Centri Cobra Tattoo
Centri Cobra Tattoo
Centri Cobra Tattoo
3211 B2
U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 1 of 4 US 8,733,211 B2
U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 2 of 4 US 8,733,211 B2
T?V No. 206
U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 3 of 4 US 8,733,211 B2
U.S. Patent May 27, 2014 Sheet 4 of 4 US 8,733,211 B2
FIG. 5
FIG. 6
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1. 2
TATTOO MACHINES, METHODS OF typically do not allow the needle to “give' (i.e., absorb some
MAKING TATTOO MACHINES, AND of the impact force between the needle and the skin) when the
METHODS OF USING TATTOO MACHINES machine is pushed too hard against the skin, which can result
in blowout when the needle pierces too far into or beyond the
CROSS-REFERENCE TO RELATED dermal layer of skin.
APPLICATIONS In view of the shortcomings in conventional tattoo
machines, it would be advantageous to provide a tattoo
The present Application for Patent claims priority under 35 machine which is relatively quieter, lighter and more versatile
U.S.C. S 119 to Provisional Application No. 61/443,367 as well as capable of providing “give' in the needle to reduce
entitled Tattoo Machines, Methods of Making Tattoo 10 or even eliminate blowout.
Machines, and Methods of Using Tattoo Machines, which is
hereby expressly incorporated by reference in its entirety BRIEF SUMMARY
Various embodiments of the present disclosure comprise
TECHNICAL FIELD 15 tattoo machines configured to provide “give' in the needle for
reducing or even eliminating blowout, while also providing
Various features of the present disclosure relate to tattoo quieter operation, lighter weight and increased versatility. In
machines, methods of making tattoo machines and methods one or more embodiments, a tattoo machine may comprise a
of using tattoo machines. More particularly, one or more frame, and a motor pivotably coupled to the frame. The motor
implementations of the present disclosure relate to tattoo may include an eccentrically weighted shaft. A needle drive
machines employing a motor adapted to drive the linear mechanism may be coupled with the motor in order to facili
motion of a tattoo needle. tate driving a needle when the motor is energized.
Other embodiments of the disclosure comprise methods of
BACKGROUND making a tattoo machine. One or more implementations of
25 Such methods may comprise obtaining a frame, obtaining a
Tattoo machines have been in use for many years. A tattoo motor that includes an eccentrically weighted shaft, and cou
machine typically has a reciprocating needle that moves up pling the motor to the frame so that the motor is able to pivot
and down within a tubular structure, carrying ink into the skin about a pivot axis.
of an individual in the process. The reciprocating needle Still additional embodiments of the disclosure comprise
typically punctures the skin at a high rate. The needles are 30 methods operational of a tattoo machine. According to one or
installed in the machine and dipped in ink, which is Sucked up more implementations of Such methods, an eccentrically
through the machine's tube system. Then, the tattoo machine weighted shaft is rotated on a motor that is pivotably coupled
induces an up-and-down motion of the needle to puncture the to a frame. In response to the rotation of the eccentrically
top layer of the skin and drive insoluble particles of ink into weighted shaft, the motor is pivoted about a pivot axis.
the dermal layer of skin. 35
Mechanically speaking, conventional tattoo machines BRIEF DESCRIPTION OF THE DRAWINGS
typically comprise either a coil tattoo machine or a rotary
tattoo machine. Coil tattoo machines are more widely used FIG. 1 is an isometric view of a tattoo machine according to
currently due to their relative availability and relatively lower at least one example of an embodiment of the present disclo
cost. A coil tattoo machine employs an electromagnetic cir 40 SUC.
cuit to move the needle grouping up and down. Differentia FIG. 2 is a cross-sectional view of the tattoo machine of
tions and variants can be found in a wide array, ranging from FIG. 1 according to at least one embodiment.
single coiled machines to triple coiled machines. Generally, FIG. 3 shows an isometric exploded view of a motor
the coil tattoo employs one or more DC coils and spring assembly according to at least one embodiment.
point(s) that induce the linear up and down motion of a bar 45 FIG. 4 illustrates an isometric view of the motor assembly
that is coupled to the needle. Coil tattoo machines typically 202 when put together.
allow some “give in the needle (i.e., absorb some of the force FIG. 5 is an isometric exploded view of at least one
resulting when the needle impacts the skin), inhibiting blow embodiment of a frame.
