Esp Wroom 02d Telec Certificate
Esp Wroom 02d Telec Certificate
Esp Wroom 02d Telec Certificate
Radio Equipment in JAPAN
No: 201-171000 / 00
Telefication, operating as Conformity Assessment Body (CAB ID Number: 201) with respect to Japan, declares that
the listed product complies with the Technical Regulations Conformity Certification of Specified Radio equipment
(ordinance of MPT N° 37,1981)
David Chen
Product Assessor
Annex 1 to Certificate of Radio Equipment in Japan 10 November 2017
Number: 201-171000 / 00 Page 2 / 5
The validity of this Certificate is limited to products, which are equal to the one examined in the type-
When the manufacturer (or holder of this certificate) is placing the product on the Japanese market, the
product must be affixed with the following Specified Radio Equipment marking:
R 201-171000
Internal antenna, max gain of 3.77 dBi at 2.4 GHz
Test Reports:
Product Documentation:
- Assembly drawings
- Bill of materials
- Block diagram
- Electrical diagrams
- Antenna specifications
- Internal photos
- External photos
- Manual
IEEE 802.11b
- Operating frequency range: 2412-2472 MHz (13 channels)
- ITU designation: 10M6G1D
- Maximum output power: 4.70 mW/MHz rated
IEEE 802.11g
- Operating frequency range: 2412-2472 MHz (13 channels)
- ITU designation: 16M5D1D,G1D
- Maximum output power: 2.25 mW/MHz rated
The product as described in this Certificate includes the following type designations: