Catalogo General Abb
Catalogo General Abb
Catalogo General Abb
Catalogue – 2019
Electrical installation
solutions for buildings
• DIN-rail products
• Light switches and wiring accessories
• Home and building automation
• Enclosures
Electrical installation solutions
for buildings ACCESSORIES FOR
2 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Two volumes, one objective:
to always find the best solution
From a single catalogue with two complementary
volumes: streamline to simplify, analyse to choose.
The catalog Electrical installation solutions for buildings comes in two separate but integrated vol-
umes: one dedicated to the description and easy selection of products code and one for profession-
als searching for in-depth details and specifications, installation examples and special technical so-
Two volumes that reference each other, which are manageable and easily consultable, designed for
those who wish to find the clearest solution in the least possible time.
— The volume
S 200 series B characteristic
Electrical installation
solutions for buildings
S 200 B characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits;
of poles
Order details Price Weight
1 piece 1 piece
can be downloaded here
protection for people and large length of cables in TN and IT systems.
In A EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
4 6 528955 S204-B6 2CDS254001R0065 0.500 1
Standard: IEC/EN 60898-1, IEC/EN 60947-2
10 528962 S204-B10 2CDS254001R0105 0.500 1
Icn=6 kA
13 528979 S204-B13 2CDS254001R0135 0.500 1
S 201 S 204 16 528986 S204-B16 2CDS254001R0165 0.500 1
Number Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
of poles current 4016779 1 piece 1 piece unit 20 528993 S204-B20 2CDS254001R0205 0.500 1
25 529006 S204-B25 2CDS254001R0255 0.500 1
In A EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
32 529013 S204-B32 2CDS254001R0325 0.500 1
1 6 464901 S201-B6 2CDS251001R0065 0.125 10
40 529020 S204-B40 2CDS254001R0405 0.500 1
10 463805 S201-B10 2CDS251001R0105 0.125 10
50 550987 S204-B50 2CDS254001R0505 0.500 1
13 465007 S201-B13 2CDS251001R0135 0.125 10
63 550994 S204-B63 2CDS254001R0635 0.500 1
10 466608 S202-B10 2CDS252001R0105 0.250 5
20 *1 531627 S201-B20NA 2CDS251103R0205 0.250 5
S 203 13 466707 S202-B13 2CDS252001R0135 0.250 5
25 531634 S201-B25NA 2CDS251103R0255 0.250 5
16 466905 S202-B16 2CDS252001R0165 0.250 5
32 *2 531641 S201-B32NA 2CDS251103R0325 0.250 5
20 467001 S202-B20 2CDS252001R0205 0.250 5 S 203 NA 40 *3 531658 S201-B40NA 2CDS251103R0405 0.250 5
25 467100 S202-B25 2CDS252001R0255 0.250 5
50 536158 S201-B50NA 2CDS251103R0505 0.250 5
32 467209 S202-B32 2CDS252001R0325 0.250 5
63 536141 S201-B63NA 2CDS251103R0635 0.250 5
40 467407 S202-B40 2CDS252001R0405 0.250 5
50 550949 S202-B50 2CDS252001R0505 0.250 5
Number Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
63 550956 S202-B63 2CDS252001R0635 0.250 5 of poles current 4016779 1 piece 1 piece unit
*2 suitable for flow-type heaters 18 kW
63 550970 S203-B63 2CDS253001R0635 0.375 1
*1 suitable for flow-type heaters 12 kW *3 suitable for flow-type heaters 21, 24 and 27 kW
*2 suitable for flow-type heaters 18 kW
The volume
Electrical installation
solutions for buildings -
Technical details
can be downloaded here
4 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Electrical installation solutions for buildings
Quality of life, living comfort and safety
5 6
Electrical installation solutions for buildings
Solutions for commercial and industrial buildings
20 22
Electrical installation solutions for buildings
Product highlights
SMISSLINE Power bar system DS-ARC1 and DS-ARC1 M System Access Point 2.0
The SMISSLINE TP finger-safe plug-in DS-ARC1 and DS-ARC1 M are the new 30% size reduction, 230% more
socket system now offers a powerful 1P+N arc fault detection devices with devices, 100% faster. Allows to
250 A system specifically designed to integrated residual current circuit connect up to 150 devices to your
meet the demands of critical power ap- breaker with overcurrent protection free@home system, wired or wireless.
plications, e.g. data centers. The power (RCBO) in 6kA and 10kA breaking For easier installation, it includes
bars have a rated amperage of 250 A capacity respectively, compliant to an external power supply and offers
and therefore allow a side feed of 250 A. product standard IEC/EN 62606; IEC/ various mounting options, such as
This extends the spectrum of potential EN 61009. By early detecting arc faults wall mounted, DIN-Rail mounted or
applications, particularly for applica- and disconnecting the affected circuit can be simply placed on any surface,
tions with high-current devices. they offer reliable and complete pro- such as a table. The new 1.2GHz Dual
tection in any type of building. Core Processor boosts up the speed
of the entire free@home system.
Electrical installation solutions for buildings
Product highlights
ABB i-bus® KNX LED Dimmers Freely programmable ABB Building ABB-tacteo® KNX Sensor
Nowadays dimming lights is a crucial Automation Controller (BAC/S 1.5.1) The ABB-tacteo® KNX Sensor is an indi-
functionality both in residential and in ClimaECO is a range of products per- vidually-configurable control element
commercial buildings. It enables you to fectly designed for the needs of pro- for intelligent building management of
perfectly adjust the light conditions to fessional HVAC solutions. The new con- luxury hotels, public buildings and high
your needs: Realize a cozy atmosphere troller is standardized IEC 61131-3, its class residential buildings. This makes
in the living room or ensure a constant programming is based on the estab- each sensor unique in design and func-
light in the office. The new ABB i-bus® lished Codesys software. It’s fully inte- tion.
KNX LED Dimmers match perfectly to grated into KNX and ETS and has mod-
the needs of the market: They ensure ular extensions of in- and outputs. Up
constant dimming behavior, without to 1000 KNX group objects can be used
having negative effects like flickering in the automation program.
and glowing.
Electrical installation solutions for buildings
A world of advantages
The breadth of our product portfolio has allowed
us to become leader in the railway sector. This is
thanks to the high-performance S200M-UC AC
and DC circuit breaker, as well as the S200MT se-
ries, particularly suitable for conditions of fire
and smoke, in compliance with the French NF F
16-101/102 standard.
Electrical installation solutions for buildings
A world of advantages
Wind power
The outstanding performance of our high volt-
ages devices and our constant innovation have al-
lowed us to become world leader in electrical
switchgear for wind-energy sector. The high per-
formance of our S800 circuit breaker series, char-
acterized by the high breaking capacity of 690
V AC, and their combination with the new S800-
SCL-SR self-resetting short-circuit current limiter
make our range of modular DIN Rail components
perfect for the needs of the sector.
Electrical installation solutions for buildings
A world of advantages
2 SN201 Series
SN201 series circuit breakers
including one pole and neutral
in one module width up to 40
A specific for household ap-
plications and tertiary sector. 3
1 2 4 5
Increased terminal opening for higher wire gauges up Switch with intermediate trip position (TRIP).
to 35 mm². For conductors with or without connector S800 circuit breakers differentiate manual
sleeves. actuation from over-current trip. Terminal on the front face
Fulfills still the requirements for protection degree for fail-safe function.
IP20 (finger safe) acc. to IEC/EN 60529.
Integrated plate protecting flexible cables from dam-
Label-holder built into
age and homogenous pressure in the terminal opening.
SN200 circuit breakers.
Easy identification of
protected circuits.
One pole plus neutral in Failsafe bi-directional cylinder-lift
a width of just 17.6 mm. terminal at top and bottom (available
for the entire System pro M com-
pact® range). Ideal for connection of
cables and busbars simultaneously.
The green/red switch colour
Multiple certification marks visible on the upper clearly indicates the con-
and lower face of the S200 circuit breakers. nected/disconnected status.
Laser marking for reliable readability. Real contact
position indication, directly connected to the mov-
ing contact, for more comfort and safety. Individ-
ual identification code for each MCB on the front.
Electrical installation solutions for buildings
A world of advantages
6 7 8 9
Electrical installation solutions for buildings
A world of advantages
10 11 11 12 12 12 12 12 12
Currents up to 125 A.
From 1 to 4 poles.
Multiple command and control func-
Option to include an add-on of
tions in the ultra-compact design
up to 3 auxiliary contacts.
(9 mm width) of the E210 series.
Up to 3 E219 LED
indicator lights in
Hum-free operation.
a width of just 9 mm.
Variety of control voltages.
LED indicators
Multiple combinations of NO and NC contacts.
guarantee an optimal
Function modes selector:
illumination with very
Automatic/Connected/Disconnected (EN series).
low consumption.
Electrical installation solutions for buildings
A world of advantages
14 TWA astronomical switches 15 E234 series electronic timers 16 CP-D primary switch mode power
and TW twilight switches and E232 series staircase switches supplies
TWA astronomical switches to activate Wide range of E234. Optimized for world-wide applica-
lighting systems according to the rising E232 staircase timers for household tions with a wide AC and DC supply
and setting of the sun. applications. range and continuously adjustable
TW twilight switches to control lighting output voltage. Additional redun-
devices according to the level of the dancy unit CP-RUD available.
ambient light.
13 13 14
14 15 16
Easy to program.
Ideal for public lighting, stores
lighting, monuments, etc.
16 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Electrical installation solutions for buildings
A world of advantages
17 17 18 18
Electrical installation solutions for buildings
A world of advantages
Other functions
19 19
Electrical installation solutions for buildings
A world of advantages
Electrical installation solutions for buildings
A world of advantages
Consumer units
Electrical installation solutions for buildings
A world of advantages
Electrical installation solutions for buildings
A world of advantages
A brief introduction to ...
Enclosures, Sub distribution boards
Products from other catalogues
You may also be interested in ...
System pro E power These and many other ABB’s devices can be in-
Main distribution switchgear stalled in this innovative switchboard since,
The ABB’s new System pro E Power switchboard a wide range of accessories, ensures that all com-
provides a complete solution for electric power ponents are perfectly compatible with each other,
main distribution in infrastructures and indus- with extremely easy assembly and wiring opera-
tries that complies with the latest international tions.
standards and guarantees perfect synergy with
all the other ABB low voltage apparatus, such as
Tmax T and XT moulded-case circuit-breakers,
Emax 2 air circuit-breakers and of course, all the
DIN rail components of System pro M compact®
24 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
A brief introduction to ...
Enclosures, Sub distribution boards
A brief introduction to ...
Enclosures, Sub distribution boards
Electrical installation solutions for buildings
Miniature circuit-breakers
Quick selection of MCBs 1/2
MCBs S 200
S 200 technical features 1/20
S 200 series, 6 kA 1/26
S 200 M series, 10 kA 1/40
S 200 MR series, 10kA 1/54
S 200 M UC series, 10 kA 1/56
S 200 P series, 15/25 kA 1/65
S 200 S screwless series, 6 kA 1/80
SU 200 MR series, 10kA 1/93
S 200 UDC series, 60 V DC 1/95
MCBs SN 201
SN 201 L series, 4.5 kA 1/102
SN 201 series, 6 kA 1/103
SN 201 M series, 10 kA 1/105
SMCBs S 750 DR
S 750 DR series 1/110
SMCBs S 700
S 700 series 1/114
S 700 + H2WR series 1/118
MCBs S 800
S800S series, 50 kA 1/134
S800N series, 36 kA 1/159
S800C series, 25 kA 1/165
S800B series, 16 kA 1/169
S800HV series, 4 kA 1/173
S800U series, 50 kA 1/176
S804U-UCZ series, 10 kA 1/182
S800PV series, 5 kA, DC 1/184
S800PV-SD series 1/187
1/2 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
System pro M compact®
Quick selection of MCBs for household
and industrial applications
Easy! Find the right range and the corresponding catalogue page at a glance using this selection chart.
4,5 kA
6 kA
10 kA
Overload + Short-circuit IEC/EN 60898-1
15 kA
20 kA
25 kA
Overload + Short-circuit IEC/EN 60947-2
System pro M compact®
Quick selection of MCBs for household and industrial applications
System pro M compact®
Quick selection of MCBs for household
and industrial applications
Application Breaking capacity Icn
6 kA
10 kA
Overload + Short-circuit IEC/EN 60898-1
15 kA
25 kA
36 kA
50 kA
100 kA
10 kA
DC-applications IEC/EN 60947-2
50 kA
System pro M compact®
Quick selection of MCBs for household and industrial applications
System pro M compact®
Quick selection of MCBs for UL
applications (UL 489/CSA 22.2 No. 5)
10 kA
10 kA
14 kA
50 kA
DC applications UL 489B 3 kA
System pro M compact®
Quick selection of MCBs for UL applications (UL 489/CSA 22.2 No. 5)
5A 4P S804U-PVS5 1/183
1/8 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Miniature circuit-breakers
Selection table
S 200 MR
S 200 M
S 200 M
S 200 P
S 200 S
S 200
B,C,D, B,C,D, B,C,D, B,C,D, B,C,D,
B,C, K, Z K B,C
Breaking [kA]
Reference Nr. Ue[V]
standard poles
IEC/EN 60898 Icn 230/400 6 10 10 25 15 15 6
IEC/EN Icu 1, 133 20 25 40 25 25
60947-2 1P+N 230 10 15 25 15 15 15
Alternating 253
2, 3, 4 230 20 25 10 *17/6 *18 40 25 25
400 10 15 25 15 15 15
440 10 15 10 *17/6 *18
2, 3, 4 500
Ics 1, 133 15 18.7 *8 20 18.7 18.7
1P+N 230 7.5 11.2 *8 12.5 11.2 7.5
253 7.5 *18
7.5 *17/6 *18
11.2 *17
2, 3, 4 230 15 18.7 *8 20 18.7 18.7
400 7.5 11.2 *8 12.5 11.2 7.5
440 7.5 *18
7.5 11.2 *8 7.5 *17/6 *18
11.2 *17
2, 3, 4 500
IEC/EN Icu 1, 24 20
60947-2 1P+N 60 10 10 15 10 10
Direct current 125
220 10
all series, 250
except S280 2 48 20
UC and 125 10 10 15 10 10
S800S-UC, 250
440 10
3,4 375
Miniature circuit-breakers
Selection table
SU 200 MR
S 200 UDC
SU 200 M
SN 201 M
SN 201 L
SN 201
4.5 6 10 6
10 15 20 20
15 15 15 15 15 6 10 10 6
15 15 15 15 15 6
6 10 10 10
11.25 11.25 7.5 7.5 4.5 6 7.5 6
7.5 *18
11.2 *17
11.25 11.25 7.5 7.5 6
7.5 *18
11.2 *17
15 15 10 10 10 15 15
15 15 10 10 10 15 15
1/10 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Miniature circuit-breakers
Selection table
S 200 MR
S 200 M
S 200 M
S 200 P
S 200 S
S 200
B,C,D, B,C,D, B,C,D, B,C,D, B,C,D,
B,C, K, Z K B,C
IEC/EN Ics 1, 24 20
60947-2 1P+N 60 10 10 15 10 10
Direct current 125
220 10
all series, 250
except S280 2 48 20
UC and 125 10 10 15 10 10
S800S-UC, 250
440 10
3,4 375
UL 1077/ Int. 1, 120 10 *16 10 6 6
C22.2 cap. 1P+N 240
No 235 277 6 *16 6 6 10 6 6 10
2, 3, 4 240 10 *16 10 6 6
6 *16 6 6 10 6 6 10
UL 1077/ Int. 1, 60 10 *16 10
C22.2 cap. 1P+N 125
No 235 250 10
Direct current
2, 3, 4 125 10
500 10
UL 489/ C22.2 Int. 1 240
No 5 cap. 277
Alternating 2, 3, 4 240
UL 489/ C22.2 Int. 1 48
No 5 cap. 60
Direct current 2 96
Miniature circuit-breakers
Selection table
SU 200 MR
S 200 UDC
SU 200 M
SN 201 M
SN 201 L
SN 201
15 15 10 10 10 15 15
15 15 10 10 10 15 15
10 10 10
10 10 10 *19
10 10 10
10 10 10 *19
10 10 10 10
10 10 10 10
14 *15
1/12 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
High performance circuit-breakers
Selection table
S 750 DR
S 700
Characteristics E selective, E selective,
K selective K selective
Rated current [A] 16 ≤ 10 ≤ 0.5 ≤ 0.5 ≤ 20 ≤ 0.5 ≤ 0.5 ≤ 6≤ 10 ≤
In In In In In In In In In
≤ 63 ≤ 100 ≤ 125 ≤ 125 ≤ 80 ≤ 125 ≤ 125 ≤ 125 ≤ 125
Breaking [kA]
Reference Nr. Ue[V]
standard poles
IEC/EN 60898 Icn 230/400 25 *9 25 *20 20 *20 15
IEC/EN Icu 1, 133
60947-2 1P+N 230 25
Alternating 240 50 50 50 *6 36 25
254 30 30 30 *6 20 15
15 (up to 80 A) 15 (up to 80 A)
289 10
10 (100...125 A) 10 (100...125 A)
400 6 (up to 80 A) 6 (up to 80 A)
6 *6 4.5
4.5 (100…125 A) 4.5 (100…125 A)
2, 3, 4 230
400 25
415 50 50 50 *6 36 25
440 30 30 30 *6 20 15
500 15 (up to 80 A) 15 (up to 80 A)
10 (100...125 A) 10 (100...125 A)
580 10
690 6 (up to 80 A) 6 (up to 80 A)
4.5 (100…125 A) 4.5 (100…125 A)
Ics 1, 133
1P+N 230 12.5 12.5 *9
240 40 40 30 18
254 22.5 (up to 80 A) 22.5 (up to 80 A) 15 (up to 80 A)
22.5 10
15 (100…125 A) 15 (100…125 A) 10 (100…125 A
11 (up to 80 A) 11 (up to 80 A) 8 (up to 80 A)
5 (100...125 A) 5 (100...125 A) 5 (100...125 A
400 4 (up to 80 A) 4 (up to 80 A)
4 3
3 (100 … 125 A) 3 (100 … 125 A)
2, 3, 4 230
400 12.5 12.5 *9 40 40
415 40 *6 30 18
440 22.5 (up to 80 A) 22.5 (up to 80 A)
15 (100 ... 125 A) 15 (100 ... 125 A)
500 11 (up to 80 A) 8 (up to 80 A)
5 (100...125 A) 5 (100...125 A)
690 4 *3 4 *3 4 3
High performance circuit-breakers
Selection table
10 ≤ 5≤
32 ≤ C: 10 ≤ In ≤ 32
In 10-80 5 In
In ≤ 125 K: 0.5 ≤ In ≤ 125
≤ 100 ≤ 125
1.5 (0.5 … 5 A)
4 (6 … 63 A)
3 (80 … 125 A)
1.5 (0.5 … 5 A)
2.5 (6 … 63 A)
2 (80 … 125 A)
1.5 (0.5 … 5 A)
2.5 (6 … 63 A)
2 (80 … 125 A)
High performance circuit-breakers
Selection table
S 750 DR
S 700
Characteristics E selective, E selective,
K selective K selective
Rated current [A]
16 ≤ 10 ≤ 0.5 ≤ 0.5 ≤ 20 ≤ 0.5 ≤ 0.5 ≤ 6≤ 10 ≤
In In In In In In In In In
≤ 63 ≤ 100 ≤ 125 ≤ 125 ≤ 80 ≤ 125 ≤ 125 ≤ 125 ≤ 125
Breaking [kA]
Reference Nr. Ue[V]
standard poles
IEC/EN Icu 1, 24
60947-2 1P+N 60
Direct current 75
125 30 30 20 10
all series, 220
except S280 250 50 50
UC and 2 48
S800S-UC, 125
250 30 30 20 10
500 50 50
3,4 225
375 30 *6 30 *6 30 *6 20 *6 10 *6
500 30 *7 30 *7 20 *7 10 *7
750 50 *6 50 *6
50 (63 ... 125 A) *7 50 (63 ... 125 A) *7
1000 50 (10 ... 50 A) *7 50 (10 ... 50 A) *7
*1 only up to 40 A; 10 kA up to 50/63 A *9 relevant product standard: E DIN VDE *13 > 25 A *21 for S804U-UCZ only
*2 only for “D” characteristic 0645 *14 char. B, C *22 for S804U-PVS only
*3 values are not for all rated currents (based on IEC/EN 60898-1 *15 only 2 poles (connection in series)
*5 1500 V DC for 4P and IEC/EN 60947-2) *16 UL 1077 only
*6 3 poles *10 by 250 V DC 1-pole, 600 *17 ≤ 40 A
*7 4 poles V 3- and 4-pole *18 > 40 A
*8 max. values. Detailed *11 by 600 V DC 2-pole *19 ≤ 35 A
High performance circuit-breakers
Selection table
10 ≤ 5≤
32 ≤ C: 10 ≤ In ≤ 32
In 10-80 5 In
In ≤ 125 K: 0.5 ≤ In ≤ 125
≤ 100 ≤ 125
10 *6
10 *7
5 *5
1/16 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
High performance circuit-breakers
Selection table
S 750 DR
S 700
Characteristics E selective, E selective,
B, C, D K KM UCB UCK B, C, D B, C, D, K
K selective K selective*9
Rated current [A] 16 ≤ 10 ≤ 0.5 ≤ 0.5 ≤ 20 ≤ 0.5 ≤ 0.5 ≤ 6≤ 10 ≤
In In In In In In In In In
≤ 63 ≤ 100 ≤ 125 ≤ 125 ≤ 80 ≤ 125 ≤ 125 ≤ 125 ≤ 125
IEC/EN Ics 1, 24
60947-2 1P+N 60
Direct current 125 30 30 20 10
T=I/R≤5ms 220
for 250 50 50
all series, 2 48
except S280 125
UC and
250 30 30 20 10
500 50 50
3,4 375 30 *6 30 *6 30 *6 20 *6 10 *6
500 30 *7 30 *7 20 *7 10 *7
750 50 *6 50 *6
50 (63 ... 125 A) *7 50 (63 ... 125 A) *7
1000 50 (10 ... 50 A) *7 50 (10 ... 50 A) *7
UL 1077/ Int. 1, 120
C22.2 cap. 1P+N 240 30 30
20 (≤ 100 A)
No 235 (0.5...63 A) (0.5...63 A)
Alternating 277 14 14
current (0.5...63 A) (0.5...63 A)
347 6 (0.5...63 A) 6 (0.5...63 A) 10 (≤ 100 A)
2, 3, 4 240
480 14 (0.5... 14 (0.5...
10 (≤100 A)
Y/277 63 A) *27 63 A) *27
600Y/347 6 6
(0.5...63 A) (0.5...63 A)
UL 1077/ Int. 1, 60
C22.2 cap. 1P+N 125 10 (≤ 100 A)
No 235 250
Direct current 2, 3, 4 125
250 10 (2P,
≤ 100 A)
375 10 (3P,
≤ 100 A)
500 10 (4P,
≤ 100 A)
UL 489/ C22.2 Int. 1 240
No 5 cap. 277
Alternating 2, 3, 4 240
current 480
UL 489/ C22.2 Int. 1 60
No 5 cap. 2 125
Direct current
4 600
UL489B 4 1000
Direct current
*1 only up to 40 A; 10 kA up to 50/63 A *6 3 poles *9 relevantproduct standard: *10 by 250 V DC 1-pole, 600 V
*2 only for “D” characteristic *7 4 poles E DIN VDE 0645 (based on 3- and 4-pole
*3 values are not for all rated currents *8 max. values. Detailed IEC/EN 60898-1 and IEC/EN 60947-2) *11 by 600 V DC 2-pole
*5 1500 V DC for 4P values on page 2/12 *12 ≤ 25 A
High performance circuit-breakers
Selection table
10 ≤ 5≤
32 ≤ C: 10 ≤ In ≤ 32
In 10-80 5 In
In ≤ 125 K: 6 ≤ In ≤ 125
≤ 100 ≤ 125
5 *5
15 (3P, 10 ... 32
A) *28
*13 > 25 A *18 > 40 A *24 by 150V DC 2-pole *28 P, 10 ... 32 A - only valid with
*15 only 2 poles (connection in series) *19 ≤ 35 A *25 by 225V DC 3-pole XT2L 125 TMF 35-400
*16 UL 1077 only *20 10-80 A *26 by 300V DC 4-pole
*17 ≤ 40 A *23 by 75V DC 1-pole *27 certification 50A ongoing
1/18 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
MCB S 200. The details make the difference
A range designed to ensure efficiency and protection
Quick identification
thanks to laser printed
EAN marking.
Contact position
Captive screws:
don’t loose what’s Whatever your
important for you. application need is
applicable with a wide
range of accessories.
Contact position indication Approvals printed on the dome Housing material
All System pro M compact® MCBs are S 200 MCBs comply to IEC/EN 60898-1 By using the state-of-the-art housing
suited with a contact position and IEC/EN 60947-2 and carry all material, ABB is taking care of the
indication (CPI) on the toggle. You can relevant approval marks for each environment. With the latest
easily identify, if the MCB is in the ON market and segment they are destined generation of thermoplastics it’s
or the OFF position – easy and safe to. The certification markings are also possible to recycle the MCBs –
maintenance work is possible. printed on the dome of the MCB. Thus especially the thermoplastic housing-
make it possible to see the markings material can be re-used. By using the
also in the mounted position. For latest generation of thermoplastics
control and acceptance procedure – the material stability of all System pro
certification marks visible on fitted M compact® MCBs is improved. S200
devices on the dome. are 100% free of halogens – no
environmental pollution.
S 200 technical features
S 200 S 200 M
General Standards IEC/EN 60898-1, IEC/EN 60898-1,
Data IEC/EN 60947-2 IEC/EN 60947-2
UL 1077 UL 1077, CSA 22.2
No. 235
Poles 1P, 2P, 3P, 4P, 1P+N, 3P+N
Max. power frequency recovery voltage (Umax) V 1P: 253 V AC; 1P+N: 253 V AC; 2P...4P: 462 V AC;
3P+N: 462 V AC; 1P: 72 V DC; 2P: 125 V DC
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp. (1.2/50µs) kV 4 kV (test voltage 6.2 kV at sea level, 5 kV at 2,000 m)
Dielectric test voltage kV 2 kV (50 / 60Hz, 1 min.)
Reference temperature for tripping characteristics °C B, C, D: 55°C; K, Z: 20°C
Electrical endurance ops. In < 32A: 20,000 ops (AC),
In ≥ 32A: 10,000 ops. (AC); 1,000 ops. (DC);
(1 cycle 2s - ON, 13s - OFF, In ≤ 32A),
(1 cyle 2s - ON, 28s - OFF, In > 32A)
* Only acc. to IEC/EN 60898-1
S 200 technical features
1P: 253 V AC, 220 V DC 1P: 230 V AC; 1P: 230 V AC 1P: 230 V AC 1P: 230 V AC --
2...4P: 440 V AC, 440 1P+N: 230 V AC; 2...4P: 400 V AC 2...4P: 400 V AC 2...4P: 400
V DC 2...4P: 400 V AC; V AC
3P+N: 400 V AC
1P: 266 V AC, 250 V DC 1P: 253 V AC; 1P: 253 V AC 1P: 253/440 V AC; 1P: 253 V AC --
2...4P: 462 V AC, 500 1P+N: 253 V AC; 2...4P: 440 V AC 2...4P: 440 V AC 2...4P: 440
V DC 2P...4P: 440 V AC; V AC
3P+N: 440 V AC;
1P: 72 V DC; 2P: 125
12 V AC 12 V AC --
≤ 40 A: 10 kA AC; 10 ≤ 25 A: 25 kA 15 kA 10 kA 15 kA --
kA DC ≥ 32 A: 15 kA
> 40 A: 6 kA AC; 10 kA
≤ 40 A: 7,5 kA AC; 10 ≤ 25 A: 12.5 kA ≤ 40 A: 11.2 kA; 7.5 kA ≤ 40 A: 11.2 kA; --
kA DC ≤ 32…40 A: 11.2 kA > 40 A: 7.5 kA > 40 A: 7.5 kA
> 40 A: 6 kA(AC; 10 50, 63 A: 7.5 kA AC; (AC);
B, C: 55 °C; K, Z: 20 °C 20 °C C, K, Z: 20°C 20 °C --
In < 32A: 20,000 ops In < 32A: 20,000 ops In < 25A: 20,000 In < 25A: --
(AC), (AC), In ≥ 32A: 10,000 ops (AC), 20,000 ops
In ≥ 32A: 10,000 ops. ops. (AC); In ≥ 25A: 10,000 (AC),
(AC); 1,000 ops. (DC); ops. (AC); In ≥ 25A:
1,500 ops. (DC); (1 cycle 2s - ON, 13s - 10,000 ops.
OFF, (AC);
In ≤ 32A), (1 cyle 2s -
ON, 28s - OFF, In ≥ 32A)
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S 200 technical features
S 200 S 200 M
Data acc. Rated voltage V 480Y / 277 V AC; 480Y / 277 V AC;
to UL /
S 200
1P: 60 V DC; 1P: 60 V DC;
2P…4P: 110 V DC 2P…4P: 125 V DC
Rated interrupting capacity acc. to UL 1077 kA 6 kA AC; 10 kA DC
Vibration resistance acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-6 5g - 20 cycles at 5…150…5 Hz with load 0.8In
Environmental conditions (damp heat) °C/ 28 cycles with 55°C/90-96% and 25°C/95-100%
acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-30 RH
Ambient temperature °C -25 … +55°C
Storage temperature °C -40 … +70°C
* Also fulfilling the requirement acc. to the protection degree IPXXB
** Only with accessory: IP20 terminal clip
S 200 technical features
S 200 technical features
S 200 S 200 M
Installa- Terminal Failsafe bi-directional cylinder-lift terminal
Cross-section of conductors *1 Solid / mm 2 35 mm 2 / 35 mm 2
(top / bottom) Stranded
Flexible mm 2 25 mm 2 / 25 mm 2
*1 rior to connection of aluminium conductors (>= 4 mm 2) ensure that their contact points are cleaned,
brushed and coated with grease.
Connection of aluminium conductors is not specifically approved by third party.
All approvals according to the product standards are carried out with copper conductors.
*2 N m-values acc. IEC / in-lbs.-values acc. UL
*3 1 ... 4 mm² (rigid or flexible wires without end sleeves); 1 … 2.5 mm² (flexible wires with end sleeves)
S 200 technical features
S 200 series B characteristic
S 200 B characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits;
protection for people and large length of cables in TN and IT systems.
Applications: residential, commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898-1, IEC/EN 60947-2
Icn=6 kA
*1 suitable for flow-type heaters 12 kW *3 suitable for flow-type heaters 21, 24 and 27 kW
*2 suitable for flow-type heaters 18 kW
S 200 series B characteristic
S 200 series C characteristic
S 200 C characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits;
protection for resistive and inductive loads with low inrush current.
Applications: residential, commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898-1, IEC/EN 60947-2
Icn=6 kA
*1 suitable for flow-type heaters 12 kW *3 suitable for flow-type heaters 21, 24 and 27 kW
*2 suitable for flow-type heaters 18 kW
S 200 series C characteristic
*1 suitable for flow-type heaters 12 kW *3 suitable for flow-type heaters 21, 24 and 27 kW
*2 suitable for flow-type heaters 18 kW
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S 200 series C characteristic
*1 suitable for flow-type heaters 12 kW *3 suitable for flow-type heaters 21, 24 and 27 kW
*2 suitable for flow-type heaters 18 kW
S 200 series D characteristic
S 200 D characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits;
protection for circuits which supply loads with high inrush current at the circuit closing
(LV/LV transformers, breakdown lamps).
Applications: residential, commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898-1, IEC/EN 60947-2
Icn=6 kA
*1 suitable for flow-type heaters 12 kW *3 suitable for flow-type heaters 21, 24 and 27 kW
*2 suitable for flow-type heaters 18 kW
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S 200 series D characteristic
*1 suitable for flow-type heaters 12 kW *3 suitable for flow-type heaters 21, 24 and 27 kW
*2 suitable for flow-type heaters 18 kW
S 200 series D characteristic
*1 suitable for flow-type heaters 12 kW *3 suitable for flow-type heaters 21, 24 and 27 kW
*2 suitable for flow-type heaters 18 kW
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S 200 series K characteristic
*1 suitable for flow-type heaters 12 kW *3 suitable for flow-type heaters 21, 24 and 27 kW
*2 suitable for flow-type heaters 18 kW
S 200 series K characteristic
S 200 series K characteristic
S 200 series Z characteristic
S 200 Z characteristic
Function: protection and control of the electronic circuits against lower and long
duration overloads and short-circuits.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2
Icu=10 kA
S 200 series Z characteristic
S 200 series Z characteristic
S 200 series M-B characteristic
*1 suitable for flow-type heaters 12 kW *3 suitable for flow-type heaters 21, 24 and 27 kW
*2 suitable for flow-type heaters 18 kW
S 200 series M-B characteristic
*1 suitable for flow-type heaters 12 kW *3 suitable for flow-type heaters 21, 24 and 27 kW
*2 suitable for flow-type heaters 18 kW
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S 200 series M-C characteristic
*1 suitable for flow-type heaters 12 kW *3 suitable for flow-type heaters 21, 24 and 27 kW
*2 suitable for flow-type heaters 18 kW
S 200 series M-C characteristic
S 200 series M-C characteristic
*1 suitable for flow-type heaters 12 kW *3 suitable for flow-type heaters 21, 24 and 27 kW
*2 suitable for flow-type heaters 18 kW
S 200 series M-D characteristic
*1 suitable for flow-type heaters 12 kW *3 suitable for flow-type heaters 21, 24 and 27 kW
*2 suitable for flow-type heaters 18 kW
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S 200 series M-D characteristic
*1 suitable for flow-type heaters 12 kW *3 suitable for flow-type heaters 21, 24 and 27 kW
*2 suitable for flow-type heaters 18 kW
S 200 series M-D characteristic
*1 suitable for flow-type heaters 12 kW *3 suitable for flow-type heaters 21, 24 and 27 kW
*2 suitable for flow-type heaters 18 kW
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S 200 series M-K characteristic
S 200 series M-K characteristic
S 200 series M-K characteristic
S 200 series M-Z characteristic
S 200 series M-Z characteristic
S 200 series M-Z characteristic
Supplementary protector S 200 MR series, 10kA
Supplementary protector S 200 MR series, 10kA
S 200 series M UC B characteristic
Universal current range
S 200 M UC B characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits;
protection for people and big length cables in TN and IT systems; version dedicated to
in direct current circuits for voltages up to 220 V DC 1 pole and 440 V DC 2, 3 and 4 poles.
Applications: Industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898-2, IEC/EN 60947-2, UL1077, CSA 22.2 No. 235
(for DC applications, please note polarity of device)
Icu=10 kA
S 200 series M UC B characteristic
Universal current range
S 200 series M UC C characteristic
Universal current range
S 200 M UC C characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits;
protection for people and big length cables in TN and IT systems; version dedicated to
in direct current circuits for voltages up to 220 V DC 1 pole and 440 V DC 2, 3 and 4 poles.
Applications: Industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898-2, IEC/EN 60947-2, UL1077, CSA 22.2 No. 235
(for DC applications, please note polarity of device)
Icu=10 kA
S 200 series M UC C characteristic
Universal current range
S 200 series M UC – Universal current range K characteristic
S 200 M UC K characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits;
protection for people and big length cables in TN and IT systems; version dedicated to
in direct current circuits for voltages up to 220 V DC 1 pole and 440 V DC 2, 3 and 4 poles.
Applications: Industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, UL1077, CSA 22.2 No. 235
(for DC applications, please note polarity of device)
Icu=10 kA
S 200 series M UC – Universal current range K characteristic
S 200 series M UC – Universal current range K characteristic
S 200 series M UC – Universal current range Z characteristic
S 200 M UC Z characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits;
protection for people and big length cables in TN and IT systems; version dedicated to
in direct current circuits for voltages up to 220 V DC 1 pole and 440 V DC 2, 3 and 4 poles.
Applications: Industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, UL1077, CSA 22.2 No. 235
(for DC applications, please note polarity of device)
Icu=10 kA
S 200 series M UC – Universal current range Z characteristic
S 200 series P-B characteristic
S 200 series P-B characteristic
S 200 series P-B characteristic
S 200 series P-C characteristic
S 200 series P-C characteristic
S 200 series P-D characteristic
S 200 series P-D characteristic
S 200 series P-D characteristic
S 200 series P-K characteristic
S 200 series P-K characteristic
S 200 series P-K characteristic
S 200 series P-K characteristic
S 200 series P-Z characteristic
S 200 series P-Z characteristic
S 200 series P-Z characteristic
S 200 series S - screwless range B and C characteristics
SU 200 M series technical characteristic
General Data
Standards UL 489, CSA 22.2 No. 5, IEC/EN 60947-2
Poles 1P, 2P, 3P, 4P
Tripping characteristics C, K, Z
Rated current In 0.2 - 63 A
Rated frequency f 50 / 60 Hz, DC (0 Hz)
Rated insulation voltage Ui acc. to IEC/EN 440 V AC (phase to phase)
Overvoltage category III
Pollution degree 3
IEC/EN 60947-2
Rated operational voltage Ue 1P: 230 V AC; 2P, 3P, 4P: 400 V AC
Max. power frequency recovery voltage Umax AC 1P: 253 V AC; 2P, 3P, 4P: 440 V AC
Min. operating voltage 12 V AC, 12 V DC
Rated ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity 15 kA
Rated service short-circuit breaking capacity Ics ≤ 40 A: 11.25 kA
> 40 A: 7.5 kA
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp 4 kV (test voltage 6.2 kV at sea level, 5 kV at 2,000 m)
Dielectric test voltage 2 kV (50 / 60Hz, 1 min.)
Reference temperature for tripping 30 °C
Electrical endurance In < 30 A: 20,000 ops (AC), In ≥ 30 A: 10,000 ops. (AC);
1 cycle (2 s - ON, 13 s - OFF, In ≤ 32 A), 1 cycle (2 s - ON,
28 s - OFF, In > 32 A)
Rated voltage AC 1P: 277 V AC up to 40 A for C, Z char.,
AC 277 V AC up to 35 A for K char., 240 V AC
AC 2P, 3P, 4P: 480 Y / 277 V AC up to 40 A for C, Z char.,
AC 480 Y / 277 V AC up to 35 A for K char., 240 V AC
DC 1P: 48 V DC; 2P: 96 V DC (2p in series)
Rated interrupting capacity acc. to UL 1077 –
Short-circuit current rating acc. to UL 489 10 kA
Application –
Reference temperature for tripping 40 °C
Electrical endurance 6,000 ops (AC), 6,000 ops. (DC); 1 cycle (1 s - ON, 9 s - OFF)
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SU 200 M series technical characteristic
Mechanical data
Housing Insulation group II, RAL 7035
Toggle Insulation group II, black, sealable
Contact position indication Real CPI (green OFF / red ON)
Protection degree acc. to DIN EN 60529 IP20*, IP40 in enclosure with cover
Mechanical endurance 20,000 ops.
Shock resistance acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-27 25 g - 2 shocks - 13 ms
Vibration resistance acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-6 5g - 20 cycles at 5…150…5 Hz with load 0.8 In
Environmental conditions (damp heat cyclic) 28 cycles with 55°C/90-96% and 25°C/95-100%
acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-30
Ambient temperature -25 … +55°C
Storage temperature -40 ... +70 °C
Terminal Failsafe bi-directional cylinder-lift terminal
Cross-section of conductors (top/bottom) solid, stranded: 35 mm² / 35 mm²
flexible: 25 mm 2 / 25 mm 2
18 – 4 AWG
Cross-section of busbars (top/bottom) 10 mm² / 10 mm²
18 – 8 AWG
Torque 2.8 Nm
AWG 18-16: 13.3 in-lbs.
AWG 14-10: 17.7 in-lbs.
AWG 8-4: 39.8 in-lbs.
Screwdriver No. 2 Pozidrive
Mounting On DIN rail 35 mm acc. to EN 60715 by fast clip
Mounting position any
Supply optional
Dimensions and weight
Mounting dimensions acc. to DIN 43880 Mounting dimension 3
Pole dimensions (H x D x W) 111 x 69 x 17.5 mm
Pole weight approx. 125 g
Combination with auxiliary elements
Auxiliary contact Yes
Signal contact Yes
Shunt trip Yes
SU 200 M series C characteristic
SU 200 M series C characteristic
SU 200 M series C characteristic
SU 200 M series K characteristic
SU 200 M series K characteristic
SU 200 M series K characteristic
SU 200 M series K characteristic
SU 200 M series Z characteristic
SU 200 M series Z characteristic
SU 200 M series Z characteristic
Circuit breaker SU 200 MR series, 10kA
The SU200 MR is a high-performance circuit breaker with ring cable lug connections
conforming to UL 489; CSA 22.2. No. 5 and IEC/EN 60947-2 standards. The integrated captive
connecting screws simplify the connection of electric lines, provides extra protection and
saves time.
Circuit breaker SU 200 MR series, 10kA
S 200 series UDC - Universal current range, UL, K characteristic
S 200 series UDC - Universal current range, UL, K characteristic
S 200 series UDC - Universal current range, UL, K characteristic
MCB SN 201. The details make the difference
A range designed to ensure efficiency
and protection
Easy identification of
the product and highly
Quick identification resistant laser marking.
thanks to laser printed
EAN marking.
Contact position
indicator on the
level, with Green/
Red indicator
A wide range of
accessories is
1P+N protection
in only one module
Space for insulated screwdrivers: the larger neutral hole Two bistable fixing devices for maximum ease of use: due to
allows the use of an insulated screwdriver to tighten the larger size of the DIN rail fixing system, made with 2 bistable
screws of both wire terminals, ensuring maximum safety of fixing devices, the same screwdriver used for tightening the
the operation. terminals can also be used for assembling and
disassembling the device.
With the practical label carrier fitted in the SN201 circuit- The SN201 fully integrates with the range of System pro M
breakers you can give maximum visibility to the information compact® miniature circuit-breakers, sharing the wide
relating to the protected loads. selection of accessories available through a dedicated
interface (half module), which also can be used as auxiliary
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Miniature circuit-breakers
SN 201 series - 1P+N in one module housing
*1 SN201 and SN201M series in B and D characteristic are available for rated current In ≥ 6 A
Miniature circuit-breakers
SN 201 series - 1P+N in one module housing
SN 201 L series B and C characteristic
SN 201 L - B characteristic
Function: overload and short-circuit protection of circuits in final distribution; protection
of long cable lengths in TN and IT systems.
Applications: residential.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898
Icn: 4.5 kA
SN 201 L - C characteristic
Function: overload and short-circuit protection of circuits in final distribution; protection of
resistive and inductive loads with low inrush current.
Applications: residential.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898
Icn: 4.5 kA
SN 201 series B and C characteristic
SN 201 - B characteristic
Function: overload and short-circuits protection of circuits in final distribution; protection of
long cable lengths in TN and IT systems.
Applications: residential and commercial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898
Icn: 6 kA
SN 201 series D characteristic
SN 201 - D characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits in final
distribution; protection for circuits which supply loads with high inrush current at the circuit
Applications: residential and commercial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898
Icn: 6 kA
SN 201 M series B and C characteristic
SN 201 M - B characteristic
Function: overloads and short-circuit protection of circuits in final distribution; protection
of long cable lengths in TN and IT systems.
Applications: residential and commercial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898
Icn: 10 kA
S 200 80A-100A series technical features
S 200 80A-100A
General Data
Standards IEC/EN 60898-1, IEC/EN 60947-2
Poles 1P, 2P, 3P, 4P, 1P+N, 3P+N
Tripping characteristics B, C
Rated current In 80 A, 100 A
Rated frequency f 50/60 Hz
S 200 80-100A Rated insulation voltage Ui acc. to IEC/EN 60664-1 440 V AC
(VDE 0110-1)
Overvoltage category III
Pollution degree 2
IEC/EN 60898-1
Rated operational voltage Un 1P: 230/400 V AC; 1P+N: 230 V AC; 2P, 3P, 4P, 3P+N: 400 V AC
Max. power frequency recovery voltage Umax 1P: 253/440 V AC; 1P+N: 253 V AC; 2P, 3P, 4P, 3P+N: 440 V AC
Min. operating voltage 12 V AC
Rated short-circuit capacity Icn 6 kA
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp (1.2/50µs) 4 kV (test voltage 6.2 kV at sea level, 5 kV at 2,000 m)
Dielectrical test voltage 2 kV (50/60 Hz, 1 min.)
Reference temperature for tripping characteristics B, C: 30 °C
Electrical endurance 10,000 ops. (AC); one cycle 2 s - ON, 28 s - OFF
IEC/EN 60947-2
Rated operational voltage Ue 1P, 1P+N: 230 V AC; 2P, 3P, 4P, 3P+N: 400 V AC
Max. power frequency recovery voltage Umax 1P, 1P+N: 253 V AC; 2P, 3P, 4P, 3P+N: 440 V AC
Min. operating voltage 12 V AC
Rated ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity Icu 6 kA
Rated service short-circuit breaking capacity Ics 6 kA
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp (1.2/50 µs) 4 kV (test voltage 6.2 kV at sea level, 5 kV at 2,000 m)
Dielectrical test voltage 2 kV (50/60 Hz, 1 min.)
Reference temperature for tripping characteristics B, C: 55 °C
Electrical endurance 10,000 ops. (AC); one cycle 2 s - ON, 28 s - OFF
S 200 80A-100A series technical features
Mechanical data
Housing Insulation group I, RAL 7035
Toggle Insulation group II, black, sealable
Contact position indication Real CPI (red ON/green OFF)
Protection degree acc. to DIN EN 60529 IP201), IP40 in enclosure with cover
Mechanical endurance 20,000 ops.
Shock resistance acc. to DIN EN 60068-2-27 25 g, 2 shocks, 13 ms
Vibration resistance acc. to DIN EN 60068-2-6 5 g, 20 cycles at 5…150…5 Hz at 0.8 In
Environmental conditions (Damp heat cyclic) acc. to 28 cycles with 55 °C/90-96 % and 25 °C/95-100 %
DIN EN 60068-2-30
Ambient temperature -25 ... +55 °C
Storage temperature -40 ... +70 °C
S 200 80A-100A
Terminal Failsafe bi-directional cache clamp
Cross-section of conductors (top/bottom) solid, stranded: 50 mm 2 / 50 mm 2
flexible: 50 mm 2 / 50 mm 2
Cross-section of busbars (top/bottom) 16 mm 2 / 16 mm 2
Torque 3.0 Nm
Screwdriver Nr. 2 Pozidriv
Mounting On DIN rail 35 mm acc. to EN 60715 by fast clip
Mounting position any
Supply any
Dimensions and weight
Mounting dimensions acc. to DIN 43880 Mounting dimension 1
Pole dimensions (H x T x B) 88.8 x 69 x 17.5
Pole weight approx. 126 g
Combination with auxiliary elements
Auxiliary contact Yes
Signal/auxiliary contact Yes
Shunt trip Yes
Unervoltage release Yes
Motor Operating Device Yes
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S 200 80A-100A
The miniature circuit breakers of the System pro M compact® series S 200 provide state-of-
the-art safety and comfort. They stand out due to their high performance and the wide
range of accessories and approvals.
The additional electrical currents 80 A and 100 A complement the current portfolio of the
System pro M compact® and offer maximum performance in a single module width.
S 203 80-100A NA
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S750 series DR technical features
S 750 DR
General Data Standards IEC/EN 60947-2
Poles 1P, 2P, 3P, 4P
Tripping characteristics Eselective, K selective
Rated current In A 16…63
Rated frequency f Hz 50 / 60
Electrical Rated operational voltage Ue V AC 230 (1-pole), 400 (2-, 3-, 4-pole)
Data Rated breaking capacity Icu kA 25
S750 DR
acc. to IEC/
EN 60947-2 Rated service breaking capacity Ics kA 12.5
Rated insulation voltage Ui V 690
Selectivity limit current Is1 rated breaking capacity of downstream breaker (min.) –
see selectivity tables
Overvoltage category IV
Pollution degree 3
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp. kV 6
Impulse withstand voltage acc. to kV 8
IEC 60364-5-53 (at 2000m above sea
Impulse withstand test voltage kV 9.8
Isolation function acc. to IEC 60364-5-53 yes
Dielectric test voltage (50/60 Hz, 1 min.) kV 2 (50 / 60 Hz, 1 min.)
Mechanical Contact position indication via toggle (I-ON / O-OFF),
Data via trip indicator (red-ON / green-OFF)
IP protection degree acc. to IEC/EN IP40 (when protected by cabinet cover)
Shock resistance acc. to IEC / EN 60068- 25 g, min. 3 shocks, duration 13 ms
Vibration resistance acc. to IEC/EN 2 g, 20 cycles 5…150…5 Hz
Environmental conditions (damp heat °C/ 28 cycles: 55 / 90…96 – 25 / 95…100
cyclic) acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-30 RH
Ambient temperature °C -25 … +55
Storage temperature °C -40 … +70
Installation Wire connection (Top) frame terminal to connect solid and rigid stranded
conductors incl. flexible conductors 2.5…50 mm²
Wire connection (Bottom) frame terminal to connect solid and rigid stranded
conductors incl. flexible conductors 2.5…50 mm²
Max. torque Nm 2.5 … 3
Recommended Screwdriver slotted: 1 x 5.5, Pozidrive: PZ 2
Mounting DIN rail 35 mm acc. to EN 60715
Locking integrated blocking device, additional locking by 3 mm
padlock, 1mm seal wire or cabel binder
Mounting position any
Supply any
Dimensions Size acc. to DIN 43880 3
and weight Width mm 27 (per pole)
Pole dimensions (H x D x W) mm see drawings
Pole weight g see order tables
Accessories 3 mm padlock
S750 series DR- selective main circuit-breakers, Eselective characteristic
S750 series DR
Selective main circuit-breakers of the S 750 DR series are SMCBs based on DIN VDE
0641-21 with voltage-independent operating principle. This means that they do not rely on a
control circuit to make or break contact (SHU) and are therefore particularly suitable for use
in energy distributionsystems with maximum availability requirements. They offer total
selec-tivity to downstream MCB’s and outstanding selectivity to upstream protective
devices due to unique current limiting selectivity.
S751 DR
S752 DR
S753 DR
S754 DR
Due to the lack of international product standards for SMCB, S750DR products as given in this catalogue are certified acc.
to IEC/EN 60947-2. If requested, S750 (for 40mm busbar systems) and S750DR (for DIN rail mounting) are also available with
a certification based on a German SMCB standard. Please contact your ABB office for further information.
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S750 DR series - selective main circuit-breakers, Kselective characteristic
S751 DR
S752 DR
S753 DR
S754 DR
S700 series technical features
S 700
General Data Standards E DIN VDE 0645:2003-09,
partly acc. to IEC EN 60947-2
Poles 1P, 2P, 3P, 4P
Tripping characteristics Eselective, K selective
thermal tripping 1.05 … 1.2 x In
short-time delayed tripping E: 5 … 6.25 x In
K: 10 … 14 x In (≤ 50 A), 8 …12 x In (≥ 63 A)
minimum tripping delay ms 10
Rated insulation voltage Ui IEC/EN V AC 690
S700 Rated current In A E: 10, 80, 100: K: 80, 100
Rated frequency f Hz 50 / 60
Electrical Rated operational voltage Un V AC 1P: 230 / 400; 2…4P: 400
Data Rated breaking capacity Icn kA 25
Selectivity limit current Is1 Rated breaking capactiy of the downstream MCB
(see selectivity tables)
Overvoltage category IV
Pollution degree 3
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp. kV 6
Impulse withstand voltage acc. to IEC 60364- kV 8
5-53, clause 536.2 (at 2000m over sea level)
Impulse withstand test voltage (1.2/50µs) at
sea level
new condition kV 12.3
after use kV 9.8
Isolation function acc. to IEC 60364-5-53 yes
Dielectric test voltage (50/60 Hz, 1 min.) kV 2
Mechanical Contact position indication Toggle (I ON / 0 OFF); Real CPI (red ON / green OFF)
Data IP protection degree acc. to IEC/EN 60529 IP40 (in enclosure with cover, cut-out dimension
Mechanical switching cycles
without load ops. 1000
with rated current ops. 1000
Shock resistance acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-27 25 g - 3 shocks - 13 ms
Vibration resistance acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-6 2 g, 20 cycles 5…150…5Hz
Environmental conditions (damp heat cyclic) °C/ 28 cycles: 55°C/90…96% - 25°C/95…100%
acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-30 RH
Ambient temperature °C -25 … +55
Storage temperature °C -40 … +70
Installation Terminal type Saddle terminal
Terminal size top / bottom mm 2 Capable to connect solid and rigid stranded
conductors incl. flexible conductors 2.5…50 / 70
Terminal screws tighning torque Nm 3…3.5
Max. torque for surface mounting Nm 2.5 … 3 (only fl at-headed screws, no circlips)
Recommended screwdriver Slot: 1 x 5.5, cross slot: PZ 2
Mounting Surface mounting with 2 screws, DIN rail mounting
(35 mm DIN rail acc. to EN 60715, 40 mm busbar
systems 4/5-pole, 5/10 mm x 12 mm)
Mounting position any
Supply side/load side any
Dimensions Size acc. to DIN 43880 5 (mounting on DIN-Rail); 6 (mounting on busbar)
and weight Width 2 modules / pole
Pole dimensions (H x D x W) see drawings
Pole weight see order tables
Accessories Optional: version with factory assembled auxiliary
switch (2 change-over contacts)
Terminal covers
Handle covers
Busbar adapters
DIN rail adapters
Locking devices
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S700 series - selective main circuit-breakers, Eselective characteristic
S700 E characteristic
Breakers of the S700 series are selective main circuit-breakers (SMCB) for overcurrent
protection in electrical installations. They have total selectivity to downstream mcb’s and
outstanding selectivity to upstream protective devices due to unique current limiting
selectivity. Since S700 breakers are designed for overvoltage category IV and incorporate
isolation function, they are predestinated for the use in any main distribution cabinet or
meter board.
The S700 product range is completed by a broad range of accessories. With dedicated
adapters, S700 products can be assembled on flat surfaces, on DIN rails or 40 mm busbar
systems. To adapt S700 to different installations, they are available 1- to 4-pole with tripping
characteristic E and K - optional with factory assembled auxiliary switch.
S700 series - selective main circuit-breakers, Eselective characteristic
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S700 series - selective main circuit-breakers, Kselective characteristic
S700 K characteristic
Breakers of the S700 series are selective main circuit-breakers (SMCB) for overcurrent
protection in electrical installations. They have total selectivity to downstream mcb’s and
outstanding selectivity to upstream protective devices due to unique current limiting
selectivity. Since S700 breakers are designed for overvoltage category IV and incorporate
isolation function, they are predestinated for the use in any main distribution cabinet or
meter board.
The S700 product range iS completed by a broad range of accessories. With dedicated
adapters, S700 products can be assembled on flat surfaces, on DIN rails or 40 mm busbar
systems. To adapt S700 to different installations, they are available 1- to 4-pole with tripping
characteristic E and K - optional with factory assembled auxiliary switch.
S700 series - selective main circuit-breakers, Kselective characteristic
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S700 series - selective main circuit-breakers, Eselective characteristic + H2WR
S700 E characteristic
Breakers of the S700 series are selective main circuit-breakers (SMCB) for overcurrent
protection in electrical installations. They have total selectivity to downstream mcb’s and
outstanding selectivity to upstream protective devices due to unique current limiting
selectivity. Since S700 breakers are designed for overvoltage category IV and incorporate
isolation function, they are predestinated for the use in any main distribution cabinet or
meter board.
The S700 product range is completed by a broad range of accessories. With dedicated
adapters, S700 products can be assembled on flat surfaces, on DIN rails or 40 mm busbar
systems. To adapt S700 to different installations, they are available 1- to 4-pole with tripping
characteristic E and K - optional with factory assembled auxiliary switch (H2WR).
S701 + H2WR
2 80 459204 S702-E80+H2WR GHS7020316R0629 1.2 2
100 459303 S702-E100+H2WR GHS7020316R0639 1.2 2
S702 + H2WR
S700 series - selective main circuit-breakers, Eselective characteristic + H2WR
S703 + H2WR
4 80 462808 S704-E80+H2WR GHS7040316R0629 2.3 1
100 462907 S704-E100+H2WR GHS7040316R0639 2.3 1
S704 + H2WR
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S700 series - selective main circuit-breakers, Kselective characteristic + H2WR
S700 K characteristic
Breakers of the S700 series are selective main circuit-breakers (SMCB) for overcurrent
protection in electrical installations. They have total selectivity to downstream mcb’s and
outstanding selectivity to upstream protective devices due to unique current limiting
selectivity. Since S700 breakers are designed for overvoltage category IV and incorporate
isolation function, they are predestinated for the use in any main distribution cabinet or
meter board.
The S700 product range is completed by a broad range of accessories. With dedicated
adapters, S700 products can be assembled on flat surfaces, on DIN rails or 40 mm busbar
systems. To adapt S700 to different installations, they are available 1- to 4-pole with tripping
characteristic E and K - optional with factory assembled auxiliary switch (H2WR).
S701 + H2WR
2 80 499750 S702-K80+H2WR GHS7020316R0627 1.2 2
100 499767 S702-K100+H2WR GHS7020316R0637 1.2 2
S702 + H2WR
S700 series - selective main circuit-breakers, Kselective characteristic + H2WR
S703 + H2WR
4 80 499798 S704-K80+H2WR GHS7040316R0627 2.3 1
100 499804 S704-K100+H2WR GHS7040316R0637 2.3 1
S704 + H2WR
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Selective short-circuit current limiter WT63
WT63 characteristic
WT63 is a short-circuit current limiter for 690 V AC applications.
In combination with other ABB devices WT63 offers smart solutions for coordinated motor
protection according to IEC/EN 60947-4-1. As a main limiting device, WT63 can increase the
short-circuit breaking capability for several groups of motor circuits to high values at
690 V AC. For further information according to selection and installation see the
coordination table.
WT63-3 HS
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High Performance MCB S800
Incomparable performances
terminal, failsafe
cage or ring lug
Clear identification of terminal
the reason of cut-off
thanks to TRIP position
of the toggle
Quick identification of
technical characteristics
thanks to laser-printing
Easy product name, of all data
easy identification,
easy life.
Clear identification of
the moving contact
position thanks to
toggle identification ON,
OFF and TRIP position
Housing materials Shock and vibration resistance Play it safe: display the operational
In the S800 range of MCBs for traction, Additionally to the high quality state
specific materials are used that are standards and the fl ammability The mechanical drive of the S800 high
classified with an hazard level R26/HL3 requirements, rail applications have performance MCB is equipped with a
according to EN 45545-2. Plastic specific demands that have to be to trip-free release. The trip position
materials are also classified I2-F3 fulfi lled like resistance to shocks and display thereby always reliably displays
according the NF F 16-101/102 vibrations. The resistance to vibrations the exact position of the moving
(“Railway Rolling Stock Fire Behavior- and shocks of S800 has been positively contact. The trip position provides
Choice of Materials„ and “Railway tested according to: IEC 61373 – 2010 – additional trip detection allowing to
Rolling Stock Fire Behavior- Choice of 05 Edition 2.0 Rolling stock equipment easily identify the reason for the cut-
Materials, Application to Electrical – Shock and vibration tests off. The switch lever moves to the
Equipment„) thus responding to considering Category 1, Class A and middle position in case of thermal or
exigency 3. Class B. magnetic tripping.
Cage and ring terminals Reliable: the disconnector properties Wide range of accessories
The S800 standard equipment with In OFF position (0 position), the S800 S800 MCB range is completed with a
interchangeable terminal adapter for high performance MCB guarantees wide range of accessories that enlarge
wires, cables and rigid conductors safe electrical isolation of the circuit the functions of the MCB not only as a
guarantees a high level of flexibility compliant to IEC 60947-2. protection devices, but even for con-
and comfort. Fast and safe connection trol and monitor remotely the installa-
of the conductors is ensured by the tion. The range of accessories include
“onboard terminal shutter” integrated auxiliary contacts, aux/signal contacts,
into the body of the terminal, thereby remote switching unit, short circuit
preventing incorrect underclamping of limiter, shunt operation releases, un-
the connections. dervoltage releases and busbars.
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S800S series technical features
S800S series technical features
S800N series technical features
General Data
Tripping characteristics B, C, D
Standards IEC/EN 60947-2, EN 60898-1
Poles 1…4
Rated current Ie A 6 … 125
Rated frequency f Hz 50/60
Rated insulation voltage Ui acc. to IEC/EN 60664-1 V AC 690
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp. (1.2/50 µs) kV 8
Overvoltage category IV
Pollution degree 3
Suitability for isolation yes
Data acc. to IEC/EN 60898-1
Rated operational voltage Ue V AC 230/400
Min. operating voltage V AC 12
Rated short-circuit capacity Icn kA AC 230/400 V (10 … 80 A) = 20 kA
Reference temperature for tripping characteristics °C 30°C (Char. B, C, D)
Electrical and Mechanical Endurance ops 10 … 32 A: 10 000 electrical/10000 mechanical
40 … 100 A: 6000 electrical/10000 mechanical
125 A: 4000 electrical/10000 mechanical
Service short-circuit capacity Ics kA 230/400 V (10 … 80 A) = 10 kA
Data acc. to IEC/EN 60947-2
Rated operational voltage Ue AC 400/690
V DC 125 (1-pole)
DC 250 (2-pole)
DC 375 (3-pole)
DC 500 (4-pole)
Min. operating voltage V AC 12
Rated ultimate short-circuit capacity Icu kA AC 240/415 V = 36 kA
AC 254/440 V = 20 kA
AC 289/500 V = 10 kA
AC 400/690 V = 4.5 kA
DC 125 V (1-pole) = 20 kA
DC 250 V (2-pole) = 20 kA
DC 375 V (3-pole) = 20 kA
DC 500 V (4-pole) = 20 kA
Rated service short-circuit capacity Ics kA AC 240/415 V = 30 kA
AC 254/440 V (up to 63 A) = 15 kA
AC 254/440 V (80 … 125 A) = 10 kA
AC 289/500 V (up to 80 A) = 8 kA
AC 289/500 V (100 ... 125) = 5 kA
AC 400/690 V = 3 kA
DC 125 V (1-pole) = 20 kA
DC 250 V (2-pole) = 20 kA
DC 375 V (3-pole) = 20 kA
DC 500 V (4-pole) = 20 kA
Reference temperature for tripping characteristics °C 30 °C
S800N series technical features
Terminal Failsafe cage or ringlug terminal
Connections (top/bottom) – Cu only mm2 1 … 50 stranded
1 … 70 flexible
Tightening torque Nm 3.5
in-Ibs. 31
Screwdriver POZI 2
Mounting EN 60715
Mounting position any
Supply any
Dimensions and weight
Pole dimensions (H x L x W) mm 82.5 x 95 x 26.5
Pole weight g ca. 240
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S800C series technical features
General Data
Tripping characteristics B, C, D, K
Standards IEC/EN 60947-2,EN 60898-1, UL 1077
Poles 1…4
Rated current I e A 10 … 125
Rated frequency f Hz 50/60
Rated insulation voltage Ui acc. to IEC/EN 60664-1 V AC 500
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp. (1.2/50 µs) kV 8
Overvoltage category IV
Pollution degree 3
Suitability for isolation yes
Data acc. to IEC/EN 60898-1
Rated operational voltage Ue V AC 230/400
Min. operating voltage V AC 12
Rated short-circuit capacity I cn kA 15 kA
Reference temperature for tripping characteristics °C 30°C (Char. B, C, D)
Electrical and Mechanical Endurance ops 10 … 32 A: 10 000 electrical/10 000 mechanical
40 … 100 A: 6000 electrical/10 000 mechanical
125 A: 4000 electrical/10 000 mechanical
Service short-circuit capacity I cs kA Char. B, C, D: 230/400 V = 7.5 kA
S800C series technical features
Terminal Failsafe cage or ringlug terminal
Connections (top/bottom) – Cu only mm2 1 … 50 stranded
1 … 70 flexible
AWG 10 - 30 A: 14 AWG – 2 AWG
40 - 100 A: 14 AWG – 2 AWG
Tightening torque Nm 3.5
in-Ibs. 31
Screwdriver POZI 2
Mounting EN 60715
Mounting position any
Supply any
Dimensions and weight
Pole dimensions (H x L x W) mm 82.5 x 95 x 26.5
Pole weight g ca. 240
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S800B series technical features
General Data
Tripping characteristics B, C, D, K
Standards IEC/EN 60947-2,EN 60898-1
Poles 1…4
Rated current I e A 32 … 125
Rated frequency f Hz 50/60
Rated insulation voltage Ui acc. to IEC/EN 60664-1 V AC 500
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp. (1.2/50 µs) kV 6
Overvoltage category III
Pollution degree 3
Suitability for isolation yes
Data acc. to IEC/EN 60898-1
Rated operational voltage Ue V AC 230/400
Min. operating voltage V AC 12
Rated short-circuit capacity I cn kA AC 230/400 = 10 kA
Reference temperature for tripping characteristics °C B, C, D: 30°C
Electrical and Mechanical Endurance ops. 4000
Service short-circuit capacity I cs kA AC 230/400 V = 7.5 kA
Data acc. to IEC/EN 60947-2
Rated operational voltage Ue V AC 230/400
Min. operating voltage V AC 12
Rated ultimate short-circuit capacity I cu kA AC 230/400 V = 16 kA
DC 75 V (1-pole) = 10 kA
DC 150 V (2-pole) = 10 kA
DC 225 V (3-pole = 10 kA
DC 300 V (4-pole) = 10 kA
Rated service short-circuit capacity I cs kA 10 kA
S800HV series technical features
General Data
Tripping characteristics C, K
Standards IEC/EN 60947-2, UL 1077
Poles 1…3
Rated frequency f Hz 50/60
Overvoltage category III
Pollution degree 2
Suitability for isolation yes
Data acc. to IEC/EN 60947-2
High performance MCBs
S800S series with cage terminal, B characteristic
S800S-B characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when
a high breaking capacity is required; protection for people and big length cables in TN and
IT systems; very useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs
wired downstream.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898, IEC/EN 60947-2, UL 1077, supplementary protector
Icn=25kA (10 ... 80A)
Icu=50 kA
High performance MCBs
S800S series with cage terminal, B characteristic
High performance MCBs
S800S series with ring terminal connection, B characteristic
S800S-B characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when
a high breaking capacity is required; protection for people and big length cables in TN and IT
systems; very useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898, IEC/EN 60947-2, UL 1077, supplementary protector
Icn=25kA (10 ... 80A)
S801S Icu=50 kA
High performance MCBs
S800S series with ring terminal connection, B characteristic
High performance MCBs
S800S series with cage terminal, C characteristic
S800S-C characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when a
high breaking capacity is required; protection for resistive and inductive loads with low
inrush current; very useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs
wired downstream.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898, IEC/EN 60947-2, UL 1077, supplementary protector
Icn=25kA (10 ... 80A)
Icu=50 kA
High performance MCBs
S800S series with cage terminal, C characteristic
High performance MCBs
S800S series with ring terminal connection, C characteristic
S800S-C characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when
a high breaking capacity is required; protection for resistive and inductive loads with low
inrush current; very useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs
wired downstream.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, IEC/EN 60898
Icn=25kA (10 ... 80A)
S801S Icu=50 kA
High performance MCBs
S800S series with ring terminal connection, C characteristic
High performance MCBs
S800S series with cage terminal, D characteristic
S800S-D characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when a
high breaking capacity is required; protection for circuits which supply loads with high
inrush current at the circuit closing (motors, LV / LV transformers, breakdown lamps); very
useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898, IEC/EN 60947-2, UL 1077, supplementary protector
Icn=25kA (10 ... 80A)
Icu=50 kA
High performance MCBs
S800S series with cage terminal, D characteristic
High performance MCBs
S800S series with ring terminal connection, D characteristic
S800S-D characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when
a high breaking capacity is required; protection for circuits which supply loads with high
inrush current at the circuit closing (motors, LV / LV transformers, breakdown lamps); very
useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, IEC/EN 60898
Icn=25kA (10 ... 80A)
Icu=50 kA
High performance MCBs
S800S series with ring terminal connection, D characteristic
High performance MCBs
S800S series with cage terminal, K characteristic
S800S-K characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits like motors, transformer and auxiliary
circuits, against overloads and short-circuits when a high breaking capacity is required; very
useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream.
Advantages: no nuisance tripping in the case of functional peak currents up to 10xIn,
depending on the series; through its highly sensitive thermostatic bimetal trip, the K-type
characteristic offers protection to damageable elements in the overcurrent range; it also
provides the best protection to cables and lines.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, UL 1077, supplementary protector
Icu=50 kA
High performance MCBs
S800S series with cage terminal, K characteristic
High performance MCBs
S800S series with ring terminal connection, K characteristic
S800S-K characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits like motors, transformer and auxiliary
circuits, against overloads and short-circuits when a high breaking capacity is required; very
useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream.
Advantages: no nuisance tripping in the case of functional peak currents up to 10xIn,
depending on the series; through its highly sensitive thermostatic bimetal trip, the K-type
characteristic offers protection to damageable elements in the overcurrent range; it also
provides the best protection to cables and lines.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2
Icu=50 kA
High performance MCBs
S800S series with ring terminal connection, K characteristic
High performance MCBs
S800S series KM characteristic
High performance MCBs
S800S series DC range with cage terminal, UC-B characteristic
S800S-UCB characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when a
high breaking capacity is required; protection for people and big length cables in TN and IT
systems; very useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired
downstream; version dedicated to application in direct current circuits.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2
Icu=50 kA
High performance MCBs
S800S series DC range with cage terminal, UC-B characteristic
*For DC applications
High performance MCBs
S800S series DC range with ring terminal connection, UC-B characteristic
S800S-UCB characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when
a high breaking capacity is required; protection for people and big length cables in TN and IT
systems; very useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired
downstream; version dedicated to application in direct current circuits.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2
Icu=50 kA
High performance MCBs
S800S series DC range with ring terminal connection, UC-B characteristic
High performance MCBs
S800S series DC range with cage terminal, UC-K characteristic
S800S-UCK characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits like motors, transformer and auxiliary
circuits, against overloads and short-circuits when a high breaking capacity is required; very
useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream;
version dedicated to application in direct current circuits.
Advantages: no nuisance tripping in the case of functional peak currents up to 10xIn,
depending on the series; through its highly sensitive thermostatic bimetal trip, the K-type
characteristic offers protection to damageable elements in the overcurrent range; it also
provides the best protection to cables and lines.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2
Icu=50 kA
*For DC applications
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High performance MCBs
S800S series DC range with cage terminal, UC-K characteristic
*For DC applications
High performance MCBs
S800S series DC range with ring terminal connection, UC-K characteristic
S800S-UCK characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits like motors, transformer and auxiliary
circuits, against overloads and short-circuits when a high breaking capacity is required;
very useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired
downstream; version dedicated to application in direct current circuits.
Advantages: no nuisance tripping in the case of functional peak currents up to 10xIn,
depending on the series; through its highly sensitive thermostatic bimetal trip, the K-type
characteristic offers protection to damageable elements in the overcurrent range; it also
provides the best protection to cables and lines.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2
Icu=50 kA
High performance MCBs
S800S series DC range with ring terminal connection, UC-K characteristic
High performance MCBs
S800N series with cage terminal, B characteristic
S800N-B characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when
a high breaking capacity is required; protection for people and big length cables in TN and IT
systems; very useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898, IEC/EN 60947-2
Icn=20 kA (10 ... 80 A)
Icu=36 kA
High performance MCBs
S800N series with cage terminal, B characteristic
High performance MCBs
S800N series with cage terminal, C characteristic
S800N-C characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when
a high breaking capacity is required; protection for resistive and inductive loads with low
inrush current; very useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs
wired downstream.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898, IEC/EN 60947-2
Icn=20 kA (10 ... 80 A)
Icu=36 kA
High performance MCBs
S800N series with cage terminal, C characteristic
High performance MCBs
S800N series with cage terminal, D characteristic
S800N-D characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when
a high breaking capacity is required; protection for circuits which supply loads with high
inrush current at the circuit closing (motors, LV / LV transformers, breakdown lamps); very
useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898, IEC/EN 60947-2
Icn=20 kA (10 ... 80 A)
Icu=36 kA
High performance MCBs
S800N series with cage terminal, D characteristic
High performance MCBs
S800C series with cage terminal, B characteristic
S800C-B characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when a high
breaking capacity is required; protection for people and big length cables in TN and IT systems;
very useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, IEC/EN 60898, UL 1077, supplementary protector
Icn=15 kA
Icu=25 kA
High performance MCBs
S800C series with cage terminal, C characteristic
S800C-C characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when a high
breaking capacity is required; protection for people and big length cables in TN and IT systems;
very useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, IEC/EN 60898, UL 1077, supplementary protector
Icn=15 kA
Icu=25 kA
High performance MCBs
S800C series with cage terminal, D characteristic
S800C-D characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when a high
breaking capacity is required; protection for people and big length cables in TN and IT systems;
very useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, IEC/EN 60898, UL 1077, supplementary protector
Icu=25 kA
High performance MCBs
S800C series with cage terminal, K characteristic
S800C-K characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when a high
breaking capacity is required; protection for people and big length cables in TN and IT systems;
very useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, UL 1077, supplementary protector
Icu=25 kA
High performance MCBs
S800B series with cage terminal, B characteristic
S800B-B characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits. With its
lower breaking capacity it is designed to meet the needs of the sub-distributions.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, EN 60898
Icu=16 kA
High performance MCBs
S800B series with cage terminal, C characteristic
S800B-C characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits. With its
lower breaking capacity it is designed to meet the needs of the sub-distributions.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, EN 60898
Icu=16 kA
High performance MCBs
S800B series cage terminal, D characteristic
S800B-D characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits. With
its lower breaking capacity it is designed to meet the needs of the sub-distributions.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, EN 60898
Icu=16 kA
High performance MCBs
S800B series with cage terminal, K characteristic
S800B-K characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits. With its
lower breaking capacity it is designed to meet the needs of the sub-distributions.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, EN 60898
Icu=16 kA
High performance MCBs
S800HV series for application up to 1000V AC
S800HV-K characteristics
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits.
With its Function: S800HV is designed for voltages up to 580/1000 V AC. Due to the high
rated operational voltage, the field of application is wide – from underground mining to
distributions on high altitudes.
Applications: Industrial
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, UL 1077, supplementary protector
Icu 1.5 kA (0.5...5 A) 4 kA (6 … 63 A); 3 kA (80 … 125 A)
High performance MCBs
S800HV series for application up to 1000V AC
S800HV-C characteristics
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits. With its
Function: S800HV is designed for voltages up to 580/1000 V AC. Due to the high rated
operational voltage, the field of application is wide – from underground mining to
distributions on high altitudes.
Applications: industrial
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2, UL 1077, supplementary protector
Icu = 4 kA
b tHigh
erutainim ecnamrofrep hgiH .B 008
reisae ncircuit-breakers.
miniature eeb reven sah ytefaS .evitavonni ylpmi
Simply innovative.
Safety has never been easier.
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tneicfife ein
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erb Ak 61 hprotection
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dna D ,Ccapacity.
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60947-2, 60898-1 and feature 80 to 125 A rated current values with B, C, D and K character-
,revel hctiws a ot dna ,stcatnoc gnivom lanretni fo noitisop eht gniwohs ,langis neerg/der a ot
istic curves. Thanks to a red/green signal, showing the position of internal moving con-
yhw wohs yeht ,gnippirt citengam ro lamreht fo esac ni noitisop elddim eht ni spots taht
tacts, and to a switch lever, that stops in the middle position in case of thermal or magnetic
gatlovw o l / m o c . b ba.w w w .ecnanetniam tpmorp gnilbane ,ecnalg a ta derrucco gnippirt
they show why tripping occurred at a glance, enabling prompt maintenance. Per-
formance similar to moulded case circuit-breakers but with the advantage of the compact
dimension, S800 B are available from 1 to 4 poles versions.
1/176 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
High performance MCBs
S800U series technical features
General Data
Tripping characteristics K, Z
Standards UL489
Poles 1…4
Rated current Ie A 10...100
Rated frequency f Hz 50/60
Rated insulation voltage Ui acc. to IEC/EN 60664-1 V AC 690
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp. (1.2/50 µs) kV 8
Overvoltage category IV
Pollution degree 3
Suitability for isolation yes
Data acc. to IEC/EN 60947-2
Rated operational voltage Ue V AC 240/415
Min. operating voltage V AC 12
Rated ultimate short-circuit capacity Icu kA AC 240 V (1-pole) = 30 kA
AC 415 V (multipole) = 50 kA
Rated service short-circuit capacity Ics kA AC 240 V (1-pole) = 25 kA
AC 415 V (multipole) = 40 kA
Reference temperature for tripping characteristics °C 25 °C
Electrical and Mechanical Endurance ops. 10 … 32 A: 10 000 electrical/10 000 mechanical
40 … 100 A: 6000 electrical/4000 mechanical
125 A: 4000 electrical/6000 mechanical
Data acc. to UL / CSA
Rated voltage V AC 240
Rated interrupting capacity acc. to UL 1077 kA
Short-circuit current rating acc. to UL 489 kA AC 240 V (1-pole) = 30 kA
AC 240 V (multipole) = 50 kA
Short-circuit current rating acc. to UL 489B kA
Reference temperature for tripping characteristics 25 °C
Electrical and Mechanical endurance ops. acc. to UL489
6000 electrical; 4000 mechanical
Mechanical Data
Protection degree acc. to EN 60529 IP20; IP40 (actuating end only)
Shock resistance acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-30 IEC 61373 Cat. 1 Class B, 5 g/30 ms acc. To IEC 60068-27 Test Ea
Vibration resistance acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-6 IEC 60068-2-6 Test Fc;
2 - 13.2 Hz/1 mm
13.2 - 100 Hz/0.7 g
with load 100 % x Ie
Environmental conditions (damp heat) °C/RH 12 + 12 cycle with 55 °C/90 - 96 %
acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-30 and 25 °C/95 - 100 %
Environmental conditions (dry heat) °C/RH 16 hours 55 °C/2 hours 70 °C
acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-2 Test B with damp heat 55 %
Ambient temperature °C -25 … +60
Storage temperature °C -40 … +70
Terminal Failsafe cage or ringlug terminal
Connections (top/bottom) – Cu only mm2 1 … 50 stranded
1 … 70 flexible
AWG 10 - 30 A: 14 - 2 AWG
40 - 100 A: 1 - 8 AWG
Tightening torque Nm 3.5
in-Ibs. 31
Screwdriver POZI 2
Mounting any
Mounting position any
Supply any
Dimensions and weight
Pole dimensions (H x L x W) mm 95 x 26.5 x 82.5
Pole weight g 240
1/17 7
High performance MCBs
S800U series technical features
General Data
Tripping characteristics UCZ
Standards UL489
Poles 4
Rated current Ie A 10 - 80
Rated frequency f Hz -
Rated insulation voltage Ui acc. to IEC/EN 60664-1 V DC 1500
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp. (1.2/50 µs) kV 8
Overvoltage category IV
Pollution degree 3
Suitability for isolation yes
Data acc. to IEC/EN 60947-2
Rated operational voltage Ue V -
Min. operating voltage V -
Rated ultimate short-circuit capacity Icu kA -
Rated service short-circuit capacity Ics kA -
Reference temperature for tripping characteristics °C -
Electrical and Mechanical Endurance ops. -
Data acc. to UL / CSA
Rated voltage V DC 600
Rated interrupting capacity acc. to UL 1077 kA -
Short-circuit current rating acc. to UL 489 kA 10
Short-circuit current rating acc. to UL 489B kA -
Reference temperature for tripping characteristics 25 °C
Electrical and Mechanical endurance ops. acc. to UL489
6000 electrical; 4000 mechanical
Mechanical Data
Protection degree acc. to EN 60529 IP20; IP40 (actuating end only)
Shock resistance acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-30 -
Vibration resistance acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-6 -
High performance MCBs
S800U series technical features
General Data
Tripping characteristics PVS
Standards UL489B (Photovoltaic)
Poles 4
Rated current Ie A 5
Rated frequency f Hz -
Rated insulation voltage Ui acc. to IEC/EN 60664-1 V DC 1500
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp. (1.2/50 µs) kV 8
Overvoltage category IV
Pollution degree 3
Suitability for isolation yes
Data acc. to IEC/EN 60947-2
Rated operational voltage Ue V -
Min. operating voltage V -
Rated ultimate short-circuit capacity Icu kA -
Rated service short-circuit capacity Ics kA -
Reference temperature for tripping characteristics °C -
Electrical and Mechanical Endurance ops. -
Data acc. to UL / CSA
Rated voltage V DC 1000
Rated interrupting capacity acc. to UL 1077 kA -
Short-circuit current rating acc. to UL 489 kA -
Short-circuit current rating acc. to UL 489B kA 3 kA
Reference temperature for tripping characteristics 50 °C
Electrical and Mechanical endurance ops. acc. to UL489
1000 electrical; 1000 mechanical
Mechanical Data
Protection degree acc. to EN 60529 IP20; IP40 (actuating end only)
Shock resistance acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-30 -
Vibration resistance acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-6 -
Environmental conditions (damp heat) °C/RH -
acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-30
Environmental conditions (dry heat) °C/RH -
acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-2 Test B
Ambient temperature °C -25 … +60
Storage temperature °C -40 … +70
Terminal Failsafe cage terminal
Connections (top/bottom) – Cu only mm2 1 … 50 stranded
1 … 70 flexible
AWG 14 AWG - 2 AWG
Single conductor per terminal, 75C wire
Flexible Cross-section of conductors mm2 -
(top/bottom) AWG 14 AWG - 2 AWG
Single conductor per terminal - copper only, 75C wire
Tightening torque Nm 3.5
in-Ibs. 31
Screwdriver POZI 2
Mounting any
Mounting position any
Supply any
Dimensions and weight
Pole dimensions (H x L x W) mm 142 x 26.5 x 82.5
Pole weight g 240
High performance MCBs
S800U series technical features
High performance MCBs
S800U series with cage terminal, Z characteristic
S800U-Z characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when a high
breaking capacity is required; protection for people and big length cables in TN and IT systems;
very useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: UL489, CSA 22.2 NO.5-02, IEC/EN 60947-2
Icu=30 kA (1 pole), 50 kA (2...4 poles)
High performance MCBs
S800U series with cage terminal, K characteristic
S800U-K characteristic
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits when a high
breaking capacity is required; protection for people and big length cables in TN and IT systems;
very useful when selectivity is needed vs an MCCB or back-up vs other MCBs wired downstream.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: UL489, CSA 22.2 NO.5-02, IEC/EN 60947-2
Icu=30 kA (1-pole), 50 kA (2...4-pole)
High performance MCBs
S800U series UCZ characteristic
High performance MCBs
S800U series PVS characteristic
Number Icu Rated current GTIN EAN Order details Weight Pack.
of poles [kA] [A] 7612271 Type Code Order code [kg] unit
4 3 5 419929 S804U-PVS5 2CCP824017R1159 0.98 1
1/184 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
High performance MCBs
S800PV series technical features
General Data
Tripping characteristics SP
Standards IEC / EN 60947-2 and Annex P
Poles 2 ... 4
Rated frequency Ie A 5 ... 125
Rated frequency f Hz -
Rated insulation voltage Ui acc. to IEC/EN 60664-1 V DC 1500
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp. (1.2/50 µs) kV 8
Overvoltage category III
Pollution degree 2
Suitability for isolation yes
Data acc. to IEC/EN 60947-2
Rated operational voltage Ue V 2-pole
DC 800 V: 5 … 125 A
DC 1200 V: 5 … 125 A
DC 1500 V: 5 … 125 A
Min. operating voltage V -
Rated ultimate short-circuit capacity Icu kA 5 … 16 A acc. IEC 60947-2 Annex P.
ICU = 5 kA
20 … 125 A, acc. IEC 60947-2, ICU = 5 kA
20 … 125 A, acc. IEC 60947-2 Annex P.
Icu = 3 kA
Rated service short-circuit capacity Ics kA Icu = Ics
Reference temperature for tripping characteristics °C 40 °C
Electrical and Mechanical Endurance ops. acc. to Annex P:
5 … 16 A: 300 electrical/9700 mechanical
acc. to IEC 60947-2 (general part):
20 … 100 A: 1500 electrical/8500 mechanical
125 A: 1000 electrical/9000 mechanical
Mechanical Data
Housing Material group I, RAL 7035
Toggle black, lockable
Classification acc. To NF F 126-101, NF F 16-102 -
Protection degree acc. to EN 60529 IP20; IP40 (actuating end only)
Shock resistance acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-30 IEC 61373 Cat. 1 Class B, 5 g / 30 ms acc. To IEC 60068-27 Test Ea
Vibration resistance acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-6 IEC 60068-2-6 Test Fc;
2 - 13.2 Hz/1 mm
13.2 - 100 Hz/0.7 g
with load 100 % x Ie
Environmental conditions (damp heat) °C/RH 12 + 12 cycle with 55 °C/90 - 96 % and 25 °C/95 - 100 %
acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-30
Environmental conditions (dry heat) °C/RH 16 hours 55 °C/2 hours 70 °C with damp heat 55 %
acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-2 Test B
Ambient temperature °C -25 … +60
Storage temperature °C -40 … +70
Terminal Failsafe cage or ringlug terminal
Connections (top/bottom) - Cu only mm2 1 … 50 stranded
1 … 70 flexible
Tightening torque Nm 3.5
in-Ibs. 31
Screwdriver POZI 2
Mounting any
Mounting position any
Supply any
Dimensions and weight
Pole dimensions (H x L x W) mm 95 x 26.5 x 82.5
Pole weight g 240
High performance MCBs
S802PV-M-H and S804PV-SD technical features
S802PV-M-H S800PV-SD
General Data
Tripping characteristics none none
Standards IEC / EN 60947-3 IEC / EN 60947-3 and Annex D
Poles 2 (polarized) 2 ... 4
Rated current Ie A 32, 63, 100 32, 63, 125
Rated insulation voltage Ui acc. to IEC/EN 60664-1 V DC 1500 DC 1500
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp. (1.2/50 µs) kV 8 8
Overvoltage category III III
Pollution degree 2 2
Suitability for isolation yes yes
Data acc. to IEC/EN 60947-3
Rated operational voltage Ue V DC 1000 V: 2-pole DC 800V: 2-pole
DC 1200V: 3-Pole
DC 1500 V: 4-pole
Min. operating voltage V - -
Rated short-term withstand current Icw kA 1.5 1.5
Rated short-circuit making capacity Icm kA 0.5 0.5
Utilisation category DC-21 A DC-21 A, DC-PV2
Electrical and Mechanical Endurance ops. 1500 electric; 8500 mechanic 32, 63A: 1500 electric; 8500 mechanic
125 A: 1000 electrical, 7000 mechanic
acc. to IEC 60947-3
Mechanical Data
Housing Material group I, RAL 7035 Material group I, RAL 7035
Toggle black, lockable black, lockable
Classification acc. To NF F 126-101, NF F 16-102 - -
Protection degree acc. to EN 60529 IP20; IP40 (actuating end only) IP20; IP40 (actuating end only)
Shock resistance acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-30 IEC 61373 Cat. 1 Class B, 5 g / IEC 61373 Cat. 1 Class B, 5 g /
30 ms acc. To IEC 60068-27 Test Ea 30 ms acc. To IEC 60068-27 Test Ea
Vibration resistance acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-6 IEC 60068-2-6 Test Fc; IEC 60068-2-6 Test Fc;
2 - 13.2 Hz/1 mm 2 - 13.2 Hz/1 mm
13.2 - 100 Hz/0.7 g 13.2 - 100 Hz/0.7 g
with load 100 % x Ie with load 100 % x Ie
Environmental conditions (damp heat) °C/RH 12 + 12 cycle with 55 °C/90 - 96 % and 12 + 12 cycle with 55 °C/90 - 96 % and
acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-30 25 °C/95 - 100 % 25 °C/95 - 100 %
Environmental conditions (dry heat) °C/RH 16 hours 55 °C/2 hours 70 °C with damp 16 hours 55 °C/2 hours 70 °C with
acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-2 Test B heat 55 % damp heat 55 %
Ambient temperature °C -25 … +60 -25 … +60
Storage temperature °C -40 … +70 -40 … +70
Terminal Failsafe cage or ringlug terminal Failsafe cage or ringlug terminal
Connections (top/bottom) - Cu only mm2 1 … 50 stranded 1 … 50 stranded
1 … 70 flexible 1 … 70 flexible
Tightening torque Nm 3.5 3.5
in-Ibs. 31 31
Screwdriver POZI 2 POZI 2
Mounting any any
Mounting position any any
Supply any any
(taking into account the polarization) (taking into account the polarization)
Dimensions and weight
Pole dimensions (H x L x W) mm 95 x 26.5 x 82.5 95 x 26.5 x 82.5
Pole weight g 240 240
1/186 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
High performance MCBs
S800PV series with cage terminal, B characteristic
Function: protection and control of photovoltaic strings against overloads, short-circuits
and reverse currents. Ideal replacement for fuses due to comfortable string failure
identification and signalisation.
Applications: Photovoltaic systems. Standard: IEC 60947-2 and Annex P
5 ... 16A acc. IEC 60947-2 Annex P., Icu 5 kA
20 ... 125A acc. IEC 60947-2, Icu 5 kA
5 ... 125A acc. IEC 60947-2 Annex P., Icu 3 kA
High performance MCBs
S800PV series with cage terminal, B characteristic
Photovoltaic 2-pole disconnector (polarized)
Function: switch disconnector for DC side isolation of PV systems.
Designed for PV installations of 1500 V DC.
Applications: Photovoltaic systems
Rated short-term withstand current, Icw 1,5 kA
Electrical installation solutions for buildings
Residual current devices
Index RCBOs
Quick selection of RCDs for household DS201 L 2/52
and industrial applications 2/2 DS2012/55
DS201 T 2/61
RCCBs DS201 M 2/62
F 200 2/6 DS201 M 110V 2/68
F 200 for overseas markets 2/12 DS202C2/69
F 200 left neutral 2/14 DS202C M 2/72
F 200 AP-R (high immunity) 2/18 DS202C M 110V 2/76
F 200 110 V 2/20 DS203NC L 2/82
F 200 for high frequency and railways DS203NC 2/85
applications2/21 DS 200 2/92
F 200 B type 2/22 DS 200 M 2/101
F 200 F-ATI and F-ARI 2/26 DS800S, DS800N 2/106
RCD-blocks eRCBOs
DDA 200 2/30 DSE2012/116
DDA 200 special version 110 V and 400 V 2/36 DSE201 M 2/120
DDA 200 AP-R 2/37
DDA 200 AE for emergency stop 2/38 Residual current relays
DDA 200 selective 2/39 RD22/128
DDA 200 B APR 2/40 RD32/129
DDA 800 2/42 ELR front panel residual current relays 2/130
TR toroidal transformers 2/132
2/2 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
6 kA
36 kA
50 kA
10 kA
System pro M compact®
Quick selection of RCDs for household and industrial applications
6 kA
36 kA
50 kA
System pro M compact®
Quick selection of RCDs for household and industrial applications
Up to 63 A RCD: IEC/EN 61009 Ann. G All poles DDA 200 + S200 2/32 + 1/26
Up to 100 A All poles DDA 800 + S800 2/44 + 1/124
60947-2 Ann. B
2/6 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
RCCB F 200.
The details make the difference
A range designed to ensure efficiency
and protection
Bi-directional cylindrical
terminal ensure higher
safety of connecting
operations, making them
Test pushbutton easier.
to verify the correct
functioning of the device.
Two terminals are available, the fore RCCBs F200 can be used in ambient The availability of two terminals offers
one for cables up to 25 mm2, the back conditions where the temperature of different connection solutions thanks
one for cables up to 10 mm2 or for the surrounding atmosphere has to the possibility to connect two
busbars. values between -25 °C (snowflake laser indipendent cables in the same device:
printed on the front of the device) and the second terminal can be used for an
+55°C. auxiliary circuit or for the supply of
devices with small section cables
without connecting them together
with the main circuit.
All the safety ensured by the High performances: The F 202 can be coupled with the
international marks: approvals’ • rated breaking capacity and autoreclosing unit F2C-ARH in order to
marking in a visible area, even if RCDs rated residual breaking capacity ensure continuity of service for the
is installed and with the panel-door laser printed on the device: whole installation of your home avo
closed. Im=IΔm= 1000 A ding lack of supply.
• coordination with a 100 A rated
current SCPD (short-circuit
protective device) = 10 000 A.
2/8 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
F200 technical features
Rated frequency Hz
Rated conditional short-circuit current SCPD - fuse gG 100 A kA
Inc=I∆ c
Rated residual breaking capacity I∆m=Im kA
Rated impulse withstand voltage (1.2/50) Uimp kV
Dielectric test voltage at ind. freq. for 1 min. kV
Overvoltage category
Surge current resistance (wave 8/20) A
Mechanical Toggle
features Contact position indicator (CPI)
Electrical life
Mechanical life
Protection degree housing
Environmental conditions (damp heat) acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-30 °C/RH
Ambient temperature (with daily average ≤ IEC °C
+35 °C)
Storage temperature °C
Installation Terminal type
Terminal size top/bottom for cable IEC mm2
Terminal size top/bottom for busbar IEC mm2
Tightening torque IEC Nm
UL/CSA in-lbs.
Mounting position
Withdrawal from busbar
Dimensions Dimensions (H x D x W) 2P mm
and weight 4P mm
Weight 2P g
4P g
Combination Combinable with: auxiliary contact
with signal contact/auxiliary switch
auxiliary shunt trip
undervoltage release
F200 technical features
F200 AC F200 A F200 A AP-R F200 A S F200 A 110V F200 A 400 Hz F200 A 16 2/3 Hz
IEC/EN 61008-1; IEC/EN 61008-2-1, UL 1053 IEC 61008-1; IEC IEC/EN 61008-1; IEC/EN 61008-1;
61008-2-1; UL 1053 IEC/EN 61008-2-1 IEC/EN 61008-2-1
2P , 4P (for 125 A only 4P) 2P, 4P 4P 2P, 4P
16, 25, 40, 63, 80, 100, 125 25, 40, 63, 80, 100, 40, 63, 80, 100, 125 25, 40, 63, 80, 100 25, 40 63
0.01-0.03-0.1-0.3-0.5 0.03 0.1-0.3-0.5-1 0.03 0.03 0.03-0.3-0.5
230/400 - 240/415
480Y/277 (up to 100 A) - -
In ≤ 100; Right neutral: 110 (170 for 30mA) - 254 e; Left neutral: 195 (250 for 30 mA) - 110-254 170-254 110 (170 for
440 e 30 mA) - 254
In = 125 A; Right neutral: 185 (150 for 30 mA) - 440 (250 for 30 mA) e;
Left neutral: 195 (250 for 30 mA) - 440
In ≤ 100; Right neutral: 110 (170 for 30mA) - 277 e; Left neutral: 195 (250 for 30 mA) - 480 e d -
50…60 50...400 16 2/3
10 (for 125 A fuse is gG 125 A)
failsafe bi-directional cylinder-lift terminal at top and bottom (shock protected) (cage for In > 63 A) b
25/25 (35/35 single slot terminal for In > 63 A) 25/25 25/25
18-4 (up to 63 A) - -
10/10 (not for In = 80-100 A) 10/10 10/10
18-8 (up to 63 A) - -
2.8 (3 for In = 125 A) 2.8 2.8 2.8
25 (up to 63 A) - -
Nr. 2 Pozidriv
on DIN rail EN 60715 (35 mm) by means of fast clip device
from top and bottom
it is possible without using any tools only from the bottom (not for 125 A)
85 x 69 x 35 -
85 x 69 x 70 (85 x 69.5 x 72 for 125 A) 85 x 69 x 70 85 x 69 x 70
200 -
350 (380 for In = 80 and 100 A and 460 for In = 125A) 350 350
yes (no for 125 A) yes yes
yes yes yes
yes (no for 125 A) yes yes
yes (no for 125 A) yes yes
2/10 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
F 200 series AC w type
F 200 AC type
Function: protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents;
protection against indirect contacts and additional protection against direct contacts
(with I∆n=30 mA).
F 200 series AC w type
F 200 series AC w type, for overseas markets
F 200 series AC w type, for overseas markets
F 200 series AC w type left neutral
F 200 series A y type
F 200 A type
Function: protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth
fault currents; protection against indirect contacts and additional protection against direct
contacts (with I∆n=30 mA).
F 200 series A y type
F 200 series A y type left neutral
F 200 series A y type, AP-R (high immunity)
Number Rated Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current 8012542 1 piece 1 piece unit
IDn mA In A EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
4 30 25 785408 F204 A-25/0.03 AP-R 2CSF204401R1250 0.375 1/3
40 785507 F204 A-40/0.03 AP-R 2CSF204401R1400 0.375 1/3
63 785606 F204 A-63/0.03 AP-R 2CSF204401R1630 0.375 1/3
80 919407 F204 A-80/0.03 AP-R 2CSF204401R1800 0.405 1/3
100 919506 F204 A-100/0.03 AP-R 2CSF204401R1900 0.405 1/3
125 967903 F204 A-125/0.03 AP-R 2CSF204401R1950 0.500 1
F204 125 A
F 200 series A y type, selective
F204 125 A Number Rated Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current 8012542 1 piece 1 piece unit
IDn mA In A EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
4 100 40 823308 F204 A S-40/0.1 2CSF204201R2400 0.375 1/3
63 823407 F204 A S-63/0.1 2CSF204201R2630 0.375 1/3
100 919001 F204 A S-100/0.1 2CSF204201R2900 0.405 1/3
300 40 784708 F204 A S-40/0.3 2CSF204201R3400 0.375 1/3
63 784807 F204 A S-63/0.3 2CSF204201R3630 0.375 1/3
100 919100 F204 A S-100/0.3 2CSF204201R3900 0.405 1/3
125 968207 F204 A S-125/0.3 2CSF204201R3950 0.500 1
500 40 784906 F204 A S-40/0.5 2CSF204201R4400 0.375 1/3
63 785002 F204 A S-63/0.5 2CSF204201R4630 0.375 1/3
100 919209 F204 A S-100/0.5 2CSF204201R4900 0.405 1/3
125 968405 F204 A S-125/0.5 2CSF204201R4950 0.500 1
1000 40 823506 F204 A S-40/1 2CSF204201R5400 0.375 1/3
63 823605 F204 A S-63/1 2CSF204201R5630 0.375 1/3
100 919308 F204 A S-100/1 2CSF204201R5900 0.405 1/3
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F 200 110V series A y type
F204 110V
F 200 series A y type for high frequency and railways applications
Application: railways
Standard: IEC/EN 61008-1; IEC/EN 61008-2-1
Marking: according to EN 61008-1; EN 61008-2-1
F 200 series - B
Details that make the difference
VDE approved
Indication of the
position of the contacts
F 200 series - B
Details that make the difference
Cutting-edge features: safety, service continuity, Compatible with all System pro M compact
compactness, integration. These are the accessories of F200 series.
characteristics of the F200 B RCCBs (residual Higher operational continuity thanks to auto-
current circuit breakers), the state-of-the-art reclosing units and motor operating devices.
technology by ABB which has been providing the Operating temperature from -25 to +60 °C with
best solutions for residential, commercial and high immunity for extremely harsh weather
industrial installations for over 120 years. conditions. F200 B can be installed either in two-
The F200 B Type is the ultimate novelty of the phase and three-phase networks.
System pro M compact offering. A lot of space saving thanks to the two poles
The most compact device in the market. Type B device in just two modules.
RCCBs can be adapted perfectly to all types of Coordination and back-up with all ABB devices.
installation requirements and application fields.
The F200 B Type can be perfectly integrated with
all devices produced by ABB in terms of
connection, selectivity data and coordination.
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F 200 series - B technical features
Ground-Fault Sensing and Relaying Equipment” (F200 up to 100 A)
Prior to connection of aluminium conductors (≥ 4 mm2) ensure that their contact points are cleaned, brushed and coated with grease
for S700-E/K 100A, S750-E 63A, S750DR-E/K 63A and other SCPD coordination values are available.
F 200 series - B y type for continuous, selective continuous
type fault currents technical features
F200 B Type from 16 to 63 A
F-ATI and F-ARI Test are RCCBs equipped with automatic test features. RCCBs are supposed
to be checked every six months in order to make sure that the contacts are working properly
and the device is able to trip in case of a leakage to earth. This swift operation affects the
operational continuity of the circuits downstream and required a lot of man power. F-ATI and
F-ARI test ranges push the periodic test to another level as this is run automatically and with
no interruption at all of the service. Therefore, also the operations carried out by mainte-
nance personnel are reduced to the very minimum.
In addition to the automatic test, F-ARI Range features a reclosing unit that tries to reclose
the RCCB as it trips. The reclosing operations are based on an insulation check to make sure
that no permanent fault is present. The insulation check is done with a very low current with
no danger for human at any time. Once the insulation check is positive the reclosing unit
recloses the RCCB again. Moreover, the results coming from each and every circuit are
collected at once thanks to ARBus interface.
• Saving: maintenance costs are cut down as the device runs automatically the test monthly
in accordance with EN 61008 provisions.
• Uptime: while running the test, no disconnection of the supply occurs like in the traditional
RCCB units.
• Time saving: a full array of maximum 99 devices can be commanded and read by remote by
the means of the ARBus interface.
• Easy installation: the unit is factory fitted and it needs no coupling
• Quality: F-ATI Test range is approved by VDE while F-ARI Test is approved by IMQ CSV.
• Smart: complete monitoring over the application thanks to a fault check system and
a programmable aux contact
• Reliability: Suitable for demanding environments up to 60 °C
• High immunity: RCCBs Type A APR offer the adequate solution according to the type
of loads to be protected , the level of safety and the continuity of service. (inserire forme
d’onda ammesse per APR)
F-ATI and F-ARI technical features
Electrical features Rated voltage Ue 230 V a.c. -15% ÷ 10%
Rated frequency 50 Hz
Insulation voltage Ui 500 V d.c.
Rated conditional short-circuit Inc 10 kA (SCPD – gL fuse 63 A for In 25, 40 A; gL fuse 80 A for In 63 A)
Rated impulse withstand voltage (1,2/50) Uimp 4 kV
Power consumption 1W
Installation Terminals 2,5 mm2
Tightening torque 0,4 Nm
Ambient temperature with daily average <= 35°C -25…+60 °C
Storage temperature -40…+70 °C
Communication Protocol Modbus RS485
Baud rate 38400
Addresses 1…99
Dimensions and DIN modules 1
weight Weight 180 gr
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F-ARI 4 Test
F-ARI Test
Gamma ARBus
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DDA 200 technical features
DDA 200 3P
Insulation voltage Ui [V]
Operating voltage of circuit test Ut 2P [V]
Rated frequency Hz
Rated breaking capacity according to IEC EN 61009 [A]
Rated breaking capacity according to IEC EN 60947-2 [A]
Rated residual breaking capacity I∆m [kA]
Rated inpulse withstand capacity (1,2/50) Uimp [kV]
Dielectric test voltage at ind. freq. for 1 min. [kV]
Surge current resistance (wave 8/20) [A]
a All RCD-blocks DDA 200 with rated current 63 A are provided with two additional terminals for remote tripping.
b DDA200 A AE is provided with two additional terminals for remote release in positive safety.
A remote control circuit should be connected to those terminals where circuit breakers or push buttons
with normally closed contacts should be inserted.
DDA 200 technical features
DDA 200 AC DDA 200 A DDA 200 A AP-R DDA 200 A AE DDA 200 A S DDA 200 B
IEC/EN 61009-1 Ann. G; IEC/EN 61009-2-1 IEC/EN 61009-1 Ann. G;
IEC/EN 61009-2-1,
IEC EN 62423
25, 40, 63 a 25, 40, 63 a 63 b 63 a 25-40-63
2P, 3P, 4P 2P, 3P, 4P
230 (400 for special execution @400 V) 230 230 230
230/400 400 400 400
230/400 230/400 230/400 230/400
110-254 for special execution @110V; 184-264 195-254 (170-254 for 30 195-254 (170-254 for 30
195-254 (170-254 for 30 mA; 400 for special execution @400 V) mA) mA)
195-440 (300-440 for 30 mA; 110-254 for special execution @110 V) 310-440 195-440 (300-440 for 310-440 (300-440 for 30
30 mA) mA)
195-440 (300-440 for 30 mA; 110-254 for special execution @110 V) 184-264 195-440 (300-440 for 195-254 (300-440 for 30
30 mA) mA)
same of the coupled MCB
same of the coupled MCB
same of the coupled MCB
3000 (5000 for selective
NA 3000 NA 5000
0.01-0.03-0.1-0.3-0.5-1 0.03 0.03-0.3-0.5-1 0.1-0.3-0.5-1 0.03 - 0.3 - 0.5
28 cycles with 55°C/90-96% and 25°C/95-100%
bi-directional cylinder-lift
cage type -
bi-directional cylinder-lift
(rigid or flexible) up to 25
(rigid or flexible) up to 16 -
(rigid or flexible) up to 25
1.2 -
on DIN rail EN 60715 (35 mm) by means of fast clip device
85 x 69 x 35 85 x 69 x 70
85 x 69 x 35 85 x 69 x 70
85 x 69 x 70 85 x 69 x 70
175 350
175 375
325 395
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DDA 200 series AC w type
version with test button working at 110VAC - 254VAC is available. For selection tables refer to special version paragraph.
provided with additional terminals for remote tripping
DDA 200 series AC w type
version with test button working at 110VAC - 254VAC is available. For selection tables refer to special version paragraph.
provided with additional terminals for remote tripping
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DDA 200 series A y type
version with test button working at 110VAC - 254VAC is available. For selection tables refer to special version paragraph.
provided with additional terminals for remote tripping
DDA 200 series A y type
version with test button working at 110VAC - 254VAC is available. For selection tables refer to special version paragraph.
provided with additional terminals for remote tripping
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DDA 200 special version 110 V and 400 V
110 V version
AC type
A type
Number Rated Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current 8012542 1 piece 1 piece unit
IDn mA In A EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
2 30 25 079033 DDA202 A-25/0.03 2CSB202199R1250 0.180 1
40 078937 DDA202 A-40/0.03 2CSB202199R1400 0.180 1
63 a 078838 DDA202 A-63/0.03 2CSB202199R1630 0.180 1
DDA 204 110V
3 30 40 811701 DDA 203 A-40/0.03 2CSB203199R1400 0.350 1
63 a 811800 DDA 203 A-63/0.03 2CSB203199R1630 0.350 1
4 30 63 a 812104 DDA 204 A-63/0.03 2CSB204199R1630 0.350 1
400 V version
A type
Number Rated Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current 8012542 1 piece 1 piece unit
IDn mA In A EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
2 30 63 a 954934 DDA 202 A-63/0.03 2CSB202192R1630 0.200 1
DDA 200 series A y type, AP-R (high immunity)
DDA 200 series A y type, AE (for emergency stop)
DDA 204
DDA 200 series A y type, selective
Attention: All DDA 200 A S are provided with additional terminals for remote tripping
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DDA 200 series B y type
DDA 200 series B y type
DDA 800 technical features
Electrical Type (wave form of the earth leakage sensed)
features Poles
Rated current In A
Rated sensitivity IDn A
DDA 800
Rated voltage Ue V
Insulation voltage Ui V
Operating voltage of circuit test Ut V
Rated frequency Hz
Rated breaking capacity (Icn) acc. to IEC /EN 60947-2 A
Rated residual breaking capacity IDm with S 800 C kA
with S 800 N kA
with S 800 S kA
Rated impulse withstand voltage (1.2/50) Uimp kV
Dielectric test voltage at ind. freq. for 1 min. kV
Surge current resistance (wave 8/20) A
Mechanical Toggle
features Electrical life
Mechanical life
Protection degree housing
Environmental conditions (damp heat) acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-30 °C/RH
Ambient temperature (with daily average ≤ +35 °C) °C
Storage temperature °C
Terminal size for cables flexible mm2
rigid mm2
Tightening torque Nm
Dimensions Dimensions (H x D x W) 2P mm
and weight 3P mm
4P mm
Weight 2P g
3P g
4P g
Combination Combinable with: S 800 N
with MCBs S 800 S
DDA 800 technical features
DDA 800 AC w type for MCBs S800
DDA 803 Number Rated Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current 8012542 1 piece 1 piece unit
IDn mA In A EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
3 30 63 922001 DDA803AC-63/0.03 2CSB803001R1630 0.400 1
300 63 922209 DDA803AC-63/0.3 2CSB803001R3630 0.400 1
DDA 800 A y type for MCBs S800
DDA 800 A y type AP-R (high immunity) for MCBs S800
DDA 800 A y type selective for MCBs S800
Bi-directional cylindrical
terminal ensure higher
safety of connecting
operations, making them
Information on the
device are laser
printed to ensure
readability over
Each RCBO of the DS201-
DS202C range is equipped
with an RFid tag
containing a unique serial
number assigned to ABB
according to the standard
ISO/IEC FCD 15693-3 in
The label carrier to
order to authenticate the
clearly identify the
protected circuit.
Test pushbutton to
verify the correct
functioning of the
Any earth fault can be immediately Contact position indicator (CPI): to al- The terminals available on DS201-
identified through the blue indicator, ways know the status of the contacts DS202C make easier the supply opera-
that signals the differential tripping (red: closed contacts; green: open con- tion in parallel with busbars as they are
and which cannot be activated in case tacts). composed by two different seats,
of manual operation on the toggle. a front seat for 25 mm2 cables and
This prevents any misinterpretations a back seat for 10 mm2 busbars.
of the device and system status.
All the devices of the DS201 and Label carrier for clear and reliable iden- All the quality ensured by the main in-
DS202C series have been tested in tification. With the practical label car- ternational marks is clearly visible
a wide range of temperatures: from -25 rier fitted in the circuit breakers you can on the device even if installed in the
°C (as indicated by the snowflake give maximum visibility to the informa- switchboard.
marked on the front side) up to +55°C. tion relating to the protected loads.
DS201 technical features
Rated voltage Ue V
Insulation voltage Ui V
Operating voltage of circuit test Ut V
Rated frequency Hz
Rated breaking capacity acc. to IEC/EN 61009 ultimate Icn A
Rated breaking capacity acc. to IEC/EN ultimate Icu kA
1P+N @230 VAC service Ics kA
Rated residual breaking capacity IDm kA
Rated impulse withstand voltage (1.2/50) Uimp kV
Dielectric test voltage at ind. freq. for 1 min. kV
Thermomagnetic release B: 3 In ≤ Im ≤ 5 In
C: 5 In ≤ Im ≤ 10 In
K: 10 In ≤ Im ≤ 14 In
Surge current resistance (wave 8/20) A
Mechanical Toggle
features Flag indicators
Electrical life
Mechanical life
Protection degree housing
Environmental conditions (damp heat) acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-30 °C/RH
Reference temperature for setting of thermal element °C
Ambient temperature (with daily average ≤ +35 °C) °C
Storage temperature °C
Installation Terminal type top
Terminal size top/bottom for cables mm2
Terminal size top/bottom for busbar mm2
Tightening torque top/bottom Nm
Mounting position
Dimensions Dimensions (H x D x W) mm
and weight Weight g
Combination Combinable with: auxiliary contact
with signal contact
elements shunt trip
undervoltage release
DS201 technical features
DS201 L DS201 DS201 T DS201 M
M 110V
IEC/EN 61009-1; IEC/EN 61009-2-1 IEC 61009-
1; IEC
6 ≤ In ≤ 32 1 ≤ In ≤ 40 6 ≤ In ≤ 40 4 ≤ In ≤ 40 6 ≤ In ≤ 40
0.03-0.3 0.01-0.03- 0.03 0.03-0.1- 0.01-0.03- 0.03-0.1- 0.03 0.03-0.1- 0.01-0.03- 0.03-0.1- 0.03
0.3 0.3-1 0.1-0.3 0.3 0.3 0.1-0.3 0.3
110 (170 for 30 mA) - 254 110 (170 for 30 mA) - 254 170 - 254 110 (170 for 30 mA) - 254 110-254
4500 6000 6000 10000 10000
6 10 10 10 10
DS201 L series 4500 AC w type, C characteristic
DS201 L series 4500 A y type, C characteristic
DS201 L series 4500 APR type, C characteristic
DS201 series 6000 AC w type, B characteristic
DS201 series 6000 AC w type, C characteristic
DS201 series 6000 APR type, C characteristic
DS201 series 6000 A y type, B characteristic
DS201 series 6000 A y type, C characteristic
DS201 series 6000 A y type, K characteristic
DS201 T series 6000 A y type, B, C and K characteristics
DS201 T A type
Function: protection of end user single-phase circuits against overload and short-circuit
currents; protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth
fault currents; protection against indirect contact and additional protection against direct
contact (IΔn = 30 mA). DS201 T range is able to meet the most strict requirements for railway
application in the rolling stock traction business (classification according to EN 45545-1:2013
and EN 45545-2:2013+A1:2015: R26/HL3. Shock and vibrations according to EN 61373:
Category 1, class B).
DS201 T
B characteristic
Number Rated Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current 8012542 1 piece 1 piece unit
IDn mA In A EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
1+N 30 6 002031 DS201T B6 A30 2CSR255148R1065 0.240 1
10 001935 DS201T B10 A30 2CSR255148R1105 0.240 1
13 031437 DS201T B13 A30 2CSR255148R1135 0.240 1
16 001836 DS201T B16 A30 2CSR255148R1165 0.240 1
20 001737 DS201T B20 A30 2CSR255148R1205 0.240 1
25 031338 DS201T B25 A30 2CSR255148R1255 0.240 1
32 001638 DS201T B32 A30 2CSR255148R1325 0.240 1
40 001539 DS201T B40 A30 2CSR255148R1405 0.240 1
C characteristic
Number Rated Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current 8012542 1 piece 1 piece unit
IDn mA In A EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
1+N 30 6 001430 DS201T C6 A30 2CSR255148R1064 0.240 1
10 001331 DS201T C10 A30 2CSR255148R1104 0.240 1
13 001232 DS201T C13 A30 2CSR255148R1134 0.240 1
16 629832 DS201T C16 A30 2CSR255148R1164 0.240 1
20 648437 DS201T C20 A30 2CSR255148R1204 0.240 1
25 648338 DS201T C25 A30 2CSR255148R1254 0.240 1
32 297031 DS201T C32 A30 2CSR255148R1324 0.240 1
40 953234 DS201T C40 A30 2CSR255148R1404 0.240 1
K characteristic
Number Rated Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current 8012542 1 piece 1 piece unit
IDn mA In A EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
1+N 30 6 959434 DS201T K6 A30 2CSR255148R1067 0.240 1
10 959137 DS201T K10 A30 2CSR255148R1107 0.240 1
13 958833 DS201T K13 A30 2CSR255148R1137 0.240 1
16 958536 DS201T K16 A30 2CSR255148R1167 0.240 1
20 960539 DS201T K20 A30 2CSR255148R1207 0.240 1
25 960331 DS201T K25 A30 2CSR255148R1257 0.240 1
32 960133 DS201T K32 A30 2CSR255148R1327 0.240 1
40 959731 DS201T K40 A30 2CSR255148R1407 0.240 1
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DS201 M series 10000 AC w type, B characteristic
DS201 M series 10000 AC w type, C characteristic
DS201 M series 10000 APR type, C characteristic
DS201 M series 10000 A y type, B characteristic
DS201 M series 10000 A y type, C characteristic
DS201 M series 10000 A y type, K characteristic
DS201 M series 10000 A y type, B and C characteristic
B characteristic
Number Rated Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current 8012542 1 piece 1 piece unit
IDn mA In A EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
1+N 30 6 077930 DS201 M B6 A30 110V 2CSR275199R1065 0.240 5
10 077831 DS201 M B10 A30 110V 2CSR275199R1105 0.240 5
13 077732 DS201 M B13 A30 110V 2CSR275199R1135 0.240 5
16 077633 DS201 M B16 A30 110V 2CSR275199R1165 0.240 5
20 080336 DS201 M B20 A30 110V 2CSR275199R1205 0.240 5
25 080237 DS201 M B25 A30 110V 2CSR275199R1255 0.240 5
32 080138 DS201 M B32 A30 110V 2CSR275199R1325 0.240 5
40 080039 DS201 M B40 A30 110V 2CSR275199R1405 0.240 5
C characteristic
Number Rated Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current 8012542 1 piece 1 piece unit
IDn mA In A EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
1+N 30 6 078739 DS201 M C6 A30 110V 2CSR275199R1064 0.240 5
10 078630 DS201 M C10 A30 110V 2CSR275199R1104 0.240 5
13 078531 DS201 M C13 A30 110V 2CSR275199R1134 0.240 5
16 078432 DS201 M C16 A30 110V 2CSR275199R1164 0.240 5
20 078333 DS201 M C20 A30 110V 2CSR275199R1204 0.240 5
25 078234 DS201 M C25 A30 110V 2CSR275199R1254 0.240 5
32 078135 DS201 M C32 A30 110V 2CSR275199R1324 0.240 5
40 078036 DS201 M C40 A30 110V 2CSR275199R1404 0.240 5
DS202C technical features
DS202C DS202C M DS202C M
M 110V
Standards IEC 61009-1;
IEC/EN 61009-1; IEC/EN 61009-2-1
IEC 61009-2-1
Electrical Type (wave form of the earth leakage sensed) A A APR A
features Poles 2P 2P 2P 2P
Rated current In A 6 ≤ In ≤ 32 6 ≤ In ≤ 32 6 ≤ In ≤ 32 6 ≤ In ≤ 32
Rated sensitivity IDn A 0.03-0.3 0.01-0.03-0.3 0.03-0.3 0.03
Rated voltage Ue V 230-240 230-240 230-240 230-240
Insulation voltage Ui V 500 500 500 500
Operating voltage of circuit test Ut V 110 (170 for 110 (170 for 110 (170 for 110-254
30 mA) - 254 30 mA) - 254 30 mA) - 254
Rated frequency Hz 50…60 50…60 50…60 50…60
Rated breaking capacity acc. to ultimate Icn A 6000 10000 10000 10000
IEC/EN 61009
Rated breaking capacity acc. to ultimate Icu kA 10 10 10 10
IEC/EN 60947-2
2P @230 VAC service Ics kA 6 7.5 7.5 7.5
Rated residual breaking capacity IDm kA 6 6 6 6
Rated impulse withstand voltage (1.2/50) Uimp kV 4 4 4 4
Dielectric test voltage at ind. freq. for 1 min. kV 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Thermomagnetic release B: 3 In ≤ Im ≤ 5 In n n n
C: 5 In ≤ Im ≤ 10 In n n n n
Surge current resistance (wave 8/20) A NA for A, AC versions; 3000 for APR version
Mechanical Toggle black sealable in ON-OFF position
features Flag indicators differential trip indicator (blue)
contact position indicator (green/red)
Electrical life 10000 10000 10000 10000
Mechanical life 20000 20000 20000 20000
Protection degree housing IP4X IP4X IP4X IP4X
terminals IP2X IP2X IP2X IP2X
Environmental conditions (damp heat) °C/RH 28 cycles with 55°C/90-96% and 25°C/95-100%
acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-30
Reference temperature for setting of thermal element °C 30 30 30 30
Ambient temperature (with daily average ≤ +35 °C) °C -25…+55 -25…+55 -25…+55 -25…+55
Storage temperature °C -40…+70 -40…+70 -40…+70 -40…+70
Installation Terminal type top failsafe bi-directional cylinder-lift terminal at top and bottom
(shock protected)
bottom failsafe bi-directional cylinder-lift terminal at top and bottom
(shock protected)
Terminal size top/bottom for cables mm2 25/25 25/25 25/25 25/25
Terminal size top/bottom for busabar mm2 10/10 10/10 10/10 10/10
Tightening torque top/bottom Nm 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8
Mounting on DIN rail EN 60715 (35 mm) by means of fast clip device
Mounting position Any Any Any Any
Connection from top and from top and from top and from top and
bottom bottom bottom bottom
Dimensions Dimensions (H x D x W) mm 85 x 69 x 35 85 x 69 x 35 85 x 69 x 35 85 x 69 x 35
and weight Weight g 239 239 239 239
Combination Combinable with: auxiliary contact yes yes yes yes
with signal contact yes yes yes yes
elements shunt trip yes yes yes yes
undervoltage release yes yes yes yes
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DS202C series 6000 A y type, B characteristic
DS202C series 6000 A y type, C characteristic
DS202C M series 10000 A y type, B characteristic
DS202C M series 10000 A y type, C characteristic
DS202C M series 10000 A y APR type, B characteristic
DS202C M series 10000 APR type, C characteristic
DS202C M 110V series 10000 A y type, C characteristic
Designed to be compact, DS203NC 3P+N RCBOs are suitable in all those applications
where size can be an obstacle. They provide reliable and complete protection from over-
current and earth fault currents. DS203NC RCBOS are available in two ranges with differ-
ent breaking capacities to cover all the applications in commercial and industrial installa-
tions; DS203NC L with 4.5kA and DS203NC with 6kA breaking capacity according to IEC/
EN 61009. The range includes types AC, A, APR and S and tripping curves B, C or K.
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Terminals designed
Compact size for easy to ease the
installation in small spaces installation.
and retrofitting of already
existing facilities.
Test pushbutton
to verify the correct
functioning of the
Operating toggle
The indication of the
can be sealed into
status of the contacts is
on/off position
done with a mechanical
to ensure
connection to the mobile
contacts and
in complete safety.
independently from the
toggle position.
The contacts position
indicator (CPI) allows to
exactly know the status of
the contacts of the device
(green: open contacts, red:
closed contacts).
Space for
labels of the
line. Same profile as the
System pro M compact®
Use with cables and with busbars RFid Differential trip indicator
Terminals with two slots allow to use Radio frequency tracking via a radio In case of tripping due to earth fault,
different types of conductors: one frequency tag to facilitate logistics a blue flag appears on the toggle thus
housing is designed for cables up to and to be assured of the originality immediate showing the cause of trip of
25 mm2, the other for busbars or cables of the product. the device. This feature helps in trou-
up to 10 mm2. bleshooting on the network and re-
duces the downtime for maintenance.
