The Book of Protection - P A R I T T A

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PARITTA Translated from the original Pali with introductory essay and explanatory notes. Piyadassi Thera This is an anthology of selected discourses of the Buddha compiled by the teachers of yore. It is this anthology that has now been translated form the original Pali by Piyadassi Thera. These discourses have a special appeal not only to the Theravada Buddhists but also to the Mahayana Buddhists. It is interesting to find in this anthology the simpler side as well as the deeper side of the Buddhas teaching. Apart from their is doctrinal value, the selected discourses, when recited, afford a protection against fear, misfortune and ill health that man is heir to. The introductory essay is informative and stimulating to the scholar and general reader alike. This book is an indispensable companion to the Venerable Piyadassi Theras very best introduction the Buddhism -THE BUDDHAS ANCIENT PATH. Most gratefully and most devotedly dedicated to my departed parents (...Mtpitaro pubbcariyti vuccare) Anguttara Nikya. ii. p.70

Preface Foreword The Value of Paritta Invitation (rdhan) i. ii. iii. iv. v. Going for Refuge (ara agamana) The Ten Training Precepts (dasa sikkpada) Questions to be Answered by a Novice (sma era pa ha) T he Thirty two Parts of tbe Body (dvatti skra) T he Four-fold Reflection of a Monk (paccavekkha ) DISCOURSES (suttas) 5 9 11 22 23 24 25 25 26

1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. 10. 11. 12. 13. 14. 15. 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. 21. 22. 23. 24.

Discourse on the Ten Dhammas (dasadhamm sutta) Discourse on Blessings (ma gala sutta) The Jewel Discourse (ratana sutta) Discourse on Lovingkindness (mett sutta) Protection of the Aggregates (khandha paritta) Discourse on Advantages of Lovingkindness (mettnisa sa) The Advantages of Friendship (mittnisa sa) The Peacocks Prayer for Protection (mora paritta) The Moon Deitys Prayer for Protection (canda paritta) The Sun Deitys Prayer for Protection (suriya paritta) Banner Protection (dhajagga paritta) Factors of Enlightenment (Mah Kassapa Thera bhojjhanga) Factors of Enlightenment (Mah Moggallna Thera bhojjhanga) Factors of Enlightenment (Mah Cunda Thera bhojjhanga) Discourse to Girimnanda Thera (Girimnanda sutta) The Discourse at Isigili (Isigili sutta) Setting in Motion the Wheel of Truth (dhammacakkapavattana sutta) The Great Assembly (mah-samaya sutta) Discourse to lavaka (lavaka sutta) Discourse to Bhradvja, the farmer (Kasiibharadvjasutta) Discourse on Downfall (parbhava sutta) Discourse on Outcasts (vasala sutta) Discourse on the Analysis of the Truths (saccavibhanga sutta) Discourse on ntiya ( n iya sutta) Appendix Notes Abbreviations

27 29 30 35 37 38 40 41 42 44 45 48 51 51 53 61 64 70 81 84 88 91 96 103 115 121 122

page 5

The Book of Protection which is an anthology of selected discourses of the Buddha compiled by the teachers of old, was originally meant as a handbook for the newly ordained novice. The idea was that those novices who are not capable of studying large portions of the Discourse Collection (sutta pi aka) should at least be conversant with the Book of Protection. Even today it is so. The twenty four discourses are selected from the five Nikyas or the original Collections in Pali containing the Buddhas discourses. The fact that the book was meant for the novice is clear from the prefatory paragraphs that precede the discourses. The precepts are ten, and not five which are the basic principles of the lay follower. The novice is expected to observe the ten precepts. This is followed by the Questions to be Answered by a Novice and the Thirty Two Parts of the Body which is really a type of meditation on the constituent parts of ones body. Then comes the Four-fold Reflection of a Monk, and finally the Ten Essentials (Dhammas) to be reflected upon by one who has gone forth to live the holy life. The discourses come next. If one patiently and painstakingly studies these discourses, he could gather a good knowledge of the essential and fundamental teaching of the Buddha. The Mah-samaya sutta (p. 70) and the ntiya sutta ending the book (p.103) may appear to some as pointless, but a careful reader will no doubt appreciate their relevance. In the essay on the Value of Paritta page 6 an attempt is made to show what paritta means to a Buddhist. I have endeavoured to keep as close as possible to the original wording of the text without making it too literal a translation on the one hand, and a word for word translation on the other, and have avoided translating the Pali stanzas into verse (except the stanzas of discourses No. 5, 11, 19), in order to give a very faithful, easy and readable rendering. I have preserved the synonymous words and repetitions found in the suttas since they are the ipsissima verba of the Buddha handed down to us through oral tradition. In all the suttas the word Bhagava, the Blessed One, an epithet of the Buddha, is frequently used. To avoid using the same word too often in the translation, I have, at times, used the word the Buddha for Bhagava or a personal pronoun to denote him. The reader may refer to the Khandha-vatta Jataka (No. 203) when studying the Khandha Paritta (p. 37). The Angulimla Paritta (p. 115) is a short discourse that does not appear in the Book of Protection (Paritta text), but as it is a paritta made use of by expectant mothers in Buddhist lands, I have included it in the Appendix. Other Pali stanzas, used by the Buddhists page 7

When reciting the Parittas, are also included in the Appendix with their English renderings. I am indebted beyond measure to Mr. V. F. Gunaratna, retired Public Trustee of Sri Lanka, for his painstaking reading of the script, his careful and valuable suggestions, and for writing the Foreword. The Ven. Kheminda Mah Thera assisted me in finding the references, the Ven. Siridhamma Thera in reading the proofs, and Mr. K. G. Abeysinghe in typing the script: I am grateful to them. To Miss K. Jayawardana of Union Printing Works and her staff who took a keen interest in the printing of this work, I am thankful. Last, but far from least, my thanks are due to Messrs D. Munidase and U. Zoysa for all the help they have given me. Piyadassi Vesakha-mse, 2519; May 1975 Vajirrma, Colombo 5, Sri Lanka (Ceylon). Page 9

by. V. F. Gunaratna The world of English Buddhist literature has been enriched by the publication of this book entitled The Book of Protection". This is a translation by the Ven, Piyadassi Maha Thera of what is well known to every Sinhala Buddhist home as the Pirith Potha which means the book of protection. It contains a collection of suttas or discourses taken from the teachings of the Buddha and are meant to be recited in temples and homes for the purpose of obtaining protection from all harm. This is achieved by recalling with saddha or confidence the virtues of the Buddha. Dhamma and Sangha referred to in these discourses. There are many who listen to the recitation of these discourses but who hardly understand the import of these discourses and therefore any benefit they may gain must necessarily be slight. This translation, therefore, supplies a longfelt need as it will help such persons to listen with understanding when pirith is being recited. The venerable translator is therefore to be congratulated as being the first to translate a book of this nature. To translate a book is not so easy as to write a book. The work of translation calls for precision and concentrated thought. A translation that keeps too close the original is apt to suffer from a failure to convey the spirit underlying the original text. At the same time a translation that is too free runs the risk of expressing more than the author of the original composition had intended and thereby page 10 misrepresents him. The venerable translator has certainly done well by steering clear between these two extremes and therefore deserves special praise.

Further more, he has by the manner of his translation made it evident that he has been at pains to facilitate the purpose for which pirith is recited. By means of explanations in paranthesis and helpful foot notes he has striven to elucidate the meaning of words and phrases where their full significance appears to be obscure. If a further clarification is needed the reader is invited to refer to Ven. Piyadassi Maha Theras book The Buddhas Ancient Path1 which deals with quite a number of points concerning the Buddha-dhamma. There can be no doubt that this translation of the Pirith Potha by one such as the Ven. Piyadassi Maha Thera -a reputed author of several Buddhist books and a preacher whose sermons have gained great acceptance both in the East and West- will be hailed with delight by those who desire to obtain a full understanding of the pirith that is recited in temples and homes -sometimes with marvellous effect. page 11


Recent research in medicine, in experimental psychology and what is still called parapsychology has thrown some light on the nature of mind and its position in the world. During the last forty years the conviction has steadily grown among medical men that very many causes of disease organic as well as functional, are directly causeb by mental states. The body becomes ill because the mind controlling it either secretly wants to make it ill, or else because it is in such a state of agitation that it cannot prevent the body from sickening. Whatever its physical nature, resistance to disease is unquestionably correlated with the psychological condition of the patient.2 Mind not only makes sick, it also cures. An optimistic patient has more chance of getting well than a patient who is worried and unhappy. Thre recorded instanced of faith healing included cases in which even organic diseased were cured almost instantaneously.3 In this connection it is interesting to observe the prevalence, in BUddhist lands, of listening to the recital of the dhamma or the doctrine of the BUddha in order to avert illness or danger, to ward off the influence of maliganant beings, to obtain pretection and deliverance from evil, and to promote headth, prosperity, welfare and well-being. The selected discourses for recital are known as paritta suttas, discourses of protection. But they are not rakshana manttras or protective page 12 incantations found in Brahmanic religion, nor are they magical rites. There is nothing mystical in them.

1 2 3

The Buddhist Publication Society, P. O. Box. 61, Kandy, Sri Lanka (Ceylon) For the physical basis of resistance, see The Nature of Disease by J. E. R. McDonagh, F. R. C. S. Aldous Huxley, Ends and Means (London, 1946), p. 259

Paritta in Pali, paritrana in Sanskrit and pirit (pronounced pirith) in Sinhala4 mean principally protection. Paritta suttas describe certain suttas or discourses delivered by the Buddha aand regarded as affording protection. This protection is to be obtained by reciting or listening to the paritta suttas. The pactice of reciting and listening to the paritta suttas began very early in the history of Buddhism. THe word paritta, in this context, was used by the BUddha, for the first time, in a discourse known as khandha paritta5 in the Culla Vagga of the Vinaya Pitaka (vol. ii. page. 109), and also in the Anguttara Nikaya under the title Ahi (metta) Sutta (vol. ii. p. 82). This discourse ws recommended by the Buddha as guard of protetion for the use of the members of the Order. The BUddha in thiss discourse exhorts the monks to cultivate metta or lovingkindness towards all biengs. It is certain that paritta recital produces mental well-being in those who listen to them with intelligence, and have confidence in the truth of the Buddhas words. Such mental well being can help those who are ill to recover, and can also help not only to induce the mental attitude that brings happiness but also to overcome its opposite. Originally, in India, those who listened to papritta sayings of the Buddha understood what was recited and the effect on them was correspondingly great. The Buddha himself had paritta recited for him, and he also requested others page 13 to recite paritta for his own disciples when they were ill.6 This practice is still in vogue in Buddhist lands. The Buddha and the Arahants (the Consummate Ones) can concentrate on the paritta suttas without the aid of anothr. How ever, wwhen they are ill, it iss easier for them to listen to what others recite, and thus focus their mindss on the dhamma that the suttas contain, rather than think of the dhamma by themselves. There are occasionss, as in the case of illness, which weaken the mind (in the case of worldlings), when heterosuggestion has been found to be more effective than autosuggestion. According to the teachings of the Buddha the mind is so closely linked with the body that mental states affect the bodys health and well being. Some doctors even say there is no such thing as a purely physical disease. Thaat even so grossly physical a complaint as dental caries may be duue to mental causes was manitained in a paaper read before the American Dental Congress in 1937. The author pointed out that children living on a perfectly satisfactory diet may still suffer from dental decay. In such cases, investigation generally shows thth the childs life at home or at schoos is in some way unsatisfactory. The teeth decay because their owner is under mental strain.7 Unless, therefore, according to the Buddhist doctrine of kamma (Sansskrit karma),8 these bas
4 5 6 7 8

The state language of Sri Lanka (Ceylon). See below, discourse no. 5. See below Bojjhanga and Girimanaanda suttas, numbers 12, 13, 14 and 15. Aldous Huxley, Ends and Means, London 1946, p. 259. Karma in Buddhism means action brought about by volition.

mental states are caused as a result of ones own acts (akusala kamma-vipaka), and are therefore unalterable, it is possible so to change page 14 these mentaal states as to cause mental health and physical well-being to follow thereafter. 1. The Power of Truth Several factors combine to contribute towards the efficacy of paritta recitals. Paritta recital is a form of saccakiriya, i.e. an asseveration of truth. Protection results by the power of such asseveration. This means establishing oneself in the power of truth to gain ones end. At the end of the recital of each sutta, the reciters bless the listeners with the words, ,etena sacca vajjena sotti te hotu sabbada which means by the power of the truth of these words may you ever be well. The saying, the power of the dhamma of Truth protects the folloer of the dhamma (dhammo have rakkhati dhammacarin) indicates the principle behind these sutta recitals. The belif in the effective power to heal, or protect, of the saccakiriy, or asseveration of something quite true, is but another aspect of the work ascribed to the paritta9 2. The Power of Virtue Several discourses of The Book of Protection describe the virtous life. The starting point in Buddhism is ssilaa (virtu), Standing of the firm ground of silaa one should endeavour to achieve a collected mind. If it is true that virtue protects the virtuous, then a person who listens to the recital of paritta suttas intelligently, in a reflective mood, with complete confidence in the Buddhas words, uttered by one who has gained complete Enlightenment, will acquire so virtuous a state of mind as wouls enable him to dominaate any evil influence, and to be protected form all harm. 3. The Power of Love The utterances of the compassionate Buddha are never void of love. He walked the high-ways and by-ways of India enfolding all within the aura of his love and compassion instructing, inlightening and gladdening the many by his teaching. The reciters of the paritta are therefore expepcted to do so with a heart of love and compassion wishing the listeners and others weal and happiness and protection from ali harm. Love (metta) is an active force. Every act of one who truly loves is done with the pure mind to help, to cheer and to make the pathss of others more easy, more smooth and more adapted to the conquest of sorrow, the winning of the Highest Bliss. C. A. F. Rhys Davids commenting of amity (metta) writes: The profession of amity, according to Buddhist doctrine, was no mere matter of pretty speech. It was to accompany and express a psychic suffusion of the hostile man or beast or spirit with

C. A. F. Rhys Davids, Dialogues of the Buddha, part 3 p. 186

benign, fraternal emotion-with metta. For strong was the conviction, from Sutta and Vinaya, to Buddhaghosas Visuddhi Maagga10 that thoughtys are things, that psychical action, emotional or intellectual, is capable of working like a force among forces. Europe may yet come round furthr to this Indian attitude11 4. The Power of Sound It is believed that the vibratory sounds produced by the soonorous and mellifluous recital of the paritta page 16 suttas in their Pali verses are soothing to the nerves and induce peace and calm of mind; they also bring about harmony to the physical system. How can bad influence springging from evil beings be counteracted by recital of paritta suttas ? Bad influences are the results of evis thinking. They can, therefore, be counteracted by wholesome states of mind. One sure way of inducing a wholesome state of mind is by listening a reflecting on paritta recitals with intelligence and confidence. So great is the ppower of concentration that by adverting whole-heartedly to the truth contained in the paritta recitals one is able to develop a wholesome state of mind. The recital of paritta suttas can also bring material blessings in its wake through the wholesome states of mind induced by concentration and confidence in listening intelligently to the recital. According to the Buddha, right effort is a necessary factor in overcoming suffering.12 Listening to these recitals in the proper way can also generate energy for the purpose of securing wordly progress while it slso secures spiritual progress. There is no better medicine than truth (dhamma) for the mental and physical ill which are the causes of all suffering and misfortune. So the recital of paritta suttas in as much as they contain the dhamma, may, when they are listened to in the proper attitude, bring into being wholesome states of mind which conduce to health, material progress and spiritual progress. The effect of Pirit can also transcend distance however great. page 17 It is true that the Buddhists consider the parittas as a never-failling, potent and purifying force, a supersolvent . However, a squestion may arise whether recitals from The Book of Protection will, in every case, result in the protection and blessing sought for. In this connection the same reply given by the Venerable Nagasena to King Milinda question why the recital of paritta does not in all cases protect one from death, in worth remembering: Due to three causes recital of paritta may have no effect" Kamma hindranced (Kaammavarana); hindrances from defilemints (kilesavarana); lack of faith
Chapter ix. p. 313. According to the Ssanalankra quoted in Grays Buddhaghosuppatti, p. 15, Buddhaghoso was about to write a Commentary on the Paritta, when he was sent to greater work in Ceylon.
11 12 10

Dialogues of the Buddha, part 3 p. 185. S. I. 214.

