Cle 9

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Subject Are and Grade Level: CLE-9 (Christ in Scriptures, Church and Sacraments)

Time Content Content Performance Formation Learning Enduring Transfer Assessment Performance Activities
Frame Standard Standard Standard competencies Understanding Goal task
and Essential

A. The New The Learner The learners The learner The learner… Enduring The learners The learner will LC1: Bible
Testament demonstrates will will Understanding: will be able to  LC1: 1. write their scanning
a. New understanding 1.list down the 1. The learner LC1: Identify the describe the Short Quiz own portrayal
Testament of : New Testament will develop books attributed to -Anyone who wants stages in the of Jesus. It will LC2: Praying
Books 1. the New books the value of St. Paul and the to grow in faith in formation of be placed in a with the
b. Testament 2. know how a. being a different portraits Jesus needs to study the Gospels chart containing bible
Formation books the Gospels good follower of Jesus the Gospels because the : Name,
of the 2. how the were formed b. reading the they are the source (describing
Gospels Gospels were 3. explain the bible of all the doctrines yourself as a
c. Gospel formed reasons why and teachings of the believer)
Portraits 3. the Gospel the Good News Church on Jesus. Intended
portraits of were written Audience,
Jesus and Enduring Question: (Describe your
Gospel audience)
symbols 1. What is the Portrait of
challenge of Gospels Jesus(Describe
to us Christians how you will
present Jesus to
2. How can we be your audience)
“doers” of the

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