UNIT IV - IO Management - Disk Scheduling

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I/O Management in OS Dr.

Partha Sarathi Goswami

UNIT 4: I/O management & Disk scheduling:· I/O Devices, Organization of I/O functions,
Operating System Design issues, I/O Buffering.
Disk Scheduling (FCFS, SCAN, C-SCAN, SSTF), RAID, Disk Cache.

I/O Hardware
An I/O system is required to take an application I/O request and send it to the physical
device, then take whatever response comes back from the device and send it to the
application. I/O devices can be divided into two categories −
 Block devices − A block device is one with which the driver communicates by
sending entire blocks of data. For example, Hard disks, USB cameras, Disk-On-Key
 Character devices − A character device is one with which the driver communicates
by sending and receiving single characters (bytes, octets). For example, serial ports,
parallel ports, sounds cards etc.

Device Controllers
Device drivers are software modules that can be plugged into an OS to handle a particular
device. Operating System takes help from device drivers to handle all I/O devices. The
Device Controller works like an interface between a device and a device driver. I/O units
(Keyboard, mouse, printer, etc.) typically consist of a mechanical component and an
electronic component where electronic component is called the device controller.
Following is a model for connecting the CPU, memory, controllers, and I/O devices where
CPU and device controllers all use a common bus for communication.

I/O Requests in operating systems: I/O Requests are managed by Device Drivers in
collaboration with some system programs inside the I/O device. The requests are served by
OS using three simple segments :
 I/O Traffic Controller: Keeps track of the status of all devices, control units, and
communication channels. It has 3 main tasks -
 The primary task is to check if there’s at least one path available.
 If there exists more than one path, it must decide which one to select.
 If all paths are occupied, its task is to analyze which path will be available at the
 I/O scheduler: Executes the policies used by OS to allocate and access the device,
control units, and communication channels.However, under heavy load of I/O requests,

I/O Management in OS Dr. Partha Sarathi Goswami
Scheduler must decide what request should be served first and for that we multiple
queues to be managed by OS.
I/O Scheduling in operating systems: Scheduling is used for efficient usage of computer
resources avoiding deadlock and serving all processes waiting in the queue.

Synchronous vs asynchronous I/O

 Synchronous I/O − In this scheme CPU execution waits while I/O proceeds
 Asynchronous I/O − I/O proceeds concurrently with CPU execution
Communication to I/O Devices: The CPU must have a way to pass information to and from
an I/O device. There are three approaches available to communicate with the CPU and
 Special Instruction I/O
 Memory-mapped I/O
 Direct memory access (DMA)
Special Instruction I/O: This uses CPU instructions that are specifically made for
controlling I/O devices. These instructions typically allow data to be sent to an I/O device or
read from an I/O device.
Memory-mapped I/O: When using memory-mapped I/O, the same address space is shared
by memory and I/O devices. The device is connected directly to certain main memory
locations so that I/O device can transfer block of data to/from memory without going through

While using memory-mapped IO, OS allocates buffer in memory and informs I/O device to
use that buffer to send data to the CPU. I/O device operates asynchronously with CPU,
interrupts CPU when finished.
The advantage to this method is that every instruction which can access memory can be used
to manipulate an I/O device. Memory mapped IO is used for most high-speed I/O devices
like disks, communication interfaces.
Direct Memory Access (DMA): Slow devices like keyboards will generate an interrupt to
the main CPU after each byte is transferred. If a fast device such as a disk generated an
interrupt for each byte, the operating system would spend most of its time handling these
interrupts. So a typical computer uses direct memory access (DMA) hardware to reduce this
overhead. Direct Memory Access (DMA) means CPU grants I/O module authority to read
from or write to memory without involvement. DMA module itself controls exchange of
data between main memory and the I/O device. CPU is only involved at the beginning and
end of the transfer and interrupted only after entire block has been transferred.

