JNTUA R20 MCACourse Structure Syllabus

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(Established by Govt. of A.P., ACT No.30 of 2008)

Master of Computer Applications

Ist Year Semester - 1 (Theory - 6, Lab - 3)

S.No Course No Course Name L T P Credits
1. 20F00101 Mathematical Foundations of Computer 3
Science 3 0 0
2. 20F00102 Foundations of Data Science 3 0 0 3
3. 20F00103 Computer Organization & Architecture 3 0 0 3
4. 20F00104 Python Programming 2 0 0 2
5. 20F00105 Data Structures 4 0 0 4
6. 20F00106 Database Management Systems 3 0 0 3
7. 20F00107 Data Science and Python Laboratory 0 0 4 2
8. 20F00108 Data Structures using C Laboratory 0 0 4 2
9. 20F00109 Database Management Systems Laboratory 0 0 4 2
Total 24

Ist Year Semester - II (Theory - 6, Lab – 3, M-1)

S.No Course No Course Name L T P Credits
1. 20F00201 Operating Systems 3 0 0 3
2. 20F00202 Software Engineering 3 0 0 3
3. 20F00203 Artificial Intelligence 3 0 0 3
4. 20F00204 Computer Networks 3 0 0 3
5. Elective – I (MOOCs)
20F00205a 1. E-Commerce
20F00205b 2. Operations Research
20F00205c 3 0 0 3
3. Digital Marketing
20F00205d 4. Data Mining and Business Intelligence
20F00205e 5. Internet of Things
6 Elective-II
20F00206a 1. Cloud Computing
20F00206b 2. Formal Languages and Automata
20F00206c 3 0 0 3
20F00206d 3. Computer Graphics
20F00206e 4. Design and Analysis of Algorithms
7. 20F00207 5. Principles
Operating Systemsof&Programming Language
Computer Networks
0 0 4 2
8. 20F00208 Software Engineering Laboratory 0 0 4 2
9. 20F00209 Artificial Intelligence using R Laboratory 0 0 4 2
10.. 20F00210 *Mandatory Audit Course-1 NA
Total 24
II year Semester - 1 (Theory - 6, , Lab – 3, M-1)
S.No Course No Course Name L T P Credits
1. 20F00301 Web & OOA Design 3 0 0 3
2. 20F00302 Big Data Analytics 3 0 0 3
3. 20F00303 Dev. Ops & Agile Programming 3 0 0 3
4. Elective – III
20F00304a 1. Software Architecture & Design
20F00304b 2. Cyber Security 3 0 0 3
20F00304c 3. Multimedia Systems & Tools
20F00304d 4. Machine Learning
20F00304e 5. Compiler Design
5. Elective-IV
1. Software Project Management
2. Wireless Sensor Networks
20F00305b 3 0 0 3
3. Service Oriented Architecture
4. Deep Learning
5. Android Programming
6. Elective-V
20F00306a 1. Software Quality Assurance & Testing
20F00306b 2. Block Chain Technologies
20F00306c 3 0 0 3
3. Augmented Reality/Virtual Reality
20F00306d 4. Natural Language Processing
20F00306e 5. Mobile Application Development
7. 20F00307 Web & OOA Design using Java Laboratory 0 0 4 2
8. 20F00308 Big Data Analytics Laboratory 0 0 4 2
9. 20F00309 Dev. Ops & Agile Programming Laboratory 0 0 4 2
10 20F00310 *Mandatory Audit Course-2
. Total 24

II year Semester - I1 (Project & Comprehensive Viva))

S.No Course No Course Name C
1. 20F00401 Project work 16
2. 20F00402 Comprehensive Viva-Voce 2
MCA– I Sem L T P C
3 0 0 3


Course Objectives
 To explain about the Boolean Algebra, Graph theory and Recurrence relations.
 To demonstrate the application of basic methods of discrete mathematics in Computer Science
problem solving.
 To elucidate solving mathematical problems from algorithmic perspective.
 To introduce the mathematical concepts which will be useful to study advanced courses Design
and Analysis of Algorithms, Theory of Computation, Cryptography and Software Engineering

Statements and Notation, Connectives- Negation, Conjunction, Disjunction, Conditional and Bi-
conditional, Statement formulas and Truth Tables. Well-formed formulas, Tautologies, Equivalence of
Formulas, Duality Law, Tautological Implications.
Normal Forms: Disjunctive Normal Forms, Conjunctive Normal Forms, Principal Disjunctive
Normal Forms (PDNF), Principal Conjunctive Normal Forms (PCNF), Ordering and Uniqueness of
Normal Forms.
The Theory of Inference for the Statement Calculus: Rules of Inference, Consistency of Premises
and Indirect Method of Proof.
The predicate Calculus, Inference theory of the Predicate Calculus.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Describe logical sentences in terms of predicates, quantifiers, and logical connectives (L1)
 Evaluate basic logic statements using truth tables and the properties of logic (L5).
 Apply rules of inference to test the consistency of premises and validity of arguments (L3).
 Verify the equivalence of two formulas and their duals (L4).
 Find the Principal Conjunctive and Principal Disjunctive Normal Forms of a statement formula

Set Theory: Basic concepts of Set Theory, Representation of Discrete structures, Relations and
Ordering, Functions, Recursion.
Lattices and Boolean Algebra: Lattices as Partially Ordered Sets, Partial order relation, poset -
Lattices, Hasse diagram, Boolean Functions, Representation and Minimization of Boolean Functions.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Describe equivalence, partial order and compatible relations (L1).
 Compute Maximal Compatibility Blocks (L3).
 Identify the properties of Lattices (L2).
 Evaluate Boolean functions and simplify expression using the properties of Boolean algebra


Algebraic Structures: Semi group - Monoid – Groups, Cyclic group - Permutation group(Sn and Dn)
- Substructures - Homomorphism of semi group, monoid and groups - Cosets and Lagrange Theorem
– Normal Subgroups - Rings and Fields (Definition and examples only)

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Infer Homomorphism and Isomorphism (L4).
 Describe the properties of Semi groups, Monoids and Groups (L1).
 Describe the properties Normal subgroups.
 Describe the properties Rings and Fields.


