The New Super Nutrient Food - Raw Banana Flour
The New Super Nutrient Food - Raw Banana Flour
The New Super Nutrient Food - Raw Banana Flour
Green banana flour is not a regular pantry staple for many people. This is not true in areas where
banana plants are native. Banana flour is often used instead of wheat flour in Jamaica, the
Caribbean, and Africa since it is less expensive.
Green banana flour is simply the result of underripe, green bananas. It must be green, not merely
underripe, to get the advantages! While they aren't exactly a pleasant snack, they are healthy for
a variety of reasons and dry up into a highly efficient flour substitute.
It's not just a great gluten-free flour substitute; it's also used as a supplement to enhance
resistant starch.
While raw banana flour has a slight banana flavour, cooked banana flour has a more neutral,
mild, and earthy flavour, making it suitable for both sweet and savoury meals.
Green banana flour may be found at health food shops or purchased online via Amazon or
straight from the suppliers. Try a basic Google search in your country to see what catches your
● Per cup, green banana flour contains 42-52.8 grams of resistant starch. Green banana
flour has the most resistant starch of any food!
● Resistant starch is a fermentable fibre that goes undigested through the intestines. This
fermentation process produces butyrate, a short-chain fatty acid that our bodies want.
Furthermore, resistant starch may lower the glycemic load of meals, making them less
taxing on your blood sugar levels.
● Many foods that do contain resistant starch lose some during cooking or may not have a
concentrated quantity. Green banana flour is undoubtedly the most efficient and powerful
method to get in your daily dosage of resistant starch due to its low-heat processing and
ability to supplement with it uncooked.
● Resistant starch is useful in the treatment of obesity, type 2 diabetes, and the prevention
of colon cancer.
● Green banana flour also includes inulin and insoluble fibre, both of which function as
prebiotics. One of the few disadvantages of this fibre trio is that it has a minor laxative
● Zinc is necessary for a healthy immune system, healing, cognitive function, and
skin/hair/nail health, and it is particularly crucial for children throughout growth.
● Magnesium is beneficial for muscular pain, recuperation, sleep, and pH balance.
● Phosphorus promotes the body's natural cleansing activities, aids cell repair, and
maintains our hearts beating normally.
● Manganese has a good effect on our metabolism, which may make weight reduction and
management simpler, as well as enhance calcium absorption.
● Bananas are generally non-allergenic. It's suitable for paleo dieters, persons on
therapeutic diets such as the autoimmune protocol, vegan and vegetarian eaters, and
most people who don't have a banana allergy.
● It's an excellent option for gluten-free and grain-free flour substitutes. It lacks the
anti-nutrients and stomach irritants present in wheat flour and is suitable for coeliacs.
Banana Flour Can Help You Lose Weight
● Green banana flour is a satisfying additive in the diet that also helps you fulfil nutritional
demands due to its high fibre content.
● It's excellent to have a simple choice for filling nutritional gaps while also helping to keep
to a weight-loss eating plan.
● One can also have an Apple cider vinegar supplement for weight loss along with raw
banana or any raw banana flour recipe.
● A metabolic syndrome is a group of risk factors that include high blood pressure, high
blood sugar, obesity, and high cholesterol levels.
● The issue is that although each of these variables is dangerous, having all of them
together compounds the situation, potentially raising the risk of diabetes by five times.
These problems may also lead to heart disease and strokes.
Could resistant starch be the secret to eating carbohydrates with fewer calories and a lower total
glycemic load? Perhaps! The "enhanced" pasta also exhibited a better antioxidant capacity,
suggesting that green banana flour may help carbohydrates have a brighter future. That is
something I believe we could all enjoy!
If you're not interested in doing your home science experiments, here are a few more accessible
applications for green banana flour.
● Green banana flour has a moderate, neutral flavour and a texture comparable to cassava
flour or coconut flour.
● It is generally off-white or greyish and may be either raw or cooked.
● Simply add 1-2 teaspoons to your smoothie, yoghurt, bliss balls, or any raw item that
might benefit from a little additional "superpowers."
● Remember, raw banana flour is more powerful and contains more resistant starch.
Take Away
Unripe and green bananas provide a plethora of nutritional advantages for the body. Raw
bananas have long been used to cure illnesses such as diarrhoea, ulcers, and stomach
infections, lowering blood sugar levels, increase renal function, and even manage blood
pressure. Furthermore, there are several raw banana advantages for hair and skin.