DS203NC technical features
Standards IEC/EN 61009-1; IEC/EN 61009-2-1 IEC/EN 61009-1; IEC/EN 61009-2-1
Electrical features
Type (wave form of the earth AC, A, APR AC, A, APR, S
leakage sensed)
Number of poles 3P+N 3P+N
Rated current In A 6≤ In ≤ 32A 6≤ In ≤ 32A
Rated sensitivity IDn mA 30-300 30-100-300
Rated voltage Ue V 400-415V 400-415V
Insulation voltage Ui V 500 V AC 500 V AC
Overvoltage category III III
Pollution degree 2 2
Operating voltage of circuit test Ut V 195 (300 for 30 mA) - 440
Rated frequency Hz 50/60 50/60
Rated breaking ultimate Icn A 4500 6000
capacity acc. to IEC/ EN 61009
Rated breaking ultimate Icu kA 6 10
capacity acc. to IEC/EN 60947-2
Thermomagnetic release - B: 3 In ≤ Im ≤ 5 In n
C: 5 In ≤ Im ≤ 10 In n n
K: 10 In ≤ Im ≤ 14 In n
Surge current resistance (wave 8/20) A NA for A, AC versions; 3000 for APR NA for A, AC versions; 3000 for APR
version version; 5000 for S version
Mechanical features
Housing Insulation group II, RAL 7035 Insulation group II, RAL 7035
Toggle black, sealable in ON-OFF positions black, sealable in ON-OFF positions
Flag indicator Differential trip indicator: Differential trip indicator:
blue on toggle blue on toggle
Environmental conditions (damp heat) acc. to IEC/EN °C/RH 28 cycles with 55°C/90-96% and 28 cycles with 55°C/90-96% and
60068-2-30 25°C/95-100% 25°C/95-100%
DS203NC technical features
Terminal type top/ bottom failsafe bi-directional cylinder-lift failsafe bi-directional cylinder-lift
terminal (shock protected) terminal (shock protected)
DS203NC L AC w
DS203NC L A y type
DS203NC L APR type
DS203NC AC w type
DS203NC AC w type
DS203NC A y type
DS203NC A y type
DS203NC A y type
DS203NC APR type
DS203NC A y S type
DS 200 technical features
Electrical Operating characteristic: type (wave form of the earth leakage sensed)
features Poles
Rated sensitivity IDn A
Rated current In A
Rated voltage Ue 2P V
DS 200
3P, 4P V
Insulation voltage Ui V
Operating voltage of circuit test Ut 2P V
3P V
4P V
Rated frequency Hz
Rated breaking capacity acc. to IEC/EN 61009 ultimate Icn A
Rated breaking capacity ultimate Icu kA
acc. to IEC/EN 60947-2 1P+N @230 VAC, 2P, 3P, 4P @400 service Ics kA
Rated residual breaking capacity I∆m kA
Rated impulse withstand voltage (1.2/50) Uimp kV
Dielectric test voltage at ind. freq. for 1 min. kV
Overvoltage category
Thermomagnetic release B: 3 In ≤ Im ≤ 5 In
C: 5 In ≤ Im ≤ 10 In
K: 10 In ≤ Im ≤ 14 In
Surge current resistance (wave 8/20) A
Mechanical Toggle 2P, 3P, 4P
features Contact position indication
Electrical life
Mechanical life
Protection degree housing
Environmental conditions (damp heat) acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-30 °C/RH
Reference temperature for setting of thermal element °C
Ambient temperature (with daily average ≤ +35 °C) °C
Storage temperature °C
Installation Terminal type top
bottom 2P
3P/4P In ≤ 40 A
3P/4P 50 A ≤ In ≤ 63 A
Terminal size top/bottom per cable 2P mm2
3P/4P In ≤ 40 A mm2
3P/4P 50 A ≤ In ≤ 63 A mm2
Tightening torque top/bottom 2P Nm
3P/4P In ≤ 40 A Nm
3P/4P 50 A ≤ In ≤ 63 A Nm
Mounting position
a Available depending on type and characteristic curve. For 2P RCBOs A type B-C curves up to 32 A, refer to DS202C 2 protected poles
RCBOs in only two modules
b Prior to connection of aluminium conductors (≥ 4 mm2) ensure that their contact points are cleaned, brushed and coated with
DS 200 technical features
6 6 10 10
III, disconnector abilities
n n n n
n n n n
black (MCB) sealable in ON-OFF position + blue (RCD)
CPI on window
28 cycles with 55°C/90-96% and 25°C/95-100%
failsafe bidirectional cylinder-lift terminal (shock protected) b
failsafe bidirectional cylinder-lift terminal (shock protected) b
cage (shock protected)
failsafe bidirectional cylinder-lift terminal (shock protected) b
rigid: 35/25 flexible: 25/25
rigid: 35/25 flexible: 25/16
rigid : 35/25 flexible : 25/25
on DIN rail EN 60715 (35 mm) by means of fast clip device
715 (35 mm) by means of fast clip devicefrom top and bottom
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DS 200 technical features
Dimensions Dimensions (H x D x W) 2P mm
and weight 3P In ≤ 40 A mm
4P In ≤ 40 A mm
3P 50 A ≤ In ≤ 63 A mm
4P 50 A ≤ In ≤ 63 A mm
Weight 2P g
DS 200
3P In ≤ 40 A g
4P In ≤ 40 A g
3P 50 A ≤ In ≤ 63 A g
4P 50 A ≤ In ≤ 63 A g
Combination Combinable with: auxiliary contact
with signal contact/auxiliary
auxiliary switch
shunt trip
undervoltage release
DS 200 technical features
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DS 201 series 6000 - AC w type, B characteristic
DS 200 series 6000 - AC w type, C characteristic
DS 200 series 6000 - A y type, B characteristic
DS 200 series 6000 - A y type, C characteristic
DS 200 series 6000 - A y type, K characteristic
DS 200 M series 10000 - AC w type, B characteristic
DS 200 M series 10000 - AC w type, C characteristic
DS 200 M series 10000 - A y type, B characteristic
DS 200 M series 10000 - A y type, C characteristic
DS 200 M series 10000 - A y type, C characteristic
DS800 technical features
Electrical Operating characteristic: type (wave form of the earth leakage sensed)
features Poles
Rated sensitivity IDn A
DS800S Rated current In A
Rated voltage Ue V
Insulation voltage Ui V
Operating voltage of circuit test Ut V
Rated frequency Hz
Rated ultimate short-circuit breaking capacity Icu 240/415 V AC kA
254/440 V AC kA
289/500 V AC kA
400/690 V AC kA
Rated service short-circuit breaking capacity Ics 240/415 V AC kA
254/440 V AC kA
289/500 V AC kA
400/690 V AC kA
Rated impulse withstand voltage (1.2/50) Uimp kV
Dielectric test voltage at ind. freq. for 1 min. kV
Thermomagnetic release B: 3 In ≤ Im ≤ 5 In
C: 5 In ≤ Im ≤ 10 In
D**: 10 In ≤ Im ≤ 20 In
K**: 8 In ≤ Im ≤ 14 In
Surge current resistance acc. to VDE 0432 Part 2 (wave 8/20) A
Mechanical Toggle
features Electrical life
Mechanical life
Protection degree housing
Environmental conditions (damp heat) acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-30 °C/RH
Ambient temperature (with daily average ≤ + 35 °C) °C
Storage temperature °C
Installation Terminal size for cables flexible mm2
rigid mm2
Tightening torque Nm
Dimensions Dimensions (H x D x W) 2P mm
and weight 3P mm
4P mm
Weight 2P g
3P g
4P g
Combination Combinable with: auxiliary contact
with signal contact/auxiliary
auxiliary switch
shunt trip
undervoltage release
DS800 technical features
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DS800S series 50000 A y type B, C, D and K characteristic
DS800S, A type
Function: protection against overload and short-circuit currents; protection against the
effects of sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents; protection against indirect contacts;
command and isolation of resistive and inductive loads.
Number Curve Rated Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current 7612271 1 piece 1 piece unit
IDn mA In A EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
2 B 300 125 211721 DS802S- 2CCA862005R0845 0.790 1
C 300 125 211738 DS802S- 2CCA862005R0844 0.790 1
D 300 125 211745 DS802S- 2CCA862005R0841 0.790 1
K 300 125 211752 DS802S- 2CCA862005R0647 0.790 1
Number Curve Rated Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
DS804S of poles residual current 7612271 1 piece 1 piece unit
IDn mA In A EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
3 B 300 125 211769 DS803S- 2CCA863005R0845 1.14 1
C 300 125 211776 DS803S- 2CCA863005R0844 1.14 1
D 300 125 211783 DS803S- 2CCA863005R0841 1.14 1
K 300 125 211790 DS803S- 2CCA863005R0647 1.14 1
Number Curve Rated Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current 7612271 1 piece 1 piece unit
IDn mA In A EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
4 B 300 125 211806 DS804S- 2CCA864005R0845 1.44 1
C 300 125 211813 DS804S- 2CCA864005R0844 1.44 1
D 300 125 211820 DS804S- 2CCA864005R0841 1.44 1
K 300 125 211837 DS804S- 2CCA864005R0647 1.44 1
DS800N series 36000 A y type B, C and D characteristics
DS800N, A type
Function: protection against overload and short-circuit currents; protection against the
effects of sinusoidal alternating earth fault currents; protection against indirect contacts;
command and isolation of resistive and inductive loads.
Application: industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2
Icu = 36 kA
Number Curve Rated Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current 7612271 1 piece 1 piece unit
IDn mA In A EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
2 B 300 125 211844 DS802N- 2CCA892005R0845 0.790 1
C 300 125 211851 DS802N- 2CCA892005R0844 0.790 1
D 300 125 211868 DS802N- 2CCA892005R0841 0.790 1
Number Curve Rated Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current 7612271 1 piece 1 piece unit
IDn mA In A EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
DS804N 3 B 300 125 211875 DS803N- 2CCA893005R0845 1.14 1
C 300 125 211882 DS803N- 2CCA893005R0844 1.14 1
D 300 125 211899 DS803N- 2CCA893005R0841 1.14 1
Number Curve Rated Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current 7612271 1 piece 1 piece unit
IDn mA In A EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
4 B 300 125 211905 DS804N- 2CCA894005R0845 1.44 1
C 300 125 211912 DS804N- 2CCA894005R0844 1.44 1
D 300 125 211929 DS804N- 2CCA894005R0841 1.44 1
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DS800S series 50000 A y type selective B, C, D and K characteristics
Application: industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2
Icu = 50 kA
Number Curve Rated Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current 7612271 1 piece 1 piece unit
DS803S IDn mA In A EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
2 B 1000 125 211516 DS802S- 2CCC862006R0845 0.790 1
C 1000 125 211523 DS802S- 2CCC862006R0844 0.790 1
D 1000 125 211530 DS802S- 2CCC862006R0841 0.790 1
K 1000 125 211547 DS802S- 2CCC862006R0647 0.790 1
Number Curve Rated Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current 7612271 1 piece 1 piece unit
IDn mA In A EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
4 B 300 125 211554 DS804S- 2CCC864005R0845 1.44 1
1000 125 211592 DS804S- 2CCC864006R0845 1.44 1
C 300 125 211561 DS804S- 2CCC864005R0844 1.44 1
1000 125 211608 DS804S- 2CCC864006R0844 1.44 1
D 300 125 211578 DS804S- 2CCC864005R0841 1.44 1
1000 125 211615 DS804S- 2CCC864006R0841 1.44 1
K 300 125 211685 DS804S- 2CCC864005R0647 1.44 1
1000 125 211622 DS804S- 2CCC864006R0647 1:44 1
DS800N series 36000 A y type selective B, C and D characteristics
Application: industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2
Icu = 36 kA
Number Curve Rated Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current 7612271 1 piece 1 piece unit
IDn mA In A EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
2 B 1000 125 211639 DS802N- 2CCC892006R0845 0.790 1
C 1000 125 211646 DS802N- 2CCC892006R0844 0.790 1
D 1000 125 211653 DS802N- 2CCC892006R0841 0.790 1
Number Curve Rated Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current 7612271 1 piece 1 piece unit
IDn mA In A EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
4 B 300 125 211660 DS804N- 2CCC894005R0845 1.44 1
1000 125 211691 DS804N- 2CCC894006R0845 1.44 1
C 300 125 211677 DS804N- 2CCC894005R0844 1.44 1
1000 125 211707 DS804N- 2CCC894006R0844 1.44 1
D 300 125 211684 DS804N- 2CCC894005R0841 1.44 1
1000 125 211714 DS804N- 2CCC894006R0841 1.44 1
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DS800S series 50000 A y type, AP-R (high immunity) B, C, D and K characteristics
Application: industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2
Icu = 50 kA
Number Curve Rated Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current 7612271 1 piece 1 piece unit
IDn mA In A EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
2 B 30 125 211301 DS802SB125 2CCB862004R0845 0.790 1
C 30 125 211318 DS802SC125 2CCB862004R0844 0.790 1
D 30 125 211325 DS802SD125 2CCB862004R0841 0.790 1
K 30 125 211332 DS802SK125 2CCB862004R0647 0.790 1
Number Curve Rated Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current 7612271 1 piece 1 piece unit
IDn mA In A EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
3 B 30 125 211349 DS803SB125 2CCB863004R0845 1.14 1
C 30 125 211356 DS803SC125 2CCB863004R0844 1.14 1
D 30 125 211363 DS803SD125 2CCB863004R0841 1.14 1
K 30 125 211370 DS803SK125 2CCB863004R0647 1.14 1
Number Curve Rated Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current 7612271 1 piece 1 piece unit
IDn mA In A EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
4 B 30 125 211387 DS804SB125 2CCB864004R0845 1.44 1
C 30 125 211394 DS804SC125 2CCB864004R0844 1.44 1
D 30 125 211400 DS804SD125 2CCB864004R0841 1.44 1
K 30 125 211417 DS804SK125 2CCB864004R0647 1,44 1
DS800N series 36000 A y type, AP-R (high immunity) B, C and D characteristics
Application: industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2
Icu = 36 kA
Number Curve Rated Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current 7612271 1 piece 1 piece unit
IDn mA In A EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
2 B 30 125 211424 DS802NB125 2CCB892004R0845 0.790 1
C 30 125 211431 DS802NC125 2CCB892004R0844 0.790 1
D 30 125 211448 DS802ND125 2CCB892004R0841 0.790 1
Number Curve Rated Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current 7612271 1 piece 1 piece unit
IDn mA In A EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
3 B 30 125 211455 DS803NB125 2CCB893004R0845 1.14 1
C 30 125 211462 DS803NC125 2CCB893004R0844 1.14 1
D 30 125 211479 DS803ND125 2CCB893004R0841 1.14 1
Number Curve Rated Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current 7612271 1 piece 1 piece unit
IDn mA In A EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
4 B 30 125 211486 DS804NB125 2CCB894004R0845 1.44 1
C 30 125 211493 DS804NC125 2CCB894004R0844 1.44 1
D 30 125 211509 DS804ND125 2CCB894004R0841 1.44 1
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Product coding
All the necessary technical and
installation information can be
found directly on the device.
Product range, tripping
characteristics, rated currents,
sensitivity, type, breaking Anti counterfeiting
capacity, rated voltage, Each DSE201 is equipped with
order code, EAN code, electrical a RFID tag containing a unique
scheme, reference standards serial number assigned by ABB
and many other specifications according to ISO/IEC FCD
are laser printed on the front 15693-3 standard in order to
and side of units. authenticate the product.
Through this unique serial
number, ABB can easily
identify counterfeited
products and verify the
authenticity of each single
In control
Test button allows the regular
check of the functionality of
Real contact position
the device: to be pushed every
indicator on toggle
six months.
Directly connected to the
moving contact of the
device, it indicates the
exact position of the
contacts at all times (red: Reduced height
closed contacts, green: Thanks to its reduced height,
open contacts). only 100 mm, DSE201 makes
easier wiring operation inside
the consumer unit or the
distribution board.
With its breaking capacity of 6kA in only one module width these devices are essential for the safety of people, utili-
and 100mm height, the DSE201 series is the perfect solu- ties and equipment, protecting not only against earth fault
tion for a complete protection in residential and light com- residual currents - due to loss of isolation or accidental
mercial applications. At home, in the office or in a shop, contact with live parts - but also against overcurrents.
Technical features and overall dimensions
Electrical features
Standards IEC 61009-1; IEC 61009-2-2; AS/NZS 61009
Type (wave form of the earth leakage sensed) AC, A
Number of poles 1P+N
Rated current I n A 6≤ In ≤ 50
Rated sensitivity I Δn mA 30
Rated voltage U e V 230-240
Insulation voltage U i V 500 V AC
Overvoltage category III
Pollution degree 2
Max. operating voltage V 264
Min. operating voltage for protection against V 85
IΔn residual sinusoidal alternating currents
Operating voltage of circuit test V 195 - 264
Rated frequency Hz 50/60
Rated breaking capacity acc. to IEC 61009 ultimate I cn A 6000
Rated residual breaking capacity I Δm kA 6
Rated impulse withstand voltage (1.2/50) U imp kV 4 kV (test voltage 6.2kV at sea level, 5kV at 2000m)
Dielectric test voltage at ind. freq. for 1 min. kV 2.5 kV (50 / 60Hz, 1 min.)
Thermomagnetic release - characteristic B: 3 I n ≤ I m ≤ 5 I n n
C: 5 I n ≤ I m ≤ 10 I n n
Surge current resistance (wave 8/20) A NA
Mechanical data
Housing insulation group II, RAL 7035
Toggle insulation group IIIA, black, sealable in ON-OFF positions
Contact position indication CPI on toggle (I ON / 0 OFF)
Electrical life operations 10000
Mechanical life operations 20000
Protection degree housing IP4X
terminals IP2X
Shock resistance acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-27 30g - 2 shocks - 13ms
Vibration resistance acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-6 0.35mm or 5g - 20 cycles at 5…150…5 Hz without load
Environmental conditions (damp heat) °C/RH 28 cycles with 55°C/90-96% and 25°C/95-100%
acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-30
Technical features and overall dimensions
Terminal type top (load side) failsafe cage (shock protected)
bottom (line side) failsafe bi-directional cylinder-lift terminal
(shock protected)
Terminal size for cables load side (top) mm² 16
line side (bottom) mm² 25
Terminal size for busbars load side (top) only for wire connection
line side (bottom) mm² 10 (Standard ABB busbar / distribution board system)
Tightening torque top (load side) Nm 1.2
bottom (line side) Nm 2.8
Neutral load cable Type low smoke halogen free
Lenght mm 750
Section mm² 2.5 mm 2 up to 20 A; 4 mm 2 up to 50 A
Color blue
Functional earth cable Type low smoke halogen free
Lenght mm 750
Section mm² 0.75
Color white
Mounting on DIN rail EN 60715 (35 mm) by means of fast clip device in
consumer unit Type A according to IEC 61439-1&3, BS EN
61439-1&3, in distribution board Type B according to IEC
61439-1&3, BS EN 61439-1&3.
Supply from bottom terminal
Dimensions and weight
Dimensions (H x D x W) mm 100 x 68.9 x 17.6
Weight g 180
Combination with auxiliary elements
Combinable with accessories and auxiliaries no
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DSE201 series 6000 A y type, B and C characteristic
DSE201 series 6000 AC w type, B and C characteristic
Combination with
auxiliary elements
A platform suitable Reduced height
for quick installation in Thanks to its reduced height,
combination with the only 115 mm, DSE201 M makes easier
standard auxiliary elements wiring operation inside the consumer
that can be mounted with unit or the distribution board.
RCDs and MCBs.
DSE201 M, unique solution
Distinctive features
With its breaking capacity of 10kA in only one module larly required. The unique earth fault indicator window
width and 115mm height, DSE201 M series is the perfect identifies any earth fault trip, making easier the trouble-
solution for a complete protection in commercial and in- shooting on the network and reducing the downtime for
dustrial applications, where space optimization is particu- maintenance.
DSE201 M
Technical features and overall dimensions
Electrical features
Standards IEC 61009-1 ; IEC 61009-2-2; BS EN 61009-1; AS/NZS
Type (wave form of the earth leakage sensed) AC, A
Number of poles 1P+N
Rated current I n A 6≤ In ≤ 50
Rated sensitivity I Δn mA 10-30-100-300
Rated voltage U e V 230-240
Insulation voltage U i V 500 V AC
Overvoltage category III
Pollution degree 2
Max. operating voltage V 264
Min. operating voltage for protection against IΔn V 85
residual sinusoidal alternating currents
Operating voltage of circuit test V 195-264
Rated frequency Hz 50/60
Rated breaking capacity acc. to IEC 61009 ultimate I cn A 10000
Rated breaking capacity acc. to IEC 60947-2 ultimate I cu kA 15 ( for 6A ≤ In ≤ 40A)
kA 10 (for In = 50A)
service I cs kA 7.5
Rated residual breaking capacity I Δm kA 10
Rated impulse withstand voltage (1.2/50) U imp kV 4 kV (test voltage 6.2kV at sea level, 5kV at 2000m)
Dielectric test voltage at ind. freq. for 1 min. kV 2.5 kV (50 / 60Hz, 1 min.)
Thermomagnetic release - characteristic B: 3 I n ≤ I m ≤ 5 I n n
C: 5 I n ≤ I m ≤ 10 I n n
Surge current resistance (wave 8/20) A NA
Mechanical data
Housing insulation group II, RAL 7035
Toggle insulation group II, black, sealable in ON-OFF positions
Earth fault indicator blue window
Contact position indication green/red Window
Electrical life operations 10000
Mechanical life operations 20000
Protection degree in enclosure with IP40
terminals IP20
Shock resistance acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-27 30g - 2 shocks - 13ms
Vibration resistance acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-6 0.35mm or 5g - 20 cycles at 5…150…5 Hz without load
Environmental conditions (damp heat) °C/RH 28 cycles with 55°C/90-96% and 25°C/95-100%
acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-30
DSE201 M
Technical features and overall dimensions
Terminal type top (load side) failsafe cage (shock protected)
bottom (line side) failsafe bi-directional cylinder-lift terminal (shock
Terminal size for cables load side mm² 16
line side (solid/ mm² 35/25
Terminal size for busbars load side only for wire connection
line side mm² 10 (Standard ABB busbar / distribution board system)
Tightening torque top (load side) Nm 1.2
bottom (line side) Nm 2.8
Neutral load cable Type low smoke halogen free
Lenght mm 750
Section mm² 2.5 mm 2 up to 20 A; 4 mm 2 up to 50 A
Color blue
Functional earth cable Type low smoke halogen free
Lenght mm 750
Section mm² 0.75
Color white
Mounting on DIN rail EN 60715 (35 mm) by means of fast clip device in
consumer unit Type A according to IEC 61439-1&3, BS EN
61439-1&3 in distribution board Type B according to IEC
61439-1&3, BS EN 61439-1&3
Supply from bottom terminal
Dimensions and weight
Dimensions (H x D x W) mm 115 x 68.9 x 17.6
Weight g 200
Combination with auxiliary elements
Auxiliary contact yes
Signal contact / auxiliary switch yes
Shunt trip yes
Undervoltage release yes
Overvoltage release yes
Auxiliary contact for MCBs bottom fitting yes
2/124 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
DSE201 M series 10000 A y type, B characteristic
DSE201 M series 10000 A y type, C characteristic
DSE201 M series 10000 AC w type, B characteristic
DSE201 M series 10000 AC w type, C characteristic
Residual current relays
Technical features
Operating voltage [V] 230÷400 a.c. (RD2) and
4 8÷150 a.c./d.c. (RD2-4 8)
Frequency [Hz] 50÷60
Type A
Operating temperature [°C] -5…+4 0
Power consumption [W] <3.4, 230 V a.c.
RD2 Sensitivity settings I∆n [A] 0.03; 0.1; 0.3; 0.5; 1; 2
Tripping time settings [s] Fast (instantaneous); 0.3; 0.5; 1; 2; 5
Contact capacity [A] 10 at 250 V a.c. (ohmic)
Contact type NC-C-NO
Modules [No.] 2
Protection degree IP20
Standards IEC/EN 62020
Residual current relays
RD3 residual current relays
The RD3 family of electronic residual current relays provides residual current protection
and monitoring functions according to IEC/EN 60947-2:2006 annex M when used in
conjunction with external toroids belonging to TR family, all S 200 miniature circuit
breakers and Tmax/XT range moulded case devices up to T5/XT4, for industrial installations.
The RD3 residual current relays can provide status indications through two output contacts.
Front panel residual current relays
Front panel residual current relays
Toroidal transformers
Toroidal transformers
Technical features TRM TR1 TR2 TR3 TR4 TR4A TR160 TR160A TR5 TR5A TR6 TR6A
Core closed closed closed closed closed open closed open closed open closed open
Available [mm] 29 35 60 80 110 110 160 160 210 210 300 300
Weight [kg] 0.17 0.22 0.28 0.45 0.52 0.6 1.35 1.6 1.45 1.85 2.1 2.3
Minimum [mA] 30 30 30 100 100 300 300 500 300 500 500 1000
TR measurable
Installation Any
Operating [°C] -10…+70
Storage [°C] -20…+80
Transformation 500/1
Dielectric test [kV] 2.5
voltage at
industrial freq.
for 1 min.
Max. insulating [V a.c.] 1000
Max. thermal [kA] 40/1 sec.
Connections Screw terminal boards, max. section 2.5 mm2
Protection IP20
Electrical installation solutions for buildings
Arc Fault Detection Devices
3/2 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
The S-ARC1 is the new 1P+N Arc Fault Detection Device (AFDD) with an integrated Miniature Circuit
Breaker (MCB) in only two module width. Besides the overcurrent protection of the MCB, the S-ARC1
provides additional protection against series, parallel and earth arc faults. The series is perfectly in-
tegrated with ABB’s System pro M compact® range. Combined with a Residual Current Circuit
Breaker (RCCB) as upstream device, the S-ARC1 provides the best solution for complete protection
of electrical installations in buildings.
1/2 1/2 N N
1/2 1/2 N N
1 blink/sec S-ARC1S-ARC1
2/1 2/1 N N
1/2 1/2 N N
2 blink/sec S-ARC1S-ARC1
Double slot terminals Compatibility with busbars All information on the device
Fail-safe terminals to avoid improper A quick and easy installation is possi- Main technical information are laser-
connection. Two slots of different di- ble in one step using a standard printed on the front and left side of
mensions (25 mm2 and 10 mm2) avail- ABB System pro M compact® busbar: product to ensure long readability.
able to allow the connection both with no additional cables required for the
cables and busbars. Connection possi- wiring.
ble both from top and bottom side.
Standard System pro M compact® clip
ensures a stable fixing on DIN rail and
easy and fast mounting and dismount-
ing operations.
3/4 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Technical features and overall dimensions
Standards IEC/EN 62606; IEC/EN 60898-1
Electrical Number of poles 1P + N
Rated current In A 6 ≤ In ≤ 20
Rated voltage Ue V 230 – 240
Insulation voltage Ui V 500 V AC
Overvoltage category III
Pollution degree 2
Technical features and overall dimensions
failsafe bi-directional cylinder-lift failsafe bi-directional cylinder-lift
Terminal type top / bottom
terminal (shock protected) terminal (shock protected)
Terminal size for cables top / bottom mm2 25/25 25/25
Terminal size for busbars top / bottom mm2 10/10 10/10
Tightening torque top / bottom Nm 2.8 2.8
Stripping length of the cable mm 12,5 12,5
on DIN rail EN 60715 (35mm) by on DIN rail EN 60715 (35mm) by
means of mounting clip means of mounting clip
Mounting position Any Any
Supply from Top/Bottom terminals Top/Bottom terminals
Dimensions and weight
Dimensions (H x D x W) mm 85 x 69 x 35 mm 85 x 69 x 35 mm
Weight g 180 180
Combinable with accesso-
Auxiliary contact, signal contact/auxiliary switch, shunt trip, undervoltage release, overvoltage release
ries and auxiliaries
3/6 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
S-ARC1, B and C characteristic
S-ARC1 M, B and C characteristic
S-ARC1 M, B and C characteristics
Function: protection of end user single-phase circuits against short-circuit currents, over-
load, earth arc faults, parallel arc faults and series arc faults.
S-ARC1 M - B characteristics
S-ARC1 M - C characteristics
The DS-ARC1 is the new 1P+N Arc Fault Detection Device (AFDD) with an integrated residual current
circuit breaker with overcurrent protection (RCBO) in only three module width.
The series offers a complete protection against arc faults and overvoltage, reducing the risk of fire.
The integrated RCBO is adding protection against overcurrent and earth fault currents:
compact solution for a complete protection of people and valuable assets.
1/2 1/2 N N
1/2 1/2 N N
1 blink/sec S-ARC1S-ARC1
2/1 2/1 N N
1/2 1/2 N N
2 blink/sec S-ARC1S-ARC1
DS-ARC1 arc fault detection device with integrated RCBO – technical data
Standards IEC/EN 62606; IEC/EN 61009-1; IEC/EN 61009-2-1
Electrical Type (wave form of the earth leakage sensed) A
Number of poles 1P + N
Rated current In A 6 ≤ In ≤ 20
Rated sensitivity I∆n A 0.03
Rated voltage Ue V 230 – 240
Insulation voltage Ui V 500 V AC
Overvoltage category III
Pollution degree 2
DS-ARC1, 6 kA, B and C characteristics
Function: protection of end user single-phase circuits against short-circuit currents,
overload, earth arc faults, parallel arc faults, series arc faults, earth faults currents.
Electrical installation solutions for buildings
Accessories for MCBs and RCDs
Selection tables 4/2
Auxiliary elements for MCBs S200, SN 201,
RCDs F 200, DS 200, DS201-DS202C, DS203NC,
DSE201 M, AFDD S-ARC1 and Switch
disconnectors SD 200 series 4/13
Accessories for MCBs, RCDs,
AFDD and Switch Disconnectors 4/23
Motor operating and autoreclosing devices
for MCBs, RCDs and Switch Disconnectors 4/24
Busbars and accessories for MCBs,
RCDs and DS 200 series 4/28
Accessories for AFDD 1P+N,
S-ARC1 busbars 4/35
Busbar systems selection table 4/36
Accessories for MCBs and RCDs busbars 4/53
Auxiliary elements for S750 DR 4/63
Accessories for S700 4/65
Auxiliary elements and accessories
for MCBs S800 4/66
UNIFIX rapid wiring system 4/79
Accessories for MCBs and RCDs
Auxiliary switch S700 + H2WR 4/81
4/2 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Auxiliary elements and accessories for MCBs and RCDs
Selection tables
Combination of auxiliary elements with S200, S200M, S200P, DDA200 + S200 or DS200
(for S200 80-100A no combination with DDA)
In case of using rotary operating mechanism S2C-DH (only right side mountable) the auxiliary devices left side and bottom fitting auxiliary
contact could be used.
Auxiliary elements and accessories for MCBs and RCDs
Selection tables
Combination of auxiliary elements with S200M, S200MUC
H, H
Auxiliary elements and accessories for MCBs and RCDs
Selection tables
Combination of auxiliary elements with S200PR Combination of auxiliary elements with SU200M
and S200UDC, SU200PR
Auxiliary elements and accessories for MCBs and RCDs
Selection tables
Combination of auxiliary elements with S200P
Auxiliary elements and accessories for MCBs and RCDs MOD-S
Selection tables
S 200
ST Shunt trip for S 200 MCB S2C-A...
MOD-S* Motor operating device S2C-CM...
* in case of using S 200 coupled with DDA 200, MOD-S doesn’t
operate in case of earth-leakage fault MOD-S
** S 200 series MCBs and SD200 switch disconnectors up to 3P or
2P+ST can be coupled with MOD-S
* in case of using S 200 coupled with DDA 200, MOD-S doesn’t
operate in case of earth-leakage fault
** S200P MCBs in all poles variants can be coupled with MOD-S
DDA 200 4/7
SN 201
— (H)
Combination of home automatic resetting unit Combination of auxiliary elements with F200
with F200
F 200 * (H)
F 200 or or
ARH Home automatic resetting unit F2C-ARH OR
* F 202 30 mA or 100 mA (depending on ARH model), max 63 A (H)
Signal/Auxiliary contact
4/8 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Auxiliary elements and accessories for MCBs and RCDs
Selection tables
S2C-S/H6R S2C-S/H6R (H)
F2 125 A S/H
F 204 125 A
SN201-IH S2C-S/H6R S2C-S/H6R (H)
Auxiliary elements and accessories for MCBs and RCDs
Selection tables
Combination of auxiliary elements with DS201,
+ H-R + H-R
+ S/H + H
+ ST-F + H + H
+ ST-F + S/H
+ UR + H + H + S/H (H)
+ OR + H + H
Auxiliary elements and accessories for MCBs and RCDs
Selection tables
DSE201 M
or UR
or OR
Auxiliary elements and accessories for AFDD
Selection tables
Combination of auxiliary elements Combination of auxiliary elements
with S-ARC1 and S-ARC1 M with DS-ARC1
or H H-BF or H
(H) (H)
or UR or UR
or OR or OR
or H or H
(H) (H)
Auxiliary elements and accessories for Switch Disconnectors SD 200
Selection tables
Auxiliary elements for
MCBs S 200, SN 201, RCDs F 200, DS 200, DS201-DS202C, DS203NC,
DSE201 M, AFDD S-ARC1 and Switch disconnectors SD 200 series
Auxiliary contact and signal/auxiliary contact
S2C-S/H6R, S2C-H6R, S2C-H11L, S2C-H20L and S2C-H02L
AC14 1A/400V, 2A/230V - DC12 1A/220V, 1,5A/110V -
Utilization category
DC13 2A/60V, 4A/24V
Conventional free air thermal current A 10
Min. operational current/voltage* 10 mA at 12 V; 5 mA at 24 V
Rated conditional short-circuit
V 230 V AC 1,000 A with S201 K4
Auxiliary elements current
Overvoltage category III
Rated impuls withstand voltage
kV 4
0.75…2.5 (up to 2 x 1.5 mm2 for S2C-H11L, S2C-H20L and
Cross-section of conductors mm2
Tightening torque Nm 1.2 (max. 0.8 for S2C-H11L, S2C-H20L and S2C-H02L)
Contact stability in vibration test 5g, 20 sweep cycles 5…150…5 Hz at 24 V AC/DC, 5 mA
according to IEC/EN 60 068-2-6 automatic reclosing < 10 ms
Mechanical service life 10000 operations
Dimensions (H x D x W) mm 85 x 69 x 8.8
Auxiliary elements for
MCBs S 200, SN 201, RCDs F 200, DS 200, DS201-DS202C, DS203NC,
DSE201 M, AFDD S-ARC1 and Switch disconnectors SD 200 series
Auxiliary elements for
MCBs S 200, SN 201, RCDs F 200, DS 200, DS201-DS202C, DS203NC,
DSE201 M, AFDD S-ARC1 and Switch disconnectors SD 200 series
Bottom-fitting auxiliary contact
S2C-H10 and S2C-H01
Conventional free air thermal current A 7.5
Bottom-fitting auxiliary contacts for S 200, S 200 M, S 200 P, S 200 S, SD 200, DSE201 M,
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
4016779 1 piece 1 piece unit
Auxiliary elements for
MCBs S 200, SN 201, RCDs F 200, DS 200, DS201-DS202C, DS203NC,
DSE201 M, AFDD S-ARC1 and Switch disconnectors SD 200 series
Auxiliary contact / interface module for SN201 MCBs and DS203NC RCBOs
SN201-IH Function: indication of the device contact positions. The auxiliary contact can be used as
an interface module between SN201, DS203NC and other compact auxiliary elements.
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
8012542 1 piece 1 piece unit
Clamping cover for F200 125A-F200 B type
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
4016779 1 piece 1 piece unit
Auxiliary elements for
MCBs S 200, SN 201, RCDs F 200, DS 200, DS201-DS202C, DS203NC,
DSE201 M, AFDD S-ARC1 and Switch disconnectors SD 200 series
Shunt trip for S 200 MCBs
Rated voltage AC V 12…60
DC V 12…60
Max release duration ms <10
Min. release voltage AC V 7
DC V 10
S2C-A Power consumption Ub V 12 12 24 24 60 60
Ib max A 2.2 2.5 4.5 5 14 8.8
Coil resistance Ω 3.7
Terminals Fale-safe bi-directional cylinder-lift-terminal
Tightening torque Nm 2.8
Dimensions (H x D x W) mm 85 x 69 x 17.5
Rated voltage AC V 110…415
DC V 110…250
Max release duration ms <10
Min. release voltage AC V 55
DC V 80
Power consumption Ub V 110 110 220 230 415
Ib max A 0.4 0.5 1.1 1.0 2.7
Coil resistance Ω 225
Terminals Fale-safe bi-directional cylinder-lift-terminal
Tightening torque Nm 2.8
Dimensions (H x D x W) mm 85 x 69 x 17.5
Shunt trips
Function: remote opening of the device when a voltage is applied. Suitable for MCBs S 200
series, RCBOs DS 200 series, SD 200 switch disconnectors series.
Shunt trips use a coil like MCBs for tripping. To trip a shunt it is necessary to choose the
right voltage and make sure the corresponding Ibmax (as mentioned in the table above) is
provided by the power supply used. If the power supply can provide higher currents the
shunt trip will reduce the current to Ibmax due to its internal resistance.
As soon as the shunt tripped, the contact inside is open – the electrical circuit is discon-
nected even if the shunt trip is still powered on. The free-tripping mechanism of the shunt
trip allows a restart of the MCB only after the shunt trip gets no external release signal any-
Auxiliary elements for
MCBs S 200, SN 201, RCDs F 200, DS 200, DS201-DS202C, DS203NC,
DSE201 M, AFDD S-ARC1 and Switch disconnectors SD 200 series
Function: remote opening of the device when a voltage is applied. Suitable for RCCBs F 200
series and RCBOs DS201 - DS202C, DSE201 M, AFDD S-ARC1.
It can be used with MCBs SN201 and RCBOs DS203NC series by means of SN201-IH interface
Rated voltage Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
8012542 1 piece 1 piece unit
Auxiliary elements for
MCBs S 200, SN 201, RCDs F 200, DS 200, DS201-DS202C, DS203NC,
DSE201 M, AFDD S-ARC1 and Switch disconnectors SD 200 series
Undervoltage release
12 DC 24 AC 24 DC 48 AC 48 DC
Standards IEC/EN 60947-1
Rated voltage AC V 24 48
DC V 12 24 48
Frequency Hz 50…60
Release trip V 0.35 Un ≥ V ≥ 0.7 Un
Terminals mm2 2x1.5
Consumption VA 2.2 3.6 2 3.6 2.1
Resistance to corrosion °C/RH constant atmosphere: 23/83 - 40/93 - 55/20; variable
atmosphere: 25/95 - 40/93
Protection degree IPXXB/IP2X
Tightening torque Nm 0.4
Dimensions (H x D x W) mm 85 x 69 x 17.5
110 AC 110 DC 230 AC 230 DC 400 AC
Standards IEC/EN 60947-1
Rated voltage AC V 110 230 400
DC V 110 230
Frequency Hz 50…60
Release trip V 0.35 Un M V M 0.7 Un
Terminals mm2 2x1.5
Consumption VA 3.5 2.2 3.7 2.3 2.4
Resistance to corrosion °C/RH constant atmosphere: 23/83 - 40/93 - 55/20; variable
atmosphere: 25/95 - 40/93
Protection degree IPXXB/IP2X
Tightening torque Nm 0.4
Dimensions (H x D x W) mm 85 x 69 x 17.5
Undervoltage releases
Function: protection of the load in the event of a voltage drop (between 70% and 35% of its
rated value); positive safety (device’s tripping when the voltage is disconnected) emergency
stop by means of a button. Suitable for MCBs S 200 series, RCCBs F200 series and RCBOs
DS201, DS202C, DSE201 M, AFDD S-ARC1 series, DS 200 series, SD 200 switch disconnectors
series. It can be used with MCBs SN201 and RCBOs DS203NC series by means of SN201-IH in-
terface module.
Rated voltage Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
8012542 1 piece 1 piece unit
Auxiliary elements for
MCBs S 200, SN 201, RCDs F 200, DS 200, DS201-DS202C, DS203NC,
DSE201 M, AFDD S-ARC1 and Switch disconnectors SD 200 series
Overvoltage release
S2C - OVP2 S2C - OVP1
Rated voltage VAC 230
Rated frequency Hz 50
Max non-tripping voltage AC V 253
Max tripping voltage AC V 290 275
Tripping time @ 290V AC s t<1
S2C-OVP @ 380V AC s t<0.1
Peak current @ 315V AC A 1
@ 440V AC A 1.8
Max duration of impulse ms 7
Operating temperature °C -5….+40
Overvoltage release
Function: monitoring voltage between the neutral and phase; when an overvoltage reaches
the threshold value, the OVP device causes the tripping of the associated MCB or RCCB.
Suitable for MCBs of the S200 series up to 63 A, and RCCBs of the F200 series up to 100 A
and RCBOs DS201 - DS202C, DSE201 M, AFDD S-ARC1 series, Suitable for SD 200 switch dis-
connectors series. It can be used with MCBs SN201 and RCBOs DS203NC series by means of
SN201-IH interface module.
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
8012542 1 piece 1 piece unit
Auxiliary elements for
MCBs S 200, SN 201, RCDs F 200, DS 200, DS201-DS202C, DS203NC,
DSE201 M, AFDD S-ARC1 and Switch disconnectors SD 200 series
Auxiliary contact and signal contact
Rating according UL 489 / 1A / 480 VAC
CSA22-2 No.5 2A / 277 VAC
1.5 A / 125 VDC
2A / 60 VDC
4 A / 24 VDC
Conventional free air thermal A 10
S 2C-H6R U
Auxiliary elements for
MCBs S 200, SN 201, RCDs F 200, DS 200, DS201-DS202C, DS203NC,
DSE201 M, AFDD S-ARC1 and Switch disconnectors SD 200 series
Shunt trip
S2C-A1 U
Rated voltage AC V 12…60
DC V 12…60
Max release duration ms <10
Min. release voltage AC V 7
DC V 10
S 2C-A1 U Power consumption Ub V 12 12 24 24 60 60
Ib max A 2.2 2.5 4.5 5 14 8.8
Coil resistance Ω 3.7
Terminals Fale-safe bi-directional cylinder-lift-terminal
Tightening torque Nm 2.8
Dimensions (H x D x W) mm 100 x 69 x 17.5
S2C-A2 U
Rated voltage AC V 110…415
DC V 110…250
Max release duration ms <10
Min. release voltage AC V 55
DC V 80
Power consumption Ub V 110 110 220 230 415
Ib max A 0.4 0.5 1.1 1.0 2.7
Coil resistance Ω 225
Terminals Fale-safe bi-directional cylinder-lift-terminal
Tightening torque Nm 2.8
Dimensions (H x D x W) mm 100 x 69 x 17.5
Auxiliary elements for
MCBs, RCDs and Switch Disconnectors
IP20 Terminal cover
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
4016779 1 piece 1 piece unit
Plug-in base
Function: it is possible to transform a standard circuit-breaker of the S 200 and F 200 range
in a plug-in device which can be pulled out of the circuit where it is installed in one opera-
tion. Suitable for MCBs S 200 series and for RCCBs F 200 series up to 63 A and RCBOs DS201,
DS202C and AFDD S-ARC1 series.
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
8012542 1 piece 1 piece unit
4/24 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Motor operating and autoreclosing devices for
MCBs, RCDs and Switch Disconnectors
Motor operating and autoreclosing devices for
MCBs, RCDs and Switch Disconnectors
Motor operating devices
Supply V 12 ... 30 V a.c. +10% - 15% (50-60Hz); 12 ... 48 V d.c. +10% -
Insulation voltage V 2500 for 1 minute
Power 12 V a.c. VA < 15
consumption 24 V a.c. VA < 22
during the
operation 30 V a.c. VA < 25
12 ... 48 V d.c. VA < 20
Power consumption at rest VA < 1.5
Remote control * by means of dry contacts
Make-time at ambient temperature sec <1
Opening time at ambient temperature sec < 0.5
Time before attempting to reclose the sec 8
motor operator
Number of operations < 20.000
Operating temperature °C - 25 ... + 55
Storage temperature °C - 40 ... + 70
Mounting on DIN rail EN 60715 by means of fast clip device
Protection degree (EN 60529) terminals: IP2X
enclosure: IP4X
Cables length of control circuit m < 1500
Cables cross-section mm 2
< 2.5
Signal contact (terminals 3 – 4 – 5) 1NO + 1NC (change-over contact)
Current carrying capacity 5 A (250 V AC) (resistive load)
Auxiliary contact (terminals 6 – 7 – 8) 1NO + 1NC (change-over contact)
Current carrying capacity 3 A (250 V AC) (resistive load)
Remote control terminals Terminal 9 = make contact; Terminal 10 = opening contact
Terminal 11 = common reference for control contacts, +5 V
d.c. (supplied by the motor operating device)
* Note: In case of the device opening due to a fault, please wait 8 seconds before attempting to reclose the motor operator.
Motor operating and autoreclosing devices for
MCBs, RCDs and Switch Disconnectors
Auto-reclosing unit
Supply V 12 ... 30 V a.c. +10% - 15% (50-60Hz); 12 ... 48 V d.c. +10% -
Number of automatic reset attempts 3
Time of reset of the auto-reset meter sec 12 45
Power consumption 12 V a.c. VA < 15
during the operation 24 V a.c. VA < 22
30 V a.c. VA < 25
12...48 V d.c. VA < 20
Power consumption at rest VA < 1.5
Waiting time between auto-reset sec 3 30
Closing time at ambient temperature sec <1
Opening time at ambient sec < 0.5
Number of operations < 20.000
Operating temperature °C - 25 ... + 55
Cables length of control circuit m < 1500
Cables cross-section mm2 < 2.5
Signaling contact to signal a locked 1NA + 1NC (change-over contact)
state following three auto-reset
attempts (terminals 3–4–5)
Current carrying capacity 5 A (250 V AC) (ohmic load)
Auxiliary contact (terminals 6–7–8) 1NA + 1NC (change-over contact)
Current carrying capacity 3 A (250 V AC) (ohmic load)
Remote control By means of dry contacts
Remote control terminals Terminal 9 = closing and remote reset contact for locked
state; Terminal 10 = opening contact
Terminal 11 = common reference for control contacts, +5V
d.c. (supplied by the motor operating device)
Auto-reclosing units
Function: F2C-ARI and F2C-ARI30 allow the auto-reclosing of the coupled device in case of
unwanted tripping. Suitable for F 200 RCCBs up to 100 A.
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
8012542 1 piece 1 piece unit
Motor operating and autoreclosing devices for
MCBs, RCDs and Switch Disconnectors
Home automatic resetting unit
Power supply VAC 230
Number of automatic reclosing 1
Reset time for counter of automatic sec 12
F2C-ARH reclosing attempts
Power absorbed during the operation VA (t<0.5s) 20 max
Power consumption in stand-by W 0.4 max
Number of operations ≤ 10.000
Operating temperature °C -25 ... + 55
Signal contact cable section mm² ≤ 2.5
Signal contact for the locked state 1NA (change-over contact)
(terminals 1-2)
Signal contact rated current A 3 (250V AC)
Home automatic resetting unit with autotest (for domestic and similar applications)
Function: it recloses the associated residual current device, only after having checked that
there are no effective faults in the system protected by RCCB.
Suitable for 2-pole RCCB series with 30 mA or 100 mA sensitivities, max 63 A.
F2C-ARH-T allows the RCCB automatic test every six months.
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
8012542 1 piece 1 piece unit
Busbars and accessories for
MCBs S 200, RCDs F 200 and DS 200 series
➀ In case of feed in from the middle of the busbar it needs to be ensured, that the sum of junction currents per side must not exceed the max busbar current Is/phase.
Irrespective of the current carrying capacity (Is) of the busbar, the max. rated current of the devices terminal may not be exceeded.
Busbars and accessories for
MCBs S 200, RCDs F 200 and DS 200 series
Busbars PS…BP Busbars PS…BP-C Busbars PS..DC
MCB: SU200M, S200UDC, S200U, S200UP MCB: SU200M, S200UDC, S200U, MCBs, Fuseholders E90
for IEC / UL applications for IEC / UL applications for IEC applications
IEC/EN 60947-1 IEC/EN 60947-1 IEC/EN 60947-1
UL489 UL508
UL 489 UL 489 -
1P, 2P, 3P: 480 V AC 600 V AC/DC 690 V AC / 1000 V DC
50 / 60 Hz 50 Hz (IEC) / 60 Hz (UL) 50 / 60 Hz, DC
16 mm2
80 A (115A for cubicle size ≥ 30"x30"x10") End 100 A End 100 A
feeding ➀ feeding ➀
Non-end feeding ➀ 200 A Non-end feeding ➀ 160 A
10 kA in series with fuse NH3 355 A gG 500 V 10 kA 3 cycles @ 600 V / 140 kA Fuse 25 kA/0,1 s, 100 kA in series with fuse
Class J 200 A NH3 355 A gG
Feed on terminal of the device (supply side Feed on terminal of the device (supply Feed on terminal of the device (supply side optional) or
optional) or use of feeder terminals AST 35/15 side optional) or use of feeder terminal use of feeder terminal AST 35/18 DC or AST 35/45 DC
AST 35/15 BP AST 35/58 BP-C AST 35/18 DC (for use with 1-phase busbar)
SZ-ESK BP AST 35/45 DC (for use with 2-phase busbar)
Feeder Terminals AST 35/15 BP Feeder Terminals AST 35/58 BP-C
480 V AC 1000 V AC/DC
115 A ➀ 115 A use 75° wire
95 A use 60° wire
SZ-ESK BP 35 mm2 / 2AWG flexible AST 35/58 BP-C 28mm2 / 2AWG
with ferrules
50 mm2 / 1AWG solid / stranded
Cutting of busbar is not permitted. Shock protection only with mounted The copper bus has to be cut to a length that is app. 10
end caps ensured. For DC applications mm less than the corresponding length of the plastic
the required increased clearence and busbar housing. Toch-safe only when used with the
creepage distances needs to be required end caps. Independant from the rated voltage
ensured. of the devices like busbars or feeder terminals the
creepage distances and distances over the air needs to
be considered. This is depending on the particular
application as well as on the complete assembling.
Feed in from the end of the busbar Feed in from the middle of the busbar
4/30 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Accessories for MCBs and RCDs
PS 1/… PS 1/29/6
PS 1/.../16
PS 1/.../30
PS 3/… PS 1/38/6
(2CDL231 …)
PS 3/39 H PS 1/57/6 H
PS 3/39/16 H (integrierter
PS 1/38 H
PS 2/12
PS 1/38/16 H
PS 2/58
PS 2/58/16
PS 2/12 A
PS 2/58/16 A
PS 2/58 SP
PS 2/58/16 SP
PS 1/38 NT PS 2/48 H
PS 2/48/16 H
PS 2/48/16 HA
PS 2/48/16 SP
PS PS 3/46/16 H-IT
Accessories for MCBs and RCDs
PS 3/12 PS 4/48/16
PS 3/12 A NH A
PS 3/12/16
PS 3/60
PS 3/60/16
PS 3/60/30
PS 3/60 A
PS 3/60/16 A
PS 3/60 SP
PS 3/60/16 SP
PS 3/48 H PS 4/58/ NN A
PS 3/48/16 H PS 4/58/16 NN A
PS 3/48/16 HA
PS 3/48/16 SP
PS 4/12
PS 4/12/16
PS 4/60
PS 4/60/16
PS 4/12 A
PS 4/60/16 A
PS 4/60/16 SP
PS 4/52/16 H
PS 4/52/16 HA
PS 4/52/16 SP
PS 4/12 NA
PS 4/58 N
PS 4/58/16 N
PS 4/58/16 NA
PS 4/58/16 N SP
4/32 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Accessories for MCBs and RCDs
Accessories for MCBs and RCDs
PS 2/12 DS 201 DS 201 … PS 2/48 H DS201 + S2C-S/H6R + DS201 ...
PS 2/12 A DS 202 C DC 202 C … PS 2/48/16 H DS202C + S2C-S/H6R + DS202C ...
PS 2/58 PS 2/48/16 HA
PS 2/58/16
PS 2/58/16 A
PS 1/12 A S 201 S 201 S 201 DS 201 … PS 4/48 NHA DS 201 + S2C-S/H6R + DS 201 …
PS 1/60 A DS 202 C … PS 4/48/16 NHA DS 202 + S2C-S/H6R + DS 202 …
PS 1/60/16 A
Accessories for MCBs and RCDs
Accessories for AFDD 1P+N, S-ARC1
PS 2/12 PS 2/48 H
PS 2/12 A F202 S-ARC1 … PS 2/48/16 H F202 + S2C-S/H6R + S-ARC1 …
PS 2/12/16 PS 2/48/16 HA
PS 2/58
PS 2/58/16 S2C- S2C- S2C-
PS 2/58/16 A F202 S-ARC1 S-ARC1 S-ARC1 F202 S/H6R S-ARC1 S/H6R S-ARC1 S/H6R
L1 L2 L3 L1 L2 L3
L1 L2 L3 N L1 N L2 N L3 N L1 N …
4/36 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Busbar systems
Selection table
PS / /
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 7
1 phase 1
2 phases 2
3 phases 3
4 phases 4
Number of pins
10 mm2 - -
6 mm2 6 -
16 mm2 1 6
30 mm2 3 0
Cross connection of RCCB and MCB (4th pin removed for RCCB 3+N) F I
Use of neutral conductor (phase sequence e.g. L1-N-L2-N-L3-N-L1...) N
Space for 1 side mounted auxiliary contact H
Space for 2 side mounted auxiliary contacts H 2
Pins for breaking off A
Cross connection of devices 3P+N + 1P+N (phase sequence L1-L2-L3-N-L1-N-L2-N-L1-N-...) N N
Busbars for IT networks I T
Busbars acc. to UL 489 (Branch Protection) B P
Busbars acc. to UL 1077 (Supplementary Protection) S P
*) only right side mounted auxiliary elements and bottom fixed auxiliary contacts can be considered for busbar connection
Busbar systems
Selection table
Pre-assembled busbars (not to be cut)
1-phase busbars, pin distance 17.6 mm, end caps PS-END 0
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 piece 1 piece unit
PS 1/2 - PS 1/12
kg EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
2 1 10 0.01 463003 PS1/2 2CDL210001R1002 0.01 180
3 1 10 0.03 514651 PS1/3 2CDL210001R1003 0.03 120
4 1 10 0.03 648233 PS1/4 2CDL210001R1004 0.03 100
6 1 10 0.03 463102 PS1/6 2CDL210001R1006 0.03 60
9 1 10 0.04 463201 PS1/9 2CDL210001R1009 0.04 30
12 1 10 0.05 463300 PS1/12 2CDL210001R1012 0.05 30
12 1 10a 0.05 682985 PS1/12A ➁ 2CDL210010R1012 0.05 30
* phase sequence: L1, L2, L3, free, L2, L3, L1, ...
1-phase busbars, connection of 1-pole devices with auxiliary, end caps PS-END 0
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
kg EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
38 1 10 0.27 586139 PS1/38H 2CDL210001R1038 0.27 30
38 1 16 0.45 586146 PS1/38/16H 2CDL210001R1638 0.45 30
Busbars and accessories for
MCBs S 200, RCDs F 200 and DS 200 series
1-phase busbars, connection of neutral (blue insulation), end caps END 1.1
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
kg EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
28 1 10 0.24 629546 PS1/28N 2CDL210001R1028 0.14 50
28 1 16 0.32 629560 PS1/28/16N 2CDL210001R1628 0.20 50
57 1 10 0.24 579728 PS1/57NA ➁ 2CDL210011R1057 0.14 50
57 1 10 0.24 629539 PS1/57N 2CDL210001R1057 0.14 50
57 1 16 0.32 579735 PS1/57/16NA ➁ 2CDL210011R1657 0.20 50
57 1 16 0.32 629553 PS1/57/16N 2CDL210001R1657 0.20 50
1-phase busbars, connection of auxiliaries, end caps END 1.1 except PS 1/57/6
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
kg EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
23 1 6 0.16 584739 PS1/23/6 2CDL210005R0623 0.09 50
29 1 6 0.14 580823 PS1/29/6 2CDL210005R0629 0.10 50
38 1 6 0.14 580816 PS1/38/6 2CDL210005R0638 0.09 50
57 1 6 0.11 585309 PS1/57/6 2CDL210005R0657 0.08 50
1-phase busbars, connection of hand operated neutral S2C-Nt (blue insulation),end caps END 1.1
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
kg EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
38 1 10 0.410 655361 PS1/38 NT 2CDL210002R1038 10
2-phase busbars, connection of 2-pole devices with auxiliary, end caps PS-END
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
kg EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
48 2 10 0.47 556538 PS2/48H 2CDL220001R1048 0.35 10
48 2 16 0.68 556545 PS2/48/16H 2CDL220001R1648 0.48 10
48 2 16 0.68 584630 PS2/48/16HA ➁ 2CDL220012R1648 0.48 10
Busbars and accessories for
MCBs S 200, RCDs F 200 and DS 200 series
3-phase busbars, pin distance 17.6 mm, end caps PS-END
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
kg EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
11 3 10 0.10 649926 PS3/11 ➀ 2CDL230001R1011 0.08 50
12 3 10 0.09 576116 PS3/12 ➀ 2CDL230001R1012 0.09 50
12 3 10 0.09 584647 PS3/12A ➀➁ 2CDL230010R1012 0.09 50
12 3 16 0.16 562805 PS3/12/16 ➀ 2CDL230001R1612 0.12 50
60 3 10 0.51 514699 PS3/60 2CDL230001R1060 0.47 10
60 3 10 0.51 563758 PS3/60A ➁ 2CDL230010R1060 0.47 10
60 3 16 0.76 514705 PS3/60/16 2CDL230001R1660 0.65 10
60 3 16 0.76 563765 PS3/60/16A ➁ 2CDL230010R1660 0.65 10
60 3 30 2.65 654289 PS3/60/30 ➂➄ 2CDL230001R3060 2.65 10
3-phase busbars, connection of 1-pole devices with auxiliary, end caps PS-END
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
kg EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
39 3 10 0.51 556590 PS3/39H 2CDL230001R1039 0.43 10
39 3 16 0.76 556606 PS3/39/16H 2CDL230001R1639 0.60 10
3-phase busbars, connection of 2-pole devices (Phase+N) with auxiliary, end caps PS-END
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
kg EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
24 3 10 0.80 556576 PS3/24H 2CDL230001R1024 0.41 10
3-phase busbars, connection of 2-pole devices (Phase+Phase) with auxiliary, end caps PS-END
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
kg EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
46 3 16 0.98 662109 PS3/46/16H-IT 2CDL230006R1648 0.98 10
3-phase busbars, connection of 3-pole devices with auxiliary, end caps PS-END
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
kg EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
48 3 10 0.51 556613 PS3/48H 2CDL230001R1048 0.43 10
48 3 16 0.76 556644 PS3/48/16H 2CDL230001R1648 0.60 10
48 3 16 0.76 584654 PS3/48/16HA 2CDL230012R1648 0.60 10
Busbars and accessories for
MCBs S200, RCDs F200, DS200 and AFDD
3-phase busbars, N of the RCD omitted, with auxilary at RCD end caps PS-END
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
kg EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
12 3 10 0.11 571081 PS3/12FIH ➀ 2CDL230003R1012 0.09 50
Busbars and accessories for
MCBs S200, RCDs F200, DS200 and AFDD
4-phase busbars, connection of 4-pole devices with auxiliary, end caps PS-END 1
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
kg EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
52 4 16 1.30 656115 PS4/52/16H 2CDL240101R1652 0.78 10
52 4 16 1.30 656122 PS4/52/16HA 2CDL240212R1652 0.78 10
4-phase busbars, connection of 1+N or RCBOs with auxiliary, end caps PS-END 1
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
kg EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
48 4 16 1.48 656160 PS4/48/16NHA 2CDL240114R1648 0.76 10
4-phase busbars, connection of 4-pole RCD with 1+N , end caps PS-END 1
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
kg EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
58 4 10 0.80 656177 PS4/58NNA ➁ 2CDL240110R1058 0.58 10
58 4 16 1.21 656184 PS4/58/16NNA 2CDL240110R1658 0.80 10
Busbars and accessories for
RCD-blocks DDA 200
Busbars (suitable for cutting) for DDA 200 and DS 200 – bottom mounting (RCD)
3-phase busbars, connection of DDA 202 and DS 202, end caps PSB-END 3
(phase sequence L1-L2-free-free-L3-L1.....without N)
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
3-phase busbars, connection of DDA 202 and DS 202 with auxiliary, end caps PSB-END 3
(phase sequence L1-L2-aux.(free)-free-free-L3-L1-aux.(free).....without N)
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
4-phase busbars, connection of DDA 204 63 A and DS 204 50 A and 63 A, end caps PSB-END 4
(phase sequence L1-L2-L3-N-free-free-free-free-L1.....)
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
Busbars (suitable for cutting) for DDA 200 and DS 200 – top side mounting (MCB)
2-phase busbars, connection of DDA 202 and DS 202, end caps PSB-END 3
(phase sequence L1-L2/N-free-free-.....)
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
3-phase busbars, connection of DDA 202 and DS 202, end caps PSB-END 3
(phase sequence L1-L2-free-free-L3-L1.....without N)
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
3-phase busbars, connection of DDA 202 and DS 202 with auxiliary, end caps PSB-END 3
(phase sequence L1-L2-aux.(free)-free-free-L3-L1-aux.(free).....without N)
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
Busbars and accessories for
RCD-blocks DDA 200
4-phase busbars, connection of DDA 202 and DS 202, end caps PSB-END 4
(phase sequence L1-N-free-free-L2-N...)
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
4-phase busbars, connection of DDA 202 and DS 202 with auxiliary, end caps PSB-END 4
(phase sequence L1-N-aux.(free)-free-free-L2-N-aux.(free)...)
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
4-phase busbars, connection of DDA 204 25 A and 40 A and DS 204 up to 40 A, end caps PSB-END 4
(phase sequence L1-L2-L3-N-free-free-L1.....)
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
4-phase busbars, connection of DDA 204 25 A and 40 A and DS 204 up to 40 A with auxiliary, end caps PSB-
END 4 (phase sequence L1-L2-L3-N-aux.(free)-free-free-free-free-L1)
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
Busbars and accessories for
2-phase busbars, connection of 2-pole devices with auxiliary, end caps PS-END
48 2 10 0.470 556538 PS2/48H 2CDL220001R1048 0.354 10,000
48 2 16 0.680 556545 PS2/48/16H 2CDL220001R1648 0.580 10,000
4-phase busbars, connection of 4-pole F204 with 1+N S-ARC1, end caps PS-END 1, Bottom side installation
12 4 10 0.105 060301 PS4/12NN 1) 2CDL240102R1012 0.110 30
12 4 16 0.149 060332 PS4/12/16NN 1) 2CDL240102R1612 0.145 30
58 4 10 0.803 656177 PS4/58NNA 2CDL240110R1058 0.568 10
58 4 16 1.205 656184 PS4/58/16NNA 2CDL240110R1658 0.774 10
4-phase busbars, connection of 4-pole F204 with 1+N S-ARC1, end caps PS-END 1, Top side installation
12 4 10 0.105 060356 PS4/12NNT 1) 2CDL240103R1012 0.110 30
12 4 16 0.149 060370 PS4/12/16NNT 1) 2CDL240103R1612 0.145 30
2-phase busbar, end caps PS-END; both top and bottom side mounting
8 2 16 0.105 063104 PS 2/8/16 AFDD 2CDL220102R1608 0.095 50
40 2 16 0.495 063111 PS 2/40/16 AFDD 2CDL220102R1640 0.51 10
4-phase busbar, end caps PS-END 1; first one: top side mounting; second one: bottom side mounting
36 4 16 0.985 063128 PS 4/36/16 AFDD T 2CDL240103R1636 0.67 10
36 4 16 0.985 063135 PS 4/36/16 AFDD 2CDL240102R1636 0.67 10
4-phase busbar, connection with auxiliary, end caps PS-END 1; first one: top side mounting; second one: bottom side mounting
30 4 16 0.915 063142 PS 4/30/16 H AFDD T 2CDL240103R1630 0.62 10
30 4 16 0.915 063159 PS 4/30/16 H AFDD 2CDL240102R1630 0.62 10
End caps PS-END and PS-END 1 for S-ARC1 and DS-ARC1 busbars
Type code Order code Bbn Weight Pkg qty
40 16779 1 pcs pce
EAN kg
PS-END 2CDL200001R0001 514729 0.001 50
PS-END 1 2CDL200001R0002 570114 0.001 50
Busbars and accessories
Accessories for busbars PS...
Accessories for busbars PS ...
End caps
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
➀ bbn-No. 4012233
* closed version
Busbars and accessories for
MCBs SN 201 and F200/S200 + SN 201
mm2 EAN Type code Order code piece kg pc.
2 + 10 x 2 10 046950 BF2-S9 UP 1N/12 2CSL920009R1012 0.110 5
4+8x 4 10 047056 BF2-S9 UP 3N/12 2CSL940009R1012 0.110 5
2 + 10 x 2 10 047155 BF2-S9 DOWN 2CSL920002R1012 0.110 5
1+N 1N/12
4+8x 4 10 047254 BF2-S9 DOWN 2CSL940002R1012 0.110 5
1+N 3N/12
Terminals, insulated
Conn. Type of Terminal Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
capacity connec- lug L 8012542 1 1 piece unit
tion piece
mm2 mm EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
25 pin 15 047957 FEED-IN 25/15 2CSL980001R2515 0.010 5
25 pin 30 048053 FEED-IN 25/30 2CSL980001R2530 0.010 5
End caps
Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
4012233 1 1 piece unit
EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
064251 BS9-END 3P a 2CSL980001R0001 0.001 20
Busbars and accessories for
MCBs acc. UL 489: SU200 M, S200 UDC, S200 U and S200 UP
Pre-assembled busbars (not to be cut) acc. to UL 489, suitable for SU200 M, S200 UDC,
S200 U and S200 UP
1-phase busbars, pin distance 17.6 mm, UL 489
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
PS2/6/16 BP piece
kg EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
6 1 16 0.04 644969 PS 1/6/16 BP 2CDL210489R1606 0.05 1
12 1 16 0.07 644976 PS 1/12/16 BP 2CDL210489R1612 0.11 1
18 1 16 0.11 644983 PS 1/18/16 BP 2CDL210489R1618 0.16 1
BSK BP No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
kg EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
6 2 16 0.07 644990 PS 2/6/16 BP 2CDL220489R1606 0.06 1
12 2 16 0.14 645003 PS 2/12/16 BP 2CDL220489R1612 0.13 1
18 2 16 0.21 645010 PS 2/18/16 BP 2CDL220489R1618 0.20 1
Accessories for busbars PS...BP
Technical features
Feeder terminals SZ-ESK BP, AST 35/15 BP
Max. operating voltage 480 V AC
Max. current 80 A (115 A for cubicle size ≥ 30" x 30" x 10") ➀
Protection degree IP 20
➀ inclusive of end caps Wire range SZ-ESK PB: 35 mm2 / 2AWG flexible with ferrule
➁ pre-cutted pins 50 mm2 / 1AWG solid/stranded
➂ use end cap PS-END 3
➃ use end cap PS-END 3.1 AST 35/15 BP: 25 mm2 / 3AWG flexible with ferrule
➄ removal of installed MCB not possible 35 mm2 / 2AWG solid/stranded
➀ regardless of the rated current of the feeder terminal the maximum current rating of the device terminal may not be exceeded
4/48 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Busbars and accessories for
MCBs acc. UL 489: SU200 M, S200 UDC, S200 U and S200 UP
Busbars PS….BP-C (suitable for cutting) for MCBs acc. to UL489: SU200 M, S200 UDC,
S200 U and S200 UP
1-phase busbars, pin distance 17.6 mm, end caps PS-END 3 BP-C
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
kg EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
57 1 25 0.47 949910 PS1/57/25BP-C 2CDL210489R5725 0.775 10
1-phase busbars, connection of 1-pole devices with auxiliary, end caps PS-END 3 BP-C
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
kg EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
37 1 25 0.5 949934 PS1/37/25HBP-C 2CDL210489R3725 0.661 10
2-phase busbars, pin distance 17.6 mm, end caps PS-END 3 BP-C
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
kg EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
56 2 25 0.888 949941 PS2/56/25BP-C 2CDL220489R5625 0.969 10
2-phase busbars, connection of 2-pole devices with auxiliary, end caps PS-END 3 BP-C
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
kg EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
46 2 25 0.87 949958 PS2/46/25HBP-C 2CDL220489R4625 0.943 10
3-phase busbars, pin distance 17.6 mm, end caps PS-END 3 BP-C
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
kg EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
57 3 25 1,31 949965 PS3/57/25BP-C 2CDL230489R5725 1.198 10
3-phase busbars, connection of 3-pole devices with auxiliary, end caps PS-END 3 BP-C
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
kg EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
48 3 25 1,28 949972 PS3/48/25HBP-C 2CDL230489R4825 1.129 10
39 3 25 1,305 949989 PS3/39/25HBP-C 2CDL230489R3925 1.115 10
Busbars and accessories for
MCBs acc. UL 1077: S200, S200 M, S200 P
Busbars (suitable for cutting) UL 1077 suitable for MCBs S200 and S200P
1-phase busbars, pin distance 17.6 mm, end caps PS-END 0
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
kg EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
60 1 10 0.26 830409 PS 1/60 SP 2CDL210111R1060 0.26 20
60 1 16 0.41 830423 PS 1/60/16 SP 2CDL210111R1660 0.41 20
2-phase busbars, connection of 2-pole devices with auxiliary, end caps PS-END SP
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
kg EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
48 2 16 0.68 646437 PS 2/48/16 2CDL220112R1648 10
3-phase busbars, connection of 3-pole devices with auxiliary, end caps PS-END SP
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
kg EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
48 3 16 1.16 646468 PS 3/48/16 2CDL230112R1648 10
Busbars and accessories for
MCBs acc. UL 1077: S200, S200 M, S200 P
4-phase busbars, connection of 4-pole devices with auxiliary, end caps PS-END 1 SP
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
kg EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
52 4 16 1.90 656207 PS 4/52/16H 2CDL240312R1652 10
AST 35/15 SP
4-phase busbars, connection of 4-pole devices with auxiliary, end caps PS-END 1 SP
SZ-ESK SP No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
kg EAN piece kg pc.
Type code Order code
52 4 16 1.90 656207 PS 4/52/16H 2CDL240312R1652 10
Busbars and accessories
Accessories for bussbars PS... SP
Shock-protection caps for PS...SP (UL 1077)
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
kg EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
5 parts 0.001 710398 BSK SP 2CDL200111R0001 100
Feeder Terminal single-pole terminal, can be mounted side by side, feed on the pin of the busbar
Conn. capacity Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
4016779 1 1 piece unit
mm2 kg EAN Type code Order code piece kg pc.
50 0.038 710381 SZ-ESK SP 2CDL200111R5001 0.032 50
Technical features
Feeder terminals SZ-ESK SP, AST 35/15 SP
Max. operating voltage 480 VAC
Max. current 115 A ➀
Protection degree IP 20
Wire range SZ-ESK SP: 35 mm2 / 2AWG flexible with ferrule
50 mm2 / 1AWG solid/stranded
AST 35/15 SP: 25 mm2 / 3AWG flexible with ferrule
35 mm2 / 2AWG solid/stranded
➀ regardless of the rated current of the feeder terminal the maximum current rating of the device terminal
4/52 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Busbars and accessories for
MCBs S200 and fuse holder E90
Busbars PS…DC (cuttable) for use with end caps PS-END0 and PS-END3
No. of Phase secquence bbn Type Order code Pack Weight
phases 40 unit 1 pc.
16779 pcs. kg
1 L1-L1-L1… 960168 PS1/60/30DC 2CDL210130R6030 10 0.485
L1-Aux (free)-L1-Aux (free)… 1)
960175 PS1/39/30HDC 2CDL210130R3930 10 0.435
2 L1-L2-L1-L2… 960199 PS2/60/30DC 2CDL220130R6030 10 0.94
L1-Aux (free)-L2-Aux (free)… 1) 960212 PS2/38/30HDC 2CDL220130R3830 10 0.85
1) for devices with auxiliary contact (half module) after each phase sequence or for devices with 27 mm module width
Description bbn Type Order code Pack Weight
40 unit 1 pc.
16779 pcs. kg
Tooth covers, for 5 pins (pin distance 17.6 420006 SZ-BSK 2CDL200001R0011 10 0,003
End caps 1-phase busbar 652261 PS-END0 2) 2CDL200001R0004 25 0.001
End caps 2-phase busbar 654302 PS-END3 2CDL200001R3001 50 0.001
Feeder terminal in combination with 962483 AST35/18DC 2CDL200130R3518 10 0.025
1-phase busbar
Feeder terminal in combination with 962490 AST35/45DC 2CDL200130R3545 10 0.032
2-phase busbar
2) 1 pair (= left and right end cap)
for S 200, SN 201, F 200, DS 200 and other series
Rail connectors
For wiring of component rails in the consumer unit, rail-to-rail clearance 125 mm. In the case
of the 4 -pole connector, the color of the N conductor is blue.
No. of Phases mm2 Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
pins 4016779 1 1 piece unit
Labelling system
Package comes with 40 labels, marked or blank. Blank labels can be labeled by hand with an
indelible, waterproof pen or using a computerised labelling system (plotter).
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
4016779 1 1 piece unit
for S 200, SN 201, F 200, DS 200 and other series
Conn. Terminal Type of Cu- Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
capac- Iug connec- No. 4016779 1 1 piece unit
Ast 25/15 S ity tion piece
LxW mm kg EAN kg pc.
Ast 50/15 S
mm2 Type code Order code
Ast 50/15
Ast 50/18 6-25 15/4 90° 0.012 656535 Ast 25/15 QS 2CDL200010R2515 50
6-25 15/4 straight 0.012 656542 Ast 25/15 S 2CDL200011R2515 50
6-25 15/6 90° 0.012 656474 Ast 25/15 Q 2CDL200000R2515 50
6-25 22/4 90° 0.012 669436 Ast 25/22 QS 2CDL200010R2522 50
6-25 30/4 90° 0.012 656481 Ast 25/30 QS 2CDL200010R2530 50
6-25 30/6 90° 0.014 656498 Ast 25/30 Q 2CDL200000R2530 50
Ast 50/32 Q 6-50 15/4 90° 0.014 656504 Ast 50/15 QS 2CDL200000R5015 50
6-50 15/4 straight 0.014 656566 Ast 50/15 S 2CDL200011R5015 50
6-50 15/7 90° 0.014 656559 Ast 50/15 Q 2CDL200010R5015 50
6-50 15/7 straight 0.014 656511 Ast 50/15 2CDL200001R5015 50
5-50 17.5/7 90° 0.019 656580 Ast 50/18 Q 2CDL200100R5018 50
6-50 17.5/7 straight 0.019 656573 Ast 50/18 2CDL200101R5018 50
6-50 32/6 90° 0.017 656528 Ast 50/32 Q 2CDL200000R5032 50
25-95 21/6.5 straight 0.06 522618 SZ-Ast 95 gk* GHV0360501R0012 0.067 50
25-95 21/6.5 straight 0.06 522625 SZ-Ast 95* GHV0360501R0013 0.067 50
Abbreviations: Q terminal 90° * not for pro M compact S narrow connection pin
for S 200, SN 201, F 200, DS 200 and other series
Feeder terminals
Single-pole terminals can be mounted side by side with multipole terminals.
SZ-ESK 2 Conn. Termi- Type Cu-No. Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
capac- nal Iug of con- 4016779 1 1 piece unit
ity nec- piece
LxW tion kg EAN kg pc.
mm2 mm Type code Order code
6-35 646765 SZ-ESK 2 2CDL200001R3501 0.024 10
6-50 652575 SZ-ESK 3 2CDL200003R5001 0.025 10
6-50 652889 SZ-ESK 3 S 2CDL200003R5003 0.024 10
SZ-DB 125 N
with fork-type cable lug and ultrasonic compacted cable ends (black)
Conn. Lenght Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
capacity 4012233 1 1 piece unit
mm2 EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
6 125 0.007 55660 1 SZ-DB 123 GHV0361425R0006 0.01 1000/50
10 135 0.012 55710 3 SZ-DB 124 N GHV0361425R0035 0.02 500/25
6 260 0.014 55720 2 SZ-DB 235 GHV0361425R0036 0.02 500/25
10 0.024 55730 1 SZ-DB 236 GHV0361425R0037 0.04 250/25
for S 200, SN 201, F 200, DS 200 and other series
Neutral and protective-conductor terminals with insulation holder for quick fastening onto
DIN rails EN 50 022
SZ-6/3 Input Output Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
4012233 1 1 piece unit
Protective conductor with green/yellow insulation holder; type C finger safe, conductor open-
ing closed on one side
Conn. Lenght Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
capacity 4012233 1 1 piece unit
➀ bbn-No. 40 16779
for S 200, SN 201, F 200, DS 200 and other series
Blanking plates
For device covers with materials of a thickness of 1 to 3 mm, width: 1 module = 17.5 mm;
color: grey RAL 7035, white RAL 9001
SZ-BP 1 Input Output Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
4012233 1 1 piece unit
Sealing plate
Seal-proof locking of stamped-out device covers.
Detachable only from the inside of the device cover.
Can be used for device covers with 1.5 to 3 mm material thickness.
SZ-BP R Height of Width Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
cutout/color 4012233 1 1 piece unit
mm mm EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
46/grey 1500 60290 2 SZ-VP 1500 GJI9959038R0001 0.366 10
End bracket
Prevents lateral shifting of built-in devices mounted on DIN rails according to DIN EN 60 715,
35 x 7.5 mm.
SZ-VP 1500
Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
4012233 1 1 piece unit
EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
59090 2 END GJI1001814R0001 0.02 50
Filling piece
e.g. for heat dissipation of closely mounted devices that generate much heat. Width 8.75
mm, as spacer, two different heights, breakable, for DIN rails according to DIN EN 60 715, 35
x 7.5 mm.
Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
4012233 1 1 piece unit
EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
8.75 06070 2 SZ-FST 2 GHL5301908R0002 0.01 25
for S 200, SN 201, F 200, DS 200 and other series
Filling piece
Two different heights, breakable, for DIN rails according to DIN EN 60 715, 35 x 7.5 mm
for MCBs S 220 (3 different heights)
Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
4012233 1 1 piece unit
SZ-FST 2 + SZ-FDT 2 EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
8.75 59410 8 SZ-FST GJI1480003R0001 0.01 25
bbn-Nr. 4016779
Spring catch for mounting devices onto DIN rails (DIN EN 60 715, 35 x 7.5)
Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
4012233 1 1 piece unit
EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
for screw type M4 64560 2 SZ-FB 45.53-3 GJI1842013P0003 0.03 50
for screw type M5 64580 0 SZ-FB 45.53-1 GJI1842013P0004 0.03 50
for S 200, SN 201, F 200, DS 200 and other series
DSW 6 DIN rails
DIN rails (DIN EN 60 715 – 35 x 7.5) for individual installation with 2 screws on an even surface (1
DSW 4 module = 17.5 mm)
Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
4012233 1 1 piece unit
DSW 2 EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
DIN rail DIN EN 60 715, 35 x 7.5, material thickness 1 mm, surface protected, galvanised.
SKV-GTS 1 Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
4012233 1 1 piece unit
EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
241 04090 2 SKV-GTS 1 GHL1101915R0001 0.09 40
DIN rails DIN EN 60 715, 35 x 7.5, material thickness 1 mm, surface galvanised.
SZ-SI 45.460 Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
4012233 1 1 piece unit
EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
1000 59730 7 SZ-SI 45.460 GJI2322218R0001 0.35 10
2000 59760 4 SZ-TS 7.5 L2 GJI2322218R0007 0.70 20
DIN rails DIN EN 60 715, 35 x 15, material thickness 1.5 mm, surface galvanised
SZ-TS 7.5 L2
Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
4012233 1 1 piece unit
EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
2000 59780 2 SZ-SI 45.472 GJI2322218R0010 1.30 10
2000 59770 3 SZ-TS 15 L2 GJI2322218R0009 0.78 10
SZ-SI 45.472
SZ-TS 15 L2
4/60 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
for S 200, SN 201, F 200, DS 200 and other series
Handle IP 65, 65 x 65 mm, padlockable with max. 3 padlocks (bail diameter 5 - 8 mm),
door interlock in ON-position, adjustable*
Color Suitable for Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
switches 4012233 1 1 piece unit
Handle IP 65, 65 x 65 mm, padlockable with max. 3 padlocks (bail diameter 5 - 8 mm),
door interlock in ON-position
Color Suitable for Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
switches 4012233 1 1 piece unit
EAN Type code Order code piece kg pc.
Black OT16...40F 41140 8 OHBS2AJ1 1SCA105215R1001 1
Yellow-red OT16...40F 41227 6 OHYS2AJ1 1SCA105297R1001 1
Silver OT16...40F 41210 8 OHSS2AJ1 1SCA105279R1001 1
Grey OT16...40F 41187 3 OHGS2AJ1 1SCA105266R1001 1
* OH_2_J enables selection of MCB behavior when opening panel door (remain switched on or switch off).
OH_2_J1 will cause MCB to switch off when opening panel door.
Axle extension
Type and order numbers are for one piece. For selector type handles. Shaft diameter 6 mm.
Lenght Suitable for Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
switches 4012233 1 1 piece unit
for S 200, SN 201, F 200, DS 200 and other series
Elevation piece
Compensates for different size of built-in devices with a mounting height of 68 mm and
power MCBs of series S500 (83 mm)
Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
4012233 1 1 piece unit
Terminal cover KA 27
Provides overall touch protection of live parts. Suitable for installations acc. to DIN EN 50274
(DIN VDE 0660 Part 514) and BGV A2.
KA 27 H + KA 27 S End parts can be snapped onto mounting rails EN 60 715, 35 mm. Covers are 486 mm = 27
modules (18 mm each) long. Knockouts for each half module for individualised use.
Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
4012233 1 1 piece unit
for S 200, SN 201, F 200, DS 200 and other series
Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
8012542 1 1 piece unit
Auxiliary elements for
S750 DR series
Electrical data
Standards DIN EN 62019 (VDE 0640), IEC/EN 62019
DIN EN 60947-5-1 (VDE 0660-200), IEC/EN 60947-5-1
Conventional free air thermal 6 A
current Ith
Utilisation categories AC14 AC15 DC12 DC13
Ue 400 V 230 V 400 V 230 V 250 V 125 V 60 V 24 V
Ie (max) 2A 6A 2A 6A 0.5 A 1.5 A 2A 4A
Rated insulation voltage U 690 V AC
acc. to IEC/EN 60664-1
Overvoltage category IV
Pollution Degree 3
Protection degree acc. to IP20
IEC/EN 60529
Min. switching power DC 5V DC/5 mA, 12V DC/5 mA
Rated impuls withstand 6 kV
voltage Uimp (1.2/50 μs)
Cross-section 1 conductor 0.75 - 2.5 mm² solid, flexibel with and without insulated ferrule conductors
of 2 conductor 2 x 0.75 - 2 x 2.5 mm² solid, flexibel with and without insulated ferrule
Tightening torque 0.8 Nm
Mechanical data
Vibration resistance 5 g, 20 cycles at 5 ...150...5 Hz with 24 V AC/DC, 5 mA, without switching
according to IEC/ operation
EN 60 068-2-6
Mechanical endurance 10,000 ops.
Pole dimensions (H x D x W) 128 x 77 x 8.7
Only 1 auxiliary contact mountable on the right site
Not mountable to S751DR/3
4/64 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Auxiliary elements for
S750 DR
Accessories for
S 700
Mounting adapters
DIN rail adapter for mounting S 700 onto 1 or 2 DIN rails 35 mm acc. to EN 50022
(distance of DIN rails 125 mm when using 2 DIN rails)
Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
4012233 1 1 piece unit
a bbn-No. 4016779
S 700 SA 1
S 700-SPE
4/66 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Auxiliary elements for MCBs S800 series
Selection table
S800 S800U-PLL
Auxiliary elements for
Remote switch unit S800-RSU-H (IEC version) and S800-RSU (World version)
Operating voltage [V] 24 DC
Current consumption Irms [A] 2.5
Stand-by current [mA] < 50
Switching time OFF-ON [ms] < 500
Switching time ON-OFF [ms] < 250
Ambient operation temperature [°C] -25…+70
S800-RSU Switching cycles over lifetime 10000
Standard S800-RSU-H IEC60947-2 Annex N
S800W-RSU UL489
Protection IP20
Weight [g] 300
Connection 10 pole Micro Fit 3.0
Auxiliary elements for
Auxiliary elements for
Auxiliary contact S800-AUX
Utilisation categories AC15 400/2 A
compliant to IEC 60947-5-1 AC15 240/6 A
DC13 250/0.55 A
DC13 125 V/1.1 A
DC13 60 V/2 A
DC13 24 V/4 A
Rated values compliant to UL 489 125 VAC/6 A
250 VAC/5 A
24 V DC/4 A
125 V DC/0.3 A
250 V DC/0.15 A
Conventional free air thermal current Ith [A] 6
Minimum operational current Imin [mA] 3
Minimum operational voltage Umin [V] 24
Rated insulation voltage Ui [V] 690
Number of contacts 2
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp 6
Pollution degree [kV] 3
Standard IEC 60947-5-1 / UL 489
Contact function Changeover contact
Connection Cu [mm2] 1 x 2.5
2 x 1.5
14 AWG
Tightening torque [Nm] 1
AC/DC feed any
Mounting on DIN top hat rail EN 60715
Protection category IP20
Permissible operating ambient temperature [°C] -25 ... +60
Storage temperature [°C] - 40 ... +70
Mech. lifetime of device 6000 switching cycles
Icu [A] 1000
Vibration resistance IEC 60068-2-6;
EN 61373 Cat.1/Class B
5 g, 20 frequency cycle
5 ... 150 ... 5 Hz
at 24 V AC/DC, 5 mA short-term interruption <10 ms
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Auxiliary elements for
Auxiliary elements for
Shunt release S800-SOR
S800-SOR12 S800-SOR24 S800-SOR130 S800-SOR250 S800-SOR400
Rated operational voltage Ue [V AC/DC] 12 24 48 ... 130 110 ... 250 220 ... 400
Operating range [%] Ue 70 ... 110 70 ... 110 70 ... 110 70 ... 110 70 ... 110
Rated insulation voltage Ui [V] 690 690 690 690 690
Coil pull in consumption [W/VA] 15.5 16.6/17* 41.9 ... 307.3 23 ... 119 45 ... 148.1
42 ... 310* 20 ... 105*
Rated frequency [Hz] DC; 50/60 DC; 50/60 DC; 50/60 DC; 50/60 DC; 50/60
Pollution degree 3 3 3 3 3
Standard IEC 60947-2/ IEC 60947-2/ IEC 60947-2/ IEC 60947-2/ IEC 60947-2/
UL 489 UL 489 UL 489 UL 489 UL 489
Connection Cu [mm2] 1 ... 25 (14-2 1 ... 25 (14-2 1 ... 25 (14-2 1 ... 25 (14-2 1 ... 25 (14-2
AWG) strand AWG) strand AWG) strand AWG) strand AWG) strand
1 ... 35 (14-3 1 ... 35 (14-3 1 ... 35 (14-3 1 ... 35 (14-3 1 ... 35 (14-3
AWG) cable AWG) cable AWG) cable AWG) cable AWG) cable
Tightening torque [Nm] 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5 3.5
AC/DC supply any any any any any
Mounting on DIN top hat rail EN 60715 EN 60715 EN 60715 EN 60715 EN 60715
Protection category IP20 IP40 IP20 IP40 IP20 IP40 IP20 IP40 IP20 IP40
(actuating end (actuating end (actuating end (actuating end (actuating end
only) only) only) only) only)
Permissible operating [°C] -25 ... +60 -25 ... +60 -25 ... +60 -25 ... +60 -25 ... +60
ambient temperature
Storage temperature [°C] -40 ... +70 -40 ... +70 -40 ... +70 -40 ... +70 -40 ... +70
Vibration resistance IEC 60068-2-6; IEC 60068-2-6; IEC 60068-2-6; IEC 60068-2-6; IEC 60068-2-6;
EN 61373 EN 61373 EN 61373 EN 61373 EN 61373
Cat.1/Class B Cat.1/Class B Cat.1/Class B Cat.1/Class B Cat.1/Class B
Auxiliary elements for
Busbar S803-BB250/S804-BB250
Max. rated continuous Side supply [A] 125
current In Central supply [A] 250
Conditional short circuit current Ip [kA eff] 100 protected by Tmax
Poles 3/4
Rated operating voltage Ue (AC) 50/60Hz [V] 400/690
Rated insulation voltage Ui [V] 690
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp [kV] 8
Rated frequency [Hz] 50
Standards EN/IEC 60439-2:2000
Material of the bars E-Cu 58 half-hard rolled F25
Material of the insulation profile Material group I; UL94 V-0
Material of the end caps Material group I; UL94 V-0
Free of halogen and phosphate
Busbar cross-sections [mm2] 60
Overvoltage category III
Polution degree 2
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
7612271 1 1 piece unit
Accessories for
Short-circuit current limiters with cage terminal
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
7612271 1 1 piece unit
Accessories for
Auxiliary contact
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
7612271 1 1 piece unit
Separating neutral
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
7612271 1 1 piece unit
Accessories for
Rotary drive adapter for 2 to 4-pole High Performance MCB
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
8015644 1 1 piece unit
Accessories for
Intermediate piece
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
7612271 1 1 piece unit
Padlock device
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
7612271 1 1 piece unit
UL locking device*
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
7612271 1 1 piece unit
*High performance circuit breaker and lockout tag are not included in delivery
4/7 7
Auxiliary elements for
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
7612271 1 1 piece unit
EAN Type code Order code piece kg pc.
Busbar 250 A 208288 S803-BB250 2CCS800900R0071 1.5 1
Busbar 250 A with 24 contacts 441807 S804-BB250 2CCF019568R0001 2 1
pins, 3P+N
Busbar 250 A with 6 contacts 441302 S803-BB6 2CCF019562R0001 0.375 1
pins, 3P
Feed block
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
7612271 1 1 piece unit
End cap
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
7612271 1 1 piece unit
S 800-ILS
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
7612271 1 1 piece unit
Pole connectors
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
7612271 1 1 piece unit
Auxiliary elements for
RCD-blocks DDA 800 series
DDA 800-RT
Plug-in systems
UNIFIX rapid wiring system
UNIFIX – Rapid Wiring System taken up, connections needed to be checked, and
UNIFIX makes bench pre-cabling possible, with cabling times, with consequent cost savings.
installation in the switchboard only carried out at Unifix L means traditional wire cabling on the
a later time, without any limit to the types or supply side of the circuit-breakers can be re-
combination of apparatus you may need to in- placed. It is thanks to the characteristics of its
stall…and this becomes even easier, thanks to the connections that cabling can be done rapidly and
rigid coupled connectors, standardized for the without any possibility of error, obtaining a more
different types of apparatus. essential switchboard without conductors and
Unifix H allows modular and moulded-case cir- cabling ducts around. Flexibility is its strong
cuit-breakers up to 250A to be mounted on an ap- point: several independent circuits can be real-
paratus frame, which can be connected directly to ized on the same DIN rail, and circuit-breakers of
the rear busbar system. This means many fewer different types, with different polarity and char-
conductors circulating inside the switchboard acteristics can be mounted.
with considerable advantages in terms of space
For order codes and technical details please check the Distribution Switchgear Catalogue
1STC008001D0203, pages 3/19-20, 4/18-19-20, 5/50-51-52
4/80 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Plug-in systems
UNIFIX rapid wiring system
Unifix H
Unifix L
Accessories for MCBs and RCDs
Auxiliary switch S700 + H2WR
Auxiliary switch S700 + H2WR
2 Switch-over contacts
Conv. thermal current Ith 10 A
Min. operating voltage 24 V AC/DC
Min. switching power 5 VA a
Short-circuit withstand 1000 A @ 230 V AC with S 200 K6 back-up
Isolation coordination
– overvoltage category III
– pollution degree 2
– surge withstand 4 kV (1.2/50 µs)
Wiring up to 2 x 1.5 mm2
Contact reliability under 5 g, 20 cycles 5…150…5 Hz
@ 24 V AC/DC, 5 mA
–> contact
a The min. operating current under operating conditions acc. to EN 60204-1 and EN
60439-1 (indoor installation): 24 V AC/DC, 5 mA (AC 12, DC 12)
AC 14 Ue 400 V 230V
Ie 2A 6A
DC 12 Ue 220 V 110 V
Ie 1A 1.5 A
DC 13 Ue 60 V 24 V
Ie 2A 4A
4/82 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Electrical installation solutions for buildings
Protection and safety
Index OVR Plus - Autoprotected SPDs OVR 240-16A 5/138
TNS/TT 230 V networks 5/66 OVR TV Series 5/140
Type 1 OVR non-pluggable Protector accessories 5/142
Single pole 5/10 OVR PV
TNC 230 V networks 5/12 SPDs for photovoltaic networks 5/68 Fuse Protection Devices
TNS/TT 230 V 1Ph+N networks 5/14 E 90 fuse switch disconnectors 5/147
TNS/TT 230 V 3Ph+N networks 5/16 OVR WT E 90h fuseholders 5/149
Single pole neutral 5/18 SPDs for wind turbine networks 5/70 E 90 PV fuse disconnectors 5/150
E 90 PV 1500 fuse holder 5/151
Type T1-T2 OVR pluggable and non- Accessories for OVR 5/72 E 90 50/125 fuse disconnectors 5/152
pluggable E 90 CC fuseholders 5/153
Single pole 5/20 OVR UL Version E 90 J fuse fuseholders 5/154
TNC 230 and 400 V networks 5/24 OVR Type 2 Single pole 5/76 Cylindrical fuses E 9F 5/155
TNS/TT 230 1Ph+N and 3Ph+N OVR Type 2 Single phase networks 5/77 ILTS-E D0 Fuse-switch-disconnectors
networks5/26 OVR Type 2 Delta networks 5/82 ISS D0 Fuse carriers 5/164
TNS/TT 400 V 1Ph+N and 3Ph+N OVR Type 2 Split phase networks 5/84 Busbars and accessories for ILTS-E
networks5/28 OVR Type 2 Grounded Wye networks 5/85 and ISS 5/166
Type 2 OVR pluggable and non- Protection – 4,000A and below 5/92 Other Protection Devices
pluggable OVRHTE Sub and Mid-Level Electronic Protection Devices for use
TT/TNS/TNC 57 V networks 5/30 Distribution – 1,000A and below 5/94 behind 24 V DC Switch Mode Power
TT/TNS/TNC 230 V networks 5/32 OVRHT3B Sub Distribution and Supplies5/168
QuickSafe® Single pole 230 V Panelboard – 400A and below 5/96 SQZ3 phase and sequence relay 5/171
networks5/34 OVRHS3U Sub Distribution and RH/RL maximum and minimum
QuickSafe® Single pole 400 V Panelboard – 400A and below 5/98 current/voltage relays 5/172
networks5/38 OVRHT3C Sub Distribution and E 236 undervoltage monitoring
QuickSafe® TNC 230 V networks 5/42 Panelboard – 400A and below 5/100 relays5/173
QuickSafe® TNC 400 V networks 5/44 OVRHLD Equipment Level Protection – ISL industrial insulation
QuickSafe® TNS 230 V networks 5/46 100A and below 5/102 monitoring devices 5/176
QuickSafe® TNS 400 V networks 5/48
QuickSafe® TNS/TT 230 and 400 V OVR data and telecom H+ Line
1Ph+N networks 5/50 OVR SL Series 5/106 H+Line products 5/179
QuickSafe® TNS/TT 230 and 400 V OVR SL X Series 5/108 ISOLTESTER-DIG insulation
3Ph+N networks 5/52 OVR D Series 5/110 monitoring devices 5/183
OVR E Series 5/112 SELVTESTER insulation monitoring
Type T2-T3 OVR Pluggable OVR H Series 5/114 devices for insulated networks
QuickSafe® Single pole 230 and 440 V OVR SL 3-Wire Series 5/116 at 24 V AC/DC 5/185
networks5/56 OVR SL LED 4-20 mA Series 5/118 QSD remote signalling panel 5/186
QuickSafe® TNC 230 V 3Ph + PEN OVR Q Series 5/120 TI switchboards and devices
networks5/58 OVR RTD Series 5/122 for medical locations 5/187
QuickSafe® TNS/TT 230 V 1Ph+N OVR KT & KE Series 5/124 QSO selection table 5/188
networks5/60 OVR TN/RJ11 & ISDN/RJ45 Series 5/126 QSO switchboards and components
QuickSafe® TT 230 and 400 V 3Ph+N OVR TN, TNQ & SL TN Series 5/128 for medical locations 5/189
networks5/62 OVR Cat-5 & Cat-6 Series 5/130
OVR RS485, RS485Q & SL RS485 Series
Type T2-T3 OVR StreetLight OVR RF Series 5/132
TT/TN 230 V 1Ph+N networks 5/64 OVR CCTV Series 5/136
5/2 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
OVR T1-T2, T2 and T2-T3 ranges.
The details make the difference
A complete range for your surge protection
OVR series is using same terminal as The pluggable feature of ABB The end-of-life indicator of the SPD
Pro M compact devices to guarantee OVR T1-T2, T2 and T2-T3 surge signals the status of the device.
a complete coordination and time protective devices (SPDs) facilitates A mechanical indicator turns from
saving in wiring operation. All devices maintenance. Should one or more worn green to red when the SPD reaches the
allow connection through busbars, cartridges need to be replaced, the end of its life, when the end-of-life in-
both from top and bottom teminals. electrical circuit does not have to be dicator is fitted.
isolated nor do the wires have to be
The toggle of the miniature circuit A safety reserve system for an QuickSafe MOV technology extended
breaker indicates the status of the extended protection. T1-T2s and T2s. to SPD dedicated to D.C photovoltaic
OVR Plus range. These Surge Protective Devices are applications, bringing seft-protected
If the toggle is on, the surge protection equipped with two varistors per pole. feature (no back-up needed) up to 10
is active. If the toggle is off and can be If one varistor is damaged, the SPD kA PV short circuit current.
switched on again, the device has pro- gives advanced warning that it is
tected your equipment. If the toggle is approaching the end of its life while
off and cannot be swicthed on, the de- the other varistor continues to protect
vice must be changed. the equipment, allowing to perform
Preventive Maintenance.
5/4 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Protection and safety
OVR surge protective devices selection tables
Pro- Impulse Max. Nominal Follow Voltage Nominal Max. Type Order code
tected current dis- current current protec- voltage cont. op-
lines charge interrupt- tion level erating
Protection and safety
OVR surge protective devices selection tables
Pro- Impulse Max. Nominal Follow Voltage Nominal Max. Type Order code
tected current dis- current current protec- voltage cont. op-
lines charge interrupt- tion level erating
current ing rating voltage
Iimp Imax
10/350 8/20 In Ifi Up Un Uc
kA kA kA kA kV V V
Uc 440 V
1 12.5 80 20 - 1.9 400 440 OVR T1-T2 12.5-440s P TS QS 2CTB815710R2900
1+1 12.5 80 20 - 1.9 400/690 440 OVR T1-T2 1N 12.5-440s P TS QS 2CTB815710R3000
3 12.5 80 20 - 1.9 400/690 440 OVR T1-T2 3L 12.5-440s P TS QS 2CTB815710R3500
3+1 12.5 80 20 - 1.9 400/690 440 OVR T1-T2 3N 12.5-440s P TS QS 2CTB815710R3600
4 12.5 80 20 - 1.9 400/690 440 OVR T1-T2 4L 12.5-440s P TS QS 2CTB815710R4000
1 12.5 80 20 - 1.9 400 440 OVR T1-T2 12.5-440s P QS 2CTB815710R4100
1+1 12.5 80 20 - 1.9 400/690 440 OVR T1-T2 1N 12.5-440s P QS 2CTB815710R4200
3 12.5 80 20 - 1.9 400/690 440 OVR T1-T2 3L 12.5-440s P QS 2CTB815710R4700
3+1 12.5 80 20 - 1.9 400/690 440 OVR T1-T2 3N 12.5-440s P QS 2CTB815710R4800
4 12.5 80 20 - 1.9 400/690 440 OVR T1-T2 4L 12.5-440s P QS 2CTB815710R5200
1 50 100 50 0.1 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T1-T2 N 50-275s P QS 2CTB815710R5300
1 50 100 50 0.1 1.9 400 440 OVR T1-T2 N 50-440s P QS 2CTB815710R5300
1 12.5 80 20 - 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T1-T2 12.5-275s C QS 2CTB815710R2600
1 12.5 80 20 - 1.9 400 440 OVR T1-T2 12.5-440s C QS 2CTB815710R5500
1 50 100 50 - 1.4 230/400 275 OVR T1-T2 N 50-275s C QS 2CTB815710R2700
1 50 100 50 - 1.9 400 440 OVR T1-T2 N 50-440s C QS 2CTB815710R5600
Protection and safety
OVR surge protective devices selection tables
Pro- Impulse Max. Nominal Follow Voltage Nominal Max. Type Order code
tected current dis- current current protec- voltage cont. op-
lines charge interrupt- tion level erating
Uc 350V
1 2 40 20 - 1.5 230 350 OVR T2 40-350 P QS 2CTB803881R2300
1 2 40 20 - 1.5 230 350 OVR T2 40-350 P TS QS 2CTB803881R1700
1+1 2 40 20 - 1.7 230/400 350 OVR T2 1N 40-350 P QS 2CTB803982R1100
1+1 2 40 20 - 1.7 230/400 350 OVR T2 1N 40-350 P TS QS 2CTB803982R0500
3 2 40 20 - 1.5 230/400 350 OVR T2 3L 40-350 P QS 2CTB803883R2400
3 2 40 20 - 1.5 230/400 350 OVR T2 3L 40-350 P TS QS 2CTB803883R2500
3+1 2 40 20 - 1.7 230/400 350 OVR T2 3N 40-350 P QS 2CTB803983R1100
3+1 2 40 20 - 1.7 230/400 350 OVR T2 3N 40-350 P TS QS 2CTB803983R0500
1 2 80 30 0.1 1.4 230 350 OVR T2 N 80-350 P QS 2CTB803983R1900
1 2 80 30 0.1 1.4 230 350 OVR T2 N 80-350 C QS 2CTB803886R0000
1 2 40 20 - 1.5 230 350 OVR T2 40-350 C QS 2CTB803886R1000
Uc 440V
1 - 60 60 - 2.5 400 440 OVR T2 120-440s P TS 2CTB803951R1300
1 2 40 20 - 1.8 400 440 OVR T2 40-440 P QS 2CTB803871R1200
1 2 40 20 - 1.8 400 440 OVR T2 40-440 P TS QS 2CTB803871R0500
3 2 40 20 - 1.8 400/690 440 OVR T2 3L 40-440 P TS QS 2CTB803873R2700
4 2 40 20 - 1.8 400/690 440 OVR T2 4L 40-440 P QS 2CTB803873R5100
4 2 40 20 - 1.8 400/690 440 OVR T2 4L 40-440 P TS QS 2CTB803873R5300
3+1 2 40 20 - 2.1 400/690 440 OVR T2 3N 40-440 P QS 2CTB803973R1400
Protection and safety
OVR surge protective devices selection tables
Pro- Impulse Max. Nominal Follow Voltage Nominal Max. Type Order code
tected current dis- current current protec- voltage cont. op-
lines charge interrupt- tion level erating
current ing rating voltage
Iimp Imax
10/350 8/20 In Ifi Up Un Uc
kA kA kA kA kV V V
3+1 2 40 20 - 1.9 400/690 440 OVR T2 3N 40-440 P TS QS 2CTB803973R1500
3 2 40 20 - 1.8 400/690 440 OVR T2 3L 40-440 P QS 2CTB803873R2800
1 2 40 20 - 1.8 400 440 OVR T2 40-440s P TS QS 2CTB815704R2900
3+1 2 40 20 - 1.8 400/690 440 OVR T2 3N 40-440s P TS QS 2CTB815704R3700
1 2 40 20 - 1.8 400 440 OVR T2 40-440s P QS 2CTB815704R4100
1 6.25 80 20 - 1.8 400 440 OVR T2 80-440s P TS QS 2CTB815708R2900
3 6.25 80 20 - 1.8 400/690 440 OVR T2 3L 80-440s P TS QS 2CTB815708R3500
3+1 6.25 80 20 - 1.8 400/690 440 OVR T2 3N 80-440s P TS QS 2CTB815708R3700
4 6.25 80 20 - 1.8 400/690 440 OVR T2 4L 80-440s P TS QS 2CTB815708R4000
1 6.25 80 20 - 1.8 400 440 OVR T2 80-440s P QS 2CTB815708R4100
3 6.25 80 20 - 1.8 400/690 440 OVR T2 3L 80-440s P QS 2CTB815708R4700
3+1 6.25 80 20 - 1.8 400/690 440 OVR T2 3N 80-440s P QS 2CTB815708R4900
4 6.25 80 20 - 1.8 400/690 440 OVR T2 4L 80-440s P QS 2CTB815708R5200
1+1 2 40 20 - 1.9 400/690 440 OVR T2 1N 40-440 P TS QS 2CTB803972R1400
1 6.25 80 30 0.1 2 400 440 OVR T2 N 80-440s P QS 2CTB815708R5400
1 2 80 30 0.1 1.4 400 440 OVR T2-T3 N 80-440 P QS 2CTB803973R2000
1 2 80 20 - 1.8 400 440 OVR T2 40-440 C QS 2CTB803876R0400
1 2 40 20 - 1.8 400 440 OVR T2-T3 40-440s C QS 2CTB815704R5500
1 6.25 80 20 - 1.8 400 440 OVR T2 80-440s C QS 2CTB815708R5500
1 6.25 80 30 - 1.4 400 440 OVR T2-T3 N 80-440 C QS 2CTB803886R0100
1 6.25 80 30 - 2 400 440 OVR T2 N 80-440s C QS 2CTB815708R5700
Uc 600V
1 2 40 20 - 2.3 400 600 OVR T2 40-600 P TS QS 2CTB803881R0500
3 2 40 20 - 2.3 400/690 600 OVR T2 3L 40-600 P TS QS 2CTB803883R2700
4 2 40 20 - 2.3 400/690 600 OVR T2 4L 40-600 P TS QS 2CTB803883R5300
1 - 40 20 - 2.3 400 600 OVR T2 40-600 C QS 2CTB803886R0400
Uc 760V
3 - 40 15 - 2.9 400/690 440 OVR T2 3L 40 400/690 P 2CTB803853R4500
3 - 40 15 - 2.9 400/690 440 OVR T2 3L 40 400/690 P TS 2CTB803853R4600
1 40 20 - 2.9 400 440 OVR T2 40-400/690 C 2CTB803854R1100
Protection and safety
OVR surge protective devices selection tables
Pro- Impulse Max. Nominal Follow Voltage Nominal Max. Type Order code
tected current dis- current current protec- voltage cont. op-
lines charge interrupt- tion level erating
Uc 440V
1 2 20 5 - 1.4 400 440 OVR T2-T3 20-440 P QS 2CTB803871R1100
1 2 20 5 - 1.4 400 440 OVR T2-T3 20-440 P TS QS 2CTB803871R1300
3+1 2 20 5 - 1.4 400/690 440 OVR T2-T3 3N 20-440 P QS 2CTB803973R1300
1 80 30 0.1 1.4 400 440 OVR T2-T3 N 80-440 P QS 2CTB803973R2000
1 - 20 5 - 1.4 400 440 OVR T2 20-440 C QS 2CTB803876R0600
1 - 80 30 - 1.4 400 440 OVR T2-T3 N 80-440 C QS 2CTB803886R0100
Protection and safety
OVR surge protective devices selection tables
Pro- Impulse Max. Nominal Follow Voltage Nominal Max. Type Order code
tected current dis- current current protec- voltage cont. op-
lines charge interrupt- tion level erating
current ing rating voltage
Iimp Imax
10/350 8/20 In Ifi Up Un Uc
kA kA kA kA kV V V
Uc 1100 V DC
1+1 DC - 40 20 3.8 1000 1100 OVR PV T2 40-1000 P QS 2CTB804153R2400
1+1 DC 2 40 20 3.8 1000 1100 OVR PV T2 40-1000 P TS QS 2CTB804153R2500
10.000 OVR PV T2 40-1000 P QS BULK
1+1 DC 2 40 20 3.8 1000 1100 2CTB804153Z2400
(Iscpv) (30)
10.000 OVR PV T2 40-1000 P TS QS
1+1 DC 2 40 20 3.8 1000 1100 2CTB804153Z2500
(Iscpv) BULK (30)
10.000 OVR PV T2 40-1000 P TS TWIN
2+2 DC 2 40 20 3.8 1000 1100 2CTB804153R2300
(Iscpv) QS
10.000 OVR PV T2 40-1000 P TS TWIN
2+2 DC 2 40 20 3.8 1000 1100 2CTB804153Z2300
(Iscpv) QS BULK (18)
1+1 DC or 10.000
2 40 20 - 1000 1100 OVR PV T2 40-1000 C QS 2CTB804153R3200
2+2DC (Iscpv)
Uc 1500 V DC
1+1 DC 2 40 10 4.5 1500 1500 OVR PV T2 40-1500 P QS 2CTB804153R2600
1+1 DC 2 40 10 4.5 1500 1500 OVR PV T2 40-1500 P TS QS 2CTB804153R2700
10.000 OVR PV T2 40-1500 P QS BULK
1+1 DC 2 40 10 4.5 1500 1500 2CTB804153Z2600
(Iscpv) (30)
10.000 OVR PV T2 40-1500 P TS QS
1+1 DC 2 40 10 4.5 1500 1500 2CTB804153Z2700
(Iscpv) BULK (30)
1+1 DC 2 40 10 - 1500 1500 OVR PV T2 40-1500 C QS 2CTB804153R3300
Protection and safety
OVR Type 1 surge protective devices, Single pole
Technical features
Types OVR T1 25-255-7 OVR T1 25-440-50 OVR T1 25-255
with auxiliary contact (TS) – – –
Protection and safety
OVR Type 1 surge protective devices, Single pole
Type 1 surge protective devices are designed to discharge high current surges without any destruction
of the installation. These surge protective devices are characterized by their capacity to withstand
impulse current with 10/350 µs wave form which simulate natural lightning current.
Type 1 SPDs can be installed at the entrance in the main switch board for a global protection of the
electrical installation.
Protection and safety
OVR Type 1 surge protective devices TNC 230 V networks
Technical features
Types OVR T1 3L 25-255
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T1 3L 25-255 TS
Technology Spark-gap
Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-1/EN 61643-11
Type/test class T1/I
Protected lines 3
Types of networks TNC
OVR T1 3L 25-255 Type of current AC 47-63 Hz
Voltage regulation of the system network ± 10 %
Nominal voltage Un [V] 230/400
Maximum continuous operating voltage Uc [V] 255
Maximum impulse current Iimp (10/350) [kA] 25
Maximum impulse current Tot. Iimp (10/350) [kA] 75
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) [kA] 25
Follow current interrupting rating Ifi [kA] 50
Voltage protection level Up at In [kV] ≤ 2.5
Voltage protection level Ures at 3 kA [kV] ≤ 0.9
TOV (Temporary (L-N: 5 s /N-PE: 200 ms) [V] 450/–
overvoltage) withstand Ut
Response time [ns] ≤ 100
Residual current IPE [µA] 10
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr [kA] 50
Backup protection Fuse (gG) [A] ≤ 125
Circuit breaker (B or C [A] ≤ 125
Pluggable cartridge No
Integrated thermal disconnector –
State indicator TS Option
Safety reserve No
Auxiliary contact TS Option
Wire range (L, N, PE) Solid wire [mm²] 2.5…50
Stranded wire [mm²] 2.5…35
Stripping length (L, N, PE) [mm] 15
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) [Nm] 3.5
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contact complement 1 NO - 1 NC
Minimum load 12 V DC - 10 mA
Maximum load 250 V AC - 1 A
Connection cross-section [mm²] 1.5
Miscellaneous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature [°C] -40 to +80
Maximal Altitude [m] 2000
Degree of protection IP20
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0
Dimensions height x width x depth [mm] 90 x 106.8 x 64.8
[inches] 3.54 x 4.2 x 2.55
with auxiliary contact (TS) height x width x depth [mm] 90 x 124.6 x 64.8
[inches] 3.54 x 4.91 x 2.55
Protection and safety
OVR Type 1 surge protective devices TNC 230 V networks
Type 1 surge protective devices are designed to discharge high current surges without any destruction
of the installation. These surge protective devices are characterized by their capacity to withstand
impulse current with 10/350 µs wave form which simulate natural lightning current.
Type 1 SPDs can be installed at the entrance in the main switch board for a global protection of the
electrical installation.
Protection and safety
OVR Type 1 surge protective devices TNS/TT 230 V 1Ph+N networks
Technical features
Types OVR T1 1N 25-255 OVR T1 2L 25-255
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T1 1N 25-255 TS OVR T1 2L 25-255 TS
Protection and safety
OVR Type 1 surge protective devices TNS/TT 230 V 1Ph+N networks
Type 1 surge protective devices are designed to discharge high current surges without any destruction
of the installation. These surge protective devices are characterized by their capacity to withstand
impulse current with 10/350 µs wave form which simulate natural lightning current.
Type 1 SPDs can be installed at the entrance in the main switch board for a global protection of the
electrical installation.
Protection and safety
OVR Type 1 surge protective devices TNS/TT 230 V 3Ph+N networks
Technical features
Types OVR T1 4L OVR T1 3N OVR T1 3N
25-255 25-255 25-255-7
Protection and safety
OVR Type 1 surge protective devices TNS/TT 230 V 3Ph+N networks
Type 1 surge protective devices are designed to discharge high current surges without any destruction
of the installation. These surge protective devices are characterized by their capacity to withstand
impulse current with 10/350 µs wave form which simulate natural lightning current.
Type 1 SPDs can be installed at the entrance in the main switch board for a global protection of the
electrical installation.
Protection and safety
OVR Type 1 surge protective devices Single pole neutral
Technical features
Types OVR T1 25 N OVR T1 50 N OVR T1 100 N
with auxiliary contact (TS) – – –
Protection and safety
OVR Type 1 surge protective devices Single pole neutral
Type 1 surge protective devices are designed to discharge high current surges without any destruction
of the installation. These surge protective devices are characterized by their capacity to withstand
impulse current with 10/350 µs wave form which simulate natural lightning current.
Type 1 SPDs can be installed at the entrance in the main switch board for a global protection of the
electrical installation.
Type 1 Neutral
Poles Impulse Follow Volt- Nominal Max. Bbn Order details Price Weight
current cur- age voltage cont. 3660308 1 piece 1 piece
Iimp rent pro- Un oper-
10/350 inter- tec- ating
rupt- tion volt-
ing level age
rating Up Uc
Protection and safety
OVR Type 1+2 surge protective devices Single pole
Technical features
Types OVR T1-T2 12.5-275s P QS
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T1-T2 12.5-275s P TS QS
Technology Varistor
Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11
Type/test class T1-T2/I - II
OVR T1-T2 12.5- Protected lines 1
275s P QS
System network TT (L-N) - TNS - TNC
Type of current AC 47-63 Hz
Voltage regulation of the system network ± 20 %
Nominal system voltage Un [V] 230
Max. cont. operating voltage Uc [V] 275
Maximum impulse current Iimp (10/350) [kA] 12.5
Nominal discharge current In 8/20) [kA] 20
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) [kA] 80
Follow current interrupting rating Ifi [kA] -
Voltage protection level Up at In (L-N/N-PE/L-PE) [kV] 1.4/-/1.4
Voltage protection level Ures at 3 kA [kV] 0.5
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand Ut (L-N: 5s./N-PE: 200ms) [V] 337/
Response time [ns] < 25
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr [kA] 100
Backup protection fuse (gG) [A] ≤ 160
maximum rating circuit breaker (B or C curve) [A] ≤ 125
Pluggable cartridge Yes
Integrated thermal disconnector Yes
State indicator Yes
Safety reserve Yes
Auxiliary contact Yes (TS option)
Wire range (L, N, PE) solid wire [mm²] 2.5 … 35
stranded wire [mm²] 2.5 … 25
Stripping length (L, N, PE) [mm] 12.5
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) [Nm] 2.8
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contacts information 1 NO - 1 NC
Min. load 12 V DC - 10 mA
Max. load 250 V AC - 1A
Connection cross-section [mm²] 6.5
Miscellanous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature [°C] -40 to +80
Maximal Altitude [m] 5000
Degree of protection IP 20 - Indoor
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V-0
height x width x depth [mm] 88 x 17.8 x 76.7
[inches] 3.46 x 0.70 x 3.02
Dimensions with auxilary contact (TS)
height x width x depth [mm] 95.8 x 17.8 x 76.7
[inches] 3.77 x 0.70 x 3.02
Replacement Cartridges
Phase Product ID OVR T1-T2 12.5-275s C QS
Neutral Product ID -
Protection and safety
OVR Type 1+2 surge protective devices Single pole
Varistor GDT GDT Spark-gap + Varistor
IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11
T1-T2/I - II T1-T2/I - II T1-T2/I - II T1+2/I - II
1 N N 1
TT (L-N) - TNS - TNC TT (N-PE) - TNS (N-PE) TT (N-PE) - TNS (N-PE) TT (L-N) - TNS - TNC
AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz
± 10 % ± 20 % ± 10 % ± 10 %
400 230 400 230
440 275 440 255
12.5 50 50 25
20 50 50 25
80 100 100 60
- - - 15
1.9/-/1.9 -/1.4/- -/1.9/- 1.5/-/1.5
0.5 - - 1.0
581/ -/1200 -/1200 334/-
< 25 ≤10 ≤10 < 100
100 ≤100 ≤100 ≤50
≤ 160 - - ≤125
≤ 125 - - ≤125
Yes Yes Yes No
Yes No No Yes
Yes No No Yes
Yes No No No
Yes (TS option) No No Yes
1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC
12 V DC - 10 mA 12 V DC - 10 mA
250 V AC - 1A 250 VAC - 1 A
6.5 1.5
Protection and safety
OVR Type 1+2 surge protective devices Single pole
Type 1+2 surge protective devices are designed to discharge high current surges without any
destruction of the installation. These surge protective devices are characterized by their capacity to
withstand impulse current with 10/350 µs wave form which simulate natural lightning current.
Type 1+2 ABB surge protective devices have a high impulse current withstand capacity with ensuring
a low protection level (Up).
Type 1+2 SPDs can be installed at the entrance in the main switch board for a global protection of the
electrical installation.
Poles Impulse Max. Follow Voltage Nominal Max. Bbn Order details Weight
current dis- current protec- voltage cont. op- 3660 1 piece
Iimp charge inter- tion Un erating 308
10/350 current rupting level voltage
Imax rating Up Uc
8/20 Ifi
kA kA kA kV V V EAN Type code Order code
1 12.5 80 - 1.4 230 275 524881 OVR T1-T2 12.5- 2CTB815710R0000 0.15
275s P TS QS
1 12.5 80 - 1.4 230 275 524959 OVR T1-T2 12.5- 2CTB815710R1200 0.15
275s P QS
1 12.5 80 - 1.9 400 440 525055 OVR T1-T2 12.5- 2CTB815710R2900 0.30
440s P TS QS
1 12.5 80 - 1.9 400 440 525123 OVR T1-T2 12.5- 2CTB815710R4100 0.30
440s P QS
1 50 100 - 1.4 230 275 525024 OVR T1-T2 N 50- 2CTB815710R2400 0.15
275s P QS
1 50 100 - 1.9 400 440 525192 OVR T1-T2 N 50- 2CTB815710R5300 0.14
440s P QS
1 25 60 15 1.5 230 255 510884 OVR T+2 25 -255 2CTB815101R0300 0.27
— ?no sthgil eht peek ot elbissop ti sI
osb A to keep the lights on?
n o i t c e t o r p e h t s e v o r p m i B B A , n o i t c e t o r p e g r u s n o n o i t a v o n n i s u o u n i t n o c ot s k n a h T
.L S S572- 51 1N 3T-2T R VO we n e ht g n i h c n u a l yb tn e m p i u q e s m et s ys g n ith g i l e ht fo
d n a r ot c e n n o c s i d l a m r e ht d etn eta p a ht i w d e p p i u q e ,DP S t c a p m o c y r ev a s i L S R VO
t n e v e r p ot r e d r o n i d e n g i s e d y l l a c i f i c e p s s i e g n a r w e n s i h T . m e t s y s e v r e s e r y t e f a s a
ega tlov wol / a .w w w .sm etsys gnithgil DEL ni s erfi dn a gnita eh r evo fo sksi r eht
Thanks to continuous innovation on surge protection. ABB improves the protection of the
Iighting systems equipment by Iaunching the new OVR T2-T3 N1 15-2758 SL.
OVR SL is a very compact SPD, equipped with a patented thermal disconnector and
a safety reserve system. This new range is specifically designed in order to prevent the
risks of overheating and fires in LED Iighting systems.
5/24 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Protection and safety
OVR Type 1+2 surge protective devices TNC 230 and 400 V networks
Technical features
Types OVR T1-T2 3L 12.5- OVR T1-T2 3L 12.5-
275s P QS 440s P QS
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T1-T2 3L 12.5- OVR T1-T2 3L 12.5- OVR T1+2 3L 25-255 TS
275s P TS QS 440s P TS QS
Technology Varistor Varistor Spark-gap + Varistor
Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11
Type/test class T1-T2/I - II T1-T2/I - II T1+2/I - II
Protected lines 3 3 3
System network TNC TNC TNC
Type of current AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz
Voltage regulation of the system network ± 20 % ± 10 % ± 10 %
Nominal system voltage Un [V] 230/400 400/690 230/400
Max. cont. operating voltage Uc [V] 275 440 255
Maximum impulse current Iimp (10/350) [kA] 12.5 12.5 25
Max.Imp current Tot Iimp (10/350) [kA] 37.5 37.5 75
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) [kA] 20 20 25
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) [kA] 80 80 60
Follow current interrupting rating Ifi [kA] - - -
Voltage protection level Up at In (L-N/N-PE/L-PE) [kV] -/-/1.4 -/-/2 -/-/1.5
Voltage protection level Ures at 3 kA [kV] 0.5 0.8 1.0
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand Ut [V] 337/– 581/– 334/-
(L-N: 5s./N-PE: 200ms)
Response time [ns] ≤ 25 ≤ 25 < 100
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr [kA] 100 100 ≤50
Backup fuse (gG) [A] ≤ 160 ≤ 160 ≤125
protection circuit breaker (B or C) [A] ≤ 125 ≤ 125 ≤125
Pluggable cartridge Yes Yes No
Integrated thermal disconnector Yes Yes Yes
State indicator Yes Yes Yes
Safety reserve Yes Yes No
Auxiliary contact Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option) Yes
Wire range solid wire [mm²] 2.5 … 35 2.5 … 35 2.5 … 50
(L, N, PE) stranded wire [mm²] 2.5 … 25 2.5 … 25 2.5 … 35
Stripping length (L, N, PE) [mm] 12.5 12.5 15
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) [Nm] 2.8 2.8 3.5
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contacts information 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC
Min. load 12 DC - 10 mA 12 DC - 10 mA 12 V DC - 10 mA
Max. load 250 V AC - 1A 250 V AC - 1A 250 VAC - 1 A
Connection cross-section [mm²] 1.5 1.5 1.5
Miscellanous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature [°C] -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80
Maximal Altitude [m] 5000 5000 2000
Degree of protection IP 20 - Indoor IP 20 - Indoor IP 20 - Indoor
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V-0 V-0 V0
height x width x depth [mm] 88 x 53.4 x 76.7 88 x 106.8 x 76.7
[inches] 3.46 x 2.1 x 3.02 3.46 x 4.2 x 3.02
Dimensions with auxilary contact (TS)
height x width x depth [mm] 95.8 x 53.4 x 76.7 95.8 x 106.8 x 76.7 93.5 x 106.8 x 65
[inches] 3.77 x 2.1 x 3.02 3.77 x 4.2 x 3.02 3.68 x 4.2 x 2.56
Replacement Cartridges
Phase Product ID OVR T1-T2 12.5-275s C QS OVR T1-T2 12.5-440s C QS OVR T1+2 25-255 c
2CTB815710R2600 2CTB815710R5500 2CTB815101R3700
Protection and safety
OVR Type 1+2 surge protective devices TNC 230 and 400 V networks
Type 1+2 surge protective devices are designed to discharge high current surges without any
destruction of the installation. These surge protective devices are characterized by their capacity to
withstand impulse current with 10/350 µs wave form which simulate natural lightning current.
