Mango Seeds

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Utilization of Mango (Mangifera indica L.) Seed Kernel Flour as a Novel

Ingredient for Muffins

Article · June 2022


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2 authors:

Malkanthi Thenabadu Helawikum Seneviratne

University of Vocational Technology PQ


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International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) |Volume VII, Issue VI, June 2022|ISSN 2454-6194

Utilization of Mango (Mangifera indica L.) Seed

Kernel Flour as a Novel Ingredient for Muffins
M. Thenabadu 1*, H. A. Seneviratne2
Department of Agriculture and Food Technology, Faculty of Industrial Technology, University of Vocational Technology, Sri
Faculty of Information Technology, University of Vocational Technology, Sri Lanka
*Correspoding author

Abstract: The study focused on the production of muffins processed for products such as jams, jellies, pickles, puree,
incorporated with mango (Mangifera indica L.) kernel flour, nectar, canned slices, frozen mango and dried product. [2]
replacing some of the refined wheat flour. Several formulations
were developed at levels of 10, 20, 30 and 40 percent of Mango In Sri Lanka Mango cultivation currently covers
kernel flour in preparation of muffins while maintaining all other approximately 27,500 acres. It is primarily grown in the
ingredients as constant. The prepared mango kernel flour was districts of Kurunegala, Anuradhapura, Hambanthota,
first evaluated for proximate composition and then prepared Puttalam, Moneragala, Jaffna and in Mahaweli Systems H &
muffins were evaluated for proximate composition and sensory C. Mango is a popular fresh fruit in local markets. Similarly,
properties to select the best acceptable formulation. Proximate
exporting both fresh and processed mango products could earn
Composition of Mango kernel flour (variety:
Karthakolommaban ) revealed that the moisture, protein, fat,
a significant amount of foreign exchange. At the moment, Sri
ash, crude fiber content and carbohydrates as 7.79 ±0.20, 9.36 Lanka exports approximately 80,000 Mt and plans are being
±0.07, 9.59 ±0.04, 1.76 ± 0.16 and 70.69 % respectively. developed to expand the area under mango to increase exports.
Organoleptic parameters of prepared muffin samples revealed [3]
that mango kernel flour in the muffin formulation significantly (p
≤ 0.05) affected the acceptance of the product. Overall scores The parts of mango tree which consists of leaves, bark,
indicated highly acceptable for F1-10%, F2-20% and F3- 30% flowers, fruit, peel and seeds incorporated with essential
comparable to control (F0). Thus, considering the acceptance, nutrients that can be utilized. Peels and seeds considered as
muffins with 30 % mango kernel flour incorporation stood as the extensive by products from processing of mango. Seeds
optimized product. According to the color characteristics, the represent around 35%-40% weight of the fruit. Mango seeds
amount of darkness in the samples increased as the polyphenol contain phenolic compounds, catenenoids, vitamin C and
content of the muffin increased due to the addition of mango dietary fiber but mostly regarded as waste product.[4].
kernel flour.
Mango seed is a good source of nutrients, vitamins and
Comparison of the proximate compositions of organoleptically
minerals. 100g of mango seed include 13 g of Total Fat, 32.24
accepted muffins (30% mango kernel flour) and control muffin
samples revealed an increase in moisture content, protein, fat, g of Carbohydrate, 0.19 mg of Vitamin B6, 6.36 g of Protein,
and ash in the mango kernel incorporated muffin sample. 1.3 mg of Vitamin E, 2.02 g of Total dietary Fiber, 22.34 mg
of Magnesium and 0.12 µg of Vitamin B-12. Moreover many
The study concluded that incorporating 30% mango kernel flour Amino acids 8.4 g of Leucine, 3.23 g of Isoleucine, 2.31 g of
results in an acceptable muffin with improved nutrient profile
Histidine, 3.8 g of Valine, 2.04 g of Threonine and 3.13 g of
and sensory properties
Lysine are also found in 100 gram of mango seed. [5]
Keywords : mango kernel flour, muffins
After pulp extraction in fruit processing industry, a
I. INTRODUCTION significant quantity of mango seed kernels are discarded as
solid wastes which accounts for 40-50 percent of total fruit
M ango ( Mangifera indica L.) is a stone fruit produced
from species of tropical trees belonging to the flowering
plant genus Mangifera, cultivated mostly for their edible fruit.
weight.[6] According to the literature, mango seed kernels are
high in various nutrients and can be used to make a variety of
value-added products. .Kernels takes up about 17-22% of the
Mango is a major tropical fruit crop with significant
fruit. The major components of mango seed kernel are starch,
commercial value. Mangoes are native to South Asia.
fat and protein. The oil of mango seed kernel consists of about
[1]Mango is one of the main cultivated fruit in tropical
44-88% saturated fatty acids. Mango seed kernel can be used
regions.Because of its juiciness, delicious taste, exotic flavour,
as a potential source for functional food ingredients, animal
and nutritional value, mango fruit is widely consumed around
feeds, antimicrobial compounds and cosmetic due to its high
the world. Mango fruit contains vitamins (A and C), minerals,
quality of fat and protein as wells as high levels of natural
organic acids, carbohydrates, fatty acids, proteins and fibre.
antioxidants [7].
Mango is a seasonal fruit and about 20% of this fruit is Page 39
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) |Volume VII, Issue VI, June 2022|ISSN 2454-6194