Elementary Combinatorics: Basics of Counting, Combinations and Permutations, Enumeration of

Combinations and Permutations, Enumerating Combinations and Permutations with repetitions,
Enumerating Permutations and Combinations with constrained Representations, Binomial
Coefficients, The Binomial and Multinomial Theorems, The Principle of Inclusion and Exclusion.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Explain fundamental principle of counting (L2).
 Examine the relation between permutation and combination (L4).
 Solve counting problems by applying elementary counting techniques using the product and
sum rules (L3).
 Apply permutations, combinations, the pigeon-hole principle, and binomial expansion to solve
counting problems (L3).


Recurrence Relations: Generating Functions of Sequences, Calculating Coefficients of Generating

Functions, Recurrence Relations, Solving Recurrence Relations by Substitution and Generating
Functions, The method of Characteristic Roots, Solution of Inhomogeneous Recurrence Relations.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Find the generating functions for a sequence (L1).
 Design recurrence relations using the divide-and-conquer algorithm (L6).
 Solve linear recurrence relations using method of Characteristic Roots (L3).
 Outline the general solution of homogeneous or Inhomogeneous Recurrence Relations
using substitution and method of generating functions (L2).
 Solve problems using recurrence relations and recursion to analyze complexity of algorithms

Text Books:

1. Joe L. Mott. Abraham Kandel and Theodore P. Baker, “Discrete Mathematics for Computer
Scientists & Mathematicians”, 2 nd Edition, Pearson, 2008. (for Units III to V).
2. J P Trembly and R Manohar, “Discrete Mathematical Structures with Applications to
Computer Science”, 1st Edition, McGraw Hill, 2017(For Unit I&II).

Reference Books:

1. Ralph P. Grimaldi and B.V. Ramana, “Discrete and Combinatorial Mathematics, an Applied
Introduction”, 5th Edition, Pearson, 2016.
2. Narsingh Deo, “Graph Theory with Applications to Engineering”, Prentice Hall, 1979.
3. D.S. Malik and M.K. Sen, “Discrete Mathematics theory and Applications”, Ist Edition,
Cenegage Learning, 2012.
4. C L Liu and D P Mohapatra, “Elements of Discrete Mathematics, A computer Oriented
approach”, 4th edition, MCGRAW-HILL, 2018.

After completion of this course the student would be able to

 Evaluate elementary mathematical arguments and identify fallacious reasoning (L5).
 Understand the properties of Compatibility, Equivalence and Partial Ordering relations,
Lattices and Has see Diagrams (L1).
 Understand the general properties of Algebric Systems, Semi Groups, Monoids,Groups (L1)
,Normal subgroups,Rings and Fields
 Design solutions for problems using breadth first and depth first search techniques (L6)
 Solve the homogeneous and non-homogeneous recurrence relations (L3).
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3 0 0 3


Course Objectives
Ideally for a student to understand Data Science, he/she should have exposure to the following. This
will give a basic feel about Data Science. In the following, the topics highlighted in light blue is
minimum needed and those highlighted in yellow will help to get a feel about the subject.

Overall it covers the following:

 Basics of probability
 Basics of statistics
 Pattern Recognition
 Machine Learning
 Introduction on Deep Neural Networks.


Introduction to Probability and Statistics:

Descriptive Statistics: Measures of central tendency—mean, median, mode, harmonic mean and
geometric mean; Measures of dispersion – mean deviation from mean, standard deviation and
variance. Central moments.Linear and rank correlation. Covariance and correlation; Statistics and
sampling distributions; Hypothesis testing of means, proportions, variances and correlations Definition
of random variable and probability, (problems depending on counting –taught in MFCS), discrete
probability distributions: Bernoulli, Binomial, Poisson; Continuous probability distributions:
Gaussian, Exponential, Chisquare. Definition of Bayesian probability.

Probability theory and axioms; Random variables; Probability distributions and density functions
(univariate and multivariate); Expectations and moments;; Confidence (statistical) intervals;
Correlation functions; White-noise process. Probability, Hypothesis and Inference, Gradient Descent.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Understand how to summarise data through measures of central tendency, dispersion, moments
and correlation.
 Understand random variable and associated probability distributions
 It lays foundations for further UNITs.


Exploratory Data Analysis (EDA), Data Science life cycle, Descriptive Statistics, Basic tools (plots,
graphs and summary statistics) of EDA, Philosophy of EDA.
Data Visualization: Scatter plot, bar chart, histogram, boxplot, heat maps etc.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Learn to analyse the data through plotting: from raw-scatter plot to summarized visualization.
 Understand the functionality of various phases of data Science.
 Analyze the characteristics of data


Introduction to Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning

Patterns, features, patter representation, curse of dimensionality, dimensionality reduction. Supervised

and Unsupervised learning.Classification—linear and non-linear. Bayesian, Perceptron, Nearest
neighbor classifier, Support vector machine, use of kernels, Logistic regression, Naïve-bayes, decision
trees and random forests; boosting and bagging.Clustering---partitional and hierarchical; k-means

Regression.Least squares. Evaluation metrics: RMSE, MAE and Coefficient of Determination (R-

Cost functions, training and testing a classifier. Cross-validation.Class-imbalance – ways of handling,

Exploratory data analysis (EDA), evaluation metrics— Precision, Recall, RoC, AUC; Confusion
matrix, Classification accuracy

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Understand the meaning of pattern, feature, importance of pattern representation.
 Classification methods, their working and evaluation.Minimising cost function
 Regression and evaluation.
 Exploratory data analysis (outcome of Unit-I; can be tried out in the associated lab)


Introduction to Deep Learning

Multilayer perceptron.Back propagation. Loss functions. Epochs and Batch sizes.Hyper parameter
tuning.Applications to classification, regression and unsupervised learning.Overview(introduction to
the terms) of RNN, CNN and LSTM.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Understanding of deep neural networks as extension of multi-layer perceptron
 Unsupervised and supervised learning in deep neural networks
 Understand what is deep learning
 Minimizing loss functions
 How a deep learning models are trained
 Familiarity of popular deep learning models


Overview of Data Science Models.

Applications to text, images, videos: recommender systems, image classification, Social network

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Applications of data science/machine learning
 Familiarity of applications


1. Cathy O’Neil, Rachel Schutt, Doing Data Science, Straight Talk from the Frontline. O’Reilly,
2. Christopher Bishop, Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning, Springer, 2007.
3. Ian Goodfellow, YoshuaBengio, Aaron Courville, Deep Learning, MIT Press, 2016
4. Trevor Hastie, Robert Tibshirani, Jerome Friedman, The Elements of Statistical Learning,
Springer 2009.
5. Erwin kreyszig, Advanced Engineering Mathematics, 10th Edition, John Wiley & Sons,2011.


