Sulphur and Its Compounds

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It is the 16th element in the periodic table with atomic number 16, it has 16

electrons with an electronic configuration of 2:8:6. It is a group (VI) element and

period 3 element.

It occurs both in free-state and combined state. In free-state, it occurs as

underground sulphur deposits. In combined state, it occurs in sulphates, sulphites,


Sulphur is extracted from underground by Frasch process

Extraction of sulphur(the Frasch process of extraction of sulphur)

Sulphur is extracted industrially on large scale by Frasch process.

It is extracted from underground deposits and the basis is the on the low melting

point of sulphur
− Frasch pump consisting of three concentric pipes are sunk down the sulphur


− Superheated water at about 170°c-180°c and at pressure of 10 atmospheres

is sent /forced down the sulphur beds through the outer most tube/pipe to

melt the suphur.

− A jet of hot compressed air under pressure of 15 atmospheres is then

pumped/sent/forced down through the inner most tube/pipe. This hot air

forces/ pushes the molten sulphur together with water up through the

middle tube to the surface where sulphur is cooled and solidified. Sulphur

obtained is about 99.5% pure and can be used directly.


There are mainly five allotropes of sulphur.

➢ Monoclinic sulphur

➢ Rhombic sulphur

➢ Amorphous sulphur
➢ Plastic sulphur

➢ Collidial sulphur

There are two main crystalline allotropes of sulphur

1. Rhombic sulphur

2. Monoclinic sulphur


Physical properties of rhombic sulphur

✓ It is bright yellow in colour.

✓ It has a high melting point of 1140C

✓ It has a density of 2.08g/cm3.

✓ It is stable at temperatures below 960C


• Dissolve some powdered sulphur in carbon disulphide in a boiling tube.

• Filter the solution into a dry beaker using a dry filter paper and a funnel.

• Place a filter paper on top of the beaker. Pierce some small holes in the

filter paper.

• Place the set up near a window for a day to allow carbon disulphide to

evaporate. Large crystals of rhombic sulphur will be formed.


Physical properties of monoclinic sulphur.

✓ It is pale yellow in colour

✓ It has a density of 1.98 g/cm3

✓ It has a melting point of 1190C

✓ It is stable at temperature above 960C


• Place some powdered sulphur in evaporating dish.

• Carefully heat it until it melts.

• Stir and gradually add more sulphur until the evaporating dish is full of

molten sulphur.

• Stop heating and allow it to cool. A crust will be formed on the surface.

• Carefully pierce through the crust and immediately pour off the liquid

sulphur inside.

• Remove the crust. Small shaped crystals will be seen inside the evaporating




This is the temperature at which rhombic sulphur changes to monoclinic

suphur or it is the temperature at which monoclinic sulphur changes to

rhombic suphur.

When rhombic sulphur is heated to temperatures above 960C, it changes to

monoclinic sulphur. When monoclinic sulphur is cooled to temperature below

960C, it changes to rhombic sulphur. 960C is the transition temperature.

Both rhombic and monoclinic sulphur consists of S8 molecules with different

arrangements. It is this difference in arrangements of sulphur atoms that is

responsible for the different observations made when sulphur is heated.

How to show that both rhombic and monoclinic are allotropes of sulphur.

(a) Same mass of either rhombic or monoclinic sulphur when burnt in oxygen

produces same amount of sulphur dioxide.

(b) Same mass of rhombic can be turned into a similar mass of monoclinic

sulphur when gently heated beyond transition temperature.

Physical properties of sulphur

✓ It is a yellow solid at room temperature

✓ It is insoluble in water but soluble in organic solvents like carbon


✓ It is a poor conductor of heat and electricity

Chemical properties of sulphur

▪ Reaction with hydrogen.

Molten sulphur reacts with hydrogen to form hydrogen sulphide gas.

S(l) + H2(g) → H2S(g)

▪ Reaction with oxygen.

When a piece of burning sulphur is lowered into a gas jar of oxygen, it

continues to burn forming white fumes with a chocking smell. The white

fumes are a mixture of sulphur dioxide and sulphur trioxide.

