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AIIMS Bhubaneswar Document: AIIMS/SOP/COVID-19/2

Version: 2.0
COVID-19 MANAGEMENT Date of Issue: 04th Aug 2020
Total Pages-123

Standard Operating
COVID-19 Management
AIIMS Bhubaneswar
Version 2.0

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
Chairman HICC

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AIIMS Bhubaneswar Document: AIIMS/SOP/COVID-19/2
Version: 2.0
COVID-19 MANAGEMENT Date of Issue: 04th Aug 2020
Total Pages-123


Particulars Page No.

Important Contact Numbers 3
COVID-19 Team & Advisory Committee 4
Case Definition 5
Entry & Exit Policy 7
Duty Roster 7
Staff Accommodation 8
Control Room 8
OPD Services 9
Telemedicine & Swasthya App 10
Policy COVID-19 Screening 12
Admission Policy in COVID Units 16
COVID Transportation Team 17
COVID Care Team 18
Policy for COVID / SARI Ward 20
Policy for Ayush Isolation & other COVID wards 25
Medical Management for of COVID-19 27
Discharge of a COVID-19 patient 39
Cross Referral Policy 40
Diagnostics – Lab & Radiology 40
OT services 43
Management of COVID positive Pregnant Women 44
Biomedical Equipment Management 48
Pharmacy & Stores 48
Advisory on Chloroquine 49
Strategy for COVID-19 testing 49
Death Care for COVID-19 suspects / Confirmed cases 55
Infection Prevention & Control Policy 57
Support Services – Kitchen, Diet, CSSD, Linen, BMW, Engineering 72
Support Services – Housekeeping 70
Policy for Isolation of Healthcare workers tested COVID-19 + 82
Policy for Contact Tracing and Quarantine 92
Mental Health Interventions for staff 100
Annexure 1-Job Description for Nursing Officers 106
Annexure 2- Job Description for Hospital Attendants 113
Annexure 3- Job Description for Housekeeping Staff 114
Annexure 4- Dead Body Management & Mortuary Services 116
Annexure 5a & b- Undertaking form for COVID-19 admissions. 119
Annexure 6- Patient Valuable Handover Form 122

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
Chairman HICC

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AIIMS Bhubaneswar Document: AIIMS/SOP/COVID-19/2
Version: 2.0
COVID-19 MANAGEMENT Date of Issue: 04th Aug 2020
Total Pages-123

Nodal Officer- COVID-19 AIIMS Bhubaneswar

1. Dr. Manoj Panigrahi, Addl. Professor, Pulmonary Medicine & Critical Care
COVID-19 Nodal Officer, AIIMS Bhubaneswar, Phone: 9438884282
2. Dr. Sourin Bhuniya, Addl. Professor, Pulmonary Medicine & Critical Care. Phone:

Important contact persons:

1. Dr. Gitanjali Batmanbane, Director

2. Shri P K Ray, DDA
3. Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty, Medical Superintendent
4. Dr. Jawahar S K Pillai, Joint Medical Superintendent
5. Dr. Prasanta R. Mohapatra, Prof & Head, Dept of Pulmonary Medicine & Critical
6. Dr Binod Kumar Patro, Addl. Prof. Dept of Community Medicine & Family
7. COVID-19 Screening Helpline: 8280346616
8. CONTROL ROOM Phone: 8280346629, Landline: 0674-2651000 Ext 3125
Intercom Numbers:
J+1 2186
J+2 3545
J+3 2144
J+4 2394
J+5 2385
AYUSH WARD 5091 / 5095


Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
Chairman HICC

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AIIMS Bhubaneswar Document: AIIMS/SOP/COVID-19/2
Version: 2.0
COVID-19 MANAGEMENT Date of Issue: 04th Aug 2020
Total Pages-123

The global fight against the COVID-19 pandemic continues. AIIMS Bhubaneswar has
worked out the COVID-19 case management and incorporated several changes in the
SOP as per the latest updates.

This SOP is version 2.0 and is based on various guidelines issues by the MoHFW, Govt
of India, World Health Organization, Centre for Disease control, AIIMS New Delhi and
various other organizations.

COVID -19 Team, AIIMS Bhubaneswar

1. Dr. Gitanjali Batmanabane, Director

2. Mr. P K Ray, DDA
3. Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty, Medical Superintendent
4. Dr. Jawahar S K Pillai, Joint Medical Superintendent
5. Dr Manoj Panigrahi, Addl. Prof, Dept of Pulmonary Medicine & Critical Care.
6. Dr Sourin Bhuniya, Addl. Prof, Dept of Pulmonary Medicine & Critical Care Dept
of Pulmonary Medicine.
7. Dr Binod Patro, Addl. Prof, Dept of CMFM
8. Dr Sudipta Ranjan Singh, Addl. Prof, Dept of FMT
9. Dr Swagata Tripathy, Asso. Prof. Dept of Anesthesiology
10. Dr Bijayani Behera, Asso. Prof. Dept of Microbiology
11. Dr. Sadananda Barik, Asst. Prof. Dept of Pulmonary Medicine
12. Dr Arvind Singh, Asst. Prof. Dept of CMFM
13. Dr Saurav Sarkar, Asst. Prof. Dept of ENT
14. Dr Rajesh Kumar, Asst. Prof. Dept of Medicine
15. Dr Amit Satapathy, Asst. Prof. Dept of Pediatrics
16. Dr Asha P Shetty, CNO
17. Mrs. Mariamma, NS
18. Dr Mahalingam V, NS

COVID -19 Advisory Committee, AIIMS Bhubaneswar

1. Dr. Gitanjali Batmanbane, Director

2. Mr. P K Ray, DDA
3. Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty, Medical Superintendent
4. Dr. Jawahar S K Pillai, Joint Medical Superintendent
5. Dr. Prasanta R. Mohapatra, Prof & Head, Dept of Pulmonary Medicine
6. Dr. Kanishka Das, Prof. & Head, Dept of Pediatric Surgery
7. Dr. R N Sahoo, Prof & Head, Dept of Neurosurgery
8. Dr. Madhabanand Kar, Prof & Head, Dept of Surgical Oncology
9. Dr. Manas Ranjan Sahoo, Prof & Head, Dept of Surgery

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
Chairman HICC

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AIIMS Bhubaneswar Document: AIIMS/SOP/COVID-19/2
Version: 2.0
COVID-19 MANAGEMENT Date of Issue: 04th Aug 2020
Total Pages-123

10. Dr. Tushar S Mishra, Prof & Head, Dept of T & E

11. Dr. Samarendra Mohapatra, Professor, Dept of Pediatrics
12. Dr. Satyajeet Misra, Addl. Prof & Head, Dept of Anesthesiology
13. Dr. Bishnu Prasad Patro, Addl Prof & Head, Dept of Orthopedics

Roles & Responsibilities of the COVID-19 Team.

1. To formulate the policy to manage COVID-19 pandemic at AIIMS Bhubaneswar.

To update or modify the hospital policy as and when required and also based on
various guidelines issued from the MoHFW, Go I, ICMR and WHO.
2. To update and modify the roles and responsibilities of various staff working for
COVID-19 management.
3. To conduct training sessions for all category of healthcare staff based on current
guidelines from ICMR and MoHFW, GoI.
4. To conduct periodic review meetings to analyze the present situation and address
various issues related to COVID-19.
5. To enable a system of feedback from the faculty, residents, nursing officers,
technicians and patients for Continuous Quality Improvement.


Suspect Case:
A patient with acute respiratory illness (fever and at least one sign/symptom of
respiratory disease, e.g., cough, shortness of breath), AND a history of travel to or
residence in a location reporting community transmission of COVID-19 disease during
the 14 days prior to symptom onset;
A patient with any acute respiratory illness AND having been in contact with a confirmed
or probable COVID-19 case in the last 14 days prior to symptom onset;
A patient with severe acute respiratory illness (fever and at least one sign/symptom of
respiratory disease, e.g., cough, shortness of breath; AND requiring hospitalization) AND
in the absence of an alternative diagnosis that fully explains the clinical presentation.
Probable Case:
A suspect case for whom testing for the COVID-19 virus is inconclusive.
A suspect case for whom testing could not be performed for any reason.

Confirmed case:

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
Chairman HICC

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AIIMS Bhubaneswar Document: AIIMS/SOP/COVID-19/2
Version: 2.0
COVID-19 MANAGEMENT Date of Issue: 04th Aug 2020
Total Pages-123

A person with laboratory confirmation of COVID-19 infection, irrespective of clinical

signs and symptoms.

A close contact:
Direct close contact: One can get the infection by being in close contact with COVID-
19 patients (within one meter of the infected person), especially if they do not cover
their face when coughing or sneezing.

1. Health care associated exposure, including providing direct care for COVID – 19
patients, working with health care workers infected with COVID – 19, visiting
patients or staying in the same close environment of a COVID - 19 patients.
2. Working together in close proximity or sharing the same classroom environment
with a COVID - 19 patient.
3. Travelling together with COVID - 19 patient in any kind of conveyance.
4. Living in the same household as a COVID - 19 patients.
The epidemiological link may have occurred within a 14-day period before or after
the onset of illness in the case under consideration
Clinical Features:
Signs and symptoms:
1. Fever
2. Cough
3. Fatigue
4. Shortness of breath
5. Expectoration
6. Myalgia
7. Rhinorrhea, sore throat, diarrhea
8. Loss of smell (anosmia) or loss of taste (ageusia) preceding the onset of respiratory
symptoms has also been reported
9. Note: Older people and immune-suppressed patients in particular may present
with atypical symptoms such as fatigue, reduced alertness, reduced mobility,
diarrhoea, loss of appetite, delirium, and absence of fever. Children might not
have reported fever or cough as frequently as adults.
The major risk factors for severe disease are:

• Age more than 60 years (increasing with age).