out that is caused when the needle extends too far into or FIG. 6 is a flow diagram illustrating an example of a
beyond the dermal layer of skin. However, coil tattoo 50 method of making a tattoo machine according to at least one
machines are generally relatively heavy and more difficult to implementation.
maneuver during use. In addition, the electromagnetic
Switching of coil type tattoo machines generates a significant DETAILED DESCRIPTION
amount of noise, which can turn off first-time customers who
may already be hesitant about getting a tattoo. Further, coil 55 The illustrations presented herein are, in some instances,
tattoo machines can be used as either a liner or a shader, but not actual views of any particular housing assembly, motor
not both, since shaders generally have thicker barrels and assembly, or tattoo machine, but are merely idealized repre
typically need heavier coils to produce the extra power sentations which are employed to describe various features
needed to drive the ink into the skin, while liners typically associated with one or more embodiments of the present
have thinner barrels and lighter coils for extra comfort. 60 disclosure. Additionally, elements common between figures
A conventional rotary tattoo machine uses an electric may retain the same numerical designation.
motor with a rotatable shaft that is coupled with the needle to Various embodiments of the present disclosure are directed
drive the needle in the reciprocating up and down motion. toward tattoo machines. Referring to FIG. 1, an isometric
Rotary tattoo machines can offer several advantages to the view of a tattoo machine 100 is shown according to at least
coil machines in that a rotary tattoo machine is typically 65 one embodiment. Generally, the tattoo machine 100 com
lighter weight, Substantially less noisy, and can be used as prises a tube 102 that is coupled to a frame 104. The tube 102
either a liner or a shader. However, the rotary tattoo machines can include a grip 106 coupled thereto or integral therewith.
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Such a tube 102 and grip 106 configuration can be similar to coupled to the motor by being attached directly to the motor
the tubes and grips employed in conventional tattoo 204 and/or formed integral to the motor 204.
machines. The tube 102 and grip 106 may be made from the The pivot axels 302 can be coupled with bearings 306 to
same or different materials. By way of example and not facilitate a smooth pivoting motion of the motor 204 during
limitation, the tube 102 and/or grip 106 may be formed from 5 operation. In other embodiments, the pivotaxels 302 may be
a metal or metal alloy, a polymer, a ceramic, or any other coupled directly to the frame (e.g., frame 104 in FIGS. 1 and
Suitable material, as well as combinations thereof. 2). For example, a portion of each of the pivot axels 302
As shown in the illustrated embodiment, the frame 104 can extending away from the motor 204 may be disposed in an
be formed as a housing in some embodiments. In other aperture in the frame. The pivot axels 302 are depicted as
embodiments, the frame 104 can be formed with a more 10 being fixedly attached to the motor 204 so that the pivotaxels
simple configuration comprising features adapted to be 302 rotate with the motor 204. In other embodiments, how
coupled with various components as described herein, with ever, the pivotaxels 302 may be positioned to extend into an
out necessarily housing the components. The frame 104 may aperture associated with the motor 204 such that the motor
comprise any Suitable material, including but not limited to a 204 rotates on the pivot axels 302 while the pivot axels 302
metal or metal alloy, a polymer, a ceramic material, or other 15 remain at least Substantially fixed.
Suitable material, as well as combinations thereof. The needle drive mechanism 110 generally comprises a
The tattoo machine 100 may also include a needle 108 component adapted to enable a needle to be driven when a
positioned to extend through the inside of the tube 102 and is motor 204 is energized. In some embodiments, the needle
coupled to a needle drive mechanism 110, such as a needle drive mechanism 110 may comprise a needle arm or other
arm. The needle 108 can comprise any of the various kinds of shaft configuration to extend from the motor 204 and facili
conventional tattoo needles known generally to those of ordi tate coupling a needle 108 with the motor 204. In other
nary skill in the art. embodiments, the needle drive mechanism 110 may simply
In some environments and/or according to the preference comprise a feature adapted to facilitate coupling the needle to
of a user, it may be desirable to provide additional lighting to the body of the motor 204 and/or the sleeve 304.