Type 1+2 ABB surge protective devices have a high impulse current withstand capacity with ensuring
a low protection level (Up).
Type 1+2 SPDs can be installed at the entrance in the main switch board for a global protection of the
electrical installation.
Po Impulse Max Volt- Nominal Max. Bbn Order details Weight
les current dis- age voltage cont. 3660308 1 piece
Iimp charge pro- Un oper-
10/350 current tection ating
Imax level voltage
8/20 Up Uc
Protection and safety
OVR Type 1+2 surge protective devices TNS/TT 230 1Ph+N and 3Ph+N networks
Technical features
Types OVR T1-T2 1N 12.5-275s P QS OVR T1-T2 3N 12.5-275s P QS
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T1-T2 1N 12.5-275s P TS QS OVR T1-T2 3N 12.5-275s P TS QS
Protection and safety
OVR Type 1+2 surge protective devices TNS/TT 230 1Ph+N and 3Ph+N networks
Varistor Varistor + GDT Spark-gap + GDT Spark-gap
IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11
T1-T2/I - II T1+2/I - II T1+2/I - II T1+2/I - II
3+N 1+N 3+N 3+N
AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz
± 20 % ± 10 % ± 10 % ± 10 %
230/400 230 230/400 230/400
275 255 255 255
12.5 25 25 25
50 50 100 100
20 25 25 25
80 60 60 60
- 15 15 15
2.8/1.4/1.4 1.5 1.5 1.5
0.5 1.0 1.0 1.0
337/ 334/- 334/- 334/-
1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC
12 V DC - 10 mA 12 V DC - 10 mA 12 V DC - 10 mA 12 V DC - 10 mA
250 V AC - 1A 250 V AC - 1 A 250 V AC - 1 A 250 V AC - 1 A
1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
OVR T1-T2 12.5-275s C QS OVR T1+2 25-255 c OVR T1+2 25-255 c OVR T1+2 25-255 c
2CTB815710R2600 2CTB815101R3700 2CTB815101R3700 2CTB815101R3700
5/28 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Protection and safety
OVR Type 1+2 surge protective devices TNS/TT 400 V 1Ph+N and 3Ph+N networks
Technical features
Types OVR T1-T2 1N 12.5- OVR T1-T2 3N 12.5- OVR T1-T2 4L 12.5-
440s P QS 440s P QS 440s P QS
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T1-T2 1N 12.5- OVR T1-T2 3N 12.5- OVR T1-T2 4L 12.5-
440s P TS QS 440s P TS QS 440s P TS QS
Technology Varistor + GDT Varistor + GDT Varistor
Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11
Type/test class T1-T2/I - II T1-T2/I - II T1-T2/I - II
Protected lines 1+1 3+1 4
System network TT- TNS TT- TNS TNS
Type of current AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz
Voltage regulation of the system network ± 10 % ± 10 % ± 10 %
Nominal system voltage Un [V] 400 400/690 400/690
Max. cont. operating voltage Uc [V] 440 440 440
Maximum impulse current Iimp (10/350) [kA] 12.5 12.5 12.5
Max.Imp current Tot Iimp (10/350) [kA] 25 50 50
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) [kA] 20 20 20
Maximal discharge current Imax (8/20) kA [kA] 80 80 80
Follow current interrupting rating Ifi [kA]
Voltage protection level Up at In (L-N/N-PE/L-PE) [kV] 1.9/1.9/2 1.9/1.9/2 3.8/1.9/1.9
Voltage protection level Ures at 3 kA [kV] 0.8 0.8 0.8
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand Ut (L-N: [V] 581/1200 581/1200 581/
5s./N-PE: 200ms)
Response time [ns] ≤ 25 ≤ 25 ≤ 25
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr [kA] 100 100 100
Backup protection fuse (gG) [A] ≤ 160 ≤ 160 ≤ 160
maximum rating circuit breaker [A] ≤ 125 ≤ 125 ≤ 125
(B or C curve)
Pluggable cartridge Yes Yes Yes
Integrated thermal disconnector Yes Yes Yes
State indicator Yes Yes Yes
Safety reserve Yes Yes Yes
Auxiliary contact Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option)
Wire range (L, N, PE) solid wire [mm²] 2.5 … 35 2.5 … 35 2.5 … 35
stranded wire [mm²] 2.5 … 25 2.5 … 25 2.5 … 25
Stripping length (L, N, PE) [mm] 12.5 12.5 12.5
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) [Nm] 2.8 2.8 2.8
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contacts information 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC
Min. load 12 V DC - 10 mA 12 V DC - 10 mA 12 V DC - 10 mA
Max. load 250 V AC - 1 A 250 V AC - 1 A 250 V AC - 1 A
Connection cross-section [mm²] 1.5 1.5 1.5
Miscellanous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature [°C] -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80
Maximal Altitude [m] 5000 5000 5000
Degree of protection IP 20 - Indoor IP 20 - Indoor IP 20 - Indoor
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V-0 V-0 V-0
height x width x depth [mm] 88 x 53.4 x 76.7 88 x 124.6 x 76.7 88 x 142.4 x 76.7
[in] 3.46 x 2.1 x 3.02 3.46 x 4.91 x 3.02 3.46 x 5.61 x 3.02
Dimensions with auxilary contact (TS)
height x width x depth [mm] 95.8 x 53.4 x 76.7 95.8 x 124.6 x 76.7 95.8 x 142.4 x 76.7
[in] 3.77 x 2.1 x 3.02 3.77 x 4.91 x 3.02 3.77 x 5.61 x 3.02
Replacement Cartridges
Phase Product ID OVR T1-T2 12.5-440s C QS OVR T1-T2 12.5-440s C QS OVR T1-T2 12.5-440s C QS
2CTB815710R5500 2CTB815710R5500 2CTB815710R5500
Neutral Product ID OVR T1-T2 N 50-440s C QS OVR T1-T2 N 50-440s C QS
2CTB815710R5600 2CTB815710R5600
Protection and safety
OVR Type 1+2 surge protective devices TNS/TT 400 V 1Ph+N and 3Ph+N networks
Type 1+2 surge protective devices are designed to discharge high current surges without any destruc-
tion of the installation. These surge protective devices are characterized by their capacity to withstand
impulse current with 10/350 µs wave form which simulate natural lightning current.
Type 1+2 ABB surge protective devices have a high impulse current withstand capacity with ensuring
a low protection level (Up).
Type 1+2 SPDs can be installed at the entrance in the main switch board for a global protection of the
electrical installation.
1N 12.5-440s
Poles Impulse Max. Follow Voltage Nominal Max. cont. Bbn Order details Weight
current discharge current inter- protec- voltage operating 3660 1 piece
Iimp current rupting tion level Un voltage 308
10/350 Imax 8/20 rating Ifi Up Uc
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 surge protective devices for 57 V networks
Technical features
Types OVR T2 20-75 P OVR T2 2 20-75 P
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2 20-75 P TS OVR T2 2 20-75 P TS
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 surge protective devices for 57 V networks
Type 2 surge protective devices are designed to protect electric installations and sensitive equipment
against indirect surges with ensuring a low protection level (Up). They are characterized by their
capacity to safely discharge current with 8/20 μs wave form.
Type 2 pluggable - Uc 75 V
Po Max dis- Nomi- Volt- Nominal Max. Bbn Order details Weight
les charge nal age voltage cont. 3660308 1 piece
current dis- pro- Un oper-
Imax charge tection ating
8/20 current level voltage
In Up Uc
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 surge protective devices non pluggable
Technical features
Types OVR T2 20-275 OVR T2 40-275
with auxiliary contact (TS) - -
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 surge protective devices non pluggable
Type 2 surge protective devices are designed to protect electric installations and sensitive equipment
against indirect surges with ensuring a low protection level (Up). They are characterized by their
capacity to safely discharge current with 8/20 μs wave form.
Type 2 non pluggable - Uc 275 V
Po Max dis- Nomi- Volt- Nominal Max. Bbn Order details Weight
les charge nal age voltage cont. 3660308 1 piece
current dis- pro- Un oper-
Imax charge tection ating
8/20 current level voltage
In Up Uc
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 pluggable QuickSafe® surge protective devices Single pole
230 V networks
Technical features
Types OVR T2 40-275 P QS OVR T2 40-275s P QS
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2 40-275 P TS QS OVR T2 40-275s P TS QS
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 pluggable QuickSafe® surge protective devices Single pole
230 V networks
OVR T2 40-350 P QS OVR T2 80-275s P QS OVR T2-T3 N 80-275 P QS OVR T2 N 80-350 P QS OVR T2 N 80-275s P QS
OVR T2 40-350 P TS QS OVR T2 80-275s P TS QS
Varistor Varistor GDT GDT GDT
IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11
1 1 1 1 1
AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz
± 50 % ± 20 % ± 20 % ± 50 % ± 20 %
230 230 230 230 230
350 275 275 350 275
375 - - - -
415 - - - -
40 80 80 80 80
2 6.25 2 2 6.25
20 20 30 30 30
1.5/-/1.5 1.4/-/1.4 -/1.4/- -/1.4/- -/1.4/-
1 0.5 - - -
1.05 0.7 - - -
1.2 0.9 - - -
455/- 337/ -/1200 -/1200 -/1200
≤ 25 ≤ 25 < 25 < 25 < 25
100 100 - - 100
≤ 125 ≤ 160 ≤ 125 ≤ 125 ≤160
≤ 125 ≤ 125 ≤ 125 ≤ 125 ≤125
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Yes Yes - - -
Yes Yes No No No
No Yes No No No
Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option) No No No
1 NO- 1 NC 1 NO- 1 NC - - -
12 V DC - 10 mA 12 V DC - 10 mA - - -
250 V AC - 1 A 250 V AC - 1 A - - -
1.5 1.5 - - -
-40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80
5000 5000 5000 5000 5000
IP 20 IP 20 - Indoor IP 20 - Indoor IP 20 - Indoor IP 20 - Indoor
V0 V-0 V-0 V-0 V0
88 x 17.8 x 65.3 88 x 17.8 x 76.7 88 x 17.8 x 65.3 88 x 17.8 x 65.3 88 x 17.8 x 76.7
3.46 x 0.7 x 2.57 3.46 x 0.7 x 3.02 3.46 x 0.7 x 3.02 3.46 x 0.7 x 3.02 3.45 x 0.7 x 3.02
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 pluggable QuickSafe® surge protective devices Single pole
230 V networks
Type 2 surge protective devices are designed to protect electric installations and sensitive equipment
against indirect surges with ensuring a low protection level (Up). They are characterized by their
capacity to safely discharge current with 8/20 µs wave form.
Type 2 pluggable
Poles Max Nomi- Voltage Nomi- Max. Bbn Order details Weight
dis- nal dis- protec- nal cont. op- 3660308 1 piece
OVR T2 40-275 P QS charge charge tion voltage erating
current current level Un voltage
Imax In Up Uc
ABB is a market leader in supplying reliable products and services to the rolling stock
manufacturers and for the rail infrastructure. With a truly global organization, we are
committed to Iocal competence and Iocal service. Rail applications require the highest
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Our products are designed to provide the safety Ievel required and comply with the
standards in this industry. For more information please visit
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Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 pluggable QuickSafe® surge protective devices Single pole
400 V networks
Technical features
Types OVR T2 40-440 P QS OVR T2 40-440s P QS OVR T2 80-440s P QS
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2 40-440 P TS QS OVR T2 40-440s P TS QS OVR T2 80-440s P TS QS
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 pluggable QuickSafe® surge protective devices Single pole
400 V networks
Varistor GDT GDT Varistor
IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11
T2/II T2-T3/II-III T2 T2
1 1 1 1
TNC - TT(L-N) - TNS - IT (230 V) TT (N-PE)-TNS(N-PE) TT(N-PE)-TNS(N-PE) TNC - TT(L-N) - TNS - IT (230 V)
AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz
± 50 % ± 10% ± 10% ± 10%
400 400 400 400
600 440 440 440
650 - -
715 - -
40 80 80 120
2 2 6.25 -
20 30 30 60
2.3/-/- -/1.4/- -/2/- 2.5
1.6 - - 1.1
1.7 - - -
1.9 - - -
792/- -/1200 -/1200 440/-
- -
≤ 25 < 25 < 25 < 25
100 - 100 50
≤ 125 ≤ 125 ≤ 160 A ≤50
≤ 125 ≤ 125 ≤ 160 A ≤50
1 NO - 1 NC - - 1 NO - 1 NC
12 V DC - 10 mA - - 12 V DC - 10 mA
250 V AC - 1A - - 250 VAC - 1 A
5/40 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 pluggable QuickSafe® surge protective devices Single pole
400 V networks
Technical features
Types OVR T2 40-440 P QS OVR T2 40-440s P QS OVR T2 80-440s P QS
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2 40-440 P TS QS OVR T2 40-440s P TS QS OVR T2 80-440s P TS QS
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 pluggable QuickSafe® surge protective devices Single pole
400 V networks
1.5 1.5 1.5
Type 2 surge protective devices are designed to protect electric installations and sensitive equipment
against indirect surges with ensuring a low protection level (Up). They are characterized by their
capacity to safely discharge current with 8/20 µs wave form.
Type 2 pluggable
Poles Max Nomi- Volt- Nominal Max. Bbn Order details Weight
dis- nal dis- age voltage cont. 3660308 1 piece
charge charge pro- Un oper-
current current tec- ating
Imax In tion volt-
8/20 level age
Up Uc
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 pluggable QuickSafe® surge protective devices
TNC 230 V networks
Technical features
Types OVR T2 3L 40- OVR T2 3L 40- OVR T2 3L 80- OVR T2 3L 40-
275 P QS 275s P QS 275s P QS 350 P QS
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2 3L 40- OVR T2 3L 40- OVR T2 3L 80- OVR T2 3L 40-
275 P TS QS 275s P TS QS 275s P TS QS 350 P TS QS
Technology Varistor Varistor Varistor Varistor
Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-11/EN IEC 61643-11/EN IEC 61643-11/EN IEC 61643-11/EN
61643-11 61643-11 61643-11 61643-11
Type/test class T2/II T2/II T2/II T2/II
Protected lines 3 3 3 3
System network TNC TNC TNC TNC
Type of current AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz
Voltage regulation of the system network ± 20 % ± 20 % ± 20 % ± 50 %
Nominal system voltage Un (L-PEN/L-L) [V] 230/400 230/400 230/400 230/400
Max. cont. operating voltage Uc [V] 275 275 275 350
Nominal dc voltage Un dc L-PE/Un dc L-L [V dc] 320/640 - - 375/750
Max. dc. cont. operating voltage Ucdc [V dc] 355/710 - - 415/830
L-PE/Ucdc L-L
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) [kA] 40 40 80 40
Maximum impulse current Iimp (10/350) [kA] 2 2 6.25 2
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) [kA] 20 20 20 20
Voltage protection level Up at In (L-PE) [kV] 1.25 1.4 1.4 1.5
Voltage protection level Ures at 3kA [kV] 0.8 0.5 0.5 1.0
Voltage protection level Ures at 5kA [kV] 0.85 0.7 0.7 1.05
Voltage protection level Ures at 10kA [kV] 1.0 0.9 0.9 1.2
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand Ut [V] 337/- 337/- 337/- 455/-
(L-N: 5s./N-PE: 200ms)
Uoc [kV] - - - -
Response time [ns] ≤ 25 ≤ 25 ≤ 25 ≤ 25
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr [kA] 100 100 100 100
Backup fuse (gG) [A] ≤ 125 ≤ 160 ≤ 160 ≤ 125
protection circuit breaker [A] ≤ 125 ≤ 125 ≤ 125 ≤ 125
maximum (B or C curve)
Pluggable cartridge Yes Yes Yes Yes
Integrated QuickSafe® technology Yes Yes Yes Yes
State indicator Yes Yes Yes Yes
Safety reserve No Yes Yes No
Auxiliary contact Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option)
Wire range solid wire [mm²] 2.5 … 35 2.5 … 35 2.5 … 35 2.5 … 35
(L, N, PE) stranded wire [mm²] 2.5 … 25 2.5 … 25 2.5 … 25 2.5 … 25
Stripping length (L, N, PE) [mm] 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) [Nm] 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contacts information 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC
Min. load 12 DC - 10 mA 12 DC - 10 mA 12 DC - 10 mA 12 DC - 10 mA
Max. load 250 V AC - 1A 250 V AC - 1A 250 V AC - 1A 250 V AC - 1A
Connection cross-section [mm²] 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Miscellanous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature [°C] -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80
Maximal Altitude [m] 5000 5000 5000 5000
Degree of protection IP 20 IP 20 IP 20 IP 20
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V-0 V-0 V0
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 surge protective devices TNC 230 V networks,
pluggable and non-pluggable versions
Technical features
Types OVR T2 3L 80-275s P QS OVR T2 3L 40-350 P QS
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2 3L 80-275s P TS QS OVR T2 3L 40-350 P TS QS
height x width x depth [mm] 88 x 53.4 x 76.7 85 x 53.4 x 64.8
[inches] 3.46 x 2.1 x 3.02 3.35 x 2.10 x 2.55
With Auxiliary Contact (TS)
height x width x depth [mm] 95.8 x 53.4 x 76.7 96 x 53.4 x 64.8
[inches] 3.77 x 2.1 x 3.02 3.78 x 2.10 x 2.55
Replacement Cartridges
Phase Product ID OVR T2 80-275s C QS OVR T2 40-350 C QS
2CTB8157084R2600 2CTB803886R1000
Neutral Product ID - -
Type 2 surge protective devices are designed to protect electric installations and sensitive
equipment against indirect surges with ensuring a low protection level (Up). They are
characterized by their capacity to safely discharge current with 8/20 µs wave form.
Type 2 pluggable
Po Max Nomi- Volt- Nominal Max. Bbn Order details Weight
les dis- nal dis- age voltage cont. 3660308 1 piece
charge charge pro- Un oper-
current current tec- ating
OVR T2 3L 40-275 P QS Imax In tion voltage
8/20 level Uc
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 pluggable QuickSafe® surge protective devices
TNC 400 V networks
Technical features
Types OVR T2 3L 40- OVR T2 3L 80- OVR T2 3L
440 P QS 440s P QS 40 400/690 P
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2 3L 40- OVR T2 3L 80- OVR T2 3L OVR T2 3L 40-
440 P TS QS 440s P TS QS 40 400/690 P TS 600 P TS QS
Technology Varistor Varistor Varistor Varistor
Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-11/EN IEC 61643-11/EN IEC 61643-11/EN IEC 61643-11/EN
61643-11 61643-11 61643-11 61643-11
Type/test class T2/II T2/II T2/II T2/II
Protected lines 3 3 3 3
System network TNC - IT (230) TNC - IT (230) TNC - IT (400) TNC - IT (230)
Type of current AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz
Voltage regulation of the system network ± 10% ± 10% ± 10% ± 50 %
Nominal system voltage Un (L-PEN/L-L) [V] 400/690 400/690 400/690 400/690
Max. cont. operating voltage Uc [V] 440 440 440 600
Nominal dc voltage Un dc L-PE/Un dc L-L [V dc] 495/990 - - 650/990
Max. dc. cont. operating voltage Ucdc [V dc] 545/1090 - - 715/1090
L-PE/Ucdc L-L
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) [kA] 40 80 40 40
Maximum impulse current Iimp (10/350) [kA] 2 6.25 2 2
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) [kA] 20 20 15 20
Voltage protection level Up at In (L-PE) [kV] 1.8 2.1 2.9 2.3
Voltage protection level Ures at 3kA [kV] 1.25 1.25 2.1 1.6
Voltage protection level Ures at 5kA [kV] 1.35 1.35 2.2 1.7
Voltage protection level Ures at 10kA [kV] 1.55 1.55 2.3 1.9
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) [V] 581/ 581/- 910/- 792/-
withstand Ut (L-N: 5s./N-PE: 200ms)
Response time [ns] < 25 < 25 < 25 < 25
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr [kA] 100 100 100 100
Backup protection fuse (gG) [A] ≤ 125 ≤ 160 ≤ 50 ≤ 125
maximum rating circuit breaker [A] ≤ 125 ≤ 126 ≤ 50 ≤ 125
(B or C curve)
Pluggable cartridge Yes Yes Yes Yes
Integrated QuickSafe® technology Yes Yes No Yes
State indicator Yes Yes Yes Yes
Safety reserve No Yes No No
Auxiliary contact Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option) Yes
Wire range (L, N, PE) solid wire [mm²] 2.5 … 35 2.5 … 35 2.5 … 36 2.5 … 36
stranded wire [mm²] 2.5 … 25 2.5 … 25 2.5 … 25 2.5 … 25
Stripping length (L, N, PE) [mm] 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) [Nm]
Auxiliary contact (TS) 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC
Contacts information 12 DC - 10 mA 12 DC - 10 mA 12 DC - 10 mA 12 DC - 10 mA
Min. load 250 V AC - 1A 250 V AC - 1A 250 V AC - 1A 250 V AC - 1A
Max. load 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Connection cross-section [mm²]
Miscellanous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature °C -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80
Maximal Altitude [m] 5000 5000 5000 5000
Degree of protection IP 20 IP 20 IP 20 IP 20
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 pluggable QuickSafe® surge protective devices
TNC 400 V networks
Technical features
Types OVR T2 3L 40- OVR T2 3L 80- OVR T2 3L
440 P QS 440s P QS 40 400/690 P
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2 3L 40- OVR T2 3L 80- OVR T2 3L OVR T2 3L 40-
440 P TS QS 440s P TS QS 40 400/690 P TS 600 P TS QS
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V-0 V-0 V-0 V-0
height x width x depth mm 88 x 53.4 x 65.3 88 x 53.4 x 76.7 88 x 53.4 x 64.8
inches 3.46 x 2.1 x 2.57 3.46 x 2.1 x 3.02 3.46 x 2.1 x 2.55
With Auxiliary Contact (TS)
height x width x depth mm 95.8 x 53.4 x 65.3 95.8 x 53.4 x 76.7 96 x 53.4 x 64.8 95.8 x 53.4 x 65.3
inches 3.77 x 2.1 x 2.57 3.77 x 2.1 x 3.02 3.78 x 2.1 x 2.55 3.77 x 2.1 x 2.57
Replacement Cartridges
Phase Product ID OVR T2 40-440 C QS OVR T2 80-440s C QS OVR T2 40 400/690 C OVR T2 40-600 C QS
2CTB803876R0400 2CTB815708R5500 2CTB803854R1100 2CTB803886R0400
Neutral Product ID - - - -
Type 2 surge protective devices are designed to protect electric installations and sensitive
equipment against indirect surges with ensuring a low protection level (Up). They are
characterized by their capacity to safely discharge current with 8/20 μs wave form.
Po Max Nomi- Volt- Nominal Max. Bbn Order details Weight
les dis- nal dis- age voltage cont. 3660308 1 piece
charge charge pro- Un oper-
current current tec- ating
Imax In tion voltage
OVR T2 3L 40-440 P QS 8/20 level Uc
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 pluggable QuickSafe® surge protective devices
TNS 230 V networks
Technical features
Types OVR T2 4L 40-275 P QS OVR T2 4L 40-275s P QS OVR T2 4L 80-275s P QS
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2 4L 40-275 P TS QS OVR T2 4L 40-275s P TS QS OVR T2 4L 80-275s P TS QS
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 pluggable QuickSafe® surge protective devices
TNS 230 V networks
Type 2 surge protective devices are designed to protect electric installations and sensitive
equipment against indirect surges with ensuring a low protection level (Up). They are
characterized by their capacity to safely discharge current with 8/20 µs wave form.
Type 2 pluggable - Uc 275 V
Po Max Nomi- Volt- Nominal Max. Bbn Order details Weight
les dis- nal dis- age voltage cont. 3660308 1 piece
charge charge pro- Un oper-
current current tec- ating
OVR T2 4L 40-275 P QS Imax In tion voltage
8/20 level Uc
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 pluggable QuickSafe® surge protective devices TNS 400 V networks
Technical features
Types OVR T2 4L 40-440 P QS OVR T2 4L 80-440s P QS
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2 4L 40-440 P TS QS OVR T2 4L 80-440s P TS QS OVR T2 4L 40-600 P TS QS
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 pluggable QuickSafe® surge protective devices TNS 400 V networks
Technical features
Types OVR T2 4L 40-440 P QS OVR T2 4L 80-440s P QS
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2 4L 40-440 P TS QS OVR T2 4L 80-440s P TS QS OVR T2 4L 40-600 P TS QS
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V0 V0
height x width x depth mm 88 x 71.2 x 65.3 88 x 71.2 x 69.4
inches 3.46 x 2.8 x 2.57 3.46 x 2.8 x 2.57
Dimensions with auxilary contact (TS)
height x width x depth mm 95.8 x 142.4 x 69 95 x 71.2 x 69.4 95.8 x 71.2 x 65.3
inches 3.77 x 2.8 x 2.57 3.77 x 2.8 x 2.57 3.77 x 2.8 x 2.57
Replacement Cartdriges
Phase Product ID OVR T2 40-440 C QS OVR T2 80-440s C QS OVR T2 40-600 C QS
2CTB803876R0400 2CTB815708R5500 2CTB803886R0400
Type 2 surge protective devices are designed to protect electric installations and sensitive
equipment against indirect surges with ensuring a low protection level (Up). They are char-
acterized by their capacity to safely discharge current with 8/20 μs wave form.
OVR T2 Pluggable
Pro Max Nomi- Volt- Nomi- Max. Bbn Order details Weight
tected dis- nal age nal cont. 3660308 1 piece
lines charge current pro- volt- oper-
current In 8/20 tec- age ating
Imax tion volt-
OVR T2 4L 20-275 8/20 level age
Up Un Uc
kA kV V V EAN Type code Order code kg
4 40 20 1,8 440 440 519894 OVR T2 4L 40-440 P 2CTB803873R5100 0.45
4 40 20 1,8 440 440 519900 OVR T2 4L 40-440 P 2CTB803873R5300 0.45
4 80 20 1,8 440 440 525635 OVR T2 4L 80-440s P 2CTB815708R5200 0.6
4 80 20 1,8 440 440 525598 OVR T2 4L 80-440s P 2CTB815708R4000 0.6
4 40 20 2,3 440 600 520685 OVR T2 4L 40-600 P 2CTB803883R5300 0.45
5/50 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 pluggable QuickSafe® surge protective devices TNS/TT
230 and 400 V 1Ph+N networks
Technical features
Types OVR T2 1N OVR T2 1N OVR T2 1N OVR T2 1N
40-275 P QS 40-275s P QS 80-275s P QS 40-350 P QS
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2 1N 40- OVR T2 1N 40- OVR T2 1N 80- OVR T2 1N 40- OVR T2 1N 40-
275 P TS QS 275s P TS QS 275s P TS QS 350 P TS QS 440 P TS QS
Technology Varistor + GDT Varistor + GDT Varistor + GDT Varistor + GDT Varistor + GDT
Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-11/EN IEC 61643-11/EN IEC 61643-11/EN IEC 61643-11/EN IEC 61643-11/
61643-11 61643-11 61643-11 61643-11 EN61643-11
Type/test class T2/II T2/II T2/II T2/II T2/II
Protected lines 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1 1+1
System network TT - TNS TT - TNS TT - TNS TT - TNS TT-TNS
Type of current AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz
Voltage regulation of the system network ± 20 % ± 20 % ± 20 % ± 50 % ±10 %
Nominal system voltage Un [V] 230 230 230 230 400
Max. cont. operating voltage Uc [V] 275 275 275 350 440
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) [kA] 40 40 80 40 40
Maximum impulse current Iimp (10/350) [kA] 2 2 6.25 2 2
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) [kA] 20 20 20 20 20
Total Current [kA] 80 80 80 80 80
Voltage protection level Up at In [kV] 1.25/1.4/1.5 1.4/1.4/1.5 1.4/1.4/1.5 1.5/1.4/1.6 1,8/1,4/1,9
Voltage protection level Ures at 3 kA [kV] 0.8/1.4/0.85 0.8/1.4/0.85 0.8/1.4/0.85 1.0/1.4/1.05 1,25/1,4/1,45
Voltage protection level Ures at 5 kA [kV] 0.85/1.4/0.95 0.85/1.4/0.95 0.85/1.4/0.95 1.05/1.4/1.1 1,35/1,4/1,55
Voltage protection level Ures at 10 kA [kV] 1/1.4/1.15 1/1.4/1.15 1/1.4/1.15 1.2/1.4/1.3 1,55/1,4/1,65
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand [V] 337/1200 337/1200 337/1200 455/1200 581/1200
Ut (L-N: 5s./N-PE: 200ms)
Uoc [kV] - - - - -
Response time [ns] < 25 < 25 < 25 < 25 <25
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr [kA] 100 100 100 100 100
Backup protection fuse (gG) [A] ≤ 125 ≤ 160 ≤ 160 ≤ 125 ≤ 125
maximum rating
circuit breaker [A] ≤ 125 ≤ 125 ≤ 125 ≤ 125 ≤ 125
(B or C curve)
Pluggable cartridge Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Integrated QuickSafe® technology Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
State indicator Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Safety reserve No Yes Yes No No
Auxiliary contact Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option) Yes
Wire range (L, N, PE) solid wire [mm²] 2.5 … 35 2.5 … 35 2.5 … 35 2.5 … 35 2.5 … 35
stranded wire [mm²] 2.5 … 25 2.5 … 25 2.5 … 25 2.5 … 25 2.5 … 25
Stripping length (L, N, PE) [mm] 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) [Nm] 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contacts information 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC
Min. load 12 DC - 10 mA 12 DC - 10 mA 12 DC - 10 mA 12 DC - 10 mA 12 DC - 10 mA
Max. load 250 V AC - 1A 250 V AC - 1A 250 V AC - 1A 250 V AC - 1A 250 V AC - 1A
Connection cross-section [mm²] 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Miscellanous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature °C -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80
Maximal Altitude [m] 5000 5000 5000 5000 5000
Degree of protection IP 20 IP 20 IP 20 IP 20 IP 20
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V-0 V-0 V0 V0
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 pluggable QuickSafe® surge protective devices TNS/TT
230 and 400 V 1Ph+N networks
Technical features
Types OVR T2 1N OVR T2 1N OVR T2 1N OVR T2 1N
40-275 P QS 40-275s P QS 80-275s P QS 40-350 P QS
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2 1N 40- OVR T2 1N 40- OVR T2 1N 80- OVR T2 1N 40- OVR T2 1N 40-
275 P TS QS 275s P TS QS 275s P TS QS 350 P TS QS 440 P TS QS
height x width x depth mm 88 x 35.6 x 65.3 88 x 35.6 x 76.7 88 x 35.6 x 76.7 88 x 35.6 x 65.3
inches 3.46 x 1.4 x 2.57 3.46 x 1.4 x 3.02 3.46 x 1.4 x 3.02 3.46 x 1.4 x 2.57
With Auxiliary Contact (TS)
height x width x depth mm 95.8 x 35.6 x 65.3 95.8 x 35.6 x 76.7 95.8 x 35.6 x 76.7 95.8 x 35.6 x 65.3 95.8 x 35.6 x 65.3
inches 3.77 x 1.4 x 2.57 3.77 x 1.4 x 3.02 3.77 x 1.4 x 3.02 3.77 x 1.4 x 2.57 3.77 x 1.4 x 2.57
Replacement Cartridges
Phase Product ID OVR T2 40-275 C OVR T2 40-275s C OVR T2 80-275s C OVR T2 40-350 C OVR T2 40-440 C
2CTB803876R1000 2CTB815704R2600 2CTB815708R2600 2CTB803886R1000 2CTB803876R0400
Neutral Product ID OVR T2-T3 N 80- OVR T2 N 80-275s OVR T2 N 80-275s OVR T2 N 80-350 OVR T2 N 80-440
2CTB803876R0000 2CTB815708R2800 2CTB815708R2800 2CTB803886R0000 2CTB803886R0100
Type 2 surge protective devices are designed to protect electric installations and sensitive equipment
against indirect surges with ensuring a low protection level (Up).
They are characterized by their capacity to safely discharge current with 8/20 µs wave form.
Type 2 pluggable
Po Impluse Max Nomi- Voltage Nomi- Max. Bbn Order details Weight
les Curent dis- nal protec- nal cont. 3660308 1 piece
Iimp charge current tion voltage oper-
10/350 current In level Un ating
OVR T2 1N 40-
Imax Up voltage
275 P QS
8/20 Uc
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 pluggable QuickSafe® surge protective devices TNS/TT
230 and 400 V 3Ph+N networks
Technical features
Types OVR T2 3N 40-275 P QS OVR T2 3N 40-275s P QS
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2 3N 40-275 P TS QS OVR T2 3N 40-275s P TS QS
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 pluggable QuickSafe® surge protective devices TNS/TT
230 and 400 V 3Ph+N networks
Varistor + GDT Varistor + GDT Varistor + GDT Varistor + GDT Varistor + GDT
IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11
3+1 3+1 3+1 3+1 3+1
AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz
± 20 % ± 50 % ± 10% ± 10% ± 10%
230/440 230/400 400/690 400/690 400/690
275/440 350/600 440/760 440/760 440/760
80 40 40 40 80
6.25 2 2 2 6.25
20 20 20 20 20
80 80 80 80 80
1.4/1.4/1.5 1.5/1.4/1.7 1.8/1.4/2.1 1.8/2/2.1 1.8/2/2.1
0.8/1.4/0.85 1.0/1.4/1.05 1.25/1.4/1.45 1.25/1.4/1.45 1.25/1.4/1.45
1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC
12 DC - 10 mA 12 DC - 10 mA 12 DC - 10 mA 12 DC - 10 mA 12 DC - 10 mA
250 V AC - 1A 250 V AC - 1A 250 V AC - 1A 250 V AC - 1A 250 V AC - 1A
1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
-40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80
5000 5000 5000 5000 5000
IP 20 IP 20 IP 20 IP 20 IP 20
V-0 V0 V0 V-0 V-0
95.8 x 71.2 x 76.7 95.8 x 71.2 x 65.3 95.8 x 71.2 x 65.3 95.8 x 71.2 x 76.7 95.8 x 71.2 x 76.7
3.77 x 2.8 x 3.02 3.77 x 2.8 x 2.57 3.77 x 2.8 x 2.57 3.77 x 2.8 x 3.02 3.77 x 2.8 x 3.02
OVR T2 80-275s C QS OVR T2 40-350 C QS OVR T2 40-440 C QS OVR T2 40-440s C QS OVR T2 80-440s C QS
2CTB815708R2600 2CTB803886R1000 2CTB803876R0400 2CTB815704R5500 2CTB815708R5500
OVR T2 N 80-275s C QS OVR T2 N 80-350 C QS OVR T2-T3 N 80-440 C QS OVR T2 N 80-440s C QS OVR T2 N 80-440s C QS
2CTB815708R2800 2CTB803886R0000 2CTB803886R0100 2CTB815708R5700 2CTB815708R5700
5/54 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 pluggable QuickSafe® surge protective devices TNS/TT
230 and 400 V 3Ph+N networks
Type 2 surge protective devices are designed to protect electric installations and sensitive equipment
against indirect surges with ensuring a low protection level (Up). They are characterized by their
capacity to safely discharge current with 8/20 µs wave form.
Type 2 pluggable
Pro- Max Nomi- Volt- Nominal Max. Bbn Order details Weight
tected dis- nal dis- age voltage cont. 3660308 1 piece
OVR T2 3N 40-
lines charge charge pro- Un oper-
275 P QS
current current tec- ating
Imax In tion volt-
8/20 level age
Up Uc
Overloads and short circuits protection in installations with rated currents up to 125A,
compliance with the major international standards, compactness and reliability:
these are the winning features of the new line of fuse disconnectors E 90 50/125.
A wide range of solution offering the technology state-of-the-art in safety and comfort
(such as LED for blown fuse indication), designed to assure the maximum efficiency
in industrial applications, manufacturing systems and power generation - everywhere
Overloads and short circuitsinprotection
the world.
in installations with rated currents up to 125A,
compliance with the major international standards, compactness and reliability:
these are the winning features of the new line of fuse disconnectors E 90 50/125.
A wide range of solution offering the technology state-of-the-art in safety and comfort
(such as LED for blown fuse indication), designed to assure the maximum efficiency
in industrial applications, manufacturing systems and power generation - everywhere
in the world.
5/56 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Protection and safety
OVR Type T2-T3 pluggable QuickSafe® surge protective devices
Single pole - 230 V and 440 V networks
Technical features
Types OVR T2-T3 20- OVR T2-T3 20- OVR T2-T3 N OVR T2-T3 N
275 P QS 440 P QS 80-275 P QS 80-440 P QS
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2-T3 20- OVR T2-T3 20- - -
275 P TS QS 440 P TS QS
Technology Varistor Varistor GDT GDT
Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-11/ IEC 61643-11/ IEC 61643-11/ IEC 61643-11/
EN 61643-11 EN 61643-11 EN 61643-11 EN 61643-11
Type/test class T2-T3/II-III T2-T3/II-III T2-T3/II-III T2-T3/II-III
Protected lines 1 1 1 1
System network TNC - TT(L-N) - TNS TNC - TT(L-N) - TNS TT (N-PE)-TNS(N-PE) TT (N-PE)-TNS(N-PE)
Type of current AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz
Voltage regulation of the system network ± 20 % ± 10% ± 20 % ± 10 %
Nominal system voltage Un [V] 230 400 230 400
Max. cont. operating voltage Uc [V] 275 440 275 440
Nominal dc voltage Un dc L-PE [V dc] 320 320 - -
Max. dc. cont. operating voltage Ucdc L-PE [V dc] 355 355 - -
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) [kA] 20 20 80 80
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) [kA] 5 5 2 2
Voltage protection level Up at In (L-N) [kV] 0.9/-/- 1.4/-/- 30 30
Voltage protection level Ures at 3kA (L-N) [kV] 0.8 1.25 -/-/1.4 -/-/1.4
Voltage protection level Ures at 5kA (L-N) [kV] 0.85 1.35 - -
Voltage protection level Ures at 10kA (L-N) [kV] 1 1.55 - -
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand Ut [V] 337/- 581/- - -
(L-N: 5s./N-PE: 200ms)
Uoc [kV] 6 6 - -
Response time [ns] ≤ 25 ≤ 25 -/1200 -/1200
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr [kA] 100 100 <25 <25
Backup protection fuse (gG) [A] ≤ 125 ≤ 125 <125 <125
maximum rating circuit breaker (B or C [A] ≤ 125 ≤ 125 <125 <125
Pluggable cartridge Yes Yes Yes Yes
Integrated QuickSafe® technology Yes Yes - -
State indicator Yes Yes No No
Safety reserve No No No No
Auxiliary contact Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option) No No
Wire range (L, N, PE) solid wire [mm²] 2.5 ... 35 2.5 ... 35 2.5 ... 35 2.5 ... 35
stranded wire [mm²] 2.5 ... 25 2.5 ... 25 2.5 ... 25 2.5 ... 25
Stripping length (L, N, PE) [mm] 12.5 12.5 12.5 12.5
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) [Nm] 2.8 2.8 2.8 2.8
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contacts information 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC - -
Min. load 12 DC - 10 mA 12 DC - 10 mA - -
Max. load 250 V AC - 1A 250 V AC - 1A - -
Connection cross-section [mm²] 1.5 1.5 - -
Miscellanous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature [°C] -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to + 80 -40 to + 80
Maximal Altitude [m] 5000 5000 5000 5000
Degree of protection IP 20 IP 20 IP 20 - Indoor IP 20 - Indoor
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V0 V-0 V-0
Dimensions of packing
height x width x depth [mm] 88 x 17.8 x 65.3 88 x 17.8 x 65.3 85 x 17.8 x 64.8 85 x 17.8 x 64.8
[inches] 3.46 x 0.7 x 2.57 3.46 x 0.7 x 2.57 3.35 x 0.70 x 2.55 3.35 x 0.70 x 2.55
Protection and safety
OVR Type T2-T3 pluggable QuickSafe® surge protective devices
Single pole - 230 V and 440 V networks
Technical features
Types OVR T2-T3 20- OVR T2-T3 20- OVR T2-T3 N OVR T2-T3 N
275 P QS 440 P QS 80-275 P QS 80-440 P QS
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2-T3 20- OVR T2-T3 20- - -
275 P TS QS 440 P TS QS
With Auxiliary Contact (TS)
height x width x depth [mm] 95.8 x 17.8 x 65.3 95.8 x 17.8 x 65.3 - -
[inches] 3.77 x 0.7 x 2.57 3.77 x 0.7 x 2.57 - -
Replacement Cartridges
Phase Product ID OVR T2-T3 20-275 C OVR T2-T3 20-440 C OVR T2-T3 N 80-275 OVR T2-T3 N 80-275
2CTB803876R1200 2CTB803876R0600 2CTB803876R0000 2CTB803876R0000
Neutral Product ID - - - -
Type 2 and 3 surge protective devices shall be installed as close as possible to the sensitive equipment
to protect. As Type 2 they have been characterize by their capacity to safely discharge current with
a 8/20 µs wave form and they guarantee the coordination with Type 1 SPDs or other Type 2 respecting
coordination distances. As Type 3 they are characterized by their capacity to safely discharge current
with 1.2/50 µs wave form, with a very low level of Voltage Protection level.
Poles Max Nomi- Voltage Nomi- Max. Bbn Order details Weight
dis- nal dis- protec- nal cont. 3660308 1 piece
OVR T2 T3 20- 275 P QS charge charge tion voltage oper-
current current level Un ating
Imax In Up volt-
8/20 age
Protection and safety
OVR Type T2-T3 pluggable QuickSafe® surge protective devices
TNC - 230 V 3Ph + PEN networks
Technical features
Types OVR T2-T3 3L 20-275 P QS
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2-T3 3L 20-275 P TS QS
Protection and safety
OVR Type T2-T3 pluggable QuickSafe® surge protective devices
TNC - 230 V 3Ph + PEN networks
Technical features
Types OVR T2-T3 3L 20-275 P QS
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2-T3 3L 20-275 P TS QS
With Auxiliary Contact (TS)
height x width x depth mm 95.8 x 53.4 x 65.3
inches 3.77 x 2.1 x 2.57
Replacement Cartridges
Phase Product ID OVR T2-T3 20-275 C QS
Neutral Product ID -
Type 2 and 3 surge protective devices shall be installed as close as possible to the sensitive
equipment to protect. As Type 2 they have been characterize by their capacity to safely
discharge current with a 8/20 µs wave form and they guarantee the coordination with Type 1
SPDs or other Type 2 respecting coordination distances. As Type 3 they are characterized by
their capacity to safely discharge current with 1.2/50 µs wave form, with a very low level of
Voltage Protection level.
Po Max Nomi- Volt- Nomi- Max. Bbn Order details Weight
OVR T2 T3 3L 20-275 P TS QS les dis- nal dis- age nal cont. 3660308 1 piece
charge charge pro- voltage oper-
current current tec- Un ating
Imax In tion volt-
8/20 level age
Up Uc
Protection and safety
OVR Type T2-T3 QuickSafe® surge protective devices
TNS/TT - 230 V 1Ph+N networks
Technical features
Types OVR T2-T3 1N 20-275 P QS
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2-T3 1N 20-275 P TS QS
Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11
Type/test class T2-T3/II-III
Protected lines 1+1
System network TT - TNS
Type of current AC 47-63 Hz
Voltage regulation of the system network ± 20 %
Nominal system voltage Un [V] 230
Max. cont. operating voltage Uc [V] 275
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) [kA] 20
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) [kA] 5
Total Current [kA] 40
Voltage protection level Up at In (L-N/N-PE/L-PE) [kV] 0.9/1.4/1.4
Voltage protection level Ures at 3kA (L-N/N-PE /L-PE) [kV] 0.8/1.4/0.85
Voltage protection level Ures at 5kA(L-N/N-PE /L-PE) [kV] 0.85/1.4/0.95
Voltage protection level Ures at 10kA (L-N/N-PE /L-PE) [kV] 1/1.4/1.15
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand Ut (L-N: 5s./N-PE: [V] 337/1200
Uoc [kV] 6
Response time [ns] ≤ 25
Residual current IPE [µA] ≤ 10
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr [kA] 100
Backup protection maximum fuse (gG) [A] ≤ 125
rating circuit breaker (B or C curve) [A] ≤ 125
Pluggable cartridge Yes
Integrated QuickSafe® technology Yes
State indicator Yes
Safety reserve No
Auxiliary contact Yes (TS option)
Wire range (L, N, PE) solid wire [mm²] 2.5 ... 35
stranded wire [mm²] 2.5 ... 25
Stripping length (L, N, PE) [mm] 12.5
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) [Nm] 2.8
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contacts information 1 NO - 1 NC
Min. load 12 DC - 10 mA
Max. load 250 V AC - 1A
Connection cross-section [mm²] 1.5
Miscellanous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature [°C] -40 to +80
Maximal Altitude [m] 5000
Degree of protection IP 20
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0
Protection and safety
OVR Type T2-T3 QuickSafe® surge protective devices
TNS/TT - 230 V 1Ph+N networks
Technical features
Types OVR T2-T3 1N 20-275 P QS
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2-T3 1N 20-275 P TS QS
height x width x depth [mm] 88 x 35.6 x 65.3
[inches] 3.46 x 1.4 x 2.57
With Auxiliary Contact (TS)
height x width x depth mm 95.8 x 35.6 x 65.3
inches 3.77 x 1.4 x 2.57
Replacement Cartridges
Phase Product ID OVR T2-T3 20-275 C QS
Neutral Product ID OVR T2-T3 N 80-275 C QS
Type 2 and 3 surge protective devices shall be installed as close as possible to the sensitive
equipment to protect. As Type 2 they have been characterize by their capacity to safely
discharge current with a 8/20 µs wave form and they guarantee the coordination with Type 1
SPDs or other Type 2 respecting coordination distances. As Type 3 they are characterized by
their capacity to safely discharge current with 1.2/50 µs wave form, with a very low level of
Voltage Protection level.
Po Max Nomi- Volt- Nomi- Max. Bbn Order details Weight
OVR T2 T3 1N 20-275 P QS
les dis- nal dis- age nal cont. 3660308 1 piece
charge charge pro- voltage oper-
current current tec- Un ating
Imax In tion volt-
8/20 level age
Up Uc
Protection and safety
OVR Type T2-T3 QuickSafe® surge protective devices
TT - 230 V and 400 V 3Ph+N networks
Technical features
Types OVR T2-T3 3N 20-275 P QS OVR T2-T3 3N 20-440 P QS
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2-T3 3N 20-275 P TS QS
Protection and safety
OVR Type T2-T3 QuickSafe® surge protective devices
TT - 230 V and 400 V 3Ph+N networks
Technical features
Types OVR T2-T3 3N 20-275 P QS OVR T2-T3 3N 20-440 P QS
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR T2-T3 3N 20-275 P TS QS
height x width x depth mm 88 x 71.2 x 65.3 88 x 71.2 x 65.3
inches 3.46 x 2.8 x 2.57 3.46 x 2.8 x 2.57
With Auxiliary Contact (TS)
height x width x depth mm 95.8 x 71.2 x 65.3 96 x 71.2 x 64.8
inches 3.77 x 2.8 x 2.57 3.35 x 2.81 x 2.55
Replacement Cartridges
Phase Product ID OVR T2-T3 20-275 C QS OVR T2-T3 20-440 C QS
2CTB803876R1200 2CTB803876R0600
Neutral Product ID OVR T2-T3 N 80-275 C QS OVR T2-T3 N 80-440 C QS
2CTB803876R0000 2CTB803886R0100
Type 2 and 3 surge protective devices shall be installed as close as possible to the sensitive
equipment to protect. As Type 2 they have been characterize by their capacity to safely
discharge current with a 8/20 µs wave form and they guarantee the coordination with Type 1
SPDs or other Type 2 respecting coordination distances. As Type 3 they are characterized by
their capacity to safely discharge current with 1.2/50 µs wave form, with a very low level of
Voltage Protection level.
OVR T2 T3 3N 20-275 P TS QS Po Max Nomi- Volt- Nomi- Max. Bbn Order details Weight
les dis- nal dis- age nal cont. 3660308 1 piece
charge charge pro- voltage oper-
current current tec- Un ating
Imax In tion volt-
8/20 level age
Up Uc
Protection and safety
OVR Type T2-T3 StreetLight surge protective devices TT/TN - 230 V 1Ph+N networks
Technical features
Types OVR T2-T3 N1 15-275S SL
Technology Varistor + GDT
Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11
Type/test class T2-T3/II-III
System network TT, TNS
Protection mode Common/Differential
Number of pole/Type of current 1+1
Nominal system voltage Un [V] 230
Max. cont. operating voltage Uc (L-N ) [V] 275
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) [kA] 15
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) [kA] 5
Total Current [kA] 30
Voltage protection level Up at In (L-N/L-PE) [kV] 1.1/1.3
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand Ut (L-N: 5s.) [V] 337
Uoc [kV] 1.1
Response time [ns] < 25
Short circuit withstand Icc [kA] 15
Backup protection maximum fuse (gG) [A] < 20 A
rating circuit breaker (B or C curve) [A] < 20 A
Pluggable cartridge No
Integrated QuickSafe® technology No
State indicator Yes
Safety reserve Yes
Wire range : phase and neutral wire 2 x 1.5 mm² - L 16 cm
Wire range : Protective Earth wire [mm²] < 6 mm²
Stripping length (L, N, PE) [mm] 10
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contacts information -
Min. load -
Max. load -
Connection cross-section [mm²] -
Miscellanous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature [°C] -40 to +80
Degree of protection IP 32
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0
height x width x depth [mm] 80 x 17.5 x 41
[inches] 3.15 x 0.69 x 1.62
With Auxiliary Contact (TS)
height x width x depth [mm] -
[inches] -
Protection and safety
OVR Type T2-T3 StreetLight surge protective devices TT/TN - 230 V 1Ph+N networks
It has the Safety system integrated by default, performed by two varistors in parallel,
allowing the customer to perform preventive maintenance. As soon as one of the Life status
windows swap from green to red, we know the product needs to be replaced, but it still
guarantees the protection.
It has IP 32 and bottom connections to guarantee the best performances in critical and
OVR T2 T3 StreetLight
humid environment.
Po Max Nomi- Volt- Nomi- Max. Bbn Order details Weight
les dis- nal dis- age nal cont. 3660308 1 piece
charge charge pro- voltage oper-
current current tec- Un ating
Imax In tion volt-
8/20 level age
Up Uc
Protection and safety
OVR Plus - Autoprotected surge protective devices TNS/TT 230 V networks
Technical features
Types OVR Plus N1 20 OVR Plus N1 40 OVR Plus N3 20 OVR Plus N3 40
with auxiliary contact (TS) – – – –
Protection and safety
OVR Plus - Autoprotected surge protective devices TNS/TT 230 V networks
OVR PLUS N3 20 and OVR PLUS N3 40 for commercial and industrial applications:
• Auto-protected: Backup miniature circuit breaker integrated and fully coordinated with the
surge protective device.
• Easy installation: Fully coordinated unit with easy wiring with the complete ABB pro M
modular range.
• High discharge capacity: With Imax 20 and 40 kA the OVR Plus N3 insure the protection of
OVR PLUS N3 20 your low
voltage installations and electric equipment.
• High reliability: No welding inside the module and specific thermal disconnection with the
„bilame“ sensor.
Type 2 autoprotected
Po Max Nomi- Volt- Nomi- Max. Bbn Order details Weight
les dis- nal dis- age nal cont. 3660308 1 piece
charge charge pro- voltage oper-
current current tec- Un ating
Imax In tion volt-
8/20 level age
Up Uc
Protection and safety
OVR PV surge protective devices Photovoltaic networks
Technical features
Types OVR PV T2 40- OVR PV T2 40- OVR PV T2 40-
600 P QS 1000 P QS 1500 P QS
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR PV T2 40- OVR PV T2 40- OVR PV T2 40-1000 OVR PV T2 40-
600 P TS QS 1000 P TS QS P TS TWIN QS 1500 P TS QS
Technology Varistor Varistor Varistor Varistor
Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-11/ IEC 61643-11/ IEC 61643-11/ IEC 61643-11/
EN 61643-11/ EN 61643-11/ EN 61643-11/ EN 61643-11/
UL 1449 4th Ed UL 1449 4th Ed UL 1449 4th Ed UL 1449 4th Ed
Type/test class T2/II T2/II T2/II T2/II
Protected lines 2 2 4 2
Types of networks Photovoltaic Photovoltaic Photovoltaic Photovoltaic
Type of current DC DC DC DC
Nominal voltage Un (L-N/L-L) [V] 600 1000 1000 1500
Max. cont. operating voltage Ucpv [V] 600 1100 1100 1500
Max.cont.operating voltage [V] 600 1100 1100 1500
according (MCOV)
Impulse current Iimp (10/350) 2 - 2 2
Maximum discharge current [kA] 40 40 40 40
Imax (8/20)
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) [kA] 20 20 20 10
Voltage protection level Up at In [kV] 2.8/1.4 3.8/3.8 3.8/3.8 4.5/4.5
Voltage protection rating according [kV] 1.2/1.2/1.8 2.5/2.5/2.5 2.5/2.5/2.5 4/4/4
(VPR (L+/G, L-/G, L+/L-))
Response time [ns] ≤ 25 ≤ 25 ≤ 25 ≤ 25
Residual current IPE [µA] ≤10 ≤1000 ≤1000 ≤1000
Short-circuit DC current Iscpv [A] 300 10,000 10,000 10,000
Short circuit withstand [kA] 10 10 10 10
according (SCCR)
Disconnector Fuse no need up to 0.3 kA no need up to 10 kA no need up to 10 kA no need up to 10 kA
Circuit breaker no need up to 0.3 kA no need up to 10 kA no need up to 10 kA no need up to 10 kA
Pluggable cartridge Yes Yes Yes Yes
Integrated specific thermal Yes Yes Yes Yes
State indicator Yes Yes Yes Yes
Safety reserve No No No No
Auxiliary contact Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option) Yes (TS option)
Wire range Solid wire [mm²] 2.5…35 2.5…35 2.5…35 2.5…35
(L, N, PE) Stranded wire [mm²] 2.5…25 2.5…25 2.5…25 2.5…25
Stripping length (L, N, PE) 12.2 12.2 12.2 12.2
Tightening torque (L, N, PE) 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contact complement 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC 1 NO - 1 NC
Minimum load 12 V DC - 10 mA 12 V DC - 10 mA 12 V DC - 10 mA 12 DC - 10 mA
Maximum load 250 V AC - 1 A 250 V AC - 1 A 250 V AC - 1 A 250 V AC - 1A
Connection cross-section 1.5 1.5 1.5 1.5
Miscellaneous characteristics
Stocking and operating temperature [°C] -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80 -40 to +80
Maximal Altitude [m] 5000 5000 5000 5000
Humidity Rate HR 95% 95% 95% 95%
Degree of protection IP20 IP20 IP20 IP 20
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V0 V0 V0
Dimensions height x width x [mm] 88 x 53.4 x 65 88 x 53.4 x 65 88 x 88,33 x 65 88 x 53.4 x 65
depth [inches] 3.46 x 2.10 x 2.56 3.46 x 2.10 x 2.56 3.46 x 3,5 x 2.56 3.46 x 2.10 x 2.56
with auxiliary height x width x [mm] 95 x 53.4 x 65 95 x 53.4 x 65 95 x 88,33 x 65 95 x 53.4 x 65
contact (TS) depth [inches] 3.46 x 2.10 x 2.56 3.77 x 2.1 x 2.55 3.46 x 3,5 x 2.56 3.46 x 2.10 x 2.56
Replacement Cartridges
Phase Product ID OVR PV T2 40-600 C QS OVR PV T2 40-1000 C QS OVR PV T2 40-1000 C QS OVR PV T2 40-1500 C QS
2CTB804153R3100 2CTB804153R3200 2CTB804153R3200 2CTB804153R3300
Protection and safety
OVR PV surge protective devices Photovoltaic networks
Specifically designed for photovoltaic DC installations, the OVR PV family provide a safe and
reliable surge and lightning protection of solar panels and converters.
The OVR PV QS surge protective devices comply with UTE C 61-740-51, prEN 50539-11 and
UL 1449 4th Edition.
Type 2 PV
Pro- Impulse Max. Nom- Volt- Max. Bbn Order details Weight
OVR PV T2 40-600 P QS tected current dis- inal age cont. 3660308 1 piece
lines Iimp charge cur- pro- oper-
10/350 current rent tec- ating
Imax In tion volt-
8/20 level age
Up Ucpv
Protection and safety
OVR WT surge protective devices - Wind turbine networks
Technical features
with auxiliary contact (TS) OVR WT 3L 690 P TS OVR WT 3L 690
Protection and safety
OVR WT surge protective devices - Wind turbine networks
Due to their height, wind turbines have especially high exposure to lightning, they need high
capacity and reliable lightning and surge protection.
The OVR WT family takes into consideration the specificity of wind installations with
a high peak repetitive voltage withstand (Urp up to 3 kV) ensure a safe protection to Wind
It can be DIN mounted with the OVR.
OVR WT 3L 690 P TS
Type 1+2 WT
Pro- Impulse Max. Nomi- Volt- Max. Bbn Order details Weight
tected current dis- nal age cont. 1 piece
lines Iimp charge current pro- oper-
10/350 current In tec- ating
Imax tion volt-
8/20 level age
Up Ucpv
Protection and safety
Accessories for OVR
withstand to vibrations and shocks, it reinforces mechanical lock between the cartridges
and the socket (they are already locked by the pins in the back of the cartridge). It’s
recommended for stressful environments as the nazelle of the wind turbines. It’s sold on
Accessory for packs of 50.
Cartridge Lock
Bus bar
For TNC, IT, TNS or TT systems using single pole Type 1 SPDs assembled together, we have 2
different bus bars than can be used, as listed here below.
These both products are sold in packs of 50.
With only 2 modules, the DS202C series of 2P residual current circuit-breakers with
overcurrent protection (RCBOs) enables to save 50 % of switchboard space compared
to the conventional 4-modules solution. Available in a technologically advanced and
comprehensive range, the DS202C can be applied in the tertiary sector, in large-sized
industrial plants and in naval applications. The series perfectly integrates with the
System pro M compact® range, starting from the same profile, ensuring a nice and
functional design in the installation. The maximum protection in only 2 modules.
5/74 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Protection and safety
OVR surge protective devices – UL Version
Selection tables
Consult qualified personnel if the facility or operation ser- most transient surges are created internally, it is necessary
vice voltage is unknown. to install surge protection at sub-distribution panels (equip-
ment protection) to be fully protected. Stepping down the
2) Select the SPD maximum continuous operating voltage Imax level from the service entrance panel toward equip-
(MCOV, Uc) ment to be protected is recommended.
The MCOV should correspond to the service voltage. For example, if a 40 kA Imax SPD is installed in the main dis-
Example: If the service voltage is 480 V Delta, an SPD with tribution panel, then 15 kA Imax SPDs should be installed in
550 V or 660 V MCOV will be required. sub-distribution panels for equipment protection.
Surge protection devices must also provide a level of protec-
tion compatible with the withstand voltage of the equip- Coordination
ment. This withstand voltage depends on the type of equip- It may be necessary to add a second surge protector, wired
ment and its sensitivity. The incoming surge protector may to the incoming unit, to achieve the required voltage protec-
not provide adequate protection by itself, as certain electri- tion and/or surge capacity. For Type 2 or 4 SPDs, installing
cal phenomena may greatly increase its residual voltage if this second unit a minimum of 1 m from the first unit will al-
cable lengths exceed 10 m. A second SPD may be necessary. low the two to work together, achieving the required protec-
3) Select the SPD surge capacity (Imax)
Surge capacity is the amount of energy the SPD can with- Wiring rules
stand from a single surge event. The higher the surge capac- The impedance of the cables increases the voltage across
ity, the longer the device will protect the system. A second the connected equipment. Therefore, the length of the cable
surge protector may be required if the surge capacity of the between the surge protector and the equipment should be
first is not capable of diverting all surge current to ground. minimized.
See coordination below. The surge protective device should be installed as close to
the equipment to be protected as possible. If this is not pos-
4) Remote monitoring (Optional) sible (the equipment is over 30 m from the panel), then
Integrated auxiliary contact for remote monitoring available a second surge protector must be installed.
on models with "TS" designation. Consult "Selection tables"
on next page for help in the selection of SPDs.
Pro- Impulse Max. Nominal Follow Voltage Nominal Max. cont. Type Order code
tected current discharge discharge current protection voltage operating
lines current current interrupting Rating voltage
Iimp rating
10/350 Imax 8/20 In Ifi VPR Un MCOV
kA kA kA kA kV V V
Type 2 - Pluggable - Single Pole networks
1 – 15 5 – 0.6 120 150 OVR T2 15-150 P U 2CTB802341R0000
1 – 15 5 – 1 277 ±15% 320 OVR T2 15-320 P U 2CTB802341R0400
1 – 40 20 – 0.6 120 150 OVR T2 40-150 P U 2CTB802341R2000
1 – 40 20 – 0.6 120 150 OVR T2 40-150 P TS U 2CTB802341R2100
1 – 40 20 – 1 277 ±15% 320 OVR T2 40-320 P U 2CTB802341R2400
1 – 40 20 – 1 277 ±15% 320 OVR T2 40-320 P TS U 2CTB802341R2500
1 – 40 10 – 1.3 347 ±15% 440 OVR T2 40-440 P TS U 2CTB802341R2900
1 – 40 10 – 1.7 480 ±15% 550 OVR T2 40-550 P TS U 2CTB802341R3300
1 – 40 10 – 1.9 600 ±15% 660 OVR T2 40-660 P TS U 2CTB802341R3700
1 – 70 20 0.1 1.2 230 275 OVR T2 70 N P U 2CTB802341R8000
1 – – – – – 120 ±15% 175 OVR T2 15-150 C U 2CTB802348R2500
1 – – – – – 277 ±15% 320 OVR T2 15-320 C U 2CTB802348R2700
1 – – – – – 120 ±15% 175 OVR T2 40-150 C U 2CTB802348R3500
1 – – – – – 277 ±15% 320 OVR T2 40-320 C U 2CTB802348R3700
1 – – – – – 347 ±15% 440 OVR T2 40-440 C U 2CTB802348R3900
1 – – – – – 480 ±15% 550 OVR T2 40-550 C U 2CTB802348R4100
1 – – – – – 600 ±15% 660 OVR T2 40-660 C U 2CTB802348R4300
1 – – – – – 230 275 OVR T2 70 N C U 2CTB802348R6500
Protection and safety
OVR surge protective devices – UL Version
Selection tables
Pro- Impulse Max. Nominal Follow Voltage Nominal Max. cont. Type Order code
tected current discharge discharge current protection voltage operating
lines current current interrupting Rating voltage
Iimp rating
10/350 Imax 8/20 In Ifi VPR Un MCOV
kA kA kA kA kV V V
Type 2 - Pluggable - Delta networks
3 – 15 5 – 1 277 +15% 320 OVR T2 3L 15-320 P U 2CTB802345R0400
3 – 40 20 – 1 277 ±15% 320 OVR T2 3L 40-320 P TS U 2CTB802345R2500
3 – 40 10 – 1.7 480 ±15% 550 OVR T2 3L 40-550 P TS U 2CTB802345R3300
1 – – – – – 277 ±15% 320 OVR T2 15-320 C U 2CTB802348R2700
1 – – – – – 277 ±15% 320 OVR T2 40-320 C U 2CTB802348R3700
1 – – – – – 480 ±15% 550 OVR T2 40-550 C U 2CTB802348R4100
Type 2 - Pluggable - Single Phase networks
2 – 15 5 – 1.2 120 150 OVR T2 1N 15-150 P U 2CTB802342R0000
2 – 15 5 – 1.2 277 320 OVR T2 1N 15-320 P U 2CTB802342R0400
2 – 40 20 – 1.2 120 150 OVR T2 1N 40-150 P U 2CTB802342R2000
2 – 40 20 – 1.2 120 150 OVR T2 1N 40-150 P U (x10) 2CTB802342R8000
2 – 40 20 – 1.2 120 150 OVR T2 1N 40-150 P TS U 2CTB802342R2100
2 – 40 20 – 1.2 277 320 OVR T2 1N 40-320 P TS U 2CTB802342R2500
2 – 40 10 – 1.2 347 440 OVR T2 1N 40-440 P TS U 2CTB802342R2900
2 – 40 10 – 1.2 480 550 OVR T2 1N 40-550 P TS U 2CTB802342R3300
2 – 40 10 – 1.2 600 660 OVR T2 1N 40-660 P TS U 2CTB802342R3700
1 – – – – – 120 ±15% 175 OVR T2 15-150 C U 2CTB802348R2500
1 – – – – – 277 ±15% 320 OVR T2 15-320 C U 2CTB802348R2700
1 – – – – – 120 ±15% 175 OVR T2 40-150 C U 2CTB802348R3500
1 – – – – – 277 ±15% 320 OVR T2 40-320 C U 2CTB802348R3700
1 – – – – – 347 ±15% 440 OVR T2 40-440 C U 2CTB802348R3900
1 – – – – – 480 ±15% 550 OVR T2 40-550 C U 2CTB802348R4100
1 – – – – – 600 ±15% 660 OVR T2 40-660 C U 2CTB802348R4300
Type 2 - Pluggable - Split Phase networks
2 – 15 5 – 0.6 120 ±15% 175 OVR T2 2L 15-150 P U 2CTB802343R0000
2 – 15 5 – 1 277 ±15% 320 OVR T2 2L 15-320 P U 2CTB802343R0400
3 – 15 5 – 0.7 120 ±15% 175 OVR T2 2N 15-150 P U 2CTB802344R0000
3 – 15 5 – 1.1 277 ±15% 320 OVR T2 2N 15-320 P U 2CTB802344R0400
2 – 40 20 – 0.6 120 ±15% 175 OVR T2 2L 40-150 P TS U 2CTB802343R2100
2 – 40 20 – 1 277 ±15% 320 OVR T2 2L 40-320 P TS U 2CTB802343R2500
3 – 40 20 – 0.7 120 ±15% 175 OVR T2 2N 40-150 P TS U 2CTB802344R2100
3 – 40 20 – 1.1 277 ±15% 320 OVR T2 2N 40-320 P TS U 2CTB802344R2500
3 – 40 10 – 1.4 347 ±15% 440 OVR T2 2N 40-440 P TS U 2CTB802344R2900
3 – 40 10 – 1.8 480 ±15% 550 OVR T2 2N 40-550 P TS U 2CTB802344R3300
3 – 40 10 – 2 600 ±15% 660 OVR T2 2N 40-660 P TS U 2CTB802344R3700
1 – – – – – 120 ±15% 175 OVR T2 15-150 C U 2CTB802348R2500
1 – – – – – 277 ±15% 320 OVR T2 15-320 C U 2CTB802348R2700
1 – – – – – 120 ±15% 175 OVR T2 40-150 C U 2CTB802348R3500
1 – – – – – 277 ±15% 320 OVR T2 40-320 C U 2CTB802348R3700
1 – – – – – 347 ±15% 440 OVR T2 40-440 C U 2CTB802348R3900
1 – – – – – 480 ±15% 550 OVR T2 40-550 C U 2CTB802348R4100
Type 2 - Pluggable - Grounded Wye networks
3 – 15 5 – 0.6 120 ±15% 175 OVR T2 3L 15-150 P U 2CTB802345R0000
4 – 15 5 – 0.6 120 ±15% 175 OVR T2 3N 15-150 P U 2CTB802346R0000
4 – 15 5 – 1.2 277 ±15% 320 OVR T2 3N 15-320 P U 2CTB802346R0400
3 – 40 20 – 0.6 120 ±15% 175 OVR T2 3L 40-150 P TS U 2CTB802345R2100
3 – 40 10 – 1.3 347 ±15% 440 OVR T2 3L 40-440 P TS U 2CTB802345R2900
4 – 40 20 – 1.2 120 ±15% 175 OVR T2 3N 40-150 P TS U 2CTB802346R2100
4 – 40 20 – 1.2 277 ±15% 320 OVR T2 3N 40-320 P TS U 2CTB802346R2500
4 – 40 10 – 1.2 347 ±15% 440 OVR T2 3N 40-440 P TS U 2CTB802346R2900
4 – 40 10 – 1.2 480 ±15% 550 OVR T2 3N 40-550 P TS U 2CTB802346R3300
4 – 40 10 – 1.2 600 ±15% 660 OVR T2 3N 40-660 P TS U 2CTB802346R3700
1 – – – – – 120 ±15% 175 OVR T2 15-150 C U 2CTB802348R2500
1 – – – – – 120 ±15% 175 OVR T2 40-150 C U 2CTB802348R3500
1 – – – – – 347 ±15% 440 OVR T2 40-440 C U 2CTB802348R3900
1 – – – – – 277 ±15% 320 OVR T2 15-320 C U 2CTB802348R2700
1 – – – – – 277 ±15% 320 OVR T2 40-320 C U 2CTB802348R3700
1 – – – – – 480 ±15% 550 OVR T2 40-550 C U 2CTB802348R4100
1 – – – – – 600 ±15% 660 OVR T2 40-660 C U 2CTB802348R4300
5/76 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 surge protective devices - Single pole
Single pole devices provide great flexibility for any kind of network configuration.
OVR T2 devices provide the best protection as they are designed to protect electric installations and
sensitive equipment against indirect surges with ensuring a low protection level (VPR). They are
characterized by their capacity to safely discharge current with 8/20 μs wave form.
OVR T2 70 N P U
5/7 7
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 surge protective devices - Single phase networks
Single phase devices are composed by a MOV pole plus a spark gap one. The spark gap pole guarantees
the lowest voltage protection rating and has to be connected to the Neutral.
OVR T2 devices provide the best protection as they are designed to protect electric installations and
sensitive equipment against indirect surges with ensuring a low protection level (VPR). They are char-
acterized by their capacity to safely discharge current with 8/20 μs wave form.
OVR T2 1N 40-150 P U
Ordering details
Pro- Max Nominal Voltage Nominal Max. Bbn Type Order code Weight
tected dis- dis- protec- voltage cont. 3660308
lines charge charge tion operat- Pkg
current current rating ing (1 pce)
Imax voltage
8/20 In VPR Un MCOV,
kA kA kV V V EAN kg
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 surge protective devices - Single pole
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 surge protective devices - Single pole
OVR T2 40-320 P U – – – OVR T2 70 N P U
OVR T2 40-320 P TS U OVR T2 40-440 P TS U OVR T2 40-550 P TS U OVR T2 40-660 P TS U –
Varistor Varistor Varistor Varistor Spark gap
2.5…25 / 4…14 mm² 2.5…25 / 4…14 mm² 2.5…25 / 4…14 mm² 2.5…25 / 4…14 mm² 2.5…25 / 4…14 mm²
2.5…16 / 6…14 mm² 2.5…16 / 6…14 mm² 2.5…16 / 6…14 mm² 2.5…16 / 6…14 mm² 2.5…16 / 6…14 mm²
12.5 / 0.5 mm 12.5 / 0.5 mm 12.5 / 0.5 mm 12.5 / 0.5 mm 12.5 / 0.5 mm
2.8 / 24.5 Nm 2.8 / 24.5 Nm 2.8 / 24.5 Nm 2.8 / 24.5 Nm 2.8 / 24.5 Nm
1 NO – 1 NC 1 NO – 1 NC 1 NO – 1 NC 1 NO – 1 NC –
12 V DC – 10 mA 12 V DC – 10 mA 12 V DC – 10 mA 12 V DC – 10 mA –
250 V AC – 1 A 250 V AC – 1 A 250 V AC – 1 A 250 V AC – 1 A –
1.5 / 16 mm² 1.5 / 16 mm² 1.5 / 16 mm² 1.5 / 16 mm² –
V0 V0 V0 V0 V0
88 x 17.8 x 64.8 mm – – – 88 x 17.8 x 64.8 mm
3.46 x 0.7 x 2.55 in – – – 3.46 x 0.7 x 2.55 in
96 x 17.8 x 64.8 mm 96 x 17.8 x 64.8 mm 96 x 17.8 x 64.8 mm 96 x 17.8 x 64.8 mm –
3.78 x 0.7 x 2.55 in 3.78 x 0.7 x 2.55 in 3.78 x 0.7 x 2.55 in 3.78 x 0.7 x 2.55 in –
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 surge protective devices - Single phase networks
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 surge protective devices - Single phase networks
– – – –
OVR T2 1N 40-320 P TS U OVR T2 1N 40-440 P TS U OVR T2 1N 40-550 P TS U OVR T2 1N 40-660 P TS U
2.5…25 / 4…14 mm² 2.5…25 / 4…14 mm² 2.5…25 / 4…14 mm² 2.5…25 / 4…14 mm²
2.5…16 / 6…14 mm² 2.5…16 / 6…14 mm² 2.5…16 / 6…14 mm² 2.5…16 / 6…14 mm²
12.5 / 0.5 mm 12.5 / 0.5 mm 12.5 / 0.5 mm 12.5 / 0.5 mm
2.8 / 24.5 Nm 2.8 / 24.5 Nm 2.8 / 24.5 Nm 2.8 / 24.5 Nm
2 NO – 2 NC 2 NO – 2 NC 2 NO – 2 NC 2 NO – 2 NC
12 V DC – 10 mA 12 V DC – 10 mA 12 V DC – 10 mA 12 V DC – 10 mA
250 V AC – 1 A 250 V AC – 1 A 250 V AC – 1 A 250 V AC – 1 A
1.5 / 16 mm² 1.5 / 16 mm² 1.5 / 16 mm² 1.5 / 16 mm²
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 surge protective devices - Delta networks
Delta devices provide the protection required by the three phases of a Delta network system.
OVR T2 devices provide the best protection as they are designed to protect electric installations and
sensitive equipment against indirect surges with ensuring a low protection level (VPR). They are char-
acterized by their capacity to safely discharge current with 8/20 μs wave form.
Ordering details
OVR T2 3L 15-320 P U
Pro- Max Nominal Voltage Nominal Max. Bbn Type Order code Weight
tected dis- dis- protec- voltage cont. 3660308
lines charge charge tion operat- Pkg
current current rating ing (1 pce)
Imax voltage
8/20 In VPR Un MCOV,
kA kA kV V V EAN kg
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 surge protective devices - Delta networks
General technical data
Type OVR T2 3L 15-320 P U – –
with auxiliary contact (TS) – OVR T2 3L 40-320 P TS U OVR T2 3L 40-550 P TS U
Electrical features
Standards UL 1449 UL 1449 UL 1449
Type / test class (UL 1449) 1 1 1
Protected lines 3 3 3
Type of current / frequency AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz AC 47-63 Hz
Voltage regulation of the system network ±15% ±15% ±15%
Nominal system voltage Un 277 V 277 V 480 V
Maximum continuous operating voltage MCOV 320 V 320 V 550 V
Maximal discharge current (8/20) Imax 15 kA 40 kA 40 kA
Nominal discharge current (8/20) In 5 kA 20 kA 10 kA
Voltage protection rating (L-N / N-G / L-G) VPR 1 kV 1 kV 1.7 kV
Response time < 25 ns < 25 ns < 25 ns
Short circuit SCCR 200 kA 200 kA 200 kA
Back up protection fuse (gG - gL) ≤ 100 A ≤ 100 A ≤ 100 A
maximum rating circuit breaker (B or C curve) ≤ 125 A ≤ 125 A ≤ 125 A
Pluggable Yes Yes Yes
Integrated QuickSafe® technology Yes Yes Yes
State indicator Yes Yes Yes
Safety reserve – – –
Auxiliary contact No Yes Yes
Wire range (L,N,PE) solid wire 2.5…25 / 4…14 mm² 2.5…25 / 4…14 mm² 2.5…25 / 4…14 mm²
stranded wire 2.5…16 / 6…14 mm² 2.5…16 / 6…14 mm² 2.5…16 / 6…14 mm²
Stripping length (L,N,PE) 12.5 / 0.5 mm 12.5 / 0.5 mm 12.5 / 0.5 mm
Tightening torque (L,N,PE) 2.8 / 24.5 Nm 2.8 / 24.5 Nm 2.8 / 24.5 Nm
Auxiliary contact (TS)
Contact – 3 NO – 3 NC 3 NO – 3 NC
Min. load – 12 V DC – 10 mA 12 V DC – 10 mA
Max. load – 250 V AC – 1 A 250 V AC – 1 A
Connection cross section – 1.5 / 16 mm² 1.5 / 16 mm²
Miscellaneous characteristics
Stocking temperature -40...+80 °C -40...+80 °C -40...+80 °C
Maximal Altitude 5 000 m 5 000 m 5 000 m
Operating temperature -40...+176 °C -40...+176 °C -40...+176 °C
Degree of NEMA 1 NEMA 1 NEMA 1
Fire resistance according to UL 94 V0 V0 V0
Dimensions mm hxwxd 90.5 x 53.4 x 64.8 mm – –
inches hxwxd 3.56 x 2.1 x 2.55 in – –
Dimensions with mm hxwxd – 98.5 x 53.4 x 64.8 mm 98.5 x 53.4 x 64.8 mm
auxiliary contact inches hxwxd – 3.88 x 2.1 x 2.55 in 3.88 x 2.1 x 2.55 in
Replacement cartridges
Phase product ID Type OVR T2 15-320 C U OVR T2 40-320 C U OVR T2 40-550 C U
Order code 2CTB802348R2700 2CTB802348R3700 2CTB802348R4100
Neutral product ID Type – – –
Order code – – –
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Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 surge protective devices - Split phase networks
Split phase devices are composed by two MOV poles or two MOV poles plus a spark gap one, depend-
ing on the number of lines the customer wants to pretect.The spark gap pole guarantees the lowest
Ordering details
Pro- Max Nominal Voltage Nominal Max. Bbn Type Order code Weight
tected dis- dis- protec- voltage cont. 3660308
lines charge charge tion operat- Pkg
current current rating ing (1 pce)
Imax voltage
8/20 In VPR Un MCOV,
kA kA kV V V EAN kg
OVR T2 2N 40-440
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 surge protective devices - Grounded Wye networks
Wye devices are composed by three MOV poles or three MOV poles plus a spark gap one, depending on
the number of lines the customer wants to protect. The spark gap pole guarantees the lowest voltage
protection rating and has to be connected to the Neutral.
OVR T2 devices provide the best protection as they are designed to protect electric installations and
sensitive equipment against indirect surges with ensuring a low protection level (VPR). They are char-
acterized by their capacity to safely discharge current with 8/20 μs wave form.
OVR T2 3L 40-440
Ordering details
Pro- Max Nominal Voltage Nominal Max. Bbn Type Order code Weight
tected dis- dis- protec- voltage cont. 3660308
lines charge charge tion operat- Pkg
current current rating ing (1 pce)
Imax voltage
8/20 In VPR Un MCOV,
kA kA kV V V EAN kg
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 surge protective devices - Split phase networks
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 surge protective devices - Split phase networks
OVR T2 2N – – – – –
15-320 P U
– OVR T2 2N OVR T2 2N OVR T2 2N OVR T2 2N OVR T2 2N
40-150 P TS U 40-320 P TS U 40-440 P TS U 40-550 P TS U 40-660 P TS U
2.5…25 / 4…14 mm² 2.5…25 / 4…14 mm² 2.5…25 / 4…14 mm² 2.5…25 / 4…14 mm² 2.5…25 / 4…14 mm² 2.5…25 / 4…14 mm²
2.5…16 / 6…14 mm² 2.5…16 / 6…14 mm² 2.5…16 / 6…14 mm² 2.5…16 / 6…14 mm² 2.5…16 / 6…14 mm² 2.5…16 / 6…14 mm²
12.5 / 0.5 12.5 / 0.5 12.5 / 0.5 12.5 / 0.5 12.5 / 0.5 12.5 / 0.5
2.8 / 24.5 Nm 2.8 / 24.5 Nm 2.8 / 24.5 Nm 2.8 / 24.5 Nm 2.8 / 24.5 Nm 2.8 / 24.5 Nm
– 3 NO – 3 NC 3 NO – 3 NC 3 NO – 3 NC 3 NO – 3 NC 3 NO – 3 NC
– 12 V DC – 10 mA 12 V DC – 10 mA 12 V DC – 10 mA 12 V DC – 10 mA 12 V DC – 10 mA
– 250 V AC – 1 A 250 V AC – 1 A 250 V AC – 1 A 250 V AC – 1 A 250 V AC – 1 A
– 1.5 / 16 mm² 1.5 / 16 mm² 1.5 / 16 mm² 1.5 / 16 mm² 1.5 / 16 mm²
– 3.88 x 2.1 x 2.55 in 3.88 x 2.1 x 2.55 in 3.88 x 2.1 x 2.55 in 3.88 x 2.1 x 2.55 in 3.88 x 2.1 x 2.55 in
– 1 NO – 1 NC 1 NO – 1 NC 1 NO – 1 NC 1 NO – 1 NC 1 NO – 1 NC
OVR T2 15-320 C U OVR T2 40-150 C U OVR T2 40-320 C U OVR T2 40-440 C U OVR T2 40-550 C U OVR T2 40-660 C U
2CTB802348R2700 2CTB802348R3500 2CTB802348R3700 2CTB802348R3900 2CTB802348R4100 2CTB802348R4300
OVR T2 70 N C U OVR T2 70 N C U OVR T2 70 N C U OVR T2 70 N C U OVR T2 70 N C U OVR T2 70 N C U
2CTB802348R6500 2CTB802348R6500 2CTB802348R6500 2CTB802348R6500 2CTB802348R6500 2CTB802348R6500
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Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 surge protective devices - Grounded Wye networks
Protection and safety
OVR Type 2 surge protective devices - Grounded Wye networks
OVR T2 3N – – – – –
15-320 P U
– OVR T2 3N OVR T2 3N OVR T2 3N OVR T2 3N OVR T2 3N
40-150 P TS U 40-320 P TS U 40-440 P TS U 40-550 P TS U 40-660 P TS U
2.5…25 / 4…14 mm² 2.5…25 / 4…14 mm² 2.5…25 / 4…14 mm² 2.5…25 / 4…14 mm² 2.5…25 / 4…14 mm² 2.5…25 / 4…14 mm²
2.5…16 / 6…14 mm² 2.5…16 / 6…14 mm² 2.5…16 / 6…14 mm² 2.5…16 / 6…14 mm² 2.5…16 / 6…14 mm² 2.5…16 / 6…14 mm²
12.5 / 0.5 mm 12.5 / 0.5 mm 12.5 / 0.5 mm 12.5 / 0.5 mm 12.5 / 0.5 mm 12.5 / 0.5 mm
2.8 / 24.5 Nm 2.8 / 24.5 Nm 2.8 / 24.5 Nm 2.8 / 24.5 Nm 2.8 / 24.5 Nm 2.8 / 24.5 Nm
– 4 NO – 4 NC 4 NO – 4 NC 4 NO – 4 NC 4 NO – 4 NC 4 NO – 4 NC
– 12 V DC – 10 mA 12 V DC – 10 mA 12 V DC – 10 mA 12 V DC – 10 mA 12 V DC – 10 mA
– 250 V AC – 1 A 250 V AC – 1 A 250 V AC – 1 A 250 V AC – 1 A 250 V AC – 1 A
– 1.5 / 16 mm² 1.5 / 16 mm² 1.5 / 16 mm² 1.5 / 16 mm² 1.5 / 16 mm²
OVR T2 15-320 C U OVR T2 40-150 C U OVR T2 40-320 C U OVR T2 40-440 C U OVR T2 40-550 C U OVR T2 40-660 C U
2CTB802348R2700 2CTB802348R3500 2CTB802348R3700 2CTB802348R3900 2CTB802348R4100 2CTB802348R4300
OVR T2 70 N C U OVR T2 70 N C U OVR T2 70 N C U OVR T2 70 N C U OVR T2 70 N C U OVR T2 70 N C U
2CTB802348R6500 2CTB802348R6500 2CTB802348R6500 2CTB802348R6500 2CTB802348R6500 2CTB802348R6500
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Protection and safety
OVRH series product range
Name OVRHSP OVRHSP (120, 160) OVRHSP (60, 80, 100) OVRHSR (120, 160)
(200, 240, 300, 400)
Connection Ampacity 1,000A 1,000A 400A 1,000A
and higher and below and below and below
Protection and safety
OVRH series product range
25, 50, 80 and 100 50kA 50kA 40kA 20, 25, 30kA per phase
per mode per phase per phase per phase
Yes Yes Yes Yes Yes
Optional Not available Not available Optional Not available
Optional Not available Not available Not available Not available
Not available Not available Not available Not available Not available
3 years 3 year 3 year 1 year 1 year
5/92 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Protection and safety
OVRHSP/OVRHSR Facility Wide Protection – 4,000A and below
• Listed to UL 1449 4th Edition for Type 1 and Type 2 SPD applications.
• Fail-safe design with individually fused Metal Oxide Varistors (MOVs) eliminating single
point failure, protecting against both overcurrent and overvoltage events.
• 200kAIC short circuit rating permits direct bus connection to most electrical services.
• Low let through voltage ensured by the lowest possible impedance path to ground and
equal current sharing during surge events.
• All weather sealed, powder-coated NEMA 4/IP65 housing is designed for any orientation
and indoor/outdoor applications.
• 5-year standard warranty.
Technical features
Nominal discharge current 10kA (60–100) 20kA (120–400)
rating (I-n)
Operating frequency 47–63Hz
Connection method Parallel to electrical distribution system
Modes of protection All modes (L-N, L-G, N-G, L-L)
Fault rating (SCCR) 200kAIC–no upstream over-current protection device (breaker or fuse) required
Response time Less than 1 nanosecond
Standard monitoring tatus indicator lights (one per phase), Standard dry (Form “C”) relay contacts,
(120–400 kA) Audible alarm with silence button
Weight 0, 80, 100 kA: 4.5 kg (10 lbs.)
120, 160 kA: 9 kg (20 lbs.)
200, 240, 300, 400 kA: 18 kg (40 lbs.)
Enclosure type Powder coated, impact-resistance steel, weather-proof NEMA 4
Installation location Indoor/outdoor
Mounting method Dual mounting flanges
Operating environment - 40° to +70°C (-40° to +185°F)
Altitude Up to 4000 m (13,000 ft.)
Product design Parallel design with individually fused MOVs
UL 1449 4th Edition Type Type 1
UL 1283 Yes
IEEE C62.41.1, .2, C62.45 Yes
Listed by TL: 60–100kA models
UL: 120–400kA models
CE: 120–400kA models
Protection and safety
OVRHSP/OVRHSR Facility Wide Protection – 4,000A and below
Order piece
EAN Type code code kg pc.
1-phase, 2-wire + ground 120V OVRHSP(SR)xxx1201P
1-phase, 2-wire + ground 240V OVRHSP(SR)xxx2401P
2-phase, 3-wire + ground 120/240V OVRHSP(SR)xxx1202S
3-phase Wye, 4-wire + 120/208V OVRHSP(SR)xxx1203Y
3-phase Wye, 4-wire + 220/380V OVRHSP(SR)xxx2203Y
3-phase Wye, 4-wire + 240/415V OVRHSP(SR)xxx2403Y
3-phase Wye, 4-wire + 277/480V OVRHSP(SR)xxx2773Y
3-phase Wye, 4-wire + 347/600 OVRHSP(SR)xxx3473Y*
3-phase High-Leg, 4-wire + 120/240V OVRHSP(SR)xxx2403H
3-phase Delta, 3-wire + 240V OVRHSP(SR)xxx2403D
3-phase Delta, 3-wire + 380V OVRHSP(SR)xxx3803D*
3-phase Delta, 3-wire + 480V OVRHSP(SR)xxx4803D*
3-phase Delta, 3-wire + 600V OVRHSP(SR)xxx6003D*
OVRHSP: Where “xxx” can be 60, 80, 100, 120, 160, 200, 240, 300 or 400
OVRHSR: Where “xxx” can be 120 or 160
*Voltages not available with 60, 80 or 100kA units
Protection and safety
OVRHTE Sub and Mid-Level Distribution – 1,000A and below
Technical features
Nominal discharge current rating (I-n) 20kA
Operating frequency 47–63Hz
Connection methods arallel to load (shunt)
609.6mm (24”) 5mm2 (#10 AWG) wires
through 20A (max) breaker
Modes of protection L-L, L-N, L-G, N-G
Fault rating (SCCR) 5kAIC–upstream
over-current protection device (breaker or fuse required)
Response time ess than 1 nanosecond
(one per phase)
Standard monitoring LED status indicator lights
Weight 5.8 kg (12.7 lbs.)
Enclosure type EMA 4X fiberglass-reinforced polyester (FRP) surface-mount,
non-removable cover
Installation location Indoor/outdoor
Mounting methods Dual mounting flanges
Operating environment 40° to +60°C (-40° to +140°F)
Altitude Up to 5000 m (16,400 ft.)
Product design No internal fusing
UL 1449 4th edition type Type 2
UL 1283 Yes
IEEE C62.41.1, .2, C62.45 Yes
Listed by UL
Protection and safety
OVRHTE Sub and Mid-Level Distribution – 1,000A and below
1-phase, 2-wire + ground 120V OVRHTExx1201P
1-phase, 2-wire + ground 240V OVRHTExx2401P
2-phase, 3-wire + ground 120/240V OVRHTExx1202S
3-phase Wye, 4-wire + 120/208V OVRHTExx1203Y
3-phase Wye, 4-wire + 220/380V OVRHTExx2203Y
3-phase Wye, 4-wire + 240/415V OVRHTExx2403Y
3-phase Wye, 4-wire + 277/480V OVRHTExx2773Y
3-phase Wye, 4-wire + 347/600V OVRHTExx3473Y
3-phase Hi-Leg, 4-wire + 120/240V OVRHTExx2403H
3-phase Delta, 3-wire + 240V OVRHTExx2403D
3-phase Delta, 3-wire + 380V OVRHTExx3803D
3-phase Delta, 3-wire + 480V OVRHTExx4803D
Protection and safety
OVRHT3B Sub Distribution and Panelboard – 400A and below
Technical features
Nominal discharge current rating (I-n) 20 kA (Earthling systems 10 kA)
Operating frequency 47–63 Hz
Connection methods arallel to load (shunt)
914.4 mm (36") of 3.31 mm2 (#12 AWG) wires
Modes of protection Model dependent
Fault rating (SCCR) 100 kA IC
Response time ess than 1 nanosecond
(one per phase)
Standard monitoring LED status indicator lights
Weight 23 kg (5 lbs)
Enclosure type NEMA 4X, non metallic
Installation location Indoor/Outdoor
Mounting method 12.7mm (1/2")–14 NPT thread
Operating environment -35° to +80°C (-31° to +176°F)
Altitude Up to 5000 m (16,400 ft.)
Product design Individual thermally fused and protected MOVs
UL 1449 4th edition type Type 1
UL 96A Yes
IEEE C62.41.1, .2, C62.45 Yes
Listed by UL
Protection and safety
OVRHT3B Sub Distribution and Panelboard – 400A and below
1-phase, 2-wire 50kA 120V OVRHT3B501201P 2CJC405120P0000 0.23 1
+ ground
1-phase, 2-wire 50kA 240V OVRHT3B502401P 2CJC405240P0000 0.23 1
+ ground
1-phase, 2-wire 50kA 277V OVRHT3B502771P 2CJC405277P0000 0.23 1
+ ground
1-phase, 2-wire 50kA 480V OVRHT3B504801P 2CJC405480P0000 0.23 1
+ ground
2-phase, 3-wire 50kA 120/240V OVRHT3B501202S 2CJC405120S0000 0.23 1
+ ground
2-phase, 3-wire 50kA 240/480V OVRHT3B502402S 2CJC405240S0000 0.23 1
+ ground
3-phase High-Leg, 50kA 120/240V OVRHT3B502403H 2CJC405240H0000 0.23 1
4-wire + ground
3-phase Wye, 4-wire + 50kA 120/208V OVRHT3B501203Y 2CJC405120Y0000 0.23 1
3-phase Wye, 4-wire + 50kA 220/380V OVRHT3B502203Y 2CJC405220Y0000 0.23 1
3-phase Wye, 4-wire + 50kA 230/400V OVRHT3B502303Y 2CJC405230Y0000 0.23 1
3-phase Wye, 4-wire + 50kA 240/415V OVRHT3B502403Y 2CJC405240Y0000 0.23 1
3-phase Wye, 4-wire + 50kA 277/480V OVRHT3B502773Y 2CJC405277Y0000 0.23 1
3-phase Wye, 4-wire + 50kA 347/600V OVRHT3B503473Y 2CJC405347Y0000 0.23 1
3-phase Delta, 3-wire + 50kA 240V OVRHT3B502403D 2CJC405240D0000 0.23 1
3-phase Delta, 3-wire + 50kA 380V OVRHT3B503803D 2CJC405380D0000 0.23 1
3-phase Delta, 3-wire + 50kA 400V OVRHT3B504003D 2CJC405400D0000 0.23 1
3-phase Delta, 3-wire + 50kA 480V OVRHT3B504803D 2CJC405480D0000 0.23 1
3-phase Delta, 3-wire + 50kA 600V OVRHT3B506003D 2CJC405600D0000 0.23 1
Earthing Systems
1-phase, 2-wire + 50kA 230V OVRHT3B502301PI 2CJC405230I0000 0.23 1
ground (for TNC
earthing systems)
1-phase, 2-wire + 50kA 230V OVRHT3B502301PJ 2CJC405230J0000 0.23 1
ground (for TNS
earthing systems)
1-phase, 2-wire + 50kA 230V OVRHT3B502301PK 2CJC405230K0000 0.23 1
ground (for IT earthing
1-phase, 2-wire + 50kA 230V OVRHT3B502301PL 2CJC405230L0000 0.23 1
ground (for TT earthing
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Protection and safety
OVRHS3U Sub Distribution and Panelboard – 400A and below
• Listed to UL 1449 4th Edition for Type 1 and Type 2 SPD applications.
• Individual fusing for each Metal Oxide Varistors (MOVs).
• LED indicates proper functioning of L-N and N-G MOVs.
Technical features
Nominal discharge current rating (I-n) 20kA
Operating frequency 47–63Hz
Connection methods arallel to load (shunt)
2mm2 (#14 AWG) wires
Modes of protection Model dependent
Fault rating (SCCR) 100kAIC
Response time ess than 1 nanosecond
(one per phase)
Standard monitoring LED status indicator lights
Weight .9 kg (2 lbs.)
Enclosure type NEMA 1, non-metallic
Installation location Indoor
Mounting method 2.7mm (1/2”)–14 NPT thread
(Aluminum bracket optional)
Operating environment -40° to +80°C (-40° to +176°F)
Altitude Up to 5000 m (16,400 ft.)
Product design Individually fused MOVs
UL 1449 4th edition type Type 1 and Type 2
UL 1283 nly for model number
IEEE C62.41.1, .2, C62.45 Yes
Listed by UL
Protection and safety
OVRHS3U Sub Distribution and Panelboard – 400A and below
Type 1
Configuration kA Voltage Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
per 8012542 1 1 piece unit
phase piece
EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
1-phase, 2-wire + ground 40kA 120V OVRHS3U401201P
2-phase, 3-wire + ground 40kA 120/240V OVRHS3U401202S
3-phase Delta, 4-wire + 40kA 240V OVRHS3U402403D
3-phase, 4-wire + ground 40kA 120/208V OVRHS3U402083Y
Type 2
Configuration kA per Voltage Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
phase 8012542 1 1 piece unit
EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
1-phase, 2-wire + ground 40kA 240V OVRHS3U402401P
2-phase, 3-wire + ground 80kA 120/240V OVRHS3U802402SR
(Contains UL 1283 listed
filter, Dry relay contacts
not available.)
3-phase Delta, 3-wire + 40kA 480V OVRHS3U404803D
3-phase High-Leg, 4-wire 40kA 120/240V OVRHS3U401202H
+ ground
3-phase, 4-wire + ground 40kA 277/480V OVRHS3U402773Y
3-phase, 4-wire + ground 40kA 230/400V OVRHS3U402303Y
Protection and safety
OVRHT3C Sub Distribution and Panelboard – 400A and below
Technical features
Nominal discharge current rating (I-n) 10kA
Operating Frequency 47–63Hz
Connection Methods Parallel to load
914.4mm (36“) of 3.31mm2 (#12 AWG)
Modes of protection Model dependent
Fault rating (SCCR) 100kAIC
Response time ess than 1 nanosecond
(one per phase)
Standard monitoring LED status indicator lights
Weight .23 kg (.5 lbs)
Enclosure type NEMA 4X, non metallic
Installation location Indoor/Outdoor
Mounting method 12.7mm (1/2”)–14 NPT thread
Operating environment -35° to +80°C (-31° to +176°F)
Altitude Up to 5000 m (16,400 ft.)
Product design Individual thermally fused and protected MOVs
UL 1449 4th edition type Type 1
UL 96A Yes
IEEE C62.41.1, .2, C62.45 Yes
Listed by UL
Protection and safety
OVRHT3C Sub Distribution and Panelboard – 400A and below
1-phase, 2-wire 50kA 120V OVRHT3C501201P 2CJC605120P0000 0.23 1
+ ground
1-phase, 2-wire 50kA 240V OVRHT3C502401P 2CJC605240P0000 0.23 1
+ ground
1-phase, 2-wire 50kA 277V OVRHT3C502771P 2CJC605277P0000 0.23 1
+ ground
1-phase, 2-wire 50kA 480V OVRHT3C504801P 2CJC605480P0000 0.23 1
+ ground
2-phase, 3-wire 50kA 120/240V OVRHT3C501202S 2CJC605120S0000 0.23 1
+ ground
2-phase, 3-wire 50kA 240/480V OVRHT3C502402S 2CJC605240S0000 0.23 1
+ ground
3-phase High-Leg, 50kA 120/240V OVRHT3C502403H 2CJC605240H0000 0.23 1
4-wire + ground
3-phase Wye, 4-wire + 50kA 120/208V OVRHT3C501203Y 2CJC605120Y0000 0.23 1
3-phase Wye, 4-wire + 50kA 220/380V OVRHT3C502203Y 2CJC605220Y0000 0.23 1
3-phase Wye, 4-wire + 50kA 230/400V OVRHT3C502303Y 2CJC605230Y0000 0.23 1
3-phase Wye, 4-wire + 50kA 240/415V OVRHT3C502403Y 2CJC605240Y0000 0.23 1
3-phase Wye, 4-wire + 50kA 277/480V OVRHT3C502773Y 2CJC605277Y0000 0.23 1
3-phase Wye, 4-wire + 50kA 347/600V OVRHT3C503473Y 2CJC605347Y0000 0.23 1
3-phase Delta, 3-wire + 50kA 240V OVRHT3C502403D 2CJC605240D0000 0.23 1
3-phase Delta, 3-wire + 50kA 380V OVRHT3C503803D 2CJC605380D0000 0.23 1
3-phase Delta, 3-wire + 50kA 400V OVRHT3C504003D 2CJC605400D0000 0.23 1
3-phase Delta, 3-wire + 50kA 480V OVRHT3C504803D 2CJC605480D0000 0.23 1
3-phase Delta, 3-wire + 50kA 600V OVRHT3C506003D 2CJC605600D0000 0.23 1
Earthing Systems
1-phase, 2-wire + 50kA 230V OVRHT3C502301PI 2CJC605230I0000 0.23 1
ground (for TNC
earthing systems)
1-phase, 2-wire + 50kA 230V OVRHT3C502301PJ 2CJC605230J0000 0.23 1
ground (for TNS
earthing systems)
1-phase, 2-wire + 50kA 230V OVRHT3C502301PK 2CJC605230K0000 0.23 1
ground (for IT earthing
1-phase, 2-wire + 50kA 230V OVRHT3C502301PL 2CJC605230L0000 0.23 1
ground (for TT earthing
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Protection and safety
OVRHLD Equipment Level Protection – 100A and below
Technical features
Nominal discharge current rating (I-n) 10kA
Operating frequency 47–63Hz
Connection methods arallel to load (shunt)
457.2 mm (18”) 2mm2 (#14 AWG) wires
Direct connect or breaker
Modes of protection L-N, L-G, N-G
Fault rating (SCCR) 65kAIC
Response time Less than 1 nanosecond
Standard monitoring ED status indicator lights
(one per phase)
Weight .5 kg (1 lb.)
Enclosure type NEMA 1, non-metallic
Installation location Indoor
Mounting method NPS thread and aluminum bracket
Operating environment -40° to +80°C (-40° to +176°F)
Altitude Up to 5000 m (16,400 ft.)
Product design I ndividually fused MOVs
Overcurrent fusing
Thermal fusing
UL 1449 4th edition type Type 1
UL 1283 No
IEEE C62.41.1, .2, C62.45 Yes
Listed by ETL
Model number: Where “xx” can be 20, 25 or 30 and “yyy” can be 120, 127, 230, or 277
Description: Where “xx” can be 20, 25 or 30 and “yyy” can be 120, 127, 230, or 277
5/104 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
The new ABB OVR data and telecom
SPD range overview
Protecting critical electronic systems
The new ABB OVR data/telecom range of SPDs are designed to protect equip-
ment connected to data and telephone lines to complement the OVR power Data/
SPD products and offer a complete system protection solution (power & data)
against surges. The comprehensive range includes protection for twisted pair
data lines (including hazardous environments), computer networks, telecom
systems including PBX and ISDN, CCTV, TV and RF systems.
Cables leaving the building can also provide a route back into the building
for transients.
Protection and safety
Short Selection Guide – Surge Protection Devices OVR
HART Systems Flat/DIN Mount Slim DIN Mount Multiple Lines (DIN Mount)
7TCA085400R0310 7TCA085400R0310 7TCA085400R0312
CCTV Protection
is also available for
CCTV 5V CCTV with BNC OVR CCTV/B OVR RS485 OVR 240-16A OVR CME4 OVR WBX4/GS different voltages
connector, power, Video signal Telemetry signal Power line Earth Bar Enclosure and twisted pair
and telemetry line 7TCA085400R0296 7TCA085400R0310 7TCA085460R0361 7TCA085400R0414 7TCA085410R0049 connections.
4 - 20 mA
current loops
Screw terminals OVR SL30L/4-20
30 V 7TCA085400R0371
Coaxial antennas:
GSM, UMTS, Female OVR RF 441421 OVR RF AA1421 OVR RF 111421
Radar, Radio, TV, coaxial BNC 7/16 DIN N
GPS connector: 7TCA085450R0066 7TCA085450R0063 7TCA085450R0065
2 wire systems
(30V) OVR 30E OVR SL30 OVR 30Q Protection for
Flat Mount Slim Mount Multiple Lines different voltages
7TCA085400R0353 7TCA085400R0363 7TCA085400R0341 are available
3 wire systems
(30V) OVR SL30/3W Protection for
Slim Mount different voltages
7TCA085400R0331 are available
Hazardous Areas
ATEX/IEC Telecom
approved 15 Volt 30 Volt
7TCA085400R0386 7TCA085400R0387
Temperature WARNING Equipment is ONLY
Detectors (RTD) OVR RTD OVR SL RTD OVR RTDQ protected if all incoming lines
Flat/DIN Mount Slim (DIN Mount) Multiple Lines (DIN Mount) have protection fitted
7TCA085400R0313 7TCA085400R0315 7TCA085400R0314
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Protection and safety
Data & signal protection
OVR SL Series
Application Installation
Use these protectors where installation space is at Connect in series with the data communication or signal
a premium and large numbers of lines require protection line either near where it enters or leaves the building or
(e.g. process control, high speed digital communication close to the equipment being protected (e.g. within its
equipment or systems with long signal lines). control panel).
Either way, it must be very close to the system’s earth
star point. Install protectors either within an existing
cabinet/cubicle or in a separate enclosure.
Replacement modules: OVR SL/I/B Nominal voltage 30V
Max working voltage, Uc 36.7V
Current rating
In-line resistance
Wilford Road,
NOTE: The OVR SL ‘Slim Line’ Series is also available for protection of 3-wire, RS 485 and RTD applications (OVR SL/3W, OVR SL RS485 & OVR SL RTD).
The OVR SL X Series has approvals for use in hazardous areas. For telecommunication applications use OVR SLTN Series.
Protection and safety
Data & signal protection
OVR SL Series
OVR SL Series - Technical specification
Electrical specification OVR SL06 OVR SL15 OVR SL30 OVR SL50 OVR SL110
ABB order code 7TCA085400R0360 7TCA085400R0361 7TCA085400R0363 7TCA085400R0364 7TCA085400R0362
Nominal voltage (1) 6V 15 V 30 V 50 V 110 V
Maximum working voltage Uc (RMS/DC) (2) 5 V/7.79 V 11 V/16.7 V 25 V/36.7 V 40 V/56.7 V 93 V/132 V
Current rating (signal) 750 mA
In-line resistance (per line ±10%) 1.0 Ω
Bandwidth (-3 dB 50 Ω system) 45 MHz 45 MHz 45 MHz 45 MHz 45 MHz
Transient specification OVR SL06 OVR SL15 OVR SL30 OVR SL50 OVR SL110
Let-through voltage (all conductors) (3) Up
C2 test 4 kV 1.2/50 μs, 2 kA 8/20 μs 36.0 V 38.4 V 63.0 V 90.3 V 185 V
to BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21
C1 test 1 kV, 1.2/50 μs, 0.5 kA 8/20 μs 26.2 V 29.4 V 51.3 V 77.2 V 175 V
to BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21
B2 test 4 kV 10/700 μs 16.0 V 26.8 V 45.4 V 68.3 V 165 V
to BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21
5 kV, 10/700 μs (4) 17.0 V 27.5 V 46.3 V 69.1 V 170 V
Maximum surge current
D1 test 10/350 μs to – Per signal wire 1.25 kA
BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21 – Per pair 2.5 kA
8/20 μs to ITU-T – Per signal wire 10 kA
K.45:2003, – Per pair 20 kA
IEEE C62.41.2:2002
Mechanical specification OVR SL06 OVR SL15 OVR SL30 OVR SL50 OVR SL110
Temperature range -40 to +80 °C
Connection type Screw terminal - maximum torque 0.8 Nm
Conductor size (stranded) 4 mm2
Earth connection Via DIN rail or 4 mm2 earth terminal - maximum torque 0.8 Nm
Case material FR Polymer UL-94 V-0
Weight – Unit 0.08 kg
– Packaged (per 10) 0.85 kg
Dimensions See diagram below
104.6 mm
106.5 mm
7 mm 2 S 1 1 S 2 E
ominal voltage (RMS/DC or AC peak)
measured at < 10 μA (OVR SL15, OVR SL30,
OVR SL50, OVR SL110 and LED variants)
and < 200 μA (OVR SL06 and OVR SL06L)
Maximum working voltage (RMS/DC or AC peak)
measured at < 1 mA leakage
The maximum transient voltage let-through of the
protector throughout the test (±10%), line to line &
line to earth, both polarities. Response time < 10 ns
Test to IEC 61000-4-5:2006, ITU-T (formerly
CCITT) K.20, K.21 and K.45, Telcordia
GR-1089-CORE, Issue 2:2002, ANSI TIA/EIA/
IS-968-A:2002 (formerly FCC Part 68)
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Protection and safety
Data & signal protection
OVR SL X Series
Application Installation
Use these protectors in hazardous environments where in- Connect in series with the data communication or signal
stallation space is at a premium and large numbers of lines line either near where it enters or leaves the building or close
require protection (e.g. process control, 4-20 mA loops, to the equipment being protected (e.g. within its control
fire and gas detectors and shut-down systems). Suitable panel). Either way, it must be very close to the system’s
for high speed digital communication equipment or systems earth star point. Install protectors either within an existing
with long signal lines. See Application Note OVR AN013. cabinet/cubicle or in a separate enclosure.
Current rating
Max working voltage, Uc 36.7V
1 3
Max surge current 20kA
Let-through voltage, Up 63V
Wilford Road,
NOTE: Use the standard OVR SL ‘Slim Line’ Series for non-hazardous areas. The OVR SL Series is also available for protection
of 3-wire, RS 485, RTD & telecommunication applications (OVR SL/3W, OVR SL RS485, OVR SL RTD & OVR SL TN).
Protection and safety
Data & signal protection
OVR SL X Series
OVR SL X Series - Technical specification
Electrical specification OVR SL15X OVR SL30X
ABB order code 7TCA085400R0386 7TCA085400R0387
Nominal voltage (1) 15 V 30 V
Maximum working voltage Uc (RMS/DC) (2) 11 V/16.7 V 25 V/36.7 V
Current rating (signal) 750 mA
In-line resistance (per line ±10%) 1.0 Ω
Bandwidth (-3 dB 50 Ω system) 45 MHz
Intrinsically safe specification OVR SL15X OVR SL30X
Maximum voltage Ui 30 V
Maximum power Pi – Per -40 °C < Ta < 40 °C 1.3 W
– Per -40 °C < Ta < 60 °C 1.2 W
– Per -40 °C < Ta < 80 °C 1.0 W
Capacitance Ci 0 μF
Inductance Li 0 μH
Certificate number IECEx SIR 10.0030X, Sira 10ATEX2063X
Classification Ex II 2 (1) G, Ex ia (ia Ga) IIC T4 Gb
Transient specification OVR SL15X OVR SL30X
Let-through voltage (all conductors) (3) Up
C2 test 4 kV 1.2/50 μs, 2 kA 8/20 μs to BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21 38.4 V 63.0 V
C1 test 1 kV, 1.2/50 μs, 0.5 kA 8/20 μs to BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21 29.4 V 51.3 V
B2 test 4 kV 10/700 μs to BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21 26.8 V 45.4 V
5 kV, 10/700 μs (4) 27.5 V 46.3 V
Maximum surge current
D1 test 10/350 μs to BS EN/EN/ – Per signal wire 1.25 kA
IEC 61643-21 – Per pair 2.5 kA
8/20 μs to ITU-T K.45:2003, – Per signal wire 10 kA
IEEE C62.41.2:2002 – Per pair 20 kA
Mechanical specification OVR SL15X OVR SL30X
Temperature range -40 to +80 °C
Connection type Screw terminal - maximum torque 0.8 Nm
Conductor size (stranded) 4 mm2
Earth connection Via DIN rail or 4 mm2 earth terminal - maximum torque 0.8 Nm
Case material FR Polymer UL-94 V-0
Weight – Unit 0.08 kg
– Packaged (per 10) 0.85 kg
Dimensions See diagram below
104.6 mm
ominal voltage (RMS/DC or AC peak)
106.5 mm
measured at < 10 μA
Maximum working voltage (RMS/DC or AC peak)
measured at < 1 mA leakage 7 mm 2 S 1 1 S 2 E
The maximum transient voltage let-through of the
protector throughout the test (±10%), line to line &
line to earth, both polarities. Response time < 10 ns
Test to IEC 61000-4-5:2006, ITU-T (formerly
CCITT) K.20, K.21 and K.45, Telcordia
GR-1089-CORE, Issue 2:2002, ANSI TIA/EIA/
IS-968-A:2002 (formerly FCC Part 68)
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Protection and safety
Data & signal protection
OVR D Series
Application Installation
Use on twisted pair lines, e.g. those found in process Connect in series with the data communication or signal line
control equipment, modems and computer either near where it enters or leaves the building or close to
communications interfaces. the equipment being protected (e.g. within its control
panel). Either way, it must be very close to the system’s
earth star point. Install protectors either within an existing
cabinet/cubicle or in a separate enclosure.
Combined Mounting/Earthing kits: Weatherproof enclosures:
OVR CME 4 Mount & earth OVR WBX 4, OVR WBX 4/GS Install in series (in-line)
up to 4 protectors For use with a OVR CME 4
OVR CME 8 Mount & earth and up to 4 protectors DIRTY CLEAN
up to 8 protectors OVR WBX 8, OVR WBX 8/GS
OVR CME 16 Mount & earth For use with a OVR CME 8
up to 16 protectors and up to 8 protectors
OVR CME 32 Mount & earth OVR WBX 16/2/G
From line To
up to 32 protectors For use with one or two OVR CME
16 and up to 32 protectors equipment
Slim Line (OVR SL) and ATEX (OVR SLX) versions are also available. If your system requires a protector with a very low resistance or higher current, see the
OVR E & H Series. Also use the OVR E Series for systems needing a higher bandwidth. Protectors for 3-wire (OVR SL/3W) and RTD (OVR RTD, OVR SL RTD) are
available, as are the space saving protectors (OVR Q, OVR SL Series). The OVR KT and TN Series are additional protectors specifically for telephone lines.
Protection and safety
Data & signal protection
OVR D Series
OVR D Series - Technical specification
Electrical specification OVR 06D OVR 15D OVR 30D OVR 50D OVR 110D
ABB order code 7TCA085400R0288 7TCA085400R0349 7TCA085400R0351 7TCA085400R0352 7TCA085400R0347
Nominal voltage (1) 6V 15 V 30 V 50 V 110 V
Maximum working voltage Uc (RMS/DC) (2) 5 V/7.79 V 13 V/19 V 26 V/37.1 V 41 V/58 V 93 V/132 V
Current rating (signal) 300 mA
In-line resistance (per line ±10%) 9.4 Ω 9.4 Ω 9.4 Ω 9.4 Ω 9.4 Ω
Bandwidth (-3 dB 50 Ω system) 800 kHz 2.5 MHz 4 MHz 6 MHz 9 MHz
Transient specification OVR 06D OVR 15D OVR 30D OVR 50D OVR 110D
Let-through voltage (all conductors)(3) Up
C2 test 4 kV 1.2/50 μs, 2 kA 8/20 μs to 12.0 V 25.0 V 44.0 V 78.0 V 155 V
BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21
C1 test 1 kV, 1.2/50 μs, 0.5 kA 8/20 μs to 11.5 V 24.5 V 43.5 V 76.0 V 150 V
BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21
B2 test 4 kV 10/700 μs to BS EN/EN/ 10.0 V 23.0 V 42.5 V 73.0 V 145 V
IEC 61643-21
5 kV, 10/700 μs (4) 10.5 V 23.8 V 43.4 V 74.9 V 150 V
Maximum surge current
D1 test 10/350 μs – Per signal wire 2.5 kA
to BS EN/EN/IEC – Per pair 5 kA
8/20 μs to ITU-T – Per signal wire 10 kA
K.45:2003, IEEE – Per pair 20 kA
Mechanical specification OVR 06D OVR 15D OVR 30D OVR 50D OVR 110D
Temperature range -40 to +80 °C
Connection type Screw terminal - maximum torque 0.5 Nm
Conductor size (stranded) 2.5 mm2
Earth connection M6 stud
Case material FR Polymer UL-94 V-0
Weight – Unit 0.08 kg
– Packaged (per 10) 0.85 kg
Dimensions See diagram below
54 mm
38 mm
105 mm
M4 clearance
120 mm
19 mm
109 mm
M4 clearance
ominal voltage (RMS/DC or AC peak)
measured at < 5 μA (OVR 15D, OVR 30D,
OVR 50D, OVR 110D) and < 200 μA (OVR 06D)
Maximum working voltage (RMS/DC or AC peak)
measured at < 1 mA leakage (OVR 15D, OVR 30D,
OVR 50D, OVR 110D), < 10 mA (OVR 06D)
The maximum transient voltage let-through of the
protector throughout the test (±10%), line to line &
line to earth, both polarities. Response time < 10 ns
Test to IEC 61000-4-5:2006, ITU-T (formerly
CCITT) K.20, K.21 and K.45, Telcordia
GR-1089-CORE, Issue 2:2002, ANSI TIA/EIA/
IS-968-A:2002 (formerly FCC Part 68)
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Protection and safety
Data & signal protection
OVR E Series
Application Installation
Use these units to protect resistance sensitive, higher Connect in series with the data communication or signal line
frequency or running current systems, e.g. high speed either near where it enters or leaves the building or close to
digital communications equipment or systems with long the equipment being protected (e.g. within its control
signal lines. panel). Either way, it must be very close to the system’s
earth star point. Install protectors either within an existing
cabinet/cubicle or in a separate enclosure.
Combined Mounting/Earthing kits: Weatherproof enclosures:
Install in series (in-line)
OVR CME 4 Mount & earth OVR WBX 4, OVR WBX 4/GS
up to 4 protectors For use with a OVR CME 4
OVR CME 8 Mount & earth and up to 4 protectors DIRTY CLEAN
up to 8 protectors OVR WBX 8, OVR WBX 8/GS
OVR CME 16 Mount & earth For use with a OVR CME 8
up to 16 protectors and up to 8 protectors
OVR CME 32 Mount & earth OVR WBX 16/2/G From line To
up to 32 protectors For use with one or two OVR CME
16 and up to 32 protectors
NOTE: Slim Line (OVR SL) and ATEX (OVR SLX) are available. For many twisted pair data and signal applications, the lower cost OVR D Series may be suitable.
For applications requiring higher current (1.25 A to 4 A) or ultra-low in-line resistance, the OVR H Series protectors may be more suitable.
Protection and safety
Data & signal protection
OVR E Series
OVR E Series - Technical specification
Electrical specification OVR 06E OVR 15E OVR 30E OVR 50E OVR 110E
ABB order code 7TCA085400R0346 7TCA085400R0350 7TCA085400R0353 7TCA085400R0354 7TCA085400R0348
Nominal voltage (1) 6V 15 V 30 V 50 V 110 V
Maximum working voltage Uc (RMS/DC) (2) 5 V/7.79 V 11 V/16.7 V 25 V/36.7 V 40 V/56.7 V 93 V/132 V
Current rating (signal) 1.25 A
In-line resistance (per line ±10%) 1.0 Ω
Bandwidth (-3 dB 50 Ω system) 45 MHz
Transient specification OVR 06E OVR 15E OVR 30E OVR 50E OVR 110E
Let-through voltage (all conductors) (3) Up
C2 test 4 kV 1.2/50 μs, 2 kA 8/20 μs to 36.0 V 39.0 V 60.0 V 86.0 V 180 V
BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21
C1 test 1 kV, 1.2/50 μs, 0.5 kA 8/20 μs to 26.2 V 28.0 V 49.0 V 73.5 V 170 V
BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21
B2 test 4 kV 10/700 μs to BS EN/EN/IEC 16.0 V 25.5 V 43.5 V 65.0 V 160 V
5 kV, 10/700 μs (4) 17.0 V 26.2 V 44.3 V 65.8 V 165 V
Maximum surge current
D1 test 10/350 μs – Per signal wire 2.5 kA
61643-21 – Per pair 5 kA
54 mm
38 mm
105 mm
M4 clearance
120 mm
19 mm
109 mm
M4 clearance
ominal voltage (RMS/DC or AC peak)
measured at < 10 μA (OVR 15E, OVR 30E,
OVR 50E, OVR 110E) and < 200 μA (OVR 06E)
Maximum working voltage (RMS/DC or AC peak)
measured at < 5 mA leakage (OVR 15E, OVR 30E,
OVR 50E, OVR 110E) and < 10 mA (OVR 06E)
The maximum transient voltage let-through of the
protector throughout the test (±10%), line to line &
line to earth, both polarities. Response time < 10 ns
Test to IEC 61000-4-5:2006, ITU-T (formerly
CCITT) K.20, K.21 and K.45,Telcordia
GR-1089-CORE, Issue 2:2002, ANSI TIA/EIA/
IS-968-A:2002 (formerly FCC Part 68)
5/114 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Protection and safety
Data & signal protection
OVR H Series
Application Installation
Use these applications to protect resistance sensitive or Connect in series with the data communication or signal line
higher running current systems, e.g. systems with long either near where it enters or leaves the building or close to
signal lines, or DC power applications. the equipment being protected (e.g. within its control
panel). Either way, it must be very close to the system’s
earth star point. Install protectors either within an existing
cabinet/cubicle or in a separate enclosure.
Combined Mounting/Earthing kits: Weatherproof enclosures: Install in series (in-line)
OVR CME 4 Mount & earth OVR WBX 4, OVR WBX 4/GS
up to 4 protectors For use with a OVR CME 4
OVR CME 8 Mount & earth and up to 4 protectors
up to 8 protectors OVR WBX 8, OVR WBX 8/GS
OVR CME 16 Mount & earth For use with a OVR CME 8
up to 16 protectors and up to 8 protectors
OVR CME 32 Mount & earth OVR WBX 16/2/G From line To
up to 32 protectors For use with one or two OVR CME equipment
16 and up to 32 protectors Earth
NOTE: For some data and signal applications with lower current, higher in-line resistance or higher bandwidth requirements, the OVR D or E Series protectors
or the Slim Line OVR SL Series may be more suitable.
