Gerontology - Geriatric Assesment Form
Gerontology - Geriatric Assesment Form
Gerontology - Geriatric Assesment Form
College of Nursing
History of Illness:
Surgical History:
Current Medications:
Assistive Devices:
Signs of Neglect/Abuse:
□Time □Place □Object □Person □Time
□Time □Short-term □Long-term
Attention □Normal □Distracted □Other
Over-all Assessment/Observation:
___________________________________ _________________
Student’s name and signature Date
A. Bathing
1. Bathe’s self (tub, shower, sponge bath) without help
2. Bathes self with help getting in and out of tub
3. Washes face and hands only, but cannot bathe rest of body
4. Does not wash self, but is cooperative with those him or her clean
5. Does not try to wash self and resists efforts to keep him or her clean
B. Toilet
1. Care for self at toilet completely; no incontinence
2. Needs to be reminded, or needs help in cleaning self, or has rare
(weekly at most) accidents
3. Soiling or wetting while asleep more than once a week
4. Soiling or wetting while awake more than once a week
5. No control of bowels or bladder
C. Dressing
1. Dresses, undresses, and selects clothes from own wardrobe
2. Dresses and undresses self, with minor assistance
3. Needs moderate assistance in dressing and selection of clothes
4. Needs major assistance in dressing, but cooperates with effort of
other to help
5. Completely unable to dress self and resists effort of others to help
6. Always neatly dressed, well-groomed, without assistance
7. Grooms’ self adequately with occasional minor assistance, eg, with
8. Needs moderate and regular assistance or supervision with
9. Needs total grooming care, but can remain well-groomed after help
from others
10. Actively negates all efforts of others to maintain grooming
D. Feeding
1. Eats without assistance
2. Eats with minor assistance at meal times and/or with special
preparation of food, or help in cleaning up after meals
3. Feeds self with moderate assistance and is untidy
4. Requires extensive assistance for all meals
5. Does not feed self at all and resists efforts of others to feed him or
E. Responsibility for Own Medications
1. Is responsible for taking medication in correct dosages at correct
2. Takes responsibility if medication is prepared in advance in separate
3. Is not capable of dispensing own medication
F. Shopping
1. Takes care of all shopping needs independently
2. Shops independently for small purchases
3. Needs to be accompanied on any shopping trip
4. Completely unable to shop
G. Food Preparation
1. Plans, prepares, and serves adequate meals independently
2. Prepares adequate meals if supplied with ingredients
3. Heats and serves prepared meals or prepares meals, but does not
maintain adequate diet
4. Needs to have meals prepared and served
H. Housekeeping
1. Maintains house alone or with occasional assistance (eg, heavy-work
domestic help)
2. Performs light daily tasks such as dishwashing, bedmaking
3. Performs light daily tasks, but cannot maintain acceptable level of
4. Needs help with all home maintenance tasks
5. Does not participate in any housekeeping tasks
I. Laundry
1. Does personal laundry completely
2. Launders small items; rinses socks, stockings, etc.
3. All laundry must be done by others
J. Ability to Handle Finances
1. Manages financial matters independently (budgets, writes checks,
pays rent, and bills, goes to bank); collects and keeps track of
2. Manages day-to-day purchases, but needs help with banking, major
purchases, etc.
3. Incapable of handling money
K. Ability to Use Telephone
1. Operates telephone on own initiative; looks up and dials numbers
2. Dials a few well-known numbers
3. Answers telephone, but does not dial
4. Does not use telephone at all
L. Physical Ambulation
1. Goes about grounds or city
2. Ambulates within residence on or about one block distant
3. Ambulates with assistance of (check one)
a.( )another person, b.( )railing, c.( )cane, d.( )walker,
e.( )wheelchair
1. Gets in and out without help 2. Needs help getting in and out
4. Sits unsupported in chair or wheelchair, but cannot propel self
without help
5. Bedridden more than half the time