MBS 7 UP Baccarat Game Rules - Ver 7
MBS 7 UP Baccarat Game Rules - Ver 7
MBS 7 UP Baccarat Game Rules - Ver 7
Game Rules
Version 7
In accordance with Section 100(1) of the Casino Control Act 2006, the
Gambling Regulatory Authority of Singapore approves the game rules
in respect of the game “7 Up Baccarat (Version 7)” as set out in this
document by Marina Bay Sands Pte. Ltd. (“MBS”), to be conducted in
the casino operated by MBS.
1. Definitions
2. Mode of Play
3. How to Play
4. Settlement
5. Irregularities
6. General Provisions
1. Definitions
1.1.1 “Hand” means the cards that have been dealt to the “Player” or “Banker” in a round
of play.
1.1.3 “Initial deal” means only the initial two cards to the “Player” (including the “permanent
7 card”) and the initial two cards to the “Banker” have been dealt.
1.1.4 “Natural” means a point total of eight or nine for either the “Player” hand or the
“Banker” hand in the initial deal.
1.1.5 “Permanent 7 card” means the image of a playing card imprinted on the layout which
acts as the first card to “Player” during each round of play.
1.1.6 “Round of play” means the period of play commencing with the commencement of
play and concluding when the Dealer announces an outcome and, if applicable,
collects losing wagers and pays winning wagers.
1.1.7 “Squeezing” means a process where any playing cards which are placed face down
are bent, folded or otherwise turned in any way so as to slowly reveal the value of
each playing card.
1.1.8 “Super 7’s” means a wager that may be placed by a Player prior to the closing of
bets that shall win if a round of play contains 2 or more “7” cards dealt to the “Player”
and /or “Banker” hands and loses with any other outcome. This is inclusive of the
“Permanent 7 card” which forms the “Player” hand.
1.1.9 “Table Differential” means the difference between the total value of wagers on
“Player” and the total value of wagers on “Banker”.
1.1.10 “Tie” means that both the “Player” hand and the “Banker” hand have the same point
total at the end of a round of play.
1.1.11 “Tie wager” means a wager that may be placed by a Player prior to the closing of
bets that wins if both “Player” hand and “Banker” hand have the same point total at
the end of a round of play and loses with any other outcome.
2. Mode of Play
2.1 The game of 7 Up Baccarat shall be played with four to ten decks of cards, with each deck
having 52 cards without jokers and with backs of the same colour and design.
2.2 The layout for this game is as shown in Appendix “A”, “B” and “C” with:
3.1 Commencement of play shall begin when the Dealer announces “Place your bets, please”.
3.2 Closing of bets shall take effect when the Dealer announces “No more bets”.
3.3.1 Any card from Two to Nine inclusive shall have its point value as its face value and
an Ace shall have as its point value a value of one; and
3.3.2 Any Ten, Jack, Queen or King shall have a point value of zero.
3.4.1 Where the total value of the cards in the hand is a number between zero and nine,
the point total shall be that number; or
3.4.2 Where the total value of the cards in the hand is the number ten or a higher number,
the point total shall be the right digit of that number only.
3.5 The available wagers are “Player”, “Banker”, “Tie” and “Super 7’s”.
3.5.1 Each wager at a particular playing area may be placed by individual or multiple
Players, provided that it is within the minimum and maximum limits displayed at the
3.6.1 A Pit Manager may, at his discretion, restrict the number of wagers to less than three.
3.7 The Dealer, Pit Supervisor or Pit Manager may, at the request of a Player, place wagers on
behalf of the Player. It is the Player’s responsibility to ensure that the placement is carried out
3.8 The round of play shall be conducted in accordance with one of the following methods, namely
“Method A”, “Method B” or “Method C”, as described in Rules 3.9 to 3.11.
3.8.1 The Dealer shall retain control of the dealing device at all times when dealing in
accordance with “Method A” and “Method B”.
3.8.2 “Method A” and “Method B” shall be used at the discretion of the Pit Manager, and
may be changed at any time before the commencement of a round of play. “Method
C” shall be allowed at the discretion of an Assistant Casino Manager, and shall only
be permitted within the HLGA.
3.9 Method A:
3.9.1 The Dealer shall draw the cards from a dealing device in accordance with the Game
Rules and the announcements shall be made by the Dealer.
3.9.2 The Dealer shall pass the cards for the “Player” hand and the “Banker” hand face
downwards to the Players with the highest amount wagered on the “Player” hand
and the “Banker” hand respectively.
