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CBCS Syllabus


Undergraduate Courses
(Honours and Pass courses)

Department of Education
Nagaland University

Core papers (14 Nos) (6 credit each)

Paper Code Course Code Title of the paper Total


C-1 EDN C-1 Psychological Foundations of Education 6

C-2 EDN C-2 Philosophical Foundations of Education 6
C-3 EDN C-3 Sociological Foundations of Education 6
C-4 EDN C-4 Basics of Educational Research 6
C-5 EDN C-5 Trends and Issues of Modern Indian Education 6
C-6 EDN C-6 Educational Measurement and Evaluation 6
C-7 EDN C-7 Educational Technology 6
C-8 EDN C-8 Development of education in India 6
C-9 EDN C-9 Statistics in Education 6
C-10 EDN C -10 Educational Management 6
C-11 EDN C-11 Guidance and Counselling in Education 6
C-12 EDN C-12 Curriculum Development and Construction 6
C-13 EDN C-13 Education in Modern India 6
C-14 EDN C-14 Structure and Issues of Contemporary 6
Education in India


Paper Code Course Code Title of the paper Total

GE-1 EDN GE-1 Psychological Foundations of Education 6
GE-2 EDN GE-2 Sociological Foundations of Education 6
GE-3 EDN GE-3 Trends and Issues of Modern Indian Education 6
GE-4 EDN GE-4 Development of Education in India 6

Paper Code Course Code Title of the paper Total

DSE-1 EDN DSE-1 A. Pedagogy of Teaching / 6
B. Distance Education
DSE-2 EDN DSE- 2 A. Development of Education in North- 6
East India /
B. Comparative Education
DSE-3 EDN DSE- 3 A. Gender and Education / 6
B. Economics of Education
DSE-4 EDN DSE- 4 A. Value Education/ 6
B. Population Education/
C. Project / Dissertation


Paper Code Course Code Title of the paper Total Credit

SEC-1 EDN SEC- 1 Life Skills Education 2

SEC-2 EDN SEC-2 Communication Skills 2

Core papers (4 papers for each discipline)

Paper Code Course Code Title of the paper Total Credit

DSC-1A EDN DSC-1 Psychological Foundations of Education 6
DSC -1B EDN DSC-2 Sociological Foundations of Education 6
DSC-1C EDN DSC-3 Trends and Issues of Modern Indian 6
DSC-1D EDN DSC-4 Development of Education in India 6


Paper Code Course Code Title of the paper Total Credit

SEC-1 EDN SEC-1 Life Skills Education 2
SEC-2 EDN SEC-2 Communication Skills 2
SEC-3 From Common Pool
SEC-4 From Common Pool


Paper Code Course Code Title of the paper Total Credit

DSE1A EDN DSE -1 A. Pedagogy / 6
B. Distance Education
DSE1B EDN DSE –3 A. Gender and Education / 6
B. Economics of Education


GE-1 EDN GE-5 Inclusive Education 6

GE-2 EDN GE-6 Mental Health Education 6


Course Objectives
1. To enable the students to understand the meaning and concept of Psychology.
2. To enable them to understand the dimensions of Growth and Development.
3. To familiarize students with knowledge of Learning and Motivation.
4. To acquaint them with the knowledge of Intelligence and Creativity.
5. To enable them to understand the different aspects of personality and means of
developing an integrated personality.
Course Contents
UNIT I Concept of Educational Psychology
- Concept of Psychology and Educational Psychology
- Methods of Educational Psychology - Experimental, Differential & Clinical
- Application of Educational Psychology in teaching-learning process.
UNIT II Meaning of Growth and Development
- Principles of Development
- Stages of Development with special reference to adolescence period –
physical, social, emotional and intellectual
- Concept of individual difference – aptitude, interest and attention
UNIT III Intelligence and Creativity: Concept and Theories
- Meaning and Characteristics of Intelligence and Creativity
- Factors of Creativity
- Theories of Intelligence- Two-factor Theory, Group Factor Theory and
Structure of Intellect (SoI)
UNIT IV Theories of learning
- Meaning and Nature of Learning
- Factors affecting Learning.
- Theories of Learning- Trial and Error, Insightful Learning, Transfer of Learning.
UNIT V Personality and its nature, determinants and approaches
- Meaning and Nature of Personality
- Determinants of Personality Development (Home & School).
- Type and Trait approaches of Personality (Jung and Cattel).
- Freud’s theory of Personality.
Suggested Readings
1. Mangal, S.K. Educational Psychology. Prakash Brothers Educational Publishers.
2. Chauhan S.S . Advanced Educational Psychology. Vikas Publishing Hous
3. Agarwal, J.C. Essentials of Educational Psychology. Vikas Publishing House.
4. Bhatnagar, S. (2002); Advanced Educational Psychology, Agra: Bhargava Book House.
5. Hurlock, E. B. (1980). Developmental psychology: All span approach. New York : McGraw
Hill .
6. Sindhu, I. S. (2012). Educational Psychology. Pearson India.
7. Dash, B.N & N. Dash –A Test Book of Educational Psychology


Course Objectives:
1. To enable students to understand the meaning, aims and function of education
2. To develop an understanding of the role of major schools of philosophy in education
3. To acquaint students with the philosophical foundations of education.

