Psychoanalysis’
acceptance or rejection of self psychology’s ideas often focused on
the contrast between conflicts or deficits in psychic structure. In
what follows we examine the concept of structural deficit under (a)
deficit theory, (b) critical responses, (c) complementarity, (d) new
paradigm, and (e) scientific revolution.
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192 Chapter 16
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Conflict and Deficit Theories 193
different theoretical models are often needed for the same patient
at different stages of treatment. Such a multiplicity of theories
applicable for a stage of treatment on the same patient points to the
need for an overarching theoretical frame for making decisions
about the use of a specific model. The hierarchical model of Gedo
and Goldberg is one way out of this quandary.
A hierarchical model of the mind that incorporated disparate
theories within its overarching frame paved the way for Kohut to
explore self psychology as a distinctive paradigm unencumbered by
drive theory. In The Restoration of the Self, Kohut (1977) sharpened
the distinction between structural conflict and structural deficit
theories by dropping drive-discharge concepts to explain the treat-
ment of narcissistic patients and by introducing the concepts of
Guilty Man and Tragic Man.
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Curtis (1986), too, thinks that conflict and deficit are two different
levels of conceptualization.
Gediman (1989), however, concerned about the polarization
occurring in psychoanalysis over the issue of self psychology,
supports the idea of a psychoanalytic theory broad enough to
permit multiple points of view. Asserting that clinical material
suggests that the two points of view are not mutually exclusive, she
writes, “Both phenomena, the neurotic and the narcissistic, and their
underlying intrapsychic, prestructural and preoedipal and oedipal
conflicts may be seen as essential features of all patients, granted in
varying degrees” (p. 296).
Chessick (1980b), however, cautions:
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Conflict and Deficit Theories 203
Readings for Chapter 17: Gill, 1951, 1954, 1984; Bibring, 1954;
Stone, 1954; Kohut, 1980; Wallerstein, 1986, chapters 37-39.
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Psychoanalysis and
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Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy 205
Until the 1950s, the word psychotherapy was used in two ways:
“First as a broad term to include all types of therapy by psychologi-
cal means, under which psychoanalysis is included, and second in
a narrow sense to designate methods of psychological therapy
which are not psychoanalysis” (Gill, 1954, p. 772). This usage
followed the lead of Freud, who “at times used the term ’psycho-
therapy’ in its historical inclusive sense, or for psychoanalysis,
or—when referring to ‘other’ psychotherapies—for explicitly
nonanalytic procedures” (Stone, 1954, pp. 572-573). Such usage
implied a distinction between psychoanalysis and psychotherapy as
specific treatment modalities but did little to clarify the differences.
By the 1950s the vagueness of the distinction between psycho-
therapy and psychoanalysis was a problem. In the aftermath of
World War II, the field of psychotherapy, and especially psychoanal-
ysis, gained widespread acceptance and status. With psychoanalysis’
dominance in Departments of Psychiatry, its “task became to
facilitate its growth while continuing to prevent its identity from
being blurred” (Rangell, 1981, p. 665).
The threat of blurring came from several quarters. A major
challenge came from Alexander and French (1946) who modified
psychoanalysis to a “corrective emotional experience” at the
expense of insight, and dropped what they considered to be an
artificial distinction between psychoanalysis and psychotherapy.
Alexander (1953) infuriated the psychoanalytic establishment with
his claim that the distinction between these two therapeutic modes
was maintained, not on theoretical grounds, but for professional
prestige. Coming from the President of the Institute for Psychoanaly-
sis, Chicago, his challenge could not be ignored.
Although Alexander and French posed a danger to established
psychoanalysis from within, they were not the only challenge.
Fromm-Reichmann (1950), from her work with borderlines and
psychotics, also saw that the “widening scope” of psychoanalysis
made it barely distinguishable from intensive psychotherapy.
Furthermore, at the “weller” end of the nosological spectrum, Carl
Rogers’s success using short-term counseling of college students
raised serious doubts about the supreme efficacy of the in-
sight/structural model.
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It might have been felt that the major conflicts that constituted the
particular neurotic illness of a patient could only be resolved
through psychoanalysis, and that various desired and specified
changes would otherwise not occur. If the patient, for reality
reasons, were in only a once-a-week psychotherapy, and some of
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Psychoanalysis and Psychotherapy 213
Percentage of Global Improvement
by Treatment Mode
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214 Chapter 17
Mean Scores of the HSRS
Modality Before After
(2+ yrs.)