(asaddhanataya). 13 Kamma means action and not the result of action; therefore action can be counteracted by other action. Kanna is not something static, but is always changing, i.e. always in the making; that being so, action can be counteracted by other action. Hence bad actions on the part of the hearers of the recital may nagative the beneficial effects of the recital. If the mind of the hearer is contaminated with impure thoughts then also the intended beneficial effects of the recital may not materialize. But however impure the mind of the hearer may be if there is great confidence in the efficacy of the recital then this important factor may help to secure for him the beneficial effects oof the recital. THE BOOK OF PROTECTION This collection of paritta discourses, in Sinhala, The PIrit Potha is the most widely known Pali book in SSri Lanka. It can be called The Buddhist Bible; it is page 18 given an importaant place in the Buddhist home, and is even treated with veneration. In most houses where there is a small shrine, this book is kept there so that the inmates may refer to it during their devotional hour. Ssome have committed to memory the three well known discourses -Mangala, Ratana and Karaniyametta suttas.14 Even children are familiar with these discourses; for they learn them from their parents and elders or from the dhamma school. The habit of listening to the recital of paritta suttas among the Westerners is growing slowly but steadily. The present writer, while on his missions in the Wuropean and American countries, has, at request of several residents there, tape-recorded the recital of paritta suttas for their benefit, and has air-mailed cassettes containing the sutta recitals to those who had sent him such cassettes. Now what does this book contain ? It is a collection of twenty four suttas or discourses almost all delivered by the Buddha, and found scattered in the five original collections (nikayas) in Pali, which from the Sutta Pitaka, the cCaanonical Discourses. These discourses are preceded by an enunciation of the Three Refuges; the Ten Precepts and the questions asked of a novice. This collection of discourses, popularly known as Pirit Potha or The Book of Protection, has a less known title, Catubhanavara (in Sinhala Satara Banavara). A 13th century Commentary to this, written in Pail, by a pupil of the Venerable Rajaguru Vanaratana of Sri Lanka, is aavailable under the title Catubhanavara Atthakatha or Sarattha Samucchaya. page 19 What is aa bhanavara ? It is a collection of sermons or discoursess. Four such
13 14

Milinda Panha, vol. I. p. 216. See below Nos. 2, 3,4.

collections are called Catubhanavara As the teachers of old have said, a three-word line (pada) is made up of eight syllables (attha akkhara), four such padas make a stanza or a gatha. Thus stanzas consists of thirty-two syllables. 250 such stanzas is called a bhanavara which consists of 8,000 syllables. The Catubhanavara was compiled by the Maha Theras, the teachers of yore (poranakacariya), of SSri Lanka, and today it is known among the Buddhists of Sri Lanka as the Pirit Potha The Book of Protection. It is customary for Buddhist monks, when they are invited to the homes of the laity on occasions of domestic importance, such as birth days, house-warming, illness and similar events, to recite the three popular sidcourses mentioned above. In the domestic and ssocial life of the people of Sri Lanka pirit ceremony is of great significance. No festival or function, religious or social, is complete without the recital of the paritta. On special occasions monks are invited ti recite the paritta suttas not for short periods but right thorugh the noght or for three or seven days, and times, for weeks. On such occasions a pavilion (pirit mandapayaa) is constructed for the purpose of accommodating the monks at the recital. Before the commencement of the recital the laity ppresent at the ceremony makes a formal invitation to the monks by reciting in Pali three stanzas which explain the purpose of the recital.15 Then the monks, generally about twelve or fourteen, who have been invited, will recite the three popular suttas. Thereafter a pair of monks will commence reciting the remaining suttas for two hours. page 20 They will then retire and will be followed by another pair for another two hours. Twh onks must be constantly officiating. In this manner the recital will last till dawn. While the recital continues there will be found a pot of water placed on a tabe before the monks. On this table there is also the sacred thread (pirit nula). For an all night pirit ceremony the casket containing a relic of the Buddha, and the Pirit Potha or The Book of Protection written on ola leaves, are also brought into the pavilion. The relic represents the Dhamma or the teachings of the Buddha, and the reciting Bhikkhu-Sangha represent the Ariya-Sangha, the Arahant disciples of the Buddha. The thread is drawn round the interior of the pavilion, and its end twisted round the casket, the neck of the pot of water, and tied to the cord of the ola-leaf book. While the special discourses are being recited the monks hold the thread. The purpose is to maintain an unbroken communication from the water to the relic, to the Pirit Potha and to the officiating monks, (Buddha, Dhamma, Sangha, the Ti-ratana, the three Jewels) A ball of thread connected to The Three Jewels and the water, is unloosened and passed on to the listeners (seated on the ground on mats), who hold the thread while the recital goes on. When the recital in Pali of the entire book is over at dawn, the thread sactified by the recital is divided into pieced and distributed among the devotees to be tied round their wrists or necks. At the same time the sanctified water is sprinklen on all, who even drink a little of it and sprinkle it on their heads. These are to be regarded as symbols of protective power of the paritta that was recited. It is a service of inducing blessings. It has its pssychological effects.

See page 22.

Dr. Bernard Grad of McGill University in Montreal paainstakingly proved of a psychic healer held water is a sealed flask and this water was later poured on barly seeds, the plands significantly outgrew untreated seeds. But -and this is the intriguing part- if depressed psychiatric parients held the flasks of water, the growth of seeds was retarded. Dr. Grad suggests, that there appeared to be some "x factor" or energy that flows from the human body to affect growth of plants and animals. AA persons mood affected this energy. This previously unacknowledged energy has the widest implications for midical science, from healing to lab tests, Grad says.16 As experimentally discovered by Dr. Grad mind can influence matter. If that be so, not much thinking is necessary to draw the logical inference that mind can influence mind. Further if the human mind can influence lower animals, then by a parity of reasoning the human mind can influence the minds of beings higher than animals.

(rdhan) Vipatti pa ibhya - sabba sampatti siddhiy 5abba dukkha vinsya - paritta brtha mangala Vipatti pa ibhya - sabba sampatti siddhiy Sabba bhaya vinsya - paritta brtha mangala Vipatti pa ibhya - sabba sampatti siddhiy Sabba roga vinsya - paritta brtha mangala . That from misfortune I may be free That all good luck should come to me And also from anguish to be free Chant THE PROTECTION I invite thee. That from misfortune I may be free That all good luck should come to me Also from all fear to be free Chant THE PROTECTION I invite thee.@ That from misfortune I may be free That all good luck should come to me

16 Psychic Discoveries Behind the Iron Curtain, SSheilaa Ostrander & Lynn Schroeder, Bantam Books, U. S. A. p. 224; also read chapter on Healing with Thought, p. 293.

And also from sickness to be free Chant THE PROTECTION I invite thee.
@. See above p.19. , See appendix.

page 23 Namo tassa bhagavato arahato samm sambuddhassa Homage to the Blessed One, the Consummate One, the supremely Enlightened One.


(Sara agaman)@ Buddha sarana gacchmi Dhamma sarana gacchmi Sangha sarana gacchmi Dutiyampi Buddha sarana gacchmi Dutiyampi Dhamma sarana gacchmi Dutiyampi Sangha sarana gacchmi Tatiyampi Buddha sarana gacchmi Tatiyampi Dhamma sarana gacchmi Tatiyampi Sangha sarana gacchmi I go for refuge to the Buddha (Teacher) I go for refuge to the Dhamma (the Teaching) I go for refuge to the Sangha (the Taught) For the second time I go for refuge to the Buddha For the second time I go for refuge to the Dhamma For the second time I go for refuge to the Sangha For the third time I go for refuge to the Buddha For the third time I go for refuge to the Dhamma For the third time I go for refuge to the Sangha
@.Vin.i.22(cf .i.24); Khp.p.I.

page 24


(Dasa sikkhpada)@ 1. I undertake to abide by the precept to abstain from killing. 2. I undertake to abide by the precept to abstain from stealing. 3. I undertake to abide by the precept to abstain from sexual misconduct. 4. I undertake to abide by the precept to abstain from lying. 5. I undertake to abide by the precept to abstain from liquor that causes intoxication and heedlessness. 6. I undertake to abide by the precept to abstain from untimely eating. 7. I undertake to abide by the precept to abstain from dancing, singing, music and visiting unseemly shows. 8. I undertake to abide by the precept to abstain from the use of garlands, perfumes, cosmetics and embellishments. 9. I undertake to abide by the precept to abstain from the use of high and luxurious beds. 10. I undertake to abide by the precept to abstain from accepting gold and silver.
@. Khp.p.I;cf.Vin.i,83-4; Vbh.285ff.

page 25


(Sma era paha)@ One is what ? Two is what ? Three is what ? Four is what ? Five is what ? Six is what ? Seven is what ? Eight is what ? Nine is what ? Ten is what ? All beings subsist on food. Name and form (mind and matter). Three kinds of feeling. Four Noble Truths. Five groups of grasping. Internal six-fold base. Seven Factors of Enlightenment. The Noble Eightfold Path. Nine abodes of beings. He that is endowed with ten attributes is called an Arahant.

The novice referred to here is the seven-year old Sopaka. He was questioned by the Buddha. It is not a matter for surprise that a child of such tender years can give profound answers to these questions. One has heard of infant prodigies.


(Dvatti skra)@ There are in this body head-hairs, body-hairs, nails, teeth, skin, flesh, sinews, bones, marrow, kidneys, heart, liver, pleura, spleen, lungs, intestines, intestinal
@. Also known as Kumra Pa nha, Questions to be answered by the Young One. Khp.2; cf.A.v.50ff; 55ff. . See notes at the end of the book. . Vide Encyclopaedia Britannica, Inc.,1955, II.p.389.Also read The Case for Rebirth, Francis Story. Wheel 12-13, Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy. Sri Lanka. (4). Khp.2; cf. D, ii, 293; M.I.57; iii.90. Also see below Girimnanda sutta,15

page 26 tract, stomach, faeces, bile, phlegm, pus, blood, sweat, fat, tears, grease, saliva, nasal mucus, synovium (oil lubricating the joints), urine, and brain in the skull.


(Paccavekkha )@ 1. Wisely reflecting do I wear the robe, only in order to protect myself from cold, heat, gadflies, mosquitoes, wind and sun and from snakes; and also as a constant covering for my modesty. 2. Wisely reflecting I will partake of food not for the pleasure of it, not for the pride (resulting from physical strength obtainable), not for adornment, not for beautifying the body, but merely to maintain this body, to still the hunger, and to enable the practice of the holy life; also to resist the pangs of hunger (due to previous want of food), and to resist the pain (resulting from excess of food). Thus will my life be maintained free from wrong doing and free from discomfort. 3. Wisely reflecting I will make use of lodgings only in order to protect myself from cold and heat, from gadflies and mosquitoes; from wind and sun, from snakes and also as a constant protection against the rigours of climate, and in order to realize that ardent desire for seclusion (which begets mental concentration).

4. Wisely reflecting I will make use of medicine only as an aid to eliminate bodily pains that have arisen, and also to maintain that important condition, freedom from disease.
@. M.i.p.10; cf.A.ii.40; M.53.

page 27


(Dasadhamm sutta)@ Thus have I heard: On one occasion the Blessed One was living near Svatthi at Jetavana at the monastery of Anthapi ika. Then the Blessed One addressed the monks, saying: Monks. Ven. Sir, they said by way of reply. The Blessed One then spoke as follows: These ten essentials (dhammas) must be reflected upon again and again by one who has gone forth (to live the holy life). What are these ten ? 1. I am now changed into a different mode of life (from that of a layman). This must be reflected upon again and again by one who has gone forth. 2. My life depends on others. This must be reflected upon again and again by one who has gone forth. 3. I must now behave in a different manner. This must be reflected upon again and again by one who has gone forth. 4. Does my mind upbraid me regarding the state of my virtue (sla). This must be reflected upon again and again by one who has gone forth. 5. Do my discerning fellow-monks having tested me, reproach me regarding the state of my virtue ? This must be reflected upon again and again by one who has gone forth.

page 28 6. There will be a parting (some day) from all those who are dear and loving to me. Death brings this separation to me. This must be reflected upon again and again by one who has gone forth. 7. Of kamma@ I am constituted. Kamma is my inheritance; kamma is the matrix; kamma is my kinsman; kamma is my refuge. Whatever kamma I perform, be it good or bad, to that I shall be heir. This must be reflected upon again and again by one who has gone forth. 8. How do I spend my nights and days ? This must be reflected upon again and again by one who has gone forth.

9. Do I take delight in solitude ? This must be reflected upon again and again by one who has gone forth. 10. Have I gained superhuman faculties ? Have I gained that higher wisdom so that when I am questioned (on this point) by fellow-monks at the last moment (when death is approaching) I will have no occasion to be depressed and downcast? This should be reflected upon again and again by one who has gone forth. These, monks, are the essentials that should be reflected upon again and again by one who has gone forth (to live the holy life). So spoke the Blessed One. Those monks rejoiced at the words of the Blessed One.
@ . Literally action - mental, verbal and physical.

page 29

(Mah Ma gala sutta)@ Thus have I heard : On one occasion the Blessed One was living near Svatthi at Jetavana at Anthapi ikas monastery. Now when the night was far advanced, a certain deity, whose surpassing radiance illuminated the whole of Jetavana approached the Blessed One, respectfully saluted him, and stood beside him. Standing thus, he addressed the Blessed One in verse : 1. Many deities and men longing for happiness have pondered on (the question of) blessings. Pray tell me what the highest blessings are. 2. Not to associate with the foolish, but to associate with the wise, and to honour those worthy of honour - this is the highest blessing. 3. To reside in a suitable locality, to have performed meritorious actions in the past, and to see oneself in the right direction - this is the highest blessing. 4. Vast learning, skill in handicrafts, well grounded in discipline, and pleasant speech - this is the highest blessing. 5. To support ones father and mother, to cherish ones wife and children, and to be engaged in peaceful occupations, - this is the highest blessing. 6. Liberality, righteous conduct, rendering assistance to relatives, and performance of blameless deeds - this is the highest blessing.
@. Khp.2; Sn.46 under the title Mangala sutta; cf ahmangala Jtaka No.453.

page 30 7. To cease and abstain from evil to abstain from intoxicating drinks, and diligent in performing righteous acts - this is the highest blessing.

8. Reverence, humility, contentment, gratitude, and the timely hearing of the Dhamma, the teaching of the Buddha, - this is the highest blessing. 9. Patience, obedience, meeting the Sama as (holy men), and timely discussions on the Dhamma - this is the highest blessing. 10. Self-control; chastity, comprehension of the Noble Truths, and the realization of Nibbnana - this is the highest blessing. 11. The mind that is not touched by the vicissitudes of life@, the mind that is free from sorrow, stainless, and secure - this is the highest blessing. 12. Those who have fulfilled the conditions (for such blessings) are victorious everywhere, and attain happiness everywhere - To them these are the highest blessings.


(Ratana sutta) (The occasion for this discourse, in brief, according to the commentary, is as follows : The city of Vesli was afflicted by a famine, causing death, especially to the poor folk. Due to the presence of decaying corpses the evil spirits began to haunt
@. The vicissitudes are eight in number: gain and loss, good-repute and ill-repute, praise and blame, joy and sorrow. This stanza is a reference to the state of mind of an Arahant, the Consummate One. . Khp.3; Sn.,39.

page 31 the city; this was followed by a pestilence. Plagued by these three fears of famine, non-human beings and pestilence, the citizens sought the help of the Buddha who was then living at Rjagaha. Followed by a large number of monks including the Venerable nanda, his attendant disciple, the Buddha came to the city of Vesali. With the arrival of the Master, there were torrential rains which swept away the putrefying corpses. The atmosphere became purified, the city was clean. Thereupon the Buddha delivered this Jewel Discourse (Ratana sutta) to the Venerable nanda, and gave him instructions as to how he should tour the city with the Licchavi citizens reciting the discourse as a mark of protection to the people of Vesli. The Venerable nanda followed the instructions, and sprinkled the sanctified water from the Buddhas own alms bowl. As a consequence the evil spirits were exorcised, the pestilence subsided. Thereafter the Venerable nanda returned with the citizens of Vesli to the public hall where the Buddha and his disciples had assembled waiting his arrival. There the Buddha recited the same Jewel Discourse to the gathering: ) 1. Whatever beings (non-humans) are assembled here, terrestrial or celestial, may they all have peace of mind, and may they listen attentively to these words :

2. O beings, listen closely. May you all radiate lovingkindness to those human beings who, by day and night, bring offerings to you (offer merit to you). Wherefore, protect them well with diligence. 3. Whatever treasure there be either here or in the world beyond, whatever precious jewel there be in the heavenly worlds, there is nought comparable to the Tathgata (the Perfect One). This precious jewel is the Buddha.@ By this (asseveration of the) truth may there be happiness.
@. Ratana means precious jewel. Here the term is applied to the Buddha, Dhamma and Sangha. . KhpA.161.

page 32 4. That Cessation, that Detachment, that Deathlessness (Nibbnana) supreme, the calm and collected Sakyan Sage (the Buddha) had realized. There is nought comparable to this (Nibbnana) Dhamma. This precious jewel is the Dhamma . By this (asseveration of the) truth may there be happiness. 5. The Supreme Buddha extolled a path of purity (the Noble Eightfold Path) calling it the path which unfailingly brings concentration. There is nought comparable to this concentration. This precious jewel is the Dhamma. By this (asseveration of the) truth may there be happiness. 6. The eight persons extolled by virtuous men constitute four pairs. They are the disciples of the Buddha and are worthy of offerings. Gifts given to them yield rich results. This precious jewel is the Sangha . By this (asseveration ofthe) truth may there be happiness. 7. With a steadfast mind, and applying themselves well in the dispensation of the Buddha Gotama, free from (defilements), they have attained to that which should be attained (arahantship) encountering the Deathless. They enjoy the Peace of Nibbnana freely obtained.(4) This precious jewel is the Sangha. By this (asseveration of the) truth may there be happiness.
@. Literally, in the Buddha is this precious jewel. . Literally, in the Dhamma is this precious jewel. . Literally, in the Sangha is this precious jewel. (4). Obtained without payment: ayyayena KhpA. I.,185.

page 33 8. As a post deep-planted in the earth stands unshaken by the winds from the four quarters, so, too, I declare is the righteous man who comprehends with wisdom the Noble Truths. This precious jewel is the Sangha. By this (asseveration of the) truth may there be happiness. 9. Those who realize the Noble Truths well taught by him who is profound in wisdom (the Buddha), even though they may be exceedingly heedless, they will not take an eighth existence (in the realm of sense spheres.@) This precious jewel is the Sangha. By this (asseveration of the) truth may there be happiness.

