Ansys Inc. Licensing Guide
Ansys Inc. Licensing Guide
Ansys Inc. Licensing Guide
The information in this guide applies to all Ansys, Inc. products released on or after this date, until superseded
by a newer version of this guide.
ANSYS, Ansys Workbench, AUTODYN, CFX, FLUENT and any and all ANSYS, Inc. brand, product, service and feature
names, logos and slogans are registered trademarks or trademarks of ANSYS, Inc. or its subsidiaries located in the
United States or other countries. ICEM CFD is a trademark used by ANSYS, Inc. under license. CFX is a trademark
of Sony Corporation in Japan. All other brand, product, service and feature names or trademarks are the property
of their respective owners. FLEXlm and FLEXnet are trademarks of Flexera Software LLC.
Disclaimer Notice
and documentation are furnished by ANSYS, Inc., its subsidiaries, or affiliates under a software license agreement
that contains provisions concerning non-disclosure, copying, length and nature of use, compliance with exporting
laws, warranties, disclaimers, limitations of liability, and remedies, and other provisions. The software products
and documentation may be used, disclosed, transferred, or copied only in accordance with the terms and conditions
of that software license agreement.
ANSYS, Inc. and ANSYS Europe, Ltd. are UL registered ISO 9001: 2015 companies.
For U.S. Government users, except as specifically granted by the ANSYS, Inc. software license agreement, the use,
duplication, or disclosure by the United States Government is subject to restrictions stated in the ANSYS, Inc.
software license agreement and FAR 12.212 (for non-DOD licenses).
Third-Party Software
See the legal information in the product help files for the complete Legal Notice for ANSYS proprietary software
and third-party software. If you are unable to access the Legal Notice, contact ANSYS, Inc.
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Ansys, Inc. uses the FlexNet license manager for all its licensed products. This guide provides you with
the instructions necessary to configure the client-side license manager settings.
For specific operating system requirements, refer to the installation guide for the platform you are
running. For platform support information, see the Platform Support section of the Ansys Website.
• OpenSSL used by the Ansys License Manger has been updated to version 1.1.1.
• If the parent checks out the increment "meba" and the child tries to check out the same increment
"meba" then the net result is there is only one increment "meba" consumed from the license serv-
• If the parent checks out increment "meba" and the child tries to check out the 2 counts of the
same increment "meba" then the net result is there are two tasks of "meba" consumed from the
license server/pool. This is an example of max logic
• If the parent checks out 1 count of the increment "meba" N number of times, then the net result
is there is only increment "meba" consumed from the licensing server/pool.
Parent/Child across machines/process tree: This process enables the parent child sharing for the
specified license features with child being on a different machine.
User Host Display: This process enables applications to share the same listed features across multiple
instance of the applications for a specific user tied to the host/display.
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HPC Parametric Sharing: HPC parametric sharing enables applications to use a single solver license
and anshpc_pack or 8 anshpc features for each additional variance. This also allows applications to
share anshpc_pack increments for core checkouts from the solves started as variances of the same
context. For more information on HPC Licensing, see HPC Licensing (p. 19).
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vi of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 1: Ansys Client Settings Utility
This chapter explains how to use the Client Settings Utility to configure connections with both FlexNet
Publisher and Elastic Licensing servers. The Client Settings Utility is installed automatically when the
product is installed; you do not have to take any further steps to run as a client if you have installed a
You are not limited to designating one set of license server machines for your network. You can have
multiple single-server or three-server (redundant triad) licensing systems on your network. In this
situation, you would have certain licenses connected to a set of server machines (one or three) on
the network, and other licenses connected to a different set of server machines (one or three) on the
Each server's specification entry in this file will typically begin with SERVER= to specify the server port
On a single server:
For multiple single servers, each server should have its own SERVER= lines.
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Ansys Client Settings Utility
Do not use commas as separators; use colons (:) on Linux machines and semicolons (;) on Windows
You must use the port@host format; you cannot enter a path or a filename in place of the hostname.
For example, if your ansyslmd.ini file contains the line SERVER=server1;server2 and and your AN-
SYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variable contain server3 and server4, your server path will be
server3, server4, server1, server2.
Alternatively, if you are comfortable modifying the text in the ansyslmd.ini, you can enter the
CLSID and CLSPIN manually.
To use the utility, select an action from the list of options on the left.
