MXT Tech 213 Insdustrial Pneumatics Module 1 1
MXT Tech 213 Insdustrial Pneumatics Module 1 1
MXT Tech 213 Insdustrial Pneumatics Module 1 1
Credit Units : 3
Course Objectives:
1. Relate course to the vision and mission of the COT and CTU;
2. Observe the highest standards of safety;
3. Develop knowledge on fundamental principles of pneumatics;
4. Understand basic symbology in pneumatics;
5. Appreciate the application of pneumatics;
6. Know the fundamentals of creating pneumatic control circuits;
7. Apply the knowledge of pneumatics;
8. Develop capability to troubleshoot and repair pneumatics components;
9. Appreciate the industrial application of pneumatics.
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Revolution, people were farmers, and life was pretty slow. They used filing cabinets,
pencil and paper for their documentations, but recently, with the invention of
computers, hard disks, email and gigabytes all has been changed. Every time
automation is pneumatics, wherein the students will be dealing about the usage of
Manual for the Bachelor of Science in Mechatronics students who will be taking Mx
Tech 213 – Industrial Pneumatics. This course provides the fundamental concepts
and theories for safely operating pneumatic components and systems. Topics
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I. Course Objectives 1
II. Foreword 2
III. Table of Contents 4
IV. CTU Vision and Mission 5
V. Safety Precautions 6
VI. Notes of Safety and Operations 9
VII. History and Definition of Pneumatics 10
VIII. Applications of Pneumatics 11
IX. Basic Characteristics Air 11
X. Basic Pneumatics System 12
XI. Units of Pressure 14
XII. Compressed Air Production and Distribution 15
XIII. Air Compressors 18
XIV. Criteria for the Selection of a Compressor 22
XV. Air Humidity 29
XVI. Methods of Air Drying 32
XVII. Compressed Air Distribution 35
XVIII. Two Types of Pipe Line Installation 38
XIX. Types of Pipe Material 39
XX. Types of Fittings 40
XXI. Pneumatic Actuators 40
XXII. Types of Cylinder Mounting 47
XXIII. Types of Cylinder Sealing 48
XXIV. Pneumatics Valves 49
XXV. Five Group of Valves According to Function 50
XXVI. Additional Notes (Facts and Theory of Air) 60
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Provides advanced professional and technical instruction for special purposes,
industrial trade, teacher education, agriculture, fishery, forestry, engineering,
aeronautics and land-based programs, arts and sciences, health sciences,
information technology and other relevant fields of study. It shall undertake
research, production and extension services, and provide progressive leadership
across the areas of specialization for global empowerment.
2. Get your teacher’s approval before starting your work. This will save you
time and help prevent accidents. Remember, your teacher is here to help.
3. Report all injuries at once, even the slightest. A small cut can develop
series complications if not properly treated.
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6. Use tools correctly and do not use them if they are not in proper working
7. Observe the proper methods of handling and lifting objects. Get help to
lift heavy objects.
11. Probably the best advice anyone can follow when working with electricity
The following are special safety rules for the electrical-electronics laboratory:
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6. Certain components, such as resistors and vacuum tubes get quite hot
while operating. Give them time to cool off before attempting to remove
10. Ask for instruction before using any item of test equipment for the first
time, even if you think you know how to use it. A little knowledge can be
dangerous thing; and if some can go wrong, it will. Test equipment is
often expensive to repair.
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In the interest of your own safety you should observed the following:
1. Pressurized air lines that become detached can cause accidents. Switch off
pressure immediately.
2. First connect all tubing and secure before switching on the compressed air.
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• from the Greek word “pneuma”
• means breath or wind
• the soul in philosophy
Pneumatics is the branch of technology, which deals with the study and
application of use of pressurized gas to affect mechanical motion. It can also be
define as branch of physics that is concerned with the mechanical properties of
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3. Pressure Switch
Controls the electric motor by sensing the pressure in the tank. It is set to a
maximum pressure at which it stops the motor, and a minimum pressure at
which it restarts it.
4. Check Valve
Lets the compressed air from the compressor into the tank and prevents it
leaking back when the compressor is stopped.
5. Tank
Stores the compressed air. Its size is defined by the capacity of the
compressor. The larger the volume, the longer the intervals between
compressor runs.
6. Pressure Gauge
Indicates the Tank Pressure.
7. Auto Drain
Drains all the water condensing in the tank without supervision.
8. Safety Valve
Blows compressed air off it the pressure in the tank should rise above the
allowed pressure.
9. Refrigerated Air Dryer
Cools the compressed air to a few degrees above freezing point and
condenses most of the air humidity. This avoids having water in the
downstream system.
10. Line Filter
Being in the main pipe, this filter must have a minimal pressure drop and the
capability of oil mist removal. It helps to keep the line free from dust, water and
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There are many units of pressure measurement. Some of these and their
equivalents are listed below.
1 bar = 100000 N/m² (Newton per square meter)
1 bar = 100 kPa (kilo Pascal)
1 bar = 14.5 psi (pressure per square inch)
1 bar = 10197 kgf/m² (kilogram force per square meter)
• For the production of compressed air, compressors are required to compress the
air to desired working pressure. One usually finds that pneumatic drives and controls
have a central supply of compressed air. The power conversion and transmission
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• When planning, allowance should be made for expansion and the purchase of
new pneumatic equipment. It is any case better to design the plant generously &
larger than immediately required, rather than to establish at a later date that the
production plant is overloaded. It is always an expensive business to expand the
compressor plant later on.
• The cleanness of the air is important. Clean air ensures that the compressor
plant has a longer life. It should also be ensured that the correct type of compressor
is used.