10. With his gaining of insight he abandons three states of mind, namely selfillusion, doubt, and indulgence in meaningless rites and rituals, should there be any. He is also fully freed from the four states of woe, and therefore, incapable of committing the six major wrongdoings. This precious jewel is the Sangha. By this (asseveration of the) truth may there be happiness. 11. Any evil action he may still do by deed, word or thought, he is incapable of concealing it; since it has been proclaimed that such concealing is impossible for one who has seen the Path (of Nibbnana). This precious jewel is the Sangha. By this (asseveration of the) truth may there be happiness.
@. The reason why it is stated that there will be no eighth existence for a person who has attained the stage of sottapatti or the first stage of sanctity is because such a being can live at the most for only a period of seven existences in the realm of sense spheres. . Abhi hnni; i. matricide, ii. patricide iii. The murder of Arahants (the Consummate Ones); iv The shedding of the Buddhas blood, v. causing schism in the Sangha, and vi. pernicious false beliefs (niyata micc di hi). . He is a sotapanna, stream-enterer, one who has attained the first stage of sanctity.

page 34 12. As the woodland groves though in the early heat of the summer month are crowned with blossoming flowers even so is the sublime Dhamma leading to the (calm) of Nibbna which is taught (by the Buddha) for the highest good. This precious jewel is the Buddha. By this (asseveration of the) truth may there be happiness. 13. The Peerless Excellent one (the Buddha) the Knower (of Nibbna), the Giver (of Nibbna), the Bringer (of the Noble Path), taught the excellent Dhamma. This precious jewel is the Buddha. By this (asseveration of the) truth may there be happiness. 14. Their past (kamma) is spent, their new (kamma) no more arises, their mind to future becoming is unattached. Their germ (of rebirth-consciousness) has died, they have no more desire for re-living. Those wise men fade out (of existence) as the flame of this lamp (which has just faded away). This precious jewel is the Sangha. By this (asseveration of the) truth may there be happiness. 15. Whatever beings (non-humans) are assembled here, terrestrial or celestial, come let us salute the Buddha, the Tathgata (the Perfect One), honoured by gods and men. May there be happiness.@ 16. Whatever beings are assembled here, terrestrial, or celestial, come let us salute the perfect Dhamma honoured by gods and men. May there be happiness. 17. Whatever beings are assembled here terrestrial or celestial, come let us salute the perfect Sangha, honoured by gods and men. May there be happiness.
@. The last three stanzas were recited by Sakka, the chief of Devas (gods), KhpA.195.

page 35

(Karai ya mett sutta@) (While the Buddba was staying at Svatthi, a band of monks, having received subjects of meditation from the Master, proceeded to a forest to spend the rainy season (vassna). The tree deities inhabiting this forest were worried by their arrival, as they had to descend from tree abodes and dwell on the ground. They hoped, however, the monks would leave soon; but finding that the monks would stay the vassna period of three months, harassed them in diverse ways, during the night with the intention of scaring them away. Living under such conditions being impossible, the monks went to the Master and informed him of their difficulties. Thereon the Buddha instructed them in the Mett sutta, and advised their return equipped with this sutta for their protection. The monks went back to the forest, and practising the instruction conveyed, permeated the whole atmosphere with their radiant thoughts of mett--loving-kindness--. The deities so affected by this power of love, henceforth allowed them to meditate in peace. The discourse gets divided into two parts. The first detailing the standard of moral conduct required by one who wishes to attain Purity and Peace, and the second the method of practice of mett). 1. He who is skilled in (working out his own) well being, and who wishes to attain the state of Calm (Nibbna) should act thus : He should be dexterous, upright, exceedingly upright, obedient, gentle and humble. 2. Contented, easily supportable, with but few responsibilities, of simple livelihood, controlled in the senses, prudent, courteous, and not hanker after associations with families.
@. Khp.8. Sn.,25, under the title Mett-sutta.

page 36 3. Let him not perform the slightest wrong for which wise men may rebuke him. (Let him think:) May all beings be happy and safe. May they have happy minds. 4. & 5. Whatever living beings there may be - feeble or strong (or the seekers and the attained) long, stout, or of medium size, short, small, large, those seen or those unseen, those dwelling far or near, those who are born as well as those yet to be born - may all beings have happy minds! 6. Let him not deceive another nor despise anyone anywhere. In anger or ill will let him not wish another ill. 7. Just as a mother would protect her only child with her life even so let one cultivate a boundless love towards all beings.

8. Let him radiate boundless love towards the entire world - above below and across - unhindered, without ill will, without enmity. 9. Standing, walking, sitting or reclining, as long as he is awake, let him develop this mindfuiness. This, they say, is Noble Living here. 10. Not falling into wrong views - being virtuous, endowed with Insight, lust in the senses discarded - verily never again will he return to conceive in a womb. page 37


[Khandha Paritta@) Thus have I heard : On one occasion the Blessed One was living near Svatthi at Jetavana at Anthapi ikas monastery. At that time at Svatthi a certain monk had died bitten by a snake. Thereupon many monks approached the Buddha and having saluted him sat beside him. So seated those monks spoke thus to the Blessed One : Bhante (Venerable Sir), a certain monk at Svatthi had died bitten by a snake. Assuredly, monks, said the Buddha, that monk has not suffused with thoughts of lovingkindness (mett) the four royal tribes of snakes. Had he done so, that monk would not have died of snake-bite. What are the four royal tribes of snakes The royal tribe of snakes called Virpakkha ... Erpatha ... Chabyputta and ... Ka hgotamaka. Monks, that monk did not suffuse with thoughts of lovingkindness these four royal tribes of snakes, had he done so he would not have died of snake-bite. Monks, I enjoin you to suffuse with thoughts of lovingkindness these four royal tribes of snakes for your safety, for your preservation, and for your protection. So said the Blessed One. Having thus spoken, the Buddha, the Welcome One (Sugata), further said (suggesting how they should express themselves :) mett
@. Culla Vagga, ii.p.110; also in the Anguttara under the title Ahi (mett) sutta,ii.72;

page 38 1. May I have mett towards Virpakkhas Towards Erpathas may I have mett May my mett be towards Chabyputtas Towards Ka hgotamakas also mett may I have. 2. May I have mett towards the footless And towards bipeds too, my mett may I have May I have mett towards the quadrupeds And towards the many footed also, mett may I have. 3. Let not the footless do me harm Nor those that have two feet

Let not quadrupeds do me harm Nor those endowed with many feet. 4. All beings, all living creatures, May good fortune befall them all May not the least harm on them befall. Infinite (in virtue) is the Buddha, infinite is the Dhamma, infinite is the Sangha. Finite are creeping creatures -- snakes, scorpions, centipedes, spiders, lizards and rats. I have guarded myself I have made my protection. Depart from me, ye beings. I bow down to the Blessed One; and to the seven Supreme Buddhas.@


(Mettnisa sa sutta ) Thus have I heard : On one occasion the Blessed One was living near Svatthi at Jetavana at Anthapi ikas monastery.
@. Vipassi, Sikkhi, Vessabhu, Kakusanda, KoNgama, Kassapa, Gotama. . A.,v.342.

page 39 Then he addressed the monks saying, monks. Venerable Sir, said the monks, by way of reply. The Blessed One then spoke as follows : Monks, eleven advantages are to be expected from the release (deliverance) of heart by familiarizing oneself with thoughts of lovingkindness (mett), by the cultivation of lovingkindness, by constantly increasing these thoughts, by regarding lovingkindess as a vehicle (of expression), and also as something to be treasured, by living in conformity with these thoughts, by putting these ideas into practice, and by establishing them. What are the eleven ? 1. He sleeps in comfort. 2. He awakes in comfort. 3. He sees no evil dreams. 4. He is dear to human beings. 5. He is dear to non-human beings. 6. Devas (gods) protect him. 7. Fire, poison and sword cannot touch him. 8. His mind can concentrate quickly. 9. His countenance is serene. 10. He dies without being confused in mind.

11. If he fails to attain Arahantship (the highest sanctity) here and now, he will be reborn in the brahma-world. These eleven advantages, monks, are to be expected from the release of heart by familiarizing oneself with thoughts of lovingkindness, by cultivation of lovingkindness, by constantly increasing these thoughts, by regarding lovingkindness as a vehicle (of expression), and also as something to be reassured by living in conformity with these thoughts, by putting these ideas into practice and by establishing them. So said the Blessed One. Those monks rejoiced at the words of the Blessed Qne. ***===end of page 39===*** continued on PRO40_60.WRI -----------------------------------------------------PRO40_60.WRI page 40-60 proof: 96.12.07 footnotes @, , ,(4) page 40


(Mittnisa sa) [These ten gths (stanzas), recounting the beneficial effects of friendsbip, are found in the Mgapakkha (Temiya) Jtaka, vol. vii. No. 538]. 1. He who maintains genuine friendship (who is not treacherous towards friends) will, whenever he goes far out of his home, receive abundance of hospitality. Many will obtain their living through him. 2. He who maintains genuine friendship will, whatever country, village or town he visits, be honoured. 3. He who maintains genuine friendship - robbers will not overpower him. Royalty will not look down upon him. He will triumph over all his enemies. 4. He who maintains genuine friendship, returns home with feelings of amity, rejoices in the assemblies of people, and becomes the chief among his kinsmen. 5. He who maintains genuine friendship, being hospitable to others, in turn, receives hospitality. Being respectful to others, in turn, receives respect. He enjoys both praise and fame.

6. He who maintains genuine friendship. being a giver, in turn, receives gifts himself. Being worshipful to others, in turn, himself is worshipped. He attains prosperity and fame. 7. He who maintains genuine friendship, shines (in glory) like the fire, and is radiant as a deity. Never will prosperity forsake him. page 41 8. He who maintains genuine friendship, to him there will be many breeding cattle. What is sown in the field will flourish. The fruit of that which is sown he enjoys.@ 9. He who maintains genuine friendship, should he fall from a precipice or mountain or tree, he will be protected (will not be harmed). 10. He who maintains genuine friendship cannot be overthrown by enemies even as the deep-rooted banyan tree cannot be overthrown by the wind.


(Mora paritta ) 1. There rises the golden hued one. the one who has sight, the one who is sole monarch, the one who illuminates the earth (it is the sun that is being addressed). I adore thee, the golden hued one who illuminates the earth. Protected by thee we live this day safe and secure. 2. May my adoration be to those Brhma as (the Buddhas) who have attained Enlightenment by comprehending all dhammas. May they protect me. May my adoration be to the Buddhas (of the past), to their Enlightenment (the Four Paths and the Four Fruits). May my adoration be to those supremely secured from bondage (the Buddhas) and to their Deliverance. Having made this protection, the peacock goes about seeking (food). @. The paritta text has puttna phalamasnti which means, blest with offsprings. This is hardly compatible in the context of he stanza concerned. The original Jtaka text has vuttna phalamasnti which means, the fruit of what is sown he enjoys, a meaning which harmonizes with the rest of the stanza. . Jataka, ii 23; No.159. . The word Brhma a is used in the literal sense of one who has unloaded the burden of evil (bhita p poti brhma o), i.e. the Buddha, or an Arahant, the Consummate One. The word Brhma a in the Brhma a Vagga (last chapter) of the Dhammapada, refers to the

Arahant. page 42 3. There descends the golden hued one, the one who has sight. the one who is sole monarch, the one who illuminates the earth. I adore thee, the golden hued one who illuminates the earth. Protected by thee we live this night safe and secure. 4. May my adoration be to those brhma as (the Buddhas) who have attained Enlightenment by comprehending all dhammas. May they protect me. May my adoration be to the Buddhas (of the past), to their Enlightenment. May my adoration be to those supremely secured from bondage (the Buddhas) and to their Deliverance. Having made this protectlon; the peacock spent his life (happily).


(Canda Paritta@) (In Indian cosmology the major planets are regarded as deities or gods. This view, at times, extends to the common parlance of today, e. g., rain god, sun god, etc. the Buddha was not disposed to comment on these views. and so he contented himself with merely expressing the message of the Dhamma through the medium of these views ).
@. S.i.50.

page 43 Thus have I heard : On one occasion the Blessed One was living near Svatthi, at Jetavana at Anthapi ikas monastery. At that time Candima, the moon deity, was seized by Rhu, Lord of Asura. Thereupon calling to mind the Blessed One, Candima, the moon deity, recited this stanza : i. O Buddha, the Hero, thou art wholly free from all evil. My adoration to thee. I have fallen into distress. Be thou my refuge.

Thereupon the Blessed One addressed a stanza to Rhu, Lord of Asuras, on behalf of Candima, thus : ii. O Rhu, Candima has gone for refuge to the Tathgata, the Consummate One. Release Candima. The Buddhas radiate compassion on the world (of beings).

Thereupon Rhu, Lord of Asuras, released Candima, the deity, and immediately came to the presence of Vepacitta, Lord of Asuras, and stood beside him trembling with fear and with hair standing on end. Then Vepacitta addressed Rhu in this stanza: iii. Rhu. why did you suddenly release Candima ? Why have you come trembling, and why are you standing here terrified ?


I have been spoken to by the Buddha in a stanza (requesting me to release Candima). If I had not released Candima my head would have split into seven pieces. While yet I live, I should have had no happiness. (Therefore I released Candima)

page 44


(Suriya Paritta@) Thus have I heard : On one occasion the Blessed One was living near Svatthi at Jetavana at Anthapi ikas Monastery. At that time Suriya, the sun deity, was seized by Rhu, Lord of Asuras. Thereupon calling to mind the Blessed One, Suriya, the Sun deity, recited this stanza : i. O Buddha, the Hero, thou art wholly free from all evil. My adoration to thee. I have fallen into distress, Be thou my refuge.

Thereupon the Blessed One addressed a stanza to Rhu, Lord of Asuras, on behalf of Suriya thus : ii. iii. O Rhu, Suriya has gone for refuge to the Tathgata, the Consummate One. Release Suriya. The Buddhas radiate compassion on the world (of beings). iii, O Rhu, swallow not the dispeller of darkness, the shining one, the radiant and effulgent traveller through the sky. Rhu, release Suriya, my son.

Thereupon Rhu, Lord of Asuras, released Suriya. and immediately came to the presence of Vepacitta, Lord of Asuras, and stood beside him trembling with fear and with hair standing on end. Then Vepacitta addressed Rhu in this stanza: iv. Rhu, why did you suddenly release Suriya ? Why have you come trembling, and why are you standing here terrified ?

@. S.,i,51.

page 45 I have been spoken to by the Buddha in a stanza (requesting me release Suriya). If I had not released Suriya my head would have split into seven pieces. While yet I live, I should have had no happiness, (Therefore I released Suriya).

(Dhajagga Paritta@) Thus have I heard :

On one occasion the Blessed One was living near Svatthi at Jetavana at the monastery of Anthapi ika. Then he addressed the monks saying, O monks. Venerable Sir, said the monks by way of reply to the Blessed One. Thereupon he spoke as follows: Monks, I shall relate a former incident, There arose a battle between the Devas (gods) and Asuras. Then Sakka, the Lord of the devas, addressed the devas of the Tvati sa heaven thus: "Happy ones, if the devas who have gone to the battle should experience fear or terror or suffer from hair standing on end, let them behold the crest of my own banner. If you do so, any fear, terror or hair standing on end arising in you will pass away. "If you fail to look up to the crest of my banner look at the crest of the banner of Pajpati, King of gods. If you do so, any fear, terror or hair standing on end arising in you will pass away.
@. S.,i.218.

page 46 If you fail to look up to the crest of Pajpati, King of the gods, look at the crest of the banner of Varuna, King of the gods if you do so, any fear, terror or hair standing on end arising in you will pass away. If you fail to look up to the crest of Varuna King of the gods, look at the crest of the banner of Isna, King of the gods, If you do so, any fear, terror or hair standing on end arising in you, will pass away. Monks, any fear, terror or hair standing on end arising in them who look at the crest of the banner of Sakka... he Lord of the gods, of Pajpati.... of Varuna... of Isna, the King of the gods, any fear terror or hair standing on end, may pass away, or not pass away. What is the reason for this ? Sakka, the Lord of gods, O monks, is not free from lust, not free from hate, not free from delusion, and is therefore liable to fear, terror, fright and flight. I also say unto you O monks - if any fear, terror or hair standing on end should arise in you when you have gone to the forest or to the foot of a tree, or to an empty house (lonely place), then think only of me thus : "Such indeed is the Blessed One, Arahant (Consummate One), supremely enlightened, endowed with knowledge and virtue, welcome being, knower of worlds, the peerless trainer of persons, teacher of gods and men, the Buddha, the Blessed One." Monks, if you think of me, any fear, terror, or standing of hair on end, that may arise in you, will pass away. If you fail to think of me, then think of the Dhamma (the Doctrine) thus : Well expounded is the page 47 Dhamma by the Blessed One, a Dhamma to be realized by oneself and gives immediate results, a Dhamma which invites investigation and leads up to Nibbna, a

Dhamma to be understood by the wise each for himself." Monks, if you think of the Dhamma, any fear, terror, or hair standing on end, that may arise in you, will pass away. If you fail to think of the Dhamma, then think of the Sangha (the Order) thus : "Of good conduct is the Order of Disciples of the Blessed One, of upright conduct is the Order of Disciples of the Blessed One, of wise conduct is the Order of Disciples of the Blessed One, of dutiful conduct is the Order of Disciples of the Blessed One. This Order of Disciples of the Blessed One - namely those four pairs of persons@, the eight kinds of individuals -is worthy of offerings, is worthy of hospitality, is worthy of gifts, is worthy of reverential salutations, is an incomparable field of merit for the world." Monks, if you think of the Sangha, any fear, terror or hair standing on end, that may arise in you, will pass away. What is the reason for this ? The Tathgata, O monks, who is Arahant, supremely enlightened, is free from lust, free from hate, is free from delusion, and is not liable to fear, terror, fright or flight. So said the Blessed One. Having thus spoken, the Teacher, the Welcome Being (Sugata), further said :
@. The four pairs of persons constitute the four kinds of aryan disciples who have attained the four paths and four fruits of sanctity (magga and phala), namely, sotpatthi Stream Entry; sakadagami Once-Return; aNgami Non-Return and arahattha, Arahantship, the fourth and the last stage at which all fetters are severed and taints rooted out. . The above four pairs become eight when the Paths and Fruits are regarded separately.

page 48 i. Whether in forest or at foot of tree, Or in some secluded spot, O monks, Do call to mind that Buddha Supreme; then will there be no fear to you at all. If you think not of the Buddha, O monks, That Lord of the world and Chief of men, Then do think, O monks, of that Dhamma; So well preached and leading to Nibbna. If you think not of the Dhamma, O monks Well preached and leading to Nibbna; Then do think, O monks, of that Sangha, That wonderful field of merit to all. To those recalling the Buddha supreme, To those recalling the Dhamma sublime, And to those recalling the Sangha, No fear, no terror will make them quiver.