3.9.3 If a Player with the highest amount wagered on either hand refuses to accept the
cards, the cards shall be passed face downwards to the Player having the next
highest amount wagered on that hand.
3.9.4 In the event that two or more Players have made a wager on either hand which
constitutes the highest amount wagered on that hand, the Dealer shall first pass the
cards face downwards to that Player that first placed the equal highest wager. If the above parameters cannot be met, the Player to handle the cards
shall be at the Pit Supervisor’s discretion.
3.9.5 If that Player refuses to accept the cards, the cards shall be passed face downwards
by the Dealer to the next Player with the equal highest wager, moving counter
clockwise around the table.
3.9.6 After the initial deal, the Dealer shall determine the hand that shall be revealed first,
i.e. “Player” then “Banker” or “Banker” then “Player”.
3.9.7 Further cards required in accordance with the Table of Play shall be dealt face down
then exposed when no Player is squeezing cards for the hand, either “Player”,
“Banker” or both as the case may be, or face down whenever a Player is squeezing
3.10 Method B:
3.10.1 The Dealer shall draw the cards from a dealing device and place them in the areas
designated on the table layout in accordance with the Game Rules and the
announcements shall be made by the Dealer.
3.10.2 The Dealer shall retain control of the cards for both the “Player” hand and the
“Banker” hand. Players shall not be permitted to handle the cards when the game is
conducted in accordance with “Method B”.
3.11 Method C:
3.11.1 The Player shall draw the cards from a dealing device with the capability to read
cards in accordance with the Game Rules and the announcements shall be made
by the Dealer.
3.11.2 At the discretion of an Assistant Casino Manager, a Player may be permitted to draw
cards from the dealing device without having placed a valid wager.
3.11.3 When one hand is to be exposed by a Player other than the Player controlling the
dealing device, the appropriate hand shall be passed face down to a Dealer who in
turn shall pass the cards to the Player to expose them.
3.11.4 The Player controlling the dealing device shall draw the cards in full view of the table
games staff at all times.
3.11.5 When the cards have been exposed by the Player/s or the Dealer, the initial “Player”
and “Banker” hands shall be placed in the appropriate area of the table.
3.11.6 Further cards required in accordance with the Table of Play shall be dealt by the
Player controlling the dealing device and exposed by the relevant Player/s or the
3.11.7 Once the cards are exposed, they shall be placed on the appropriate area of the
table layout.
3.11.8 A Player accepting the dealing device may retain control until:
3.12.1 The first and third cards dealt representing the first and second cards of the “Banker”
hand; and
3.12.2 The second card dealt representing the second card of the “Player” hand.
3.13 Following the announcement of the point total of each hand after the initial three cards are
dealt in addition to the “permanent 7 card”, a third card shall be dealt to each hand if so required
pursuant to the Table of Play below:
3.14 The winning outcome shall be determined based on the hand with the highest point total.
3.14.1 If the “Player” and “Banker” hands have an identical point total, the round of play is
a “Tie”. The initial wagers on “Player” and “Banker” do not win or lose in this case
and all “Tie wagers” win.
3.15 A Pit Manager may, at his discretion, allow any of the cards to be squeezed by any Player or
his designee.
3.16 When the cutting card appears during the round of play, the cutting card shall be removed
and the round of play shall be completed.
3.16.1 In HLGA, if the cutting card appears as the first card of a round of play (excluding
the “permanent 7 card”), the Dealer may, at his discretion, allow Players to
withdraw their wagers.
4. Settlement
5. Irregularities
5.1 If in the course of a round of play, it is discovered that there are extra or missing card/s and/or
card/s which do not belong to the deck/s of cards in use or if unshuffled cards are used:
5.2 In the event that the order of the cards in the dealing device is altered and cannot be
reconstructed, regardless of whether the cards have been exposed, the round of play shall be
5.3 If there are insufficient cards in the dealing device to complete a round of play, the round of
play shall be void.
5.4 Unless otherwise stated in these rules, after the Dealer has announced “No more bets”, no
wager may be placed or increased and any wager so placed or to the extent increased shall
be refused and/or shall not be honoured.
5.5 Unless otherwise stated in these rules, after the Dealer has announced “No more bets”, no
wager may be withdrawn and any wager withdrawn shall be won or lost based on the outcome
of the round of play.
5.6 In an event that a card is found face upwards in the dealing device after the first card of a
round of play has been dealt (excluding the “permanent 7 card”), the card shall be played as
if it were found face downwards.
5.7 If card/s are dealt in an incorrect order, this shall be corrected by reconstruction of the cards. If
card/s are passed to an incorrect Player, the card/s shall be retrieved and passed to the correct
Player. In both of these cases, the round of play shall continue.