1. Michael Nielsen, Neural Networks and Deep Learning, Determination Press, 2015.
2. Francois Chollet, Deep Learning with Python, 1/e, Manning Publications Company, 2017
3. [UNIT-1] Robert V Hogg, Allen Craig and J.W. McKean. Introduction to Mathematical
Statistics. Pearson. (Indian Edition)
4. [UNIT-II] EMC2: 4) Data Science and Big Data Analytics, EMC Education Services, EMC 2 ,
Wiley Publication, 2015.
5. [UNIT-III] V. Susheela Devi and M. NarasimhaMurty. Pattern Recognition – An Introduction.
Universities Press (Indian Edition; there is an expensive Springer version of the same)
6. [UNIT-II] Christopher M. Bishop. Pattern Recognition and Machine Learning. Springer
(Indian Edition)
7. [UNIT-III]Ian Goodfellow and YoshuaBengio and Aaron Courville. Deep Learning. MIT
Press. Book available online at https://www.deeplearningbook.org/.
8. [UNIT-IV] J. Leskovec, A. Rajaraman, J.D. Ullman. Mining of Massive Datasets. Cambridge
University Press. (Indian Edition; Online pdf is available for download)
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Course Objectives:

 Learn the fundamentals of computer organization and its relevance to classical and modern
problems of computer design
 Understand the structure and behavior of various functional modules of a computer.
 Discuss the techniques that computers use to communicate with I/O devices
 Study the concepts of pipelining and the way it can speed up processing.
 Describe the basic characteristics of multiprocessors


Basic Structure of Computer: Computer Types, Functional Units, Basic operational Concepts, Bus
Structure, Software, Performance, Multiprocessors and Multicomputer.
Machine Instructions and Programs: Numbers, Arithmetic Operations and Programs, Instructions
and Instruction Sequencing, Addressing Modes, Basic Input/output Operations
INTEL-8086: CPU architecture, Addressing modes - generation of physical address- code segment
registers, Zero, one, two, and three address instructions. INTEL 8086 ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE
INSTRUCTIONS-Data transfer instructions, input- output instructions, arithmetic, logical, shift, and
rotate instructions, Conditional and unconditional transfer.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Understand the basic functional units and the ways they are interconnected to form a computer
 Illustrate various addressing modes for accessing register and memory operands
 Describe the instruction sequencing and various types of instructions


Arithmetic: Addition and Subtraction of Signed Numbers, Design of Fast Adders, Multiplication of
Positive Numbers, Signed-operand Multiplication, Fast Multiplication, Integer Division, Floating-
Point Numbers and Operations.
Basic Processing Unit: Fundamental Concepts, Execution of a Complete Instruction, Multiple-Bus
Organization, Hardwired Control, Multiprogrammed Control.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Understand the arithmetic operations on signed numbers
 Represent the floating-point numbers and describe the operations performed on them
 Distinguish between hardwired and microprogrammed control units


The Memory System: Basic Concepts, Semiconductor RAM Memories, Read-Only Memories,
Speed, Size and Cost, Cache Memories, Performance Considerations, Virtual Memories, Memory
Management Requirements, Secondary Storage.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Understand various types of memories
 Analyze the performance of cache memory
 Apply effective memory management strategies


Input/output Organization: Accessing I/O Devices, Interrupts, Processor Examples, Direct Memory
Access, Buses, Interface Circuits, Standard I/O Interfaces.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Understand the basics of I/O data transfer synchronization
 Analyze the interrupt handling mechanisms of various processors
 Describe various techniques for I/O data transfer methods.


Pipelining: Basic Concepts, Data Hazards, Instruction Hazards, Influence on Instruction Sets.

Large Computer Systems: Forms of Parallel Processing, Array Processors, The Structure of General-
Purpose multiprocessors, Interconnection Networks.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Understand the use of pipelining and multiple functional units in the design of high-
performance processors
 Design and analyze a high performance processor
 Describe the interconnection networks for multiprocessors.

1. Computer Organization, Carl Hamacher, Zvonko Vranesic, Safwat Zaky, McGraw Hill
Education, 5th Edition, 2013.
2. Microprocessors and Interfacing, Douglas Hall, Tata McGraw-Hill.


1. Computer System Architecture, M.Morris Mano, Pearson Education, 3rd Edition.

2. Computer Organization and Architecture, Themes and Variations, Alan Clements,
CENGAGE Learning.
3. Computer Organization and Architecture, Smruti Ranjan Sarangi, McGraw Hill
4. Computer Architecture and Organization, John P.Hayes, McGraw Hill Education

Course Outcomes:

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Demonstrate computer architecture concepts related to design of modern processors, memories
and I/Os
 Able to explore the hardware requirements for cache memory and virtual memory
 Ability to design algorithms to exploit pipelining and multiprocessors
 Ability to use memory and I/O devices effectively
 Detect pipeline hazards and identify possible solutions to those hazards
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Course Objectives:
 To learn the fundamentals of Python
 To elucidate problem-solving using a Python programming language
 To introduce a function-oriented programming paradigm through python
 To get training in the development of solutions using modular concepts
 To introduce the programming constructs of python

Unit – I

Introduction: What is a program, Running python, Arithmetic operators, Value and Types.
Variables, Assignments and Statements: Assignment statements, Script mode, Order of operations,
string operations, comments.
Functions: Function calls, Math functions, Composition, Adding new Functions, Definitions and
Uses, Flow of Execution, Parameters and Arguments, Variables and Parameters are local, Stack
diagrams, Fruitful Functions and Void Functions, Why Functions.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 List the basic constructs of Python.
 Solve the problems by applying modularity principle.

Unit – II

Case study: The turtle module, Simple Repetition, Encapsulation, Generalization, Interface design,
Refactoring, docstring.
Conditionals and Recursion: floor division and modulus, Boolean expressions, Logical operators,
Conditional execution, Alternative execution, Chained conditionals, Nested conditionals, Recursion,
Infinite Recursion, Keyboard input.
Fruitful Functions: Return values, Incremental development, Composition, Boolean functions, More
recursion, Leap of Faith, Checking types,

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Apply the conditional execution of the program.
 Apply the principle of recursion to solve the problems.
Unit – III

Iteration: Reassignment, Updating variables, The while statement, Break, Square roots, Algorithms.
Strings: A string is a sequence, len, Traversal with a for loop, String slices, Strings are immutable,
Searching, Looping and Counting, String methods, The in operator, String comparison.
Case Study: Reading word lists, Search, Looping with indices.
Lists: List is a sequence, Lists are mutable, Traversing a list, List operations, List slices, List methods,
Map filter and reduce, Deleting elements, Lists and Strings, Objects and values, Aliasing, List

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Use the data structure list.
 Design programs for manipulating strings.