Course Contents
UNIT-I Introduction
- Meaning of Educational Philosophy
- Relationship between Philosophy and Education
- Aims of education: Individual, Social, Vocational
UNIT-II Functions of Education
- Self-actualization
- Human Resource Development
- National integration and International understanding
UNIT-III Some Major Schools of Philosophy
- Idealism, Naturalism and Pragmatism
- Their contributions to present day education towards aims, curriculum,
methods of teaching and discipline

UNIT-IV Development of Values

- Meaning of values
- Classification of values (Social, Moral and Aesthetic)
- Strategies for inculcation of values through co-curricular and extra-
curricular activities in schools and colleges

UNIT-V Freedom and Discipline

- Meaning of Freedom and Discipline
- Types of discipline
- Importance of discipline in social life

Suggested Readings
1. Dash, B.N. Principles of Education and Education in the Emerging Indian Society. Delhi :
Ajanta Prakashan.
2. Taneja,V. R. Educational Thought & Practices.
3. Thakur, A.S. The Philosophical Foundations of Education.
4. Aggarwal, J.C. Theory and Principles of Education
5. Aggarwal, J.C - Philosophical and Sociological Bases of Education
6. Miri, Mrinal (2014). Philosophy of Education. Oxford University Press.


Credits :6

Course Objectives
1. To develop an understanding of the role of sociology in education
2. To acquaint learners with the sociological foundations of education
3. To understand the role of education in relation to social change, social interaction and
4. To understand and appreciate the role of community in resolving social issues and
educational inequalities

Course Contents
UNIT-I Introduction
- Meaning of Educational Sociology & Sociology of Education
- Relationship between Sociology and Education
- Sociological determinants of education
UNIT-II Social Change
- Meaning of social change.
- Factors affecting social change (Political, Economical and Technological)
- Education as an instrument of social change.
UNIT-III Education and Social Group
- Primary and Secondary groups
- Social interaction and its educational implications
- Concept & forms of social stratification
UNIT-IV Education and Culture
- Concept & components of culture
- Role of education in preservation and transmission of Naga cultural
- Cultural heritage of India with special reference to Nagaland
UNIT-V Current Social Problems in India with special reference to North-East
- Equalization of educational opportunities
- Role of community in solving social problems in the field of education
- Concept of Communitization of elementary education in Nagaland
Suggested Readings
1. Rao, Shankar C.N. (1995) Sociology. New Delhi : S Chand & Company Ltd.
2. Mathur, S.S. Sociological Approach to Indian education.
3. Chandra, S.S.(2002). Sociological Foundation of Education.
4. Saxena, N.R. Philosophical & Sociological Foundations of Education.
5. Sharma, Yogendra K. Sociological Philosophy of Education.
6. Aggarwal, J.C - Philosophical and Sociological Bases of Education


Credits :6

Course objectives

1. To understand the meaning, procedure and design of educational research.

2. To develop an understanding of the needs of educational research.
3. To develop the ability to carry out educational research and analyse different descriptive

Course contents
Unit I- Introduction of Educational Research.
- Meaning and characteristics of research;
- Needs for research in education;
- The nature/types of educational research: Basic, Applied and Action Research.
Unit II The Hypotheses and Review of Related Literature.
- Meaning, Types and formulation of hypotheses;
- Review of Related Literature: Purpose, identification and organising the related Literature.
Unit III Research Design and Data Collection.
- Meaning and functions of research design;
- Concept and types of sampling.
Unit IV Data Analysis.
- Qualitative data analysis;
- Quantitative data analysis.
Unit V Synopsis and Research Report.
- The Research synopsis;
- General Format of the Research Report.

Suggested Readings
1. Koul, Lokesh (2009). Methodology of Educational Research. New Delhi : Vikas Publishing
House, Pvt.Ltd.
2. Best John. W., and Kahn, James V. (2014). Research in Education.
3. Kothari, C.R (1990). Research Methodology – Methods and Techniques. New Delhi: New Age
International (P) Limited, Publishers.
4. Kumar, Ranjit. Research Methodology.
5. Sarma, Mukunda. Research Methodology.


Credits :6
Course Objectives
1. To develop understanding of significant trends and issues in modern Indian education
2. To focus on certain major national and social issues and the role of education in relation
to them
3. To develop understanding of alternative systems of education

Course Contents
UNIT I Adult and Continuing Education
- Concept of Adult and Continuing /Lifelong Education
- Efforts on Adult Education/Literacy- NAEP, NLM
- Liberal Education through open learning, Vocational Education
UNIT II Population Education
- Significance, need & objectives of Population Education
- Problems of Population Education
Relation between Population Education & Sex Education
UNIT III Education of Women and Girls
- Concept and need of prioritizing education for women & girls
- Promoting gender equality
- Schemes of the Government of India for promoting girls’ education
- Problems and remedial measures
UNIT IV Value Education
- Meaning & significance of Value Education
- Role of education in inculcation of values
- Programs/methods for development of value
UNIT V Open & Distance Education
- Concept, need and scope of distance education
- Modes of DE – correspondence education & open learning system
- Merits & Demerits of Distance Learning
Suggested Readings
1. Kochhar, S.K. Pivotal Issues in Indian Education.
2. Aggarwal, J.C. Education in India. Policies, Programmes & Development.
3. Pathak, R.P. History, Development & Contemporary Problems of Indian Education.
4. NCERT (1986). School Education in India – Present Status and Future Needs, New Delhi.
5. Salamatullah, (1979). Education in Social Context, NCERT, New Delhi.
6. Safaya, Srivastava & Singh (2007) . Development of Education in Emerging India & Its
Current Problems , Dhanpat Rai Publishing Company


Course Objectives
1. To develop understanding of the concepts of measurement and evaluation in the field of
2. To acquaint Learners with different types of measuring instruments and their uses
3. To familiarize students with the principles of test construction, both educational and
4. To develop understanding of a good measuring instrument and their importance in
educational measurement
Course Contents
Unit I Educational Measurement and Evaluation
- Meaning & nature of educational measurement
- Need for measurement in education
- Concept of evaluation in education
- Relation between measurement and evaluation
Unit II Tools used in Educational Measurement
- Measuring instrument and their classification
- Types of scales in educational measurement
- Norm referenced and criterions referenced test
- Types of Examination – Objective & Essay/Descriptive Type
Unit III Measuring instruments
- Characteristics of a good measuring instrument –
Unit IV Measurement of Attitude, Personality and Creativity
- Measurement of attitude (Likert),
- Personality (Rorschach-Ink Blot),
- Creativity (Baqer Mehdi)
Unit V Test Construction and Standardization
- General principles of test construction and standardization
- Scoring of students achievement
- Reporting test results & cumulative record card
Suggested Readings
1. Goswami, Marami (2003). Measurement and Evaluation in Psychology and
2. Anastasi A and Urbina S.(2012) Psychological Testing, New Delhi: PHI Learning
Private Limited .
3. Asthana, Bipin (2010). Measurement and Evaluation in Psychology and Education,
Agra:Agrawal Publications.
4. Sungoh, S.M. Educational Evaluation & Testing.