1.2.1. Defining FlexNet Publisher License Servers
1.2.2. Enabling Elastic Licensing
1.2.3. Setting HPC User Preferences
1.2.4. Setting Borrowed Increments
1.2.5. Gathering Diagnostics
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Using the Ansys Client Settings Utility
• To add license servers, click the "plus" icon (located below the existing servers) and enter the
communications port and server hostname(s) then click Test to verify the configuration. If the
server is available, a green check mark is displayed to the right of the server information. Click Save
to complete this process.
To specify redundant triad servers, enter the hostname for each of the three servers in
the spaces available.
• To remove a license server, click the "minus" icon to the left of the appropriate server and then
click Save to complete this process.
• To adjust the order of the servers in your list, click and hold the "double arrow" icon to the left of
the appropriate server and drag the selection to the new postion within your list. Click Save to
complete this process. The order of the servers dictates the order in which they are queried when
attempting to check out a license.
Unresponsive servers can slow the license check-out process. If a license server is likely to
be offline or otherwise unresponsive for an extended time, consider removing it from the
2. Click Import CLS ID and CLS Pin and browse to the directory containing json file supplied by
your elastic licensing administrator.
4. Click Save.
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Ansys Client Settings Utility
2. Click Save.
If license administrator changes the PIN for the Elastic License Server, client-side users should perform
the following steps.
1. From the Elastic Licensing screen, click the Import CLS ID and CLS Pin button.
2. Browse to the directory containing json file supplied by your elastic licensing administrator.
4. Click Save.
Your ansyslmd.ini file is updated, and the ID and PIN are displayed in the Ansys Client Settings
• To change the license priority, click and hold the "double arrow" icon to the left of the appropriate
license and drag the selection to the new position within your list. After you have modified your
list, click Save to retain your changes.
• To disable an HPC license, disable the check box to the left of the appropriate license and then
click Save.
1. From the Borrow screen, select the license increments you wish to borrow from the Borrowable
Increments drop-down menu.
3. When you have finished selecting your increments and setting the dates for each, click Borrow.
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Using the Ansys Client Settings Utility
4. When you are finished with the license increments, return to the Borrow screen and click Return
for the appropriate increment or Return All to return all increments.
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12 of ANSYS, Inc. and its subsidiaries and affiliates.
Chapter 2: End-User Configuration
This section contains licensing configuration instructions for Ansys Workbench and client environment
variable settings used to modify licensing behavior on indivdual machines.
If you are using an Ansys product other than workbench, you can manually migrate your customized
user licensing preferences by running the ansysli_util.exe file.
To run the ansysli_util.exe, follow the steps for your platform below:
Where <Installation Directory> represents the path to the latest Ansys Product install, open an admin-
istrator command prompt window and issue the following command:
Where <Installation Directory> represents the path to the latest Ansys Product install, open a command
line window and issue the following command:
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End-User Configuration
"/ansys_inc/v222/licensingclient/linx64/ansysli_util" -updateuserprefs -
fromrevn 222
For both the automatic and the manual user licensing preferences migration, ansysli_util
reads the ansyslmd.ini file or the ANSYSLMD_LICENSE_FILE environment variables to determine
the correct license server.
• Share a single license between applications (shared mode). The Share a single license between
applications if possible is enabled by default in Ansys Workbench.
• Use a separate license for each application (separate mode) by disabling the Share a single li-
cense between applications if possible option in Ansys Workbench.
Ansys Workbench allows you to work across multiple instances of the same applications while
consuming only one of a single type of license per user per session. Using shared licensing, the
active application holds the license, preventing other applications that are sharing that same license
increment/key from using it during that time. For example, trying to do multiple solves of same
type at the same time would be a concurrent event.
Sharing licenses is tied to the license keys the application is using. For example, if the application is
using license key "meba" then you cannot run other application instances or applications sharing the
license key "meba" at the same time.
Single license sharing allows you to progress through your analysis, from specifying engineering data
through building, setup, solving, and finally, reviewing your results, all under the same licenses. The
application holding the license must close or issue a PAUSE command or receive an automatic release
request to release the license and allow another application to use it. Licenses cannot be released while
an application is actively performing a concurrency event (for example, an application cannot release
a license in the middle of a solve operation because the license cannot be released until the solve op-
eration is completed).
Single license sharing applies only to licenses of the same type (for example, Ansys Mechanical Enterprise).
Choosing this option does not affect your ability to use licenses of different types simultaneously (for
example, Ansys Mechanical Enterprise for one task and ANSYS CFD for another).
Because this method is the default, you do not have to take any action to run this way.