Psychotherapy 43 56.5 58
Psychoanalysis 48 62 65
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216 Chapter 17
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218 Chapter 17
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Transference as
Organizing Principle
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Chapter 18
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Transference as Organizing Principle 225
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Transfererice as Organizing Principle 227
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Transference as Organizing Principle 229
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[Kohut] came to see the role of the analyst and the stance he
adopts, which determines what he does and does not, what he
says or what he refrains from saying, as an immanent force in
principle and not simply as a factor of occasional and intrusive
countertransference [p. 240].
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Transference as Organizing Principle 233
Stolorow and his colleagues (1987) also see the idea of concretiza-
tion as an important construct for a psychoanalytic science of human
experience. They define concretization as the “encapsulation of
organizations of experience by concrete sensorimotor symbols” (p.
132). Concretization explains a variety of psychological phenomena,
Neurotic Symptoms
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234 Chapter 18
from the idea that the use of concrete sensorimotor symbolism was
at the core of symptom formation.
Atwood and Stolorow (1984) give a clinical example of con¬
cretization. A 33-year-old woman in the midst of a four-year
treatment reported a new symptom—a tightening of her throat and
a difficulty with swallowing—that coincided with recent successes
she had in comparison with some other women. Investigation
uncovered childhood feelings of guilt whenever she presented her
chronically depressed mother with a success. The patient reported,
“Whenever I brought home an ‘A’ from school . . . it was like
shoving my success down my mother’s throat” (p. 86). As Atwood
and Stolorow point out, “the sensorimotor symbolism of the throat
encapsulated her sense of guilt over the injury her success might
inflict on her mother, and the concretization served the purposes
of atonement and self-punishment” (p. 87).
Symbolic Objects
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Transference as Organizing Principle 235
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238 Chapter 19
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Structuralization 239
Freud was able to retain drive theory and yet hold a view of
identification associated with what he believed was the pivotal
loss/wound of childhood—with oepidal defeat. To Freud, then,
internalization accompanies the identification that occurs from a
significant object loss.
Goldberg (1990) is critical of Freud’s view of internalization
because of its “storehouse” theory of mental representations. Such
a theory involves the storing and retrieving of perceptions about the
world. Representations are meant to be an accurate record of
everything that takes place, gradually filling the empty mind of the
child. As Goldberg notes, “The infant has no ideas until they are
given, no words until they are taught: the infant has no sense until
instructed” (p. 95). The purpose of such representations is to avoid
the inconvenience of literally carrying around the objects of the
world to use as a comparison, but they serve the same function. A
representation, as a substitute or stand-in, is an inner “picture” of an
outer phenomenon.
Freud’s concept of the mind as internalized representations is
considered by modern theorists as too simplistic and too limiting.
Only some parts of language, speech, and thought are connected to
internal pictures. According to Friedman (1980), internalization
involves high-level abstractions that have been heavily influenced by
theory. “Thus, representations are not records of raw experience as
much as they are inferences from a person’s experience” (Goldberg,
1990, p. 100). They are not the same as memory.
Representations involve unconscious organizing of experience.
Hence, searching for repressed representations in a classically
conducted psychoanalysis must inevitably lead to frustration. In
contrast to this storehouse theory of representation is connection
theory. As Goldberg states, “Connection theories are, in contrast, not
corrective; they do not assume that the world is initially copied and
periodically compared, but rather that it is continuously formed” (p.
112). If a theory of internalization is to be retained, it needs to be
different from Freud’s theory of representations.
Hartmann (1939) had a different view from Freud’s. As he con-
ceived it, internalization is a process through which autonomous
self-regulation replaces regulation from the external environment.
Kohut (1971) utilized Hartmann’s idea to conceptualize internaliza-
tion as the process by which the selfobject functions needed by
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240 Chapter 19
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Structuralization 241
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242 Chapter 19
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Structuralization 243
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244 Chapter 19
into his privacy and a reluctance to have the information sent, the
patient acceded to the therapist’s answering the insurance compa-
ny’s questions.
Two sessions afterward, the patient arrived 15 minutes late. He
was clearly depressed. He had been rejected for the disability
policy, and his insurance agent blamed the therapist. When the
patient suspiciously asked about the diagnosis, the therapist said “It
was ’dysthymic disorder’ as we had discussed.”
Exploration confirmed that Mr. B was angry because he was
experiencing the therapist as not supporting him. He also experi-
enced painful, resurrected feelings of anger with a father who had
never supported him against the irrational control of his mother.
The therapist did not defend his own behavior or apologize. He
said that the patient was experiencing him (the therapist) as failing
him. After the patient had confirmed these feelings, the therapist
indicated a willingness to write a detailed letter to the insurance
company, supporting the liability insurance request and stating that
the patient was a low disability risk because he had sought psycho-
therapy and had a good prognosis. This offer was accepted and a
letter sent. Two sessions later the patient’s spontaneous flow of
material indicated that the bond had been repaired.
Even though the concept of structuralization, when viewed as
internalization or introjection, has dangers of spatial and physical-
istic reification, the subjective experience of having a nourishing,
sustaining presence “inside” seems to have brought great comfort
and been of immeasurable help to countless human beings
throughout history. Khan (1974) for example, wrote that the famous
“Montaigne established a private space in his library at Chateau de
Montaigne for himself, and in this space he lived through an
extremely devout relationship to an inner presence” of his dead
friend La Boetie (p. 102).
Before Montaigne, everything in human self-experience had
found its authenticity through an experience of God. This seculariza-
tion of self-experience was “Montaigne’s unique contribution
towards the epistemology of self-experience” (p. 103). It was a
revolutionary step, and it reminds us that “in the medieval ages, it
was not unknown for persons of sensibility and imagination to
retreat into monastic orders and concentrate on their self-experi-
ence in the presence of God” (p. 103). Such a phrase as the
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Structuralization 245
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246 Chapter 19
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Structuralization 247
king, George III. If the military forces of the 13 colonies had been
successful in the initial campaigns—Breed’s Hill and Long Is-
land—the result would have been 13 independent countries that
had temporarily united for a common task. The sovereignty of each
state would have remained unchanged.
As it was, the protracted eight-year struggle led to a permanent
army (Continental), whose formation became the first executive
function of a new corporate entity, the federal government. The
states resisted the symbolic representation of the emerging
nation—the army—by refusing to pay into the common treasury
from their taxes. They used the “power of the purse” to resist giving
up some state sovereignty. The army’s development forced structur-
al change over an eight year period that was difficult, indeed
impossible, for the states to reverse.
Structuralization becomes an issue in the corporate world under
the concept of “vertical integration” (Schonberger, 1982, p. 173).
With vertical integration, a major manufacturing corporation, for
instance, takes over the production of a part that was previously
made by one of its vendors. Options involved in this process
illustrate the differences between internalization as incorporation
and structuralization. Sometimes the manufacturer buys the vendor
company and manufacturers the part using the ex-vendor employees
in a move similar to incorporation. The manufacturer is then in a
position to control more closely the production of the part. Often
such vertical integration is precipitated by serious, repeated failures
by the vendor to supply a quality part on time and in accurate
Even when a frustrated manufacturer seeks vertical integration,
the vendor firm, or another suitable vendor firm with a capacity to
produce the part, may not be for sale. The manufacturer may then
set up a department to manufacture the part. That is, influenced by
the experience with and knowledge of the vendor’s operations, the
manufacturer organizes (structures) the production of the part
within its own manufacturing plant. Thus, the business world
conceives of corporate structuralization as taking place both with
and outside the process of incorporation of the vendor into a larger
organization. More often than not, the structuralization involved in
vertical integration takes over the functions previously performed
by the vendor, without incorporating the vendor as a total unit
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Structuralization 249
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Negative Therapeutic
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Negative Therapeutic Reactions 251
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252 Chapter 20
case of the Wolf Man. The Wolf Man “never gave way to fresh ideas
without one last attempt at clinging to what had lost value for him”
(p. 68). The Wolf Man
I dreamt that it was night and that I was lying in my bed. (My bed
stood with its foot towards the window; in front of the window
there was a row of old walnut trees. I know it was winter when
I had the dream, and night-time). Suddenly the window opened
of its own accord, and I was terrified to see that some white
wolves were sitting on the big walnut tree in front of the window.
There were six or seven of them. The wolves were quite white,
and looked more like foxes or sheep-dogs, for they had big tails
like foxes and they had their ears pricked like dogs when they
pay attention to something. In great terror, evidently of being
eaten up by the wolves, I screamed and woke up (Freud, 1918, p.
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Negative Therapeutic Reactions 253
The Wolf Man was very disturbed when, aged 23, he com-
menced his first session with Freud. The Wolf Man began by saying,
“This man is a Jewish swindler; he wants to use me from behind
and shit on my head” (Fish, 1989, p. 526). Years later, he said of
Freud,“ I had the feeling of encountering a great personality,”
something that we would now identify as a powerful idealizing
transference (Blum, 1974, p. 737). He also said that Freud would
“occasionally let fall some remark which bore witness to his
complete understanding of everything I had experienced” (Gardi-
ner, 1971, p. 138). Freud intuitively kept the idealizing transference
alive by making the Wolf Man feel less like a patient and more like
a co-worker. The Wolf Man experienced Freud’s behavior as
empathic. Freud also mentioned that a period of“long education”
was needed to facilitate the analysis of the Wolf Man.