Course Objectives
1. To enable students to understand the meaning, nature and scope of educational
2. To create an understanding of the application of basics of technology in the process of
3. To familiarize with the technological advances made and to develop a positive attitude
toward the use of ICT in the educational process.

Course Contents
UNIT I Educational Technology
- Meaning, nature and scope
- Types - Hardware and software
UNIT II Communication Process
- Meaning & nature
- Process & components
- Types of classroom communication
- Mass media approach in educational technology
UNIT III System Approach & Instructional System
- Systems Approach to instructional process
- Instructional system designing- concept, components, steps in
Instructional system designing
UNIT IV Innovation in Educational Technology
- Programmed learning
- Micro and macro teaching
- Team teaching
UNIT V Personalized System of Instruction (PSI)
- Computerized Assisted Instruction
- Simulated Teaching
- Information Communication Technology (ICT) in distance education

Suggested Readings
1. Sharma, R.A.(2015).Technological Foundation of Education. Meerut:R.Lall Book
2. Mangal, S.K. Educational Technology.
3. Mangal, S.K and Uma Mangal (2014). Essentials of Educational Technology.
Delhi:PHI Learning Private Ltd.
4. Arulsamy, S. (2009). Application of ICT in Education. Hyderabad: Neelkamal
5. Mohanty, Jagannath (2008). Educational Technology. New Delhi: Deep and Deep
Credits :6

Course Objectives
1. To understand the historical development of education in India
2. To understand the salient features of ancient & medieval education
3. To acquaint with the genesis of the Modern Indian Education
Course Contents
UNIT-I Ancient India
- Vedic Education: Salient features
- Buddhist Education: Salient features
UNIT-II Medieval India
- Islamic Education: its salient features, objectives and curriculum.
- State patronage in education.
UNIT-III Education in British India
- Contributions of Christian Missionaries for the development of education in
- Significance of Charter Act of 1813.
UNIT-IV Growth of Modern System of Education
- Macaulay’s Minutes, 1835.
- Wood’s Despatch, 1854.
- Hunter Commission, 1882.
UNIT-V Movement for Compulsory Education in India
- Gokhale’s Bill, 1910.
- Calcutta University Commission, 1917.
- Hartog Committee Report, 1929.
Suggested Readings
1. Aggarwal, J.C. (2010). Development and Planning of Modern Education. New Delhi: Vikash
Publishing House, Pvt. Ltd.
2. Altekar, A. S. (2001). Education in Ancient India, Isha Book
3. Bhatia, R.L., & B.N. Ahuja (2000). Modern Indian Education and its problems. New Delhi:
Surjeet publication.
4. Chaube, S.P. (1980). History and Problems of Indian Education, Agra: Agarwal Publications
5. Chaube, S.P and A. Chaube (1999). Education in Ancient and Medieval India, New Delhi : S.
6. Nurullah, S. and Naik, J. P. (2016) . A Students’ History of Education in India (1800-1973).
Bombay: Macmillan India Ltd.
7. Nurullah , S. & J. P. Naik, J.P (1971).A History of Education in India during the British Period
Macmillan India Ltd
8. Mukherjee, S.N. (2014). Education in India Today and Tomorrow, Vinod Pustak Mandir.
9. Purkait, B. R (2012 ). Milestones in Modern Indian Education, New Delhi : New Central Book
Agency (P) Ltd.


Course Objectives
1. To develop the ability to use various statistical measures in analysis and interpretation of
educational data.
2. To develop the ability to organize relevant educational data
3. To develop the ability to represent educational data graphs and to develop the skill in
analyzing different descriptive measures.

Course Contents
Unit I - Introduction to Educational Statistics
- Meaning, nature, scope & use of educational statistics
- Sources of educational data
- Importance of statistics in education
Unit II Central Tendencies & Variability
- Measures of central tendencies – mean, median and mode
- Measures of variability – Standard Deviation
Unit III Normal Probability
- Concept of normal probability
- Properties and uses of normal probability curve in interpretation of test
- Divergence from normality- skewness & kurtosis
Unit IV Measures of Correlation
- Concept and kinds of correlation
- Computation of coefficient of correlation by rank difference & product
moment method
Unit V Representation of Data
- Concept of variable
- Types of data – grouped and ungrouped
- Graphical presentation of data – pie diagram, histogram, frequency
polygon, Cumulative frequency, graph - ogive and its uses
- Application of computer in data processing