S(s) + O2(g) → SO2(g)

2S(s) + 3O2(g) → 2SO3(g) ( misty fumes)

▪ Reaction with metals and non-metals

When a mixture of of sulphur and iron is heated, a black solid of iron(II)

sulphide is formed.

Fe(s) + S(s) → FeS(s)

Hot copper foil reacts with sulphur ( glows in sulphur) forming a black solid

of copper(I) sulphide.

2Cu(s) + S(s) → Cu2S(s)

Carbon combines with sulphur at very high temperatures to form liquid

carbon disulphide.

C(s) + 2S(s) → CS2(l)

Sulphur also reacts with metals such as magnesium to form magnesium


Mg(s) + S(s) → MgS(s)

▪ Reaction with acids.

Sulphur reduces hot concentrated nitric acid and concentrated sulphuric


Hot concentrated nitric acid oxidises sulphur to sulphuric acid and itself

reduced to brown fumes of nitrogen dioxide. Bromine is also added to speed

up the rate of reaction.

6HNO3(l) + S(s) → 6NO2(g) + H2SO4(aq)+ 2H2O(l)

Hot concentrated sulphuric acid oxidizes sulphur to

sulphur dioxide.

2H2SO4(l) + S(s) → 3SO2(g) + 2H2O(l)

▪ Action of heat on sulphur in absence of air

Sulphur when heated melts at about 113°c or 115°c and flows easily like


On further heating at about 160°c it becomes red brown and viscous i.e. it

becomes sticky and flows slowly

As the temperature is increased further the liquid becomes black and mobile

again i.e. the chains break and shorten.

At 444°c sulphur starts boiling and the colour becomes brown.

Uses of sulphur

▪ It is a common raw material in the manufacture of explosives and match


▪ Manufacture of several laboratory chemicals such as sulphuric acid.

▪ Sulphur is commonly used in the manufacture of insecticides and fungicides

(used in the manufacture of carbon disulphide which is used to kill weavils

for the case of insecticides and used in making skin ointments for treatment

of skin diseases such as ring worms for fungicides).

▪ Used in Vulcanization (hardening) of rubber. Vulcanization is the process of

heating rubber with a given amount of sulphur. Vulcanised rubber is harder

and becomes more suitable for a particular use.

▪ Used in the manufacture of some drugs

▪ In the manufacture of sulphur dioxide and sodium sulphite which are used

for bleaching straw and wood fibers, and for removing lignin from wood pulp

for the paper industry


Laboratory preparation

Sulphur dioxide can be prepared in the following ways;

1. Action of concentrated sulphuric acid on copper.

2. Action of dilute sulphuric acid or dilute hydrochloric acid on sodium sulphite.

Laboratory preparation of sulphur dioxide by

(i) action of dilute hydrochloric acid or dilute sulphuric acid on sodium sulphite


Set up of apparatus

− Sodium sulphite is put inside the round bottom flask and the apparatus

arranged as shown in the diagram above

− With the help of a dropping funnel, dilute mineral acid (hydrochloric

acid/sulphuric acid) is added to sodium sulphite inside the round bottom

flask and the mixture heated. Effervescence of a colourless gas occurs.

Na2SO3 (s) + 2HCl (aq) → 2NaCl (aq) + H2O (l) + SO2 (g)


Na2SO3 (s) + H2SO4 (aq) → Na2SO4 (aq) + H2O (l) +SO2 (g)

− The gas is dried by passing it over concentrated sulphuric acid in a wash

bottle and collected in the gas jar by downward delivery/upward

displacement of air because it is denser than air.

(ii) by heating a mixture of copper turnings and concentrated sulphuric acid


− Fine pieces of Copper metal are put inside the round bottom flask and the

apparatus arranged as shown in the diagram above

− With the help of a thistle funnel, concentrated sulphuric acid is added to

fine copper metal inside the round bottom flask and the mixture heated.

Cu (s) + 2H2SO4 (l) →CuSO4 (s) +2H2O (l) + SO2 (g)

− The gas is dried by passing it over concentrated sulphuric acid in a wash

bottle and collected in the gas jar by downward delivery/upward

displacement of air because it is denser than air.