the Surface of the skin Surface being tattooed. Accordingly, 25 The needle drive mechanism 110 may be coupled with the
the frame 104 can be configured to receive an optional light body of the motor 204 and/or the sleeve 304 in some
ing mechanism 112 that may be fixedly or removably coupled examples. In other examples, the body of the motor 204
thereto to provide additional light to the skin surface being and/or the sleeve 304 may be formed with an integral needle
tattooed. drive mechanism 110. In embodiments where the needle
The needle drive mechanism 110 that is coupled with the 30 drive mechanism 110 comprises a needle arm or other shaft,
needle 108 comprises a portion of a motor assembly. Turning the needle drive mechanism 110 can be positioned to a side of
to FIG. 2, a cross-sectional view of the tattoo machine 100 is the motor 204 directly opposite from the motor shaft 208 and
illustrated showing at least some components of a motor extending away from the motor 204 in a direction opposite
assembly 202 within the frame 104. As illustrated, a needle from the motor shaft 208, as illustrated. It should be apparent
drive mechanism 110 configured as a needle arm is coupled to 35 to a person of ordinary skill in the art, however, that the needle
a motor 204 positioned in the frame 104. The motor 204 is drive mechanism 110 embodied as a needle arm or other shaft
pivotably positioned within the frame 104 to enable the motor can be positioned on other Surfaces and/or portions of the
204 to move in the direction of arrows 206 when energized. motor 204, so long as the needle drive mechanism 110 facili
The motor 204 can comprise a conventional electric motor, tates driving the up and down motion of a needle during use.
Such as a conventional DC electric motor, and includes a 40 The needle drive mechanism 110 can be disposed so that the
rotatable shaft 208 extending from a portion thereof. needle drive mechanism 110 extends from the motor 204 in a
According to a feature, the shaft 208 of the motor 204 is direction at least substantially transverse to a pivotaxis of the
configured to be eccentrically weighted. For example, the motor 204 (e.g., pivotaxis 404 in FIG. 4) in some implemen
shaft 208 itself may be formed in such a manner as to have an tations. In other implementations, the needle drive mecha
integral eccentric weight portion, or an eccentric weight 210 45 nism may extendina direction at least Substantially parallel to
may be coupled to the shaft 208, as well as some combination the pivotaxis of the motor 204 (e.g., pivotaxis 404 in FIG. 4),
thereof. As the shaft 208 is rotated, the eccentric weight 210 but offset from the pivot axis of the motor 204 so that the
causes the motor 204 to pivot in the direction of arrows 206, needle drive mechanism is displaced when the motor 204 is
causing the needle drive mechanism 110 to displace an pivoted about the pivot axis.
attached needle 108 up and down, as indicated by arrows 212. 50 As shown in FIG.4, when the motor 204 is energized, the
FIG. 3 shows an isometric exploded view of the motor shaft 208 rotates, as indicated by the arrow 402. The motor
assembly 202 according to at least one embodiment, and FIG. 204 can be energized by providing an electrical current
4 illustrates an isometric view of the motor assembly 202 thereto in a conventional manner, resulting in rotation of the
when assembled. As shown, the motor assembly 202 may shaft 208. As the shaft 208 is rotated, the motor 204 pivots
comprise the motor 204 coupled with the needle drive mecha 55 about the pivot axis 404. Because the shaft 208 is eccentri
nism 110 and the shaft 208. Pivot axels 302 can be coupled cally weighted and/or has an eccentric weight 210 coupled
with the motor 204 to enable the motor 204 to rotate about the thereto, a centripetal force is generated toward the shaft 208
pivot axels 302 during operation. In at least some embodi and an equal, but opposite reactive centrifugal force results
ments, the pivot axels 302 are coupled to the motor 204 by toward the center of mass of the eccentric weight 210.
means of a sleeve 304. For instance, the sleeve 304 can be 60 In conventional systems, a motoris mounted in a manner to
coupled to the motor 204, and the pivot axels 302 can be inhibit movement of the motor as a result of any such forces.