Suggested Readings
1. Garrett, Henry E and Woodworth R.S.(1981), - Statistics in Psychology and Education
Bombay: Vakils, Feffer and Simons Ltd.
2. Guilford J.P.(1956) Fundamental Statistics in Psychology and Education, New York :
McGraw Hill Book Company Inc. New York.
3. Kothari ,C. R. (2004). Research Methodology, New Dehi: New Age International Ltd.
4. Best John W., and Kahn, James V.1986. Research in Education
5. Mangal, S.K.(2002). Statistics in Psychology and Education, New Delhi: Prentice-Hall
Course Objectives
1. To develop knowledge and understanding of the nature, scope, process and types of
2. To develop the ability to identify the roles of participating members (individual or
collective) and to plan various institutionalized managerial activities.
3. To enhance the ability of decision making in educational management.
Course Contents
UNIT I Educational Management
- Meaning, nature, scope and need
- Types of Educational Management - Centralized and Decentralized,
Authoritative/Autocratic and Democratic, Dynamic/Creative and Laissez
UNIT II Personnel Management
- Meaning of Personnel Management
- Leadership – meaning & nature, effective leadership
- Factors affecting managerial behavior - Personal, Social, Cultural,
Political, Institutional
UNIT III Management of Teaching-Learning Process
- Concept of teaching-learning process
- Steps of managing teaching-learning (planning, organizing, leading,
and controlling)
- Teacher as a manager
UNIT 1V Institutional Planning & Management
- Institutional planning – concept, need & importance
- School Plant including - equipments and assets
- Institutional Environment and discipline
UNIT V Educational Planning
- Meaning, need & significance
- Types & strategies of educational planning
- Steps in educational planning
Suggested Readings
1. Agarwal, J.C. Educational Administration and Management
2. Sharma, R.N. Educational Administration and Management.
3. Bhatnagar, S & P.K.Gupta(2010). Educational Administration and management, Meerut: R.
Lall Book Depot
4. NEUPA (2015). Model Education Code: Practices and Processes of school Management.
5. NEUPA (2013) Concepts and Terms Used in Educational Planning and Administration
6. Sidhu, K.S.: School Organization and Administration, New Delhi : Sterling Publication Pvt.
7. Mishra, R. C (2007).Theory of Education Administration, New Delhi :A. P. H.
Publishing Corporation


Course Objectives
1. To help students understand the meaning and importance of guidance and counseling.
2. To develop the ability to interpret various records for assessing the students’ strengths
and weaknesses.
3. To acquaint the students to various approaches in organizing vocational guidance.
4. To help in understanding the importance of job analysis and occupational information
Course Contents
UNIT I Introduction to Guidance
- Meaning, nature and scope
- Principles of guidance
- Philosophical, psychological & social bases of guidance
UNIT 2 Educational Guidance
- Meaning, need and importance of educational guidance
- Principles of educational guidance
- Basic data necessary for educational guidance: Pupils’ abilities, aptitudes,
personality, interest and attitudes
UNIT 3 Vocational Guidance
- Meaning and objectives
- Vocational guidance at the secondary stage
- Job analysis & job satisfaction
UNIT 4 Concept of Counseling
- Meaning, nature, scope & types
- Various steps and techniques
- Relationship between guidance & counseling
- Important qualities of a good Counselor
UNIT 5 Career Counseling
- Meaning and importance
- Career counseling with college students, adults & women
- Various approaches in organizing career guidance & counseling - Career
corner, career talk, career conference, simulated interview
Suggested Readings
1. Madhukar, Indira. Guidance and Counselling , New Delhi : Authors Press Publishers of
Scholarly Books.
2. Jaiswal, Sitaram. Principles of Guidance and Counselling.
3. Aggarwal, J.C. Educational Vocational Guidance and Counselling, New Delhi : Doaba.
House Booksellers & Publishers.
4. Agarwal, Rashmi (2006). Educational Vocational Guidance & Counselling: Principles,
Techniques & Programmes. New Delhi :Shipra Publication
5. Kochhar, S.K.( 1985 ). Educational and Vocational Guidance in Secondary Schools. New
Delhi: Sterling Publisher.


Credits :6

Course Objectives
1. To understand the meaning, types and importance of Curriculum.
2. To understand the basics of Curriculum Construction, Transaction and Evaluation
3. To acquaint with the national policies on Curriculum

Course Contents
UNIT I Introduction
- Meaning, need and importance of curriculum
- Aims and objectives of curriculum and its relation to different domains of
- Determinants of curriculum
- Core curriculum and Co-curricular activities
UNIT 2 Curriculum Framework at Different Levels of Education
- Principles of curriculum construction.
- Construction of a balanced curriculum.
- Process of curriculum transaction.
UNIT 3 Curriculum Development
- Its process – steps in curriculum development.
- Mechanics and models of curriculum development: classification of models,
Hilda Taba’s Model, Saylor’s Model.
- Evaluation of curriculum – meaning , need and aspects.
UNIT 4 Types of Curriculum
- Traditional
- Activity
- Experienced-centred.
UNIT 5 National Curriculum in India
- Reform in Curriculum (Indian Education Commission 1966)
- Salient features of the National Curriculum Framework 2005

Suggested Readings

1. Prasad, Janardhan &Vijay Kumari. Advanced Curriculum Construction, New Delhi :

Kanishka Publishers & Distributors.
2. Bolsara, Maitreya. Principles of Curriculum Construction, New Delhi : Kanishka
Publishers & Distributors.
3. Safaya, R.K & B.D.Shaida. Development of Educational Theory and Practice of


Credits :6
Course Objectives
1. To acquire adequate knowledge of the recommendations of various education
2. To understand the issues and problems of education at various levels of education

Course Contents

UNIT-I Development of Indian Education post Independence period with special

reference to :
- University Education Commission (1948-49)
- Secondary Education Commission (1952-53).
- Kothari Commission (1964-66).
UNIT-II National Policies on Education
- National Policy on Education 1986 – salient features
- Revised Policy of NPE, 1992 – salient features
- National education Policy, 2020 – salient features
UNIT III Educational Provisions
- Constitutional provisions in relation to Education
- Right to Education 2009
- Provisions for education of the disabled children with special reference to
the Integrated Education for Disabled Children
UNIT-IV Studies on some national commissions relevant to education
- National Knowledge Commission, 2006 (Sam Pitroda) with special
reference to Higher Education
- Salient Features of Yash Pal Committee Report.
UNIT-V Literacy status and problems of education
- Literacy status of India and Nagaland
- Problems and remedial measures of primary, secondary and higher
education in the North-East with special reference to Nagaland.

