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SCG Cementboard Surface Layer With a mixture of Portland cement bondad and sawdust, ‘SOG Cementboard withstands all strong compressive force while maintains a smooth surface throughout its lifespan. Core Layer With a mixture of Portland cement bonded and strips of chipped wood formation for an extra bondage with cement, SCG Cementboard internal structure reinforcement gives strength and elasticity. - ©” Tis, 878-2537PHYSICAL COMPOSITION PR Sates topes sen stein rocaang corneas 61% suitable for heavy duty applications. Water 10% || Timber Eucalyptus wood from commercial plantation 28% Others 1% Environmentally Friendly - Non-toxic chemicals or additives such as Asbestos High Sound Insulation 30-35 db sound insulation rating Ease of Workability - Only minimal equipment and basic ‘tools (driling, cutting, stapling, etc.,) required for panel installation Fire Proof - Approved by the British Standards BS-476 for fire protection in buildings ‘Thermal Insulation - Thermally insulated panels reduces heat transfer and cools down the building SK ernteruneis roo Economical Asbestos Free Weather Proof Special Features Fire resistance: Soundproof: ‘Sound + Sinee SOG Cementboard has.a high ratio of * The SCG Cementboard soundproof wall system transmission cement as @ component, ithas fire resistant —_ has passed STC 41, 60 and 55, ee MEUe) qualities. SCG Cementboard has also passed + Since the SCG Cementboard has high density |__8 28 BS 476 Part 6 and 7 and efficiently reduces ambient sounds with 10 ae ‘The wall syste buit from SCG Cementboard the following sound transmission index: iz =o has passed = eal + BS 746 Part 22 test for 1, 2 and 4-hour fire ae ea resistant wallsProduct Specification See Sc) See Ry 120x240 cm. Pera) Thickness imm) | 8 10 12/14 18 | 18 | 18 Kong | weloneagvaciny 111 167|194|21.1)226|25a|281/ 937 Thickness (mm) | 8 Weight @g/pe) | 92 Weight havea) 11.1 139 | 167 | 226 | 201 | o37 Thickness for Application Product Tolerance Seed Thickness (mm) PARSE ENE ES a err Technical information Interior toring Diagon [aes neon 1 20mm SCG Cementboard Sea tue ou) i315 ee enn Density kgm 4,100-1,900 4,300 Modulus of elasticity (MOE) Nimm 29,000 5.470 Medulus of rupture (MOR) Nimm? 29 127 Tensile strength (perpendicular to surface) Nene 205 O68 Moisture content % 9-15 107 Thicknoss swelling (aftor24 hours immorsion in wator) % <2 as Thotmal conduotivity (k) wim?e $0.25 on eee Water absorption rato after 24 hours immersion in water) % 10 ‘Acoustio reduction rating B 30-35 pH Measure pH 12 Durable No Delamination Easy Use and Termite Heat ‘Asbestos Environmentally Quick instalation Resistant Resistant Free FriendlyPRODUCTION PROCESS 1. Timber warehouse 2. Timber preparation and processing 3. Homogeneous mixing of cement and processed wood 4, Material preparation with “3 Heads Forming” 5. High pressure bonding compressor 6. Baking oven - removing moisture and curing 7. Cutting & surface treatment 8. Thickness control 9. Quality control & product gradingPRODUCTION PROCESS 7. Cutting and Surface Treatment _8. Thickness Control 9. Quality ControlSTORAGE GUIDELINE Itis recommended that SCG Cementboard should be stored in designated warehouses areas that are environmentally controlled and weather proof. If outdoor storage is unavoidable, store the pack clear of the ground on level bearers, and protected by water-proof coverings to ensure an all-around, moisture free storage environment. SCG Cementboard must be stacked on pallet boards for forklifts transportation. In order to evenly support the SCG Cementboard without sagging it, the pallet legs must have a minimum, spacing distance of 60 om. A pallet of length of 240 cm. will require 4 legs, and a pallet of length of 300 om will require 6 legs, and so on. Transportation