Protection and safety
Data & signal protection
OVR H Series
OVR H Series - Technical specification
Electrical specification OVR 06H OVR 15H OVR 30H OVR 50H OVR 110H
ABB order code 7TCA085400R0355 7TCA085400R0357 7TCA085400R0358 7TCA085400R0359 7TCA085400R0356
Nominal voltage (1) 6V 15 V 30 V 50 V 110 V
Maximum working voltage Uc (RMS/DC) (2) 5 V/7.79 V 11 V/16.7 V 25 V/36.7 V 40 V/56.7 V 93 V/132 V
Current rating (signal) 4A
In-line resistance (per line ±10%) 0.05 Ω
Bandwidth (-3 dB 50 Ω system) 160 KHz 140 KHz 130 KHz 120 KHz 120 KHz
Transient specification OVR 06H OVR 15H OVR 30H OVR 50H OVR 110H
Let-through voltage
(all conductors) (3) Up
C2 test 4 kV 1.2/50 μs, 2 kA 8/20 μs to 12.0 V 27.5 V 46.0 V 67.0 V 150 V
BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21
C1 test 1 kV, 1.2/50 μs, 0.5 kA 8/20 μs to 11.0 V 26.5 V 45.0 V 66.5 V 145 V
BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21
B2 test 4 kV 10/700 μs to BS EN/EN/IEC 10.5 V 25.5 V 43.5 V 65.0 V 140 V
5 kV, 10/700 μs (4) 10.8 V 26.2 V 44.3 V 65.8 V 145 V
Maximum surge current
D1 test 10/350 μs – Per signal wire 2.5 kA
to BS EN/EN/IEC – Per pair 5 kA
8/20 μs to ITU-T – Per signal wire 10 kA
K.45:2003, IEEE – Per pair 20 kA
Mechanical specification OVR 06E OVR 15E OVR 30E OVR 50E OVR 110E
Temperature range -40 to +80 °C
Connection type Screw terminal - maximum torque 0.5 Nm
Conductor size (stranded) 2.5 mm2
Earth connection M6 stud - maximum torque 0.5 Nm
Case material FR Polymer UL-94 V-0
Weight – Unit 0.08 kg
– Packaged (per 10) 0.85 kg
Dimensions See diagram below
54 mm
38 mm
105 mm
M4 clearance
120 mm
19 mm
109 mm
M4 clearance
ominal voltage (RMS/DC or AC peak)
measured at < 10 μA (OVR 15H, OVR 30H,
OVR 50H, OVR 110H) and < 200 μA (OVR 06H)
Maximum working voltage (RMS/DC or AC peak)
measured at < 5 mA leakage (OVR 15H, OVR 30H,
OVR 50H, OVR 110H) and < 10 mA (OVR 06H)
The maximum transient voltage let-through of the
protector throughout the test (±10%), line to line &
line to earth, both polarities. Response time < 10 ns
Test to IEC 61000-4-5:2006, ITU-T (formerly
CCITT) K.20, K.21 and K.45,Telcordia
GR-1089-CORE, Issue 2:2002, ANSI TIA/EIA/
IS-968-A:2002 (formerly FCC Part 68)
5/116 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Protection and safety
Data & signal protection
OVR SL 3-Wire Series
Application Installation
Use these protectors for 3-wire systems where installation Connect in series with the data communication or signal line
space is at a premium and large numbers of lines require either near where it enters or leaves the building or close to
protection (e.g. process control, high speed digital the equipment being protected (e.g. within its control
communication equipment or systems with long signal panel). Either way, it must be very close to the system’s
lines). earth star point. Install protectors either within an existing
cabinet/cubicle or in a separate enclosure.
1 3
Max surge current 20kA
Let-through voltage, Up 63V
Wilford Road,
NOTE: The OVR SL ‘Slim Line’ Series is also available for protection of 2-wire systems up to 110 V, RS 485, RTD and telecommunication applications
(OVR SL Series, OVR SL RS485, OVR SL RTD and OVR SL TN). The OVR SL X Series has approvals for use in hazardous areas.
Protection and safety
Data & signal protection
OVR SL 3-Wire Series
OVR SL 3-Wire Series - Technical specification
Electrical specification OVR SL06/3W OVR SL15/3W OVR SL30/3W OVR SL50/3W OVR SL110/3W
ABB order code 7TCA085400R0328 7TCA085400R0330 7TCA085400R0331 7TCA085400R0332 7TCA085400R0329
Nominal voltage (1) 6V 15 V 30 V 50 V 110 V
Maximum working voltage Uc (RMS/DC) (2) 5 V/7.79 V 11 V/16.7 V 25 V/36.7 V 40 V/56.7 V 93 V/132 V
Current rating (signal) 500 mA
In-line resistance (per line ±10%) 1.0 Ω
Bandwidth (-3 dB 50 Ω system) 45 MHz
Transient specification OVR SL06/3W OVR SL15/3W OVR SL30/3W OVR SL50/3W OVR SL110/3W
Let-through voltage (all conductors) (3) Up
C2 test 4 kV 1.2/50 μs, 2 kA 8/20 μs to 36.0 V 38.4 V 63.0 V 90.3 V 185 V
BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21
C1 test 1 kV, 1.2/50 μs, 0.5 kA 8/20 μs to 26.2 V 29.4 V 51.3 V 77.2 V 175 V
BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21
B2 test 4 kV 10/700 μs to BS EN/EN/IEC 16.0 V 26.8 V 45.4 V 68.3 V 165 V
5 kV, 10/700 μs (4) 17.0 V 27.5 V 46.3 V 69.1 V 170 V
Maximum surge current
D1 test 10/350 μs to – Per signal wire 1.25 kA
BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21 – Per pair 2.5 kA
8/20 μs to ITU-T – Per signal wire 10 kA
K.45:2003, IEEE – Per pair 20 kA
Mechanical specification OVR SL06/3W OVR SL15/3W OVR SL30/3W OVR SL50/3W OVR SL110/3W
Temperature range -40 to +80 °C
Connection type Screw terminal - maximum torque 0.8 Nm
Conductor size (stranded) 4 mm2
Earth connection Via DIN rail or 4 mm2 earth terminal - maximum torque 0.8 Nm
Case material FR Polymer UL-94 V-0
Weight – Unit 0.08 kg
– Packaged (per 10) 0.85 kg
Dimensions See diagram below
104.6 mm
106.5 mm
7 mm 2 S 1 1 S 2 E
ominal voltage (RMS/DC or AC peak) measured at
< 10 μA (OVR SL15/3W, OVR SL30/3W, OVR SL50/3W,
OVR SL110/3W) and < 200 μA (OVR SL06/3W)
Maximum working voltage (RMS/DC or
AC peak) measured at < 1 mA leakage
The maximum transient voltage let-through of the
protector throughout the test (±10%), line to line &
line to earth, both polarities. Response time < 10 ns
Test to IEC 61000-4-5:2006, ITU-T (formerly
CCITT) K.20, K.21 and K.45, Telcordia
GR-1089-CORE, Issue 2:2002, ANSI TIA/EIA/
IS-968-A:2002 (formerly FCC Part 68)
5/118 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Protection and safety
Data & signal protection
OVR SL LED 4-20 mA Series
Application Installation
Use these protectors on 4-20 mA loop systems - ideal where Connect in series with the 4-20 mA current loop either near
installation space is at a premium and large numbers of lines where it enters or leaves the building or close to the
require protection, or for systems with long signal lines. equipment being protected (e.g. within its control panel).
Either way, it must be very close to the system’s earth star
point. Install protectors either within an existing cabinet/
cubicle or in a separate enclosure.
Max working voltage, Uc 36.7V
Current rating 750mA
In-line resistance 1.0Ω
1 3
Max surge current 20kA
Let-through voltage, Up 63V
Wilford Road,
TECHNICAL NOTE: 4-20 mA current loops can serve multiple devices over a long distance. The devices and wiring produce a voltage drop (also known as “loop
drops”) but these do not reduce the 4-20 mA current as long as the power supply voltage is greater than the sum of the voltage drops around the loop at the
maximum signalling current of 20 mA.For design considerations, each OVR SL30L/4-20 device installed within the loop introduces a 1.7 V loop drop.
NOTE: The OVR SL ‘Slim Line’ Series is also available for protection of systems up to 110 V as well as 3-wire, RS 485, RTD & telecommunication
applications (OVR SL/3W, OVR SL RS485, OVR SL RTD & OVR SL TN). The OVR SL X Series has approvals for use in hazardous areas.
Protection and safety
Data & signal protection
OVR SL LED 4-20 mA Series
OVR SL LED 4-20 mA Series - Technical specification
Electrical specification OVR SL30L/4-20
ABB order code 7TCA085400R0371
Nominal voltage (1)
30 V
Maximum working voltage Uc (RMS/DC) (2) 25 V/36.7 V
Current rating (signal) (3) 75 mA
In-line resistance (per line ±10%) 1.0 Ω
Series voltage drop (4) 1.7 V
Bandwidth (-3 dB 50 Ω systems) 45 MHz
Transient specification OVR SL30L/4-20
Let-through voltage (all conductors) (5) Up
C2 test 4 kV 1.2/50 μs, 2 kA 8/20 μs to BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21 63.0 V
C1 test 1 kV, 1.2/50 μs, 0.5 kA 8/20 μs to BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21 51.3 V
B2 test 4 kV 10/700 μs to BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21 45.4 V
5 kV, 10/700 μs (6) 46.3 V
Maximum surge current
D1 test 10/350 μs to – Per signal wire 1.25 kA
BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21 – Per pair 2.5 kA
8/20 μs to ITU-T K.45:2003, – Per signal wire 10 kA
IEEE C62.41.2:2002 – Per pair 20 kA
Mechanical specification OVR SL30L/4-20
Temperature range -40 to +80 °C
Connection type Screw terminal - maximum torque 0.8 Nm
Conductor size (stranded) 4 mm2
Earth connection Via DIN rail or 4 mm2 earth terminal - maximum torque 0.8 Nm
Case material FR Polymer UL-94 V-0
Weight – Unit 0.08 kg
– Packaged (per 10) 0.85 kg
Dimensions See diagram below
104.6 mm
106.5 mm
7 mm 2 S 1 1 S 2 E
(1) N
ominal voltage (RMS/DC or AC
peak) measured at < 10 μA
(2) M
aximum working voltage (RMS/DC or
AC peak) measured at < 1 mA leakage
(3) The minimum current for LED
indicator operation is 2 mA
(4) At 20 mA
(5) T he maximum transient voltage let-through of the
protector throughout the test (±10%), line to line &
line to earth, both polarities. Response time < 10 ns
(6) T est to IEC 61000-4-5:2006, ITU-T (formerly
CCITT) K.20, K.21 and K.45, Telcordia
GR-1089-CORE, Issue 2:2002, ANSI TIA/EIA/
IS-968-A:2002 (formerly FCC Part 68)
5/120 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Protection and safety
Data & signal protection
OVR Q Series
Application Installation
Use these protectors where installation space is at Connect in series with the signal or data line either near
a premium and large numbers of lines require protection. where it enters or leaves the building or close to the
equipment being protected. Install in a cabinet/cubicle close
to the system’s earth star point.
From To
line Earth equipment
NOTE: The OVR Q Series is also available for protection of RS 485 and RTD applications (OVR RS485Q, OVR RTDQ). Protectors for individual data and
signal lines are available (OVR D Series and Slim Line OVR SL Series). Alternatively, for individual protectors with higher current
or bandwidth use the OVR E and OVR H Series. For telecommunication applications use OVR TNQ Series.
Protection and safety
Data & signal protection
OVR Q Series
OVR Q Series - Technical specification
Electrical specification OVR 06Q OVR 15Q OVR 30Q OVR 50Q OVR 110Q
ABB order code 7TCA085400R0333 7TCA085400R0340 7TCA085400R0341 7TCA085400R0342 7TCA085400R0343
Nominal voltage (1) 6V 15 V 30 V 50 V 110 V
Maximum working voltage Uc (RMS/DC) (2) 5 V/7.79 V 13 V/18.8 V 26 V/37.8 V 41 V/57.8 V 93 V/132 V
Current rating (signal) 750 mA 750 mA 750 mA 750 mA 750 mA
In-line resistance (per line ±10%) 1.0 Ω 1.0 Ω 1.0 Ω 1.0 Ω 1.0 Ω
Bandwidth (-3 dB 50 Ω system) 45 MHz 45 MHz 45 MHz 45 MHz 45 MHz
Transient specification OVR 06Q OVR 15Q OVR 30Q OVR 50Q OVR 110Q
Let-through voltage
(all conductors) (3) Up
C2 test 4 kV 1.2/50 μs, 2 kA 8/20 μs to BS 15.0 V 28.0 V 53.0 V 84.0 V 188 V
EN/EN/IEC 61643-21
C1 test 1 kV, 1.2/50 μs, 0.5 kA 8/20 μs to 12.5 V 26.5 V 48.0 V 76.0 V 175 V
BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21
B2 test 4 kV 10/700 μs to BS EN/EN/IEC 10.0 V 23.0 V 43.5 V 64.5 V 145 V
5 kV, 10/700 μs (4) 10.8 V 26.2 V 44.3 V 65.8 V 150 V
Maximum surge current
D1 test 10/350 μs – Per signal wire 2.5 kA
to BS EN/EN/IEC – Per pair 5 kA
8/20 μs to ITU-T – Per signal wire 10 kA
K.45:2003, IEEE – Per pair 20 kA
Mechanical specification OVR 06Q OVR 15Q OVR 30Q OVR 50Q OVR 110Q
Temperature range -40 to +80 °C
Connection type Pluggable 12 way screw terminal - maximum torque 0.6 Nm
Conductor size (stranded) 2.5 mm2
Earth connection Via DIN rail or M5 threaded hole in base of unit
Case material FR Polymer UL-94 V-0
Weight – Unit 0.1 kg
– Packaged (each) 0.12 kg
– Packaged (per 10) 1.3 kg
Dimensions See diagram below
95 mm
M3 clearance
Depth: 18 mm
87 mm 69 mm
42 mm
Nominal voltage (RMS/DC or AC peak)
measured at < 5 μA (OVR 15Q, OVR 30Q,
OVR 50Q, OVR 110Q) and < 200 μA (OVR 06Q)
Maximum working voltage (RMS/DC or
AC peak) measured at < 5 mA leakage
(OVR 15Q, OVR 30Q, OVR 50Q, OVR 110Q)
The maximum transient voltage let-through of the
protector throughout the test (±10%), line to line &
line to earth, both polarities. Response time < 10 ns
Test to IEC 61000-4-5:2006, ITU-T (formerly
CCITT) K.20, K.21 and K.45, Telcordia
GR-1089-CORE, Issue 2:2002, ANSI TIA/EIA/
IS-968-A:2002 (formerly FCC Part 68)
5/122 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Protection and safety
Data & signal protection
OVR RTD Series
Connect in series with the signal line either near where it point. Install protectors either within an existing
enters or leaves the building or close to the equipment being cabinet/cubicle or in a separate enclosure.
protected ensuring it is very close to the system’s earth star
Current rating 750mA
In-line resistance 1.0Ω
1 3
Max surge current 20kA
Let-through voltage, Up 63V
From To S
Wilford Road,
Weatherproof enclosure:
From To
line Earth equipment
NOTE: For 2-wire or 4-wire RTD applications, use one or two OVR 06D or OVR SL06 protectors respectively.
Protection and safety
Data & signal protection
OVR RTD Series
OVR RTD, RTDQ & SL RTD Series - Technical specification
Electrical specification OVR RTD OVR SL RTD OVR RTDQ
ABB order code 7TCA085400R0313 7TCA085400R0315 7TCA085400R0314
Nominal voltage (1)
Maximum working voltage Uc (RMS/DC) (2) 5 V/7.79 V
Current rating (signal) 200 mA 500 mA 700 mA
In-line resistance (per line ±10%) 10 Ω 1.0 Ω 1.0 Ω
Bandwidth (-3 dB 50 Ω system) 800 kHz 1.5 MHz 800 kHz
Transient specification OVR RTD OVR SL RTD OVR RTDQ
Let-through voltage (all conductors) (3) Up
C2 test 4 kV 1.2/50 μs, 2 kA 8/20 μs to 12.0 V 17.9 V 15.0 V
BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21
C1 test 1 kV, 1.2/50 μs, 0.5 kA 8/20 μs to 11.5 V 12.1 V 12.5 V
BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21
B2 test 4 kV 10/700 μs to BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21 10.0 V 11.0 V 10.0 V
5 kV, 10/700 μs (4) 10.5 V 11.3 V 10.5 V
Maximum surge current
D1 test 10/350 μs to – Per signal wire 2.5 kA 1.25 kA 2.5 kA
BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21 – Per pair 5 kA 2.5 kA 5 kA
8/20 μs to ITU-T K.45:2003, – Per signal wire 10 kA
IEEE C62.41.2:2002 – Per pair 20 kA
Mechanical specification OVR RTD OVR SL RTD OVR RTDQ
Temperature range -40 to +80 °C
Connection type Screw terminal - Screw terminal - Pluggable 12 way screw
max. torque 0.5 Nm max. torque 0.8 Nm terminal
Conductor size (stranded) 2.5 mm2 4 mm2 2.5 mm2
Earth connection M6 stud - max. torque 0.5 Nm Via DIN rail or 4 mm2 earth Via DIN rail or M5 threaded
terminal - max. torque 0.8 Nm hole in base of unit -
max. torque 0.6 Nm
Case Material FR Polymer UL-94 V-0
Weight – Unit 0.08 kg 0.08 kg 0.1 kg
– Packaged (per 10) 0.85 kg 0.85 kg 1.3 kg
Dimensions See diagram below
54 mm
M3 clearance
38 mm
Depth: 18 mm
105 mm 87 mm 69 mm
M4 clearance
42 mm
120 mm
19 mm
109 mm
M4 clearance
ominal voltage (RMS/DC or AC peak)
measured at < 200 μA
Maximum working voltage (RMS/DC
or AC peak) measured at < 10 mA
104.6 mm
The maximum transient voltage let-through of the
protector throughout the test (±10%), line to line &
line to earth, both polarities. Response time < 10 ns 106.5 mm
Test to IEC 61000-4-5:2006, ITU-T (formerly
CCITT) K.20, K.21 and K.45,Telcordia
GR-1089-CORE, Issue 2:2002, ANSI TIA/EIA/ 7 mm 2 S 1 1 S 2 E
Protection and safety
Telecoms & computer line protection
OVR KT & KE Series
Application Installation
• For PSTN (e.g POTS, dial-up, lease line, T1/E1, Install protectors on all lines that enter or leave each
*DSL and Broadband) and U interface ISDN lines, use OVR building (including extensions to other buildings). Identify
KT1 (or OVR KT1/PTC) and OVR K10T1 (or OVR K10T1/PTC) the lines requiring protection and plug-in the protector
• Protect single lines with OVR KT1 or OVR KT1/PTC (ensuring the correct orientation) for a series connection.
• Protect all ten lines on a disconnection module with Plug OVR K10T1 or OVR K10T1/PTC directly into each
OVR K10T1 or OVR K10T1/PTC disconnection module requiring protection.
OVR KT1 and OVR KT1/PTC must be installed via the OVR
KE10 earth bar. Clip an OVR KE10 on to the disconnection
module and plug an OVR KT1 or OVR KT1/PTC in to each line
on the module that needs protecting. In the unlikely
situation that the protector is damaged, it will sacrifice
itself and fail short circuit, taking the line out of
commission, indicating it needs replacing and preventing
subsequent transients from damaging equipment.
NOTE: For individual telephone lines and lines at unmanned sites the high performance OVR TN or plug-in OVR TN/JP or OVR TN/RJ11 Series should be used.
For plug-in S/T interface ISDN protection, use the ISDN Series protectors.
Protection and safety
Telecoms & computer line protection
OVR KT & KE Series
OVR KT & KE Series - Technical specification
Electrical specification OVR KT1 OVR KT1/PTC OVR K10T1 OVR K10T1/PTC
ABB order code 7TCA085400R0305 7TCA085400R0306 7TCA085400R0307 7TCA085400R0410
Maximum working – line to line 296 V 296 V 296 V 296 V
voltage Uc (1) – line to earth 296 V 296 V 296 V 296 V
Current rating (signal) 300 mA 145 mA 300 mA 145 mA
In-line resistance (per line ±10%) 4.4 Ω
Bandwidth (-3 dB 50 Ω system) 20 MHz 20 MHz 20 MHz 20 MHz
Transient specification OVR KT1 OVR KT1/PTC OVR K10T1 OVR K10T1/PTC
Let-through voltage (all conductors) (2) Up
C2 test 4 kV 1.2/50 μs, – line to line 395 V 395 V 395 V 395 V
2 kA 8/20 μs to BS – line to earth 395 V 395 V 395 V 395 V
EN/EN/IEC 61643-21
C1 test 1 kV, 1.2/50 μs, – line to line 390 V 390 V 390 V 390 V
0.5 kA 8/20 μs to BS – line to earth 390 V 390 V 390 V 390 V
EN/EN/IEC 61643-21
B2 test 4 kV 10/700 μs – line to line 298 V 298 V 298 V 298 V
to BS EN/EN/IEC – line to earth 298 V 298 V 298 V 298 V
5 kV, 10/700 μs (3)
– line to line 300 V 300 V 300 V 27 V
– line to earth 300 V 300 V 300 V 80 V
Maximum surge current (4)
D1 test 10/350 μs to – line to line 1 kA
BS EN/EN/IEC – line to earth 2 kA
8/20 μs to ITU-T – line to line 5 kA
K.45:2003, IEEE – line to earth 10 kA
Power Faults specification OVR KT1 OVR KT1/PTC OVR K10T1 OVR K10T1/PTC
Power/Line Cross and Power Induction - tests to: ITU-T (formerly CCITT) K.20, K.21 and
K.45, Telcordia GR-1089-CORE, Issue 2:2002, UL 60950/IEC 950
Power/line cross – 110/230 Vac – 110/230 Vac
(15 min) (15 min)
Power induction – 600 V, 1 A (0.2 sec) – 600 V, 1 A
Mechanical specification OVR KT1, OVR KT1/PTC OVR K10T1, OVR K10T1/PTC OVR KE10
Temperature range -40 to +80 °C –
Connection type To LSA-PLUS disconnection modules (BT part number 237A) –
Earth connection Via OVR KE10 earth bar Via integral earth clip/external M4 bush –
Material FR Polymer UL-94 V-0 Stainless Steel
Weight – Unit 0.01 kg 0.10 kg 0.01 kg
– Packaged 0.12 kg (per 10) 0.12 kg 0.10 kg (per 10)
Dimensions See diagram below
22 mm
110 mm
40 mm
aximum working voltage (DC or
M 40 mm
AC peak) at 10 μA for OVR KT1, OVR KT1/ 59 mm 59 mm 20 mm
The maximum transient voltage let-through of the
Depth: 21 mm
protector throughout the test (±10%), line to line & 9.5 mm 110 mm 22 mm
line to earth, both polarities. Response time < 10 ns
Test to IEC 61000-4-5:2006, ITU-T (formerly
CCITT) K.20, K.21 and K.45,Telcordia
GR-1089-CORE, Issue 2:2002, ANSI TIA/EIA/
IS-968-A:2002 (formerly FCC Part 68)
The installation and connections external to the
protector may limit the capability of the protector
5/126 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Protection and safety
Telecoms & computer line protection
OVR TN/RJ11 & ISDN/RJ45 Series
• For PSTN (e.g. POTS, dial-up, lease line, T1/E1, *DSL and • For S/T interface ISDN lines with RJ45 connections protect
Broadband) use TN/RJ11 the middle 4 (of 8) conductors (paired 3&6, 4&5) with OVR
• OVR TN/RJ11… are suitable for use on telephone lines with ISDN/RJ45-4/8, or all 8 (outside pairs 1&2, 7&8) with OVR
a maximum (or ringing) voltage of up to 296 Volts ISDN/RJ45-8/8
• For telephone lines with RJ11 connections protect the
middle 2 (of 6) conductors with OVR TN/RJ11-2/6, the For further information on RJ45 ISDN applications, see sep-
middle 4 (of 6) with OVR TN/RJ11-4/6 or all 6 with arate Application Note OVR AN002 and for global telephony
OVR TN/RJ11-6/6 applications, see separate Application Note
• For S/T interface ISDN lines, use OVR ISDN/RJ45-4/8 and OVR AN005 (contact us for a copy).
Connect in series with the telephone or ISDN line. These
units are usually installed close to the equipment being
protected and within a short distance of a good electrical 1 metre cable with RJ45 connections
To From To From
phone equipment ISDN equipment
socket Earth line Earth
NOTE: For non-ISDN wire-in applications the high performance OVR TN, OVR SLTN or OVR TNQ can be used.
Protect PBX telephone exchanges and other equipment with LSA-PLUS connections using OVR KT series.
Protection and safety
Telecoms & computer line protection
OVR TN/RJ11 & ISDN/RJ45 Series
OVR TN/RJ11 & ISDN/RJ45 Series - Technical specification
Electrical specification OVR TN/ OVR TN/ OVR TN/ OVR ISDN/ OVR ISDN/
RJ11-2/6 RJ11-4/6 RJ11-6/6 RJ45-4/8 RJ45-8/8
ABB order code 7TCA085400R0337 7TCA085400R0338 7TCA085400R0339 7TCA085460R0359 7TCA085460R0360
Nominal voltage 296 V 296 V 296 V 5V 5 V/58 V (2)
Maximum working voltage Uc (1) 296 V 296 V 296 V 58 V 58 V
Current rating (signal) 300 mA
In-line resistance (per line ±10%) 4.4 Ω
Bandwidth (-3 dB 50 Ω system) 20 MHz 20 MHz 20 MHz 19 MHz 19 MHz
Transient specification OVR TN/ OVR TN/ OVR TN/ OVR ISDN/ OVR ISDN/
RJ11-2/6 RJ11-4/6 RJ11-6/6 RJ45-4/8 RJ45-8/8
Let-through voltage (all conductors) (3) Up
C2 test 4 kV 1.2/50 μs, – line to line 395 V 395 V 395 V 28 V 28 V/88 V (5)
2 kA 8/20 μs to – line to earth 395 V 395 V 395 V 88 V 88 V
BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21
C1 test 1 kV, 1.2/50 μs, – line to line 390 V 390 V 390 V 23 V 23 V/63 V (5)
0.5 kA 8/20 μs to – line to earth 390 V 390 V 390 V 63 V 63 V
BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21
B2 test 4 kV 10/700 μs – line to line 298 V 298 V 298 V 26 V 26 V/65 V (5)
to BS EN/EN/IEC – line to earth 298 V 298 V 298 V 65 V 65 V
5 kV, 10/700 μs (4) – line to line 300 V 300 V 300 V 27 V 27 V/80 V (5)
– line to earth 300 V 300 V 300 V 80 V 80 V
Maximum surge current (6)
D1 test 10/350 μs to 1 kA
BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21
8/20 μs to ITU-T K.45:2003, 10 kA
IEEE C62.41.2:2002:
Mechanical specification OVR TN/ OVR TN/ OVR TN/ OVR ISDN/ OVR ISDN/
RJ11-2/6 RJ11-4/6 RJ11-6/6 RJ45-4/8 RJ45-8/8
Temperature range -40 to +80 °C
Connection type RJ11 plug RJ11 plug RJ11 plug RJ45 plug RJ45 plug
and socket and socket and socket and socket and socket
Earth connection M4/DIN rail
Case Material FR Polymer UL-94 V-0
Weight – Unit 0.15 kg
– Packaged 0.2 kg
Dimensions See diagram below
106 mm106 mm
OVR ISDN/RJ45-4/8,
OVR ISDN/RJ45-4/8,
8/8 8/8
54 mm 54 mm60 mm 60 mm
cable length:
cable length:
0.5 m 0.5 m
49 mm 49 mm
aximum working voltage (DC or AC peak)
measured at < 10 μA leakage for OVR TN/RJ11 OVR TN/RJ11-2/6,
OVR TN/RJ11-2/6,
4/6, 6/6 4/6, 6/6
cable length:
cable length:
1m 1m
products and < 5 μA for OVR ISDN/RJ45 products Depth: Depth:
24 mm 24 mm
Maximum working voltage is 5 V for pairs Fixing centres
Fixing centres
49 x 54 49
mm,x 54
M3 clearance
3/6 & 4/5, and 58 V for pairs 1/2 & 7/8
The maximum transient voltage let-through of the
protector throughout the test (±10%), line to line &
line to earth, both polarities. Response time < 10 ns
Test to IEC 61000-4-5:2006, ITU-T (formerly
CCITT) K.20, K.21 and K.45,Telcordia GR-
1089-CORE, Issue 2:2002, ANSI TIA/EIA/
IS-968-A:2002 (formerly FCC Part 68)
The first let-through voltage value is for pairs
3/4 & 5/6, and the second value is for pairs 1/2 & 7/8
The installation and connectors external to the
protector may limit the capability of the protector
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Protection and safety
Data & signal protection
OVR TN, TNQ & SL TN Series
Replacement module for OVR SL TN: If protectors cannot be incorporated
Connect in series with the signal line either near where it OVR SLTN/M within an existing panel or enclosure,
enters or leaves the building or close to the equipment being Standard module replacement OVR WBX enclosures are available
for up to 4, 8, 16 or 32 protectors
protected ensuring it is very close to the system’s earth star Combined Mounting/Earthing kits for and their associated OVR CME kit.
point. Install protectors either within an existing OVR RS485:
OVR CME 4 For up to 4 x OVR TN Weatherproof enclosure:
cabinet/cubicle or in a separate enclosure. OVR CME 8 For up to 8 x OVR TN OVR WBX SLQ (OVR SLTN and OVR TNQ)
OVR CME 16 For up to 16 x OVR TN
OVR CME 32 For up to 32 x OVR TN
OVR TN installed in series OVR SL TN installed in series OVR TNQ installed in series (in-line)
1 3
Max surge current 20kA
Let-through voltage, Up 63V
From To
Wilford Road,
line equipment
Earth 2 4
From To
line Earth equipment
From line
line Toequipment
To equipment
NOTE: The OVR KT Series is also available for telecommunications application using LSA-PLUS disconnection modules.
Plug-in solutions are also available for RJ11 connections (see OVR TN RJ11 Series).
Protection and safety
Data & signal protection
OVR TN, TNQ & SL TN Series
OVR TN, TNQ & SL TN Series - Technical specification
Electrical specification OVR TN OVR SL TN, OVR SL TNL OVR TNQ
ABB order code 7TCA085400R0345 7TCA085400R0323, 7TCA085400R0418 7TCA085400R0344
Nominal voltage (1)
Maximum working voltage Uc (RMS/DC) (2) –/296 V
Current rating (signal) 300 mA
In-line resistance (per line ±10%) 4.4 Ω
Bandwidth (-3 dB 50 Ω system) 20 MHz
Transient specification OVR TN OVR SL TN , OVR SL TNL OVR TNQ
Let-through voltage (all conductors) (3) Up
C2 test 4 kV 1.2/50 μs, 2 kA 8/20 μs to 395 V
BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21
C1 test 1 kV, 1.2/50 μs, 0.5 kA 8/20 μs to 390 V
BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21
B2 test 4 kV 10/700 μs to BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21 298 V
5 kV, 10/700 μs (4) 300 V
Maximum surge current
D1 test 10/350 μs to – Per signal wire 2.5 kA 1.25 kA 2.5 kA
BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21 – Per pair 5 kA 2.5 kA 5 kA
8/20 μs to ITU-T K.45:2003, – Per signal wire 10 kA
IEEE C62.41.2:2002 – Per pair 20 kA
Mechanical specification OVR TN OVR SL TN , OVR SL TNL OVR TNQ
Temperature range -40 to +80 °C
Connection type Screw terminal - Screw terminal - max. torque 0.8 N Pluggable 12 way screw
max. torque 0.5 Nm terminal
Conductor size (stranded) 2.5 mm2 4 mm2 2.5 mm2
Earth connection M6 stud Via DIN rail or 4 mm2 earth terminal - Via DIN rail or M5
max. torque 0.8 Nm threaded hole in base
of unit
Case Material FR Polymer UL-94 V-0
Weight – Unit 0.08 kg 0.1 kg
– Packaged (per 10) 0.85 kg 1.3 kg
Dimensions See diagram below
54 mm
M3 clearance
38 mm
Depth: 18 mm
105 mm 87 mm 69 mm
M4 clearance
42 mm
120 mm
19 mm
109 mm
M4 clearance OVR SL TN
ominal voltage (RMS/DC or AC
peak) measured at < 10 μA
Maximum working voltage (RMS/DC 104.6 mm
or AC peak) measured at < 5 mA
The maximum transient voltage let-through of the
protector throughout the test (±10%), line to line & 106.5 mm
line to earth, both polarities. Response time < 10 ns
Test to IEC 61000-4-5:2006, ITU-T (formerly
7 mm 2 S 1 1 S 2 E
Protection and safety
Telecom & computer line protection
OVR Cat-5 & Cat-6 Series
Use these protectors on network cables that travel between • To protect up to 100baseT Power over Ethernet (PoE)
buildings to prevent damage to equipment, e.g. computers, networks with Cat-5/Cat-5e use OVR Cat-5e/PoE
servers, repeaters and hubs. Suitable for computer networks • To protect up to 1000baseT/10GbaseT Power over
up to Cat-6A cabling. Ethernet (PoE) networks with Cat-6/Cat-6A cabling use
• To protect up to 100baseT networks with Cat-5/Cat-5e OVR Cat-6/PoE
cabling use OVR Cat-5e
• To protect up to 1000baseT/10GbaseT networks with For further application information, see separate
Cat-6/Cat-6A cabling use OVR Cat-6 Application Note OVR AN004 (contact us for a copy).
Connect in series with the network cable, either:
• Near to where it enters or leaves the building, or
• As it enters the network hub, or
• Close to the equipment being protected Accessories
This should be close to the system’s earth star point
1 metre cable with unshielded 2 metre screened cable with
(to enable a good connection to earth). RJ45 connections shielded RJ45 connections
NOTE: To protect datacomms systems based on twisted pairs, use the OVR D, E or H Series. Local protection for networked equipment is also available.
Protection and safety
Telecom & computer line protection
OVR Cat-5 & Cat-6 Series
OVR Cat-5 & Cat-6 Series - Technical specification
Electrical Specification OVR Cat-5e OVR Cat-5e/PoE OVR Cat-6 OVR Cat-6/PoE
ABB order code 7TCA085400R0289 7TCA085400R0290 7TCA085400R0291 7TCA085400R0292
Maximum working – data (2)
voltage Uc (1) – power (3) – 58 V – 58 V
Current rating 300 mA 600 mA (4) 300 mA 600 mA (4)
In-line resistance – data (2) 1.5 Ω
(per line ±25%) – power – 1.5 Ω – –
Maximum data rate 100 Mbps 100 Mbps 1000 Mbps 1000 Mbps
Networking standards 10/100baseT 10/100baseT 10/100/1000/ 10/100/1000/
10GbaseT 10GbaseT
TIA Cat-5e TIA Cat-5/PoE TIA Cat-6 TIA Cat-6
IEEE 802.3i IEEE 802.3i IEEE 802.3i IEEE 802.3i
IEEE 802.3u IEEE 802.3u IEEE 802.3u IEEE 802.3u
– IEEE 802.3af IEEE 802.3ab IEEE 802.3ab
– IEEE 802.3at IEEE 802.3an IEEE 802.3an
– – – IEEE 802.3af
– – – IEEE 802.3at
Transient specification OVR Cat-5e OVR Cat-5e/PoE OVR Cat-6 OVR Cat-6/PoE
Let-through voltage (all conductors) (5) Up
C2 test 4 kV 1.2/50 μs, 2 kA 8/20 μs – line to line 120 V 120 V/116 V (8) 120 V 120 V/116 V (8)
to BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21 – line to earth (6) 700 V
C1 test 1 kV, 1.2/50 μs, 0.5 kA – line to line 74 V 74 V/95 V (8) 74 V 74 V/95 V (8)
8/20 μs to BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21 – line to earth (6)
600 V
B2 test 4 kV 10/700 μs to – line to line 21 V 21 V/87 V (8) 21 V 21 V/87 V (8)
BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21 – line to earth(6) 550 V
5 kV, 10/700 μs (7) – line to line 25 V 25 V/90 V (8) 25 V 25 V/90 V (8)
– line to earth (6) 600 V
Maximum surge current (9)
D1 test 10/350 μs to BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21 1 kA
8/20 μs to ITU-T K.45:2003, IEEE C62.41.2:2002 10 kA
Mechanical specification OVR Cat-5e, OVR Cat-6,
OVR Cat-5e/PoE OVR Cat-6/PoE
Temperature range -40 to +80 °C
Connection type RJ45 sockets
Cable (supplied) 0.5 m Cat-5e UTP 0.5 m Cat-6 STP
patch lead patch lead
Earth connection M4/DIN rail
Case Material FR Polymer UL-94 V-0
Weight – Unit 0.15 kg
– Packaged 0.2 kg
Dimensions See diagram below
106 mm
aximum working voltage (DC or AC
peak) measured at 1 mA leakage (6)
he interfaces used in network systems incorporate
Data pairs 1/2 and 3/6 are protected an isolation transformer that inherently 106 mm
as standard. Pairs 4/5 and 7/8 are provides an inbuilt immunity to transients
106 mm
also protected on Cat-6 barriers between line and earth of 1,500 Volts or more 54 mm 60 mm Depth: 24 m
PoE protectors transmit power (7)
Test to IEC 61000-4-5:2014, ITU-T (formerly 49 mm Fixing centr
Mode A and Mode B power CCITT) K.20, K.21 and K.45,Telcordia 49 x 54 mm
B ased on 30W of transmitted PSE GR-1089-CORE, Issue 6:2011, ANSI TIA/EIA/ M3 clearanc
54 mm 60 mm Depth: 24 mm
power, to IEEE 802.3at. IS-968-A:2005 (formerly FCC Part 68).
The maximum transient voltage let-through (8)
The first number is for the data pair, with 5449
mmmm 60 mm Depth: 24 mm Fixing centres
of the protector throughout the test the second number for the power pair 49 x 54 mm,
49 mm Fixing centres M3 clearance
(±10%), line to line & line to earth. Response (9)
The installation and connectors may 49 x 54 mm,
time <10 ns (on all protected pairs) limit the capability of the protector M3 clearance
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Protection and safety
Data & signal protection
OVR RS485, RS485Q & SL RS485 Series
point. Install protectors either within an existing Combined Mounting/Earthing kits for Weatherproof enclosure:
cabinet/cubicle or in a separate enclosure. OVR RS485: OVR WBX SLQ (OVR SL RS485 and
OVR CME 4 For up to 4 x OVR RS485 OVR RS485Q)
OVR CME 8 For up to 8 x OVR RS485
OVR CME 16 For up to 16 x OVR RS485
OVR CME 32 For up to 32 x OVR RS485
OVR RS485 installed in series OVR SL RS485 installed in series OVR RS485Q installed in series (in-line)
1 3
Max surge current 20kA
Let-through voltage, Up 63V
From To
Wilford Road,
line equipment
Earth 2 4
From To
line Earth equipment
From line
line Toequipment
To equipment
NOTE: The OVR SL ‘Slim Line’ Series is also available for protection of 3-wire and RTD applications (OVR SL/3W & OVR SL RTD).
The OVR SL X Series has approvals for use in hazardous areas.
Protection and safety
Data & signal protection
OVR RS485, RS485Q & SL RS485 Series
OVR RS485, RS485Q & SL RS485 Series - Technical specification
Electrical specification OVR RS485 OVR SL RS485 OVR RS485Q
ABB order code 7TCA085400R0311 7TCA085400R0310 7TCA085400R0312
Nominal voltage (1)
15 V
Maximum working voltage Uc (RMS/DC) (2) 11 V/16.7 V
Current rating (signal) 300 mA
In-line resistance (per line ±10%) 1Ω
Bandwidth (-3 dB 50 Ω system) 45 MHz
Transient specification OVR RS485 OVR SL RS485 OVR RS485Q
Let-through voltage (all conductors) (3) Up
C2 test 4 kV 1.2/50 μs, 2 kA 8/20 μs to BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21 55.0 V
C1 test 1 kV, 1.2/50 μs, 0.5 kA 8/20 μs to BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21 42.0 V
B2 test 4 kV 10/700 μs to BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21 27.2 V
5 kV, 10/700 μs (4)
28.2 V
Maximum surge current
D1 test 10/350 μs to – Per signal wire 2.5 kA 1.25 kA 2.5 kA
BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21 – Per pair 5 kA 2.5 kA 5 kA
8/20 μs to ITU-T K.45:2003, – Per signal wire 10 kA
IEEE C62.41.2:2002 – Per pair 20 kA
Mechanical specification OVR RS485 OVR SL RS485 OVR RS485Q
Temperature range -40 to +80 °C
Connection type Screw terminal - Screw terminal - Pluggable 12 way screw
max. torque 0.5 Nm max. torque 0.8 N terminal
Conductor size (stranded) 2.5 mm2 4 mm2 2.5 mm2
Earth connection M6 stud Via DIN rail or 4 mm 2
Via DIN rail or M5
earth terminal - threaded hole in base of
max. torque 0.8 Nm unit
Case Material FR Polymer UL-94 V-0
Weight – Unit 0.08 kg 0.1 kg
– Packaged (per 10) 0.85 kg 1.3 kg
Dimensions See diagram below
54 mm
M3 clearance
38 mm
Depth: 18 mm
105 mm 87 mm 69 mm
M4 clearance
42 mm
120 mm
19 mm
109 mm
M4 clearance
ominal voltage (RMS/DC or
AC peak) measured at < 10 μA 104.6 mm
Maximum working voltage (RMS/DC
or AC peak) measured at < 5 mA
The maximum transient voltage let-through of the 106.5 mm
protector throughout the test (±10%), line to line &
line to earth, both polarities. Response time < 10 ns
7 mm 2 S 1 1 S 2 E
Test to IEC 61000-4-5:2006, ITU-T (formerly
CCITT) K.20, K.21 and K.45,Telcordia
GR-1089-CORE, Issue 2:2002, ANSI TIA/EIA/
IS-968-A:2002 (formerly FCC Part 68)
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Protection and safety
Specific systems protection
OVR RF Series
Application Installation
Use on coaxial cables to protect RF transmitter and receiver In a building, connect in series with the coaxial cable near
systems, including electronics located at the antenna where it enters or leaves the structure, or close to the
or dish. Typical examples include cell sites, military equipment being protected. This should be as close as
communications, satellite earth stations, pager systems possible to the system’s earth star point (to enable a good
and emergency services communications systems. connection to earth). On a mast, connect in series with the
coaxial cable near the antenna/dish being protected. Install
in a radio communications room, an existing cabinet or
a suitable enclosure.
NOTE: These protectors are based on a continuous transmission line with a GDT connected between this line and screen/earth, and are suited for applications where DC
is required to pass to the equipment. OVR CCTV/B and OVR CCTV/T are suitable for use on coaxial (or twisted pair) CCTV lines.
For coaxial CATV lines, use the OVR CATV/F.
Protection and safety
Specific systems protection
OVR RF Series
OVR RF Series - Technical specification
Electrical specification OVR RF 111421 OVR RF AA1421 OVR RF 441421
Gas Discharge Tube voltage 350 V
Maximum working voltage Uc (RMS) 200 V
Characteristic impedance 50 Ω
Bandwidth DC-2.7 GHz
Voltage standing wave ratio ≤ 1.1
Insertion loss over bandwidth ≤ 0.1 dB
Maximum power (1) 650 W
Transient specification OVR RF 111421 OVR RF AA1421 OVR RF 441421
Let-through voltage (all conductors) (2) Up
C2 test 4 kV 1.2/50 μs, 2 kA 8/20 μs to < 800 V
BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21
C1 test 1 kV 1.2/50 μs, 0.5 kA 8/20 μs to < 650 V
BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21
B2 test 4 kV 10/700 μs to BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21 < 550 V
5 kV, 10/700 μs (3) < 580 V
Maximum surge current (4)
D1 test 10/350 μs to BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21 2.5 kA
8/20 μs to ITU-T K.45:2003, IEEE C62.41.2:2002 20 kA
Mechanical specification OVR RF 111421 OVR RF AA1421 OVR RF 441421
ABB order code 7TCA085450R0065 7TCA085450R0063 7TCA085450R0066
Temperature range -40 to +80 °C 24 mm
24 mm
Connection type N female 7⁄16 DIN female BNC female
Conductor size (stranded) Via mounting fixtures 40 mm
40 mm 17.3 mm
Case Material Aluminium body, nickel plated. Brass connectors, white bronze plated
17.3 mm
58 mm
Weight – Unit 120 g 190 g 90 g
24 mm 58 mm
– Packaged 140 g 210 g 110 g 24 mm
Protection and safety
Specific systems protection
Application Installation
Use these protectors on the video cable to outdoor CCTV Connect in series with the CCTV cable in a convenient place
cameras and central control and monitoring equipment. close to the equipment being protected. For outdoor CCTV
cameras, protectors should be mounted in the junction box,
or in a separate enclosure, close to the camera. Protect
central control and monitoring equipment inside the
building by installing protectors on all incoming or outgoing
lines, either:
a) near where they enter or leave the building, or
b) close to the equipment being protected (or actually within
its control panel).
When CCTV protectors are installed in groups,
Series connection for OVR CCTV/B Series connection for OVR CCTV/T
or alongside protectors for signal and mains
power lines, these can be mounted and earthed
simultaneously on a OVR CME kit. An OVR CME 4 DIRTY CLEAN DIRTY CLEAN
will accommodate the video, telemetry and power
protectors to a camera. If protectors cannot be
incorporated within an existing panel or enclosure,
OVR WBX enclosures are available for up to 4, 8, From line To equipment From line To
16 or 32 protectors and their associated OVR CME
kit. The OVR WBX 4/GS is a secure IP66 enclosure Earth Earth equipment
suitable for a OVR CME 4 and associated protectors.
NOTE: Camera telemetry or control lines should be protected with a suitable Lightning Barrier from the OVR D or E Series.
Protectors for the power supply to individual cameras (e.g. OVR 240-16A) and the mains supply to the control room are available.
For coaxial RF (OVR RF Series) cable protectors and CATV systems (OVR CATV/F) are also available.
Protection and safety
Specific systems protection
OVR CCTV Series - Technical specification
CCTV/B B-15V B-30V B-50V CCTV/T CCTV/T-15V T-30V T-50V
ABB order code 7TCA085400R0296 7TCA085400R0297 7TCA085400R0299 7TCA085400R0300 7TCA085400R0301 7TCA085400R0302 7TCA085400R0298 7TCA085400R0303
54 mm 54 mm 54 mm
38 mm 38 mm 38 mm 38 mm
ominal voltage (DC or AC peak)
measured at < 10 μA leakage 105 mm 105 mm 105 mm
Maximum working voltage M4 (DC or
clearance M4 clearance M4 clearance
AC peak) measured at 5 mA leakage
C apacitance < 30 pF 120 mm 144 mm 120 mm
The maximum transient voltage let-through of the
protector throughout the test (±10%), line to line
19 mm 19 mm
& line to earth. Screen to earth let-through voltage
will be up to 600 V (with 5 kV 10/700 test), when
109 mm 109 mm 109 mm
protector is configured forM4 use with non-earthed
clearance M4 clearance M4 clearance
or isolated screen systems. Response time < 10 ns
Test to IEC 61000-4-5:2006, ITU-T (formerly
CCITT) K.20, K.21 and K.45,Telcordia
GR-1089-CORE, Issue 2:2002, ANSI TIA/EIA/
IS-968-A:2002 (formerly FCC Part 68)
The installation and connectors external to the
protector may limit the capability of the protector
5/138 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Protection and safety
Mains power protection
OVR 240-16A
Combined Type 2 and 3 tested protector (to BS EN 61643) for use on low
current (up to 16 A) single phase systems to protect connected electronic
equipment from transient overvoltages on the mains supply, e.g. CCTV systems,
fire/intruder alarm panels.
Application Installation
Use these protectors on low current mains power supplies, Connect in-line with the power supply usually either within
e.g. CCTV cameras, alarm panels and telemetry equipment. the equipment panel (or for CCTV cameras, in an enclosure
close by), or on the fused connection that supplies
equipment. To protect equipment inside a building from
transients entering on an outgoing feed (e.g. to CCTV
cameras or to site lighting) the protector should be installed
as close to where the cable leaves the building as possible.
Protectors should be installed either within an existing
cabinet/cubicle or in a separate enclosure.
From To
line equipment
Protection and safety
Mains power protection
OVR 240-16A
OVR 240-16A - Technical specification
Electrical specification OVR 240-16A
ABB order code 7TCA085460R0361
Nominal voltage - Phase-Neutral Uo (RMS) 240 V
Maximum voltage - Phase-Neutral Uc (RMS) 280 V
Working voltage (RMS) 200-280 V
Frequency range 47-63 Hz
Current rating (supply) 16 A or less
Max. back-up fuse (see installation instructions) ≤ 16 A
Leakage current (to earth) < 0.5 mA
Transient specification OVR 240-16A
Type 2 (BS EN/EN), Class II (IEC)
Nominal discharge current 8/20 μs (per mode) In 5 kA
Let-through voltage Up at In (1)
750 V
Maximum discharge current Imax (per mode) (2) 10 kA
Type 3 (BS EN/EN), Class III (IEC)
Let-through voltage at Uoc of 6 kV 1.2/50 μs and 600 V
Isc of 3 kA 8/20 μs (per mode) (1, 3)
Electrical specification OVR 240-16A
Temperature range -40 to +80 °C
Connection type Screw terminal - maximum torque 0.5 Nm
Conductor size (stranded) 4 mm2
Earth connection Via M6 stud or earth terminal -maximum torque 0.5 Nm
Degree of protection (IEC 60529) IP20
Case material Steel
Weight – Unit 0.23 kg
– Packaged 0.25 kg
Dimensions See diagrams below
109 mm centrally 54 mm
38 mm M4 clearance 26 mm 39 mm
105 mm
M3 clearance 120 mm
120 mm
56 mm
108 x 50 mm
80 mm
M4 clearance
25 mm max.
25 mm
he maximum transient voltage let-through of
the protector throughout the test (±10%), phase
to neutral, phase to earth and neutral to earth
The electrical system, external to the unit,
may constrain the actual current rating
achieved in a particular installation
Combination wave test within IEC/BS EN 61643,
IEEE C62.41-2002 Location Cats C1 & B3, SS
555:2010, AS/NZS 1768-2007, UL 1449 mains wire-in
5/140 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Protection and safety
Specific systems protection
OVR TV Series
Connect in series with the coaxial cable either near where it
enters or leaves each building or close to equipment
being protected.
NOTE: Protectors for coaxial (or twisted pair) CCTV Lines are available. For coaxial RF lines, use the OVR RF Series. Transients can also be conduced into
TV systems via the mains power supplies - use suitable OVR mains protection.
Specific systems
Protection and safetyprotection
ESP TV systems
Specific Seriesprotection
OVR TV Series
OVR TV Series - Technical specification
ABB order code 7TCA085400R0293 7TCA085400R0308 7TCA085400R0336 7TCA085400R0335 7TCA085400R0334
ESP TV Series - Technical specification
Maximum working voltage(1) 140 V 18.9 V 18.9 V 6.4 V
Electrical specification ESP CATV/F ESP MATV/F ESP SMATV/F ESP TV/F ESP TV/EURO6.4
Maximum operating current 4A 800 mA 800 mA 300 mA 300 mA
ABB order code 7TCA085400R0122 7TCA085450R0000 7TCA085450R0026 7TCA085450R0028 7TCA085450R0027
Characteristic impedance 75 Ω
Maximum working voltage (1)
140 V 18.9 V 18.9 V 6.4 V 6.4 V
Bandwidth 5-860 MHz 5-3224 MHz 860-3224 MHz 5-860 MHz 5-860 MHz
Maximum operating current 4A 800 mA 800 mA 300 mA 300 mA
Insertion loss – 5-860 MHz < 0.5 dB < 0.3 dB – < 0.3 dB < 0.3 dB
Characteristic impedance 75 Ω
– 860-2150 MHz – < 1.5 dB < 1.5 dB – –
Bandwidth 5-860 MHz 5-2450 MHz 860-2450 MHz 5-860 MHz 5-860 MHz
– 2150-3224 MHz – < 2.2 dB < 2.2 dB – –
Insertion loss: – 5-860 MHz < 0.5 dB < 0.3 dB – < 0.3 dB < 0.3 dB
Return loss (VSWR) – 5-860 MHz > 20 dB (< 1.2:1) > 32 dB (< 1.05:1) – > 32 dB (< 1.05:1) > 32 dB (< 1.05:1)
– 860-2150 MHz – < 1.5 dB < 1.5 dB – –
– 860-2150 MHzMHz –
– 2150-2450 > 20<dB (<dB
2.2 1.2:1) <>2.2
20 dB
dB (< 1.2:1) – – –
– –
– 2150-3224 MHz – < 2.2 dB < 2.2 dB – –
Return loss (VSWR): – 5-860 MHz > 20 dB (< 1.2:1) > 32 dB (< 1.05:1) – > 32 dB (< 1.05:1) > 32 dB (< 1.05:1)
– 860-2150 MHz – > 20 dB (< 1.2:1) > 20 dB (< 1.2:1) – –
Let-through voltage (all
– conductors)(2)
2150-2450 MHzUp < 2.2 dB < 2.2 dB
– – –
C2 test 4 kV 1.2/50 μs, 2 kA 8/20 μs to 270 V 70 V 70 V 65 V 65 V
BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21
Let-through voltage (all conductors) Up (2)
C1 test 1 kV 1.2/50 μs, 0.5 kA 8/20 μs to 265 V 60 V 60 V 50 V 50 V
C2 test 4 kV 1.2/5061643-21
BS EN/EN/IEC μs, 2 kA 8/20 μs to
test 4 kV 61643-21
10/700 μs to BS EN/EN/IEC 245 V 270 V 45 V70 V 70
45VV 65 V 30 V 65 V 30 V
C1 test 1 kV 1.2/50 μs, 0.5 kA 8/20 μs to
BS 5 kV, 10/70061643-21
EN/EN/IEC μs(3) 250 V 265 V 50 V60 V 50VV
60 50 V 35 V 50 V 35 V
B2 test surge μs
4 kV 10/700 current
to BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21 245 V 45 V 45 V 30 V 30 V
8/20 μs to
5 kV, 10/700 μsITU-T
(3) K.45:2003, IEEE 3 kA 250 V 50 V 50 V 35 V 35 V
Maximum surge current
D1 test 10/350 μs to BS EN/EN/IEC 500 A 750 A 750 A 750 A 750 A
μs to ITU-T K.45:2003, IEEE C62.41.2:2002 3 kA
D1 test 10/350 specification
Mechanical μs to BS EN/EN/IEC 61643-21 500 A
MATV/F 750
Mechanical specification
Temperature range ESP
Temperature range
Connection type F female -40 to +80 ºC -40 to +80 ºC
Connection type
Earth connection ~ 9.5 mm F(3⁄8”)
female Euro-TV
Earth connection diameter~earth stud
9.5 mm ( 3⁄ 8”) diameter earth stud ~ 9.5 mm ( 3⁄8”) diameter earth stud
Case Material
Material Diecast Diecast Diecast
Weight: – Unit – Unit 0.14 kg 0.14 kg 0.14 kg
– Packaged – Packaged 0.15 kg 0.15 kg 0.15 kg
Dimensions See diagram below below
See diagram
Maximum working voltage (DC or AC peak) measured at
< 5 μA (ESP CATV/F) and < 50 mA (ESP MATV/F,
75 mm
The maximum transient voltage let-through of the protector
throughout the test (±10%), line to line & line to earth.
Response time < 10 ns
Test to IEC 61000-4-5:2006, ITU-T (formerly CCITT) K.20,
K.21 and K.45,Telcordia GR-1089-CORE, Issue 2:2002,
ANSI TIA/EIA/IS-968-A:2002 (formerly FCC Part 68)
M4 clearance holes,
58 mm
Depth = 23 mm
64.5 mm
Maximum working voltage (DC or AC
peak) measured at < 5 μA (OVR CATV/F)
and < 50 mA (OVR MATV/F, OVR SMATV/F,
The maximum transient voltage let-through
of the protector throughout the test (±10%)
line to earth. Response time < 10 ns
Test to IEC 61000-4-5:2006, ITU-T (formerly
CCITT) K.20, K.21 and K.45,Telcordia
GR-1089-CORE, Issue 2:2002, ANSI TIA/EIA/
IS-968-A:2002 (formerly FCC Part 68)
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Protection and safety
Protector accessories
OVR WBX Series
with grey base and either a see-through or grey (part number/G or/GS) lid.
Use OVR WBX enclosures when your OVR protector(s) can’t be installed within the existing
equipment panel or enclosure and for added protection in damp and dirty environments.
The protector(s), or OVR CME kit, are mounted on the metal base plate, which in turn mounts in the enclosure.
ABB Order Code 7TCA085410R0048 7TCA085410R0050 7TCA085410R0047 7TCA085400R0326
7TCA085410R0049 7TCA085410R0051 7TCA085400R0327
Weight – Unit 0.9 kg 1.3 kg 6.4 kg 0.7 kg
– Packaged 0.95 kg 1.35kg 7.6 kg 1.0 kg
Length – Internal 246 mm 225 mm 460 mm 230 mm
– External 255 mm 235 mm 474 mm 250 mm
Width – Internal 171 mm 225 mm 380 mm 105 mm
– External 180 mm 235 mm 396 mm 125 mm
Depth – Internal 119 mm 100 mm 120 mm 110 mm
– External 125 mm 117 mm 128 mm 125 mm
Fixing centres (mm) 240 x 165 215 x 215 380 x 310 235 x 110
IP rating IP66 IP66 IP56 IP67
Temperature range -15 to +75 °C -15 to +75 °C -25 to +60 °C -40 to +80 °C
Flammability UL 94 V2 UL 94 V2 UL 94 V0 UL 746C 5V
Protection and safety
Protector accessories
OVR CME Series
able with 4, 8, 16 and 32 mounting holes.
Earth Use OVR CME kits to simultaneously mount and earth groups of single and double earth stud
connection Earth connection
protectors. Each single earth stud protector requires one OVR CME mounting position and
(not supplied) (not supplied)
(not supplied)
(not supplied)
each double earth stud protector requires two OVR CME mounting positions, this includes:
• High conductivity copper with electro-tin plating and nylon insulating pillars, for low
impedance to earth
Single earth stud protectors which are:
– OVR 06D – OVR 06E – OVR 06H – OVR TN
Assembly of OVR CME kit – OVR 15D – OVR 15E – OVR 15H – OVR RTD
Earth connection (not supplied) – OVR 30D – OVR 30E – OVR 30H – OVR CCTV/B
– OVR 50D – OVR 50E – OVR 50H – OVR CCTV/T
– OVR 110D – OVR 110E – OVR 110H – OVR RS485
Double earth stud protectors which are:
– OVR 240-16A
Once you know how many OVR CME mounting positions you require choose a OVR CME kit to
– OVR CME 4 has 4 mounting positions
– OVR CME 8 has 8 mounting positions
– OVR CME 16 has 16 mounting positions
– OVR CME 32 has 32 mounting positions
Accessories Installation
Enclosures suitable for a OVR CME The earth bar is supported by a series of mounting pillars (which are fixed to the cubicle or box
4 and its associated protectors: base). Protectors are attached to the OVR CME’s earth bar via their earth stud(s) and earthed with
(OVR WBX 4/GS), OVR CME 8 and shared connections to earth. We suggest one earth connection per mounting pillar.
protectors (OVR WBX 8/GS) or one or
two OVR CME 16 and protectors
(OVR WBX 16/2/G)
120 mm 200 mm
25 mm
100 mm 180 mm
3 mm 380 mm
CME 16
90 mm
180 mm 180 mm
740 mm
End view CME 32
(all products) 180 mm 180 mm 180 mm 180 mm
Protection and safety
Protector accessories
E 90. Uncompromising performance
A safe and smart range designed for quick,
flexible and error-proof installation
The compact dimensions enable to
Venting grooves and cooling
close the switchboard door even when
chambers improve heat dissipation
the fuse holder is open, thus ensuring
even in multiple-pole configurations.
total safety during maintenance.
The fuse tripping can be easily
displayed, thanks to the special
blown fuse indicator light.
Universal use
Screw holes have increased diameter
to accomodate insulated screwdrivers
and electric screwdrivers.
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E 90. Uncompromising performance
A safe and smart range designed for quick, flexible and error-proof installation
Fuseholder profile has been designed for maximum ease of The compact dimensions enable to close the switchboard
use: the 90° flip hinge with ergonomic knob, makes the door even when the fuseholder is open, thus ensuring total
replacement of fuses easier even in small spaces or when safety during maintenance.
wearing protective gloves.
With the Prozidriv PZ2 screws tightening can be performed Venting grooves and cooling chambers improve heat
by exerting less torque than conventional screws, and the dissipation even in multiple-pole configurations.
same electric screwdriver can be used for all terminals. The reduced operating temperature inside fuseholders
Moreover, the PS connection busbars facilitate the ensures durability and reliability of the devices over time.
connecting operations, making the wiring both simple and
safe and providing complete integration with S 200 and SN
201 System pro M compact® circuit-breakers.
Protection and safety
E 90 fuse switch disconnectors
Technical features
Type E 90/20 E 90/32
Rated current A 20 32
Type of current AC
Fuse [mm] 8 x 31 10 x 38
IEC 60947-3
Utilization category AC-22B AC-20B AC-22B AC-20B
Markings [V] 400 690 400 690
for lower temperature verify fuse technical characteristics, for higher temperature refer to derating
Shock withstand
• Shock testing according to IEC 60068-2-27 : 15 g/11 ms/18 shocks
• Shock testing according to IEC 61373: Category 1 Class B
Plastic parts Case: Material PA 6 +30 % glass fibre
Self extinguishing class: V2 (UL94)
Temperature resistance: 130 °C
Opening handle Material PA 66 +25 % glass fibre
Self-extinguishing class V0 (UL94)
Temperature resistance: 140 °C
Metal parts Clips Silver plated copper
Clip spring Stainless steel
Terminals Galvanized steel
The E 90 series is environmental friendly and protects the health of people: all used materi-
als are conform to the RoHS and REACH directives and they completely exclude hazardous
substances and halogen.
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Protection and safety
E 90 fuse switch disconnectors
thermoplastic material resistant to high temperatures (all materials are UL listed) while the
contact clips are in silver plated copper.
E 92 E 90 fuse switch disconnectors can be sealed or padlocked to ensure operator safety during
maintenance. Versions with blown fuse indicator allow to check whether the fuse is still
working correctly or not. For easy and quick installation E 90 range is totally compatible with
connecting bars, terminals and caps of S 200 MCBs.
Thanks to cURus approval, they can be installed in UL certified machines.
Protection and safety
E 90h fuseholders
Technical features
Type E 90hN/20 E 90hN/32
Rated currrent [A] 20 32
Type of current AC
Fuse [mm] 8 x 31 10 x 38
Max power dissipation accepted [W] 2.6 3.2
Rated frequency [Hz] 50-60
Tightening torque [Nm] PZ2 0.8-1.2
E 91hN Protection degree IP20
Terminals cross-section [mm2] 16
Cross-section rigid copper conductors [mm2] 1.5-16
Cross-section stranded copper conductors [mm2] 1.5-10
Operating temperature [°C] -5/+40 (1)
IEC 60269-3
Rated voltage [V] 400
E 93hN (1)
for lower temperature verify fuse technical characteristics, for higher temperature refer to derating
table in Chapter 5 of Electrical installation solutions for buildings - Technical details
for more than 24h max temperature is +55 °C
E 90h fuseholders
E 90h fuseholders are suitable for protection against overloads and short circuits. Available
in a single module 1P+N version and in a three-module 3P+N version, they are designed for
use with gG and aM cylindrical fuse links. The body is made from self-extinguishing material
resistant to high temperatures, while the contact clips are in silver-plated copper. E 90h
fuseholders can be sealed or padlocked to assure operator safety during maintenance.
Versions with blown fuse indicator allow to check whether the fuse is still working correctly
or not.
Protection and safety
E 90 PV fuse disconnectors
Technical features
Type E 90/32 PV E 90/32 PV according to UL
Rated current [A] 30
Type of current DC
Fuse [mm] 10 x 38
Max power dissipation accepted [W] 3
Rated frequency [Hz] -
Tightening torque PZ2 2-2.5 Nm PZ2 18-22 lb-in
E 90 PV
Protection degree IP20
Terminals cross-section [mm2] 25
Cross-section rigid copper conductors 1.5 - 25 mm2 n..a.
Cross-section stranded copper conductors 1.5 - 16 mm2 8÷3 AWG
Operating temperature [°C] -5/+40 (1)
Storage temperature [°C] -25/+70 (2)
Altitude [m] 2000
Voltage range for LED indicator light 24-1000 AC/DC
(only s version)
Can be padlocked (open) ■
IEC 60947-3
Utilization category DC-20B
Rated voltage [V] 1000
for lower temperature verify fuse technical characteristics, for higher temperature refer to derating
E 90 PV fuse disconnectors
E 90 PV series fuse disconnectors, designed for operating voltages of 1000 V DC with
utilization category DC-20B, are particularly suited for protection against overcurrents of
photovoltaic systems.The single-pole or two-pole E 90 PV disconnectors for 10.3 x 38 mm
cylindrical fuse links offer a reliable, compact and affordable solution for photovoltaic
installations. Versions with blown fuse indicator allow to check whether the fuse is still
working correctly or not.
Protection and safety
E 90 PV 1500 fuse holder
Technical features
Type E90/32 PV1500
Rated current [A] 32 (acc. IEC), 30 (acc. UL)
Rated voltage [V] 1500V DC
Fuse [mm] 10x85 and 10/14x85
Max power dissipation accepted [W] 6
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60
Tightening torque [Nm] 2…2,5 Nm
Protection degree IP20
Cross-section rigid copper conductors [mm2] 0,75 – 25
E 90 PV 1500 Cross-section stranded copper conductors [mm2] 0,75 – 10 (2 wires of same cross-section)
Temperature stability [°C] 125 °C
Altitude [m] 2000
E 90 PV fuse holder
The E 90 PV 1500 series of fuse holders has been designed for applications up 1500 V DC.
Thanks to their rated voltage up to 1500 V DC they are the ideal solution for protecting cells
and inverters. In case of maintenance, they ensure isolation of circuits and strings up to 1500
V in direct current, in total safety. The main features of E 90 PV 1500 fuse holders include
venting grooves and cooling chambers which improved heat dissipation, finger safe feature
which ensure personnel protection during maintenance (no possibility of getting in touch
with live parts during fuse replacement). Both IEC and UL approvals guarantee a global mar-
keting availability.
Protection and safety
E 90 50/125 fuse disconnectors
Technical features
Type E 90/50 E 90/125
Rated current [A] 50 100*
Type of current AC
Fuse [mm] 14 x 51 22 x 58
Max power dissipation accepted [W] 5 9.5
Rated frequency [Hz] 50-60
Tightening torque [Nm] PZ2 3-3.5 PZ2 3.5-4
Protection degree IP20**
Terminals cross-section [mm2] 35 50
E 90 50/125
Cross-section rigid copper conductors [mm2] 2.5 - 35 4 - 50
Cross-section stranded copper conductors [mm2] 2.5 - 25 4 - 35
Can be sealed closed ■
IEC 60947-3
Utilization category AC-20B
Rated voltage [V] 690
* 125A with fuses of type aM and in combination with a device which guarantees protection against overload
** The protection degree IP20 is obtained also as standalone unit with respect to wire size of 10mm 2
Protection and safety
E 90 CC fuseholders
Technical features
Type E 90/30 CC
Rated voltage [V] 600
Rated current [A] 30
Type of current AC/DC
Rated frequency [Hz] 60
Fuse class CC
E 91 Tightening torque [Nm] PZ2 2-2.5*
[lb-in] PZ2 18-22**
Terminals cross-section [mm2] 25
Cross-section rigid 1 wire 1.5-25 mm2 (16-10 AWG)
copper conductors 2 wires 5 mm2 (10 AWG)
Cross-section stranded 1 wire 1.5-16 mm2 (16-3 AWG)
copper conductors 2 wires 2-5 mm2 (14-10 AWG)
Voltage range for LED indicator light (only s version) [V] 24 - 1000 AC/DC
Can be sealed closed ■
The E 90 fuse carriers for Class CC cylindrical fuse links are specifically designed for the
North American market in compliance with the UL standards. In accordance with the
reference standards UL 4248-1 and UL 4248-4, they come in voltage and current ratings up
to 600V and 30A. They are available in 1P, 1P+N, 2P, 3P, 3P+N and 4P versions. They can be
padlocked open and sealed closed.
The E 90 fuse carriers are the ideal solution for process control and industrial systems,
automation systems, industrial installations and control circuits. The versions with blown
fuse indicator light provide a visual signal of the fuse break condition
Protection and safety
E 90 J fuse fuseholders
Technical features
Type E 90/30 J E 90/60 J
Rated current [A] 30 60
E 90 Class J
The E 90 Class J fuse carriers are the ideal solution for industrial systems, industrial installa-
tions and control circuits. They are specifically designed for the North American market in
compliance with the UL standards. In accordance with the reference standard UL 4248-8,
they come in voltage and current ratings up to 600V and 30/60A. They are available in 1P,
2P and 3P versions. The versions with blown fuse indicator light provide a visual signal of the
fuse break condition. They can be padlocked open and sealed closed to ensure operator
safety during maintenance operations.
Protection and safety
Cylindrical fuses E 9F gG
Technical features
Rated voltage [V] 400, 500, 690 AC
Rated current [A] 0.5…125
Breaking capacity [kA] 20, 80, 120
Overall dimensions [mm] 8.5x31.5 , 10.3x38 , 14x51 , 22x58
Weight [g] 4, 7, 18, 48
E 9F8
Reference standards IEC 60269-2; ROHS 2002/98/CE
Protection and safety
Cylindrical fuses E 9F gG
E 9F gG cylindrical fuses
The E 9F gG cylindrical fuses, coupled with E 90 and E 90 50/125 fuse disconnectors, are the
ideal solution for protection against overload and short-circuit. They feature a fast tripping
curve that is ideal for protecting electronic devices, transformers and electric cables. The E
9F gG series is available for all the main sizes (8.5 x 31.5 mm, 10.3 x 38 mm, 14 x 51 mm e 22 x
58 mm) and with a wide range of rated current values (from 1 A to 125 A and up to 690 V AC).
All the E 9F series fuses conform to the RoHS directive and are type-approved in accordance
with the most important international naval marks.
Protection and safety
Cylindrical fuses E 9F gG
In mm EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
2 14x51 775232 E 9F14 GG2 2CSM277523R1801 0.018 10
4 14x51 773030 E 9F14 GG4 2CSM277303R1801 0.018 10
6 14x51 770831 E 9F14 GG6 2CSM277083R1801 0.018 10
8 14x51 910039 E 9F14 GG8 2CSM291003R1801 0.018 10
10 14x51 909835 E 9F14 GG10 2CSM290983R1801 0.018 10
12 14x51 909637 E 9F14 GG12 2CSM290963R1801 0.018 10
16 14x51 587835 E 9F14 GG16 2CSM258783R1801 0.018 10
20 14x51 576037 E 9F14 GG20 2CSM257603R1801 0.018 10
25 14x51 564232 E 9F14 GG25 2CSM256423R1801 0.018 10
32 14x51 586937 E 9F14 GG32 2CSM258693R1801 0.018 10
40 14x51 575139 E 9F14 GG40 2CSM257513R1801 0.018 10
50 14x51 563334 E 9F14 GG50 2CSM256333R1801 0.018 10
Protection and safety
Cylindrical fuses E 9F aM
Technical features
Rated voltage [V] 400, 500, 690 AC
Rated current [A] 0.5…125
Breaking capacity [kA] 20, 80, 120
Overall dimensions [mm] 8.5x31.5, 10.3x38, 14x51, 22x58
E 9F10 aM
E 9F10 aM cylindrical fuses 10.3 x 38 mm
Type Rated current Rated voltage Breaking capacity
[A] [V AC] [kA]
E 9F10 AM05 0.5 500 120
E 9F10 AM1 1 500 120
E 9F10 AM2 2 500 120
E 9F10 AM4 4 500 120
E 9F10 AM6 6 500 120
E 9F10 AM8 8 500 120
E 9F10 AM10 10 500 120
E 9F10 AM12 12 500 120
E 9F10 AM16 16 500 120
E 9F10 AM20 20 500 120
E 9F10 AM25 25 400 120
E 9F10 AM32 32 400 120
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Protection and safety
Cylindrical fuses E 9F aM
Protection and safety
Cylindrical fuses E 9F aM
E 9F aM cylindrical fuses
The E 9F aM cylindrical fuses, coupled with E 90 and E 90 50/125 fuse disconnectors, are the
ideal solution for protection against overload and short-circuit. They feature a delayed
tripping curve and are therefore ideal for protecting industrial motors that require high
inrush current during the starting phase. The E 9F aM series is available for all the main sizes
(8.5 x 31.5 mm, 10.3 x 38 mm, 14 x 51 mm e 22 x 58 mm) and with a wide range of rated current
values (from 1 A to 125 A and up to 690 V AC). All the E 9F series fuses conform to the RoHS
directive and are type-approved in accordance with the most important international naval
Protection and safety
Cylindrical fuses E 9F aM
In mm EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
1 14x51 575337 E 9F14 AM1 2CSM257533R1801 0.018 10
2 14x51 563532 E 9F14 AM2 2CSM256353R1801 0.018 10
4 14x51 586234 E 9F14 AM4 2CSM258623R1801 0.018 10
6 14x51 574439 E 9F14 AM6 2CSM257443R1801 0.018 10
8 14x51 562634 E 9F14 AM8 2CSM256263R1801 0.018 10
10 14x51 775331 E 9F14 AM10 2CSM277533R1801 0.018 10
12 14x51 773139 E 9F14 AM12 2CSM277313R1801 0.018 10
16 14x51 770930 E 9F14 AM16 2CSM277093R1801 0.018 10
20 14x51 587033 E 9F14 AM20 2CSM258703R1801 0.018 10
25 14x51 575238 E 9F14 AM25 2CSM257523R1801 0.018 10
32 14x51 563433 E 9F14 AM32 2CSM256343R1801 0.018 10
40 14x51 586135 E 9F14 AM40 2CSM258613R1801 0.018 10
45 14x51 574330 E 9F14 AM45 2CSM257433R1801 0.018 10
50 14x51 562535 E 9F14 AM50 2CSM256253R1801 0.018 10
Protection and safety
Cylindrical fuses E 9F gPV
Rated operational voltage [V] 1000 DC 1500 DC
Breaking capacity [kA] 10 50
Overall dimensions [mm] 10.3 x 38 10 x 85
Protection and safety
ILTS-E D0 Fuse-switch-disconnectors
Technical data
Reference standards DIN VDE 0638, EN 60947-3, EN 660269-3-1
Approval VDE
Poles Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
4016779 1 piece 1 piece unit
Protection and safety
ISS D0 Fuse carriers
Technical features
Size D01 D02
Current type AC (50 Hz)/DC AC (50 Hz)/DC
Rated voltage 400 V AC/250 V DC 400 V AC/250 V DC
Rated current 16 A 63 A
Rated short-circuit current 50 kA (AC) 50 kA (AC)
8 kA (DC) 8 kA (DC)
ISS 16/1
For fuse links with losses per phase up to 2.5 W 5.5 W
D0 fuse carrier
Poles Screw cover/fuse Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
4016779 1 1 piece unit
EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
1 E14 D01 65579 8 ISS 16/1 2CDE111001R1902 0.08 9
ISS 16/3
1 E18 D02 65581 1 ISS 63/1 2CDE161001R1902 0.08 9
3 E14 D01 65580 4 ISS 16/3 2CDE113001R1902 0.24 9
3 E18 D02 65582 8 ISS 63/3 2CDE163001R1902 0.24 9
ISS 63/3
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Protection and safety
Busbars and accessories for ILTS-E and ISS
Busbars for fuse-switch-disconnector ILTS-E and fuse carrier ISS: 1pole or 3pole
End caps:
PS 1/39/16 ILTS-E: END 1.1
Cross- Length No. of Cu Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
section poles factor 4012233 1 piece 1 piece unit
Protection and safety
Busbars and accessories for ILTS-E and ISS
D0 screw caps acc. to DIN VDE 0636-3, IEC/EN 60269-3, 400 V AC
Plastic version, RAL 7037
Connector sleeves Rated Colour Power Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
D 01 D 02
current code loss 4012233 1 piece 1 piece unit
2-10 A 2-50 A
Protection and safety
Electronic Protection Devices for use behind 24 V DC Switch Mode Power Supplies
Operating data
Operating voltage UB 24 V DC (18...32 V)
Current rating IN fixed current ratings: 0.5, 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 8, 10, 12 A
Load circuit
Load output Power-MOSFET switching output (high slide switch)
Overload disconnection typically 1.1 x IN (1.05...1.35 x IN)
Short-circuit current IK active current limitation (see table 1)
Trip time see time/current characteristics
For electronic disconnection typically 3 s at ILoad > 1.1 x IN
typically 100 ms...3 s at ILoad > 1.8 x IN (or 1.5 x IN/1.3 x IN, )
Temperature disconnection internal temperature monitoring with electronic disconnection
Low voltage monitoring load output with hysteresis, no reset required: load »OFF« at UB< 8 V
Starting delay tStart typically 0.5 sec after every switch-on and after applying US
Disconnection of load circuit electronic disconnection
Free-wheeling circuit suitable external free-wheeling circuit to be used
with inductive load
Several load outputs must not be connected
in parallel
Signal output F
Electrical data potential-free auxiliary contact max. 30 V DC/0.5 A,
min. 10 V DC/10 mA
ON condition LED green voltage UB applied, switch S1 is in ON position no overload,
no short circuit
OFF condition LED off device switched off (switch S1 is in OFF position)
no voltage UB applied
Fault condition LED orange overload condition > 1.1 x IN up to electronic disconnection
Aux. contact single signal, make contact
contact open, terminal 13-14
Fault signal output fault conditions
- no operating voltage UB
- ON/OFF switch S1 is in OFF position
- red LED lighted (electronic discon nection)
Protection and safety
Electronic Protection Devices for use behind 24 V DC Switch Mode Power Supplies
General data
Fail-Safe element backup fuse for EPD24 not required
because of the integral redundant fail-safe element
Housing material moulded
Mounting symmetrical rail to EN 50022-35x7.5
Ambient temperature 0...+50 °C (without condensation, see EN 60204-1)
Storage temperature -20...+70 °C
Humidity 96 hrs/95 % RH/40 °C to IEC 60068-2-78, test Cab. climate
class 3K3 to EN 60721
Vibration 3 g, test to IEC 60068-2-6 test Fc
Protection degree housing: IP20 DIN 40050
terminals: IP20 DIN 40050
EMC (EMC directive, CE logo) emission: EN 61000-6-3
susceptibility: EN 61000-6-2
Isolations coordination (IEC 60934) 0.5 kV/pollution degree 2 reinforced insulation in operating
Dielectric strength max. 32 V DC (load circuit)
Isolation resistance (OFF condition) n/a, only electronic disconnection
Approvals/Declarations of conformity UL 2367 Solid State Overcurrent Protectors
UL 1604, (class I, division 2, groups A, B, C, D)
UL 508
CSA C22.2 No. 213 (class I, division 2)
CSA C22.2 No. 142
CSA C22.2 No. 14
CE logo
Dimensions (B x H x T) 12.5 x 80 x 83 mm
Weight approx. 65 g
Terminals Line+/LOAD+/0V
Screw terminals M4
Max. cable cross section flexible with wire 0.5 – 10 mm2
end ferrule w/wo plastic sleeve
Multi-lead connection (2 identical cables) 0.5 – 4 mm2
Flexible with wire end ferrule without plastic 0.5 – 2.5 mm2
Flexible with TWIN wire end ferrule with 0.5 – 6 mm2
plastic sleeve
Wire stripping length 10 mm
Tightening torque (EN 60934) 1.5 – 1.8 Nm
Protection and safety
Electronic Protection Devices for use behind 24 V DC Switch Mode Power Supplies
The protection devices EPD24 extend the ABB product range of modular DIN rail compo-
nents by electronic overcurrent protection modules for selective protection of 24V DC load
• Selective load protection, one electronic trip characteristics.
• Active current limitation for safe connection of capacitive loads up to 20.000 µF and on
overload/short circuit.
• Current ratings 0.5 A...12 A.
• Reliable overload disconnection with 1.1 x IN
• Manual ON/OFF button
• Clear status and failure indication through LED and auxiliary contact.
• Integral fail-safe element adjusted to current rating.
• Width per unit only 12.5 mm.
• Rail mounting
• Ease of wiring through busbar LINE+ and 0 V as well as signal bars.
• UL- and CSA-approvals allow international use of the devices.
Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
4016779 1 1 piece unit
EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
Busbars for LINE+ and 0 V, 830140 EPD-BB500 2CDE605100R0500 0.20 10
grey insulation,
length 500 mm 1)
Signal Bars for aux. 830164 EPD-SB21 2CDE605200R0021 0.04 10
grey insulation,
length 21 mm
1) Max. load with one line entry Imax = 50 A (recommended: center-feeding)
Max. load with two line entries Imax = 63 A
Protection and safety
SQZ3 phase and sequence relay
Technical features
Supply voltage [Vn] 400 V AC
Frequency [Hz] 50/60
Contact type [A] 1 CO, 250 V, 10 A (cosϕ=1) safety switching
Minimum voltage adjustment trimmer [%] 100 to 70 % of Vn
Intervention delay adjustment trimmer [s] 2 to 20 (only for min. voltage)
Protection degree [IP] 20
Operating temperature [°C] -10…+55
Power consumption [W] 1.5
Modules [n°] 3
If one of the three failures is detected, the output relay (safety switching contact) intervenes
with a delay adjustable from 2 to 20 seconds for minimum voltage only and controls the
• acoustic alarms
• motor controlling contactors
• circuit-breakers with coils.
Protection and safety
RH/RL maximum and minimum current/voltage relays
Technical characteristics
Rated voltage Un [V] 230 AC
Contact type 1 CO, 250 V, 16 A
Both types of relays have trimmers for adjusting the switch-off delay and the hysteresis
(from 1 to 45 %).
The 100 V and 5 A relay inputs allow indirect connection of external CTs and VTs for
monitoring voltage and current values exceeding the maximum device scale
Protection and safety
E 236 undervoltage monitoring relays
Technical features
US 1 US 2
Rated voltage 250 V AC
Rated frequency 48-63 Hz
Measuring range: supply voltage 3N 400/230 V AC (terminals N-L1-L2-L3)
overload capacity 3N 459/265 V AC
Switching capacity device in series (distance < 5 mm): 750 VA (3 A/250 V AC);
device not in series (distance > 5 mm): 1250 VA (5 A/250 V AC)
E 236-US 1 Rated insulation voltage 250 V AC (corresponds with IEC 664-1)
Rated surge voltage 4 kV
Tripping delay ca. 100 ms
Clearence and creepage distance > 6 mm (between contact and electronics)
Mechanical service life 20 x 106 operations
Electrical service life at 10000 VA 2 x 105 operations
Max. switching rate max. 6/min (1000 VA Ohmic load);
max. 60/min (100 VA Ohmic load)
Ambient temperature -25 °C/-13 °F to +55 °C/131 °F
Overvoltage category III
Accuracy in non- setting tolerance (US 2) ≤ 5 %
changing repeat accuracy ±1 %
E 236-US 2 environment:
temperature effect ≤ 0.1 %/°C
Max terminals cross-section 4 mm2
Specifications VDE 0110 and VDE 0435
EMC tests EM 50081-1 and EN 50082-2
Displays LED green= supply voltage applied; LED yellow= relay status
Power loss 1.7 W
Protection and safety
E 236 undervoltage monitoring relays
Technical features
All measured inputs have to be connected to one phase each. If no three-phase measure-
ment should be carried out, measured inputs have to be connected to one phase to apply the
required voltage to all measured inputs. If a load causes inverse voltage exceeding the
threshold value Us, phase failures cannot be identified.
A neutral conductor must be connected in any case!
Protection and safety
E 236 undervoltage monitoring relays
Devices for panel installation onto mounting rails (35 mm) according to DIN EN 60715
mounting depth: 68 mm
mounting width: 17.5 mm = 1 module
color: gray, RAL 7035
E 236-US 1.1D
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Protection and safety
ISL industrial insulation monitoring devices
+/- ■ ■ ■
Reset ■
Protection and safety
ISL industrial insulation monitoring devices
Auxiliary power supply [V] 220-240 V AC 220-240 V AC 100÷130 V AC/ 220- 240 V AC
220÷240 V AC
Power consumption [VA] 3 3 5 3
TRIP threshold [kW] 100 10 -150 10-100 0.1-10 MW
(5 levels) (5 levels) (8 levels)
LED ON ■ ■ ■ ■
indications TRIP ■ ■ ■ ■
Protection and safety
ISL industrial insulation monitoring devices
H+ Line. Operational continuity
A wide range which ensure safety and reliability
in hospital segment
S200 residual miniature S700 E selective main
circuit-breakers circuit-breakers
Lifting eyebolts
OVR surge
protection device
insulation monitoring
M1175-FL schuko
soket outlet
Specifically designed and assembled for medical use Artu K series floor standing switchboards are equipped with
according to the IEC EN 61558-2-15, it ensures protection a cable container that makes installation and wiring easier,
against indirect contacts without the need to interrupt the both for the electrical systems distributed along the false
circuit automatically upon the first grounding fault. cieling, as under the floor.
Thanks to its two PT100 temperature probes, on primary It is possible to reach any terminal block in a comfortable
and secondary winding, it is possible to monitor the way.
transformer over temperature produced by any eventual Finally, there is a copper equipotential bonding busbar
overload, and therefore anticipating any breakdown. which may lodge up to 20 additional connections, providing
The transformer is mounted on the base of the switchboard grounding connections to all the external masses which are
in order to ease handling and installation operations. present in the medical premises, and avoiding the creation
of further cascade sub-nodes that are not allowed.
This is an insulation monitoring device for group 2 medical Floor standing QSO switchboards are composed of modular
locations fully compliant with the IEC 60364-7-710 reference ArTu K series enclosures. The switchboards are equipped
standard. It integrates all the performances established by with venting grooves that guarantee proper natural
the reference standard, such as overload and overcurrent convection, useful to dissipate the heat produced by the
monitoring, together with traditional IT system earthing transformer during its normal functioning.
insulation measurement.
Protection and safety
H+Line products
years, ABB has developed an increasingly more complete product with higher performance
to meet the needs of more demanding customers and guarantee patient and operator
H+Line products are specifically designed for group 2 medical environments in full
compliance with Standard IEC 60364-7-710, specifically:
• Intensive therapy wards, operating theatres, cardio surgical rooms, ICU…
• Day hospitals, clinics, rest homes, dental and veterinary clinics, etc.
H like
+ like health
and first aid
Protection and safety
ISOLTESTER-DIG insulation monitoring devices
Technical features
Aux supply 115 - 230 V 50-60Hz
Power consumption 5 VA max 6 VA max
Rated voltage 24 ÷ 230 V 50-60 Hz 24 ÷ 250 V AC/DC
Measurament current 1 mA max
ISOLTESTER-DIG Measurement voltage 24 V max
Control signal Continuous with digital filter Composite codified (PLUS only)
Internal impedance 200 kΩ
Insulation measurement 0 ÷ 999 kΩ
resolution 1 kΩ
accuracy 5% ± 1 digit
Impedance measurement 0 ÷ 999 kΩ
resolution 1 kΩ
Temperature measurement PT100 with 2 or 3 wires, PTC
0 ÷ 200 °C,
resolution 1 °C,
accuracy 2 % ± 1 digit
Current measurement CT …/5 A external
accuracy 5% ± 1 digit, (adjustable transformation rate 1÷40)
Capacity measurement no 0 ÷ 9.9 μF (PLUS only)
resolution 0.1 μF (PLUS only)
Thresholds Resistance: 50 ÷ 500 kΩ
Impedance: 50 ÷ 500 kΩ
Thermal overload: 30 ÷200 °C with PT100
Electrical overload: 1 ÷ 99.9 A
Signals incorrect wiring (link fail)
open/short circuit for temp sensor PT100
internal error
Output QSD supply (max 2 QSD), max 24 V DC QSD supply (max 4 QSD), max 24 V DC
Signals to QSD
aux relay for low resistance, programmable aux relay,
NO-C-NC 5A 250 V AC NO-C-NC 5A 250 V AC
- Serial output RS485, ModbusRTU
Modules 6
Weight 0.4 kg 0.5 kg
Mechanical features fire resistant plastic case
sealable transparent front cover
Terminals screw terminals 2.5 mm2
Protection degree IP20, IP50 when the cover is closed
Operating temperature -10 ÷ 60 °C
Storage temperature -25 ÷ 70 °C
Relative humidity ≤ 95 %
Insulation 2.5 kV 60 sec.
Reference standards CEI-EN 61010-1
CEI-EN 61557-8
IEC 60364-7-710
UNE 20615
CEI-EN 61326-1
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Protection and safety
ISOLTESTER-DIG insulation monitoring devices
medical equipment.
ISOLTESTER-DIG ISOLTESTER range of insulation monitoring device allows IT-M network monitoring, assuring
safety for patients and medical personnel avoiding supply interruption in case of first
earthing fault according to IEC 60364-7-710 Standard.
The ISOLTESTER-DIG range assures safety to patients and medical personnel, signalling
when a fault to earth occurs. Thanks to its innovative technology it is used to sense the
insulation level of the network by far more efficiently compared to traditional insulation
H+Line monitoring devices.
Protection and safety
SELVTESTER insulation monitoring devices for insulated networks at 24 V AC/DC
Technical features
Network voltage and auxiliary 24 V 50-60 Hz/DC ± 20 %
power supply
Max power dissipation 3 VA – 3 W
Measurement current max. 0.5 mA
Internal impedance 50 kohm
Threshold programmable to 10 ÷ 50 kohm (4 levels using microswitches)
Activation delay about 1 second
Signals led ON, led ALARM +, led ALARM -
Output for up to 2 QSD-230/24-C, max. 24 V 1 A remote panels
Operating temperature -10 ÷ 60 °C
Storage temperature -20 ÷ 70 °C
Relative humidity ≤ 95 %
H+Line Insulation 2.5 kV 60 sec./4 kV imp. 1.2/50µs
Terminal cross-section 4 mm2
Protection degree IP20, IP40 when the cover is closed
Modules 3
Weight 200 g
Reference standards IEC 60364-7-710, EN 61326-1, EN 61010-1
Protection and safety
QSD remote signalling panel
Technical features
Signals Green LED network ON
Red LED overload ALARM
H+Line Insulation
Cables cross-section
2500 Vrms 50 Hz 60 s
0.35 mm2 for 300 m
Reference standards safety EN 61010-1 product EN 61557-8/IEC 60364-7-710/
UNE 20615 electromagnetic compatibility EN 61326-1
Protection and safety
TI switchboards and devices for medical locations
Technical characteristics
TI 3 TI 5 TI 7.5 TI 10
TI 3-S TI 5-S TI7.5-S TI 10-S
Power [kVA] 3 5 7.5 10
Rated frequency [Hz] 50-60
Power dissipation [W] 120 150 260 320
Electrical protection class 1
Thermal insulation class [°C] B 130 B 130 F 155 F 155
Operating temperature [°C] max 40
Primary winding voltage [V] 230
Secondary winding voltage [V] 230
No load current [A] < 0.39 < 0.65 < 0.98 < 1.3
Short circuit voltage drop <3%
Inrush current [A] < 221 < 369 < 553 < 738
Power loss [W] 120 150 260 320
Winding separation double insulation
Metallic shield ■
Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
8012542 1 1 piece unit
EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
Shock absorber 2557920 AMM 2CSM900000R1541 1 4
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Protection and safety
QSO selection table
Series Type Power Installation IT-M section TN-S PT100 OVR Unifix L I/O KNX SELV
[kVA] type feeder lines section 24 V
feeder line
wall 2x10A+5x16A
QSO 3S Classic 3 - ■
mounted +1x25A
wall 2x10A+5x16A
QSO 5S Classic 5 - ■
mounted +1x25A
QSO 3M Classic 3 3x10A+7x16A 1x10A ■
QSO 5M Classic 5 3x10A+7x16A 1x10A ■
QSO 7.5M Classic 7.5 3x10A+7x16A 1x10A ■
floor 1x10A+2x
QSO 10L Classic 10 6x10A+9x16A ■
standing 16A
Protection and safety
QSO switchboards and components for medical locations
Technical features
QSO wall type QSO floor type
Rated operational voltage (Ue ) 230 V ~ ± 15%
Rated frequency 50 - 60 Hz
Number of phases 1 + N ~⁄ PE
Rated voltage of auxiliary service circuits 24 - 230 V ~
Rated insulation voltage (Ul) 300 V - *2500 V
Earthing system TT/TN-S
Maximum prospective short circuit 10 kA RMS Sym ***
current to the input terminals (Icc)
Max. altitude 2000 m a.s.l.
Pollution degree 1 **
Degree of protection against impacts K 09 (5 kg - 200 mm)
(IK code) EN 50102 I
Degree of relative humidity at 50 % with max. temp. +40 °C
temperature °C
Operating temperature -5 °C - +55 °C
Storage temperature -25 °C - +40 °C
Protection degree EN 60529 QSO 3S Classic IP 40 QSO 3M Classic IP 54
QSO 5S Classic IP 40 QSO 5M Classic IP 54
QSO 3S Premium IP 40 QSO 5M Premium IP 54
QSO 5S Premium IP 40 QSO 7.5M Premium IP 54
QSO 10L Classic IP 54
QSO 7.5L Premium IP 54
QSO 10L Premium IP 54
* Dielectric strength test voltage.
** Corresponds to no pollution or only dry and non-conductive pollution.
*** Value conditioned by upstream coordination with NH 00 100A gL-gG fuses
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Protection and safety
QSO switchboards and components for medical locations
Three series are available: S, M and L. Each one can be customized with two layouts. The
CLASSIC version contains the instrumentation essential for protection against direct con-
QSO S tacts, while the PREMIUM version also has, depending on the type of switchboard, additional
devices intended for:
• emergency power cut-off of operating theatre circuits outside of the patient area
(lighting, radiology sockets, etc.)
• 24 V SELV line for supplying scialytic lamps
• overvoltage protection
• Unifix L fast-wiring system
• I/O module for managing xon alarms through KNX protocol
ABB provides, for its switchboards for operating theatres, the declaration of conformity
QSO M required to commission the system, ensuring the installer that the system is built in
compliance with technical standards. To ensure the best efficiency of the QSO will be
delivered in a new wooden packing.
Power Instal- TN-S IT-M Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
lation section section 801254 1 1 piece unit
type feeder feeder piece
kVA lines lines EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
3 wall 2x10A 2611226 QSO 3S Classic 2CSM261122R1551 73 1
mounted +5x16A
5 wall 2x10A 2736929 QSO 5S Classic 2CSM273692R1551 87.5 1
mounted +5x16A
3 wall 1x10A 2x10A 2736028 QSO 3S 2CSM273602R1551 75 1
mounted +2x16A +5x16A Premium
5 wall 1x10A 2x10A 2736820 QSO 5S 2CSM273682R1551 90 1
mounted +2x16A +5x16A Premium
Power Instal- TN-S IT-M Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
lation section section 801254 1 1 piece unit
type feeder feeder piece
kVA lines lines EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
3 floor 1x10A 3x10A 2735922 QSO 3M 2CSM273592R1551 126 1
H+Line 5
floor 1x10A
3x10A 2736721
QSO 5M 2CSM273672R1551 141 1
standing +7x16A Classic
7.5 floor 1x10A 3x10A 2735823 QSO 7.5M 2CSM273582R1551 147.5 1
standing +7x16A Classic
3 floor 1X10A 6x10A 2736622 QSO 3M 2CSM273662R1551 127 1
standing +2x16A +8x16A Premium
5 floor 1X10A 6x10A 2735724 QSO 5M 2CSM273572R1551 142 1
standing +2x16A +8x16A Premium
7.5 floor 1X10A 6x10A 2736523 QSO 7.5M 2CSM273652R1551 147.5 1
standing +2x16A +8x16A Premium
Protection and safety
QSO switchboards and components for medical locations
Power Instal- TN-S IT-M Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
lation section section 801254 1 1 piece unit
type feeder feeder piece
kVA lines lines EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
10 floor 1x10A 6x10A 2735625 QSO 10L 2CSM273562R1551 190 1
standing +2x16A +9x16A Classic
7.5 floor 1x10A 6x10A 2736424 QSO 7.5L 2CSM273642R1551 168 1
standing +2x16A +11x16A Premium
10 floor 1x10A 6x10A 2735526 QSO 10L 2CSM273552R1551 193.5 1
standing +2x16A +11x16A Premium
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Electrical installation solutions for buildings
Command and signaling
SD 200 switch disconnectors 6/6
SHD 200 switch disconnectors 6/10
E 200 switches 6/14
E 463/3, E 480/3 switches 6/16
S800PV photovoltaic switch disconnectors 6/17
E 210 switches, pushbuttons
and indicator lights 6/20
SL luminous indicators for panel installation 6/29
ESB..N and EN..N installation contactors 6/32
E290 Latching relays 6/47
E297 Installation relay 6/50
FLR latching relays 6/57
E 260 latching relays 6/58
STD50 dimmers 6/60
STD universal dimmer 6/61
Transformers selection table 6/64
Control, isolating and safety transformers
selection table 6/66
TM-C, TM-S, TM-I control,
isolating and safety transformers 6/67
TS-C safety isolating transformers
for general use 6/70
TM bell transformers 6/71
TS bell transformers 6/72
SM, RM, TSM, TSR bells and buzzers 6/73
CP-D primary switch mode power supplies 6/75
Modular sockets selection table 6/77
Modular sockets 6/80
MA1-8001 DIN rail adapter 6/84
6/2 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
The details make the difference
Switch disconnector SD 200
Contact position indication Wide range of accessories PATENTED – Housing Design
The switch disconnector SD 200 is SD 200 is fully compatible to the com- By using state-of-the-art housing ma-
suited with a real contact position indi- plete range of System pro M compact terial, ABB is taking care of the envi-
cation (real CPI). You can easily iden- accessories like ronment. With the latest generation of
tify, if the SD 200 is in the ON or the • Auxiliary contacts, to be mounted on halogen free thermoplastics for
OFF position – easy and safe mainte- the left side, the right side or bottom SD 200 it’s possible to recycle the
nance work is possible. fitting switch disconectors completely with-
The position of the toggle and the red/ • Shunt trips out environmental pollution. The mate-
green display leaves no doubt about • Undervoltage release rial works for the stability.
the present switching position, while • Motor operating devices
the latter offers additional security, as
the exact position of the inner con-
tacts is always displayed.Thus, the de-
vice always supplies reliable informa-
tion in the event of an error.
Command and signaling
Switch disconnectors selection table
The SD 200 and SHD 200 extend the proven System pro M compact® series by ranges of switch
disconnectors which provides state-of-the-art safety and comfort. Both are available with 1 to 4 poles
with rated currents from 16 to 63 A and provides disconnection properties according to IEC/EN 60947-3.
The SD 200 offers performance on a different level. With a rated voltage of 253/440 V AC, a rated
conditional short-circuit current of 25 kA, terminals with protection from misconnection and a “Real
CPI” contact position indication the range is unique in its field of application. In addition SD 200 is fully
compatible with all MCB accessories.
The SHD 200 has a rated voltage of 240/415 V AC. A rated conditional short-circuit current of 10 kA
enables a wide range of applications.
The laser printing and the design of the devices allow a consistent optical appearance in the
distribution board.
The laser printing and the design of the devices allow a consistent optical appearance in the
distribution board. A VDE/CCC/EAC and KEMA approval ensures a wide scope of applications.
For technical differences between the ranges please refer to the selection table on the left page.
Command and signaling
SD 200 and SHD 200 switch disconnector ranges
Standards and approvals IEC/EN 60947-3 IEC/EN 60947-3 IEC/EN 60947-3
Rated currents 16...63 [A] 16/25/32/40/50/63 16/25/32/40/50/63 –
80...125 – – 80/100/125
Rated voltage [V AC] 253/440 240/415 230/400
Short circuit withstand capacity [kA] 25 10 25
Utilization category AC-23A AC-22A AC-22A
Electrical lifetime [Ops.] Ie < 32 A: 20,000 (AC) Ie < 32 A: 20,000 (AC) Ie < 100 A: 1,500 (AC)
Ie ≥ 32 A: 10,000 (AC) Ie ≥ 32 A: 10,000 (AC) Ie ≥ 125 A: 1,000 (AC)
Terminal cross section [mm2] 35 25 50
Terminal Cylinder lift terminal Cage terminal Cage terminal
Two terminal openings for
Yes No No
conductor and busbar
Safety wire guard Yes No No
Contact position indication Marking on toggle (I ON/0 OFF) Marking on toggle (I ON/0 OFF) Marking on toggle (I ON/0 OFF)
Real CPI (red ON/green OFF)
Combination with auxiliary elements
Auxiliary contacts Right side No Right side
Left side
Bottom side
Shunt trip Yes No No
Undervoltage release Yes No No
Motor operated remote control Yes No No
Padlock Yes Yes Yes
Removal without disassembling of the Yes No Yes
6/6 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Command and signaling
SD 200 switch disconnector
Technical data
Electrical data
Standards IEC/EN 60947-3
Poles 1P, 2P, 3P, 4P
Rated current Ie 16 A, 25 A, 32 A, 40 A, 50 A, 63 A
Command and signaling
SD 200 switch disconnector
Signal/auxiliary contact Yes
Shunt trip Yes
Undervoltage release Yes
Motor operating device Yes
Padlock Yes
CE and RoHS-conform
6/8 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Command and signaling
SD 200 switch disconnector
SD 200
Switch disconnector acc. to IEC/EN 60947-3 for panel installation onto DIN rail (35 mm)
Mounting depth: 68 mm
Mounting width: per pole = 17.5 mm = 1 module
Colour: grey, RAL 7035
Colour of switch lever: red RAL 3000
Ordering details
Rated current: 16 A
Poles Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
voltage 4016779 1 1 piece unit
Rated current: 25 A
Poles Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
voltage 4016779 1 1 piece unit
Rated current: 32 A
Poles Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
voltage 4016779 1 1 piece unit
Command and signaling
SD 200 switch disconnector
Ordering details
Rated current: 40 A
Poles Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
voltage 4016779 1 1 piece unit
1 253 904094 SD201/40 2CDD281101R0040 0.085 10
2 440 904155 SD202/40 2CDD282101R0040 0.170 5
SD 201 3 440 904216 SD203/40 2CDD283101R0040 0.255 1
4 440 904278 SD204/40 2CDD284101R0040 0.340 1
Rated current: 50 A
Poles Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
voltage 4016779 1 1 piece unit
Rated current: 63 A
Poles Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
voltage 4016779 1 1 piece unit
SD 203
SD 204
6/10 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Command and signaling
SHD 200 switch disconnector
Technical data
Electrical data
Standards IEC/EN 60947-3
Poles 1P, 2P, 3P, 4P
Rated current Ie 16 A, 25 A, 32 A, 40 A, 50 A, 63 A
Utilization category AC-22A, DC-21A
SHD 201
Command and signaling
SHD 200 switch disconnector
Signal/auxiliary contact No
Shunt trip No
Undervoltage release No
Motor operating device No
Padlock Yes
CE and RoHS conform
6/12 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Command and signaling
SHD 200 switch disconnector
SHD 200
Switch disconnector acc. to IEC/EN 60947-3 for panel installation onto DIN rail (35 mm)
Mounting depth: 69 mm
Mounting width: per pole = 17.5 mm = 1 module
Colour: grey, RAL 7035
Colour of switch lever: red RAL 3000
SHD 202
Ordering details
Rated current: 16 A
Poles Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
voltage 4016779 1 1 piece unit
Rated current: 32 A
Poles Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
voltage 4016779 1 1 piece unit
SHD 204
V AC EAN Type code Order code piece kg pc.
1 240 904322 SHD201/32 2CDD271111R0032 0.075 10
2 415 904384 SHD202/32 2CDD272111R0032 0.150 5
3 415 904445 SHD203/32 2CDD273111R0032 0.225 1
4 415 904506 SHD204/32 2CDD274111R0032 0.300 1
Command and signaling
SHD 200 switch disconnector
Ordering details
Rated current: 40 A
Poles Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
voltage 4016779 1 1 piece unit
2 415 904391 SHD202/40 2CDD272111R0040 0.150 5
SHD 201 3 415 904452 SHD203/40 2CDD273111R0040 0.225 1
4 415 904513 SHD204/40 2CDD274111R0040 0.300 1
Rated current: 50 A
Poles Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
voltage 4016779 1 1 piece unit
SHD 203
SHD 204
6/14 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Command and signaling
E 200 switches
Technical data
Electrical Data
Standards DIN EN 60947-3 (VDE0660-107); IEC/EN 60947-3
Number of poles 1P, 2P, 3P, 4P
Rated current Ie 80...125 A
Rated voltage Ue 230/400 V AC; 60 V DC
Command and signaling
E 200 switches
E 200 switches
Isolator for panel installation onto DIN rail acc. to DIN EN 60715
Mounting depth: 70 mm
Mounting width: per pole = 17.5 mm = 1 module
Colour: grey, RAL 7035
Colour of switch lever: red RAL 3000 (r); grey RAL 7000 (g)
Special features
E 201 • Fast removal without dismantling of the busbar
• Captive screws with recessed/slotted head, Pozidriv size 2
• Add-on of up to 3 auxiliary contact S2C-H6R possible
• Integrated lay-on edge for labeling system ILS
• Locking device as accessory for unauthorized ON/OFF
• Approval: VDE, CCC, KEMA, EAC
Ordering details
Rated current: 80 A
Poles Rated Power Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
voltage loss 4016779 1 1 piece unit
V AC W EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
1NO 230 2.60 645737 E201/80g 2CDE281001R1080 0.095 10
1NO 230 2.60 645744 E201/80r 2CDE281001R0080 0.095 10
2NO 400 5.15 645911 E202/80g 2CDE282001R1080 0.190 5
2NO 400 5.15 645928 E202/80r 2CDE282001R0080 0.190 5
3NO 400 7.75 646093 E203/80g 2CDE283001R1080 0.290 3
3NO 400 7.75 646109 E203/80r 2CDE283001R0080 0.290 3
4NO 400 10.30 646277 E204/80g 2CDE284001R1080 0.390 2
4NO 400 10.30 646284 E204/80r 2CDE284001R0080 0.390 2
➀ without approvals
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Command and signaling
E 463/3, E 480/3 switches
Technical features
Switching capacity 1.25 In; 1.1 Un; cosϕ = 0.6 according to DIN VDE 0632
Rated voltage 250/400 V a.c.
Connection cross section 1 mm2 stranded wire/0.5 mm2 wire up to 25 mm2
Pick-up torque 3 Nm max.
Positive opening according to DIN VDE 0113
(per pole) W V AC EAN Type code Order code piece kg pc.
63 5.4 250/400 932528 E 463/3-KB 2CCE160300R0131 0.190 1
63 5.5 250/400 932535 E 463/3-SL 2CCE160301R0131 0.195 1
80 9.9 250/400 932542 E 480/3-KB 2CCE180300R0141 0.210 1
Command and signaling
S800PV series 1500 switch disconnector
S800PV-SD S802PV-M-H
General Data Standards IEC / EN 60947-3 and IEC / EN 60947-3
Annex D
Poles 2…4 2 (polarized)
Tripping characteristics
Rated current Ie A 32, 63, 125 32, 63, 100
Rated frequency f Hz
Rated insulation voltage Ui acc. to IEC/ V DC 1500 DC 1500
S800PV-M EN 60664-1
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp. kV 8
Overvoltage category III
Pollution degree 2
Suitability for isolation yes
Data acc. to Rated operational voltage Ue V DC 800V: 2-pole DC DC 1000V: 2-pole
IEC/EN 1200V: 3-pole DC
60947-3 1500V: 4-pole
Min. operating voltage V - -
Rated short-term withstand current Icw kA 1,5
Rated short-circuit making capacity kA 0,5
Utilisation category DC-21A
Electrical and Mechanical Endurance ops. 10 … 100A: 1500 electric; 8500 mechanic
125A: 1000 electric, 7000 mechanic acc. to
IEC 60947-3
Mechanical Housing Material group I, RAL 7035
Data Toggle black, lockable
Classification acc. To NF F 126-101, NF
F 16-102
Protection degree acc. to EN 60529 IP20, IP40 (actuating end only)
Mechanical endurance ops. 10‘000 cylces 10‘000 cylces
Shock resistance acc. to IEC/EN 60068- IEC 61373 Cat. 1 Class B, 5g / 30ms acc. To
2-30 IEC 60068-27 Test Ea
Vibration resistance acc. to IEC/EN IEC 60068-2-6 Test Fc; 2 - 13.2Hz /1mm
60068-2-6 13.2 - 100Hz / 0.7g with load 100% x Ie
Environmental conditions (damp heat ) °C/RH 12 + 12 cycle with 55°C / 90-96% and 25% /
acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-30 95-100%
Environmental conditions (dry heat ) °C/RH 16 hours 55°C / 2 hours 70°C with damp heat
acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-2 Test B 55%
Ambient temperature °C -25… + 60
Storage temperature °C -25 … +70
Installation Terminal Failsafe cage or Failsafe cage or
ringlug terminal ringlug terminal
Stranded Cross-section of conductors mm2 1 … 50
(top / bottom)
Flexible Cross-section of conductors mm2 1 … 70
Tightening torque Nm 3,5
in-Ibs. 31
Screwdriver POZI 2
Mounting any
Mounting position any
Supply any any (taking into
account the
Dimensions Pole dimensions (H x L x W) mm 95 x 26.5 x 82.5
and weight Pole weight g 240
Combination Auxiliary contact yes
with aux. Combined auxiliary- / signal contact yes
elements Shunt trip yes
Undervoltage release yes
Shunt open release yes
Motor Operating Device yes
6/18 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Command and signaling
S800PV series 1500 switch disconnector
1 3
1 3 5 7
2 4 6 8
Command and signaling
S800PV series 1500 switch disconnector
Function: this polarized disconnector is designed to meet the requirements for photovoltaic
systems. Only 54 mm wide, voltage up to 1000 V d.c. and a rated current up to 100 A.
In A EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
S800PV 2 32 420703 S802PV-M32-H 2CCP247204R0001 0.43 1
63 420710 S802PV-M63-H 2CCP247205R0001 0.43 1
100 420796 S802PV-M100-H 2CCP247212R0001 0.43 1
6/20 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Command and signaling
E 210 switches
On-off switches
Overall depth 68 mm
Width 0.5 or 1 module (9 or 18 mm)
Colour grey, RAL 7035
Climatic resistance to IEC 60068-2-2 (dry heat)
Utilization category for E211 On-off switches (according to standard IEC 60947-3)
Type In Utilization category
DC-22 A AC-22 A
E211-16-... 16 A 50 VDC / 16 A 200 VDC / 1 A 400 VAC / 16 A
E211-25-... 25 A 50 VDC / 25 A 200 VDC / 2 A 400 VDC / 25 A
E211-32-...- 32 A 50 VDC / 32 A 200 VDC / 3 A 400 VDC / 32 A
Command and signaling
E 210 switches
Change over, Group and control switches, pushbuttons and indicator lights
Change over, Group and Control switches (E213; E214; E218)
Rated current In 16 A, 25 A
Rated voltage Un
in accordance with EN 250 VAC, 400 VAC
in accordance UL 508 240 VAC
Lowest operating voltage 24 VAC; 25 mA
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Switches sealable in the On and Off positions
Standards DIN EN 60669-1 *VDE 0632-1
UL 508
Approvals VDE; UL; GOST; CCC
Pushbuttons without and with LED (E215; E217)
Rated current In 16 A
Rated voltage Un
in accordance with EN 250 VAC
in accordance UL 508 240 VAC
Lowest operating voltage 24 VAC; 25 mA
LED voltage ranges 12-48 VAC / DC; 115-250 VAC; 60-220 VDC (Tolerance +/- 10%)
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Standards DIN EN 60669-1 *VDE 0632-1
UL 508
Approvals VDE; UL; GOST; CCC
Indicator lights (E219)
LED voltage ranges 12-48 VAC / DC; 115-250 VAC; 60-220 VDC (Tolerance +/- 10%)
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Insulation voltage 250 V
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp 4 kV
Dissipated power 0.47-1 W
Standards DIN EN 62094-1
UL 508
Approvals VDE; UL; GOST; *1
Indicator lights with 2 LEDs
LED voltage ranges 115-250 VAC; 12-48 VAC (tolerance +/- 10%)
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Insulation voltage 250 V
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp 4 kV
Dissipated power 0.8 W
Standards DIN EN 62094-1
Approvals VDE; GOST; *1
Indicator lights with 3 LEDs
LED voltage ranges 415/250 VAC (tolerance +/- 10%)
Frequency 50/60 Hz
Insulation voltage 250 V
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp 4 kV
Dissipated power 1.2 W
Standards DIN EN 62094-1
Approvals VDE; GOST; *1
Command and signaling
E 210 switches
These devices are specifically made for commanding loads and signaling electrical
conditions in any low-voltage switchboard. They are available in half module or 1 module, de-
pending on the contact-layout. The devices with indicator lights are equipped with a LED,
which grants an optimal illumination with very low consumption.
The functions of these devices are particularly switching, pushing and signaling electrical
E 211-16-10
General features
• Space-saving through 9 mm modules
• All terminals equipped with Pozidrive 1 screws
• Safe connection due to cage-clamp
• LED with bright colours and available in three different voltage ranges
• Different lens and button colours
• Compliance to international standards
Rated current = 16 A
Contacts Rated Power Width Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
voltage loss 7612270 1 piece 1 piece unit
Rated current = 25 A
Contacts Rated Power Width Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
voltage loss 7612270 1 piece 1 piece unit
Rated current = 32 A
Contacts Rated Power Width Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
voltage loss 7612270 1 piece 1 piece unit
Command and signaling
E 210 switches
Rated current = 16 A
Contacts Rated Power LED Width Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
voltage loss colour 7612270 1 piece 1 piece unit
W mm EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
1 NO 250 0.50 yellow 9 938872 E211X-16-10 2CCA703100R0001 0.040 10
2 NO 250/400 1.00 yellow 18 938889 E211X-16-20 2CCA703110R0001 0.050 10
3 NO 250/400 1.50 yellow 18 938896 E211X-16-30 2CCA703115R0001 0.060 10
Rated current = 25 A
Contacts Rated Power LED Width Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
voltage loss colour 7612270 1 piece 1 piece unit
W mm EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
1 NO 250 1.15 yellow 9 938902 E211X-25-10 2CCA703101R0001 0.040 10
2 NO 250/400 2.30 yellow 18 938919 E211X-25-20 2CCA703111R0001 0.050 10
3 NO 250/400 3.45 yellow 18 938926 E211X-25-30 2CCA703116R0001 0.060 10
Rated current = 16 A
Contacts Rated Power LED Width Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
voltage loss colour 7612270 1 piece 1 piece unit
W mm EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
1 CO 250 0.32 - 9 938698 E213-16-001 2CCA703040R0001 0.041 10
2 CO 250 0.82 - 18 938704 E213-16-002 2CCA703045R0001 0.082 10
Rated current = 25 A
Contacts Rated Power LED Width Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
voltage loss colour 7612270 1 piece 1 piece unit
W mm EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
1 CO 250 0.40 - 9 938711 E213-25-001 2CCA703041R0001 0.041 10
2 CO 250 0.88 - 18 938728 E213-25-002 2CCA703046R0001 0.082 10
E 213-16-002
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Command and signaling
E 210 switches
Rated current = 16 A
Contacts Rated Power Width Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
voltage loss 7612270 1 piece 1 piece unit
V AC W mm EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
1 CO 250 0.32 9 938735 E214-16-101 2CCA703025R0001 0.041 10
2 CO 250 0.82 18 938742 E214-16-202 2CCA703030R0001 0.082 10
Rated current = 25 A
Contacts Rated Power Width Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
voltage loss 7612270 1 piece 1 piece unit
Rated current = 16 A
Contacts Rated Power Width Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
voltage loss 7612270 1 piece 1 piece unit
Rated current = 25 A
Contacts Rated Power Width Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
voltage loss 7612270 1 piece 1 piece unit
E 218-16-22
Command and signaling
E 210 pushbuttons
(Ranges: 12-48 V AC/DC; 115-250 V AC and 60-220 V DC).
E 215
Rated current = 16 A
Contacts Rated Power Button Width Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
voltage loss colour 7612270 1 piece 1 piece unit
W mm EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
1NO+1NC 250 0.50 grey 9 938810 E215-16-11B 2CCA703150R0001 0.046 10
1NO+1NC 250 0.50 red 9 938827 E215-16-11C 2CCA703151R0001 0.046 10
1NO+1NC 250 0.50 green 9 938834 E215-16-11D 2CCA703152R0001 0.046 10
1NO+1NC 250 0.50 yellow 9 938841 E215-16-11E 2CCA703153R0001 0.046 10
1NO+1NC 250 0.50 black 9 938858 E215-16-11F 2CCA703154R0001 0.046 10
1NO+1NC 250 0.50 blue 9 938865 E215-16-11G 2CCA703155R0001 0.046 10
E 217
Command and signaling
E 210 pushbuttons
Command and signaling
E 210 indicator lights
Single indicator light - LED Voltage range = 115-250 V AC
E 219
Power LED Width Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
loss colour 7612270 1 piece 1 piece unit
Command and signaling
E 210 indicator lights
Command and signaling
E 210 accessories
Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
7612270 1 piece 1 piece unit
Command and signaling
SL luminous indicators for panel installation
Technical characteristics
Electrical charýacteristics
Supply [V] AC/DC 24, 48 ±20%
AC 115, 230 ±20%
DC 115 ±20%
Frequency [Hz] 0-1000
SL 4 LEDs Power consumption [W] 0.5 max per input
TEST input consumption [W] 4 max
Other characteristics
Operating temperature [°C] -20 +60
Storage temperature [°C] -20 +70
Relative humidity 30-95%
Overall dimensions [mm] 48 x 48 x 56 (SL-3 e SL-4)
96 x 96 x 56 (SL...96)
72 x 144 x 70 (SL...72-144)
Weight [gr] 100 (SL-3 e SL-4),
300 (SL-12-115V/96)
350 (SL-12-115V/72-144)
Protection degree IP40
Label dimensions [mm] 30 x 9
Luminous indicator
SL 12 LEDs These luminous indicator devices provide an intuitive and readily visible front panel display of
the state of an electrical line or load situated either remotely or inside the panel itself. The range
of luminous indicator includes devices with 3, 4 or 12 LEDs with various supply voltage ratings,
and fully-customisable plain labels.
The version with 115 V DC supply rating, is ideal for installation on medium voltage panels and
for non-standard applications, and complete an extensive range of easy-to-install
indicator devices.
Command and signaling
SL luminous indicators for panel installation
Command and signaling
Installation contactors
ABB’s hum-free installation contactor designs now offer a wider range of ratings
from 16 A to 100 A. Widely used in buildings for switching and controlling lighting,
heating, ventilation, motor and pumps, the installation contactors take noise
reduction to a new level. With an innovative AC / DC coil design that eliminates hum,
a broad selection of common accessories as well as manual and automatic versions,
installation contactors offer peace of mind in noise-sensitive applications.
Command and signaling
Installation contactors
Features and benefits
Hum-free operation
With an innovative AC / DC design that eliminates
hum, the range meets the needs of applications
demanding silent operation, for example hotel
Comprehensive solution
ABB's ESB and EN installation contactors range
16 A
offers a complete solution from 16 A to 100 A,
offering an answer to all customer needs from
a single supplier.
With 16 A, 25 A and 100 A versions, tender
specifications can be met with competitive pricing.
100 A
Command and signaling
Installation contactors
Features and benefits
space in cabinets and money.
Command and signaling
Installation contactors
Easy installation and maintenance
ABB´s installation contactors come with many features that make installation and
maintenance easier. The mechanical Indicator with green and red color for status
indication ensures a quick diagnostic of the system. Also, some specialty types
feature a manual override functionality with a toggle switch to control independently
from control source. Accessories can be mounted tool-free on the contactor, for
example auxiliaries, space holders as well as security and safety covers.
Terminals IP20
Operation mode EN-versions
A1 Coil
A2 input
1 Main
2 output
Command and signaling
Installation contactors
Overview contactors
Type ESB16..N ESB20..N ESB25..N ESB40..N ESB63..N ESB100..N
EN20..N EN25..N EN40..N
AC-1/AC-7a (A) 16 20 25 40 63 100
Modular Width 1 1 2 3 3 3/6
Auxiliary contact blocks 2 NO EH04-20N EH04-20N EH04-20N EH04-20N EH04-20N EH04-20N
1 NO + EH04-11N EH04-11N EH04-11N EH04-11N EH04-11N EH04-11N
1 NC
Distance piece up to 40 °C - - - - - -
*If several contactors are mounted adjacently and the duty time is longer than one hour, every second contactor needs a distance piece, Type ESB-DIS (1/2 module).
This is not necessary at an ambient temperature ≤ 40 °C .
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Command and signaling
Installation contactors
Overview accessories
Tool-free accessories
Speed up installation and maintenance time by
mounting accessories tool-free to the contactor.
Auxiliaries, security safety covers and space
Distance pieces
If the ambient temperature in your control cabi-
net exceeds 40 °C and the duty time is longer
> 40 °C than an hour, you need to use a distance piece be-
tween each second contactor for the ESB25..N to
Sealing covers
Protect the security of your employees/
customers´installation with sealing covers. They
are available in different sizes and can be clipped
on easily.
Auxiliary contact blocks
ABB´s new range of auxiliary contact blocks
are mounted on the left side of the contactors.
Simply clip them on - no tools required!
Valuable inventory space can be saved with the
new auxiliary contact block which is designed to
fit all contactors of the range.
Command and signaling
Installation contactors
Ordering details ESB16..N - 16 A, AC-1 /AC-7a, AC/DC operated
The ESB16..N installation contactors are used to control single-phase loads up to 16 A and
can be operated by AC or DC voltages. These contactors are made for use in household ap-
plications as well as in industrial environment.
ESB16..N series is providing the following benefits:
• Hum-free operation, low power consumption and integrated overvoltage protection.
• Various contact combinations and accessories are available.
Main Width(1) Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
contacts control 3471523 1 piece 1 piece unit
ESB16..N circuit
V AC/DC EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
Single packaging
A1 1 3 24 004337 ESB16-20N-01 1SBE111111R0120 0.14 1
230 004481 ESB16-20N-06 1SBE111111R0620 0.14 1
A2 2 4
Multiple packaging
A1 1 3 24 004726 ESB16-20N-01 1SBE111111M0120 0.14 12
230 004870 ESB16-20N-06 1SBE111111M0620 0.14 12
A2 2 4
17.8 0.7''
6.8 0.27''
43.5 1.71''
58 2.28''
Command and signaling
Installation contactors
Ordering details ESB20..N - 20 A, AC-1 /AC-7a, AC/DC operated
The ESB20..N installation contactors are used to control single-phase loads up to 20 A and
can be operated by AC or DC voltages. These contactors are made for use in household
applications as well as in industrial environment.
ESB20..N series is providing the following benefits:
• Hum-free operation, low power consumption and integrated overvoltage protection.
• Various contact combinations and accessories are available.
Multiple packaging
A1 1 3 1 24 004962 ESB20-20N-01 1SBE121111M0120 0.14 12
17.8 0.7''
6.8 0.27''
43.5 1.71''
58 2.28''
Command and signaling
Installation contactors
Ordering details ESB25..N - 25 A, AC-1/AC-7a, AC/DC operated
The ESB25..N installation contactors are used to control single and three-phases loads up to
25 A and can be operated by AC or DC voltages. These contactors are made for use in house-
hold applications as well as in industrial environment.
ESB25..N series is providing the following benefits:
• Hum-free operation, low power consumption and integrated overvoltage protection.
• Various contact combinations and accessories are available.
Main Width(1) Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
contacts control 4013614 1 piece 1 piece unit
ESB25..N voltage(2)
V AC/DC EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
Single packaging
A1 1 3 5 7 (13) 2 24 523977 ESB25-40N-01 1SAE231111R0140 0.245 1
230...240 524257 ESB25- 1SAE231111R0640 0.235 1
A2 2 4 6 8 (14) 40N-06
A1 R1 R3 R5 R7 2 24 523915 ESB25-04N-01 1SAE231111R0104 0.245 1
230...240 524196 ESB25-04N-06 1SAE231111R0604 0.235 1
A2 R2 R4 R6 R8
A2 2 R4 R6 8
230...240 524226 ESB25-22N-06 1SAE231111R0622 0.235 1
A1 1 R3 5 7 2 24 523960 ESB25-31N-01 1SAE231111R0131 0.245 1
230...240 524240 ESB25-31N-06 1SAE231111R0631 0.235 1
A2 2 R4 6 8
Multiple packaging
A1 1 3 5 7 (13) 2 24 519420 ESB25-40N-01 1SAE231111M0140 0.245 6
230...240 519703 ESB25- 1SAE231111M0640 0.235 6
A2 2 4 6 8 (14) 40N-06
A1 R1 R3 R5 R7 2 24 519369 ESB25-04N-01 1SAE231111M0104 0.245 6
230...240 519642 ESB25-04N-06 1SAE231111M0604 0.235 6
A2 R2 R4 R6 R8
36 1.42''
85 3.35''
45 1.77''
6.8 0.27''
43.5 1.71''
58 2.28''
Command and signaling
Installation contactors
Ordering details ESB40..N - 40 A, AC-1/AC-7a, AC/DC operated
The ESB40..N installation contactors are used to control single and three-phases loads up
to 40 A and can be operated by AC or DC voltages. These contactors are made for use in
household applications as well as in industrial environment.
ESB40..N series is providing the following benefits:
• Hum-free operation, low power consumption and integrated overvoltage protection.
• Various contact combinations and accessories are available.
Multiple packaging
A1 1 3 5 7 (13) 3 24 520075 ESB40-40N-01 1SAE341111M0140 0.405 4
230 520266 ESB40-40N-06 1SAE341111M0640 0.405 4
A2 2 4 6 8 (14)
54 2.13''
45 1.77''
6.8 0.27''
43.5 1.71''
58 2.28''
Command and signaling
Installation contactors
Ordering details ESB63..N - 63 A, AC-1/AC-7a, AC/DC operated
The ESB63..N installation contactors are used to control single and three-phases loads up
to 63 A and can be operated by AC or DC voltages. These contactors are made for use in
household applications as well as in industrial environment.
ESB63..N series is providing the following benefits:
• Hum-free operation, low power consumption and integrated overvoltage protection.
• Various contact combinations and accessories are available.
Main Width(1) Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
contacts control 4013614 1 piece 1 piece unit
V AC/DC EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
Single packaging
A1 1 3 5 7 (13) 3 24 525278 ESB63-40N-01 1SAE351111R0140 0.405 1
A2 2 R4 6 8
A2 2 4 6
Multiple packaging
A1 1 3 5 7 (13) 3 24 520716 ESB63-40N-01 1SAE351111M0140 0.405 4
A2 2 R4 6 8
A2 2 4 6
54 2.13''
45 1.77''
6.8 0.27''
43.5 1.71''
58 2.28''
Command and signaling
Installation contactors
Ordering details ESB100..N - 100 A, AC-1/AC-7a, AC/DC operated
The ESB100..N installation contactors are used to control single and three-phases loads up
to 100 A and can be operated by AC or DC voltages. These contactors are made for use in
household applications as well as in industrial environment.
ESB100..N series is providing the following benefits:
• Hum-free operation, low power consumption and integrated overvoltage protection.
• Various contact combinations and accessories are available.
Main Width (1) Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
contacts control 4013614 1 piece 1 piece unit
ESB100-20N voltage
V AC/DC EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
Single packaging
A1 1 3 5 7 (13) 6 24 533112 ESB100-40N-01 1SAE661111R0140 0.405 1
A2 2 4
230 533037 ESB100-20N-06 1SAE361111R0620 0.81 1
Multiple packaging
A1 1 3 3 24 533235 ESB100-20N-01 1SAE361111M0120 1.62 2
A2 2 4
230 533259 ESB100-20N-06 1SAE361111M0620 1.62 2
54 2.13''
6.8 0.27''
43.5 1.71''
58 2.28''
ESB100 -20N
108 4.25''
6.8 0.27''
43.5 1.71''
58 2.28''
ESB100 - 40N
Command and signaling
Installation contactors
Ordering details EN20N -20 A, manually/automatic operated
The EN20..N installation contactors are used to control single-phase loads up to 20 A and
can be operated by AC or DC voltages. They have a built-in toggle switch to be operated
manually or automatically. These contactors are made for use in household applications as
well as in industrial environment.
EN20..N series is providing the following benefits:
• Hum-free operation, low power consumption and integrated overvoltage protection and
manual override.
• Various contact combinations and accessories are available.
EN20..N Main Width(1) Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
contacts control 3471523 1 piece 1 piece unit
voltage (1)
V AC/DC EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
Single packaging
A1 1 3 1 24 004689 EN20-20N-01 1SBE122111R0120 0.14 1
Multiple packaging
A1 1 3 1 24 005426 EN20-20N-01 1SBE122111M0120 0.14 12
17.8 0.7''
Command and signaling
Installation contactors
Ordering details EN25..N, manually/automatic operated
The EN25..N installation contactors are used to control single- and three-phase loads up to
25 A and can be operated by AC or DC voltages. They have a built-in toggle switch to be op-
erated manually or automatically. These contactors are made for use in household applica-
tions as well as in industrial environment.
EN25..N series is providing the following benefits:
• Hum-free operation, low power consumption and integrated overvoltage protection and
manual override.
• Various contact combinations and accessories are available.
EN25..N Main Width(1) Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
contacts control 4013614 1 piece 1 piece unit
Multiple packaging
A1 1 3 5 7 (13) 2 24 519871 EN25-40N-01 1SAE232111M0140 0.250 6
36 1.42''
6.8 0.27''
43.5 1.71''
58 2.28''
Command and signaling
Installation contactors
Ordering details EN40..N, manually/automatic operated
The EN40..N installation contactors are used to control single- and three-phase loads up to
40 A and can be operated by AC or DC voltages. They have a built-in toggle switch to be op-
erated manually or automatically. These contactors are made for use in household applica-
tions as well as in industrial environment.
EN40..N series is providing the following benefits:
• Hum-free operation, low power consumption and integrated overvoltage protection and
manual override.
• Various contact combinations and accessories are available.
EN40..N Main Width(1) Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
contacts control 4013614 1 piece 1 piece unit
A1 1 R3 5 7
3 24 524936 EN40-31N-01 1SAE342111R0131 0.410 1
A1 1 3 5
3 230 525124 EN40-30N-06 1SAE342111R0630 0.410 1
A2 2 4 6
A1 1 3
3 230 525117 EN40-20N-06 1SAE342111R0620 0.375 1
A2 2 4
Multiple packaging
A1 1 3 5 7 (13) 3 24 520389 EN40-40N-01 1SAE342111M0140 0.410 4
A1 1 R3 5 7
3 24 520372 EN40-31N-01 1SAE342111M0131 0.410 4
A1 1 3 5
3 230 520563 EN40-30N-06 1SAE342111M0630 0.410 4
A2 2 4 6
A1 1 3
3 230 520556 EN40-20N-06 1SAE342111M0620 0.375 4
A2 2 4
54 2.13''
85 3.35''
45 1.77''
6.8 0.27''
43.5 1.71''
58 2.28''
Command and signaling
Installation contactors
Ordering details installation contactors accessories
EH04-20N ESB63..N, 22
ESB100..N, 23 527821 EH04-20N 1SAE901901R1020 0.040 1
EN20..N, 33
Multiple packaging
ESB16..N, 21 528019 EH04-11N 1SAE901901M1011 0.040 6
ESB20..N, 33
ESB63..N, 22
ESB100..N, 23 528026 EH04-20N 1SAE901901M1020 0.040 6
EN20..N, 33
Suitable for Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
4013614 1 piece 1 piece unit
EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
Sealing covers
ESB-PLK24 ESB25..N, sealing cover 420221 ESB-PLK24 GHE3201903R0001 0.002 10
ESB40..N, sealing cover 420931 ESB-PLK40/63 GHE3401903R0001 0.003 10
ESB63..N, EN40..N
ESB25..N, protection 420238 ESB-SPK24 GHE3201903R0002 0.005 10
EN25..N cover
ESB40..N, protection 420948 ESB- GHE3401903R0002 0.010 10
ESB63..N, EN40..N cover SPK40/63
Distance piece
ESB-DIS ESB25..N, distance 420207 ESB-DIS1) GHE3201902R0001 0.002 10
ESB40..N, piece
ESB63..N, EN25..N,
1) If several contactors are mounted adjacently and the duty time is longer than one hour, every second contactor needs a dis-
tance piece, Type ESB-DIS (1/2 module). This is not necessary at an ambient temperature ≤ 40 °C or on Type ESB16..N, ESB/
EN20..N and ESB100..N.
ESB-SPK40/63 9 0.35''
6.8 0.27''
43.5 1.71''
58 2.28''
Command and signaling
E290 Latching relays
Overall depth 68 mm
Overall width 1 module (18 mm)
Colour grey, RAL 7035
Climate resistance in accordance with IEC 60068-2-2 (dry heat)
E290 IEC 60068-2-30 (humid heat)
IEC 60068-2-1 (low temperatures)
Ambient temperature -25 °C to +55 °C
Storage temperature -40 °C to +70 °C
Contact system Double interruption
Tightening torque 1.2 - 1.5 Nm
Weight 0.122 kg
Standards EN 60669-1; EN 60669-2-2
Approval VDE; EAC
Power circuit
Rated current In E290-16-.../... 16 A ----
E290-32-.../... ---- 32 A
Rated voltage Un 250 VAC 250 VAC
Frequency 50 Hz 50 Hz
Short circuit withstand capacity Inc 3 kA 3 kA
Back-up fuses (gL) max. 16 A max. 32 A
Latching relay contact configurations for 16 1NO; 2NO; 1NO + 1NC
A and 32 A
Additional Power contacts 16A (attachable) 1CO; 2NO; 1NO + 1NC
(not for 32 A version)
Max. DC current per contact with 24 VDC 5A 8A
Min. switching load 24 V; 10 mA*
Bounce time < 3 ms
Power loss in W per contact 0.32 W 1.2 W
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp 4 kV
Max. lamp load
Glow lamps (20 W - 200 W) 3000 W 4000 W
Fluorescent lamps, uncorrected power factor 1800 W 2200 W
(cos. 0.5)
Fluorescent lamps, corrected serial 3000 W 4000 W
power factor (cos. 0.9) parallel 2500 W 3200 W
single 1800 W 2200 W
double 2500 W 3200 W
(see also lamp load table)
Command and signaling
E290 Latching relays
Command and signaling
E290 Latching relays
Max. no. attachable 2) (additional main contacts) 1 unit (attachable on the right side of the main module)
Contact configurations 1CO; 2NO; 1NO+1NC
Max. DC current per contact with 24 VDC 8A
Min. switching load 24 V;10 mA
E299-11/-20 Auxiliary Contacts
Max. no. attachable 2) (signaling or control contacts) 1 unit (attachable on the right side of the main module)
Number of contacts 1 NO + 1 NC; 2NO
Max. current per contact with AC 5.0 A
Max. current per contact with 24 VDC 5.0 A
Command and signaling
E297 Installation relay
Overall depth 68 mm
Overall width 1 module (18 mm)
Colour grey, RAL 7035
Command and signaling
E297 Installation relay
Application categories
Switching capacity AC-1 (based on EN 60947) 16 A
in accordance with AC-5b (based on EN 60947) 5A
AC-7a (based on EN 61095) 16 A
AC-7c (based on EN 61095) 5A
Connector cross-sections
Main connecting terminals solid from 1 x 1 mm2 to 1 x 10 mm2 or 2 x 2.5 mm2
flexible from 1 x 0.75 mm2 up to 1 x 6 mm2 (Cu)
with end ferrule or pin cable lug
Control circuit
Coil rated voltages Un AC/DC 8 VAC; 12 VAC; 24 VAC/24 VDC; 48 VAC/48 VDC;
115 VAC/110 VDC; 230 VAC
AC/DC ratio 3) 1:1
Operation limits +/- 10 % = 0.9 - 1.1 x Un
Switching noise 60 dB (A) (distance 1 m)
Max. switching operations 15 x per min. at In 16 A
Coil power loss
Pick up < 2.8 VA < 2.0 W
Holding < 2.6 VA < 1.8 W
Command and signaling
E290 Latching relays
Latching Relay
This 18 mm wide DIN rail mounted device is designed for direct installation in main distribution or
sub-distribution systems (mounted on 35 mm DIN mounting rails). The devices are activated by
means of control pulses and guarantee energy-optimized lighting control. As a rule, installations with
latching relays are used where the lighting control system can be operated from at least three points
in different locations. Those latching relays are designed for a rated current of 16 A or 32 A.
The number of switching contacts can be increased by a maximum of two main contacts using a
snap-on main module (E292-..-..). As a result, up to four lighting sets can be switched by a single de-
A signaling and/or indicating facility can be created using the additional snap-on auxiliary contact
module (E299-11).
The various standard AC/DC coil voltages complete the comprehensive and interesting product
range. The additional devices can be snapped onto the latching relay on the left or right side.
Rated current = 16 A
Contact Power Width Coil control Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
config. loss [mm] voltage 7612270 1 piece unit
Rated current = 32 A
0 AB
Contact Power Width Coil control Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
config. loss [mm] voltage 7612270 1 piece unit
Rated current = 16 A
0 AB
Contact Power Width Coil control Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
config. loss [mm] voltage 7612270 1 piece unit
0 AB
Command and signaling
E290 Latching relays
Rated current = 32 A
Contact Power Width Coil control Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
config. loss [mm] voltage 7612270 1 piece unit
2.40 18 24VAC/12VDC 939756 E290-32-20/24 2TAZ322000R2042 0.122 10
2.40 18 48VAC/24VDC 939763 E290-32-20/48 2TAZ322000R2032 0.122 10
2.40 18 115VAC/60VDC 939770 E290-32-20/115 2TAZ322000R2022 0.122 10
2.40 18 230VAC/110VDC 939787 E290-32-20/230 2TAZ322000R2012 0.122 10
Rated current = 16 A 0
Contact Power Width Coil control Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
config. loss [mm] voltage 7612270 1 piece unit
0 Rated
AB current = 32 A
Contact Power Width Coil control Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
config. loss [mm] voltage 7612270 1 piece unit
0 AB
Command and signaling
E290 Latching relays
2 NO contacts
Rated current = 16 A
Contact Power Width Coil control Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
config. loss [mm] voltage 7612270 1 piece unit
0 AB
E292 B
Group Module
18 939466 E295-GM 2TAZ310002R1000 0.059 10
18 939473 E296-CP 2TAZ310003R1000 0.055 10
Command and signaling
E297 Installation relay
Standard number of contacts:
1 NO contact, 2 NO contacts or 1 NO contact + 1 NC contact
In addition, the number of main contacts can be increased to four contact lines using the
snap-on E298 Main contact module so that three different groups of loads can be switched
and controlled safely.
The various AC/DC coil voltages complete the comprehensive and interesting product range.
The additional devices can be snapped onto the installation relay on the right side.
Rated current = 16 A
Contact Power Width Coil control Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
config. loss [mm] voltage 7612270 1 piece unit
0 AB
Rated current = 16 A
Contact Power Width Coil control Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
config. loss [mm] voltage 7612270 1 piece unit
0 AB
Rated current = 16 A
Contact Power Width Coil control Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
config. loss [mm] voltage 7612270 1 piece unit
0 AB
6/56 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Command and signaling
E297 Installation relay
Contact Power Width Coil control Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
config. loss [mm] voltage 7612270 1 piece unit
[W] [VAC/VDC] EAN Type code Order code kg. pc.
2NO 0.64 9 939961 E298-16-20 2CCA704320R0001 0.045 10
1NO+1NC 0.32 9 939954 E298-16-11 2CCA704321R0001 0.045 10
1CO 0.32 9 939978 E298-16-001 2CCA704322R0001 0.045 10
Contact Power Width Coil control Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
config. loss [mm] voltage 7612270 1 piece unit
Auxiliary Contact for Latching and Installation relays
Rated current = 5 A
1NO+1NC 0.10 9 939985 E299-11 2CCA704340R0001 0.045 10
2NO 0.10 9 E200-20 2CCA704341R0001 0.045 10
Command and signaling
FLR latching relays
FLR Max. switching power [VA] 2500
Max. switching voltage [V] 250 AC
Incandescent lamp load [W] 805
Fluorescent lamp load [W] 345
Frequency [Hz] 50-60
Type of operation sequential - mechanical
Protection degree IP20
Max. number of electrical operations [No.] 100000
Max. number of mechanical operations [No.] 300000
Insulation resistance [MW] 100 (500 V DC)
Dielectric strength (contacts) [V] 2000 AC
Dielectric strength (coil) [V] 3500 AC
Power dissipation [VA] 4.5
Operating temperature [°C] -25…+55
Max. Cable section at terminals [mm²] 1...2.5
Terminals screw
Tightening torque [Nm] 0.5
Installation type wall/flush mounting
Dimensions (LxWxH) [mm] 45 x 22 x 45
Standards EN 60669-1 ; EN 60669-2-1
FLR1-12 2
FLR1-230 2
FLR5-12 2
FLR5-230 2
Command and signaling
E 260 latching relays
Technical features
E 260/E 260 C
Rated load at 250 V AC 8A
Incandescent lamp load 1000 W
Fluorescent lamp load in twin-lamp circuit 1000 W
Fluorescent lamp load shunt compensated 350 W
Control current when controlled centrally 230 V AC 8 mA, after 10s 3 mA ± 20 %
Command and signaling
E 260 latching relays
1 NO+1 NC 2.4 (3.5) 57595 9 E 266-24 2CDE444000R0301 0.096 1
2 NO 2.4 (3.5) 57593 5 E 262-24 2CDE442000R0301 0.096 1
E 260
Command and signaling
STD50 dimmers
Technical features
Rated voltage 230 V ~ 50 Hz
Ambient temperature 0 °C to + 35 °C
Interference suppression CE
STD 50
Dimmer for brightness control of filament lamps , 230 V tungsten halogen lamps,
lv halogen lamps with conventional transformers (phase control)
Description/ Power loss Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
application 4016779 1 piece 1 piece unit
Dimmer for brightness control of filament lamps , 230 V tungsten halogen lamps,
lv halogen lamps with ABB electronic transformers (reverse phase)
Description/ Power loss Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
application 4016779 1 piece 1 piece unit
Electronic potentiometer for electronic control gear with control input 0/1 - 10 V DC, control current 50 mA DC
Rated current (terminal 3 and 4) 4 A cosϕ = 0.9; switching capacity 700 VA
Description/ Power loss Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
application 4016779 1 piece 1 piece unit
Command and signaling
STD universal dimmer for phase control and reverse phase control
Technical features
Rated voltage 230 V ~ ± 10%, 50/60 Hz
Rated current STD U 2.17 A
STD E 1.83 A
Max. connected load U 500 W/VA
E 420 W/VA
Power extension 1 U + max. 6 E/phase = > max. 3 kVA
Min. connected load STD U 60 W/VA
STD-500 U
STD E 200 W/VA
Max. line length 100 m pushbutton cable, 2 m data line
Interference suppression CE
Ambient temperature 0 ... + 45 °C, higher temperatures reduce the power
Electronic protection against short circuit, overload, excessive temperature, automatic load
recognition, soft-OFF function optional, memory function, minimum brightness control,
visual overload indication.
The STD-500 U dimmer can be operated by one or more unlit pushbuttons (N- or
L-controlled) or via a data line:
• EIB control element SB/S
• Powernet control element PSB
Power unit STD-420 E is used to boost the connected load and is controlled exclusively by
the preset command of the STD-500 U dimmer. The parallel connection of the outputs of the
universal high-performance dimmer and the pertaining power extensions (up to 6 units; con-
nection with enclosed RJ 12 line cut to length) allow for a dimming power of 3,000 W/VA max
at one load line.
Not suitable for dimming fluorescent lamps, transformers with current monitor and
high-reactance transformers.
Note: Load and control cables must not be laid in one cable
6/62 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Command and signaling
STD universal dimmer for phase control and reverse phase control
Remove dimmer cap and snap on operation element to provide for control of dimmer with
central pushbutton or rotary operation. Local operation elements are still active.
Apart from the manual local control feature, the timer also allows for time-programmed
Product advantages
• Reliable and comfortable dimming of LED lamps
• Tuned to replacement lamps (retrofit LEDs)
• Brightness regulator downward compatible also suitable for conventional incandescent
lamps, 230 V halogen lamps and low-voltage halogen lamps with conventional inductive
6586-500 and electronic transformers.
• Touch-dimmer with local operation
• Adjustable minimum / maximum brightness Staircase light function with automatic
switch-off function and pre-warning function according to DIN 18015-2
• Perfect function and comfortable operation
• Harmonious and flicker-free dimming process
• No humming or buzzing due to transistor technology
• Numerous practical special functions
• Extremely compact construction as MDRC device (1 MW)
Tecnical features
Max. connected load 2 - 100 W/VA (Retrofit-LED-load).
Max. connected load 10 - 200 W/VA (Non-LED-load).
Rated voltage 230 V~, +10 % / -10 %, 50 Hz - 60 Hz
Ambient temperature 0 °C bis 35 °C
Standards IEC 60669-2-1, British Standard EN 60669-2-1
Command & Signalling
Busch-Dimmer® 1) 2) 3) 4) 5)
MDRC, LED, 20-800 W
Touch dimmer with local operation.
Optimised for dimming of retrofit LED lamps (LEDi).
For dimmable Retrofit-LEDs (LEDi).
For dimmable Retrofit-LEDs (LEDi) with conventional or
electronic transformers.
For incandescent lamps, 230V tungsten halogen lamps
and lowvoltage halogen lamps with conventional
transformers or electronic transformers and dimmable
halogen energy-saving lamps.
Mix operaton of LEDi with conventional loads possible.
With the following functions: memory, snooze,
wake-up, children's room, central off, cleaning light and
time function.
For staircase lighting control with automatic switch-off
and warning function according to DIN 18015-2.
Supports the adherence to the energy saving ordinance
(EnEV 2014).
Low-noise level by MOSFET transistors.
With electronic short-circuit protection.
With electronic overload protection.
With manually adjustable operating mode: trailing /
leading edge control.
With adjustable minimum/maximum brightness.
With light value storage.
Operation also possible via conventional push buttons
(2020 US, 2021/6 UK).
Extension unit input for short switching pulses
(push-button) and continuous contact (switch/timer).
Extension unit input designed as wide voltage input
(8-230 V; AC/DC); galvanic isolation.
Nominal voltage: 110 - 230 V, +10% / -10%
Rated frequency: 50 Hz/60 Hz
Nominal power: 20 - 300 W/VA (leading edge control
in 230 V~ networks)
Nominal power: 40 - 800 W/VA (trailing edge control
in 230 V~ networks)
Nominal power: 20 - 150 W/VA (leading edge control
in 110/127 V~ networks)
Nominal power: 40 - 400 W/VA (trailing edge control
in 110/127 V~ networks)
Rated voltage: 110 - 230 V, +10 % / -10 %
Temperature range (Device): 0 °C to 35 °C
Module width: 4 MW
IEC 60669-2-1, British Standard EN 60669-2-1
Command and signaling
Transformers selection table
for discontinuous use
Series TM TS
Reference standard IEC EN 61558-2-8 IEC EN 61558-2-8
Secondary Rated
Use Type Solution
voltage power
Non-inherently short-circuit
Discontinuous SELV 8-24 VA TS
proof bell transformer
Command and signaling
Transformers selection table
IEC EN 61558-2-6 CEI EN 61558-2-2 CEI EN 61558-2-2 CEI EN 61558-2-2
CEI EN 61558-2-6 CEI EN 61558-2-4
Non-inherently short-circuit proof Non-short-circuit proof control Non-short-circuit-proof control Non-short-circuit-proof control
transformer a and safety transformer a and isolating transformer a
10, 16, 25, 40, 63, 100 VA 50 to 2500 VA 50 to 2500 VA 50 to 2500 VA
Continuous Continuous Continuous Continuous
230 V a.c. 230/400 V a.c. 230/400V a.c. 230/400 V a.c.
n n n
n n n n
n n
2 modules [10 VA] See overall dimensions 13/60 See overall dimensions 13/60 See overall dimensions 13/60
3 modules [16 VA]
4 modules [25 VA, 40 VA]
5 modules [63 VA]
6 modules [100 VA]
Transformers for supplying extra low voltage, suitable for loads that require a discontinuous supply, in particular doorbells
and chimes. The primary and secondary circuits are perfectly isolated and separated.
Reference standard: IEC EN 61558-2-8
Transformer for supplying control circuits, for example commands, signaling, interlocks, etc.
Reference standard: CEI EN 61558-2-2
Isolation transformer for supplying safety extra low voltage circuits (<50 V on no load). Accidental contact with the
secondary winding phases can be withstood without any danger.
Reference standard: CEI EN 61558-2-6
Command and signaling
Control, isolating and safety transformers selection table
- Gauge ≤ 6.3 A use aM fuses with high breaking capacity and IEC601266-compliant
- Gauge > 6.3 A use gG fuses IEC60269-2 or IEC60269-3-compliant
b TM-S 50/24-48 P complies with IEC EN 61558-2-4 on the secondary circuit at 48 V and with IEC EN 61558-2-6 on the secondary circuit at 24 V
Command and signaling
TM-C, TM-S, TM-I control, isolating and safety transformers
Technical characteristics
Rated primary voltage Un [V] 230/400 a.c. 230/400 a.c. 230/400 a.c.
Primary voltage adjustment No Yes Yes
outlets ±15 V
TM [°C] 40 40 40
Max ambient temperature c
Rated secondary voltage Un [V] 12-24, 115-230 a.c. 12-24, 24-48 a.c. b 115-230 a.c.
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60 50/60 50/60
Isolation voltage between [kV] 3.5 4.8 4.8
primary and secondary
Rated powers [VA] 50-2500 50-2500 50-2500
Primary cable section (Ø max) [mm ] 2
6 6 6
Operating temperature [°C]
Approvals ENEC (Up to 1000 ENEC (Up to 1000 ENEC (Up to 1000
Standards CEI EN 61558-2-2 CEI EN 61558-2-2 CEI EN 61558-2-2
CEI EN 61558-2-6 CEI EN 61558-2-6
Command and signaling
TM-C, TM-S, TM-I control, isolating and safety transformers
Accidental contact with the secondary winding phases can be withstood without any
danger. Reference standard: CEI EN 61558-2-6
Since TM-C, TM-S and TM-I transformers are not provided with built-in protection, they must
therefore be protected according with these rules:
• Primary: line protection must reach or exceed the recommended value in Chapter 6 of Elec-
trical installation solutions for buildings - Technical details. This device guarantees line pro-
tection and service continuity but doesn‘t protect the transformer.
• Secondary: transformer protection must be chosen according to tables in the previous
pages. This device protect the transformer.
TM-C single phase control transformers, primary 230-400 V
Command and signaling
TM-C, TM-S, TM-I control, isolating and safety transformers
TM-S single phase control and safety transformers, primary 230-400 V ±15
160 12-24 020738 TM-S 160/12-24 P 2CSM202073R0801 3 1
200 12-24 600435 TM-S 200/12-24 P 2CSM260043R0801 3.2 1
250 12-24 601135 TM-S 250/12-24 P 2CSM260113R0801 3.6 1
320 12-24 600633 TM-S 320/12-24 P 2CSM260063R0801 4.4 1
400 12-24 601036 TM-S 400/12-24 P 2CSM260103R0801 5.5 1
630 12-24 600534 TM-S 630/12-24 P 2CSM260053R0801 7.8 1
1000 12-24 600930 TM-S 1000/12-24 P 2CSM260093R0801 13.2 1
1600 12-24 600831 TM-S 1600/12-24 P 2CSM260083R0801 21.2 1
2000 12-24 600732 TM-S 2000/12-24 P 2CSM260073R0801 25.5 1
2500 12-24 046639 TM-S 2500/12-24 P 2CSM204663R0801 26.8 1
50 24-48 046530 TM-S 50/24-48 P 2CSM204653R0801 1.1 1
100 24-48 046431 TM-S 100/24-48 P 2CSM204643R0801 2 1
160 24-48 046332 TM-S 160/24-48 P 2CSM204633R0801 3 1
250 24-48 046837 TM-S 250/24-48 P 2CSM204683R0801 3.2 1
320 24-48 046738 TM-S 320/24-48 P 2CSM204673R0801 3.6 1
400 24-48 046134 TM-S 400/24-48 P 2CSM204613R0801 4.4 1
630 24-48 046035 TM-S 630/24-48 P 2CSM204603R0801 5.5 1
TM-I single phase control and isolating transformers, primary 230-400 V ±15
Command and signaling
TS-C safety isolating transformers for general use
TS 10 C TS 16 C TS 25 C TS 40 C TS 63 C TS 100 C
Primary rated voltage Un [V] 230 a.c. 230 a.c. 230 a.c. 230 a.c. 230 a.c. 230 a.c.
Secondary rated voltage Un [V] 12 - 24 V 12 - 24 V 12 - 24 V 12 - 24 V 12 - 24 V 12 - 24 V
a.c. a.c. a.c. a.c. a.c. a.c.
Tolerance on secondary voltage [%] < +/- 5% (according to standards)
(full load)
TS 25 C Tolerance on secondary voltage [%] <100% rated secondary voltage (according to standards)
(off load)
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60 50/60
Rated power (continuous use) [VA] 10 16 25 40 63 100
Maximum output current (at 24 V) [A] 0.42 0.67 1.04 1.67 2.63 4.17
Power loss (off load) [W] < 2.5 <3 <4 < 4.5 < 4.5 <1
Power loss (full load) [W] <5 <5 <5 < 10 < 15 < 20
Modules [No.] 2 3 4 4 5 6
Cable section [mm 2- 2.5
Tightening torque [Nm] 0.5
Protection degree IP 20
Standards IEC/EN 61558-2-6
TS 100 C
Command and signaling
TM bell transformers
Technical characteristics
Primary rated voltage Un [V] 230 a.c.
Secondary rated voltage Un [V] 4, 8, 12, 24
Tolerance on secondary voltage [%] +/- 15% (according to standards)
(with load)
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60
Rated power (discontinuous use) [VA] 10, 15, 30, 40
Power loss (off load) [W] <2.5 (TM10, TM15), <3 (TM30, TM40), <1.25 (TM15 ES)
Modules [No.] 2 (TM10, TM15), 3 (TM30, TM40)
TM 15/12
Cable section [mm2- 2.5 - 14
Tightening torque [Nm] 0.5
Protection degree IP 20
Standards IEC/EN 61558-2-8
Command and signaling
TS bell transformers
Technical characteristics
Primary rated voltage Un [V] 230 a.c.
Secondary rated voltage Un [V] 4, 6, 8, 12, 24
Tolerance on secondary voltage [%] ± 15% (according to standards)
(with load)
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60
Command and signaling
SM, RM, TSM, TSR bells and buzzers
Technical characteristics
SM1-12, SM1-230, SM2-12, SM2-24, SM2-230, TSM,
RM1-12 RM1-230 RM2-12 RM2-24 RM2-230 TSR
Rated Voltage Un [V c.a.] 8-12 230 12 24 230 230
Rated frequency [Hz] 50 50 50 50 50 50
Power consumption [VA] 2,5-6,5 4,5 4,5 4,5 4,5 5,5
Sound level at 1 meter Bell [dB] 82 82 82 82 82 80
Buzzer [dB] 80 80 80 80 80 70
SM 1-230
Three-tones [dB] 84
Max permanent working 15 min 15 min 12 h a 12 h a 12 h a TSM: 1
time min
TSR: 5
Max cable cross-section [mm2] 10 10 10 10 10 10
Mounting position vertical only
Protection degree IP20-IP40, switchboard mounting
Modules [No.] 1 1 1 1 1 2
a Continuative work for more than 12 hours could affect the sound level
Command and signaling
SM, RM, TSM, TSR bells and buzzers
Command and signaling
CP-D primary switch mode power supplies
2CDC 271 024 F0b07
Technical features
12/0.83 12/2.1 24/0.42 24/1.3 24/2.5 24/4.2
Input circuit
Rated input voltage Uin [V AC] 100-240
Input voltage range [V AC] 90-264
[V DC] 120-375
Frequency range [Hz] 47-63
CP-D Hold-up time [ms] min. 30 min. 30 min. 30 min. 30 min. 60 min. 60
Internal input fuse, slow-acting [A] 1 2 1 2 2 3.15
(250 V AC)
Typical power at 230 V AC [W] 13 31 12 38 70 114
Inrush current limiting (max 3 ms) [A] 30 50 30 50 60 60
Output circuit
Rated output voltage [V DC] 12 12 24 24 24 24
Tolerance of the output ±1%
Adjustment range of the output [V DC] - - - 24-28 24-28 24-28
Rated output current I r [A] 0.83 2.10 0.42 1.30 2.50 4.20
Rated output power [W] 10 30 10 30 60 100
Resistance to reverse feed [V DC] 18 / 1 s 18 / 1 s 35 / 1 s 35 / 1 s 35 / 1 s 35 / 1 s
Parallel connection Yes, using CP-D RU
Series connection Allowed, to increase voltage
Output circuit: no-load, overload, and short-circuit behaviour
Characteristic curve of output U/I characteristic curve
Short-circuit behavior continuous short-circuit stability
Overload protection output power limiting
No-load protection continuous no-load stability
Currrent limiting at short circuit [A] typ 1.4 typ 5.9 typ 0.78 typ 4.2 typ 6.05 typ 11.5
LED status indicator
Green LED (DC ON) Output voltage applied
Red LED (DC LOW) Output voltage too low
Operating temperature [°C] -40…+70
Derating of the output current 2.5% / °C
60°C < Ta ≤ 70 °C
Approval / Marks cULus, cURus, CCC, EAC, CE, RCM
(depending on device)
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Command and signaling
CP-D primary switch mode power supplies
• Output voltages 12 V, 24 V
• Adjustable output voltages (devices > 10 W)
• Output currents 0.42 A / 0.83 A / 1.3 A / 2.1 A / 2.5 A / 4.2 A
• Power range 10 W, 30 W, 60 W, 100 W
• Wide range input 100-240 V AC (90-264 V AC, 120-375 V DC)
Rated input Rated output Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
voltage voltage/current 1 piece 1 piece unit
CP-D 24/4.2
6/7 7
Command and signaling
Modular sockets selection table
Series selection
For further information about sockets selection by country please see in Chapter 6 of Electrical installation solutions for
buildings - Technical details
M1175 M1173 M1170 M1174 M1363 M1011
EU 10A n n n n n
Schuko 10 A / 16 A n n n
Italian 10 A n n
Italian 16 A n
British 13 A n
6/78 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Command and signaling
Modular sockets selection table
Model selection
n RAL 7035
M1175 2CSM210000R0721
M1175-L 2CSM212000R0721
Indicator light
M1175-FL 2CSM214000R0721
Indicator light Fuse 6.3 A aM
M1175-C 2CSM211000R0721
Cover IP30
M1173 2CSM110000R0701
M1173-L 2CSM112000R0701
Indicator light
M1170 2CSM210000R0701
French Standard
Command and signaling
Modular sockets selection table
n RAL 7035
British Standard
M1363 2CSM259343R0721 2CSM259343R0721
M1363-L 2CSM258163R0721
Indicator light
Single-phase 10 A
M1011-T13 2CSM220685R0721
Type 13
Single-phase 16 A
M1011-T23 2CSM220695R0721
Type 23
Three-phase 10 A
M1011-T15 2CSM220705R0721
Type 15
Three-phase 16 A
M1011-T25 2CSM220715R0721
Type 25
6/80 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Command and signaling
Modular sockets
Technical specifications
Rated voltage Un [V] 250 a.c.
Rated current In [A] 16 (M1170, M1173, M1174, M1175), 13 (M1363),
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60
Power loss [W] 0,6
Modules [No.] 2.5 for M117x
Command and signaling
Modular sockets
Modular sockets
Modular sockets allow the connection of devices, tools or electrical and electronic non
modular equipments in civil and industrial electrical switchboards.
The range is composed by standard versions as well as upgraded versions with additional fea-
tures as light indicator, protection fuse and cover.
M1175 German Shuko standard modular sockets
M1175-C German Shuko standard modular sockets with integrated indicator light and fuse
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Command and signaling
Modular sockets
French standard modular sockets
Command and signaling
Modular sockets
EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
6/84 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Command and signaling
MA1-8001 DIN rail adapter
Using MA1-8001 it’s possible to put together “System pro M compact” products with LED
pilot light, potentiometer, key selectors, toggle switches, selector switches, push- buttons,
mushroom buttons and emergency stop, illuminated or not.
For detailed description of the industrial devices that can be installed using this kit, see
technical catalogue 1SFC151003C0201
Technical notes
•T o assemble the new housing with push-buttons, selector switch and indicator lamps, contact
blocks and lamp blocks for DIN rails must be used.
• The MCBH-00 holder is not necessary, because the housing hooks directly to contact blocks.
• To line up with “System pro M compact” products, a maximum of 3 blocks must be used.
• In the configuration with 3 contacts, it is advisable to use securing pins to make the blocks
more solid.
• In making up actuators or indicator lamps that use a single contact, one or two MDB-2
empty blocks must be used.
Electrical installation solutions for buildings
Control and automation
D Line digital time switches 7/2
ATe electro-mechanical time switches 7/7
AT72e electro-mechanical time switches 7/8
E 232 staircase lighting time-delay switches 7/9
E 234 electronic timers 7/11
T Line twilight switches 7/15
T1 POLE twilight switches 7/17
TWA twilight switches 7/18
THS modular thermostats 7/20
E 450 priority switches 7/22
RAL overload relays 7/23
LSS1/2 load shedding switch 7/24
E 235 mains disconnection relays 7/25
LEE 230 extractable power failure
signalling lamp 7/27
7/2 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
D Line. Simply precise
An ideal range for automating
the functions of the installation
Programming key
slot to run, copy
or save programs
Wide range of programs: standard, cyclic, random Programming key D KEY allows to run a program
and holiday in EMD external memory automatically, to save
• Permanent or temporary manual deviation, the programs in the time switch or created by the
directly activated with a single touch D SW programming software, on the D KEY
• Graphical display of the complete sequence external memory and viceversa.
of switchings provided by the program in Furthermore, the holiday programs can be loaded
memory, for each of the channels in the day in and unloaded on D KEY.
• External inputs for the connection of one or
more remote commands, for example: switches
or buttons
• 64 memory locations
• Accuracy of ±0,5 seconds/24h
• Switching solar time/daylight saving time
• Running reserves of 6 years (lithium battery)
D Line time switches’ programming can be Time synchronization via DCF77 or GPS antennas.
executed directly on your PC thanks to D SW The D DCF77 antenna receives scheduled
software that lets you quickly, simply and easily messages transmitted by the atomic clock
create complex programs from your desktop. installed c/o Mainflingen (Germany), near
Indeed, it is possible to transfer the program to Frankfort. Thanks to this signal, the time
the D KEY memory unit and then copy it on multi- switches are automatically setted to: hour, date
ple devices, avoiding any errors in reprogramming. and proper daylight saving time. The D GPS
Once created, the program can be printed or antenna receives time from the Global Positioning
saved to file as pdf. System, providing an accurate location and time
information for an unlimited number of people in
all weathers, day or night, anywhere in the world;
time is derived from different sources
simultaneously that allow the time switch to
compensate for propagation delays.
7/4 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Control and automation
D Line digital time switches
GPS antenna - - n - - n
Programming software - n n - n n
250 V contact capacity
Control and automation
D Line digital time switches
max 50 sendings/hour
Protection degree [IP] 65 65
Max. number of connected devices [No.] 10 10
Max. wiring length [m] 1000 1000
Terminal size for cable [mm²] 0.5...2.5 0.5...2.5
Mounting pole/wall pole/wall
7/6 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Control and automation
D Line digital time switches
Control and automation
ATe electro-mechanical time switches
Technical features
AT1e AT1e-R AT2 AT2-R AT2-7R AT2e AT2e-R AT2e-7R
Rated voltage [V] 230 AC 230 AC 230 AC 230 AC 230 AC 230 AC 230 AC 230 AC
± 10% ± 10% ± 10% ± 10% ± 10% ± 10% ± 10% ± 10%
Contact type 1NO 1NO 1NO/NC 1NO/NC 1NO/NC 1NO/NC 1NO/NC 1NO/NC
[A] 16 16 16 16 16 16 16 16
Resistive load
Setting step [min] 15 15 30 30 210 15 15 105
Number of tappets 96 96 48 48 48 96 96 96
Running reserve [h] - 100 - 150 150 - 150 150
Power consumption [VA] 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Max. switching [W] 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500 3500
Max. terminal cross- [mm2] 4 4 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
Tightening torque [Nm] 0.8 0.8 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5 0.5
Terminals with with with with with with with with
captive captive captive captive captive captive captive captive
screws screws screws screws screws screws screws screws
Installation type on DIN on DIN on DIN on DIN on DIN on DIN on DIN on DIN
rail rail rail rail rail rail rail rail
Operating [°C] -10...+50 -10...+50 -10...+50 -10...+50 -10...+50 -10...+50 -10...+50 -10...+50
Storage temperature [°C] -10...+50 -10...+50 -10...+50 -10...+50 -10...+50 -10...+50 -10...+50 -10...+50
Modules [n°] 1 1 2 2 2 2 2 2
Reference standards EN EN EN EN EN EN EN EN
60730-1 ; 60730-1 ; 60730-1 ; 60730-1 ; 60730-1 ; 60730-1 ; 60730-1 ; 60730-1 ;
60730- 60730- 60730- 60730- 60730- 60730- 60730- 60730-
2-7 2-7 2-7 2-7 2-7 2-7 2-7 2-7
Control and automation
AT72e electro-mechanical time switches
Technical features
AT72e AT72e-R AT72e-7R
Rated voltage [V] 230 AC + 10% 230 AC + 10% 230 AC + 10%
Contact type 1NO/NC 1NO/NC 1NO/NC
Ohmic loads [A] 16 16 16
Inductive loads [A] 2 2 2
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60 50/60 50/60
Time base quartz
Setting step (tappet) [Min] 15 (daily) 15 (daily) 120 (weekly)
Control and automation
E 232 staircase lighting time-delay switches
Technical features
E 232-230 E 232E-230N E 232E-8/230N E 232E-230 Multi E 232E-8/230 Multi
10 10
Time range (stepless) 1 – 7 min. 0.5 – 20 min. 0.5 – 20 min. 0.5 – 20 min. 0.5 – 20 min.
in 15 sec. stepless stepless stepless stepless
Control voltage 230 V AC n n n n n
Universal voltage in addition 8 … 240 V AC/DC 8…240 V AC/DC
Glow lamp load 50 mA 150 mA 150 mA 150 mA 150 mA
3/4 conductor operated switches automatically automatically automatically automatically
Resettable n n n n n
Steady-light switch n n n n n
Advance warning acc. DIN 18015-2 n n
Long-time range of 60 min. n n
Multi-functional (10 functions) n n
Rated voltage 230 V AC 240 V AC 240 V AC 240 V AC 240 V AC
Rated Frequency 50Hz 50 / 60 Hz 50 / 60 Hz 50 / 60 Hz 50 / 60 Hz
Control voltage range 0.9 ... 1.1 Un 0.85 ... 1.1 Un 0.85 ... 1.1 Un 0.85 ... 1.1 Un 0.85 ... 1.1 Un
Power loss 1 VA 6 VA 6 VA 6 VA 6 VA
Rated switching capacity 16 A, 230 V AC 16 A, 230 V AC 16 A, 230 V AC 16 A, 230 V AC 16 A, 230 V AC
Filament lamps 2,300 W 2,300 W 2,300 W 3,600 W 3,600 W
Halogen lamps 2,300 W 2,300 W 2,300 W 3,600 W 3,600 W
Fluorescent lamps series compensated / 2,300 VA 2,300 VA 2,300 VA 3,600 VA * 3,600 VA *
Fluorescent lamps inductive or capacitive 2,300 VA 2,300 VA 2,300 VA 3,600 VA * 3,600 VA *
Fluorescent lamps shunt compensated 1,300 VA (70 μF) 400 VA (42 μF) 400 VA (42 μF) 1,200 VA (120 μF) * 1,200 VA (120 μF) *
Electronic controlgear 9x7 W, 6x11 W 9x7 W, 7x11 W, 9x7 W, 7x11 W, 34x7 W, 27x11 W, 34x7 W, 27x11 W,
5x15 W, 5x20 W 7x20 W, 7x23 W 7x20 W, 7x23 W 24x15 W, 22x23 W 24x15 W, 22x23 W
Inductive load (cos j = 0.6/230 V AC) 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300 2,300
Contact material AgSnO2 AgSnO2 AgSnO2 AgSnO2 AgSnO2
Contact gap ≥ 3 mm < 3 mm < 3 mm < 3 mm < 3 mm
Mech. serviceable life > 106 > 107 > 107 > 107 > 107
Serviceable life at rated load, cos j =1 > 105 > 2x105 > 2x105 > 2x105 >2x105
Serviceable life at rated load, > 104 > 4x104 > 4x104 > 4x104 > 4x104
cos j =0.6
Max. terminal cross-section 10.7 mm² 13 mm² 13 mm² 13 mm² 13 mm²
Max. conductor cross-section 6 mm² 4 mm² 4 mm² 4 mm² 4 mm²
ON duration Resettable after 100 % 100 % 100 % 100 %
30 sec.
Ambient temperature – 10 °C to + 50 °C – 25 °C to + 50 °C – 25 °C to + 50 °C – 25 °C to + 50 °C – 25 °C to + 50 °C
Housing and insulation material heat resistant, heat resistant, heat resistant, heat resistant, heat resistant,
self-extinguishing self-extinguishing self-extinguishing self-extinguishing self-extinguishing
thermoplast thermoplast thermoplast thermoplast thermoplast
Control current at 230 V AC 4.5 mA 26 mA 26 mA 26 mA (min. 8 mA 26 mA (min. 8 mA
at 8 V AC) at 8 V AC)
Minimum command duration 10 ms 20 ms 20 ms 20 ms / 50 ms for 20 ms / 50 ms for
multi voltage input multi voltage input
Control and automation
E 232 staircase lighting time-delay switches
range from 0.5 to 20 min, as well as low switching noise make these devices so special.
Devices of the E 232E-230 Multi 10 and E 232E-8/230 Multi 10 series are multi-functional
products with 10 functions to choose from that can be adjusted from the front. Through
an electronically controlled connection of the load at voltage zero, a very high switching
capacity of 3,600 W (load of filament lamp) is reached.
The devices include an integrated warning feature (warning by blinking) according to DIN
18015-2 as well as a 60 minute long-time function.
The E 232E-8/230N and E 232E-8/230 Multi 10 staircase lighting time-delay switches offer
an additional metallically separated control input for 8…240 V AC/DC.
Time range Power loss Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
4013614 1 1 piece unit
E 232 E-230N
W EAN Type code Order code piece kg pc.
1 … 7 min. 1VA 54824 3 E 232-230 2CDE110000R0501 0.081 10
20 min 6VA 65416 6 E 232 E-230N 2CDE110003R0511 0.095 10
20 min 6VA 65417 3 E 232 E-8/230N 2CDE010003R0511 0.1 10
20 min 6VA 65418 0 E 232 E-230 Multi 10 2CDE110013R0511 0.095 10
20 min 6VA 65419 7 E 232 E-8/230 Multi 10 2CDE010013R0511 0.1 10
Control and automation
E 234 electronic timers
2CDC 251 089 F0b06
Technical data
Data at Ta = 25 °C and rated values, unless otherwise indicated
Type CT-D with 1 c/o CT-D with 2 c/o
contact contacts
Input circuit - Supply circuit
Rated control supply voltage US A1-A2 24-240 V AC / 24-28 V DC a
Rated control supply voltage US tolerance -15...+10 %
Rated frequency DC 50/60 Hz
Frequency range AC 47-63 Hz
E 234
Typical power consumption see data sheet
Power failure buffering time min. 20 ms min. 20 ms
Input circuit - Control circuit
Control input, Control function A1-Y1/B1 start timing external
Kind of triggering voltage-related triggering
Maximum cable length to the control input 50 m - 100 pF/m
Minimum control pulse length 20 ms
Control voltage potential see rated control supply voltage
Current consumption of the control input see data sheet
Parallel load / polarized yes / yes
Timing circuit
Time 7 time ranges 0.05 s - 100 h 1.) 0.05-1 s 2.) 0.5-10 s 3.) 5-100 s 4.) 0.5-10
ranges min 5.) 5-100 min
6.) 0.5-10 h 7.) 5-100 h
4 time ranges 0.05 s - 10 min (CT-SDD, CT-SAD) 1.) 0.05-1 s 2.) 0.5-10 s 3.) 5-100 s 4.) 0.5-10
Recovery time < 50 ms
Repeat accuracy (constant parameters) ∆t < ±0.5 %
Accuracy within the rated control supply ∆t < 0.005 % / V
voltage tolerance
Accuracy within the temperature range ∆t < 0.06 % / °C
Star-delta transition time CT-SDD fixed 50 ms
CT-SAD adjustable: 20 ms, 30 ms, 40 ms, 50 ms,
60 ms, 80 ms or 100 ms
Star-delta transition time tolerance CT-SDD, CT-SAD ±3 ms
Indication of operational states
Control supply voltage / timing U: green LED : control supply voltage applied
: timing
Relay status R: yellow LED : output relay 1 or 2 energized
Output circuit
Kind of output 15-16/18 relay, 1 c/o contact -
15-16/18; 25- - relay, 2 c/o
26/28 contacts
17-18; 17-28 relay, 2 n/o contacts (CT-SDD, CT-SAD)
Contact material Cd-free, see data sheet
Rated operational voltage Ue 250 V
Minimum switching voltage / minimum switching current 12 V / 100 mA
Maximum switching voltage / maximum switching current see load limit curves
a CT-MFD.2x on request
7/12 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Control and automation
E 234 electronic timers
Technical data
Data at Ta = 25 °C and rated values, unless otherwise indicated
Type CT-D with 1 c/o CT-D with 2 c/o
contact contacts
Rated operational current Ie AC12 (resistive) 6A 5A
(IEC 60947-5-1 ) at 230 V
for category AC15 (inductive) 3A 3Aa
at 230 V
DC12 (resistive) 6A 5A
at 24 V
a CT-MFD.2x on request
Control and automation
E 234 electronic timers
Technical data
Data at Ta = 25 °C and rated values, unless otherwise indicated
Type CT-D with 1 c/o CT-D with 2 c/o
contact contacts
Isolation data
Rated impulse withstand voltage Uimp between all isolated 4 kV; 1.2/50 µs
Pollution category 3
Overvoltage category III
Rated insulation voltage Ui input circuit / 300 V
output circuit
output circuit 1 / not available 300 V
output circuit 2
Basic insulation (IEC/EN 61140) input circuit / output circuit 300 V
Protective separation input circuit / 250 V
(IEC/EN 61140, EN 50178) output circuit
Power-frequency withstand voltage test (test voltage) between 2.5 kV; 50 Hz; 60 s
all isolated circuits
Standards / Directives
Standards IEC/EN 61812-1
Low Voltage Directive 2014/35/EU
EMC Directive 2014/30/EU
RoHS Directive 2011/65/EU
Electromagnetic compatibility
Interference immunity IEC/EN 61000-6-2
electrostatic discharge (ESD) IEC/EN 61000-4-2 Level 3 (6 kV / 8 kV)
radiated, radio-frequency, IEC/EN 61000-4-3 Level 3 (10 V/m)
electromagnetic field
fast transients (Burst) IEC/EN 61000-4-4 Level 3 (2 kV / 5 kHz)
surge IEC/EN 61000-4-5 Level 4 (2 kV L-L)
conducted disturbances, induced IEC/EN 61000-4-6 Level 3 (10 V)
by radio-frequency fields
Interference emission IEC/EN 61000-6-3
high-frequency radiated IEC/CISPR 22, EN 55022 Class B
high-frequency conducted IEC/CISPR 22, EN 55022 Class B
7/14 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Control and automation
E 234 electronic timers
2CDC 251 089 F0b06
The CT-D range in MDRC design with a width of only 17.5 mm fits into all domestic installa-
tion and distribution panels.
The CT-D range represents a link between industry and the installation types. For maximum
flexibility in operation, 10 single-function as well as 2 multifunction devices with 7 timing
functions are available. The devices offer 4 or 7 time ranges from 0.05 seconds up to 100
hours. Their wide input range allows the use in applications worldwide.
E 234 CT-MFD Timing Rated Time Control Output Bbn Type Order code Price Weight
- 1 c/o CT-ERD.12 1SVR500100R0000
- 1 c/o CT-ERD.22 1SVR500100R0100
E 234 CT-ERD
n 1 c/o CT-AHD.12 1SVR500110R0000
OFF-delay 7 (0.05 s
- 100 h)
n 2 c/o CT-AHD.22 1SVR500110R0100
ON-delay Impulse-
24-240 V AC - CT-VWD.12 1SVR500130R0000
OFF-delay ON
24-48 V DC 0.060
Impulse-ON Flasher (0.132)
starting - 1 c/o CT-EBD.12 1SVR500150R0000
with ON
Flasher starting
with ON 0.060
n CT-TGD.122) 1SVR500160R0000
2×7 (0.132)
Flasher staring Pulse
(0.05 s
with OFF generator
- 100 h) 0.065
Pulse former n 2 c/o CT-TGD.222) 1SVR500160R0100
Pulse generator
Star-delta 4 (0.05 s - CT-SDD.223) 1SVR500211R0100
Star-delta change- - 2 n/o
change-over over 10 min) - CT-SAD.224) 1SVR500210R0100
1) Functions: ON-delay, OFF-delay with auxiliary voltage, Impulse-ON, Impulse-OFF with auxiliary voltage,
Flasher starting with ON, Flasher starting with OFF, Pulse former
2) ON and OFF times adjustable independently: 2 x 7 time ranges 0.05 s - 100 h
3) Transition time 50 ms fixed
4) Transition time adjustable
used expression alternative expression(s) used expression alternative expression(s)
Control and automation
T Line twilight switches
Technical features
Rated voltage [V] 110 ÷ 230 AC
Contact type 1NO
resistive load cosj 1 [A] 16
inductive load cosj 0.6 [A] 3
Switching capacity
incandescent lamps cosj 1 max 3600 W
fluorescent lamps cosj 0.8 max 3600 W
fluorescent - duo./electronic lamps cosj 0.9 max 300 W
LED lamps cosj 0.97 max 400 W
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60
Switching delay
ON [s] 30 ±10% 15...120 ±10%
OFF [s] 40 ±10% 15...120 ±10%
Brightness range [lx] 2:200 2:40
Protection degree
twilight switch IP20 IP20
sensor IP65 IP65
Operating temperature
twilight switch [°C] -25…+55
sensor [°C] -40...+70
Storage temperature
twilight switch [°C] -40...+70
sensor [°C] -50...+80
Power consumption [VA] 4.5
Max. switching power [W] 3500
Max. terminal cross-section [mm²] 2.5
Terminals loss-proof screw
Tightening torque terminals [Nm] 0.5
sensor screw [Nm] 0.4
Installation type on DIN rail
Switching status indication/ red Led / green Led
brightness range
Max wiring length [m] 100
Modules [n°] 1
Reference standards EN 60669-1; EN 60669-2-1; EN 60730-1
7/16 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Control and automation
T Line twilight switches
values (2:40, 20:200, 200:2000, 2000:15000).This makes them ideal for daytime applications
where the LUX values are very high.
Control and automation
T1 POLE twilight switches
Technical features
Rated voltage [V] 110 ÷ 230 AC
Contact type 1NO polarized
resistive load cosj 1 [A] 16
inductive load cosj 0.6 [A] 3
Switching capacity
incandescent lamps cosj 1 max 3600 W
T1 POLE fluorescent lamps cosj 0.8 max 3600 W
fluorescent - duo./electronic lamps cosj 0.9 max 300 W
LED lamps cosj 0.97 max 400 W
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60
Switching delay
ON [s] 30 ± 10%
OFF [s] 40 ± 10%
Brightness range [lx] 2:200
Protection degree IP65
Operating temperature [°C] -40...+70
Storage temperature [°C] -50...+80
Power consumption [VA] 4.5
Max. switching power [W] 3500
Max. terminal cross-section [mm²] 2.5
Terminals loss-proof screw
Tightening torque [Nm] 0.4
Installation type pole/wall
Switching status indication/
brightness range - / red Led
Reference standards EN 60669-1; EN 60669-2-1; EN 60730-1
Control and automation
TWA twilight switches
Technical features
Rated voltage [V] 230 ±15% AC
Contact type 1NO/NC 2 NO/NC
Resistive load cosj 1 [A] 16
Inductive load cosj 0.6 [A] 10
Max. number of lamps
TWA Switching capacity
Incandescent and halogen lamps [W] 2300
Control and automation
TWA twilight switches
indicated for the control of public lighting, shop windows of shops, neon signs, monuments,
facades and illuminated fountains.
Control and automation
THS modular thermostats
Technical features
Rated voltage [V] 230 AC
Contact type 1 NO/NC 2NO
Contact capacity
Resistive load cosj 1 [A] 16
Inductive load cosj 0.6 [A] 3
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60
Number of temperature setpoints 1 continuously adjustable 2 continuously
Adjustment range [°C} -20...+40 0...+60 0...+10 / +20...+60
Max switching power [W] 3500
Differential [°C] fixed Dt = 1 fixed Dt = 2
Thermal gradient 1 °K / 15 minutes
Type of operation ON / OFF fixed differential
Protection degree IP20
Relay ON/OFF indication LED indicator
Temperature tolerance [°C] ±1
T limits in operation [°C] 0 ÷ +50 0 ÷ +70
Storage temperature [°C] -10...+65 -10...+70
Installation type DIN rail
Case / color thermoplastic / grey RAL 7035
Power consumption [VA] 3
Terminals Loss-proof screw
Max. terminal cross-section [mm2] 2.5
Tightening torque [Nm] 0.5
Application type services / industrial
Programming graduated scale with mechanical pointer
Control and automation
THS modular thermostats
Temperature Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
8012542 1 1 piece unit
* cooling / anticondensation
Control and automation
E 450 priority switches
Technical characteristics
E 451-5.7 E 452-5.7
Operating coil
Range of rated current equivalent to 6.7 … 39 A
1.5 … 9 kW at 230 V, 4.6 … 27 kW at 230/400 V
Threshold current 3.1 … 5.3 A
OFF delay (max.) 0 main half waves 2 main half waves
Max. continuous current 43 A
E 450
Control and automation
RAL overload relays
Technical characteristics
Rated voltage Un [V] 230 AC
Rated current In [A] 18.3 27.5
Rated contact capacity In [A] 12 cosj=1; 4 cosj=0.8
Rated frequency [Hz] 50
Adjustment ranges [A] 0 ...18.3 0…27.5
RAL Power consumption [W] 10
Modules [n°] 2
Intervention delay instantaneous
Control and automation
LSS1/2 load shedding switch
Technical characteristics
Rated voltage Un [V] 230 AC
Rated capacity In [A] 90
Rated contact capacity In [A] 16 each
NPL1 and NPL2 (terminals 12 and 14)
Rated frequency [Hz] 50/60
Regulating thresholds [A] 5...30
Control and automation
E 235 mains disconnection relays
Technical features
Short circuit rupturing capacity 16 A/230 AC
Rated frequency 50/60 Hz
Range of control voltage 0.9 to 1.1 Un
Filament lamps 2300 W
Fluorescent lamps:
twin lamp circuit 100 W
shunt compensated 56 W
electronic ballast max. 36 W, dependent on manufacturer
E 235
Inductive load cosj 0.6 6A
Max. switching capacity (cosj 0.5) 3500 VA
Intrinsic consumption ca. 1W
Control voltage 5 V a.c.
Adjustable making capacity 2 - 15 VA
Breaking capacity 0.66 x making capacity
ON delay 50 ms
OFF delay ca. 3 sec.
Contact assembly 1 NO contact
Service life at rated load > 100000 switching cycles
Ambient temperature - 10 °C/14 °F to +45 °C/113 °F
Max terminal cross-section 2.5 mm2
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Control and automation
E 235 mains disconnection relays
E 235-NFS
a capacitor and transformer power pack - e.g. charging stations for rechargeable devices,
standard lamps, etc. - will be reliably detected and switched. Interference fields emitted by
the monitoring voltage are so small that they cannot be registered. The mains is switched on
when the consumer load exceeds the making capacity set in the demand switch. It is cut off
when the consumer load falls to 2/3 of the set making capacity. The ON state is indicated by
the integrated LED. You can choose between „Automatic monitoring“ and „Permanent ON“
using a rotary switch on the E 235.
The E 235-GLA base load adapter is also available, and is used for switching the demand
switch on manually. The adapter is plugged into a socket that is monitored by the demand
E 235-GLE switch. The toggle switch switches the base load, which is used to switch on the demand
Some consumers require an initial voltage equal to the mains voltage in order to be switched
on. These include brightness controllers, and fluorescent and energy-saving lamps. The PTC
base load element E 235-GLE and base load adapter E 235-GLA are available for ensuring reli-
able switch-on of the mains field relay. The indicator light on the adapter displays the
switched on mains voltage, irrespective of the position of the toggle switch. It tells you
whether the mains voltage has been cut off or whether other consumers are still switched
on. If you wish to connect a dimmer to the output of the demand switch, this must feature
an additional switching contact. A base load element is also switched in parallel.
Control and automation
LEE 230 extractable power failure signalling lamp
Technical characteristics
2P 10 A plug distance between pins 19 mm, pin ø 4 mm
Supply [V] 230 AC 50/60Hz
Recharge time [h] 24
Endurance [h] 3
Lighting level [mcd] 3000
Operating temperature [°C] 0…+45
Min. life cycle 5 years (battery
Additional technical features
LEE-230 lamp automatically switches on when the voltage fails; the built-in rechargeable
battery guarantees the supply.
It is particularly useful thanks to its construction and functional characteristics:
• it can be extracted from the socket and used as a torch with ON-OFF button on its fron-
tal side
• when necessary it can work with standard sockets
• it can be moved when it is needed
• it has a long operation endurance, up to three hours
• it is ready to use, it does not require installation
• with a screw (ø 3.5 mm, L 16 mm) it is possible to fix it preventing the extraction from the
M1173 ABB sockets with central hole
• the projecting part of the Schuko profile is very small (8 mm).
• The two LEDs placed on the frontal side of the lamp indicate its operation condition:
• the red LED indicates the recharge activity and that, in the case of a network voltage
back-out, the lamp will remain off
• the green LED indicates the recharge activity and that, in the case of a network voltage
black-out, the lamp will switch on (it will automatically switch off when the voltage re-
By pushing the frontal pushbutton it is possible to change the status; if you do not use the
lamp for a prolonged time it is suggested to set the first condition in order to preserve the
battery life.
Electrical installation solutions for buildings
Energy efficiency
M2M, ANR and DMTME selection table 8/2
M2M network analyser 8/5
ANR network analyser 8/9
DMTME multimeters 8/12
CUS serial converter 8/14
Energy meters selection table 8/17
A-series EQ meters 8/20
B-series EQ meters 8/28
C-series EQ meters 8/35
G-series EQ meters 8/39
Analogue and digital instruments
selection table 8/40
Modular digital instruments 8/43
Front panel digital instruments 8/45
Analogue instruments selection table 8/46
Modular analogue instruments 8/47
Scales for modular analogue ammeters 8/49
Front-panel analogue instruments 8/51
Scales for front-panel analogue instrument 8/55
Voltmetric and current switches 8/64
E 233 hour counters 8/65
HMT hour counters 8/66
TMD temperature control units 8/67
Current transformers selection table 8/68
CT measurement current transformers
with through primary 8/70
CTA measurement current transformers
with wound primary 8/75
CTO split core measurement
current transformers 8/76
TRF M measurement modular current
SNT current transformer
for d.c. applications 8/80
TV voltage transformers 8/81
CMS – Circuit Monitoring System 8/82
CMS – Control Units 8/88
CMS – Sensors and Accessories 8/90
String monitoring CMS-660 8/95
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M2M. The measure of efficiency
Measurement and advanced analysis
of electrical parameters
Multi-voltage auxiliary
power supply range, from
24 V DC to 230 V AC
M2M. The measure of efficiency
Measurement and advanced analysis
of electrical parameters
The fixing system allows the device to The removable terminals, accessible With the M2M analyser it is possible to
be installed safely and reliably on the from three sides, along with wiring keep the electrical consumption of all
panel, not only upon installation but parallel to the panel guarantee ease of types of system under control, measur-
also during the working period when installation. The screw fastenings of ing them in real time both in economic
the unit is subject to vibrations and the amperometric measurement cir- and environmental impact terms,
temperature fluctuations. cuits offer reliability and precision. The thanks to the immediate conversion
network analyser performs constant into Euros and CO2 kg.
verification of correct wiring thanks to
its autodiagnostic function, signalling
any operating errors.
All the information gathered by the The reduced depth of only 57 mm in- Advanced functionalities to optimise
M2M analyzer can be transmitted side the panel makes the analyser ideal consumptions like monitoring of ab-
quickly to remote locations through for installation even in switchboard sorbed power by measuring maximum
specific communication interfaces – with reduced space. demand to avoid paying penalties to
RS485, RJ45 - with the support of nu- At only 96 mm x 96 mm x 77 mm it still the electricity distributor, bidirectional
merous protocols including Modbus contains everything necessary to mea- reading to display the amount of pro-
RTU, Modbus TCP/IP and Profibus DP. sure power quality parameters in real duced and consumed energy and veri-
Interaction with the control and super- time. fication of energy quality through THD
vision systems is possible via digital measurement.
inputs and digital, relay or analogue
outputs, all programmable.
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Energy efficiency
DMTME, M2M and ANR selection table
Power supply 110 V a.c. 230 V a.c. 230 V a.c. 400 V a.c. 110 V a.c. 230 V a.c. 24-240 V a.c./d.c. 20-60 V a.c./d.c.
TRMS voltage
TRMS current
Power factor
Active power
Reactive power Electrical parameters measurement
Apparent power
Active energy
Reactive energy
Apparent energy
Peak value Min/Max/Avg
Timer and count-down
Power 4Q
Energy 4Q
Current THD Power quality
Voltage THD
Password set up
Neutral current
Maximum demand
Harmonic analysis up to 31°
Wave form visualisation
Memory 1 MB
Outputs Digital Digital
Inputs Digital
Serial port RS485 RS232
Modbus RTU
Protocols Modbus RTU Ethernet TCP/IP
Profibus DP
Energy efficiency
DMTME, M2M and ANR selection table
Technical features
Auxiliary power supply
Voltage range [V] From 24 to 240 V AC/DC
From 48 to 240 V AC/DC M2M I/O
From 24 to 240 V DC and from 48 to 240 V AC M2M ETHERNET, M2M
Frequency range [Hz] 45 - 65
Current ±0.5% F.S. ±1 digit
Frequency 40.0 - 99.9 Hz: ± 0,2% ± 0,1
100 - 500 Hz: ± 0.2% ± 1
Power factor ± 1% ± 1 digit (from cosj= 0.3 Inductive to cosj = 0.3 Capacitive)
Active power ± 1% ± 0.1% F.S (from cosj= 0.3 Inductive to cosj = 0.3 Capacitive)
Active energy Class 1
Measurement range
Voltage [V] From 10 to 500 V AC phase to neutral; From 17 to 865 V AC phase to
phase. No decimal places.
Current From 50 mA to 5 A TRMS 2 decimal places displayed
Frequency [Hz] From 40 to 500
1 decimal place displayed up to 99,9 and in integers above 100
Power factor 2 decimal places displayed
Distribution networks Low and medium voltage
Low voltage M2M LV, M2M LV MODBUS
Single-phase connection
Three-phase with neutral - Three-phase without neutral
Current inputs [A] Always use external CT
Primary from 1 to 10,000 A AC approx.
Secondary 5 A and 1 A AC approx.
N.B.: in case of CT secondary at 1 A the accuracy class is reduced to
2.5% F.S. ±1 digit, in the range 5-100% F.S.
Voltage inputs [V] Direct insertion up to 500 AC approx.
Indirect insertion with VT:
Primary from 60 to 60,000 V AC approx - secondary from 60 to 190 V
N.B.: In case of VT secondary at less than 100 V the accuracy class is
reduced to 2.5% F.S. ±1 digit, in the range 5-100% F.S.
Protection fuse for voltage [A] 0.1
Data update frequency 2 times/second
8/6 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Energy efficiency
M2M network analyser
Voltage and current Up to 31st harmonic
Energy measurement
Single-phase maximum value 10 GWh / GVarh / GVAh
Three-phase maximum value 30 GWh / GVarh / GVAh
Energy balance maximum 10 GWh / GVarh / GVAh with sign
value counted
Input pulses maximum 40 GWh / GVarh
energy value counted
Terminal characteristics
Current inputs Cross section 6 mm2 - Step 6.35 mm
Energy efficiency
M2M network analyser
Relay output (M2M ALARM)
Normal current [A] 16 AC1 - 3 AC15
Max. instantaneous current [A] 30
Nominal voltage [V] 250 V AC
Max. instantaneous voltage [V] 400 V AC
Nominal load [VA] 4000 AC1 - 750 AC15
Analogue output (M2M I/O)
Programmable electrical Span [0 - 20 mA or 4 - 20 mA]
Load Typical 250 Ohm, max 600 Ohm
Digital intputs (M2M I/O)
Nominal voltage [V] 24 V DC (absorption = 13 mA)
Maximum voltage [V] 32 V DC (absorption = 22 mA)
Max. voltage for OFF status [V] 8 V DC
Min. voltage for ON status [V] 18 V DC
Hour counters
Countdown timer Countdown of system operating time with the activation of
a programmable threshold on total current.
Upon expiry of the maintenance period set an icon will appear on the
Count-up timer Operational time of device
Climatic conditions
Storage [°C] from -10 to +60
Operation [°C] from -5 to +55
Relative humidity Max 93% (non-condensing) at 40°C
Protection degree
Frontal IP54
At terminals IP25
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Energy efficiency
M2M network analyser
M2M network analyser has advanced analysis functions which allow effective measurement
of the main single-phase or three-phase electrical parameters: voltage, current, frequency,
power factor, active and reactive power, active and reactive energy.
Fitted to low- and medium-voltage electrical panels (except for LV versions, suitable only for
low voltage applications), the new analyser allows the measurement and analysis in real time
of electrical parameters, also verifying the quality of the energy thanks to THD measure-
M2M keeps the system‘s consumption under control, giving figures in CO2 kg and Euros to
ensure more efficient and rational use of energy. Bidirectional metering of energy and power
on the 4 quadrants allows both production and consumption of energy to be monitored with
a single device.
Aside from optimising the use of loads, real time measurement contributes to containing
For interaction with control and supervision systems are available digital pulse outputs to
remotely control active and reactive energy consumption, digital outputs programmable as
threshold alarms with activation delay and return hysteresis, relay outputs with nominal cur-
rent up to 16 A, and analogue outputs with programmable span (0 - 20 mA or 4 - 20 mA) for
remoting status and events. Digital inputs allow pulse acquisition from other energy coun-
ters or users.
Energy efficiency
ANR network analyser
Technical features
Overall dimensions [mm] 96 x 96 x 130 IEC 61554
Max cable section [mm2] 2.5
Protection degree IP52 on front - IP20 on terminal EN 60529
Weight [g] 430
Graphic LCD Backlit 128 x 128 pixel graphic LCD display
Display dimensions [mm] ANR96: 50 x 50
Voltage (TRMS)
Direct measurement [V] 10-600 Vrms between phase-phase.
Ratio transformer range kVT [V] 0.01 - 5,000.00
Max over voltage [V] 750, beyond this value must use VT
Consumption [VA] 0.2
Input resistor [MW] >2
Current (TRMS). always use external CT .../5A
3 isolated inputs [A] 0.01 - 5
Min current value [mA] 10
Consumption [VA] 0.2
Max over current [A] 10 (100 A for 1 second)
Ratio transformer range kCT 0.01 - 5,000.00
Voltage and current Up to 31st harmonic
Range [Hz] 30 - 500
Accuracy class
Current [%] <0.5
Voltage [%] <0.5
Power [%] <1
Power factor [%] <1
Active energy [%] <1 IEC 62052-11
IEC 62053-11
Reactive energy [%] 2 IEC 62053-23
Auxiliary supply
ANR96-230, ANR96P-230, ANR96LAN-230, [V] 85 ÷265 a.c./d.c.
ANR96PRF-230, ANR96-230 02
ANR96-24, ANR96P-24, ANR96LAN-230, [V] 20 ÷ 60 a.c./d.c.
ANR96PRF-230, ANR96-230 02
Internal fuse 5x20 mm 315 mA 250 V Fast
Frequency [Hz] 50-60
Operating environment
Operating temperature [°C] -10 ÷ +50
Storage temperature [°C] -15 ÷ +70
Operating humidity [°C] 90% without condensation
Voltage insulation 3,700 V a.c. rms for 1 minute
Remote coomunication
RS485, RJ45
Baud rate [bps] 1,200 - 19,200
Protocols Modbus RTU, ASCII, Modbus TCP/IP, Profibus DP
8/10 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Energy efficiency
ANR network analyser
Internal memory
For ANR96 [kbytes] 128 (usable: 80)
For ANR96P [Mbytes] 1
Memory Non-volatile data storage using internal battery
Data retention 5 years at 25 °C
Internal clock
RTC clock IEC 61038
Class of accuracy [ppm] 5
Digital output
Connection area [mm² ] 0 ÷ 2.5
External pulse voltage [V] 12 ÷ 230 V a.c./d.c.
Max current [mA] 150
Digital input
Voltage [V] 12 - 24 d.c.
Energy efficiency
ANR network analyser
It also works as panel manager thanks to its digital inputs; the latter allows to have in
a central unit the information about more devices like breakers, fuses and energy meters
which convey to it the information about their status, alarms and energy pulses (whether
equipped with output relays).
Available in 96 x 96 mm front-panel format, ANRs are equipped with a backlit graphic LCD
display, allowing clear and immediate readings even in unlighted environments.
The ANR analysers measure TRMS current, TRMS voltage, frequency and temperature of the
connected phases; they calculate concatenate voltages and three-phase system voltage and
current, power factor and cosj, apparent, active and reactive power, THD total harmonic dis-
tortion up to the 31st harmonic, and measure active energy consumed and produced.
All codes have built-in communication features allowing remote communication via Modbus
RTU, Modbus TCP/IP and Prodfibus DP.
All the parameters can be stored in the 128 kbyte internal memory, expanded to 1 Mbyte in
the ANR96P version. All the measures can be stored in the internal memory; the amount of
information that can be stored is further specified in the specific manual.
The devices come with the calibration certificate of the specific S/N and a mini-CD containing:
• Instruction manual
• Technical datasheet
• SW-01 software for managing the recorded data: the software can be used as first-hand
tool to retrieve and record the measures, to set alarms and to create load profile. For
more detailed information about its features and use, refer to the software’s manual.
All ANR versions have 2 digital inputs, 2 digital outpus and RS485/RS232 serial port.
ANR96PRF models have built-in Profibus DP protocol. ANR96LAN models have built-in Mod-
bus TCP/IP protocol and RJ45 port. ANR96 02 models have improved 0,2% accuracy class of
Energy efficiency
DMTME multimeters
1,3 mm
Auxiliary supply [V rms] 230 +15% - 10% DMTME, DMTME-72 and DMTME-96
[V rms] 400 +15% - 10% DMTME-72
[V rms] 115 +15% - 10% DMTME , DMTME-96
Frequency [Hz] 45…65
Power consumption [VA] <6
Fuse protection T0.1A
DMTME Voltage measuring inputs
Range [V rms] From 10 to 500 V AC phase to neutral;
From 17 to 865 V AC phase to phase.
Max. non destructive [V rms] 550
Impedance (L-N) [MW] >8
Energy efficiency
DMTME multimeters
DMTME multimeters
The instruments DMTME are digital multimeters that allow the measurement, in TRMS mode,
of the principal electrical parameters in three-phase and single-phase 110/230/400 Vac
networks, including the max/min/average detection of the main electrical parameters and
the active and reactive energy count. The multiple measured variables are displayed locally
on four red 7-segment LED displays providing easy readability and simultaneous display of
the measures of the electrical parameters of the phases individually and of the whole
The instruments DMTME combine, in a single instrument, the functions of multiple devices:
voltmeter, ammeter, power factor meter, wattmeter, varmeter, frequency meter, active and
reactive energy meters; it allows remarkable financial savings thanks to the reduction of
space taken up in the panel and also of time required for cabling, along with the advantage
of providing clear readings on a single device.
The DMTME-I-485, DMTME-I-485-96 and DMTME-I-485-72 models are additionally equipped
with two digital outputs, fully programmable as either pulse outputs for remote metering
of energy consumption, or as alarm outputs. The output relay can be set as NO or NC.
Communication over Modbus RTU protocol is possible through the RS485 serial port. All
versions come complete with Mini CD containing the instruction manual, technical
documentation, Modbus communication protocol and the DMTME-SW tool, intended to be
a first-hand PC-based application for the remote visualization of the measures.
DMTME modular multimeters
Auxiliary supply 230 V a.c. and 110 V a.c.
Energy efficiency
CUS 485 TCP/IP converter
Electricity meters
The details make the difference
Infrared port for
DIN-Rail mounted
and pro M design
MID approved
adapter and meter
and verified
Energy efficiency
Electricity meters. The details make the difference.
Energy efficiency
Selection guide EQ meters.
mum demand and reduce them to avoid charges. EQ meters can tell you the value of the maximum/minimum demand and
also when it occurred. Harmonics is the source of many problems for all sorts of equipment connected to the low
voltage network. Use an EQ meter (Platinum level) to measure the THD and isolate the source before you have to take
the cost and consequences of poor power quality.
Transformer connected 1 3 5 1 2 3 1 2 3 4 5
2 element metering 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 4 5
3 element metering 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 4 5
Active energy 1 1 3 1 3 4 1 3 5 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 4 5
Reactive energy 3 3 4 3 5 2 3 2 3 2 3 5 2 3 4 5
Apparent energy 3 3 4 3 5 2 3 2 3 2 3 5 2 3 4 5
Import/Export energy 3 3 4 3 5 2 3 2 3 2 3 5 2 3 4 5
Instrument values 1 1 3 1 3 4 1 3 5 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 4 5
Alarm function 1 1 3 1 3 4 1 3 5 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 4 5
Harmonics, 2th-16th and THD 5 5 5
Pulse output 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 1 2
IEC approved 1 1 3 1 3 4 1 3 5 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 1 2 3 5 1 2 3 4 5
1 = Steel
2 = Bronze
3 = Silver
4 = Gold
5 = Platinum
= Not available
Optional = Available on some order codes
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Energy efficiency
Energy meters selection table
EQ meters C11 EQ meters C13 EQ meters B21 EQ meters B23 EQ meters B24
Overall dimensions 1 DIN module 3 DIN modules 2 DIN modules 4 DIN modules
Frequency 50 / 60 Hz
Max current 40 A 65 A 6A
Reactive energy - -
Apparent energy - -
Up to 4 tariffs - - Optional
Max/min demand - - - - -
Previous values - - - - -
Load profiles - - - - -
Harmonic analysis - - - - -
Active power
Instrumentation parameters (standard)
Power factor
*) The pulse output can be assigned as an output if it is not used for pulses
**) For 16,7 Hz meters
EQ meters A41 EQ meters A42 EQ meters A43 EQ meters A44 EQ meters G13
50 / 60 Hz
50 / 60 Hz 50 / 60 Hz
(or 16,7 / 50 / 60 Hz)
80 A 6A 80 A 6A -
Standard feature -
Cl. 1 (B) Cl. 1 (B), Cl. 0,5 S (C) Cl. 1 (B) Cl.1 (B), Cl. 0,5 S (C) -
Optional -
Optional -
Standard feature
Standard feature -
Instrumentation parameters (standard)
Standard feature -
Energy efficiency
EQ meters A series
Technical features
Voltage/current inputs
Nominal voltage 230 V AC
Voltage range 57.7 - 288 V AC (-20% - +15%)
3x230/400 V AC
57.7 - 288 or 100 ... 288 V AC (-20% - +15%) 3x57.7/100 ... 288/500 V AC (-20% - +15%) 3x57.7/100 ... 288/500 or
3x100/173 ... 400/690 V AC (-20% - +15%)
1.8 VA (0.8 W) total at 230 V AC
0.001 VA (0.001 W) at Iref and In 0.006 VA (0.006 W) per phase at Iref 0.001 VA (0.001 W) at Iref and In*
- 5A -
1A - 1A
1A 5A 1A
0.05 A 0.5 A 0.05 A
6A 80 A 6A
0.02 A 0.25 A 0.01 A
< 1 mA < 20 mA < 1 mA
0.5 - 10 mm2 1 - 25 mm2 0.5 - 10 mm2
1.2 Nm 2 Nm 1.2 Nm
0.5 - 1 mm2
0.25 Nm
-40°C - +70°C
-40°C - +85°C
75% yearly average, 95% on 30 days/year
Terminal 960°C, cover 650°C (IEC 60695-2-1)
IP20 on terminal block without protective enclosure and IP51 in protective enclosure, according to IEC 60529.
Energy efficiency
EQ meters A series
port a wide voltage range as well as a wide tem- A series meters with a functionality level of Gold
perature range. The display is pixel-oriented and or Platinum have an internal clock for
can display up to four quantities at the same advanced functionality:
time. Navigating the meter is easily done via the • Event log
push-buttons below the display. To configure the • Previous values
meter settings, the set button must be accessed • Load profile
and this • Maximum and minimum demand
button is protected against unauthorized use
when the “glass lid” on the front of the meter The tariffs are controlled via inputs, via
is closed and sealed. The exceptional low power communication or via an internal clock in Gold and
consumption of the meters makes them Platinum versions.
economical in the long run - an important feature
specially for large meter populations.
The A series support up to four I/O’s. It can be
two inputs and two outputs in a fixed configura-
Data from the A series meters can be collected via
tion or four I/O points that are freely configured
pulse output or serial communication. The pulse
to input or output. Inputs can be used for count-
output is a solid state relay that generates pulses
ing pulses from e.g. a water meter, or reading sta-
proportionally to the measured energy. The me-
tus from external devices. Outputs can be used as
ters can also be equipped with built-in serial com-
pulse outputs or controlling external apparatus
munication interfaces for M-Bus or Modbus RTU
(RS-485). Meters with RS-485 interface can also
a contactor or an alarm (connected via an external
be set to communicate over the new EQ bus with
relay). The I/O’s need an external voltage supply.
the gateway G13. All meters in the A series come
The A series meters are type approved according
with an infrared port for communication with an
to IEC and they are both type approved and veri-
external Serial Communication Adapter (SCA)
fied according to MID. MID is the Measuring In-
struments Directive 2014/32/EU from the Euro-
pean Commission. MID type approval and
verification is mandatory for meters in billing ap-
plications within EU and EEA. The type approval is
according to standards that covers all relevant
technical aspects of the meter. These include cli-
mate conditions, electromagnetic compatibility
(EMC), electrical requirements, mechanical re-
quirements and accuracy.
Energy efficiency
EQ meters A series
Technical features
A series
Type Transistor or MOSFET
Current 2 - 100 mA
Voltage 5 - 240 V AC/DC. For meters with only 1 output, 5 -
40 V DC.
A series Pulse output frequency Programmable: 1 - 999999 imp/kWh
Pulse length Programmable: 10 - 990 ms
Terminal wire area 0.5 - 1 mm2
Recommended tightening torque 0.25 Nm
Voltage 0 - 240 V AC/DC
OFF 0 - 5 V AC/DC
ON 57 - 240 V AC/24 - 240 V DC
Min. pulse lenght 30 ms
Terminal wire area 0.5 - 1 mm2
Recommended tightening torque 0.25 Nm
EMC compatibility
Impulse voltage test 6 kV 1.2/50 µs (IEC 60060-1)
Surge voltage test 4 kV 1.2/50 µs (IEC 61000-4-5)
Fast transient burn test 4 kV (IEC 61000-4-4)
Immunity to electromagnetic HF-fields 80 MHz - 2 GHz at 10 V/m (IEC 61000-4-3)
Immunity to conducted disturbance 150 kHz - 80 MHz, (IEC 61000-4-6)
Immunity to disturbance with harmonics 2kHz - 150kHz
Radio frequency emission EN 55022, class B (CISPR22)
Electrostatic discharge 15 kV (IEC 61000-4-2)
Standards EC 62052-11, IEC 62053-21 class 1 & 2, IEC 62053-
22 class 0,5 S, IEC 62053-23 class 2, IEC 62054-21,
GB/T 17215.211-2006, GBT 17215.321-2008 class 1
& 2, GB/T 17215.322-2008 class 0,5 S, GB 4208-
2008, EN 50470-1, EN 50470-3 category A, B & C EQ
Material Polycarbonate in transparent front glass, bottom
case, upper case and terminal cover, Glass
reinforced polycarbonate in terminal block.
Dimensions A41 / A42 A43 / A44
Width 70 mm 123 mm
Height 97 mm 97 mm
Depth 65 mm 65 mm
DIN modules 4 7
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Energy efficiency
EQ meters A series
Direct connected electricity meter up to 80 A. Verified and approved according to MID. IEC
approval.Instrument values. Alarm function. Communication - Infrared (M-Bus).
Optional - Communication with M-Bus, RS-485 Modbus, RS-485 EQ bus.
57.7...288 V AC, Pulse output, RS-485 705004 A41 112 - 2CMA170500R1000 0.230 1
57.7...288 V AC, Pulse output, M-Bus 002400 A41 113 - 2CMA100240R1000 0.230 1
Class 1 (Reactive Class 2) with functionality level Silver. Active and
reactive energy, import/export, tariffs 1-4, tariff
controll via inputs and communication.
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
7392696 1 piece 1 piece unit
Energy efficiency
EQ meters A series
57.7...288 V AC, Pulse output, RS-485 705103 A42 112 - 2CMA170510R1000 0.200 1
57.7...288 V AC, Pulse output, M-Bus 002424 A42 113 - 2CMA100242R1000 0.200 1
Class B (Cl. 1) (Reactive Cl. 2) with functionality level Silver. Active and reactive energy,
import/export, tariffs 1-4, tariff controll via inputs and communication.
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
7392696 1 piece 1 piece unit
*) The meters are not tested and approved for placement on rolling stock.
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Energy efficiency
EQ meters A series
Class B (Cl. 1) (Reactive Cl. 2) with functionality level Silver. Active and reactive energy,
import/export, tariffs 1-4, tariff controll via inputs and communication.
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
7392696 1 piece 1 piece unit
Energy efficiency
EQ meters A series
Pulse output, M-Bus 100
Class B (Cl. 1) (Reactive Cl. 2) with functionality level Bronze. Active and reactive energy, import/export.
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
7392696 1 piece 1 piece unit
EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
3 x 57.7/100...288/500 V AC, 000130 A44 211 - 2CMA100013R1000 0.350 1
Pulse output 100
3 x 57.7/100...288/500 V AC, 705349 A44 212 - 2CMA170534R1000 0.350 1
Pulse output, RS-485 100
3 x 57.7/100...288/500 V AC, 705356 A44 213 - 2CMA170535R1000 0.350 1
Pulse output, M-Bus 100
Class B (Cl. 1) (Reactive Cl. 2) with functionality level Silver. Active and reactive energy,
import/export, tariffs 1-4, tariff controll via inputs and communication.
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
7392696 1 piece 1 piece unit
EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
3 x 57.7/100...288/500 V AC, 2 output, 705363 A44 311 - 2CMA170536R1000 0.350 1
2 input 100
Class C (Cl. 0.5 S) (Reactive Cl. 2) with functionality level Silver. Active and reactive
energy, import/export, tariffs 1-4, tariff controll via inputs and communication.
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
7392696 1 piece 1 piece unit
EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
3 x 57.7/100...288/500 V AC, 705370 A44 352 - 2CMA170537R1000 0.350 1
2 output, 2 input, RS-485 100
3 x 57.7/100...288/500 V AC, 705387 A44 353 - 2CMA170538R1000 0.350 1
2 output, 2 input, M-Bus 100
Class C (Cl. 0.5 S) (Reactive Cl. 2) with functionality level Gold. Active and reactive energy, import/export,
tariffs 1-4, tariff controlled via inputs, communication or clock,previous values, max and min demand.
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
7392696 1 piece 1 piece unit
EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
3 x 57.7/100...288/500 V AC, 705400 A44 452 - 2CMA170540R1000 0.350 1
2 output, 2 input, RS-485 100
Class C (Cl. 0.5 S) (Reactive Cl. 2) with functionality level Platinum. Active and reactive
energy, import/export, tariffs 1-4, tariff controlled via inputs, communication or clock,
previous values, max and min demand, advanced load profiles, harmonics and THD.
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
7392696 1 piece 1 piece unit
EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
3 x 57.7/100...288/500 V AC, 705455 A44 552 - 2CMA170545R1000 0.350 1
Configurable 4 I/O channels, RS-485 100
3 x 57.7/100...288/500 V AC, 705462 A44 553 - 2CMA170546R1000 0.350 1
Configurable 4 I/O channels, M-Bus 100
3 x 57.7/100...400/690 V AC, 705493 A44 552 - 2CMA170549R1000 0.350 1
1 input + 1 output, RS-485 110
3 x 57.7/100...400/690 V AC, 705486 A44 553 - 2CMA170548R1000 0.350 1
1 input + 1 output, M-Bus 110
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Energy efficiency
EQ meters B series
Technical features
Voltage/current inputs
Nominal voltage 230 V AC
Voltage range 220...240 VAC (-20% - +15%)
Power dissipation voltage circuits 1.1 VA (0.5 W) total at 230 V AC
Power dissipation current circuits 0.012 VA (0.012 W) at Iref and Ib
B series
Base current I b 5A
Rated current I n -
Reference current I ref 5A
Transitional current I tr 0.5 A
Maximum current I max 65 A
B23 B24
3x230/400 V AC
3x220/380...240/415 VAC (-20% - +15%)
1.7 VA (0.8 W) total at 230 V AC
0.007 VA (0.007 W) per phase at Iref and Ib 0.0007 VA (0.0005 W) per phase at Iref and In
0.05 A
0.02 A
< 1 mA
0.5 - 10 mm2
1.2 Nm
1/9 - 9999/1
5000 imp/kWh
IP20 on terminal block without protective enclosure and IP51 in protective enclosure, according to IEC 60529.
Energy efficiency
EQ meters B series
The EQ meters, B series is a range of meters for single phase and three phase metering.
The B series meters are mounted on a DIN rail and are suitable for installation in distribution
boards and small enclosures such as consumer units. The B series are suitable in
applications where there is a need for reliable energy measurements and where space
is limited.
The low rated or base currents of these products ensures high dynamic performance with
superior accuracy even at low currents. The B series meters are meters for many
applications and installations. Navigating the meter is easily done via the push-buttons be-
low the display. To configure the meter settings, the set button must be accessed and this
button is protected against unauthorized use when the “glass lid” on the front of the meter
is closed and sealed. The exceptional low power consumption of the meters, less than 0.9 VA
and 1.6 VA, makes them economical in the long run - an important feature specially for large
meter populations.
Data from the B series meters can be collected via pulse output or serial communication. The
pulse output is a solid state relay that generates pulses proportionally to the measured en-
ergy. The meters can also be equipped with built-in serial communication interfaces for M-
Bus or Modbus RTU (RS-485). Meters with RS-485 interface can also be set to
communicate over the new EQ bus with the new gateway G13. All meters in the B series come
with an infrared port for communication with an external Serial Communication
Adapter (SCA) such as the KNX adapter.
The B series meters support reading of instrument values. A large number of electrical
properties can be read. Depending on version of the meter the following data is available:
• Active power
• Apparent power
• Reactive power
• Current
• Voltage
• Frequency
• Power factor
The B series support two inputs and two outputs in a fixed configuration. Inputs can be used
for counting pulses from e.g. a water meter, or reading status from external devices. Out-
puts can be used as pulse outputs or controlling external apparatus like a contactor or an
alarm (connected via an external relay).
The B series meters are type approved according to IEC and they are both type approved and
verified according to MID. MID is the Measuring Instruments Directive 2014/32/EU from the
European Commission. MID type approval and verification is mandatory for meters in billing
applications within EU and EEA. The type approval is according to standards that covers all
relevant technical aspects of the meter. These include climate conditions, electromagnetic
compatibility (EMC), electrical requirements, mechanical requirements and accuracy.
Energy efficiency
EQ meters B series
Technical features
B series
Current 2 - 100 mA
OFF 0 - 5 V AC/DC
EMC compatibility
Impulse voltage test 6 kV 1.2/50μs (IEC 60060-1)
Standards IEC 62052-11, IEC 62053-21 class 1 & 2, IEC 62053-22 class
0,5 S, IEC 62053-23 class 2, IEC 62054-21, GB/T 17215.211-
2006, GB/T 17215.312-2008 class 1 & 2, GB/T 17215.322-
2008 class 0,5 S, GB 4208-2008, EN 50470-1, EN 50470-3
category A, B & C
Width 35 mm 70 mm
Height 97 mm 97 mm
Depth 65 mm 65 mm
DIN modules 2 4
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Energy efficiency
EQ meters B series
1 x 230 V AC, Pulse output, M-Bus 001519 B21 113 - 100 2CMA100151R1000 0.150 1
For direct connection up to 65 A. Class B (Cl. 1) (Reactive Cl. 2) with functionality level Silver.
Active and reactive energy, import/export, tariffs 1-4, tariff controll via inputs and communication.
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
7392696 1 piece 1 piece unit
Energy efficiency
EQ meters B series
3 x 230/400 V AC, Pulse output, 001649 B23 112 - 2CMA100164R1000 0.320 1
RS-485 100
3 x 230/400 V AC, Pulse output, 001656 B23 113 - 2CMA100165R1000 0.330 1
M-Bus 100
Class B (Cl. 1) (Reactive Cl. 2) with functionality level Bronze.
Active and reactive energy, import/export.
Energy efficiency
EQ meters B series
Energy efficiency
EQ meters C series
The EQ meters, C series are truly compact meters for single phase and three phase
metering. The C series is mounted on a DIN rail and is suitable for installation in distribution
boards and small consumer units.
Only one or three module wide, the C series is a very compact meter for single phase
and three phase applications. The meters have an LCD with large digits showing energy
register and instrumentation values. The meters have a wide temperature range which
makes it possible to install the meters in many locations. Navigating the meters are easily
done via the push-button below the display. The exceptional low power consumption of the
meters, less than 0,3 W and 0,6 W at 230 V AC, makes them economical in the long run
- an important feature specially for large meter populations.
The C series meters support reading of instrument values. A number of electrical properties
can be read:
• Power factor
• Active power
• Current
• Voltage
The C series meters have an output that can be used as pulse output or alarm output.
The alarm quantity and levels is easily configured on the meter with the push button.
The output can be used for controlling external apparatus like a contactor or an alarm
indicator (connected via an external relay).
The C series meters are type approved according to IEC and MID. MID is the Measuring
Instruments Directive 2014/32/EU from the European Commission. The type
approval is according to standards that covers all relevant technical aspects of the meter.
These include climate conditions, electromagnetic compatibility (EMC), electrical
requirements, mechanical requirements and accuracy.
MID versions have initial verification according to annex F of the Measuring Instruments
8/36 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Energy efficiency
EQ meters C series
Technical features
C11 C13
Voltage/current inputs
Nominal voltage 230 V AC 3x230/400 V AC
Voltage range 230 V AC (-20% - +15%) 3x230/400 V AC (-20% - +15%)
Power dissipation voltage circuits 7.4 VA (0.3 W) at 230 V 1.5 VA (0.6 W) total at 230 V
Power dissipation current circuits 0.04 VA (0.04 W) at Ib and Iref 0.04 VA (0.04 W) per phase at Ib
C series
and Iref
Base current I b 5A
Rated current I n -
Reference current I ref 5A
Transitional current I tr 0.5 A
Energy efficiency
EQ meters C series
Technical features
C11 C13
Type Transistor
Current 2 - 100 mA
Voltage 5 - 40 V DC
Pulse output frequency 100 or 1000 (imp/kWh)
Pulse length 100 ms
Terminal wire area 0.5 - 10 mm2 0.5 - 6 mm2
Recommended tightening torque 0.8 Nm 0.25 Nm
EMC compatibility
Impulse voltage test 6 kV 1.2/50 µs (IEC 60060-1)
Surge voltage test 4 kV 1.2/50 µs (IEC 61000-4-5)
Fast transient burn test 4 kV (IEC 61000-4-4)
Immunity to electromagneti 80 MHz - 2 GHz at 10 V/m (IEC 61000-4-3)
Immunity to conducted 150 kHz - 80 MHz, (IEC 61000-4-6)
Immunity to disturbance with 2kHz - 150kHz
Radio frequency emission EN 55022, class B (CISPR22)
Electrostatic discharge 15 kV (IEC 61000-4-2)
Standards IEC 62052-11, IEC 62053-21 class 1, GB/T 17215.211-2006, GBT
17215.321-2008 class 1, GB 4208-2008, EN 50470-1, EN 50470-3
category B
Material Glass reinforced polycarbonate
Width 17,5 mm 54 mm
Height 111 mm 122 mm
Depth 65 mm 65 mm
DIN modules 1 3
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Energy efficiency
EQ meters C series
For direct connection up to 40 A. Class B (Cl.1) with functionality level Steel. Active energy
Description Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
7392696 1 piece 1 piece unit
Energy efficiency
EQmatic and EQ meters G series
QA/S 3.16.1
Description Order details Price Weight Pack
1 piece 1 piece unit
64 Devices 4016779997768 QA/S 3.64.1 2CDG110227R0011 0.15 1
16 Devices QA/S 3.16.1 2CDG110226R0011 0.15 1
QA/S 3.64.1
Energy efficiency
EQmatic and EQ meters G series
EQ meters G series
G13 is the Ethernet gateway that will make data collection from a meter network very conve-
nient. communication is performed using JSON (JavaScript Object Notation) on the Ethernet
side. The gateway is also equipped with a webserver that provides a detailed overview of all
meters installed in a network as well as the possibility to perform advanced configurations
of the meters and read-out data. High data security is obtained by encryption using SSL (Se-
cure Sockets Layer).
The gateway communicates with EQ meters over EQ bus, a communication protocol based
on the IEC standards (DLMS/cosem), using RS-485, and can also work as an M-Bus master
for M-Bus enabled ABB meters.
Communication protocols on the meter side: EQ bus over RS-485, M-Bus and ABB IR port.
Communication protocols on the system side: Ethernet with JSON. built-in webserver
for meter reading and meter management.
EQ meters
A step toward environmental improvement
and fair cost allocation
Improving energy efficiency starts with metering. Find out where energy is being wasted
and keep track of tenants’ individual energy patterns. With EQ meters you gain control and
can allocate costs to tenants or any type of energy users. Act responsibly and install an EQ
meter today! Read more under Modular DIN Rail Products on
8/42 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Energy efficiency
Analogue and digital instruments selection table
3 modules Direct MCV voltage switches
page 8/45
48x48, VLM-1
Analogue 72x72, Direct a.c. and d.c. MCV voltage switches VLM-2
96x96 page 8/50
48x48, VLM1-TV
TV voltage transformers
Voltage 72x72, Indirect VLM2-TV
MCV voltage switches
96x96 page 8/50
3 modules Direct MCV voltage switches
page 8/42
a.c. and d.c.
Digital Auxiliary supply
230 V a.c.
36x72 Direct MCV voltage switches
page 8/43
Direct MCA current switches
page 8/45
3 modules
CT a.c. current transformer
SNT shunt for d.c.
Indirect AMT2
SCL interchangeable scale
page 8/46
MCA current switches
Analogue a.c. and d.c.
Direct MCA current switches AMT2-A2
page 8/52
Current 72x72,
96x96 CT a.c. current transformer AMT1-A1
SNT shunt for d.c. AMT1-A5
SCL interchangeable scale AMT2-A2
MCA current switches page 8/52
3 modules Direct
page 8/46
Analogue a.c.
Frequency 72x72, Direct
page 8/54
Energy efficiency
Modular digital instruments
Technical features
Power supply [V] 230 V a.c.
Rated frequency [Hz] 50÷60
Ammeter full scale value [A] 5, 20, 25, 40, 60, 100, 150, 200, 250, 400, 600, 999
Voltmeter full scale value [V] 600
Frequency meter range [Hz] 35...400
Tripping delay [s] 1, 5, 10, 20, 30
Hysteresis [%] 5, 10, 20, 30 set threshold
Digital instruments
Output pins 3-4
Output relay NO
Rated voltage relay [V] 230 V a.c.
Rated current relay [A] AC1 16, AC15 3
Relay configuration NO relay closes in alarm status
NC relay opens in alarm status, positive safety
Overload [In/Vn] 1, 2
Accuracy class [%] ±0,5 full scale ±1digit at 25 °C
Max. signal input value for 5 A a.c./60 mV d.c.
Display 3 digit LED display
Operating temperature [°C] -10…+55
Storage temperature [°C] -40...+70
Protection degree IP20
Power consumption [VA] 4
Modules 3
Overall dimensions front panel [mm] 36x72x61.5 (51.5 depth inside the switchboard)
Standard IEC EN 61010
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Energy efficiency
Modular digital instruments
Energy efficiency
Front panel digital instruments
a.c. digital ammeter 136156 AMTD-1 P 2CSG213615R4011 0,300 1
d.c. digital ammeter 136255 AMTD-2 P 2CSG213625R4011 0,300 1
Energy efficiency
Analogue instruments selection table
48x48 mm
a.c. 72x72 mm
96x96 mm
Energy efficiency
Modular analogue instruments
Technical features
Rated voltage Un [V] a.c. 300, 500; d.c. 100, 300
Rated currents in Direct reading [A] full scale values 5...30
a.c. Indirect reading full scale values 5...2500
Rated currents in Direct reading [A] full scale values 0.1...30
d.c. Indirect reading full scale values 5...500
Frequency [Hz] 50/60
Overload capacity [%] 20 compared to the voltage or to the rated current
Accuracy class [%] 1.5 (0.5 for frequency meters)
Ammeters power consumption [VA] 5 A: 0.3 VA; 10 A: 0.6 VA; 25 A:1 VA; 30 A: 1.2 VA
Voltmeters power consumption [VA] 300 V: 1.5 VA; 500 V: 4 VA
Frequency meters power [VA] <1.5 VA
Modules [No.] 3
Protection degree IP20
Standards EN 60051
Energy efficiency
Modular analogue instruments
Energy efficiency
Scales for modular analogue ammeters
A1-50A 001607 SCL 1/50 2CSM110149R1041 0.010 10
A1-60A 030904 SCL 1/60 2CSM110159R1041 0.010 10
A1-75A 031000 SCL 1/75 2CSM110169R1041 0.010 10
A1-80A 001706 SCL 1/80 2CSM110179R1041 0.010 10
A1-100A 001805 SCL 1/100 2CSM110189R1041 0.010 10
A1-150A 001904 SCL 1/150 2CSM110209R1041 0.010 10
A1-200A 002000 SCL 1/200 2CSM110229R1041 0.010 10
A1-250A 031109 SCL 1/250 2CSM110249R1041 0.010 10
A1-300A 002109 SCL 1/300 2CSM110259R1041 0.010 10
A1-400A 002208 SCL 1/400 2CSM110279R1041 0.010 10
A1-500A 002307 SCL 1/500 2CSM110299R1041 0.010 10
A1-600A 031208 SCL 1/600 2CSM110309R1041 0.010 10
A1-800A 002406 SCL 1/800 2CSM110329R1041 0.010 10
A1-1000A 002505 SCL 1/1000 2CSM110339R1041 0.010 10
A1-1500A 274704 SCL 1/1500 2CSM110359R1041 0.010 10
A1-2000A 274803 SCL 1/2000 2CSM110379R1041 0.010 10
A1-2500A 274902 SCL 1/2500 2CSM110389R1041 0.010 10
— 100
Energy efficiency
Energy efficiency
Front-panel analogue instruments
Technical features
Rated max. reference voltage for [V] 600 (a.c meters), 300 (d.c. meters)
Test voltage [V] 2000 eff. (50 Hz/1 min)
Accuracy class 1.5 (0.5 for frequency meters)
Overload capacity a
- ammetric windings up to In x 10/< sec. up to In x 2/permanent
- voltmetric windings up to Un x 2/< 5 sec. up to Un x 1.2/permanent
Front panel analogue instruments
Operating temperature [°C] -10...+55
Storage temperature [°C] -40...+70
Average and max. relative 65% (yearly average)
humidity (DIN 40040) b 85% (+35 °C/60 days a year)
Vibration resistance (IEC 50-1) [g (9.81 m/s)] 0.08-1.8 (0.35 mm/10-55 Hz; 3 axis/6 h)
Degree of protection IP52 indoors
IP00 on the terminals (IEC 144. DIN 40050)
IP20 with suitable terminal covers
- cases and front edge self-extinguishing thermosetting material
in accordance with UL94 V-0, fungus and termite
- pointers (DIN 43802) c molded aluminium
- terminals brass
Assembly vertical/horizontal with special screw-on brackets d
Dimensions W x H x D [mm] 48 x 48 X 53 72 x 72 x 53 96 x 96 X 53
(DIN 43700/43718)
Applicable standards IEC EN 61010-1
a The overload can be greater for instruments enabled by a CT because the transformer generally keeps secondary current
peaks to within 10 In.
b Tropicalization enables the instruments to withstand up to 95% max. relative humidity (+35 °C/60 days). In accordance
with DIN standard 40040, they must be protected against any penetration of humidity inside the device. Terminals,
screws, washers, bolts and magnets are galvanically protected against rust, while the electrical circuits are painted with
the special Multicolor PC52 varnish.
c The pointer damping time is 1 second. The recorded values are cleared by pressing the control provided.
d With 0.5 mm -19 mm thick panels, the screws must be attached in the fixing position nearest to the front edge of the
measuring device, whereas the 20 mm - 39 mm thick panels require the screws to be fixed in the position furthest away
from the front edge.
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Energy efficiency
Front-panel analogue instruments
Available in both alternating current and direct current versions, the front-panel mono-
function measurement devices come in three standard sizes, 48 mm x 48 mm, 72 mm x 72
mm and 96 mm x 96 mm (special versions available on request), employable in single-phase
networks. The range is composed of voltmeters and ammeters for a.c. and d.c. applications,
VLM-1 48
and frequency meters for a.c. applications. Ammeters without scale for indirect connection
must be completed with the appropriate scale, chosen according to the full-scale value.
Size Inser- Scale VT type Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
tion 8012542 1 1 piece unit
Energy efficiency
Front-panel analogue instruments
Size Inser- Scale VT type Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
tion 8012542 1 1 piece unit
96 D 500 547600 VLM-1-500/96 2CSG113220R4001 1
96 D 600 547709 VLM-1-600/96 2CSG113230R4001 1
96 I 200 110/100 744504 VLM1-TV-110-100 2CSG123140R4001 1
VLM-2 48
96 I 300 230/100 547808 VLM1-TV-230-100 2CSG123170R4001 1
96 I 500 380/100 547907 VLM1-TV-380-100 2CSG123200R4001 1
96 I 500 400/100 744603 VLM1-TV-400-100 2CSG123210R4001 1
96 I 600 500/100 548003 VLM1-TV-500-100 2CSG123220R4001 1
96 I 800 600/100 744702 VLM1-TV-600-100 2CSG123230R4001 1
96 I 1100 1000/100 744801 VLM1-TV-1000-100 2CSG123240R4001 1
D: direct connection
I: indirect connection with VT, CT and shunt, according to the type
8/54 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Energy efficiency
Front-panel analogue instruments
D: direct connection
I: indirect connection with VT, CT and shunt, according to the type
Energy efficiency
Front-panel analogue instruments
72 D 60 546405 AMT1-A1-60/72 2CSG312110R4001 1
72 I SCL-A1 546504 AMT1-A1/72 2CSG322250R4001 1
72 I SCL-A5 546603 AMT1-A5/72 2CSG322260R4001 1
D: direct connection
I: indirect connection with VT, CT and shunt, according to the type
Energy efficiency
Front-panel analogue instruments
D: direct connection
AMT2-A2 96 I: indirect connection with VT, CT and shunt, according to the type
FRZ 72
Size Insertion Scale Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
8012542 1 1 piece unit
D: direct connection
I: indirect connection with VT, CT and shunt, according to the type
FRZ 96
Energy efficiency
Scales for front-panel analogue instrument
30 770008 SCL-A1-30/48 2CSG111107R5011 0.010 10
40 770107 SCL-A1-40/48 2CSG111128R5011 0.010 10
50 770206 SCL-A1-50/48 2CSG111149R5011 0.010 10
60 770305 SCL-A1-60/48 2CSG111159R5011 0.010 10
80 770404 SCL-A1-80/48 2CSG111179R5011 0.010 10
100 560500 SCL-A1-100/48 2CSG111189R5011 0.010 10
150 560609 SCL-A1-150/48 2CSG111209R5011 0.010 10
200 560708 SCL-A1-200/48 2CSG111229R5011 0.010 10
250 560807 SCL-A1-250/48 2CSG111249R5011 0.010 10
300 560906 SCL-A1-300/48 2CSG111259R5011 0.010 10
400 561002 SCL-A1-400/48 2CSG111279R5011 0.010 10
500 561101 SCL-A1-500/48 2CSG111299R5011 0.010 10
600 561200 SCL-A1-600/48 2CSG111309R5011 0.010 10
800 561309 SCL-A1-800/48 2CSG111329R5011 0.010 10
1000 561408 SCL-A1-1000/48 2CSG111339R5011 0.010 10
1500 561507 SCL-A1-1500/48 2CSG111359R5011 0.010 10
2000 561606 SCL-A1-2000/48 2CSG111379R5011 0.010 10
2500 561705 SCL-A1-2500/48 2CSG111389R5011 0.010 10
3000 561804 SCL-A1-3000/48 2CSG111399R5011 0.010 10
4000 561903 SCL-A1-4000/48 2CSG111409R5011 0.010 10
5000 562009 SCL-A1-5000/48 2CSG111419R5011 0.010 10
6000 562108 SCL-A1-6000/48 2CSG111429R5011 0.010 10
8000 562207 SCL-A1-8000/48 2CSG111439R5011 0.010 10
10000 562306 SCL-A1-10000/48 2CSG111449R5011 0.010 10
8/58 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Energy efficiency
Scales for front-panel analogue instrument
Energy efficiency
Scales for front-panel analogue instrument
50 772408 SCL-A1-50/72 2CSG112149R5011 0.010 10
60 772507 SCL-A1-60/72 2CSG112159R5011 0.010 10
80 772606 SCL-A1-80/72 2CSG112179R5011 0.010 10
100 572305 SCL-A1-100/72 2CSG112189R5011 0.010 10
150 572404 SCL-A1-150/72 2CSG112209R5011 0.010 10
200 572503 SCL-A1-200/72 2CSG112229R5011 0.010 10
250 572602 SCL-A1-250/72 2CSG112249R5011 0.010 10
300 572701 SCL-A1-300/72 2CSG112259R5011 0.010 10
400 572800 SCL-A1-400/72 2CSG112279R5011 0.010 10
500 572909 SCL-A1-500/72 2CSG112299R5011 0.010 10
600 573005 SCL-A1-600/72 2CSG112309R5011 0.010 10
800 573104 SCL-A1-800/72 2CSG112329R5011 0.010 10
1000 573203 SCL-A1-1000/72 2CSG112339R5011 0.010 10
1500 573302 SCL-A1-1500/72 2CSG112359R5011 0.010 10
2000 573401 SCL-A1-2000/72 2CSG112379R5011 0.010 10
2500 573500 SCL-A1-2500/72 2CSG112389R5011 0.010 10
3000 573609 SCL-A1-3000/72 2CSG112399R5011 0.010 10
4000 573708 SCL-A1-4000/72 2CSG112409R5011 0.010 10
5000 573807 SCL-A1-5000/72 2CSG112419R5011 0.010 10
6000 573906 SCL-A1-6000/72 2CSG112429R5011 0.010 10
8000 574002 SCL-A1-8000/72 2CSG112439R5011 0.010 10
10000 574101 SCL-A1-10000/72 2CSG112449R5011 0.010 10
8/60 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Energy efficiency
Scales for front-panel analogue instrument
Energy efficiency
Scales for front-panel analogue instrument
50 774600 SCL-A1-50/96 2CSG113149R5011 0.010 10
60 774709 SCL-A1-60/96 2CSG113159R5011 0.010 10
80 774808 SCL-A1-80/96 2CSG113179R5011 0.010 10
100 584100 SCL-A1-100/96 2CSG113189R5011 0.010 10
150 584209 SCL-A1-150/96 2CSG113209R5011 0.010 10
200 584308 SCL-A1-200/96 2CSG113229R5011 0.010 10
250 584407 SCL-A1-250/96 2CSG113249R5011 0.010 10
300 584506 SCL-A1-300/96 2CSG113259R5011 0.010 10
400 584605 SCL-A1-400/96 2CSG113279R5011 0.010 10
500 584704 SCL-A1-500/96 2CSG113299R5011 0.010 10
600 584803 SCL-A1-600/96 2CSG113309R5011 0.010 10
800 584902 SCL-A1-800/96 2CSG113329R5011 0.010 10
1000 585008 SCL-A1-1000/96 2CSG113339R5011 0.010 10
1500 585107 SCL-A1-1500/96 2CSG113359R5011 0.010 10
2000 585206 SCL-A1-2000/96 2CSG113379R5011 0.010 10
2500 585305 SCL-A1-2500/96 2CSG113389R5011 0.010 10
3000 585404 SCL-A1-3000/96 2CSG113399R5011 0.010 10
4000 585503 SCL-A1-4000/96 2CSG113409R5011 0.010 10
5000 585602 SCL-A1-5000/96 2CSG113419R5011 0.010 10
6000 585701 SCL-A1-6000/96 2CSG113429R5011 0.010 10
8000 585800 SCL-A1-8000/96 2CSG113439R5011 0.010 10
10000 585909 SCL-A1-10000/96 2CSG113449R5011 0.010 10
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Energy efficiency
Scales for front-panel analogue instrument
Energy efficiency
Scales for front-panel analogue instrument
600 596707 SCL-A2-600/48 2CSG231309R5011 0.010 10
800 596806 SCL-A2-800/48 2CSG231329R5011 0.010 10
1000 596905 SCL-A2-1000/48 2CSG231339R5011 0.010 10
Energy efficiency
Voltmetric and current switches
Technical features
Insulation voltage [V] 600
Rated thermal current [A] 12
Mechanic operations [No.] 1000000
Power consumption [VA] 0.23
Modules [No.] 3
Voltmeter switches
Range Power loss Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
7392696 1 1 piece unit
Current switches
Range Power loss Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
7392696 1 1 piece unit
QCV 48
Energy efficiency
E 233 hour counters
Technical features
AC equipment DC equipment
Rated voltage 50 Hz: 24 V, 230 V DC 12 V ... 48 V
60 Hz: 24 V, 120 V, 240 V
Voltage tolerance ±15 % ±10 %
Power consumption 1.5 VA ca. 20 mW (at 12 V DC)
Ambient temperature –15 °C/5 °F... +50 °C/122 °F –10 °C/14 °F ... +50 °C/122 °F
Counting capacity 99.999 h 99.999 h
Reading accuracy 0.01 h 0.1 h
E 233
Operation display fast running LED blinking
Protection against electric shock according to DIN VDE 0106 according to DIN VDE 0106
Part 100 (BGV A2) Part 100 (BGV A2)
Terminal size up to 10 mm2 up to 10 mm2
Energy efficiency
HMT hour counters
Technical features
Rated voltage Un [V] a.c. 24
a.c. 110
a.c. 230
Displayed digits (in hours) [n°] 99,999.9 (for HMT1 and HMT11)
Accuracy class [%] 0.5
Frequency [Hz] 50
Power consumption [W] 1.1...2.2
Energy efficiency
TMD temperature control units
Technical features
Auxiliary supply Alternating current [V] 20÷250 ±15%
Direct current [Hz] 115-230-400 50-60
Power consumption [VA] 4 max
Input Sensor PT100 RTD (not included)
Type 3 wires (2 and 4 wires types are also supported)
TMD Error 1 degree every 0,39 W
Measure range [°C] 0...220 ± 2
Compensation [W] 20 max
Trip delay/hysteresis [s/°C] 5/2
Output Number 4
Vmax [V] 12 d.c.
Imaxww [A] 8 (resistive load)
Functions Alarm, trip, cooling, auto-test
Programmable Alarm, tip, hold, fan, temp. max
Display 7 segments LED
Connections Terminals removable screw
Max section [mm2] 2.5
Insulation voltage [V] 2500/50 Hz - 1 min
Protection degree Front IP52
Rear IP20
Operation temperature [°C] -10...+55, relative humidity max 90%
Storage temperature [°C] -25...+80
Reference IEC EN 50081-2, IEC EN 50082-2, IEC EN 60255
Energy efficiency
Current transformers selection table
Breaker choice
Modular S200, S280, S290, S700, S750DR, S800
Tmax XT1, XT2, XT3, XT4, T4320 T5
Installation choice
Fixing DIN rail DIN rail DIN rail, cable or bus bar Bus bar DIN rail, cable or bus bar,
system base mounted with feet
T6,T7 T6,T7
E1.2, E2.2, E4.2 E2, E3, E4, E6 E2.2, E4.2, E6.2 E2.2, E4.2 E1.2
CT6 CT8 CT8V CT80 CT12 CT12V CT120 Class
Energy efficiency
Current transformers selection table
Breaker choice
Modular S200, S280, S290, S700, S750DR, S800
Tmax XT1, XT2, XT3, XT4, T4320 T5
Installation choice
Fixing DIN rail DIN rail DIN rail, cable or bus bar Bus bar DIN rail, cable or bus bar,
system base mounted with feet
Primary choice
Wound primary Through primary Split core trough Through primary
Through 8 29 18 18 – 30 30
primary – – 20x10 20x10 – 30x15; 40x10 30x15; 40x10
section – – – – 3x80x10 – –
T6,T7 T6,T7
E1.2, E2.2, E4.2 E2, E3, E4, E6 E2.2, E4.2, E6.2 E2.2, E4.2 E1.2
CT6 CT8 CT8V CT80 CT12 CT12V CT120 Class
Energy efficiency
CT measurement current transformers with through primary
Technical features
Standard secondary current [A] 5A
Max. voltage for operation [kV] 1,2
Test voltage [kV] 3 a 50 Hz/1min
Residual current voltage at < 25 V rms
secundary terminals when security
CT circuit intervenes (only SELV
Short circuit rated thermal current [IpN] 40 per 1 sec. 60 per 1 sec. 40 per 1 sec.
Energy efficiency
CT measurement current transformers with through primary
150 1 5 257950 CT PRO XT 150 2CSG225795R1101 0.32 1
200 1 5 258056 CT PRO XT 200 2CSG225805R1101 0.32 1
250 0.5 5 258155 CT PRO XT 250 2CSG225815R1101 0.32 1
300 0.5 5 258155 CT PRO XT 300 2CSG225825R1101 0.32 1
400 0.5 5 258353 CT PRO XT 400 2CSG225835R1101 0.32 1
max sec-
Through primary
tion [mm]
cable 18
vertical bar -
8/74 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Energy efficiency
CT measurement current transformers with through primary
CT MAX series
max section
Through primary
cable 30
vertical bar -
Energy efficiency
CT measurement current transformers with through primary
1500 0.5 30 606307 CT6/1500 2CSG421220R1101 1.000 1
2000 0.5 30 606406 CT6/2000 2CSG421230R1101 1.000 1
2500 0.5 30 606505 CT6/2500 2CSG421240R1101 1.000 1
Energy efficiency
CT measurement current transformers with through primary
Energy efficiency
CTA measurement current transformers with wound primary
50 0.5 5 661900 CTA/50 2CSG111090R1141 0.290 1
60 0.5 5 662006 CTA/60 2CSG111100R1141 0.290 1
80 0.5 5 662105 CTA/80 2CSG111110R1141 0.290 1
100 0.5 5 662204 CTA/100 2CSG111120R1141 0.290 1
CTA series
max sec-
Wound primary
tion [mm]
cable 8
horizontal bar -
vertical bar -
8/78 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Energy efficiency
CTO split core measurement current transformers
Energy efficiency
TRF M measurement modular current transformers
150 0.5 3 047216 TRFM/150 2CSM100100R1111 0.250 1
250 0.5 4 047315 TRFM/250 2CSM100120R1111 0.250 1
400 0.5 6 047407 TRFM/400 2CSM100140R1111 0.250 1
600 0.5 8 047506 TRFM/600 2CSM100160R1111 0.250 1
8/80 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Energy efficiency
SNT current transformer for d.c. applications
Technical features
Voltage [mV] 60
Shunts have 60 mV voltage and must be used with a maximum load of 0.25 Ω in combination
with measurement instruments in d.c.
For an appropriate operation:
• both horizontal and vertical mounting are possible (the horizontal position enables
a greater heat consumption)
• the faying surface must be completely used and clean; cover with specific grease
after the connection
• screws and bolts must be perfectly tight
• shunts must be sufficiently ventilated; as they are not insulated, it is a good rule
to protect them against accidental contacts.
60 mV shunts
Rated current Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
8012542 1 1 piece unit
Energy efficiency
TV voltage transformers
Technical features
Case material Metallic
Operating frequency [Hz] 50-60
Insulation reference [kV] 0.72
Test voltage 3 kV x 1’ at 50 Hz
Dry insulation in air class E
Protection degree IP 30
Rated voltage factor 1.2 continuous
Thermal power 6 times the rated burden
Operating temperature from -25 °C to + 50 °C
Storage temperature from -40 °C to +80°C
Standards IEC/EN 61869-1, IEC/EN 61869-3
Voltage transformers
They are used for transforming primary voltages up to 500 V into secondary voltages
of…/100 V max. for indirect supply of analogue as well as digital measurement instruments.
R3 voltage transformers are used in three-phase distribution systems with neutral.
Energy efficiency
CMS – Circuit Monitoring System overview
The quality of a Circuit Monitoring System is de- ness, technology, measurement results, user
pendent on the strengths of the individual com- friendliness and flexibility - every component
ponents and how well they interact. ABB’s new and every feature of the CMS has been fully opti-
CMS sets new and high standards. Compact- mized in terms of practicality and functionality.
Example illustration:
Control Unit CMS-700 in
combination with CMS
open-core sensors
Control Units
The control unit evaluates the measurement data
picked up by the sensors, and makes it available via
CMS-660 the provided interfaces.
Connection technology
Connecting the sensors to the Control Unit is
extremely simple and requires no special tools.
All sensors are connected to the Control Unit by
means of a flexible flat cable and insulation
displacement connectors. The positioning of
sensors is fully customizable so that they sit
exactly where a measurement is required.
CMS sensors can be placed anywhere in
the system, without any limitation. Easy
initializing is guaranteed by the unique
ID assigned to each sensors via Control
Unit in just a few simple steps.
All measurement functions are available
right after commissioning.
Serial interfaces
Depending on the selected control unit,
the following communication interfaces are
available: RS485 (Modbus RTU), LAN (TCP/IP
and Modbus TCP), SNMP v1/v2 and v3 encrypted.
Energy efficiency
Circuit Monitoring System
Energy efficiency
Circuit Monitoring System
Early warning system (predictive maintenance) Cost analysis to reduce and assign energy costs
for increasing the availability of critical consumers The cost of energy will rise continuously. In order to cut
Continuous monitoring of the current flow at the circuit costs, you first have to know where they arise. The Control
breaker makes it possible to detect overloaded lines before Unit helps illustrate and analyze the instantaneous energy
they lead to a service interruption. Apart from this, monitor- consumption levels. Furthermore, the calculated active en-
ing individual circuits indicates whether the loads are in the ergy can be used to roughly allocate the costs at the output
desired operating mode or not. In this way, system devia- level.
tions can be ascertained instantaneously. What’s more, the
CMS can be used to detect unbalanced loads before they re-
sult in failure of the neutral conductor and consequently
load failure.
8/86 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Energy efficiency
Circuit Monitoring System
Sensors overview
Mounting method for all MCBs, RCDs, for MCBs for fuse for all S800 devices with universally universally
RCBOs with (S200, SMISSLINE) and RCBOs holders E90 cage terminals usable usable
twin terminals (SMISSLINE)
Open-core sensors
AC accuracy* of ≤ ± 1.0%
Solid-core sensors
AC accuracy* of ≤ ± 0.5%
* All accuracy specifications refer to the relevant full scale value and apply to 25°C
Energy efficiency
Circuit Monitoring System
Control units
Characteristics Control Unit CMS-700 Control Unit CMS-600
CMS Sensors
Sensors 96 (3x32) 64 (2x32)
Control Unit
Integrated power supply •
Voltage measurement •
Current (External CTs are required) measurement •
Active, reactive and appearent power (External CTs are required) measurement •
Calculated values for the branches
Energy (Using branch currents, mains voltage and power factor over time) •
Power (Using branch currents, mains voltage and power factor) •
RS485 • •
Modbus RTU • •
Modbus TCP •
SNMP (v1, v2 and encrypted v3) •
Built-in web server •
Touch display •
CSV data export •
IEC 61010-1 • •
UL 508 / CSA C22.2 No. 14 • •
8/88 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Energy efficiency
Control units
Energy efficiency
Control units
CMS-700 CMS-700
The CMS-700 measures the AC and DC currents in the outgoing circuits via up to 3 x 32
sensors and calculates the energy and output data (line-side active and reactive power)
of up to 96 sensors simultaneously.
The Control Unit CMS-700 has been developed specifically to meet the requirements
of critical power applications, such as tho¬se of computing centers. In addition, however,
professional energy monitoring is becoming ever more important when it comes to
identifying savings potentials in functional buildings such as office buildings.
The CMS-600 system enables you to measure AC and DC currents in up to 64 branches.
For simple and fast operation, the Control Unit is equipped with an illuminated touch
display that makes not only initialization but also control of the sensors extremely simple.
A 2-wire RS485 Modbus RTU interface enables users to remotely query and process
the measurement data. As such, the CMS-600 Control Unit can be very easily integrated
into an existing Modbus architecture. As an option, the measured values can also be
visualized and processed by me¬ans of a programmable logic control (PLC).
CMS-600 is equipped with an integrated CMS software for which great care has been
CMS-600 taken to ensure that the navigation concept is highly intuitive
User Manual
The Control Unit CMS-600 are put to use in the critical power systems of hospitals
and in similar industrial applica¬tions, too. Furthermore, these devices can also be
found in functio¬nal buildings such as airports, hotels, office buildings, universities/
colleges and museums or in industrial photovoltaics.
Control units
Control Unit CMS-700 453138 CMS-700 2CCA880700R0001 0.329 1
Control Unit CMS-600 418700 CMS-600 2CCA880000R0001 0.153 1
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Energy efficiency
Sensors and Accessories
* All accuracy specifications refer to full scale value and apply at 25° C.
In the case of open-core sensors, the position of the cable affects accuracy.
Solid-core sensors 18 mm
* All accuracy specifications refer to the relevant full scale value and apply at 25° C.
Solid-core sensors 25 mm
Respond time (±1 %) [sec] Type 0.25
Max. diameter of the cable [mm] 15
Insulation [V] 690 V AC /1500 V DC
Operating temperature [°C] − 25 ... +70 / − 40 ... + 85
Size CMS-200S8 series [mm] 26.5 x 43.0 x 38.5
CMS-200DR series [mm] 25.4 x 43.0 x 43.2
CMS-200CA series [mm] 25.4 x 43.0 x 35.7
Reference standard IEC 61010-1 | UL508 / CSA C22.2 No 14
* All accuracy specifications refer to the relevant full scale value and apply at 25 °C.
8/92 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Energy efficiency
Sensors and Accessories
Energy efficiency
Sensors and Accessories
Open-core sensors
Type ABB code Weight of 1 unit (kg) Unit conf. (Pcs)
Open-core sensors 18 mm for retrofit of MCBs (S200, SMISSLINE) and RCBOs (SMISSLINE)
80 A CMS-120LA 2CCA880225R0001 0.012 1
40 A CMS-121LA 2CCA880226R0001 0.012 1
20 A CMS-122LA 2CCA880227R0001 0.012 1
Open-core sensors 18 mm for pro M and SMISSLINE devices with twin terminals
80 A CMS-120PS 2CCA880210R0001 0.012 1
40 A CMS-121PS 2CCA880211R0001 0.012 1
20 A CMS-122PS 2CCA880212R0001 0.012 1
Solid-core sensors
Type ABB code Weight of 1 unit (kg) Unit conf. (Pcs)
Solid-core sensors 18 mm for pro M & SMISSLINE installation devices with twin terminals
80 A CMS-100PS 2CCA880100R0001 0.012 1
40 A CMS-101PS 2CCA880101R0001 0.012 1
20 A CMS-102PS 2CCA880102R0001 0.012 1
Energy efficiency
Sensors and Accessories
Solid-core sensors
Type ABB code Weight of 1 unit (kg) Unit conf. (Pcs)
Control Unit
Type ABB code Weight of 1 unit (kg) Unit conf. (Pcs)
CMS-600 Control Unit CMS-600 2CCA880000R0001 0.153 1
CMS-700 Control Unit CMS-700 2CCA880700R0001 0.329 1
Type ABB code Weight of 1 unit (kg) Unit conf. (Pcs)
2 m flat cable CMS-800 2CCA880148R0001 0.017 1
5 m flat cable CMS-802 2CCA880331R0001 0.045 1
10 m Flat cable CMS-803 2CCA880332R0001 0.090 1
30 m Flat cable CMS-805 2CCA880333R0001 0.270 1
Connector set (35 pcs) CMS-820 2CCA880145R0001 0.024 35
String monitoring
CMS-660 circuit monitoring system
integration to different system con- high temperature), facilitating main-
ditions tenance of the system
User friendliness
Local information, thanks to
the LEDs, about network and
device status. Reset button to
easily set the device.
Smart commissioning
Thanks to the intelligent, intuitive
Compatibility configuration, the CMS system can be
RS485 port to guarantee easy configured and put into operation in
integration with the plant / in- just a few minutes.
verter monitoring systems.
Energy efficiency
String monitoring CMS-660
Control Unit
Electrical installation solutions for buildings
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
MCBs S 400 M 9/5
MCBs S 400 M-UC 9/14
MCBs SU401 M-K 9/18
RCCBs F400 9/19
RCCBs F400 K and S 9/21
RCBOs FS401 9/22
RCBOs FS401 K 9/24
RCBOs FS403 9/25
Surge arrester 9/28
Switch disconnector 9/31
Auxiliary elements and accessories 9/33
Busbar system 9/38
Plug-in system
Cable laying grids, DIN rails, fixing brackets 9/70
Cover holders, panel connectors,
raising frames 9/71
Plastic cover horizontal 9/72
Plastic cover vertical 9/73
Planning aid
Socket calculation with e-Design
and Panel Design Configurator 9/74
Comparison of starting package
with plug-in socket in individual parts 9/75
Assignment of CombiLine modules 9/76
9/2 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Changes are never been easier
It opens up to a completely
new prospects for you when it The world’s first pluggable
comes to installation, socket system. 125Asystem and
operation and flexibility. the new 250A Power Bar system.
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Changes are never been easyer
Even safer: Protection against electrical hazards Even more flexible: make additions and changes during on-
We have upgraded our unique SMISSLINE socket system going operation
even further through the addition of a pioneering Pluggable devices can be added and changed quickly, safely
innovation. With the new SMISSLINE TP system, and simply during ongoing operation. And this can be done
components can now be plugged in or unplugged without any need for personal protective equipment.
load-free without any risk from electrical current
running through the body. This means that you benefit from more flexibility, savings
on installation and maintenance – and improved safety.
The SMISSLINE TP pluggable socket system is SMISSLINE TP provides greater availability and operating
completely finger-safe (IP2XB) – when devices are plugged safety than conven-tional systems.
in and unplugged, the system is always touch-proof.
This means that SMISSLINE TP prevents any danger to
personnel from switching arcs or accidental arcing.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
1 Incoming block 125/160 A 6 2-pole residual current operated 12 Miniature circuit breaker 2 poles
2 Surge arrester circuit breaker 13 4-pole residual current operated
3 Control unit for Current measurement 7 4-pole residual current operated circuit breaker with overcurrent protection
system circuit breaker 14 Current measurement sensor
4 2-pole residual current operated 8 Incoming block 63 A
circuit breaker with overcurrent protection 9 Miniature circuit breaker 1 pole
5 4-pole residual current operated 10 Device latch
circuit breaker with overcurrent protection 11 Miniature circuit breaker 3 poles
4 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Power behind bars
The world’s safest socket system
Small cause, large effect: as the world’s first New Power Bar System 250 A
pluggable socket system, SMISSLINE TP ensures The new 250 A system is now available in the
that load-free devices and components can be shape of the SMISSLINE TP. The busbars have
snapped on and off under voltage without a rated amperage of 250 A and therefore allow
the need for additional personal protective a end feed of 250 A. This extends the spectrum
equipment to guard against electrical hazards. of potential applications.
That opens up completely new prospects for you
when it comes to installation, operation and
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
MCBs S 400 series
Electrical and Mechanical Endurance ops. 10 000 ops.
Data acc. to IEC/ Max. power frequency recovery voltage (Umax) V 254/440 V AC 1P: 60 V DC 2P: 125 V DC for S400M
EN 60947-2 1P: 125 V DC 2P: 250 V DC for S400 UCC and UCZ
Rated ultimate short-circuit capacity Icu kA 25 kA (0,5 up to 16 A, 240/415 V)0,5 to 2 A 50 kA on request
15 kA (20 up to 63 A, 240/415 V)
15 kA (0,5 up to 16 A, 254/440 V)
6 kA (20 up to 63 A, 254/440 V)
S400UC: 10 kA (0,5.63A, 220 V d.c. 1pole)
S400UC: 20 kA (0,5.63A, 110 V d.c. 1pole)
S400UC: 25 kA (0,5.63A, 220 V d.c. 2pole)
S400UC: 10 kA (0,5.63A, 440 V d.c. 2pole)
S400UC: 10 kA (0,5.63A, 230/400 V)
Rated service short-circuit capacity Ics kA 15 kA (0,5 up to 16 A, 240/415 V)
7,5 kA (20 up to 63 A, 240/415 V)
6 kA (0,5 up to 16 A, 254/440 V)
3 kA (20 up to 63 A, 254/440 V
S400UC: 10 kA (0,5.63A, 220 V d.c. 1pole)
S400UC: 10 kA (0,5.63A, 110 V d.c. 1pole)
S400UC: 20 kA (0,5.63A, 220 V d.c. 2pole)
S400UC: 10 kA (0,5.63A, 440 V d.c. 2pole)
S400UC: 6 kA (0,5.63A, 230/400 V)
Dielectric test voltage kV
Reference temperature for tripping °C C: 30 °C K: 40 °C
Electrical and Mechanical Endurance ops. In < 32 A: 20 000 operating cycles
In ≥ 32 A: 10 000 operating cycles
Mechanical Data Housing Insulation group I, RAL 7035
Toggle Insulation group II, black, sealable
Classification acc. To NF F 126-101, NF F 16-102
Protection degree acc. to EN 60529 IP20*, IP40 in enclosure with cover
Mechanical endurance ops. 20 000 ops.
Shock resistance acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-30
Vibration resistance acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-6 5 g – 20 cycles at 5 … 150 … 5 Hz with load 0.8 In
Environmental conditions (damp heat)
acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-30 °C/RH 28 cycles with 55 °C/90–96 % and 25 °C/95–100 %
Ambient temperature °C –25 … +55 °C
Storage temperature °C –40 … +70 °C
Installation Standed Cross-section of conductors (top/ mm2 top 0.75–25 mm2/bottom no terminal pluggable MCB
Flexible Cross-section of conductors (top/ mm2
Tightening torque Nm in-Ibs. 2.8 Nm
Screwdriver No. 2 Pozidrive
Mounting plug in on bus bar system SMISSLINE
Mounting position any
Supply any
Dimensions and Mounting dimensions acc. to DIN 43880
weight Pole dimensions (H x D x W) mm 91x18x82
Pole weight g 110
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SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
MCBs S 400 M series 10 000 B characteristic
S400M Characteristic B
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits;
protection for people and big length cables in TN and IT systems.
Applications: residential, commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898
Icn =10 kA
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
MCBs S 400 M series 10 000 C characteristic
S400M Characteristic C
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits;
protection for resistive and inductive loads with low inrush current.
Applications: residential, commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898, IEC/EN 60947-2
Icn =10 kA
6 0101382 S401 M-C 6 2CCS571001R0064 0.110 10
8 0101399 S401 M-C 8 2CCS571001R0084 0.110 10
10 0101405 S401 M-C 10 2CCS571001R0104 0.110 10
13 0101412 S401 M-C 13 2CCS571001R0134 0.110 10
16 0101429 S401 M-C 16 2CCS571001R0164 0.110 10
20 0101436 S401 M-C 20 2CCS571001R0204 0.110 10
S 402 M 25 0101443 S401 M-C 25 2CCS571001R0254 0.110 10
32 0101450 S401 M-C 32 2CCS571001R0324 0.110 10
40 0101467 S401 M-C 40 2CCS571001R0404 0.110 10
50 0101474 S401 M-C 50 2CCS571001R0504 0.110 10
63 0101481 S401 M-C 63 2CCS571001R0634 0.110 10
2 0.5 0102099 S402 M-C 0.5 2CCS572001R0984 0.221 5
1 0102105 S402 M-C 1 2CCS572001R0014 0.221 5
1.6 0102112 S402 M-C 1.6 2CCS572001R0974 0.221 5
2 0102129 S402 M-C 2 2CCS572001R0024 0.221 5
3 0102136 S402 M-C 3 2CCS572001R0034 0.221 5
4 0102143 S402 M-C 4 2CCS572001R0044 0.221 5
6 0102150 S402 M-C 6 2CCS572001R0064 0.221 5
8 0102167 S402 M-C 8 2CCS572001R0084 0.221 5
10 0102174 S402 M-C 10 2CCS572001R0104 0.221 5
13 0102181 S402 M-C 13 2CCS572001R0134 0.221 5
S 403 M
16 0102198 S402 M-C 16 2CCS572001R0164 0.221 5
20 0102204 S402 M-C 20 2CCS572001R0204 0.221 5
25 0102211 S402 M-C 25 2CCS572001R0254 0.221 5
32 0102228 S402 M-C 32 2CCS572001R0324 0.221 5
40 0102235 S402 M-C 40 2CCS572001R0404 0.221 5
50 0102242 S402 M-C 50 2CCS572001R0504 0.221 5
63 0102259 S402 M-C 63 2CCS572001R0634 0.221 5
3 0.5 0102860 S403 M-C 0.5 2CCS573001R0984 0.322 3
1 0102877 S403 M-C 1 2CCS573001R0014 0.322 3
1.6 0102884 S403 M-C 1.6 2CCS573001R0974 0.322 3
2 0102891 S403 M-C 2 2CCS573001R0024 0.322 3
3 0102907 S403 M-C 3 2CCS573001R0034 0.322 3
4 0102914 S403 M-C 4 2CCS573001R0044 0.322 3
6 0102921 S403 M-C 6 2CCS573001R0064 0.322 3
8 0102938 S403 M-C 8 2CCS573001R0084 0.322 3
10 0102945 S403 M-C 10 2CCS573001R0104 0.322 3
13 0102952 S403 M-C 13 2CCS573001R0134 0.322 3
16 0102969 S403 M-C 16 2CCS573001R0164 0.322 3
20 0102976 S403 M-C 20 2CCS573001R0204 0.322 3
25 0102983 S403 M-C 25 2CCS573001R0254 0.322 3
32 0102990 S403 M-C 32 2CCS573001R0324 0.322 3
40 0103003 S403 M-C 40 2CCS573001R0404 0.322 3
50 0103010 S403 M-C 50 2CCS573001R0504 0.322 3
63 0103027 S403 M-C 63 2CCS573001R0634 0.322 3
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SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
MCBs S 400 M series 10 000 D characteristic
S400M Characteristic D
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits;
protection for circuits which supply loads with high inrush current at the circuit closing
(LV/LV transformers, breakdown lamps).
Applications: residential, commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60898
Icn =10 kA
S 401 M
Number Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
of poles current 761227 1 piece 1 piece unit
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
MCBs S 400 M series 5 000 - 15 000 K characteristic
S400M Characteristic K
Function: protection and control of the circuits like motors, transformer and auxiliary
circuits, against overloads and short-circuits. Advantages: no nuisance tripping in the case of
functional peak currents up to 10xIn, depending on the series; through its highly sensitive ther-
mostatic bimetal trip, the K-type characteristic offers protection to damageable
elements in the overcurrent range; it also provides the best protection to cables and lines.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2
S 401
Icu = 50 kA ≤ 2A, 25 kA for 3 A ≤ 16A, 15 kA for 32 A ≤ 63 A
2 0101634 S401 M-K 2 2CCS571001R0277 0.110 10
3 0101641 S401 M-K 3 2CCS571001R0317 0.110 10
4 0101658 S401 M-K 4 2CCS571001R0337 0.110 10
6 0101665 S401 M-K 6 2CCS571001R0377 0.110 10
8 0101672 S401 M-K 8 2CCS571001R0407 0.110 10
10 0101689 S401 M-K 10 2CCS571001R0427 0.110 10
S 402 M 13 0101696 S401 M-K 13 2CCS571001R0447 0.110 10
16 0101702 S401 M-K 16 2CCS571001R0467 0.110 10
20 0101719 S401 M-K 20 2CCS571001R0487 0.110 10
25 0101726 S401 M-K 25 2CCS571001R0517 0.110 10
32 0101733 S401 M-K 32 2CCS571001R0537 0.110 10
40 0101740 S401 M-K 40 2CCS571001R0557 0.110 10
50 0101757 S401 M-K 50 2CCS571001R0577 0.110 10
63 0101764 S401 M-K 63 2CCS571001R0597 0.110 10
2 0.5 0102372 S402 M-K 0.5 2CCS572001R0157 0.221 5
1 0102389 S402 M-K 1 2CCS572001R0217 0.221 5
1.6 0102396 S402 M-K 1.6 2CCS572001R0257 0.221 5
2 0102402 S402 M-K 2 2CCS572001R0277 0.221 5
3 0102419 S402 M-K 3 2CCS572001R0317 0.221 5
4 0102426 S402 M-K 4 2CCS572001R0337 0.221 5
6 0102433 S402 M-K 6 2CCS572001R0377 0.221 5
S 403 M 8 0102440 S402 M-K 8 2CCS572001R0407 0.221 5
10 0102457 S402 M-K 10 2CCS572001R0427 0.221 5
13 0102464 S402 M-K 13 2CCS572001R0447 0.221 5
16 0102471 S402 M-K 16 2CCS572001R0467 0.221 5
20 0102488 S402 M-K 20 2CCS572001R0487 0.221 5
25 0102495 S402 M-K 25 2CCS572001R0517 0.221 5
32 0102501 S402 M-K 32 2CCS572001R0537 0.221 5
40 0102518 S402 M-K 40 2CCS572001R0557 0.221 5
50 0102525 S402 M-K 50 2CCS572001R0577 0.221 5
63 0102532 S402 M-K 63 2CCS572001R0597 0.221 5
3 0.5 0103140 S403 M-K 0.5 2CCS573001R0157 0.322 3
1 0103157 S403 M-K 1 2CCS573001R0217 0.322 3
1.6 0103164 S403 M-K 1.6 2CCS573001R0257 0.322 3
2 0103171 S403 M-K 2 2CCS573001R0277 0.322 3
3 0103188 S403 M-K 3 2CCS573001R0317 0.322 3
4 0103195 S403 M-K 4 2CCS573001R0337 0.322 3
6 0103201 S403 M-K 6 2CCS573001R0377 0.322 3
8 0103218 S403 M-K 8 2CCS573001R0407 0.322 3
10 0103225 S403 M-K 10 2CCS573001R0427 0.322 3
13 0103232 S403 M-K 13 2CCS573001R0447 0.322 3
16 0103249 S403 M-K 16 2CCS573001R0467 0.322 3
20 0103256 S403 M-K 20 2CCS573001R0487 0.322 3
25 0103263 S403 M-K 25 2CCS573001R0517 0.322 3
32 0103270 S403 M-K 32 2CCS573001R0537 0.322 3
40 0103287 S403 M-K 40 2CCS573001R0557 0.322 3
50 0103294 S403 M-K 50 2CCS573001R0577 0.322 3
63 0103300 S403 M-K 63 2CCS573001R0597 0.322 3
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SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
MCBs S 400 M series 10 000 B characteristic
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
MCBs S 400 M series 10 000 C characteristic
8 0103423 S401 M-C 8NP 2CCS571103R8084 0.221 5
10 0103430 S401 M-C 10NP 2CCS571103R8104 0.221 5
13 0103447 S401 M-C 13NP 2CCS571103R8134 0.221 5
16 0103454 S401 M-C 16NP 2CCS571103R8164 0.221 5
20 0103461 S401 M-C 20NP 2CCS571103R8204 0.221 5
25 0103478 S401 M-C 25NP 2CCS571103R8254 0.221 5
S 403 M
32 0103485 S401 M-C 32NP 2CCS571103R8324 0.221 5
40 0103492 S401 M-C 40NP 2CCS571103R8404 0.221 5
50 0103508 S401 M-C 50NP 2CCS571103R8504 0.221 5
63 0103515 S401 M-C 63NP 2CCS571103R8634 0.221 5
4 2 0108527 S403 M-C 2NP 2CCS573103R8024 0.428 2
3 0108534 S403 M-C 3NP 2CCS573103R8034 0.428 2
4 0108541 S403 M-C 4NP 2CCS573103R8044 0.428 2
6 0103881 S403 M-C 6NP 2CCS573103R8064 0.428 2
8 0103898 S403 M-C 8NP 2CCS573103R8084 0.428 2
10 0103904 S403 M-C 10NP 2CCS573103R8104 0.428 2
13 0103911 S403 M-C 13NP 2CCS573103R8134 0.428 2
16 0103928 S403 M-C 16NP 2CCS573103R8164 0.428 2
20 0103935 S403 M-C 20NP 2CCS573103R8204 0.428 2
25 0103942 S403 M-C 25NP 2CCS573103R8254 0.428 2
32 0103959 S403 M-C 32NP 2CCS573103R8324 0.428 2
40 0103966 S403 M-C 40NP 2CCS573103R8404 0.428 2
50 0103973 S403 M-C 50NP 2CCS573103R8504 0.428 2
63 0103980 S403 M-C 63NP 2CCS573103R8634 0.428 2
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SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
MCBs S 400 M series 10 000 D characteristic
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
MCBs S 400 M series 5 000 - 15 000 K characteristic
1 0103621 S401 M-K 1NP 2CCS571103R8217 0.221 5
1.6 0103638 S401 M-K 1.6NP 2CCS571103R8257 0.221 5
2 0103645 S401 M-K 2NP 2CCS571103R8277 0.221 5
3 0103652 S401 M-K 3NP 2CCS571103R8317 0.221 5
4 0103669 S401 M-K 4NP 2CCS571103R8337 0.221 5
6 0103676 S401 M-K 6NP 2CCS571103R8377 0.221 5
S 403 M 8 0103683 S401 M-K 8NP 2CCS571103R8407 0.221 5
10 0103690 S401 M-K 10NP 2CCS571103R8427 0.221 5
13 0103706 S401 M-K 13NP 2CCS571103R8447 0.221 5
16 0103713 S401 M-K 16NP 2CCS571103R8467 0.221 5
20 0103720 S401 M-K 20NP 2CCS571103R8487 0.221 5
25 0103737 S401 M-K 25NP 2CCS571103R8517 0.221 5
32 0103744 S401 M-K 32NP 2CCS571103R8537 0.221 5
40 0103751 S401 M-K 40NP 2CCS571103R8557 0.221 5
50 0103768 S401 M-K 50NP 2CCS571103R8577 0.221 5
63 0103775 S401 M-K 63NP 2CCS571103R8597 0.221 5
4 0.5 0104086 S403 M-K 0.5NP 2CCS573103R8157 0.428 2
1 0104093 S403 M-K 1NP 2CCS573103R8217 0.428 2
1.6 0104109 S403 M-K 1.6NP 2CCS573103R8257 0.428 2
2 0104116 S403 M-K 2NP 2CCS573103R8277 0.428 2
3 0104123 S403 M-K 3NP 2CCS573103R8317 0.428 2
4 0104130 S403 M-K 4NP 2CCS573103R8337 0.428 2
6 0104147 S403 M-K 6NP 2CCS573103R8377 0.428 2
8 0104154 S403 M-K 8NP 2CCS573103R8407 0.428 2
10 0104161 S403 M-K 10NP 2CCS573103R8427 0.428 2
13 0104178 S403 M-K 13NP 2CCS573103R8447 0.428 2
16 0104185 S403 M-K 16NP 2CCS573103R8467 0.428 2
20 0104192 S403 M-K 20NP 2CCS573103R8487 0.428 2
25 0104208 S403 M-K 25NP 2CCS573103R8517 0.428 2
32 0104215 S403 M-K 32NP 2CCS573103R8537 0.428 2
40 0104222 S403 M-K 40NP 2CCS573103R8557 0.428 2
50 0104239 S403 M-K 50NP 2CCS573103R8577 0.428 2
63 0104246 S403 M-K 63NP 2CCS573103R8597 0.428 2
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SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
MCBs S 400 M-UC series 10 000 - 25 000 C characteristic,
DC application
S400UC Characteristic C
Function: protection and control of the circuits against overloads and short-circuits;
protection for resistive and inductive loads with low inrush current.
Applications: residential, commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2
10 kA (0,5 up to 63 A, 220 V d.c. 1pole), 20 kA (0,5 up to 63 A, 110 V d.c. 1pole)
25 kA (0,5 up to 63 A, 220 V d.c. 2pole), 10 kA (0,5 up to 63 A, 440 V d.c. 2pole)
10 kA (0,5 up to 63 A, 230/400 V) a.c.
1 P 220V d.c. Number Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
of poles current 761227 1 piece 1 piece unit
2 2 2 4 2
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
MCBs S 400 M-UC series 10 000 - 25 000 Z characteristic,
DC application
S400UC Characteristic Z
Function: protection and control of the electronic circuits against weak and long duration
overloads and short-circuits.
Applications: commercial and industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 60947-2
10 kA (0,5 up to 63 A, 220 V d.c. 1pole), 20 kA (0,5 up to 63 A, 110 V d.c. 1pole)
25 kA (0,5 up to 63 A, 220 V d.c. 2pole), 10 kA (0,5 up to 63 A, 440 V d.c. 2pole)
10 kA (0,5 up to 63 A, 230/400 V) a.c.
3 0110124 S401M-UCZ3 2CCS571001R1038 0.110 10
4 0110131 S401M-UCZ4 2CCS571001R1048 0.110 10
6 0110148 S401M-UCZ6 2CCS571001R1068 0.110 10
8 0110155 S401M-UCZ8 2CCS571001R1088 0.110 10
10 0110162 S401M-UCZ10 2CCS571001R1108 0.110 10
13 0110179 S401M-UCZ13 2CCS571001R1138 0.110 10
16 0110186 S401M-UCZ16 2CCS571001R1168 0.110 10
20 0110193 S401M-UCZ20 2CCS571001R1208 0.110 10
25 0110209 S401M-UCZ25 2CCS571001R1258 0.110 10
32 0110216 S401M-UCZ32 2CCS571001R1328 0.110 10
40 0110223 S401M-UCZ40 2CCS571001R1408 0.110 10
2 P 440V d.c. 50 0110230 S401M-UCZ50 2CCS571001R1508 0.110 10
63 0110247 S401M-UCZ63 2CCS571001R1638 0.110 10
2 0.5 0110254 S402M-UCZ0.5 2CCS562001R1988 0.221 10
1 0110261 S402M-UCZ1 2CCS562001R1018 0.221 10
1.6 0110278 S402M-UCZ1.6 2CCS562001R1978 0.221 10
2 0110285 S402M-UCZ2 2CCS562001R1028 0.221 10
3 0110292 S402M-UCZ3 2CCS572001R1038 0.221 10
4 0110308 S402M-UCZ4 2CCS572001R1048 0.221 10
6 0110315 S402M-UCZ6 2CCS572001R1068 0.221 10
8 0110322 S402M-UCZ8 2CCS572001R1088 0.221 10
10 0110339 S402M-UCZ10 2CCS572001R1108 0.221 10
13 0110346 S402M-UCZ13 2CCS572001R1138 0.221 10
16 0110353 S402M-UCZ16 2CCS572001R1168 0.221 10
20 0110360 S402M-UCZ20 2CCS572001R1208 0.221 10
25 0110377 S402M-UCZ25 2CCS572001R1258 0.221 10
32 0110384 S402M-UCZ32 2CCS572001R1328 0.221 10
40 0110391 S402M-UCZ40 2CCS572001R1408 0.221 10
50 0110407 S402M-UCZ50 2CCS572001R1508 0.221 10
63 0110414 S402M-UCZ63 2CCS572001R1638 0.221 10
2 2 2 4 2
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SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Miniature circuit breaker (MCB) S400 M–UC, DC application, Icu = 10 … 25 kA
Load Load
1 1 1 3 1 3
2 2 2 4 2 4
Mains Mains
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Miniature circuit breaker (MCB) for UL489 S400 M technical features
Technical Data
General Data
Standards UL 489, CSA 22.2 No. 5
Poles 1P
Tripping characteristics K
Rated current In 2 to 32 A
Rated frequency f 50/60 Hz
Overvoltage category III
Pollution degree 3
Calibration temperature 40 °C
Mechanical Data
Housing RAL 7035
Contact position indication Real CPI (green OFF / red ON)
Protection degree acc. to EN 60529 IP20*, IP40 in enclosure with cover
Mechanical endurance 10,000 ops.
Vibration resistance acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-6 Frequency 2 – 13.2 Hz @1 mm Displacement;
13.2 – 100 Hz @ 0.7 g
Frequency 5 – 150 – 5 Hz @ 1 g, 4 Sweeps
Environmental conditions (damp heat) acc. to IEC/EN 60068-2-30 28 cycles with 55 °C/90–96 % and 25 °C/95–100 %
Ambient temperature –13 F ... +131 F; –25 … +55 °C
Storage temperature –40 F ... +158 F; –40 … +70 °C
Terminal at load side Bi-directional cylinder-lift terminal
Cross-section of conductors Solid, stranded: 35 mm2 / 35 mm2 single conductor CU only
Flexible: 25 mm2 / 25 mm2 single conductor CU only
AWG 14-8 single conductor CU only
Torque 2.8 Nm, 25 in. lbs.
Wire temperature 60/75 °C
Screwdriver No. 2 Pozidrive
Mounting SMISSLINE TP only
Mounting position Any
Pole weight 114 g
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Miniature circuit breaker (MCB) SU401 M-K for UL489 Icu 10 kA
Ordering Data
Number Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
of poles current 761227 1 piece 1 piece unit
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
RCCBs F400 series, A y type
F402 A type
Function: protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth
fault currents; protection against indirect contacts and additional protection against direct
(with IΔn = 30 mA) contacts.
Application: residential, commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61008
Marking: according to EN 61008
F402 Number Rated Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
of poles residual current 801254 1 piece 1 piece unit
IDn mA In A EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
2 10 25 2037033 F402 A 25/0.01 2CSF502110R0250 0.250 1
30 25 2034339 F402 A 25/0.03 2CSF502110R1250 0.250 1
30 40 2036937 F402 A 40/0.03 2CSF502110R1400 0.250 1
100 40 2034230 F402 A 40/0.1 2CSF502110R2400 0.250 1
F404 A type
Function: protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth
fault currents; protection against indirect contacts and additional protection against direct
F404 (with IΔn = 30 mA) contacts. Product helpful where for installation habits, for wiring with
busbars or cables, for special needs neutral on the left is needed.
Application: residential, commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61008
Marking: according to EN 61008
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
RCCBs F400 series, A APR y type
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
RCCBs F400 series, A K y type
F404 A K type, short-time delayed
Function: protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth
fault currents, providing the best compromise between safety and continuity in the service
thanks to the resistance to unwanted trippings; protection against indirect contacts and
additional protection against direct (IΔn = 30 mA) contacts.
Application: residential, commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61008
FS 404 K and S Surge current resistance (wave 8/20) = 3000 A
Marking: according to EN 61008
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
RCBOs FS401 series 10 000 - 6000 A and F y type
Please notice:
For the influence of the ambient temperature and the thermal influences of row mounted RCBO’s it is necessary to calculate
with the same correction factors like with MCB’s.
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
RCBOs FS401 series 10 000 - 6000 A y type
30 20 6 0109692 FS401 E-B 20/0.03 2CCL562111E0205 2 0.2 1
30 25 6 0109708 FS401 E-B 25/0.03 2CCL562111E0255 2 0.2 1
30 32 6 0109715 FS401 E-B 32/0.03 2CCL562111E0325 2 0.2 1
B, 10 kA according to EN 61009-1
30 6 10 1472641 FS401 M-B 6/0.03 2CCL562110E1065 2 0.2 1
30 10 10 0109685 FS401 M-B 10/0.03 2CCL562110E0105 2 0.2 1
30 13 10 0104505 FS401 M-B 13/0.03 2CCL562110E0135 2 0.2 1
30 16 10 0104512 FS401 M-B 16/0.03 2CCL562110E0165 2 0.2 1
30 20 10 1472689 FS401 M-B 20/0.03 2CCL562110E1205 2 0.2 1
30 25 10 1472726 FS401 M-B 25/0.03 2CCL562110E1255 2 0.2 1
30 32 10 1472764 FS401 M-B 32/0.03 2CCL562110E1325 2 0.2 1
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
RCBOs FS401 series 10 000 A K y Type F
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
RCBOs FS403 series 10 000 - 6000 A y type and
short time delay Type F
Rated voltage Un 240/415V
Number of poles 4
Rated frequency fn 50/60 Hz
Rated breaking capacity Icn 10 kA (10 A to 16 A)
6 kA (20 A to 32 A)
Current limitation class 3
Total cut-off time acc. to EN 61009
at In 40 ms
FS 403 M
at 5x In 25 ms
Connection cross-section max. 25 mm2 flexible wire with wire end sleeve
Terminal at load side Possible to connect 2 wires in one chamber.
Both chambers could be used with two different
Tightening torque 2.8 Nm
Degree of protection IP20
Endurance >5000
Resistance to climate EN 61009
Ambient temperature –25° C … +40° C
Mounting position any
Vibration resistance EN 61009
Plastic parts halogen-free
Contacts cadmium-free
Standard EN61009-1, SEV, VDE
Auxiliary- and signal contacts are to attach on to the left of the device through the customer.
Please notice:
For the influence of the ambient temperature and the thermal influences of row mounted RCBO’s it is necessary to calculate
with the same correction factors like with MCBs.
Please see in Chapter 2 of Electrical installation solutions for buildings - Technical details.
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
RCBOs FS403 series 10 000 - 6000 A y type and
short time delay Type F
FS403 M A type, B and C characteristic
Function: protection of end user single-phase circuits against overload and short-circuit
currents; protection against the effects of sinusoidal alternating and direct pulsating earth
fault currents; protection against indirect contact and additional protection against direct
contact (IΔn = 30 mA).
Application: residential, commercial, industrial.
Standard: IEC/EN 61009, Icn = 6 kA, Icn =10 kA
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
RCBOs FS403 series 10 000 - 6000 A y type and
short time delay Type F
B, 10 kA according to EN61009-1 short time delayed (APR) Type F
Poles Sensi- Rated Rated Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
tivity current breaking 761227 1 1 piece unit
capacity piece
IDn mA In A Icn kA EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
4 30 6 10 1470951 FS403MK-B6/0.03 2CCL564310E0065 0.410 1
10 10 1470999 FS403MK-B10/0.03 2CCL564310E0105 0.410 1
13 10 1471033 FS403MK-B13/0.03 2CCL564310E0135 0.410 1
16 10 1471071 FS403MK-B16/0.03 2CCL564310E0165 0.410 1
FS 403 M 20 10 1470777 FS403MK-B20/0.03 2CCL564310E0205 0.410 1
25 10 1470814 FS403MK-B25/0.03 2CCL564310E0255 0.410 1
32 10 1470852 FS403MK-B32/0.03 2CCL564310E0325 0.410 1
IDn mA In A Icn kA EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
4 30 6 10 1470937 FS403MK-C6/0.03 2CCL564310E0064 0.410 1
10 10 1470975 FS403MK-C10/0.03 2CCL564310E0104 0.410 1
13 10 1471019 FS403MK-C13/0.03 2CCL564310E0134 0.410 1
16 10 1471057 FS403MK-C16/0.03 2CCL564310E0164 0.410 1
20 10 1470753 FS403MK-C20/0.03 2CCL564310E0204 0.410 1
25 10 1470791 FS403MK-C25/0.03 2CCL564310E0254 0.410 1
32 10 1470838 FS403MK-C32/0.03 2CCL564310E0324 0.410 1
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Surge arrester
The type 2 surge arresters in the QuickSafe product range are suitable for protecting e
low voltage systems and terminals in the 240/415 V system. The devices can be used as type 2
surge arresters within the scope of the lightning protection zone concept at zone transition
0B–1 and higher. The high nominal discharge capability of 20 kA makes it possible for the equip-
ment to have a longer service life in comparison to the minimum requirements of the standard.
The devices consist of a basic unit and pluggable protection modules, which can be removed
extremely easily to carry out insulation measurement. They are fully compatible with SMISSLINE
installation devices and the surge arresters in the ABB System pro M model series. The surge ar-
resters are tested as type 2 arresters in accordance with the EN/IEC 61643-11 test standard.
The over voltage protection device “OVR” will be installed near the front of the protected
consumers conditioning.
The surge arrester is to be mounted right after the Incoming block of the socket system.
The OVR404 is snapped directly onto the SMISSLINE bus bar system.
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Surge arrester
Electrical features
Standard IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11 IEC 61643-11/EN 61643-11
Type / test class Type 2 Type 2
Number of pole 4 4
Nominal voltage UN (L-N, L-L) 240/415 V 240/415 V
Type of voltage a. c. 45–65 Hz a. c. 45–65 Hz
Max. cont. operating voltage Uc 275 V AC 275 V AC
Nominal discharge current In (8/20) 20 kA 20 kA
Maximum discharge current Imax (8/20) 40 kA 40 kA
Maximum impulse current Iimp (10/350) 2 kV 2 kA
Voltage protection level Up at In (L-N / N-PE / L-PE) 1.5 kV 1.25/1.4/1.5 kV
Voltage protection level Up at 3 kA (L-N / N-PE / L-PE) 0.5 kV 0.8/1.4/0.85 kV
Voltage protection level Up at 5 kA (L-N / N-PE / L-PE) 0.7 kV 0.85/1.4/0.95 kV
Voltage protection level Up at 10 kA (L-N / N-PE / L-PE) 0.9 kV 1/1.4/1.15 kV
TOV (Temporary overvoltage) withstand Ut (L-N: 5s./N-PE: 200 ms) 337/- V 337/1200 V
Response time Response time ≤ 25 ns ≤ 25 ns
Short-circuit withstand capability Isccr 100 kA 100 kA
Back up prootection circuit breaker ≤ 125 A; S800S B ≤ 125 A; S800S B
Pluggable cartridge Yes Yes
Integrated QuickSafe® technology Yes Yes
State indicator Yes Yes
Auxiliary contact (TS) Yes Yes
Wire range (L, N, PE) 2.5…25 mm² 2.5…25 mm²
cable or rope cable or rope
Connection cross-section 2.5…16 mm² litz wire with ferrule 2.5…16 mm² litz wire with ferrule
Tightening torque 2.8 Nm 2.8 Nm
Back up protection
Typ 2 QuickSafe® Prospective short circuit Circuit breaker maximum ratings 1) Fuse 2)
Surge Protective Devices current at SPD location (Ip) curve B or C (gL - gG)
Maximum ratings
In: 5, 20, 30 kA 0,625 kA < Ip < 100 kA S800S B or C – 125 A 2) 125 A fuse
Uc: 275, 350, 440, 600 V
1) Maximum ratings, must be in accordance with the installation to follow coordination rules with main or upstream short circuit protection(s).
2) up to Ip ≤ 50 kA
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SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Surge arrester
Isn (8/20 µs)
kA EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
20 1455491 OVR404 4L 2CCF606000R0001 0.470 1
40-275 P TS
20 1455507 OVR404 3N 2CCF606002R0001 0.450 1
OVR404 40-275 P TS
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Switch disconnector
Plastic parts halogen-free
Contacts cadmium-free
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Switch disconnector
IS404 63
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Auxiliary elements and accessories
2 HK / 1 HK, 1 SK
AS400 / ZLS931
AS400 / ZLS931
AS400 / ZLS931
2 HK / 1HK, 1 SK
2 HK / 1HK, 1 SK
F404 L2
AS400 / ZLS931
2 HK / 1 HK, 1 SK
2 HK / 1 HK, 1 SK
AS400 / ZLS931
AS400 / ZLS931
2 HK
L2 L2
FS401 FS402
2 SBH / 1 SBS, 1 SBH
2 HK / 1 HK, 1 SK
AS400 / ZLS931
SBS10 / SBS01
1 auxiliary switch
or 1 signal contact
or 2 auxiliary contact switches
or 1 auxiliary switch and 1 signal contact 1 3 5
L1 L2 L3
T1 T1 T1
2 4 6 N
MS325 FS403
Contact description signal contact
97 05 97 07 95 05
98 06 98 08 96 06
SK40011 SK40020 SK40002
14 22 14 24 12 22
9/34 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Adapter for motor starter MS116, MS132, MS325
ZMS 915 MS325 / ZMS 916 MS325, ZMS 917 MS325, ZMS 918 � MS325, ZMS 919 � MS325,
ZLS 5.., I n max. 32 A I n max. 20 A I n max. 20 A In max. 20 A In max. 20 A
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Auxiliary switch and signal contacts
MCB S400, RCCB F404, RCCB F402, RCBO FS401
Technical data for auxiliary switch and signal contact
Signal contact Auxiliary switch
SK400 HK400
Rated voltage Un 400 V 400 V
Rated impulse withstand voltage 4 kV 4 kV
Rated current
– Ith 6 A 6 A
– AC15 2 A/230 V / 1 A/400 V 2 A/230 V / 1 A/400 V
– DC13 0.55 A/125 V= 0.55 A/125 V=
– DC13 0.27 A/250 V= 0.27 A/250 V=
Minimum current/voltage 10 mA 12 V= 10 mA 12 V=
(to ensure reliable electrical operation)
Connection cross-sections 2 x 1.5 mm2 strand with sleeve 2 x 1.5 mm2 strand with sleeve
Plastic parts Free of halogen und cadmium Free of halogen und cadmium
Internal resistance Ri 0.0065 Ω 0.0065 Ω
Power loss at rated current Pv 0.24 W 0.24 W
Ambient temperature Tmax. +55 ºC Tmin –25 ºC Tmax. +55 ºC Tmin –25 ºC
Tightening torque 1 Nm 1 Nm
9/36 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Auxiliary switch and signal contacts
MCB S400, RCCB F404, RCCB F402, RCBO FS401
Auxiliary switch
The auxiliary switch and signal contacts are supplied with one contacting piece. The signal con-
tact collective alarm are supplied with two contacting pieces.
for left side mounting on MCB S400, RCCB F402, RCBO FS401, FS403
Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
761227 1 piece 1 piece unit
EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
1NO and 1NC 0100910 HK40011-L 2CCS500900R0081 0.045 10
2NO 0111183 HK40020-L 2CCF201112R0001 0.040 10
2NC 0111190 HK40002-L 2CCF201114R0001 0.040 10
for right side mounting on RCCB F404, MCB S400 and IS404
1NO and 1NC 0108619 HK40011-R 2CCS500900R0214 0.045 10
2NO 0111206 HK40020-R 2CCF201113R0001 0.040 10
2NC 0111213 HK40002-R 2CCF201115R0001 0.040 10
Signal contacts
for left side mounting on MCB S400, RCCB F402, RCBO FS401, FS403
Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
761227 1 piece 1 piece unit
for right side mounting on RCCB F404 and MCB S400
1NO and 1NC 0108626 SK40011-R 2CCS500900R0215 0.045 10
2NO 0111121 SK40020-R 2CCF201163R0001 0.040 10
2NC 0111138 SK40002-R 2CCF201165R0001 0.040 10
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Dummy, housing, Neutral disconnector, shunt trip
Contacting piece for 0100972 ZLS632 2CCS500900R0171 0.200 Pack
HK/SK LA, LB contains
Pack contains 100 100 items
Contacting piece for 0109265 ZLS635 2CC5201307R0171 0.020 Pack
HK/SK LA, LB contains
Pack contains 10 items 10 items
Contact Pin 0108640 ZLS633 2CCS500900R0201 Pack
10 items
Neutral disconnector
On the load side terminal two separate conductors can be clamped
Connection Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
support 761227 1 piece 1 piece unit
Shunt trip
Function: remote opening of the device when a voltage is applied.
Suitable for MCBs S400 series.
Rated voltage Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
801254 1 piece 1 piece unit
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Approvals according to IEC/EN 61439-6. Busbar system 125 A.
Rated conditional short-circuit Incoming current of main busbars Short circuit protection device
current (Icc) (L1, L2, L3, N) (SCPD)
250 A
Tmax 250 A
200 A
690 V/200 A Tmax 250 A
160 A
50 kA (690 V) 690 V/160 A Tmax 250 A
NH00 gG
63 A Type S803S in combination with
690 V/63 A
Type S803S-SCL63-SR
Incoming current
of auxiliary busbars (LA LB)
50 kA (415 V) 40 A
690 V/40 A Type S800 with 240 V/415 V
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Technical data IEC and technical data UL508
Busbar system 125 A
SMISSLINE TP system for UL 508 – Industrial Control Equipment,
CSA C22.2 No. 14-13 – Industrial Control Equipment File 20170427-E22211
Maximum 125 A 150 A, 250 A 150A, 250A 30 A 32 A, 63 A 32 A, 100 A, 32 A 32 A
nominal current (double (double 150 A
feeding) feeding)
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Starter pack Touch proof 3L – 125 A system
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Starter pack Touch proof 3LN – 125 A system
Starter Pack 3LN: L1, L2, L3, N inclusive socket end piece
Solutions Busbars length Busbars length Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
available incl. Socket 761227 1 piece 1 piece unit
end piece
mm mm EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
18 PLE 3LN 364 320 1426521 ZLS905E18-3LN 2CCA183234R0001 0.615 1
20 PLE 3LN 401 355 1413248 ZLS905E20-3LN 2CCA183101R0001 0.724 1
22 PLE 3LN 437 391 1413262 ZLS905E22-3LN 2CCA183103R0001 0.789 1
24 PLE 3LN 473 427 1413286 ZLS905E24-3LN 2CCA183105R0001 0.800 1
26 PLE 3LN 509 463 1413408 ZLS905E26-3LN 2CCA183107R0001 0.926 1
28 PLE 3LN 545 499 1413422 ZLS905E28-3LN 2CCA183109R0001 0.970 1
30 PLE 3LN 581 535 1413446 ZLS905E30-3LN 2CCA183111R0001 1.046 1
32 PLE 3LN 617 571 1413460 ZLS905E32-3LN 2CCA183113R0001 1.120 1
34 PLE 3LN 653 607 1413484 ZLS905E34-3LN 2CCA183115R0001 1.193 1
36 PLE 3LN 689 643 1413507 ZLS905E36-3LN 2CCA183117R0001 1.2.57 1
38 PLE 3LN 725 679 1413521 ZLS905E38-3LN 2CCA183119R0001 1.322 1
40 PLE 3LN 761 715 1413545 ZLS905E40-3LN 2CCA183121R0001 1.387 1
42 PLE 3LN 797 751 1413569 ZLS905E42-3LN 2CCA183123R0001 1.459 1
44 PLE 3LN 833 787 1413583 ZLS905E44-3LN 2CCA183125R0001 1.524 1
46 PLE 3LN 869 823 1413606 ZLS905E46-3LN 2CCA183127R0001 1.589 1
48 PLE 3LN 905 859 1413620 ZLS905E48-3LN 2CCA183129R0001 1.653 1
50 PLE 3LN 941 896 1413644 ZLS905E50-3LN 2CCA183131R0001 1.726 1
52 PLE 3LN 977 932 1413668 ZLS905E52-3LN 2CCA183133R0001 1.791 1
54 PLE 3LN 1013 968 1413682 ZLS905E54-3LN 2CCA183135R0001 1.855 1
56 PLE 3LN 1049 1004 1413705 ZLS905E56-3LN 2CCA183137R0001 1.920 1
58 PLE 3LN 1058 1040 1413729 ZLS905E58-3LN 2CCA183139R0001 1.992 1
60 PLE 3LN 1122 1076 1413743 ZLS905E60-3LN 2CCA183141R0001 2.057 1
62 PLE 3LN 1158 1112 1413767 ZLS905E62-3LN 2CCA183143R0001 2.122 1
64 PLE 3LN 1194 1148 1413781 ZLS905E64-3LN 2CCA183145R0001 2.186 1
66 PLE 3LN 1230 1184 1413804 ZLS905E66-3LN 2CCA183147R0001 2.259 1
68 PLE 3LN 1266 1220 1413828 ZLS905E68-3LN 2CCA183149R0001 2.324 1
70 PLE 3LN 1302 1256 1413842 ZLS905E70-3LN 2CCA183151R0001 2.388 1
72 PLE 3LN 1338 1292 1413866 ZLS905E72-3LN 2CCA183153R0001 2.453 1
74 PLE 3LN 1374 1328 1413880 ZLS905E74-3LN 2CCA183155R0001 2.526 1
76 PLE 3LN 1410 1364 1413903 ZLS905E76-3LN 2CCA183157R0001 2.590 1
78 PLE 3LN 1446 1400 1413927 ZLS905E78-3LN 2CCA183159R0001 2.655 1
80 PLE 3LN 1482 1436 1413941 ZLS905E80-3LN 2CCA183161R0001 2.719 1
9/42 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Starter pack Touch proof 3L LA LB – 125 A system
Starter Pack 3LLALB: L1, L2, L3, LA, LB inclusive socket end piece
Solutions Busbars length Busbars length Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
available incl. Socket 761227 1 piece 1 piece unit
end piece
mm mm EAN Type code Order code kg pc.
18 PLE 3L LA LB 364 320 1426538 ZLS905E18-3LLALB 2CCA183233R0001 0.586 1
20 PLE 3L LA LB 401 355 1416904 ZLS905E20-3LLALB 2CCA183162R0001 0.753 1
22 PLE 3L LA LB 437 391 1416911 ZLS905E22-3LLALB 2CCA183164R0001 0.821 1
24PLE 3L LA LB 473 427 1416928 ZLS905E24-3LLALB 2CCA183166R0001 0.835 1
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Starter pack Touch proof 3LN LA LB – 125 A system
Starter Pack 3LNLALB: L1, L2, L3, N, LA, LB inclusive socket end piece
Solutions Busbars length Busbars length Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
available incl. Socket 761227 1 piece 1 piece unit
end piece
mm mm EAN kg pc.
Type code Order code
18 PLE 3LN LA LB 364 320 1426545 ZLS905E18-3LNLALB 2CCA183235R0001 0.671 1
20 PLE 3LN LA LB 401 355 1417215 ZLS905E20-3LNLALB 2CCA183163R0001 0.841 1
22 PLE 3LN LA LB 437 391 1417222 ZLS905E22-3LNLALB 2CCA183165R0001 0.917 1
24PLE 3LN LA LB 473 427 1417239 ZLS905E24-3LNLALB 2CCA183167R0001 0.939 1
26PLE 3LN LA LB 509 463 1417246 ZLS905E26-3LNLALB 2CCA183169R0001 1.078 1
28PLE 3LN LA LB 545 499 1417253 ZLS905E28-3LNLALB 2CCA183171R0001 1.133 1
30PLE 3LN LA LB 581 535 1417260 ZLS905E30-3LNLALB 2CCA183173R0001 1.238 1
32PLE 3LN LA LB 617 571 1417277 ZLS905E32-3LNLALB 2CCA183175R0001 1.306 1
34PLE 3LN LA LB 653 607 1417284 ZLS905E34-3LNLALB 2CCA183177R0001 1.391 1
36PLE 3LN LA LB 689 643 1417291 ZLS905E36-3LNLALB 2CCA183179R0001 1.467 1
38PLE 3LN LA LB 725 679 1417307 ZLS905E38-3LNLALB 2CCA183181R0001 1.543 1
40PLE 3LN LA LB 761 715 1417314 ZLS905E40-3LNLALB 2CCA183183R0001 1.619 1
42PLE 3LN LA LB 797 751 1417321 ZLS905E42-3LNLALB 2CCA183185R0001 1.704 1
44PLE 3LN LA LB 833 787 1417338 ZLS905E44-3LNLALB 2CCA183187R0001 1.780 1
46PLE 3LN LA LB 869 823 1417345 ZLS905E46-3LNLALB 2CCA183189R0001 1.856 1
48PLE 3LN LA LB 905 859 1417352 ZLS905E48-3LNLALB 2CCA183191R0001 1.933 1
50PLE 3LN LA LB 941 896 1417369 ZLS905E50-3LNLALB 2CCA183193R0001 2.017 1
52PLE 3LN LA LB 977 932 1417376 ZLS905E52-3LNLALB 2CCA183195R0001 2.093 1
54PLE 3LN LA LB 1013 968 1417383 ZLS905E54-3LNLALB 2CCA183197R0001 2.169 1
56PLE 3LN LA LB 1049 1004 1417390 ZLS905E56-3LNLALB 2CCA183199R0001 2.246 1
58PLE 3LN LA LB 1058 1040 1417406 ZLS905E58-3LNLALB 2CCA183201R0001 2.330 1
60PLE 3LN LA LB 1122 1076 1417413 ZLS905E60-3LNLALB 2CCA183203R0001 2.406 1
62PLE 3LN LA LB 1158 1112 1417505 ZLS905E62-3LNLALB 2CCA183205R0001 2.482 1
64PLE 3LN LA LB 1194 1148 1419172 ZLS905E64-3LNLALB 2CCA183207R0001 2.559 1
66PLE 3LN LA LB 1230 1184 1417420 ZLS905E66-3LNLALB 2CCA183209R0001 2.643 1
68PLE 3LN LA LB 1266 1220 1417437 ZLS905E68-3LNLALB 2CCA183211R0001 2.719 1
70 PLE 3LN LA LB 1302 1256 1417444 ZLS905E70-3LNLALB 2CCA183213R0001 2.796 1
72PLE 3LN LA LB 1338 1292 1417451 ZLS905E72-3LNLALB 2CCA183215R0001 2.872 1
74PLE 3LN LA LB 1374 1328 1417468 ZLS905E74-3LNLALB 2CCA183217R0001 2.956 1
76PLE 3LN LA LB 1410 1364 1417475 ZLS905E76-3LNLALB 2CCA183219R0001 3.032 1
78PLE 3LN LA LB 1446 1400 1417482 ZLS905E78-3LNLALB 2CCA183221R0001 3.109 1
80PLE 3LN LA LB 1482 1436 1417499 ZLS905E80-3LNLALB 2CCA183223R0001 3.185 1
9/4 4 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Snap mounting
Pull down the slide with a screwdriver until it latches (socket can be moved).
Press on front of slid:
Fixed position
(Sockets fixed)
Socket base
Description/ Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
application 761227 1 piece 1 piece unit
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Busbars, Socket end piece – 125 A system
1979 mm. The same busbar type is used, regardless whether it is fitted in the socket (L1, L2,
L3, N) or in the additional socket (N, PE). The busbars are inserted in to the socket from the
ZLS20 Auxiliary busbars for the socket ZLS202
The 5 x 2 mm auxiliary busbars are intended for a common power supply of auxiliary switches
and signal contacts. They are also plated and their max. delivery length is 1979 mm.
Like the main busbars, the auxiliary busbars are inserted in holders LA and LB from the front.
Of course, only on auxiliary busbar can be fitted.
Busbars for the sockets
Description/ Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
application 761227 1 piece 1 piece unit
1979 mm
40 A auxiliary busbar 0015719 ZLS202 2CCF002773R0001 0.240 10
5 x 2 mm, for LA und LB
– Delivery length
1979 mm
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Incoming terminal block and components – 125 A system
act directly on the busbars and thereby fix the incoming terminal component. The incoming ter-
minal component, L1, L2, L3 and N can be combined to meet specific needs. A maximum cable
cross-section of 95 mm2 can be connected to the incoming terminal component.
Incoming terminal component 10 mm2 to 95 mm2 max. 1 wire
Version Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
ZLS95 761227 1 piece 1 piece unit
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Incoming terminal block and components – 125 A system
The incoming terminal block is used to connect cables directly to the busbars. The terminals
act directly on the busbars and therefore fix the incoming terminal block. Removable
terminal tops permit the connection of continous conductrors (risers) white horizontal
or vertical cable entry is also possible.
Instead of using the incoming terminal block, the power supply can also be realized via
a device (e.g. residual current operated circuit breaker, miniature circuit breaker or switch
Power supply in centre, maximum 160 A.
A maximum of 125 A is permitted on either side. A total of 160 A must not be exceeded.
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Incoming terminal block and components – 125 A system
Incoming terminal block, low, complete with main terminals, construction height 36 mm
50 mm2 (2 x 25 mm2), 3LN 0019854 ZLS228 2CCF015200R0001 0.180 1
50 mm2 (2 x 25 mm2), 3L 0019861 ZLS229 2CCF015201R0001 0.150 1
50 mm2 (2 x 25 mm2), 3LN right 1465254 ZLS228R 2CCF180157R0001 0.180 1
50 mm2 (2 x 25 mm2), 3L right 1465261 ZLS229R 2CCF180158R0001 0.150 1
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Terminals for additional socket – 125 A system
Additional socket
The additional socket can easily be fitted onto the socket base to accomodate the external N
and/or PE busbars. This enables neutral connections to be made where single-pole
miniature circuit breakers are used with unswitched neutral. Neutral terminals are clipped
onto the additional socket and can be used as detachable neutral connections. One N
ZLS928 busbar and/or one PE busbar can be fitted. Each socket base can be equipped with an
additional socket. Because it contains an integrated 35 mm DIN-rail snap-on feature, the ex-
ternal N or PE busbars can be fitted anywhere in the distribution panel, even separatly from
the system. The additional sockets can be covered to prevent accidental contact with live
ZLS926 -module socket
8 1420444 ZLS928 2CCA183630R0001 0.034 10
(suitable for 8-module
-module socket
6 1420437 ZLS926 2CCA183635R0001 0.026 10
(suitable for 6-module
9/50 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Terminals TP, additional socket
EAN kg pc.
PE 10 mm2 1487041 ZLS919 2CCA183441R0001 0.012 Set à 10
PE 35 mm2 1486921 ZLS929 2CCA183387R0001 0.030 10
PE 95 mm2 1487164 ZLS959 2CCA672510R0001 0.100 1
Insulator block
The dark grey insulator block isolates the interrupted bus bar ends from one another and simulta-
neously marks the disconnection point externally.
Description/ Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
application 761227 1 piece 1 piece unit
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Socket accessories
Intermediate piece
Description/ Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
application 761227 1 piece 1 piece unit
Busbar insulator ZLS938
The dark grey busbar insulator electrically isolates the separated busbar ends from each other
(e.g. when using several RCD protected groups) and also identifies the isolation point from out-
side. It conforms with the device profile and its space requirement is 1 module.
Busbar insulator
dark grey, for isolation and 1418205 ZLS938 2CCA205611R0001 0.001 1
spacing of separate busbar
sections, 18 mm
Busbar cover
electrically protected 0015603 ZLS100 2CCF002762R0001 0.095 1
covering of main and
auxiliary busbars.
The 4 modules cover can be
Suitable to accept
extension adapter ZLS 101
4 x18 mm
– bag containing 5 items
Add-on adapter
18 mm wide, can be plugged 0015610 ZLS101 2CCF002763R0001 0.002 10
on busbar cover ZLS100.
To mount conventional DIN
devices with 45 m cap size.
– bag containing 10 items
9/52 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Combi module 32 A (lN), 6 A (lA, lB)
MS116/132 + AF contactor
Combi module for MS116/MS132 and AF contactor
Description/ Bbn Order details Price Weight Pack
application 761227 1 piece 1 piece unit
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Locking device
Locking device
Padlock adapter 3 mm 0104833 SA 1 GJF1101903R0001 0.023 1
– Bag containing 10
Padlock 0104857 SA 2 GJF1101903R0002 0.020 1
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SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Universal adapters 32 A and 63 A
Universal Adapter
Multipole universal adapter can plugged
together with single adapters and the
connection piece E210SPV.
L1 or L2 or L3
L1 or L2 or L3
L1 or L2 or L3
E210-SPV N
Adapter 63A
L1/L2/L3 wire top ZLS972 1 144 4709 ZLS972 2CCA180555R0001 0.024 1
L1/L2/L3 wire bottom 1 144 4716 ZLS973 2CCA180556R0001 0.024 1
N wire top ZLS972N 1 144 4808 ZLS972N 2CCA180557R0001 0.024 1
N wire bottom ZLS973N 1 144 4730 ZLS973N 2CCA180558R0001 0.024 1
Adapter 25A UL489, adapter can be only used together with ABB Pro M MCB S200 UL489
L1/L2/L3 Litze o. ZLS970 UL 1 144 4822 ZLS970UL 2CCA337020R0001 0.021 1
L1/L2/L3 Litze u. ZLS971 UL 1 144 4839 ZLS971UL 2CCA337021R0001 0.021 1
Adapter 45A UL489, adapter can be only used together with ABB Pro M MCB S200 UL489
L1/L2/L3 Litze o. ZLS972 UL 1 144 4860 ZLS972UL 2CCA337024R0001 0.025 1
L1/L2/L3 Litze u. ZLS973 UL 1 144 4877 ZLS973UL 2CCA337025R0001 0.025 1
Dummy housing
1 144 4556 ZLS964 2CCA180550R0001 0.011 1
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Universal adapters - 27mm wide Solution for S800
Simple mounting S800 MCB on SMISSLINE TP system with 27mm wide universal adapter.
Assembly to plug-in socket system with universal adapter and S800. The maximum rated
current of outgoing circuits (Inc) max. 50A for S800 with ZLS972X, ZLS973X.
S800 1P ZLS97X ZLS965 ZLS965 ZLS97X S800 2P ZLS97X ZLS964 ZLS97X
27 mm 27 mm 27 mm
1.5 PLE 1.5 PLE 1.5 PLE
S800 3P ZLS97X ZLS964 ZLS97X ZLS97X ZLS965 S800 4P ZLS97X ZLS964 ZLS97X ZLS965 ZLS97X ZLS965 ZLS97X
In max. In max. In max. In max. In max. In max. In max.
L1 - L2 - L3 SPV L1 - L2 - L3 L1 - L2 - L3 L1 - L2 - L3 L1 - L2 - L3 L1 - L2 - L3 L1 - L2 - L3
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Busbars 40 A and 125 A
Planning for the incorporation of feeder block and spare places should be taken into account.
The total lengths given above were calculated taking socket spacings and tolerances into account.
For this reason, the indicated busbar length is not necessarily a multiple of 18 mm (1 Module).
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Technical data according to IEC/EN 61439-6
Power Bar System 250 A
Busbar system touch proof:
Use only for wall mounted application (horizontal or vertical).
When installed correctly the requirements of EN/IEC 61439-2 are met.
Number of poles: max. 6 to 110
3p+N / 2 additional bars PE+N
Rated operational voltage (Ue): 690 VAC, 1000 VDC
(400 VAC, 250 VDC when used for load-free snap on and off under power)
Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Main circuit: 690 VAC, 1000 VDC
Rated insulation voltage (Ui) Auxilary circuit: 415 VAC
IP Code: IP20B
Mounting position: horizontal or vertical, direct mounting or mounting on DIN rail
acc. to EN 60715 35 mm
Pollution degree: 3 (690 V a.c.) 2 (1000 V d.c.)
Rated impulse voltage (Uimp): 8 kV mainbusbars; 6 KV auxillary busbars
Rated current of the assembly (InA) : max. 250 A side feeding; max. 400A double side feed, or double center
Auxiliary circuit: max. 40 A
Rated current of a circuit (Inc) : Main circuit: Max. 100 A
Rated current of Auxiliary circuit: 40 A
Rated short-time withstand current (Icw): 15 kA/100 ms System on Din rail 1979 mm long
17 kA/100 mS System screwed on plate 1400 mm long
Auxiliary circuit: 4 kA / 50 ms
Rated peak withstand current Main circuit (Ipk): Main circuit: 30 kA
Rated peak withstand current Auxilary circuit (Ipk): 6 kA
Rated frequency (f): 50/60 Hz
Rated conditional short-circuit current (Icc): see table below
Ambient air temperature: max. 60°C
Size of CU bars 3P+N+PE: 3 x25 mm (75 mm2)
Size of CU auxiliary bars La Lb: 2 x 5 mm (10 mm2)
Rated conditional short-circuit Incoming current of main busbars Short circuit protection device
current (Icc) at 415 VAC (L1, L2, L3, N) (SCPD)
400 A
690 V/400 A Tmax 400 A
50 kA (690 V) NH2 gG ABB
250 A
100 KA (415 V) 690 V/250 A Tmax T/XT 250 A
Incoming current
of auxiliary busbars (LA LB)
NH00 gG
50 kA (415 V) 40 A Type S800 in combination with
500 V/40 A
(240 V/415 V AC)
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SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Starter 3L
Power Bar System 250 A
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Starter 3LN
Power Bar System 250 A
Starter Pack 3L: L1, L2, L3, N included socket end piece
Solutions Type ABB EAN number Pack Moduls Weight
available name IT number 761 227 unit (1 PLE 18mm) in grams
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 30 ZLSP950E30-3LN 2CCF212300A0001 148 9069 1 30PLE-3LN 2122
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 32 ZLSP950E32-3LN 2CCF212301A0001 148 9083 1 32PLE-3LN 2253
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 34 ZLSP950E34-3LN 2CCF212302A0001 148 9106 1 34PLE-3LN 2396
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 36 ZLSP950E36-3LN 2CCF212303A0001 148 9120 1 36PLE-3LN 2527
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 38 ZLSP950E38-3LN 2CCF212304A0001 148 9144 1 38PLE-3LN 2659
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 40 ZLSP950E40-3LN 2CCF212305A0001 148 9168 1 40PLE-3LN 2791
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 42 ZLSP950E42-3LN 2CCF212306A0001 148 9182 1 42PLE-3LN 2933
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 44 ZLSP950E44-3LN 2CCF212307A0001 148 9205 1 44PLE-3LN 3065
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 46 ZLSP950E46-3LN 2CCF212308A0001 148 9229 1 46PLE-3LN 3197
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 48 ZLSP950E48-3LN 2CCF212309A0001 148 9243 1 48PLE-3LN 3328
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 50 ZLSP950E50-3LN 2CCF212310A0001 148 9267 1 50PLE-3LN 3471
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 52 ZLSP950E52-3LN 2CCF212311A0001 148 9281 1 52PLE-3LN 3603
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 54 ZLSP950E54-3LN 2CCF212312A0001 148 9304 1 54PLE-3LN 3734
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 56 ZLSP950E56-3LN 2CCF212313A0001 148 9328 1 56PLE-3LN 3866
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 58 ZLSP950E58-3LN 2CCF212314A0001 148 9342 1 58PLE-3LN 4008
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 60 ZLSP950E60-3LN 2CCF212315A0001 148 9366 1 60PLE-3LN 4140
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 62 ZLSP950E62-3LN 2CCF212316A0001 148 9380 1 62PLE-3LN 4272
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 64 ZLSP950E64-3LN 2CCF212317A0001 148 9403 1 64PLE-3LN 4403
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 66 ZLSP950E66-3LN 2CCF212318A0001 148 9427 1 66PLE-3LN 4546
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 68 ZLSP950E68-3LN 2CCF212319A0001 148 9441 1 68PLE-3LN 4678
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 70 ZLSP950E70-3LN 2CCF212320A0001 148 9465 1 70PLE-3LN 4809
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 72 ZLSP950E72-3LN 2CCF212321A0001 148 9489 1 72PLE-3LN 4941
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 74 ZLSP950E74-3LN 2CCF212322A0001 148 9502 1 74PLE-3LN 5084
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 76 ZLSP950E76-3LN 2CCF212323A0001 148 9526 1 76PLE-3LN 5215
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 78 ZLSP950E78-3LN 2CCF212324A0001 148 9540 1 78PLE-3LN 5347
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 80 ZLSP950E80-3LN 2CCF212325A0001 148 9564 1 80PLE-3LN 5478
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 82 ZLSP950E82-3LN 2CCF212326A0001 148 9588 1 82PLE-3LN 5621
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 84 ZLSP950E84-3LN 2CCF212327A0001 148 9601 1 84PLE-3LN 5753
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 86 ZLSP950E86-3LN 2CCF212328A0001 148 9625 1 86PLE-3LN 5884
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 88 ZLSP950E88-3LN 2CCF212329A0001 148 9649 1 88PLE-3LN 6016
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 90 ZLSP950E90-3LN 2CCF212330A0001 148 9663 1 90PLE-3LN 6159
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 92 ZLSP950E92-3LN 2CCF212331A0001 148 9687 1 92PLE-3LN 6290
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 94 ZLSP950E94-3LN 2CCF212332A0001 148 9700 1 94PLE-3LN 6422
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 96 ZLSP950E96-3LN 2CCF212333A0001 148 9724 1 96PLE-3LN 6554
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 98 ZLSP950E98-3LN 2CCF212334A0001 148 9748 1 98PLE-3LN 6696
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 100 ZLSP950E100-3LN 2CCF212335A0001 148 9762 1 100PLE-3LN 6828
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 102 ZLSP950E102-3LN 2CCF212336A0001 148 9786 1 102PLE-3LN 6959
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 104 ZLSP950E104-3LN 2CCF212337A0001 148 9809 1 104PLE-3LN 7091
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 106 ZLSP950E106-3LN 2CCF212338A0001 148 9823 1 106PLE-3LN 7234
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 108 ZLSP950E108-3LN 2CCF212339A0001 148 9847 1 108PLE-3LN 7365
Starter Pack 3LN PLE 110 ZLSP950E110-3LN 2CCF212340A0001 148 9861 1 110PLE-3LN 7463
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SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Starter 3LN LA LB
Power Bar System 250 A
Starter Pack 3L: L1, L2, L3,N, LA, LB included socket end piece
Solutions Type ABB EAN number Pack Moduls Weight
available name IT number 761 227 unit (1 PLE 18mm) in grams
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 30 ZLSP950E30-3LNLALB 2CCF212400A0001 148 9885 1 30PLE-3LNLALB 2480
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 32 ZLSP950E32-3LNLALB 2CCF212401A0001 148 9908 1 32PLE-3LNLALB 2611
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 34 ZLSP950E34-3LNLALB 2CCF212402A0001 148 9922 1 34PLE-3LNLALB 2754
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 36 ZLSP950E36-3LNLALB 2CCF212403A0001 148 9946 1 36PLE-3LNLALB 2885
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 38 ZLSP950E38-3LNLALB 2CCF212404A0001 148 9960 1 38PLE-3LNLALB 3017
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 40 ZLSP950E40-3LNLALB 2CCF212405A0001 148 9984 1 40PLE-3LNLALB 3149
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 42 ZLSP950E42-3LNLALB 2CCF212406A0001 149 0003 1 42PLE-3LNLALB 3291
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 44 ZLSP950E44-3LNLALB 2CCF212407A0001 149 0027 1 44PLE-3LNLALB 3423
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 46 ZLSP950E46-3LNLALB 2CCF212408A0001 149 0041 1 46PLE-3LNLALB 3555
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 48 ZLSP950E48-3LNLALB 2CCF212409A0001 149 0065 1 48PLE-3LNLALB 3686
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 50 ZLSP950E50-3LNLALB 2CCF212410A0001 149 0089 1 50PLE-3LNLALB 3829
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 52 ZLSP950E52-3LNLALB 2CCF212411A0001 149 0102 1 52PLE-3LNLALB 3961
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 54 ZLSP950E54-3LNLALB 2CCF212412A0001 149 0126 1 54PLE-3LNLALB 4092
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 56 ZLSP950E56-3LNLALB 2CCF212413A0001 149 0140 1 56PLE-3LNLALB 4224
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 58 ZLSP950E58-3LNLALB 2CCF212414A0001 149 0164 1 58PLE-3LNLALB 4366
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 60 ZLSP950E60-3LNLALB 2CCF212415A0001 149 0188 1 60PLE-3LNLALB 4498
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 62 ZLSP950E62-3LNLALB 2CCF212416A0001 149 0201 1 62PLE-3LNLALB 4630
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 64 ZLSP950E64-3LNLALB 2CCF212417A0001 149 0225 1 64PLE-3LNLALB 4761
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 66 ZLSP950E66-3LNLALB 2CCF212418A0001 149 0249 1 66PLE-3LNLALB 4904
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 68 ZLSP950E68-3LNLALB 2CCF212419A0001 149 0263 1 68PLE-3LNLALB 5036
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 70 ZLSP950E70-3LNLALB 2CCF212420A0001 149 0287 1 70PLE-3LNLALB 5167
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 72 ZLSP950E72-3LNLALB 2CCF212421A0001 149 0300 1 72PLE-3LNLALB 5299
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 74 ZLSP950E74-3LNLALB 2CCF212422A0001 149 0324 1 74PLE-3LNLALB 5442
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 76 ZLSP950E76-3LNLALB 2CCF212423A0001 149 0348 1 76PLE-3LNLALB 5573
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 78 ZLSP950E78-3LNLALB 2CCF212424A0001 149 0362 1 78PLE-3LNLALB 5705
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 80 ZLSP950E80-3LNLALB 2CCF212425A0001 149 0386 1 80PLE-3LNLALB 5836
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 82 ZLSP950E82-3LNLALB 2CCF212426A0001 149 0409 1 82PLE-3LNLALB 5979
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 84 ZLSP950E84-3LNLALB 2CCF212427A0001 149 0423 1 84PLE-3LNLALB 6111
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 86 ZLSP950E86-3LNLALB 2CCF212428A0001 149 0447 1 86PLE-3LNLALB 6242
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 88 ZLSP950E88-3LNLALB 2CCF212429A0001 149 0461 1 88PLE-3LNLALB 6374
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 90 ZLSP950E90-3LNLALB 2CCF212430A0001 149 0485 1 90PLE-3LNLALB 6517
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 92 ZLSP950E92-3LNLALB 2CCF212431A0001 149 0508 1 92PLE-3LNLALB 6648
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 94 ZLSP950E94-3LNLALB 2CCF212432A0001 149 0522 1 94PLE-3LNLALB 6780
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 96 ZLSP950E96-3LNLALB 2CCF212433A0001 149 0546 1 96PLE-3LNLALB 6912
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 98 ZLSP950E98-3LNLALB 2CCF212434A0001 149 0560 1 98PLE-3LNLALB 7054
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 100 ZLSP950E100-3LNLALB 2CCF212435A0001 149 0584 1 100PLE-3LNLALB 7186
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 102 ZLSP950E102-3LNLALB 2CCF212436A0001 149 0607 1 102PLE-3LNLALB 7317
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 104 ZLSP950E104-3LNLALB 2CCF212437A0001 149 0621 1 104PLE-3LNLALB 7449
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 106 ZLSP950E106-3LNLALB 2CCF212438A0001 149 0645 1 106PLE-3LNLALB 7592
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 108 ZLSP950E108-3LNLALB 2CCF212439A0001 149 0669 1 108PLE-3LNLALB 7723
Starter Pack 3LN LA LB PLE 110 ZLSP950E110-3LNLALB 2CCF212440A0001 149 0683 1 110PLE-3LNLALB 7821
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Sockets and Incoming components
Power Bar System 250 A
Socket base
Description Type ABB EAN number Pack Moduls Weight
name IT number 761 227 unit (1 PLE in
18mm) grams
name IT number 761 227 aging in
unit grams
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Additonal socket
Power Bar System 250 A
Additional socket
The additional socket can easily be fitted onto the socket base to accomodate the external N
and/or PE busbars. This enables neutral connections to be made where single-pole minia-
ture circuit breakers are used with unswitched neutral. Neutral terminals are clipped onto
the additional socket and can be used as detachable neutral connections. One N busbar and/
or one PE busbar can be fitted. Each socket base can be equipped with an additional socket.
Busbar insulator
Type ABB IT number EAN number Pack- Module Weight
name 761 227 aging in
unit grams
Busbar cover
Type ABB IT number EAN number Pack- Module Weight
name 761 227 aging in
unit grams
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Busbars Power Bar System 250 A and 40 A
ZLSP1250E54 2CCF212100M0054 148 7669 6 1 1 54 659 968 ZLS203E54 2CCF800241R0001 001 7904
ZLSP1250E56 2CCF212100M0056 148 7683 7 – 1 56 683 1004 ZLS203E56 2CCF800242R0001 001 7928
ZLSP1250E58 2CCF212100M0058 148 7706 5 3 1 58 708 1040 ZLS203E58 2CCF800243R0001 001 7942
ZLSP1250E60 2CCF212100M0060 148 7720 6 2 1 60 732 1076 ZLS203E60 2CCF800244R0001 001 7973
ZLSP1250E62 2CCF212100M0062 148 7744 7 1 1 62 757 1112 ZLS203E62 2CCF800245R0001 001 7997
ZLSP1250E64 2CCF212100M0064 148 7768 8 – 1 64 781 1148 ZLS203E64 2CCF800246R0001 001 8017
ZLSP1250E66 2CCF212100M0066 148 7782 6 3 1 66 806 1184 ZLS203E66 2CCF800247R0001 001 8031
ZLSP1250E68 2CCF212100M0068 148 7805 7 2 1 68 830 1220 ZLS203E68 2CCF800248R0001 001 8055
ZLSP1250E70 2CCF212100M0070 148 7829 8 1 1 70 854 1256 ZLS203E70 2CCF800249R0001 001 8079
ZLSP1250E72 2CCF212100M0072 148 7843 9 – 1 72 879 1292 ZLS203E72 2CCF800250R0001 001 8093
ZLSP1250E74 2CCF212100M0074 148 7867 7 3 1 74 903 1328 ZLS203E74 2CCF800251R0001 001 8116
ZLSP1250E76 2CCF212100M0076 148 7881 8 2 1 76 928 1364 ZLS203E76 2CCF800252R0001 001 8130
ZLSP1250E78 2CCF212100M0078 148 7904 9 1 1 78 952 1400 ZLS203E78 2CCF800253R0001 001 8154
ZLSP1250E80 2CCF212100M0080 148 7928 10 – 1 80 976 1436 ZLS203E80 2CCF800254R0001 001 8185
ZLSP1250E82 2CCF212100M0082 148 7942 8 3 1 82 1001 1472 ZLS203E82 2CCF800255R0001 001 8208
ZLSP1250E84 2CCF212100M0084 148 7966 9 2 1 84 1025 1508 ZLS203E84 2CCF800256R0001 001 8222
ZLSP1250E86 2CCF212100M0086 148 7980 10 1 1 86 1050 1544 ZLS203E86 2CCF800257R0001 001 8246
ZLSP1250E88 2CCF212100M0088 148 8000 11 – 1 88 1074 1580 ZLS203E88 2CCF800258R0001 001 8260
ZLSP1250E90 2CCF212100M0090 148 8024 9 3 1 90 1098 1616 ZLS203E90 2CCF800259R0001 001 8284
ZLSP1250E92 2CCF212100M0092 148 8048 10 2 1 92 1123 1652 ZLS203E92 2CCF800260R0001 001 8307
ZLSP1250E94 2CCF212100M0094 148 8062 11 1 1 94 1147 1688 ZLS203E94 2CCF800261R0001 001 8321
ZLSP1250E96 2CCF212100M0096 148 8086 12 – 1 96 1172 1724 ZLS203E96 2CCF800262R0001 001 8345
ZLSP1250E98 2CCF212100M0098 148 8109 10 3 1 98 1196 1760 ZLS203E98 2CCF800263R0001 001 8369
ZLSP1250E100 2CCF212100M0100 148 8123 11 2 1 100 1220 1796 ZLS203E100 2CCF800264R0001 001 7195
ZLSP1250E102 2CCF212100M0102 148 8147 12 1 1 102 1245 1832 ZLS203E102 2CCF800265R0001 001 7218
ZLSP1250E104 2CCF212100M0104 148 8161 13 – 1 104 1269 1868 ZLS203E104 2CCF800266R0001 001 7232
ZLSP1250E106 2CCF212100M0106 148 8185 11 3 1 106 1294 1904 ZLS203E106 2CCF800267R0001 001 7256
ZLSP1250E108 2CCF212100M0108 148 8208 12 2 1 108 1318 1940 ZLS203E108 2CCF800268R0001 001 7270
Planning for the incorporation of feeder block and spare places should be taken into account.
The total lengths given above were calculated taking socket spacings and tolerances into account.
For this reason, the indicated busbar length is not necessarily a multiple of 18 mm (1 Module).
9/64 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
One system with many options
SMISSLINE TP protective devices with plug-in technology – SMISSLINE TP and ABB STRIEBEL & JOHN –
the individual way in switchgear technology the cabinet system at a glance:
Five modern protective devices in the same design are • Flexible and modular
simply plugged onto a busbar system. The complex feed-in • Freedom in concept and arrangement
and connection work is already done. In addition to this time • Time saved during planning and execution
and cost savings, it is crucial to be able to quickly and easily • Quick adaptation when expanding
replace equipment. Third-party devices can be integrated • Allows for the load-free connection and disconnection of
into the busbar system by using adapters. The system was devices and components under voltage without the need
developed for commercial and industrial switchgear for additional personal protective equipment to guard
technology. Installation and wiring times can be greatly against electrical hazards
reduced by using the directly attachable system. • Coordinated product components
• SMISSLINE TP modules can be combined with other
Together with the ABB STRIEBEL & JOHN switchgear system, ABB STRIEIBEL & JOHN distribution panels and modules
optimum space utilization, easy changes and expansion of
the switch cabinet and its installations can be achieved Small cause, large effect
thanks to horizontal or vertical installation options. The As the world's first pluggable socket system, SMISSLINE TP
individual components are coordinated with each other, allows devices and components to be snapped on and off,
such as the length of the plug-in socket and the modular load-free and under voltage, without having to take
components of the switch cabinets. Of course, mixed additional personal protective measures. It opens up to
installation options of conventional modular devices can a completely new prospects when it comes to installation,
also easily be realized, such as pro M Compact. The operation and flexibility.
configured ABB STRIEBEL & JOHN expansion products make
this possible.
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
One system with many options
The outlet wiring is done directly
on the installed devices. The N and
PE terminals are assigned to the
devices accordingly. The outlet
cables are affixed in a mesh cable
tray neatly and clearly arranged.
A cabinet equipped with
modules for accommodating
SMISSLINE TP devices with
third-party device adapters
and pro M modular devices.
— —
01 02
9/66 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
CombiLine modules view
Horizontal modules are suitable for mounting on WR or Vertical modules are suitable for mounting in cabinets from
EDF profiles. From cabinet depth of 215 mm. The WR or a depth of 275 mm. The mounting frame must be ordered
EDF mounting frame must be ordered separately. separately. Cable laying grid is included for cable fixing.
With DIN rail for PE/N disconnect terminals.
SMISSLINE TP 125 A interior expansion with CombiLine
Options for assembly in an enclosure
For a horizontal device arrangement, the DIN rail can be set For a vertical device arrangement, the existing cover holders
in conjunction with mounting adapters. The Busbar systems are replaced with cover holders ED137P4 with spacers
cannot be through-connected from one panel to the next. ED135P4 in conjunction with mounting adapters. In addition,
The DIN rail is mounted to a 2-stage bracket (in front upon a cover raising frame is required, so that there is more space
delivery). The front position is for the plug-in socket under the cover. All devices using mounting adapters are to
assembly. The SMISSLINE TP devices will directly be be arranged under a separate cover. Cable lying grids are
mounted. The back position is for mounting the socket installed for modules with a vertical device arrangement in
bases for devices with universal adapters. order to attach the lines. The DIN rails are designed to be
equipped with the SMISSLINE TP socket base rows. It is also
possible to connect the SMISSLINE TP additional socket
(N/PE terminals).
Horizontal device arrangement Vertical device arrangement
SMISSLINE TP 125 A interior expansion with CombiLine
For horizontal and vertical device arrangement
SMISSLINE TP Power Bar 250 A interior expansion with CombiLine
For horizontal and vertical device arrangement
450 3 750 3 x 36 ● ● 215 MBC303HS 2CPX042158R9999 MC303HS 2CPX042135R9999
4 600 2 500 4 x 22 ● ● 215 MBC204HS 2CPX042159R9999 MC204HS 2CPX042136R9999
600 3 750 4 x 36 ● ● 215 MBC304HS 2CPX042160R9999 MC304HS 2CPX042137R9999
5 750 2 500 5 x 22 ● ● 215 MBC205HS 2CPX042161R9999 MC205HS 2CPX042138R9999
750 3 750 5 x 36 ● ● 215 MBC305HS 2CPX042162R9999 MC305HS 2CPX042139R9999
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Cable laying grids, DIN rails, fixing brackets
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Cover holders, panel connectors, raising frames
External dimensions (H x W)
450 x 250 mm 1 ED213 2CPX062783R9999
600 x 250 mm 1 ED214 2CPX062784R9999
ED213 750 x 250 mm 1 ED215 2CPX062785R9999
450 x 500 mm 1 ED223 2CPX062788R9999
600 x 500 mm 1 ED224 2CPX062789R9999
750 x 500 mm 1 ED225 2CPX062790R9999
450 x 750 mm 1 ED233 2CPX062793R9999
600 x 750 mm 1 ED234 2CPX062794R9999
750 x 750 mm 1 ED235 2CPX062795R9999
9/72 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Plastic cover horizontal
External dimensions (H x W)
300 x 500 mm M(B)C202HS 1 AS22H 2CPX062764R9999
450 x 500 mm M(B)C203HS 1 AS23H 2CPX062765R9999
600 x 500 mm M(B)C204HS 1 AS24H 2CPX062766R9999
750 x 500 mm M(B)C205HS 1 AS25H 2CPX062767R9999
External dimensions (H x W)
300 x 750 mm M(B)C302HS 1 AS32H 2CPX062768R9999
450 x 750 mm M(B)C303HS 1 AS33H 2CPX062769R9999
600 x 750 mm M(B)C304HS 1 AS34H 2CPX062770R9999
750 x 750 mm M(B)C305HS 1 AS35H 2CPX062771R9999
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Plastic cover vertical
External dimensions (H x W)
450 x 250 mm M(B)C103VS 1 AS13V 2CPX062772R9999
600 x 250 mm M(B)C104VS 1 AS14V 2CPX062773R9999
750 x 250 mm M(B)C105VS 1 AS15V 2CPX062774R9999
External dimensions (H x W)
450 x 500 mm M(B)C203VS 1 AS23V 2CPX062775R9999
600 x 500 mm M(B)C204VS 1 AS24V 2CPX062776R9999
750 x 500 mm M(B)C205VS 1 AS25V 2CPX062777R9999
Plastic cover vertical
With device slot, 3 panel wide
External dimensions (H x W)
750 x 750 mm M(B)C305VS 1 AS35V 2CPX062796R9999
9/74 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Socket calculation with e-Design and Panel Design Configurator
Advantages at a glance:
Information about:
• Incoming and outgoing current
• Control and display of the units, the current and the
power loss
• Technical specifications of the devices, including
price calculation (in StriePlan)
• Print or export (in StriePlan) of BOMs, design
drawings or tender texts
Accessories dialog
The combination of devices and additional
components (e.g.: auxiliary and signal contacts)
is comprehensively supported
• Automatic insertion of component combinations
• Automatic component selection for right/left
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Comparison of starting package with plug-in socket in individual parts
Solution of plug-in socket in individual parts
You can assemble plug-in sockets, busbars and socket end The busbars can be ordered in the length of 1979 mm and
pieces on your own from the individual components. shortened accordingly. It is also possible to order busbars
Plug-in sockets with 8 units (144 mm) and 6 units (108 mm) from ABB already cut to length.
can be selected and assembled in any number up to 110 PLE.
9/76 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Assignment of CombiLine modules
Modules for cabinets Modules for cabinets from Grid units Socket base length
from a cabinet a cabinet depth of 275 mm
depth of 215 mm
Combination sets type mounted CombiLine flatpack GU SU
250 mm
1 x ED103VS 1 x MC103VS 1 x MBC103VS 3 RE 22 PLE
450 mm
Vertical modules cannot be mounted directly on central support rails and horizontal
cross members.
9/7 7
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Starter kit or socket base in individual parts
Unit Type Order code Unit Space units Type Order code
1 ZLS905E22-3L 2CCA183102R0001 2 8 ZLS908 2CCA183030R0001
1 6 ZLS906 2CCA183035R0001
1 - ZLS920 (end piece) 2CCA183017R0001
1 ZLS905E22-3LN* 2CCA183103R0001 3/4* - ZLS201E22 2CCF800169R0001
(Copper rail)
1 ZLS905E38-3L 2CCA183118R0001 4 8 ZLS908 2CCA183030R0001
1 6 ZLS906 2CCA183035R0001
1 - ZLS920 (end piece) 2CCA183017R0001
1 ZLS905E38-3LN* 2CCA183119R0001 3/4* - ZLS201E46 2CCF800177R0001
(Copper rail)
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Assignment of CombiLine modules
Modules for cabinets Modules for cabinets from Grid units Socket base length
from a cabinet a cabinet depth of 275 mm
depth of 215 mm
CombiLine CombiLine
Combination sets type mounted Flatpack GU SU
1 x ED203VS 1 x MC203VS 1 x MBC203VS 3 GU 2 x 22 SU
450 mm
Vertical modules cannot be mounted directly on central support rails and horizontal
cross members.
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Starter kit or socket base in individual parts
Unit Type Order code Unit Space units Type Order code
2 ZLS905E22-3L 2CCA183102R0001 4 8 ZLS908 2CCA183030R0001
2 6 ZLS906 2CCA183035R0001
2 - ZLS920 (end piece) 2CCA183017R0001
2 ZLS905E22-3LN* 2CCA183103R0001 6/8* - ZLS201E22 (copper rail) 2CCF800165R0001
2 ZLS905E38-3L 2CCA183118R0001 8 8 ZLS908 2CCA183030R0001
2 6 ZLS906 2CCA183035R0001
2 - ZLS920 (end piece) 2CCA183017R0001
2 ZLS905E38-3LN* 2CCA183119R0001 6/8* - ZLS201E38 (copper rail) 2CCF800173R0001
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Assignment of CombiLine modules
Modules for cabinets Modules for cabinets from Grid units Socket base length
from a cabinet a cabinet depth of 215 mm
depth of 215 mm
CombiLine CombiLine
Combination sets type mounted flatpack GU SU
500 mm
– 1 x MC202HS 1 x MBC202HS 2 GU 2 x 22 SU
300 mm
600 mm
750 mm
– 1 x MC302HS 1 x MBC302HS 2 GU 2 x 36 SU
300 mm
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Starter kit or socket base in individual parts
Unit Type Order code Unit Space units Type Order code
2 ZLS905E22-3L 2CCA183102R0001 4 8 ZLS908 2CCA183030R0001
2 6 ZLS906 2CCA183035R0001
2 - ZLS920 (end piece) 2CCA183017R0001
2 ZLS905E22-3LN* 2CCA183103R0001 6/8* - ZLS201E22 (copper rail) 2CCF800165R0001
4 6 ZLS906 2CCA183035R0001
4 ZLS920 (end piece) 2CCA183017R0001
4 ZLS905E22-3LN* 2CCA183103R0001 12/16* ZLS201E22 (copper rail) 2CCF800165R0001
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Assignment of CombiLine modules
Modules for cabinets Modules for cabinets from Grid units Socket base length
from a cabinet a cabinet depth of 275 mm
depth of 215 mm
CombiLine CombiLine
Combination sets type mounted Flatpack GU SU
1 x ED203VS 1 x MC203VS 1 x MBC203VS 3 GU 2 x 22 SU
450 mm
Vertical modules cannot be mounted directly on central support rails and horizontal
cross members.
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Starter kit or socket base in individual parts
Unit Type Order code Unit Space units Type Order code
- - - - - -
- - - -
- - - -
- - - - - -
2 ZLSP950E38-3L 2CCF212204A0001 8 8 ZLSP908 2CCF212052A0001
2 6 ZLSP906 2CCF212053A0001
2 - ZLSP920 2CCF212082A0001 socket
2 ZLSP950E38-3LN* 2CCF212304A0001 6/8* - ZLSP1250E38 2CCF212100M0038
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Assignment of CombiLine modules
Modules for cabinets Modules for cabinets from a Grid units Socket base length
from a cabinet cabinet depth of 215 mm
depth of 215 mm
Combination sets type mounted CombiLine kit GU SU
750 mm
– 1 x MC302HS 1 x MBC302HS 2 GU 2 x 36 SU
300 mm
SMISSLINE TP plug-in system
Starter kit or socket base in individual parts
Unit Type Order code Unit Space units Type Order code
2 ZLSP950E36-3L 2CCF212203A0001 6 8 ZLSP908 2CCF212052A0001
4 6 ZLSP906 2CCF212053A0001
2 - ZLSP920 2CCF212082A0001 socket
2 ZLSP950E36-3LN* 2CCF212303A0001 6/8* - ZLSP1250E36 2CCF212100M0036
4 ZLSP950E36-3L 2CCF212203A0001 12 8 ZLSP908 2CCF212052A0001
8 6 ZLSP906 2CCF212053A0001
4 - ZLSP920 2CCF212082A0001 socket
4 ZLSP950E36-3LN* 2CCF212303A0001 12/16* - ZLSP1250E36 2CCF212100M0036
Electrical installation solutions for buildings
Industrial plugs and sockets
Socket outlets for panel mounting 10/182
For entertainment applications
Plugs and sockets 10/54 B-line10/183
Fast & Safe 10/62 Sockets10/185
Plugs IP44 10/64 Inlets for wall mounting 10/186
Connectors IP44 10/65 Inlets for panel mounting 10/187
Inlets IP44 10/66 Socket outlet for wall mounting 10/189
Outlets IP44 10/71 Socket outlets for panel mounting 10/191
Industrial plugs and sockets
Reliable, durable and safe.
Perfect for your application
These products are used for connection of equipment in all kind of
applications where it needs to be possible to connect and disconnect.
ABB industrial plugs and sockets are chosen when safety, reliability
and durability is requested.
Durable equipment
prevents time and
cost lost due to
Reliable contacts
prevent stops and
power breaks, which
leads to increased
Safe connections
prevent accidents.
Industrial plugs and sockets
IEC 60309-2 “clock”
3P + N + E
> 50 V~ > 50 V~
100...300 Hz >300...500 Hz
> 50 V~ > 50 V~
100...300 Hz >300...500 Hz
> 50 V~ 3P + E
> 50 V~
100...300 Hz >300...500 Hz
220/380 V~,
120/208... 380 V~, 50 Hz 50 Hz
200...250 V~ 380...415 V~
144/250 V~ 440 V~, 60 Hz 250/440 V~,
50 and 60 Hz 50 and 60 Hz
50 and 60 Hz 60 Hz
100...130 V~
50 and 60 Hz
100...130 V~
1000 V~
for 63 and 125 A 50 and 60 Hz 57/100...
480...500 V~
50 and 60 Hz 75/130 V~ 2P + E
200...250 V~ 50 and 60 Hz
50 and 60 Hz
480...500 V~ 600...690 V~
50 and 60 Hz 50 and 60 Hz
380...415 V~
50 and 60 Hz
277/480..288/500 V~ 347/600...400/690 V~
50 and 60Hz 50 and 60 Hz
200/346...240/415 V~
50 and 60 Hz
Industrial plugs and sockets
A perfect choice
Industrial plugs and sockets are a part of the comprehensive
ABB program of high quality low voltages products for industries,
buildings and OEM´s.
ABB has manufactured industrial plugs and sockets tures while others have a straight forward
for over 60 years. functionality. Perfect for demanding customers.
Long experience of developing and manufacturing
plugs and sockets within ABB has resulted in a wide Perfect productivity
product range of high quality and a robust ergo- The reliability of our plugs and sockets will help
nomic design. Covering products up to 125 A and 690 you maintain high up-time in operations. No un-
V, all tested and approved for IEC standards. scheduled or unwanted interruptions, allowing
you a high degree of flexibility.
The design and material used have continuously been
improved to meet the customer’s requirements, and Perfect safety
to take the environmental aspects into consider- Safety is also very important. By choosing ABB´s
ation. plugs and sockets you minimize the risk of short
circuits. You also ensure maximum personal safety
ABB´s industrial plugs and sockets have the solution for anyone nearby or around your equipment.
for products in industrial environments with high de-
mands on safety, durability, reliability and cost sav- Perfect for the job
ing for the end user. Different applications and environments require
different products. To make your choice of prod-
• Safety - tested and approved by third party ucts easier, we have categorized our range into
testing laboratories. three groups. All groups have however one fea-
ture in common - Safety
• Durability - m
aterials used give a high durability in
tough conditions and environments.
• Select Critical & Safe products
• Reliability - high quality contacts ensure reliability. for the highest safety in fixed
• Cost saving - designed for quick and easy
installation. • Select Tough & Safe products
for best performance in demanding
You will find all you need in ABB´s industrial plugs and heavy-duty applications.
and sockets product range. One supplier for all your
needs and worldwide availability. • Select Easy & Safe products
for adequate functionality and
Perfect performance ergonomic design.
ABB´s plugs and sockets comply with the high quality
standards requested when there is a demand for reli- F FAST • Select Fast & Safe products
ability and safety. Some are made of heavy-duty plas- for the fastest installation.
tics (PBT), others of metal. Some have advanced fea-
10/6 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Industrial plugs and sockets
New Easy & Safe
— —
Plugs Connectors
For wall mounting, Type BS... For wall mounting, Type EBS...W For panel mounting with unified For panel mounting with unified
16 A...32 A, IP4 4 16 A...32 A, IP67 straight flange, Type ...BU... straight flange, Type EBU...W
16A...32 A, IP4 4 16 A...32 A, IP67
Socket outlet
For panel mounting with unified For panel mounting with unified
For wall mounting, Type RS... For wall mounting, Type ERS...W straight flange, Type RU... angled flange, Type RAU...
16A...32 A, IP4 4 16 A...32A, IP67 16 A...32 A, IP4 4 16 A...32A, IP4 4
For panel mounting with minimized For panel mounting with unified
straight flange, Type R... For panel mounting with minimized straight flange, Type ERU...W
16 A...32 A, IP4 4 angled flange, Type RAM... 16 A...32A, IP67
16 A...32A, IP4 4
E A SY & SAFE 10/7
Industrial plugs and sockets
New Easy & Safe
Our new industrial plugs and sockets complements ABB’s strong low-
voltage offer. These plugs and sockets are part of Easy & Safe. Easy &
Safe is a product range suitable for general use in most applications.
In most installations, industrial plugs and sockets Next generation of IP44 plugs and connectors
are part of the exterior, for that reason it was im- Some features of the new IP67 products are also
portant to have an attractive design. The modern implemented in the IP44 plugs and connectors.
design and the strong ABB brand adds value to With the new cable gland we get improved sealing
each installation or OEM equipment. and strain relief, it also functions with a wider
span of cables. We have also implemented the
Protect your contacts with new Easy & Safe IP67 new family design of ABB Industrial plugs and
The biggest addition in this series is the new sockets.
designed products with IP67 ingress protection.
IP67 is a protection class that guarantees water Applications
and dust tightness. Although water or dust rarely New Easy & Safe series is an excellent choice in
occurs in some applications, the liquids or dirt most applications where high reliability and
may get into the contacting surfaces during the safety are required. For example
products lifetime, which will affect the contacts
performance. This in turn can lead to overheating, • Data centers
burnt contacts and need of replacing plugs and • Industrial applications
sockets. • Food and beverage industries
Worst case scenario is that fluids or dust reaches the • Infrastructure applications
contact parts, which in turn can lead to accidents • Construction sites
with injuries and damage the connected equipment. • Mines
• Marine applications connection of reefer
Electrical contacts protected against liquids and containers
dirt retains its performance over time. High
contact performance means reliability, reducing For tough applications with specific require-
downtime and lowers maintenance costs. Contact ments for UV resistance, chemical resistance,
parts of ABB’s connectors are manufactured with mechanical resistance, our Tough & Safe series
high precision from solid brass. The innovative is still the best option.
design means that the contacts seem self-cleaning
during connection and disconnection while
keeping the contact area free from arcing.
10/8 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
16 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 1...2.5 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
216EP6 3 Grey AC 216EP1 2CMA101943R1000 10 0.11
Green >300...500 >50 216EP2 2CMA101944R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216EP4 2CMA101946R1000
Blue 200...250 216EP6 2CMA101947R1000
Red 380...415 216EP9 2CMA101948R1000
Grey transf 216EP12 2CMA101950R1000
4 Grey AC 316EP1 2CMA101951R1000 10 0.16
Green >300...500 >50 316EP2 2CMA101952R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 316EP3 2CMA101953R1000
5 Grey AC 416EP1 2CMA101962R1000 10 0.18
Green >300...500 >50 416EP2 2CMA101963R1000
Red 380...440 50/60 416EP3 2CMA101964R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416EP4 2CMA101965R1000
Black 600...690 416EP5 2CMA101966R1000
Red 346...415 416EP6 2CMA101967R1000
Black 480...500 416EP7 2CMA101968R1000
Blue 208...250 416EP9 2CMA101969R1000
Red 440...460 60 416EP11 2CMA101970R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C Dmax
216EP... 127 62.5 88.5 14
316EP... 144 74.5 106 17
D max B
416EP... 144 78 106 17
E A SY & SAFE 10/9
32 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 2.5...6 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
432EP6 3 Grey AC 232EP1 2CMA101971R1000 10 0.21
Green >300...500 >50 232EP2 2CMA101972R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232EP4 2CMA101974R1000
Blue 200...250 232EP6 2CMA101975R1000
Red 380...415 232EP9 2CMA101976R1000
Grey transf 232EP12 2CMA101978R1000
4 Grey AC 332EP1 2CMA101979R1000 10 0.23
Green >300...500 >50 332EP2 2CMA101980R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 332EP3 2CMA101981R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332EP4 2CMA101982R1000
Black 600...690 332EP5 2CMA101983R1000
Red 380...415 332EP6 2CMA101984R1000
Black 480...500 332EP7 2CMA101985R1000
Blue 200...250 332EP9 2CMA101986R1000
Green 100...300 >50 332EP10 2CMA101987R1000
Red 440...460 60 332EP11 2CMA101988R1000
Grey transf 50 and 60 332EP12 2CMA101989R1000
5 Grey AC 432EP1 2CMA101990R1000 10 0.24
Green >300...500 >50 432EP2 2CMA101991R1000
Red 380...440 50/60 432EP3 2CMA101992R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432EP4 2CMA101993R1000
Black 600...690 432EP5 2CMA101994R1000
Red 346...415 432EP6 2CMA101995R1000
Black 480...500 432EP7 2CMA101996R1000
Blue 208...250 432EP9 2CMA101997R1000
Red 440...460 60 432EP11 2CMA101998R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C Dmax
232EP... 167 82.5 121 22
332EP... 167 82.5 121 22
D max B
432EP... 167 87.5 121 22
10/10 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
63 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 4...16 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 263EP1 2CMA106078R1000 1 0.6
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 263EP4 2CMA106079R1000
Blue 200...250 263EP6 2CMA106080R1000
Red 380...415 263EP9 2CMA106081R1000
4 Grey AC 363EP1 2CMA106082R1000 1 0.67
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 363EP4 2CMA106083R1000
Black 600...690 363EP5 2CMA106084R1000
Red 380...415 363EP6 2CMA106085R1000
Black 480...500 363EP7 2CMA106086R1000
5 Grey AC 463EP1 2CMA106089R1000 1 0.73
Green >300...500 >50 463EP2 2CMA106090R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 463EP4 2CMA106091R1000
Black 600...690 463EP5 2CMA106092R1000
Red 380...415 463EP6 2CMA106093R1000
Black 480...500 463EP7 2CMA106094R1000
Blue 208...250 463EP9 2CMA106095R1000
Red 440...460 60 463EP11 2CMA106096R1000
16 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 1...2.5 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
216EC6 3 Grey AC 216EC1 2CMA101999R1000 10 0.16
Green >300...500 >50 216EC2 2CMA102000R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216EC4 2CMA102002R1000
Blue 200...250 216EC6 2CMA102003R1000
Red 380...415 216EC9 2CMA102004R1000
Grey transf 216EC12 2CMA102006R1000
4 Grey AC 316EC1 2CMA102007R1000 10 0.21
Green >300...500 >50 316EC2 2CMA102008R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 316EC3 2CMA102009R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316EC4 2CMA102010R1000
Black 600...690 316EC5 2CMA102011R1000
Red 380...415 316EC6 2CMA102012R1000
Black 480...500 316EC7 2CMA102013R1000
Blue 200...250 316EC9 2CMA102014R1000
Green 100...300 >50 316EC10 2CMA102015R1000
Red 440...460 60 316EC11 2CMA102016R1000
Grey transf 50 and 60 316EC12 2CMA102017R1000
5 Grey AC 416EC1 2CMA102018R1000 10 0.23
Green >300...500 >50 416EC2 2CMA102019R1000
Red 380...440 50/60 416EC3 2CMA102020R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416EC4 2CMA102021R1000
Black 600...690 416EC5 2CMA102022R1000
Red 346...415 416EC6 2CMA102023R1000
Black 480...500 416EC7 2CMA102024R1000
Blue 208...250 416EC9 2CMA102025R1000
Red 440...460 60 416EC11 2CMA102026R1000
Dimensions (mm)
D max
B Type A B Dmax
216EC... 135.5 74.5 14
316EC... 155 87 17
416EC... 156 90.5 17
10/12 EL
FLE I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
32 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 2.5...6 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
232EC9 3 Grey AC 232EC1 2CMA102027R1000 10 0.26
Green >300...500 >50 232EC2 2CMA102028R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232EC4 2CMA102030R1000
Blue 200...250 232EC6 2CMA102031R1000
Red 380...415 232EC9 2CMA102032R1000
Grey transf 232EC12 2CMA102034R1000
4 Grey AC 332EC1 2CMA102035R1000 10 0.28
Green >300...500 >50 332EC2 2CMA102036R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 332EC3 2CMA102037R1000
5 Grey AC 432EC1 2CMA102046R1000 10 0.30
Green >300...500 >50 432EC2 2CMA102047R1000
Red 380...440 50/60 432EC3 2CMA102048R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432EC4 2CMA102049R1000
Black 600...690 432EC5 2CMA102050R1000
Red 346...415 432EC6 2CMA102051R1000
Black 480...500 432EC7 2CMA102052R1000
Blue 208...250 432EC9 2CMA102053R1000
Red 440...460 60 432EC11 2CMA102054R1000
Dimensions (mm)
D max
B Type A B Dmax
232EC... 182 93.5 22
332EC... 182 93.5 22
432EC... 182.5 99 22
63 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 4...16 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 263EC1 2CMA106059R1000 1 0.69
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 263EC4 2CMA106060R1000
Blue 200...250 263EC6 2CMA106061R1000
Red 380...415 263EC9 2CMA106062R1000
4 Grey AC 363EC1 2CMA106063R1000 1 0.76
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 363EC4 2CMA106064R1000
Black 600...690 363EC5 2CMA106065R1000
Red 380...415 363EC6 2CMA106066R1000
Black 480...500 363EC7 2CMA106067R1000
Blue 200...250 363EC9 2CMA106068R1000
Red 440...460 60 363EC11 2CMA106069R1000
5 Grey AC 463EC1 2CMA106070R1000 1 0.82
Green >300...500 >50 463EC2 2CMA106071R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 463EC4 2CMA106072R1000
Black 600...690 463EC5 2CMA106073R1000
Red 380...415 463EC6 2CMA106074R1000
Black 480...500 463EC7 2CMA106075R1000
Blue 208...250 463EC9 2CMA106076R1000
Red 440...460 60 463EC11 2CMA106077R1000
10/14 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
for wall mounting, IP44
16 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Flexible membrane and metric threaded M20 insert for cop cable entry.
Rear knock-out cable entry. Cable area 1...2.5 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
416BS9 3 Grey AC 216BS1 2CMA193293R1000 10 0.15
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216BS4 2CMA193289R1000
Blue 200...250 216BS6 2CMA193290R1000
Red 380...415 216BS9 2CMA193291R1000
Grey transf. 216BS12 2CMA193292R1000
4 Grey AC 316BS1 2CMA193303R1000 10 0.19
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316BS4 2CMA193296R1000
Black 600...690 316BS5 2CMA193297R1000
5 Grey AC 416BS1 2CMA193311R1000 10 0.20
Green >300...500 >50 416BS2 2CMA193304R1000
Black 600...690 50 and 60 416BS5 2CMA126699R1000
Red 346...415 416BS6 2CMA193307R1000
Blue 208...250 416BS9 2CMA193309R1000
Red 440...460 60 416BS11 2CMA193310R1000
C1 B ØF G ØDmax
ØA Dimensions (mm)
C1 ØF G ØDmax
ØA Type A B C C1 Dmax E1 F G H
216BS.. 23 66 75 54 18/M20 72 5.5 27 110
C 316BS.. 23 79 91 67 18/M20 78 5.5 30 124
C 416BS.. 23 79 91 67 18/M20 81 5.5 30 125
E A SY & SAFE 10/15
for wall mounting, IP44
32 A. IP44. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Flexible membrane and metric threaded M25 insert for cop cable entry.
Rear knock-out cable entry. Cable area 2.5...6 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
Grey AC 232BS1 2CMA193317R1000 10 0.25
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232BS4 2CMA193313R1000
Blue 200...250 232BS6 2CMA193314R1000
3 Red 380...415 232BS9 2CMA193315R1000
4 Grey AC 332BS1 2CMA193327R1000 10 0.27
Red 380/440 50/60 332BS3 2CMA193319R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332BS4 2CMA193320R1000
Black 600...690 332BS5 2CMA193321R1000
Red 380...415 332BS6 2CMA193322R1000
Black 480...500 332BS7 2CMA193323R1000
Blue 200...250 332BS9 2CMA193324R1000
Green 100...300 >50 332BS10 2CMA193325R1000
Red 440...460 60 332BS11 2CMA193326R1000
5 Grey AC 432BS1 2CMA193335R1000 10 0.29
Black 600...690 50 and 60 432BS5 2CMA126700R1000
Red 346...415 432BS6 2CMA193331R1000
Black 480...500 432BS7 2CMA193332R1000
Blue 208...250 432BS9 2CMA193333R1000
C1 B ØF G ØDmax
ØA Dimensions (mm)
C1 ØF G ØDmax
ØA Type A B C C1 Dmax E1 F G H
232BS.. 29 85 111 72 22/M25 94 5.5 34 153
C 332BS.. 29 85 111 72 22/M25 94 5.5 34 153
C 432BS.. 29 85 111 72 22/M25 96 5.5 34 154
10/16 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
for panel mounting with minimized or unified straight flange, IP44
16 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Minimized flange, Cable area 1...2.5 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 216B1 2CMA193341R1000 10 0.10
Blue 200...250 50 and 60 216B6 2CMA193338R1000
4 Grey AC 316B1 2CMA193351R1000 10 0.13
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316B4 2CMA100187R1000
Black 600...690 316B5 2CMA193345R1000
Red 380...415 316B6 2CMA193346R1000
Blue 200...250 316B9 2CMA193348R1000
5 Grey AC 416B1 2CMA193359R1000 10 0.14
øD C
ø4.2 E3
B E2
Dimensions (mm)
Type B C D E E1 E3 E4 H H1
øD C
216B... 9 44-47 49 75 40.5 21.5 46.5 4 30.0
316B... 9 50-52 59 80 46.8 21.0 47.0 5 34.0
416B... 9 50-52
ø4.2 59 90 52.5 21.0 46.5 7 38.0
C E3
E A SY & SAFE 10/17
for panel mounting with minimized or unified straight flange, IP44
16 A. IP44. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Unified flange, Cable area 1...2.5 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
5 Black 600...690 50 and 60 416BU5 2CMA100235R1000 10 0.14
Red 346...415 416BU6 2CMA193468R1000
32 A. IP44. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Unified flange, Cable area 2.5...6 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 232BU1 2CMA193437R1000 10 0.15
Blue 200...250 50 and 60 232BU6 2CMA193434R1000
4 Grey AC 332BU1 2CMA193447R1000 10 0.17
Black 600...690 50 and 60 332BU5 2CMA193441R1000
Red 380...415 332BU6 2CMA193442R1000
Blue 200...250 332BU9 2CMA193444R1000
5 Grey AC 432BU1 2CMA193455R1000 10 0.19
Red 346...415 50 and 60 432BU6 2CMA193451R1000
B E Dimensions (mm)
Type B C D E E1 E3 E4 H H1
316BU... 9 60-61 59 90 52.5 21.0 46.5 7 38.0
416BU... 9 60-61 59 90 52.5 21.0 46.5 7 38.0
øD C 232BU... 9 60-61 66 90 53.5 24.5 55.5 7 40.0
332BU... 9 60-61 66 90 53.5 24.5 55.5 7 40.0
432BU... 9 60-61 66 105 59.5 25.0 55.5 8 45.0
ø4.2 E3
B E2
øD C
C E3
10/18 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Socket outlet
for wall mounting, IP44
16 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Flexible membrane and metric threaded M20 insert for cop cable entry.
Rear knock-out cable entry. Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
Grey AC 216RS1 2CMA193101R1000 10 0.22
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216RS4 2CMA193097R1000
Blue 200...250 216RS6 2CMA193098R1000
Red 380...415 216RS9 2CMA193099R1000
3 Grey transf. 216RS12 2CMA193100R1000
4 Grey AC 316RS1 2CMA193111R1000 10 0.24
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316RS4 2CMA193104R1000
Black 600...690 316RS5 2CMA193105R1000
5 Grey AC 416RS1 2CMA193119R1000 10 0.26
Green >300...500 >50 416RS2 2CMA193112R1000
Black 600..690 50 and 60 416RS5 2CMA126666R1000
Red 346...415 416RS6 2CMA193115R1000
Blue 208...250 416RS9 2CMA193117R1000
Red 440...460 60 416RS11 2CMA193118R1000
G G Dimensions (mm)
C1 C1 ØF ØF ØDmax
Type A B C C1 Dmax E F G H
216RS.. 91 117 75 54 18/M20 66 5.5 27 23
316RS.. 100 132 91 67 18/M20 79 5.5 30 23
B B 416RS.. 104 134 91 67 18/M20 79 5.5 30 23
E A SY & SAFE 10/19
Socket outlet
for wall mounting, IP44
32 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Flexible membrane and metric threaded M25 insert for cop cable entry.
Rear knock-out cable entry. Cable area 2.5...10 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 232RS1 2CMA193125R1000 10 0.30
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232RS4 2CMA193121R1000
Blue 200...250 232RS6 2CMA193122R1000
Red 380...415 232RS9 2CMA193123R1000
4 Grey AC 332RS1 2CMA193135R1000 10 0.32
Red 380/440 50/60 332RS3 2CMA193127R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332RS4 2CMA193128R1000
Black 600...690 332RS5 2CMA193129R1000
Red 380...415 332RS6 2CMA193130R1000
Black 480...500 332RS7 2CMA193131R1000
Blue 200...250 332RS9 2CMA193132R1000
Green 100...300 >50 332RS10 2CMA193133R1000
Red 440...460 60 332RS11 2CMA193134R1000
5 Grey AC 432RS1 2CMA193143R1000 10 0.34
Black 600...690 50 and 60 432RS5 2CMA126667R1000
Red 346...415 432RS6 2CMA193139R1000
Black 480...500 432RS7 2CMA193140R1000
Blue 208...250 432RS9 2CMA193141R1000
E E A A Dimensions (mm)
C1 C1 ØF ØF ØDmax
Type A B C C1 Dmax E F G H
232RS.. 118 163 111 72 22/M25 85 5.5 34 29
332RS.. 116 163 111 72 22/M25 85 5.5 34 29
B B 432RS.. 121 164 111 72 22/M25 85 5.5 34 29
10/20 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Additional products and accessories
Surface socket outlet with schuko
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
5 Red 400/230 50 and 60 CUE416-6+R/UJP 2CMA178301R1000 10 0.34
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
5 Red 400/230 50 and 60 CUE416-6+R/FR16 2CMA101642R1000 10 0.34
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
5 Red 400/230 50 and 60 CUE416-6+R/BS13 2CMA101635R1000 10 0.34
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
5 Red 400/230 50 and 60 CUE 416-6+R/DK16A 2CMA105921R1000 10 0.34
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C D E
CUE416-6+R/UJP 160 120 72 82 110
E A SY & SAFE 10/21
Socket outlet
for wall mounting, IP44
16 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PBT). Cable entry with knock-outs 2xM20 on top and 2xM25 on bottom. Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
216ERT6 3 Grey AC 216ERT1 2CMA101739R1000 1 0.36
Green >300...500 >50 216ERT2 2CMA101740R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216ERT4 2CMA101719R1000
Blue 200...250 216ERT6 2CMA101742R1000
Grey transf. 216ERT12 2CMA101743R1000
4 Grey AC 316ERT1 2CMA101744R1000 1 0.39
Green >300...500 >50 316ERT2 2CMA101745R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316ERT4 2CMA101746R1000
Black 600...690 316ERT5 2CMA101747R1000
Red 380...415 316ERT6 2CMA101720R1000
Black 480...500 316ERT7 2CMA101748R1000
Blue 200...250 316ERT9 2CMA101721R1000
Green 100...300 >50 316ERT10 2CMA101749R1000
Red 440...460 60 316ERT11 2CMA101722R1000
Grey transf. 316ERT12 2CMA101750R1000
5 Grey AC 416ERT1 2CMA101751R1000 10 0.41
Green >300...500 >50 416ERT2 2CMA101752R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416ERT4 2CMA101753R1000
Red 346...415 416ERT6 2CMA101723R1000
Black 480...500 416ERT7 2CMA101754R1000
Blue 208...250 416ERT9 2CMA101755R1000
Red 440...460 60 416ERT11 2CMA101756R1000
2 x M20
D 2 x M25
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C D E F 6
216ERT...416ERT... 134 139 82 71 80 120 111
10/22 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Socket outlet
for wall mounting, IP44
32 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PBT). Cable entry with knock-outs 2xM25 on top and 2xM25 on bottom. Cable area 2.5...10 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
432ERT6 3 Green >300...500 >50 232ERT2 2CMA101757R1000 1 0.42
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232ERT4 2CMA101759R1000
Blue 200...250 232ERT6 2CMA101724R1000
Red 380...415 232ERT9 2CMA101760R1000
Grey transf. 232ERT12 2CMA101761R1000
4 Green >300...500 >50 332ERT2 2CMA101762R1000 1 0.44
Red 380/440 50/60 332ERT3 2CMA101763R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332ERT4 2CMA101764R1000
Black 600...690 332ERT5 2CMA101765R1000
Green >300...500 >50 432ERT2 2CMA101770R1000 1 0.50
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432ERT4 2CMA101771R1000
Red 346...415 432ERT6 2CMA101727R1000
Black 480...500 432ERT7 2CMA101772R1000
Blue 208...250 432ERT9 2CMA101773R1000
Red 440...460 60 432ERT11 2CMA101774R1000
2 x M25
D 2 x M25
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C D E F G
232ERT...332ERT... 140 143 88 71 80 120 111
432ERT... 142 146 95 71 80 120 111
E A SY & SAFE 10/23
Socket outlet
for wall mounting, IP44
63 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PBT). Cable entry with knock-outs 2 x Ø29/37 + 1 x Ø23 on top. 1 x Ø29 + 1 x Ø 23 from bottom.
Cable area 6...25 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
263ERT6 2P+E
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 263ERT4 2CMA101894R1000 1 1.40
Blue 200...250 263ERT6 2CMA101895R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 363ERT4 2CMA101888R1000 1 1.40
Black 600...690 363ERT5 2CMA101889R1000
Red 380...415 363ERT6 2CMA101890R1000
Black 480...500 363ERT7 2CMA101891R1000
Blue 200...250 363ERT9 2CMA101892R1000
Red 440...460 60 363ERT11 2CMA101893R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 463ERT4 2CMA101884R1000 1 1.45
Red 346...415 463ERT6 2CMA101885R1000
Blue 208...250 463ERT9 2CMA101886R1000
Red 440...460 60 463ERT11 2CMA101887R1000
2 x M25
D 2 x M25
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C D E F 6
263ERT...463ERT... 255 215 108 129 150 187 124
10/24 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Socket outlet
for panel mounting with unified straight flange, IP44
16 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 216RU1 2CMA193173R1000 10 0.15
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216RU4 2CMA193169R1000
Blue 200...250 216RU6 2CMA193170R1000
Red 380...415 216RU9 2CMA193171R1000
Grey transf. 216RU12 2CMA193172R1000
4 Grey AC 316RU1 2CMA193183R1000 10 0.18
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316RU4 2CMA193176R1000
Black 600...690 316RU5 2CMA193177R1000
Red 380...415 316RU6 2CMA193178R1000
5 Grey AC 416RU1 2CMA193191R1000 10 0.20
Green >300...500 >50 416RU2 2CMA193184R1000
Black 600...690 50 and 60 416RU5 2CMA126673R1000
Red 346...415 416RU6 2CMA193187R1000
Blue 208...250 416RU9 2CMA193189R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type C C1 D D2 E E1 H
216RU.. 60-61 60-61 49 75 56 29 79
D2 C ØD 316RU.. 60-61 60-61 59 75 58 30 87
416RU.. 60-61 60-61 59 75 60 31 89
Ø 4.2
E1 E
E A SY & SAFE 10/25
Socket outlet
for panel mounting with unified straight flange, IP44
32 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 2.5...10 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 232RU1 2CMA193245R1000 10 0.21
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232RU4 2CMA193241R1000
Blue 200...250 232RU6 2CMA193242R1000
4 Grey AC 332RU1 2CMA193255R1000 10 0.22
Black 600...690 50 and 60 332RU5 2CMA193249R1000
Red 380...415 332RU6 2CMA193250R1000
Black 480...500 332RU7 2CMA193251R1000
Blue 200...250 332RU9 2CMA193252R1000
5 Grey AC 432RU1 2CMA193263R1000 10 0.24
Black 600...690 50 and 60 432RU5 2CMA126674R1000
Red 346...415 432RU6 2CMA193259R1000
Blue 208...250 432RU9 2CMA101699R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type C C1 D D2 E E1 H
232RU.. 60-61 60-61 66 75 70 34 93
D2 C ØD 332RU.. 60-61 60-61 66 75 70 34 93
432RU.. 60-61 60-61 66 75 71 34 99
Ø 4.2
E1 E
10/26 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Socket outlet
for panel mounting with unified angled flange, IP44
16 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 216RAU1 2CMA193221R1000 10 0.19
216RAU6 Green 300...500 >50 216RAU2 2CMA101342R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216RAU4 2CMA193217R1000
Blue 200...250 216RAU6 2CMA193218R1000
Red 380...415 216RAU9 2CMA193219R1000
Grey transf. 216RAU12 2CMA193220R1000
4 Grey AC 316RAU1 2CMA193231R1000 10 0.22
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316RAU4 2CMA193224R1000
Black 600...690 316RAU5 2CMA193225R1000
5 Grey AC 416RAU1 2CMA193239R1000 10 0.24
Green 300...500 >50 416RAU2 2CMA193232R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416RAU4 2CMA101343R1000
Black 600...690 416RAU5 2CMA126678R1000
Red 346...415 416RAU6 2CMA193235R1000
Blue 208...250 416RAU9 2CMA193237R1000
D2 D2
C1 C1 Dimensions (mm)
Type C C1 D D2 E E1 H
216RAU.. 85 85 98 110 48 48 110
D2 C
D2 C ØD ØD H H 316RAU.. 85 85 98 110 50 48 110
416RAU.. 85 85 98 110 51 50 110
Ø 4.2Ø 4.2 E1 E1 E E
E A SY & SAFE 10/27
Socket outlet
for panel mounting with unified angled flange, IP44
32 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 2.5...10 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 232RAU1 2CMA193269R1000 10 0.25
432RAU6 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232RAU4 2CMA193265R1000
Blue 200...250 232RAU6 2CMA193266R1000
4 Grey AC 332RAU1 2CMA193279R1000 10 0.26
Black 600...690 50 and 60 332RAU5 2CMA193273R1000
Red 380...415 332RAU6 2CMA193274R1000
Black 480...500 332RAU7 2CMA193275R1000
Blue 200...250 332RAU9 2CMA193276R1000
5 Grey AC 432RAU1 2CMA193287R1000 10 0.28
Black 600...690 50 and 60 432RAU5 2CMA126679R1000
Red 346...415 432RAU6 2CMA193283R1000
D2 D2
C1 C1 Dimensions (mm)
Type C C1 D D2 E E1 H
232RAU... 85 85 98 110 61 53 110
D2 C
D2 C ØD ØD H H 332RAU... 85 85 98 110 61 53 110
432RAU... 85 85 98 110 63 54 110
Ø 4.2Ø 4.2 E1 E1 E E
10/28 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Socket outlet
for panel mounting with minimized straight flange, IP44
16 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
216R6 3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216R4 2CMA193145R1000 10 0.14
Blue 200...250 216R6 2CMA193146R1000
Red 380...415 216R9 2CMA193147R1000
Grey transf. 216R12 2CMA193148R1000
4 Grey AC 316R1 2CMA193159R1000 10 0.17
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316R4 2CMA193152R1000
Black 600...690 316R5 2CMA193153R1000
Red 380...415 316R6 2CMA193154R1000
Black 480...500 316R7 2CMA193155R1000
5 Grey AC 416R1 2CMA193167R1000 10 0.19
Green >300...500 >50 416R2 2CMA193160R1000
Red 346...415 416R6 2CMA193163R1000
Blue 208...250 50 and 60 416R9 2CMA193165R1000
D2 Dimensions (mm)
Type C C1 D D2 E E1 H
216R.. 44-47 44-47 49 56 56 29 73
D2 C ØD 316R.. 50-52 50-52 59 66 58 30 87
416R.. 50-52 50-52 59 66 60 31 89
Ø 4.2
E1 E
E A SY & SAFE 10/29
Socket outlet
for panel mounting with minimized angled flange, IP44
16 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 216RAM1 2CMA170007R1000 10 0.21
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216RAM4 2CMA170003R1000
Blue 200...250 216RAM6 2CMA170004R1000
Red 380...415 216RAM9 2CMA170005R1000
Grey transf. 216RAM12 2CMA170006R1000
4 Grey AC 316RAM1 2CMA170017R1000 10 0.22
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316RAM4 2CMA170010R1000
Black 600...690 316RAM5 2CMA170011R1000
Red 380...415 316RAM6 2CMA170012R1000
Black 480...500 316RAM7 2CMA170013R1000
Blue 200...250 316RAM9 2CMA170014R1000
Green 100...300 > 50 316RAM10 2CMA170015R1000
Red 440...460 60 316RAM11 2CMA170016R1000
5 Grey AC 416RAM1 2CMA170025R1000 10 0.24
Green >300...500 > 50 416RAM2 2CMA170018R1000
Red 346...415 50 and 60 416RAM6 2CMA170021R1000
Blue 208...250 416RAM9 2CMA170023R1000
D2 D2 Dimensions (mm)
C1 C1
Type C C1 D D2 D3 E E1 H
216RAM.. 55 55 63 70 78 53 42 76
316RAM.. 66 66 78 83 89 53 46 85
D3 D3C C ØD ØD H H 416RAM.. 66 66 78 83 89 55 48 89
Ø 4.2
Ø 4.2
E1 E1 E E
10/30 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Socket outlet
for panel mounting with minimized angled flange, IP44
32 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 2.5...10 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 232RAM1 2CMA170030R1000 10 0.21
Grey > 50...250 DC 232RAM3 2CMA100856R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232RAM4 2CMA170026R1000
Blue 200...250 232RAM6 2CMA170027R1000
4 Grey AC 332RAM1 2CMA170040R1000 10 0.22
Black 600...690 50 and 60 332RAM5 2CMA170034R1000
Red 380...415 332RAM6 2CMA170035R1000
Black 480...500 332RAM7 2CMA170036R1000
Blue 200...250 332RAM9 2CMA170037R1000
5 Grey AC 432RAM1 2CMA170048R1000 10 0.24
Red 346...415 50 and 60 432RAM6 2CMA170044R1000
D2 D2
Dimensions (mm)
C1 C1
Type C C1 D D2 D3 E E1 H
232RAM... 75 75 87 93 99 61 52 98
332RAM... 75 75 87 93 99 61 52 98
432RAM... 75 75 87 93 99 64 52 101
Ø 4.2
Ø 4.2
E1 E1 E E
E A SY & SAFE 10/31
New watertight Easy & Safe
Our new IP67 Easy & Safe is a perfect choice in most applications
where water and dirt can occur. They combine easy access to contact
parts during installation with high protection degree while the
products are in use. Electrical contacts protected against liquids and
dirt retains its performance over time. High contact performance
means reliability, reducing downtime and lowers maintenance costs.
10/32 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
16 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 1...2.5 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
216EP6W 2P+E
3 Grey AC 216EP1W 2CMA101069R1000 10 0.13
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216EP4W 2CMA101071R1000
Blue 200...250 216EP6W 2CMA101072R1000
Red 380...415 216EP9W 2CMA101073R1000
Grey transf 216EP12W 2CMA101074R1000
4 Grey AC 316EP1W 2CMA101075R1000 10 0.19
Green >300...500 >50 316EP2W 2CMA101076R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 316EP3W 2CMA101077R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316EP4W 2CMA101078R1000
5 Grey AC 416EP1W 2CMA101085R1000 10 0.21
Green >300...500 >50 416EP2W 2CMA101086R1000
Red 380...440 50/60 416EP3W 2CMA101087R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416EP4W 2CMA101088R1000
Red 346...415 416EP6W 2CMA101089R1000
Black 480...500 416EP7W 2CMA101090R1000
Blue 208...250 416EP9W 2CMA101091R1000
Red 440...460 60 416EP11W 2CMA101092R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C Dmax
216EP...W 134 73 100 14
316EP...W 161 81 127 17
416EP...W 158 87 125 17
E A SY & SAFE 10/33
32 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 2.5...6 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 232EP1W 2CMA101093R1000 10 0.23
Grey > 50...250 DC 232EP3W 2CMA105987R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232EP4W 2CMA101094R1000
Blue 200...250 232EP6W 2CMA101095R1000
Red 380...415 232EP9W 2CMA101096R1000
Grey transf 232EP12W 2CMA101097R1000
4 Grey AC 332EP1W 2CMA101098R1000 10 0.25
Green >300...500 >50 332EP2W 2CMA101099R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 332EP3W 2CMA101100R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332EP4W 2CMA101101R1000
Black 600...690 332EP5W 2CMA101102R1000
Red 380...415 332EP6W 2CMA101103R1000
Black 480...500 332EP7W 2CMA101104R1000
Blue 200...250 332EP9W 2CMA101105R1000
Green 100...300 >50 332EP10W 2CMA101106R1000
Red 440...460 60 332EP11W 2CMA101107R1000
5 Grey AC 432EP1W 2CMA101108R1000 10 0.25
Green >300...500 >50 432EP2W 2CMA101109R1000
Red 380...440 50/60 432EP3W 2CMA101110R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432EP4W 2CMA101111R1000
Red 346...415 432EP6W 2CMA101112R1000
Black 480...500 432EP7W 2CMA101113R1000
Blue 208...250 432EP9W 2CMA101114R1000
Red 440...460 60 432EP11W 2CMA101115R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C Dmax
232EP...W 183 91 141 22
332EP...W 183 91 141 22
432EP...W 183 99 141 22
10/34 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
63 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 4...16 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 263EP1W 2CMA106141R1000 1 0.36
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 263EP4W 2CMA106142R1000
Blue 200...250 263EP6W 2CMA106143R1000
Red 380...415 263EP9W 2CMA106144R1000
4 Grey AC 363EP1W 2CMA106145R1000 1 0.70
Red 440...460 60 363EP11W 2CMA106146R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 363EP4W 2CMA106147R1000
Black 600...690 363EP5W 2CMA106148R1000
Red 380...415 363EP6W 2CMA106149R1000
5 Grey AC 463EP1W 2CMA106152R1000 1 0.76
Black 600...690 50 and 60 463EP5W 2CMA106153R1000
Red 346...415 463EP6W 2CMA106154R1000
Black 480...500 463EP7W 2CMA106155R1000
Blue 208...250 463EP9W 2CMA106156R1000
16 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 1...2.5 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 216EC1W 2CMA101116R1000 10 0.17
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216EC4W 2CMA101118R1000
Blue 200...250 216EC6W 2CMA101119R1000
Red 380...415 216EC9W 2CMA101120R1000
Grey transf 216EC12W 2CMA101121R1000
4 Grey AC 316EC1W 2CMA101122R1000 10 0.23
Green >300...500 >50 316EC2W 2CMA101123R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 316EC3W 2CMA101124R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316EC4W 2CMA101125R1000
Black 600...690 316EC5W 2CMA101126R1000
Red 380...415 316EC6W 2CMA101127R1000
Black 480...500 316EC7W 2CMA101128R1000
Blue 200...250 316EC9W 2CMA101129R1000
Green 100...300 >50 316EC10W 2CMA101130R1000
Red 440...460 60 316EC11W 2CMA101131R1000
5 Grey AC 416EC1W 2CMA101132R1000 10 0.26
Green >300...500 >50 416EC2W 2CMA101133R1000
Red 380...440 50/60 416EC3W 2CMA101134R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416EC4W 2CMA101135R1000
Red 346...415 416EC6W 2CMA101136R1000
Black 480...500 416EC7W 2CMA101137R1000
Blue 208...250 416EC9W 2CMA101138R1000
Red 440...460 60 416EC11W 2CMA101139R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B Dmax
216EC...W 146 81 14
316EC...W 169 88 17
416EC...W 169 92 17
10/36 EL
FLE I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
32 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 2.5...6 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 232EC1W 2CMA101140R1000 10 0.28
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232EC4W 2CMA101141R1000
Blue 200...250 232EC6W 2CMA101142R1000
Red 380...415 232EC9W 2CMA101143R1000
Grey transf 232EC12W 2CMA101144R1000
4 Grey AC 332EC1W 2CMA101145R1000 10 0.30
Green >300...500 >50 332EC2W 2CMA101146R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 332EC3W 2CMA101147R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332EC4W 2CMA101148R1000
5 Grey AC 432EC1W 2CMA101155R1000 10 0.30
Green >300...500 >50 432EC2W 2CMA101156R1000
Red 380...440 50/60 432EC3W 2CMA101157R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432EC4W 2CMA101158R1000
Red 346...415 432EC6W 2CMA101159R1000
Black 480...500 432EC7W 2CMA101160R1000
Blue 208...250 432EC9W 2CMA101161R1000
Red 440...460 60 432EC11W 2CMA101162R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B Dmax
232EC...W 195 98 22
332EC...W 195 98 22
432EC...W 195 104 22
63 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 4...16 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 263EC1W 2CMA106125R1000 1 0.76
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 263EC4W 2CMA106126R1000
Blue 200...250 263EC6W 2CMA106127R1000
Red 380...415 263EC9W 2CMA106128R1000
4 Grey AC 363EC1W 2CMA106129R1000 1 0.83
Red 440...460 60 363EC11W 2CMA106130R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 363EC4W 2CMA106131R1000
Black 600...690 363EC5W 2CMA106132R1000
Red 380...415 363EC6W 2CMA106133R1000
Black 480...500 363EC7W 2CMA106134R1000
Blue 200...250 363EC9W 2CMA106135R1000
5 Grey AC 463EC1W 2CMA106136R1000 1 0.89
Black 600...690 50 and 60 463EC5W 2CMA106137R1000
Red 346...415 463EC6W 2CMA106138R1000
Black 480...500 463EC7W 2CMA106139R1000
Blue 208...250 463EC9W 2CMA106140R1000
10/38 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
for wall mounting, IP67
16 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable gland included. Cable area 1...2.5 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
216EBS6W 3 Grey AC 216EBS1W 2CMA101163R1000 10 0.20
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216EBS4W 2CMA101165R1000
Blue 200...250 216EBS6W 2CMA101166R1000
Red 380...415 216EBS9W 2CMA101167R1000
Grey transf 216EBS12W 2CMA101168R1000
4 Grey AC 316EBS1W 2CMA101169R1000 10 0.23
Green >300...500 >50 316ESB2W 2CMA101170R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 316EBS3W 2CMA101171R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316EBS4W 2CMA101172R1000
5 Grey AC 416EBS1W 2CMA101179R1000 10 0.25
Green >300...500 >50 416EBS2W 2CMA101180R1000
Red 380...440 50/60 416EBS3W 2CMA101181R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416EBS4W 2CMA101182R1000
Red 346...415 416EBS6W 2CMA101183R1000
Black 480...500 416EBS7W 2CMA101184R1000
Blue 208...250 416EBS9W 2CMA101185R1000
Red 440...460 60 416EBS11W 2CMA101186R1000
C1 M25
∅F G
B E1
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C C1 C2 E1 ØF G H
216EBS...W 25 88.5 40 63.5 73.5 112 4.5 34.75 135
316EBS...W 25 88.5 40 63.5 73.5 108 4.5 34.75 138
416EBS...W 25 88.5 40 63.5 73.5 112 4.5 34.75 140
E A SY & SAFE 10/39
for wall mounting, IP67
32 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable gland included. Cable area 2.5...6 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 232EBS1W 2CMA101187R1000 10 0.26
432EBS6W Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232EBS4W 2CMA101188R1000
Blue 200...250 232EBS6W 2CMA101189R1000
Red 380...415 232EBS9W 2CMA101190R1000
Grey transf 232EBS12W 2CMA101191R1000
4 Grey AC 332EBS1W 2CMA101192R1000 10 0.27
Green >300...500 >50 332EBS2W 2CMA101193R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 332EBS3W 2CMA101194R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332EBS4W 2CMA101195R1000
Black 600...690 332EBS5W 2CMA101196R1000
Red 380...415 332EBS6W 2CMA101197R1000
Black 480...500 332EBS7W 2CMA101198R1000
Blue 200...250 332EBS9W 2CMA101199R1000
Green 100...300 >50 332EBS10W 2CMA101200R1000
Red 440...460 60 332EBS11W 2CMA101201R1000
5 Grey AC 432EBS1W 2CMA101202R1000 10 0.28
Green >300...500 >50 432EBS2W 2CMA101203R1000
Red 380...440 50/60 432EBS3W 2CMA101204R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432EBS4W 2CMA101205R1000
Red 346...415 432EBS6W 2CMA101206R1000
Black 480...500 432EBS7W 2CMA101207R1000
Blue 208...250 432EBS9W 2CMA101208R1000
Red 440...460 60 432EBS11W 2CMA101209R1000
C1 M25
∅F G
B E1
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C C1 C2 E1 ØF G H
232EBS...W 25 91 40 63.5 73.5 106 4.5 34.75 150
332EBS...W 25 91 40 63.5 73.5 106 4.5 34.75 150
432EBS...W 25 99 40 63.5 73.5 110 4.5 34.75 152
10/40 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
for panel mounting with unified straight flange, IP67
16 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 1...2.5 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 216EBU1W 2CMA101257R1000 10 0.11
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216EBU4W 2CMA101258R1000
Blue 200...250 216EBU6W 2CMA101259R1000
Red 380...415 216EBU9W 2CMA101260R1000
4 Grey AC 316EBU1W 2CMA101261R1000 10 0.14
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316EBU4W 2CMA101262R1000
Black 600...690 316EBU5W 2CMA101263R1000
Red 380...415 316EBU6W 2CMA101264R1000
Black 480...500 316EBU7W 2CMA101265R1000
5 Grey AC 416EBU1W 2CMA101268R1000 10 0.16
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416EBU4W 2CMA101269R1000
Red 346...415 416EBU6W 2CMA101270R1000
Black 480...500 416EBU7W 2CMA101271R1000
Blue 208...250 416EBU9W 2CMA101812R1000
Red 440...460 60 416EBU11W 2CMA101272R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type B E3 E4
216EBU...W 94 17 48.5
316EBU...W 90 17 48.5
416EBU...W 93.5 17 48.5
E A SY & SAFE 10/41
for panel mounting with unified straight flange, IP67
32 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 2.5...6 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 232EBU1W 2CMA101273R1000 10 0.17
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232EBU4W 2CMA101274R1000
Blue 200...250 232EBU6W 2CMA101275R1000
Red 380...415 232EBU9W 2CMA101813R1000
4 Grey AC 332EBU1W 2CMA101276R1000 10 0.18
Red 380/440 50/60 332EBU3W 2CMA101277R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332EBU4W 2CMA101278R1000
Red 380...415 332EBU6W 2CMA101279R1000
Black 480...500 332EBU7W 2CMA101280R1000
Blue 200...250 332EBU9W 2CMA101281R1000
Red 440...460 60 332EBU11W 2CMA101282R1000
5 Grey AC 432EBU1W 2CMA101283R1000 10 0.19
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432EBU4W 2CMA101284R1000
Red 346...415 432EBU6W 2CMA101285R1000
Black 480...500 432EBU7W 2CMA101286R1000
Blue 208...250 432EBU9W 2CMA101287R1000
Red 440...460 60 432EBU11W 2CMA101288R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type B E3 E4
232EBU...W 91 16 58
332EBU...W 91 16 58
432EBU...W 99 16 58
10/42 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Socket outlet
for wall mounting, IP67
16 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable gland included. Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 216ERS1W 2CMA101210R1000 10 0.24
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216ERS4W 2CMA101212R1000
Blue 200...250 216ERS6W 2CMA101213R1000
Red 380...415 216ERS9W 2CMA101214R1000
Grey transf 216ERS12W 2CMA101215R1000
4 Grey AC 316ERS1W 2CMA101216R1000 10 0.27
Green >300...500 >50 316ERB2W 2CMA101217R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 316ERS3W 2CMA101218R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316ERS4W 2CMA101219R1000
5 Grey AC 416ERS1W 2CMA101226R1000 10 0.30
Green >300...500 >50 416ERS2W 2CMA101227R1000
Red 380...440 50/60 416ERS3W 2CMA101228R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416ERS4W 2CMA101229R1000
Red 346...415 416ERS6W 2CMA101230R1000
Black 480...500 416ERS7W 2CMA101231R1000
Blue 208...250 416ERS9W 2CMA101232R1000
Red 440...460 60 416ERS11W 2CMA101233R1000
C1 M25
∅F G
B E1
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B ØB1 C C1 C2 E1 ØF G H
216ERS...W 25 88.5 73 40 63.5 73.5 112 4.5 34.75 147
316ERS...W 25 88.5 81 40 63.5 73.5 117 4.5 34.75 150
416ERS...W 25 88.5 87 40 63.5 73.5 119 4.5 34.75 151
E A SY & SAFE 10/43
Socket outlet
for wall mounting, IP67
32 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable gland included. Cable area 2.5...10 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 232ERS1W 2CMA101234R1000 10 0.31
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232ERS4W 2CMA101235R1000
432ERS6W Blue 200...250 232ERS6W 2CMA101236R1000
Red 380...415 232ERS9W 2CMA101237R1000
Grey transf 232ERS12W 2CMA101238R1000
4 Grey AC 332ERS1W 2CMA101239R1000 10 0.32
Green >300...500 >50 332ERS2W 2CMA101240R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 332ERS3W 2CMA101241R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332ERS4W 2CMA101242R1000
Black 600...690 332ERS5W 2CMA101243R1000
Red 380...415 332ERS6W 2CMA101244R1000
Black 480...500 332ERS7W 2CMA101245R1000
Blue 200...250 332ERS9W 2CMA101246R1000
Green 100...300 >50 332ERS10W 2CMA101248R1000
Red 440...460 60 332ERS11W 2CMA101247R1000
5 Grey AC 432ERS1W 2CMA101249R1000 10 0.32
Green >300...500 >50 432ERS2W 2CMA101250R1000
Red 380...440 50/60 432ERS3W 2CMA101251R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432ERS4W 2CMA101252R1000
Red 346...415 432ERS6W 2CMA101253R1000
Black 480...500 432ERS7W 2CMA101254R1000
Blue 208...250 432ERS9W 2CMA101255R1000
Red 440...460 60 432ERS11W 2CMA101256R1000
C1 M25
∅F G
B E1
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B ØB1 C C1 C2 E1 ØF G H
232ERS...W 25 88.5 91 40 63.5 73.5 117 4.5 34.75 163
332ERS...W 25 88.5 91 40 63.5 73.5 117 4.5 34.75 163
432ERS...W 25 88.5 99 40 63.5 73.5 120 4.5 34.75 164
10/4 4 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Socket outlet
for wall mounting, IP67
16 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PBT). Cable entry with knock-outs 2xM20 on top and 2xM25 on bottom. Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216ERT4W 2CMA101728R1000 1 0.33
216ERT6W Blue 200...250 216ERT6W 2CMA101729R1000
Red 380...415 216ERT9W 2CMA101776R1000
Grey transf. 216ERT12W 2CMA101777R1000
4 Green >300...500 >50 316ERT2W 2CMA101778R1000 1 0.35
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316ERT4W 2CMA101779R1000
Black 600...690 316ERT5W 2CMA101780R1000
Red 380...415 316ERT6W 2CMA101730R1000
Black 480...500 316ERT7W 2CMA101781R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416ERT4W 2CMA101784R1000 1 0.39
Red 346...415 416ERT6W 2CMA101733R1000
Black 480...500 416ERT7W 2CMA101785R1000
Blue 208...250 416ERT9W 2CMA101786R1000
Green 100...300 >50 416ERT10W 2CMA101787R1000
Red 440...460 60 416ERT11W 2CMA101788R1000
2 x M20
D 2 x M25
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C D E F 6
216ERT...W...416ERT...W 134 139 82 71 80 120 111
E A SY & SAFE 10/45
Socket outlet
for wall mounting, IP67
32 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PBT). Cable entry with knock-outs 2xM25 on top and 2xM25 on bottom. Cable area 2.5...10 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232ERT4W 2CMA101790R1000 1 0.37
Blue 200...250 232ERT6W 2CMA101791R1000
Red 380...415 232ERT9W 2CMA101792R1000
Grey transf. 232ERT12W 2CMA101793R1000
4 Green >300...500 >50 332ERT2W 2CMA101794R1000 1 0.42
Red 380/440 50/60 332ERT3W 2CMA101734R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332ERT4W 2CMA101795R1000
Black 600...690 332ERT5W 2CMA101796R1000
Red 380...415 332ERT6W 2CMA101735R1000
Black 480...500 332ERT7W 2CMA101797R1000
Blue 200...250 332ERT9W 2CMA101736R1000
Green 100...300 >50 332ERT10W 2CMA101798R1000
Red 440...460 60 332ERT11W 2CMA101737R1000
Grey transf. 332ERT12W 2CMA101799R1000
Green >300...500 >50 432ERT2W 2CMA101800R1000 1 0.47
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432ERT4W 2CMA101801R1000
Red 346...415 432ERT6W 2CMA101738R1000
Black 480...500 432ERT7W 2CMA101802R1000
Blue 208...250 432ERT9W 2CMA101803R1000
Red 440...460 60 432ERT11W 2CMA101804R1000
2 x M25
D 2 x M25
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C D E F 6
232ERT...W...332ERT...W 140 143 88 71 80 120 111
432ERT...W 142 146 95 71 80 120 111
10/46 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Socket outlet
for wall mounting, IP67
63 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PBT). Cable entry with knock-outs 2 x Ø29/37 + 1 x Ø23 on top. 1 x Ø29 + 1 x Ø 23 from bottom.
Cable area 6...25 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
463ERT6W 4 Black 600...690 50 and 60 363ERT5W 2CMA101898R1000 1 1.45
Red 380...415 363ERT6W 2CMA101899R1000
Black 480...500 363ERT7W 2CMA101900R1000
Blue 200...250 363ERT9W 2CMA101901R1000
Red 440...460 60 363ERT11W 2CMA101902R1000
5 Red 346...415 50 and 60 463ERT6W 2CMA101896R1000 1 1.55
Blue 208...250 463ERT9W 2CMA101897R1000
2 x M20
D 2 x M25
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C D E F 6
263ERT...W...463ERT...W 255 215 108 129 150 187 124
E A SY & SAFE 10/47
Socket outlet
for panel mounting with unified straight flange, IP67
16 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
4 Grey AC 316ERU1W 2CMA101293R1000 10 0.18
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316ERU4W 2CMA101294R1000
Black 600...690 316ERU5W 2CMA101295R1000
Red 380...415 316ERU6W 2CMA101296R1000
Black 480...500 316ERU7W 2CMA101297R1000
Blue 200...250 316ERU9W 2CMA101298R1000
Red 440...460 60 316ERU11W 2CMA101299R1000
5 Grey AC 416ERU1W 2CMA101300R1000 10 0.21
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416ERU4W 2CMA101301R1000
Red 346...415 416ERU6W 2CMA101302R1000
Black 480...500 416ERU7W 2CMA101303R1000
Blue 208...250 416ERU9W 2CMA101304R1000
Red 440...460 60 416ERU11W 2CMA101305R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type B E3 E4
216ERU...W 103 27 60
316ERU...W 98 28 60
416ERU...W 99 28 60
10/48 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Socket outlet
for panel mounting with unified straight flange, IP67
32 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 2.5...10 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 232ERU1W 2CMA101306R1000 10 0.22
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232ERU4W 2CMA101307R1000
Blue 200...250 232ERU6W 2CMA101308R1000
Red 380...415 232ERU9W 2CMA101309R1000
4 Grey AC 332ERU1W 2CMA101310R1000 10 0.23
Red 380/440 50/60 332ERU3W 2CMA101311R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332ERU4W 2CMA101312R1000
Red 380...415 332ERU6W 2CMA101313R1000
Black 480...500 332ERU7W 2CMA101314R1000
5 Grey AC 432ERU1W 2CMA101317R1000 10 0.23
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432ERU4W 2CMA101318R1000
Red 346...415 432ERU6W 2CMA101319R1000
Black 480...500 432ERU7W 2CMA101320R1000
Blue 208...250 432ERU9W 2CMA101321R1000
Red 440...460 60 432ERU11W 2CMA101322R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type B E3 E4
232ERU...W 98 31 70
332ERU...W 98 31 70
432ERU...W 104 32 69
Phase inverters
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
5 Red 346...415 50 and 60 416BPI6 2CMA102261R1000 10 0.16
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
5 Red 346...415 50 and 60 432BPI6 2CMA102268R1000 10 0.23
Phase Inverter Panel mounted inlet with unified straight flange. 16A, IP44. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 1...2.5 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
5 Red 346...415 50 and 60 416BBI6 2CMA102262R1000 10 0.12
Phase Inverter Panel mounted inlet with unified straight flange. 32A, IP44. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 2.5...6 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
5 Red 346...415 50 and 60 432BBI6 2CMA102269R1000 10 0.16
10/50 EL
FLE I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Phase inverters
Phase Inverter surface inlets for wall mounting. 16A, IP44. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 2.5...6 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
5 Red 346...415 50 and 60 416BBSI6 2CMA102263R1000 5 0.13
416BBSI6C 2CMA102264R1000
Phase Inverter surface inlet for wall mounting. 32A, IP44. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 2.5...6 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C ØD
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C D E F ØH ØI
416BBI... 75 75 60 60 23 44 5.5 56
432BBI... 75 75 60 60 27 53 5.5 60
Dimensions (mm)
∅H ∅H
Type A B C D E F G M
10/52 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Industrial plugs and sockets
for entertainment applications
— — —
Plugs Connectors Inlets
Socket outlet
For wall mounting, Type RS...B For panel mounting with unified For panel mounting with minimized
16 A...32 A, IP4 4 straight flange, Type RU...B angled flange, Type RAM...B
16 A...32 A, IP4 4 16 A...32 A, IP4 4
P LU G S A N D S O C K E T S F O R E N T E R TA I N M E N T A P P L I C AT I O N S 10/53
Black plugs and sockets
for entertainment applications
With extensive experience of designing and producing industrial plugs
and sockets, ABB can provide products of high quality, functionality,
reliability and safety. Regardless of the situation, safety of people
should be of highest priority in electrical installations, always.
ABB´s series of black plugs and sockets which are Pin and sleeve configuration according to IEC
very well suited for entertainment applications, standard. Product labels give the information on
such as concerts, cinemas, television studios, and which voltage range the product is intended for.
open-air events. The black series are perfect for The black series are at the high quality level that
both indoor and outdoor use, they will blend into characterizes ABB´s industrial plugs and sockets.
their dark surroundings.
10/54 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Plug in black color
for entertainment applications, IP44
16 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 1...2.5 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Blue 200...250 50 and 60 216EP6B 2CMA103579R1000 10 0.11
Red 380...415 216EP9B 2CMA103598R1000
4 Red 380...415 50 and 60 316EP6B 2CMA103584R1000 10 0.16
Blue 200...250 316EP9B 2CMA103585R1000
5 Red 346...415 50 and 60 416EP6B 2CMA103591R1000 10 0.18
Blue 208...250 416EP9B 2CMA103599R1000
32 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 2.5...6 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Blue 200...250 50 and 60 232EP6B 2CMA103581R1000 10 0.21
Red 380...415 232EP9B 2CMA103600R1000
4 Red 380...415 50 and 60 332EP6B 2CMA103588R1000 10 0.23
Blue 200...250 332EP9B 2CMA103589R1000
5 Red 346...415 50 and 60 432EP6B 2CMA103593R1000 10 0.24
Blue 208...250 432EP9B 2CMA103601R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C Dmax
216EP...B 127 62.5 88.5 14
316EP...B 144 74.5 106 17
D max B
416EP...B 144 78 106 17
Connector in black color
for entertainment applications, IP44
16 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 1...2.5 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Blue 200...250 50 and 60 216EC6B 2CMA103578R1000 10 0.11
Red 380...415 216EC9B 2CMA103594R1000
4 Red 380...415 50 and 60 316EC6B 2CMA103582R1000 10 0.16
Blue 200...250 316EC9B 2CMA103583R1000
5 Red 346...415 50 and 60 416EC6B 2CMA103590R1000 10 0.17
Blue 208...250 416EC9B 2CMA103595R1000
32 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 2.5...6 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Blue 200...250 50 and 60 232EC6B 2CMA103580R1000 10 0.20
Red 380...415 232EC9B 2CMA103596R1000
4 Red 380...415 50 and 60 332EC6B 2CMA103586R1000 10 0.22
Blue 200...250 332EC9B 2CMA103587R1000
5 Red 346...415 50 and 60 432EC6B 2CMA103592R1000 10 0.23
Blue 208...250 432EC9B 2CMA103597R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B Dmax
216EC...B 135.5 74.5 14
316EC...B 155 87 17
D max
416EC...B 156 90.5 17
Inlets for wall mounting in black color
for entertainment applications, IP44
16 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Flexible membrane and metric threaded M20 insert for cop cable entry.
Rear knock-out cable entry. Cable area 1...2.5 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
316BS6B 3 Blue 200...250 50 and 60 216BS6B 2CMA101027R1000 10 0.15
Red 380...415 216BS9B 2CMA101058R1000
4 Red 380...415 50 and 60 316BS6B 2CMA101028R1000 10 0.19
Blue 200.250 316BS9B 2CMA101059R1000
5 Red 346...415 416BS6B 2CMA101029R1000 10 0.20
Blue 208...250 416BS9B 2CMA101060R1000
32 A. IP44. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Flexible membrane and metric threaded M25 insert for cop cable entry.
Rear knock-out cable entry. Cable area 2.5...6 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Blue 200...250 50 and 60 232BS6B 2CMA101030R1000 10 0.25
Red 380...415 232BS9B 2CMA101061R1000
4 Red 380...415 50 and 60 332BS6B 2CMA101031R1000 10 0.27
Blue 200...250 332BS9B 2CMA101062R1000
5 Red 346...415 50 and 60 432BS6B 2CMA101032R1000 10 0.29
Blue 208...250 432BS9B 2CMA101063R1000
C1 B ØF G ØDmax
ØA Dimensions (mm)
C1 ØF G ØDmax
ØA Type A B C C1 Dmax E1 F G H
216BS...B 23 66 75 54 18/M20 72 5.5 27 110
C 316BS...B 23 79 91 67 18/M20 78 5.5 30 124
C 416BS...B 23 79 91 67 18/M20 81 5.5 30 125
H 232BS...B 29 85 111 72 22/M25 94 5.5 34 153
332BS...B 29 85 111 72 22/M25 94 5.5 34 153
432BS...B 29 85 111 72 22/M25 96 5.5 34 154
P LU G S A N D S O C K E T S F O R E N T E R TA I N M E N T A P P L I C AT I O N S 10/57
Socket outlet for wall mounting in black color
for entertainment applications, IP44
16 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Flexible membrane and metric threaded M20 insert for cop cable entry.
Rear knock-out cable entry. Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Blue 200...250 50 and 60 216RS6B 2CMA101021R1000 10 0.22
Red 380...415 216RS9B 2CMA101052R1000
4 Red 380...415 50 and 60 316RS6B 2CMA101022R1000 10 0.24
Blue 200...250 316RS9B 2CMA101053R1000
5 Red 346...415 416RS6B 2CMA101023R1000 10 0.26
Blue 208...250 416RS9B 2CMA101054R1000
32 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Flexible membrane and metric threaded M25 insert for cop cable entry.
Rear knock-out cable entry. Cable area 2.5...10 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Blue 200...250 50 and 60 232RS6B 2CMA101024R1000 10 0.30
Red 380...415 232RS9B 2CMA101055R1000
4 Red 380...415 50 and 60 332RS6B 2CMA101025R1000 10 0.32
Blue 200...250 332RS9B 2CMA101056R1000
5 Red 346...415 50 and 60 432RS6B 2CMA101026R1000 10 0.34
Blue 208...250 432RS9B 2CMA101057R1000
G G Dimensions (mm)
C1 C1 ØF ØF ØDmax
Type A B C C1 Dmax E F G H
216RS...B 91 117 75 54 18/M20 66 5.5 27 23
316RS...B 100 132 91 67 18/M20 79 5.5 30 23
B B 416RS...B 104 134 91 67 18/M20 79 5.5 30 23
232RS...B 118 163 111 72 22/M25 85 5.5 34 29
332RS...B 116 163 111 72 22/M25 85 5.5 34 29
432RS...B 121 164 111 72 22/M25 85 5.5 34 29
10/58 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Socket outlet for panel mounting in black color
for entertainment applications, with unified straight flange, IP44
16 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Blue 200...250 50 and 60 216RU6B 2CMA101639R1000 10 0.15
216RU6B 3P+N+E
5 Red 346...415 50 and 60 416RU6B 2CMA101640R1000 10 0.20
32 A. IP44. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 2.5...10 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
5 Red 346...415 50 and 60 432RU6B 2CMA101641R1000 10 0.24
Dimensions (mm)
Type C C1 D D2 E E1 H
216RU6B 60-61 60-61 49 75 56 29 79
D2 C ØD 416RU6B 60-61 60-61 59 75 60 31 89
432RU6B 60-61 60-61 66 75 71 34 99
Ø 4.2
E1 E
P LU G S A N D S O C K E T S F O R E N T E R TA I N M E N T A P P L I C AT I O N S 10/59
Socket outlet for panel mounting in black color
for entertainment applications, with minimized angled flange IP44
16 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Blue 200...250 50 and 60 216RAM6B 2CMA100543R1000 10 0.21
Red 380...415 216RAM9B 2CMA101048R1000
4 Red 380...415 50 and 60 316RAM6B 2CMA100544R1000 10 0.22
Blue 200...250 316RAM9B 2CMA100873R1000
5 Red 346...415 50 and 60 416RAM6B 2CMA100545R1000 10 0.24
Blue 208...250 416RAM9B 2CMA101049R1000
32 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 2.5...10 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Blue 200...250 50 and 60 232RAM6B 2CMA100546R1000 10 0.21
Red 380...415 232RAM9B 2CMA101050R1000
4 Red 380...415 50 and 60 332RAM6B 2CMA100547R1000 10 0.22
Blue 200...250 332RAM9B 2CMA100876R1000
5 Red 346...415 50 and 60 432RAM6B 2CMA100548R1000 10 0.24
Blue 208...250 432RAM9B 2CMA101051R1000
C1 Dimensions (mm)
Type C C1 D D2 D3 E E1 H
216RAM...B 55 55 63 70 78 53 42 76
D3 C ØD H 316RAM...B 66 66 78 83 89 53 46 85
416RAM...B 66 66 78 83 89 55 48 89
D3 C ØD H232RAM...B 75 75 87 93 99 61 52 98
332RAM...B 75 75 87 93 99 61 52 98
Ø 4.2 432RAM...B 75 75 87 93 99 64 52 101
E1 E
Ø 4.2
E1 E
10/60 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Industrial plugs and sockets
Fast & Safe
— —
Plugs Connectors
Type QP..., 16 A...32 A, IP4 4 Type QP...W, 16 A...32 A, IP67 Type QC..., 16 A...32 A, IP4 4 Type QC...W, 16 A...32 A, IP67
For wall mounting, Type QBS... For wall mounting, Type QBS...W For panel mounting with unified For panel mounting with unified
16 A...32 A, IP4 4 16 A...32 A, IP67 straight flange, Type QB... straight flange, Type QB...W
16 A...32 A, IP4 4 16 A...32 A, IP67
For panel mounting with straight For panel mounting with unified angled For panel mounting with unified angled
minimized flange, Type Q BM... flange, Type QBA... flange. Type QBA...W
16 A...32 A, IP4 4 16 A...32 A, IP4 4 16 A...32 A, IP67
Socket outlet
For wall mounting, Type QRS... For wall mounting, Type QRS...W For panel mounting with unified For panel mounting with unified
16 A...32 A, IP4 4 16A...32 A, IP67 straight flange, Type QR... straight flange, Type QR...W
16 A...32 A, IP4 4 16 A...32 A, IP67
For panel mounting with unified For panel mounting with unified For panel mounting with straight For panel mounting with straight
angled flange, Type QRA... angled flange, Type QRA...W minimized flange, Type QRM... minimized flange, Type QRM...W
16 A...32 A, IP4 4 16 A...32 A, IP67 16 A...32 A, IP4 4 16 A...32 A, IP67
FA S T & S A F E 10/61
Industrial plugs and sockets F FAST
We are now completing our standard offering Fast & Safe is built on spring technology. More
with Fast & Safe in parallel with Easy & Safe. than reducing installation time spring technology
Fast & Safe is a complete offering of 16-32A plugs has high resistance against vibrations and heat
and sockets, both as IP44 and IP67. Instead of a fluctuations.
screw providing contact pressure at the terminal,
10/62 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
16 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Fast connection. Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 1...2.5 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216QP4 2CMA102579R1000 10 0.15
Blue 200...250 216QP6 2CMA102286R1000
Red 380...415 216QP9 2CMA102858R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316QP4 2CMA102598R1000 10 0.16
Red 380...415 316QP6 2CMA102305R1000
Blue 200...250 316QP9 2CMA102877R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416QP4 2CMA102617R1000 10 0.18
Red 346...415 416QP6 2CMA102324R1000
32 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Fast connection. Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 2.5...6 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232QP4 2CMA102638R1000 10 0.18
Blue 200...250 232QP6 2CMA102345R1000
Red 380...415 232QP9 2CMA102917R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332QP4 2CMA102690R1000 10 0.20
Red 380...415 332QP6 2CMA102364R1000
Blue 200...250 332QP9 2CMA102936R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432QP4 2CMA102709R1000 10 0.24
Red 346...415 432QP6 2CMA102383R1000
Blue 208...250 432QP9 2CMA102955R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C ØD
C 216QP... 124 83 47 6-13
316QP... 129 89 53 6-13
416QP... 136 96 61 6-13
232QP... 149 100 63 11-20
332QP... 149 100 63 11-20
432QP... 156 107 70 11-20
FA S T & S A F E 10/63
16 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Fast connection. Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 1...2.5 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216QC4 2CMA102580R1000 10 0.18
Blue 200...250 216QC6 2CMA102287R1000
Red 380...415 216QC9 2CMA102859R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316QC4 2CMA102599R1000 10 0.21
Red 380...415 316QC6 2CMA102306R1000
Blue 200...250 316QC9 2CMA102878R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416QC4 2CMA102618R1000 10 0.25
Red 346...415 416QC6 2CMA102325R1000
Blue 208...250 416QC9 2CMA102897R1000
32 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Fast connection. Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 2.5...6 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232QC4 2CMA102639R1000 10 0.25
Blue 200...250 232QC6 2CMA102346R1000
Red 380...415 232QC9 2CMA102918R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332QC4 2CMA102691R1000 10 0.26
Red 380...415 332QC6 2CMA102365R1000
Blue 200...250 332QC9 2CMA102937R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432QC4 2CMA102710R1000 10 0.26
Red 346...415 432QC6 2CMA102384R1000
Blue 208...250 432QC9 2CMA102956R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C ØD
216QC... 128 83 72 6-13
316QC... 135 89 78 6-13
416QC... 142 96 87 6-13
232QC... 156 100 91 11-20
for wall mounting, IP44
16 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Fast connection. Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 1...2.5 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216QBS4 2CMA102587R1000 5 0.22
Yellow 100...130 216QBS4C 2CMA102588R1000 0.25
416QBS6 Blue 200...250 216QBS6 2CMA102294R1000 0.22
Blue 200...250 216QBS6C 2CMA102295R1000 0.25
Red 380...415 216QBS9 2CMA102866R1000 0.22
Red 380...415 216QBS9C 2CMA102867R1000 0.25
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316QBS4 2CMA102606R1000 5 0.22
Yellow 100...130 316QBS4C 2CMA102607R1000 0.25
Red 380...415 316QBS6 2CMA102313R1000 0.22
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416QBS4 2CMA102626R1000 5 0.22
Yellow 100...130 416QBS4C 2CMA102627R1000 0.25
Red 346...415 416QBS6 2CMA102333R1000 0.22
Red 346...415 416QBS6C 2CMA102334R1000 0.25
Blue 208...250 416QBS9 2CMA102905R1000 0.22
Blue 208...250 416QBS9C 2CMA102906R1000 0.25
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C D E F G ØH M
∅H ∅H
216QBS... 75 80 64 43 20 116 70 5.3 M20x1.5
216QBS...C 75 80 64 43 20 116.3 70.3 5.3 M20x1.5
316QBS... 88 88 76 48.5 22 123 77 5.3 M25x1.5
316QBS...C 88 88 76 48.5 22 123.3 77.3 5.3 M25x1.5
15 º
15 º
416QBS... 88 88 76 48.5 22 123 84 5.3 M25x1.5
for wall mounting, IP44
32 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Fast connection. Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 2.5...6 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232QBS4 2CMA102646R1000 5 0.22
Yellow 100...130 232QBS4C 2CMA102647R1000 0.25
432QBS6 Blue 200...250 232QBS6 2CMA102353R1000 0.22
Blue 200...250 232QBS6C 2CMA102354R1000 0.25
Red 380...415 232QBS9 2CMA102925R1000 0.22
Red 380...415 232QBS9C 2CMA102926R1000 0.25
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332QBS4 2CMA102698R1000 5 0.29
Yellow 100...130 332QBS4C 2CMA102699R1000 0.31
Red 380...415 332QBS6 2CMA102372R1000 0.29
Red 380...415 332QBS6C 2CMA102373R1000 0.31
Blue 200...250 332QBS9 2CMA102944R1000 0.29
Blue 200...250 332QBS9C 2CMA102945R1000 0.31
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432QBS4 2CMA102718R1000 5 0.31
Yellow 100...130 432QBS4C 2CMA102719R1000 0.35
Red 346...415 432QBS6 2CMA102392R1000 0.31
Red 346...415 432QBS6C 2CMA102393R1000 0.35
Blue 208...250 432QBS9 2CMA102964R1000 0.31
Blue 208...250 432QBS9C 2CMA102965R1000 0.35
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C D E F G ØH M
∅H ∅H
232QBS... 88 88 76 48.5 22 132 87 5.3 M25x1.5
232QBS...C 88 88 76 48.5 22.3 132.3 87 5.3 M25x1.5
332QBS... 88 88 76 48.5 22 132 87 5.3 M25x1.5
332QBS...C 88 88 76 48.5 22.3 132.3 87 5.3 M25x1.5
15 º
15 º
432QBS... 96 102 84 56 26 146 94 5.3 M32x1.5
for panel mounting with unified straight flange, IP44
16 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Fast connection. Cable area 1...2.5 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416QB4 2CMA102624R1000 10 0.13
Red 346...415 416QB6 2CMA102331R1000
Blue 208...250 416QB9 2CMA102903R1000
32 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Fast connection.Cable area 2.5...6 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432QB4 2CMA102716R1000 10 0.17
Red 346...415 432QB6 2CMA102390R1000
Blue 208...250 432QB9 2CMA102962R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C D E F ØH ØI
416QB... 75 75 60 60 23 44 5.5 56
432QB... 75 75 60 60 27 53 5.5 60
FA S T & S A F E 10/67
for panel mounting with unified angled flange, IP44
16 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 1...2.5 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216QBA4 2CMA102586R1000 10 0.15
Blue 200...250 216QBA6 2CMA102293R1000
Red 380...415 216QBA9 2CMA102865R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316QBA4 2CMA102605R1000 10 0.18
Red 380...415 316QBA6 2CMA102312R1000
Blue 200...250 316QBA9 2CMA102884R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416QBA4 2CMA102625R1000 10 0.22
Red 346...415 416QBA6 2CMA102332R1000
Blue 208...250 416QBA9 2CMA102904R1000
32 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 2.5...6 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232QBA4 2CMA102645R1000 10 0.17
Blue 200...250 232QBA6 2CMA102352R1000
Red 380...415 232QBA9 2CMA102924R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332QBA4 2CMA102697R1000 10 0.20
Red 380...415 332QBA6 2CMA102371R1000
Blue 200...250 332QBA9 2CMA102943R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432QBA4 2CMA102717R1000 10 0.48
Red 346...415 432QBA6 2CMA102391R1000
Blue 208...250 432QBA9 2CMA102963R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C D E F ØH ØI
F 216QBA... 85 85 70 70 106 85 6.3 50
316QBA... 85 85 70 70 112 88 6.3 50
416QBA... 85 85 70 70 117 94 6.3 50
10 º
232QBA... 85 85 70 70 126 96 6.3 50
332QBA... 85 85 70 70 126 96 6.3 50
432QBA... 85 85 70 70 133 102 6.3 50
10/68 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
for panel mounting with straight minimized flange, IP44
16 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 1...2.5 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
216QBM6 2P+E
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216QBM4 2CMA102585R1000 10 0.10
Blue 200...250 216QBM6 2CMA102292R1000
Red 380...415 216QBM9 2CMA102864R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316QBM4 2CMA102604R1000 10 0.13
Red 380...415 316QBM6 2CMA102311R1000
Blue 200...250 316QBM9 2CMA102883R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416QBM4 2CMA102623R1000 10 0.13
Red 346...415 416QBM6 2CMA102330R1000
32 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 2.5...6 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232QBM4 2CMA102644R1000 10 0.11
Blue 200...250 232QBM6 2CMA102351R1000
Red 380...415 232QBM6 2CMA102923R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332QBM4 2CMA102696R1000 10 0.15
Red 380...415 332QBM6 2CMA102370R1000
Blue 200...250 332QBM9 2CMA102942R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432QBM4 2CMA102715R1000 10 0.17
Red 346...415 432QBM6 2CMA102389R1000
Blue 208...250 432QBM9 2CMA102961R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C D E F ØH ØI
216QBM... 70 70 56 56 23 44 5.5 44
316QBM... 70 70 56 56 23 44 5.5 52
416QBM... 70 70 56 56 23 44 5.5 56
232QBM... 70 70 56 56 27 53 5.5 56
332QBM... 70 70 56 56 27 53 5.5 56
432QBM... 70 70 56 56 27 53 5.5 60
FA S T & S A F E 10/69
Socket outlet
for wall mounting, IP44
16 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Fast connection. Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216QRS4 2CMA102584R1000 10 0.25
Blue 200...250 216QRS6 2CMA102291R1000
Red 380...415 216QRS9 2CMA102863R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316QRS4 2CMA102603R1000 10 0.27
Red 380...415 316QRS6 2CMA102310R1000
Blue 200...250 316QRS9 2CMA102882R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416QRS4 2CMA102622R1000 10 0.29
Red 346...415 416QRS6 2CMA102329R1000
Blue 208...250 416QRS9 2CMA102901R1000
32 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Fast connection. Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 2.5...10 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232QRS4 2CMA102643R1000 10 0.30
Blue 200...250 232QRS6 2CMA102350R1000
Red 380...415 232QRS9 2CMA102922R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332QRS4 2CMA102695R1000 10 0.33
Red 380...415 332QRS6 2CMA102369R1000
Blue 200...250 332QRS9 2CMA102941R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432QRS4 2CMA102714R1000 10 0.36
Red 346...415 432QRS6 2CMA102388R1000
Blue 208...250 432QRS9 2CMA102960R1000
Dimensions (mm)
D Type A B C D E F G ØH M
216QRS... 75 80 64 43 20 121 88 5.3 M20x1.5
F 316QRS... 88 88 76 48.5 22 128 96 5.3 M25x1.5
416QRS... 88 88 76 48.5 22 128 103 5.3 M25x1.5
232QRS... 88 88 76 48.5 22 139 106 5.3 M25x1.5
332QRS... 88 88 76 48.5 22 139 106 5.3 M25x1.5
15 º 432QRS... 88 102 84 56 26 152 113 5.3 M32x1.5
10/70 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Socket outlet
for panel mounting with unified straight flange, IP44
16 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216QR4 2CMA102582R1000 10 0.11
Blue 200...250 216QR6 2CMA102289R1000
Red 380...415 216QR9 2CMA102861R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316QR4 2CMA102601R1000 10 0.13
Red 380...415 316QR6 2CMA102308R1000
Blue 200...250 316QR9 2CMA102880R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416QR4 2CMA102620R1000 10 0.15
Red 346...415 416QR6 2CMA102327R1000
32 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 2.5...10 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232QR4 2CMA102641R1000 10 0.15
Blue 200...250 232QR6 2CMA102348R1000
Red 380...415 232QR9 2CMA102920R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332QR4 2CMA102693R1000 10 0.16
Red 380...415 332QR6 2CMA102367R1000
Blue 200...250 332QR9 2CMA102939R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432QR4 2CMA102712R1000 10 0.18
Red 346...415 432QR6 2CMA102386R1000
Blue 208...250 432QR9 2CMA102958R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C D E F G ØH ØI K
216QR... 75 75 60 60 24 49 95 5.5 44 86
316QR... 75 75 60 60 24 49 102 5.5 49 90
416QR... 75 75 60 60 24 49 110 5.5 56 94
232QR... 75 75 60 60 30 58 122 5.5 56 98
Socket outlet
for panel mounting with unified angled flange, IP44
16 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
432QRA6 3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216QRA4 2CMA102583R1000 10 0.15
Blue 200...250 216QRA6 2CMA102290R1000
Red 380...415 216QRA9 2CMA102862R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316QRA4 2CMA102602R1000 10 0.16
Red 380...415 316QRA6 2CMA102309R1000
Blue 200...250 316QRA9 2CMA102881R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416QRA4 2CMA102621R1000 10 0.16
Red 346...415 416QRA6 2CMA102328R1000
Blue 208...250 416QRA9 2CMA102900R1000
32 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 2.5...10 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232QRA4 2CMA102642R1000 10 0.20
Blue 200...250 232QRA6 2CMA102349R1000
Red 380...415 232QRA9 2CMA102921R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332QRA4 2CMA102694R1000 10 0.22
Red 380...415 332QRA6 2CMA102368R1000
Blue 200...250 332QRA9 2CMA102940R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432QRA4 2CMA102713R1000 10 0.40
Red 346...415 432QRA6 2CMA102387R1000
Blue 208...250 432QRA9 2CMA102959R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C D E F G ØH K M
216QRA... 83 90 70 76 37 43 90 5 52 65
316QRA... 83 90 70 76 37 45 90 5 56 68
416QRA... 83 90 70 76 37 47 90 5 62 72
232QRA... 83 90 70 76 43 54 98 5 66 76
332QRA... 83 90 70 76 43 54 98 5 66 76
432QRA... 83 90 70 76 49 51 100 5 72 82
10/72 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Socket outlet
for panel mounting with straight minimized flange, IP44
16 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Fast connection. Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216QRM4 2CMA102581R1000 10 0.11
Blue 200...250 216QRM6 2CMA102288R1000
Red 380...415 216QRM9 2CMA102860R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316QRM4 2CMA102600R1000 10 0.13
Red 380...415 316QRM6 2CMA102307R1000
Blue 200...250 316QRM9 2CMA102879R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416QRM4 2CMA102619R1000 10 0.15
Red 346...415 416QRM6 2CMA102326R1000
32 A. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Fast connection.Cable area 2.5...10 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232QRM4 2CMA102640R1000 10 0.14
Blue 200...250 232QRM6 2CMA102347R1000
Red 380...415 232QRM9 2CMA102919R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332QRM4 2CMA102692R1000 10 0.15
Red 380...415 332QRM6 2CMA102366R1000
Blue 200...250 332QRM9 2CMA102938R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432QRM4 2CMA102711R1000 10 0.18
Red 346...415 432QRM6 2CMA102385R1000
Blue 208...250 432QRM9 2CMA102957R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C D E F G ØH ØI K
K 216QRM... 70 70 56 56 24 49 95 5.5 44 86
316QRM... 70 70 56 56 24 49 102 5.5 49 90
416QRM... 70 70 56 56 24 49 110 5.5 56 94
∅I 232QRM... 70 70 56 56 30 58 122 5.5 56 98
332QRM... 70 70 56 56 30 58 122 5.5 56 98
432QRM... 70 70 56 56 30 58 128 5.5 60 104
FA S T & S A F E 10/73
16 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Fast connection. Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 1...2.5 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
432QP6W 2P+E
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216QP4W 2CMA102589R1000 10 0.17
Blue 200...250 216QP6W 2CMA102296R1000
Red 380...415 216QP9W 2CMA102868R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316QP4W 2CMA102608R1000 10 0.19
Red 380...415 316QP6W 2CMA102315R1000
Blue 200...250 316QP9W 2CMA102887R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416QP4W 2CMA102628R1000 10 0.23
Red 346...415 416QP6W 2CMA102335R1000
Blue 208...250 416QP9W 2CMA102907R1000
32 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Fast connection. Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 2.5...6 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232QP4W 2CMA102648R1000 10 0.23
Blue 200...250 232QP6W 2CMA102355R1000
Red 380...415 232QP9W 2CMA102927R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332QP4W 2CMA102700R1000 10 0.25
Red 380...415 332QP6W 2CMA102374R1000
Blue 200...250 332QP9W 2CMA102946R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432QP4W 2CMA102720R1000 10 0.29
Red 346...415 432QP6W 2CMA102394R1000
Blue 208...250 432QP9W 2CMA102966R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C ØD
∅D C
216QP... 124 83 72 6-13
316QP... 129 89 81 6-13
416QP... 136 96 89 6-13
232QP... 149 100 93 11-20
332QP... 149 100 93 11-20
432QP... 156 107 102 11-20
10/74 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
16 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Fast connection. Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 1...2.5 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
432QC6W 3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216QC4W 2CMA102590R1000 10 0.20
Blue 200...250 216QC6W 2CMA102297R1000
Red 380...415 216QC9W 2CMA102869R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316QC4W 2CMA102609R1000 10 0.25
Red 380...415 316QC6W 2CMA102316R1000
Blue 200...250 316QC9W 2CMA102888R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416QC4W 2CMA102629R1000 10 0.27
Red 346...415 416QC6W 2CMA102336R1000
32 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Fast connection. Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 2.5...6 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232QC4W 2CMA102649R1000 10 0.29
Blue 200...250 232QC6W 2CMA102356R1000
Red 380...415 232QC9W 2CMA102928R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332QC4W 2CMA102701R1000 10 0.31
Red 380...415 332QC6W 2CMA102375R1000
Blue 200...250 332QC9W 2CMA102947R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432QC4W 2CMA102721R1000 10 0.32
Red 346...415 432QC6W 2CMA102395R1000
Blue 208...250 432QC9W 2CMA102967R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C ØD
C 216QC...W 137 83 82 6-13
316QC...W 143 89 89 6-13
416QC...W 150 96 99 6-13
232QC...W 166 100 102 11-20
332QC...W 166 100 102 11-20
432QC...W 173 107 109 11-20
FA S T & S A F E 10/75
for wall mounting, IP67
16 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Fast connection. Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 1...2.5 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216QBS4W 2CMA102597R1000 10 0.23
Blue 200...250 216QBS6W 2CMA102304R1000
Red 380...415 216QBS9W 2CMA102876R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316QBS4W 2CMA102616R1000 10 0.29
Red 380...415 316QBS6W 2CMA102323R1000
Blue 200...250 316QBS9W 2CMA102895R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416QBS4W 2CMA102637R1000 10 0.30
Red 346...415 416QBS6W 2CMA102344R1000
Blue 208...250 416QBS9W 2CMA102916R1000
32 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Fast connnection. Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 2.5...6 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232QBS4W 2CMA102689R1000 10 0.24
Blue 200...250 232QBS6W 2CMA102363R1000
Red 380...415 232QBS9W 2CMA102935R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332QBS4W 2CMA102708R1000 10 0.26
Red 380...415 332QBS6W 2CMA102382R1000
Blue 200...250 332QBS9W 2CMA102954R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432QBS4W 2CMA102727R1000 10 0.37
Red 346...415 432QBS6W 2CMA102401R1000
Blue 208...250 432QBS9W 2CMA102973R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C D E F G K ØH M
15 º
332QBS...W 88.5 95.5 75 49 23.5 149 99 10 5.5 M25x1.5
G 432QBS...W 88.5 95.5 75 49 23.5 151 103 10 5.5 M25x1.5
10/76 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
for panel mounting with unified straight flange, IP67
16 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 1...2.5 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216QB4W 2CMA102595R1000 10 0.12
Blue 200...250 216QB6W 2CMA102302R1000
Red 380...415 216QB9W 2CMA102874R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316QB4W 2CMA102614R1000 10 0.14
Red 380...415 316QB6W 2CMA102321R1000
Blue 200...250 316QB9W 2CMA102893R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416QB4W 2CMA102635R1000 10 0.18
Red 346...415 416QB6W 2CMA102342R1000
32 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 2.5...6 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232QB4W 2CMA102687R1000 10 0.20
Blue 200...250 232QB6W 2CMA102361R1000
Red 380...415 232QB9W 2CMA102933R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332QB4W 2CMA102706R1000 10 0.22
Red 380...415 332QB6W 2CMA102380R1000
Blue 200...250 332QB9W 2CMA102952R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432QB4W 2CMA102725R1000 10 0.24
Red 346...415 432QB6W 2CMA102399R1000
Blue 208...250 432QB9W 2CMA102971R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C D E F G ØH ØI
216QB...W 83 90 70 76 17 52 90 5.5 65
316QB...W 83 90 70 76 17 52 90 5.5 65
416QB...W 83 90 70 76 17 52 90 5.5 65
232QB...W 83 90 70 76 21 61 93 5.5 65
332QB...W 83 90 70 76 21 61 93 5.5 65
432QB...W 83 90 70 76 21 61 102 5.5 65
FA S T & S A F E 10/7 7
for panel mounting with unified angled flange, IP67
16 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 1...2.5 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216QBA4W 2CMA102596R1000 10 0.12
432QBA6W Blue 200...250 216QBA6W 2CMA102303R1000
Red 380...415 216QBA9W 2CMA102875R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316QBA4W 2CMA102615R1000 10 0.22
Red 380...415 316QBA6W 2CMA102322R1000
Blue 200...250 316QBA9W 2CMA102894R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416QBA4W 2CMA102636R1000 10 0.24
Red 346...415 416QBA6W 2CMA102343R1000
Blue 208...250 416QBA9W 2CMA102915R1000
32 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 2.5...6 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232QBA4W 2CMA102688R1000 10 0.18
Blue 200...250 232QBA6W 2CMA102362R1000
Red 380...415 232QBA9W 2CMA102934R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332QBA4W 2CMA102707R1000 10 0.20
Red 380...415 332QBA6W 2CMA102381R1000
Blue 200...250 332QBA9W 2CMA102953R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432QBA4W 2CMA102726R1000 10 0.25
Red 346...415 432QBA6W 2CMA102400R1000
Blue 208...250 432QBA9W 2CMA102972R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C D E F G ØH K M
216QBA...W 83 90 70 76 37 50 103 5 52 65
316QBA...W 83 90 70 76 37 52 109 5 56 68
416QBA...W 83 90 70 76 37 55 119 5 62 72
232QBA...W 83 90 70 76 43 62 125 5 66 76
332QBA...W 83 90 70 76 43 62 125 5 66 76
432QBA...W 83 90 70 76 49 59 133 5 72 82
10/78 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Socket outlet
for wall mounting, IP67
16 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Fast connection. Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216QRS4W 2CMA102593R1000 5 0.25
Blue 200...250 216QRS6W 2CMA102300R1000
Red 380...415 216QRS9W 2CMA102872R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316QRS4W 2CMA102612R1000 5 0.28
Red 380...415 316QRS6W 2CMA102319R1000
Blue 200...250 316QRS9W 2CMA102891R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416QRS4W 2CMA102633R1000 10 0.36
Red 346...415 416QRS6W 2CMA102340R1000
32 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Fast connection. Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 2.5...10 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232QRS4W 2CMA102652R1000 5 0.38
Blue 200...250 232QRS6W 2CMA102359R1000
Red 380...415 232QRS9W 2CMA102931R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332QRS4W 2CMA102704R1000 5 0.39
Red 380...415 332QRS6W 2CMA102378R1000
Blue 200...250 332QRS9W 2CMA102950R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432QRS4W 2CMA102724R1000 5 0.42
Red 346...415 432QRS6W 2CMA102398R1000
Blue 208...250 432QRS9W 2CMA102970R1000
Dimensions (mm)
D ∅H Type A B C D E F G K ØH M
216QRS...W 80.5 83 68 25 23.5 130 97 13.5 5.5 M25x1.5
F 316QRS...W 80.5 83 68 25 23.5 132 98 13.5 5.5 M25x1.5
416QRS...W 80.5 83 68 25 23.5 133 104 13.5 5.5 M25x1.5
232QRS...W 80.5 83 68 25 23.5 140 108 13.5 5.5 M25x1.5
332QRS...W 80.5 83 68 25 23.5 140 108 13.5 5.5 M25x1.5
432QRS...W 80.5 83 68 25 23.5 143 108 13.5 5.5 M25x1.5
15 º
FA S T & S A F E 10/79
Sockets outlet
for panel mounting with unified straight flange, IP67
16 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
432QR6W 3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216QR4W 2CMA102591R1000 10 0.13
Blue 200...250 216QR6W 2CMA102298R1000
Red 380...415 216QR9W 2CMA102870R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316QR4W 2CMA102610R1000 10 0.14
Red 380...415 316QR6W 2CMA102317R1000
Blue 200...250 316QR9W 2CMA102889R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416QR4W 2CMA102631R1000 10 0.15
Red 346...415 416QR6W 2CMA102338R1000
Blue 208...250 416QR9W 2CMA102910R1000
32 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 2.5...10 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232QR4W 2CMA102650R1000 10 0.18
Blue 200...250 232QR6W 2CMA102357R1000
Red 380...415 232QR9W 2CMA102929R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332QR4W 2CMA102702R1000 10 0.25
Red 380...415 332QR6W 2CMA102376R1000
Blue 200...250 332QR9W 2CMA102948R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432QR4W 2CMA102722R1000 10 0.28
Red 346...415 432QR6W 2CMA102396R1000
Blue 208...250 432QR9W 2CMA102968R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C D E F G ØH ØI K
316QR... 75 75 60 60 24 58 109 5.5 49 114
416QR... 75 75 60 60 24 58 117 5.5 56 126
Socket outlet
for panel mounting with unified angled flange, IP67
16 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216QRA4W 2CMA102592R1000 10 0.17
Blue 200...250 216QRA6W 2CMA102299R1000
Red 380...415 216QRA9W 2CMA102871R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316QRA4W 2CMA102611R1000 10 0.19
Red 380...415 316QRA6W 2CMA102318R1000
Blue 200...250 316QRA9W 2CMA102890R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416QRA4W 2CMA102632R1000 10 0.23
Red 346...415 416QRA6W 2CMA102339R1000
32 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 2.5...10 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232QRA4W 2CMA102651R1000 10 0.24
Blue 200...250 232QRA6W 2CMA102358R1000
Red 380...415 232QRA9W 2CMA102930R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332QRA4W 2CMA102703R1000 10 0.26
Red 380...415 332QRA6W 2CMA102377R1000
Blue 200...250 332QRA9W 2CMA102949R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432QRA4W 2CMA102723R1000 10 0.29
Red 346...415 432QRA6W 2CMA102397R1000
Blue 208...250 432QRA9W 2CMA102969R1000
A A Dimensions (mm)
∅H º º
20 20
Type A B C D E F G ØH K M
GG 216QRA...W 83 90 70 76 37 50 106 5 52 65
316QRA...W 83 90 70 76 37 52 109 5 56 68
416QRA...W 83 90 70 76 37 55 119 5 62 72
K K 232QRA...W 83 90 70 76 43 62 125 5 66 76
332QRA...W 83 90 70 76 43 62 125 5 66 76
432QRA...W 83 90 70 76 49 59 133 5 72 82
FA S T & S A F E 10/81
Sockets outlet
for panel mounting with minimized straight flange, IP67
16 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
416QRM6W 5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416QRM4W 2CMA102630R1000 10 0.17
Red 346...415 416QRM6W 2CMA102337R1000
Blue 208...250 416QRM9W 2CMA102909R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C D E F G ØH ØI K
416QRM...W 70 70 56 56 19 57 117 5.5 56 125
10/82 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Industrial plugs and sockets
Critical & Safe
Switched interlocket socket outlet
Heavy duty, Type MVS...WH Heavy duty, Type MVS...WH Vertical with protection, Vertical with protection, Vertical with protection,
16 A...32A, IP67 63A...125 A, IP67 Type MPM...W, 16A...32 A, IP67 Type MPR..., 16A...32 A, IP4 4 Type MPR...W, 16A...32 A, IP67
Vertical, Type MVS... Vertical, Type MVS...W Metal enclosed, Type MM Metal enclosed, Type MM...
16A...32 A, IP4 4 16 A...32A, IP67 125 A, IP4 4 16 A...32 A, IP4 4
Vertical prepared for protection,
Type MP...WP, 16A...32 A, IP67
Metal enclosed, Type MM... Horizontal, Type MHS... Horizontal, Type MHS Horizontal, Type MHS...W Horizontal, Type MHS..W
63 A, IP4 4 16 A...32 A, IP4 4 63 A, IP4 4 16A...32 A, IP67 63 A, IP67
Surface socket outlet
Vertical with protection, Vertical with protection, Vertical with protection, Vertical with protection, Vertical prepared for protection,
Type RPM..., 16 A...32 A, IP4 4 Type RPM...W, 16 A...32 A, IP67 Type RPR..., 16 A...32 A, IP4 4 Type RPR...W, 16 A...32 A, IP67 Type RP...WP, 16 A...32 A, IP67
Industrial plugs and sockets
Critical & Safe
Our new industrial plugs and sockets complements ABB’s strong low-
voltage offer. These plugs and sockets are part of CRITICAL & SAFE.
CRITICAL & SAFE is a product range suitable for general use in most
“Critical & Safe is the range for applications with The housing is made of PBT or aluminum. PBT is a
high demands on safety, durability and perfor- tough plastic material that withstands heavy-
mance. The product range is perfect for applica- duty usage and most chemicals found in indus-
tions with frequent connection/disconnection, trial environments. The aluminum housing is a
and to use in public areas. Switch interlock sys- mix of aluminium and silicon called silumin, which
tem provides high product and personal safety, gives an excellent protection against corrosion
thanks to the mechanism it is not possible to turn while being robust and tough against impact and
on the product if a correct plug is not engaged, sunlight.”
which in turn means that the risk of personal
injuries decreases if by accident coming in con-
tact with live parts. The plug cannot be disen-
gaged if the mechanism is turned on. The only
way to engage and disengage the plug from the
socket outlet is if the mechanism is switched of.
10/84 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Switched interlocked socket outlets
Heavy duty
16 A. IP67/IP69. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PBT). Cable entry with knock-outs Ø 25+32 mm on top and drill marks on bottom.
Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
416MVS6WH 3 Grey AC 216MVS1WH 2CMA163255R1000 1 1.75
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216MVS4WH 2CMA163256R1000
Blue 200...250 216MVS6WH 2CMA163257R1000
Red 380...415 216MVS9WH 2CMA163258R1000
Grey transf 216MVS12WH 2CMA163259R1000
4 Grey AC 316MVS1WH 2CMA163261R1000 1 1.79
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316MVS4WH 2CMA163262R1000
Black 600...690 316MVS5WH 2CMA163263R1000
Red 380...415 316MVS6WH 2CMA163264R1000
Black 480...500 316MVS7WH 2CMA163265R1000
Blue 200...250 316MVS9WH 2CMA163266R1000
Green 100...300 >50 316MVS10WH 2CMA163267R1000
Red 440...460 60 316MVS11WH 2CMA163268R1000
5 Grey AC 416MVS1WH 2CMA163270R1000 1 1.83
Green >300...500 >50 416MVS2WH 2CMA163271R1000
Red 346...415 50 and 60 416MVS6WH 2CMA163272R1000
Black 480...500 416MVS7WH 2CMA101713R1000
Blue 208...250 416MVS9WH 2CMA163273R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C D
216MVS...WH 255 160 306 205
316MVS...WH 255 160 306 205
416MVS...WH 255 160 306 205
Switched interlocked socket outlets
Heavy duty
32 A. IP67/IP69. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PBT). Cable entry with knock-outs Ø 25+32 mm on top and drill marks on bottom.
Cable area 2.5...10 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 232MVS1WH 2CMA163275R1000 1 1.87
Grey > 50...250 DC 232MVS3WH 2CMA105985R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232MVS4WH 2CMA105108R1000
Blue 200...250 232MVS6WH 2CMA163276R1000
Red 380...415 232MVS9WH 2CMA105109R1000
Grey transf. 232MVS12WH 2CMA105110R1000
4 Grey AC 332MVS1WH 2CMA163277R1000 1 1.91
Red 380/440 50/60 332MVS3WH 2CMA100662R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332MVS4WH 2CMA105111R1000
Black 600...690 332MVS5WH 2CMA163278R1000
Red 380...415 332MVS6WH 2CMA163279R1000
Black 480...500 332MVS7WH 2CMA163280R1000
Blue 200...250 332MVS9WH 2CMA163281R1000
Green 100...300 >50 332MVS10WH 2CMA105112R1000
Red 440...460 60 332MVS11WH 2CMA105113R1000
5 Grey AC 432MVS1WH 2CMA163284R1000 1 1.95
Green >300...500 >50 432MVS2WH 2CMA105114R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432MVS4WH 2CMA105115R1000
Red 346...415 432MVS6WH 2CMA163285R1000
Black 480...500 432MVS7WH 2CMA163286R1000
Blue 208...250 432MVS9WH 2CMA101701R1000
Red 440...460 60 432MVS11WH 2CMA105117R1000
- The switch handle is padlockable (5-8 mm shackle)
- The switch insert can be equipped with an auxiliary contact, (see page 110)
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C D
232MVS...WH 255 160 306 205
332MVS...WH 255 160 306 205
432MVS...WH 255 160 306 205
10/86 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Switched interlocked socket outlets
Heavy duty
63 A. IP67/IP69. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PBT). Cable entry with knock-outs Ø 40+50 mm on top and drill marks on bottom.
Cable area 6...25 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 263MVS1WH 2CMA162831R1000 1 3.50
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 263MVS4WH 2CMA162827R1000
Blue 200...250 263MVS6WH 2CMA162828R1000
Red 380...415 263MVS9WH 2CMA162829R1000
463MVS6WH 3P+E
4 Grey AC 363MVS1WH 2CMA162841R1000 1 3.50
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 363MVS4WH 2CMA162834R1000
Black 600...690 363MVS5WH 2CMA162835R1000
Red 380...415 363MVS6WH 2CMA162836R1000
Black 480...500 363MVS7WH 2CMA162837R1000
Blue 200...250 363MVS9WH 2CMA162838R1000
Red 440...460 60 363MVS11WH 2CMA162840R1000
5 Grey AC 463MVS1WH 2CMA162849R1000 1 3.60
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 463MVS4WH 2CMA162844R1000
Red 346...415 463MVS6WH 2CMA162845R1000
Black 600...690 463MVS5WH 2CMA162805R1000
Black 480...500 463MVS7WH 2CMA162846R1000
Blue 208...250 463MVS9WH 2CMA162847R1000
Red 440...460 60 463MVS11WH 2CMA162848R1000
- The switch handle is padlockable (5-8 mm shackle)
- The switch insert can be equipped with an auxiliary contact, (see page 110)
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C D
263MVS...WH 408 175 463 241
363MVS...WH 408 175 463 241
463MVS...WH 408 175 463 241
Switched interlocked socket outlets
Heavy duty
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 2125MVS1WH 2CMA162740R1000 1 4.20
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 2125MVS4WH 2CMA162738R1000
Blue 200...250 2125MVS6WH 2CMA162739R1000
Red 380...415 2125MVS9WH 2CMA101837R1000
4125MVS6WH 3P+E
4 Grey AC 3125MVS1WH 2CMA162746R1000 1 4.40
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 3125MVS4WH 2CMA162741R1000
Red 380...415 3125MVS6WH 2CMA162742R1000
Black 600...690 3125MVS5WH 2CMA162747R1000
Black 480...500 3125MVS7WH 2CMA162743R1000
Blue 200...250 3125MVS9WH 2CMA162744R1000
Red 440...460 60 3125MVS11WH 2CMA162745R1000
5 Grey AC 4125MVS1WH 2CMA162796R1000 1 4.50
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 4125MVS4WH 2CMA162791R1000
Red 346...415 4125MVS6WH 2CMA162792R1000
Black 600...690 4125MVS5WH 2CMA162797R1000
Black 480...500 4125MVS7WH 2CMA162793R1000
Blue 208...250 4125MVS9WH 2CMA162794R1000
Red 440...460 60 4125MVS11WH 2CMA162795R1000
- The switch handle is padlockable (5-8 mm shackle)
- The switch insert can be equipped with an auxiliary contact, (see page 110)
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C D
2125MVS...WH 408 175 463 241
3125MVS...WH 408 175 463 241
4125MVS...WH 408 175 463 241
10/88 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Switched interlocked socket outlets
Metal enclosed
16 A. IP44. Splashproof
Housing in aluminum. Cable entry 2 x M25 + 2 x M32. Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
4 Grey AC 316MM1 2CMA167980R1000 1 1.30
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316MM4 2CMA167973R1000
Black 600...690 316MM5 2CMA167974R1000
Red 380...415 316MM6 2CMA167975R1000
Black 480...500 316MM7 2CMA167976R1000
Blue 200...250 316MM9 2CMA167977R1000
Green 100...300 >50 316MM10 2CMA167978R1000
Red 440...460 60 316MM11 2CMA167979R1000
5 Grey AC 416MM1 2CMA167988R1000 1 1.32
C1 E1
Ø 1x25 + 1xM32 (16-32 A)
B 2xM40 (63 A)
Dimensions (mm)
Type B C C1 E1 H
316MM... 135 165 91.5 125 198
416MM... 135 165 91.5 125 198
Switched interlocked socket outlets
Metal enclosed
32 A. IP44. Splashproof
Housing in aluminum. Cable entry 2 x M25 + 2 x M32. Cable area 2.5...10 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
4 Grey AC 332MM1 2CMA167998R1000 1 1.42
Red 380/440 50/60 332MM3 2CMA167990R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332MM4 2CMA167991R1000
Black 600...690 332MM5 2CMA167992R1000
Red 380...415 332MM6 2CMA167993R1000
Black 480...500 332MM7 2CMA167994R1000
Blue 200...250 332MM9 2CMA167995R1000
Green 100...300 >50 332MM10 2CMA167996R1000
Red 440...460 60 332MM11 2CMA167997R1000
5 Grey AC 432MM1 2CMA168006R1000 1 1.48
Black 600...690 50 and 60 432MM5 2CMA126696R1000
Red 346...415 432MM6 2CMA168002R1000
Black 480...500 432MM7 2CMA168003R1000
Blue 208...250 432MM9 2CMA168004R1000
Red 440...460 60 432MM11 2CMA100027R1000
- The switch handle is padlockable (5-8 mm shackle)
- The switch insert can be equipped with an auxiliary contact, (see page 110)
C1 E1
Ø 1x25 + 1xM32 (16-32 A)
B 2xM40 (63 A)
Dimensions (mm)
Type B C C1 E1 H
332MM... 135 165 91.5 135 198
432MM... 135 165 91.5 135 198
10/90 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Switched interlocked socket outlets
Metal enclosed
63 A. IP44. Splashproof
Housing in aluminum. Cable entry 4 x M40.Cable area 6...25 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 263MM1 2CMA168033R1000 1 2.20
263MM6 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 263MM4 2CMA168030R1000
Blue 200...250 263MM6 2CMA168031R1000
Red 380...415 263MM9 2CMA168032R1000
4 Grey AC 363MM1 2CMA168040R1000 1 2.22
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 363MM4 2CMA168034R1000
Black 600...690 363MM5 2CMA168035R1000
Red 380...415 363MM6 2CMA168036R1000
Black 480...500 363MM7 2CMA168037R1000
5 Grey AC 463MM1 2CMA168046R1000 1 2.35
Black 600...690 50 and 60 463MM5 2CMA126697R1000
Red 346...415 463MM6 2CMA168042R1000
Black 480...500 463MM7 2CMA168043R1000
Blue 208...250 463MM9 2CMA168044R1000
C1 E1
Ø 1x25 + 1xM32 (16-32 A)
B 2xM40 (63 A)
Dimensions (mm)
Type B C C1 E1 H
263MM... 165 201 91.5 183 228
363MM... 165 201 91.5 183 228
463MM... 165 201 91.5 183 228
Switched interlocked socket outlets
Metal enclosed
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
Blue 200...250 50 and 60 2125MM6 2CMA168047R1000 1 7.70
4 Grey AC 3125MM1 2CMA168052R1000 1 7.90
Black 600...690 50 and 60 3125MM5 2CMA168061R1000
Red 380...415 3125MM6 2CMA168048R1000
Black 480...500 3125MM7 2CMA168049R1000
Blue 200...250 3125MM9 2CMA168050R1000
Red 440...460 60 3125MM11 2CMA168051R1000
5 Grey AC 4125MM1 2CMA168056R1000 1 8.10
Black 600...690 50 and 60 4125MM5 2CMA126698R1000
Red 346...415 4125MM6 2CMA168053R1000
Black 480...500 4125MM7 2CMA168054R1000
Red 440...460 60 4125MM11 2CMA168055R1000
- The switch handle is padlockable (5-8 mm shackle)
- The switch insert can be equipped with an auxiliary contact, (see page 110)
B Ø7 F
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C D E F
2125MM... 230 210 370 405 230 31
3125MM... 230 210 370 405 230 31
4125MM... 230 210 370 405 230 31
10/92 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Switched interlocked socket outlets
16 A. IP44. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PBT). Cable entry with knock-outs Ø 25 mm up/M25 down. Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 216MHS1 2CMA167626R1000 1 0.55
432MHS6 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216MHS4 2CMA167622R1000
Blue 200...250 216MHS6 2CMA167623R1000
Red 380...415 216MHS9 2CMA167624R1000
Grey transf. 216MHS12 2CMA167625R1000
4 Grey AC 316MHS1 2CMA167636R1000 1 0.58
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316MHS4 2CMA167629R1000
Black 600...690 316MHS5 2CMA167630R1000
Red 380...415 316MHS6 2CMA167631R1000
5 Grey AC 416MHS1 2CMA167644R1000 1 0.61
Green 100...300 >50 416MHS2 2CMA167637R1000
Black 600...690 50 and 60 416MHS5 2CMA126684R1000
Red 346...415 416MHS6 2CMA167640R1000
Blue 200...250 416MHS9 2CMA167642R1000
32 A. IP44. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PBT). Cable entry with knock-outs Ø 25 mm up/M25 down. Cable area 2.5...10 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 232MHS1 2CMA167672R1000 1 0.60
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232MHS4 2CMA167668R1000
Blue 200...250 232MHS6 2CMA167669R1000
4 Grey AC 332MHS1 2CMA167682R1000 1 0.63
Black 600...690 50 and 60 332MHS5 2CMA167676R1000
Red 380...415 332MHS6 2CMA167677R1000
Black 480...500 332MHS7 2CMA167678R1000
Blue 200...250 332MHS9 2CMA167679R1000
5 Grey AC 432MHS1 2CMA167690R1000 1 0.66
Black 600...690 50 and 60 432MHS5 2CMA126685R1000
Red 346...415 432MHS6 *) 2CMA167686R1000
- The switch insert can be equipped with an auxiliary contact, (see page 110)
- Dimension drawing, (see page 91)
Switched interlocked socket outlets
63 A. IP44. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PBT). Cable entry with knock-outs Ø 32 mm. Cable area 6...25 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 263MHS1 2CMA167717R1000 1 2.00
463MHS6 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 263MHS4 2CMA167714R1000
Blue 200...250 263MHS6 2CMA167715R1000
4 Grey AC 363MHS1 2CMA167725R1000 1 2.00
Black 600...690 50 and 60 363MHS5 2CMA167719R1000
Red 380...415 363MHS6 2CMA167721R1000
Black 480...500 363MHS7 2CMA167722R1000
Blue 200...250 363MHS9 2CMA167723R1000
5 Grey AC 463MHS1 2CMA167731R1000 1 2.10
Black 600...690 50 and 60 463MHS5 2CMA126686R1000
Red 346...415 463MHS6 2CMA167727R1000
C1 E1
Dimensions (mm)
Type B C C1 E1 H
263MHS... 206 132 152 168 168
363MHS... 206 132 152 168 168
463MHS... 206 132 152 168 168
B ∅ 25 (16–32 A)
∅ 32 (63 A)
C1 E1
Dimensions (mm)
Type B C C1 E1 H
216MHS...416MHS... 168 91 125 116 129
232MHS...432MHS... 168 91 125 126 129
B ∅ 25 (16–32 A)
∅ 32 (63 A)
10/94 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Switched interlocked socket outlets
16 A. IP67. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PBT). Cable entry with knock-outs Ø 25 mm up/M25 down. Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 216MHS1W 2CMA167804R1000 1 0.55
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216MHS4W 2CMA167800R1000
Blue 200...250 216MHS6W 2CMA167801R1000
Black 480...500 216MHS7W 2CMA101715R1000
Red 380...415 216MHS9W 2CMA167802R1000
Grey transf. 216MHS12W 2CMA167803R1000
4 Grey AC 316MHS1W 2CMA167814R1000 1 0.58
Green >300...500 >50 316MHS2W 2CMA167805R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 316MHS3W 2CMA167806R1000
5 Grey AC 416MHS1W 2CMA167822R1000 1 0.61
Green >300...500 >50 416MHS2W 2CMA167815R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 416MHS3W 2CMA167816R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416MHS4W 2CMA167817R1000
Red 346...415 416MHS6W 2CMA167818R1000
Black 480...500 416MHS7W 2CMA167819R1000
Blue 208...250 416MHS9W 2CMA167820R1000
Red 440...460 60 416MHS11W 2CMA167821R1000
- The switch insert can be equipped with an auxiliary contact, (see page 110)
C1 Ø7 E1
Dimensions (mm)
Type B C C1 E1 H
C H 216MHS...W 168 91 125 116 129
316MHS...W 168 91 125 116 129
416MHS...W 168 91 125 116 129
B Ø25
Switched interlocked socket outlets
32 A. IP67. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PBT). Cable entry with knock-outs Ø 25 mm up/M25 down. Cable area 2.5...10 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 232MHS1W 2CMA167851R1000 1 0.60
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232MHS4W 2CMA167847R1000
Blue 200...250 232MHS6W 2CMA167848R1000
Red 380...415 232MHS9W 2CMA167849R1000
Grey transf. 232MHS12W 2CMA167850R1000
4 Grey AC 332MHS1W 2CMA167814R1000 1 0.63
Green >300...500 >50 332MHS2W 2CMA167805R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 332MHS3W 2CMA167806R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332MHS4W 2CMA167807R1000
Black 600...690 332MHS5W 2CMA167808R1000
Red 380...415 332MHS6W 2CMA167809R1000
Black 480...500 332MHS7W 2CMA167810R1000
Blue 200...250 332MHS9W 2CMA167811R1000
Green 100...300 >50 332MHS10W 2CMA167812R1000
Red 440...460 60 332MHS11W 2CMA167813R1000
5 Grey AC 432MHS1W 2CMA167869R1000 1 0.66
Green >300...500 >50 432MHS2W 2CMA167862R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 432MHS3W 2CMA167863R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432MHS4W 2CMA167864R1000
Red 346...415 432MHS6W 2CMA167865R1000
Black 480...500 432MHS7W 2CMA167866R1000
Blue 208...250 432MHS9W 2CMA167867R1000
Red 440...460 60 432MHS11W 2CMA167868R1000
- The switch insert can be equipped with an auxiliary contact, (see page 110)
C1 Ø7 E1
Dimensions (mm)
Type B C C1 E1 H
C H 232MHS...W 168 91 125 136 129
332MHS...W 168 91 125 136 129
432MHS...W 168 91 125 116 129
B Ø25
10/96 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Switched interlocked socket outlets
63 A. IP67. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PBT). Cable entry with knock-outs knock-outs Ø 33 mm up/ Ø 33 down. Cable area 6...25 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 263MHS1W 2CMA167896R1000 1 2.00
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 263MHS4W 2CMA167893R1000
Blue 200...250 263MHS6W 2CMA167894R1000
Red 380...415 263MHS9W 2CMA167895R1000
4 Grey AC 363MHS1W 2CMA167903R1000 1 2.00
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 363MHS4W 2CMA167897R1000
Black 600...690 363MHS5W 2CMA167898R1000
Red 380...415 363MHS6W 2CMA167899R1000
Black 480...500 363MHS7W 2CMA167900R1000
5 Grey AC 463MHS1W 2CMA167909R1000 1 2.10
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 463MHS4W 2CMA167904R1000
Red 346...415 463MHS6W 2CMA167905R1000
Black 480...500 463MHS7W 2CMA167906R1000
Blue 208...250 463MHS9W 2CMA167907R1000
Red 440...460 60 463MHS11W 2CMA167908R1000
C1 E1
∅7 Dimensions (mm)
□ □ 0 0 Type
0 0 0 0 �
0 0
o-11: o-11: B C C1 E1 H
263MHS...W 206 132 152 182 168
C 0 0 H
363MHS...W 206 132 152 182 168
463MHS...W 206 132 152 182 168
j- j-
0 0 0 0
� �
B ∅ 25
0 0 �
0 0 o-11:
0 0
Switched interlocked socket outlets
With protection
63 A. IP67. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PBT). Cable entry with knock-outs Ø 33 mm up and down. Cable area 6...25 mm2.
Delivered with RCD.
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 263MPR4W 2CMA101940R1000 1 1.90
Blue 200...250 263MPR6W 2CMA101941R1000
Red 380...415 263MPR9W 2CMA101942R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 463MPR4W 2CMA101935R1000 1 1.90
Red 346...415 463MPR6W 2CMA101934R1000
Blue 208...250 463MPR9W 2CMA101936R1000
D ø7
A C1
A1 C2
A C1
B ø 33
Dimensions (mm)
Type A A1 B C C1 C2 D D1 E
263MPR...W 168 337 206 152 132 300 108 138 175
363MPR...W 168 337 206 152 132 300 108 138 175
463MPR...W 168 337 206 152 132 300 108 138 175
10/98 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Switched interlocked socket outlets
16 A. IP44. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PBT). Cable entry with knock-outs Ø 25 mm. Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 216MVS1 2CMA167649R1000 1 0.63
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216MVS4 2CMA167645R1000
432MVS6 Blue 200...250 216MVS6 2CMA167646R1000
Red 380...415 216MVS9 2CMA167647R1000
Grey transf. 216MVS12 2CMA167648R1000
4 Grey AC 316MVS1 2CMA167659R1000 1 0.67
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316MVS4 2CMA167652R1000
Black 600...690 316MVS5 2CMA167653R1000
Red 380...415 316MVS6 2CMA167654R1000
5 Grey AC 416MVS1 2CMA167667R1000 1 0.70
Green >300...500 >50 416MVS2 2CMA167660R1000
Black 600...690 50 and 60 416MVS5 2CMA126690R1000
Red 346...415 416MVS6 2CMA167663R1000
Blue 200...250 416MVS9 2CMA167665R1000
32 A. IP44. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PBT). Cable entry with knock-outs Ø 25 mm. Cable area 2.5...10 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 232MVS1 2CMA167695R1000 1 0.69
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232MVS4 2CMA167691R1000
Blue 200...250 232MVS6 2CMA167692R1000
4 Grey AC 332MVS1 2CMA167705R1000 1 0.72
Black 600...690 50 and 60 332MVS5 2CMA167699R1000
Red 380...415 332MVS6 2CMA167700R1000
Black 480...500 332MVS7 2CMA167701R1000
Blue 200...250 332MVS9 2CMA167702R1000
5 Grey AC 432MVS1 2CMA167713R1000 1 0.76
Black 600...690 50 and 60 432MVS5 2CMA126691R1000
Red 346...415 432MVS6 2CMA167709R1000
Switched interlocked socket outlets
16 A. IP67. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PBT). Cable entry with knock-outs Ø 25 mm. Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 216MVS1W 2CMA167827R1000 1 0.63
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216MVS4W 2CMA167823R1000
216MVS6W Blue 200...250 216MVS6W 2CMA167824R1000
Red 380...415 216MVS9W 2CMA167825R1000
Grey transf. 216MVS12W 2CMA167826R1000
4 Grey AC 316MVS1W 2CMA167838R1000 1 0.67
Green >300...500 >50 316MVS2W 2CMA167828R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 316MVS3W 2CMA167829R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316MVS4W 2CMA167830R1000
Black 600...690 316MVS5W 2CMA167831R1000
Red 380...415 316MVS6W 2CMA167832R1000
Black 480...500 316MVS7W 2CMA167833R1000
Blue 200...250 316MVS9W 2CMA167834R1000
Green 100...300 >50 316MVS10W 2CMA167835R1000
Red 440...460 60 316MVS11W 2CMA167836R1000
5 Grey AC 416MVS1W 2CMA167846R1000 1 0.70
Green >300...500 >50 416MVS2W 2CMA167839R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 416MVS3W 2CMA167840R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416MVS4W 2CMA167841R1000
Red 346...415 416MVS6W 2CMA167842R1000
Black 480...500 416MVS7W 2CMA167843R1000
Blue 208...250 416MVS9W 2CMA167844R1000
Red 440...460 60 416MVS11W 2CMA167845R1000
Ø 25x2
Ø 4.2
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C C1 D E
216MVS...416MVS... 199.5 120 170 90 235 149
232MVS...432MVS... 199.5 120 170 90 235 149
216MVS...W 199.5 120 170 90 253 149
316MVS...W 199.5 120 170 90 253 149
416MVS...W 199.5 120 170 90 253 149
10/100 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Switched interlocked socket outlets
32 A. IP67. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PBT). Cable entry with knock-outs Ø 25 mm. Cable area 2.5...10 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 232MVS1W 2CMA167874R1000 1 0.69
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232MVS4W 2CMA167870R1000
432MVS6W Blue 200...250 232MVS6W 2CMA167871R1000
Red 380...415 232MVS9W 2CMA167872R1000
Grey transf. 232MVS12W 2CMA167873R1000
4 Grey AC 332MVS1W 2CMA167884R1000 1 0.72
Green >300...500 >50 332MVS2W 2CMA167875R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 332MVS3W 2CMA167876R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332MVS4W 2CMA167877R1000
5 Grey AC 432MVS1W 2CMA167892R1000 1 0.76
Green >300...500 >50 432MVS2W 2CMA167885R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 432MVS3W 2CMA167886R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432MVS4W 2CMA167887R1000
Red 346...415 432MVS6W 2CMA167888R1000
Black 480...500 432MVS7W 2CMA167889R1000
Blue 208...250 432MVS9W 2CMA167890R1000
Red 440...460 60 432MVS11W 2CMA167891R1000
Ø 25x2 Ø 4.2
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C C1 D E
232MVS...W 199.5 120 170 90 253 149
332MVS...W 199.5 120 170 90 253 149
432MVS...W 199.5 120 170 90 253 149
Switched interlocked socket outlets
Vertical with protection
16 A. IP67. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PBT). Contains MCB series S201/S203 characteristic C.
Cable entry with knock-outs 2 x Ø 25 mm. Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216MPM4W 2CMA167948R1000 1 1.74
Blue 200...250 216MPM6W 2CMA167949R1000
Red 380...415 216MPM9W 2CMA167950R1000
Grey transf. 216MPM12W 2CMA167951R1000
216MPM6W 4 Green >300...500 >50 316MPM2W 2CMA167953R1000 1 1.77
Red 380/440 50/60 316MPM3W 2CMA167954R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316MPM4W 2CMA167955R1000
Black 600...690 316MPM5W 2CMA167956R1000
Red 380...415 316MPM6W 2CMA167957R1000
Black 480...500 316MPM7W 2CMA167958R1000
Blue 200...250 316MPM9W 2CMA167959R1000
Green 100...300 >50 316MPM10W 2CMA167960R1000
Red 440...460 60 316MPM11W 2CMA167961R1000
5 Green >300...500 >50 416MPM2W 2CMA167963R1000 1 1.79
Red 380/440 50/60 416MPM3W 2CMA167964R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416MPM4W 2CMA167965R1000
Red 346...415 416MPM6W 2CMA167966R1000
Black 480...500 416MPM7W 2CMA167967R1000
Blue 208...250 416MPM9W 2CMA167968R1000
Red 440...460 60 416MPM11W 2CMA167969R1000
Ø 25x2
Ø 4.2
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C C1 D E
216MPM...W 320 130 290 100 375 182
316MPM...W 320 130 290 100 375 182
416MPM...W 320 130 290 100 375 182
10/102 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Switched interlocked socket outlets
Vertical with protection
32 A. IP67. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PBT). Contains MCB series S201/S203 characteristic C.
Cable entry with knock-outs 2 x Ø 25 mm. Cable area 2.5...10 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232MPM4W 2CMA168007R1000 1 1.80
Blue 200...250 232MPM6W 2CMA168008R1000
Red 380...415 232MPM9W 2CMA168009R1000
Grey transf. 232MPM12W 2CMA168010R1000
432MPM6W 4 Green >300...500 >50 332MPM2W 2CMA168012R1000 1 1.81
Red 380/440 50/60 332MPM3W 2CMA168013R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332MPM4W 2CMA168014R1000
Black 600...690 332MPM5W 2CMA168015R1000
5 Green >300...500 >50 432MPM2W 2CMA168022R1000 1 1.83
Red 380/440 50/60 432MPM3W 2CMA168023R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432MPM4W 2CMA168024R1000
Red 346...415 432MPM6W 2CMA168025R1000
Black 480...500 432MPM7W 2CMA168026R1000
Blue 208...250 432MPM9W 2CMA168027R1000
Red 440...460 60 432MPM11W 2CMA168028R1000
Ø 25x2
Ø 4.2
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C C1 D E
232MPM...W 320 130 290 100 375 182
332MPM...W 320 130 290 100 375 182
432MPM...W 320 130 290 100 375 182
Switched interlocked socket outlets
Vertical with protection
16 A. IP44. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PBT). Contains RCD 25 A/0.03 A, type A.
Cable entry with knock-outs 2 x Ø 25 mm. Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Blue 200...250 50 and 60 216MPR6 2CMA167756R1000 1 1.71
4 Red 380...415 50 and 60 316MPR6 2CMA167764R1000 1 1.74
Blue 200...250 316MPR9 2CMA167766R1000
5 Red 346...415 50 and 60 416MPR6 2CMA167772R1000 1 1.76
32 A. IP44. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PBT). Contains RCD 40 A/0.03 A, type A.
Cable entry with knock-outs 2 x Ø 25 mm. Cable area 2.5...10 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Blue 200...250 50 and 60 232MPR6 2CMA167778R1000 1 1.77
4 Red 380...415 50 and 60 332MPR6 2CMA167786R1000 1 1.78
Blue 200...250 332MPR9 2CMA167788R1000
5 Red 346...415 50 and 60 432MPR6 2CMA167795R1000 1 1.80
Ø 25x2
Ø 4.2
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C C1 D E
216MPR... 320 130 290 100 366 182
316MPR... 320 130 290 100 366 182
416MPR... 320 130 290 100 366 182
10/104 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Switched interlocked socket outlets
Vertical with protection
16 A. IP67. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PBT). Contains RCD 25 A / 0.03 A, type A.
Cable entry with knock-outs 2 x Ø 25 mm. Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216MPR4W 2CMA168057R1000 1 1.77
Blue 200...250 216MPR6W 2CMA168058R1000
Grey transf 216MPR12W 2CMA168060R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316MPR4W 2CMA168064R1000 1 1.77
Red 380...415 316MPR6W 2CMA168066R1000
Blue 200...250 316MPR9W 2CMA168068R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416MPR4W 2CMA168074R1000 1 1.79
32 A. IP67. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PBT). Contains RCD 40 A / 0.03 A, type A.
Cable entry with knock-outs 2 x Ø 25 mm. Cable area 2.5...10 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232MPR4W 2CMA168080R1000 1 1.80
Blue 200...250 232MPR6W 2CMA168081R1000
Grey transf. 232MPR12W 2CMA168083R1000
4 Red 380/440 50/60 332MPR3W 2CMA168086R1000 1 1.81
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332MPR4W 2CMA168087R1000
Red 380...415 332MPR6W 2CMA168089R1000
Blue 200...250 332MPR9W 2CMA168091R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432MPR4W 2CMA168097R1000 1 1.83
Red 346...415 432MPR6W 2CMA168098R1000
Blue 208...250 432MPR9W 2CMA168100R1000
- The switch handle is padlockable (5-8 mm shackle)
- The switch insert can be equipped with an auxiliary contact, (see page 110)
Switched interlocked socket outlets
Vertical prepared for protection
16 A. IP67. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PBT). Cable entry with knock-outs 2 x Ø 25 mm. Cable area 1.5...4 mm2.
Delivered without MCB/RCD. Space for 4 modules.
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Blue 200...250 50 and 60 216MP6WP 2CMA162878R1000 1 1.74
5 Red 346...415 50 and 60 416MP6WP 2CMA162895R1000 1 1.79
Black 480...500 416MP7WP 2CMA162896R1000
32 A. IP67. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PBT). Cable entry with knock-outs 2 x Ø 25 mm. Cable area 2.5...10 mm2.
Delivered without MCB/RCD. Space for 4 modules.
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Blue 200...250 50 and 60 232MP6WP 2CMA163172R1000 1 1.90
5 Red 346...415 50 and 60 432MP6WP 2CMA163193R1000 1 1.95
Black 480...500 432MP7WP 2CMA163194R1000
- The switch handle is padlockable (5-8 mm shackle)
- The switch insert can be equipped with an auxiliary contact, (see page 110)
Ø 25x2
Ø 4.2
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C C1 D E
216MPR...W...416MPR...W 320 130 290 100 375 182
416MPR...W...432MPR...W 320 130 290 100 375 182
216MP...WP...432MP...WP 320 130 290 100 375 182
10/106 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Surface socket outlets
Vertical with protection
16 A. IP44. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PBT). Contains MCB type S200 characteristic C.
Cable entry with knock-outs 2 x Ø 25 mm. Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Blue 200...250 50 and 60 216RPM6 2CMA168133R1000 1 1.13
4 Red 380...415 50 and 60 316RPM6 2CMA168141R1000 1 1.16
Blue 200...250 316RPM9 2CMA168143R1000
5 Red 346...415 50 and 60 416RPM6 2CMA168150R1000 1 1.18
32 A. IP44. Splashproof
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Blue 200...250 50 and 60 232RPM6 2CMA168156R1000 1 1.19
4 Red 380...415 50 and 60 332RPM6 2CMA168164R1000 1 1.20
Blue 200...250 332RPM9 2CMA168166R1000
5 Red 346...415 50 and 60 432RPM6 2CMA168173R1000 1 1.22
Ø 25x2 Ø 4.2
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C C1 D E
216RPM...416RPM... 199.5 120 170 90 243 149
232RPM...432RPM... 199.5 120 170 90 243 149
Surface socket outlets
Vertical with protection
16 A. IP67. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PBT). Contains MCB series S201/S203 characteristic C.
Cable entry with knock-outs 2 x Ø 25 mm. Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216RPM4W 2CMA168196R1000 1 1.16
Blue 200...250 216RPM6W 2CMA168197R1000
Red 380...415 216RPM9W 2CMA168198R1000
Grey transf. 216RPM12W 2CMA168199R1000
4 Green >300...500 >50 316RPM2W 2CMA168201R1000 1 1.19
Red 380/440 50/60 316RPM3W 2CMA168202R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316RPM4W 2CMA168203R1000
Black 600...690 316RPM5W 2CMA168204R1000
Red 380...415 316RPM6W 2CMA168205R1000
Black 480...500 316RPM7W 2CMA168206R1000
Blue 200...250 316RPM9W 2CMA168207R1000
Green 100...300 >50 316RPM10W 2CMA168208R1000
Red 440...460 60 316RPM11W 2CMA168209R1000
5 Green >300...500 >50 416RPM2W 2CMA168211R1000 1 1.21
Red 380/440 50/60 416RPM3W 2CMA168212R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416RPM4W 2CMA168213R1000
Red 346...415 416RPM6W 2CMA168214R1000
Black 480...500 416RPM7W 2CMA168215R1000
Blue 208...250 416RPM9W 2CMA168216R1000
Red 440...460 60 416RPM11W 2CMA168217R1000
B Ø 25x2
Ø 4.2
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C C1 D E
216RPM...W 199.5 120 170 90 253 149
316RPM...W 199.5 120 170 90 253 149
416RPM...W 199.5 120 170 90 253 149
10/108 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Surface socket outlets
Vertical with protection
32 A. IP67. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PBT). Contains MCB series S201/S203 characteristic C.
Cable entry with knock-outs 2 x Ø 25 mm. Cable area 2.5...10 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232RPM4W 2CMA168219R1000 1 1.22
Blue 200...250 232RPM6W 2CMA168220R1000
Red 380...415 232RPM9W 2CMA168221R1000
Grey transf. 232RPM12W 2CMA168222R1000
4 Green >300...500 >50 332RPM2W 2CMA168224R1000 1 1.23
Red 380/440 50/60 332RPM3W 2CMA168225R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332RPM4W 2CMA168226R1000
Black 600...690 332RPM5W 2CMA168227R1000
5 Green >300...500 >50 432RPM2W 2CMA168234R1000 1 1.25
Red 380/440 50/60 432RPM3W 2CMA168235R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432RPM4W 2CMA168236R1000
Red 346...415 432RPM6W 2CMA168237R1000
Black 480...500 432RPM7W 2CMA168238R1000
Blue 208...250 432RPM9W 2CMA168239R1000
Red 440...460 60 432RPM11W 2CMA168240R1000
B Ø 25x2
Ø 4.2
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C C1 D E
232RPM...W 199.5 120 170 90 253 149
332RPM...W 199.5 120 170 90 253 149
432RPM...W 199.5 120 170 90 253 149
Surface socket outlets
Vertical with protection
16 A. IP44. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PBT). Contains RCD 25 A / 0.03 A, type A
Cable entry with knock-outs 2 x Ø 25 mm. Cable area 1.5...4 mm2.
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Blue 200...250 50 and 60 216RPR6 2CMA168261R1000 1 1.13
216RPR6 3P+E
4 Red 380...415 50 and 60 316RPR6 2CMA168269R1000 1 1.16
Blue 200...250 316RPR9 2CMA168271R1000
5 Red 346...415 50 and 60 416RPR6 2CMA168278R1000 1 1.18
32 A. IP44. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PBT). Contains RCD 40 A / 0.03 A, type A
Cable entry with knock-outs 2 x Ø 25 mm. Cable area 2.5...10 mm2.
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Blue 200...250 50 and 60 232RPR6 2CMA168283R1000 1 1.19
4 Red 380...415 50 and 60 332RPR6 2CMA168291R1000 1 1.20
Blue 200...250 332RPR9 2CMA168293R1000
5 Red 346...415 50 and 60 432RPR6 2CMA168300R1000 1 1.22
Ø 25x2 Ø 4.2
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C C1 D E
216RPR...416RPR... 199.5 120 170 90 243 149
232RPR...432RPR... 199.5 120 170 90 243 149
10/110 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Surface socket outlets
Vertical with protection
16 A. IP67. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PBT). Contains RCD 25 A / 0.03 A, type A.
Cable entry with knock-outs 2 x Ø 25 mm. Cable area 1.5...4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216RPR4W 2CMA168323R1000 1 1.16
Blue 200...250 216RPR6W 2CMA168324R1000
432RPR6W Grey transf 216RPR12W 2CMA168326R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316RPR4W 2CMA168330R1000 1 1.19
Red 380...415 316RPR6W 2CMA168332R1000
Blue 200...250 316MPR9W 2CMA168334R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416RPR4W 2CMA168340R1000 1 1.21
32 A. IP67. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PBT). Contains RCD 40 A / 0.03 A, type A.
Cable entry with knock-outs 2 x Ø 25 mm. Cable area 2.5...10 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232RPR4W 2CMA168346R1000 1 1.22
Blue 200...250 232RPR6W 2CMA168347R1000
Grey transf. 232RPR12W 2CMA168349R1000
4 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332RPR4W 2CMA168353R1000 1 1.23
Red 380...415 332RPR6W 2CMA168355R1000
Blue 200...250 332RPR9W 2CMA168357R1000
5 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432RPR4W 2CMA168363R1000 1 1.25
Red 346...415 432RPR6W 2CMA168364R1000
Blue 208...250 432RPR9W 2CMA168366R1000
B Ø 25x2
Ø 4.2
Dimensions (mm)
A C Type A B C C1 D E
216RPR...W...416RPR...W 199.5 120 170 90 253 149
232RPR...W...432RPR...W 199.5 120 170 90 253 149
Surface socket outlets
Vertical prepared for protection
16 A. IP67. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PBT). Cable entry with knock-outs 2 x Ø 25 mm. Cable area 1.5...4 mm2.
Delivered without MCB/RCD. Space for 4 modules.
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Blue 200...250 50 and 60 216RP6WP 2CMA164572R1000 1 1.20
5 Red 346...415 50 and 60 416RP6WP 2CMA164589R1000 1 1.20
Black 480...500 416RP7WP 2CMA164590R1000
32 A. IP67. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PBT). Cable entry with knock-outs 2 x Ø 25 mm. Cable area 2.5...10 mm2.
Delivered without MCB/RCD. Space for 4 modules.
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Blue 200...250 50 and 60 232RP6WP 2CMA164602R1000 1 1.40
5 Red 346...415 50 and 60 432RP6WP 2CMA164619R1000 1 1.40
Black 480...500 432RP7WP 2CMA164590R1000
B Ø 25x2
Ø 4.2
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C C1 D E
216RP...W...416RP...W 199.5 120 170 90 253 149
232RP...W...432RP...W 199.5 120 170 90 253 149
10/112 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Auxillary contact
Description Order Code qty
10/114 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Industrial plugs and sockets
Tough & Safe
— —
Plugs Connectors
— —
Inlets Socket outlet
For wall mounting, Type BS... For wall mounting, Type EBS...W For wall mounting, Type RS... For wall mounting, Type ERS...W
63 A, IP4 4 16 A...125 A, IP67 63 A, IP4 4 16 A...125 A, IP67
For panel mounting with For panel mounting with For panel mounting with unified For panel mounting with unified
straight flange, Type ...BU... straight flange, Type EBU...W straight flange, Type RU... angled flange, Type RAU...
63 A, IP4 4 63 A...125 A, IP67 63 A, IP4 4 63 A, IP4 4
for panel mounting For panel mounting with unified For panel mounting with unified
with angled flange, angled flange, Type R... straight flange, Type ERU...W
16-32A, IP67 16 A...32 A, IP67 63 A...125 A, IP67
TO U G H & S A F E 10/115
Product overview
Tough & Safe
Tough & Safe is the range for applications in envi- Features
ronments that have high demand of functionality • IP67 Watertight or IP44 Splashproof
and safety. The robust housing is made of PBT • 16-125 A, 50-690 VAC
plastic. The range Tough & Safe is available as wa- • IEC 60 309-1, -2
tertight (IP67, 16-125 A) and splashproof (IP44, 63 • All external screws are made of stainless steel
A). The devices are equipped with internal and ex-
ternal cable clamps. The 125 A devices are Application examples
equipped with two screws on each terminal. • Industry/workshops
• Harbours/shipyards
• Mines
• Food & beverage
of the terminals
Neutral N
Phase L1, L2, L3
screws made
of stainless steel
Type: 463P6W
Watertight chloroprene
onion skin grommet
Type:. 463C6W
10/116 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
63 A, IP44 Splashproof
Plastic enclosure (PBT). Cable entry with membrane. Cable area 4-16 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
463P6 2P+E
3 Grey AC 263P1 2CMA166746R1000 1 0.60
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 263P4 2CMA166740R1000
Blue 200...250 263P6 2CMA166742R1000
Blue 200...250 263P9 2CMA166744R1000
4 Grey AC 363P1 2CMA166760R1000 1 0.70
Black 600...690 50 and 60 363P5 2CMA166750R1000
Red 380...415 363P6 2CMA166752R1000
Black 480...500 363P7 2CMA166754R1000
Blue 200...250 363P9 2CMA166756R1000
5 Red 346...415 50 and 60 463P6 2CMA166764R1000 1 0.75
Dimensions (mm)
Dmax B
Type A B C Dmax
263-463P.. 215 103 148 35
TO U G H & S A F E 10/117
16 A, IP67 Watertight
Plastic enclosure (PBT). Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 1-2.5 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 216P1W 2CMA166466R1000 1 0.18
Grey >50...250 DC 216P3W 2CMA166456R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216P4W 2CMA166458R1000
Blue 200...250 216P6W 2CMA166460R1000
Red 380...415 216P9W 2CMA166462R1000
Grey transf 216P12W 2CMA166464R1000
4 Grey AC 316P1W 2CMA166486R1000 1 0.24
Green >300...500 >50 316P2W 2CMA166468R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 316P3W 2CMA166470R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316P4W 2CMA166472R1000
Black 600...690 316P5W 2CMA166474R1000
Red 380...415 316P6W 2CMA166476R1000
Black 480...500 316P7W 2CMA166478R1000
Blue 200...250 316P9W 2CMA166480R1000
Green 100...300 >50 316P10W 2CMA166482R1000
Red 440...460 60 316P11W 2CMA166484R1000
5 Grey AC 416P1W 2CMA166502R1000 1 0.26
Green >300...500 >50 416P2W 2CMA166488R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416P4W 2CMA166492R1000
Black 600...690 416P5W 2CMA126773R1000
Red 346...415 416P6W 2CMA166494R1000
Black 480...500 416P7W 2CMA166496R1000
Blue 208...250 416P9W 2CMA166498R1000
Red 440...460 60 416P11W 2CMA166500R1000
Dimensions (mm)
32 A, IP67 Watertight
Plastic enclosure (PBT). Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 2.5-6 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 232P1W 2CMA166728R1000 1 0.28
Grey > 50...250 DC 232P3W 2CMA105986R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232P4W 2CMA166504R1000
Blue 200...250 232P6W 2CMA166722R1000
Red 380...415 232P9W 2CMA166724R1000
Grey transf 232P12W 2CMA166726R1000
4 Grey AC 332P1W 2CMA166516R1000 1 0.30
Green >300...500 >50 332P2W 2CMA166730R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 332P3W 2CMA166732R1000
5 Grey AC 432P1W 2CMA166532R1000 1 0.32
Green >300...500 >50 432P2W 2CMA166518R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 432P3W 2CMA166520R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432P4W 2CMA166522R1000
Black 600...690 432P5W 2CMA126656R1000
Red 346...415 432P6W 2CMA166524R1000
Black 480...500 432P7W 2CMA166526R1000
Blue 208...250 432P9W 2CMA166528R1000
Red 440...460 60 432P11W 2CMA166530R1000
Dimensions (mm)
63 A, IP67 Watertight
Plastic enclosure (PBT). Cable entry with compression gland, internal and external cable clamp. Cable area 4-16 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 263P1W 2CMA166780R1000 1 0.95
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 263P4W 2CMA166774R1000
Blue 200...250 263P6W 2CMA166776R1000
Red 380...415 263P9W 2CMA166778R1000
4 Grey AC 363P1W 2CMA166794R1000 1 1.05
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 363P4W 2CMA166782R1000
Black 600...690 363P5W 2CMA166784R1000
Red 380...415 363P6W 2CMA166786R1000
Black 480...500 363P7W 2CMA166788R1000
Blue 200...250 363P9W 2CMA166790R1000
Red 440...460 60 363P11W 2CMA166792R1000
5 Grey AC 463P1W 2CMA166806R1000 1 1.15
Green >300...500 >50 463P2W 2CMA168186R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 463P4W 2CMA166796R1000
Red 346...415 463P6W 2CMA166798R1000
Black 480...500 463P7W 2CMA166800R1000
Blue 208...250 463P9W 2CMA166802R1000
Red 440...460 60 463P11W 2CMA166804R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Dmax B
Type A B C Dmax
263-463P..W 275 114 213 41
10/120 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 2125P1W 2CMA166812R1000 1 1.32
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 2125P4W 2CMA166808R1000
Blue 200...250 2125P6W 2CMA166810R1000
4 Grey AC 3125P1W 2CMA166824R1000 1 1.43
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 3125P4W 2CMA166814R1000
Black 600...690 3125P5W 2CMA166815R1000
Red 380...415 3125P6W 2CMA166816R1000
Black 480...500 3125P7W 2CMA166818R1000
Blue 200...250 3125P9W 2CMA166820R1000
5 Grey AC 4125P1W 2CMA166836R1000 1 1.54
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 4125P4W 2CMA166826R1000
Black 600...690 4125P5W 2CMA126658R1000
Red 346...415 4125P6W 2CMA166828R1000
Black 480...500 4125P7W 2CMA166830R1000
Blue 208...250 4125P9W 2CMA166832R1000
Black 440...460 60 4125P11W 2CMA166834R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Dmax B
Type A B C Dmax
2125-4125P..W 313 130 242 48
TO U G H & S A F E 10/121
63 A, IP44 Splashproof
Plastic enclosure (PBT). Cable entry with membrane. Cable area 4-16 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
463C6 2P+E
3 Grey AC 263C1 2CMA166844R1000 1 0.80
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 263C4 2CMA166838R1000
Blue 200...250 263C6 2CMA166840R1000
Red 380...415 263C9 2CMA166842R1000
4 Grey AC 363C1 2CMA166858R1000 1 0.83
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 363C4 2CMA166846R1000
Black 600...690 363C5 2CMA166848R1000
Red 380...415 363C6 2CMA166850R1000
Black 480...500 363C7 2CMA166852R1000
Blue 200...250 363C9 2CMA166854R1000
Red 440...460 60 363C11 2CMA166856R1000
5 Grey AC 463C1 2CMA166870R1000 1 0.88
Black 600...690 50 and 60 463C5 2CMA126661R1000
Red 346...415 463C6 2CMA166862R1000
Black 480...500 463C7 2CMA166864R1000
Blue 200...250 463C9 2CMA166866R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Dmax B
Type A B Dmax
263-463C.. 224 112 35
10/122 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
16 A, IP67 Watertight
Plastic enclosure (PBT). Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 1-2.5 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
216C6W 2P+E
3 Grey AC 216C1W 2CMA166544R1000 1 0.22
Grey >50...250 DC 216C3W 2CMA166534R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216C4W 2CMA166536R1000
Blue 200...250 216C6W 2CMA166538R1000
Red 380...415 216C9W 2CMA166540R1000
Grey transf 216C12W 2CMA166542R1000
4 Grey AC 316C1W 2CMA166564R1000 1 0.31
Green >300...500 >50 316C2W 2CMA166546R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 316C3W 2CMA166548R1000
5 Grey AC 416C1W 2CMA166580R1000 1 0.32
Green >300...500 >50 416C2W 2CMA166566R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 416C3W 2CMA166568R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416C4W 2CMA166570R1000
Black 600...690 416C5W 2CMA126662R1000
Red 346...415 416C6W 2CMA166572R1000
Black 480...500 416C7W 2CMA166574R1000
Blue 208...250 416C9W 2CMA166576R1000
Red 440...460 60 416C11W 2CMA166578R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Dmax B
Type A B Dmax
216C..W 151 80 13
A 316C..W 168 88 17
416C..W 170 97 17
TO U G H & S A F E 10/123
32 A, IP67 Watertight
Plastic enclosure (PBT). Cable entry with compression gland. Cable area 2.5-6 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
432C6W 2P+E
3 Grey AC 232C1W 2CMA166590R1000 1 0.35
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232C4W 2CMA166582R1000
Blue 200...250 232C6W 2CMA166584R1000
Red 380...415 232C9W 2CMA166586R1000
Grey transf 232C12W 2CMA166588R1000
4 Grey AC 332C1W 2CMA166592R1000 1 0.38
Green >300...500 >50 332C2W 2CMA166596R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 332C3W 2CMA166598R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332C4W 2CMA166600R1000
Black 600...690 332C5W 2CMA166602R1000
Red 380...415 332C6W 2CMA166604R1000
Black 480...500 332C7W 2CMA166606R1000
Blue 200...250 332C9W 2CMA166608R1000
Green 100...300 >50 332C10W 2CMA166610R1000
Red 440...460 60 332C11W 2CMA166594R1000
5 Grey AC 432C1W 2CMA166526R1000 1 0.41
Green >300...500 >50 432C2W 2CMA166612R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 432C3W 2CMA166614R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432C4W 2CMA166616R1000
Black 600...690 432C5W 2CMA126663R1000
Red 346...415 432C6W 2CMA166618R1000
Black 480...500 432C7W 2CMA166620R1000
Blue 208...250 432C9W 2CMA166622R1000
Red 440...460 60 432C11W 2CMA166624R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Dmax B
Type A B Dmax
232C..W 177 102 21.5
A 332C..W 177 102 21.5
432C..W 182 109 21.5
10/124 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
63 A, IP67 Watertight
Plastic enclosure (PBT). Cable entry with compression gland. Internal and external cable clamp. Cable area 4-16 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 263C1W 2CMA166878R1000 1 0.80
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 263C4W 2CMA166872R1000
Blue 200...250 263C6W 2CMA166874R1000
Red 380...415 263C9W 2CMA166876R1000
4 Grey AC 363C1W 2CMA166902R1000 1 0.83
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 363C4W 2CMA166890R1000
Black 600...690 363C5W 2CMA166892R1000
Red 380...415 363C6W 2CMA166894R1000
Black 480...500 363C7W 2CMA166896R1000
5 Grey AC 463C1W 2CMA166914R1000 1 0.88
Green >300...500 >50 463C2W 2CMA168184R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 463C4W 2CMA166904R1000
Red 346...415 463C6W 2CMA166906R1000
Black 480...500 463C7W 2CMA166908R1000
Blue 208...250 463C9W 2CMA166910R1000
Red 440...460 60 463C11W 2CMA166912R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Dmax B
Type A B Dmax
263-463C..W 286 111 41
TO U G H & S A F E 10/125
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
4125C6W 2P+E
3 Grey AC 2125C1W 2CMA166920R1000 1 1.37
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 2125C4W 2CMA166916R1000
Blue 200...250 2125C6W 2CMA166918R1000
4 Grey AC 3125C1W 2CMA166932R1000 1 1.41
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 3125C4W 2CMA166922R1000
Black 600...690 3125C5W 2CMA166923R1000
Red 380...415 3125C6W 2CMA166924R1000
Red 380...415 3125C6W LP 2CMA169211R1000
Black 480...500 3125C7W 2CMA166926R1000
Blue 200...250 3125C9W 2CMA166928R1000
Red 440...460 60 3125C11W 2CMA166930R1000
5 Grey AC 4125C1W 2CMA166944R1000 1 1.53
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 4125C4W 2CMA166934R1000
Red 346...415 4125C6W 2CMA166936R1000
Red 346...415 4125C6W LP 2CMA169212R1000
Black 480...500 4125C7W 2CMA166938R1000
Blue 208...250 4125C9W 2CMA166940R1000
Red 440...460 60 4125C11W 2CMA166942R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Dmax B
Type A B Dmax
2125-4125C..W 325 122 48
10/126 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Surface socket outlets
Plastic enclosed
63 A, IP44 Splashproof
Plastic enclosure (PBT). Cable entry M32, alternative rear knock-out. Cable area 6-25 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 263RS1 2CMA167480R1000 1 0.95
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 263RS4 2CMA167474R1000
463RS6 Blue 200...250 263RS6 2CMA167476R1000
Red 380...415 263RS9 2CMA167478R1000
4 Grey AC 363RS1 2CMA167506R1000 1 0.99
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 363RS4 2CMA167494R1000
Black 600...690 363RS5 2CMA167496R1000
Red 380...415 363RS6 2CMA167498R1000
Black 480...500 363RS7 2CMA167500R1000
5 Grey AC 463RS1 2CMA167492R1000 1 1.05
Black 600...690 50 and 60 463RS5 2CMA126668R1000
Red 346...415 463RS6 2CMA167484R1000
Black 480...500 463RS7 2CMA167486R1000
Blue 200...250 463RS9 2CMA167488R1000
C1 Ø5.2 ØD
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C C1 ØD E G H
263-463RS.. 136 254 170 95 M32 107 68 35
TO U G H & S A F E 10/127
Surface socket outlets
Plastic enclosed
16 A, IP67 Watertight
Plastic enclosure (PBT). Cable entry Ø 25 mm. Cable area 1.5-4 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216RS4W 2CMA167148R1000 1 0.34
Blue 200...250 216RS6W 2CMA167149R1000
216RS6W Red 380...415 216RS9W 2CMA167150R1000
Grey transf 216RS12W 2CMA167151R1000
Grey AC 216RS1W 2CMA167152R1000
4 Green >300...500 >50 316RS2W 2CMA167153R1000 1 0.37
Red 380/440 50/60 316RS3W 2CMA167154R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316RS4W 2CMA167155R1000
Black 600...690 316RS5W 2CMA167156R1000
Red 380...415 316RS6W 2CMA167157R1000
Black 480...500 316RS7W 2CMA167158R1000
Blue 200...250 316RS9W 2CMA167159R1000
Green 100...300 >50 316RS10W 2CMA167160R1000
Red 440...460 60 316RS11W 2CMA167161R1000
Grey AC 316RS1W 2CMA167162R1000
5 Green >300...500 >50 416RS2W 2CMA167163R1000 1 0.40
Red 380/440 50/60 416RS3W 2CMA167164R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416RS4W 2CMA167165R1000
Black 600...690 416RS5W 2CMA126669R1000
Red 346...415 416RS6W 2CMA167166R1000
Black 480...500 416RS7W 2CMA167167R1000
Blue 208...250 416RS9W 2CMA167168R1000
Red 440...460 60 416RS11W 2CMA167169R1000
Grey AC 416RS1W 2CMA167170R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C C1 D E G H
216RS..W 115 172 150 60 60 25 99 6.5
316RS..W 118 170 150 60 60 25 99 6.5
416RS..W 124 169 150 60 60 25 99 6.5
10/128 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Surface socket outlets
Plastic enclosed
32 A, IP67 Watertight
Plastic enclosure (PBT). Cable entry Ø 25 mm. Cable area 2.5-10 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232RS4W 2CMA167171R1000 1 0.41
Blue 200...250 232RS6W 2CMA167172R1000
232RS6W Red 380...415 232RS9W 2CMA167173R1000
Grey transf 232RS12W 2CMA167174R1000
Grey AC 232RS1W 2CMA167175R1000
4 Green >300...500 >50 332RS2W 2CMA167176R1000 1 0.43
Red 380/440 50/60 332RS3W 2CMA167177R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332RS4W 2CMA167178R1000
Black 600...690 332RS5W 2CMA167179R1000
5 Green >300...500 >50 432RS2W 2CMA167186R1000 1 0.48
Red 380/440 50/60 432RS3W 2CMA167187R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432RS4W 2CMA167188R1000
Black 600...690 432RS5W 2CMA126670R1000
Red 346...415 432RS6W 2CMA167189R1000
Black 480...500 432RS7W 2CMA167190R1000
Blue 208...250 432RS9W 2CMA167191R1000
Red 440...460 60 432RS11W 2CMA167192R1000
Grey AC 432RS1W 2CMA167193R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C C1 D E G H
232RS..W 129 178 150 60 6 25 99 6.5
332RS..W 129 178 150 60 60 25 99 6.5
432RS..W 131 178 150 60 60 25 99 6.5
TO U G H & S A F E 10/129
Surface socket outlets
Plastic enclosed
63 A, IP67 Watertight
Plastic enclosure (PBT). Cable entry Ø 32 mm. Cable area 6-25 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 263RS1W 2CMA167310R1000 1 1.00
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 263RS4W 2CMA167304R1000
Blue 200...250 263RS6W 2CMA167306R1000
Red 380...415 263RS9W 2CMA167308R1000
4 Grey AC 363RS1W 2CMA167324R1000 1 1.07
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 363RS4W 2CMA167312R1000
Black 600...690 363RS5W 2CMA167314R1000
Red 380...415 363RS6W 2CMA167316R1000
Black 480...500 363RS7W 2CMA167318R1000
Blue 200...250 363RS9W 2CMA167320R1000
Red 440...460 60 363RS11W 2CMA167322R1000
5 Grey AC 463RS1W 2CMA167336R1000 1 1.15
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 463RS4W 2CMA167326R1000
Black 600...690 463RS5W 2CMA126671R1000
Red 346...415 463RS6W 2CMA167328R1000
Black 480...500 463RS7W 2CMA167330R1000
Blue 208...250 463RS9W 2CMA167332R1000
Red 440...460 60 463RS11W 2CMA167334R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C C1 C2 D E F
263-463RS..W 150 263 176 76 76 32 118 8.0
10/130 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Surface socket outlets
Plastic enclosed
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 2125RS1W 2CMA167248R1000 1 1.45
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 2125RS4W 2CMA167244R1000
Blue 200...250 2125RS6W 2CMA167246R1000
4 Grey AC 3125RS1W 2CMA167260R1000 1 1.55
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 3125RS4W 2CMA167250R1000
Black 600...690 3125RS5W 2CMA167251R1000
Red 380...415 3125RS6W 2CMA167252R1000
Black 480...500 3125RS7W 2CMA167254R1000
Blue 200...250 3125RS9W 2CMA167256R1000
5 Grey AC 4125RS1W 2CMA167272R1000 1 1.69
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 4125RS4W 2CMA167262R1000
Black 600...690 4125RS5W 2CMA126672R1000
Red 346...415 4125RS6W 2CMA167264R1000
Black 480...500 4125RS7W 2CMA167266R1000
Blue 208...250 4125RS9W 2CMA167268R1000
Red 440...460 60 4125RS11W 2CMA167270R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type A B C C1 C2 D E F
2125-4125RS..W 171 282 188 102 85 50 145 9.0
TO U G H & S A F E 10/131
Surface socket outlets
For looping
16 A, IP67 Watertight
Plastic enclosure (PBT). Cable entry knock-outs 2×Ø 25 mm. Terminal block 2×(2.5-10 mm2).