• Underlying non-communicable diseases (NCDs): diabetes, hypertension,

cardiac disease, chronic lung disease, cerebro-vascular disease, chronic
kidney disease, obesity, immune-suppression and cancer

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
Chairman HICC

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AIIMS Bhubaneswar Document: AIIMS/SOP/COVID-19/2
Version: 2.0
COVID-19 MANAGEMENT Date of Issue: 04th Aug 2020
Total Pages-123


1. All patients shall enter the hospital in queue, only through the main OPD
entrance after undergoing screening for COVID -19.
2. Social distancing of >2m must be ensured while walking through corridors, doors
and overcrowding to be avoided in lifts, staircases or any other places.
3. The patient attendants are permitted to use the lift on the southern side of the
hospital wards. [(Lift No. 15 & 16 at E Block - T & E backside) & Lift No. 21 &
22 COVID Unit Lift)]
4. No patient shall be permitted to enter the hospital through any other entrance
(including staff relatives). All entry and exit points are to be manned by the
security staff. They may check the ID card of the staff in case of suspicion when
entering through any other entrance.
5. The security personnel shall check the body temperature of the staff / patient
using thermal scanner and pour/spray hand sanitizer. If the body temperature
is higher than 98.4ºF, he/ she will be asked to visit the COVID-19 OPD at the G
Block through the outside route.
6. No person without face mask shall be allowed inside the hospital.
7. Only one attendant (with due protective cover, like mask) shall be permitted to
enter the hospital with one patient. The identity of attendant will be checked and
screened for COVID-19.
8. Additional attendants may be permitted for wheelchair or stretcher bound
patients, blind, physically handicap, elderly, children or neonates or pregnant
females. They will also undergo screening for COVID-19.

1. Each of the COVID-19 patient care areas shall have healthcare staff coverage by
faculty, resident doctors, nursing officers, technicians (wherever applicable),
hospital attendants, housekeeping staff, registration desk, administrative and
clerical staff.
2. COVID-19 screening OPD will be functional from 08.00 am to 02.00pm on the
weekdays and 08.00 AM to 1.00 PM on Saturday. The sample collection shall be
done from 09.00 am to 01.00 pm. Accordingly, duty roster is to be prepared for
each category of staff and circulated to all concerned with a copy to control room.
( )
3. All other areas like Trauma & emergency, Trauma ward, COVID- OT & Labor
room at G Block, Ayush Isolation, Pvt I and J ward, F+6, J +1, J +2, J+3, J+4 &
J +5 shall have 24x7 coverage by medical, nursing & other staff. Accordingly,
duty roster to be prepared for each category of staff and circulated to all
concerned with a copy to control room. (

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
Chairman HICC

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AIIMS Bhubaneswar Document: AIIMS/SOP/COVID-19/2
Version: 2.0
COVID-19 MANAGEMENT Date of Issue: 04th Aug 2020
Total Pages-123

4. Roster of Senior Resident, Dept. of Anesthesiology for endotracheal

intubation, should be circulated to all patient care areas and the control
5. Other departments like nursing supervisor, engineering & maintenance
department, electrical, medical gas, security, housekeeping supervisors shall also
have their shift wise rosters and the shift supervisor shall have to report to the
control room at the start of their shift.
6. The control room duty roster will be shared with all staff.
7. All departments will be responsible for timely submission of the rosters to the
control room.
8. All faculty and residents along with other healthcare workers to respond to
control room calls and treat it as priority.


1. HCWs who are on COVID-19 duty shall be provided with accommodation during
their period of duty at the hospital campus, as and when needed.
2. The residents and the nursing officers are provided accommodation at the B
Block hostel or at the E+5 WARD as per availability.
3. The attendants or the housekeeping staff are also provided accommodation in the
hospital as and when requested by the staff.
4. In case of any lockdown or containment zone declaration of any residential area
where the staff are residing, may contact the control room (8280346629) for
necessary assistance for possible accommodation or transportation.


1. The control room is located at ground floor near MS office. It can be contacted
over phone- 8280346629 or 0674 2651000 Extn 3125 (intercom 3125) and
E Mail-
2. It shall be manned by residents of Dept of Hospital Administration on 24x7 basis.
3. The role of the control room is:
a) Keep information of on-duty healthcare workers with name and contact
b) To monitor the physical presence of healthcare staff in each shift.
c) To check for administrative issues being faced in any area of the hospital
and to facilitate for resolving then and there if possible.
d) To inform and report any events or incidents to concerned head of
department & authorities after discussing the matter/issue with Faculty
on-call, Dept. of Hospital Administration or Medical Superintendent.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
Chairman HICC

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AIIMS Bhubaneswar Document: AIIMS/SOP/COVID-19/2
Version: 2.0
COVID-19 MANAGEMENT Date of Issue: 04th Aug 2020
Total Pages-123

e) To keep track of COVID-19 positive cases admitted in the hospital, their

transfer or shift-out to other areas, or for radiological investigations etc.
f) To keep track of COVID-19 cases detected through the COVID-19 OPD,
patient at the Vishram Gruha or their attendants awaiting COVID reports
and follow up for their admission.
g) To follow of transfer of COVID cases to other hospitals and coordinate the
ambulance movement with help of security supervisor.
h) To facilitate admission of the COVID-19 positive healthcare workers.
i) To ensure dead body management and follow up of the handing over status
of dead body to the state government authorities in coordination with Dept
of FMT.
j) To monitor cleaning and sanitization work in the hospital in coordination
with the housekeeping supervisors.
k) To coordinate accommodation of hospital staff in the hostel as and when
l) To receive complaints and grievances from patients and staff and inform
the concerned authorities after discussing with the Jt Medical
Superintendent or MS.

NB- Above mentioned points are in addition to the regular duties at the control room.


1. The OPD services will function from 08.00 to 5.00 pm.(subject to change based on
2. The queue management for each OPD to be ensured with social distancing more
than 2m, by the security staff.
3. Signage to be put for wearing mask, hand hygiene, social distancing and to follow
the instructions of the security staff.
4. In each OPD, the waiting area is to be used for screening. No crowding to be allowed
5. After each consultation, patients must be encouraged to follow up through
telemedicine services if available for that department.
6. In case of any suspected patient for COVID-19, the patient may be directed (along
with security staff whenever possible) to either G Block OPD or to Trauma &
Emergency based on condition for further management.
7. Priority may be given to stretcher bound patients or patient for referral from Trauma
& Emergency.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
Chairman HICC

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AIIMS Bhubaneswar Document: AIIMS/SOP/COVID-19/2
Version: 2.0
COVID-19 MANAGEMENT Date of Issue: 04th Aug 2020
Total Pages-123

8. The location of the Crash cart and nearest defibrillator must be known to all staff
like faculty, residents, nursing officers, hospital attendant and other staff in the
9. The OPDs to be regularly cleaned and disinfected by Bacillocid (dimethanol
glutaraldehyde) or sodium hypochlorite solution by the housekeeping staff.
Housekeeping supervisor to ensure the same.
10. Adequate precaution to be taken while performing any aerosol generating
11. Biomedical Waste must be cleared daily and the waste bins must be disinfected.
12. The cleanliness of the OPD to be the responsibility of the nursing officer in charge.


At present, 23 departments are providing telemedicine services through “Whatsapp”

video calls. All efforts to be done to encourage telemedicine usage.

List of Telemedicine Numbers:

Guidelines for Telemedicine by the Medical Council India to be followed.

Departments Telemedicine
General Medicine 8280346621
General Surgery 8280346626
Obstetrics & Gynaecology 8280346642
Paediatrics 8280346657
Dermatology 8280346608
ENT 8280346613
Cardiology 8280346686
Orthopaedics 8280346648
Pulmonary Medicine 8280346663
Land line: 0674-
Urology 8280346675
Psychiatry 8280346660
Gastroenterology OPD 8280346700
Ophthalmology OPD 8280346701
Endocrinology OPD 8280346702
Paediatric Surgery OPD 8280346703
Dental OPD 8280346704

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
Chairman HICC

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AIIMS Bhubaneswar Document: AIIMS/SOP/COVID-19/2
Version: 2.0
COVID-19 MANAGEMENT Date of Issue: 04th Aug 2020
Total Pages-123

CTVS OPD 8280346705

Neonatology OPD 8280346706
Burn and Plastic OPD 8280346694
Neurosurgery OPD 8280346696
Neurology OPD 8280346697
Surgical Oncology OPD 8280346698
COVID Clinic 8280346684

General Instruction for telemedicine:

1. On receiving a call, the resident should collect the patient identity, age, gender,
address and contact telephone number. The same shall be recorded in the register.
2. The resident doctor should also identify himself /herself to the patient and shall
obtain verbal consent for the teleconsultation.
3. In case the resident doctor assesses any emergency medical condition, the patient
must be communicated to visit nearest healthcare center with the required medical
facility along with necessary advice.
4. After detailed tele consultation, the patient shall be advised for follow up with reports
through teleconsultation. The prescription shall be shared through the “Whatsapp”
portal with the patient.
5. Guidelines for Telemedicine by the Medical Council India to be followed.
6. AIIMS Bhubaneswar Swasthya App to be used for telemedicine appointments and
follow up.

Swasthya App – AIIMS Bhubaneswar

An app for E consultation for all departments is started from July 2020. Patients can
download from App store and send consultations to the Departments. The doctors can
view consultations and respond. There is facility of Audio/Video calling. The documents
/Investigation reports can be attached by patient. The doctor can send E Prescription.

TAB Installed for Swasthya App

Sl.No. Department
1 Gastroenterology OPD
2 Neurology OPD
3 Dental OPD
4 Surgical Oncology OPD

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
Chairman HICC

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Version: 2.0
COVID-19 MANAGEMENT Date of Issue: 04th Aug 2020
Total Pages-123

5 Endocrinology OPD
6 Paediatric Surgery OPD
8 Neurosurgery OPD
9 Neonatology OPD
10 Burn and Plastic OPD
11 Medicine OPD
12 General Surgery OPD
13 O&G OPD
14 Psychiatrist OPD
15 Orthopaedics OPD
16 Pulmonary Medicine OPD
17 Dermatology OPD
19 Cardiology OPD
20 Paediatrics OPD
21 Urology OPD
22 Neurology


COVID-19 Screening Services are available at:

1. OPD main entrance.

2. COVID-19 OPD at G Block
3. Trauma & Emergency

At the Screening center of Main OPD Entrance:

1. All patients and their attendants visiting the hospital to undergo mandatory
screening for COVID-19 at the main OPD entrance.
2. Staff will be screened using thermal scanner at the main OPD entrance as well
as other entrances.
3. At the main OPD entrance, the screening is to be done by the nursing officers
and Medical Social Workers.
4. The screening staff must wear face shield, double layer surgical masks/ N95
masks and to practice hand hygiene frequently.
5. The patients or the attendants must be asked about the symptom and travel
history and any recent contact with COVID-19 positive patients. Any patient with

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
Chairman HICC

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Version: 2.0
COVID-19 MANAGEMENT Date of Issue: 04th Aug 2020
Total Pages-123

symptoms or recent (2months) travel history to any foreign country, to or from

any state of India, or to any area where there are COVID cases within Odisha
shall be diverted to the COVID-19 OPD at the G Block.
6. The security staff will check the body temperature of the people with thermal
scanner and hand sanitizer shall be given. In case of increase of body
temperature, patient shall be directed to the COVID-19 OPD at the G Block.
7. The staff to provide a stamp ‘Screened for COVID-19’ on the OPD ticket.
8. Role of Security Staff:
i) The security staff must ensure social distancing among all the staff at all the
ii) Two separate queues must be ensured. One queue for new patients and other
one for revisit patients and patient attendants.
iii) The security must prevent gathering of people at any location.
iv) The staff must ensure all the patient and attendants wear masks before
entering the hospital.
v) The patient attendants to be restricted to only one.
vi) There should NOT be any breach to the screening process by any VIP or with
any special reference from any official or authority.
9. Role of housekeeping staff.
i) The housekeeping staff must clean the screening areas with Bacillocid
(dimethanol glutaraldehyde) solution wipe on hourly basis.
ii) The entry and exit doors, door handles, tables, chairs, wheelchairs,
stretchers, lifts buttons and any other frequently touched surfaces must be
surface cleaned.
iii) During peak OPD hours, sodium hypochlorite solution to be sprayed and
wiped on the surfaces.
10. Role of resident Administrator.
i) Resident administrator from Dept of Hospital Administration to supervise the
overall crowd management at the OPD entrance areas by the security
ii) To ensure the guidelines are not violated by anyone.

