Home Economics
Home Economics
Home Economics
Due to the current exceptional circumstances these guidelines have been steered by the three
scenarios that MEDE has set for its directorates, namely:
A number of possible Schemes of Work (SOW) have been devised to address each of these scenarios
and to maximise on the resources available whilst addressing the respective learning outcomes.
Furthermore, since the delivery of practical parts of the HE curriculum has proved to be particularly
challenging in the context of distant learning, several guidelines will specifically address the practical
part to ensure that students efficiently complete this component of their learning by the end of the
scholastic year.
Teachers are advised to refer to the respective SOW and go through the key notes, namely:
Practical Sessions
These should be guided by guidelines offered by the Health Authorities. It is hence being recommended
that classes are divided into two groups for each practical session so that each group carries out the
practical sessions separately.
Amendments in syllabus
Since students will be divided when it comes to practical sessions, the following amendments need to
be in place.
Year 7
Whilst the demonstration of healthy school lunches will remain, however the practical intervention for
this topic has been removed.
Year 8
The demonstration of simple, healthy rice/pasta dish will remain however the practical intervention for
this topic has been removed.
Teachers who will be assigned Year 8 classes need to take every opportunity to revise the
basic practical skills together with other skills since students who have followed HE Module 2
pre-COVID, may not have covered all practical sessions.
Assessment - Year 7
Assessment is based on TWO TASKS and TWO Practical Interventions for all scenarios.
Assessment - Year 8
Assessment is based on TWO TASKS and TWO Practical Interventions for all scenarios
For online teaching, practical interventions will be done at home. It is advisable that teachers
allow two weeks for students to complete the practical intervention (only for online teaching).
A tutorial lesson is included in the week after the demonstration for students’ support and
It is recommended that teachers avail themselves of resources that have been uploaded to TELESKOLA.
An updated list of resources will be available separately in due course.
HE Department
June 2020
1 👨🏫 💻
The functions of food; healthy plate & food groups
2 💻 👨🏫
Dietary guidelines*.
Introduction to the task as part of the lesson
👨🏫 💻
…the evaluation wheel (one Lesson 40 mins)
Planning of a simple snack following the principles of a
balanced diet.
💻 👨🏫
Personal, food lab/kitchen hygiene & aspects of safety.
5 👨🏫 💻
Demonstration: Planning a healthy school lunch and
introduction to the flowchart. (No practical for this
💻 👨🏫
Online Demo:
Healthy School
Planning a healthy milk and fruit dessert
💻 👨🏫
Online Demo:
Milk & Fruit Dessert
Practical Intervention:
Preparation of a healthy milk & fruit dessert.
👨🏫 💻
Activities 1
Practical Intervention:
Preparation of a healthy milk & fruit dessert.
💻 👨🏫
Activities 1
Planning a simple nutritious breakfast.
11 👨🏫 💻
The rubbing-In method of cake-making
💻 👨🏫
Online Demo:
Practical Intervention:
Rubbing-in method.
👨🏫 💻
Activities 2
14 Practical Intervention:
Rubbing-in method.
💻 👨🏫
Activities 2
Assessment to be based on TWO Tasks and TWO Practical Interventions.
Home Economics Scheme of Work - Year 9 (2020-2021)
Year 7 and Year 8 (Middle Schools)
The functions of food; healthy plate & food groups Group A & Group B – Theory Lesson
…the evaluation wheel (one Lesson 40 mins) Group A & Group B – Theory Lesson
Planning of a simple snack following the principles of a
balanced diet.
Personal, food lab/kitchen hygiene & aspects of safety. Group A & Group B – Theory Lesson
Correct use and care of basic kitchen equipment with Group A & Group B – Theory Lesson
7 emphasis on basic skills.
Introduction to Home Information about students, classes (Sets), lessons, Preparing online HE folder
Economics. guidelines for online teaching and learning, ethics, online HE file, plastic folders,
class setup, use of tools and access to resources, checking apron, hat
1 email addresses, getting parents’ consent, general
Explaining Assessment
The functions of food; I can define the term: health and/or a healthy living. Journal
healthy plate & food groups I can identify the five nutrients and outline their role in the
2 I can explain what makes a balanced diet and suggest ways
to apply the dietary guidelines. (1)
I can interpret the local food guide (Healthy Plate). (2)
Dietary guidelines*. Planning I can identify the current dietary guidelines and explain their Assessment Task 1
of a simple snack following role.
the principles of a balanced I can plan healthy food options. (3)
diet. I can adapt and modify basic methods of food preparation
according to the dietary guidelines.
Introduction to the task… I can work on a given task individually and in collaboration.
I can research, collate and present data collected as part of a
given task.
…the evaluation wheel. I can create and evaluate a task according to a set of Self-Assessment Sheet
4 Student share and present
their tasks. Teacher provides
collective feedback.
Personal, food lab/kitchen I can interpret the importance of personal hygiene and Assessment Task 2
hygiene & aspects of safety. outline ways how to achieve and maintain it in the Food Lab. Self-Assessment Sheet
I can describe how food should be handled, cooked and
5 stored safely to prevent the development of micro-
I can explore safety precautions in the Food Lab.
Demonstration: Planning a I can distinguish between healthy and less healthy snacks,
healthy school lunch and particularly for adolescents.
introduction to the flow I can demonstrate different types of skills, such as peeling,
chart. grating, slicing, dicing and chopping in food preparation. (5)
(No practical for this demo.) I can demonstrate safe and hygienic practices during
preparation, cooking and storage of food. (6)
I can plan, prepare, serve and evaluate suitable, healthy
snacks and packed lunches for adolescents.
I can follow instructions when working on different tasks.
I can read and follow a recipe.
I can fill in a Preparation Sheet for a given practical
6 assignment.
I can work within a time frame.
I can do the washing up in an environmental friendly way.
I can apply skills in the safe use of utensils and equipment.
I can demonstrate how to care for the different types of
I can demonstrate the proper use and care of work surfaces
and utensils in the Food Lab.
I can prepare and serve a dish attractively on a correctly laid
I can evaluate and make improvements to work, reflecting
on the process and outcome. (7)
Home Economics Scheme of Work - Year 9 (2020-2021)
Year 7 and Year 8 (Middle Schools)
Correct use and care of basic I can identify the main equipment needed for different tasks Worksheet
7 kitchen equipment with in the Food Lab and demonstrate its appropriate care. (4)
emphasis on basic skills.
Demonstration: Planning a I can justify the health benefits of milk and fruit. Practical Intervention:
healthy milk & fruit dessert. I can plan, prepare, serve and evaluate a healthy dessert Preparing a healthy
which includes milk and fresh fruit. (5) milk and fruit dessert.
I can demonstrate safe and hygienic practices during Preparation Sheet
preparation, cooking and storage of food. (6) Shopping
I can follow instructions when working on different tasks. Practical Session -
I can read and follow a recipe. presented in Word/PPT
I can fill in a Preparation Sheet for a given practical file with photos and
assignment. description of steps.
I can work within a time frame. Self-Evaluation
I can do the washing up in an environmental friendly way.
I can apply skills in the safe use of utensils and equipment. Deadline: Week 10
I am able to make safe use of the hob.
I can demonstrate how to care for the different types of
I can demonstrate the proper use and care of work surfaces
and utensils in the Food Lab.
I can prepare and serve a dish attractively on a correctly laid
I can evaluate and make improvements to work, reflecting
on the process and outcome. (7)
Tutorial Lesson Teacher will be available for student support, questions and
9 follow up.
