Water Couplings
Water Couplings
Water Couplings
Agri-Lock Couplings
Sizes: 2” to 8”
Details: Agri-lock couplings are a robust and cost effective water coupling
fully interchangeable with other manufacturers
ALCS2 2”
ALCS3 3” tail x 3”
ALCS3.5 3” tail x 31/2”
ALCS4 4”
ALCS5 5”
ALCS6 6”
ALCS8 8”
ALM2 2”
ALM3 3” tail x 3”
ALM3.5 3” tail x 31/2”
ALM4 4”
ALM5 5”
ALM6 6”
ALM8 8”
ALL2 2”
ALL3 3” tail x 3”
ALL3.5 3” tail x 31/2”
ALL4 4”
ALL5 5”
ALL6 6”
ALL8 8”
ALF2 2”
ALF3 3” tail x 3”
ALF3.5 3” tail x 31/2”
ALF4 4”
ALF5 5”
ALF6 6”
ALF8 8”
ALMB2 50mm
ALMB3 76mm
ALMB3.5 89mm
ALMB4 108mm
ALMB5 133mm
ALMB6 159mm
ALMB8 194mm
AGRI-LOCK FEMALE X MALE REDUCER (clamp included but not ‘o’ ring)
AGRI-LOCK MALE X FEMALE ADAPTER (clamp included but not ‘o’ ring)
50mm female x 76mm male
50mm female x 89mm male
ALMFA3X3.5 76mm female x 89mm male
ALMFA3X4 76mm female x 108mm male
ALMFA3.5X4 89mm female x 108mm male
ALMFA4X5 108mm female x 133mm male
ALMFA4X6 108mm female x 159mm male
ALMFA5X6 133mm female x 159mm male
ALMFA5X8 133mm female x 203mm male
ALT2M 50mm
ALT3M 76mm
ALT3.5M 89mm
ALT4M 108mm
ALT5M 133mm
ALT6M 159mm
ALT8M 194mm