Suggested Readings
1. Chaube, S.P. History and Development of Indian Education
2. Aggarwal, J.C. Landmark in the History of Modern Indian Education.
3. ---- Development & Planning of Modern Education
4. Pandey, R.S. Development of Indian System of Education.
5. Ministry of Education, New Delhi. Challenges of Education. A Policy Perspective


Credits :6

Course Objectives
1. To understand the structure education in contemporary India.
2. To develop understanding of the objectives & aims at various level of education
3. To provide information on the important regulatory institution/bodies and their role in
Course Contents
UNIT I Early Childhood Care & Education
- Concept, need & relevance of ECCE in the context of universalization of
elementary education (UEE)
- ECCE & District Primary Education Program
- Challenges & priority task
UNIT II School Education
- Aims & objectives of elementary and secondary education
- Concept of UEE
- Vocationalisation of Secondary Education
- Problems and issues of school education in India
UNIT III Higher Education
- Aims & objectives
- Types of universities
- Quality control of higher education and National Accreditation and
Assessment Council (NAAC)
- Autonomy & accountability in higher education
UNIT IV Central Flagship programmes on Education
- Samagra Shiksha Abhiyan
- Rashtriya Uchhatar Shiksha Abhiyan (RUSA)
UNIT V Regulatory and Training Institution/Bodies
- NCERT, SCERT, National Council of Teacher Education (NCTE),
College of Teacher Education (CTE), District Institute of Education &
Training (DIET)
Suggested Readings
1. Agarwal, J.C. Development and Planning of Modern Education.
2. Agarwal, J.C. Education in India. Policies, Programmes & Development.
3. Pandey, R.S. Development of Indian System of Education.
4. Ministry of Education. New Delhi. Challenges of Education: A Policy Perspective 1985.

PEDAGOGY Credits :6

Course Objectives
1. To initiate the concept of Pedagogy and familiarize with educational process.
2. To develop the ability to analyze classroom teaching-learning and the ability to observe
classroom behavior.
3. To develop a positive attitude towards life and the teaching profession.

Course Contents

UNIT I Conceptual background on Pedagogy

- Meaning of pedagogy
- Definition, nature & characteristics of teaching
- Relationship between teaching and learning
UNIT II General principles of Teaching
- General principles of teaching
- Factors affecting teaching: Input and Output Variables.
- Characteristics of a good teacher
UNIT III Classroom Teaching
- Observation of classroom behaviour
- Flanders Interaction Analysis
- Behaviorist and Constructive Approach to Teaching.
UNIT IV Teaching Methods and Skills
-Teaching Methods- Lecture, demonstration, problem solving, programme
instruction and Story telling
- Teaching skills – use of blackboard, introducing a lesson, stimulus variation,
probing questions, reinforcement
UNIT V Functions of a teacher
-Functions of a teacher as a Planner, Facilitator, Counselor, Researcher
- Role of a teacher in a community

Suggested Readings

1. Agarwal, J.C. Essentials of Educational Technology: Teaching learning, Innovation in

Education – J.C.Agarwal, Delhi Vikas Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
2. Saxena, N.R.Swarup. Technology of Teaching , Meerut : Surya Publications
3. Chauhan, S. S. (2008). Innovations in Teaching Learning process. New Delhi: Vikas
Publishing House Pvt. Ltd.
4. Passi, B. K. (1976). Becoming Better Teacher. Baroda: CASE
Course Code : EDN DSE-1B


Course objectives
1. To enable the students to understand the concept and growth of distance education.
2. To familiarize students with types and approaches of support systems and services.
3. To acquaint students with various technologies of distance education.
4. To sensitize students on the importance of distance education for community development.
5. To know about the different agencies, problems, open and distance education in India.

Course Contents
UNIT I : Concept of Distance Education
- Concept and definition of distance education
- Nature and importance of distance education
- Merits and limitations of distance education
UNIT II : Growth and Development of Distance Education
- Growth and development of distance education
- Status of distance education in India
- Problems & remedial measures of distance education in India
UNIT III : Learner support systems and services
- Meaning and nature of learner support systems
- Types of learner support services
- ICT and networking to improve learner support service services
UNIT IV : Distance education and community development
- Role of distance education for community development
- Distance education for - rural development and women empowerment
- Courses for community development through distance education-
Technical/Vocational and Professional
UNIT V : Status and Role of Multi-media in Distance education
- Present status of multi-media in distance education
- Role of multi-media in distance education
- New interventions in distance education – Online teaching-learning (UGC-
SWAYAM) and digital initiatives by Government of India.

Suggested Readings:
1. Mohanty, Jagannath (2007) - Studies in Distance Education, Deep & Deep Publication Pvt. Ltd
2. Moore, Michael G & Greg Kearsley eds. (2012) - Distance Education: A Systems View of Online
Learning, Wadsworth Cengage Learning
3. Anjana ed. (2018) - Technology for Efficient Learner Support Services in Distance Education,
Springer publications
4. Manohar Pawar (2014) - Social and Community Development Practice, Sage publications.
5. Sharma, Madhulika (2006). Distance Education – Concept and Principles. New Delhi : Kanishka
Publishers, Distributors.
6. Somayajulu, B.K. & Ramakrishna (2014). Distance Learners and Support Services- Current
Trends and Prospects.
7. Pandey, Sanjeev & Masood Parvez (2006). Monitoring Learning Support Sevices: Four Decades
of Distance Education in India – Reflections on Policy and Practice.