Muffins constitute popular human snacks in most part of 2.3 Formulation of Mango Kernel Flour Muffin Recipe
the world. It is a chemically-leavened, batter-based bakery Table 01: Formulations of muffins
product. It’s formulation is somewhere in between a low-ratio
cake and quick bread made from wheat flour, shortening F0 F1 F2 F3 F4
(hydrogenated fat) and sugar, and is usually made light by the Refined wheat flour 100 90 80 70 60
addition of baking powder (a mixture of sodium carbonate, Mango Kernel Flour -- 10 20 30 40
sodium bi-phosphate and cereal flour). [8]Wheat flour Fat (Margarine) 25 25 25 25 25
constitutes the basic ingredient for muffin production because White Sugar 50 50 50 50 50
of its gluten proteins, which are not present in flour of other Salt 1 1 1 1 1
cereals. Gluten protein forms elastic dough during baking and Baking powder 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5 2.5
gives high organoleptic quality to the finished product. [9] Egg 2 2 2 2 2
Vanilla essence 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1 0.1
The muffins available in market are prepared from wheat Water (mL) 20 20 20 20 20
flour (whole/refined) which lacks in good quality protein
Note: F0- control sample ;F1- Muffins with 10 percent Mango kernel flour
because of its deficiency in lysine; and dietary fibre . Mango ;F2- Muffins with 20 percent Mango kernel flour ;F3- Muffins with 30
kernel flour which is highly nutritious in protein, vitamin, percent Mango kernel flour F4- Muffins with 40 percent Mango kernel flour
minerals and phytochemical content has been found for its
incorporation into preparation of muffin. 2.4 Sample analysis:

