By Email
*SSN: XXX-XX-6631
*If the complete SSN is needed to identify the claimant, please call UCRC Staff at 1-866-833-8272. Due to privacy laws, the Commission can
confirm, but not provide the full SSN.
Notice of hearing was mailed to the appellant's last known post office address in accordance with the
provisions of Section 4141.281 (C) (3), Revised Code of Ohio. The record establishes that neither the
appellant nor an authorized representative appeared at the hearing.
In accordance with the provisions of Section 4141.281 (D) (5), Revised Code of Ohio, the appeal is
dismissed, and the dismissal shall become final if the appellant has not shown the Hearing Officer, in
writing, good cause for failure to appear at the scheduled hearing within the period provided after the
hearing date set forth above.
Said fourteen-day period is calculated to end on November 23, 2022. You may file your Request to Vacate
the Dismissal by mailing it to the U.C. Review Commission, PO Box 182299, Columbus, Ohio
43218-2299, by faxing it to (614) 387-3694, or by e-mailing it to UCRC_FAX@jfs.ohio.gov.