Course Objectives
1. To trace the growth and development of education in the North East of India
2. To understand some issues & problems of education - elementary, secondary and higher
education in the North-East of India
3. To understand the status and types of teacher education in the NE
4. To acquaint with educational administration and management in the context of Nagaland
Course Contents
UNIT I History of Education in N-E India
- A background of the region and its people
- Education in the Pre-Independence period
- Development of education in Independent India
UNIT II Elementary Education in the North-East Region
- Structure and pattern of elementary education
- Steps taken to achieve the target of universalization of elementary of
education (UEE)
- Problems of elementary education
UNIT III Secondary Education
- Review of the development of secondary education in the North-East India
- Problems of secondary education
- Vocationalization of secondary education
UNIT IV Higher Education
- Development of higher education in the North-East
- Technical education
- University education
- Issues of higher education in the North-East
UNIT V Teacher Education and Educational Administration
- Status of teacher education in the North-East
- Types of teacher education institutions
- Agencies for in-service education of teachers
- Educational administration and management in North East India

Suggested Readings
1. Tiwari, R.P. Problems of Education in North East India. Vikas Brothers, Ludhiana.
2. Biswas, N.B (2008) Education in North East India, New Delhi : Shipra Publications.
Pallab Jyoti Boruah, Problems and Future prospects of Higher Education in North East
India, IJHSSI.
3. Lyndem, Biloris and Kumar DE Utpal (2004), Education in North East India (Experience
and Challenge), New Delhi : Concept Publishing Company.
4. North East India Education Society. North East Education. Journal of the North East
India Education Society.
5. North East India Education Society. Proceedings of the Annual Conferences & Seminars.

Credits :6

Course Objectives

1. To enable the students to understand the meaning and scope of comparative education.
2. To identify the field of comparative education and its areas for studies.
3. To enable the students to understand the education system of different countries and comparison
of these system
4. To understand different approaches within comparative education.

Unit- I: Introduction
(a) Meaning, scope and importance of comparative education.
(b) Factors of comparative education
(c) Methods and approaches of comparative education

Unit –II : Primary Education

- Aims and objectives of primary education

- Comparative study of primary education in India, USA and UK

Unit –III : Secondary Education

- Structure and salient features of secondary education

- Comparative study of secondary education in India, USA and UK

Unit –IV : Higher Education

- Higher education systems and problems

- Comparative study of higher education in India, USA and UK

Unit – V : Teacher Education

- Status of teacher education through conventional and distance modes
- Comparative study of teacher education in India, USA and UK

Suggested Readings
1. A. Biswas & J.C Aggarwal (1995). Comparative Education Delhi : Deepak Offset Printer.
2. Sodhi, T.S (1983). A textbook of comparative education. 3rd Revised edition
3. Sharma, R.A.Sharma . Comparative Education – Educational systems and problems of the world.
4. Sharma, R.S (1998). Comparative education (1998) , Delhi : Mehra Offset Press.
5. Chaube, S.P : Features of Comparative Education
6. Hans, Nicholas A. (1949). Comparative Education: A Study of Educational Factors and
Traditions. London, U.K.: Routledge & Kegan Paul.
7. Bereday, G.Z.F. (1964). Comparative Method in Education . New York : Holt, Rinehart and
Winston .
8. Biswas, A & Aggarwal, J,C. (1986). Comparative Education . New Delhi :Arya Book Depot


Credits :6

Objectives :
1. To understand the basic terms, concepts used in gender studies
2. To understand the gender discrimination in construction and dissemination of knowledge\
3. To develop an awareness and sensitivity
Course Contents
UNIT I – Gender concepts
- Definition of gender
- Difference between sex and gender
- Need for gender sensitization

UNIT-II – Gender Socialization

- Gender socialization
- Gender biases in the family and school

UNIT-III – Gendered education

- Gender disparity in education
- Educational goals from gender perspectives

UNIT – IV Gender Gap

- Political
- Employment
- Economic
- Health
UNIT –V – Gender Justice and women empowerment
- Women’s rights in India and its obstacles
- Social legislation – constitutional provisions for women in India

Suggested Readings
1. Nagendra, Shilaja. Women and Human Rights. Jaipur, India. ABD publishers
2. Parvin, M.R. empowerment of women : Stratefies and systems for gender justice, New
Delhi. Dominanat Publishers
3. Rao, D.B and D.P.Rao. Women, Education and Empowerment. New Delhi : Discovery
Publishing House
4. Rao, D.B. Interantional Encyclopedia of Women, New Delhi: Discovery Publishing
5. Rege, Sharmila. Sociology of Gender. New Delhi : Sage Publications

Credits :6
Course objective:
To enable learners to
 Develop an understanding of planning, financing and cost education
 Develop an understanding of the link between the educational system and economic
 Develop an understanding of educational problems
Course Contents
Unit -1 Introduction
- Meaning,objectives,definition-economics of education
- Scope and importance of economics of education
- Relationship between economics and education
Unit-2 Education and economic development
- Education as a pre-requisite ,as an accelerator and as a major determinant of economic
- Suggestion for improvement in the educational system for economic development.

Unit-3 Contribution of education to economic growth

- Education as an investment and its return
- Productivity and wastage in education
- Quality education and economic growth

Unit-4 Human resource development in relation to education and economic growth

- The concept of HRD , signifance and development of human resource through education
- The problems of educated unemployment, underemployment and disguised

Unit – Resources for financing education

- Sources of funding – public and private
- Fees as a source of finance
- Private sector, community contribution and external aid

Suggested Reading :
1. Balung .M.M(1972). An Introduction to the Economics of Education, London:Penguin
2. Balsara.M.(1996). New Education Policy and Development Challenge, New Delhi :
Kanishka Publishers.
3. Saxena,S.(1979). Educational Planning in India , New Delhi : Sterling Publishers Pvt
4. Seejan, J. Economics of Education, London. George Allen and Unwin Ltd.
5. Saxena, S. Philosophical and Sociological Foundations of Education

Credits :6
Course Objectives:
1. To acquire knowledge of human values and its importance
2. To familiarize students with both modern and traditional values.
3. To acquire values needed for personal and professional ethics
4. To enable students to understand the Indian cultural heritage and national goals

Course Contents
- Meaning, concept, Nature of Value Education.
- Aims & Objectives, Needs and importance.
- Classification o f Values

