Elements DLP

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Republic of the Philippines

Department of Education
Tukuran Technical Vocational High School
Baclay - Extension


DLP NO. Learning Area Grade Level Quarter Time
and Section
2 Mapeh- Arts 10 - Pinetree & 1st 9:45am &
Narra 1:00pm
Teaching Date September 7, 2022 Code A10EL-lb-1
Learning Competency/ies Analyzes art elements and principles in
the production of work following a
specific art style movements
I- Objectives
 Knowledge Identify the different elements of art in
the various art movements;

 Skills Create your own artwork by applying the

elements of art based on the examples of

 Attitudes Appreciate the different elements of art

and the details of art;

 Values Develop a Genuine Love for Art

II - Content Elements of Arts

Resources References  Self - Learning Module (SLM)
Mapeh 10, Quarter 1 - Module 1
 G-10 Textbook “Music and Arts
Appreciation for Young Filipinos -
Learning Material
Materials Power point, manila paper, marker, and
cartolina strips

III - Procedure

Teacher’s Activity Student’s Activity

A. Preparatory Activity

Cleanliness is observed.
(Ask a student to lead the prayer)
(One students will lead the prayer)
“Good morning class!”
“Good morning Ma’am.”
“Take your seats.”
Thank you Ma’am.”
Attendance check.
Students will raise their hands and say
“ if their names are called.
Before we will start our lesson for today,
Students listen attentively.
class I want you to follow my rules.

Rule 1: RESPECT one another.

Rule 1: RESPECT one another.
Rule 2: Ask permission if you want to go out.
Rule 2: Ask permission if you want to go out.
Rule 3: Avoid talking to your seatmates.
Rule 3: Avoid talking to your seatmates.
Rule 4: Raise your right hand if you want to
Rule 4: Raise your right hand if you want to
Rule 5: Turn your phones to SILENT
Rule 5: Turn your phones to SILENT

Yes, Ma’am.

B. Review
Now let’s have a recap. What was our lesson
Our lesson yesterday Ma’am was about The
yesterday? Who can still remember it? Principles of Design.

Very good. Thank you.

Principle of Design is the rules an artist must
What do you mean by Principles of Design?
follow to create an effective and attractive

Excellent! Thank you for sharing that The different Principles of Design are the
Unity and Variety, Balance, Emphasis and
brilliant idea. Now, what are the different
Subordination, Contrast, Repetition and
Principles of Design? Rhythm, and Scale and Proportion..

Very well said. Thank you everyone for

Students perform the clap.
sharing your learning in the class. Let’s give
ourselves a DIONESIA CLAP.
Any clarifications regarding the past
None, Ma’am.

The students listen carefully.
I have some pictures of arts here. All you
have to do is to observe and analyze what
these pictures are all about.

Students answer randomly.

I see different shapes Ma’am.

The pictures are colorful.

There are also different lines

I think our topic this morning is all about

From these pictures, what do you think is our
Elements of Arts Ma’am.
topic this morning?

That’s right. Very good.

D. Lesson Proper

Before we will proceed to our lesson proper,

I have here our topic objectives, kindly read
it silently.
At the end of the lesson, the students should
At the end of the lesson, the students should
be able to:
be able to:

a) Identify the different a) Identify the different

elements of art in the various art elements of art in the various art
movements; movements;
b) Create your own artwork by b) Create your own artwork by
applying the elements of art based on the applying the elements of art based on the
examples of arts. examples of arts.
a) Appreciate the different c) Appreciate the different
elements of art and the details of art elements of art and the details of art

What comes on your mind when you hear the Art is a creative activity that expresses
word ART? imaginative or technical skill.

Very good. Let’s give her an AMBER Students perform the clap.

This morning, we will find out the different Elements of Arts are the stylistic features
Elements of Arts. By the way, what do you that are included within an art piece to help
mean by Elements of Arts? the artist communicate.

Excellent idea! Thank you.

Did you know that there are seven elements Yes, Ma’am.
of arts?

What is the first elements of art? The first elements of art is the LINE. The
line is our basic means for recording and
symbolizing ideas, observations, and
feelings. It is also the primary means of
visual communication.
Very well said. Let’s give him a WOW
MAGIC CLAP! The students perform the clap.
(The teacher discusses the first elements of
art in a PowerPoint presentation)

Did you know also there are different types Yes, Ma’am.
of lines?

Who can share their ideas what are those (The students randomly answers.
The different types of lines are:
1. Straight line
2. Dashed line
3. Contour line
4. Variable line
5. Zigzag line
6. Continuous line
7. Curved line
8. Intersecting line
9. Dotted line
10. Implied line

Exactly! Very good idea.

