td51 E-Fillable Eng

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Important Notice

Requirement of Address Proof

The original or a copy of the proof of address issued within the last three months has to be
produced when submitting a licensing application. In accordance with the relevant
legislation, the Transport Department may suspend processing the application in the
absence of address proof. [Please refer to the list of acceptable proof of address]

Change of Address
According to the law, driving licence holders or registered vehicle owners have to notify the
Transport Department within 72 hours of their change of address. Any person without
reasonable excuse contravenes such requirement commits an offence and is liable to a fine
of $2,000. You may notify the Transport Department of change in address with your proof of
new address in writing, through GovHK or by submitting the specified form

Mail items with insufficient postage

Underpaid mail items are subject to surcharge by Hongkong Post. This department will not
accept underpaid mail items, which will be returned to the sender
by the Hongkong Post. For proper delivery of your
mail items to the department, and to avoid unnecessary delivery delay or unsuccessful
delivery, please ensure your mail items bear sufficient postage with return address before
posting. [Please note details about postage and pay attention to the New Postage
Structure effective from 1 January 201 ]
請閱讀附頁的「注意事項」,並以正楷填寫各項資料。 Permit No.:
Please read the notes overleaf and complete all items in BLOCK LETTERS.
如果你以郵遞申請,請亦填寫於第二頁的丁部。 Checker: Issuing Officer:
If you submit your application by post, please also complete Part D on page 2.
( 本欄不必填寫 For Official Use Only)


姓名 Name * 先生╱夫人╱小姐╱女士 *Mr. / Mrs. / Miss / Ms.
( 英文 English) ( 中文 Chinese)

身分證明文件號碼 出生日期 出生地點

Identity Document No. ( ) Date of Birth Place of Birth
最新的住址。 」
(Note: The residential address of a driving licence holder/registered vehicle owner is his/her registered address in this Department, and will be used for the purposes
of contact with him/her and mailing correspondence. Thus, the applicant must fill in his/her updated residential address in this application form.)

室 Flat/Room 樓 Floor 座 Block

大廈╱屋苑名稱 Name of Building / Estate

門牌號數及街道 ( 或鄉村 ) 名稱 Number and Name of Street (or Village)

†  香港 Hong Kong 九龍 Kowloon ✔ 新界 New Territories

地區 District
「注意:如你以上所填報的住址並不能用作聯絡和郵遞用途,請在以下填寫你的通訊地址。 」
(Note: If you cannot use the above residential address for the purposes of contact and mailing, please fill in below your correspondence address.)
室 Flat/Room 樓 Floor 座 Block

大廈╱屋苑名稱 Name of Building / Estate

門牌號數及街道 ( 或鄉村 ) 名稱 Number and Name of Street (or Village) † 香港 Hong Kong
九龍 Kowloon
地區 District 新界 New Territories


I wish to apply for an International Driving Permit for the following class(es) of vehicles:—
† A. 電單車 Motor Cycle C. 中型╱重型貨車 Medium/Heavy Goods Vehicle E. 掛接車輛 Articulated Vehicle
B. 私家車 Private Car D. 私家╱公共巴士 Private/Public Bus

(1) 本人現聲明,本人現在持有的香港正式駕駛執照仍然有效或逾期不超過三年,且本人現擬申請駕駛的一類車輛,乃未為當局取消
( 第 374 章 ) 第 111 條第 (3) 款的規定,本人可被判罰款 $5,000 及監禁 6 個月。此外,現聲明本人已細閱本申請表格的內容及明白有
I hereby declare that I am in possession of a full Hong Kong driving licence which is still valid, or has not expired for more than
3 years and that I am not at present disqualified from holding or driving the class(es) of vehicle for which I wish to apply now.
My declarations above are true and correct. I understand that, if I knowingly make any statement or provide any information in
this application form which is false in any material particular, I shall be liable under Section 111(3) of Road Traffic Ordinance
(Cap. 374) to a fine of $5,000 and imprisonment for 6 months. I hereby declare that I have read through the content of this
application form and understand the “NOTES FOR ATTENTION”.
(2) 本人委託 _______________________ ( 代理人姓名 ),即身分證明文件號碼 __________________ 的持有人為代理人,代表本人提
( 註:如申請表提供的資料曾作修改,申請人須在旁加簽作實。)
I hereby appoint ____________________________________________________________ (name of agent), holder of identity document
number ___________________as the agent to submit and handle this application on my behalf, including the collection of related
licence, permit and/or other documents.
(Note: If the information provided in this application form is amended, applicant shall sign next to the amended part for verification.)