A. Role of Education in transformation of values in the society.

B. Traditional and Modern values.
C. Role of a parents, peer-group, teachers, Mass-Media in fostering value education.


A. Meaning of Human Values

B. Basis and norms of Human values
C. Relevance of Human values to holistic development


A. Strategies for Inculcation of value through curricular and co-curricular activities.

B. Teacher as value facilitator and mentor



A. Constitutional values - Democracy, Secularism, Nationalism, Social justice.

B. National and international understanding.
C. Role of education in achieving these aspirations.

Suggested Readings:

1. Arulsamy, S. Peace and Human Education , Neelkamal Publications

2. Raja,L. & S. Jayachandran (2014). Value Education for children, Sonali Publications
3. Rao T.V (1996). Human Resource development. Sage Publications.
4. Sachdeva,M.S & K.K. Sharma. A new approach to philosophical & Sociological Basis of
5. Sharma . S. P (2013). Moral and value; Principles & Practices. Kanishka Publishers 2013

Course objectives:
1. To develop understanding of significant trends in population education.
2. To focus on certain major National and social issues and the role of education to them.
3. To have an insight about the current population rate and suggestive measures.

Course Content

UNIT I- Concept of Population Education

- Meaning, need and objectives of population education.

- Scope of population education.
- Importance of population education.
- Problems of population education.

UNIT II - Population Education, Sex Education and Social Problems

- Meaning and need of sex education.

- Relationship between population education and sex education.
- Population explosion and its consequences
- Factors affecting population growth – fertility, mortality and migration

UNIT III - Population Policies

- National Population Policy 2000

- Development of population education at Global and National level.
- Population literacy campaign.

UNIT IV - Population and Economic Development

- Impact of population growth on –

o Nutrition
o health service,
o natural resources
- Remedial measures

UNIT V- Population Education at Different Stages

- Primary, Secondary and Higher Secondary

- Curriculum development for population education
Suggested Readings

1. Kochhar, S.K. Pivotal issues in Indian education, Sterling Publishers Pvt. Ltd.
2. Wangoo, M.L.(2018). Population Education, Ludhiana : Tandon Publications Book
3. Gupta, P.K. Population Education Meerut : R. Lall Book Depot
4. Taloh, Tasi. Population Education , Delhi : Balaji publications
5. Kumarasena, Harsha. A textbook of population Education , New Delhi : Wisdom Press
6. Nanda, S.K. Population Education: An informative update
7. Aggarwal, J.C. Theory and Principles of Education (Philosophical and Sociological
8. Harishankar & Gupta, P.K. (2016). Population Education
9. Iyer, Nikita. Population Education
10. Four Authors. Educating the emerging Indian society. New Delhi : Doaba House, Book
sellers and Publishers .
Course Code : EDN DSE- 4C


Objectives :
1. To acquaint students with the concept of a research project/ study
2. To take students through the process of a research project/ dissertation
3. To enable the students to prepare a research report/ dissertation

Guidelines for the Dissertation/Project

1. A student needs to undertake the dissertation/project under the supervision of a teacher

2. A teacher can supervise more than one student at a time depending on the number of
students and teachers available in the department.
3. After completion of the dissertation/project, a report may be submitted to the department
for evaluation. The evaluation may be done internally by a committee constituted under the
Chairmanship of the Head of the Department. If any college so desires, it may invite an
external examiner from a neighbouring college/institution.
4. The full marks for the dissertation/project is 100 and pass mark is 40. Te project evaluation
may be made out of 100 at the end of term. No mid-term evaluation is required.
5. The evaluation will be done as follows :
Activity Marks allotted Marks to be given by
Continuous evaluation/ Student’s regularity 20 Supervisor
Timely completion of work 10 Supervisor
Presentation of the report 20 Committee
Content of the Report 30 Committee
Viva voce 20 Committee

6. The report shall be prepared as per format given below

Title Page
Table of Contents
Bonafide certificate with signature of the Supervisor and Head of the Department
Declaration by the Student
Chapter 1 : Introduction
Chapter 2 : Review of related literature
Chapter 3 : Methodology
Chapter 4: Analysis and Interpretation
Chapter 5 : Findings, Suggestions and Conclusions


Course Objectives
1. To introduce the concept of Inclusive Education
2. To understand the different categories of children with special needs
3. To understand and appreciate the needs of such children in the society

Course Contents
UNIT I Introduction to Inclusive Education
- Concept and meaning of Inclusive Education
- Need and importance
- Objectives of Inclusive Education

UNIT II Types and characteristics of children with special needs (CWSN)

- Visual and hearing impaired
- Speech and language impaired
- Orthopaedically challenged
- Children with learning disabilities

UNIT III Policies and Programs of Inclusion

- Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act , 2016
- Convention on the Rights of Children (CRC)
- National Commission for Protection of Child Rights

UNIT IV Education of Children with Special Needs

- Visual and hearing impaired
- Children with learning disabilities
- Socially and economically disadvantaged

UNIT V Role of Family and Community

- Role of family & community in the nurturance of children with special needs
- Role of NGOs in providing for the CWSNs
-Rehabilitation Council of India (RCI)
Suggested Readings
1. Advani, Lal & Chadha A.(2003). You and Your Special Children.
2. Panda K. C. (1997). Education of the Exceptional Children.
3. S.K Mangal.(2008). Educating of the Exceptional Children: An Introduction to Special
4. Dessent, T. (1987): Making the Ordinary School Special, London:The Falmer Press.
5. Pandey, R.S. and Advani, L. (1995): Perspectives in Disability and Rehabilitation. New
Delhi: Vikas Publishing House


Credits :6

Course objectives :
1. To enable the students understand the meaning and concept of Mental Health Education
2. To familiar with people having psychological and maladjustment problems and to help them to
understand the prevention and treatment of mental health.
3. Describe the role of different agencies of society and their impacts on the development of an
individual’s personality.
4. Describe the various components of diagnostic and remedial techniques and its significance in
the teaching learning processes.
5. Integrate yoga in their day-to-day lives for holistic health and well-being.