For four months in 1919, Freud had further analytic sessions
with a demoralized Wolf Man, now a penniless refugee from the
Russian revolution, and helped him attain a relatively adequate level
of adult functioning. Remarkably, Freud also took up a collection
every spring for six years so that the Wolf Man could pay his wife’s
hospital bills and take a vacation. Clearly, Freud’s special treatment
encouraged Pankejeffs perception of being“Professor Freud’s
famous patient.”
In 1923, upon learning of Freud’s operation for a malignancy,
the Wolf Man became hypochondriacal and showed other signs of
self-fragmentation. This decompensation lasted until 1926, when the
Wolf Man was referred to Ruth Mack Brunswick. Brunswick forced
the patient to confront his rage about having been abandoned by
Freud, not only through Freud’s referral to her, but as a conse-
quence of the destruction, by Freud’s illness, of the illusion of
omnipotence required of an idealized parental imago (Gardiner,
Blum (1974) claims that the Wolf Man had a borderline
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254 Chapter 20
She told her children she was taking them to town to see
something pleasant; but there the innocently expectant children
were taken aback to observe their father, absent for several
months, now pitiful looking and recuperating in a sanatorium [p.
Magid (in press) has reexamined the Wolf Man from a self
psychology perspective. He sees a narcissistic person forever“at the
mercy of those who could promise some enlivening mixture of
excitement, idealization, attention, and maintenance.” Like Mahony,
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Negative Therapeutic Reactions 255
Once Freud arranges the stage of the primal scene, the entire
drama unfolds within a psychic reality from which there is no
egress. Freud constructs this passionate play. He creates it. Out of
what? Primarily out of dream material allegedly fashioned by a
four-year-old child and remembered twenty years later. Yet, to say
that from his patient’s recollection of a dream Freud builds a
primal scene misleads us somewhat. The dream text, of course,
did not manifestly reveal such an episode. No, Freud’s interpreta-
tion reveals, or, rather, creates, this mise en scène. And how is this
interpretation confirmed? Never directly; historical interpretation
can never be confirmed. And the reality that would confirm it by
correspondence is simply non-existent [p. 110].
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Behind the precipitating injury, an old and decisive one had been
exacerbated. The intense drama reenacted before me [with the
negative therapeutic reaction] was a condensed, encapsulated, and
updated version of a host of earlier nuclear experiences in which
these patients, as children, had desperately attempted to get a
parent to see things from their point of view. These were efforts
to salvage and restore a needed and cherished part of a sinking
self and to keep open a developmental channel. The parents,
however, had insisted that these children see things from the
parents’ more “objective” view, always for the children’s own
ultimate good [p. 351].
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260 Chapter 20
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Negative Therapeutic Reactions 261
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262 Chapter 20
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Negative Therapeutic Reactions 263
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Affects 265
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266 Chapter 21
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Affects 267
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268 Chapter 21
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Affects 269
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270 Chapter 21
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Affects 271
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272 Chapter 21
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Affects 273
Case Illustration # 1
clarified his fears that she, like his mother, would find his feelings
intolerable and unacceptable and would thus respond to them
with spreading panic or angry belittlement,or become emotional-
ly disturbed herself. Through this repeated analysis in the
transference of Steven’s resistances to depressive affect and the
anticipated, extreme dangers that made them necessary, the
therapist gradually became established for him as a person who
would comprehend, accept, tolerate, and aid him in integrating
these feelings [p. 84].
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274 Chapter 21
Case Illustration #2
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Affects 275
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276 Chapter 21
Readings for Chapter 22: Freud, 1917e; Balint, 1969; Krystal, 1978;
Ulman and Brothers, 1988, chap. 1.
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278 Chapter 22
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Trauma 279
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280 Chapter 22
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Trauma 281
Frank, Turner, Stewart, Jacob, and West (1981) found that victims
with histories of psychiatric treatment had poorer initial adjust-
ment than those without such histories. Atkeson et al. (1982)
reported similar findings in that pre-rape history of anxiety,
depression, or physical health problems was modestly predictive
of post-rape depression, while the amount of [apparent] trauma
that occurred during the rape itself was not predictive of subse-
quent depression. The McCahill et al. (1979) study also found that
victims with pre-rape history of adjustment problems had more
severe post-rape problems [p. 121].
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282 Chapter 22
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Trauma 283
By the time Fran entered school, her trust, respect, and admira-
tion for both parents had been repeatedly shaken. Again and
again, her mother had rebuffed her efforts at closeness. Again and
again, she had submitted to her father’s bizarre sexual demands.