Large scale production of sulphur dioxide gas

(i) By burning sulphur in air

S (s) + O2 (g) → SO2 (g)

(ii) By burning iron disulphide or zinc sulphide in air

4FeS2 (s) + 11O2 (g)→ 2Fe2O3(s) + 8SO2 (g)

2ZnS (s) + 3O2 (g) → 2ZnO (s) + 2SO2 (g)

Physical properties of sulphur dioxide

Sulphur dioxide is

(i) a colourless gas with an irritating smell of burning sulphur.

(ii) Two and half times denser than air (is denser than air).

(iii) It is very soluble in water forming an acidic solution (sulphurous


(iv) It is an acidic gas.

(v) It is a poisonous gas.

(Laboratory test or) confirmatory test for sulphur dioxide

To confirm the presence of sulphur dioxide, we use:

(i) Acidified potassium dichromate solution that changes from orange to


(ii) A purple solution of potassium manganate (VII) turns colourless.

Chemical properties (Reactions) of sulphur dioxide

(i) As a powerful reducing agent:

Sulphur dioxide acts as a reducing agent by supplying electrons. Examples

➢ The bleaching action. This is due to sulphurous acid which removes oxygen

from the dye.

Equations of reaction


Don’t copy the equations below, copy from S.4 yellow members

SO2 (g) + H2O (l)→ H2SO3 (aq) (sulphurous acid)

H2SO3 (aq) + ‘O’ → H2SO4 (aq) + colourless

(from dye of flower) flower

➢ With acidified dichromate(VI) solution

Equation of reaction:

K2Cr2O7 (aq) + 3SO2 (g) + H2SO4 (aq) → K2SO4 (aq) + Cr2(SO4)3 (aq) + H2O (l)


Solution turns from orange to green.

➢ With acidified potassium manganate(VII) solution.

Equation of reaction

2KMnO4 (aq) + 5SO2 (g) +2H2O (l) → K2SO4 (aq) + 2MnSO4 (aq) + 2H2SO4



Solution turns from purple to colourless

➢ With iron(III) sulphate solution

Iron(III) ions in solution are reduced by sulphur dioxide to iron(II) ions.

Equation of reaction

Fe2 (SO4)3 (aq) + SO2 (g) + 2H2O (l) → 2FeSO4 (aq) + 2H2SO4 (aq)


Solution turns from brown to green

➢ Reaction of sulphur dioxide with chlorine.

When sulphur dioxide is bubbled through a yellow chlorine solution. The

solution turns from yellow to colourless.

Cl2(g) + SO2(g) + 2H2O(l) → 2HCl(aq) + H2SO4(aq)

➢ With bromine solution

Bromine is reduced to bromide ions.

Equation of reaction

Br2 (aq) + 2H2O (l) + SO2 (g) → H2SO4 (aq) + 2HBr (aq)


Solution turns from brown to colourless

➢ With iodine solution

Iodine is reduced to iodide ions.

Equation of reaction

I2 (aq) +2H2O (l) + SO2 (g)→ H2SO4 (aq) +2HI (aq)


Solution turns from brown to colourless.

➢ With sodium hydroxide solution

With a little sulphur dioxide bubbled through an excess of the alkali, a

normal salt is formed but equal molar quantities react to form an acid salt.

Equation of reaction

2NaOH (aq) + SO2 (g)→ Na2SO3 (aq) + H2O (l)

When excess sulphur dioxide is bubbled through sodium hydroxide solution,

sodium hydrogen sulphite is formed.

NaOH (aq) + SO2 (g) → NaHSO3 (aq)

➢ Sulphur dioxide reduces concentrated nitric acid to brown fumes of nitrogen

dioxide while itself is oxidized to to sulphuric acid.

Equation of reaction
(ii) Examples in which sulphur dioxide acts as an oxidising agent include:

➢ With burning magnesium ribbon.

When a piece of burning magnesium is lowered into a gas jar of sulphur

dioxide, it continues to burn forming a white powder of magnesium oxide and

a yellow deposit/ solid of sulphur.