Demonstration: Weighing & I can outline the skills needed for the rubbing-in method of Practical Intervention:
measuring. Planning for cake making. Preparing cakes using
practical session using the I can use the rubbing-in method of cake-making to prepare the rubbing-in method
rubbing-in method. simple dishes. (5) of cake making.
I can demonstrate safe and hygienic practices during Preparation Sheet
preparation, cooking and storage of food. (6) Shopping
I can follow instructions when working on different tasks. Practical Session -
I can read and follow a recipe. presented in Word/PPT
I can accurately interpret and use standard forms of file with photos and
measurement in recipes. description of steps.
I can fill in a Preparation Sheet for a given practical Self-Evaluation
11 I can work within a time frame. Deadline: Week 13
I can do the washing up in an environmental friendly way.
I can apply skills in the safe use of utensils and equipment.
I am able to make safe use of the oven.
I can demonstrate how to care for the different types of
I can demonstrate the proper use and care of work surfaces
and utensils in the Food Lab.
I can prepare and serve a dish attractively on a correctly laid
I can evaluate and make improvements to work, reflecting
on the process and outcome. (7)
Tutorial Lesson Teacher will be available for student support, questions and
12 follow up.
Revision Lesson
Revision Lesson
emphasis on take-away food.
👨🏫 💻
Aspects of food labelling and dietary guidelines*
2 💻 👨🏫
Towards sustainable living – food miles, food waste and
carbon footprint. Food rescue in practice – Use of left -
over foods to prepare dishes.
👨🏫 💻
Demonstration: Make use of left-over foods to prepare
dishes - dishes can include patties made from leftover
meat, chicken, fish, veg and bread.
💻 👨🏫
Online Demo:
Using left-over
Practical Intervention: Preparation of a healthy dish
using left-over foods.
👨🏫 💻
Activities 1
Practical Intervention: Preparation of a healthy dish
using left-over foods. 💻 👨🏫
Activities 1
ingredients – savoury/sweet dish using shortcrust
👨🏫 💻
Online Demo:
Shortcrust Pastry
Practical Intervention: Preparation of a
savoury/sweet dish using shortcrust pastry. 💻 👨🏫
Activities 2
Practical Intervention: Preparation of a
savoury/sweet dish using shortcrust pastry. 👨🏫 💻
Activities 2
Wise shopping practices; wants and needs.
12 💻 👨🏫
Contents of the first aid box. Simple First Aid. Making
13 an emergency call.
👨🏫 💻
Revision Lesson
14 💻 👨🏫
Assessment to be based on TWO Tasks and TWO Practical Interventions.
Aspects of food labelling and dietary guidelines* Group A & Group B – Theory Lesson
Towards sustainable living – food miles, food waste and Group A & Group B – Theory Lesson
carbon footprint. Food rescue in practice – Use of left -
over foods to prepare dishes.
Fats – functions and sensible choices for a healthy lifestyle. Group A & Group B – Theory Lesson
Carbohydrates – the role of sugar, starch and dietary fibre Group A & Group B – Theory Lesson
8 in healthy diet with focus on energy balance.
Wise shopping practices; wants and needs. Group A & Group B – Theory Lesson
Contents of the first aid box. Simple First Aid. Making an Group A & Group B – Theory Lesson
13 emergency call.
Factors involved in the choice of I can identify factors affecting food choice.(1)
food and drink with emphasis on I can describe the advantages and disadvantages of consuming
2 Journal
take-away food. take-away food.
Aspects of food labelling and I can list the dietary guidelines and explain their role.
dietary guidelines* I can give examples how to apply the dietary guidelines.
I can adapt and modify basic methods of food preparation
according to the dietary guidelines. Assessment Task 1
3 I can locate information found on food labels and link to the Self-Assessment Sheet
dietary guidelines.(2)
I can research, collate and present data collected as part of a
given task.
Towards sustainable living – I can suggest ways of respecting the environment and give
food miles, food waste and examples how to separate waste at source.
carbon footprint. Food rescue in I can discuss environmental issues such as food miles, carbon
Assessment Task 2
practice – Use of left -over foods footprint and food waste.
4 Self-Assessment Sheet
to prepare dishes. I can research, collate and present data collected as part of a
given task.
Demonstration: Make use of I can plan, prepare, serve and evaluate simple dishes to Practical Intervention:
5 left-over foods to prepare dishes minimize food waste and safely make use of left overs. Preparation of a healthy dish
- dishes can include patties using left-over food.
made from leftover meat, I can demonstrate different types of cooking skills such as Preparation Sheet
chicken, fish, veg and bread. baking. (4) Shopping
I can follow instructions when working on different tasks. Practical Session -
I can read and follow a recipe. presented in Word/PPT
I can fill in a Preparation Sheet for a given practical assignment. file with photos and
I can work within a time frame. description of steps.
I can demonstrate skills of safe and hygienic practices during Self-Evaluation
preparation, cooking and storage of food. (4)
I am able to make safe use of the oven. Deadline: Week 7
I can do the washing up in an environmental friendly way.
I can demonstrate the proper use and care of work surfaces and
utensils in the Food Lab.
I can prepare and serve a dish attractively on a correctly laid
I can talk about, review and make improvement to work,
reflecting on the process and outcome.
I can create and evaluate according to a set of criteria.
Tutorial Lesson Teacher will be available for student support, questions and
6 follow up.
Fats – functions and sensible I can explain the role of fats and their link to health.(3)
7 Worksheet
choices for a healthy lifestyle.
Carbohydrates – the role of I can explain the role of carbohydrates and explain their link to
sugar, starch and dietary fibre in health.(3)
8 Worksheet
healthy diet with focus on
energy balance.
Demonstration: Simple, healthy I can plan, prepare, serve and evaluate simple rice and pasta
rice/pasta dish. dishes to illustrate the role of some nutrients in the diet.
(no practical for this demo.) I can demonstrate different types of cooking skills, such as
sauce-making and boiling.(4)
I can follow instructions when working on different tasks.
I can read and follow a recipe.
9 I can fill in a Preparation Sheet for a given practical assignment.
I can work within a time frame.
I can demonstrate skills of safe and hygienic practices during
preparation, cooking and storage of food.(4)
I am able to make safe use of the hob and oven.
I can do the washing up in an environmental friendly way.
I can create and evaluate according to a set of criteria.
Home Economics Scheme of Work - Year 9 (2020-2021)
Year 7 and Year 8 (Middle Schools)
I can demonstrate the proper use and care of work surfaces and
utensils in the Food Lab.
I can prepare and serve a dish attractively on a correctly laid
I can talk about, review and make improvement to work,
reflecting on the process and outcome.
Tutorial Lesson Teacher will be available for student support, questions and
11 follow up.
Wise shopping practices; wants I can distinguish between basic needs and wants.
and needs. I can explain the importance of saving and spending within one’s
12 I can determine spending priorities and suggest ways of being a Worksheet
smart consumer.(5)
I can outline how budgeting can help in making better spending
and saving.
Home Economics Scheme of Work - Year 9 (2020-2021)
Year 7 and Year 8 (Middle Schools)
Contents of the first aid box. I can list and make use of most of the items found in a First Aid
Simple First Aid. Making an Box.
emergency call. I can indicate basic First Aid procedures for simple injuries (6)
13 (i.e. cuts, burns, nosebleeds and sprains). Worksheet
I can follow the correct procedure to seek help in an emergency
both indoors and outdoors.
Revision Lesson
Home Economics teachers are being advised to follow this document for guidance in HE-related curricular
aspects during the forthcoming scholastic year.
