Manual Exercicios 0371
Manual Exercicios 0371
Manual Exercicios 0371
2. Now rewrite the following sentences in the negative and interrogative forms.
Negative: ____________________________________________________________________________
Interrogative: _________________________________________________________________________
Read the folowing text: “A day in the life of a Shop Assistant.”
Muna is a Shop Assistant. She works in a clothes shop in the Westfield Centre in Derby. She works five days
a week. Muna starts work at 9:00am and finishes at 6:00pm. She has one day off in the week and one day
off at the weekend. In the morning she serves customers on the till. It is important to make sure she gives
customers the correct change. She works for about three hours before she goes for lunch. Then she helps
customers with any problems on the shop floor. She always smiles and talks to customers in a polite way.
The shop is busy and she stands on her feet all day and her legs get very tired. She enjoys her job. She loves
to meet different people and enjoys a busy day, but she also likes her hobbies. In her free times she goes
swimming and running and she likes to watch TV on the weekends.
6) Give examples of other hobbies and tell what you like to do.
Match the words from the first column with the corresponding shop:
1. cakes, bread A. CHEMIST’S
2. rings, watches, necklaces B. DRY-CLEANER’S
3. beds, chairs, armchairs C. BAKER’S
4. stamps, envelopes D. FURNITURE SHOP
5. newspapers, magazines, comics E. BUTCHER’S
6. roses, carnations, lilies F. TRAVEL AGENCY
7. wine, gin G. GREENGROCER’S
8. cheese, butter H. JEWELLER’S
9. drugs, medicines, cosmetics I. CAFÉ
10. meat J. FLORIST’S
11. cigarettes, matches K. POST OFFICE
12. fish L. BOUTIQUE
13. books M. OPTICIAN’S
14. tools N. SHOE SHOP
15. clothes O. BANK
16. glasses, sun glasses P. NEWSAGENT’S
17. clean clothes Q. GROCER’S
18. sandwiches, drinks R. FISHMONGER’S
19. get money, cash a cheque S. TOBACCONIST’S
20. to book a vacation T. SUPERMARKET
IS THERE…? / ARE THERE…? (Give answers considering the town in the picture)
Mrs Smith is going shopping with her son. They are looking for a present for Mr Smith's birthday. Mrs Smith
wants to buy him a new camera and Tom wants to buy him a jumper.
They drive to the department store on the high street. Mrs Smith uses the escalator to go to the Electrical
Department on the third floor and Tom takes the stairs up to the Men's Clothing Department on the first
When she gets to the Electrical Department she finds that cameras are sold in the Photography Department
on the ground floor. She takes the elevator down and asks the sales assistant there for some help. She
doesn't know much about cameras and needs some advice. He recommends an automatic camera by
Olympus, but it is too expensive. She asks him if he has anything a little cheaper and he tells her about a
special offer on the Pentax range. It still seems expensive so she thanks the assistant and decides to shop
around first.
Meanwhile, Tom is looking at the jumpers. He only has £10 to spend so he can't afford most of them. He
sees his mother and they decide to go to the smaller shops round the corner.
▪ Runny nose
▪ Broken bone
▪ Bruise
▪ Sunburn
▪ Chills
▪ Backache
▪ Nausea
▪ Dizziness
▪ Flu
▪ Stomachache
▪ Fever
▪ Snakebite
▪ Cough
Common Treatments Vocabulary
▪ Bed rest
▪ Blood tests
▪ Diet
▪ Surgery
▪ Exercise
▪ Physical therapy
▪ Shot (U.S)/ Jab (U.K)
▪ Massage
▪ X-ray
▪ Eye exam
▪ Pressure measuring
▪ Examination
▪ Infusion
• Example: 2 + 2
Two plus two
- - minus
• Example: 6 - 4
Six minus four x
OR * - times
• Example: 5 x 3 OR 5 * 3 Five
times three
= - equals
• Example: 4 + 1 ≤ 6
Four plus one is less than or equal to six.
• Example: 5 + 7 ≥ 10
Five plus seven is equal to or greater than ten.
≠ - is not equal to
• Example: 12 ≠ 15 Twelve is
not equal to fifteen.
/ OR ÷ - divided by
• Example: 4 / 2 OR 4 ÷ 2 Four
divided by two.
• Example: 2 1/4
Two and one quarter
• Example: 4 2/3
Four and two thirds
% - percent
• Example: 98%
6. In Britain, most people put salt and on their fish and chips
7. We use a teaspoon to
8. Most people