License - NMC (Nepal)
License - NMC (Nepal)
License - NMC (Nepal)
Registration Number :19829
Name of the doctor Dr. Bikash Kumar Shah
Date of birth
Sex :Male
Father's/Mother's name : Mr. Mahendra Sah
Ctizenship/National ID No :39695055 (Dhanusha, Nepal)
Nationality :Nepalese
Date of initial registration 2073-12-21 (2017 April 3)
Registration expiry date : Unlimited
Registration status lemporary (2017 April 3)
:Permanent (2019 April 4)
Specialist (2022 July 25)
Profession :MedicalPractitioner
Speciality Internal Medicine.
Registered Qualification(s) Date of Registration
MBBS, Weifang Medical Univeristy, China, 2015
Master Degree, Tianjin Medical University, China, 2020 2017 April3
2022 July 25
I herebycertify that above mentioned doctor having complied with the requirements of clause 14 of Nepal
Medical Council Act 1964 and the regulations made thereunder, this
registration certificate has been issued.
Dated: 2022 August 8
pal Med Coun Registrar
Note: As per Nepal Medical Council Act 2020 (1964 AD) the
practitioner may fall into one of the following
registration statuses:
Provisional registration: time limited provisional
registration is provided to the medical student
during internship (training under supervision) which does NOT allow independent medical
professional job holding. practice and
Temporary registration: provided after initial professional licensing examination which allows
independent medical practice and professional job holding.
Permanent registration: provided at least after two years of temporary registration and upon
completion of prescribed formalities. No separate examination is required for permanent registration.
Specialist registration: provided after postgraduate degree professional licensing examination on
specifc subject/discipline.