along the length or width of the SCG Cementtboard requires two or more person to carty, while maintaining the board perpendicular to the floor to strength and prevent sagging of the board. Do not carry SCG Gementboard in parallel with the floor as seen in the picture on the right. ‘Sagging can occur which leads to structural stress and damage. MACHINING EQUIPMENTS One of the great adventages ‘working with SCG Cementboard is the simplicity - involving a few steps and requiring only some of the most basic power tools to do the job, Cutting Cutting SCG Cementboard can be done with some of the basic saw tools such as a reciprocating saw or a circular saw. For circular saws, a 1,800 ‘watt rating with a rotational speed of 5,800 rpm, anda biade diameter of 7" (or 185 mm, with 40 sets, leeth is recommended. It is also recommended to cut the board from tha back side to prevent any damages done to the top decorated surface. Drilling High speed power arills are used to secure the panels in place. Drilling pilot holes first are always recommended. Drilling the board from the back side will prevent any damages done to the top decorated surface, Air Gun Stapling Power air stapling gun works with 6 - 10 mm, boards to. ‘efficiently secure it to wall studs. Stapling should be done at 48 degrees angle parallel to the length of the board with a maximum spacing of 15 cm. between staples, Sanding ‘Sanding power tools such as disc sanders and flat sanders, are used to trim edges, prepare joinary surfaces and ‘smoothen out joints.SCG Cementboard Equipment for Installation Are ae So ne eT + Ueto 80 Comentoard C74 end 78 Goro + Spel cele taut wh he wrk operat wth coment Frame, 80 Cementoard © 4a © 74 Gohrta rotor eae endre, ond ee, Foret oder onl odor vindow tres, + Lager Bort ot ovodon, bose th ett mad om + Ealyicon anc try to Pre ys haus eel wie carbe wed ete eral ot eel £088 ren tek ft omg faves, « Delgado pre the wound the soe head Which ke the « Erde fat of cores bocaee . scr Pod Lay ened th parelaracal recut ice nomad mecstonnon-ay py aE N45 tures of wok stodl wire, can bo used st st we lore A> O58 + Containing size : 800 pieces / box + Contaling sao : 00 pieces / box Rete ah a eT rete MCU Aa + Specialy designed to suit with the work operated with cement «= Thisis he plyuretnane materia usd to seal thejont, easly used material safely, endiurs, and nice. erdiperectyechare tothe sutace of SCG Cemantboard oF ary + Longe life for ust or corsion, baceuse the material fs mac fom ‘construction material euch as flaer coment, conereta, high-quaty ste! wires, can be used ether extemal or interna brie, ratte, ceraric te, aluminium, ber, glass. «+ Specialy dasigned to prove special dil end, which wl not equre ‘= Used as aint sealant which can well revert the leakage, ‘chance penetration, easly operated, anc can dl rapa ito the ste canbe used in ether external or inemal of bulcing, w its fn can core tho panel alowing the scrow had 10 be perocty ana nicely embodied int the pan. The fr wil automaticaly break whenever the too eventually ponotratd. + Containing size: 500 pieces / box Endura to the climate circumstance, and can be painted cover without tering the color shade * Containing s2ze : 310 mi. /tube ¢ eta M UR Rec MUL RECT ‘Thick stoe! matral providing strength, safety, and marulactured in accordance with TIS. 863-2532 with ful thicknass of 0.55 mm. } * Economie sation with 48, 47 men, wath frame sacton, which vil nat require to make the support forthe frame in the ont area betweon SCG Comentboard ancl and will reduce the te and labor for installation. The mater I endured for corosion or rust, end the surface is coated by Hot Dip Galvanized Steel 222. * Coated by specially tick surface to prevent rust eS eee ural Glove Clothes Safety goggle Dust protection Mask Safety ShoesSTUDDING