COVID-19 Screening OPD at G Block

1. The COVID-19 OPD at the G Block will be managed by the Dept of CMFM.
2. It will be functional from 08.00 AM to 02.00 PM on all days.
3. The patients arriving at the OPD must register at the counter and the registration
slip will be handed over to the doctors by the security staff.
4. The screening staff must wear necessary PPE gown, face shield, N95 mask and
to practice hand hygiene frequently.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
Chairman HICC

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Version: 2.0
COVID-19 MANAGEMENT Date of Issue: 04th Aug 2020
Total Pages-123

5. OPD shall be manned by the senior resident/ junior resident from Dept of CMFM
and all other departments on rotation basis.
6. Sample Collection Area:
The residents from Dept of ENT, Pathology, Dental, Pharmacology & Physiology
shall be available for nasopharyngeal/oropharyngeal swab collection. Wearing
PPE (Cap, mask, Shoe cover, PPE suit, goggles & hood) is mandatory. Refer to
policy for COVID-19 sample collection.
The process flow:
Doctor advices for COVID -19 testing ---> Patient/ staff take the prescription and
gives at the sampling area. ---> The name and other details are entered online in
the ICMR portal and a VTM labelled with name and ID is handed to the patient
and he/she is advised to wait in the queue for sample collection.
Patient/staff is informed when the report is available telephonically and is given
printed report on availability.
7. Role of resident doctors:
i) To check for cases with symptoms like fever, cough, sneezing, breathing
difficulty or with recent travel history to foreign countries, to any other state
in India or any places within Odisha by self or any member of their family.
They also should check for any recent contact with COVID-19 positive
ii) In case of stable patients with minor symptoms who do not require any active
intervention, they must be informed about Telemedicine services available at
AIIMS Bhubaneswar along with advice for home isolation.
iii) The resident doctor may advise for nasopharyngeal / oropharyngeal swab
sample collection.
iv) The suspected patients must be counseled and advised to wait till the report
is generated. The suspected patients may be asked to stay in the Vishram
Gruha or to remain in home quarantine till the report is available.
v) A printed copy of the COVID-19 report to be given to the patients. In case of
positive patients, the patient must be admitted to the COVID-19 ward at
COVID Isolation facility at the Ayush & J- Block. The same must be informed
to the COVID Nodal officer.
vi) In case of any patients with breathing difficulty or requiring any medical
assistance, he/she may be referred immediately to the Trauma and
Emergency Dept with necessary assistance.
8. Roles of Nursing officer at G Block
i) To ensure all necessary PPE and other consumable items are available for
screening staff & sample collection.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
Chairman HICC

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Version: 2.0
COVID-19 MANAGEMENT Date of Issue: 04th Aug 2020
Total Pages-123

ii) To ensure availability of BMW dust bins with color coded bags and to ensure
appropriate disposal of the BMW generated.
iii) To ensure availability of hospital dress.
iv) To organize the donning and doffing areas and ensure the infection control
practices are adhered with signages like written instructions.
v) To monitor & train the housekeeping staff and other nursing officers about
infection control protocols and cleaning practices.
vi) To keep emergency drugs and ensure functionality of central oxygen supply
or portable oxygen cylinder as standby.
vii) To maintain inventory of all the items.
viii) To ensure that the used linen is dropped and soaked in the Sodium
hypochlorite solution buckets and are not dropped anywhere else in the
doffing room.
ix) In case of any maintenance or complaints related to civil, electrical, IT etc.,
the same must be informed to the respective department and if not attended
in time, it should be informed to the Duty Resident Administrator at Control
9. Role of Housekeeping staff:
i) The housekeeping staff must clean the screening area with Bacillocid
(dimethanol glutaraldehyde) solution wipe on hourly basis.
ii) The entry and exit doors, door handles, tables, chairs, wheelchairs, stretchers
and any other frequently touched surfaces must be surface cleaned with
Bacilocid or sodium hypochlorite.
iii) The floor should be mopped every 2 hours with cleaning solution.
iv) The biomedical waste generated must be carefully packed wearing PPE in a
yellow and red bag as per BMW rules for COVID -19 by SPCB.
v) The housekeeping must ensure that the dust bins are not full and is cleared
regularly. He /she must inform to the housekeeping supervisor as and when
needed to transport the waste in e-vehicles to BMW complex.
vi) After clearance of the waste, the dust bins must be disinfected with sodium
vii) The soaked linen must be packed in separate plastic bags and to be
transported to the linen cleaning area after counting.


1. Admission can be done in the following areas.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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Provision of Beds: (Total dedicated Beds- 248)

Sl. Area Category No. of Beds
1 SARI (Trauma) Ward Suspected COVID-19 16
2 F+6 Suspected COVID-19 30
3 Pvt I Suspected COVID-19 16
4 Pvt J Confirmed COVID-19 16

Sl. Area Category No. of Department Nodal

No Beds Department
1 Ayush ICU- ICU- 20 Critical Care Anaesthesiology
Isolation Confirmed patients
2 J+1 Confirmed 30 Dept of Surgery, Dept of Surgery
COVID-19 orthopaedics,
Dental, PMR
3 J+2 Confirmed 30 Super speciality Dept of
COVID-19 Depts, OBG and paediatrics
4 J+3 Confirmed 30 General Medicine, General
COVID-19 Dermatology, Medicine
5 J+4 Confirmed 30 Pulmonary Pulmonary
COVID-19 Medicine Medicine
6 J+5 Confirmed 30 Pulmonary Pulmonary
COVID-19 Medicine (For Medicine
staff & EHS 8280346662

2. The admission slips to be signed by the doctor and sent to the admission counter
with the patient attendant. In case of COVID -19 positive patient, the dedicated
nursing officer for transportation team will be informed or the admission slip

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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can be sent through email attachment to the admission counter Email:
The admission counter staff should be communicated over phone by the concerned
nursing officer for further processing by taking a printout of the same. Meanwhile
the hospital attendant can be sent to the admission counter for receiving the
admission papers and bringing back to the concerned ward.
3. One admission counter is dedicated for COVID-19 patient admission in Ayush Block.
4. Online payment mode to be encouraged and to minimize cash transaction.
5. Refer the flow chart (Page No. 18) for admission into ward or ICU mentioned above
in the Policy for COVID ward (Trauma Ward)
6. Before advising the admission, the faculty must ensure about the COVID screening
of the patient and the COVID UNDERTAKING must be obtained from the
patient/family members. (See Annexure No. 5a & 5b )
7. Admission for suspected COVID-19 patients to be done in Pvt. I ward or T & EM
ward. The patient attendant (with mask) must be limited to one person and he/she
may be called for any work when it is needed, otherwise they will not be permitted
inside the ward.
In case of stable patients who test positive for COVID-19, shall get admitted in J+1,
J+2, J+3 & J+4. For Unstable patients who test positive for COVID-19, they shall get
admitted in Ayush Isolation ICU or remain in Trauma ward.
8. Pvt.-J ward is reserved for staff as per their eligibility for private room. J+5 is reserved
for healthcare workers.
9. The patient shall be given triple layered surgical mask to wear all the time.
10. Special attention should be given to senior citizens, pregnant females and patients
with existing illness.
11. The security staff must ensure suspected patient attendants do not move around the

COVID Transportation Team:

A transportation team has been constituted lead by Senior Nursing Officers on round-
the-clock basis for transfer of COVID-19 patients to and from patient care areas to
COVID units. The team shall coordinate with the control room for necessary information
and work plan.
1. The nursing officer on duty of transportation shall report to the control room at
the start of the shift along with the hospital attendants. The attendance shall be
marked the control room.
2. The nursing officer collects the list of COVID-19 positive cases from the control
room who are classified as in-patients, patients from screening OPD, patients

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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waiting at Vishram Gruha & HCWs (staff) and who are advised for home isolation
by the Dept of CMFM.
3. For inpatients, the concerned ward in charge nursing officer is communicated
and to be prepared for transferring the patient to the respective COVID unit.
4. For patients who are from the screening OPD (including those who are waiting at
Vishram Gruha) and require admission shall be communicated over phone and
come to the hospital for admission.
5. The patients are directly asked to reach the J Block COVID Unit. Meanwhile for
admission papers, the registration is done at the patient registration counter at
the T & E. After the registration, the admission advice is prepared by the resident
at the TEM screening area. The same is then brought to the admission counter
and the admission slips are generated and then sent to respective COVID wards.
6. In view of smooth patient transportation, it is necessary that all should cooperate
with the transportation team as this is time taking process and might incur delay.
COVID care team includes nursing officers, residents (both junior and senior) and
faculty members from various medical and surgical disciplines.