The study provides the information about a commercially 2.4.1 Proximate Analysis of Mango seed kernel flour:
viable application of increasing protein and nutraceutical Proximate Analysis (Chemical Analysis) : Mango seed kernel
content in muffin and also these can be solve the problem of flour sample was analyzed, in triplicates, for moisture, crude
malnutrition and other essential macro and micro nutrients fat, crude protein, crude fiber, crude ash using oven dry
deficiency among the population. The objective of the present method, Soxhlet method, Kjeldal method, gravimetric method,
study was also to expand the utility mango kernel flour by muffle furnace and lane-eynon method respectively.
value addition and as a partial replacement of wheat flour to
prepare the muffin . Present study was conducted to assess the 2.4.2 Determination of muffin properties:
effect of addition of mango kernel flour in Muffin in The total solids, ash, protein, and oil contents of the samples
evaluating the consumer acceptability and chemical were determined using AOAC methods [11].
2.4.3 Determination of color values:
The color values (Hunter L, a, b) of mufins were determined
2.1 Materials by a Hunter Lab Mini Scan XE model colorimeter
The raw materials used for this study were purchased at local 2.4.4. Sensory Analysis:
market, Moratuwa which included: Mango fruits (Mangifera
indica, variety : Karthakolommban ) Refined wheat flour ( Color, flavor , taste ,aroma and overall acceptability of
Prima), Fat (Margarine), white sugar, eggs, vanilla, baking muffins were evaluated by 35 untrained panelists consisting of
powder, salt, vanilla essence and Muffin holders/Paper students and staff of Department of Agriculture and Food
muffin Cases. Technology . Panelist scores on a five point hedonic scale
from 1 (extremely dislike) to 5 (Like extremely)
Stainless steel knife, Oven, Electric blender, Electric beater
was obtained from the Food Processing Laboratory of the III. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION
Department of Agriculture and Food Technology, University 3.1 Proximate Composition of Mango kernel flour (variety:
of Vocational Technology. Karthakolommaban )
2.2 Preparation of Mango Kernel Powder as per Chen et Table 02: Proximate Composition of Mango kernel flour (Variety:
al.[10] Karthakolommaban )

Mango seeds separated and dried under the sun for six Mango kernel flour
Parameters (%)
hours. The kernels separated from stone manually and sun
Moisture 7.79 ±0.20
dried for another 5 days ( Sun evaporation drying method)to
reduce the moisture content. To make the kernel powder, Protein 9.36 ±0.07
kernels soaked in water for 6-8 hrs. and chopped to small Fat 9.59 ±0.04
pieces, next to blanched and dry in 60 °C oven for 5 hrs. Ash 1.31 ± 0.12
Finally the kernels grinded using electric blender, sieve and Crude Fiber 1.76 ± 0.16
store in air tight jars. In formulation, mango kernel powder Carbohydrate 70.69
substituted with the wheat flour 0%,10%,20%, 30% and 40%
formulations in making muffins. * Each value is an average of three determinations Page 40
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) |Volume VII, Issue VI, June 2022|ISSN 2454-6194

The result of the proximate analysis is shown in Table 2 Thus, considering the acceptance, muffins with 30 %
Proximate analysis result was revealed that the moisture, mango kernel flour incorporation stood as the optimized
protein, Fat, ash, crude fiber content and carbohydrates as 7.79 product.
±0.20, 9.36 ±0.07, 9.59 ±0.04, 1.76 ± 0.16 and 70.69 %
3.3 Color characteristics of muffins with fortification of
mango kernel flour
Ash content is an indication of the level of minerals present
Color is one of the most important characteristics of
in food material this suggests that mango kernel can help in
muffins for consumer acceptability; hence it is necessary to
boosting the mineral content of prepared product. The
observe the change in color during product development.
carbohydrate level in mango kernel flour meaning they can be
Color characteristics of muffins with fortification of mango
exploited as energy source foods. Findings of present
kernel flour were determined and obtained results are given in
investigation related to the values of mango kernel were in
Table 04
close conformity with values described in literature with slight
differences by Fowomola[12].The observed differences may Table 04: Averaged Hunter L, a and b color values of muffin samples
be due to varietal variations, environmental factors like
Sample Color characteristics Chroma Hue
climate and location and method of preparation etc.
L* a* b*
3.2 Organoleptic evaluation of muffins with fortification of
F0 78.22 3.73 25.86 26.13 81.81
mango kernel flour
F1 65.26 7.47 27.19 28.19 74.60
Standard method was followed for preparation of Muffins
F2 61.93 7.88 25.57 26.75 72.84
and different samples were prepared by incorporating varying
levels of prepared mango kernel flour at the concentration of F3 57.75 8.55 25.92 27.30 71.74
0, 10, 20, 30 and 40 percent. The effects of mango kernel flour F4 56.25 9.30 23.43 27.06 69.89
incorporation on organoleptic characteristics of muffins are
presented in Table-03. Darkness in the samples increased with increase in total
Table 03: organoleptic characteristics of muffins incorporated with mango
phenolic content of Muffins Based on the observations of
kernel flour organoleptic evaluation, physical properties and color
characteristics, it is concluded that 30% of mango kernel flour
Color Flavor Taste
could be successfully incorporated in muffins and hence
nce ure considered optimum level for further analysis
F0 8.51 8.46 8.63 8.71 8.65 8.59 3.4 Proximate composition of organoleptically accepted
F1 8.34 8.21 8.25 8.31 8.56 8.33 Muffins
F2 8.28 8.14 8.0 8.29 8.31 8.20 Proximate composition of food products gives the picture
F3 8.11 8.09 8.12 8.23 8.24 8.15 on the major nutrients in the product. The proximate
F4 7.93 7.94 7.24 7.40 7.63 7.62
compositions 30% mango kernel flour incorporated mufffins
is compared with the samples prepared with control samples
It is learnt from the results that mango kernel flour in the and the results are presented in Table-05
Muffin formulation significantly (p ≤ 0.05) affected the Table 05: Proximate composition of Muffins (Control muffins and muffins
acceptance of the product. with 30% Mango kernel flour)

