RA - Scaffoldings Original

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Job Activity Details SCAFFOLDING WORKS



Potential Harm

/ Damage


Falls from Inspect ladder before climbing. Never climb on an unstable or

ladders or with slippery or broken ladder. Inspect all scaffold elements for
scaffolds during safety before beginning erection work. After dismantling, repair
Scaffolding erection (in Very serious the damaged ones, pack and store them in a clean place use
(General) particular before personnel injury, only scaffold grade planks. Do not use badly knotted planks
the fitting of possible fatality, 5 5 25 which may be structurally weak, dismantle scaffolds In the L √
planks or rail lost time injury to same order as during erection, do not throw any structural
guards) or the the worker elements or materials to a lower level to the ground or unto
dismantling jobs, safety nets or canopies. Use adequate fall arrest equipment
or when a (harnesses, lanyards, nets, toe and guard rails. etc.) when
scaffold collapses working on scaffold. PPE must be worn during the activity. Safe
system of Work must be implemented.
injuries caused
by falling
elements of the
scaffolds -
Do not allow uncontrolled movement of trucks, forklifts or other
standards, Very serious
vehicles near the scaffold. Always wear adequate Personal
lechers etc. , by personnel injury,
Scaffolding Protective Equipment when on the construction site in
debris, building possible fatality, 5 3 15 particular safety helmets, safety shoes with non-slip
L √
materials, tools lost time injury to
shoelaces. knee-pads, goggles etc. PPE must be worn during
and other the worker
the activity. Safe system of Work must be implemented.
materials or by
pipes during
Lifting or
Scaffolding Injuries due to Very serious 5 4 20 Do not allow uncontrolled movement of trucks. Forklifts or L √
(General) the collapse of personnel injury, other vehicles near the scaffold. Always wear adequate
scaffolds, caused possible fatality. personal protective equipment when on the construction site,
for example by lost time injury to in particular safely helmets, safety shoes with non-slip soles,
improper erection the worker knee-pads, goggles etc. PPE must be worn during the activity.
or securing, use Safe system of Work must be implemented.
of faulty structural
demolition or

HSE/RA-Scaffolding Works Page 1

dislodging by
moving vehicles,
including trucks
and forklifts,
overloading or
improper load
distribution. etc.
Electric shock or
caused by
contact with Very serious
Check electrical equipment for safety before use. Take faulty
overhead power personnel injury,
Scaffolding or suspect electrical equipment to a qualified electrician for
lines with possible fatality, 5 3 15 testing and repair PPE must be worn during the activity. Safe
L √
defective electric lost time injury to
system of Work must be implemented.
hand tools, with the worker
isolated cables.
Always wear adequate personal protective equipment when on
Cuts, bruises and the construction site, in particular safety helmets, safety shoes
Scaffolding Slight to minor
pinches by hand
4 3 12 with non-slip soles, knee-pads. goggles, etc. PPE must be L √
tools worn during the activity. Safe system of Work must be
Always wear adequate personal protective equipment when on L
the construction site, In particular safety helmets, safety shoes
Scaffolding (especially eyes) Slight to minor
(General) cause by flying injury
with non-slip soles. Knee-pads. Goggles. etc. PPE must be √
worn during the activity. Safe system of Work must be
Exposure to
excessive noise
Always wear adequate personal protective equipment when
from mechanical Slight to minor
Scaffolding exposed with excessive noise in particular ear muff, ear plugs.
equipment arid illness (hearing 3 3 9 PPE must be worn during the activity. Safe system of Work
L √
hand tools (drills. difficulty)
must be implemented.
hammer, saws,
Exposure to the
weather (low or
high air
temperature. rain,
snow. wind) Wear adequate clothing and head-gear for protection in
Scaffolding Slight to minor
resulting in acute
3 5 15 adverse weather PPE must be worn during the activity. Safe L √
(common cold, system of Work must be implemented.
heat stroke, etc.,)
or chronic
rheumatism etc.
Scaffolding Muscular skeletal Slight to Minor 3 5 15 Learn and use lifting and moving techniques for heavy or √

HSE/RA-Scaffolding Works Page 2

injuries related to
awkward working
(Including L
awkward loads, use mechanical aids to assist in lifting. PPE
(General) injury must be worn during the activity. Safe system of Work must be
standing on one's
knees, work in a
bent posture,
upwards. etc.
Over exertion
while handling
heavy and bulky
objects such as
various scaffold Learn and use lifting and moving techniques for heavy or
Scaffolding elements - in Slight to minor awkward loads, use mechanical aids to assist in lifting. PPE
(General) particular heavy injury
3 5 15 must be worn during the activity. Safe system of Work must be
L √
tubular sections implemented.
loads on planks,
guard rails and
toe boards’ heavy
tools. etc.

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Risk Rating (RR) – Severity x Likelihood

Rare Unlikely Possible Likely Almost certain
Remote possibility Could happen but rare Could happen Could happen often Could happen
(once every 3 years (typically once in a occasionally (on (on average once a frequently (once a
or more) year) average quarterly) month or more) week or more)
1 2 3 4 5
Low Low Low Low Medium
Insignificant 1
1 2 3 4 5
Low Low Medium Medium Medium
Minor 2
2 4 6 8 10
Low Medium Medium Medium High
Moderate 3
3 6 9 12 15
Low Medium Medium High High
Significant 4
4 8 12 16 20
Medium Medium High High High
Major 5
5 10 15 20 25


1-4 Quick, easy controls should be implemented immediately and further action planned for when resources permit. Monitoring required
ensuring controls are maintained. Manage through routine procedures. Go for economic improvements where possible. Incident report
Low must be completed.

Aim to reduce risks but costs of prevention may be limited. Undertake a risk assessment of the situation / task and implement the
5-12 appropriate actions. Actions should have a timescale and should be monitored. Where the risk involves work in progress undertake a risk
assessment as soon as possible to ensure the safety of the situation or task. Work should not start until the risk is reduced to an
Medium acceptable level. Considerable resources may have to be allocated. Contact your Manager and Risk Manager by telephone about the
actions that should be taken to reduce the risk/s. incident report must be completed. Incident must be added to service risk register.

Do not commence the activity until a risk assessment has been completed to ensure the safety of the situation or task. If it is not
possible to reduce or eliminate the risk even with unlimited resources, work must remain prohibited. Inform your relevant Director, your
Manager and the Risk Manager immediately by telephone. Incident report must be completed. Incident must be added to service risk

HSE/RA-Scaffolding Works Page 4

Date: ________________

Conducted By: _______________________________

(Signature and Printed Name)

Approved By : ________________________________
(Signature and Printed Name)

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