Job Description of COVID Care Team Members


NO Person
1 Work-up of Junior Take essential history Do physical
new Resident/Senior examination Pay attention to vital signs –
admissions Resident Calculate NEWS2 score at admission
Document the same in the Discharge
summary under the respective admission

2 Monitoring Nurse/ Junior Clinical + NEWS2 score

Resident/ Senior NEWS2 score at the beginning of every shift
Resident/Intern should be noted by the ward team and
escalation should be considered if the score
is going up.
3 Rounds Consultant OR The consultant/Senior Resident does a
Senior Resident of quick review with the team of all the.
Primary Patients in the ward before the rounds
Department and Prolonged discussions should be avoided.
Senior / Junior No more than 2 people should do the
Resident on duty rounds.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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4 Talk to the Lead Inform results, progress and possible

patient consultant/Senior discharge date.
Resident during
5 Progress Senior A very concise note of the decisions made in
notes resident/Junior the rounds should be made by the morning
Resident on duty shift team.
Any communications done by the senior
resident to the relatives should also be
mentioned in the handover section in the
progress note.
6 Handover Senior A detailed handover of the patients who are
between residents/Junior ill and are on oxygen should be done.
shifts Resident A very concise handover of the stable
patients should be done.
7 Talking to Nursing Officers The nurse or resident on duty should
relatives on duty / inform the relatives telephonically about
over phone Resident on duty the condition of the patients who are
Letting unable to speak to their relatives for
patients various reasons.
talk to If feasible or requested or situation
relatives warrants, video call may be arranged
over phone The official electronic gadget (Tablet)
provided should be used for this purpose
For all such communications, the
tablet/mobile should be held by the nurse
or resident and patient allowed to talk with
speaker mode on
8 Shifting of Hospital Attender The necessary logistics and monitoring
patients & equipment (if required) should be arranged
from TEM Nursing Officer by the shift in-charge (nursing officer) prior
to posted in to shifting
ward/ICU, transportation The control room should be informed for
from ward team better coordination prior to shifting of each
to any patient
other areas Supervised by A resident must accompany an unstable
Faculty on duty patient or intubated patient while
The nursing officer / resident on duty in
the ward/ICU where the patient is being
shifted must be informed about the clinical
details well ahead for their readiness

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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No patient should be shifted to any ward

or ICU from Trauma Emergency Ward or
Casualty without a valid admission slip


1. Screening & Triaging of all incoming patients:

By the screening staff:
a) All the incoming patients are to be screened at screening zone in the Dept of TEM.
b) The staff at the screening zone must wear PPE gear and should screen for COVID-
19 symptoms with recent travel history and any contact with COVID -19 patients.
c) The staff must do a quick triaging and send the patient to either COVID/SARI
ward or to the Casualty. *
d) Necessary assistance like wheelchairs and stretchers must be provided on arrival.
e) The patient to be given with a triple layer surgical mask. Keep at least 2meter
distance between suspected patients and other patients. Instruct all patients to
cover nose and mouth during coughing or sneezing with tissue paper,
handkerchief or flexed elbow for others. Perform hand hygiene after contact with
respiratory secretions.
f) The patient attendant must be directed to the registration counter for emergency
registration & COVID undertaking. Check Annexure:
2. COVID/Trauma Ward:
On arrival in the COVID (Trauma) ward, the resident doctor (in PPE- Goggles, N95
Mask, Cap, Shoe Cover, disposable gowns) must do a triaging and decide the plan
for immediate management if needed like oxygenation or intubation etc.
3. The nursing officer must follow the instructions immediately and do the needful.
4. The Trauma ward (TEM) is manned by Senior & Junior Residents from various
departments along with Faculty from Dept. of Trauma & Emergency, Anesthesiology
and General Medicine.
For any endotracheal intubation, Senior Resident, Dept. of Anesthesiology is
available on 24x7 basis.
5. After initial management of the patient, based on the patient’s condition, it may be
decided to transfer the patient to following areas:
• Suspected for COVID-19 but stable cases: Pvt I ward and F+6 ward.
• Suspected for COVID-19 but unstable case: Continue to manage at COVID
ward (Trauma Ward).
• Tested positive cases but stable: Pvt J, J+1, J+2, J+3, J+4 or J +5 ward.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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• Tested Positive for COVID-19 but unstable (need ICU care): COVID ICU at
Ayush Block.
• Rapid Antigen testing for COVID-19 is available at the TEM ward for the
suspected patients.

The flow chart to be referred for handling COVID-19 patients. *

6. Donning and Doffing Policy (Please refer the Infection Control Policy at Page no. 60
& 61)

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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7. Role of resident doctor:

a) To coordinate with primary/ treating faculty of concerned departments for
admission and further management.
b) To examine the patient (with PPE) and ensure complete documentation in the
medical file.
c) COVID-19 Sample collection as per Sample Collection protocol.
d) To do all necessary invasive and non-invasive procedures.
e) Ventilator management.
f) To initiate and coordinate for cross referrals and transfer in & out of patient.
g) To practice hand hygiene, donning & doffing of PPE and biomedical waste
segregation as per protocols.
8. Role of In-charge Nursing Officer at COVID Trauma ward.
a) To ensure presence of staff as per roster. To arrange for PPE for staff, maintain
need-based stock and ensure rationale usage of PPE.
b) He/she should take detailed hand over at the start of the shift about any
issues. The issues to be handled at their level and whenever necessary shall
be reported to faculty on-call.
c) Inventory management for all items should be done every shift and to be
proactive in ensuring optimum stock of different items.
d) Crash Cart must be checked every shift according to the checklist. A staff may
be assigned for this work.
e) The re- sterilization status of N95 masks, goggles, other items must be
checked with CSSD and must be brought back to ward as soon as it is ready.
Back up items must also be kept at the crash cart.
f) The ventilators, availability of its necessary attachments & defibrillators must
be checked for its functionality in each shift.
g) To keep track of all the admitted patient with regard to their clinical status,
sample collection & sending to Dept of Microbiology, pending reports status,
ventilated patient condition etc.
h) To train and guide the nursing officers in patient management as & when
9. Role of nursing officers:
a) The nursing officers who are directly involved with patient care must wear full
PPE. They must not move between the nursing stations & the patient bedside.
b) The nursing officers in the ward who are not directly caring patients are
required to wear N95 masks, head cap, shoe cover, gloves and gown. They
must supply any items required by the nursing officers who are at patient bed

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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c) The nursing officer for direct patient care should update the resident doctor
about the patient condition periodically. They must seek help whenever the
patient is critical.
d) The patients who are tested negative for COVID-19, must be transferred to
their respective department ward or ICU as per requirement.
e) The suspected patients who are stable and their report is awaited can be
transferred to the Pvt I ward.
f) The patient who test positive for COVID-19 must be transferred to the Ayush
Isolation facility or J ward (according to need and treatment criteria of
different nodal departments). Before transferring the positive case, the control
room & security team must be informed to secure the passage and facilitate
the safe transfer.
g) Availability of certain high-end items like ventilator circuit with flow sensor
must always be checked with the in-charge or shift in-charge nursing officer.
h) Any incident / accident, breakdown, non-availability of staff, drugs, PPE,
linen, equipment etc. must be reported to nursing supervisor and to control
room as & when needed.
10. Role of Hospital Attendant:
Refer Annexure 2: Job Responsibilities of Hospital Attendants. In addition:
a) Hospital attendants must be available at the COVID (Trauma) Ward on 24x7
basis. In case of non-availability of staff, it must be communicated to nursing
supervisor on duty and to the Control room.
b) The hospital attendant must wear full PPE with N95 mask while attending to
patient care at bedside like surface cleaning or ventilators, monitors, patient
bed, cleaning dressing set and suctions jars.
c) The daily cleaning & disinfection work must include cleaning of medical
equipment like monitors, ventilators, BIPAP, monitor cables, cardiac tables,
whole bed cleaning and suction jars, dressing sets, urinary pots etc.
d) The hospital attendants should transport the samples to respective labs.
e) He/she shall also send & receive various supplies as per instructions of
nursing officers to & and from pharmacy, stores, CSSD or other departments.
f) In case of death, the hospital attendant should pack the body with double
layer plastic cover. Before packing the body, it must be ensured that the
patient family members are informed, all medical attachments and implants
used during the course of treatment are removed. After packing, the body
must be labelled with Name and CR No. and date prominently. (Refer
Annexure: 4 )
g) The attendant shall transport the body to the mortuary.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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11. Role of Security Staff:

a) The security staff shall ensure that there no overcrowding at the COVID
(Trauma) ward.
b) Only one patient attendant is permitted to the ward whenever required only
for patient assistance.
c) Both the patient and the attendant must wear face masks all the time.
d) Social distancing of more than 2m is maintained.
e) He/she may guide the patient for registration and movement into other areas
only when it is necessary.
f) The passages should be always made free for movement of staff, wheelchairs
and stretchers. No unwanted items or patient’s party should stand or remain
inside the ward or the corridor.
12. Role of Housekeeping staff:
Refer annexure 3 for detailed housekeeping staff job responsibilities. In addition:
a) The housekeeping staff must be allocated at the COVID (Trauma) ward 24x7.
He/she must not visit other areas without the knowledge of the nursing officer
in charge.
b) The housekeeping staff at the COVID (Trauma) ward should be provided with
a PPE suit, N95 mask and shall be guided by the nursing officer in charge for
necessary works.
c) Experienced and trained housekeeping staff must be allocated at the COVID
ward. He must be trained in hand hygiene, high level disinfection, surface
cleaning, sodium hypochlorite solution preparation, unidirectional mopping,
3 bucket system, biomedical waste management, dirty linen management,
PPE donning and doffing method.
d) It is the responsibility of the housekeeping supervisor and the facility manager
to ensure that the staff are available at the ward and reach their duty area
before starting of their shift.
e) High touch housekeeping surfaces in patient-care areas should be cleaned
and/or disinfected more frequently with Bacilocid solution.
a. Doorknobs
b. Light switches
c. Wall areas around the toilet in the patient’s room
d. Edges of privacy curtains
e. Telephones
f. Electronic Devices
g. Lift Switches
h. Trolley handles, Stretcher, Wheelchair patient bed rails etc.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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f) Wear gloves when handling and transporting used patient care equipment.
g) The floor should be cleaned every 2 hrs.
h) The COVID (Trauma) ward will be water washed thoroughly including
windows panes, wiping of fans & AC vents, on weekends preferably on
i) He/she must clear out the biomedical waste generated in the ward and pack
it in respective color-coded bags and inform the BMW team for transportation.
After waste removal, the dust bins should be disinfected with sodium
j) He/she should check the linen bucket every 2 hours. The used linen must be
soaked in the 0.1% sodium hypochlorite solution for 10-15 mins. Then it
should be squeezed and packed in a plastic cover and sent to linen washing
k) In case of any spillage of waste or any accidents like Needle stick injury,
he/she must inform the nursing in-charge immediately and housekeeping
supervisor for further management.
l) The housekeeping staff should also assist the nursing officers in dead body
packing and its transportation to the mortuary as and when needed.

