Clarke Hess 2335A EN

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Model 2335A

Wideband Power Analyzer

DC to more 500kHz or 1MHz Harmonic analysis

Inputs up to 10A and 1000V Total Harmonic Distortion
0.2% Uncertainty Low current ranges
Isolated inputs USB and IEEE interface
Low Power Factor accuracy Graphical display
TRUE RMS/WIDE BANDWIDTH Frequency, the phase angle between
The Model 2335A Power Analyzer is a the current and voltage inputs, and the
precision, high accuracy, auto-ranging harmonic amplitudes, up to 50, for both
instrument which measures and the current and voltage inputs. It also
displays true rms and peak Voltage, true calculates the Power Factor, the Volt-
rms and peak Current, and true mean Amperes, and the Energy (if it has been
Power over a frequency range from dc selected). These functions may be
to more than 1MHz. Full scale Current displayed or read over the IEEE-488 or
and Voltage inputs are typically USB interface.
measured within ±0.1% of the amplitude
reading to at least 500kHz. The LOW POWER FACTOR ACCURACY
corresponding Power is typically Five digits or resolution combined with
measured to within ±0.1% of the input excellent phase matching between the
Volt-Amperes to 250kHz and to within current and voltage channels make the
±0.2% of the input Volt-Amperes to Model 2335A an exceptionally good
500kHz for loads having any Power instrument for making low power factor
Factor. measurements up to 500kHz or 1MHz.
This ability makes the instrument ideal
MULTI-FUNCTION for high frequency core loss
In addition to the primary functions, the measurements which have inherently
Model 2335A measures the input low power factors.
UNPARALLED HIGH FREQUENCY Characteristics of Electric Automobile
The Model 2335A allows broadband and
high accuracy measurements of both EASY TO CALIBRATE
sinusoidal and highly distorted wave The Model 2335A has isolated input
shapes. The Current, Voltage, Power, channels. DC coupling in both channels
and Power Factor accuracies to 1MHz allows calibration and/or verification with
of the Model 2335A-01 far exceed any high accuracy dc sources. Internal
other Watt Meter or Power Analyzer, or software calibration routines allow most
for that matter, with respect to Current recalibrations to be accomplished in just
or Voltage, almost all conventional a few minutes without opening the
multimeters. instrument and without screwdriver
The Model 2335A has full scale Power UNIQUE SAMPLING APPROACH
ranges from 1.0000mW to 10000W. The Voltage and Current inputs of the
With external shunts or current to Model 2335A are simultaneously
voltage transducers, the upper range sampled (with 16 bit resolution),
may be extended by a factor of ten or converted to digital form, and
one hundred. Full scale Voltage from transmitted via Iisolated links to the
2.000V to 2000V (usable to 1000V) and control board on the main chassis. This
full scale Current ranges from 5.000mA allows both the Current and Voltage
to 5.000A (all rms values) cover a wide inputs to be completely isolated from
range of load impedances. Full scale each other and from the main chassis
Current and Voltage inputs may have ground. The asynchronous sampling
crest factors up to three while smaller frequency is controlled by the system
inputs may have even higher crest microprocessor in such a fashion that
factors. Sinusoidal inputs with rms neither it nor any of its harmonics can
values of twice the nominal Full Scale come close to the measured input
value may be measured with no loss in frequency or any of its harmonics. This
accuracy. precaution permits sampling at
frequencies that are significantly below
Measurement of Ultrasonic Equipment
of all types and power levels, Ferrite REMOTE CONTROL
Core Loss, Transformer Core Material, The Model 2335A is equipped with an
Switching Power Supplies, Fluorescent IEEE-488.2 interface and a USB
Lamp Ballasts of all types, Mercury Arc interface which both incorporate all of
Lamp Circuits, Sodium Lamp Ballasts, the IEEE-488.2 Common Commands
Speed Controlled Motors of all types, and Queries as well as the commands
Efficiency of any device with an and queries required for device
electrical input and an electrical output, operation. Any function that can be
SCR Controlled Devices of all types, entered via the front panel can be
High Frequency and/or Distorted controlled via either interface. A menu
Currents from any source, Voltage item selects either the IEEE-488 or the
Response of any device, and the USB interface to be active.