Due to the current exceptional circumstances these guidelines have been steered by the three scenarios
that MEDE has set for its directorates, namely:
Several possible HE Schemes of Work (SOW) have been devised to address each of these scenarios and
to maximise on the resources available whilst addressing the respective objectives/outcomes.
Furthermore, since the delivery of practical aspects of the HE curriculum has proved to be particularly
challenging in the context of distant learning, several guidelines will specifically address the practical
part to ensure that students efficiently complete this component of their learning by the end of the
scholastic year.
Teachers are advised to refer to the respective SOW and go through the key notes. Three schemes of
work have been devised for Year 9 whilst the schemes of work for Year 10 and Year 11 can be adapted
to suit each of the three scenarios described above. Hence, it is also recommended that the topics are
covered in the order suggested for ease of transition from one scenario to the other if need be.
Practical Sessions
These should be guided by recommendations offered by the Health Authorities. It is hence being advised
that classes are divided into two groups for each practical session so that each group carries out the
practical session separately. For online teaching, practical interventions will be done at home. It
is advisable that teachers allow two weeks for students to complete the practical intervention
(for online teaching only).
Year 9
Two practical sessions have been included in the first term to allow for revision of important skills that
were meant to be covered in year 8 and which some of the students may not have grasped.
Some practical sessions have been amalgamated together such as the sessions about recipe engineering
and nutrients. These have been integrated with other topics in the SOW.
No practical sessions have been included in the first term to facilitate the transition from one scenario to
the other if need be. Since students will be divided for practical sessions, amendments have been made
in the number of practical sessions to be carried out. It is pertinent to point out that the practical
sessions related to meal planning may be different from the ones suggested in the SOW.
Teachers should pay attention to where the students stand in their learning and allot time for revision
purposes for topics which were not covered in year 9 and Year 10 respectively. A number of lessons for
the revision of the investigation have been included at the beginning of Year 11 for those students who
either found it difficult to do the investigation in Year 10 due to the COVID-19 situation or did not do it
at all.
Teachers in all year groups need to take every opportunity to revise the nutrition foundations
and practical skills so that students who may not have covered all topics and practical sessions
will not be at a disadvantage. This has been included in the respective SOW.
Year 9
Year 10 and 11
Time-frames for examinations in the SOW are approximate and may need to shift once these
are determined and confirmed.
It is recommended that teachers avail themselves of resources that have been uploaded to TELESKOLA.
An updated list of resources will be available separately in due course.
HE Department
June 2020
Lesson 2: The Concept of Identify the main factors that contribute to good health
and well-being.
Identify the basic health needs, namely physical needs,
💻 👨🏫
intellectual needs, emotional needs and social needs; and
give one example of how each of these needs can be met.
Explore the concepts of health and sustainable living and
define each one.
Describe the main factors which affect health and
sustainable living (transportation, energy consumption and
Lesson 4: The Food Groups Explain how food choices for a balanced diet depend on
many factors.
Explain how dietary needs change according to age,
💻 👨🏫
gender, level of activity, and state of health.
Divide foods into food groups (based on the Healthy Food
The Healthy Food Draw and label the Healthy Food Plate.
Plate Use the Healthy Food Plate to plan healthy meals.
Acknowledge the Healthy Food Plate as a guide for a
healthy diet by giving practical examples.
Lesson 5: Dietary Guidelines List eight dietary guidelines and suggest ways of putting
them into practice.
Distinguish between the terms diet, malnutrition, under-
👨🏫 💻
nutrition, balanced diet.
State how dietary guidelines for children and adolescents
differ from those of adults.
3 Review food intake according to dietary Guidelines and
suggest ways of improving current intake.
Lesson 6: The Selection, Safe Identify equipment needed for different tasks taking place
use of and Care of
Kitchen Equipment
in the kitchen; chopping, peeling, cutting, grating, baking,
mixing, mashing, blending, serving.
💻 👨🏫
Explain the correct choice, use and care of the different
kitchen equipment.
Lesson 9: Weighing and Name equipment used for weighing and measuring of
Measuring ingredients namely scales (spring balance/digital scales),
measuring jug, measuring spoons, measuring cups,
👨🏫 💻
table/dessert/tea spoons.
List rules to be followed to achieve correct readings when
weighing and measuring.
5 Estimate the approximate weight of given foods (apple,
slice of bread, etc.,) and compare with actual weight.
Lesson 10: Safety and Hygiene in Explore the importance of personal and food lab/kitchen
the Kitchen
hygiene in the context of food preparation.
List rules for each: personal hygiene; hygiene in the food
💻 👨🏫
Lesson 11: Safety and Hygiene in Identify factors which can cause accidents in the food
the Kitchen
Discuss types of accidents that may happen in the food
👨🏫 💻
Demonstrate safety practices during food preparation.
Identify safety practices that can prevent accidents in the
food lab/kitchen.
Apply safety practices and preventive measures to given
Lesson 12: Cake Making List three methods of cake making namely the rubbing-in,
Demonstration –
the all-in-one and the creaming method.
Explain the function of the main ingredients used for cake-
💻 👨🏫
Rubbing in of Cake making. (Online
Making Give the basic recipe for each of the methods.
Describe the main processes of each in detail.
Identify the main rules to follow when carrying out each
Comment on the shelf-life and keeping qualities of the
three methods.
Suggest ways of modifying basic recipes to make them in
line with the guidelines.
7 Lesson 14: Practical (half the Acquire and apply the following skills: Weighing and
group) - Rubbing in
of Cake Making
measuring, rubbing-in, sieving, laying of tables, serving of
💻 👨🏫
Lesson 15: Carbohydrates Classify carbohydrates into sugars, starch and non-starch
State the function of carbohydrates in the diet.
👨🏫 💻
State the daily percentage energy intake to be supplied by
total carbohydrates (55%) and of which sugars (less than
State the calorific value of 1g of carbohydrates. Justify
the importance of combining vitamin B rich foods with
8 carbohydrates.
Explain why carbohydrate intake acts as a ‘protein sparer’.
List sources of sugar in the diet.
Classify sugars into monosaccharides and disaccharides.
Identify glucose and fructose as two of the
monosaccharides and list sources.
Identify maltose, surcrose and lactose as disaccharides and
list sources.
Lesson 16: Carbohydrates Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic sugars (milk and
non-milk extrinsic).
Identify the relationship between sugar intake and health
💻 👨🏫
with particular reference to dental caries, obesity and
diabetes mellitus.
Explain the effects of dry and wet heat on sugars.
Name sources of starch in the diet.
Explain the importance of starch in the diet.
Identify groups of people with higher requirements of
starch in the diet, mainly athletes and or people doing
heavy work.
Explain the effects of dry and wet heat on starch.
Lesson 17: Demonstration + Describe the basic steps in the making of shortcrust
Theory – Shortcrust
Identify the main rules to follow and suggest possible
👨🏫 💻
faults if rules are not followed. (Online
Explain why shortcrust pastry is the healthiest choice
when compared with other types of pastry available on
the market.
Modify recipes for dishes using shortcrust pastry.
Identify sources of NSP.
List the function of soluble and insoluble fibre in the diet.
💻 👨🏫
Identify disorders associated with a low-fibre intake,
constipation, diverticulitis and haemorrhoids.
Explain the importance of drinking liquids when consuming
fibre rich foods.
Suggest ways how to include fibre in sweet and savoury
Describe the relationship between insoluble fibre intake
and the prevention of intestinal disorders, with particular
reference to constipation, haemorrhoids and diverticulitis.
Discuss the relationship between soluble fibre intake and
circulatory/heart health as well as blood sugar control.
