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Prepared by: ALCURAN, PAMELA F. | 19-05632 | ARC 1205

Richard and Su Rogers, and his wife,

Wendy Foster, in a firm called Team 4.
- He established his own firm called
Foster Associates (later Foster +
Partners) in 1967.
- Pritzker Prize (1999)
- Japan Art Association’s Praemium
Imperiale prize for architecture (2002)
- Aga Khan Award (2007)
- American Institute of Architects Gold
Medal for Architecture (1994)
- Royal Gold Medal for Architecture
Sir Norman Foster is an award-winning - Gold Medal of the French Academy of
and prolific British architect known for sleek, Architecture (1991)
modern designs of steel and glass with  ADDITIONAL INFORMATION:
innovations in contouring and inner space - He grew up in a working-class
management. neighbourhood and left school at the
age of 16 to work as a town hall clerk.
BIOGRAPHY - He’s a veteran of the Royal Air Force
(1935-55) and an avid pilot.
- He was knighted in 1990 and granted a
- Lord Norman Foster of Thames Bank
life peerage in 1999.
- Norman Robert Foster
- June 1, 1935 (age: 84 years old) PERSONAL PHILOSOPHY
- Manchester, England, United Kingdom  “Architecture really is about the needs of
 EDUCATION: people, the material needs, the things that
- University of Manchester (1956-61) in you can measure, keeping us warm when
England; wherein he started studying it’s cold outside, cool when it’s hot outside,
architecture and won accolades for his protecting us from the elements, but it’s
drawing work, developing a lifelong also about the spiritual dimension it’s
passion for sketching. about the things that move us, that make
- Yale University (1961-62) in New us feel happy, comfortable, you can call it
Haven, Connecticut; wherein he any word you like, you can call it beauty,
graduated and earned his master’s you can all it aesthetics, you can call it
degree. welcoming, friendly. But something that
 CAREER ATTAINMENTS: will make us feel good. Architecture is
- He began his architecture career in about the social agenda.”
1963, working in a partnership with
Prepared by: ALCURAN, PAMELA F. | 19-05632 | ARC 1205

 “I believe that the best architecture comes translates into a successive internal fold
from a synthesis of all the elements that that produces a supremely sumptuous and
separately comprise a building: the attractive sovereign bronze lattice effect.
structure that holds it up; the services that
allow it to work; the ecology of the
building—whether it is naturally
ventilated, whether you can open the
windows, the quality of light; the materials
used, their mass or their lightness; the
character of the spaces; the symbolism of
the form; the relationship of the building
to the skyline or the streetscape; and the
way in which the building signals its
presence in the city or the countryside. I
think that holds true whether you are  Beijing Airport-2007-Beijing, China - third
creating a landmark or deferring to a largest commercial airport in the world;
historic setting. Successful architecture Projects the oriental culture and tradition,
addresses all these things and many therefore, the figurative dragon is the
more.” central image of the air terminal in which
the colours associated with the tradition
were used. The fundamental premise was
the natural balance, hence the lighting
from lucarnas or skylights and the use of
glass screens.

 Citic Bank Headquarters-2017-Hangzhou,

China - inspired by the allegorical vessel
“dou or ding”; whose singular geometric
representation is a V-shaped base
Prepared by: ALCURAN, PAMELA F. | 19-05632 | ARC 1205

 Hearst Tower-2006-New York, United

States - Awarded by the Leadership in PROJECTS
Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)
for futuristic structures with
conservationist nuance, it is a triangular
building that stands on an old building,
this gives the feeling of a small town
square, allowing access to all areas of the
building. It has 44 floors, each with offices,
rooms for parties and special events.


bridge stretches across the River Tarn
Valley near Loire and is part of the route
from Paris to Beziers and Montpellier. The
bridge greatly reduces journey times and
allows travellers to use a more direct
route; almost literally as the crow flies;
widely acknowledged as one of the
greatest engineering achievements of all

 Zayed National Museum 2017-Abu Dhabi,

United Arab Emirates - At the request of
Mohammed bin Rashid Al Maktoum, the
artist takes on a project in which he
combines the love of nature, the
preservation of cultural heritage and high
efficiency in a contemporary museum
ideal adorned with extensive gardening,
luxury cafes, shops and various
auditoriums that take advantage of the
environmental conditions of the area as it  QUEEN ELIZABETH II GREAT COURT,
lies under an artificial surface lined UNITED KINGDOM - Historically, the
internally with chimneys, vents, galleries British Museum had lacked a central
and five thermal energy towers to circulation space with its main courtyard
generate fresh and cold air. somewhat under-utilised. The creation of
the Great Court brought the centre of the
museum to life. The glazed canopy creates
Prepared by: ALCURAN, PAMELA F. | 19-05632 | ARC 1205

the largest covered square in Europe; a

space that contains shops, a café and an
inspiring exhibition space. The glazed roof
frames the historic Reading Room at its
centre. The room was originally designed
by Sydney Smirke in 1857 and underwent
restoration as part of the Great Court

 https://www.biography.com/artist/norm
 https://www.britannica.com/biography/
 https://c942009.wordpress.com/2013/1
 https://www.pritzkerprize.com/biograph
 https://10famousworks.com/architectur
 https://www.theb1m.com/video/top-5-

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