J+3, J+4, J+5

1. The COVID-19 suspected patient shall be admitted in F+6, Pvt. I or TEM ward.
2. The COVID-19 positive cases, he/she shall be admitted in the J+1, J+2, J+ 3, J+
4 & J+5 wards.
3. On arrival of the patient, the nursing officer on duty shall guide him/her to the
concerned bed.
4. Nursing assessment of the patient shall be done and will be documented in the
patient file. The same shall be communicated to the on duty resident doctor and
the faculty.
5. The resident doctor must inform about the clinical condition of the patient to the
on-duty faculty as well as patients family members (NOK).
6. Roles and responsibilities of nursing officer:
Refer to the Annexure No. 1 and in addition:
a) To provide nursing care to the patient as per guidelines and in consultation
with on duty resident and faculty.
b) To keep track of all inpatients w.r.t to sample collection for various
diagnostic investigations, pending reports status etc.
c) Patient shift-out or transfer or any radiological investigations.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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d) To ensure presence of staff as per roster and contact residents and faculty
on duty during change of shift & as and when needed.
e) Inventory management.
f) Rationale usage of PPEs.
g) Crash cart check.
h) Re-sterilization of N95 masks, goggles, face shields or any other items. (For
Pvt I & TEM ward).
i) Ventilators (for Ayush ICU) and other high-end medical equipment
availability and functionality check. (Do not discard Flow sensors). Discard
the water from oxygen flow meter after each change of patient and
maintained the water level in oxygen flow meter for proper humidification.
j) Accident or incident reporting to nursing supervisor, its documentation
and information to control room.
k) To ensure documented handover during shift change and adequate
communications to all concerned.
l) To train nursing officers, housekeeping and hospital attendants regarding
the COVID and associated infection control practices.
m) Management of death cases and shifting of dead bodies to mortuary.
n) To supervise linen management and BMW handling.
o) To provide daily census to control room, COVID Nodal Officer and Jt MS.

7. Role of resident doctors:

a) To be punctual to their duty and remain available in the hospital during

duty hours.
b) To take regular updates of the patients and keep the faculty on duty
c) To wear complete PPE while visiting patients.
d) To give proper handover to the next resident on duty.
e) To practice hand hygiene frequently.
f) To discard biomedical waste as per guidelines.
g) To undergo training for Nasopharyngeal Sample collection, CPR, Basic Life
Support and other patient management
h) Family counselling for all admitted patients
i) Management of death cases, documentation and shifting of dead bodies to

8. Role of faculty on duty:

a) The on-duty faculty must take hand over from the previous on duty faculty.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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b) They must visit the respective COVID -19 patient care areas and assess the
patients through mobile tablets or to wear PPEs and visit the patient
physically & put notes and check whether the previous orders have been
carried out or not.
c) He/she must sign the indent books as and when asked by the nursing
d) They should verify the discharge advice prepared by the resident and sign the
same before handing over to the patient.
e) To discuss about the issues faced during their shifts with the concerned
authorities and to inform the control room as well.
f) Effort must be done to speak to the patients or family members and counsel
them about the clinical status.


In case of any healthcare worker getting tested positive for COVID-19, shall be admitted
in the Pvt J ward & J+5 Ward based on eligibility. He/she shall coordinate through the
control room for admission formalities. As per the latest, guidelines from the MoHFW,
the asymptomatic and mildly symptomatic healthcare workers who are COVID-19 +,
may remain in home isolation (*) and shall contact the control room or the Dept of CMFM
in case of any development of symptoms.

*(Refer: Annexure for Policy for Contact Tracing and Quarantine: Page No.

Policy for Isolation of Healthcare Workers tested positive for COVID-19 Page no.


COVID-19 Clinical Record Form

1. This form must be filled up at the time of first contact with the patient
2. This form must be filled up for all COVID suspect/Confirmed patients
admitted in SARI/TEM ward
3. For patients directly admitted to COVID wards, the resident on duty must
fill up this form at admission
4. Please tick the appropriate box

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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Symptoms Yes No If Yes, Symptoms Yes No If Yes,

Duration Duration
in days in days
Fever Diarrhoea
Chills Vomiting
Sore throat Pain
Cough Altered taste
Sputum Altered smell
Rhinorrhoea Malaise
Breathlessness Myalgia
Comorbidities Duration Duration
in Years in Years
Diabetes Chronic
Hypertension Chronic
Cardiovascular Chronic
disease Kidney
Immunosuppressant Obesity
Current Smoker Ex-Smoker
Risk factors for severe disease (Age>60 years OR Any NA
History of contact with a COVID suspect or Confirmed
History of travel in the past two weeks
If Yes, place of travel (write the state, district, place name)
History of allergy/hypersensitivity to any drugs/formulations
If Yes, mention the drug name and nature of reaction

Vital Parameters

Respiratory SpO2 %
Heart Rate/min FiO2 (see below)
Temperature (0F) Consciousness (Alert OR Altered

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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Blood Pressure GCS (Eyes /4 Verbal /5

(mmHg) Motor /6)
NEWS2 Score

COVID-19 severity (put a tick mark in the box against the applicable row)

Asymptomatic No symptoms of COVID-19

Mild ILI symptoms, No breathlessness, Room air saturation
Moderate Respiratory rate >24/min OR SpO2 <94% in room air,
SpO2/FiO2 ≤315
Severe Respiratory rate >30/min OR SpO2 <90% in room air,
SpO2/FiO2 <235
Critical ARDS, Sepsis, Septic shock, MODS

FiO2 calculation

Oxygen flow rate L/min FiO2

Breathing Room Air - 0.21
O2 via nasal cannula 2–4 0.24 – 0.35
O2 via simple face mask 5 -10 0.4 – 0.6
Non-rebreather mask with 8 – 10 0.6 – 0.9
reservoir bag
Treatment Protocol for COVID-19

Severity Symptom Investigati Where Oxygenation Medications

s ons to
Asymptoma Nil Ward Nil Nil
Mild Fever, CBC, LFT, Ward Nil Tab. PCM 500
cough, RFT mg SOS
sore ECG in Tab. HCQ 400
throat, high risk mg BD × 1-day
nasal group f/b 400 mg OD
congestio × 4 days in high
n, risk patients if
malaise, no
headache contraindicatio
No ns

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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SpO2 May consider

≥96% Favipiravir if
room air persistent fever
Shift to ICU if
progression to
Moderate Symptom ECG, CXR, Ward Oxygen LMWH
s of mild ABG in all ICU if therapy - (Enoxaparin 40
disease patients at beds Target SpO2 mg SC once
AND/OR baseline availab 92-96% (88 to daily) or UFH
Pneumoni CBC, RFT, le 92% in COPD 5000 units SC
a LFT daily patients) BD if no
Respirato CRP, d- Oxygen contraindicatio
ry rate Dimer, delivery ns
>24/min Ferritin, through Non- IV
OR SpO2 PT/INR, rebreathing Methylprednisol
<94% in aPTT, mask (If nasal one 0.5 to 1
room air Fibrinogen, cannula used mg/kg OR
SpO2/FiO LDH, CPK N-95 or Dexamethasone
2 ≤315 at surgical mask 0.1-0.2 mg/kg
PaO2/FiO admission to be applied OD × 3-5 d
2 = 200- and every over it) Tab. HCQ 400
300 3rd day Consider mg BD × 1day
No awake proning f/b 400 mg OD
confusion (along with × 4 days if no
or altered oxygen contraindicatio
sensoriu delivery/cann ns
m ula) in
No patients with Consider
hypotensi hypoxemia if Investigational
on (SBP no Therapies
>100 contraindicati (Remdesivir,
mmHg & ons Convalescent
DBP >60 plasma)
Shift to ICU if
progression to
severe stage

Severe Respirato ECG, CXR, ICU High flow Trial of NIV

ry ABG in all Oxygen with full face
distress patients at delivery mask
requiring baseline through Non-

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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mechanic CBC, RFT, rebreathing Intubation &

al LFT daily mask Ventilation
ventilatio CRP, d- HFNO Prone
n Dimer, Consider ventilation for
Respirato Ferritin, awake refractory
ry rate CPK proning, if no hypoxemia
>30/min PT/INR, contraindicati High dose
SpO2 Fibrinogen, (Enoxaparin 40
<90% in LDH at mg SC BD OR
room air admission UFH 5000 units
SpO2/FiO and every SC TDS if no
2 ≤235 3rd day risk of bleeding
OR P/F Blood, IV
<200 Urine, ET Methylprednisol
Hypotensi aspirate one 1-2 mg/kg
on (SBP culture or
<100 or Work up for Dexamethasone
DBP <60 tropical 0.2-0.4 mg/kg
mmHg) fever if OD for 5-7 days
Drowsine suspicion Conservative
ss, fluid
Confusion management

Doses & Contraindications of Drugs used in COVID-19

Drug Name Dosage Contraindications Remarks

Hydroxychloroquine* 400 mg BD Known hypersensitivity An ECG should be
(Repurposed or off- day1 Pre-existing retinopathy done prior to the
label therapies) Followed by Children <12 years age initiation of the
400 mg OD × Pregnant & Lactating drug
4 days women
QTc >480 ms

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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Favipiravir* 1600 mg BD May enhance the Refer to

(not recommended day 1followed toxicity of pyrazinamide manufacturer
by MoHFW) by brochure for further
600 mg BD × details
7-14 days
Anticoagulation Absolute This list is
therapy Platelets ≤20,000/mm3 applicable for all
Relative anticoagulants in
Platelets ≤50,000/mm3 general
Brain metastases
Recent major trauma
Major abdominal
surgery within the past
2 days
Gastrointestinal or
genitourinary bleeding
within the past 14 days
Severe hypertension
(Systolic BP >200 or
Diastolic BP >120
Enoxaparin 40 mg SC OD Known hypersensitivity Consider dose
or BD as per History of HIT in the adjustment in renal
indication past 100 days or in the failure
presence of circulating
Active major bleeding
Recent haemorrhagic
Fondaparinux* Known hypersensitivity Consider dose
Active clinically adjustment in renal
significant bleeding failure
Acute bacterial
Creatinine clearance
<30 mL/min
Heparin Hypersensitivity to
History of HIT
Remdesivir * 200 mg IV Known hypersensitivity Refer to package
(Emergency Use single dose on to its ingredients insert for further
Authorization, off day 1 followed AST/ALT elevation >5 details
level) by times

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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Investigational 100 mg IV OD AST/ALT Co-administration

Therapies as per × 4 days elevations>3times with with HCQ or
MoHFW symptoms /signs of Chloroquine should
hepatitis or Rising INR be avoided
Creatinine clearance Consult a
<30 mL/min paediatrician while
Pregnancy deciding
Remdesivir in a
Be cautious in
persons aged >65
Tocilizumab* 400 mg IV Known hypersensitivity Refer to package
Off level, stat Single insert for further
Investigational dose detail
Therapies as per
Dexamethasone 6 mg – 12 mg Systemic fungal
IV OD × 3-5 infection
Methylprednisolone 1 – 2 mg/kg × Systemic fungal
3-5 days infection
*Please follow latest MoHFW guidelines/ GOI Expert directions

Any patient with ARDS is a candidate for awake proning. This helps improve
oxygenation by improving ventilation perfusion mismatch.