Home Economics Scheme of Work - Year 9 (2020-2021)
Year 9 – 11 (Senior School)
Lesson 19: Practical (half the Suggest and prepare healthy sweet or a savoury possibly
group) – Shortcrust
traditional recipes.
Demonstrate simple ways of decorating pastry dishes.
👨🏫 💻
Acquire and apply the following skills: Weighing and (Online
measuring sieving, lining of tins, rubbing-in, rolling out,
lining with pastry, laying of tables, serving of food.
Lesson 20: Practical (half the Suggest and prepare healthy sweet or a savoury possibly
group) – Shortcrust
traditional recipes.
Demonstrate simple ways of decorating pastry dishes.
💻 👨🏫
Acquire and apply the following skills: Weighing and (Online
measuring sieving, lining of tins, rubbing-in, rolling out,
lining with pastry, laying of tables, serving of food.
Explain the term complimentary proteins and give 2
💻 👨🏫
Identify novel sources of protein such as textured
vegetable protein, tofu and Quorn.
Explain the term T.V.P.
Suggest uses for novel sources of protein in meals such as
textured vegetable protein, tofu and Quorn.
Identify groups of people with higher need for protein,
mainly children, teenagers, pregnant women, elderly
persons, vegetarians.
Explain the effect of dry and wet heat on protein.
Outline the dangers of protein deficiency and a high
protein diet.
Lesson 3: Fats and Oils Classify fats into saturated, monounsaturated and
polyunsaturated fatty acids.
Define essential fatty acids and state their importance.
👨🏫 💻
Identify animal and vegetable sources for each type
(where applicable).
List at least 4 functions of fat in the body.
Lesson 4: Fats and Oils State the daily percentage energy intake to be supplied
by total fats (30%) and saturated fats (less than 10%).
State the calorific value of 1g of fat.
💻 👨🏫
Explain the relationship between fat intake and health
including high serum cholesterol levels, heart disease and
Explain the link between high levels of blood cholesterol
and CHD.
Suggest ways how to reduce fat while preparing meals.
Lesson 5: Eggs Outline the nutritive value.
List different types available on the local market.
Explain their use and versatility in meal preparation.
👨🏫 💻
Suggest suitable methods of cooking them.
List points to be considered when choosing, buying and
storing the food.
Explain in general, the effect of heat and changes which
take place during cooking.
Suggest recipes/traditional Maltese recipes where these
food are a main ingredient.
Draw and label the egg – shell, thin white, thick white,
3 yolk, chalazae and airspace.
Explain the difference between free-range and battery
eggs, with reference to the environmental impact and
quality of eggs.
State why eggs should not be washed before storing.
Describe how to test eggs for freshness.
Lesson 6: Nuts, Cereals and Outline the nutritive value.
List different types available on the local market.
Explain their use and versatility in meal preparation.
💻 👨🏫
Suggest suitable methods of cooking them.
List points to be considered when choosing, buying and
storing these foods.
Home Economics Scheme of Work - Year 9 (2020-2021)
Year 9 – 11 (Senior School)
Lesson 8: Milk and Dairy Suggest a type of milk suitable for different groups of
Products +
Preparation for Food
people and situations – children, persons who are lactose
intolerant, vegans, persons on a reduced fat diet.
💻 👨🏫
Commodity Practical Explain how heat affects the nutritional value of milk.
recipes. 👨🏫 💻
Adapt recipes, including traditional Maltese ones to make
them suitable for: high: fibre, iron, calcium diets; low:
fat, sugar, salt diets. Revision)
Lesson 10: Practical – Food Acquire and apply the following skills: peeling, chopping,
Commodity cutting, slicing, dicing, grating, liquidising, blending, 💻 👨🏫
mashing, beating, mixing, laying of tables, serving of
Use the following food commodities: Milk, dairy products, Revision)
cereals, pulses, nuts, herbs, spices and eggs.
Lesson 11: Practical – Food Acquire and apply the following skills: peeling, chopping,
Commodity cutting, slicing, dicing, grating, liquidising, blending,
mashing, beating, mixing, laying of tables, serving of
👨🏫 💻
Use the following food commodities: Milk, dairy products,
cereals, pulses, nuts, herbs, spices and eggs.
Lesson 12: Vitamins Distinguish between fat soluble and water soluble
List antioxidant vitamins.
💻 👨🏫
Justify the role of antioxidant vitamins to preserve health.
Identify the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.
Distinguish between beta carotene and retinol.
State the functions of each vitamin.
Identify sources of each vitamin.
Identify effects of excess intake and deficiency for each of
the vitamins.
Explain the link between vitamin D intake and the
absorption of calcium.
Lesson 13: Vitamins Identify the water-soluble vitamins B-complex and C.
State the functions of each vitamin.
Identify sources of each vitamin.
👨🏫 💻
Identify effects of deficiency for each of the vitamins.
Explain the importance of folic acid during the pre-
pregnancy period and pregnancy.
Explain the effects of cooking/heat, storage and time on
vitamin B-complex (especially thiamin) and vitamin C.
Suggest ways how to preserve water-soluble vitamins
during the preparation, cooking and serving of food.
For each of the above:
State the functions of each one.
💻 👨🏫
Identify the best sources.
Identify the effects of deficiency/excess, as applicable.
Identify groups of people with special (high/low)
requirements – namely children, teenagers, breastfeeding
mothers and the elderly.
Suggest, giving reasons, practical ways of
increasing/reducing intake as applicable.
Lesson 15: Minerals Iron Iodine, Fluoride.
Lesson 17: Family List and describe different types of families - nuclear,
extended, single parents, foster parents, adoptive
parents, residential care homes, step parents.
👨🏫 💻
Explore the roles and responsibilities of different family
Lesson 18: Family Identify the basic needs of families and how these change
throughout life - physical, intellectual, social,
psychological, environmental, occupational.
💻 👨🏫
Give examples of positive family relationships.
Suggest ways how the individual and the family can
interact within the community.
Lesson 19: First Aid List items found in a first aid box.
Explain how to give first aid if faced with the following
injuries - cuts and grazes, burns and scalds, nose bleed,
👨🏫 💻
fainting, bruising, swellings and sprains, jelly fish sting, (Online
insect sting, poisoning.
10 Lesson 20: First Aid
Identify and name the safety equipment available for fire
safety: fire extinguisher, fire blanket, smoke detector.
💻 👨🏫
Describe the correct use and purpose of the fire
extinguisher, fire blanket and smoke detector. (Online
Explain the proper way to make an emergency call. Activities/
Lesson 1: Childcare and Explain the role of both parents for parenthood.
List factors that can harm the unborn child.
Identify the basic needs of children at the different stages
👨🏫 💻
of life- from baby to infant, toddler, pre-school child.
Lesson 2: Childcare and Suggest ways how parents can help in the development of
Development the physical, emotional, social and intellectual needs of 💻 👨🏫
the child with emphasis on the importance of play.
Lesson 4: Childcare and Explain how the vaccine programme provided by the
2 Development health department is a means of preventing the spread of
contagious diseases.
💻 👨🏫
List the 5 diseases children are immunised against namely
diphteria, tetanus, polio, pertussis (whooping cough) and
haemophilus influenza type B (Hib).
List the 2 recommended vaccines for children namely
MMR and Hepatitis B.
Lesson 5: Practical – Meal for a Acquire and apply the following skills: peeling, chopping,
Toddler cutting, slicing, dicing, grating, liquidising, blending,
mashing, beating, mixing, laying of tables, serving of
👨🏫 💻
3 food. (Online
Lesson 6: Practical – Meal for a Acquire and apply the following skills: peeling, chopping,
Toddler cutting, slicing, dicing, grating, liquidising, blending,
mashing, beating, mixing, laying of tables, serving of
💻 👨🏫
food. (Online
Creaming Method:
Make cakes using the all-in-one creaming method.