(Mah Kassapa Thera Bojjhanga@) Thus have I heard :

On one occasion the Blessed One was living near Rjagaha, in the bamboo grove, in the Squirrels feeding- ground. At that time the Venerable Mah Kassapa who was living in the Pipphali Cave, was afflicted with a disease, was suffering therefrom, and was gravely ill.
@. S.v.p.19.

page 49 Then the Blessed One arising from his solitude at even-tide visited the Venerable Mah Kassapa and sat down on a seat made ready (for him). Thus seated the Blessed One spoke to the Venerable Mah Kassapa : Well Kassapa, how is it with you ? Are you bearing up, are you enduring (your suffering)? Do your pains decrease or increase? Are there signs of your pains decreasing and not of increasing? No, Ven. Sir, I am not bearing up, I am not enduring, the pain is very great. There is a sign not of pains decreasing but of their increasing. Kassapa,these seven factors of enlightenment are well expounded by me and are cultivated and fully developed by me. They conduce to perfect understanding, to full realization (of the four Noble Truths) and to Nibbna. What are the seven ? i. Mindfulness, the factor of enlightenment, Kassapa, is well expounded by me, and is cultivated and fully developed by me. It conduces to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbna. Investigation of the Dhamma, the factor of enlightenment, Kassapa, is well expounded by me, and is cultivated and fully developed by me. It conduces to perfect understanding to full realization and to Nibbna. Persevering effort, the factor of enlightenment, Kassapa, is well expounded by me and is cultivated and fully developed by me. It conduces to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbna. Rapture, the factor of enlightenment, Kassapa, is well expounded by me, and is cultivated and fully developed by me. It conduces to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbna. Calm, the factor of enlightenment, Kassapa, is well expounded by me and is cultivated and fully developed by me. It conduces to perfect understanding, to full realisation and to Nibbna. Concentration, the factor of enlightenment, Kassapa, is well expounded by me and is cultivated and fully developed by me. It conduces to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbna. Equanimity, the factor of enlightenment, Kassapa, is well expounded by me and is cultivated and fully developed by me. It conduces to perfect understanding, to full realisation and to Nibbna.



page 50 iv.




These seven factors of enlightenment, Kassapa, are well expounded by me and are cultivated and fully eveloped by me. They conduce to perfect understanding. to full realization and to Nibbna. Most assuredly, O Blessed One, they are factors of enlightenment. Most assuredly, O Welcome Being (Sugata), they are factors of enlightenment. Thus said the Buddha, and the Venerable Mah Kassapa glad at heart approved the utterances of the Buddha. Thereupon the Venerable Kassapa recovered from that affliction, and that affliction of the Venerable Kassapa disappeared. page 51

(Mah Moggallna Thera Bojjhanga@) Thus have I heard : On one occasion the Blessed One was living near Rjagaha in the bamboo grove, in the squirrels feeding-ground. At that time the Venerable Mah Moggallna who was living on the Gijjhak a Hill (Vultures Peak) was afflicted with a disease, was suffering therefrom, and was gravely ill. Then the Blessed One arising from his solitude at eventide visited the Venerable Mah Moggallna and sat down on a seat made ready for him. (Exactly the same as in previous discourse changing Mah Kassapa into Mah Moggallna.)

(Mah Cunda Thera Bojjhanga ) Thus have I heard: On one occasion the Blessed One was living near Rjagaha in the Bamboo grove in the squirrels feeding ground. At that time he was afflicted with a disease, was suffering therefrom, and was gravely ill. Then the Venerable Mah Cunda arising from his solitude at even-tide (4) approached the Blessed One, saluted him, and sat down beside him.
@ S., V.p.80. S., V.p.81. Younger brother of the Venerable Sriputta. (4) Syanha samaya patisalln vu hito,not found in the original Sa yutta text.

page 52 To the Venerable Mah Cunda thus seated, the blessed One said: O Cunda, let the factors of enlightenment occur to your mind.

These seven factors of enlightenment, bhante (Ven. Sir) are well expounded, and are cultivated and fully developed by the Blessed One. They conduce to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbna. What are the seven? i. Mindfulness, the factor of enlightenment, bhante, is well expounded by the Blessed One and is cultivated and fully developed by the Blessed One. It conduces to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbna. Investigation of the Dhamma, the factor of enlightenment, bhante, is well expounded by the Blessed One and is cultivated and fully developed by the Blessed One. It conduces to perfect understanding to full realization and to Nibbna. Persevering effort the factor of enlightenment, bhante is well expounded by the Blessed One and is cultivated and fully developed by the Blessed One. Rapture, the factor of enlightenment, bhante, is well expounded by the Blessed One and is cultivated and fully developed by the Blessed One it conduces to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbna. Calm, the factor of enlightenment, bhante, is well expounded by the Blessed One and is cultivated and



It conduces to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbna iv.


page 53 fully developed by the Blessed One. It conduces to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbna. vi. Concentration, the factor of enlightenmen, bhante, is well expounded by the Blessed One and is cultivated and fully developed by the Blessed One. It conduces to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbna. Equanimity, the factor of enlightenment, bhante, is well expounded by the Blessed One and is cultivated and fully developed by the Blessed One. These seven factors of enlightenment, bhante, are well expounded and cultivated and fully developed by the Blessed One. They conduce to perfect understanding, to full realization and to Nibbna.


Most assuredly Cunda, they are factors of enlightenment. Most assuredly, Cunda, they are factors of enlightenment, This said the Venerable Mah Cunda, and the Master approved of it. Then the Blessed One recovered from his affliction, and thus disappeared his affliction.


(Girimnanda sutta@) Thus have I heard:

On one occasion the Blessed One was living near Svatthi at Jetavana at the monastery of Anthapi ika. Now at that time the Venerable Girimnanda was
@. A.,V.108.

page 54 afflicted with a disease, was suffering therefrom, and was gravely ill. Thereupon the Venerable nanda approached the Buddha and having saluted him sat beside him. So seated the Venerable nanda said this to the Blessed One: Bhante (Venerable Sir,) the Venerable Girimnanda is afflicted with a disease, is suffering therefrom, and is gravely ill. It were well, bhante, if the Blessed One would visit the Venerable Girimnanda out of compassion for him, (Thereupon the Buddha said): Should you, nanda, visit the monk Girimnanda and recite to him the ten contemplations, then that monk Girimnanda having heard them, will be immediately cured of his disease. What are the ten ? Contemplation of impermanence. Contemplation of anatt (absence of a permanent self or soul). Contemplation of foulness. Contemplation of disadvantage (danger). Contemplation of abandonment. Contemplation of detachment. Contemplation of cessation. Contemplation of distaste for the whole world. Contemplation of impermanence of all component things. Mindfulness of in-breathing and out-breathing. page 55 i. And what, nanda, is contemplation of impermanence? Herein, nanda, a monk having gone to the forest or to the foot of a tree or to an empty house (lonely place) contemplates thus : Matter (visible objects) is impermanent; feeling or sensation is impermanent; perception is impermanent; formations are impermanent; consciousness is impermanent. Thus he dwells contemplating impermanence in these five aggregates, This, nanda, is called contemplation of impermanence. ii. And what nanda, is contemplation of anatta. Herein, nanda, a monk having gone to the forest or to the foot of a tree or to a lonely place contemplates thus: The eye is not the self; visible objects are not the self; the ear is not the self; sounds are not the self; the nose is not the self; smells are not the self;

the tongue is not the self; tastes are not the self; the body is not the self; bodily contacts (tangible objects) are not the self; the mind is not the self; mental objects are not the self. Thus he dwells contemplating not self in these internal and external bases. This, nanda, is called contemplation of anatt. iii. And what, nanda, is contemplation of foulness ? Herein, nanda, a monk contemplates this body upwards from the soles of the feet, downwards from the top of the hair, enclosed in skin, as being full of many kinds of impurities. In this body there are head-hairs, body-hairs, nails, teeth, skin, flesh, sinews, bones, marrow, kidneys, heart, liver, pleura, spleen, lungs, page 56 intestines, intestinal tract, stomach, faeces, bile, phlegm, pus, blood, sweat, fat, tears, grease, saliva, nasal mucus, synovium (oil lubricating the joints), and urine. Thus he dwells contemplating foulness in this body. This, nanda, is called contemplation of foulness. iv. What, nanda, is contemplation of disadvantage (danger)? Herein, nanda, a monk having gone to the forest, or to the foot of a tree, or to a lonely place, contemplates thus : Many are the sufferings, many are the disadvantages (dangers) of this body since diverse diseases are engendered in this body such as the following: Eye-disease, eardisease, nose-disease, tongue-disease, body-disease, headache, mumps, mouth-disease, toothache, cough, asthma, catarrh, heart-burn, fever, stomach ailment, fainting, dysentry, swelling, gripes, leprosy, boils, scrofula, consumption, epilepsy, ringworm, itch, eruption, tetter, pustule, plethora, diabetes, piles, cancer, fistula and diseases originating from bile, from phlegm, from wind, from conflict of the humours, from changes of weather, from adverse condition (faulty deportment), from devices (practised by others), from kammavipka (results of kamma); and cold, heat, hunger, thirst, excrement, and urine. Thus he dwells contemplating disadvantage (danger) in this body. This, nanda, is called contemplation of disadvantage (danger). v. And what, nanda, is contemplation of abandonment ? page 57 Herein, nanda, a monk does not tolerate a thought of sense desire that has arisen in him, dispels it, makes an end of it, and annihilates it. He does not tolerate a thought of ill-will that has arisen in him, but abandons, dispels it, makes an end of it, and annihilates it. He does not tolerate a thought of cruelty that has arisen in him but abandons it, dispels it, makes an end of it, and annihilates it. He does not tolerate evil, unprofitable states that arise in him from time to time, but abandons them, dispels them, makes an end of them, and annihilates them. This, nanda, is called contemplation of abandonment. vi. And what, nanda, is contemplation of detachment ? Herein, nanda, a monk having gone to the forest, or to the foot of a tree, or to a lonely place, contemplates thus : This is peaceful, this is sublime, namely, the stilling of

all conditioned things, the giving up of all substratum of becoming, the extinction of craving, detachment, Nibbna. This, nanda, is called contemplation of detachment. vii. And what, nanda, is contemplation of cessation ? Herein, nanda, a monk having gone to the forest or to the foot of a tree, or to a lonely place, contemplates thus : This is peaceful, this is sublime, namely the stilling of all component things, the giving up of all substratum of becoming,the extinction of craving, cessation, Nibbna. This, nanda, is called contemplation of cessation. page 58 viii. And what, nanda, is contemplation of distaste for the whole world ? Herein, nanda, (a monk) by abandoning any concern and clinging to this world, by abandoning mental prejudices, wrong beliefs, and latent tendencies concerning this world, by not grasping them, but by giving them up, becomes detached. This, Ananda, is called contemplation of distaste for the whole world. ix. And what, nanda, is contemplation of impermanence of all component things? Herein, nanda,a monk is wearied, humiliated and disgusted with all conditioned things. This, nanda, is called contemplation of impermanence of all component things. x. And what, nanda, is mindfulness of in-breathing and out-breathing ? Herein, nanda, a monk having gone to the forest, or to the foot of a tree, or to a lonely place, sits down, having folded his legs crosswise, keeping the body erect, and his mindfulness alive, mindful he breathes in, mindful he breathes out. When he is breathing in a long breath, he knows:I am breathing in a long breath, when he is breathing out a long breath, he knows :I am breathing out a long breath; when he is breathing in a short breath, he knows : I am breathing in a short breath, when he is breathing out a short breath, he knows : I am breathing out a short breath. Conscious of the entire page 59 process@ I shall breathe in, thus he trains himself. Conscious of the entire process I shall breathe out, thus he trains himself. Calming the entire process, I shall breathe in, thus he trains himself; calming the entire process I shall breathe out, thus he trains himself. Experiencing rapture, I shall breathe in, thus he trains himself experiencing rapture, I shall breathe out, thus he trains himself. Experiencing bliss, I shall breathe in, thus he trains himself, experiencing bliss, I shall breathe out, thus he trains himself. Experiencing the mental formations (feeling and perception). I shall breathe in, thus he trains himself; experiencing the mental formations, I shall breathe out, thus he trains himself, Calming the mental formations, I shall breathe in, thus he trains himself; calming the mental formations, I shall breathe out, thus he trains himself.

Experiencing the mind (according to the fourfold absorptions, or Jhnas), I shall breathe in; thus he trains himself; experiencing the mind, I shall breathe out, thus he trains himself, Exceedingly gladdening the mind (by samatha, calming, as well as by vipassana, insight), I shall breathe in, thus he trains himself; exceedingly gladdening
@. Sabba-kya. Literally, the whole (breath) body. According to the Visuddhi Magga, kya here does not mean the physical body, but the whole mass of in-breathing and out-breathing.

page 60 the mind, I shall breathe out, thus he trains himself. Concentrating the mind (on the breath), I shall breathe in, thus he trains himself; concentrating the mind I shall breathe out, thus he trains himself. Liberating the mind (from the nivaranas, or hindrances), I shall breathe in,thus he trains himself liberating the mind I shall breathe out, thus he trains himself; contemplating impermanence (in body, feeling, perception, volitional formations, consciousness), I shall breathe in, thus he trains himself; contemplating impermanence I shall breathe out, thus he train himself; contemplating detachment, I shall breathe in thus he trains himself,contemplating detachment I shall breathe out, thus he trains himself; contemplating cessation I shall breathe in, thus he trains himself; contemplating cessation I shall breathe out, thus he trains himself; contemplating abandonment I shall breathe in thus he trains himself, contemplating abandonment, I shall breathe out, thus he trains himself, This, nanda, is called mindfulness of in-breathing and out-breathing. If, nanda, you visit the monk Girimnanda and recite to him these ten contemplations, then that monk, Girimnanda, having heard them, will be immediately cured of his affliction. Thereupon the Venerable nanda, having learnt these ten contemplations from the Blessed One, visited the Venerable Girimnanda, and recited to him the ten contemplations. When the Venerable Girimnanda had heard them, his affliction was immediately cured, He recovered from that affliction, and thus disappeared the affliction of the Venerable Girimnanda. ===end of page 60=== continued on PRO61_79.WRI PRO61_79.WRI page 61-79 proof: 96.12.07 footnotes @, , ,(4) diacritical marks as: = = = ii .. m= n = t = d = .d n = = = II @ = uu = UU

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(Isigili sutta@) Thus have I heard : On one occasion the Blessed One was living on Isigili mountain near Rjagaha. Then he addressed the monks saying, O monks. Bhante (Venerable Sir,) replied those monks in assent to the Blessed One. Thereupon he said this : Do you, monks, see this Vebhra mountain ? Yes, bhante. There was another name, monks, for this Vebhra mountain, another designation. Do you, monks, see this Pa ava mountain? Yes, bhante. There was another name, monks, for this Pa ava mountain, another designation.Do you, monks, see this Vepulla mountain? Yes, bhante. There was another name, monks, for this Vepulla mountain, another designation. Do you, monks, see this Gijjhak a mountain ? Yes bhante. There was another name, monks, for this Gijjhak a mountain, another designation. Do you, monks, see this Isigili mountain ? Yes; bhante.
@. M.,116.

page 62 This has been the very name, monks, the very designation for this Isigili mountain. In the past, monks, five hundred paccekabuddhas@ lived for a long time on this Isigili mountain. As they were entering the mountain they were visible, but once they had entered, they were not visible. People seeing this remarked : This mountain swallows these seers (isi gilati); hence the name Isigili came into being. I will tell you, monks, the names of the paccekabuddhas. I will reveal, monks, the names of the paccekabuddhas. Listen, pay close attention. I will speak Yes, bhante replied the monks. The blessed One said :

Ari ha , monks was a paccekabuddha who lived for a long time on this Isigili mountain, Upari ha, Tagarasikhi, Yasassi, Sudussana, Piyadassi, Gandhra, Pi ola, Upsabha, Ntha, Tatha, Sutav, Bhvitatta, monks, was a paccekabuddha who lived for a long time on this Isigili mountain. i. The names of those supreme beings who are free from sorrow and desire, who have over come their passions,(4) And have individually attained enlightenment, noble among men. I make known. Listen to me :

@. They are Buddhas, who have attained enlightenment independent of anothers aid, but lack the faculty of convincing others. . For stories connected with these thirteen names see Dictionary of Pali Proper Names, G. P. Malalasekera. . Literally those essences of beings, MA. iv.129. having declared the names of the thirteen paccekabuddhas, the names of those others who are the essences of beings, are now revealed in verse : (4) Literally removed the spike of passions (visalla).

page 63 ii. Ari ha, Upari ha, Tagarasikhi, Yasassi, Sudassana, Piyadassi, the enlightened.@ Gandhra, Pi ola and Upsabha, Ntha, Tatha, Sutav, Bhvitatta. Sumbha, Subha, Methula, A hama, and then Megha, Angha, Sud ha are paccekabuddhas whose desire for becoming (re-living) is destroyed. Hingu and Hinga of great power. The two sages Jli and A haka, then Kosala, the enlightened one, then Subhu, Upanemisa, Nemisa, Santacitta, Sacca, Tatha , Viraja and Pa ita. Kla, Upakla, Vijita and Jita, Anga and Panga and Gutijjita. Passi removed defilements; the root of suffering, Aparjita, conqueror of Mras might. Satth, Pavatth, Sarabha ga, Lomah sa. Uccangamya, Asita, Ansava. Manomaya and Bandhum, the destroyers of pride; Taddhimutta, Vimala and Ketuma. Ketumbarga and Mtanga, Ariya. Then Accuta and Accutagmabymaka. Suma gala, Dabbila, Suppati hita, Asayha, Khembhirata and Sorata. Durannaya, Sa gha, and Uccaya, and then the sage Sayha of sublime energy. nanda, Nanda, Upananda, the twelve paccekabuddhas Bhradvja bearing his last body.(4)


iv. v. vi.

vii. viii.

@. It would appear that the reason why in the Pli stanzas attributes are mentioned in respect of some paccekabuddhas, and not all, is for metrical purposes. . Culla Jli and Mah Jli. . Four nandas, four Nandas and four Upnandas,MA.,iv.129. (4). The five aggregates of: body; feeling or sensation; perception; formations and consciousness,

page 64 ix. Bodhi, Mahnma and then Uttara, Kesi, Sikhi, Sundara and Bhradvja. Tissa, Upatissa, Upasdari, the destroyer of the bonds of becoming, and Sdari, the destroyer of craving.