I/O Management in OS Dr. Partha Sarathi Goswami
Direct Memory Access needs a special hardware called DMA controller (DMAC) that
manages the data transfers and arbitrates access to the system bus. The controllers are
programmed with source and destination pointers (where to read/write the data), counters to
track the number of transferred bytes, and settings, which includes I/O and memory types,
interrupts and states for the CPU cycles.

The operating system uses the DMA hardware as follows −

Step Description

1 Device driver is instructed to transfer disk data to a buffer address X.

2 Device driver then instruct disk controller to transfer data to buffer.

3 Disk controller starts DMA transfer.

4 Disk controller sends each byte to DMA controller.

5 DMA controller transfers bytes to buffer, increases the memory address, decreases the
counter C until C becomes zero.

6 When C becomes zero, DMA interrupts CPU to signal transfer completion.

Polling vs Interrupts I/O

A computer must have a way of detecting the arrival of any type of input. There are two
ways that this can happen, known as polling and interrupts. Both of these techniques allow
the processor to deal with events that can happen at any time and that are not related to the
process it is currently running.
Polling I/O: Polling is the simplest way for an I/O device to communicate with the
processor. The process of periodically checking status of the device to see if it is time for the
next I/O operation, is called polling. The I/O device simply puts the information in a Status
register, and the processor must come and get the information. Most of the time, devices will
not require attention and when one does it will have to wait until it is next interrogated by
the polling program. This is an inefficient method and much of the processors time is wasted
on unnecessary polls.
I/O Management in OS Dr. Partha Sarathi Goswami
Interrupts I/O: An alternative scheme for dealing with I/O is the interrupt-driven method.
An interrupt is a signal to the microprocessor from a device that requires attention. A device
controller puts an interrupt signal on the bus when it needs CPU’s attention when CPU
receives an interrupt, it saves its current state and invokes the appropriate interrupt handler
using the interrupt vector (addresses of OS routines to handle various events). When the
interrupting device has been dealt with, the CPU continues with its original task as if it had
never been interrupted.
I/O Softwares
I/O software is often organized in the following layers −
 User Level Libraries − This provides simple interface to the user program to
perform input and output. For example, stdio is a library provided by C and C++
programming languages.
 Kernel Level Modules − This provides device driver to interact with the device
controller and device independent I/O modules used by the device drivers.
 Hardware − This layer includes actual hardware and hardware controller which
interact with the device drivers and makes hardware alive.
A key concept in the design of I/O software is that it should be device independent where it
should be possible to write programs that can access any I/O device without having to
specify the device in advance. For example, a program that reads a file as input should be
able to read a file on a floppy disk, on a hard disk, or on a CD-ROM, without having to
modify the program for each different device.

Device Drivers: Device drivers are software modules that can be plugged into an OS to
handle a particular device. Operating System takes help from device drivers to handle all I/O
devices. Device drivers encapsulate device-dependent code and implement a standard
interface in such a way that code contains device-specific register reads/writes. Device driver,
is generally written by the device's manufacturer and delivered along with the device on a
A device driver performs the following jobs −
 To accept request from the device independent software above to it.
 Interact with the device controller to take and give I/O and perform required error

