1 7 DEWA Training - Inverters EMC - Ammar-Revised

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Certification Training Course

SESSION -1: Inverters

1. Introduction
2. Solar Fundamentals
3. PV Technologies
4. PV Modules
5. Inverters
6. EMC Main Issues

• To introduce the Electromagnetic Compatibility

issues of Inverters and their impact on the
power quality of network.
• To assess the impact of harmonics emissions
of solar RRGP.
EMC Main Issues

EMC main issues

The launch of Shams Dubai program

that allows the connection of solar
rooftop projects to DEWA network has
added new power quality challenges.
DEWA is committed to supply
electricity of world class power
quality to all its customers.
I(pv) = I(pv) + I(pv)

Line Impedance Non-Linear


I(ss) = I(SS) + I(ss)

Low power quality negatively affects

performance, efficiency, capacity, age of
electrical components on utility side and Customers
customers side.

EMC main issues
Due to the solid state components inside PV inverters, the current wave they deliver
may contain certain level of harmonics. These levels are usually provided by inverters’
manufacturers according to type test certificates. The test is conducted at the
laboratory using test setup like the one below.
The test should determine the harmonic current emissions generated by the inverter
itself, and not the ones drawn by no-linear loads.

EMC main issues
Standards IEC 61000-3-2 and IEC 61000-3-12

• Limitation of harmonic currents injected into the public supply system

• These standards are applicable to electrical and electronic equipment

61000- 61000- Electromagnetic compatibility
(EMC) - Part 3-12: Limits -
3-2 Electromagnetic compatibility
(EMC) - Part 3-2: Limits -
Limits for harmonic current
3-12 Limits for harmonic currents
produced by equipment
connected to public low-
emissions (equipment input voltage systems with input
current ≤16 A per phase) current >16 A and ≤ 75 A per

IEC standard – April 2009 IEC standard – May 2011

EMC main issues
IEC 61000-3-2 – Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-2: Limits - Limits for
harmonic current emissions (equipment input current ≤16 A per phase)

This part of IEC 61000 deals with the

limitation of harmonic currents injected into
the public supply system
• It is applicable to electric and electronic equipment
having an input current 16 A per phase
• The tests according to this standard are type test
• Equipment are classified from A to D  PV inverters
may be considered Class A equipment

EMC main issues
IEC 61000-3-12 – Electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) - Part 3-12: Limits - Limits for
harmonic currents produced by equipment connected to public low-voltage systems
with input current >16 A and ≤ 75 A per phase

This part of IEC 61000 deals with the limitation of

harmonic currents injected into the public supply system
• It is applicable to electric and electronic equipment having an input
current >16 A and 75 A per phase
• The tests according to this standard are type test
• Criteria used by this standard are different and in general more
complex than those adopted by IEC 61000-3-2
• Unofficially, this standard is also used for currents > 75 A per phase

EMC main issues
Assessment the Impact of Harmonic Emissions from RRGP
Solar inverters are power electronic devices that may inject a sort of
harmonic emissions into the grid at their points of connection. As such,
Shams Dubai projects are assessed in terms of their impact on the
power quality of network before getting approved for connection.

Harmonics Assessment

Harmonic currents Harmonic voltages

assessment by simulation at assessment by measurements
the Design Approval stage at the Inspection Stage
Not required for single Not required for
phase RRGP connections RRGP < 100 kWac
To be covered in the sessions
of On-site Testing

EMC main issues

Aggregate Impact of Harmonic Currents

DC Current AC Current Harmonic Currents

Assessment Procedure
at Design Approval
DC Current AC Current

Compliance with
or Fundamental AC Current
IEC61000-3-12 +
Aggregated Harmonic Currents

DC Current AC Current

DC Current AC Current

EMC main issues

Main Objective of Harmonic Currents Assessment Procedure

DEWA Electrical

ITotal Network

Power Quality Assessment

V2 Procedure is applied to
I1 ILoad I2 approve only the
Fail application Pass application applications that pass the
for bad power for good power
quality impact quality impact assessment

Customers in the Solar

Connection neighbourhood affected Connection
Application 1 by bad power quality Application 2
EMC main issues

Existing Practice Design preparation and

submission to DEWA for
DEWA assesses the power quality assessment Current Situation
application, &
notifies customer Customer proceeds
PASS to next steps
about result

Customer NO
Exhausted discussions with
manufacturer/contractor Argues?

New Practice Customer design and assesses

power quality impact, then submit
New Situation
to DEWA for final approval. Using ‘Hab-Reeh’
Application operated by
DEWA reviews the
Customer proceeds Intelligent Automation
submitted harmonics
APPROVED to next steps. Platform
EMC main issues

RRGP Projects Connected to Multiple Points

Solar RRGP projects of high capacities might be divided into Sub-RRGPs
That are distributed on multiple points of connection. In such a case,
harmonic currents assessment is required for each Sub-RRGP separately.
EMC main issues

Harmonic Currents Assessment by ‘Hab-Reeh’ Application

EMC main issues

Harmonic Currents Assessment by ‘Hab-Reeh’ Application

EMC main issues

Harmonic Currents Assessment by ‘Hab-Reeh’ Application

EMC main issues

Harmonic Currents Assessment by ‘Hab-Reeh’ Application


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