Ma gala was the lust-free paccekabuddha, Usabha who cut away the ensnaring root of suffering. Upanta, who attained state of Calm (Nibbna), Uposatha, Sundara and Saccanma. Jeta, Jayanta, Paduma and Uppala; Padumuttara, Rakkhita and Pabbata. Mnatthaddha, Sobhita, Vtarga, and the paccekabuddha Ka ha well freed in mind. These and others are paccekabuddhas of great power whose desires for becoming (re-living) are destroyed. Do salute these great sages of immeasurable (virtue) who have gone beyond all attachment@ and attained PariNibbna.




(Dhammacakkappavattana-sutta ) (The First Sermon of the Buddha) (For seven weeks immediately following the enlightenment, the Buddha spent his time in lonely retreat. At the close of this period he decided to proclaim the doctrine (Dhamma) he had realized, to those five ascetics who were once struggling with him for enlightenment. Knowing that they were living at Isipatana (modern Sarnath), still steeped in the unmeaning rigours of extreme asceticism, the Master left Gaya, where he attained enlightenment, for distant Varanasi, Indias holy city. There at the Deer Park he rejoined them.)
@. Sanga, attachment or grasping, they are: lust, hate delusion, pride and false views. . S.,v.420; Vinaya (Mahvagga, I.10.)

page 65 Thus have I heard : On one occasion the Blessed One was living in the Deer Park at Isipatana (the Resort of Seers) near Baransi (Benares). Then he addressed the group of five monks (bhikkhus:) Monks, these two extremes ought not to be practised by one who has gone forth from the household life (what are the two)? There is addiction to indulgence of sensepleasures, which is low, coarse, the way of the ordinary people, unworthy, and unprofitable; and there is addiction to self-mortification, which is painful, unworthy and unprofitable. Avoiding both these extremes, the Tathgata (The Perfect One@) has realized the Middle Path; it gives vision, gives knowledge, and leads to calm, to insight, to enlightenment and to Nibbna. And what is that Middle Path realized by the Tathgata...? It is the Noble Eightfold Path, and nothing else, namely: right understanding, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood. right effort, right mindfulness, and right concentration. This is the Middle Path realized by the Tathgata which gives vision, which gives knowledge, and leads to calm, to insight, to enlightenment, and to Nibbna.

The Noble Truth of suffering (dukkha), monks, is this : Birth is suffering, ageing is suffering, sickness is suffering, death is suffering, association with the unpleasant is suffering, dissociation from the pleasant is suffering, not to receive what one desires is suffering - in brief the five aggregates of grasping are suffering.
@. The Perfect One, one attained to Truth. The Buddha used it when referring to himself. For details, see The Buddhas Ancient Path, Piyadassi Thera, Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy, Ceylon,p.17,n.4.

page 66 The Noble Truth of the origin (cause) of suffering is this : It is this craving (thirst) which produces re-becoming (rebirth) accompanied by passionate greed, and finding fresh delight now here, and now there, namely craving for sense pleasure, craving for existence and craving for non-existence (self annihilation). The Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering is this : it is the complete cessation of that very craving, giving it up, relinquishing it, liberating oneself from it, and detaching oneself from it. The Noble Truth of the Path leading to the Cessation of Suffering is this : It is the Noble Eightfold Path, and nothing else, namely: right understanding, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration.@ "This is the Noble Truth of Suffering": such was the vision, the knowledge, the wisdom, the science, the light that arose in me concerning things not heard before. "This suffering, as a noble truth. should be fully realized": such was the vision, the knowledge, the wisdom, the science, the light that arose in me concerning things not heard before. "This suffering, as a noble truth has been fully realized": such was the vision, the knowledge, the wisdom, the science, the light that arose in me concerning things not heard before. "This is the Noble Truth of the Origin (cause) of suffering": such was the vision, the knowledge the wisdom, the science, the light that arose in me
@. For a very comprehensive account of the Four Noble Truths read The Buddhas Ancient Path, Piyadassi Thera, Buddhist Publication Society, Kandy, Sri Lanka (Ceylon).

page 67 concerning things not heard before. "This Origin of Suffering as a noble truth should be eradicated": such was the vision, the knowledge, the wisdom, the science, the light that arose in me concerning things not heard before. "This Origin of suffering as a noble truth has been eradicated": such was the vision, the knowledge, the wisdom, the science, the light that arose in me concerning things not heard before. "This is the Noble Truth of the Cessation of Suffering" such was the vision, the knowledge, the wisdom, the science, the light that arose in me concerning things not heard before. "This Cessation of suffering, as a noble truth, should be realize by me: such was the vision, the knowiedge, the wisdom, the science, the light that arose in me concerning things not heard before. "This Cessation of suffering, as a noble truth has been realized": such was the vision, the knowledge, the wisdom. the science, the light that arose in me concerning things not heard before.

"This is the Noble Truth of the Path leading to the Cessation of suffering": such was the vision, the knowledge, the wisdom, the science, the light that arose in me concerning things not heard before. This path leading to the cessation of suffering as a noble truth, should be developed": such was the vision, the knowledge, the wisdom, the science, the light that arose in me concerning things not heard before. "This path leading to the cessation of suffering as a noble truth has been developed": such was the vision the knowledge the wisdom, the science, the light that arose in me concerning things not heard before. page 68 As long as my knowledge of seeing things as they really are, was not quite clear in these three aspects, in these twelve ways, concerning the Four Noble Truths, l did not claim to have realized the matchless, supreme Enlightenment, in this world with its gods, with its Mras and Brahmas, in this generation with its recluses and brhma as with its Devas and humans. But when my knowledge of seeing things as they really are was quite clear in these three aspects, in these twelve ways concerning the Four Noble Truths, then I claimed to have realized the matchless, supreme enlightenment in this world with its gods, with its Mras and Brahmas, in this generation with its recluses and brhma as with its Devas and humans. And a vision of insight arose in me thus: "Unshakeable is the deliverance of my heart. This is the last birth. Now there is no more re-becoming (rebirth)". This the Blessed One said. The group of five monks was glad and they rejoiced at the words of the Blessed One. When this discourse was thus expounded there arose in the Venerable Kondaa the passion-free, stainless vision of Truth (Dhamma-cakkhu; in other words; he attained sotpatti, the first stage of sanctity; and realized :) whatever has the nature of arising, has the nature of ceasing.
@. As the previous paragraphs indicate, there are three aspects of knowledge with regard to each of the Four Noble Truths: 1. The knowiedge that it is the Truth (sacca- a). 2 The knowledge that a certain function with regard to this Truth should be performed (kicca- a) 3 The knowledge that the function with regard to this Truth has been performed (kata- a). The twelve ways or modes are obtained by applying these three aspects to each of the Four Noble Truths.

page 69 Now when the Blessed One set in motion the Wheel of Truth, the Bhummattha devas (the earth deities) proclaimed: The Matchless Wheel of Truth that cannot be set in motion by recluse, brhma a, deva, Mra, Brahma, or any one in the worid, is set in motion by the Blessed One in the Deer Park at Isipatana near Baransi. Hearing these words of the earth deities, all the CatumMahrajika devas proclaimed : The Matchles Wheel of Truth that cannot be set in motion by recluse, brhma a, deva, Mra, Brahma, or any one in the world, is set in motion by the Blessed One in the Deer Park at Isipatana near Baransi. These words were heard in the upper deva realms, and from CatumMahrjika it was proclaimed in

Tvati sa..Yma..Tusita....Nimm arati....Paranimmitavasavatti ....and the Brahmas of BrahmaParisajja....BrahmaPurohita...MahBrahma....Parittabha...Appam abha...Abhass ara....Parittasubha...Appam asubha...Subhaki ha...Vehapphala...Aviha...Atappa....Sudas sa...Sudassi...and in Aka i ha: The Matchless Wheel of Truth that cannot be set in motion by recluse, brhma a, deva, Mra, Brahma, or any one in the world, is set in motion by the Blessed One in the Deer Park at Isipatana near Baransi. Thus at that very moment, at that instant, the cry (that the Wheel of Truth is set in motion) spread as far as Brahma realm, the system of ten thousand worlds trembled and quaked and shook. A boundless sublime radiante surpassing the effulgence (power) of devas appeared in the world. Then the Blessed One uttered this paeon of joy: Verily Kondaa has realized; verily Kondaa has page 70 realized (the Four Noble Truths). Thus it was that the Venerable Kondaa received the name Anna Kondaa -Kondaa who realizes. (With the proclamation of the Dhamma, for the first time, and with the conversion of the five ascetics, the Deer Park at Isipatana became the birth place of the Buddhas Dispensation (Buddha-ssana), and the Sangha, the community of monks, the ordained disciples. Emperor Asoka, 281 years after the event, came on pilgrimage to this holy spot and caused a series of monuments and a commemorative pillar with the lion capital to be erected. This capital with its four magnificent lions upholding the Dharma Cakra, the Wheel of Dharma, now stands in the museum of Sarnath, and is today the official crest of India. The Dharma-Cakra festival is still maintained in Sri Lnka (Ceylon). Jawaharlal Nehru, the late Prime Minister of India, writes: At Sarnath near Benares, I would almost see the Buddha preaching his First sermon, and some of his recorded words would come like a distant echo to me through two- thousand five hundred years. Asokas pillars of stone with their inscriptions would speak to me in their magnificent language and tell me of a man who, though an emperor, was greater than any king or emperor. The Discovery of India (The Signet Press Calcutta), p. 44.


(Mahsamayasutta@) Thus have I heard : On one occasion the Blessed One was living in the Mahvana (great wood) near the city of Kapilavatthu in the province of the Sakyans together with a great retinue of monks, all of them Arahants, and five hundred
@. D.No,20.

page 71

in number. Devas (gods) from ten thousand world-systems frequently assembled for the purpose of seeing the Blessed One and the bhikkhu-sangha (ordained monks). Then to four devas of the Suddhvsa (pure Abodes) Brahma world, this thought occured : The Blessed One is living in the Mahvana near the city of Kapilavatthu in the province of the Sakyans with a great retinue of monks, all of them Arahants, and five hundred in number. Devas are frequently assembling there for the purpose of seeing the Blessed One and the bhikkhu-sangha. It is well if we were also to repair to the place where the Blessed One is, and each of us recite a stanza in his presence. Then those devas as quickly as a strong man might stretch out his arm, or bend his out-stretched arm, vanished from the pure abodes, and appeared before the Blessed One, saluted him, and stood beside him. So standing one of the devas recited this stanza in his presence: 1. There is a great assembly in the forest. A host of devas has assembled We have come to this dhamma assembly to see the invincible sangha. Then another deva recited this stanza in the presence of the Blessed One: 2. The monks in this (assembly ) have collected their thoughts, and made their minds upright. The wise (monks) guard their senses even as a charioteer hold the reins.
@. Aparjita, because they are Arahants, the Consummate Ones, who have overcome all defilemens, . Tatra in the text means there, but the preceeding stanza has ima : this (assembly), and the devas are already in the presence of the Blessed One; so the rendering in this.

page 72 Then another deva recited this stanza in the presence of the Blessed One : 3. Having cut off the stake, having dug up the crossbar (of lust, hate and delusion), devoid of desire, they go their way pure, stainless, with vision clear, and well tamed, these young Arahants move about like elephants.@. Then another deva recited this stanza in the presence of the Blessed One 4. They who go for refuge to the Buddha shall not go to an evil state of existence; but will quit the human body and fill the ranks of the devas. The Blessed One then addressed the monks : Often, monks. devas from the ten world-systems foregather to see the Tathgata (the Buddha) and the monks, the community of bhikkhus. Devas have assembled before the consummate (arahanto), supreme Buddhas of the past; devas will appear before the consummate, supreme Buddhas of the future as they do assemble now before me. I will tell you, monks, the names of the host of devas. I will reveal the names of the host of devas. Listen, pay attention. I will speak. Yes, Venerable Sir, said the monks by way of assent. The Blessed One said this: 5. -6. In measured speech I will give utterance. The terrestial devas remain in their realms. Those bent on meditation frequent rocky clefts. Well composed they (Arahants) live like solitary lions overcoming the fear that causes hair to stand on end, with immaculate minds, pure, serene and undefiled.

@. The word nga admits of dual meaning. It can mean an elephant, or it can mean an Arahant. An elephant is physically steadfast, an Arahant can be referred to as one who is mentally steadfast. He is faultless; He does no evil. Na hi gu karoti so vide Thera gth, No. 692, cf. Sutta-nipta, stanza 522. . In most of the Paritta books the numbering of stanzas is not consecutive. I have adopted the consecutive method. Akkhara pada niyamita vacana , Com.

page 73 7. Knowing that there were in the forest, near the city of Kapilavatthu, five hundred and more disciples, delighted in the word of the Buddha, the Master thereupon addressed them : 8. Monks, hosts of devas have assembled. Do know them well. And they (the monks) hearing the word (ssana) of the Buddha, strove ardently (to see and know them.) 9. There arose in them knowledge of perceiving the non-humans. Some saw one hundred, some, a thousand non-humans (devas and brahmas), and others seventy thousand non-humans. 10. Some saw one hundred thousand non-humans, others saw countless numbers, every quarter being filled with them. 11. Thereupon the Seeing One (the Buddha) knowing all things through super knowledge. addressed the disciples delighted in the word of the Buddha: 12. Monks, hosts of devas have assembled. I will announce them to you in words, and in due order. Know ye them. 13. Seven thousand terrestrial yakkhas@ of Kapilavatthu possessed of iddhi (super normal) power, radiant, comely, and followed by a retinue of attendants have come rejoicing to the forest to see the assembly of (Arahant) monks.
@. Yakkha here used in the sense of devas. . Parivra sampann. Com. . Bhikkhu dassanatthya gat, Com. This meaning is clear from the words dukkhitya (to see) stanza No. 1, and dakkhema (shall see) No.60

page 74 14. Six thousand Yakkhas from the Himalayan mountains, diverse in hue, possessed of iddhi power, radiant, comely, and followed by a retinue of attendants, have come rejoicing to this forest to see the assembly of monks. 15. Three thousand Yakkhas from the Stas mountain (Stgira), diverse in hue, possessed of iddhi power, radiant, comely, and followed by a retinue of attendants, have come rejoicing to this forest to see the assembly of monks. 16. Thus sixteen thousand Yakkhas, diverse in hue, possessed of iddhi power, radiant, comely, and followed by a retinue of attendants, have come rejoicing to this forest to see the assembly of monks. 17. Five hundred Yakkhas from the Vessmitta mountain, diverse in hue, possessed of iddhi power, radiant, comely, and followed by a retinue of attendants, have come rejoicing to this forest to see the assembly of monks.

18. Kunbhira of Rjagaha town, having his dwelling on Vepullas Mountain, with more than a hundred thousand Yakkhas in his train, has come to the forest to see the assembly of monks. 19. 19-20. Dhatara ha, King of the East, adviser to the Eastern clime and Chief of the Gandhabbas, followed by a retinue of attendants, and with his many mighty sons (devaputtas), Inda their names, possessed of iddhi powers, radiant, comely, and with a retinue, has come rejoicing to the forest to see the assembly of monks. 21. -22. Vir ha, King of the South, adviser to the Southern clime, and Chief of the Kumbha as, followed by a retinue of attendants, and with his many mighty sons, Inda their names, possessed of iddhi power, radiant, comely, and with a retinue of attendants, has come to the forest to see the assembly of monks. page 75 23. -24. Virpakkha, ikng of the West, adviser to the Western clime, and Chief of the Ngas, followed by a retinue of attendants, and with his many mighty sons, Inda their names possessed of iddhi power, radiant, comely, and with a retinue of attendants. has come rejoicing to the forest to see the assembly of monks. 25. -26. Kuvera, King of the North, adviser to the Northern clime, and Chief of the Yakkhas, followed by a retinue of attendants, and with his mighty sons, Inda their names, possessed of iddhi power, radiant, comely, and with a retinue of attendants, has come rejoicing to the forest to see the assembly of monks. 27. -28. Dhatara ha over the East, to the South Vir haka, Westward Virpakkha, Kuvera over the North - these four great Kings stood illuminating the four quarters of the forest in the vicinity of Kapilavatthu. 29. With them came their crafty, deceitful, cunning slaves : enticing Kutendu, Vetendu, Vitucca and Vituda. 30. And (also the slaves) Candana, Kmase ha, Kinnugha u, and Nigha u. There also came Pa da and Opamaa and Mtali charioteer of the devas. 31. Citta and Sena, the Gandhabbas, Na a (kara), Janesabha (Janavasabha), Pacasikha, the Devas, Timbaru,the Gandhabba, and Suriyavaccasa (the daughter of Timbaru) also came. page 76 32. Along with these (Gandhabba) kings, other Gandhabba kings too, have come rejoicing with each other to the forest to see the assembly of monks. 33. Then came the (divine) Ngas of the (lake Nabhasa), those of the Nga realm Vesli together with the Ngas named Tacchaka. Also came Ngas of Kambala and Assatara and Pyga accompanied by their relatives. 34. Ngas from Ymuna, and those of the race of Dhatara ha came with their retinue of attendants, and Erva a, the great Nga too, came to the forest to see the assembly of monks.