Equation of reaction

2Mg (s) + SO2 (g) → 2MgO (s) + S (s)

Explanation: The burning magnesium gives out a lot of heat that decomposes

the gas into its elements, sulphur and oxygen. The metal then continues to burn

in the oxygen formed.

➢ With hydrogen sulphide gas

Equation of reaction

2H2S (g) + SO2 (g)→ 2H2O (l) + 3S (s)

Observation: Yellow solid of sulphur is formed

Uses of sulphur dioxide:

Include the manufacture of sulphuric acid used to make soap, paints and


(i) Soap and Detergents

(ii) Fertilizers

(iii) As a bleaching agent for wool, straws and sponges ( used asd a

bleaching agent in paper industry).

(iv) As a preservative for some liquids e.g. orange juice or as a refrigerant

(v) To make calcium hydrogen sulphite used for bleaching wood-pulp in the

manufacture of papers.

Hydrogen sulphide gas (H2S)


Hydrogen sulphide can be prepared by either the reaction between hydrochloric

acid on iron (II) sulphide or dilute sulphuric acid and iron (II) sulphide.



Set up of apparatus



Dilute hydrochloric acid is added to iron (II) sulphide in a flat bottomed flask

using a dropping funnel. Effervescence of a colourless gas occurs. The gas is

collected over warm water because it is soluble in cold water.

Equation of reaction.

FeS(s) + 2HCl(aq) → FeCl2(aq) + H2S(g)

If the gas is required dry, it is passed over anhydrous calcium chloride and then

collected by downward delivery method because it is denser than air.


Concentrated sulphuric acid is never used as a drying agent as it reacts with the


H2S(s) + H2SO4(l) → S(s) + SO2(g) + H2O(l)

Note; dilute sulphuric acid can be used instead of dilute hydrochloric acid to

prepare hydrogen sulphide;

Equation of reaction

To prepare H2S from sulphur, iron (ii) sulphide is first prepared by heating a

mixture of iron and sulphur.


Fe(s) + S FeS(s)

Test for hydrogen sulphide

When a strip of filter paper soaked in lead(II) ethanoate is dropped into a gas jar

of hydrogen sulphide, the paper turns black. This is due to the precipitation black

lead(II) sulphide.

Properties of hydrogen sulphide gas

Physical properties
It has a strong repulsive smell characterized by a smell of rotten eggs.

It is a colourless gas

It is poisonous but not as poisonous as carbon monoxide

It is slightly denser than air

It is slightly soluble in cold water hence produces acidic solution

Chemical properties


Hydrogen sulphide burns in air with pale blue flame forming either sulphur dioxide

or sulphur and water;

2H2S(g) + 3O2(g) → 2SO2(g) + 2H2O(l)


2H2S(g) + O2(g) → 2S(s) + 2H2O(l)


Hydrogen sulphide with sulphur dioxide

Hydrogen sulphide is a very strong reducing agent i.e. it gives up its hydrogen to

many compounds and therefore itself is oxidized when sulphur dioxide is bubbled

through it; a yellow deposit of sulphur appears in addition to water;

SO2(g) + 2H2S(g) → 3S(s) + 2H2O(l)

Hydrogen sulphide with chlorine;

Hydrogen sulphide reduces chlorine to form hydrogen chloride gas and a yellow

deposit of sulphur;

H2S(g) +Cl2(g) → 2HCl(g) + S(s)

Hydrogen sulphide with iron(III) chloride solution;

When Hydrogen sulphide is bubbled through a solution of iron(III) chloride, a

yellow precipitate of sulphur appears, on filtering, the green solution of iron(II)

chloride appears as the filtrate. This shows that Hydrogen sulphide has reduced

iron(III) chloride(brown) to iron(II) chloride(green);

2FeCl3(aq) + H2S(g) → 2FeCl2(aq) + S(s) + 2HCl(aq)

Hydrogen sulphide with acidified potassium manganate(VII) or potassium

permanganate solution;