I/O Management in OS Dr. Partha Sarathi Goswami
 Making sure that the request is executed successfully
How a device driver handles a request is as follows: Suppose a request comes to read a
block N. If the driver is idle at the time a request arrives, it starts carrying out the request
immediately. Otherwise, if the driver is already busy with some other request, it places the
new request in the queue of pending requests.
Interrupt handlers: An interrupt handler, also known as an interrupt service routine or ISR,
is a piece of software or more specifically a callback function in an operating system or
more specifically in a device driver, whose execution is triggered by the reception of an
When the interrupt happens, the interrupt procedure does whatever it has to in order to
handle the interrupt, updates data structures and wakes up process that was waiting for an
interrupt to happen.
The interrupt mechanism accepts an address ─ a number that selects a specific interrupt
handling routine/function from a small set. In most architectures, this address is an offset
stored in a table called the interrupt vector table. This vector contains the memory addresses
of specialized interrupt handlers.
Device-Independent I/O Software
The basic function of the device-independent software is to perform the I/O functions that
are common to all devices and to provide a uniform interface to the user-level software.
Though it is difficult to write completely device independent software but we can write
some modules which are common among all the devices. Following is a list of functions of
device-independent I/O Software −
 Uniform interfacing for device drivers
 Device naming - Mnemonic names mapped to Major and Minor device numbers
 Device protection
 Providing a device-independent block size
 Buffering because data coming off a device cannot be stored in final destination.
 Storage allocation on block devices
 Allocation and releasing dedicated devices
 Error Reporting
User-Space I/O Software
These are the libraries which provide richer and simplified interface to access the
functionality of the kernel or ultimately interactive with the device drivers. Most of the user-
level I/O software consists of library procedures with some exception like spooling system
which is a way of dealing with dedicated I/O devices in a multiprogramming system.
I/O Libraries (e.g., stdio) are in user-space to provide an interface to the OS resident device-
independent I/O SW. For example putchar(), getchar(), printf() and scanf() are example of
user level I/O library stdio available in C programming.
Kernel I/O Subsystem
Kernel I/O Subsystem is responsible to provide many services related to I/O. Following are
some of the services provided.
 Scheduling − Kernel schedules a set of I/O requests to determine a good order in
which to execute them. When an application issues a blocking I/O system call, the
request is placed on the queue for that device. The Kernel I/O scheduler rearranges
the order of the queue to improve the overall system efficiency and the average
response time experienced by the applications.

I/O Management in OS Dr. Partha Sarathi Goswami
 Buffering − Kernel I/O Subsystem maintains a memory area known as buffer that
stores data while they are transferred between two devices or between a device with
an application operation. Buffering is done to cope with a speed mismatch between
the producer and consumer of a data stream or to adapt between devices that have
different data transfer sizes.
 Caching − Kernel maintains cache memory which is region of fast memory that
holds copies of data. Access to the cached copy is more efficient than access to the
 Spooling and Device Reservation − A spool is a buffer that holds output for a
device, such as a printer, that cannot accept interleaved data streams. The spooling
system copies the queued spool files to the printer one at a time. In some operating
systems, spooling is managed by a system daemon process. In other operating
systems, it is handled by an in kernel thread.
 Error Handling − An operating system that uses protected memory can guard
against many kinds of hardware and application errors.

Disk Scheduling
Disk scheduling is done by operating systems to schedule I/O requests arriving for the disk.
Disk scheduling is also known as I/O scheduling. Disk scheduling is important because:
 Multiple I/O requests may arrive by different processes and only one I/O request can
be served at a time by the disk controller. Thus other I/O requests need to wait in the
waiting queue and need to be scheduled.
 Two or more request may be far from each other so can result in greater disk arm
 Hard drives are one of the slowest parts of the computer system and thus need to be
accessed in an efficient manner.

Some of the important terms:

 Seek Time:Seek time is the time taken to locate the disk arm to a specified track
where the data is to be read or write. So the disk scheduling algorithm that gives
minimum average seek time is better.
 Rotational Latency: Rotational Latency is the time taken by the desired sector of
disk to rotate into a position so that it can access the read/write heads. So the disk
scheduling algorithm that gives minimum rotational latency is better.
 Transfer Time: Transfer time is the time to transfer the data. It depends on the
rotating speed of the disk and number of bytes to be transferred.
 Disk Access Time:
Disk Access Time = Seek Time + Rotational Latency + Transfer Time

 Disk Response Time: Response Time is the average of time spent by a request
waiting to perform its I/O operation. Average Response time is the response time of the
all requests. Variance Response Time is measure of how individual request are serviced
with respect to average response time. So the disk scheduling algorithm that gives
minimum variance response time is better.