申請人簽署 ........................................................................ 日期 ...................................................................

Signature of Applicant Date
* 請將不適用的刪去 Delete whichever is inapplicable † 請在適當的方格內加上「 」號 Please tick the appropriate box

TD 51 (Rev. 01/2022) 第一頁 Page 1 顧客服務熱線 Customer Service Hotline: 2804 2600 請翻後頁 Please turn over
The following documents have to be produced together with the completed application forms:—
† 你的香港身分證正本或副本;
Original or photocopy of your H.K. Identity Card;
Two identical, new and recent photographs, with plain background, size 40mm 50mm taken full face without headwear;
應繳費用 — 國際駕駛許可證的申請費用為 $80 [ 有關申請費用或會更改。如欲知最新費用,你可於本署各牌照事務處詢問處、或致電顧客服務熱線 2804 2600 ╱ 1823  電話中心查詢、參閱牌
照事務處的牌照費用表 (TD341) 或瀏覽運輸署網頁 (] 。如以支票╱銀行本票付款,請劃線並寫明「香港特別行政區政府」為收款人。並在支票╱銀行本票背面寫上你的姓名、
身分證明文件號碼首 4 個字(包括英文字母及數字)及日間聯絡電話。請勿郵寄現款;及
The appropriate fee — the application fee for International Driving Permit is $80 [The application fee may be subject to change. For enquiry about the updated application fee, you may make
enquires at the enquiry counters of Licensing Offices or from Customer Service Hotline 2804 2600/1823 Call Centre, refer to the licence fees table (TD341) from licensing offices, or visit
Transport Department’s website ( for information]. If pay by cheque/cashier order, please make cheque/cashier order payable to either “The Government of the Hong Kong Special
Administrative Region” or “The Government of the HKSAR” and crossed. Please write down your name, first four characters/digits of your identity document number and daytime contact
telephone number on the back of the cheque/cashier order. Cash should not be sent by post; and
機構發出的文件)。所有可接納的地址證明載列於本署網站 (。如有查詢,可致電 2804 2600。
Original or photocopy of proof of present address (residential address and correspondence address) which is issued not more than 3 months from now (includes utility or telecommunication
bills, documents issued by banks, insurance companies, government departments, local universities, international charitable organizations or charitable organizations registered in Hong Kong).
The full list of acceptable proof of address is available at this Department’s website ( For enquiries,
please call 2804 2600.
† 請在適當的方格內加上「 」號 Please tick the appropriate box


(甲) 郵寄至東九龍觀塘郵政信箱 68115 號,運輸署觀塘牌照事務處(本署收到申請後,會於 10 個工作天內將成功申請的國際駕駛許可證以掛號信寄回給你。如你在遞交申請後四個星期內仍未收到
有關許可證,請致電 2804 2600 與運輸署聯絡,以便作出跟進。郵資不足的信件將不獲接收。為使郵件能妥善送達本署,請確保郵件貼上足夠郵資及註明回郵地址。請參閱注意事項 (6)。)
(乙) 親自或由代理人交回下列地點(如果申請由代理人遞交,代理人必須出示其本人的身分證明文件,以作記錄):
(一)香港金鐘道 95 號統一中心 3 樓運輸署香港牌照事務處;或
(二)九龍長沙灣道 303 號長沙灣政府合署 2 樓運輸署九龍牌照事務處;或
(三)九龍觀塘鯉魚門道 12 號東九龍政府合署 5 字樓運輸署觀塘牌照事務處;或
(四)新界沙田上禾輋路 1 號沙田政府合署 2 樓運輸署沙田牌照事務處。
如需查詢各牌照事務處服務時間,可致電 2804 2600 或瀏覽運輸署網站
You can submit your application either:
(A) By post to Transport Department Kwun Tong Licensing Office, P.O. Box 68115, Kowloon East Post Office, Kowloon (upon receipt of application, the successfully applied International
Driving Permit will be posted to you by registered post within 10 working days. If you have not received the permit 4 weeks from the date of submission, please contact Transport Department
at 2804 2600 for follow up action. Underpaid mail items will be rejected. For proper delivery of your mail items to the department, please ensure your mail items bear sufficient postage with
return address. Please refer to Notes for Attention (6).); or
(B) In person or by agent to (if the application is submitted by an agent, the agent is required to produce his/her own original identity document for record purpose):
(1) Transport Department Hong Kong Licensing Office at 3/F., United Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong; or
(2) Transport Department Kowloon Licensing Office at 2/F., Cheung Sha Wan Government Offices, 303 Cheung Sha Wan Road, Kowloon; or
(3) Transport Department Kwun Tong Licensing Office at 5/F., Kowloon East Government Offices, 12 Lei Yue Mun Road, Kowloon; or
(4) Transport Department Sha Tin Licensing Office at 2/F., Sha Tin Government Offices, No. 1 Sheung Wo Che Road, Sha Tin, New Territories.
For enquiry on service hours of licensing offices, please call 2804 2600 or visit Transport Department website:


1. 國際駕駛許可證在簽發日期起計一年內有效。
International Driving Permit is valid for one year from the date of issue.
2. 國際駕駛許可證是根據 1949 年國際公約而簽發,許可證持有人應可於簽訂公約的國家或地區內駕駛車輛(請參閱表一)。但由於各公約國家╱地區對認可國際駕駛許可證的政策或規定可能
International Driving Permit (IDP) is issued in accordance with the 1949 Convention. The permit should be valid for driving in the territory of all the Contracting States (please see List 1). But
there may be differences or changes in the policy or conditions of using an IDP to drive in the contracting countries/places concerned, applicants are suggested to make enquiries to the
Consulates or resident offices of the countries/places concerned for details before making application for an IDP or before driving in the countries/place concerned.
3. 如任何駕駛執照持有人╱登記車主曾向運輸署署長提供其姓名、地址或身分證明文件有所改變,他╱她須在改變出現後 72 小時內以書面通知運輸署署長,並需提交有關改變的證明。任何人
無合理辯解而違反此規定,即屬犯罪,可處罰款 $2,000。如屬姓名的改變或身分證明文件的改變,駕駛執照持有人╱登記車主亦須將現有的駕駛執照正本  ( 如持有 )、駕駛教師執照正本  ( 如
持有 )、車輛登記文件正本 ( 如持有 )、車輛牌照 ( 如持有 ) 及自訂登記號碼分配證明書 ( 如持有 ) 送交運輸署署長,以作修改。
If a change occurs in the name, address or identity document of a driving licence holder/registered vehicle owner previously provided by the driving licence holder/registered vehicle owner to the
Commissioner for Transport, the driving licence holder/registered vehicle owner shall, within 72 hours of the change, notify the Commissioner for Transport in writing with the proof of change.
Any person who without reasonable excuse contravenes such requirement commits an offence and is liable to a fine $2,000. For cases of change of name or change of identity document, the
driving licence holder/registered vehicle owner shall also deliver to the Commissioner for Transport the existing original driving licence (if applicable), original driving instructor’s licence (if
applicable), original vehicle registration document (if applicable), vehicle licence (if applicable) and Certificate of Allocation of Personalized Registration Mark (if applicable) for amendment.
4. 所有在本署以你的身分證明文件號碼登記的車輛牌照或駕駛執照的記錄,會根據你在本申請表內填報的地址而同時更改。
For any change of address notified in this application form, all vehicle/driving licence records of the applicant under the same identity document held by this Department will also be changed.
5. 運輸署署長在處理牌照申請時,可要求申請人出示其現時地址的證明,以及可在申請人出示該等證明之前,暫停處理該申請。因此,請申請人士帶同現時地址的證明,並在牌照事務處人員
The Commissioner for Transport may, in processing licensing application, require the applicant to produce proof of his/her present address, and may suspend the processing of the application
until the production of such proof. Applicants please bring along your proof of present address for presentation as and when requested by officers of licensing offices.
6. 在完成辦理你的申請後,你所提交的證明文件副本將會被銷毀。
Copy of your submitted supporting document(s) will be destroyed after processing your application.
7. 若郵件郵資不足,香港郵政會收取欠資及相關費用。本署不會接收郵資不足的郵件,有關郵件將由香港郵政退回寄件人 ( 有回郵地址 ) 或予以銷毀 ( 沒有回郵地址 )。為確保郵件能妥善送達
本署,並免卻不必要的派遞延誤或失誤,請切記投寄郵件前支付足額郵資及註明回郵地址。[ 請參閱郵費的詳情,並留意由 2016 年 1 月 1 日起生效的新郵費結構 -]
Underpaid mail items are subject to surcharge by HongKong Post. This department will not accept underpaid mail items, which will be returned to the sender (with return address) or disposed
of by the Hongkong Post (without return address). For proper delivery of your mail items to the department, and to avoid unnecessary delivery delay or unsuccessful delivery, please ensure
your mail items bear sufficient postage with return address before posting. [Please note details about postage and pay attention to the New Postage Structure effective from 1 January 2016 -]