When hydrogen sulphide is bubbled through acidified potassium manganate(VII) or

acidified potassium permanganate solution, the colour of the solution changes from

purple to colourless. This is due to reduction of manganate(VII) ions in acidified

potassium permanganate solution to manganese(II) ions and itself is oxidized to


2KMnO4(aq) + 5H2S(g)+ 3H2SO4 (aq) → K2SO4(aq)+2MnSO4(aq)+5S(s)+8 H2O(l)

Reaction of Hydrogen sulphide with acidified potassium chromate;

Hydrogen sulphide also reduces acidified potassium chromate solution and the

colour changes from orange to green

K2Cr2O7(aq)+ 5H2S(g)+4H2SO4 → K2SO4(aq)+Cr2 (SO4




It can be prepared in the laboratory by passing a dry mixture of oxygen and

sulphur dioxide over heated vanadium(V) oxide at 4500C TO 5000C.

Set up of apparatus
Equation of reaction

The sulphur trioxde is seen as dense white fumes and may be solidified in a

freezing mixture of ice and little sodium chloride. Sulphur trioxde container

is protected from atmospheric moisture by anhydrous calcium chloride.

Properties of sulphur trioxde

It has very high affinity for water and combines violently with it forming

sulphuric acid.


The reaction is highly exothermic i.e it gives out a lot of of heat and it is

because of this that sulphur trioxide is kept in a tight container.

It combines with concentrated sulphuric acid to form oleum.




(The Contact Process)

Sulphur dioxide and oxygen are the starting materials.

The sulphur dioxide and oxygen are purified and dried to remove

impurities which may poison the catalyst. They are then mixed and

passed through a combustion tube containing heated vanadium(V)

oxide at temperatures of 4500C TO 5000C under high pressure( 200

atmospheres). Sulphur trioxide is formed.


Sulphur trioxide formed above is dissolved in concentrated to form oleum.


The oleum is then diluted with a known amount of water to form

concentrated sulphuric acid.



Sulphur trioxide is not dissolved in water directly because the reaction is

too exothermic leading to the boiling of sulphuric acid produced and

therefore produces a spray of sulphuric acid which could affect the workers

in the factory.


Burning is preferred in oxygen than air because heat energy is wasted in heating

the nitrogen present in air which is not reactive

Conditions for this reaction

1. Catalyst (vanadium v oxide

2. Pressure (between 1-2 atmosphere)

3. Moderate temperature between (450-5000C)

Any unreacted gases from the above reaction are recylced back into the above


Water cannot be added directly to sulphur trioxide because this reaction is highly

exothermic resulting in the formation of a dense fog of sulphuric acid particle which

do not condense easily and the reaction is uncontrollable

Physical properties of sulphuric acid

• Concentrated sulphuric acid is a dense ,colourless and oily liquid.

• Concentrated sulphuric acid is hygroscopic


Sulphuric Acid is special in that it can act as an ordinary acid, an oxidizing agent or

dehydrating agent depending on its temperature and concentration.


Concentrated sulphuric acid readily absorbs water from the air (desiccating or

dehydrating agent). It is thus used to dry the air used in the contact process.

− Hydrated crystals can be dehydrated with concentrated sulphuric acid.

CuSO4.5H2O(s) ⇌ CuSO4(s) + 5H2O(l)

(blue) (white)

The addition of concentrated sulphuric acid removes the water of crystallisation to

produce anhydrous copper(II) sulphate. The reaction is reversible.

− Carbohydrates such as sugars can also be dehydrated.

C12H22O11(s) → 12C(s) + 11H2O(g)

(white) (black)

C(s) + 2H2SO4(l) → CO2(g) + 2SO2(g) + 2H2O(l)

The mixture caramelises, turning brown then black (black porous solid is mainly

carbon). The heat from the reaction turns water to steam, causing the mass to

expand. Carbon reacts with sulfuric acid in a second step to produce sulfur dioxide,

carbon dioxide and water.