coupled to the sleeve 304 or the pivot axels 302 may be However, in various embodiments of the present tattoo
integral to the sleeve 304. The sleeve 304 can be adapted to machine, the motor 204 is pivotably mounted so that the
encompass at least a portion of the motor 204, with two sides motor 204 can move about the pivotaxis 404, while inhibiting
coupled together around the motor 204 and/or with the por 65 motion of the motor 204 in other directions as a result of the
tions of the sleeve 304 coupled directly to the motor 204. In forces generated by the rotating eccentric weight 210. That is,
one or more other embodiments, the pivot axels 302 can with the motor 204 coupled to the frame (e.g., frame 104 in
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FIGS. 1 & 2) with pivot axels 302 axially aligned with the the pivotaxels 302. In some implementations, the pivotaxels
pivot axis, the motor 204 is able to pivot in a direction about 302 can be coupled to the frame 104 either directly or through
the pivot axis 404. Therefore, when the motor 204 is ener one or more other components, such as the bearings 306
gized and the shaft 208 is rotating, the motor 204 will pivot (shown in FIG. 3).
about the axis 404 as a result of the centripetal force. This According to other steps, a tube 102 can be coupled to the
rotation about the axis 404 results in displacement of the frame 104 and a needle 108 may be disposed through the tube
needle drive mechanism 110 as shown by arrow 212 in FIG. 102 and coupled to the needle drive mechanism 110. In the
2, which displacement of the needle drive mechanism 110 preceding detailed description, embodiments have been
drives the displacement of an attached needle. described in terms of a process that may be depicted as a
FIG.5 shows an isometric view of a frame 104 according to 10 flowchart, a flow diagram, a structure diagram, or a block
at least one embodiment. As shown, the frame 104 can com diagram. Although a flowchart may describe operational acts
prise two or more pieces assembled together, and may include as a sequential process, many of these acts can be performed
a motor attachment feature for pivotably coupling the motor in another sequence, in parallel, or Substantially concurrently.
204 to the frame 104. In the embodiment shown, one section In addition, the order of the acts may be re-arranged.
of the frame 104 includes a slot 502 sized and configured for 15 One or more of the various features described and depicted
receiving the bearings 306 of the motor assembly, with the herein provide tattoo machines that allow some “give' in the
other section including a protruding feature 504 adapted to needle (i.e., absorb some of the force resulting when the
slide into the slot 502 and retain the bearings 306 in the slot needle impacts the skin), inhibiting blowout that is caused
502 when the frame 104 is assembled. when the needle extends too far into or beyond the dermal
Further embodiments of the present disclosure relate to layer of skin, while also providing relatively light weight,
methods of making tattoo machines. FIG. 6 is a flow diagram relatively low noise, and the ability for use as either a liner or
illustrating an example of a method 600 for making a tattoo a shader.
machine according to at least one implementation. With ref While certain embodiments have been described and
erence to FIGS. 2 and 6, a frame 104 can be obtained at step shown in the accompanying drawings, such embodiments are
602. For example, a frame 104 can be formed in any conven 25 merely illustrative and not restrictive of the scope of the
tional manner, such as by machining, casting, molding, and/ disclosure, and this disclosure is not limited to the specific
or otherwise forming one or more components of the frame constructions and arrangements shown and described, since
104. If components of the frame 104 are formed or otherwise various other additions and modifications to, and deletions
obtained separately, the components can then be coupled from, the described embodiments will be apparent to one of
together. In at least some implementations, the frame 104 30 ordinary skill in the art. Thus, the scope of the disclosure is
may include the slots 502 and protruding feature 504 only limited by the literal language, and equivalents, of the
described above with reference to FIG.S. claims which follow.
At step 604, a motor 204 may be obtained, where the motor What is claimed is:
204 includes an eccentrically weighted shaft 208. According 1. A tattoo machine, comprising:
to various implementations, the shaft 208 can be formed to 35 a frame;
include an integral eccentric weight portion (e.g., the shaft a motor pivotably coupled to the frame, the motor includ
208 can be formed eccentrically weighted), an eccentric ing an eccentrically weighted shaft; and
weight 210 can be coupled to the shaft 208, or the shaft 208 a needle drive mechanism coupled with the motor.
may include both an integral eccentric weight portion and an 2. The tattoo machine of claim 1, wherein the eccentrically
eccentric weight 210 coupled thereto. 40 weighted shaft comprises an eccentric weight portion integral
At step 606, pivot axels 302 (shown in FIG. 3) may be to the shaft.
disposed adjacent the motor 204, where the pivot axels 302 3. The tattoo machine of claim 1, wherein the eccentrically
are axially aligned with the pivotaxis 404 (shown in FIG. 4). weighted shaft comprises an eccentric weight coupled to the
In some implementations, the pivot axels 302 are coupled to shaft.
