Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson's Disease
Parkinson's Disease
➢ Deformity – Kyphosis
➢ Osteoporosis
✓ Prone lying position for 30 min once in a day which will stretch
the flexor muscles
✓ Virtual training
Physiotherapy Management:
➢ Improve Balance:
✓ External perturbation
✓ Force Platform
✓ Bio feedback
Improve Coordination:
➢ Coordination Exercise
➢ Frankel’s exercise
Home modification
Physiotherapy Management:
➢ Maintain or Improve Endurance:
✓ Aerobic Exercise like:
✓ Cycling,
✓ static cycling,
✓ Brisk walking,
✓ Treadmill training,
✓ Jogging,
✓ Swimming,
✓ Upper limb Ergometry exercise
Maintain or Improve Chest Function:
✓ Improve chest expansion
✓ Correction of posture
✓ Incentive spirometry