2. As an acid

Cool, dilute solutions of Sulphuric acid react with metals above Hydrogen on the

reactivity series to produce a Sulphate salt and release Hydrogen gas.

a) With metal

It reacts with metals producing salt and hydrogen gas

b) With metal oxide

It reacts with metals producing salt and water only

CuO (s) + H2SO4 (aq) → CuSO4 (aq) + H2O (g)

c) With alkali

It reacts with alkalis forming salt and water only

2NaOH (aq) + H2SO4 (aq) → Na2SO4 (aq) + 2H2O (aq)

d) With carbonates

MgCO3(s) + H2SO4(aq) → MgSO4(aq) + H2O(i) + CO2 (g)

3. As an oxidizing agent

A hot, concentrated solution of Sulphuric acid is an oxidizing agent.

a) With copper

Cu (s) +2H2SO4 (aq)→CuSO4 (aq)+2H2O(l)+SO2 (aq)

(brown solid) (blue solution)

b) With carbon

2H2SO4(1) + C(s) → CO2(g) + 2SO2(g) + 2H2O(l)

c) With sulphur

2H2SO4(1) + S(s) → 3SO2(g) + 2H2O(l)

d) With hydrogen sulphide

H2S(s) + H2SO4(s) → S(s) + SO2(s) + H2O(l)


1. Manufacture of fertilizers

2. Manufacture of detergents
3. Manufacture of paints and pigments

4. Manufacture of chemicals

5. Dehydration of ethanol to produce ethene,

6. Sulfuric acid can also be used as a dehydrating (drying) agent in the contact

process to dry the air

7. Sulphuric acid is a common catalyst to manufacture esters during



Sulphates have a general formula SO4. A sulphate has a valency of 2 its ion is

SO42- (sulphate ion)

Common sulphates


All sulphates are soluble in water except barium sulphate, lead(II) sulphate and

calcium sulphate (sparingly soluble)

Action of heat on sulphates

Most of the sulphates are resistant to heat, but if they are hydrated, they lose
their water of crystallization and become powdery upon slight heating. E.g.

Na2SO4.10H2O(s) Na2SO4(s) + 10H2O(l)

However, iron (II) sulphate, copper (II) sulphate, ammonium sulphate and
sulphates of other metals lower than copper in the reactivity series are
decomposed upon strong heating. For example

(i) When a green hydrated solid of iron (II) sulphate is heated gently,
it loses its water of crystallization which condenses on the cooler
part of the test tube forming dirty yellow anhydrous (white) solids
of iron (II) sulphate.

FeSO4.7H2O(s) FeSO4(s) + 7H2O(l)

On further heating, the anhydrous dirty yellow solids decompose giving
off sulphur dioxide (which turn orange potassium dichromate green) in
addition to white fumes of sulphur trioxide and leave a brown solid of
iron (III) oxide.
2FeSO4(s) Fe2O3(s) + SO3(g) + SO2(g)

2FeSO4.7H2O(s) Fe2O3(s)+14H2O(l)+SO3(g) +SO2(g)

(ii) When a blue copper(II) sulphate crystal is heated, it losses its water
of crystallization forming white anhydrous powder of copper(II)

CuSO4.5H2O(s) CuSO4(s) + 5H2O(l)

On strong heating, the white anhydrous white solid decomposes into
white fumes of sulphur trioxide, a colorless gas (sulphur dioxide) and a
black solid residue (copper(II) oxide).

2CuSO4(s) 2CuO(s) + SO3(g) + SO2(g)


To the solution of the suspected sulphate in water, add barium chloride

and dilute hydrochloric acid (barium nitrate solution and dilute nitric acid can
also be used.)

A white precipitate which is insoluble in excess acid indicates the
presence of a sulphate.

BaCl2 (aq)+Na2SO4 (aq) BaSO4(s) + 2NaCl (aq)



Or To any solution of SO42- is added nitric acid solution followed by barium

nitrate solution.


A white precipitate is formed (due to barium sulphate formed)

Ba2+ (aq) + SO42- (aq) → BaSO4 (s)

Or To any solution of SO42- is added nitric acid solution followed by lead

(II) nitrate solution.


A white precipitate is formed (due to lead (II) sulphate formed)

Pb2+ (aq) + SO42- (aq) → PbSO4 (s)


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