• The type of compressor used depends on the operational demands with regard
to working pressure and delivery volume.
• Compressor sizes range from less than 1 1/s with little or no preparation
equipment, to multiple compressor plant installations generating hundreds of cubic
meters per hour
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Types of Compressors
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Delivery Volume
Type of Compressor Range
(cubic meter per hour)
(in Bar)
1. Rotary Compressor 150 – 2,000 m²/hr 0.15 – 8 Bars
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Constant pressure is essential for reliable and accurate operation. The
following are related to the constant pressure;
− the speed
− the forces
− the time sequence of the working elements
3. Drive
Depending on the operational requirements, compressors are driven
either by an electrical motor or by an internal combustion engine. In factories,
compressor plant is not stationary, the drive is mostly by means of internal
combustion engines (petrol, diesel)
4. Regulation
In order to match the delivery volume of the compressor to the
fluctuating consumption, it is necessary to regulate the compressor. Various types
of regulation are available for this purpose. The delivery volume is regulated
between the adjustable limiting values of maximum and minimum pressure.
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a. Exhaust regulation – is the simplest type of regulation, the compressor
works against a pressure relief valve. When the pressure in the receiver
has reached the set value, the safety valve opens and exhausts to
atmosphere. A check valve prevents the receiver from emptying
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This is a type of regulation that has two operating conditions (full load or
standstill). The drive motor of the compressor is switched off on maximum
pressure. When the pressure has dropped to minimum pressure, the
motor is switched on.
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• High temperatures are produced • Avoid locations where the air may
when air is compressed, have a high humidity such as above
• Compressor house well a pond, river or canal
ventilated located on an outside • Avoid locations where wind
north facing wall eddies whip up dust, grit and litter
• Inlet filter to inhale only • An intake on the factory roof must
clean dry air, keep away from: be protected from the weather and
− Fumes from parked vehicle with emissions from ducting and
engine running chimneys
− Solvent fumes from paint plant or
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Relative Humidity - it is the ratio of the partial pressure of water vapor in the
mixture to the saturated vapor pressure of the water at prescribed temperature.
Relative Humidity
Atmospheric air always contains a percentage of water vapor. The amount
of moisture present will depend on the atmospheric humidity and temperature.
When atmospheric air cools, it will reach a certain point at which it is saturated with
moisture, known as the dew point. If the air cools further it can no longer retain all
the moisture.
If the air cools further it can no longer retain all the moisture and the
surplus is expelled as miniature droplets to form a condensate.While coarse
separation of condensate is effected in the separator after the recooler, fine
separation, filtering and other subsequent treatment of the compressed air is dealt
with at the point of usage. Particular attention should be paid to the moisture that is
present in compressed air. Water (moisture) is introduced to the air network with
the air drawn in by the compressor. The amount of moisture present depends
primarily on the relative humidity which in turn is dependent on the air temperature
and the weather conditions.
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The main advantages of this method are that it is low initial and operating cost,
but the inlet temperature must not exceed 30°C, the chemicals involved are highly
corrosive necessitating carefully monitored filtering to ensure that a fine corrosive
mist is not carried over to the pneumatic system.
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Important Note:
A large capacity main line filter should be installed after the air receiver to remove
contamination, oil vapours from the compressor and water from the air. This filter
must have minimum pressure drop and the capability to remove oil vapour from the
compressor in order to avoid emulsification with condensation in the line. A built-in or
an attached auto drain will ensure a regular discharge of accumulated water.
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The air consumption in factory is 4m³/min (240m³/h). The increase over a
period of about three years will be 300%. The results in 12m³/min (720m³/h). The
total consumption is 16m³/min (960m³/h). The pipeline will have a length of 280m,
and it contains 6 T-pieces, 5 normal elbow pieces, 1 two-way valve. The permissible
pressure drop is ∆p = 10kPa (0.1bar/1.45psi). Working pressure is 800kPa. What is
the pipe diameter required?
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2. Ring Main Line – an installation that is applied if many machines will be tapped to
the pipeline.
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Actuators – are components such as cylinder or rotary device that directly helps
convert pneumatics energy into mechanical energy.
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- a built-in diaphragm which can be made of rubber, plastic or even metal, replaces
the function of the piston
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1. Cylinder with Double Sided Piston Rod Cylinder – this cylinder has a piston
rod protruding from both sides.
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9. Cable Cylinder – a cable is attached to each side of the piston and guided over
10. Rotary Vane Cylinder – a cylinder that has a limited angle of rotation.
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- Energy Supply
- Input Elements
- Processing Element
- Final Control Element
- Actuating Devices
Valves – are devices for controlling or regulating “start”, “stop” and direction as well
as pressure or flow of a pressure medium conveyed by hydro pump or stored in s
- it can be described in terms of; number of ports, switching positions, normal
position and the method of operation.
Designations of Symbols;
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I. Directional Valve
-is a device that determine the flow of air between its ports by opening, closing or
changing its internal connections.
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1. Poppet Valves
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Types of Non-return;
1. Check Valve – this can stop the flow completely in one direction, and their flows
in the opposite direction with as low as pressure loss as possible. Blocking of the
one direction can be affected by cones, balls, plates or diaphragms.
1. Check Valve
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3. Throttle Relief Valve – this is also known as a speed regulating valve. The air
flow is throttled in one direction. A check valve blocks the flow of air in one
direction, and the air flow can flow only through the regulated cross-section. In
the opposite direction, the air can flow freely through the opened check valve.
These valves are used for speed regulation of pneumatic cylinders.
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5. Two Pressure Valve – is also known as an AND valve. It is used mainly for
interlocking controls, check function or logic operations
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V. Shut-off Valve
- this will permit or prevent flow.
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