I/O Management in OS Dr. Partha Sarathi Goswami
Purpose of Disk Scheduling: The main purpose of disk scheduling algorithm is to select a
disk request from the queue of IO requests and decide the schedule when this request will
be processed.
Goal of Disk Scheduling Algorithm
o Fairness
o High throughout
o Minimal traveling head time

Disk Scheduling Algorithms

The list of various disks scheduling algorithm is given below. Each algorithm is carrying
some advantages and disadvantages. The limitation of each algorithm leads to the evolution
of a new algorithm.
o FCFS scheduling algorithm
o SSTF (shortest seek time first) algorithm
o SCAN scheduling
o C-SCAN scheduling
o LOOK Scheduling
o C-LOOK scheduling

FCFS Scheduling Algorithm: It is the simplest Disk Scheduling algorithm. It services the
IO requests in the order in which they arrive. There is no starvation in this algorithm, every
request is serviced.
o The scheme does not optimize the seek time.
o The request may come from different processes therefore there is the possibility of
inappropriate movement of the head.

Example: Consider the following disk request sequence for a disk with 100 tracks 45, 21, 67,
90, 4, 50, 89, 52, 61, 87, 25. Head pointer starting at 50 and moving in left direction. Find the
number of head movements in cylinders using FCFS scheduling.

Number of cylinders moved by the head = (50-45)+(45-21)+(67-21)+(90-67)+(90-4)+(50-

4)+(89-50)+(61-52)+(87-61)+(87-25) = 5 + 24 + 46 + 23 + 86 + 46 + 49 + 9 + 26 + 62 = 376

I/O Management in OS Dr. Partha Sarathi Goswami
SSTF Scheduling Algorithm: Shortest seek time first (SSTF) algorithm selects the disk I/O
request which requires the least disk arm movement from its current position regardless of the
direction. It reduces the total seek time as compared to FCFS.
It allows the head to move to the closest track in the service queue.
o It may cause starvation for some requests.
o Switching direction on the frequent basis slows the working of algorithm.
o It is not the most optimal algorithm.
Example: Consider the following disk request sequence for a disk with 100 tracks 45, 21, 67,
90, 4, 89, 52, 61, 87, 25. Head pointer starting at 50. Find the number of head movements in
cylinders using SSTF scheduling.

Number of cylinders = 5 + 7 + 9 + 6 + 20 + 2 + 1 + 65 + 4 + 17 = 136

Scan Algorithm: It is also called as Elevator Algorithm. In this algorithm, the disk arm
moves into a particular direction till the end, satisfying all the requests coming in its path,and
then it turns back and moves in the reverse direction satisfying requests coming in its path.
It works in the way an elevator works, elevator moves in a direction completely till the last
floor of that direction and then turns back.
Example: Consider the following disk request sequence for a disk with 100 tracks 98, 137,
122, 183, 14, 133, 65, 78. Head pointer starting at 54 and moving in left direction. Find the
number of head movements in cylinders using SCAN scheduling.

Number of Cylinders = 40 + 14 + 65 + 13 + 20 + 24 + 11 + 4 + 46 = 237

C-SCAN algorithm: In C-SCAN algorithm, the arm of the disk moves in a particular
direction servicing requests until it reaches the last cylinder, then it jumps to the last cylinder
of the opposite direction without servicing any request then it turns back and start moving in
that direction servicing the remaining requests.

I/O Management in OS Dr. Partha Sarathi Goswami
Example: Consider the following disk request sequence for a disk with 100 tracks 98, 137,
122, 183, 14, 133, 65, 78. Head pointer starting at 54 and moving in left direction. Find the
number of head movements in cylinders using C-SCAN scheduling.