Unit – IV

Dictionaries: A dictionary is a mapping, Dictionary as a collection of counters, Looping and

dictionaries, Reverse Lookup, Dictionaries and lists, Memos, Global Variables.
Tuples: Tuples are immutable, Tuple Assignment, Tuple as Return values, Variable-length argument
tuples, Lists and tuples, Dictionaries and tuples, Sequences of sequences.
Files: Persistence, Reading and writing, Format operator, Filename and paths, Catching exceptions,
Databases, Pickling, Pipes, Writing modules.
Classes and Objects: Programmer-defined types, Attributes, Instances as Return values, Objects are
mutable, Copying.
Classes and Functions:

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Apply object orientation concepts.
 Use data structure dictionaries.
 Organize data in the form of files.

Unit – V

Classes and Functions: Time, Pure functions, Modifiers, Prototyping versus Planning
Classes and Methods: Object oriented features, Printing objects, The init method, The
__str__method, Operator overloading, Type-based Dispatch, Polymorphism, Interface and
Inheritance: Card objects, Class attributes, Comparing cards, decks, Printing the Deck, Add Remove
shuffle and sort, Inheritance, Class diagrams, Data encapsulation.
The Goodies: Conditional expressions, List comprehensions, Generator expressions, any and all, Sets,
Counters, defaultdict, Named tuples, Gathering keyword Args,
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Plan programs using object orientation approach.
 Illustrate the principle of inheritance.

Text books:
1. Allen B. Downey, “Think Python”, 2 nd edition, SPD/O’Reilly, 2016.

Reference Books:

1. Martin C.Brown, “The Complete Reference: Python”, McGraw-Hill, 2018.

2. Kenneth A. Lambert, B.L. Juneja, “Fundamentals of Python”, CENGAGE, 2015.
3. R. Nageswara Rao, “Core Python Programming”, 2 nd edition, Dreamtech Press, 2019

Course Outcomes:

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Apply the features of Python language in various real applications.
 Select appropriate data structure of Python for solving a problem.
 Design object oriented programs using Python for solving real-world problems.
 Apply modularity to programs.
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Course Objectives:

 To illustrate the basic concepts of C programming language.

 To discuss the concepts of Functions, Arrays, Pointers and Structures.
 To familiarize with Stack, Queue and Linked lists data structures.
 To explain the concepts of non-linear data structures like graphs and trees.
 To learn the different types of searching and sorting techniques.


Introduction to C Language - C Language Elements, Variable Declarations and Data Types,

Operators and Expressions, Decision Statements - If and Switch Statements, Loop Control Statements
- while, for, do-while Statements.

Introduction to Functions, Storage classes, Arrays, Structures, Unions, Pointers, Strings and Command
line arguments.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Use Cbasic concepts to write simple C programs. (L3)
 Design and develop C programs using functions and arrays. (L6)
 Apply String handling functions and pointers. (L3)

Unit – 2

Data Structures, Stacks and Queues- Overview of Data Structure, Representation of a Stack, Stack
Related Terms, Operations on a Stack, Implementation of a Stack, Evaluation of Arithmetic
Expressions, Infix, Prefix, and Postfix Notations, Evaluation of Postfix Expression, Conversion of
Expression from Infix to Postfix, Recursion, Queues - Various Positions of Queue, Representation of
Queue, Insertion, Deletion, Searching Operations.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Describe the operations of Stack. (L2)
 Explain the different notations of arithmetic expression. (L5)
 Develop various operations on Queues. (L6)
Unit – 3

Linked Lists–Pointers, Singly Linked List, Dynamically Linked Stacks and Queues, Polynomials
Using Singly Linked Lists, Using Circularly Linked Lists, Insertion, Deletion and Searching
Operations, Doubly linked lists and its operations, Circular linked lists and its operations.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Analyze various operations on singly linked list. (L4)
 Interpret the operations of doubly linked lists. (L2)
 Apply various operations on Circular linked lists. (L6)


Trees- Tree terminology, representation, Binary tress, representation, Binary tree traversals. Binary
Tree Operations, Graphs- Graph terminology, Graph representation, Elementary Graph Operations,
Breadth first search (BFS) and Depth first search (DFS), Connected Components, Spanning Trees.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Develop the representation of Tress. (L3)
 Identify the various Binary tree traversals. (L3)
 Illustrate different Graph traversals like BFS and DFS. (L2)


Searching and Sorting–Sequential, Binary, Exchange (Bubble) Sort, Selection Sort, Insertion Sort,
Quick Sort, Merge Sort, Heap Sort. Searching- Linear and Binary Search Methods.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Design the different sorting techniques (L6)
 Apply linear search and Binary search methods. (L3)

Text Books:
1. The C Programming Language, Brian W Kernighan and Dennis M Ritchie, Second Edition,
Prentice Hall Publication.
2. Fundamentals of Data Structures in C, Ellis Horowitz, Sartaj Sahni, Susan Anderson-Freed,
Computer Science Press.
3. Programming in C and Data Structures, J.R.Hanly, Ashok N. Kamthane and A. Ananda Rao,
Pearson Education.
4. B.A.Forouzon and R.F. Gilberg, “COMPUTER SCIENCE: A Structured Programming Approach
Using C”, Third edition, CENGAGE Learning, 2016.

5. Richard F. Gilberg & Behrouz A. Forouzan, “Data Structures: A Pseudocode Approach with C”,
Second Edition, CENGAGE Learning, 2011.
Reference Books:

1. PradipDey and ManasGhosh, Programming in C, Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition 2011.
2. E.Balaguruswamy, “C and Data Structures”, 4th Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
3. A.K.Sharma, Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C, 2nd Edition, University Press.
4. M.T.Somashekara, “Problem Solving Using C”, PHI, 2 nd Edition 2009.

Course Outcomes:

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Analyse the basic concepts of C Programming language. (L4)
 Design applications in C, using functions, arrays, pointers and structures. (L6)
 Apply various operations of Stacks and Queues in solving the problems. (L3)
 Explain operations on Linked lists. (L5)
 Demonstrate various tree traversals and graph traversal techniques. (L2)
 Design searching and sorting methods (L3)
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Course objectives:

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Train in the fundamental concepts of database management systems, database modeling and
design, SQL, PL/SQL and system implementation techniques.
 Enable students to model ER diagram for any customized application
 Inducting appropriate strategies for optimization of queries.
 Provide knowledge on concurrency techniques
 Demonstrate the organization of Databases


Introduction: Database systems applications, Purpose of Database Systems, view of Data, Database
Languages, Database Design, Database Engine, Database and Application Architecture, Database
Users and Administrators.

Introduction to Relational Model: Structure of Relational Databases, Database Schema, Keys,

Schema Diagrams, Relational Query Languages, Relational Algebra

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Distinguish between Database and File System
 Categorize different kinds of data models
 Define functional components of DBMS


Introduction to SQL: Overview of the SQL Query Language, SQL Data Definition, Basic Structure
of SQL Queries, Additional Basic Operations, Set Operations, Null Values, Aggregate Functions,
Nested Sub-queries, Modification of the Database. Intermediate SQL: Joint Expressions, Views,
Transactions, Integrity Constraints, SQL Data Types and Schemas, Index Defination in SQL,

Advanced SQL: Accessing SQL from a Programming Language, Functions and Procedures, Triggers,
Recursive Queries, Advanced Aggregation Features.
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Outline the elements of the relational model such as domain, attribute , tuple, relation and
 Distinguish between various kinds of constraints like domain, key and integrity
 Define relational schema
 Develop queries using Relational Algebra and SQL
 Perform DML operations on databases


Database Design and the E-R Model: Overview of the Design Process, The Entity-Relationship
Model, Complex Attributes, Mapping Cardinalities, Primary Key, Removing Redundant Attributes in
Entity Sets, Reducing E-R Diagrams to Relational Schemas, Extended E-R Features, Entity-
Relationship Design Issues, Alternative Notations for Modeling Data, Other Aspects of Database

Relational Database Design:

Features of Good Relational Designs, Decomposition Using Functional Dependencies, Normal
Forms, Functional-Dependency Theory, Algorithms for Decomposition using Functional
Dependencies, Decomposition Using Multivalued Dependencies, More Normal Forms, Atomic
Domains and First Normal Form, Database–Design Process, Modeling Temporal Data, Indexing.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Develop E-R model for the given problem
 Derive tables from E-R diagrams
 Differentiate between various normal forms based on functional dependency
 Apply normalization techniques to eliminate redundancy


Query Processing: Overview, Measures of Query cost, Selection Operation, Sorting, Join Operation,
Other Operations, Evaluation of Expressions, Query Processing in Memory.
Query optimization: Overview, Transformation of Relational Expressions, Estimating Statistics of
Expression Results, Choice of Evaluation Plans, Materialized views, Advanced Topics in Query
Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Identify variety of methods for effective processing of given queries.
 Obtain knowledge related to optimization techniques.


Transaction Management:
Transactions: Transaction Concept, A Simple Transactional Model, Storage Structure, Transaction
Atomicity and Durability, Transaction Isolation, Serializability, Transaction Isolation and Atomicity,
Transaction Isolation Levels, Implementation of Isolation Levels, Transactions as SQL Statements.
Concurrency Control: Lock-Based Protocols, Deadlock Handling, Multiple Granularity, Insert
Operations. Delete Operations and Predicate Reads, Timestamp-Based Protocols, Validation- Based
Protocols, Multiversion Shemes, Snapshot Isolation, Weak Levels of Consistency in Practice,
Advanced Topics in Concurrency.
Recovery System: Failure Classification, Storage, Recovery and Atomicity, Recovery Algorithm,
Buffer Management, Failure with Loss of Non-Volatile Storage, High Availability Using Remote
Backup Systems, Early Lock Release and Logical Undo Operations, ARIES, Recovery in Main-
Memory Databases.

Learning Outcomes:
At the end of this unit, the student will be able to
 Understand various properties of transaction.
 Design atomic transactions for an application.
 Gain the knowledge about log mechanism and check pointing techniques for system recovery.


1. A.Silberschatz, H.F.Korth, S.Sudarshan, “Database System Concepts”, 7/e, TMH 2020

1. Shamkant B. Navathe, “Database Management System” 6/e RamezElmasri PEA
2. “Database Principles Fundamentals of Design Implementation and Management”, Carlos
Coronel, Steven Morris, Peter Robb, Cengage Learning.
3. Raghurama Krishnan, Johannes Gehrke, “Database Management Systems”, 3/e, TMH

Course Outcomes

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Design a database for a real world information system
 Define transactions which preserve the integrity of the database
 Generate tables for a database
 Organize the data to prevent redundancy
 Pose queries to retrieve the information from database
MCA– I Sem L T P C
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Course Objectives:

 To train the students in solving computational problems

 To elucidate solving mathematical problems using Python programming language
 To understand the fundamentals of Pythonprogramming concepts and itsapplications.
 Practical understanding of building different types of models and their evaluation

List of Topics

1. Write a program to demonstrate a) Different numeric data types and b) To perform different
Arithmetic Operations on numbers in Python.
2. Write a program to create, append, and remove lists in Python.
3. Write a program to demonstrate working with tuples in Python.
4. Write a program to demonstrate working with dictionaries in Python.
5. Write a program to demonstrate a) arrays b) array indexing such as slicing, integer array indexing
and Boolean array indexing along with their basic operations in NumPy.
6. Write a program to compute summary statistics such as mean, median, mode, standard deviation
and variance of the given different types of data.
7. Write a script named copyfile.py. This script should prompt the user for the names of two text
files. The contents of the first file should be the input that to be written to the second file.
8. Write a program to demonstrateRegression analysis with residual plots on a given data set.
9. Write a program to demonstrate the working of the decision tree based ID3 algorithm. Use an
appropriate data set for building the decision tree and apply this knowledge to classify a new
10. Write a program to implement the naïve Bayesian classifier for a sample training data set stored as
a .CSV file. Compute the accuracy of the classifier, considering few test data sets.
11. Write a program to implement k-Nearest Neighbour algorithm to classify the iris data set. Print
both correct and wrong predictions using Java/Python ML library classes.
12. Write a program to implement k-Means clustering algorithm to cluster the set of data stored in
.CSV file. Compare the results of various “k” values for the quality of clustering.
13. Write a program to build Artificial Neural Network and test the same using appropriate data sets.


1. Francois Chollet, Deep Learning with Python, 1/e, Manning Publications Company, 2017
2. Peter Wentworth, Jeffrey Elkner, Allen B. Downey and Chris Meyers, “How to Think Like a
Computer Scientist: Learning with Python 3”, 3 rd edition, Available at
3. Paul Barry, “Head First Python a Brain Friendly Guide” 2 nd Edition, O’Reilly, 2016
4. DainelY.Chen “Pandas for Everyone Python Data Analysis” Pearson Education, 2019
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Course Objectives:

 To get familiar with the basic concepts of C programming.

 To design programs using arrays, strings, pointers and structures.
 To illustrate the use of Stacks and Queues
 To apply different operations on linked lists.
 To demonstrate the Binary tree traversal techniques.
 To design searching and sorting techniques.

Week l

Write C programs that use both recursive and non-recursive functions

i) To find the factorial of a given integer.

ii) To find the GCD (greatest common divisor) of two given integers.
iii) To solve Towers of Hanoi problem.

Week 2

a) Write a C program to find both the largest and smallest number in a list of integers.
b) Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following:
i) Addition of Two Matrices ii) Multiplication of Two Matrices

Week 3

a) Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations:

i) To insert a sub-string in to a given main string from a given position.
ii) To delete n Characters from a given position in a given string.

Week 4

a) Write a C program that displays the position or index in the string S where the string T begins, or –
1 if S doesn‘t contain T.

b) Write a C program to count the lines, words and characters in a given text.

Week 5

a) Write a C Program to perform various arithmetic operations on pointer variables.

b) Write a C Program to demonstrate the following parameter passing mechanisms:

i) call-by-value ii) call-by-reference
Week 6

Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations:

i) Reading a complex number
ii) Writing a complex number
iii) Addition of two complex numbers
iv) Multiplication of two complex numbers

(Note: represent complex number using a structure.)

Week 7

Write C programs that implement stack (its operations) using

i) Arrays
ii) Pointers

Week 8
Write C programs that implement Queue (its operations) using
i) Arrays
ii) Pointers

Week 9

Write a C program that uses Stack operations to perform the following:

i) Converting infix expression into postfix expression

ii) Evaluating the postfix expression

Week 10

Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations on singly linked list.

i) Creation ii) Insertion iii) Deletion iv) Traversal

Week 11

Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations on Doubly linkedlist.

i) Creation ii) Insertion iii) Deletion iv) Traversal

Week 12

Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following operations on Circular linkedlist.

i) Creation ii) Insertion iii) Deletion iv) Traversal

Week 13

Write a C program that uses functions to perform the following:

i) Creating a Binary Tree of integers

ii) Traversing the above binary tree in preorder, inorder and postorder.

Week 14

Write C programs that use both recursive and non-recursive functions to perform the following
searching operations for a Key value in a given list of integers:

i) Linear search
ii) Binary search

Week 15

Write a C program that implements the following sorting methods to sort a given list of integers in
ascending order

i) Bubble sort
ii) Selection sort

Week 16

Write a C program that implements the following sorting methods to sort a given list of integers in
ascending order

i) Insertion sort
ii) Merge sort
iii) Quick sort

Text Books:
1. Programming in C and Data Structures, J.R.Hanly, Ashok N. Kamthane and A. Ananda Rao,
Pearson Education.
2. B.A.Forouzon and R.F. Gilberg, “COMPUTER SCIENCE: A Structured Programming
Approach Using C”, Third edition, CENGAGE Learning, 2016.
3. Richard F. Gilberg & Behrouz A. Forouzan, “Data Structures: A Pseudocode Approach with
C”, Second Edition, CENGAGE Learning, 2011.

Reference Books:
1. Pradip Dey and ManasGhosh, Programming in C, Oxford University Press, 2nd Edition 2011.
2. E.Balaguruswamy, “C and Data Structures”, 4 th Edition, Tata Mc Graw Hill.
3. A.K.Sharma, Computer Fundamentals and Programming in C, 2nd Edition, University Press.
4. M.T.Somashekara, “Problem Solving Using C”, PHI, 2nd Edition 2009.
Course Outcomes

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Demonstrate basic concepts of C programming language. (L2)
 Develop C programs using functions, arrays, structures and pointers. (L6)
 Illustrate the concepts Stacks and Queues. (L2)
 Design operations on Linked lists. (L6)
 Apply various Binary tree traversal techniques. (L3)
 Develop searching and sorting methods. (L6)
MCA– I Sem L T P C
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Course Objectives:
 To implement the basic knowledge of SQL queries and relational algebra.
 To construct database models for different database applications.
 To apply normalization techniques for refining of databases.
 To practice various triggers, procedures, and cursors using PL/SQL.
 To design and implementation of a database for an organization


1. Create a table called Employee with the following structure.

Name Type
Empn Number
Ename Varchar2(20
Job Varchar2(20
Mgr Number
Sal Number

a. Add a column commission with domain to the Employee table.

b. Insert any five records into the table.
c. Update the column details of job
d. Rename the column of Employ table using alter command.
e. Delete the employee whose empno is19.

2. Create department table with the following structure.

Name Type
Deptno Number
Deptnam Varchar2(20)
location Varchar2(20)

a. Add column designation to the department table.

b. Insert values into the table.
c. List the records of emp table grouped by dept no.
d. Update the record where dept no is9.
e. Delete any column data from the table

3. Create a table called Customer table

Name Type
Cust Varchar2(20)
Cust Varchar2(20)

Cust city Varchar2(20)

a. Insert records into the table.

b. Add salary column to the table.
c. Alter the table column domain.
d. Drop salary column of the customer table.
e. Delete the rows of customer table whose ust_city is ‘hyd’.
f. Create a table called branch table.

Name Type
Branch Varchar2(20)
Branch city Varchar2(20)
asserts Number

4. Increase the size of data type for asserts to the branch.

a. Add and drop a column to the branch table.
b. Insert values to the table.
c. Update the branch name column
d. Delete any two columns from the table

5. Create a table called sailor table

Name Type
Sid Number
Snam Varchar2(20)
rating Varchar2(20)
a. Add column age to the sailortable.
b. Insert values into the sailortable.
c. Delete the row with rating>8.
d. Update the column details ofsailor.
e. Insert null values into thetable.

6. Create a table called reserves table

Name Type
Boat Integer
sid Integer
day Integer
a. Insert values into the reserves table.
b. Add column time to the reserves table.
c. Alter the column day data type to date.
d. Drop the column time in the table.`
e. Delete the row of the table with some condition.


1. a. Create a user and grant all permissions to the user.

b. Insert the any three records in the employee table and use rollback. Check the result.
c. Add primary key constraint and not null constraint to the employee table.
d. Insert null values to the employee table and verify the result.
2. a. Create a user and grant all permissions to the user.
b. Insert values in the department table and use commit.
c. Add constraints like unique and not null to the department table.
d. Insert repeated values and null values into the table.
3. a. Create a user and grant all permissions to the user.
b. Insert values into the table and use commit.
c. Delete any three records in the department table and use rollback.
d. Add constraint primary key and foreign key to the table.
4. a. Create a user and grant all permissions to the user.
b. Insert records in the sailor table and use commit.
c. Add save point after insertion of records and verify save point.
d. Add constraints not null and primary key to the sailor table.
5. a. Create a user and grant all permissions to the user.
b. Use revoke command to remove user permissions.
c. Change password of the user created.
d. Add constraint foreign key and no tnull.
6. a. Create a user and grant all permissions to the user.
b. Update the table reserves and use save point and rollback.
c. Add constraint primary key , foreign key and not null to the reserves table
d. Delete constraint not null to the table column

1. a. By using the group by clause, display the names who belongs to dept no 10 along
with average salary.
b. Display lowest paid employee details under each department.
c. Display number of employees working in each department and their department number.
d. Using built in functions, display number of employees working in each department and their
department name from dept table. Insert dept name to dept table and insert dept name for each
row, do the required thing specified above.
e. List all employees which start with either B or C.
f. Display only these ename of employees where the maximum salary is greater than or
equal to 5000.
2. a. Calculate the average salary for each different job.
b. Show the average salary of each job excluding manager.
c. Show the average salary for all departments employing more than three people.
d. Display employees who earn more than thelo west salary in department 30
e. Show that value returned by sign (n)function.
f. How many days between day of birth to current date
3. a. Show that two substring as single string.
b. List all employee names, salary and 15% rise in salary.
c. Display lowest paid emp details under each manager
d. Display the average monthly salary bill for each deptno.
e. Show the average salary for all departments employing more than two people.
f. By using the group by clause, display the eid who belongs to dept no 05 along with a
verage salary.
4. a. Count the number of employees in department20
b. Find the minimum salary earned by clerk.
c. Find minimum, maximum, average salary of all employees.
d. List the minimum and maximum salaries for each job type.
e. List the employee names in descending order.
f. List the employee id, names in ascending order by empid.
5. a. Find the sids ,names of sailors who have reserved all boats called “INTERLAKE
Find the age of youngest sailor who is eligible to vote for each rating level with at least two
such sailors.
b. Find the sname , bid and reservation date for each reservation.
c. Find the ages of sailors whose name begin and end with B and has at least 3characters.
d. List in alphabetic order all sailors who have reserved red boat.
e. Find the age of youngest sailor for each rating level.
6. a. List the Vendors who have delivered products within 6 months from or derdate.
b. Display the Vendor details who have supplied both Assembled and Subparts.
c. Display the Sub parts by grouping the Vendor type (Local or Non Local).
d. Display the Vendor details in ascending order.
e. Display the Sub part which costs more than any of the Assembled parts.
f. Display the second maximum cost Assembled part


1. a. Write a PL/SQL program to swaptwonumbers.

b. Write a PL/SQL program to find the largest of three numbers.
2. a. Write a PL/SQL program to find the total and average of 6 subjects and display thegrade.
b. Write a PL/SQL program to find the sum of digits in a given umber.
3. a. Write a PL/SQL program to display the number in reverse order.
b. Writea PL/SQLprogramto checkwhetherthegiven numberisprimeornot.
4. a. Write a PL/SQL program to find the factorial of a givennumber.
b. Write a PL/SQL code block to calculate the area of a circle for a value of radius varying from
3 to 7. Store the radius and the corresponding values of calculated area in an empty table
named areas, consisting of two columns radius andarea.
5. a. Write a PL/SQL program to accept a string and remove the vowels from the string. (When
‘hello’ passed to the program it should display ‘Hll’ removing e and o from the worldHello).
b. Write a PL/SQL program to accept a number and a divisor. Make sure the divisor is less than
or equal to 10. Else display an error message. Otherwise Display the remainderin words.


1. Write a function to accept employee number as parameter and return Basic +HRA together as
single column.
2. Accept year as parameter and write a Function to return the total net salary spent for a givenyear.
3. Create a function to find the factorial of a given number and hence find NCR.
4. Write a PL/SQL block o pint prime Fibonacci series using local functions.
5. Create a procedure to find the lucky number of a given birth date.
6. Create function to the reverse of given number


1. Create a row level trigger for the customers table that would fire for INSERT or UPDATE or
DELETE operations performed on the CUSTOMERS table. This trigger will display the
salary difference between the old values and new values:



1 Alive 24 Khammam 2000
2 Bob 27 Kadappa 3000
3 Catri 25 Guntur 4000
4 Dena 28 Hyderabad 5000
5 Eeshwar 27 Kurnool 6000
6 Farooq 28 Nellur 7000

2. Creation of insert trigger, delete trigger, update trigger practice triggers using the passenger
Passenger( Passport_ id INTEGER PRIMARY KEY, Name VARCHAR (50)
NotNULL, Age Integer Not NULL, Sex Char, Address VARCHAR (50) NotNULL);
a. Write a Insert Trigger to check the Passport_id is exactly six digits ornot.
b. Write a trigger on passenger to display messages ‘1 Record is inserted’, ‘1 record is
deleted’, ‘1 record is updated’ when insertion, deletion and updation are done on
3. Insert row in employee table using Triggers. Every trigger is created with name any trigger
have same name must be replaced by new name. These triggers can raised before insert, update
or delete rows on data base. The main difference between a trigger and a stored procedure is
that the former is attached to a table and is only fired when an INSERT, UPDATE or
4. Convert employee name into uppercase whenever an employee record is inserted or updated.
Trigger to fire before the insert orupdate.
5. Trigger before deleting a record from emp table. Trigger will insert the row to be deleted into
table called delete _emp and also record user who has deleted the record and date and time
6. Create a transparent audit system for a table CUST_MSTR. The system must keep track of the
records that are being deleted or updated


1. Create the procedure for palindrome of given number.

2. Create the procedure for GCD: Program should load two registers with two Numbers and then
apply the logic for GCD of two numbers. GCD of two numbers is performed by dividing the
greater number by the smaller number till the remainder is zero. If it is zero, the divisor is the
GCD if not the remainder and the divisors of the previous division are the new set of two
numbers. The process is repeated by dividing greater of the two numbers by the smaller
number till the remainder is zero and GCD isfound.
3. Write the PL/SQL programs to create the procedure for factorial of givennumber.
4. Write the PL/SQL programs to create the procedure to find sum of N naturalnumber.
5. Write the PL/SQL programs to create the procedure to find Fibonacciseries.
6. Write the PL/SQL programs to create the procedure to check the given number is perfect ornot

1. Write a PL/SQL block that will display the name, dept no, salary of fist highest paid employees.
2. Update the balance stock in the item master table each time a transaction takes place in the
item transaction table. The change in item master table depends on the item id is already
present in the item master then update operation is performed to decrease the balance stock by
the quantity specified in the item transaction in case the item id is not present in the item
master table then the record is inserted in the item master table.
3. Write a PL/SQL block that will display the employee details along with salary using cursors.
4. To write a Cursor to display the list of employees who are working as a Managers or Analyst.
5. To write a Cursor to find employee with given job and dept no.
6. Write a PL/SQL block using implicit cursor that will display message, the salaries of all the
employees in the ‘employee’ table are updated. If none of the employee’s salary are updated we
geta message 'None of the salaries were updated'. Else we get a message like for example,
'Salaries for 1000 employees are updated' if there are 1000 rows in ‘employee’ table


A publishing company produces scientific books on various subjects. The books are written by
authors who specialize in one particular subject. The company employs editors who, not
necessarily being specialists in a particular area, each take sole responsibility for editing one or
more publications.
A publication covers essentially one of the specialist subjects and is normally written by a single
author. When writing a particular book, each author works with on editor, but may submit another
work for publication to be supervised by other editors. To improve their competitiveness, the
company tries to employ a variety of authors, more than one author being a specialist in a
particular subject for the above case study, do the following:
1. Analyze the data required.
2. Normalize the attributes.
Create the logical data model using E-R diagrams


A General Hospital consists of a number of specialized wards (such as Maternity, Pediatric,
Oncology, etc). Each ward hosts a number of patients, who were admitted on the recommendation
of their own GP and confirmed by a consultant employed by the Hospital. On admission, the
personal details of every patient are recorded. A separate register is to be held to store the
information of the tests undertaken and the results of a prescribed treatment. A number of tests
may be conducted for each patient. Each patient is assigned to one leading consultant but may be
examined by another doctor, if required. Doctors are specialists in some branch of medicine and
may be leading consultants for a number of patients, not necessarily from the same ward. For the
above case study, do the following.
1. Analyze the data required.
2. Normalize the attributes.
Create the logical data model using E-R diagrams

A database is to be designed for a car rental company. The information required includes a
description of cars, subcontractors (i.e. garages), company expenditures, company revenues and
customers. Cars are to be described by such data as: make, model, year of production, engine size,
fuel type, number of passengers, registration number, purchase price, purchase date, rent price and
insurance details. It is the company policy not to keep any car for a period exceeding one year. All
major repairs and maintenance are done by subcontractors (i.e. franchised garages), with whom
CRC has long-term agreements. Therefore the data about garages to be kept in the database
includes garage names, addresses, range of services and the like. Some garages require payments
immediately after a repair has been made; with others CRC has made arrangements for credit
facilities. Company expenditures are to be registered for all outgoings connected with purchases,
repairs, maintenance, insurance etc. Similarly the cash inflow coming from all sources: Car hire,
car sales, insurance claims must be kept of file. CRC maintains a reasonably stable client base.
For this privileged category of customers special credit card facilities are provided. These
customers may also book in advance a particular car. These reservations can be made for any
period of time up to one month. Casual customers must pay a deposit for an estimated time of
rental, unless they wish to pay by credit card. All major credit cards are accepted. Personal details
such as name, address, telephone number, driving license, number about each customer are kept in
the database. For the above case study, do the following:
1. Analyze the data required.
2. Normalize the attributes.
Create the logical data model using E-R diagrams


A database is to be designed for a college to monitor students' progress throughout their course of
study. The students are reading for a degree (such as BA, BA (Hons) M.Sc., etc) within the
framework of the modular system. The college provides a number of modules, each being
characterized by its code, title, credit value, module leader, teaching staff and the department they
come from. A module is coordinated by a module leader who shares teaching duties with one or
more lecturers. A lecturer may teach (and be a module leader for) more than one module. Students
are free to choose any module they wish but the following rules must be observed: Some modules
require pre- requisites modules and some degree programmes have compulsory modules. The
database is also to contain some information about
i.e. modules taken and examination results. For the above case study, do the following:
1. Analyze the datarequired.
2. Normalize theattributes.
3. Create the logical data model i.e., ERdiagrams.
4. Comprehend the data given in the case study by creating respective tables with primary
keys and foreign keys whereverrequired.
5. Insert values into the tables created (Be vigilant about Master- Slavetables).
6. Display the Students who have taken M.Sccourse
7. Display the Module code and Number of Modules taught by eachLecturer.
8. Retrieve the Lecturer names who are not Module Leaders.
9. Display the Department name which offers ‘English’module.
10. Retrieve the Prerequisite Courses offered by every Department (with Departmentnames).
11. Present the Lecturer ID and Name who teaches‘Mathematics’.
12. Discover the number of years a Module istaught.
13. List out all the Faculties who work for ‘Statistics’Department.
14. List out the number of Modules taught by each ModuleLeader.
15. List out the number of Modules taught by a particularLecturer.
16. Create a view which contains the fields of both Department and Module tables. (Hint-
The fields like Module code, title, credit, Department code and itsname).
17. Update the credits of all the prerequisite courses to 5. Delete the Module ‘History’ from the

Reference Books:
1. Ramez Elmasri, Shamkant, B. Navathe, “Database Systems”, Pearson Education, 7th Edition,
2. Peter Rob, Carles Coronel, “Database System Concepts”, Cengage Learning, 7th Edition, 2008.

Web References:


HARDWARE: Desktop Computer Systems: 24 nos

SOFTWARE: Oracle 11g.

Course Outcomes

At the end of this unit, the student will be able to

 Design database for any real world problem
 Implement PL/SQL programs
 Define SQL queries
 Decide the constraints
 Investigate for data inconsistency

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