Awab Yasir Yousif Hussein Master of Science in Automation and Control Engineering

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Master of Science In Automation and Control Engineering

Since my first days as a student, I have always felt this deep connection to mathematics. That was
pretty obvious that both my primary and secondary schools’ mentors noticed it right away. As a
result, I have been selected to represent my school at nationally held competitions that relate to
Mathematics and science, and fortunately, we attained the first positions in most cases. My
grades in mathematics and engineering-related courses throughout my academic journey speak
about my excellence. Starting from primary school up to university, I excelled in mathematics-
related courses and as a result, I attained the highest degrees. In university, I specialized in
electrical engineering at the University of Khartoum and majored in control and Instrumentation
Engineering. I was admitted into the faculty of engineering as one of the top Students in the
nationwide secondary school exams. My successful academic Profile continued during university
being the second to top of my class with a Comparatively good CGPA of 8.85 out of 10. I consider
myself a first-class self-learner as a result, I never limited myself by the curriculum-related

Since Math and engineering are obsession to me, I kept developing myself by taking online
courses, watching YouTube videos, and reading books on various related topics. Moreover, I used
to keep myself updated by reading and learning about fields that are related to my field of
specialization. For instance, I familiarized myself and accumulated knowledge in both robotics
and machine learning. I got even more excited when I realized the relationship between neural
networks and my major, control systems. For instance, for my graduation project, I used fuzzy
logic and neural networks in controlling the speed of induction motors and in adjusting PID

I chose my field of specialization based on different competing factors. The most important factor
was my desire to help improve the production in my country both qualitatively and
quantitatively. The importance of my chosen field of specialization stems from the fact that it is
hard to imagine the production landscape without industrial automation systems. Growing
requirements of high product quality, paired with expectations of equally high reliability in high-
volume production are strong indications that industrial automation will continue to grow. My
country, Sudan, is undoubtedly a developing nation and one of the most lagging behind countries
in terms of automation and technology. In this country, the production efficiency in most of the
factories and industries is far less than the world’s average production. Lack of automation and
reliance on traditional methods of production are factors that contribute to the supply falling
short when compared to the demand. This may come as a shock when knowing that raw
materials necessary for most production processes are available in Sudan. Knowing this and being
a prominent student graduating from the top university in the country, I knew that the burden
to change this situation falls on the likes of me.
Carrying this goal with me throughout my academic journey, I knew that I had to keep learning
and improving even after graduation. Then I decide to become familiar with the newest
technologies in industrial automation by taking several internships in local factories. These
internships helped me realize the importance of enhancing the total efficiency of the factory
through minimizing the downtime of the machines used alongside reducing operating and
maintenance costs. Working there for a while, I realized the connection between theoretical
concepts and practice. I also became aware of the fact that having strong theoretical education
is critical to proper problem solving and implementation of physical systems. Hence, I started
thinking about getting a master’s degree.

Knowing the importance of core understanding of the theoretical concepts, I started thinking
about getting a master’s degree from one of the world’s ranked universities. After a broad search,
I found that the Master of Science at University of Politecnico di Milano is the best choice for me.
My choice was based mainly on the fact that your institution is one of the highest ranked in
Europe. Another fact that has somehow influenced my decision of choosing Italy to peruse my
post-graduate study is that it is one of the leading countries in the region in education and will
open to me great carrier opportunities.

There are several additional reasons why I am applying for your program. First and foremost, I
would like to solidify my theoretical background and I know there is still a lot to learn in this
respect. I am also looking forward to gaining practical perspective alongside the grounding
concepts. Furthermore, the biggest motive for my application is my desire to use the concepts
and ideas learned in this program to start a company or a business in my home country that
would have an impact on the life of others. I have several brilliant ideas that would be possible if
you grant me this opportunity.

All in all, I know for sure that I am a prominent candidate for your program since I possess all it
takes to get the most out of this program. I possess the traits you are looking for: discipline,
consistency, self-learning ability, teamwork, strong theoretical background, and most
importantly passion.

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