Untrained staff

Hemodynamic instability (on vasopressor), preferable to prone these patients in
a monitored environment, if sever or refractory hemodynamic instability,
proning is not advised
 Increased intracranial pressure
 Increased abdominal pressure
 Abdominal, chest and facial wounds
 Cervical spine precautions
 Extreme obesity
 GCS <8
 Pregnancy 2nd or 3rd trimester

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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Continuous oxygen monitoring is required. ECG leads to be connected to posterior
chest wall for continuous monitoring
Prior to proning
1. Make plans in advance for toileting, call bell, entertainment, cellular phone
2. If possible, place the bed in reverse Trendelenburg (head end elevation by 10
degree) to help reduce intraocular pressure
3. Have patient empty bladder
4. Educate the patient. Explain the procedure and rationale of the intervention to
the patient
5. Arrange all tubing from monitors, oxygen supply etc. to be placed on side of the
bed, not across the patient, to minimize the risk of dislodging. Ensure support
devices/IV lines, urinary catheters are well-secured to the patient.
6. Assess pressure areas to avoid skin breakdown – Use pillows or soft pads to
avoid pressure /discomfort
Prone position – the procedure
1. Patient should lay on their abdomen (arms on side or in “swimmer” position)
2. If a patient is unable to tolerate, they may rotate to the lateral decubitus or
partially prop to the side (in between proning and lateral decubitus) using
pillows cushioning. Ideally the patient should be fully proned rather than
side positioning
3. Fifteen minutes after each position change, check to make sure that oxygen
saturation has not decreased. If it has, try another position.
4. If patient has a significant drop in oxygen saturation, follow the following
i) ensure the source of the patient’s oxygen is still hooked up to the pipe
oxygen supply and is properly placed on the patient
ii) Ask patient to move to a different position as above
iii) If after 10 minutes, the patient’s saturation has not improved to prior
level, consider escalation of oxygen modality versus trial of additional
Time spent in proning
Patient should try proning every 4 hrs., and stay proned as long as tolerated. Proning
is often limited by patient’s discomfort, but they should be encouraged to reach
achievable goals like 1- 2 hrs. or as long as possible.
Ideal duration is 16 hrs., four times 4 hours each in a day
When to stop awake proning?
A patient can choose to stop awake proning at anytime

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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In case of hemodynamic instability or if impending respiratory failure it is

recommended the clinician stops proning and consider intubation

Discharge Criteria & Repeat Testing Policy

CoVID-19 Fever Dyspnea Oxygenatio Minimu Exit Home

severity n m time testing Isolation
to *

Asymptomati 8 days of No 7 days

c hospital from date
admissio of
n discharge

Mild disease Afebrile > No No oxygen 8 days of No 7 days

3 days requirement hospital from date
without admissio of
antipyretic n discharge

Moderate Afebrile > No SpO2 > 95% 8 days of No 7 days

3 days without hospital from date
without oxygen for 4 admissio of
antipyretic days after n discharge
s becoming

Severe/Critic Afebrile > No SpO2 > 95% After Yes 7 days

al 3 days without clinical from date
without oxygen for 4 recovery of
antipyretic days after and at discharge
s becoming least 8
afebrile days from

*Repeat testing prior to discharge will not be performed routinely. This will
be considered on case to case basis in patients planned for any surgery or

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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invasive procedure or requiring continuation of medical care in non-COVID

Repeat swab test for health care workers will not be performed prior to
discharge. On fulfilling the discharge criteria as per disease severity, they will be
discharged from the hospital and advised home isolation. The HCW will resume duty
on 18th day from the date when she/he was first tested positive. No repeat swab test
will be performed prior to resuming duty. This is in keeping with the available
evidence that most viral shedding after 10 days of onset of symptoms are non-
culturable in laboratory.
Patients with COVID-19 who are elderly and/or have significant comorbidities have very
poor outcomes and prolonged ICU stay when ventilated in the intensive care unit. The
decision-making on escalation and non-escalation in such cases will be made by the
individual unit on a case by case basis, by the senior consultants. These decisions will
be based on good clinical judgment and in discussion with the family. The admitting
clinician and the ICU consultant should have cross-talk regarding de-escalation/non-
escalation of care and must involve the family members in shared decision making.
Patients in whom Non-escalation/De-escalation may be considered
Intubation and mechanical ventilation may be generally considered less appropriate in
the following categories of COVID19 patients:
1. Age > 70
2. Age 60 – 70 with significant morbidities such as:
i. Heart failure Class III-IV
ii. COAD Class III-IV
iii. Advanced Chronic Kidney disease
iv. Underlying active malignancy
v. Dementia, other Neuro-degenerative disease or stroke
vi. Chronic Liver disease
vii. Other major systemic illness
viii. Poor functional status prior to present illness

In such cases, supportive care may be offered in the ward or ICU as described below.
Supportive care

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Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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1. Supportive care in the ward may include treatments except NIV, mechanical
ventilation and CPAP/BIPAP.
2. Supportive care in the ICU may include NIV and inotropes but does not include
mechanical ventilation, dialysis and ECMO
Where to document: Progress note sheet in the patient’s file
What to document:
A. Asymptomatic patients:
1. Any symptoms?
2. Latest set of vital signs and NEWS2 score
3. Respiratory findings if examined
4. Any abnormal laboratory value (if test performed) that warrants attention
5. Plan of further action.

B. Symptomatic patients
1. Improvement or worsening of symptoms
2. Latest set of vital signs and NEWS2 score
3. Relevant physical examination findings
4. Abnormal laboratory or imaging parameter that need attention
5. Plan of further action.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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For patients already admitted in ICU or wards, the following flow chart be referred:

Flow chart for managing in-patients developing respiratory symptoms

suspected of COVID-19:
In view of time and patient safety, decisions may be telephonic, multidisciplinary and at faculty level.
Timely, appropriate sample collection and dispatch to lab may be regulated by the faculty to reduce
HCW exposure to suspected cases to a minimum.
All verbal communications to be documented in the file later by allocated nursing officer/ Junior

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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1. This checklist is to be administered by the doctor before handing over the
discharge summary to the patient
2. The patient is to be discharged only after all of the below are done.
1 Duration of home isolation explained Yes No

2 Advice to wear mask given Yes No

3 Advice to be in a single room with good ventilation given and Yes No

use separate bathroom if possible

4 Advice to avoid close contacts with others explained Yes No

5 Need for hand hygiene explained Yes No

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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6 Advice to strictly stay indoors given Yes No

7 Warning signs explained to patient and relatives Yes No

(breathlessness, pain/pressure in the chest, bluish
discoloration of extremities, confusion)


1. No COVID +ve patient shall be transported to any OPD for cross referral consultation
with other departments.
2. The on-duty senior resident must arrange for the bedside referral or through tele-
referral (over phone or video call) in consultation with the concerned faculty. Tel no:
SR on Duty Pulmonary Medicine: 8280346662, Cardiology: 8280346686, Medicine:
8280346621, Neurology: 8280346697.


1. The diagnostic services will be available at all the sample collections counters.
2. The security staffs must ensure social distancing at the sample collection counters
and at the report dispatch counter.
3. The technicians and phlebotomists must wear double surgical masks or face shield
& gloves at the sample collection counters & adhere to hand hygiene.
4. Online requisition and online report generation to be encouraged in order to
minimize the paper-based process.
5. In the Screening OPD, COVID Ward at TEM, Pvt I & J wards J+1 to 5 ward and the
Ayush Isolation ward, all investigations requisitions to be made online. In case the
online requisition is not available in the online mode, the paper-based requisition
slip to be scanned and emailed to the Lab Email ID. Simultaneously the samples
need to be carried to the lab by the hospital attendants.
(Transportation of any blood or body fluid samples by the patient or the patient
relatives must be discouraged)
6. The reports can be scanned and sent as an email to the respective wards.
7. IT support must be ensured to facilitate scanning and other activities.
8. Rapid Antigen Testing for COVID-19 is available at the TEM ward.
9. For COVID 19 Sample for microbiology: (Refer General Instructions for Sample
collection page no. 36)
a) The sample will be collected at the respective ward and shall be sent to the
Dept of Microbiology in the Academic Block.
b) Labelling of the sample to be done with Name, Date, CR No. & Ward.
c) Refer policy for Sample Collection for more details.

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Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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d) In case the sample cannot be sent to Dept of Microbiology, it shall be stored

in the refrigerator with necessary packaging and labelling, wherever it was
collected (at PVT-I, TEM or F+6 ward) and handover to be given for next on
duty staff for the same.


1. In dealing with COVID-19 patients or suspects, the imaging services should be

focused on portable Radiographs and bedside portable ultrasounds.
2. Patient transfer to the department of Radio diagnosis is to be avoided.
3. The radiology services will be available 24x7 basis. The senior resident on duty
from respective areas are required to give requisition for the radiological
investigations. (Tel: SR -8280346664 & JR -65)
4. A separate log book to be maintained by the Dept of Radio diagnosis for COVID -
19 patients or suspects for whom investigations are done.
5. Policy for Ultrasonography:
a) One dedicated portable scanner should be available in the COVID ward
(Trauma Ward) handling suspected/confirmed COVID 19 patients for bed
side USG.
b) Ultrasound will be performed by the designated senior resident called
upon to perform the scan.

c) Before & doing any procedure, the doctor must wash his hands with soap
and water as per steps mentioned earlier and wear necessary PPE.

d) He/she must check that the patient is wearing double surgical mask.
e) No patient to be shifted to radiology department for USG. The machine
shall be cleaned and decontaminated after each use by the technicians or
hospital attendants. Housekeeping staff should not be instructed to
handle the equipment.

f) Donning & Doffing procedures will be performed diligently & carefully.

g) The number of transducers (probes) connected to the ultrasound machine

should be reduced to a minimum. The probe and USG machine has to be
covered with plastic sheets.

h) Use of single-use gel packs is recommended as opposed to gel containers.

i) Reports will be sent through email to the concerned clinician after

completion of scan and the ward.