Define the terms rich, curdle, beating, binding.
Decorate cakes using healthy ingredients such as ricotta,
nuts, local fresh fruit in season, dried fruit and yoghurt.
Evaluate the outcome of the practical.
Lesson 8: The Critical Choice of List the following labour saving devices found in the
Labour Saving
kitchen namely: food mixer and processor, electric whisk, 💻 👨🏫
liquidizer and blender, electric kettle, toaster and sandwich
Lesson 9: The Critical Choice of List the following labour saving devices found in the
Labour Saving
kitchen namely: steamer, microwave oven, cooker,
refrigerator, freezer, dishwasher.
👨🏫 💻
Classify the equipment as that which is essential and
equipment which is less frequently used.
Lesson 10: The Critical Choice of Explain the safe and correct use and care of the different
Labour Saving
labour saving devices.
Identify the factors which determine the correct choice of
💻 👨🏫
an appliance.
Lesson 11: Practical – Creaming Acquire and apply the following skills: Weighing and
method (all-in-one) measuring, mixing, sieving, greasing, lining of tins,
creaming, folding-in, laying of tables, serving of food.
👨🏫 💻
Lesson 12: Practical – Creaming Acquire and apply the following skills: Weighing and
method (all-in-one) measuring, mixing, sieving, greasing, lining of tins,
creaming, folding-in, laying of tables, serving of food.
💻 👨🏫
Lesson 13: Revision
👨🏫 💻
Lesson 14: Revision
💻 👨🏫
Assessment to be based on ANY TWO Practical Interventions.
Home Economics Scheme of Work - Year 9 (2020-2021)
Year 9 – 11 (Senior School)
Lesson 2: The Concept of Identify the main factors that contribute to good health
1 Health and well-being.
Identify the basic health needs, namely physical needs,
intellectual needs, emotional needs and social needs; and
give one example of how each of these needs can be met.
Explore the concepts of health and sustainable living and
define each one.
Describe the main factors which affect health and
sustainable living (transportation, energy consumption and
Investigate the effects of individual and global
consumption patterns on society, environment and
individual life quality
Lesson 4: The Food Groups Explain how food choices for a balanced diet depend on
many factors.
2 Explain how dietary needs change according to age,
gender, level of activity, and state of health.
Divide foods into food groups (based on the Healthy Food
The Healthy Food Draw and label the Healthy Food Plate.
Plate Use the Healthy Food Plate to plan healthy meals.
Acknowledge the Healthy Food Plate as a guide for a
healthy diet by giving practical examples.
Lesson 5: Dietary Guidelines List eight dietary guidelines and suggest ways of putting
them into practice.
Distinguish between the terms diet, malnutrition, under-
nutrition, balanced diet.
State how dietary guidelines for children and adolescents
differ from those of adults.
3 Review food intake according to dietary Guidelines and
suggest ways of improving current intake.
Lesson 6: The Selection, Safe Identify equipment needed for different tasks taking place
use of and Care of in the kitchen; chopping, peeling, cutting, grating, baking,
Kitchen Equipment mixing, mashing, blending, serving.
Explain the correct choice, use and care of the different
kitchen equipment.
Lesson 7: The Preparation Analyse the given assignment.
4 Sheet
Lesson 10: Safety and Hygiene in Identify factors which can cause accidents in the food
the Kitchen lab/kitchen.
Discuss types of accidents that may happen in the food
Demonstrate safety practices during food preparation.
Home Economics Scheme of Work - Year 9 (2020-2021)
Year 9 – 11 (Senior School)
Lesson 15: Carbohydrates Classify carbohydrates into sugars, starch and non-starch
State the function of carbohydrates in the diet.
State the daily percentage energy intake to be supplied by
total carbohydrates (55%) and of which sugars (less than
State the calorific value of 1g of carbohydrates. Justify
the importance of combining vitamin B rich foods with
Explain why carbohydrate intake acts as a ‘protein sparer’.
List sources of sugar in the diet.
Classify sugars into monosaccharides and disaccharides.
Identify glucose and fructose as two of the
monosaccharides and list sources.
8 Identify maltose, surcrose and lactose as disaccharides and
list sources.
Lesson 16: Carbohydrates Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic sugars (milk and
non-milk extrinsic).
Identify the relationship between sugar intake and health
with particular reference to dental caries, obesity and
diabetes mellitus.
Explain the effects of dry and wet heat on sugars.
Name sources of starch in the diet.
Explain the importance of starch in the diet.
Identify groups of people with higher requirements of
starch in the diet, mainly athletes and or people doing
heavy work.
Explain the effects of dry and wet heat on starch.
Lesson 17: Demonstration + Describe the basic steps in the making of shortcrust
Theory – Shortcrust pastry.
Pastry Identify the main rules to follow and suggest possible
faults if rules are not followed.
Explain why shortcrust pastry is the healthiest choice
when compared with other types of pastry available on
Home Economics Scheme of Work - Year 9 (2020-2021)
Year 9 – 11 (Senior School)
the market.
Modify recipes for dishes using shortcrust pastry.
Lesson 20: Practical (half the Suggest and prepare healthy sweet or a savoury possibly
group) – Shortcrust traditional recipes.
Pastry Demonstrate simple ways of decorating pastry dishes.
Acquire and apply the following skills: Weighing and Other half – Class activity
measuring sieving, lining of tins, rubbing-in, rolling out,
lining with pastry, laying of tables, serving of food.
Lesson 4: Fats and Oils State the daily percentage energy intake to be supplied
by total fats (30%) and saturated fats (less than 10%).
State the calorific value of 1g of fat.
Explain the relationship between fat intake and health
including high serum cholesterol levels, heart disease and
Explain the link between high levels of blood cholesterol
and CHD.
Suggest ways how to reduce fat while preparing meals.
Lesson 5: Eggs Outline the nutritive value.
List different types available on the local market.
Explain their use and versatility in meal preparation.
Suggest suitable methods of cooking them.
List points to be considered when choosing, buying and
storing the food.
Explain in general, the effect of heat and changes which
take place during cooking.
Suggest recipes/traditional Maltese recipes where these
food are a main ingredient.
Draw and label the egg – shell, thin white, thick white,
3 yolk, chalazae and airspace.
Explain the difference between free-range and battery
eggs, with reference to the environmental impact and
quality of eggs.
State why eggs should not be washed before storing.
Describe how to test eggs for freshness.
Lesson 6: Nuts, Cereals and Outline the nutritive value.
Pulses List different types available on the local market.
Explain their use and versatility in meal preparation.
Suggest suitable methods of cooking them.
List points to be considered when choosing, buying and
storing these foods.
Home Economics Scheme of Work - Year 9 (2020-2021)
Year 9 – 11 (Senior School)
Lesson 8: Milk and Dairy Suggest a type of milk suitable for different groups of Teacher:
Products + people and situations – children, persons who are lactose discusses with
Preparation for Food intolerant, vegans, persons on a reduced fat diet. students various
Commodity Practical Explain how heat affects the nutritional value of milk. recipes with different
food commodities.
provides assignment
guides students in
preparation sheet
Lesson 9: Water List the functions of water.
5 List the best sources of water in the diet.
State the daily requirements.
Home Economics Scheme of Work - Year 9 (2020-2021)
Year 9 – 11 (Senior School)
absorption of calcium.