They were, in other words,figureswho constantly interfered with
Fran’s need to unconsciously enact a fantasy of idealized merger
with omnipotent parental imagos. In addition, her parents were
grossly unempathic to Fran’s need for mirroring . . . .
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284 Chapter 22
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Trauma 285
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286 Chapter 22
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Trauma 287
symptoms of stress are going through massive denial that will later
manifest as psychopathology. A theory of trauma with the selfobject
factor as the key does not hold that everyone will be traumatized by
a catastrophic event. Many, of course, will be traumatized, and
almost immediately show symptoms of trauma. Others exposed to
the stressor event and traumatized by it, but who disavow what has
happened, will have a delayed reaction to their traumatic experi
ence. Some, however, may not be traumatized in any significant way
as the following case illustrates:
Case Illustration
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288 Chapter 22
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Trauma 289
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290 Chapter 22
Not everyone reacts in this way, of course. But for many, despite
their hunger to be understood empathically and their need for
cohesive selfobject experiences, the fear of being retraumatized is
so great that they resist the very experience they most need. Anna
Ornstein (1974) offered a similar idea with her concept of the
“dread to repeat,” specifically“the ‘dread to repeat’ archaic infantile
defense patterns” (p. 232), because she sees these archaic defenses
as being“in response to childhood narcissistic traumata” (p. 232).
It is clear, however, that she views the dread as associated with both
retraumatization and the archaic defenses that accompany it.
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Trauma 291
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Mutual Influence
T with
he clinical experience of patients needing a selfobject bond
the therapist raises questions about their early childhood.
Specifically, what was their interactive pattern with mother in the
early months of life? The mother/infant studies by Beebe and
Lachmann (1988) offer some answers. This chapter uses their
material extensively, but not exclusively, to discuss mutual influence
under the following topics: (a) theory of early infancy, (b) multi-
modal evidence, (c) self- and object representations, (d) matching
communication, (e) aversive interaction, (f) coactive and alternating
matching, and (g) psychotherapy.
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Mutual Influence Theory 293
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294 Chapter 23
Sleep–Wake States
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Mutual Influence Theory 295
Affective E n g a g e m e n t
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296 Chapter 23
Later analysis of 16mm films made from the tapes, pairs of frames
at a time, and use of a scale of“affective engagement” revealed
action patterns. These patterns showed an inexact matching of
emotional engagement, but mother and infant matched each other’s
direction of engagement change, both increasing and decreasing.
That is, they each tracked the process of change in the other. More
than this, a statistical time series regression analysis showed that
each partner influenced the other to follow his or her own
direction of affective change.
Tronick, Als, and Brazleton (1980) also conducted a study on
affect engagement and came to a similar conclusion. Viewing the
split-second by split-second affective involvement between mother
and infant in play at around three months, by noting positive or
negative responding, they found that the changes in involvement
tended to be simultaneous (coactive) rather than on an alternating
(reactive) basis.
Affective communication is critical to the guidance of an infant
in a social referencing situation. Researchers (for example, Emde et
al., 1978) placed year-old infants in uncertain situations, such as at
the brink of an apparent cliff. The infants were lured by an attractive
toy to crawl across a“visual cliff’ created by placing a thick piece
of glass over a real drop off. Infants facing this uncertain situation
look toward mother to read her face for its affective content to see
how they should feel. When the mother follows the instructions to
show facial fear, the infant turns back. When the mother’s face
shows encouragement, the infant crawls across to the toy.
Condon and Sander (1974) present evidence that infants move their
bodies in precise unison with adult speech. Even though Dowd and
Tronick (1983) failed to replicate this finding, other investigators
have discovered movements where both partners are synchronized.
Stern (1974), for instance, discovered simultaneous head movement
in three-month-old twins interacting with their mother. Perry (1980)
found coordination of the changes in the direction of head
movement with no noticeable lagtime by either partner. Beebe
(1985) reports that
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Mutual Influence Theory 297
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298 Chapter 23
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Mutual Influence Theory 299
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300 Chapter 23
During the chase and dodge behaviors of mother and infant, the
mother demonstrated signs of negative affect:“ S h e grimaced,
frowned, bit her lip, and thrust her jaw out” (p. 16). When finally
the infant went limp, so did the mother. Only in this way could the
infant induce the mother to lower her level of stimulation. This pair
was obviously“misattuned” even though they were still relating to
each other. The infant’s dodges and averting his head influenced the
mother to increase her stimulation.“The infant comes to expect that
he cannot benefit from his mother’s participation in the manage-
ment of his affect-arousal states” (p. 19). The infant was able to calm
himself down only by moving away.