No significant change in observed in muffins up to 10% Muffins with 30%

(F1) of concentration of mango kernel flour. In case of all Parameter (%) Control (F0) Mango kernel flour
attributes F1 sample with 10% mango kernel flour scored
Moisture 29.56 30.22
almost nearer to control samples, when compared to F2, F3
and F4. Darkness in the samples increased with increase in Protein 5.58 5.21
polyphenol content of Muffin due to addition of mango kernel Fat 12.53 14.06
flour. Flavor increased as Mango kernel flour increased and
Ash 1.56 1.92
bitterness was noticed as after taste in F4 with 40 per cent. The
texture acceptability of with respect to hardness increased with Carbohydrate 75.89 74.68
increase in concentration slightly up to 40%. Overall scores * Each value is an average of three determinations
indicated highly acceptable for F1-10%, F2-20% and F3- 30%
comparable to control (F0). However, about 40 per cent of The moisture content of Control biscuit sample and mango
Mango kernel flour, the Muffins had a slight bitter which may kernel incorporated biscuit sample was 29.56 and 30.22 per
be due to high polyphenols content activity. cent respectively. Whereas Protein, Fat, Ash and carbohydrate
content of Control muffin sample was 5.58, 12.53, 1.56 and
75.89 percent and mango kernel incorporated muffin sample
was 5.21, 14.06, 1.92 and 74.68 per cent respectively. Page 41
International Journal of Research and Innovation in Applied Science (IJRIAS) |Volume VII, Issue VI, June 2022|ISSN 2454-6194

Data showed that with increasing level of Mango kernel flour of muffin cakes. Journal of Food Processing and
Preservation, 43(6), e13868.
increased the moisture content from 29.56 for control to 30.22
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that there was increase in moisture content of muffins as (Vaccinium sp.). Academic Food Journal, 15(2), 130–138 (in
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The present investigation aimed in exploration and quality
evaluation of Mango (Mangifera indica) kernel flour as a
ingredient in muffin. In the light of scientific results of the
present investigation, it can be concluded that Mango kernel
which are discarded as waste from processing industries, is
having excellent nutritional profile. The variety selected in this
study is locally available Karthakolommabn. Mango stone was
separated and processed to prepare Mango kernel flour.
Muffins were formulated from refined wheat flour
incorporated with Mango kernel flour. According to sensory
evaluation, the addition of 30% Mango kernel flour resulted in
a nutritious product with good sensory attributes.
Hence, the study concluded that incorporating 30% mango
kernel flour results in an acceptable muffin with improved
nutrient profile and sensory properties. Further research will
be conducted to determine the product's shelf life as well as
the best packaging material.
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