Course Contents

Unit-I Mental Health and Education

a) Meaning and Definitions of Mental Health
b) Education and Mental Health
c) Characteristics of a Mentally Healthy Person
Unit-II Education and Mental Health
a) Principles of Good Mental Health
b) Mental Health Problems, Issues and Concerns
c) Factors Affecting Mental Health (Home, Society and School)
Unit-III Mental Conflict and Adjustment
a) Conflict: Concept, Types and Causes
b) Adjustment: Meaning and Characteristics
c) Adjustment Mechanisms
d) Maladjustment: Concept, Causes and Remedial measures
Unit-IV Diagnostic and Remedial Techniques
a)Diagnostic Techniques: Case Study and Psycho Analysis
b)Remedial Techniques: Individual and Group Psycho-Therapies and Their Usefulness
c)Counseling Therapy and its Types
Unit-V Mental Health in Schools
a).Mental Health in Schools-measures for the proper development of Physical, mental,
Emotional and Spiritual abilities of children
b).Yoga-Meaning and definitions of Yoga & Need of Yoga for Physical and Mental
Suggested Readings:
1. Akhilananda, Swami (1952). Mental Health and Hindu Psychology. London: Auen and
2. Aggarwal,J.C(2007). Essential of Psychology(2nd Edition).Noida: Vikas Publishing
3. Arkoff, Abe (1968). Adjustment and Mental Health. New York: McGraw Hill Company.
4. Auger, Rick (2011). The School Counsellor’s Mental Health Sourcebook. New Delhi:
Sage India Pvt.Ltd.
5. Bernard, H. W., (1952). Mental Hygiene for Class-room Teachers. New York: McGraw
Hill Book Co.
6. Bhan, S., & Dutt, N.K. (1986). Mental Health through Education. New Delhi: Vision
7. Bonny, M.E., (1960). Mental Health in Education. Boston: Allyn and Bacon Inc.
8. Capuzzi, David & Gross, D. R. (1995). Introduction to Counselling. London: Allyn and
9. Carroll, Herbert, A. (1956). Mental Hygiene: The Dynamic of Adjustment. (3rd ed.).
Englewood Cliffs, New Jersey: Prentice Hall, lnc.
10. Chauhan,S.S.(2007).Advanced Educational psychology(7th Edition). Vikas Publishing
House Pvt.Ltd
11. Crow, Lester D., & Crow, Alice (1952). Mental Hygiene. New York: MeGraw Hill Book
Company lnc.
12. Dandapani, Dr. S. (2004). A Textbook of Advanced Educational Psycology. New Delhi:
Anmol Publications Pvt. Ltd.
13. Dash. M & Dash. Neena (2003). Fundamentals of Educational Psychology. New Delhi:
Atlantic Publishers & Distributors.
14. Dollard, J., & Miller, N.E. (1970). Personality and Psychotherapy. Chicago: Aldine.
15. Garg, B.R. (2002). An Introduction to Mental Health. Amabala: Associate Publications.
16. Sharma,R.N. & Sharma,R.K.( 2010). Advanced Educational psychology. New Delhi:
Atlanta Publishers(Pvt. Ltd.)


Course Objectives:
1. To provide orientation in life skills.
2. To acquaint students with the social and inter-personal skills that will enable them to
cope with the constantly changing environment.
3. To develop feeling of respect for work and dignity of labour in the students.

Course Contents :

UNIT I : Introduction
- . Concept and definition of Life Skill Education.

- Objectives of Life Skill Education.

- Importance of Life Skill Education.

UNIT II : Ten Core Life Skills ( Listed by WHO )

- Problem solving skills .
- Decision making skills.
- Creative thinking skills.
- Critical thinking skills.
- Communication skills.
- Inter-personal skills.
- Empathy.
- Self awareness.
- Coping with emotion.
- Coping stress.

UNIT III : Methods of Teaching Life Skills.

- Project, Demonstration, Observation, Experiment and Integrated method.
- Role of teachers and community members in Life skill education.

Suggested Readings
1. SCERT . Life Skills Education-Guidebook for Teachers (SCERT)
2. Sengararvelu ,G. (2011) .Education in Emerging Indian Society, Neel Kamal Publication Pvt

Course Objectives :

1. To define and understand communication and the communication process.

2. To identify key barriers to effective communication and also to appreciate the role of
non-verbal behaviour in human communication.
3. To develop knowledge to express effectively and efficiently.

Course Contents
UNIT I - Introduction
- Meaning , nature and scope of communication.
- Importance of communication.
- Process of communication.

UNIT II - Types of Communication Skills

- Verbal and Non-verbal communication
- Hard skills and soft skills
- Listening, Speaking, Reading and Writing

UNIT III - Effective Communication

- Essentials of effective communication.
- Communication Techniques.
- Barriers to communication.
- Measures to overcome barriers to communication.

Suggested Readings

1. Sampath, K, A.Panneerselvam, S.Santhanam (2007).Introduction to Educational

Technology Sterling publisher Pvt. Ltd
2. Mangal, S.K. and Uma Mangal. (2014). Essentials of Educational Technology, PHI
Learning Pvt. Ltd.
3. Konar, Nira (2011). Communication Skills for Professionals (Second Edition). New
Delhi: PHI Learning Private Limited.

4. MTD Training (2010). Effective Communication Skills. United Kingdom. MTD

Training and Ventus Publishing ApS.

5. Owen, Hargie (2006). The Handbook of Communication Skills (Third Edition). East
Sussex, London : Routledge, Taylor and Francis Group.
6. Sen, Leena (2009). Communication Skills (Second Edition). New Delhi : PHI Learning
Private Limited.

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