At a public lecture in Chicago using the“chase and dodge” film,
Beebe remarked that the mother of the infant had been eager to
please the researchers. We believe that whatever the reason for the
mother’s need to please the researcher, whether that Reebe was a
displaced parental figure or that the play session reflect well on her,
or some other reason, her need obviously took priority over the
infant’s needs, thus leading to prolonged unempathic pressure on
the infant to perform. This pressure may have been experienced by
the infant as an intrusive, persecutory pattern of interaction. The
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Mutual Influence Theory 301
infant’s dodge behavior may also have been a refusal by the infant
to be a selfobject for the mother.
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302 Chapter 23
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Mutual Influence Theory 303
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Toward a General
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Toward a General Theory 305
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306 Chapter 24
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Toward a General Theory 307
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308 Chapter 24
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Toward a General Theory 309
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310 Chapter 24
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Author Index
A Beach, F., 57
Beebe, B., 115, 123, 242, 246, 291, 292,
Abraham, K., 256 294-301
Aichhorn, A., 140, 146 Bergen, M., 279
Alexander, F., 61, 67, 205, 206, 210, 221 Bergman, A., 293
Allport, G., 212 Bexton, W., 40
Als, H., 295, 296 Bibring, E., 49, 51, 203, 206
Anderson, B., 294 Biegler, J., 34
Anderson, J., 89 Bloch, D., 279
Applebaum, S., 214, 215 Blum, H., 198, 253
Applegarth, A., 53 Boisen, A., 17
Arlow, J., 267 Bowen, M., 248
Atwood, G., 7, 101-103, 107, 120, 166, Boyer, L., 168
170, 175, 176, 178, 186, 187, 222, Brandchaft, B., 7, 76, 78, 83, 87, 88, 90,
232-236, 238, 240, 242, 245, 249, 101-103, 107, 120, 154, 178, 186,
259, 261, 263, 264, 271, 273, 275, 187, 230, 242, 245, 249, 250, 255,
283, 305, 306 258-260, 271, 273, 274, 275, 305
Brazelton, T., 296
B Brenner, C., 61, 62, 267
Breuer, J., 5, 20, 23, 87, 224, 233, 277
Bacal, H., 76, 90, 132 Brinton, C., 96
Balint, M., 73, 76, 80, 86, 108, 114, 132, Brothers, D., 276, 278, 282-284, 305
139, 143, 249, 256, 276, 278, 284, Burke, J., 279
285 Burke, W., 79
Basch, M., 5, 6, 36, 39-41, 45, 47, 49, 58,
93, 104, 106, 108, 129, 140, 175, C
178, 188, 195, 221, 223, 263-265,
272 Campbell, D., 19, 96, 97
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332 Author Index
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Author Index 333
H Kubie, L., 58
Kuhn, T., 1, 59, 91, 97, 98, 189, 202, 203
Hanly, C., 189, 194
Harmon, R., 267 L
Hartmann, H., 49, 52, 59, 60, 239
Heron, W., 40
Lachmann, F., 115, 123, 191, 242, 246,
Hesse, M., 99
282, 291, 292, 295, 297-300
Holmes, T., 279
Langer, S., 48
Holt, R., 50, 55, 57, 58
Langs, R., 79
Horwitz, L., 215
Lax, R., 114
Layton, E., 110
Le Doux J., 106
Lee, R., 7, 17, 18, 26, 75, 144, 147, 150,
Izard, C., 266
Levenson, R., 267
J Levi-Strauss, C., 9
Levin, F., 36, 40-43, 46, 202, 271, 307
Jacobson, E., 299
Lichtenberg, J., 170, 172, 188
Jaekle, C., 8
Lindemann, E., 279
James, W., 266
Lipton, S., 20, 32, 34, 35, 61
Janoff-Bulman, R., 282
Loewald, H., 114, 195
Jones, E., 23, 28, 65, 72, 73
Loewenstein, R., 60
London, N., 189, 194
Lorand, S., 66, 73, 74
Lorenz, K., 155
Kaplan, S., 242, 264
Kapp, F., 279
Kaye, K., 245
Kent, E., 41
Kernberg, O., 140, 194, 209, 227, 232, Macalpine, I., 207
251 Maclean, P., 271
Khan, M., 244 Magid, B., 254
Kilpatrick, D., 280, 281, 286 Mahler, M., 226, 293
Klein, G., 49, 54-56, 58, 236, 238 Mahony, P., 32, 254
Klein, M., 76, 78 Malin, A., 79
Kohut, H., 2, 7, 27, 28, 60, 65, 88, 93, Manchester, W., 112, 137
100, 104-108, 111, 113, 114, Mann, T., 306
116-125, 127-130, 137, 138, Markson, E., 195, 200
140-142, 144-147, 151-154, 156-159, Masek, R., 306
162, 166-168, 172, 177, 178, Mason, R., 18
180-182, 185, 191, 193, 194, 197, Masson, J . M., 22, 68, 69, 189, 194, 232
199, 203, 217-219, 229, 236, 239, Masterson, J., 251
241, 242, 272, 285, 306, 310 May, R., 89
Kris, E., 60, 61 Miller, G., 41
Krystal, H., 276, 278 Miller, J., 200
Copyrighted Material
334 Author Index
Mitchell, S., 62, 85, 109, 120, 188, 196, Riviere, J., 257
236, 238, 257, 307 Roethlesberger, F., 14
Murray, H., 108 Rogers, C., 212
Muslin, H., 220 Rotenberg, C., 170
Rothstein, A., 216, 221
N Rubin, J., 274, 306
Rubinstein, B., 41, 58
Newson, J., 231
Nissim-Sabat, M., 306 Rychlak, J., 56
Nunberg, G., 282 Ryle, G., 36, 39
Nunberg, H., 226
Nurcombe, B., 280 S
O Salzman, L., 33
Sander, L., 269, 270, 293, 294, 296
Ogden, T., 79 Schafer, R., 58, 109, 134, 186, 240, 302
Ornstein, A., 229, 275, 290 Schetky, D., 280
Ornstein, P., 119, 122, 126, 198, 220 Schlesinger, H., 213
Schonberger, R., 247
P Schwaber, E., 94, 154, 176, 224, 228,
232, 249, 259, 260
Parson, E., 279 Schwartz, L., 197
Perry, J., 296 Scott, T., 40
Perry, S., 279 Segal, H., 145
Peterfreund, E., 58 Selye, H., 278
Piaget, J., 44, 238, 282 Senior, N., 280
Pine, F., 293 Shane, E., 107, 293
Pineau, R., 110 Shane, M., 107, 293
Polanyi, M., 56 Shapiro, L., 282
Popper, K., 97, 98, 109 Sherwood, M., 96
Pribrim, K., 266 Silber, E., 279
Pruett, K., 280 Simeons, A., 45, 46
Spitz, R., 40
R Sroufe, L., 267
Stechler, G., 242
Rachman, A., 62, 64, 69-71, 74 Stein, M., 195
Racker, H., 79, 227 Stepansky, P., 61
Rahe, R., 279 Stern, D., 99, 100, 115, 123, 174, 177,
Rangell, L., 205 181-185, 225, 226, 264, 293-296,
Rank, O., 65, 73 301, 307
Rapaport, D., 53, 55, 238, 298 Stern, M., 202
Reik, T., 108 Stolorow, R., 7, 58, 101-103, 107, 120,
Reiser, D., 186 166, 169, 170, 175, 176, 178, 186,
Reiser, M., 39 187, 189, 191, 192, 197, 201, 222,
Rhodes, R., 202 224-229, 231-236, 238, 240-243,
Ricoeur, P., 96 245, 249, 259, 261, 263, 264, 271,
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Author Index 335
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Copyrighted Material
Subject Index
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338 Subject Index
Breuer, J., 28 D
British school, 4, 77-91
Brucke, E., 28, 55 Death, 124
Brunswick, R., 252, 253, 255 Death in Venice, 306
Defensive idealization, 144-146, 165
C Deficit, 190-202, 224
Dependence, 84, 85, 87, 257, 285
Cäcilie M. (Anna von Lieben), 21, Depression, 65, 78, 83, 146, 149, 150,
25-27 227, 257, 265, 273, 274, 281
Care, 16, 111 Descartes, R., 37, 38, 96, 178, 179,
Catharsis, 24, 25 189, 306
Cathy (case), 270 Developmental arrest, 69, 87, 122,
Chamberlain, N., 136 128, 140, 191, 192, 196, 197, 202,
Character analysis, 63, 65, 73 227, 275, 282, 307, 308
Charcot, J., 22, 23, 25, 28 Development of Psychoanalysis, The,
Classical analysis, 1-4, 6, 75-77, 81, 82, 65
85, 90, 113, 121, 126, 139, 142, Disavow, 78, 124, 126, 272, 275, 287
183, 186, 191, 214-217, 224-226, Displacement, 78, 88, 226, 227