(1) 請在支票╱銀行本票背面寫上你的姓名、身分證明文件號碼首 4 個字(包括英文字母及數字)及日間聯絡 (3) 為方便本署郵寄本申請表所申請的執照給你,
電話。 請在右方填上你的姓名及你於本申請表甲部
Please write down your name, first four characters/digits of your identity document number and daytime 所填寫的住址╱通訊地址。
contact telephone number on the back of the cheque/cashier order. To facilitate us to mail the licence applied in
this application form to you, please fill in your
(2) 請填上你的付款資料。

name and residential address / correspondence
Please fill in your Remittance Details. address provided in Part A of this application
銀行名稱 Name of Bank: ___________________________________________________________________ form on the right hand side.
(4) 郵資不足的信件將不獲接收。為使郵件能妥
付款總額 Amount Paid: ____________________________________________________________________ 善送達本署,請確保郵件貼上足夠郵資及註
明回郵地址。請參閱注意事項 (7)。
支票╱銀行本票號碼 Underpaid mail items will be rejected. For
Cheque/Cashier Order No. __________________________________________________________________ proper delivery of your mail items to the
department, please ensure your mail items
TD 51 (Rev. 01/2022) 第二頁 Page 2 bear sufficient postage with return address.
Please refer to Notes for Attention (7).
List 1: List of Countries / Places Contracting to the International Conventions
Concluded at Geneva on 19 September 1949

阿爾巴尼亞 Albania 馬達加斯加 Madagascar

阿爾及利亞 Algeria 馬拉維 Malawi
阿根廷 Argentina 馬來西亞 Malaysia
澳大利亞 Australia 馬里 Mali
奧地利 Austria 馬耳他 Malta
孟加拉國 Bangladesh 摩納哥 Monaco
巴巴多斯 Barbados 黑山共和國 Montenegro
比利時 Belgium 摩洛哥 Morocco
貝寧 Benin 納米比亞 Namibia
博茨瓦納 Botswana 荷蘭 Netherlands
保加利亞 Bulgaria 新西蘭 New Zealand
布基納法索 Burkina Faso 尼日爾 Niger
柬埔寨 Cambodia 尼日利亞 Nigeria
加拿大 Canada 挪威 Norway
中非共和國 Central African Republic 巴布亞新幾內亞 Papua New Guinea
智利 Chile 巴拉圭 Paraguay
剛果 Congo 秘魯 Peru
科特迪瓦 Cote d’Ivoire 菲律賓 Philippines
古巴 Cuba 波蘭 Poland
塞浦路斯 Cyprus 葡萄牙 Portugal
捷克 Czech Republic 大韓民國 Republic of Korea
剛果民主共和國 Democratic Republic of the Congo 羅馬尼亞 Romania
丹麥 Denmark 俄羅斯 Russian Federation
多米尼加共和國 Dominican Republic 盧旺達 Rwanda
厄瓜多爾 Ecuador 聖馬力諾 San Marino
埃及 Egypt 塞內加爾 Senegal
斐濟 Fiji 塞爾維亞 Serbia
芬蘭 Finland 塞拉利昂 Sierra Leone
法國 France 新加坡 Singapore
格魯吉亞 Georgia 斯洛伐克 Slovakia
加納 Ghana 南非 South Africa
希臘 Greece 西班牙 Spain
危地馬拉 Guatemala 斯里蘭卡 Sri Lanka
海地 Haiti 瑞典 Sweden
羅馬教廷 Holy See 瑞士 Switzerland
匈牙利 Hungary 阿拉伯敘利亞共和國 Syrian Arab Republic
冰島 Iceland 泰國 Thailand
印度 India 多哥 Togo
愛爾蘭 Ireland 特立尼達和多巴哥 Trinidad and Tobago
以色列 Israel 突尼斯 Tunisia
意大利 Italy 土耳其 Turkey
牙買加 Jamaica 烏干達 Uganda
日本 Japan 阿拉伯聯合酋長國 United Arab Emirates
約旦 Jordan 英國 United Kingdom of Great Britain and
吉爾吉斯斯坦 Kyrgyzstan Northern Ireland
老撾人民民主共和國 Lao People’s Democratic Republic 美國 United States of America
黎巴嫩 Lebanon 委內瑞拉 Venezuela (Bolivarian Republic of)
萊索托 Lesotho 越南 Viet Nam
盧森堡 Luxembourg 津巴布韋 Zimbabwe