Lesson 17: Family List and describe different types of families - nuclear,
extended, single parents, foster parents, adoptive
parents, residential care homes, step parents.
Explore the roles and responsibilities of different family
Lesson 18: Family Identify the basic needs of families and how these change
throughout life - physical, intellectual, social,
psychological, environmental, occupational.
Give examples of positive family relationships.
Suggest ways how the individual and the family can
interact within the community.
Lesson 19: First Aid List items found in a first aid box.
Explain how to give first aid if faced with the following
injuries - cuts and grazes, burns and scalds, nose bleed,
fainting, bruising, swellings and sprains, jelly fish sting,
insect sting, poisoning.
Lesson 20: First Aid Identify and name the safety equipment available for fire
safety: fire extinguisher, fire blanket, smoke detector.
Describe the correct use and purpose of the fire
extinguisher, fire blanket and smoke detector.
Explain the proper way to make an emergency call.
Lesson 1: Childcare and Explain the role of both parents for parenthood.
Development List factors that can harm the unborn child.
Identify the basic needs of children at the different stages
of life- from baby to infant, toddler, pre-school child.
Lesson 2: Childcare and Suggest ways how parents can help in the development of
Development the physical, emotional, social and intellectual needs of
the child with emphasis on the importance of play.
Lesson 4: Childcare and Explain how the vaccine programme provided by the
Development health department is a means of preventing the spread of
contagious diseases.
List the 5 diseases children are immunised against namely
diphteria, tetanus, polio, pertussis (whooping cough) and
haemophilus influenza type B (Hib).
List the 2 recommended vaccines for children namely
MMR and Hepatitis B.
Lesson 5: Practical – Meal for a Acquire and apply the following skills: peeling, chopping,
Toddler cutting, slicing, dicing, grating, liquidising, blending,
Other half – Class activity
mashing, beating, mixing, laying of tables, serving of
Lesson 6: Practical – Meal for a Acquire and apply the following skills: peeling, chopping,
Toddler cutting, slicing, dicing, grating, liquidising, blending,
Other half – Class activity
mashing, beating, mixing, laying of tables, serving of
Creaming Method:
Make cakes using the all-in-one creaming method.
Define the terms rich, curdle, beating, binding.
Decorate cakes using healthy ingredients such as ricotta,
nuts, local fresh fruit in season, dried fruit and yoghurt.
Evaluate the outcome of the practical.
Lesson 8: The Critical Choice of List the following labour saving devices found in the
Labour Saving kitchen namely: food mixer and processor, electric whisk,
Devices liquidizer and blender, electric kettle, toaster and sandwich
Classify the equipment as that which is essential and
equipment which is less frequently used.
Lesson 9: The Critical Choice of List the following labour saving devices found in the
Labour Saving kitchen namely: steamer, microwave oven, cooker,
5 Devices refrigerator, freezer, dishwasher.
Classify the equipment as that which is essential and
equipment which is less frequently used.
Home Economics Scheme of Work - Year 9 (2020-2021)
Year 9 – 11 (Senior School)
Lesson 10: The Critical Choice of Explain the safe and correct use and care of the different
Labour Saving labour saving devices.
Devices Identify the factors which determine the correct choice of
an appliance.
Lesson 11: Practical – Creaming Acquire and apply the following skills: Weighing and
method (all-in-one) measuring, mixing, sieving, greasing, lining of tins, Other half – Class activity
creaming, folding-in, laying of tables, serving of food.
Lesson 12: Practical – Creaming Acquire and apply the following skills: Weighing and
method (all-in-one) measuring, mixing, sieving, greasing, lining of tins, Other half – Class activity
creaming, folding-in, laying of tables, serving of food.
Lesson 13: Revision
Lesson 14: Revision
Lesson 2: The Concept of Identify the main factors that contribute to good health
1 Health and well-being.
Identify the basic health needs, namely physical needs,
intellectual needs, emotional needs and social needs; and
give one example of how each of these needs can be met.
Explore the concepts of health and sustainable living and
define each one.
Describe the main factors which affect health and
sustainable living (transportation, energy consumption and
Investigate the effects of individual and global
consumption patterns on society, environment and
individual life quality
Lesson 4: The Food Groups Explain how food choices for a balanced diet depend on
many factors.
2 Explain how dietary needs change according to age,
gender, level of activity, and state of health.
Divide foods into food groups (based on the Healthy Food
The Healthy Food Draw and label the Healthy Food Plate.
Plate Use the Healthy Food Plate to plan healthy meals.
Acknowledge the Healthy Food Plate as a guide for a
healthy diet by giving practical examples.
Lesson 5: Dietary Guidelines List eight dietary guidelines and suggest ways of putting
them into practice.
Distinguish between the terms diet, malnutrition, under-
nutrition, balanced diet.
State how dietary guidelines for children and adolescents
differ from those of adults.
3 Review food intake according to dietary Guidelines and
suggest ways of improving current intake.
Lesson 6: The Selection, Safe Identify equipment needed for different tasks taking place
use of and Care of in the kitchen; chopping, peeling, cutting, grating, baking,
Kitchen Equipment mixing, mashing, blending, serving.
Explain the correct choice, use and care of the different
kitchen equipment.
Lesson 7: Protein State the functions of protein.
Lesson 10: Carbohydrates Distinguish between intrinsic and extrinsic sugars (milk and
non-milk extrinsic).
Identify the relationship between sugar intake and health
with particular reference to dental caries, obesity and
diabetes mellitus.
Explain the effects of dry and wet heat on sugars.
Name sources of starch in the diet.
Explain the importance of starch in the diet.
Identify groups of people with higher requirements of
starch in the diet, mainly athletes and or people doing
heavy work.
Explain the effects of dry and wet heat on starch.
Lesson 11: Non-starch Define the term NSP.
Polysaccharides Identify sources of NSP.
List the function of soluble and insoluble fibre in the diet.
Identify disorders associated with a low-fibre intake,
constipation, diverticulitis and haemorrhoids.
Explain the importance of drinking liquids when consuming
fibre rich foods.
Suggest ways how to include fibre in sweet and savoury
Describe the relationship between insoluble fibre intake
and the prevention of intestinal disorders, with particular
reference to constipation, haemorrhoids and diverticulitis.
Discuss the relationship between soluble fibre intake and
circulatory/heart health as well as blood sugar control.
Lesson 12: Water List the functions of water.
List the best sources of water in the diet.
State the daily requirements.
Identify ways how water is lost from the body.
Home Economics Scheme of Work - Year 9 (2020-2021)
Year 9 – 11 (Senior School)
Lesson 14: Fats and Oils State the daily percentage energy intake to be supplied
by total fats (30%) and saturated fats (less than 10%).
State the calorific value of 1g of fat.
Explain the relationship between fat intake and health
6 including high serum cholesterol levels, heart disease and
Explain the link between high levels of blood cholesterol
and CHD.
Suggest ways how to reduce fat while preparing meals.
Lesson 15: Vitamins Distinguish between fat soluble and water soluble
List antioxidant vitamins.
Justify the role of antioxidant vitamins to preserve health.
Identify the fat soluble vitamins A, D, E and K.
Distinguish between beta carotene and retinol.
State the functions of each vitamin.
Identify sources of each vitamin.
Identify effects of excess intake and deficiency for each of
the vitamins.
Explain the link between vitamin D intake and the
absorption of calcium.
Lesson 19: Safety and Hygiene in Explore the importance of personal and food lab/kitchen
the Kitchen hygiene in the context of food preparation.
List rules for each: personal hygiene; hygiene in the food
Lesson 20: Safety and Hygiene in Identify factors which can cause accidents in the food
the Kitchen lab/kitchen.