Range, Resolution and Input Impedance (Voltage Channel)
Full Scale Voltage Max. Peak Value Resolution Input Impedance
2.000V 6V 1mV 1.05M/30pF
20.00V 60V 10mV 1.05M/30pF
200.0V 600V 100mV 1.00M/30pF
2000 V 3000V 1V 1.00M/30pF
The 2000V range is useable to 1000V rms

Range, Resolution and Input Impedance (Current Channel)

Full Scale Voltage Max. Peak Value Resolution Input Impedance
5.000mA 15mA 1uA 2.0 Ω
50.00mA 150mA 10uA 2.0 Ω
500.0mA 1500mA 100uA 0.034 Ω
5000 mA 15A 1mA 0.034Ω
EXTERNAL (100mV) 300mV - 100kΩ
Uncertainty (rms) Current and Voltage (double uncertainty spec for peak readings)
5% - 100% of Full Scale 100% - 200% of Full Scale
Frequency ±(% of Reading+% of Range) % of Reading
dc ±(0.10 + 0.10) ±0.20
5Hz - 250kHz ±(0.10 + 0.10) ±0.20
250kHz - 500kHz ±(0.20 + 0.20) ±0.40
*500kHz - 1.0MHz ±(0.40 + 0.40) ±0.80
* Specify option -01

ISOLATION: 500V peak may be placed between the LO Voltage Terminal and Chassis


Ranges Eight decade Full Scale ranges from 1.0000mW to 10,000W. The ranges are all
combinations of a Full Scale Current range multiplied by a Full Scale Voltage range plus a
corresponding set of combinations with ten times the sensitivity which occur when the
Px10 range is activated.)

Resolution 1 part in 10000 of the Full Scale range

Uncertainty Power
5% - 100% of Full Scale 100% - 200% of Full Scale
Frequency ±(% of V-A+% of Range) % of V-A
dc ±(0.20 + 0.10) ±0.30
5Hz - 250kHz ±(0.20 + 0.10) ±0.30
250kHz - 500kHz ±(0.40 + 0.20) ±0.60
*500kHz - 1.0MHz ±(0.80 + 0.40) ±1.20
(for any Power Factor) (V-A is the Volt-Ampere product) * Specify option -01

POWER X 10: Any Px10 range may be selected when both the Peak Current and the Peak
Voltage are less than 0.316 of their Peak Range values.

Volt-Amperes is calculated as the product of the rms Current and the rms Voltage. It has
the same Full Scale ranges, resolution and uncertainty as POWER.

Power Factor is calculated as the ratio of Power to Volt-Amperes. It has a range from 0 to
±1.0000 and a resolution of .0001 for Volt-Ampere products greater than 7.5% of Full
Scale. The resolution decreases as the Volt-Ampere product decreases. The uncertainty is
±0.002 ±10 digits up to 250kHz, ±0.004 ±20 digits from 250kHz to500kHz, and ±0.008 ±40
digits from 500kHz to 1000kHz with option -01.
The resolution of the phase angle between the current and the voltage is 0.01. The
uncertainty is ±0.17° up to 250kHz, ±0.34°from 250kHz to 500kHz, and ±0.68° from 500kHz
to 1000kHz with option -01.

The Harmonic amplitude is specified for the harmonic frequency below 1MHz. For this
case, the specified uncertainty is that of the current or the voltage at the harmonic
frequency and the range is that of the fundamental (the first harmonic). The uncertainty of
the harmonic phase is three times greater than the uncertainty of the phase angle between
the current and the voltage

Frequency of Voltage or Current from 5.0000Hz to greater than 1MHz with five digits of
resolution and an uncertainty of ±100ppm ±1 digit.

DISPLAY: High resolution graphical TFT



Operating 0°C to 40°C
Within Specifications 23ºC ± 5ºC
Storage -40°C to 75°C


WARM-UP TIME: Thirty minutes for all specifications

POWER REQUIREMENTS: 100 to 260V rms, 47 to 63Hz, 30VA max.

19” Rack Mountable, 3-1/2” high (2U)
Weight:: (11pounds)
Size: 48.3cm x 8.90cm x 33.0cm (19" x 3.5” x 13")

3243 Rt. 112 STE 1, Medford NY USA

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