Bannari Amman Sugars
Bannari Amman Sugars
Bannari Amman Sugars
Bannari Amman Sugars Limited (BASL), a flagship company of Bannari Amman group (BAG) was incorporated in 1983 with an installed capacity of 1,250 tonnes of sugarcane crushed per day (TCD) at its first sugar unit. The company today has 4 sugar units with a total capacity of 19,000 TCD. Its units are located in Karnataka and Tamil Nadu (2 each).
Strong player in south BASL is part of the Tamil Nadu-based Bannari Amman group, one of the largest business conglomerates in southern India. The company has four sugar units 2 in Tamil Nadu and 2 in Karnataka. As on March 31, 2010, BASLs sugar factories had a combined cane capacity of 19,000 TCD. The sugar manufacturing units crushed 1.45 million tonnes of cane in FY10, which contributed to 67% of total revenue. Diversified revenue streams BASL manufactures a wide range of products, which diversifies its revenue stream. It manufactures sugar, granite and alcohol, and also generates power. The sugar segment comprises ~74% of Bannaris consolidated sales. The granite division accounted for ~5% of BASLs turnover. The distillery or alcohol segment accounts for ~11% of revenues, manufacturing Indian-made foreign liquors and other alcohol products. The company also generates power, which contributed ~9% to revenues in FY10.
DII 0%
Promoter 55%
1-m 0 -1
3-m -6 -4
12-m -35 12
(index) 140 120 100 80 60 40 20 0 Nov-10 Apr-10 Mar-10 May-10 Dec-10 NIFTY Aug-10 Feb-10 Sep-10 Oct-10 Jun-10 Jan-10 Jul-10 30 20 10 0 ('000) 60 50 40
-9 12
Volumes (RHS)
Peer Comparison
Revenue (Rs mn) EBITDA ma rgins (%) PAT (Rs mn) PAT ma rgins (%) Gea ring (x) EPS (Rs /s ha re) PE (x) P/BV (x) RoCE (%) RoE (%) EV/EBITDA (x)
n.m: Not meaningful
Bannari Amman Bajaj Hindusthan Dollex Industries Sugars Ltd. Sugar & Inds. Ltd. Ltd. Mar-10 Mar-10 Mar-10 8,881.3 3,699.8 117.3 26.8 24.6 17.9 1,436.9 544.1 10.3 16.2 14.7 8.8 0.3 3.1 0.0 125.6 -6.1 0.1 6.6 n.m 180.1 1.4 1.0 1.3 22.2 n.m 3.1 23.2 16.3 2.6 4.9 14.5 12.4
Dwarikesh Sugar Inds. Ltd. Mar-10 4,711.9 26.8 250.8 5.3 3.3 -5.6 n.m 1.0 13.0 17.6 4.7
Consistent growth in top-line; PAT increases due to buoyant sugar prices
Key Financial Indicators Units Revenue Rs million Per cent Rs million Per cent Per cent Per cent Per cent Times Per cent Per cent EBITDA margins PAT PAT margins Revenue growth EBITDA growth PAT growth Gearing RoCE RoE
5,392.3 14.2 423.4 7.9 -21.7 -49.1 -53.1 0.8 6.3 9.8
7,128.9 24.9 1,197.8 16.8 32.2 131.4 182.9 0.4 16.8 23.9
8,881.3 26.8 1,436.9 16.2 24.6 34.1 20.0 0.3 22.2 23.2
BASL registered a CAGR of ~28% in top-line from FY08 to FY10. Sales growth in sugar and other segments helped it register ~25% growth in revenue in FY10. Top-line increased to Rs 8.8 bn in FY10 from Rs 7.1 bn in FY09. PAT increased by 20% (year-on-year) to Rs 1.4 bn in FY10, as compared with Rs 1.1 bn in FY09, principally due to buoyant sugar prices.
Sugar India is the world`s largest consumer of sugar and it is also among the world`s leading sugarcane and sugar producers. Sugar production in India is concentrated in six states namely, Maharashtra (30-35 per cent), Uttar Pradesh (30-35 per cent), Tamil Nadu (10 per cent), Karnataka (10 per cent), Gujarat (5 per cent) and Andhra Pradesh (4 per cent). The industry is fragmented, with close to 500 mills operating in the country. Being an agricultural commodity, the production of sugarcane the main input in the manufacture of sugar - is vulnerable to weather vagaries. The sugar industry is also highly regulated. The government controls the distribution of sugar in the open market, i.e. free sale of sugar, through a regulated release mechanism. The government controls sugarcane pricing through the Fair and Remunerative Price (F&RP) (earlier the statutory minimum price). The F&RP for sugarcane for SS 2010-11 has been pegged at at Rs 139.12 per quintal, linked to a recovery rate of 9.5 per cent. Players with integrated operations (distillery and co-generation) are better placed to tackle the cyclicality in the business, as the distillery and co-generation businesses provide a steady revenue stream throughout the cycle.
Cash flow from investing activities Equity raised/(repaid) Debt raised/(repaid) Dividend (incl. tax) Others (incl extraordinaries)
Cash flow from financing activities Change in cash position Opening cash Closing cash
n.m : Not meaningful;
Profit and loss account (Rs million) No of Months Revenue EBITDA Interest Depreciation PBT PAT Sep-10 3 1,634.2 264.9 33.6 178.3 53.0 43.0 100.0 16.2 2.1 10.9 3.2 2.6 % of Rev Sep-09 3 2,144.9 663.9 10.2 83.6 570.2 420.9 100.0 31.0 0.5 3.9 26.6 19.6 % of Rev Jun-10 3 1,849.6 292.1 33.6 176.3 82.2 91.7 100.0 15.8 1.8 9.5 4.4 5.0 % of Rev Sep-10 6 3,483.8 557.0 67.2 354.6 135.2 134.7 100.0 16.0 1.9 10.2 3.9 3.9 % of Rev Sep-09 6 4,351.5 1,283.9 21.5 166.0 1,096.4 881.3 100.0 29.5 0.5 3.8 25.2 20.3 % of Rev
Rs mn 700 600 500 400 300 200 100 0 -100 Jun-08 Mar-08
Net Profit
Shareholding Pattern (Per cent) Dec 2009 Mar 2010 Promoter 54.7 54.7 FII 0.2 0.2 DII 0.2 Others 44.9 45.1
Board of Directors Director Name Sa ngampal a ya m Veda na ya ga m Ba l a s ubra ma ni am (Dr.) Va l a s a reddi Venka ta Reddy (Mr.) Ba l a s ubra ma ni am Sa ra va na n (Mr.) Sa ngampal a ya m Veda na ya ga m Al a ga ppa n (Mr.) Sa ngampal a ya m Veda na ya ga m Arumuga m (Mr.) Era nga ttur Pa l a ni s a my Muthukuma r (Mr.) Al a thukomba i Ka ruppa Gounder Peruma l s a my (Mr.) Gunda n Tha tha Gowder (Mr.)
Designation Executi ve Chai rma n, Promoter-Di rector Non-Executi ve Vice Cha i rma n, NonExecuti ve Di rector Ma na gi ng Di rector Non-Executi ve Di rector Non-Executi ve Di rector Non-Executi ve Di rector Non-Executi ve Di rector Non-Executi ve Di rector
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