35. Those birds (harpies, garula or supanna) who carry away the Ngas by force, endowed with divine power, and twice born,@ with clear eyes (keen of sight), have flown into the middle of the forest from the sky - Citra and Supa a are their names. 36. At that time the Nga king (with oher Ngas) were free from fear. The Buddha vouchsafed his protection to the Ngas from the harpies (supa a). Entreating one another with gentle words, the Ngas and Supa as (harpies) took refuge in the Buddha. 37. The Asuras dwelling in the ocean were defeated by Vajirahattha (Sakka). They are brethren of Vsava (Sakka) possessed of iddhi power, and are followed by a retinue of attendants.
@. Twice-born is a reference to birds since they first come out as an egg, and when it is hatched a complete bird is born. . Vajirahattha and Vsavassa are other names for Sakka, the chief of devas.

page 77 38. The terrible Klakajas, the Dnaveghasas, Vepacitti, Sucitti and Pahdda - all Asuras have also come with Namuci (the Vasavatti Mra, the Evil One). 39. Hundreds of the sons of Bali, all ofhem named after Veroca (that is their uncle Rhu), with an armed host of warriors, approached Rhu (Asurendra, the lord of Asuras), and said : Lord, it is time to go to the forest to see the assembly of monks. 40. The Devas po and Pa havi, Tejo and Vayo@ have also come to the forest, and the Devas Varuna. Vruna and Soma with Yasa. 41. -42. There also came tbe Devas Mettkyika and Karunkyika followed by their attendants. These ten groups of Devas of diverse hue, possessed of iddhi power, radiant, comely, and with a retinue of attendants have come rejoicing to the forest to see the assembly of monks. 43. The Devas Ve hu, Sahali, Asama, the two Yma, (ka) and those who attend on the Moon god came preceded by him. 44. Those Devas attending on the Sun god too, came preceded by him. Those Devas attending the Planets came preceded by them. The Devas of the rain clouds too, came. 45. -46. Also came Sakka, the chief of gods, who is also called Vsava and Purindada. All those ten groups of devas of diverse hue, possessed of iddhi power, radiant, comely, and with a retinue of attendants, have come rejoicing to the forest to see the assembly of monks.
@. The Devas born in brahma-loka by practising the kasi a or devices for concentration, namly : water (po) kasi a; earth (pa havi) kasi a; fire (tejo) kasi a; air (vyo) kasi a. . The Devas who have developed jhna, or mental absorption by practising mett and karu , lovingkindness and compassion, two of the four sublime states (brahma-vihra).

page 78 47. Then too, came the Deva Sahabhu, shining like unto a flame of fire, the Devas Ari haka, Roja and Ummpupphanibha.

48. 48-49. There came also the Devas Varu a, Sahadhamma, Accuta and Anejaka, Sleyya, Rucira, and Vsavanesi. All those ten groups of Devas of diverse hue, possessed of iddhi power, radiant, comely, and with a retinue of attendants, have come rejoicing to the forest to see the assembly of monks. 50. The Devas Samna, Mahsamna, Mnusa, Mnusuttama, Khi Manopadsika all have come. padsika and

51. Then came the Devas Hari, those of Lohita, Praga and Mah-praga with their retinue of attendants. 52. All those ten groups of Devas of diverse hue, possessed of iddhi power, radiant, comely, and with a retinue of attendants, have come rejoicing to the forest to see the assembly of monks. 53. There also came the Devas Sukha, Karumha. Aru a with Veghanasa. The Deva Odtagayha, Pamokkha, and Vicakkha a also came. 54. Sadmatta, Hragaja, mighty Missaka and Pajjuna who causes rain to pour in every directions, came thundering. 55. All these ten groups of Devas of diverse hue, possessed of iddhi power, radiant, comely, and with a retinue of attendants, have come rejoicing to the forest to see the assembly of monks. page 79 56. The Devas Khemiya, Tusita, Yma, the mighty Ka haka, Lambhtaka, Lmase ha. Joti, and sava also came. 57. -58. There aiso came the Devas Nimm arati, and Paranimmita (vsavatti). All these ten groups of Devas of diverse hue, posessed of iddhi power, radiant, comely and with a retinue of attendants, have come rejoicing to the forest to see the assembly of monks. 59. These sixty (six of ten groups, indicated in the order of Apo Deva etc.) Devas of diverse hue, according to their name and class have come with them others (similar in name and class). 60. (These Devas came saying:) Let us see (the Sangha, the Arahant monks), who have outlived birth, who have removed the stake (of lust, hate and delusion), who have crossed the four currents or streams (of sense-pleasures, becoming, wrong views and ignorance)@, free from taints, (let us also see the Buddha) who has crossed the streams, who is called Nga (in the sense of one who commits no evil) and shining like the unclouded moon. 61. The Brahmas Subrahma and Paramatta, came (with other Brahmas) who are possessed of iddhi power, and sons (disciples of the Buddha). The Brahmas Sanankumra and Tissa aso came to the forest (to see the assembly of monks).
@. Kma-ogha, bhava-o., di hi-o., avijj-o. . See above p 72. n.I.

===end of page 79===

continued on PRO80_99.WRI PRO80_99.WRI page 80-99 proof: 96.11.04 footnotes @, , ,(4) diacritical marks as: = = = ii .. m= n = t = d = .d n = = = II @ = uu = UU

page 80 62. -63. There is born a Mahbrahma (for every brahma world) excelling other brahmas, mighty in power, with formidable stature, and of great glory. Among them, ten chief Brahmas, lords over their retinues have come, and in the midst of them with all his attendants came Brahma Harita. 64. When all the Devas headed by Inda (Sakka), and all Brahmas headed by Harita had come, there came the host of Mra. Lo! the folly of Mra, the Murky One, (Ka ha).@ 65. Come on, seize them, bind them, let all be bound by lust, surrounded on every side, suffer not anybody to escape (Thus Vsavatti Mra gave order). 66. -67. Mra thus striking the earth with his palm and thereby producing a dreadful sound as when a storm cloud thunders and causes lightning during rainy season, sent his black army to the midst of the Devas. Nevertheless, unable to bring the Devas under his sway, he was filled with anger. He recoiled. 68. Then the Seeing One (the Buddha) knowing perfectly well what had transpired, addressed his disciples who take delight in the word of the Buddha. 69. Monks, the host of Mra have come (and gone). Know them (beware of them). And they (non-Arahants) hearing the word of the Buddha, strove (to gain Deliverance from their defilements). From the passion-free (Arahants) the army of Mra has departed; even so much as a hair in them (Arahants) was not affected.
@ Kanha, is a name for Mra.

page 81 70. All those disciples (monks) are victors in the war of passions; they are free from fear, glorious and renowned among mankind. They live rejoicing with Aryan disciples. (praising thus Mra departed.)

(lavaka sutta@) Thus have I heard : On one occasion the Blessed One was living in the abode of lavaka, the Yakkha (demon), at lavi. Then lavaka approached the Blessed One and said: --- Get out recluse (sama a). --- Very well, friend, so saying the Blessed One went out. --- Come in recluse. --- Very well, friend, so saying the Blessed One entered. --- Get out recluse, said lavaka to the Blessed One a second time. --- Very well, friend, so saying the Blessed One went out. --- Come in recluse. --- Very well, friend, so saying the Blessed One entered. --- Get out recluse. said lavaka to the Blessed One a third time. --- Very well, friend, so saying the Blessed One went out. --- Come in recluse.
@ Sn. p. 31.

page 82 --- Very well, friend, so saying the Blessed One entered. --- Get out recluse, said lavaka to the Blessed One a forth time. --- No, O friend, I will not get out, do what you will. --- I will ask you a question, recluse. If you do not answer me, I will confound your mind (thoughts) or cleave your heart, or take you by your feet and fling you over to the further shore of the ocean (para gangaya). --- Well, friend, I do not see anyone in the world of Devas, Mras, Brahmas, or among the generation of recluses; brhma as, deities and humans, who could either confound my mind or cleave my heart, or take me by the feet and flinge me over to the further shore of the ocean; nevertheless, friend, ask what you will. Then lavaka addressed the Blessed One in verse : 1. 1 What wealth here is best for man ? What well practised will happiness bring ? What taste excels all other tastes ? How lived is the life they say is best ? 2. 2 Faith is the wealth here best for man; Dhamma well practised shall happiness bring;

Truth indeed all other tastes excels; Life wisely lived they say is best. 3. 3 How does one the currents@ cross ? How is oceans existence crossed ? How is ones suffering quelled ? How is one purified ?
@. Current stands for the Pli word ogha which is fourfold --- sensepleasures, becoming, wrong views, and ignorance (kma-ogha,bhava-o.,di hi-o., avijj-o.,) . Ocean stands for the Pli word annava which is metaphorically used to signify repeated existence or samsra.

page 83 4. By faith are currents crossed; By diligence is the ocean crossed; By effort is ones suffering quelled; By wisdom is one purified; 5. How does one wisdom win ? How does one wealth obtain ? How does one come to fame ? How does one friendship win ? How does one without sorrow fare ? When from this world to another hes gone ? 6. The mindful and discerning one, Who in the Dhamma plead his faith; By his will to hear that Dhamma Wins the wisdom of Nibbna. 7. Who is tactful and energetic, And gains wealth by his own effort; Fame will he acquire by truth, And friendship by his giving. 8. He who has faith and is also truthful, Virtuous, firm and fond of giving; By virtue of these four conditions Will never in the hereafter grieve. 9. Truth and Restraint, Charity and Forebearance, Are the greatest reformers of man; If there be any better Ask of other sama as and brhma as. 10. Why should I now try to ask From other sama as and brhma as When this day I came to learn What weal is here and hereafter?

page 84 11. Tis for my weal indeed The Buddha to lavi came; A gift will always bear a fruit; This too I learnt today. 12. From village to village and town to town I shall now wander along Praising that Supreme Buddha And the Dhamma well preached by him. Having thus spoken, lavaka said to the Blessed One : Most excellent, O Gotama, is thy teaching, most excellent. Just as a man would set upright what is overturned, reveal what is concealed, point out the way to one gone astray, bring an oil lamp into the darkness so that those with eyes could see objects; even so the Dhamma (doctrine) has been declared in many a manner by the Venerable Gotama. I take refuge in the Venerable Gotama (the Buddha), in the Dhamma, and in the Sangha (the Order). May the Venerable Gotama accept me as a disciple who has taken refuge, from this day forth while life lasts.


(Kasiibhradvja sutta@) Thus have I heard : On one occasion the Blessed One was living Dakkhi agiri (monastery), in the brhma a village Ekanala, in Magadha. Now at that time, it being the
@. Sn., p. 12; S. i. p. 172.

page 85 sowing season, five hundred ploughs of the brahmin Kasibhradvja were put to use. Then in the forenoon the Blessed One having dressed himself, took bowl and (double) robe, and went to the place where brahmin Kasibhradvjas work was going on. It was the time of food distribution by the brahmin, and the Blessed One drew near, and stood at one side. Bhradvja seeing the Blessed One standing there for alms said to him : Recluse, I do plough, and do sow, and having ploughed and sown I eat. You also, recluse. should plough and sow; having ploughed and sown you should eat. I, too, brahmin, plough and sow; having ploughed and sown, I eat. We do not see the Venerable Gotamas yoke, or plough, or ploughshare, or goad or oxen. Nevertheless the Venerable Gotama says ; "I, too, brahmin, plough and sow; having ploughed and sown, I eat". Thereupon the brahmin addressed the Blessed One in a stanza:

1. You profess to be a ploughman, yet your plough we do not see; asked about your plough and the rest tell us of them that we may know. 2. Faith is my seed, austerity the rain, wisdom my yoke and plough, modesty is the pole, mind the strap mindfulness is my ploughshare and goad. 3. Controlled in speech and conduct, guarded in deed and speech, abstemious in food,@ I make truth my weed cutter; Arahantship, my deliverance complete.
@. In the use of the four requisites: robes food, lodging, medicine, Com.

page 86 4. Exertion, my team in yoke, draws me to Nibbnas security, and on it goes without stopping, whither gone one does not suffer. 5. Thuswise is this ploughing ploughed which bears the fruit of Deathlessness; having ploughed this ploughing one is freed from every ill. Then brahmin Kasibhradvja filling a golden bowl with milk-rice offered it to the Blessed One saying : May the Venerable Gotama partake of this milk rice; a ploughman, indeed, is Venerable Gotama who ploughs a plough for the fruit of Deathlessness (Nibbna). 6. What I receive by reciting verses, O brahmin, I should not eat. It is not the tradition of those who practise right livelihood. The Buddhas reject what is received by reciting verses. This brahmin, is the conduct (of the Buddhas) as long as Dhamma reigns. 7. To those wholly consummate, taintless, and welldisciplined great sages, should thou offer other food and drink; sure field is that for merit-seeking men. To whom then, Venerable Gotama, shall I give this milk rice? Brahmin, in the world of Devas, Mras and Brahmas or among the generation of recluses, brhma as, deities and humans, there is no one by whom this milk rice, if eaten, could be wholly digested except by the Tathgata (the Buddha), or the disciple of a Tathgata. Therefore, brahmin, either cast this milk rice where there is no grass, or into water where there are no living creatures. page 87 Thereupon the brahmin flung that milk rice into water where there were no living creatures, and the milk rice thrown into the water smoked and steamed making the noise cicchita, citicita just like a ploughshare heated during the day, when thrown into water, smokes and steams making the noise cicchita, citicita. Then the brahmin Kasibhradvja, alarmed, with hair standing on end, approached, and fell with his head at the Blessed Ones feet and said as follows : Most excellent, O Gotama, is thy teaching, most excellent. Just as a man would set upright what is overturned, reveal what is concealed, point out the way to one gone astray, bring an oil lamp into the darkness so that those with eyes could see objects; even so the Dhamma (the doctrine) has been declared in many a manner by the Venerable Gotama (the Buddha). I take refuge in the Venerable Gotama (the Buddha), in the

Dhamma and in the Sangha (the Order). I wish to receive the novices ordination (pabbajja) and higher ordination (upasampada). Brahmin Kasibhradvja duly received both the pabbajja and upasampada from the Blessed One. Not long after his upasampada the Venerable Bhradvja dwelling alone and aloof, diligent, strenuous and resolute, ere long, by his own insight, here and now realized and attained the highest perfection (Arahanship), the end of the Noble Life - for the sake of which men of good family go forth from home to live the homeless life. Birth is destroyed, lived is the noble life, done is what has to be done, there is no more of this state. The Venerable Bhradvja became one of the Arahants. page 88

(Parabhava sutta@) (Having heard the discourse on Blessings (Mangala sutta, see above p.29) which deals with things that tend to mans weal and prosperity, the deities thought to themselves: the Buddha has told us about the blessings but not about the downfall and decline of man; what if we were to approach the Buddha and question him about the things that tend to downfall. So the day after the teaching of the Blessings by the Buddha, the deities came up to the Master and asked these questions. Com.) Thus have I heard : On one occasion the Blessed One was living near Svatthi at Jetavana, at Anthapi ikas monastery. Now when the night was far advanced, a certain deity, whose surpassing radiance illuminated the whole of Jetavana, came to the presence of the Blessed One respectfully saluted him, and stood beside him. Standing thus he addressed the Blessed One in verse : 1. About the declining man we question thee, Gotama. We have come to ask the Blessed One : What is the cause of his downfall ? 2. Easily known is the progressive one, easily known is the declining one. The lover of the Dhamma prospers; The hater of the Dhamma declines. 3. We understand this as explained (by thee); this is the first cause of his downfall. Tell us the second, O Blessed One. What is the cause of his downfall?
@. Sn.p.18.

page 89 4. The vicious are dear to him. He likes not the virtuous; he approves the teachings of the ill-natured - this is the cause of his downfall. 5. We understand this as explained by thee; this is the second cause of his downfall. Tell us the third O Blessed One. What is the cause of his downfall ? 6. The man who is fond of sleep and company, inactive and lazy, and manifests anger - this is the cause of his downfall.

7. We understand this as explained by thee; this is the third cause of his downfall. Tell us the fourth, O Blessed One. What is the cause of his downfall ? 8. Whoever being affluent does not support his mother and father who are old, and past their prime - this is the cause of his downfall. 9. We understand this explained by thee; this is the fourth cause of his downfall, Tell us the fifth, O Blessed One. What is the cause of his downfall ? 10. Whoever by falsehood deceives either a brhma a or a sama a (a holy man), or any other mendicant - this the cause of his downfall. 11. We understand this as explained by thee; this is the fifth cause of his downfail. Tell us the sixth O Blessed One. What is the cause of his downfall ? 12. The person who is possessed of much wealth, who has gold, and who has an abundance of food, but enjoys his delicacies all by himself - this is the cause of his downfall. page 90 13. We understand this as explained by thee; this is the sixth cause of his downfall. Tell us the seventh, O Blessed One. What is the cause of his downfall? 14. The man who, proud of his birth of his wealth, and of his clan, despises his relations - this is the cause of his downfall. 15. We understand this as explained by thee; this is he seventh cause of downfall. Tell us the eighth, O Blessed One. What is the cause of his downfall. 16. The man who is addicted to women (given to a life of debauchery), is a drunkard, a gambler, and a squanderer of his earnings - this is the cause of his downfall. 17. We understand this as explained by thee: this is the eighth cause of downfall. Tell us the ninth, O Blessed One. What is the cause of his downfall ? 18. Not satisfied with ones own wives,@ he is seen among whores and the wives of others - this is the cause of his downfall. 19. We understand this as explained by thee; this is the ninth cause of his downfall. Tell us the tenth, O Blessed One. What is the cause of his downfall? 20. A person past his youth takes as wife, a girl in her teens, and sleeps not being jealous of her - This is the cause of his downfall. 21. We understand this as explained by thee; this is the tenth cause of his downfall. Tell us the eleventh, O Blessed One. What is the cause of his downfall?
@., Apparently during the Buddhas time, in Indian society, a man could legally have more than one wife if he could maintain them. Kings had harems. What was prohibited was illegal sexual relations. . By reason of his anxiety as to wheher she would long for young men in preference to him. Com.

page 91 22. He who places in authority a woman given to drink and squandering, or a man of similar nature - this is the cause of his downfall.

23. We understand this as explained by thee; this is the eleventh cause of his downfall. Tell us the twelfth, O Blessed One. What is the cause of his downfall ? 24. He who having but little possessions but great ambition (greed), is of warrior birth and aspires selfishly to (an unattainable) sovereignty - this is the cause of his downfall. 25. Fully realizing these (twelve) causes of downfall in the world, the sage, endowed with ariyan insight, shares a realm of security (Nibbna).