See urea ey Cee Cuenca y Pea eke are) It is essential that Wood Studs are made from hardwood trees that are strong, warp resistant, and perfectly straight and squared on the edges. Us to secure Wood Studs while making sure the nails are criven Dc Creer Pee er ee ects eee es nails * although wood studs are extremely rigid, __invata suitable depth they are not fre-proot and are prone to rot if not properly treated eee reheat Ce eee Leet Treated with zine coating, Galvanized Steel in studs are highly durable, load-bi re-proof a Installation does not require major power tools. Cut it with metal snips and secure it with in and seld- ring, a drillscrew g taping screws Unlike Galvanized Stee! Studs, regular Steel Studs are not oated, but requires construction techniques to shield it from Galvanized Steel Studs, simple power tools are used to secure the studs. rust rrision. LikeInterior Work Flooring Wood Studs a a Galvanized Steel Studs a Steal Studs o a How to choose Steel Stud with SCG Cemenboard 20-24 mm. thick. MI Steel Stud: C 100 x 50 Thickness Beam Span Frame Span Uniform Load 20mm, 3m. 60cm, 180 - 250 Kg/m? 40cm. 250 - 300 Kg/m? 30 om. 400 - 500 Ka/m? 24mm, 3m. 60 om. 200 - 300 Kg/m? 40 om. 300 - 500 Ka/m? I Steel Stud: C 150 x 50 Thickness Beam Span Frame Span Uniform Load 20mm, 4m. 60cm. 150 - 250 Kg/m? 40cm. 250 - 300 Kg/m® 30cm. 400 - 500 Kg/m? 24mm, 4m. 60cm. 200 - 300 Kg/m? 40m. 300 - 500 Kg/m? HE Steel Stud: C 200 x 75 Thickness Beam Span Frame Span Uniform Load 20mm. Sm. 60cm. 180 - 250 Kg/m? 250 - 300 Kg/m? 300m. 400 - 500 Kg/m? 24mm. Sm. 60 em. 200 - 300 Kg/m® 400m. 300 - 600 Kg/m? 10JOINTING Like any particle-boards, SCG Cementboard are also prone to minuscule expansion and Cee aL Cruces POS CUO MES) Pe ecu ne euo Reco eae SOO ec LL) Dr Cuca Jointing with Polyurethane sealant Polyurethane — -~ Backing Rod LLL NLL 25mm Polyurethane — Backing Rod Jy =5mm tecon na eter chon ene cate rohuretane Me int panels with a minimum gap of 5 mm, Clean the panels to ensure that the surface is completely dry and dust-free, For panels thicker than 8 mm., insert backing rod along the gap. This will reduce the amount of sealant needed to fill in the gaps. Tape over the top surfa of the panels along the edge of the gaps with paper-based tapes. Taping will tect the top surface of the panels when applying sealant. Fillin the gaps with Polyurethane Sealant. Run a wet soapy finger 9 the gap to push the sealant further in, ensuring a tight fil, Remove excess polyurethanes sealant from finger with a wet paper towel. \Wait for 5 minutes, and then carefully remove the paper-based taping along the edge of the gaps. Leave the polyurethane sealant for 2 hours to dry, "17 SURFACE Painting FINISHING ere Renu Eau cd aesthetically decorated with a huge selection ee ee ence eee eect ace eed Cee gen ea Weed Brera Instruction 1. Prepare the panel surta ping down any dust and dirt with a damp cloth, Applying water-based paint or acrylic~ d paint to the panels evenly and Fit to dry t the painting yer for 2 - while making sure th SCG Cementboard Primer paint Water/Acrylic paint (1" Layer) Paint (2"*Layer)@ Wallpapering Instruction 41. Prepare the panel surfaces by cleaning down with adamp cloth 2. Apply primer and caretuly letting It ry. A layer of primer evans out the surface for an even color. Priming the panels frst also ensures a more durable and finished surface Bi Tiling Instruction 1. Prapare the pane stats by clearing down wa camp lt, 2. Apply coment-base glue or plaster evenly on the surtace. Make eure the entre surface area is covered 3. tach the ties firmly against the panel surface ® scacementooors (2) cement-based ge CG) the 8. Apply wallpaper adhesive tothe panel surfaces. 