License type is primarily by license increment. It is possible to use different license increments
based on the operations performed within a single Ansys Workbench session. For example, Geometry
import, meshing and solving will checkout different license keys based on the capabilities the ap-
plication is requesting. For all applications, ANSYS licensing will first look at what other licenses
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Ansys Workbench Licensing Methods
are opened within this session: if any other licenses being used within this session fulfill the needed
capabilities Ansys licensing will share an existing license. If not, a new, different license is checked
You cannot run two concurrency events simultaneously (for example, you cannot solve two models of
the same type simultaneously) with one license.
If you are using a license for one application, other applications may still not be able to share that license
if those applications require capabilities not supported by the license. For example, you cannot share
a Mechanical Enterprise license with a Fluent application.
You can launch the Mechanical application and move between its components (such as Meshing, Setup,
and Solve). The active component will control the license while completing its operations and will release
the license as soon as the operation is completed. For example, when you mesh, the meshing component
will control the license during the meshing operation and then immediately release the license when
the operation is completed. During the meshing operation you cannot use the meshing increment in
any other systems under Ansys Workbench until the first system mesh is done and the license is released.
The other meshing component, if present in the subsequent systems, will go into read-only mode while
the first system mesh is still in progress.
Applications in read-only mode because of shared licensing do not refresh their license
status automatically. Once the shared license is released by the editor that had consumed
it, you must trigger Mechanical to query the license status. The most straightforward
way to do this is click outside the Mechanical application window and then click back
in the window to cause the license availability to be rechecked.
Mechanical APDL:
This application consumes a license as soon as you launch it and retains that license until it is finished.
If you launch the Mechanical APDL application interactively, the license is retained until you either close
the application or issue a PAUSE command at the Mechanical APDL command line. PAUSE allows you
to temporarily release the license for another application to use. No other operation other than SAVE
or EXIT is permitted while PAUSED. When the second application has finished and releases the license,
issue an UNPAUSE command from the Mechanical APDL command line to resume its use of the license.
These applications consume a license when launched and retain the license until they receive a request
from another application to release it. For example, when you open CFX-Pre, it will obtain and control
the license. It will retain the license until you close the application or until another application (such as
the CFX solver) requests it.
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End-User Configuration
Autodyn and Polyflow also provide a manual PAUSE increment that allows you to interrupt Autodyn
or Polyflow and release the license, temporarily, for another application to use.
Separate Licenses
By using the separate-licenses method, Ansys Workbench requires a separate license for each ap-
plication. By using this method, you can move freely between the many applications that you
might require during an analysis in Ansys Workbench if you have sufficient licenses. You can leave
each application running and easily move between them at any point during the analysis, even if
one of the applications is actively using the license (such as during a solve process). The disadvantage
to this method is that you could potentially consume many licenses.
To activate the separate licenses method, open Ansys Workbench and click Tools>Options. From the
Project Management view, disable the Share a single license between applications if possible option.
After disabling this option, close options dialog box and restart Ansys Workbench.
You have two "ansys" increments. When you open and solve a model in the Mechanical application,
you consume one "ansys" increment. If you link that Mechanical analysis to a Mechanical APDL
system, you would consume a second "ansys" increment when you launch the Mechanical APDL
application, if you have not closed out of the Mechanical application. Neither of these licenses
would then be available for other users until you closed out of one or both applications.
Can be used to identify a license server machine or license file. If set, this specification is used
before any other license path information. The default port number assigned to Ansys, Inc. is
1055. Therefore, if your server has the hostname alpha1 and the IP address of, you
can identify the server to use as 1055@alpha1 or 1055@
Indicates that the default license path should not be searched when determining the licensing
path in the Ansys product. When this environment variable is set:
• Settings in the ansyslmd.ini file will NOT be used. It will ignore the local server and
will ignore the Specify the License Server setting.
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Client Environment Variable Settings
Used to specify the amount of time that elapses before the client times out if it cannot connect
to the server. Default is 20 seconds. Minimum timeout period you can specify is 5 seconds and
the maximum is 60 seconds. If the client determines that a server is not available in less time,
it will cancel immediately.
Used to specify the amount of time that elapses before the client times out if it cannot get a
response from the server. This setting applies only when the license server is running but is
responding slowly (generally because of network issues or server load). Default is 60 seconds.
Minimum timeout period you can specify is 30 seconds and the maximum is 300 seconds.
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Chapter 3: HPC Licensing
Ansys, Inc. offers multiple high performance computing license options, described below.
The HPC license options below cannot be combined with each other in a single solution. For example,
you cannot use both Ansys HPC and Ansys HPC Pack licenses in the same analysis solution.