No. of cylinders crossed = 40 + 14 + 199 + 16 + 46 + 4 + 11 + 24 + 20 + 13 = 387

Look Scheduling: It is like SCAN scheduling Algorithm to some extant except the
difference that, in this scheduling algorithm, the arm of the disk stops moving inwards (or
outwards) when no more request in that direction exists. This algorithm tries to overcome the
overhead of SCAN algorithm which forces disk arm to move in one direction till the end
regardless of knowing if any request exists in the direction or not.
Example: Consider the following disk request sequence for a disk with 100 tracks 98, 137,
122, 183, 14, 133, 65, 78. Head pointer starting at 54 and moving in left direction. Find the
number of head movements in cylinders using LOOK scheduling.

Number of cylinders crossed = 40 + 51 + 13 + +20 + 24 + 11 + 4 + 46 = 209

C Look Scheduling: C Look Algorithm is similar to C-SCAN algorithm to some extent.

In this algorithm, the arm of the disk moves outwards servicing requests until it reaches the
highest request cylinder, then it jumps to the lowest request cylinder without servicing any
request then it again start moving outwards servicing the remaining requests. It is different
from C SCAN algorithm in the sense that, C SCAN force the disk arm to move till the last
cylinder regardless of knowing whether any request is to be serviced on that cylinder or not.
Example: Consider the following disk request sequence for a disk with 100 tracks 98, 137,
122, 183, 14, 133, 65, 78. Head pointer starting at 54 and moving in left direction. Find the
number of head movements in cylinders using C LOOK scheduling.

I/O Management in OS Dr. Partha Sarathi Goswami

Number of cylinders crossed = 11 + 13 + 20 + 24 + 11 + 4 + 46 + 169 = 298

Question: Suppose the following disk request sequence (track numbers) for a disk with 100
tracks is given: 45, 20, 90, 10, 50, 60, 80 and 70. Assume that the initial position of the R/W
head is on track 50. The additional distance that will be traversed by the R/W head when the
Shortest Seek Time First (SSTF) algorithm is used compared to the SCAN (Elevator)
algorithm (assuming that SCAN algorithm moves towards 100 when it starts execution) is
_________ tracks. (A) 5 (B) 9 (C) 10 (D) 11
Using SSTF Algorithm
Number of track are 100.
Initial Position of R/W head is 50.
The requests are: 45, 20, 90, 10, 50, 60, 80 and 70

Number of crossed cylinders = 5 + 15 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 70 + 10 = 130

Using SCAN Algorithm

Number of cylinders crosses = 0 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 10 + 55 + 25 + 10 = 140

Therefore the answer is (C). The SCAN algorithm travels for 10 additional tracks.
Q. Consider a disk with 200 tracks and the queue has random requests from different
processes in the order: 55, 58, 39, 18, 90, 160, 150, 38, 184. Initially arm is at 100. Find the
Average Seek length using FIFO, SSTF, SCAN and C-SCAN algorithm.

I/O Management in OS Dr. Partha Sarathi Goswami
Solution :

RAID (Redundant Array of Independent Disks): With the use of multiple disks, there is a
wide variety of ways in which the data can be organized and in which redundancy can be
added to improve reliability. This could make it difficult to develop database schemes that are
usable on a number of platforms and operating systems. Fortunately, industry has agreed on a
standardized scheme for multiple-disk database design, known as RAID (redundant array of
independent disks). The RAID scheme consists of seven levels, 2 zero through six. These
levels do not imply a hierarchical relationship but designate different design architectures that
share three common characteristics:
1. RAID is a set of physical disk drives viewed by the OS as a single logical drive.
2. Data are distributed across the physical drives of an array in a scheme known as striping,
described subsequently.
3. Redundant disk capacity is used to store parity information, which guarantees data
recoverability in case of a disk failure.

Disk Cache: A disk cache is a buffer in main memory for disk sectors. The cache contains a
copy of some of the sectors on the disk. When an I/O request is made for a particular sector, a
check is made to determine if the sector is in the disk cache. If so, the request is satisfied via
the cache. If not, the requested sector is read into the disk cache from the disk.

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