Touchstone 1 - Unit 9

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Unit 9

Quiz Name:
Teacher Scoring

A ’ Listen to Kayo a n d Nick talk. C heck ( / ) tru e or false for each sentence. A 8 points
(2 points each)
True False
1. T here’s only o n e good Greek resta u ra n t in th e city. □ □ 1.___
2. Nick can speak a little Greek. □ □ 2.___
3. Nick can play th e b o u z o u k i a n d th e guitar. □ □ 3 . ___

4. Nick plays th e bouzouki in a b and. □ □ 4 . ___

B 4 points
B M ake conversations. M atch th e sentences. Use each answ er only once. (1 point each)

1. W hat can you see from th e to p of th e a. Let’s go this afternoon. 1.___

E m pire State B uilding?____ b. You can see th e Statue of Liberty.
2. W hen can w e see a sh o w ?____ c. Yes. T here are usually a lot of seats. 2 ..

3. W here can you get a view of th e city?. d. Actually, y o u can get a good view 3 ..

4. Can w e take th e b u s to u r at 10:00 from the resta u ra n t in your hotel. 4 ..

to d a y ? ____

C C om plete th e q u estio n s a n d answ ers. Use ca n or ca n ’t a n d th e verbs in p aren th eses. C 12 points

Use capital letters w here necessary. (1 point each)

1. A W hat kinds of m u s e u m s . you. (visit) in your city? l.A ___

B Y ou___________________ _ (go) to h istory m u se u m s - like th e M useum of ________
Peruvian History.

2. A ____________ y o u . (get) good C hinese food in this neighborhood? 2. A_

B No, y o u . (find) good C hinese food a ro u n d here. But B.

th e re ’s good M exican food.

3. ____________y o u _____________(take) a ferry to th e island? 3.A.

B No, b u t y o u . (drive) there. T here’s a bridge. B.

D C om plete th e se n te n c es w ith countries, nationalities, or languages. D 8 points

(2 points each)
E x a m p le : My b e st friend is C anadian, b u t she d o e sn ’t live in . She
lives in Brazil.
1. My fath er is from Turkey, b u t h e can ’t s p e a k _________________ . 1..

2. My fa v o rite ________ candy store is n e a r here. They have delicious chocolate 2 ..

from France.
3. My b est friend is from G erm any, b u t she d o esn ’t lik e ________________ m usic. 3 ..

4. I love C hinese silk, b u t this silk isn’t fro m _________________. 4 ..

T-170 • Unit 9 Quiz Photocopiable © Cambridge University Press

E C om plete th e conversation. W rite a k in d o r k in d o f like. E 8 points
(2 points each)
Se rve r Are you ready to order?

M ic h i Yes. Can I have b lin i, please?

S e rv e r Sure. OK.

R a y Um, w h a t’s blini?

M ic h i It’s _______________________ R ussian food. 1.___

S e rv e r Yeah. It’s ________________________ a pancake. 2.___
R a y Sounds interesting. Can I have blini, too, please?

S e rv e r OK, th en , tw o blini. A nd w hat do you w an t to drink?

M ic h i C an I get a cafe a u lait, please?

S e rv e r Sure.

R a y Sorry. W h at’s a cafe a u lait?

S e rv e r It’s _______________________ coffee drink. 3.

M ic h i Yes. It’s coffee w ith milk.

R a y Sounds good. Cafe a u lait for m e, too, please.

S e rv e r OK. Thanks.

R a y This place i s __________________ a E u ro p ean cafe. 4 .___

M ic h i Yeah, it’s m y favorite place for coffee a n d a snack.

F Read th e page from a travel guide. T h en w rite sh o rt answ ers to th e questions. F 10 points
{2 points each)
I f
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Tour of Istanbul
Three hours
This tour starts at the Istanbul Hotel, in the E uropean part of the city.
Istanbul sits on two continents - E urope and Asia. So first, you can
walk over the Galata Bridge and get an amazing view of these two
! regions. Then visit the Topkapi Palace. This is the old sultans palace,
but these days, it’s a museum. At the palace, you can look at the
exhibits of art, jewelry, and traditional clothes of the sultan. Next, go
shopping in the Grand Bazaar. It’s kind of like a shopping mall, but it’s
old and historic! You can buy a million things in the Grand Bazaar -
spices, clothes, carpets, and souvenirs. Finally, enjoy some Turkish tea
and coffee outside at a cafe and m eet visitors from around the world.
1. W hat c o n tin e n ts can you see from th e G alata Bridge?
3 . __
2. W hat is th e Topkapi Palace now? _
4 . ___
3. W hat can you see at th e Topkapi Palace? ___________
5 . __
4. W hat is th e G rand Bazaar like? ____________________ Total:
5. W hat can you d rink at an o u td o o r cafe? out of 50

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