the motor 204. For example, the pivot axels 302 may be 45 4. The tattoo machine of claim 1, wherein the eccentrically
coupled to the motor 204 by means of a sleeve 304. In other weighted shaft comprises an eccentric weight portion integral
examples, the pivot axels 302 can be coupled directly to the to the shaft and eccentric weight coupled to the shaft.
motor 204 using, for instance, an adhesive or weld. In other 5. The tattoo machine of claim 1, wherein the needle drive
implementations, the pivot axels 302 may be disposed adja mechanism is coupled to the motor to extend away from the
cent the motor 204 by the pivot axels 302 being integrally 50 motor in a direction opposite from the eccentrically weighted
formed with the motor 204. shaft.
At step 608, a needle drive mechanism 110 is disposed 6. The tattoo machine of claim 1, further comprising pivot
adjacent the motor 204. The needle drive mechanism 110 can axels coupled with the motor and axially aligned with the
be disposed as to extend away from the motor 204 in a pivot axis.
direction transverse to the pivot axis 404 (shown in FIG. 4). 55 7. The tattoo machine of claim 6, further comprising a
The needle drive mechanism 110, in some examples, is dis sleeve coupled to the motor, wherein the pivot axels are
posed adjacent a portion of the motor opposite from the coupled to the motor by means of the sleeve.
eccentrically weighted shaft 208. In some implementations, 8. The tattoo machine of claim 1, further comprising a tube
the needle drive mechanism 110 may be attached to the motor coupled to the frame.
204 using, for example, an adhesive and/or a weld. In other 60 9. A method of making a tattoo machine, comprising:
implementations, the needle drive mechanism 110 can be obtaining a frame;
formed integral with the motor 204. obtaining a motor comprising an eccentrically weighted
At step 610, the motor 204 can be coupled to the frame 104 shaft; and
in such a manner as to enable the motor 204 to pivot about the coupling the motor to the frame so that the motor is able to
pivotaxis 404 (shown in FIG. 4). For example, the pivotaxels 65 pivot about a pivot axis.
302 (shown in FIG.3) disposed adjacent the motor 204 can be 10. The method of claim 9, wherein obtaining a motor
coupled to the frame 104 so that the motor 204 can pivotabout comprising an eccentrically weighted shaft comprises:
US 8,733,211 B2
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obtaining the motor with the shaft comprising an eccentric 16. A method operational of a tattoo machine, comprising:
weight coupled to the shaft, an eccentric weight portion rotating an eccentrically weighted shaft on a motor pivot
formed integral to the shaft, or both an eccentric weight ably coupled to a frame; and
portion integral to the shaft and an eccentric weight pivoting the motor about a pivot axis as a result of the
coupled to the shaft. rotation of the shaft.
11. The method of claim 9, further comprising:
disposing pivotaxels adjacent the motor, wherein the pivot 17. The method of claim 16, wherein rotating the eccentri
axels are axially aligned with the pivot axis. cally weighted shaft on the motor comprises:
12. The method of claim 11, wherein disposing the pivot rotating a shaft comprising an integral eccentric weight
axels adjacent the motor comprises: 10 portion, an eccentric weight coupled to the shaft, or both
coupling a sleeve to the motor, wherein the sleeve includes an integral eccentric weight portion and an eccentric
the pivot axels disposed therewith. weight coupled to the shaft.
13. The method of claim 11, wherein coupling the motor to 18. The method of claim 16, wherein rotating the eccentri
the frame comprises: cally weighted shaft on the motor comprises:
coupling the pivotaxels with the frame so that the motor is 15 generating a centripetal force is in a direction toward the
able to pivot about the pivot axels in relation to the shaft.
14. The method of claim 9, further comprising: 19. The method of claim 16, further comprising:
coupling a needle drive mechanism with the motor, where displacing a needle drive mechanism in response to pivot
the needle drive mechanism is adapted to facilitate driv ing the motor.
ing a needle when the motor is energized. 20. The method of claim 19, further comprising:
15. The method of claim 14, wherein coupling the needle linearly displacing a tattoo needle coupled to the needle
drive mechanism with the motor comprises positioning the drive mechanism.
needle drive mechanism on the motor opposite from the
eccentrically weighted shaft. k k k k k