Vermi Composting Report
Vermi Composting Report
Vermi Composting Report
Principal Investigators
Research Staff:
1. Mr. P. Kuruparan
2. Mr. Tenzin Norbu
3. Dr. A. Selvam
It is believed that this report would be useful to any person and government
agencies involved in vermicomposting; industrial organizations; researchers as
well as to other scholars.
On behalf of the project team, we take this opportunity to thank SIDA for
sponsoring this timely and interesting study.
C. Visvanathan
Ing. J. Traenklar
Kurian Joseph
Table of Contents
Project team................................................................................................................1
Preface .......................................................................................................................2
Table of Contents........................................................................................................3
List of Figures .............................................................................................................4
1. INTRODUCTION ....................................................................................................5
2. BIOLOGY OF EARTHWORMS...............................................................................5
2.1. Classification of earthworm ..................................................................................6
2.2. Types of Earthworms ...........................................................................................8
2.3. Reproduction........................................................................................................9
3. TREATMENT WITH EARTHWORMS...................................................................11
3.1 Role of earthworms in organic matter recycling ..................................................11
3.2 Vermitechnology and Vermiculture .....................................................................13
3.3 Vermitech System in Waste Management .........................................................14
3.4. Vermitech for Sludge Processing.......................................................................18
3.5 Other applications of vermiculture and vermicomposting....................................21
4. VERMICOMPOSTING PRACTICE ................................................................23
4.1. Bedding Material ................................................................................................23
4.2. Vermicomposting Systems.................................................................................25
4.3. Methods to harvest earthworm and the vermicompost ......................................28
4.4. Common problems and their solutions...............................................................31
4.5. Application of zeolite in vermiculture..................................................................34
5. RESEARCH POTENTIAL .....................................................................................35
6. CONCLUSION ......................................................................................................36
7. REFERENCES .....................................................................................................36
List of Figures
The most common types of earthworms used for vermicomposting are banded
worms (Eisenia fetida) and redworms or red wigglers (Lumbricus rubellus). Often
found in aged manure piles, they generally have alternating red and buff-colored
stripes. They are not to be confused with the common garden or field earthworm
(Allolobophora caliginosa) and other species. Table 2.1 highlights some major
species of earthworms employed in vermiculture
2.3. Reproduction
Earthworms that are sexually mature have a prominent band around their body,
which is called as the Clitellum. This is usually visible around 8 - 12 weeks of age.
During copulation, the worms will join together at the clitellum (sometimes for quite
a long period of time). Reproductive material is exchanged. When the worms
separate, a ring of mucus material forms at the clitellum of each worm. This
process is known as copulation (Figure 4).
Sperm from the other worm is stored in sacs. As the mucus slides over the worm, it
encases the sperm and eggs inside. After slipping free from the worm, both ends
seal, forming a lemon-shape cocoon approximately 3.2 mm long. Two or more
baby worms will hatch from one end of the cocoon in approximately 3 weeks. Baby
worms are whitish to almost transparent and are 12 to 25 mm long. Redworms
take 4 to 6 weeks to become sexually mature.
figure 4: copulation in earthworms
The worm will then wriggle backwards, and the mucus ring slips off over the head.
The ring seals, forming a 'capsule' (also called an 'egg'). All the necessary
reproductive material is sealed inside. The worm capsule, when first deposited is
soft and milky white. This quickly hardens and turns a light lemon colour. The
capsule goes through various colour changes through different toning of yellow,
then to a rusty brown colour. Capsules are almost ready to hatch when they are
the rusty colour.
The capsule is about the size of a grape seed, but size is related to the size of the
worm, with larger worms producing larger capsules. Figure 5 shows the size of
cocoons compared to a gem clip.
Capsules generally take an average of 1 month to hatch
but depending on conditions can take more or less. Worm
capsules have been known to survive drought conditions
for 12 months or more, hatching when conditions become
suitable again. They can even survive in the digestive
systems of birds and animals ( Ref to be given by AIT).
Each capsule can produce up to 20 baby worms, but the
Figure 5 Earthworm cocoons
average survival is about 4. ( Ref to be given by AIT).
Figure 6 shows the young worms emerging from the cocoon or egg.
Figure 6 Earthworms hatchling, emerging from cocoon.
7% 8%
8% 3%
11% 4%
wood food scraps
Yard trimmings glass
Metals Paper & Paper board
other inorganics Textiles
Rubber and leather Plastics
26 cm
3 cm sand ( > 0.6 mm)
26 cm
Figure 8 Vermireactor (adapted from Loehr, et al., 1988)
Final earthworm Wt.(mg)
Ash content (%)
300 53
200 52
0 3 6 9 12 15 18 21 24 27
Sludge age ( weeks)
Worm w eight(mg) Ash content
0 30 60 90 120 150 180 210 240
Time, days
Figure 10 Volatile solid removal patterns for primary sludge (Loehr, et. al., 1988).
Sewage Inlet
Recharge of groundwater
(Bhawalkar, 1995)
Wastewater inlet
(30 cm)
Sand 2 cm Pump
Rubble 10 cm
Boulder 30 cm
Liner with clay
or PCC
4.1.2 Feeding
Vegetable and fruit scraps, tea bags, eggshells, stale bread, and houseplant
trimmings etc., are used as feed. Dairy products and slaughterhouse wastes are to
be avoided during the initial stage, as these can attract undesirable insects and
create malodour. Heavily salted foods are also to be avoided as they might trigger
the migration of worms from the bin or their death. It is best to collect food scraps
separately in a small bucket and feed the worms once or twice a week. Following
this procedure, (Norbu, 2002) observed that partial burial of the food (in the vermi
bed), not only removed the ants and other mites but also created a better
environment for the worms to feed.