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Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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Ultrasound probes, machine including monitor, keyboard and cables are
to be disinfected thoroughly with high level disinfectants (High-level
6. Work-Flow for X Ray
a) The portable X Ray Machine at the Trauma ward shall be used for X Rays.
Always check for adequate space to maneuver the machine at the patient
bed side. This machine can be transported to other COVID units for
performing the test.
b) Before & doing any procedure, the radiographer must wash his hands with
soap and water as per steps mentioned earlier.
c) The radiographers must check that the patient is wearing double surgical
mask. Then the radiographer must wear lead apron and then PPE to start
the process.
d) After the x ray has been taken, the radiographer must move the machine
to the anteroom & clean the machine along with its accessories with
bacillocid (dimethanol glutaraldehyde) solution. Please note: Equipment
cleaning should not be done by housekeeping staff.
e) Donning and doffing protocols to be adhered.
f) The repot may be sent via email to the respective ward.
g) The clinician can also view the reports in the PACS.

7. Policy for CT Scan:

a) CT scan shall be used only if considered essential in clinical decision-
making for patient management. Preferred time slot is 04.00 PM to
06.00 PM.
b) Use can be limited to patients with severe respiratory complications,
unexplained by combined use of Chest radiography and bedside portable
c) All CT scans are to be taken in the CT scan room in the ground floor near
Central Lab.
d) The security staff to be informed about movement of the COVID-19
patient/suspect to CT room. The security must seal and restrict any staff
or public to access the path decided for movement of the patient. This will
continue till the CT scan is complete and the housekeeping team
completes the cleaning and disinfection.
e) All communication between technician- Radiologist, Tech/ Radiologist –
Referring doctor, radiology staff – admin should be ensured before
transportation of the patient.
f) To ensure minimum contact to staff with patient.

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Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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g) To ensure minimum time spent by patient in imaging complex.

h) All movable equipment in scan room to be shifted out.
i) All non-movable equipment covered with plastic sheet prior to patient
arrival and removed post procedure.
j) While doing the scan the radiographers must wear PPEs. One of them to
be inside the room & other to be in Console room.
k) Contrast CT scans are to be generally avoided.
l) In case contrast administration is needed, accompanying nursing staff to
ensure adequate IV access.
m) Consents for contrast administration in CT to be taken by clinical team
before shifting to imaging complex and a soft copy must emailed to the
Dept of Radio diagnosis.
n) Thorough cleaning of surfaces especially contact areas with disinfectants
to be done as per institute protocol after the scan is complete. The machine
is to be cleaned by the technicians. Machines are not to be cleaned by the
housekeeping staff.
o) The reports shall be shared via email to respective wards by the Dept of
Radio diagnosis. The same may be view in PACS by the concerned


1. The operation theatres at the G Block & 1st Floor have been designated for any
confirmed / suspected COVID-19 patient requiring emergency surgical
2. G Block Labor Room can be used for Confirmed/suspected normal deliveries.
3. The informed consent and the COVID-19 undertaking form must be filled by the
patient or their next of kin/ attendants. The soft copy to be emailed to the G
block OT. [ ]
4. Patient should wear a mask during transit to and from surgery.
5. All members required for the surgery must be telephonically informed by the OT
in charge.
6. Before the procedure begins, it must be ensured that all equipment and drugs
are ready, and ventilator and suction equipment is functional.
7. Note that Biomedical Waste Bins are kept ready with color coded bags.
8. All members of the OR staff should use routine PPE as recommended by national
guidelines (fluid-impermeable gowns, gloves, mask, cap). In addition, they
should also wear N95 mask, face shield and hood.
9. Don PPE properly according to guidelines, within designated donning area only.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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10. Surgeons and personnel not needed for intubation should remain outside the
operating room until anesthesia induction and intubation are completed.
11. Only minimum required number of essential personnel should be in operating
theatre during surgical procedures.


AIIMS Bhubaneswar has adopted the following for the management of the COVID-19
positive pregnant and laboring women.

1. Measures for all pregnant women to prevent COVID-19 infection:

All pregnant women should adopt the following to prevent COVID-19
 Practicing social/physical distancing
 To avail work from home option, if feasible, for working pregnant
 Consultation by telemedicine/AIIMS Bhubaneswar Swasthya app
 Avoid non-essential travel
 If travel is undertaken, it is preferable to use a private vehicle
 If public transport is used, distance should be maintained
 Avoid gatherings and functions to celebrate the 7-month milestone,
which is a common cultural practice
 Minimize visitors from coming to meet the mother and newborn after

2. Clinical Presentation of COVID-19 in Pregnancy:

 Most pregnant women will present with mild symptoms and have
a similar course to other adults with COVID-19 infection. Most
pregnant women will have mild to moderate flu-like symptoms of
cough, sore throat, and fever.
 Few may have difficulty in breathing or shortness of breath, classified
as severe acute respiratory illness (SARI) by the WHO.
 Pregnant women, especially those with associated medical diseases
(diabetes, asthma, etc.) may present with pneumonia and marked
 Immunocompromised and elderly pregnant women may present
with atypical features such as fatigue, malaise, body ache and/or
gastrointestinal symptoms like nausea and diarrhea
 A history of travel abroad, contact and respiratory symptoms should
be elicited at every clinical interaction.

3. Effects of COVID-19 infection on mother and fetus:

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Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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 Maternal disease does not get aggravated by pregnancy unless there

are co-morbidities.
 Though there is recent evidence of trans placental spread to the fetus
in few cases, fetal abnormalities or compromise have not yet been
4. Assessment of Pregnant women (not in labour) with COVID-19 infection:
If a pregnant woman is confirmed by tests to have COVID-19 infection, the first
step is to assess the systemic status:

 If asymptomatic, the woman shall be admitted in the J+2 ward in

the hospital as per current practice.
 If symptomatic, the need for intensive care should to be assessed: A
pregnant critically ill woman requires ICU admission if there is presence

 Tachypnea (>30/min)
 hypoxia (SpO2 < 93%) and
 imaging shows > 50% lung involvement

5. Medical management and drugs used in the treatment of COVID-19

infection in pregnancy:

Medical management of COVID-19 infection in pregnancy is done on a

multidisciplinary team approach.

 Hydroxychloroquine 600 mg (200 mg thrice a day with meals) and

Azithromycin (500 mg once a day) for 10 days has been used
 Antiviral therapy (Lopinavir + Ritonavir or Oseltamavir) may be used in high
risk groups (Immunocompromised, chronic disease, uncontrolled diabetes).
Other supportive care should include rest, supplemental oxygen and

Other Drugs: Other drugs which may be used are:

 NSAIDs: These are the drugs used most often in the care of COVID-19
infected pregnant women for symptomatic relief of fever and myalgia.
Paracetamol is the preferred drug. If possible, Ibuprofen and other NSAIDs
may be avoided because there are concerns about potentiating ACE
 Antenatal Steroids (fetal maturity): Steroids are recommended for
enhancing fetal lung maturity in situations where preterm delivery is likely
between 24 to 34 weeks of gestation.

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Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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 Antibiotics: If there is a suspicion of secondary bacterial infection,

appropriate antibiotics which are considered safe in pregnancy should be
 Oxygen: If there is difficulty in breathing, oxygen supplementation by nasal
prongs or mask may be added. High flow nasal oxygen at 4 to 6 liters per
minute should be immediately administered. Non-invasive ventilation can
also be used. At this point, there should be a reevaluation of the patient's
status and consideration should be given to the need for intensive care.

6. Intensive Care Management: As per institute protocol

7. Labour Triage for women with COVID-19 infection:

 She will be met with appropriately donned PPE at G Block itself.

 There is a restriction on the number of attendants allowed with the woman
(1 only).
 It is expected that there would be some who would be recognized to have the
infection for the first time when they present in labour. Anticipating this,
advisory issued by the Ministry of Health and Family Welfare on hospital
and institutional preparedness and the conduct of mock drills and standard
operating procedures shall be followed.

8. Management of Labour and Delivery in women with COVID-19 infection:

 In all circumstances, we will continue to provide client-centered,

respectful skilled care and support, with treatment being neither delayed
nor denied.
 Birth attendants are limited to one named contact.
 There is no rationale to induce labour or deliver a woman early because
of COVID-19 infection.
 Decisions regarding route of delivery shall be as per standard obstetric
practice in most situations.
 Labour Analgesia and anesthesia in pregnant women with COVID-19
infection can be used in women with COVID-19 infection.
 Intrapartum management of the labouring woman is multidisciplinary, with
involvement of obstetrician, anesthetist, neonatologist
 Hourly oxygen saturation is monitored with aim of having SpO2 >94%
 Continuous electronic fetal heart rate monitoring in labour

9. Newborn care:

 Newborn care is practiced as per routine. At present, testing is

recommended if the mother has COVID-19 infection or if the baby is

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Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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 Breastfeeding is given with good hygiene practices:

 hand washing before touching the baby

 avoiding coughing/sneezing on the baby while feeding
 wearing a face mask during feeding

 Postnatal Care and advice to the mother infected with COVID-19

follows routine practice.
 If the woman is isolated from the neonate or feels anxious due to disease
status, she is offered psychological assessment and support by the
Department of Psychiatry.
 Diet for the pregnant woman and COVID-19 infection is as per routine.

AIIMS Bhubaneswar Flowchart for pregnant women presenting to G


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Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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1. Biomedical engineer shall be responsible for scheduling the rounds, coordinating

& documentation.
2. The Biomedical engineer shall conduct rounds covering all ICUs, OTs, Cath Lab,
Ward, OPDs, T & EM and Diagnostics (Lab & Radiology). The following points are
to be focused during the rounds.
a) Discuss the status of equipment items in each department/Ward/ICU/OT
with their in-charges and if needed with HoD.
b) Observe potential equipment hazards. (i.e.: liquids on electrical equipment,
etc.) & correct any identified hazards.
c) Verify critical battery-operated equipment is plugged in.
d) Observe operation of equipment to ensure proper usage. Schedule a training
if improper usage is observed.
e) Checking for out of date/ missing stickers and identifying/confirming
departmental inventories of biomedical equipment.
Note: The Engineer performing the rounds is responsible for documenting the
rounds procedure. The Engineer is also responsible for communicating to the
HOD, any topics or issues of concern discussed during the rounds.
3. Any incident with regard to biomedical equipment must be informed to the
engineer and documented.
4. The Biomedical engineer shall check the issue, verify with documents about
coverage under AMC or CMC and instruct the vendor to do the necessary repair
work with a work order.
5. In case of difficulty in the process, the same must be immediately brought to the
notice of Medical Superintendent.