Let’s give ourselves an AMAZING CLAP! The students perform the clap.

How about the second elements of art? Any The second elements of art is the SHAPE.
The shape refers to the expanse within the
idea what is Shape?
outline of a two - dimensional area or within
the outer
boundaries of a three- dimensional object. It
may be geometric (circles, triangles, squares)
or organic.
Very good ideas students. Thank you.
(The teacher discusses the second elements of
art in a PowerPoint presentation)

Let’s proceed to the third elements of art. The third elements of art is the SPACE.
What do you mean by Space? Space is the indefinable, general receptacle of
all things. It is continuous, indefinite, and
ever-present. The visual arts are sometimes
referred as spatial arts because most of the
Exactly! Very good idea. forms are organized in a space.
(The teacher discusses the third elements of
art in a PowerPoint presentation)

Now, what is the fourth elements of arts? The fourth elements of art is the VALUE.
The value refers to the lightness and darkness
Any idea what is Value?
of surfaces. It ranges from white to various
grays to black. It can also be a property of
color or an element of color.
Yes, very good idea.
(The teacher discusses the fourth elements of
art in a PowerPoint presentation)

Let’s proceed to the fifth elements of art. The fifth elements of arts is the COLOR.
The color is the component of light, affects
What do you mean by Color?
us directly by notifying our thoughts, moods,
actions, and even our health. Color also is the
effect on our eyes of light waves of differing
wavelengths or frequencies.
Very well said. Thank you for sharing
(The teacher discusses the fifth elements of
art in a PowerPoint presentation)

Let’s proceed to the sixth elements of art. The sixth elements of art is the TEXTURE.
The texture is the textile qualities of surfaces
What do you mean by Texture?
or to the visual representation of those
qualities in visual arts.

Class, did you know that there are two types The two types of texture are the actual
texture which means all those we can feel by
of texture, what are those?
touching, while the simulated texture are
those created to look like something other
than plain on a flat surface.
Exactly! Very good idea.

The last elements of art is the

Now, let’s proceed to the last elements of arts PERSPECTIVE. Perspective is a point of
view. It visual arts, it refers to any means of
which is the so called perspective. What do
representing three-dimensional objects in
you mean by Perspective? space on a two-dimensional surface.

Very good students. Thank you very much The students perform the clap.
for your brilliant ideas. Let’s give ourselves a
E. Generalization

Now, what have you learned on our

The students answer randomly.
discussion this morning?
I have learned that art is very important in
Yes, it is. Thank you for that wonderful idea.
our everyday living. I have also learned that
in order to create a work of art, the elements
of arts which are the line, shape, space,value,
color, texture, and perspective should always
be present.
F. Application:

At this point class, we will have an activity.

I will divide you into two groups. 1…2…1…2…
Count off 1.. 2..

Group 1. Group 1.
Directions: Directions:
Evaluate the designs below. Try to see what Evaluate the designs below. Try to see what
elements of art are being applied. Write your elements of art are being applied. Write your
answer in the manila paper. answer in the manila paper.







Group 2. Group 2.
Directions: Directions:
Identify the elements of art that are Identify the elements of art that are
describe in each item. Write your answer in describe in each item. Write your answer in
the manila paper. the manila paper.
1. This tends to be precise and regular in
shape. 1. SHAPE
2. The visual arts are sometimes to be 2. SPACE
referred to like this because most of the 3. LINE
art forms are organized in space. 4. VALUE
3. They always seem to be moving, and we 5. PERSPECTIVE
follow them with our fingers, our
gestures, or our eyes.
4. It refers to the lightness or darkness
from white through grays to black.’
5. Objects appear smaller at a distance
because parallel lines appear to converge
as they recede into the distance.

 Presentation Delivery - 10 pts
 Cooperation - 5 pts
 Behavior - 5 pts
20 pts

IV. Evaluation:

At this point class, we will have an activity.

Create something beautiful and useful
artwork to make your life more meaningful
by applying the different principles of arts
and the elements of arts that you have
learned concerning the talent that God has
given you. White it in a short bond paper
together with your reflection.

V. Assignment:
Research in advance in Physical Education:
Active Recreation and its benefits to our

That’s all for today. Thank you and goodbye Ma’am Mamentong,
Thank you and goodbye class!
and see you tomorrow Ma’am.

Nelma C. Mamentong
Municipal Paid Teacher


Oliver D. Dacua
School Head

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