5.7.1 Should the Dealer fail to pass the card/s to the correct Player to squeeze (as indicated
in Rule 3.9.2), fail to pass the card/s to any Player, inadvertently deal any card/s face
up, or expose any card/s in error, it shall not constitute a wrong delivery as per Rule
5.7. The outcome shall stand and the round of play shall continue.
5.8 In the event that two or more cards are simultaneously drawn from the dealing device and the
order of the cards can be determined, the cards shall be reconstructed.
5.8.1 Players shall be given the option to withdraw their wagers before reconstruction of the
cards takes place. During the initial deal, the round of play shall be void. After the initial deal, the Pit Manager shall determine the order of cards
and each Player shall be given the option to withdraw all their remaining
wagers or play the hand to a conclusion.
5.9 In the event that an electronic dealing device is in use and a Dealer error requires the dealing
device to be reset after the call of “No more bets”, Players shall be given the option to withdraw
their wagers. After the dealing device is reset, Players shall be given the opportunity to wager
prior to the Dealer re-announcing “No more bets”.
5.10 Where a Player handling cards is not present to expose the hand or to receive additional cards,
the cards shall be exposed by the Dealer.
5.11 If a Player leaves the table in possession of card/s and it is not possible to ascertain the value
of the card/s via the dealing device or surveillance:
5.11.1 In the presence of a Gaming Shift Manager, two cards shall be removed from the
dealing device as they may be required to complete the hand in accordance with the
Table of Play. They shall be kept in drawn order to ensure they are received by the
correct hand.
5.11.2 The remaining cards within the dealing device and discards from previous rounds of
play shall be sorted into decks and displayed on the table in full view of any remaining
Players and surveillance. The missing card/s shall be determined based on the cards remaining in
the decks, the cards in play and the two undisclosed cards.
5.11.3 Card/s of the same suit and value of the missing card/s shall be removed from a
complete deck to replace the missing card/s.
5.11.4 The round of play is completed using the replacement card/s and, if required by the
Table of Play, the two cards removed prior to the cards from the dealing device and
discards being sorted.
5.11.5 The cards are replaced prior to the recommencement of the game.
5.12 When operating the game by “Method C”, in the event that card/s are exposed during the
movement of the dealing device:
5.12.1 In the case of card/s being exposed during the movement of the dealing device, such
card/s shall be played as if it were found face downwards.
5.12.2 If the order of cards in the dealing device is either accidentally or deliberately altered
and cannot be rectified, the round of play shall be void and the cards shall be replaced.
5.13 After that round of play has been voided, the cards may be replaced.
5.14 Once the outcome has been determined, winning wagers that are under the minimum shall be
paid one time only and losing wagers shall be collected one time only. All future wagers
irrespective of outcome by the same Player that are under the minimum shall be returned.
5.15 Winning wagers that are over the maximum shall be paid to the maximum only. Losing wagers
that are over the maximum shall be collected to the maximum only.
5.16 Any wagers over the maximum or under the minimum paid or collected in previous rounds of
play shall be considered settled.
5.17.1 If no outcome has been established (i.e. none of the available wagers has conclusively
won or lost), Players shall be given the option to withdraw their wagers. A Player taking
the option to withdraw must withdraw all his wagers. The round of play shall then be
5.17.2 With an outcome established (i.e. any of the available wagers has conclusively won or
lost), play shall continue and the round of play shall be concluded.
5.18.1 The Dealer shall ask the Players wagering on the hand which has the highest total
amount of wagers to decrease their wagers.
5.18.2 Players wagering on the hand which has the lowest total amount of wagers may
increase their wagers.
5.18.3 If the decreases and/or increases in wagers (as indicated in Rule 5.18.1 and 5.18.2)
are insufficient to meet the table differential, the Pit Manager shall determine the
wagers that shall be removed.
6. General Provisions
6.1 If an irregularity occurs that is not covered by these rules, it shall be referred for the decision of
the Gaming Shift Manager.
6.2 Any positions or functions that are outlined in these rules may also be performed by any person
acting in that position or holding a higher position.
6.3 Any display information provided by the Casino Operator on the outcome of the current and/or
previous rounds of play is for information purposes only. In the event that the display information
provided by the Casino Operator shows an incorrect outcome of the current and/or previous
rounds of play, the actual outcome based on the cards dealt for the round of play shall stand,
given the round of play has been conducted in accordance with the Game Rules.
Appendix “A” This layout is available with 1 to 5 playing positions.