See the applicable product documentation for instructions on configuring and running a distributed
Most Ansys applications allow you to use four cores without using any HPC licenses; Ansys HPC licenses
add to this base functionality. For example, an Ansys CFD Enterprise user using twelve cores will consume
only eight Ansys HPC licenses. Contact your Ansys sales representative for a complete list of applications
with this option.
HPC licenses and HPC Pack licenses cannot be combined within the same solution. Addition-
ally, HPC licenses do not participate in license borrowing.
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HPC Licensing
2. Maximum 12 cores
4. A maximum of 50% of the HPC tasks can be used to enable GPUs, for example 2 HPC Packs enables
a total of 36 cores and a maximum of 18 can be used for GPUs.
6. Discovery offers GPU-based solves in Explore mode, which does not cost any HPC packs.
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Ansys HPC
You may only borrow one Ansys HPC Pack license at a time.
Fluent: Requires the base CFD solver enabling the license plus either a HPC Pack, or 2 additional
Ansys HPC licenses
Mechanical: Requires the base mechanical solver enabling the license plus either a HPC Pack, or 4
additional Ansys HPC licenses
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HPC Licensing
You can use the Ansys Parametric Licensing Calculator ( to determine the
number of HPC Workgroup or HPC Pack licenses required.
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HPC Licensing Frequently Asked Questions
To set the HPC Licenses preferences, see Setting HPC User Preferences (p. 10).
Why do multiple core Ansys LS-DYNA calculations fail when I appear to have
HPC Pack or Ansys HPC licenses available?
Standard Ansys HPC licenses such as anshpc and anshpc_pack, cannot be used with Ansys LS-DYNA.
Ansys LS-DYNA uses Ansys LS-DYNA, dysmp, licenses to enable multiple core calculations.
How many HPC license are used when I run Ansys LS-DYNA on multiple cores?
When run on multiple cores, Ansys LS-DYNA will consume dysmp licenses. These licenses are available
for purchase in different quantities, as Ansys LS-DYNA HPC, Ansys LS-DYNA HPC-8, 16, 32,64,128 and
256. The licenses can then be added together, to enable the total number of cores requested by a cal-
culation. A calculation run on <n> cores, will consume a base Ansys LS-DYNA license (dyna), plus <n-
1> Ansys LS-DYNA HPC licenses (dysmp).
Does the number of CUDA cores on a GPU card change the number of HPC li-
censes used?
The number of HPC license consumed when using GPU cards to accelerate an Ansys solution depends
on the number of GPU cards used and the number of separate GPU engines on each card. The number
of HPC licenses consumed, does not depend on the number of CUDA cores, supplied by each separate
GPU engine.
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Chapter 4: Troubleshooting
This section contains information that may be useful when working with Ansys customer support.
• View the licdebug file. The licdebug file is generated when you run an Ansys, Inc. application
and resides in the .ansys subdirectory under the directory specified by the TEMP environment
variable (Windows) or in the $HOME directory (Linux). The licdebug filename will vary depending
on the product but will follow the format licdebug.<product>.222.out. For example:
If a licdebug file already exists and is dated today, the information is appended. If it is dated before
today, the existing file will be renamed with a .old extension and a new file will be started.
– Mechanical: licdebug.MECH.222.out
The license debug file names include the current release of the application. Because not
all applications are updated with each release, it is possible to have lic\debug file names
that are appended with older release numbers. For example, it is possible to be running
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Ansys Release 16.1 but still have a product license debug log file name include 160 as in
The directory specified by the TEMP environment variable may be hidden on your system. To view
the directory and file, click My Computer. Choose Tools from the menu, and then click Folder options.
Click the View tab and select Show hidden files and folders. Click OK.
If after following these suggestions, the resulting debug information does not make sense, try these
• Confirm that the license manager was restarted or the license file was reread after any changes
were made to the license file. If you did not make any changes to the license file for the server,
check the date/time that it was last changed. Get the relevant path information from the debug
output. Also, confirm that the same path is being used.
• Try restarting the license manager and then attempt to run again. See if the same situation occurs.
• If you installed a new license file but are not seeing it even after restarting the license manager,
confirm that the correct license file is being used to start the license manager. In this case, neither
the client application nor the license manager is using the changed file. Also confirm that if site
or user license preferences were set, the preferences were updated with the new license inform-
• If the ansyslmd.lic file is at the end of the path and it is a license file that uses the license
manager daemon/service, then confirm that the license manager is started with the same path
as the ansyslmd.lic file's path. The license manager could be looking at one file in the client
application but the license manager daemon/service was started with another file.
To correct this issue, make sure to establish rules within SELinux to allow Ansys applications (ansyscl)
to communicate with ansyslmd.
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