註一:表一是根據 2016 年 11 月 24 日刊登於聯合國有關網頁內的資料而作出更新。最新的列表請參閱下列之聯合國網頁:

Note 1: List 1 was updated according to the information published in the relevant website of the United Nations on 24 November 2016. For the most up-to-date list, please refer to the website of the United Nations at:

註二:根據中華人民共和國分別於 1997 年 6 月 6 日及 1999 年 12 月 9 日向聯合國秘書長作出的知會,在對香港及澳門恢復行使主權後,上述公約將適用於香港特別行政區及澳門特別行政區。

Note 2: According to the notification made by the People’s Republic of China to the Secretary-General of the United Nations on 6 June 1997 and 9 December 1999 respectively, upon the resumption of the exercise of
sovereignty over Hong Kong and Macao, the above-mentioned Convention would apply to the Hong Kong Special Administrative Region and the Macao Special Administrative Region.

TD 51 (Rev. 01/2022) 第三頁 Page 3

郵遞申請,請寄往以下地址(請沿虛線剪下) ✂

姓名 Name: ________________________________________

住址╱通訊地址 Residential/Correspondence Address:

________________________________________________ 東九龍郵政信箱 68115 號


1. 運輸署會使用透過本申請表所獲得的個人資料作下列用途:
(a) 辦理有關審批你在本申請表中所提出的申請的事務;
(b) 依照道路交通(車輛登記及領牌)規例第 4(2) 條的規定,保存一份車輛記錄,讓市民索閱;
(只適用於與車輛有關的申請 )
(c) 依照道路交通﹙駕駛執照﹚規例第 39 條的規定,保存一份詳列駕駛執照上各細項的記錄;
(只適用於與駕駛執照有關的申請 )
(d ) 辦理有關交通及運輸的事務;及
(e) 方便運輸署與你聯絡。

2. 你必須提供本申請表所要求的個人資料。假如你未能提供所需資料,你的申請可能不獲接納。


3. 你透過本申請表所提供的個人資料會向下列人士╱部門公開:
(a) 其他政府部門、決策局及有關機構,以作上述第 1 段所列的用途;
(b) 任何人士,以作上述第 1 段 (b) 項所列的用途;及
(c) 隧道公司、青馬管制區營運者及青沙管制區營運者,以便該等機構執行與交通及運輸有關的法定職責。


4. 根據個人資料(私隱)條例第 18 及 22 條及附表 1 第 6 條,你有權索閱及修正你的個人資料。你的索閱權包括獲取本申請表所提供的個人資料副本一份。


5. 有關透過本申請表收集的個人資料的查詢,包括索閱及修正資料,應寄往香港金鐘道 95 號統一中心 3 樓運輸署牌照事務組行政主任╱首次登記稅收。

Purposes of Collection
1. The personal data provided by means of this form will be used by Transport Department for the following purposes:
(a) activities relating to the processing of your application in this form;
(b) maintenance of a register of vehicles for public access under regulation 4(2) of the Road Traffic (Registration and Licensing of Vehicles) Regulations;
(applicable to vehicle—related applications only)
(c) maintenance of a record of particulars of driving licences under regulation 39 of the Road Traffic (Driving Licences) Regulations;
(applicable to driving licence—related applications only)
(d ) activities relating to traffic and transport matters; and
(e) facilitating communication between Transport Department and yourself.
2. It is obligatory for you to supply the personal data as required by this form. If you fail to supply the required data, your application may be refused.
Classes of Transferees
3. The personal data you provided by means of this form may be disclosed to:
(a) other Government departments, bureaux and relevant organizations for the purposes mentioned in paragraph 1 above;
(b) any person for the purpose mentioned in paragraph 1(b) above; and
(c) tunnel companies, Tsing Ma Control Area operator and Tsing Sha Control Area operator for execution of their statutory duties in traffic and transport
Access to Personal Data
4. You have a right of access and correction with respect to personal data as provided for in sections 18 and 22 and principle 6 of Schedule 1 of the Personal Data
(Privacy) Ordinance. Your right of access includes the right to obtain a copy of your personal data provided by this form.
5. Enquiries concerning the personal data collected by means of this form, including the making of access and corrections, should be addressed to the Licensing
Section, Transport Department, 3/F, United Centre, 95 Queensway, Hong Kong. (Attn.: Executive Officer/FRT)

Application by post to the following address. (Please cut along the line.) ✂

Transport Department
Kwun Tong Licensing Office
P. O. Box 68115,
Kowloon East Post Office, Kowloon


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