239, 259, 262, 304-306 Distortion, 228, 259
Clergy, 6, 8-11, 13, 15-17, 139 Doing Psychotherapy, 221
Clinical psychology, 2, 4 Domains of relatedness, 182-183
Clinical theory, 54, 55 Donne, J., 126
Coherence, 99 Dora, 3, 5, 21, 22, 28-31
Cohesion, 120, 126 Drive theory, 3, 7, 21, 37, 38, 41, 42,
Complementarity, 197, 198 49, 51-62, 73, 76, 82, 83, 120, 121,
Concretization, 160, 232-236, 284 139, 142, 155, 159, 178, 182, 190,
Conflict, 21, 58-62, 190-202, 214-215 191, 195-197, 226, 233, 235, 306,
“Confusion of Tongues Between 307
Adults and Child,” 68, 85 Dr. F, 15
Conjecture, 98, 101 Dr. Seuss, 184
Consciousness, 43
“Contraindications to the Active E
Psychoanalytic Technique,” 66
Core self, 172, 174, 183, 189, 307 “Ego and the Id, The,” 3, 238
Corrective emotional experience, 35, Ego instincts, 51-52
61, 67, 169, 205, 206, 210, 216, Ego psychology, 59, 60, 82
221 Counseling, 2, 14 Einstein, A., 1, 9, 39, 94, 98
Countertransference, 33, 134, 135, Elizabeth von R (Ilona Weiss), 21, 24,
147, 229, 263 25, 27
Creative, 22, 42, 78, 88, 123, 138, 171, Emergent self, 183, 226
310 Empathy, 30, 70, 74, 75, 86, 104-117,
Cure, 9, 10, 80, 105, 109, 116, 117, 123, 124, 170, 195, 225, 242,
221, 230 245-248, 265, 273, 302, 304
Copyrighted Material
Subject Index 339
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340 Subject Index
Copyrighted Material
Subject Index 341
Matching, 43, 115, 299-302 Narcissism, 4, 17, 51, 63-65, 67, 68, 84,
Materialism, 38-41, 227 86, 87, 103, 115, 118-127, 159,
Mechanistic, 51, 73, 79, 186, 241 191, 192, 194, 240, 256, 257, 304
Menninger Psychotherapy Research Narrative, 96
Project, 212-217, 230 Narrative self, 183
Mental machine, 37-50 Natural selection, 97
Merger transference, 129, 132, Nazism, 82, 108, 113, 136, 254, 306
156-166 Negative therapeutic reaction, 28, 208,
Merleau-Ponty, M., 306 249-263
Metapsychology, 53-58, 84, 100, 180, Neocortex, 45, 46, 48, 264
186, 192, 197, 235, 256 Neutrality, 90, 207, 211, 215, 217, 263
Metatheory, 92-104 Neutralization, 52, 53
Meynert, T., 28, 55 New beginning, 86
Mimetic musculature, 47 Newton, I., 1, 9, 98, 169
Mind, 6, 7, 36-49, 73, 79, 178 Nietzsche, F., 28, 306
Mirror transference, 2, 70, 127-138, New Testament healing, 12
144, 151, 156-159 Nimitz, C., 110
Miss K, 14, 15 Nirvana, 40, 41
Miss S, 145 Noumenal self, 179
Models of the Mind, 192 Nuclear self, 83, 153, 183, 185, 186,
Montaigne, M., 244 219
Motivation, 188 Neurophysiological, 39, 42, 54, 55, 57,
Mourning, 68 307
“Mourning and Melancholia,” 3, 238
Mr. A, 140, 141, 146 O
Mr. B, 243, 244
Mr. I, 130-132 Object, 87, 93-97
Mr. J, 10 Objectification, 48, 169, 280
Mr. M, 287-289 Obsessive, 10, 33, 51, 66, 84, 254, 273
Mr. N, 274, 275 Oedipal, 68, 78, 83, 86, 144, 163, 181,
Mr. Z, 5, 152, 162-165 191, 193, 198, 199, 200, 201, 238,
Mrs. A, 5, 148-151 239, 256, 272
Murray, H., 231 O’Neill, E., 28, 157
Mutual analysis, 71 “On Narcissism,” 3, 119
Mutual influence, 87, 115, 123, 133, Organization of experience, 43, 187,
154, 292-303, 305 188, 223-236, 246
Myth, 9 Organizing principle, 100, 101,
228-231, 261
N Optimal frustration, 241-242
Copyrighted Material
342 Subject Index
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Subject Index 343
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344 Subject Index
Winnicott, D., 77, 88-90, 126, 155 Working through, 67, 219, 221
Wisdom, 125
“Wise baby,” 67, 68 Z
Wolf man (Serge Pankejeff), 3, 5, 21,
251-256 Zeigarnik phenomenon, 181
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