Discuss types of accidents that may happen in the food
Demonstrate safety practices during food preparation.
Identify safety practices that can prevent accidents in the
food lab/kitchen.
Apply safety practices and preventive measures to given
Demonstration – Explain the function of the main ingredients used for cake-
Rubbing in of Cake making.
Making Give the basic recipe for each of the methods.
Describe the main processes of each in detail.
Identify the main rules to follow when carrying out each
Comment on the shelf-life and keeping qualities of the
three methods.
Suggest ways of modifying basic recipes to make them in
line with the guidelines.
Giving reasons, state why the rubbing-in is the healthiest
method and the all-in-one/creaming is the least healthy.
Evaluate the outcome of the practical.
Lesson 4: Weighing and Name equipment used for weighing and measuring of
Measuring ingredients namely scales (spring balance/digital scales),
measuring jug, measuring spoons, measuring cups,
table/dessert/tea spoons.
List rules to be followed to achieve correct readings when
weighing and measuring.
Estimate the approximate weight of given foods (apple,
slice of bread, etc.,) and compare with actual weight.
Lesson 5: Practical (half the Acquire and apply the following skills: Weighing and
group) - Rubbing in measuring, rubbing-in, sieving, laying of tables, serving of Other half – Class activity
of Cake Making food.
Lesson 6: Practical (half the Acquire and apply the following skills: Weighing and
group) - Rubbing in measuring, rubbing-in, sieving, laying of tables, serving of Other half – Class activity
of Cake Making food.
Lesson 7: Demonstration + Describe the basic steps in the making of shortcrust
Theory – Shortcrust pastry.
Pastry Identify the main rules to follow and suggest possible
4 faults if rules are not followed.
Explain why shortcrust pastry is the healthiest choice
when compared with other types of pastry available on
the market.
Lesson 14: Milk and Dairy Suggest a type of milk suitable for different groups of Teacher:
Products + people and situations – children, persons who are lactose discusses with
Preparation for Food intolerant, vegans, persons on a reduced fat diet. students various
Commodity Practical Explain how heat affects the nutritional value of milk. recipes with different
food commodities.
provides assignment
guides students in
preparation sheet
Lesson 15: Practical – Food Acquire and apply the following skills: peeling, chopping,
Commodity cutting, slicing, dicing, grating, liquidising, blending,
mashing, beating, mixing, laying of tables, serving of
Use the following food commodities: Milk, dairy products,
cereals, pulses, nuts, herbs, spices and eggs.
Lesson 16: Practical – Food Acquire and apply the following skills: peeling, chopping,
Commodity cutting, slicing, dicing, grating, liquidising, blending,
mashing, beating, mixing, laying of tables, serving of
Use the following food commodities: Milk, dairy products,
cereals, pulses, nuts, herbs, spices and eggs.
Lesson 17: Family List and describe different types of families - nuclear,
extended, single parents, foster parents, adoptive
parents, residential care homes, step parents.
Explore the roles and responsibilities of different family
Lesson 18: Family Identify the basic needs of families and how these change
throughout life - physical, intellectual, social,
psychological, environmental, occupational.
Give examples of positive family relationships.
Suggest ways how the individual and the family can
interact within the community.
Lesson 19: First Aid
List items found in a first aid box.
Explain how to give first aid if faced with the following
Lesson 20: First Aid Identify and name the safety equipment available for fire
safety: fire extinguisher, fire blanket, smoke detector.
Describe the correct use and purpose of the fire
extinguisher, fire blanket and smoke detector.
Explain the proper way to make an emergency call.
Lesson 1: Childcare and Explain the role of both parents for parenthood.
Development List factors that can harm the unborn child.
Identify the basic needs of children at the different stages
of life- from baby to infant, toddler, pre-school child.
1 Lesson 2: Childcare and Suggest ways how parents can help in the development of
Development the physical, emotional, social and intellectual needs of
the child with emphasis on the importance of play.
Explain how an environment which promotes healthy
eating habits can be created within the family.
Lesson 4 Childcare and Explain how the vaccine programme provided by the
Development health department is a means of preventing the spread of
contagious diseases.
List the 5 diseases children are immunised against namely
diphteria, tetanus, polio, pertussis (whooping cough) and
haemophilus influenza type B (Hib).
List the 2 recommended vaccines for children namely
MMR and Hepatitis B.
Lesson 5: Practical – Meal for a Acquire and apply the following skills: peeling, chopping,
Toddler cutting, slicing, dicing, grating, liquidising, blending,
Other half – Class activity
mashing, beating, mixing, laying of tables, serving of
3 food.
Lesson 6: Practical – Meal for a
Acquire and apply the following skills: peeling, chopping,
Toddler Other half – Class activity
cutting, slicing, dicing, grating, liquidising, blending,
Creaming Method:
Make cakes using the all-in-one creaming method.
Define the terms rich, curdle, beating, binding.
Decorate cakes using healthy ingredients such as ricotta,
nuts, local fresh fruit in season, dried fruit and yoghurt.
Evaluate the outcome of the practical.
Lesson 8: The Critical Choice of List the following labour saving devices found in the
Labour Saving kitchen namely: food mixer and processor, electric whisk,
Devices liquidizer and blender, electric kettle, toaster and sandwich
Classify the equipment as that which is essential and
equipment which is less frequently used.
Lesson 9: The Critical Choice of List the following labour saving devices found in the
Labour Saving kitchen namely: steamer, microwave oven, cooker,
Devices refrigerator, freezer, dishwasher.
Classify the equipment as that which is essential and
equipment which is less frequently used.
Lesson 10: The Critical Choice of Explain the safe and correct use and care of the different
Labour Saving labour saving devices.
Devices Identify the factors which determine the correct choice of
an appliance.
Lesson 11: Practical – Creaming Acquire and apply the following skills: Weighing and
method (all-in-one) measuring, mixing, sieving, greasing, lining of tins, Other half – Class activity
creaming, folding-in, laying of tables, serving of food.
Lesson 12: Practical – Creaming Acquire and apply the following skills: Weighing and
method (all-in-one) measuring, mixing, sieving, greasing, lining of tins, Other half – Class activity
creaming, folding-in, laying of tables, serving of food.
Lesson 13: Revision
Lesson 14: Revision
Revision – Concept of
Health, Functions of
Lesson 1:
food, Food groups,
Guidelines and the
1 Healthy Plate.
Revision – Nutrients
in General, *It is advised to check on the
Lesson 2: Class activities to determine where the students stand in their learners’ knowledge and
Carbohydrates, NSP
and Water. learning. Through revision exercises and brief explanations, understanding of these
students will be able to consolidate the topics covered in Year 9. foundation topics in Home
Revision – Proteins, Economics. These topics can
Lesson 3:
Fats and Oils. however be adapted and
structured as need be
Revision – Vitamins
Lesson 4: depending on the particular
and Minerals
Revision –
Lesson 5:
Preparation Sheet
List factors which affect food choice.
Factors affecting food
Lesson 6: Suggest meals that could be prepared, keeping in mind the
various factors / situations.
Meal Planning for Recognize risk factors and suggest ways of preventing the
Lesson 7: Different Dietary following diet-related disorders: diabetes and dental caries,
Requirements 1 CHD and high levels of cholesterol, hypertension,
Meal Planning for overweight/obesity, constipation and diverticular disease,
Lesson 8: Different Dietary osteoporosis, food allergies, coeliac disease,
Requirements 2 anorexia/bulimia.
storing food.
Explain the effect of heat and changes during cooking.
Suggest recipes to increase use of fresh, wholesome food
Explain the effects of heat on the nutritional value of
Explain the term organic farming.
State two benefits and two disadvantages of organic
Outline the importance of organic farming.
Organic Farming and
Lesson 14: list three ways how it differs to conventional methods of
Explain the term genetically modified organisms.
Give three reasons why people are showing more awareness
regarding gmo’s.
List at least 5 reasons why we cook food.
Explain the difference between moist and dry methods of
Lesson 15: Methods of Cooking 1 Explain the difference between conduction, convection and
radiation as methods of heat transfer.
List possible cooking methods: grilling, poaching, steaming,
boiling, microwave cooking, barbeques, baking, deep,
shallow and stir frying, stewing.
Suggest suitable food that can be cooked using each method
of cooking.
Compare and contrast methods of cooking according to
affect on health, efficiency in relation to time, use of fuel,
Lesson 16: Methods of Cooking 2 changes in energy values and nutrient loss.
Identify equipment necessary for each method of cooking.
List rules when using each of the cooking methods, with
particular reference to microwave cooking.
Label the digestive tract – mouth, tongue and salivary
The Process of
9 Lesson 17: glands, oesophagus, stomach, liver, pancreas, small
intestine, large intestine, anus.
Meal Preparation:
Cooking for a
Lesson 3:
Pregnant woman Prepare, cook and serve a healthy meal suitable for a
(group 1) pregnant woman keeping in mind the nutritional dietary
Meal Preparation: guidelines.
Cooking for a Work out revision exercises on previous lessons.
Lesson 4:
Pregnant woman
(group 2)
For the investigation, students are expected to complete:
- the Identification of Factors involved
Lesson 5: Investigation 2
- the Aims
- the Plan of Action
Explain how one can pay for products using the following
methods: cash, plastic money, cheque, hire purchase, interest
Lesson 6: Methods of Payment
free credit, bank-loan or overdraft facilities.
Compare the advantages and disadvantages when using the
above methods.
Explain the difference between debit and credit card and
comment on the advantages and disadvantages of using these
Identify 3 difficulties faced by people with mobility
Identify 3 difficulties faced by people with mental impairment.
The person with
Lesson 7: Comment on the effect a person with special needs has on the
Special Needs
Suggest ways how to integrate the person with a disability in
the community.
Describe the process of the whisking method.
Identify the main rules to follow.
Define the terms whisking, ribbon-texture and folding-in.
Suggest two faults that may occur when rules are not
Comment on the shelf-life when preparing cakes using the
whisking method.
Whisking Method
Lesson 8: Suggest ways of increasing fibre, reducing sugar and
margarine when preparing cakes.
Describe the properties of the ingredients used for each
method of cake-making.
Make sponge mixtures to prepare flans and Swiss rolls and
other healthy desserts.
Suggest suitable fillings when making sponge cakes and Swiss
Whisking method
Practical (group 1)
Lesson 9:
Revision Exercises
Prepare, cook and serve a healthy cake using the whisking
(group 2)
5 method.
Whisking method
Work out revision exercises on previous lessons.
Practical (group 2)
Lesson 10:
Revision Exercises
(group 1)
Meal Preparation:
Cooking for a
Lesson 15: Vegetarian (group 1)
Revision Exercises
Prepare, cook and serve a healthy meal suitable for a
(group 2)
8 vegetarian keeping in mind the nutritional dietary guidelines.
Meal Preparation:
Work out revision exercises on previous lessons.
Cooking for a
Lesson 16: Vegetarian (group 2)
Revision Exercises
(group 1)
Define the term environment.
Lesson 17: Explain the importance of taking care of our environment.
Comment on the local environmental situation.
Distinguish between organic, inorganic waste, liquid and solid
List benefits of separating waste at source.
Explain the steps to follow when organizing waste to be taken
Waste Separation at
Lesson 18: to bring-in sites.
Suggest ways how we can reuse, reduce, recycle, return and
Name bi-products such as compost and bio-diesel that are
being made from generated waste.
Define the term green consumer.
Choice of Goods and List symbols to look out for to choose products with minimal
Services with Minimal impact on the environment.
10 Lesson 19:
Impact on the Suggest changes in habits and daily routines to help us
Environment become more green consumers when choosing goods and
using various services.
Home Economics Scheme of Work - Year 9 (2020-2021)
Year 9 – 11 (Senior School)
Senior Citizens in the List 5 services available for senior citizens and discuss their
7 Lesson 13:
Society 2 benefits.
Lesson 14: Revision Activities Work out revision exercises on previous lessons.
Lesson 1: Discuss what topics were covered last year when schools were
Introduction to Home closed down.
Economics in Yr 11 Discuss the parts of the investigation that were covered last year
when schools were closed down.
Outline this year’s targets.
Lesson 2: Revise the following Yr 10 parts of the investigation:
Choice and analysis of investigation title.
Revision of Yr 10
Identification of factors involved in carrying out the
Lesson 3:
Revision of Yr 10 Check where students stand in their learning and revise Yr 10
topics topics covered when schools were closed down.
Lesson 4:
Revision of Yr 10 Check where students stand in their learning and revise Yr 10
topics topics covered when schools were closed down.
Lesson 5:
Revision of Yr 10 Check where students stand in their learning and revise Yr 10
topics topics covered when schools were closed down.
Lesson 6: Revise the following Yr 10 parts of the investigation:
Revision of Yr 10
Plan of action.
Background research.
Lesson 7: List causes of food spoilage namely by natural decay and
Food Spoilage, microscopic forms of life (to include bacteria, moulds and yeasts),
4 Contamination and and chemicals.
Poisoning Define the term perishable foods.
Give examples of perishable foods.
Lesson 13:
Investigation Yr 11 –
Explain how to carry out the technique in an effective manner.
Use of Technique 1
Lesson 15:
Food Labelling Continue the above learning objectives.
Lesson 18: Investigation Yr 11 – Draw detailed conclusions to the result of the technique.
Use of Technique 1 +
Discussion of Results Discuss in detail the outcomes of the results obtained.
Lesson 19: List the advantages and disadvantages of renting, buying and
building a house.
Steps to Follow when Identify the different ways of financing a home.
List the steps to follow when buying a house.
Acquiring a Home
Explain who is the estate agent and what services they offer.
List the advantages and disadvantages of using the services of an
estate agent from the buyer’s and seller’s point of view.
Lesson 20: Steps to Follow when Continue the above learning objectives.
Acquiring a Home +
Explain the difference between assurances and insurances.
Assurances and
List the benefits of having a household insurance policy and a life
assurance policy when taking a loan from the bank.
Lesson 11:
(*1) Annual Exams /
Lesson 12:
(*1) Annual Exams /
Lesson 13:
(*1) Annual Exams /
Lesson 14:
(*1) Annual Exams /
Lesson 15:
8 (*1) Annual Exams /
Lesson 16:
(*1) Annual Exams /
Lesson 19:
Class Activities Do class activities on topics of Yr 9 and 10.
Lesson 20:
Class Activities Do class activities on topics of Yr 9 and 10.
Lesson 5:
Laundry and Fabric
Continue the above learning objectives.
Lesson 8:
Yr 10 Revision Revise Yr 10 topics covered when schools were closed down.
Lesson 9:
General Revision Revise Yr 9, 10 and 11 topics.
Lesson 10:
General Revision Revise Yr 9, 10 and 11 topics.
Lesson 11:
Class Activities Review and working of past papers.
Lesson 12:
Class Activities Review and working of past papers.
Lesson 13:
Class Activities Review and working of past papers.
Lesson 14:
Class Activities Review and working of past papers.