(Vasala sutta@) Thus have I heard : On one occasion the Biessed One was living near Svatthi at Jetavana at Anthapi ikas monastery. Then in the forenoon the Blessed One having dressed himself, took bowl and (double) robe, and entered the city of Svatthi for alms. Now at that time a fire was burning, and an offering was being prepared in the house of the Brahmin Aggikabhradvja. Then the Blessed One, while on his alms round, came to the Brahmins residence. The Brahmin seeing the Blessed One some way off, said this : stay there, you shaveling, stay there you wretched monk, stay there you
@. Sn., p. 21. Also known as aggikabhradvja sutta.

page 92 outcast. When he spoke thus the Blessed One said to the brahmin: Do you know, brahmin, who an outcast is and what thing that make an outcast? No. indeed, Venerable Gotama, I do not know who an outcast is, nor the conditions that make an outcast. It is good if Venerable Gotama were to explain the Dhamma to me so that I may know who an outcast is, and what the conditions are that make an outcast.@ Listen then, brahmin, and pay attention : I will speak: Yes, Venerable Sir, replied the brahmin. 1. Whosoever is angry, harbours hatred, and is reluctant to speak well of others (erasing the good of others,) perverted in views, deceitful --- know him as an outcast. 2. Whosoever in this world kills living beings, once born or twice born, in whom there is no sympathy for living beings---know him as an outcast. 3. Whosoever destroys and besieges villages and hamlets and becomes notorious as an oppressor -- know him as an outcast.
@. The abusive term used by the brahmin and the respectful address that follows need a word of explanation. The brahmin had just prepared his offering to the great Brahma, his God, when his eyes fell on the Buddha. To the brahmin the sight of a sama a, a shaven headed recluse, was an unlucky sign. Hence he burst into angry words. The Buddha however, was unruffled and spoke to him quietly in words of soft cadence. The brahmin apparently was

ashamed, and repenting of his folly, addressed the Buddha courteously. Com. It is interesting to note the Buddhas stress on anger and hatred in his very first stanza. . dvija , birds, see p.76,n.I.

page 93 4. Be it in the village, or in the forest, whosoever steals what belongs to others, what is not given to him. Know him as an outcast. 5. Whosoever having really incurred a debt runs away when he is pressed to pay, saying, I owe no debt to you --- know him as an outcast. 6. Whosoever coveting anything kills a person going along the road, and grabs --know him as an outcast. 7. He who for his own sake or for others sake or for the sake of wealth, utters lies when questioned as a witness --- know him as an outcast. 8. Whosoever by force or with consent associated with the wives of relatives or friends --- know him as an outcast. 9. Whosoever being wealthy supports not his mother and father who have grown old --- know him as an outcast. 10. Whosoever strikes and annoys by (harsh) speech, mother, father, brother, sister or mother-in-law or father-in-law --- know him as an outcast. 11. Whosoever when questioned about what is good, says what is detrimental, and talks in an evasive manner --- know him as an outcast. 12. Whosoever having committed an evil deed, wishes that it may not be known to others, and commits evil in secret --- know him as an outcast. 13. Whosoever having gone to anothers house, and partaken of choice food, does not honour that host by offering food when he repays the visit --- know him as an outcast. page 94 14. Whosoever deceives by uttering lies, a brahmin or an ascetic, or any other mendicant --- know him as a outcast. 15. Whosoever when a brahmin or ascetic appears during mealtime angers him by harsh speech, and does not offer him (any alms) --- know him as an outcast. 16. Whosoever in this world, shrouded in ignorance, speaks harsh words or falsehood@ expecting to gain something --- know him as an outcast. 17. Whosoever debased by his pride, exalts himself and belittles others --- know him as an outcast. 18. Whosoever is given to anger, is miserly, has base desires, and is selfish, deceitful, shameless and fearless (in doing evil) --- know him as an outcast. 19. Whosoever reviles the Enlightened One (the Buddha) or a disciple of the Buddha, recluse or householder --- know him as an outcast.

20. Whosoever not being an Arahant, a Consummate One, pretends to be so, is a thief in the whole universe --- he is the lowest of outcasts. 21. Not by birth is one an outcast; not by birth is one a brahmin. By deed one becomes an outcast, by deed one becomes a brahmin. 22. Know ye by the example I now cite (the fact that by birth one is not an outcast). There was an outcasts son, Sopaka, who became known as Mtanga.
@. asantamtipi patho, SnA.

page 95 23. This Mtanga attained the highest fame so difficult to gain. Many were the warriors (kshatriya and brahmins who went to attend on him. 24. Mounting the celestial chariot (the Noble Eightfold Path, and driving) along the passion-free high road, (Sopaka, now a monk), reached the Brahma realm having given up sense desires. 25. His (lowly) birth did not prevent him from being reborn in the Brahma realm. There are brahmins born in the family of preceptors, kinsmen of (Veda) hymns. 26. They are often seen committing evil deeds. In this life itself they are despised, in the next they are born in an evil state of existence. High birth does not prevent them from falling into a woeful state, or from censure. 27. Not by birth is one an outcast; not by birth is one a brahmin. By deed one becomes an outcast, by deed one becomes a brahmin. When the Buddha had thus spoken, the Brahmin Aggikabhradvja said to the Blessed One : Excellent, O Venerable Gotama, excellent! Just as, O Venerable Gotama a man were to set upright what had been overturned or were to reveal what had been hidden or were to point the way to one who had gone astray or were to hold an oil lamp in the dark so that those with eyes may see things, even so in many ways has the Venerable Gotama expounded the Dhamma, the doctrine. I take refuge in the Venerable Gotama, the Dhamma, and the Sangha, the Order. May the Venerable Gotama accept me as a lay follower who has taken refuge from this day onwards while life lasts. page 96


(Saccavibha ga sutta@) Thus have I heard : On one occasion the Blessed One was living in the Deer Park at Isipatana (the Resort of Saints) near Baransi (Benares). Then he addressed the monks saying : O Monks. Venerable Sir, replied those monks in assent to the Blessed One. Thereupon he said :

The matchless Wheel of Dhamma set in motion by theTathgata, the Consummate One, the supremely Enlightened One, in the Deer Park a Isipatana near Baransi, cannot be set in motion by a recluse or brhma a or Deva or Mra or Brahma or by anyone in the worid. That is to say, it was a proclamation of the Four Noble Truths, by way of teaching, laying down, establishing, opening up, analyzing and elucidating them. Of what four : It was a proclamation of the Noble Truth of suffering (dukkha), by way of teaching....(as before) and elucidating it; of the Noble Truth of the arising (cause) of suffering... of the Noble Truth of the cessation of suffering...,of the Noble Truth of the Path leading to the cessation of suffering. This matchless Wheel of Dhamma, monks, set in motion by the Tathgata, the Consummate One, the supremely Enlightened One, in the Deer Park at Isipatana near Baransi, cannot be set in motion by a recluse"..or by anyone in the world. That is to say, it was a proclamation of the
@. M.141; (2) see p.65,n.i.

page 97 Four Noble Truths, by way of teaching, laying down, establishing, opening up, analyzing and elucidating them. Monks, follow Sriputta and Moggallna; associate with Sriputta and Moggallna. Wise monks do help (materially and spiritually) those who live the holy life. Monks, Sriputta is like unto a mother, Moggallna is like unto a foster-mother to a child. Sriputta, monks, trains (beings) in the path@ of stream-attainment. Moggallna in the highest goal (arahantship) . Sriputta, monks, is able to proclaim, teach, lay down, establish, open up, analyse and elucidate the Four Noble Truths. This the Blessed One said, and having said so, the Welcome Being (sugata) rose from his seat and entered (his) abode. Not long after the Blessed One had departed, the Venerable Sriputta addressed the monks, saying Reverend friends. Your reverence, the monks replied the Venerable Sriputta in assent. This the Venerable Sriputta said : Your reverence, the matchless Wheel of Dhamma set in motion by the Tathgata, the Consummate One the supremely Enlightened One, in the Deer Park, at Isipatana near Baransi, cannot be set in motion by recluse or brhma a....(as before) in the world. That is to say, it was a proclamation of the Four Noble Truths, by way of teaching, laying down, establishing opening up analyzing and elucidating them.
@. Literally fruit sotapatti-phale. . To train one in the path of stream-attainment is more difficult than to train in the path of arahantship for the reason that in the former case one has to deal with undeveloped beings, and in the latter case with those who are already developed, and who are, by virue of their development not destined to fall back. . This is another epithet of the Budha.

page 98 Of what four? It was a proclamation of the Noble Truth of suffering (dukkha) by way of teaching... elucidating it ; of the Noble Truth of the arising of suffering....of the

Noble Truth of the cessation of suffering...of the Noble Truth of the Path leading to the cessation of suffering. What, your reverence, is the Noble Truth of suffering ? Birth is suffering; ageing is suffering; death is suffering; grief, lamentation, bodily pain, mental pain and despair are suffering; not getting what one desires, that too, is suffering : In brief the five groups of grasping are suffering. What is birth ? It is the birth of beings in the various classes (planes) of beings; the production, their conception, coming into existence (re-birth), the appearance of the aggregates, acquiring of the sense-bases. This is called birth. What is ageing ? It is the ageing of beings in the various classes of beings, their decay, broken teeth, greying hair, wrinkled skin, the dwindling of the life- span, the wearing out of the sense-organs. This is called ageing. What is death ? It is the passing away of beings in the various classes of beings; the falling away, the breaking up, the disappearance, the death, making end of life, the breaking up of the aggregates, the laying down of the body. This is called death. What is grief? It is the grief, sorrow, sorrowfulness, the state of being sorry, inward sorrow, inward intense sorrow, visited by some calamity or other, smitten by some kind of ill or other. This is called grief. page 99 What is lamentation? It is the crying, wailing; the act of crying, the act of wailing, the state of crying, the state of wailing, of one visited by some calamity or other, smitten by some kind of ill or other. This is called lamentation. What is suffering ? It is bodily suffering, bodily unpleasantness, the painful and unpleasant feeling produced by bodily contact. This is called suffering. What is misery ? It is mental suffering, unpleasantness, the painful and unpleasant feeling produced by mental contact. This is called misery. What is despair ? It is despondency, despair, the state of despondency, the state of despair of one visited by some calamity or other, smitten by some kind of ill or other. This is called despair. What is meant by not getting what one desires that too is suffering? To beings subject to birth there comes the desire : "O might we not be subject to birth and birth not come to us But this cannot be attained by mere desiring. So not getting what one desires, that too, is suffering. To beings subject to ageing there comes the desire : "O might we not be subject to ageing, and ageing not come to us....(as before). To beings subject to disease there comes the desire : "O might we not be subject to disease and disease not come to us..." To beings subject to death there comes the desire : "O might we not be subject to death and death not come to us.... To beings subject to sorrow, lamentation, suffering, misery and despair there comes the desire : "O might we not be subject to sorrow, lamentation, suffering, misery and despair, and sorrow, lamentation, suffering, misery ===end of page 99===

continued on P100_114.WRI P100_114.WRI page 100-114 proof: 96.12.08 footnotes @, , ,(4) diacritical marks as: = = = ii .. m= n = t = d = .d n = = = II @ = uu = UU

page 100 and despair not come to us..." But this cannot be attained by mere desiring. So not getting what one desires, that too is suffering. What, in brief, are the five groups of grasping that are suffering ? These are the groups of grasping after matter (visible objects), the group of grasping after feeling ... after perception ... after the mental (volitional) formations ... after consciousness. These are called, in brief, the five groups of grasping that are suffering ... This is called the Noble Truth of suffering. What is the Noble Truth of the arising of suffering? It is this craving which produces rebecoming (re-birth) accompanied by passionate greed, and finding delight now here, now there, namely the craving for sense pleasures, craving for existence and craving for non-existence (self-annihilation). This is called the Noble Truth of the arising of suffering. What is the Noble Truth of the cessation of suffering ? It is the complete cessation of that very craving, giving it up, relinquishing it, liberating oneself from it, and detaching oneself from it. This is called the Noble Truth of the cessation of suffering. And what is the Noble Truth of the Path leading to the cessation of suffering? It is this Noble Eightfold Path itself, namely : right understanding, right thought, right speech, right action, right livelihood, right effort, right mindfulness, right concentration. What is right understanding? It is this knowledge of suffering, knowledge of the arising of suffering, knowledge of the cessation of suffering, knowledge of the path leading to the cessation of suffering - this is called right understanding. page 101 What is right thought? Thought ot renunciation, thought of goodwill, thought of not harming - this is called right thought. What is right speech ? Abstention from false speech, abstention from tale-bearing, abstention from harsh (abusive) speech, abstention from idle chatter (gossip), this is called right speech.

What is right action ? Abstention from killing, abstention from stealing, abstention from illicit sexual indulgence, this is called right action. What is right livelihood? Herein (in this dispensation) the ariyan disciple avoiding wrong livelihood makes his living by right livelihood, this is called right livelihood. What is right effort? Herein a monk puts forth will, strives, stirs up energy, strengthens his mind exerts himself to prevent the arising of evil, of unwholesome thoughts that have not yet arisen; puts forth will ... (as before) to banish the evil, unwholesome thoughts that have already arisen; puts forth will ... to develop wholesome thoughts that have not yet arisen; and puts forth will, strives, stirs up energy, strengthens his mind, exerts himself to maintain, to preserve, increase, to bring them to maturity, development, and to complete the wholesome thoughts that have arisen. This is called right effort. What is right mindfulness? Herein a monk lives practising body-contemplation on the body, ardent, clearly comprehending and mindful (of it) having overcome covetousness and dejection concerning the world (of the body). page 102 He lives practising feeling-contemplation on feelings, ardent, clearly comprehending and mindful (of it) having overcome covetousness and dejection concerning the world (of feeling). He lives practising mind-contemplation on the mind, ardent, clearly comprehending and mindful (of it) having overcome covetousness and dejection concerning the world (of the mind). He lives practising mind-object contemplation on the mind objects, ardent, clearly comprehending and mindful (of it) having overcome covetousness and dejection concerning the world of (mental objects). This is called right mindfulness. And what is right concentration? Herein a monk aloof from sense desire, aloof from unwholesome thoughts, attains to and abides in the first meditative absorption (jhna) which is detachment-born and accompanied by applied thought, sustained thought, joy and bliss. By allaying applied and sustained thought he attains to, and abides in the second jhna which is inner tranquillity, which is unification (of the mind), devoid of applied and sustained thought, and which has joy and bliss. By detachment from joy he dwells in equanimity, mindful and with clear comprehension and enjoys bliss in body, and attains to and abides in the third jhna which the noble ones (ariyas) call : "Dwelling in equanimity, mindfulness and bliss." page 103 By the giving up of bliss and suffering, by the disappearance already of joy and sorrow, he attains to, and abides in the fourth jhna which is neither suffering nor bliss, and which is the purity of equanimity-mindfulness. This is called right concentration. This is called the Noble Truth of the Path leading to the cessation of suffering.

Your reverence, the matchless Wheel of Dhamma set in motion by the Tathgata, the Consummate One, the supremely Enlightened One, in the Deer Park at Isipatana near Baransi, cannot be set in motion by a recluse, or brhma a or deva or Brahma or by anyone in the world. That is to say it was a proclamation of the Four Noble Truths, by way of teaching, laying down, establishing, opening up, analyzing and elucidating them. This the Venerable Sriputta said. Those monks glad at heart rejoiced at the words of the Venerable Sriputta.

( n iya sutta@) Thus have I heard : On one occasion the Blessed One was living on the Vultures Peak near Rjagaha (Rajgir).
@. D.32.

page 104 Then four great kings@ having placed a guard over the four quarters, with a large army of Yakkhas, of Gandhabbas, of Kumbhandas, of Ngas; having placed troops; having placed a barricade of soldiers on four sides, came to the presence of the Blessed One, when the night was far advanced, illuminating the entire Vultures Peak with their surpassing radiance, saluted the Blessed One and sat on one side. From among the (attendant) Yakkhas, some saluted the Blessed One, and sat on one side; some exchanged greetings with the Blessed One conversing in a friendly and courteous manner, and sat on one side; some saluted him with clasped hands, and sat on one side; some announced their name and lineage, and sat on one side; some sat on one side in silence. Then the great King Vessavana (Skt. Vaisravana ), who was seated on one side, said to the Blessed One: Venerable Sir (bhante), there are eminent Yakkhas who are not pleased with the Blessed One, there are also eminent Yakkhas pleased with the Blessed One. There are Yakkhas of middle rank who are not pleased with the Blessed One, and there are those who are pleased with the Blessed One. There are Yakkhas of inferior rank who are not pleased with the Blessed One, and there are those who are pleased with the Blessed One. The Yakkhas, bhante, as a rule, are not pleased with the Blessed One. What is the reason for this ?
@. They are, Dhatara ha, Viruulha, Viruupakkha and Vessava a presiding over the four quarters in the celestial regions. . Vessava a, king of the Northern quarter, according to the Commentary,was familiar with the Buddha, expert in conversation and well-disciplined, and thus he became the spokesman. Kuvera is another name for Vessava a, see above p. 75, stanza 27.

page 105

Well, the Blessed One teaches the Dhamma to establish abstention from killing, from stealing, from sexual misconduct, from false speech, and from liquor that causes intoxication and negligence. To them such teaching is unpleasant and unpalatable. Surely, bhante, there are disciples of the Blessed One. They frequent the remote recesses of forest and woodland wildernesses where there is no sound, no tumult. where the breezes are void of human contact, and suitable for mans seclusion and quiet contemplation. There are eminent Yakkhas who haunt these forests, who have no faith in the word of the Blssed One. Bhante; may the Blessed One learn the A n a@ protection so that the displeased Yakkhas may be pleased, so that the monks and nuns laymen and laywomen, may be at ease, guarded, protected and unharmed. The Blessd One gave consent by his silence. Then the great King Vessavana, knowing that the Blessed One has consented recited the n iya protection : 1. Homage to Vipassi (the Buddha) possessed of the eye (of wisdom) and splendour. Homage to Sikhi (the Buddha) compassionate towards all beings.
@. According to Dighanikya hkath ik (vol, III, p. 194), King Vessavana had a town by the name of n a, cf. below stanza 39, where the four kings assembled and recited this Paritta which speaks of the virtues of the seven Buddhas Vipassi, Sikhi. Vessabhu, Kakusanda, KoNgama, Kassapa, Gotama. They approached the Buddha with the intention of obtaining his approval in which event, they felt, that this Paritta will attain a revered position: satthu kathite ima paritta garu bhavissatiitipi ha Com. Learn, ugganhtha: There is nothing for the Buddha to learn afresh. As the Commentary says it was to create an opportunity for the Buddha to listen to the discourse, Ima paritta svetu oksa karonto evamha, Com.

page 106 2. Homage to Vessabhu (the Buddha) free from all defilements and possessed of ascetic energy. Homage to Kakusanda (the Buddha), the conqueror of (the fivefold) host of Mra. 3. Homage to Ko gamana (the Buddha) who has shed all defilements, and had lived the holy life. Homage to Kassapa (the Buddha) who is fully freed from all defilements. 4. Homage to Angrasa (the Buddha Gotama), the son of the Sakyas, who is full of radiance, and who proclaimed the Dhamma that dispels all suffering. 5. Those in the world, who have extinguished (the flames of passion), and have perceived through insight (meditation), things as they really are; they never slander any one; they are mighty men who are free from fear. 6. Gotama (the Buddha), dear to gods and men, endowed with knowledge and virtue@, mighty and fearless, all do homage to him (homage be to him). 7. -8. When the resplendent sun - offspring of Aditi - with its full orb, arises, then the night ceases, and it is called the day. The direction from which the sun rises (is the East). There exists the ocean deep and vast. 9. This - a spreading sheet of water - they know as the ocean. Where there is East (to the East of Mount Meru) they say that quarter is East.