Outlet is connected to terminal block.
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 216RL1W 2CMA168461R1000 1 0.63
Grey >50...250 DC 216RL3W 2CMA168456R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216RL4W 2CMA168457R1000
216RL6W Blue 200...250 216RL6W 2CMA168458R1000
Red 380...415 216RL9W 2CMA168459R1000
Grey transf DC 216RL12W 2CMA168460R1000
4 Grey AC 316RL1W 2CMA168471R1000 1 0.66
Green >300...500 >50 316RL2W 2CMA168462R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 316RL3W 2CMA168463R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316RL4W 2CMA168464R1000
Black 600...690 316RL5W 2CMA168465R1000
Red 380...415 316RL6W 2CMA168466R1000
Black 480...500 316RL7W 2CMA168467R1000
Blue 200...250 316RL9W 2CMA168468R1000
Green 100...300 >50 316RL10W 2CMA168469R1000
Red 440...460 60 316RL11W 2CMA168470R1000
5 Grey AC 416RL1W 2CMA168479R1000 1 0.68
Green >300...500 >50 416RL2W 2CMA168472R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 416RL3W 2CMA168473R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416RL4W 2CMA168474R1000
Red 346...415 416RL6W 2CMA168475R1000
Black 480...500 416RL7W 2CMA168476R1000
Blue 208...250 416RL9W 2CMA168477R1000
Red 440...460 60 416RL11W 2CMA168478R1000
90 Ø 4.2 Ø 25x2
10/132 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Surface socket outlets
For looping
32 A, IP67 Watertight
Plastic enclosure (PBT). Cable entry knock-outs 2xØ 25 mm. Terminal block 2x(2.5-10 mm2).
Outlet is connected to terminal block.
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 232RL1W 2CMA168484R1000 1 0.69
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232RL4W 2CMA168480R1000
Blue 200...250 232RL6W 2CMA168481R1000
Red 380...415 232RL9W 2CMA168482R1000
Grey transf 232RL12W 2CMA168483R1000
4 Grey AC 332RL1W 2CMA168494R1000 1 0.70
Green >300...500 >50 332RL2W 2CMA168485R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 332RL3W 2CMA168486R1000
5 Grey AC 432RL1W 2CMA168502R1000 1 0.72
Green >300...500 >50 432RL2W 2CMA168495R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 432RL3W 2CMA168496R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432RL4W 2CMA168497R1000
Red 346...415 432RL6W 2CMA168498R1000
Black 480...500 432RL7W 2CMA168499R1000
Blue 208...250 432RL9W 2CMA168500R1000
Red 440...460 60 432RL11W 2CMA168501R1000
90 Ø 4.2 Ø 25x2
TO U G H & S A F E 10/133
Surface socket outlets
For looping
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 2125RL1W 2CMA168528R1000 1 4.00
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 2125RL4W 2CMA168526R1000
Blue 200...250 2125RL6W 2CMA168527R1000
4 Grey AC 3125RL1W 2CMA168534R1000 1 4.10
4125RL6W Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 3125RL4W 2CMA168529R1000
Red 380...415 3125RL6W 2CMA168530R1000
Black 480...500 3125RL7W 2CMA168531R1000
Blue 200...250 3125RL9W 2CMA168532R1000
Red 440...460 60 3125RL11W 2CMA168533R1000
5 Grey AC 4125RL1W 2CMA168540R1000 1 4.25
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 4125RL4W 2CMA168535R1000
Red 346...415 4125RL6W 2CMA168536R1000
Black 480...500 4125RL7W 2CMA168537R1000
Blue 208...250 4125RL9W 2CMA168538R1000
Red 440...460 60 4125RL11W 2CMA168539R1000
- 2125 - 4125RL...W can be equipped with sealing up to 70 mm2.
- Cable clamps for Al available on request.
- RL...W have terminal block for 2 wire feeding under the same clamp.
230 210
204 Ø 6.5 Ø 2x50/25
2125 - 4125RL..W
10/134 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Surface inlets
63 A, IP44 Splashproof
Plastic enclosure (PBT). M32 alternative rear knock-out cable entry. Cable area 6-25 mm2.
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 263BS1 2CMA167548R1000 1 0.80
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 263BS4 2CMA167542R1000
Blue 200...250 263BS6 2CMA167544R1000
Red 380...415 263BS9 2CMA167546R1000
463BS6 3P+E
4 Grey AC 363BS1 2CMA167562R1000 1 0.85
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 363BS4 2CMA167550R1000
Black 600...690 363BS5 2CMA167552R1000
Red 380...415 363BS6 2CMA167554R1000
Black 480...500 363BS7 2CMA167556R1000
5 Grey AC 463BS1 2CMA167574R1000 1 0.90
Black 600...690 50 and 60 463BS5 2CMA126701R1000
Red 346...415 463BS6 2CMA167566R1000
Black 480...500 463BS7 2CMA167568R1000
Blue 200...250 463BS9 2CMA167570R1000
107 117
Ø 5.2 68
95 M32
Ø 35
TO U G H & S A F E 10/135
Surface inlets
16 A, IP67 Watertight
Plastic enclosure (PBT). Cable entry Ø 25 mm. Cable area 1.5-4 mm2.
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 216BS1W 2CMA167050R1000 1 0.36
Green >300...500 >50 216BS2W 2CMA167051R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216BS4W 2CMA167042R1000
Blue 200...250 216BS6W 2CMA167044R1000
Red 380...415 216BS9W 2CMA167046R1000
216BS6W Grey transf 216BS12W 2CMA167048R1000
4 Grey AC 316BS1W 2CMA167070R1000 1 0.41
Green >300...500 >50 316BS2W 2CMA167052R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 316BS3W 2CMA167054R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316BS4W 2CMA167056R1000
Black 600...690 316BS5W 2CMA167058R1000
Red 380...415 316BS6W 2CMA167060R1000
Black 480...500 316BS7W 2CMA167062R1000
Blue 200...250 316BS9W 2CMA167064R1000
Green 100...300 >50 316BS10W 2CMA167066R1000
Red 440...460 60 316BS11W 2CMA167068R1000
5 Grey AC 416BS1W 2CMA167086R1000 1 0.43
Green >300...500 >50 416BS2W 2CMA167072R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 416BS3W 2CMA167074R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416BS4W 2CMA167076R1000
Black 600...690 416BS5W 2CMA126774R1000
Red 346...415 416BS6W 2CMA167078R1000
Black 480...500 416BS7W 2CMA167080R1000
Blue 208...250 416BS9W 2CMA167082R1000
Red 440...460 60 416BS11W 2CMA167084R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type B C C1 D E1 F H
216BS..W 99 150 60 28.3 129 06.6 196
316BS..W 99 150 60 28.3 132 06.5 202
416BS..W 99 150 60 28.3 134 06.5 209
10/136 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Surface inlets
32 A, IP67 Watertight
Plastic enclosure (PBT). Cable entry Ø 25 mm. Cable area 2.5-10 mm2.
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 232BS1W 2CMA167096R1000 1 0.44
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232BS4W 2CMA167088R1000
Blue 200...250 232BS6W 2CMA167090R1000
Red 380...415 232BS9W 2CMA167092R1000
Grey transf 232BS12W 2CMA167094R1000
4 Grey AC 332BS1W 2CMA167114R1000 1 0.46
Green >300...500 >50 332BS2W 2CMA167098R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 332BS3W 2CMA167100R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332BS4W 2CMA167102R1000
5 Grey AC 432BS1W 2CMA167130R1000 1 0.48
Green >300...500 >50 432BS2W 2CMA167116R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 432BS3W 2CMA167118R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432BS4W 2CMA167120R1000
Black 600...690 432BS5W 2CMA126776R1000
Red 346...415 432BS6W 2CMA167122R1000
Black 480...500 432BS7W 2CMA167124R1000
Blue 208...250 432BS9W 2CMA167126R1000
Red 440...460 60 432BS11W 2CMA167128R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type B C C1 D E1 F H
232BS..W 99 150 60 28.3 136 6.5 220
332BS..W 99 150 60 28.3 136 6.5 220
432BS..W 99 150 60 28.3 140 6.5 226
TO U G H & S A F E 10/137
Surface inlets
63 A, IP67 Watertight
Plastic enclosure (PBT). Cable entry Ø 32 mm. Cable area 6-25 mm2.
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 263BS1W 2CMA167344R1000 1 1.20
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 263BS4W 2CMA167338R1000
Blue 200...250 263BS6W 2CMA167340R1000
Red 380...415 263BS9W 2CMA167342R1000
4 Grey AC 363BS1W 2CMA167358R1000 1 1.30
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 363BS4W 2CMA167346R1000
Black 600...690 363BS5W 2CMA167348R1000
Red 380...415 363BS6W 2CMA167350R1000
Black 480...500 363BS7W 2CMA167352R1000
Blue 200...250 363BS9W 2CMA167354R1000
Red 440...460 60 363BS11W 2CMA167356R1000
5 Grey AC 463BS1W 2CMA167370R1000 1 1.40
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 463BS4W 2CMA167360R1000
Black 600...690 463BS5W 2CMA126775R1000
Red 346...415 463BS6W 2CMA167362R1000
Black 480...500 463BS7W 2CMA167364R1000
Blue 208...250 463BS9W 2CMA167366R1000
Red 440...460 60 463BS11W 2CMA167368R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type B C C1 D E1 F H
263-463BS..W 118 176 76 38 138 8 249
10/138 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Surface inlets
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 2125BS1W 2CMA167278R1000 1 4.00
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 2125BS4W 2CMA167274R1000
Blue 200...250 2125BS6W 2CMA167276R1000
4 Grey AC 3125BS1W 2CMA167290R1000 1 4.10
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 3125BS4W 2CMA167280R1000
Red 380...415 3125BS6W 2CMA167282R1000
Black 480...500 3125BS7W 2CMA167284R1000
Blue 200...250 3125BS9W 2CMA167286R1000
Red 440...460 60 3125BS11W 2CMA167288R1000
5 Grey AC 4125BS1W 2CMA167302R1000 1 4.25
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 4125BS4W 2CMA167292R1000
Black 600...690 4125BS5W 2CMA126705R1000
Red 346...415 4125BS6W 2CMA167294R1000
Black 480...500 4125BS7W 2CMA167296R1000
Blue 208...250 4125BS9W 2CMA167298R1000
Red 440...460 60 4125BS11W 2CMA167300R1000
Dimensions (mm)
Type B C C1 D E1 F H
2125-4125BS..W 145 188 85 47 160 9 265
TO U G H & S A F E 10/139
Panel mounted socket outlets
Unified straight flange
63 A, IP44 Splashproof
Plastic enclosure (PBT). Cable area 6-25 mm2.
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
463RU6 2P+E
3 Grey AC 263RU1 2CMA167514R1000 1 0.60
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 263RU4 2CMA167508R1000
Blue 200...250 263RU6 2CMA167510R1000
4 Grey AC 363RU1 2CMA167528R1000 1 0.69
Black 600...690 50 and 60 363RU5 2CMA167518R1000
Red 380...415 363RU6 2CMA167520R1000
Black 480...500 363RU7 2CMA167522R1000
Blue 200...250 363RU9 2CMA167524R1000
5 Grey AC 463RU1 2CMA167540R1000 1 0.76
Black 600...690 50 and 60 463RU5 2CMA126675R1000
Red 346...415 463RU6 2CMA167532R1000
Ø 4.2
C1 E1 E
Dimensions (mm)
Type C C1 D D2 E E1 H
263-463RU.. 61 61 70 104 87 48 112
10/140 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Panel mounted socket outlets
Unified straight flange
63 A, IP67 Watertight
Plastic enclosure (PBT). Cable area 6-25 mm2.
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
263RU6W 2P+E
3 Grey AC 263RU1W 2CMA167378R1000 1 0.64
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 263RU4W 2CMA167372R1000
Blue 200...250 263RU6W 2CMA167374R1000
Red 380...415 263RU9W 2CMA167376R1000
4 Grey AC 363RU1W 2CMA167392R1000 1 0.69
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 363RU4W 2CMA167380R1000
Black 600...690 363RU5W 2CMA167382R1000
Red 380...415 363RU6W 2CMA167384R1000
Black 480...500 363RU7W 2CMA167386R1000
5 Grey AC 463RU1W 2CMA167404R1000 1 0.76
Green >300...500 >50 463RU2W 2CMA168182R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 463RU4W 2CMA167394R1000
Black 600...690 463RU5W 2CMA126676R1000
Red 346...415 463RU6W 2CMA167396R1000
Black 480...500 463RU7W 2CMA167398R1000
Blue 208...250 463RU9W 2CMA167400R1000
Red 440...460 60 463RU11W 2CMA167402R1000
Ø 4.2/6.5
C1 E1 E
Dimensions (mm)
Type C C1 D D2 E E1 H
263RU..W...463RU...W 61 61 70 104 89 48 111
TO U G H & S A F E 10/141
Panel mounted socket outlets
Unified straight flange
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
4125RU6W 2P+E
3 Grey AC 2125RU1W 2CMA167134R1000 1 0.85
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 2125RU4W 2CMA167132R1000
Blue 200...250 2125RU6W 2CMA167133R1000
Blue 200...250 2125RU6W LP 2CMA192729R1000
4 Grey AC 3125RU1W 2CMA167140R1000 1 1.00
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 3125RU4W 2CMA167135R1000
Black 600...690 3125RU5W 2CMA126718R1000
Red 380...415 3125RU6W 2CMA167136R1000
Red 380...415 3125RU6W LP 2CMA192730R1000
Black 480...500 3125RU7W 2CMA167137R1000
Black 480...500 3125RU7W LP 2CMA101865R1000
Blue 200...250 3125RU9W 2CMA167138R1000
Blue 200...250 3125RU9W LP 2CMA101866R1000
Red 440...460 60 3125RU11W 2CMA167139R1000
Red 440...460 3125RU11W LP 2CMA101867R1000
5 Grey AC 4125RU1W 2CMA167146R1000 1 1.14
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 4125RU4W 2CMA167141R1000
Red 346...415 4125RU6W 2CMA167142R1000
Red 346...415 4125RU6W LP 2CMA169213R1000
Black 480...500 4125RU7W 2CMA167143R1000
Blue 208...250 4125RU9W 2CMA167144R1000
Red 440...460 60 4125RU11W 2CMA167145R1000
- Delivered with flange gasket.
Ø 4.2/6.5
C1 E1 E
Dimensions (mm)
Type C C1 D D2 E E1 H
2125RU...W...4125RU..W 71 71 88 115 100 58 122
10/142 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Panel mounted socket outlets
Unified straight flange
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3125RF6W LP
3 Blue 200...250 50 and 60 2125RF6W LP 2CMA101881R1000 1 1.2
4 Grey AC 3125RF1W LP 2CMA101874R1000 1 1.23
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 3125RF4W LP 2CMA101875R1000
Black 600...690 3125RF5W LP 2CMA101876R1000
Red 380...415 3125RF6W LP 2CMA101877R1000
Black 480...500 3125RF7W LP 2CMA101878R1000
Blue 200...250 3125RF9W LP 2CMA101879R1000
Red 440...460 60 3125RF11W LP 2CMA101880R1000
Panel mounted socket outlets
Unified angled flange
63 A, IP44 Splashproof
Plastic enclosure (PBT). Cable area 6-25 mm2.
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 263RAU1 2CMA167412R1000 1 0.60
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 263RAU4 2CMA167406R1000
Blue 200...250 263RAU6 2CMA167408R1000
4 Grey AC 363RAU1 2CMA167426R1000 1 0.63
Black 600...690 50 and 60 363RAU5 2CMA167416R1000
Red 380...415 363RAU6 2CMA167418R1000
Black 480...500 363RAU7 2CMA167420R1000
Blue 200...250 363RAU9 2CMA167422R1000
5 Grey AC 463RAU1 2CMA167438R1000 1 0.69
Black 600...690 50 and 60 463RAU5 2CMA126680R1000
Red 346...415 463RAU6 2CMA167430R1000
Blue 200...250 463RAU9 2CMA101700R1000
D3 C
Ø 4.5
E1 E
Dimensions (mm)
Type C C1 D D2 D3 E E1 H
263-463RAU.. 84 80 92 100 104 62 73 111
10/14 4 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Panel mounted socket outlets
Unified angled flange
16 A, IP67 Watertight
Plastic enclosure (PBT). Cable area 1.5-4 mm2.
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 216RAU1W 2CMA167002R1000 1 0.12
216RAU6W Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 216RAU4W 2CMA166994R1000
Blue 200...250 216RAU6W 2CMA166996R1000
Red 380...415 216RAU9W 2CMA166998R1000
Grey transf 216RAU12W 2CMA167000R1000
4 Grey AC 316RAU1W 2CMA167022R1000 1 0.15
Green >300...500 >50 316RAU2W 2CMA167004R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 316RAU3W 2CMA167006R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 316RAU4W 2CMA167008R1000
5 Grey AC 416RAU1W 2CMA167038R1000 1 0.18
Green >300...500 >50 416RAU2W 2CMA167024R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 416RAU3W 2CMA167026R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416RAU4W 2CMA167028R1000
Black 600...690 416RAU5W 2CMA126681R1000
Red 346...415 416RAU6W 2CMA167030R1000
Black 480...500 416RAU7W 2CMA167032R1000
Blue 208...250 416RAU9W 2CMA167034R1000
Red 440...460 60 416RAU11W 2CMA167036R1000
Ø5 E1 E
Dimensions (mm)
Type C C1 D D2 E E1 H
216RAU..W 79.5 79.5 83 95 45 57 95
316RAU..W 79.5 79.5 83 95 45 57 95
416RAU..W 79.5 79.5 83 95 47 57 99
TO U G H & S A F E 10/145
Panel mounted socket outlets
Unified angled flange
32 A, IP67 Watertight
Plastic enclosure (PBT). Cable area 2.5-10 mm2.
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 232RAU1W 2CMA166954R1000 1 0.19
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232RAU4W 2CMA166946R1000
Blue 200...250 232RAU6W 2CMA166948R1000
Red 380...415 232RAU9W 2CMA166950R1000
Grey transf 232RAU12W 2CMA166952R1000
4 Grey AC 332RAU1W 2CMA166974R1000 1 0.21
Green >300...500 >50 332RAU2W 2CMA166956R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 332RAU3W 2CMA166958R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332RAU4W 2CMA166960R1000
Black 600...690 332RAU5W 2CMA166962R1000
Red 380...415 332RAU6W 2CMA166964R1000
Black 480...500 332RAU7W 2CMA166966R1000
Blue 200...250 332RAU9W 2CMA166968R1000
Green 100...300 >50 332RAU10W 2CMA166970R1000
Red 440...460 60 332RAU11W 2CMA166972R1000
5 Grey AC 432RAU1W 2CMA166990R1000 1 0.26
Green >300...500 >50 432RAU2W 2CMA166976R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 432RAU3W 2CMA166978R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432RAU4W 2CMA166980R1000
Black 600...690 432RAU5W 2CMA126682R1000
Red 346...415 432RAU6W 2CMA166982R1000
Black 480...500 432RAU7W 2CMA166984R1000
Blue 208...250 432RAU9W 2CMA166986R1000
Red 440...460 60 432RAU11W 2CMA166988R1000
Ø5 E1 E
Dimensions (mm)
Type C C1 D D2 E E1 H
232RAU..W 79.5 79.5 83 95 56 61 104
332RAU..W 79.5 79.5 83 95 56 61 104
432RAU..W 79.5 79.5 83 95 56 62 111
10/146 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Panel mounted socket outlets
Unified angled flange
63 A, IP67 Watertight
Plastic enclosure (PBT). Cable area 6-25 mm2.
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 263RAU1W 2CMA167446R1000 1 0.60
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 263RAU4W 2CMA167440R1000
Blue 200...250 263RAU6W 2CMA167442R1000
Red 380...415 263RAU9W 2CMA167444R1000
4 Grey AC 363RAU1W 2CMA167460R1000 1 0.63
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 363RAU4W 2CMA167448R1000
Black 600...690 363RAU5W 2CMA167450R1000
Red 380...415 363RAU6W 2CMA167452R1000
Black 480...500 363RAU7W 2CMA167454R1000
5 Grey AC 463RAU1W 2CMA167472R1000 1 0.69
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 463RAU4W 2CMA167462R1000
Black 600...690 463RAU5W 2CMA126683R1000
Red 346...415 463RAU6W 2CMA167464R1000
Black 480...500 463RAU7W 2CMA167466R1000
Blue 208...250 463RAU9W 2CMA167468R1000
Red 440...460 60 463RAU11W 2CMA167470R1000
- Delivered with flange gasket.
Ø4.2 E1 E
Dimensions (mm)
Type C C1 D D2 E E1 H
263-463RAU..W 84 80 92 104 61 71 115
TO U G H & S A F E 10/147
Panel mounted socket inlets
Straight flange
63 A, IP44 Splashproof
Plastic enclosure (PBT). Cable area 6-25 mm2.
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
463BU6 3 Grey AC 263BU1 2CMA167216R1000 1 0.50
Blue 200...250 50 and 60 263BU6 2CMA167212R1000
4 Grey AC 363BU1 2CMA167230R1000 1 0.55
Black 600...690 50 and 60 363BU5 2CMA167220R1000
Red 380...415 363BU6 2CMA167222R1000
Blue 200...250 363BU9 2CMA167226R1000
5 Grey AC 463BU1 2CMA167242R1000 1 0.60
Red 346...415 50 and 60 463BU6 2CMA167234R1000
øD C
C E3
B E2
Dimensions (mm)
Type B C D E E1 E3 E4 H H1
øD C
263-463BU.. 11 61 70 105 62.0 50.0 78.0 9 49.5
C E3
10/148 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Panel mounted socket inlets
Straight flange
63 A, IP67 Watertight
Plastic enclosure (PBT). Cable area 6-25 mm2.
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
263BU6W 3 Grey AC 263BU1W 2CMA168106R1000 1 0.50
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 263BU4W 2CMA168103R1000
Blue 200...250 263BU6W 2CMA168104R1000
Red 380...415 263BU9W 2CMA168105R1000
4 Grey AC 363BU1W 2CMA168113R1000 1 0.55
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 363BU4W 2CMA168107R1000
Black 600...690 363BU5W 2CMA168108R1000
Red 380...415 363BU6W 2CMA168109R1000
Black 480...500 363BU7W 2CMA168110R1000
5 Grey AC 463BU1W 2CMA168119R1000 1 0.60
Green >300...500 >50 463BU2W 2CMA168180R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 463BU4W 2CMA168114R1000
Black 600...690 463BU5W 2CMA100859R1000
Red 346...415 463BU6W 2CMA168115R1000
Black 480...500 463BU7W 2CMA168116R1000
Blue 208...250 463BU9W 2CMA168117R1000
Red 440...460 60 463BU11W 2CMA168118R1000
- Delivered with flange gasket.
D2 E4
C E3
Dimensions (mm)
Type B C D D2 E3 E4
263-463BU..W 112 61 70 98 50 80
TO U G H & S A F E 10/149
Panel mounted socket inlets
Straight flange
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 2125BU1W 2CMA167196R1000 1 0.78
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 2125BU4W 2CMA167194R1000
Blue 200...250 2125BU6W 2CMA167195R1000
4 Grey AC 3125BU1W 2CMA167202R1000 1 0.84
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 3125BU4W 2CMA167197R1000
Black 600...690 3125BU5W 2CMA126719R1000
Red 380...415 3125BU6W 2CMA167198R1000
Black 480...500 3125BU7W 2CMA167199R1000
Blue 200...250 3125BU9W 2CMA167200R1000
Red 440...460 60 3125BU11W 2CMA167201R1000
5 Grey AC 4125BU1W 2CMA167208R1000 1 0.96
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 4125BU4W 2CMA167203R1000
Red 380...415 4125BU6W 2CMA167204R1000
Black 480...500 4125BU7W 2CMA167205R1000
Blue 208...250 4125BU9W 2CMA167206R1000
Red 440...460 60 4125BU11W 2CMA167207R1000
- Delivered with flange gasket.
D2 E4
C E3
Dimensions (mm)
Type B C D D2 E3 E4
2125-4125BU..W 122 71 81 118 56 89
10/150 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Panel mounted socket inlets
Angled flange
16 A, IP67 Watertight
Plastic enclosure (PBT). Cable area 1.5-4 mm2.
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 216BAU1W 2CMA166684R1000 1 0.14
4 Grey AC 316BAU1W 2CMA166704R1000 1 0.19
Green >300...500 >50 316BAU2W 2CMA166686R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 316BAU3W 2CMA166688R1000
5 Grey AC 416BAU1W 2CMA166720R1000 1 0.21
Green >300...500 >50 416BAU2W 2CMA166706R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 416BAU3W 2CMA166708R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 416BAU4W 2CMA166710R1000
Red 346...415 416BAU6W 2CMA166712R1000
Black 480...500 416BAU7W 2CMA166714R1000
Blue 208...250 416BAU9W 2CMA166716R1000
Red 440...460 60 416BAU11W 2CMA166718R1000
- Delivered with flange gasket.
D2 E3 E4
Dimensions (mm)
Type C D D2 E3 E4 F
216BAU..W 79.5 83 95 10 47 71
316BAU..W 79.5 83 95 10 53 79
416BAU..W 79.5 83 95 10 87 87
TO U G H & S A F E 10/151
Panel mounted socket inlets
Angled flange
32 A, IP67 Watertight
Plastic enclosure (PBT). Cable area 2.5-10 mm2.
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Grey AC 232BAU1W 2CMA166636R1000 1 0.22
432BAU6W Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 232BAU4W 2CMA166628R1000
Blue 200...250 232BAU6W 2CMA166630R1000
Red 380...415 232BAU9W 2CMA166632R1000
Grey transf 232BAU12W 2CMA166634R1000
4 Grey AC 332BAU1W 2CMA166656R1000 1 0.84
Green >300...500 >50 332BAU2W 2CMA166638R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 332BAU3W 2CMA166640R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 332BAU4W 2CMA166642R1000
Black 600...690 332BAU5W 2CMA166644R1000
Red 380...415 332BAU6W 2CMA166646R1000
Black 480...500 332BAU7W 2CMA166648R1000
Blue 200...250 332BAU9W 2CMA166650R1000
Green 100...300 >50 332BAU10W 2CMA166652R1000
Red 440...460 60 332BAU11W 2CMA166654R1000
5 Grey AC 432BAU1W 2CMA166672R1000 1 0.96
Green >300...500 >50 432BAU2W 2CMA166658R1000
Red 380/440 50/60 432BAU3W 2CMA166660R1000
Yellow 100...130 50 and 60 432BAU4W 2CMA166662R1000
Red 346...415 432BAU6W 2CMA166664R1000
Black 480...500 432BAU7W 2CMA166666R1000
Blue 208...250 432BAU9W 2CMA166668R1000
Red 440...460 60 432BAU11W 2CMA166670R1000
- Delivered with flange gasket.
D2 E3 E4
Dimensions (mm)
Type C D D2 E3 E4 F
232BAU..W 79.5 83 95 12 60 94
332BAU..W 79.5 83 95 12 60 94
432BAU..W 79.5 83 95 12 67 101
10/152 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Industrial plugs and sockets
Plug blocker
Lockout/tagout for plugs and inlets. Can be used for any IEC 60309-1 and 60309-2 plug
or inlet, both IP44 and IP67 products.
Padlock unit
Padlock unit suitable for all plugs and sockets with handle. Shackle for up to 6 padlocks.
Industrial plugs and sockets
Modular Combi
Modular Combi is a system consisting of compact units replacing outlets
that traditionally has been scattered around the walls.
Modular combi is a cost effective system.
Modular Combi is a cost effective system with metal. Common for them are among other fea-
different types of outlets, RCDs and MCBs in one tures that you only need one feeding cable, it can
location. Modular Combi is very easy to install be mounted with an already existing 4-wire as
and, thanks to the solutions and design, it saves well as 5-wire cable and that the modules are easy
time and money. to modify in the future for additional needs.
The Modular Combi range consists of two lines,
one product line in plastic, and the other one in
NBS ITA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Modular Combi
Plastic 16 A
MCB RCD Eart fault Outlet pkg
protector Type Order Code Size (1pce)
IEC W H D kg
1xS201 C16 1 40 A/0.03 1x216 M Combi 16-1 2CMA104324R1000 275 455 142 5.60
1xS203 M C16 1x416
2xS203 M C16 1 40 A/0.03 2x416 M Combi 16-2 2CMA104326R1000 275 455 142 5.60
1xS201 C16 1 40 A/0.03 1x216 M Combi 16-3 2CMA104329R1000 275 455 142 5.60
1xS203 M C16 1x316
2xS203 M C16 1 40 A/0.03 2x316 M Combi 16-4 2CMA104330R1000 275 455 142 5.60
M Combi 16-3
Plastic 32 A
MCB RCD Eart fault Outlet pkg
protector Type Order Code Size (1pce)
IEC W H D kg
1xS201 C16 1 63 A/0.03 1x216 M Combi 32-1 2CMA104325R1000 275 455 152 5.70
1xS203 M C32 1x432
1xS203 C16 1 63 A/0.03 1x416 M Combi 32-2 2CMA104327R1000 275 455 152 5.70
1xS203 M C32 1x432
1xS201 C16 1 63 A/0.03 1x216 M Combi 32-3 2CMA104328R1000 275 455 152 5.70
1xS203 M C32 1x332
1xS203 C16 1 63 A/0.03 1x316 M Combi 32-4 2CMA104331R1000 275 455 152 5.70
1xS203 M C32 1x332
M Combi 32-6 1xS201 C16 1 63 A/0.03 1x216 M Combi 32-5 2CMA104332R1000 275 455 152 5.80
1xS203 M C16 1x416
1xS203 M C32 1x432
1xS201 C16 1 63 A/0.03 1x216 M Combi 32-6 2CMA104333R1000 275 455 152 5.80
1xS203 M C16 1x316
1xS203 M C32 1x332
Modular Combi parts
Socket outlet with angled flange, IP67
16 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 1...2.5 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
3 Blue 200...250 50 and 60 216ERAU6W 2CMA104398R1000 10 0.15
4 Red 380...415 50 and 60 316ERAU6W 2CMA104399R1000 10 0.18
5 Red 346...415 50 and 60 416ERAU6W 2CMA104400R1000 10 0.21
32 A. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable area 2.5...6 mm2
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
4 Red 380...415 50 and 60 332ERAU6W 2CMA104402R1000 10 0.23
5 Red 346...415 50 and 60 432ERAU6W 2CMA104403R1000 10 0.23
10/156 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Modular Combi
The enclosure is in aluminium with front plates of galvanised steel.
Modul Combi Metal is designed for different types of single phase
domestic outlets and for IEC outlets up to and including 63 A.
Covers: For MCB/RCD, maximum 13 modules, 2 opened and knock-outs for the rest of the
modules row. DIN-rail in bottom for terminals and MCB/RCDs.
With a distance at the bottom to allow wiring behind the rail. The lid is pad lockable.
Modular Combi
Plastic 16 A
IP44, Splashproof
MCB RCD Switch Schuko Outlet pkg
outlet Type Order Code Size (1pce)
10/16 A IEC W H D kg
1xS203 M C16 25 A/0.03 - 2 single 1x416 MPR16 2CMA168997R1000 250 300 160 3.1
3xS201 C16 40 A/0.03 - 3 single 3x416 MPR16/3 2CMA168995R1000 250 430 160 3.4
2xS203 M C16
1xS203 M C16 25 A/0.03 - 2 single 1x416 MPR16B * 2CMA101631R1000 250 300 160 3.1
1xS203 M C16 25 A/0.03 - 2 single 1x416 MPR16 BS 2CMA101651R1000 250 300 160 3.1
Grey **
1xS203 M C16 25 A/0.03 - 2 single 1x416 MPR16B BS 2CMA101655R1000 250 300 160 3.1
Black **
* Black enclosure
MPR16/3 ** Domesti outlet with British standard
10/158 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Modular Combi
Plastic 16 A
Front view
Wiring diagrams
Modular Combi
Plastic 32 A
IP44, Splashproof
MCB RCD Switch Schuko Outlet pkg
outlet Type Order Code Size (1pce)
10/16 A IEC W H D kg
3xS201 C16 63 A/0.03 - 3 single 1x416 MPR32/1 2CMA106211R1000 250 430 160 4.3
1xMCB 1x432
2xMCB 63 A/0.03 OT80F3/B 4 single 1x416 MPR32/1MS 2CMA168984R1000 250 560 160 4.8
S201-C16 1x432
Front view
Wiring diagrams
10/160 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Modular Combi
IP44, Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PBT)
MCB RCD Switch Schuko Outlet pkg
outlet Type Order Code Size (1pce)
10/16 A IEC W H D kg
Front view
Wiring diagrams
Modular Combi
The enclosure is in aluminium with front plates of galvanised steel.
Modul Combi Metal is designed for different types of single phase
domestic outlets and for IEC outlets up to and including 63 A.
With a distance at the bottom to allow wiring behind the rail. The lid is pad lockable.
10/162 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Modular Combi
IP44, Splashproof
Housing in Aluminium with front plates of galvanised steel
MCB RCD Switch Schuko Outlet pkg
outlet Type Order Code Size (1pce)
10/16 A IEC W H D kg
2xS201-C10 25 A/0.03 2 single 1x416 M16/2 JFB 2CMA179349R1000 250 314 172 4.55
2xS201-C10 25 A/0.03 2 single 1x416 M16/2 JFB 2CMA100020R1000 250 314 172 4.55
1xS203-C16 CTFL
4xS201-C10 63 A/0.03 4 single 1x416 M32/2 JFB 2CMA179351R1000 250 574 179 7.35
1xS203-C16 1x432
4xS201-C10 63 A/0.03 4 single 1x416 M32/2 JFB 2CMA100022R1000 250 574 179 7.35
1xS203-C16 1x432 CTFL
3xS201-C10 63 A/0.03 4 single 1x416 M63/2 JFB 2CMA100024R1000 250 704 188 9.55
Modular Combi
Front view
Wiring diagrams
M32/2JFB M63/2JFB
10/164 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Modular Combi
We are offering modular combi parts for special requests that are not
covered by our standard range. The modular combi parts housing are
made of heavy duty PBT plastic material that guarantees robustness,
chemical resistance and high flammability rate in your application.
Modular Combi parts, IP44 There are a large number of socket outlets to
Plastic PBT choose from our Easy & Safe and Tough & Safe
Modular combi parts are Easy to assemble and in- Range depending on which IP degree and mate-
stall. It is a flexible and time efficient choice for rial that is required. There is also a possibility to
special applications. Modular combi parts can be have switched interlocked socket outlet to maxi-
assembled to a height of 2 meters and there is a mize personal safety. Assembled enclosure is
possibility to build on the width by looping if re- tested and fulfills IP44 protection degree and can
quired. Din rail are suitable for 13 modules with a handle Socket outlets up to 63A.
lot of space for your socket outlets protection.
Modular Combi parts
Top, bottom and middle section. Front and cover plates, cable
flange and N/E terminal
Pkg pkg
Description Type Order Code qty (1pce)
Top section FMCE40 kg
Middle section
Middle section incl. screws. Suitable for FMCE45 2CMA191082R1000
Bottom section FMCE40 MP..., MPR...
Front plate with lid and DIN rail
Front with lid and DIN rail L=241 mm FMCE52 2CMA191089R1000
Cover plate
Cover plate incl. screws FMCE42 2CMA191079R1000
Cable flange
Hose clamp, cable tightening, flange FMCE41 2CMA191088R1000
incl. screws
N/E terminal
N/E terminal 16 mm 2, brass bar = 240 mm FMCE43 2CMA191080R1000
10/166 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Industrial plugs and sockets
Extra low voltage
— —
Plugs Connectors
— —
Socket outlet Inlets
For panel mounting with straight For surface mounting, Type BSLV... For surface mounting, Type RSLV...
flange, Type RLV... 16 A...32A, IP4 4 16 A...32 A, IP4 4
16A...32 A, IP4 4
E X T R A LO W V O LTA G E 10/167
Industrial plugs and sockets
Extra low voltage
We will make changes to our offering for extra low voltage (ELV).
The current range will be replaced and the main improvement is that
we will add also IP67 versions to our offering.
tra low voltage covers voltages up to 50V AC or
Secondary key
DC and fulfills IEC 60309. R1 T3
The old range will be available for the remainder Main key
120° 120°
Extra low voltage is one way to protect from elec- Table according to IEC 60309-2
trical shock. Extra-low voltage is used where the Plugs and sockets for max. 50 V.
risks are great: swimming pools, wandering-lead
hand lamps, and other portable appliances for Terminals/ Color Position of
Poles code Voltage Frequency secondary
outdoor use, etc.
V Hz key 1)
2 Violet 20-25 50-60 (none)
The plugs and sockets are intended for an operat- White 40-50 50-60 12 h
ing voltage not exceeding 50 V. Their rated volt- Green 20-25 100-200 4h
and 300 2h
age is 24 V and 50 V for 16 A and 32 A. 40-50 400 3h
>400-500 11 h
Standards Grey DC 10 h
3 Violet 20-25 50-60 (none)
The products are designed according to the fol- White 40-50 50-60 12 h
lowing standards: IEC 60 309-1, 60 309-2. Green 20-25 100-200 4h
and 300 2h
400 3h
Connections >400-500 11 h
Screw type terminals. 1) The position of main key is defined as 6h (6 o´clock)
To achieve non-interchangeability, the plugs and
sockets have a main key and a secondary key. The
position of the secondary key is indicated by
a number followed by a letter h (the hour position
or o´ clock position). The number is determined
by the position of the secondary key relative to
the main key, the position of which is defined as 6
o´clock. Non hour position is given for 20-25 V,
50-60 Hz, since there is no secondary key on
these plugs and sockets.
The width of the key is different for 16 A and 32
A plugs and sockets. In addition, there is a color
coding system: The cover or front part is violet on
20-25 V and white on 40-50 V plugs and sockets.
Plugs and sockets for direct current are grey.
10/168 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
For extra low voltage
16 A. IP44. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable entry with compression gland.
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
PLV216 Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
32 A. IP44.Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable entry with compression gland.
2 Violet 20...25 AC 50 and 60 PLV232 2CMA100883R1000 10 0.142
16 A. IP67. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable entry with compression gland.
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
32 A. IP67. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable entry with compression gland.
2 Violet 20...25 AC 50 and 60 PLV232W 2CMA100895R1000 10 0.164
Grey 25 and 50 DC - PLV232-10W 2CMA100897R1000
White 40...50 AC 50 and 60 PLV232-12W 2CMA100896R1000
For extra low voltage
16 A. IP44. Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable entry with compression gland.
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
CLV216 Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
32 A. IP44.Splashproof
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable entry with compression gland.
2 Violet 20...25 AC 50 and 60 CLV232 2CMA100907R1000 10 0.178
Grey 25 and 50 DC - CLV232-10 2CMA100909R1000
White 40...50 AC 50 and 60 CLV232-12 2CMA100908R1000
16 A. IP67. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable entry with compression gland.
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
32 A. IP67. Watertight
Housing in plastic (PA). Cable entry with compression gland.
2 Violet 20...25 AC 50 and 60 CLV232W 2CMA100919R1000 10 0.199
Grey 25 and 50 DC - CLV232-10W 2CMA100921R1000
White 40...50 AC 50 and 60 CLV232-12W 2CMA100920R1000
Socket outlets
For extra low voltage
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
2 Violet 20...25 AC 50 and 60 RSLV216 2CMA100985R1000 10 0.198
Grey 25 and 50 DC - RSLV216-10 2CMA100987R1000
White 40...50 AC 50 and 60 RSLV216-12 2CMA100986R1000
For extra low voltage
Terminals/ Color Pkg pkg
Poles code Voltage Frequency Type Order Code qty (1pce)
V Hz kg
10/172 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Industrial plugs and sockets
High current connectors
The right soloution for every application.
The connector product portfolio covers almost all application in the
defined high current range.
C-Line - 200 A/250 A
The compact C-Line connectors have a robust
plastic housing and are perfect for applications
with limited space conditions as well as for cer-
tain industries (chemistry, food industry). Addi-
tional options allow use in a variety of applica-
B-Line - 250 A/400 A
The robust B-Line connectors are ideal for appli-
cations (tunneling, mining), where high mechani-
cal loads may arise. Furthermore, numerous op-
tions, such as the saltwater resistant housing,
make the connectors also suitable for marine ap-
Connector units 200 A...400 A
To ensure maximum safety for users, we can offer
special connector units:
CUMI (connector unit with mechanical interlock)
CUBC (connector unit with block contactor)
CUCB (connector unit with circuit breaker)
H I G H C U R R E N T C O N N E C TO R S 10/173
High current connectors
importance, the high current connectors are penetration)
always the right choice. • High security ensured at all times
The compact C-Line connectors have a robust plastic housing and are
perfect for applications with limited space conditions as well as for
certain industries (chemistry, food industry). Additional options allow
use in a varienty of applications.
IP67. Watertight
Robust plastic housing. Designed for high temperature.
Terminals/ Pkg pkg
Poles Ampere Voltage Frequency Hour Type Order Code qty (1pce)
A V Hz kg
MC-S5/200 400V
4 200 230 50/60 9 MC-S4/200A/230V 2CMA103139R1000 1 2.7
400 6 MC-S4/200A/400V 2CMA103140R1000
500 7 MC-S4/200A/500V 2CMA103141R1000
690 5 MC-S4/200A/690V 2CMA103142R1000
1000 1 MC-S4/200A/1000V 2CMA103143R1000
5 200 230 50/60 9 MC-S5/200A/230V 2CMA103144R1000 1 2.9
400 6 MC-S5/200A/400V 2CMA103145R1000
500 7 MC-S5/200A/500V 2CMA103146R1000
690 5 MC-S5/200A/690V 2CMA103147R1000
1000 1 MC-S5/200A/1000V 2CMA103148R1000
4 250 230 50/60 9 MC-S4/250A/230V 2CMA103149R1000 1 2.7
400 6 MC-S4/250A/400V 2CMA103150R1000
500 7 MC-S4/250A/500V 2CMA103151R1000
690 5 MC-S4/250A/690V 2CMA103152R1000
1000 1 MC-S4/250A/1000V 2CMA103153R1000
5 250 230 50/60 9 MC-S5/250A/230V 2CMA103154R1000 1 2.9
400 6 MC-S5/250A/400V 2CMA103155R1000
500 7 MC-S5/250A/500V 2CMA103156R1000
1 2 690 3 4 5 MC-S5/250A/690V
5 6 2CMA103157R1000
7 8
ohne unser Einverständnis weder kopiert noch Dritten zugänglich gemacht werden.
Diese Zeichnung bleibt geistiges Eigentum der Rauscher & Stoecklin AG. Sie darf
IP67. Watertight
Robust plastic housing. Designed for high temperature.
Terminals/ Pkg pkg
Poles Ampere Voltage Frequency Hour Type Order Code qty (1pce)
A V Hz kg
FC-S5/200 400V
4 200 230 50/60 9 FC-S4/200 230V 2CMA103299R1000 1 3.4
400 6 FC-S4/200 400V 2CMA103300R1000
500 7 FC-S4/200 500V 2CMA103301R1000
690 5 FC-S4/200 690V 2CMA103302R1000
1000 1 FC-S4/200 1000V 2CMA103303R1000
5 200 230 50/60 9 FC-S5/200 230V 2CMA103304R1000 1 3.6
400 6 FC-S5/200 400V 2CMA103305R1000
500 7 FC-S5/200 500V 2CMA103306R1000
690 5 FC-S5/200 690V 2CMA103307R1000
4 250 230 50/60 9 FC-S4/250 230V 2CMA103309R1000 1 3.4
400 6 FC-S4/250 400V 2CMA103310R1000
500 7 FC-S4/250 500V 2CMA103311R1000
690 5 FC-S4/250 690V 2CMA103312R1000
1000 1 FC-S4/250 1000V 2CMA103313R1000
5 250 230 50/60 9 FC-S5/250 230V 2CMA103314R1000 1 3.6
400 6 FC-S5/250 400V 2CMA103315R1000
1 2 500 3 7 4 FC-S5/250 500V
5 2CMA103316R1000
6 7 8
ohne unser Einverständnis weder kopiert noch Dritten zugänglich gemacht werden.
Diese Zeichnung bleibt geistiges Eigentum der Rauscher & Stoecklin AG. Sie darf
329 178
Gewicht 4-pol (3L+PEN) = 3.4kg
Gewicht 5-pol (3L+N+PE) = 3.6kg
Inlets for wall mounting
IP67. Watertight
Robust plastic housing. Designed for high temperature.
Terminals/ Pkg pkg
Poles Ampere Voltage Frequency Hour Type Order Code qty (1pce)
A V Hz kg
MCW-S5/200 400V
4 200 230 50/60 9 MCW-S4/200 230V 2CMA103259R1000 1 3.6
400 6 MCW-S4/200 400V 2CMA103260R1000
500 7 MCW-S4/200 500V 2CMA103261R1000
690 5 MCW-S4/200 690V 2CMA103262R1000
1000 1 MCW-S4/200 1000V 2CMA103263R1000
5 200 230 50/60 9 MCW-S5/200 230V 2CMA103264R1000 1 3.8
400 6 MCW-S5/200 400V 2CMA103265R1000
500 7 MCW-S5/200 500V 2CMA103266R1000
690 5 MCW-S5/200 690V 2CMA103267R1000
1000 1 MCW-S5/200 1000V 2CMA103268R1000
4 250 230 50/60 9 MCW-S4/250 230V 2CMA103269R1000 1 3.6
400 6 MCW-S4/250 400V 2CMA103270R1000
500 7 MCW-S4/250 500V 2CMA103271R1000
690 5 MCW-S4/250 690V 2CMA103272R1000
1000 1 MCW-S4/250 1000V 2CMA103273R1000
5 250 230 50/60 9 MCW-S5/250 230V 2CMA103274R1000 1 3.8
400 6 MCW-S5/250 400V 2CMA103275R1000
500 7 MCW-S5/250 500V 2CMA103276R1000
690 5 MCW-S5/250 690V 2CMA103277R1000
1000 1 MCW-S5/250 10000V 2CMA103278R1000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A 157 A
322 A
A 65
ohne unser Einverständnis weder kopiert noch Dritten zugänglich gemacht werden.
Diese Zeichnung bleibt geistiges Eigentum der Rauscher & Stoecklin AG. Sie darf
175 100
Gewicht 4-pol (3L+PEN) = 3.6kg
Gewicht 5-pol (3L+N+PE) = 3.8kg
Inlets for panel mounting
IP67. Watertight
Robust housing. Designed for high temperature.
Terminals/ Pkg pkg
Poles Ampere Voltage Frequency Hour Type Order Code qty (1pce)
A V Hz kg
4 200 230 50/60 9 MCPA-S4/200 230V 2CMA103219R1000 1 4.2
400 6 MCPA-S4/200 400V 2CMA103220R1000
500 7 MCPA-S4/200 500V 2CMA103221R1000
MCPA-S5/200 400V 690 5 MCPA-S4/200 690V 2CMA103222R1000
1000 1 MCPA-S4/200 1000V 2CMA103223R1000
5 200 230 50/60 9 MCPA-S5/200 230V 2CMA103224R1000 1 4.4
400 6 MCPA-S5/200 400V 2CMA103225R1000
500 7 MCPA-S5/200 500V 2CMA103226R1000
690 5 MCPA-S5/200 690V 2CMA103227R1000
4 250 230 50/60 9 MCPA-S4/250 230V 2CMA103229R1000 1 4.2
400 6 MCPA-S4/250 400V 2CMA103230R1000
500 7 MCPA-S4/250 500V 2CMA103231R1000
690 5 MCPA-S4/250 690V 2CMA103232R1000
1000 1 MCPA-S4/250 1000V 2CMA103233R1000
5 250 230 50/60 9 MCPA-S5/250 230V 2CMA103234R1000 1 4.4
400 6 MCPA-S5/250 400V 2CMA103235R1000
500 7 MCPA-S5/250 500V 2CMA103236R1000
690 5 MCPA-S5/250 690V 2CMA103237R1000
1000 1 MCPA-S5/250 1000V 2CMA103238R1000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A 120 A
nser Einverständnis weder kopiert noch Dritten zugänglich gemacht werden.
eichnung bleibt geistiges Eigentum der Rauscher & Stoecklin AG. Sie darf
Gewicht 4-pol (3L+PEN) = 4.2kg
Gewicht 5-pol (3L+N+PE) = 4.4kg
Inlets for panel mounting
IP67. Watertight
Robust housing. Designed for high temperature.
Terminals/ Pkg pkg
Poles Ampere Voltage Frequency Hour Type Order Code qty (1pce)
A V Hz kg
MCP-S5/200 400V
4 200 230 50/60 9 MCP-S4/200 230V 2CMA103179R1000 1 2.2
400 6 MCP-S4/200 400V 2CMA103180R1000
500 7 MCP-S4/200 500V 2CMA103181R1000
690 5 MCP-S4/200 690V 2CMA103182R1000
1000 1 MCP-S4/200 1000V 2CMA103183R1000
5 200 230 50/60 9 MCP-S5/200 230V 2CMA103184R1000 1 2.4
400 6 MCP-S5/200 400V 2CMA103185R1000
500 7 MCP-S5/200 500V 2CMA103186R1000
690 5 MCP-S5/200 690V 2CMA103187R1000
1000 1 MCP-S5/200 1000V 2CMA103188R1000
4 250 230 50/60 9 MCP-S4/250 230V 2CMA103189R1000 1 2.2
400 6 MCP-S4/250 400V 2CMA103190R1000
500 7 MCP-S4/250 500V 2CMA103191R1000
690 5 MCP-S4/250 690V 2CMA103192R1000
1000 1 MCP-S4/250 1000V 2CMA103193R1000
5 250 230 50/60 9 MCP-S5/250 230V 2CMA103194R1000 1 2.4
400 6 MCP-S5/250 400V 2CMA103195R1000
500 7 MCP-S5/250 500V 2CMA103196R1000
690 5 MCP-S5/250 690V 2CMA103197R1000
1 2 3 1000 4 1 5 1000V
MCP-S5/250 6
2CMA103198R1000 7
A 155 140
glich gemacht werden.
Stoecklin AG. Sie darf
10/180 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Socket outlet for wall mounting
IP67. Watertight
Robust plastic housing. Designed for high temperature.
Terminals/ Pkg pkg
Poles Ampere Voltage Frequency Hour Type Order Code qty (1pce)
A V Hz kg
4 200 230 50/60 9 FCW-S4/200 230V 2CMA103419R1000 1 4.3
400 6 FCW-S4/200 400V 2CMA103420R1000
FCW-S5/200 400V 500 7 FCW-S4/200 500V 2CMA103421R1000
690 5 FCW-S4/200 690V 2CMA103422R1000
1000 1 FCW-S4/200 1000V 2CMA103423R1000
5 200 230 50/60 9 FCW-S5/200 230V 2CMA103424R1000 1 4.5
400 6 FCW-S5/200 400V 2CMA103425R1000
500 7 FCW-S5/200 500V 2CMA103426R1000
690 5 FCW-S5/200 690V 2CMA103427R1000
4 250 230 50/60 9 FCW-S4/250 230V 2CMA103429R1000 1 4.3
400 6 FCW-S4/250 400V 2CMA103430R1000
500 7 FCW-S4/250 500V 2CMA103431R1000
690 5 FCW-S4/250 690V 2CMA103432R1000
1000 1 FCW-S4/250 1000V 2CMA103433R1000
5 250 230 50/60 9 FCW-S5/250 230V 2CMA103434R1000 1 4.5
400 6 FCW-S5/250 400V 2CMA103435R1000
500 7 FCW-S5/250 500V 2CMA103436R1000
690 5 FCW-S5/250 690V 2CMA103437R1000
1000 1 FCW-S5/250 1000V 2CMA103438R1000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
349 178
ohne unser Einverständnis weder kopiert noch Dritten zugänglich gemacht werden.
Diese Zeichnung bleibt geistiges Eigentum der Rauscher & Stoecklin AG. Sie darf
100 ø9
Gewicht 4-pol (3L+PEN) = 4.3kg
Gewicht 5-pol (3L+N+PE) = 4.5kg
Socket outlet for wall mounting
IP67. Watertight
Robust housing. Designed for high temperature.
Terminals/ Pkg pkg
Poles Ampere Voltage Frequency Hour Type Order Code qty (1pce)
A V Hz kg
4 200 230 50/60 9 FCPA-S4/200 230V 2CMA103379R1000 1 4.4
400 6 FCPA-S4/200 400V 2CMA103380R1000
500 7 FCPA-S4/200 500V 2CMA103381R1000
FCPA-S5/200 400V
690 5 FCPA-S4/200 690V 2CMA103382R1000
1000 1 FCPA-S4/200 1000V 2CMA103383R1000
5 200 230 50/60 9 FCPA-S5/200 230V 2CMA103384R1000 1 4.6
400 6 FCPA-S5/200 400V 2CMA103385R1000
500 7 FCPA-S5/200 500V 2CMA103386R1000
690 5 FCPA-S5/200 690V 2CMA103387R1000
1000 1 FCPA-S5/200 1000V 2CMA103388R1000
4 250 230 50/60 9 FCPA-S4/250 230V 2CMA103389R1000 1 4.4
400 6 FCPA-S4/250 400V 2CMA103390R1000
500 7 FCPA-S4/250 500V 2CMA103391R1000
690 5 FCPA-S4/250 690V 2CMA103392R1000
1000 1 FCPA-S4/250 1000V 2CMA103393R1000
5 250 230 50/60 9 FCPA-S5/250 230V 2CMA103394R1000 1 4.6
400 6 FCPA-S5/250 400V 2CMA103395R1000
500 7 FCPA-S5/250 500V 2CMA103396R1000
690 5 FCPA-S5/250 690V 2CMA103397R1000
1000 1 FCPA-S5/250 1000V 2CMA103398R1000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A 180 140 A
ohne unser Einverständnis weder kopiert noch Dritten zugänglich gemacht werden.
Diese Zeichnung bleibt geistiges Eigentum der Rauscher & Stoecklin AG. Sie darf
E 15° E
Socket outlet for panel mounting
IP67. Watertight
Robust housing. Designed for high temperature.
Terminals/ Pkg pkg
Poles Ampere Voltage Frequency Hour Type Order Code qty (1pce)
A V Hz kg
FCP-S5/200 400V
4 200 230 50/60 9 FCP-S4/200 230V 2CMA103339R1000 1 3.2
400 6 FCP-S4/200 400V 2CMA103340R1000
500 7 FCP-S4/200 500V 2CMA103341R1000
690 5 FCP-S4/200 690V 2CMA103342R1000
1000 1 FCP-S4/200 1000V 2CMA103343R1000
5 200 230 50/60 9 FCP-S5/200 230V 2CMA103344R1000 1 3.5
400 6 FCP-S5/200 400V 2CMA103345R1000
500 7 FCP-S5/200 500V 2CMA103346R1000
690 5 FCP-S5/200 690V 2CMA103347R1000
4 250 230 50/60 9 FCP-S4/250 230V 2CMA103349R1000 1 3.2
400 6 FCP-S4/250 400V 2CMA103350R1000
500 7 FCP-S4/250 500V 2CMA103351R1000
690 5 FCP-S4/250 690V 2CMA103352R1000
1000 1 FCP-S4/250 1000V 2CMA103353R1000
5 250 230 50/60 9 FCP-S5/250 230V 2CMA103354R1000 1 3.5
400 6 FCP-S5/250 400V 2CMA103355R1000
1 2 3
500 47 FCP-S5/250 5500V 6
2CMA103356R1000 7
der kopiert noch Dritten zugänglich gemacht werden.
s Eigentum der Rauscher & Stoecklin AG. Sie darf
145 178
Protection grade IP67
Shock resistance IK10
Ambient temperature °C -40/+100
Insulation resistance (Phase-phase and phase-earth MOhm >500
Comparative tracking index of the insert CTI >600
Terminal cross-section (EN 60228 Class 5) mm2 70-240
Max cross section pilot cable, conductor (EN 60228 mm2 4
Class 5)
Diameter of cable - separat pilot cable mm 34-66
Diameter of cable mm 8-15
10/184 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
IP67. Watertight
Aluminum housing. Designed for high temperature.
Terminals/ Pkg pkg
Poles Ampere Voltage Frequency Hour Type Order Code qty (1pce)
A V Hz kg
MC-S5/250 400V
4 250 230 50/60 9 MC-S4/250A/230V 2CMA103159R1000 1 8.1
400 6 MC-S4/250A/400V 2CMA103160R1000
500 7 MC-S4/250A/500V 2CMA103161R1000
690 5 MC-S4/250A/690V 2CMA103162R1000
1000 1 MC-S4/250A/1000V 2CMA103163R1000
5 250 230 50/60 9 MC-S5/250A/230V 2CMA103164R1000 1 8.6
400 6 MC-S5/250A/400V 2CMA103165R1000
500 7 MC-S5/250A/500V 2CMA103166R1000
690 5 MC-S5/250A/690V 2CMA103167R1000
4 400 230 50/60 9 MC-S4/400A/230V 2CMA103169R1000 1 8.1
400 6 MC-S4/400A/400V 2CMA103170R1000
500 7 MC-S4/400A/500V 2CMA103171R1000
690 5 MC-S4/400A/690V 2CMA103172R1000
1000 1 MC-S4/400A/1000V 2CMA103173R1000
5 400 230 50/60 9 MC-S5/400A/230V 2CMA103174R1000 1 8.6
400 6 MC-S5/400A/400V 2CMA103175R1000
500 7 remains mental
This drawing MC-S5/400A/500V 2CMA103176R1000
properties of Rauscher & Stoecklin AG. It may
1 2 3690 4MC-S5/400A/690V 5
neither be copied nor third be made accessible without our agreement.
5 2CMA103177R1000 6
467 568
402 264
5 6 7 8
H I G H C U R R E N T C O N N E C TO R S - B - L I N E 10/185
IP67. Watertight
Aluminum housing. Designed for high temperature.
Terminals/ Pkg pkg
Poles Ampere Voltage Frequency Hour Type Order Code qty (1pce)
A V Hz kg
FC-S5/250 400V
4 250 230 50/60 9 FC-S4/250 230V 2CMA103319R1000 1 9.4
400 6 FC-S4/250 400V 2CMA103320R1000
500 7 FC-S4/250 500V 2CMA103321R1000
690 5 FC-S4/250 690V 2CMA103322R1000
1000 1 FC-S4/250 1000V 2CMA103323R1000
5 250 230 50/60 9 FC-S5/250 230V 2CMA103324R1000 1 9.9
400 6 FC-S5/250 400V 2CMA103325R1000
500 7 FC-S5/250 500V 2CMA103326R1000
690 5 FC-S5/250 690V 2CMA103327R1000
1000 1 FC-S5/250 1000V 2CMA103328R1000
4 400 230 50/60 9 FC-S4/400 230V 2CMA103329R1000 1 9.4
400 6 FC-S4/400 400V 2CMA103330R1000
500 7 FC-S4/400 500V 2CMA103331R1000
1 2 6903 5 4 FC-S4/400 690V 5 2CMA103332R1000 6
1000 1 FC-S4/400 1000V 2CMA103333R1000
A 400
5 230 50/60 9 FC-S5/400 230V 2CMA103334R1000 1 9.9
400 6 FC-S5/400 400V 2CMA103335R1000
500 7 FC-S5/400 500V 2CMA103336R1000
690 5 FC-S5/400 690V 2CMA103337R1000
1000 1 FC-S5/400 1000V 2CMA103338R1000
iert noch Dritten zugänglich gemacht werden.
447 65 213
tum der Rauscher & Stoecklin AG. Sie darf
10/186 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Inlets for wall mounting
IP67. Watertight
Aluminum housing. Designed for high temperature.
Terminals/ Pkg pkg
Poles Ampere Voltage Frequency Hour Type Order Code qty (1pce)
A V Hz kg
MCW-S5/250 400V
4 250 230 50/60 9 MCW-S4/250 230V 2CMA103279R1000 1 10.0
400 6 MCW-S4/250 400V 2CMA103280R1000
500 7 MCW-S4/250 500V 2CMA103281R1000
690 5 MCW-S4/250 690V 2CMA103282R1000
1000 1 MCW-S4/250 1000V 2CMA103283R1000
5 250 230 50/60 9 MCW-S5/250 230V 2CMA103284R1000 1 10.5
400 6 MCW-S5/250 400V 2CMA103285R1000
500 7 MCW-S5/250 500V 2CMA103286R1000
690 5 MCW-S5/250 690V 2CMA103287R1000
3L+PEN 1 2 3 4
4 400 230 50/60 9 MCW-S4/400 230V 2CMA103289R1000 1 10.0
400 6 MCW-S4/400 400V 2CMA103290R1000
500A 7 MCW-S4/400 500V 2CMA103291R1000
690 5 MCW-S4/400 690V 2CMA103292R1000
1000 1 MCW-S4/400 1000V 2CMA103293R1000
1 2 3 4 5 6
4021 7
5 400 230 50/60 9 MCW-S5/400 230V 2CMA103294R1000 10.5
1 2 3 4 5 6
400 6 MCW-S5/400 400V 2CMA103295R1000 65
MCW-S5/400 500V
MCW-S5/400 690V
1000 1 MCW-S5/400 1000V 2CMA103298R1000
402 264
402 65
B A 65
B 11 140
ndnis weder kopiert noch Dritten zugänglich gemacht werden.
bt geistiges Eigentum der Rauscher & Stoecklin AG. Sie darf
11 D 140
11 140
gänglich gemacht werden.
r & Stoecklin AG. Sie darf
140 ø9
Inlets for panel mounting
IP67. Watertight
Aluminum housing. Designed for high temperature.
Terminals/ Pkg pkg
Poles Ampere Voltage Frequency Hour Type Order Code qty (1pce)
A V Hz kg
4 250 230 50/60 9 MCPA-S4/250 230V 2CMA103239R1000 1 9.8
400 6 MCPA-S4/250 400V 2CMA103240R1000
500 7 MCPA-S4/250 500V 2CMA103241R1000
690 5 MCPA-S4/250 690V 2CMA103242R1000
MCPA-S5/250 400V
1000 1 MCPA-S4/250 1000V 2CMA103243R1000
5 250 230 50/60 9 MCPA-S5/250 230V 2CMA103244R1000 1 10.3
400 6 MCPA-S5/250 400V 2CMA103245R1000
500 7 MCPA-S5/250 500V 2CMA103246R1000
690 5 MCPA-S5/250 690V 2CMA103247R1000
1000 1 MCPA-S5/250 1000V 2CMA103248R1000
4 400 230 50/60 9 MCPA-S4/400 230V 2CMA103249R1000 1 9.8
400 6 MCPA-S4/400 400V 2CMA103250R1000
500 7 MCPA-S4/400 500V 2CMA103251R1000
690 5 MCPA-S4/400 690V 2CMA103252R1000
1000 1 MCPA-S4/400 1000V 2CMA103253R1000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
5 400 230 50/60 9 MCPA-S5/400 230V 2CMA103254R1000 1 10.3
400 6 MCPA-S5/400 400V 2CMA103255R1000
180 220
ten zugänglich gemacht werden.
uscher & Stoecklin AG. Sie darf
10/188 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Inlets for panel mounting
IP67. Watertight
Aluminum housing. Designed for high temperature.
Terminals/ Pkg pkg
Poles Ampere Voltage Frequency Hour Type Order Code qty (1pce)
A V Hz kg
MCP-S5/250 400V
4 250 230 50/60 9 MCP-S4/250 230V 2CMA103199R1000 1 8.1
400 6 MCP-S4/250 400V 2CMA103200R1000
500 7 MCP-S4/250 500V 2CMA103201R1000
690 5 MCP-S4/250 690V 2CMA103202R1000
1000 1 MCP-S4/250 1000V 2CMA103203R1000
5 250 230 50/60 9 MCP-S5/250 230V 2CMA103204R1000 1 8.6
400 6 MCP-S5/250 400V 2CMA103205R1000
500 7 MCP-S5/250 500V 2CMA103206R1000
690 5 MCP-S5/250 690V 2CMA103207R1000
4 400 230 50/60 9 MCP-S4/400 230V 2CMA103209R1000 1 8.1
400 6 MCP-S4/400 400V 2CMA103210R1000
500 7 MCP-S4/400 500V 2CMA103211R1000
690 5 MCP-S4/400 690V 2CMA103212R1000
1000 1 MCP-S4/400 1000V 2CMA103213R1000
5 400 230 50/60 9 MCP-S5/400 230V 2CMA103214R1000 1 8.6
400 6 MCP-S5/400 400V 2CMA103215R1000
2 1 3 2 500 4 7 5
3MCP-S5/400 500V 4
2CMA103216R1000 6 5
690 5 MCP-S5/400 690V 2CMA103217R1000
1000 1 MCP-S5/400 1000V 2CMA103218R1000
H I G H C U R R E N T C O N N E C TO R S - B - L I N E 10/189
Socket outlet for wall mounting
IP67. Watertight
Aluminum housing. Designed for high temperature.
Terminals/ Pkg pkg
Poles Ampere Voltage Frequency Hour Type Order Code qty (1pce)
A V Hz kg
FCW-S5/250 400V
4 250 230 50/60 9 FCW-S4/250 230V 2CMA103439R1000 1 11.5
400 6 FCW-S4/250 400V 2CMA103440R1000
500 7 FCW-S4/250 500V 2CMA103441R1000
690 5 FCW-S4/250 690V 2CMA103442R1000
1000 1 FCW-S4/250 1000V 2CMA103443R1000
5 250 230 50/60 9 FCW-S5/250 230V 2CMA103444R1000 1 12.0
400 6 FCW-S5/250 400V 2CMA103445R1000
500 7 FCW-S5/250 500V 2CMA103446R1000
690 5 FCW-S5/250 690V 2CMA103447R1000
1000 1 FCW-S5/250 1000V 2CMA103448R1000
4 400 230 50/60 9 FCW-S4/400 230V 2CMA103449R1000 1 11.5
400 6 FCW-S4/400 400V 2CMA103450R1000
500 7 FCW-S4/400 500V 2CMA103451R1000
690 5 FCW-S4/400 690V 2CMA103452R1000
1000 1 FCW-S4/400 1000V 2CMA103453R1000
5 400 230 50/60 9 FCW-S5/400 230V 2CMA103454R1000 1 12.0
1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4 5 5 6 6 7
400 6 FCW-S5/400 400V 2CMA103455R1000
500 7 FCW-S5/400 500V 2CMA103456R1000
690 5 FCW-S5/400 690V 2CMA103457R1000
1000 1 FCW-S5/400 1000V 2CMA103458R1000
221 221
447 447
B 65 65
11 140 11 140 ø9 ø9
140 140
182 182 174 174
gänglich gemacht werden.
r & Stoecklin AG. Sie darf
10/190 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Socket outlet for wall mounting
IP67. Watertight
Aluminum housing. Designed for high temperature.
Terminals/ Pkg pkg
Poles Ampere Voltage Frequency Hour Type Order Code qty (1pce)
A V Hz kg
4 250 230 50/60 9 FCPA-S4/250 230V 2CMA103399R1000 1 10.3
400 6 FCPA-S4/250 400V 2CMA103400R1000
500 7 FCPA-S4/250 500V 2CMA103401R1000
FCPA-S5/250 400V 690 5 FCPA-S4/250 690V 2CMA103402R1000
1000 1 FCPA-S4/250 1000V 2CMA103403R1000
5 250 230 50/60 9 FCPA-S5/250 230V 2CMA103404R1000 1 10.8
400 6 FCPA-S5/250 400V 2CMA103405R1000
500 7 FCPA-S5/250 500V 2CMA103406R1000
690 5 FCPA-S5/250 690V 2CMA103407R1000
4 400 230 50/60 9 FCPA-S4/400 230V 2CMA103409R1000 1 10.3
400 6 FCPA-S4/400 400V 2CMA103410R1000
500 7 FCPA-S4/400 500V 2CMA103411R1000
690 5 FCPA-S4/400 690V 2CMA103412R1000
1000 1 FCPA-S4/400 1000V 2CMA103413R1000
5 400 230 50/60 9 FCPA-S5/400 230V 2CMA103414R1000 1 10.8
400 6 FCPA-S5/400 400V 2CMA103415R1000
500 7 FCPA-S5/400 500V 2CMA103416R1000
690 5 FCPA-S5/400 690V 2CMA103417R1000
1 2 3 1000 4 1 FCPA-S5/400
5 1000V 2CMA103418R1000
6 7 8
15° 221
ch Dritten zugänglich gemacht werden.
er Rauscher & Stoecklin AG. Sie darf
Socket outlet for panel mounting
IP67. Watertight
Aluminum housing. Designed for high temperature.
Terminals/ Pkg pkg
Poles Ampere Voltage Frequency Hour Type Order Code qty (1pce)
A V Hz kg
4 250 230 50/60 9 FCP-S4/250 230V 2CMA103359R1000 1 6.8
FCP-S5/250 400V
400 6 FCP-S4/250 400V 2CMA103360R1000
500 7 FCP-S4/250 500V 2CMA103361R1000
690 5 FCP-S4/250 690V 2CMA103362R1000
1000 1 FCP-S4/250 1000V 2CMA103363R1000
5 250 230 50/60 9 FCP-S5/250 230V 2CMA103364R1000 1 7.3
400 6 FCP-S5/250 400V 2CMA103365R1000
500 7 FCP-S5/250 500V 2CMA103366R1000
690 5 FCP-S5/250 690V 2CMA103367R1000
1000 1 FCP-S5/250 1000V 2CMA103368R1000
4 400 230 50/60 9 FCP-S4/400 230V 2CMA103369R1000 1 6.8
400 6 FCP-S4/400 400V 2CMA103370R1000
500 7 FCP-S4/400 500V 2CMA103371R1000
690 5 FCP-S4/400 690V 2CMA103372R1000
1000 1 FCP-S4/400 1000V 2CMA103373R1000
5 400 230 50/60 9 FCP-S5/400 230V 2CMA103374R1000 1 7.3
400 6 FCP-S5/400 400V 2CMA103375R1000
500 7 FCP-S5/400 500V 2CMA103376R1000
690 5 FCP-S5/400 690V 2CMA103377R1000
1000 1 FCP-S5/400 1000V 2CMA103378R1000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A 247 216 A
157 90
Einverständnis weder kopiert noch Dritten zugänglich gemacht werden.
nung bleibt geistiges Eigentum der Rauscher & Stoecklin AG. Sie darf
Connector units
with mechanical interlock, CUMI
To ensure maximum safety for users, we can offer special connector
Connector unit with mechanical interlock
Steel housing
Terminals/ Pkg pkg
Poles Ampere Voltage Frequency Hour Type Order Code qty (1pce)
A V Hz kg
4 200 230 50/60 9 CUMI-S4/200 230V-9h 2CMA103459R1000 1 25.1
400 6 CUMI-S4/200 400V-6h 2CMA103460R1000
500 7 CUMI-S4/200 500V-7h 2CMA103461R1000
CUMI-S5/200 400V
690 5 CUMI-S4/200 690V-5h 2CMA103462R1000
1000 1 CUMI-S4/200 1000V-1h 2CMA103463R1000
5 200 230 50/60 9 CUMI-S5/200 230V-9h 2CMA103464R1000 1 25.3
400 6 CUMI-S5/200 400V-6h 2CMA103465R1000
500 7 CUMI-S5/200 500V-7h 2CMA103466R1000
690 5 CUMI-S5/200 690V-5h 2CMA103467R1000
1000 1 CUMI-S5/200 1000V-1h 2CMA103468R1000
4 250 230 50/60 9 CUMI-S4/250 230V-9h 2CMA103469R1000 1 25.1
400 6 CUMI-S4/250 400V-6h 2CMA103470R1000
500 7 CUMI-S4/250 500V-7h 2CMA103471R1000
690 5 CUMI-S4/250 690V-5h 2CMA103472R1000
1000 1 CUMI-S4/250 1000V-1h 2CMA103473R1000
5 250 230 50/60 9 CUMI-S5/250 230V-9h 2CMA103474R1000 1 25.3
400 6 CUMI-S5/250 400V-6h 2CMA103475R1000
500 7 CUMI-S5/250 500V-7h 2CMA103476R1000
690 5 CUMI-S5/250 690V-5h 2CMA103477R1000
1000 1 CUMI-S5/250 1000V-1h 2CMA103478R1000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
ser Einverständnis weder kopiert noch Dritten zugänglich gemacht werden.
eichnung bleibt geistiges Eigentum der Rauscher & Stoecklin AG. Sie darf
E 95
Gewicht 4-pol = 25.1kg E
Gewicht 5-pol = 25.3kg
Connector unit with mechanical interlock
Steel housing
Terminals/ Pkg pkg
Poles Ampere Voltage Frequency Hour Type Order Code qty (1pce)
A V Hz kg
4 250 230 50/60 9 CUMI-S4/250 230V-9h 2CMA103479R1000 1 45.6
400 6 CUMI-S4/250 400V-6h 2CMA103480R1000
500 7 CUMI-S4/250 500V-7h 2CMA103481R1000
CUMI-S5/250 400V 690 5 CUMI-S4/250 690V-5h 2CMA103482R1000
1000 1 CUMI-S4/250 1000V-1h 2CMA103483R1000
5 250 230 50/60 9 CUMI-S5/250 230V-9h 2CMA103484R1000 1 47.1
400 6 CUMI-S5/250 400V-6h 2CMA103485R1000
500 7 CUMI-S5/250 500V-7h 2CMA103486R1000
690 5 CUMI-S5/250 690V-5h 2CMA103487R1000
4 400 230 50/60 9 CUMI-S4/400 230V-9h 2CMA103489R1000 1 45.6
400 6 CUMI-S4/400 400V-6h 2CMA103490R1000
500 7 CUMI-S4/400 500V-7h 2CMA103491R1000
690 5 CUMI-S4/400 690V-5h 2CMA103492R1000
1000 1 CUMI-S4/400 1000V-1h 2CMA103493R1000
5 400 230 50/60 9 CUMI-S5/400 230V-9h 2CMA103494R1000 1 47.1
400 6 CUMI-S5/400 400V-6h 2CMA103495R1000
500 7 CUMI-S5/400 500V-7h 2CMA103496R1000
690 5 CUMI-S5/400 690V-5h 2CMA103497R1000
1000 1 CUMI-S5/400 1000V-1h 2CMA103498R1000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
550 362
ser Einverständnis weder kopiert noch Dritten zugänglich gemacht werden.
eichnung bleibt geistiges Eigentum der Rauscher & Stoecklin AG. Sie darf
Connector units
with block contactor, CUBC
To ensure maximum safety for users, we can offer special connector
Protection grade IP55 IP55
Shock resistance IK07 IK07
Ambient temperature °C -40/+70 -40/+70
Insulation resistance (Phase-phase and MOhm >500 >500
Comparative tracking index of the insert CTI >600 >600
Weight 4 poles (3L+PEN) kg 25.1 45.6
Weight 5 poles (3L+N+PE) kg 25.3 47.1
Connection bolts for cable shoes M8 M10
Max cross section pilot cable, mm2 4 4
conductor (EN 60228 Class 1)
Diameter of cable - normal mm 20-70 20-70
other diameters on request
10/196 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Connector unit with block contactor
Steel housing
Terminals/ Pkg pkg
Poles Ampere Voltage Frequency Hour Type Order Code qty (1pce)
A V Hz kg
4 200 230 50/60 9 CUBC-S4/200 230V 2CMA103499R1000 1 25.1
400 6 CUBC-S4/200 400V 2CMA103500R1000
500 7 CUBC-S4/200 500V 2CMA103501R1000
CUBC-S5/200 400V 690 5 CUBC-S4/200 690V 2CMA103502R1000
1000 1 CUBC-S4/200 1000V 2CMA103503R1000
5 200 230 50/60 9 CUBC-S5/200 230V 2CMA103504R1000 1 25.3
400 6 CUBC-S5/200 400V 2CMA103505R1000
500 7 CUBC-S5/200 500V 2CMA103506R1000
690 5 CUBC-S5/200 690V 2CMA103507R1000
4 250 230 50/60 9 CUBC-S4/250 230V 2CMA103509R1000 1 25.1
400 6 CUBC-S4/250 400V 2CMA103510R1000
500 7 CUBC-S4/250 500V 2CMA103511R1000
690 5 CUBC-S4/250 690V 2CMA103512R1000
1000 1 CUBC-S4/250 1000V 2CMA103513R1000
5 250 230 50/60 9 CUMI-S5/250 230V 2CMA103514R1000 1 25.3
400 6 CUMI-S5/250 400V 2CMA103515R1000
500 7 CUMI-S5/250 500V 2CMA103516R1000
690 5 CUMI-S5/250 690V 2CMA103517R1000
1000 1 CUMI-S5/250 1000V 2CMA103518R1000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
350 258
A 310 A
20-65 11
r Einverständnis weder kopiert noch Dritten zugänglich gemacht werden.
hnung bleibt geistiges Eigentum der Rauscher & Stoecklin AG. Sie darf
Connector unit with circuit breaker
Steel housing
Terminals/ Pkg pkg
Poles Ampere Voltage Frequency Hour Type Order Code qty (1pce)
A V Hz kg
4 200 230 50/60 9 CUCB-S4/200 230V 2CMA103539R1000 1 25.1
400 6 CUCB-S4/200 400V 2CMA103540R1000
500 7 CUCB-S4/200 500V 2CMA103541R1000
690 5 CUCB-S4/200 690V 2CMA103542R1000
CUCB-S5/200 400V
5 200 230 50/60 9 CUCB-S5/200 230V 2CMA103543R1000 1 25.3
400 6 CUCB-S5/200 400V 2CMA103544R1000
500 7 CUCB-S5/200 500V 2CMA103545R1000
690 5 CUCB-S5/200 690V 2CMA103546R1000
4 250 230 50/60 9 CUCB-S4/250 230V 2CMA103547R1000 1 25.1
400 6 CUCB-S4/250 400V 2CMA103548R1000
500 7 CUCB-S4/250 500V 2CMA103549R1000
690 5 CUCB-S4/250 690V 2CMA103550R1000
5 250 230 50/60 9 CUCB-S5/250 230V 2CMA103551R1000 1 25.3
400 6 CUCB-S5/250 400V 2CMA103552R1000
500 7 CUCB-S5/250 500V 2CMA103553R1000
690 5 CUCB-S5/250 690V 2CMA103554R1000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A 350 A
ohne unser Einverständnis weder kopiert noch Dritten zugänglich gemacht werden.
Diese Zeichnung bleibt geistiges Eigentum der Rauscher & Stoecklin AG. Sie darf
15° Gewicht 4-pol = 25.1kg
95 Gewicht 5-pol = 25.3kg
Connector unit with circuit breaker
Steel housing
Terminals/ Pkg pkg
Poles Ampere Voltage Frequency Hour Type Order Code qty (1pce)
A V Hz kg
4 250 230 50/60 9 CUCB-S4/250 230V 2CMA103555R1000 1 45.6
400 6 CUCB-S4/250 400V 2CMA103556R1000
500 7 CUCB-S4/250 500V 2CMA103557R1000
690 5 CUCB-S4/250 690V 2CMA103558R1000
5 400 230 50/60 9 CUCB-S5/400 230V 2CMA103567R1000 1 47.1
400 6 CUCB-S5/400 400V 2CMA103568R1000
500 7 CUCB-S5/400 500V 2CMA103569R1000
690 5 CUCB-S5/400 690V 2CMA103570R1000
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
A 350 A
ohne unser Einverständnis weder kopiert noch Dritten zugänglich gemacht werden.
Diese Zeichnung bleibt geistiges Eigentum der Rauscher & Stoecklin AG. Sie darf
15° Gewicht 4-pol = 25.1kg
95 Gewicht 5-pol = 25.3kg
Electrical installation solutions for buildings
Light switches and socket outlets
pure stainless steel 11/92
future® linear 11/222
Sky Niessen 11/314
Concept bs 11/514
Movement detectors 11/638
11/2 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Light switches and socket outlets
A piece of design in your interior.
Discover the wide range of designs, colours, finishes and functions and find
the best solutions with innovative technology. Let modern light switches
highlight the individual design of your living space.
01 02 03 04
05 06 07 08
09 10 11
Light switches and socket outlets
A piece of design in your interior.
British standard
12 13 14 15
16 17
For design range availability on the local market contact your local sales team.
11/4 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Everyday indulgence.
Extraordinary and distinct design, of the highest quality. Each piece becomes a unique object of any
interior. It attracts attention and that is the point. Solid frames made from bronze, polished steel or
glossy glass, show immediately their real value and an exquisite owner’s taste. The aesthetics,
together with innovative functions make every day luxurious.
01 02 03
04 05 06
01 ivory white / bronze
02 studio white / glass black
03 anthracite / stainless steel
04 studio white / chrome Materials
05 ivory white / gold UV-resistant, free of PVC and halogen.
06 studio white / white glass Frame: genuine materials.
Selected functions.
01 02 03 04 05 06 07
08 09 10 11 12 13 14
15 16 17 18 19 20 21
02 Rocker switch 2gang 13 Busch-Blind comfort switch
03 Busch Universal Rotary Dimmer 14 Comfort timer
04 Touch dimmer 15 Room thermostat with display
05 Busch-Comfort switch 16 Busch-Infoline® alarm insert
06 Busch-steplight® 17 Busch-AudioWorld® Busch-Radio iNet
07 Busch-Protector® SCHUKO® socket outlet 18 Antenna socket for radio/TV/satellite
with overvoltage protection 19 Universal data connection box
08 SCHUKO® USB socket outlet 20 Stereo loudspeaker connecting box
09 Socket outlet with earthing pin 21 KNX sensor, for more KNX products see part 12 of the
10 Switched socket outlet BS standard catalogue - Intelligent Building Solutions
11 Blind switch with rotary knob
1 to 4gang cover frame for horizontal
and vertical installation.
04 01 Side view, 11 mm x 107 mm
02 107 mm x 107 mm
03 03 107 mm x 178 mm
04 107 mm x 249 mm
05 107 mm x 320 mm
01 02
Rocker switches / push switches
2400/6/6US-101-500 2CKA001022A0663 10
1gang 2way
Only in conjunction with standard flush-mounting boxes according to DIN 49073,
2000/6 US-500 2CKA001012A2198 10/100 Part 1, erect or Busch-Jaeger No. 3040 wallbox stonework, 3050 wallbox cavity wall
or 3060 wallbox concrete)
2gang 1way
2000/5 US-500 2CKA001012A1150 10/100
Rocker Switch Mechanism 1) 2)
DP, 1gang 1way
DP, 1gang 2way 2)
For switching high loads.
2000/6/2 US 2CKA001012A0954 10 Rated voltage: 250 V~
Rated current: 16 AXIEC 60669-1
2000/7 US-500 2CKA001012A2199 10/100
2000/2 US-101-500 2CKA001012A2193 10/100
DP, 1gang 1way 1)
Only in conjunction with standard flush-mounting boxes according to DIN 49073,
Part 1, erect or Busch-Jaeger No. 3040 wallbox stonework, 3050 wallbox cavity wall
2000/2 US-500 2CKA001012A2196 10/100 or 3060 wallbox concrete)
Also for switching SCHUKO® socket outlets.
SP, 1gang 1way switch
2000/1 US-500 2CKA001012A2059 10/100
1gang 2way 2)
2400/7 US-500 2CKA001012A2236 10
2000/6 USGL-500 2CKA001012A2194 10/100
Only in conjunction with standard flush-mounting boxes according to DIN 49073,
Part 1, erect or Busch-Jaeger No. 3040 wallbox stonework, 3050 wallbox cavity wall 2gang 1way
or 3060 wallbox concrete)
2000/5 USGL 2CKA001012A1135 10
Only in conjunction with standard flush-mounting boxes according to DIN 49073,
Rocker Switch Mechanism 1) Part 1, erect or Busch-Jaeger No. 3040 wallbox stonework, 3050 wallbox cavity wall
2gang 2way or 3060 wallbox concrete)
With screwless terminals. 2)
Replacement lamps 8360, 8362, and 8363 and LED inserts.
Rated voltage: 250 V~
Rated current: 10 AXIEC 60669-1
Rocker Switch Mechanism, control 1)
2gang 1way
2000/6/6US-101-500 2CKA001011A0928 10/100 with LED,
Only in conjunction with standard flush-mounting boxes according to DIN 49073, Rated voltage: 250 V~
Part 1, erect or Busch-Jaeger No. 3040 wallbox stonework, 3050 wallbox cavity wall Rated current: 16 AXIEC 60669-1
or 3060 wallbox concrete)
Rocker switches / push switches
2400/6 USK 2CKA001022A0660 10/100 Push-switch mechanism 1)
2400/6 USK-500 2CKA001022A0661 10 SP, 1gang 2way
With 1 mA neon lamp.
Can be wired for normally open contacts (stand-by
Only in conjunction with standard flush-mounting boxes according to DIN 49073, current) or normally closed contacts (operating current).
Part 1, erect or Busch-Jaeger No. 3040 wallbox stonework, 3050 wallbox cavity wall With N terminal.
or 3060 wallbox concrete) Rated voltage: 250 V~
Illuminable by using lamps 8360, 8362, 8363, 8365, 8366, and 8367 and LED inserts. Rated current: 10 AIEC 60669-1
2020 US-206-500 2CKA001413A1104 10/100
Push-switch mechanism 1) 1)
Only in conjunction with standard flush-mounting boxes according to DIN 49073,
SP, with normally open contact (operating current) Part 1, erect or Busch-Jaeger No. 3040 wallbox stonework, 3050 wallbox cavity wall
With N terminal. or 3060 wallbox concrete)
Rated voltage: 250 V~
Rated current: 10 AIEC 60669-1
For flush-mounted switch 1g1w, 1g2w, intermediate,
2020 US-500 2CKA001413A0574 10/100 push switch.
Only in conjunction with standard flush-mounting boxes according to DIN 49073,
Part 1, erect or Busch-Jaeger No. 3040 wallbox stonework, 3050 wallbox cavity wall
or 3060 wallbox concrete)
Rocker switches / push switches
As cover for flush-mounted 1gang 1way, 1gang 2way With key symbol.
switch, intermediate switch, push-button and control For flush-mounted push switch.
switch 1gang 2way.
anthracite 1789 ST-81 2CKA001751A3157 10/100 ivory white 1789 KI-82 2CKA001751A2746 10
ivory white 1789 ST-82 2CKA001751A3158 10/100 studio white 1789 KI-84 2CKA001751A2754 10
Rocker switches / push switches
With 2-metre pull cord, red handle, and red neon
Switch rocker with marking indicator.
with small red spherical cap Rated voltage: 250 V~
With marking "Heizung". Rated current: 10 A
As cover for flush-mounted 1gang 1way, 1gang 2way
switch, intermediate switch, push-button and control 2020/01 US-101 2CKA001413A1112 10
switch 1gang 2way. 1)
Only in conjunction with standard flush-mounting boxes according to DIN 49073,
As cover for 2-pole or 3-pole flush-mounted on-off Part 1, erect or Busch-Jaeger No. 3040 wallbox stonework, 3050 wallbox cavity wall
switch and 2-pole control on-off switch. or 3060 wallbox concrete)
Rocker switches / push switches
Cover plate
with rotary control, with marking
As cover for flush mounted three-step rotary switch.
With zero position.
For insert 2710 U.
Cover plate
with rotary control, with marking
Cover plate 1)
for pull switch 2610/6 UC-xx, 2610/6 UJ-xx
With screw-type terminal
British Standard EN 60669-2-1 Protection class (Device): IP 20
Temperature range (Device): 0 °C to 35 °CIEC 60669-2-1,
British Standard EN 60669-2-1
6523 U-102-500 2CKA006512A0335 1/10
Illuminable with neon lamp. Neon lamp included in delivery with cover plate.
In the case of conventional transformers, take ~20% transformer loss into account. 6523 UR-103-500 2CKA006512A0345 1/10
In case of electronic transformers, 5 % transformer losses. 1)
Illuminable with neon lamp. Neon lamp included in delivery with cover plate.
Also applicable for 1gang 2way installations. 2)
In the case of conventional transformers, take ~20% transformer loss into account.
Provided with terminal for net disconnection devices. 3)
In case of electronic transformers, 5 % transformer losses.
Only in conjunction with standard flush-mounting boxes according to DIN 49073, 4)
Also applicable for 1gang 2way installations.
Part 1, erect or Busch-Jaeger No. 3040 wallbox stonework, 3050 wallbox cavity wall 5)
Provided with terminal for net disconnection devices.
or 3060 wallbox concrete) 6)
Only in conjunction with standard flush-mounting boxes according to DIN 49073,
Recommendation: Please use loads and types of one producer. Part 1, erect or Busch-Jaeger No. 3040 wallbox stonework, 3050 wallbox cavity wall
or 3060 wallbox concrete)
Recommendation: Please use loads and types of one producer.
11/12 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Busch-rotary dimmer 1) 2) 3) 4) 5) 6) or 3060 wallbox concrete)
flush mounted, RC, 40-420 W 5)
Cannot be combined with a 2way switch.
With rotary control, soft-catch and with trailing edge
For incandescent lamps, 230 V tungsten halogen Busch-rotary dimmer, extension 1) 2)
lamps and low-voltage halogen lamps with electronic flush mounted
transformers. for connection to 6591 U-101,
Low-noise, short-circuit-proof, overload-protected. To be used with Busch-Dimmer®, MDRC 6583.
Without cover plate. with soft-catch
Rated voltage: 230 V~, +10 % / -10 % A maximum of 5 multi-way extensions can be connected
Rated frequency: 50 Hz to a 6591U-101,
Rated power: 40 - 420 W/VAIEC 60669-2-1, British Without cover plate.
Standard EN 60669-2-1 Rated voltage: 230 V~, +10 % / -10 %
Rated frequency: 50 Hz - 60 Hz
Part 1, erect or Busch-Jaeger No. 3040 wallbox stonework, 3050 wallbox cavity wall
flush mounted, RC, 45-315 W
or 3060 wallbox concrete)
For switching and dimming 2 independent devices.
With trailing edge control.
Busch-rotary dimmer 1) 2gang 1way
flush mounted, DALI, with internal power supply For incandescent lamps, 230 V tungsten halogen
For DALI broadcast service (via central telegram). lamps and low-voltage halogen lamps with electronic
With integrated DALI power adaptor. transformers.
For switching and dimming up to 64 DALI- devices Compatible with control covers 6545-xxx.
like electronic ballasts and transformers with DALI- Without cover, without cover plate.
interface. Outputs: 2 independent dimmer channels.
With rotary control and ON/OFF push operation. Rated power: 40-315 W/VA per channel.
With electronic short-circuit protection. Rated voltage: 230 V~, +10 % / -10 %
With electronic overload protection. Rated frequency: 50 Hz - 60 HzIEC 60669-2-1, British
Brightness power-on level and backround brightness Standard EN 60669-2-1
level adjustable, buffered.
With integrated LED illumination for orientation.
Color of orientation light adjustable (18 presets and 6565 U-500 2CKA006565A0057 1/10
OFF). 1)
Not suitable with conventional transformers.
Up to 5 potentiometers are connectable in parallel. 2)
In case of electronic transformers, 5 % transformer losses.
Up to 3 potentiometers are connectable in parallel in 3)
Only in conjunction with standard flush-mounting boxes according to DIN 49073,
active mode. Part 1, erect or Busch-Jaeger No. 3040 wallbox stonework, 3050 wallbox cavity wall
Not suitable for combining with other DALI sensors or or 3060 wallbox concrete)
central units of other manufacturers.
Does not provide an extension input.
DALI-voltage: 15,5 V=
Rated current: max. 75 mA
Power consumption: < 2,5 W
Number of DALI-units:
37 in case of one active power-potentiometer
in case of three active power-potentiometer in parallel
connection: 111
Active mode: the potentiometer is supporting the
necessary control circuit for other DALI-devices.
Passive mode: the potentiometer is suitable as
additional operation point.
Max. DALI-cable length: 300 m (1,5 - 2,5 mm²).
Without cover plate.
Rated voltage: 230 V~, +10 % / -10 %
Rated frequency: 50 Hz - 60 Hz
Protection class (Device): IP 20
Temperature range (Device): 0 °C to 35 °C
2117/11 U-500 2CKA006599A2988 1
Only in conjunction with standard flush-mounting boxes according to DIN 49073,
Part 1, erect or Busch-Jaeger No. 3040 wallbox stonework, 3050 wallbox cavity wall
or 3060 wallbox concrete)
6805 U.
Rated voltage: 230 V~, +10 % / -10 % 6550 U-101-500 2CKA006550A0042 1
Rated frequency: 50 Hz 1)
Rated power: 60 - 420 W/VAIEC 60669-2-1, British
Only in conjunction with standard flush-mounting boxes according to DIN 49073,
Standard EN 60669-2-1 Part 1, erect or Busch-Jaeger No. 3040 wallbox stonework, 3050 wallbox cavity wall
or 3060 wallbox concrete)
with integrated making-current limiter
Cover plate 1)
with rotary knob, with indication lamp
Elevated knob.
With transparent luminous ring.
For Busch-Dimmer®.
For inserts
2112 U-101/2247 U/2250 U/6513 U-102/6517 U-10x/
6519 U/6520 U/6523 U(R)(10x) /6591 U-10x and 6592 U.
anthracite 6540-81-102 2CKA006599A2950 10
ivory white 6540-82-102 2CKA006599A2951 10/100
studio white 6540-84-102-500 2CKA006599A3009 10/100
Replacement neon lamp, Art. No. 3855.
Control element 1) 2) 3)
with neon lamp
Can be combined with LED dimmer 6524 U, and 6526 U,
Busch-Universal touch-type controller 6550 U-10x,
Busch-Memory touch dimmer 6560 U-101, Busch-
Universal-Dimmer® 6593 U, Busch-Universal relay insert
6401 U-10x, Busch-Universal 2gang insert 6402 U.
anthracite 6543-81-101 2CKA006599A2881 1/10
ivory white 6543-82-101 2CKA006599A2831 1/10
studio white 6543-84-101-500 2CKA006599A3010 1/10
Compatible with previous type 6543-xxx.
Touch-type Controller 6550 U-xxx non-illuminable.
Replacement neon lamp 3857.
Control element 1)
with neon lamp
Combinable with Busch-Memory 2gang dimmer 6565 U.
Cover plate
for cooling element
For Busch-Universal master dimmer power module
6594 U.
For room temperature controller object range 6108/0x
and base for blind cover 6930/01.
Movement detectors / comfort switches
Standard EN 60669-2-1
II 6800-xxx-104 and 6800-xxx-104M.
For Busch-Watchdog Presence tech 6813-xxx-101 und
6401 U-102-500 2CKA006401A0049 1/10 6813/11-xxx.
Combinable with Busch-Watchdog extension insert
6805 U.
Busch-Universal 2gang 1way insert Operation also possible via conventional push buttons
3 wire connection (neutral conductor required). (2020 US, 2021/6 UK).
For the serial switch operating mode: 2 separate Rated voltage: 230 V~, +10 % / -10 %
outputs, 2 separate extension inputs. Rated frequency: 50 Hz - 60 Hz
For operation mode timer: output 1 (eg lighting), output Suitable for: 230 V incandescent lamps, 230 V halogen
2: ON/Off delay in dependence of output 1 (eg fan lamps and low-voltage halogen lamps with conventional
control). transformers or Busch Electronic Transformer.
For Busch-Watchdog 180 flush-mounted Sensor Rated power: 60 - 420 W/VA
Standard 6810-21x-101. Temperature range (Device): 0 °C to 35 °CBritish
For Busch-Watchdog 180 flush-mounted sensor Comfort Standard EN 60669-2-1
II 6800-xxx-104 and 6800-xxx-104M.
For Busch-Watchdog Presence tech 6813-xxx-101 und
6813/11-xxx. 6804 U-101-500 2CKA006800A2219 1/10
For Busch-Remote control IR control cover 6066-xxx-10x 1)
In case of electronic transformers, 5 % transformer losses.
and 6067-xxx-10x. 2)
In the case of conventional transformers, take ~20% transformer loss into account.
For control cover 6430-xxx-10x and 6543-xxx-10x.
Not suitable for the activation of energy-saving lamps, conventional and electronic
ballast units and LED lamps.
Combinable with Busch-Watchdog extension insert 4)
Not suitable for activating the staircase time delay.
6805 U. 5)
Cannot be used to control relais.
Operation also possible via conventional push buttons 6)
Requires an NIS international socket, E-No. 372507676.
(2020 US, 2021/6 UK).
Rated voltage: 230 V~, +10 % / -10 %
Rated frequency: 50 Hz
Outputs: 2x Normally open contact, potential-bound
Suitable for: 230 V incandescent lamps, 230 V halogen
lamps, fluorescent lamps and low-voltage halogen
lamps, that are operated via transformers.
Rated current: 10 AX
Rated power: 2300 W/VA
Temperature range (Device): 0 °C to 35 °CBritish
Standard EN 60669-2-1
Movement detectors / comfort switches
Blind control / timers
Rated voltage: 250 V~
Rated current: 10 AX
IEC60669-1, British Standard EN 60669-1 DP 5)
2712 USL-101 2CKA001101A0872 10
DP 5)
DP 3) 2722 USL-101 2CKA001101A0898 10
2712 U 2CKA001101A0534 10
SP, N, E
SP, N, E 2723 USL-101 2CKA001101A0906 10
2713 U 2CKA001101A0542 10 1)
For installation on British Standard wallboxes please use adapter plate APBS
(6599-0-2813). (Depth of box 60 mm.)
Mounting 35 mm deep flush 1gang 2)
Blind switches/push switches prevents fast change over between operating
boxes: or Dual Box 3070-2/35 BSDB. directions.
2gang product 2gang combination with adapter plate APBS in Dual Box
Use the cylindrical lock according to the enclosed drawing.
See semi-cylindrical lock.
combinations: only. 5)
Also suitable for controlling direct voltage drives.
neon indicator: not applicable
delivery form: Adapter plate APBS to be ordered separate.
Only in conjunction with standard flush-mounting boxes according to DIN 49073,
Part 1, erect or Busch-Jaeger No. 3040 wallbox stonework, 3050 wallbox cavity wall
or 3060 wallbox concrete)
Blind switches/push switches prevents fast change over between operating
Also suitable for controlling direct voltage drives.
11/20 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Blind control / timers
Blind control / timers
With marking. Temperature range (Device): 0 °C to 35 °C
For half-cylindrical type switches and blind control 6456-101 2CKA006410A0398 1/10
switch/push-switch. 1)
See respective cover plates 6435-xx.
For inserts 2733 USL-101 and 2712 USL-101, 2713 USL-101,
2722 USL-101, 2723 USL-101.
anthracite 1755 SL/PZ-81-101 2CKA001710A3626 10
ivory white 1755 SL/PZ-82-101 2CKA001710A3157 10
studio white 1755 SL/PZ-84-101 2CKA001710A3175 10
For compatible lettering software, visit
Control element
For Busch-Blind control II insert 6411 U-101, 6411 U/S-
For basic blind insert 6418 U.
For Busch-Universal 2gang 1way insert 6402 U.
Cover plate 1)
with rotary knob
For comfort blinds insert 6419 U.
Blind control / timers
Programming possible only with control element Cover plate
attached and energized. with rotary knob, with marking
6 switching times per day can be user-defined for each For Busch-Timer insert 1070 U.
day of the week. Running time: 15 min
Astro switching times and switching times can be
When combined with LED dimmer 6524 U, Busch-
Universal master dimmer insert 6593 U or Busch- anthracite 1770-81-103 2CKA001753A0255 10
Memory touch-type controller 6550 U-101, the ivory white 1770-82-103 2CKA001753A0256 10
brightness of the lighting can be adjusted for each ON
switching time. studio white 1770-84-103 2CKA001753A0258 10
For Busch-Blind control II insert 6411 U-101, 6411 U/S-
Cover plate
For Busch-Universal relay switch insert 6401 U-102.
with rotary knob, with marking
For Busch-Universal master dimmer insert 6593 U.
For Busch-Timer insert 1071 U.
For LED dimmer insert 6524 U and 6526 U..
Running time: 120 min
For Busch-Memory touch-type controller 6550 U-101.
Temperature range (Device): 0 °C to 35 °C
6455-101-500 2CKA006410A0399 1/10
anthracite 1771-81-103 2CKA001753A0265 10
See respective cover plates 6435-xx.
ivory white 1771-82-103 2CKA001753A0266 10
studio white 1771-84-103 2CKA001753A0301 10
Time switch mechanism 16 A 1) 2)
DP, break contact for staircases, exterior lighting, fans,
Running time: 15 min
For time-programmed switching of electrical
Rated voltage: 230 V~, +10 % / -10 %
Rated current: 16 A, cos φ 0.25
1070 U 2CKA001043A0025 1/10
For screw-fixing only
Only in conjunction with standard flush-mounting boxes according to DIN 49073,
Part 1, erect or Busch-Jaeger No. 3040 wallbox stonework, 3050 wallbox cavity wall
or 3060 wallbox concrete)
Socket outlets
SCHUKO® USB socket outlet 1) 2) 3)
shuttered Busch-Protector® SCHUKO® socket outlet 1)
With screwless terminals. with overvoltage protection
DP (2 P + E) DP (2 P + E)
For supply and support of mobile devices via USB-cable. With integrated and external signalling contact.
With USB female connector type A. ISN = 5 kA
With electronic short-circuit protection. Device protection for technical sensitive equipment
With electronic overload protection. such as computer, entertainment electronics and
Simultaneous charging via USB connection and use of building management systems.
the SCHUKO® socket outlet. Effectively reduces overvoltage peaks occurring
Rated voltage: 250 V~ between the sub-distribution switch board and
Secondary: 5 V-, +5 % / -5 % SCHUKO® socket outlet.
Rated frequency: 50 Hz Arrestor test class: classification Type 2
Suitable for: SCHUKO® socket outlet Rated voltage: 250 V~
Rated current: 16 A Rated current: 16 A
Suitable for: USB connection
Rated current: 700 mA anthracite 2310 EUGL/VA-81-11 2CKA002011A3830 1
Protection class (Device): IP 20, SELV ivory white 2310 EUGL/VA-82-11 2CKA002011A3831 1
Temperature range (Device): 5 °C to 35 °C
studio white 2310 EUGL/VA-84-11 2CKA002011A3833 1
Dimensions: (L x W x D): 71 mm x 71 mm x 53 mm
Mounting depth: 35 mm red RAL 3020 2310 EUGL/ 2CKA002011A6257 1/10
anthracite 20 EUCBUSB-81-500 2CKA002011A6176 1
Connecting terminals approved in accordance with VDE 0620-1 as connectors.
ivory white 20 EUCBUSB-82-500 2CKA002011A6177 1
studio white 20 EUCBUSB-84-500 2CKA002011A6179 1/10
SCHUKO® socket outlet
Connecting terminals approved in accordance with VDE 0620-1 as connectors. with LED control light
No data transfer.
Use dust cover 2098 when cleaning the device.
DP (2 P + E)
With transparent lens.
SCHUKO® socket outlet steplight® 1) 2) LED colour green.
With night orientation light Rated voltage: 250 V~
with separate connection cables for switch contact. Rated current: 16 A
with LED, anthracite 20 EUCBL-81 2CKA002013A5457 10
DP (2 P + E) ivory white 20 EUCBL-82 2CKA002013A5284 10
Rated voltage: 250 V~ studio white 20 EUCBL-84 2CKA002013A5286 10
Rated current: 16 A
anthracite 20 EUCBLI-81 2CKA002013A5459 1
ivory white 20 EUCBLI-82 2CKA002013A5292 1
studio white 20 EUCBLI-84 2CKA002013A5294 1
Connecting terminals approved in accordance with VDE 0620-1 as connectors.
Resistant to aggressive media, e.g. ammonia, benzine, oils, greases, alcohol,
cleansing agents, in normal concentrations.
11/24 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 41 9 0 05 C0201
Socket outlets
Socket outlets
SCHUKO® socket outlet without claw 1)
1gang shuttered
With screw-type terminals. Without claws.
Without claws. With screwless terminals.
According to Chinese standard: GB 2099.1 DP (2 P + E)
Rated voltage: 250 V~ Rated voltage: 250 V~
Rated current: 10 A Rated current: 16 A
Rated current: 10 A
anthracite 20 EUCRB-81 2CKA002013A5437 10/100
anthracite 2193 EUC/10-81-500 CBA019A121S4010 10/40
ivory white 20 EUCRB-82 2CKA002013A5438 10/100
delivery on request
studio white 20 EUCRB-84-500 2CKA002013A5441 10/100
ivory white 2193 EUC/10-82-500
Increased shock protection .
delivery on request
studio white 2193 EUC/10-84-500
SCHUKO® socket outlet 1) 2)
Chinese socket outlet, 16 A With screw-type terminals.
1gang DP (2 P + E)
With screw-type terminals. Rated voltage: 250 V~
Without claws. Rated current: 16 A
According to Chinese standard: GB 2099.1
Rated voltage: 250 V~ anthracite 2300 EUCB-81 2CKA002013A5448 10
Rated current: 16 A ivory white 2300 EUCB-82 2CKA002013A5449 10/100
anthracite 2193 EUC/16-81-500 CBA019A112S4010 10/40 studio white 2300 EUCB-84 2CKA002013A5451 10/100
delivery on request 1)
Increased shock protection .
ivory white 2196 EUC/16-82-500 2)
With screw-type terminals
delivery on request
studio white 2193 EUC/16-84-500 Busch-Socket outlet 1)
With screwless terminals.
Chinese and Euro American socket outlet, 10 A DP (2 P + E)
1gang With eject mechanism.
With screw-type terminals. Rated voltage: 250 V~
Without claws. Rated current: 16 A
According to Chinese standard: GB 2099.1
Rated voltage: 250 V~ anthracite 20 EUCBDR-81 2CKA002013A5415 10
Rated current: 10 A ivory white 20 EUCBDR-82 2CKA002013A5416 10
delivery on request studio white 20 EUCBDR-84 2CKA002013A5418 10
anthracite 2195 EUC/10-81-500 1)
Increased shock protection .
delivery on request
ivory white 2195 EUC/10-82-500
delivery on request
studio white 2195 EUC/10-84-500
11/26 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 0
4 1090 0
0 0052 CC00220011
Socket outlets
Socket outlets
11/28 E L E C T R I C A L I N S TA L L AT I O N S O L U T I O N S F O R B U I L D I N G S 2CHC 0
4 1090 0
0 0052 CC00220011
Data communication
WLAN access point, flush-mounted 1) 2) Universal data connection box with down-leading
power supply from mains power outlet 1)
Operation as WLAN access point for the connection of 2 x outlets, 8/8-pole
WLAN terminal devices to the LAN. With down-leading outlet.
Operation as WLAN repeater for extending the For 8-pole plug, RJ 11/12, RJ 45, ISDN capability, Cat. 3.
transmission range of a WLAN. Design according to IEC 60 603-7-2:2007.
Operation as WLAN adapter for integrating Ethernet Screw contacts
terminal devices into a WLAN. With claw.
Supports WLAN standards IEEE 802.11b/g/n with
0215 2CKA000230A0243 10
2.4 GHz; integrated WLAN antenna.
Backward connection of an Ethernet cable via screw Mounting 35 mm deep flush 1gang
terminals (10/100 Mbit/s). boxes: or Dual Box 3070-2/35 BSDB.
Front-side Ethernet connection via a RJ45 socket 2gang product 2gang combination with adapter plate
(10/100 Mbit/s). combinations: APBS in Dual Box only.
The three connections (WLAN, Ethernet/screw terminals
neon indicator: not applicable
and Ethernet/RJ45)can be used in parallel via the
integrated switch. 1)
Suitable for cover plate 1803-02-xxx.
Power supply via 2-pole connecting terminal.
Nominal voltage: 100 - 240 V~
Data-connection box, RJ 45, cat. 6a iso, shielded 1)
For mounting in commercially available deep flush-
mounted and hollow-wall boxes.
With down-leading outlet and LSA self-cutting clamps.
Rated frequency: 50 Hz - 60 Hz
RJ-45 terminals for networks according to Cat 6A, Class
8186/31-101-500 2CKA008100A0359 1 EA (10 Gbits/s / 500MHz).
Suitable for cover plate 1803-xxx. Equates to cat. 6a, Class EA according to
Not to be mounted in SM box 1701-xxx, 1702-xxx, 1703-xxx. ISO/IEC 11801:2011-06.
Terminal marking A and B according to TIA/EIA-568-B.2.
Data communication
Data-connection box, RJ 45, cat. 6a iso, shielded 1) Satellite co-axial outlets Radio/TV/SAT
2 x outlets, 8/8-pole 3gang dead-end feeder
With down-leading outlet and LSA self-cutting clamps. Broadband technology 47-2.150 MHz.
RJ-45 terminals for networks according to Cat 6A, Class SAT connection designed as screwable F-male plug.
EA (10 Gbits/s / 500MHz). with remote feed via F-bush
Equates to cat. 6a, Class EA according to For DVB-T and broadband-cable-systems.
ISO/IEC 11801:2011-06. For analogue and digital transmission.
Terminal marking A and B according to TIA/EIA-568-B.2. With claw.
Typ according to EN 60 603-7-51:2011-01. Minimal installation depth, class A.
Shielding according to DIN EN 55022, Class B.
0232-101-500 2CKA000230A0463 10/100
Up to 500 MHz on all pairs of wires.
Suitable for 10-Gigabit Ethernet.
Suitable for PoE+ according to IEEE 802.3at, >- 1.000 Terminating resistor
contact durability. 75 Ohm
Flex cable entries from all sides without buckles.
Earthing of housing via 6,3 mm blade terminal at the
back possible.
Re-embedded proofed.
Suitable for Mix-and-Match operation.
Suitable for RJ 11, RJ 12 und RJ 45. 0239 2CKA000230A0201 10/100
For data cables with a diameter of 6 -10 mm.
For trunk systems, flush-mounted wall boxes and
Mounting plate 1) 2)
underfloor systems.
with green insert
For wires of AWG 24-22.
For 2 modular jack inserts.
Without claws.
For systems: CommScope (AVAYA / AT&T / Lucent
Mounting depth: 31 mm.
Technologies), GigaSPEED, PowerSUM, 360 GS 10E bis
0218/12-101 2CKA000230A0411 1/10 MGS 600-BK, M1 BH-xx, MPS 100E-xx.
Suitable for cover plate 1803-02-xxx. With R&M adapter R310694 suitable for R&M connection
modules R305111, R305112, R305113 and R305114.
Pitch dimensions: (WxH) approx. 16.9 x 17.9 mm.
Universal data connection box 8(6)/ telephone unit Without claws.
6F+N - connection box 1)
1810-500 2CKA001753A9974 10/100
2 x 6-pole
with straight outlet, 1)
Compatibility with other manufacturers not listed is to be checked in accordance
with screw contacts, with specified snap-in dimensions.
Universal data-connection boxes: RJ 11/12,
For further information, please refer on the Internet.
ISDN capable Cat. 3 in acc. with IEC 603-7/German
Standard DIN EN 60603-7, Mounting plate 1) 2)
Telecommunication outlet (telephone unit ): for 1 with red insert
telephone, 1 auxiliary device or 1 data transmission unit, For 2 modular jack inserts.
With claw. Suitable for Art. Nos. 0210, 0211 and 0219-101.
white UAE 8(6)TAE 6 F+N 2CKA000230A0381 10/100 For systems: AMP / tyco Electronics, BTR, EFB, Krone,
Suitable for cover plate 2539-xxx, 1766-xxx and 1746-2xx-FN.
Panduit, Quante, Radiall, Setec, Dr.-Ing. Sieger, Telena,
Thomas & Betts
For Telegärtner AMJ/UMJ connection modules/
Satellite co-axial outlets couplings.
2 connectors/dead-end feeder For 2 fiber optic modules of the following types:
Broadband technology 5-2.400 MHz 3M-Volition, Krone, mvk.
For DVB-T, satellite and broad-band cable systems. Pitch dimensions: (WxH) approx. 14.8 x 19.4 mm.
For analogue and digital transmission. Without claws.
With claw. 1812-500 2CKA001753A9972 10/100
Minimal installation depth, class A.
Compatibility with other manufacturers not listed is to be checked in accordance
0230-101 2CKA000230A0250 10/100 with specified snap-in dimensions.
For further information, please refer on the Internet.
Data communication
0471-0-0037 2CKA000471A0037 10
0299-0-0032 2CKA000299A0032 10
Data communication
Cover plate ) 1 studio white 1745-84 2CKA001710A3173 10
As cover for universal data connection boxes.
Art.-No. 0213 (Cat 3/ISDN), 0216-101, 0218/11-101 (Cat
Cover plate 1)
5e/6 data technology) and comparable types of the
socket outlet
company Rutenbeck.
Telephone socket (TDO)
For WLAN access points 8186/31 and 8186/41.
Brand-Rex (WAEGV 8 EKR/EK).
BTR ( universal data connecting unit design and IAE
Telegärtner (AMJ 45, UMJ 45). anthracite 1762-81-506 2CKA001710A4103 10/100
With down-leading outlet.
With labelling field. ivory white 1762-82-506 2CKA001710A4104 10/100
Size of labelling field: 60 x 9 mm. studio white 1762-84-506 2CKA001710A4106 10/100
anthracite 1803-81 2CKA001710A3616 10 1)
Suitable insert: TDO 3x 10 OUP (for 1 telephone and 2 auxiliary devices).