4. Place and hang tne wallpaper. @ 806 cementboars ® Primer @ walpaper achesive @) watpaper @ Carpeting Instruction 1, Prepare the panel surfaces by cleaning down with ‘damp cloth @ 06 Comentboara 2. Start layering the carpet ® carpet mate 13WALL APPLICATION ‘SCG CEMENTBOARD FOR WALL APPLICATION ‘Thickness rem) Length rm Interior Wal (with loads} B18 41200%2,400 1220x2440 4x8) Board Color Natural Comen-Grey Color Speting ‘Wood Galanin Stel Tools for nstalaion Air Gun, SCG Needle Point Screw, Self Dring wing screw Cae or Maned Primer, Water-base Paint ‘Acryicbase pain Senlant 8 Finishing 30mm. Double-Stud a / Fem )_/ ooo | 300-40] stud E gq |; 200-260 mm. 4200, 220mm O8P = 56 Comentboard 44 aw) 24002440 mm INSTALLATION PROCEDURE Prepare stud frames for boarding by spacing out the studs at 60 cm intervals. Double stud frames should be used along the connecting board joint. For External wall, Stee! frames are recommended. ‘Align the board along the stud framing, where the edges of the board should be directly on top of the stud frames. Make sure to leave expansion gaps of 5 - 10 mm. between the boards. Expansion gaps allow the board to naturally expand and shrink in changing temperature and humidity, . Secure the boards onto the stud frames; For boards of 8 - 18 mm. thickness, use 35 mm, screws. Drilling pilot holes first are always recommended for screws. Screws spacing are recommended at 200 - $00 mm. intervals along the edges of the board, while 300 ~ 400 mm, intervals are recommended along the central area of the board. . To avoid splitting the boards, leave a spacing of 75 - 80 mm. between the screws from the top and bottom edge of the panel, and leave a spacing of 30 - 35 mm. between the screws from the left and right edges. Clean panel surfaces and cover the expansion gaps by inserting backing rod along the gap and filling it with Polyurethane Sealant. Inserting backing rods will reduce the amount of sealant needed to filin the gaps. Apply primer and decorate the panels with water based or acrylic-based paint. For internal structural walls, surface treatment is not necessary. Using oil-based paint is not recommended. Old Structure Angle Steel a pe \ soc Comentboard | Gap2'5 mm. \FLOOR APPLICATION SCG CEMENTBOARD FOR FLOOR APPLICATION Thickness (ow) Length (nm) For 20-24 (Elevated Leveled) 1200x2400 2. 1220x2440 (4%) Booed Color Ntural Cement Grey Color Sudding Stee! Tools for Installation Ar Gun, Sof Ding wing screw 45 mm Sealant Finishing Clear or Mated Prime, Water-base Paint Acryl-base Paint INSTALLATION PROCEDURE Prepare stud frames for boarding by spacing out the studs at 40 - 60 (om. intervals, and the beam at 120 cm. Double stud frames should ‘be used along the connecting board joint. ‘Align the board along the stud framing, where the edges of the board should be directly on top of the stud frames. Make sure to leave expansion gaps of 6 - 10 mm, between the boards, Expansion gaps allow the board to naturally expand and shrink in changing temperature and humidity. ‘Secure the boards onto the stud frames by using 45 mm. screw. ‘Screws spacing are recommended at 20 - 80 cm. intervals along the edges of the board, while 30 - 40 cn. intervals are recommended along the central area of the board. Drilling pilot holes first are always recommended for screws. To avoid splitting the boards, leave a spacing of 75 - 80 mm. ‘between the screws from the top and bottom edge of the panel, and leave a spacing of 30 - 35 mm. between the screws from the left and right edges. Clean panel surfaces and cover the expansion gaps by inserting backing rod along the gap and filing it with Polyurethane Sealant, Inserting backing rods will reduce the amount of sealant needed to filin the gaps, ‘Apply primer and decorate the panels with water-base or acrylic bbase paint, 2am, Doublestud f° 8T smn wvanasie ra 7 iF som Double-Sud swa / - 2 j i eine é 4 po g 3 1 a "700 Zon" sc