Cambridge IGCSE: 0475/22 Literature in English
Cambridge IGCSE: 0475/22 Literature in English
Cambridge IGCSE: 0475/22 Literature in English
Cambridge IGCSE
• Answer two questions.
• Your answers must be on two different set texts.
• You must answer one (a) passage-based question and one (b) essay question.
• Follow the instructions on the front cover of the answer booklet. If you need additional answer paper,
ask the invigilator for a continuation booklet.
• The total mark for this paper is 50.
• All questions are worth equal marks.
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Either 1(a)
Read this passage carefully, and then answer the question that follows it:
Lily: Nobody ask me ... Besides, I never plan to marry. How you like that? I’m exerting
my own will, and since the only thing ever willed for me was marriage, I choose
not to do it. And why take just one man, when you can have a lifetime full of so
many. Listen up, that may be the best advice I give you babies. And you needn’t
share that little pearl of wisdom with your daddy. Now, Ermina, sit still! 35
Ernestine [To audience.]: We were Lily’s family now, kinda like buying flowers from a
store without having to plant the seeds.
[ERMINA squirms in the chair.]
Lily: Sit still, don’t fight me on this. Choose your battles carefully, chile, a nappy
head in this world might as well fly the white flag and surrender! 40
How does Nottage make this moment in the play both amusing and serious?
Or 1(b)
In what ways does Nottage’s portrayal of Gerte create such a powerful impact in the play?
Either 2(a)
Read this passage carefully, and then answer the question that follows it:
Someone you
[from Act 1]
How does Miller make this such a powerful and significant moment in the play?
Or 2(b)
How does Miller make the relationship between Abigail Williams and John Proctor so disturbing?
Either 3(a)
Read this passage carefully, and then answer the question that follows it:
Stanhope: It’s all right, old chap; it’s just the shock – numbed them. [Again there is a pause.
When RALEIGH speaks, there is a different note in his voice.]
Raleigh: It’s awfully decent of you to bother, Dennis. I feel rotten lying here – everybody
else – up there. 35
Stanhope: It’s not your fault, Jimmy.
Raleigh: So – damn – silly – getting hit. [Pause.] Is there – just a drop of water?
Stanhope [Rising quickly]: Sure. I’ve got some here. [He pours some water into the mug
and brings it to RALEIGH. Cheerfully.] Got some tea-leaves in it. D’you mind?
Raleigh: No. That’s all right – thanks – [STANHOPE holds the mug to RALEIGH’s lips, 40
and the boy drinks.] I say, Dennis, don’t you wait – if – if you want to be getting
Stanhope: It’s quite all right, Jimmy.
Raleigh: Can you stay for a bit?
Stanhope: Of course I can. 45
Raleigh [Faintly.]: Thanks awfully. [There is quiet in the dugout for a long time.
STANHOPE sits with one hand on RALEIGH’s arm, and RALEIGH lies very
still. Presently he speaks again – hardly above a whisper.] Dennis –
Stanhope: Yes, old boy?
Raleigh: Could we have a light? It’s – It’s so frightfully dark and cold. 50
How does Sherriff make this such a moving moment in the play?
Or 3(b)
Explore how Sherriff powerfully portrays the friendship between Stanhope and Osborne.
Either 4(a)
Read this passage carefully, and then answer the question that follows it:
[OLIVIA’s garden.]
[Enter OLIVIA and MARIA.]
Olivia: I have sent after him; he says he’ll come.
How shall I feast him? What bestow of him?
For youth is bought more oft than begg’d or borrow’d. 5
I speak too loud.
Where’s Malvolio? He is sad and civil,
And suits well for a servant with my fortunes.
Where is Malvolio?
Maria: He’s coming, madam; but in very strange manner. He is sure possess’d, madam. 10
Olivia: Why, what’s the matter? Does he rave?
Maria: No, madam, he does nothing but smile. Your ladyship were best to have some
guard about you if he come; for sure the man is tainted in’s wits.
Olivia: Go call him hither. [Exit MARIA.]
I am as mad as he, 15
If sad and merry madness equal be
[Re-enter MARIA with MALVOLIO.]
How now, Malvolio!
How does Shakespeare make this such a dramatic moment in the play?
Or 4(b)
Either 5(a)
Read this passage carefully, and then answer the question that follows it:
In what ways does Shakespeare make this such a sad moment in the play?
Or 5(b)
How does Shakespeare’s portrayal of Cassio contribute to the dramatic impact of the play?