4.1.3. Ideal environment for earthworms
In Vermicomposting, temperatures are kept generally kept below 350C (Riggle and
Holmes, 1994). Most worm species used in vermicomposting require moderate
temperatures from (10-350C). While tolerances and preferences vary from species
to species, temperature requirements are generally similar.. In general,
earthworms tolerate cold and moist conditions far better than they can hot and dry
conditions (Slocum, 2001). Moisture
Earthworm requires plenty of moisture for growth and survival. They need
generally moisture in the range 60 –75 %. The soil should not be too wet else it
may create an anaerobic condition and drive the earthworms from the bed (Ronald
and Donald, 1977a). It is very important to moisten the dry bedding material
before putting them in the bin, so that the over all moisture level is well balanced. pH
Edward and Lofty (1976) and Chan and Mead (2003) have reported that
earthworms are pH sensitive and generally most of them survive at pH ranging
from 4.5 to 9. The alteration of pH in the wormbed is due to the fragmentation of
the organic matter under a series of chemical reactions. As cited by Edwards and
Bohlen, (1996) in Chan and Mead, (2003), the soil pH is a major factor limiting the
abundance and distribution of earthworms. Feed
The first step in starting a vermicomposting unit is to arrange for regular input of
feed materials for the earthworms. These can be in the form of nitrogen rich
material like goat manure cattle dung and pig manure. When the material with high
carbon content is used with C/N ratio exceeding 40: 1, it is advisable to add
nitrogen supplements to ensure effective decomposition. All organic matter should
be added only as a limited layer as an excess of the former may generate heat
(Ismail, 1997). Generally, 5–10 % of the feed is assimilated in the body of the
earthworms and the rest are excreted in the form of a nutrient rich cast (CAPART,
4.2. Vermicomposting Systems
Vermicomposting systems are employed purposely for volume reduction,
extraction of organic (pollutant) load, cost and energy reduction and rapid
processing. Any of the following systems may be adopted for vermicomposting
depending on the availability of space, nature of waste / bedding material, quantity
of waste to be processed etc.
4.2.1 Windrow system
This system of vermicomposting deals with construction of windrows under shade
to avoid direct sunlight (Box 1). The first layer of a new windrow should be 10 to 15
cm high. Redworms can be reared at production centre in a concrete nursery or
shallow rectangular boxes prior to their inoculation in the windrows. A typical
windrow system is shown in Figure 14. The worms feed from the bottom till the top
of the bed. The windrow has to be monitored daily and when signs of surface
feeding are noticed, another 7 to 10 cm layer of feedstock can be added. Thick
layers of feedstock are avoided because they impede oxygen penetration into the
windrow. This can cause the worms to migrate to the upper surface before lower
layers are thoroughly digested, creating anaerobic fermentation. The windrows are
irrigated with center post sprinkler up to twice daily to maintain optimum moisture
content of 80 % throughout the windrow.
Temperature probe
Boundary wall
0.15m thick concrete
1m wall
air flow
Separation wall
(Cross section on A-A)
2.5 m
30 days are required for complete decomposition. After 30 days the decomposed material is
collected and sieved. The end product resembles dark brown colour humus or soil. The net
weight of harvest from each bed is estimated as 30-40% of the input weight.
During these 30 days the 5 kg of worm is increased into 6 kg of worms. The total life cycle of the
worms is about 220 days. They produce 300-400 young ones within this life period. The length
of these worms are 2-3 inches and reddish brown in colour, and adapted to all climatic
conditions. Though these are different kinds of worms in the known 3000 species of worms, this
particular type belongs to the surface dwellers, feed only on plant and animal waste. This
consumes the waste per day almost equivalent to its weight. The beds are covered with coconut
leaves to avoid sunlight. Avoiding sunlight, watering and aeration are the important prerequisites
for the effective production of worms and vermicompost.
The end product of the sieved compost is used as a soil conditioner or manure for the
agricultural fields and nursery of the campus. Farmers from near by villages are buying this
compost for their land. The production cost of compost is estimated as Rs 1.40 and it is sold for
Rs.3. The cost of worms of 1 kg (contains not less than 2000 worms) is Rs.1000.
Source: Field Study and Discussion with Plant in Charge Dr. Sukumaran and Ms.Jayalakshmi,
4.2.2 Wedge System
This modified windrow system maximizes space and simplifies harvesting because
there is no need to separate worms from vermicompost. Organic materials are
applied in layers against a finished windrow at a 45-degree angle. The piles can be
constructed inside a structure or outdoors if they are covered with a tarpaulin or
compost cover to prevent leaching of nutrients. A front-end loader is used to
establish a windrow 1.2 to 3 m wide by whatever length is appropriate. Spreading a
30 to 45 cm layer of organic materials the length of one end of available space
starts the windrow.
Up to 0.45 kg of worms is added per square meter of windrow surface area.
Subsequent layers of 5 to 7.5 cm of organics are added weekly and preferably
more addition in colder seasons. After the windrow reaches two to three feet deep,
worms in the first windrow will eventually migrate toward the fresh feed. Worms will
continue to move laterally through the windrows. After two to six months, the first
windrow and each subsequent pile can be harvested.
4.2.3. Reactor Systems
Reactor systems have raised beds with mesh bottoms. Feedstocks are added daily
in layers on top of the mesh or grate. Finished vermicompost is harvested by
scraping a thin layer from just above the grate, and then it falls into a chamber
below. These systems can be relatively simple and manually operated or fully
automated with temperature and moisture controls.
Figure 15 Vermireactor