10. Custodian of this quarter is a great king named Dhatara ha who has a retinue of attendants, and is sovereign lord of the Gandhabbas.
@. Vijj-cara a, literally science and conduct.

page 107 11. Attended by Gandhabbas he enjoys their song and dance. Many are his (Dhatara has) sons, all of one name, so have I heard. 12. -13. Eighty and ten and one are they, Inda their name, and mighty are they. They too, beholding the Buddha - Kinsman of the sun, mighty and fearless- salute him from afar : "homage to thee, who art unique among mankind; glory to thee, the noblest among men."@ 14. -15. As by thy omniscience thou hast looked on (mankind with a knowing eye), even the non-humans pay reverence to thee. This we have often heard. We therefore, request the Yakkhas to pay homage to Gotama, the Conqueror (the Buddha). They too, say "We reverence, Gotama, the Conqueror, we reverence Gotama who is endowed with knowledge and virtue." 16. -17-18. The direction from where the petas (corpses), backbiters, murderers, the fierce brigands, and the deceitful are removed, is the direction (to the right of Mount Meru), and is called the quarter of the South. The custodian of this quarter is a great king named Vir ha who has a retinue of attendants, and is the sovereign lord of the Kumbhandas. Attended by the Kumbha as he enjoys their songs and dance. 19. Many are his (Vir has) sons, all of one name, so have I heard. Eighty and ten and one are they, Inda their names, and mighty are they.
@. From the 13th stanza I have adopted the method of numbering the stanzas in consecutive order. Kusalena, an unusual phrase: omniscience, pure wisdom sublime wisdom, Com.

page 108 20. They too, beholding the Buddha - Kinsman of the sun, mighty and fearless- salute him from afar: "Homage to thee who art unique among mankind, glory to thee, the highest among men". 21. -22. As by thy omniscience thou hast looked on (mankind with a knowing eye), even the non-humans pay reverence to thee. This we have often heard. We, therefore, request the Yakkhas to pay homage to Gotama, the Conqueror (the Buddha). They too, say: "We reverence Gotama, the conqueror, we reverence Gotama who is endowed with knowledge and virtue". 23. -24. When the resplendent sun - offspring of Aditi - with its full orb, sets, then the day ceases, and it is called the night. The direction where the sun sets (is the West). There exists the ocean deep and vast. 25. This - a spreading sheet of water - they know as the ocean. Where there is West (to the West of Mount Meru) they say that quarter is West. 26. Custodian of this quarter is a great king named Virpakkha, who has a retinue of attendants, and is sovereign lord of the Ngas.

27. Attended by Ngas he enjoys their song and dance. Many are his (Virpakkhas) sons, all of one name, so have I heard. 28. -29. Eighty and ten and one are they, Inda their name, and mighty are they. They too, beholding the Buddha - Kinsman of the sun, mighty and fearless - salute from afar : "homage to thee, who are unique among mankind; glory to thee the noblest among men" page 109 30. -31. As by thy omniscience thou hast looked on (mankind with a knowing eye). Even the non-humans pay reverence to thee. This we have often heard. We, therefore, request the Yakkhas to pay homage to Gotama, the Conqueror (the Buddha). They, too, say :"We reverence Gotama, the Conqueror, we reverence Gotama who is endowed with knowledge and virtue." 32. Where lies delightful Uttarakuru (the Northern continent), where towers beautiful Mount Meru, there are born men who are selfless and unattached. 33. They neither sow the seed nor use@ the plough. Spontaneously grown corn is there for them to enjoy. 34. The rice, purged of the red powder and of husk, clean and sweet-scented, is boiled in golden vessels; it is this that they partake of. 35. They make of cows a single-seated mount (like mounting on horse back) , and ride about from place to place. 36. -37 They make use of women and men, girls and boys as vehicles, and travel from place to place in them. 38. Mounting on vehicles (on elephants and horses they (the Yakkhas of King Vessavana) travel in every direction. 39. This king who has a retinue of attendants, is possessed of elephants and horses on which he rides. He also has celestial chariots, palaces and palanquines. He has cities well built in the celestial regions.
@. Na piniiyanti, literally they do not carry the plough. . Ta pi hi abhirayha mounting on the back, Com.

page 110 Their names are nta, Kusin a, Parakusin a, N apuriya, Parakusitan a. To the North, the city of Kapivanta to the South@ Janogha, and cities named Navanavati, Ambara-ambaravati and the kingdom of lakamanda. Happy one (addressing the Buddha), this Kuvera (another name for Vessavana) has a kingdom named Vis a, therefore, the great King Kuvera is called Vessavana. There are Yakkhas (of this king) who hold investigations and make them known. They are Tatola, Tattala, Tatotala, Ojasi, Tejasi, Taojasa, Sro, Rja (Sura-rja) Ari ha, Nemi (Ari ha-nemi). There (in Vis a kingdom) lies the lake Dhara i whence rain-clouds (drawing water) pour them forth. And there is also the hall named Bhagalavati where the Yakkhas assemble.

40. There (round about the hall) are trees bearing perpetual fruit. (On these trees) there are mulititudes of birds. There also is heard the cry of peacocks and herons, and the melodious song of kokilas (the Indian cuckoo). 41. There (near the lake) the cry of the birds, who call Live ye ! Live ye ! (jivamjivaka) is heard. The bird Otthavacittaka (O lift your hearts !), the jungle fowls, the crabs and the Pokkharasataka birds roam the woods. 42. There the cry of the parrot, the mynah-birds and the dandamanavaka birds is heard. And Kuveras lotus-lake ever lies in her beauty in all seasons. 43. -44. That direction (to the North of Mount Meru) is called by people the quarter of the North. The custodian of this quarter is a great king named Kuvera who has a retinue of attendants, and is sovereign lord of the Yakkhas. Attended by the Yakkhas he enjoys their songs and dance.
@. Etassa aparabhge. Com.

page 111 45. Many are his (Kuveras) sons, all of one name, so have I heard. Eighty and ten and one are they, Inda their names, and mighty are they. 46. They too, beholding the Buddha, Kinsman of the sun, mighty and fearless, salute him from afar. "Homage to thee, who art unique among mankind! Glory to thee, the noblest among men !" 47. -48. As by thy pure omniscience thou hast looked on (mankind); even the nonhumans pay reverence to thee, this we have heard. We, therefore, request the Yakkhas to pay homage to Gotama, the Conqueror (the Buddha). They too, say, "We reverence Gotama the Conqueror, we reverence Gotama who is endowed with knowledge and virtue". Happy One, this is the n a protection whereby both the monks and nuns, laymen and laywomen may live at ease, guarded, protected and unharmed. If any monk or nun, layman or laywoman learns by heart this n a protection, and be word-perfect in repeating it, and if any non-human - male or female Yakkha, youth or maiden Yakkha, Yakkha Minister or any Yakkha, or Yakkha attendant; male or female Gandhabba ... (as before); male or female Kumbhanda ... male or female Nga ... were to walk with him or her or stand or sit or lie down with him or her with malevolent intent, such a non-human, Happy One, will not obtain hospitality from any town or township, will not page 112 obtain a place to dwell, nor could live in the Kingdom of lakamanda. He will not be able to attend the meetings of the Yakkhas. Further he would not be accepted or given in marriage, he would be reproached (by casting remarks on his deformed teeth or eyes or any part of the body), and the non-humans will put an empty bowl over his head and split it (head) in seven pieces. Happy one, there are non-humans who are fierce, violent, given to retaliation; those non-humans heed neither the (four) great kings, nor their ministers nor their attendants.

They are called rebels against the (four) great kings. Even as in the kingdom of Magadha, the thieves heed neither the king of Magadha, nor the ministers, nor their attendants, and are called rebels against the King of Magadha, so there are non-human who are fierce... (as before). They are called rebels against the (four) great kings. Happy one, if any non-human - male or female Yakkha, youth or maiden Yakkha, Yakkha minister or any Yakkha, or Yakkha attendant; male or female Gandhabba ... (as before); male or female Kumbha a, ... male or female Nga ... were to walk with a monk or nun, or a layman or laywoman, or stand, or sit, or lie down with him or her with malevolent intent, then should (the molested one) inform, cry aloud and shout to those Yakkhas, to the mighty Yakkhas, their commanders and chief commanders saying : "This Yakkha is seizing me, takes possession of me, is harassing me, assailing me, is harming me, harming me intensely and would not let me go !" page 113 Who are the Yakkhas, mighty Yakkhas and commanders, and chief commanders (to whom such appeal should be made) ? 49. Inda, Soma and Varuna, Bhradvja, Pajpati, Candana, Kmase ha too, Kinnugha u, Nigaha u, 50. Panda, Opama a too, Devas4ta and Mtali, Cittasena and Gandhabba, Nala, Rja, Janesabha, 51. Stgira, Hemavata, Pu aka, Karatiya, Gula S5vaka, Mucalinda too, Vessamitta, Yugandhara 52. Gopla, Suppagedha too, Hiri Netti and Mandiya Paclaca a, lavaka Pajjunna, Sumana, Sumukha, Dadiimukkha Manimnicara and Dgha With these Serissaka. These are the yakkhas, mighty yakkhas, th commanders, the chief commanders to whom (the molested one) should inform, cry aloud and shout saying : "This Yakkha is seizing me, takes possession of me, is harassing me, assailing me, is harming me, and harming me intensely, and this Yakkha would not let me go !" This, Happy One, is the n a protection whereby monks and nuns, laymen and laywomen may live at ease, guarded, protected and unharmed. Happy One, we now take our leave of you; for we have many duties to attend to (so said the four Great Kings).

page 114 Great Kings, it is time for your departure (replied the Buddha.) The four great kings arose from their seats, and saluting the Blessed One, circled round him on his right side, and there and then vanished. From among the (attendant) yakkhas some arose from their seats, and saluted the Blessed One, circled round him on his right side, and there and then vanished; some exchanged greetings with the Blessed One conversing in a friendly and courteous manner, and there and then vanished; some saluted the Blessed One with clasped hands, and there and then vanished; some announced their name and lineage, and there and then vanished; some in silence there and then vanished. When the night had passed the Blessed One addressed the monks: (The Buddha related to the monks word for word what has been said by the great King Vessavana, see above p. 104). Learn by heart monks, the n a protection, constantly make use of it bear it in mind. This n a protection, monks, pertains to your welfare, and by virtue of it, monks and nuns, laymen and laywomen may live at ease, guarded protected and unharmed. This the Blessed One said. Those monks glad at heart rejoiced at the words of the Blessed One. HERE ENDS THE BOOK OF PROTECTION. page 115

Appendix Protective Discourse to Angulimla

(Angulimla Paritta)

(The Venerable Angulimla while on his rounds for alms in Svatthi saw a woman in travail. After his meal he approached the Buddha and told him what he had seen. Thereupon the Master taught him this paritta. He then went to the presence of the suffering sister, page 116 sat on a seat seperated from her by a screen, and made this asservation of the Truth. Instantly she gave birth to the child with great ease. The efficacy of the Angulimla paritta persists to this day.

This sutta is not included in the Book of Protection. The words uttered by the Buddha by way of protection, and learnt by the Venerable Angulimla, are found in the Angulimla sutta (majjhima nikya, sutta no. 86) __________ The very water that washed the seat of him who recited this paritta has put an end to all danger. At that very moment this paritta effected a safe delivery of the infant. Now we shall recite this very efficacious paritta uttered by the Protector of the world (Buddha) which holds good for an aeon.@ "Since I was born of Aryan birth, O sister, I am not aware of having intentionally deprived any living being of his life. By this asservation of Truth may you be well. May thy unborn child be well!" _____________
@ Majjhima Com. i.e. since Angulimla joined the Sangha, the Order

page 117 Invitation to Deities (Devrdhan) May devas (deities) of all world systems assemble here, and listen to that sublime Dhamma of the Great Sage (Buddha) which confers the bliss of heaven and deliverance (Nibbna) Good friends, now is time for listening to the Dhamma _______________

At the end of each discourse the recitors bless the listeners thus: By the asservation of this truth may you ever be well. By the asservation of this truth may you be free from illness. By the asservation of this truth may all blessings be upon you. By the (protective) power of all the Buddhas, Pacceka Buddhas and all Arahants I secure your (my) protection in every way. (The preceding stanza is recited at the moment the thread is being tied round the arm). page 118 May all misfortunes be warded off, may all ailments cease; may no calamities befall you; may you live long in peace. May all blessings be upon you. May all devas (deities) protect you. By the protective power of all the Buddhas may safety ever be yours. .... By the protective power of all the Dhamma may safety ever be yours. .... By the protective power of all the Sangha may safety ever be yours. By the power of this paritta (protection) may you be free from all dangers arsing from malign influences of the planets, demons and spirits. May thy misfortunes vanish. page 119 By the power of the Buddha may all evil omens and untoward circumstances, the ominous cry of birds, the malign conjunction of the stars, and evil dreams be rendered nugatory. By the power of the Dhamma...(as before) be rendered nugatory.

By the power of the Sangha...(as before) be rendered nugatory. May those beings who suffer be free from suffering. May those beings who fear be free from fear. May those beings who grieve be free from grief. May the rains fall in due season; may there be a rich harvest; may the world prosper; may the ruler be righteous. page 120 May beings, celestial and terrestial, Devas and Ngas of mighty power, share this merit of ours. May they long protect the Dispensation May all beings share this merit which we have thus acquired. May it redound to their happiness. Let this (merit) accrue to my relatives; may they be well and happy. page 121 NOTES hra, Food or nutriment is of four kinds: 1. ordinary material food (kabalinkrhra); 2 Contact (of sense organs with sense objects, phasshra); 3. consciousness (vi hra); and 4. mental volition (manosacetanhra); see The Four Nutriments of Life by Nyanaponika Thera. Wheel No. 105/106. Buddhist Publication Society, (BPS) Kandy, Sri Lanka. Vedan, Feeling or sensation is of three kinds: Pleasant, unpleasant and neutral feelings. Paca-updnakkhandha, The five groups of grasping: Matter, feeling or sensation, mental (volitional) formations, and consciousness.

Sa yatana, The internal sixfold base: the five physical sense organs (eye, ear, nose, tongue, body and the mind base)(vide Dependent Origination or Pa icca Samuppda, by Piyadassi Thera, Wheel No.15, BPS). Satta Bojjhanga, Seven factors of Enlightenment: 1. mindfulness, 2. investigation of the dhamma, 3. energy, 4. rapture or happiness, 5. calm, 6. concentration and 7. equanimity (vide Seven Factors of Enlightenment, by Piyadassi Theraa, Wheel No 1, BPS) The Noble Eightfold Path: see above p. 100 Navasattvs, Nine abodes of beings: The abodes where beings such as humans, animals, devas, ghosts and brahmas are born, and the realms of the infinity of space, infinity of consciousness, of nothingness, and of neither perception nor non-perception (see Minor Readings and Illustrator, Bhikkhu amoli, Pali Text Society, London, p. 92.) The ten attributes of an Arahant, or Asekha, one who has completed his moral and spiritual training, i.e. the Consummate One: 1. Right Understanding, 2. Right Thought, 3. Right Speech, 4. Right Action, 5. Right Livelihood, 6. Right Effort, 7. Right Mindfulness, 8. Right Concentration, 9. Right Knowledge (Samm a), 10. Right Deliverance (samm vimutti) which is the fruit of Arahantship. page 122 ABBREVIATIONS A. BOOKS All references to Pli texts are to the editions of the PTS. A: Anguttara-nikya (number of the volume and page marked against). D: Dgha-nikya (number of the sutta marked against). DA: Dgha-nikya hakath, i.e. Sumangalavilsan.

Khp: Khuddaka-p ha. KhpA: Khuddaka-p ha A hhakath, i.e. Paramatthajotik. M: Majjhima-nikya (number of the sutta marked against). MA: Majjhima-nikya hakath, i.e. Papacasdan. S: Sa yutta-nikya (number of the volume and page marked against). Sn: Sutta-nipta. SnA: Sutta-nipta hakath, i.e. Paramatthajotik II. B. TERMS Com: Commentary Nikya: A collection of suttas in Pli. n: Foot Note. Skt: Sanskrit. Sutta: A sermon or discourse of the Buddha or his disciples recorded in the Canonical Texts. page 123 The errata listed on page 123 have been corrected in the text.

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