caentboad yan ram, 62925 mM. a Gorenpoars { Coated Flooring | [ Uncoated Surface Flooring } 15SCG Cementboard Installation Instruction [AA] Attention to avoia danger pected to * The Products of SCG Cementboard are designed, while the operation methods are Any eppication 0 it withthe working condition in Thalland only 127 constuction supervisor, anc instal. ‘Thala is considered to be drect responsibilty ofthe ce wn nthe document ar the vag vee rom the esting of produc which are n accord pootied standards by ea uct distribution. Any tansportaton, application, oF any px the products curing patio bofore the ps ures ot c's to the sunshine or submerging in water in long period shal esut in tring ofp * Specifications for ny instalation are only the basic recommendation for general application. The Method for Installation and appiisd structure shall Consider from the standard code of building in such country, and shall be drect responsibilty of designer and superdaor. + Appl For Installer and User duct hic fd the Installation Menual shat b isnot epoct ity of deslgner and cc tructon supenisor tions for any instalation are only the basic recommendation for general application. The Method for instalation and api consider rom the standard structure shall 12 of bulaing in such county, end shall be dest rs of designer and su * Application of product which isnot specified nthe Installation Manuel shall be consulted with the architect or designer enginoar [@| Recommendation for Safety Operation ‘+ 80 Cementboard has comeosed bythe siica. Cua, erncng, dina, er polishing of he product shal sun fying Gust. Hany person accidentally ‘et or ina ina considerable arraunt orn iong period it shall harm the respirator eystem or body of that person, ‘= The cutting, grinding, cing or pishing ofthe product shal carried out in good ventilated area, and avid to use the machine fexcuting, rncng, cling, lor polling ofthe product wich resulting in high amount of ust, ‘+ lar the Personal Setty Equipmant hich is in accordance to the standards, such as cust protection mas, safety goagl, clothes, glove, shoes a ‘+ Not alow any person who doos not wear the Personal Protection Equipment whichis in accordance to tho standards, or any porson who is not ‘conceming wih the wor into working areain order to avcid ary possible accident or niu. ‘> Liting or ransportation of products shal be caiad out with special attention. Do not bend down one és back oi the produc nor twist onesaff or change rection during fing, anc avoid working contnucusly in long period In order to avod inary and fatigue. ‘+ The person who has to perfor iting must cary out by lowing ones and hold the products frmly, hen apply gsi power to It ‘+ Cheering ofthe working area ater complete the cutting, cxnding, cillng. or polishing ofthe product shal be carried out by vacuum machine, then the ust container sallbe saaled completly, or leaned by water. Do not swoop hooause this can causo spraading of dust ‘+ Soparato and colect the deoris occured from rnstalation, reparation, demantis of products wth special attntion, anc ractcate wih aopropriato mathods which specied by government service ‘+ Clan onesaif body with clean water after complete the cuting, gfnding, cing, of polishing ofthe product. First Aid ‘+ he dust or any material dabrie accidentaly entered the aye, do not scrub or erush. Clean with olan water several timae, and consult the physician immediate, Verify that all methods are following the most update of Installation Manual of Products + Insialation Manual of Products s avays undated, The designer, constrcton supervisor, end installer shal vary that all methods being used are folowing the most update of instalation Manual of Products. They can confirm by the website: www @|scG
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