1. The pharmacy and store shall ensure that online system of indenting is followed
as far as possible.
2. For any medication requirement at any of the COVID units, the same can be
procured from AMRIT pharmacy up to a limitation of Rs 5000/- per day with the
signature of the on-duty faculty on the indent form.
3. The movement of indent books from various patient care areas must be
4. The respective officers of pharmacy and store must be vigilant about the usage
trends of various items. This shall be important to maintain good inventory as
well as to identify misuse or pilferage.

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Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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5. Adequate stock of PPE, cleaning agents, hand sanitizer, and sodium hypochlorite
solution should be maintained.
6. Distribution of N95 masks for staff:
HCWs like faculty, residents, nursing officers, hospital attendants and sanitary/
housekeeping staff along with other support staff are provided with N95 (3 in
numbers for using for a period of 3 weeks).The process is being coordinated by
the Dept of Hospital Administration


1. Hydroxychloroquine: This drug has demonstrated in vitro activity against SARS-

CoV2 and was shown to be clinically beneficial in several small single center
studies though with significant limitations. Nonetheless, several large
observational studies with severe methodological limitations have shown no effect
on mortality or other clinically meaningful outcomes. As such, the evidence base
behind its use remains limited as with other drugs and should only be used after
shared decision making with the patients while awaiting the results of ongoing
studies. As is the case with other antivirals, this drug should be used as early in
the disease course as possible to achieve any meaningful effects and should be
avoided in patients with severe disease. An ECG should ideally be done before
prescribing the drug to measure QTc interval (and HCQ avoided if QTc is >480ms)
2. In case of prophylaxis for COVID-19, Chloroquine tablets shall be issued to staff/
healthcare worker on providing a valid prescription from the Department of
Pulmonary Medicine.
3. Dose for Prophylaxis: Tab. Hydroxychloroquine (400mg) BD on 1st day followed
by 200mg 1 BD for next 4 days. (after ECG Assessment)


1. All symptomatic (Influenza like illness- ILI symptoms) individuals of international

travel or travel to neighboring states in India or places where COVID -19 cases are
2. All symptomatic (ILI symptoms) contact of Laboratory confirmed cases.
3. All symptomatic (ILI symptoms) healthcare workers/ frontline workers involved in
containment and mitigation of COVID-19.
4. All patients of Severe Acute Respiratory Infection (SARI)
5. Asymptomatic direct and high-risk contacts of a confirmed case to be tested once
between day 5 and day 10 of coming into contact.
6. All symptomatic ILI within hotspots / containment zones
7. All hospitalized patients who develop ILI symptoms.

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Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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8. All symptomatic ILI among returnees and migrants within 7 days of illness.
9. No emergency procedure (including deliveries) should be delayed for lack of test.
However, sample can be sent for testing if indicated as above (1-8), simultaneously.

Note Below:

● ILI case is defined as one with acute respiratory infection with fever ≥ 38◦C AND cough.
● SARI case is defined as one with acute respiratory infection with fever ≥ 38◦C AND
cough AND requiring hospitalization.
● All testing in the above categories is recommended by real time RT-PCR test only.
Policy for COVID-19 sample collection.

General Instructions for Sample collection: Refer:


1. Before sample collection, all concerned staff must wear PPE. The nursing officer shall
prepare the viral transport medium (VTM), packaging and labelling items, ice pack
with transportation box. The hospital attendant must be physically present to carry
the samples to the Department of Microbiology.
In case of night time, the sample must be collected and stored in the designated
refrigerator and proper handover to be given to ensure sending it in the morning
without fail.
2. Sample to be collected using a cotton swab from nasopharyngeal and oropharyngeal
area by a trained resident only.
3. For ambulatory patients- Nasopharyngeal/nasal swab will be collected.
4. For admitted patients (Intubated patients)- ET Secretion will be collected, in sterile
wide mouthed container.
5. Packing to be done with two layers of Ziploc pouch.
6. For admitted patients producing sputum- Sputum will be collected, in sterile wide
mouthed container
7. For admitted non- ambulatory patients (not producing sputum)-
Nasopharyngeal/nasal swab will be collected.
8. Preferred sample: Throat and nasal swab in viral transport media (VTM) and
transported on ice packs.
Alternate: Nasopharyngeal swab, BAL or endotracheal aspirate which has to be
mixed with the viral transport medium and transported on ice packs.
For Lower respiratory tract:
1. Broncho alveolar lavage (if no other option is available), tracheal aspirate, sputum
2. Collect 2-3 mL into a sterile, leak-proof, screw-cap sputum collection cup or
sterile dry container.

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Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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For Upper respiratory tract:

1. Nasopharyngeal swab & oropharyngeal swab

a) Oropharyngeal swab (e.g. throat swab): Tilt patient’s head back 70 degrees.
Rub swab over both tonsillar pillars and posterior oropharynx and avoid
touching the tongue, teeth, and gums. Use only synthetic fiber swabs with
plastic shafts. Do not use calcium alginate swabs or swabs with wooden
shafts. Place swabs immediately into sterile tubes containing 2-3 ml of
viral transport media.
b) Combined nasal & throat swab: Tilt patient’s head back 70 degrees. While
gently rotating the swab, insert swab less than one inch into nostril (until
resistance is met at turbinate).
c) Rotate the swab several times against nasal wall and repeat in other nostril
using the same swab. Place tip of the swab into sterile viral transport
media tube and cut off the applicator stick. For throat swab, take a second
dry polyester swab, insert into mouth, and swab the posterior pharynx
and tonsillar areas (avoid the tongue). Place tip of swab into the same tube
and cut off the applicator tip.
d) Nasopharyngeal swab: Tilt patient’s head back 70 degrees. Insert flexible
swab through the nares parallel to the palate (not upwards) until
resistance is encountered or the distance is equivalent to that from the ear
to the nostril of the patient. Gently, rub and roll the swab. Leave the swab
in place for several seconds to absorb secretions before removing.
9. The sample in VTM will be labelled and wrapped in a plastic. It will be then put in a
zip lock pouch and shall be then put in the sample container having Ice pack.
10. The COVID-19 testing online entry shall be done in the ICMR app in the mobile tablet
provided to each of sample collection areas.
11. Clinicians may also collect lower respiratory tract samples when these are readily
available (for example, in mechanically ventilated patients).
12. In hospitalized patients with confirmed COVID - 19 infection, repeat upper
respiratory tract samples should be collected to demonstrate viral clearance

SL.NO STEPS(The resident and the technical staff has to wear PPE)
1. Prior Labelling of the patient name and CR number.
2. Online entry in to ICMR Portal. [Also required for antigen testing]
3. Sample collection kit containing two nylon swabs, 1 VTM, 2 paraffin
strips(3×5cm) and ONE secondary containers

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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4. Ask the patient to sit on the stool in front of the faculty/resident doctor
and open the mouth, Collect Nasopharyngeal (Nasal swab).
Procedure of Collection of Oropharyngeal swab:
o Tilt patient’s head back 70 degrees
o Insert swab into nostril (Swab should reach depth to distance
from nostrils to outer opening of the ear
o Leave swab in place in place for several seconds to absorb secretions
o Slowly remove swab while rotating it
o Keep the swab inside the VTM after breaking the extra plastic
stick and close it.
5. Technical staff opens the secondary plastic container (50 mL falcon
tube) and the resident doctor puts the VTM in that container without
touching it.
6. Technical staff closes the secondary container, before taking it out of
the patient cubicle.

7. Secondary container is put inside the zip lock pouch.

8 This whole assembly is placed inside pre-labeled 3rd plastic container.

9 After triple layer packing, the sample is kept in the thermocol box with
ice packs and kept in the transport area.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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Sl. Task Responsibility PPE/other details


If COVID suspect and not yet Resident on duty/ Full PPE suit (gloves, N95
swabbed, no swab should be Faculty in charge mask, goggles, water
collected after death. Dead body resistant gown, shoe covers)
should be handled in a manner while obtaining sample
similar to confirmed case.

Information to Control Room about Shift In-Charge /

the death of the COVID-Suspect or Nurse on duty /
Confirmed case Resident on duty

Prepare the body as per the Shift In-Charge / Full PPE suit (gloves, N95
existing protocol / checklist for Nursing Officer mask, goggles, water
handling COVID positive dead resistant gown, shoe covers)

Information to mortuary regarding Shift In-Charge /

shifting of a COVID suspect or Nursing officer
Positive dead body

Inform the relatives regarding the On duty Senior

state protocol for dealing with Resident / Faculty
COVID suspect or confirmed dead

Transfer the body to the mortuary Hospital attender, Full PPE suit
via the designated route / lift supervised by the
control room

Preparing the death summary in Resident / Faculty on

the existing format and e-mailing duty in the area of
to Medical Superintendent along death
with the SRF and positive report as
Resident / Faculty of
the department under
which patient was

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Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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Death & Mortuary Services: (Refer: Annexure -)

1. The cause of death (COD) is defined as “all those diseases, morbid conditions or
abnormalities, injuries which either resulted in or contributed to death and the
circumstances of the accident or violence which produced any such injuries.”
2. Format for Medical Certificate for Cause of Death

3. COVID-19 is reported to cause pneumonia / acute respiratory distress syndrome

(ARDS) / cardiac injury /disseminated intravascular coagulation and so on.
These may lead to death and may be recorded in line ‘a’ or ‘b’. It is likely that
COVID-19 is the underlying cause of death (UCOD) that lead to ARDS or
Pneumonia in most of the deaths due to COVID-19 (test positive and symptoms
positive). In these cases, COVID-19 must be captured in the last line / lowest line
of Part 1 of MCCD form 4/4 A. Acute respiratory failure is a mode of dying and it
is prudent not to record it in line a/b/c.
4. Patients may present with other pre-existing comorbid conditions such as
chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) or asthma, chronic bronchitis,
ischemic heart disease, cancer and diabetes mellitus. These conditions increase
the risk of developing respiratory infections and may lead to complications and
severe disease in a COVID-19 positive individual. These conditions are not
considered as UCOD as they have directly not caused death due to COVID-19.
Also a patient may have many co-morbid conditions, but only those that have
contributed to death should be recorded in Part 2.
5. Avoid writing mode of death as cause. i.e. Cardiorespiratory Arrest

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Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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6. Avoid writing abbreviations and short forms like ARDS, COPD, SARI etc.
However, COVID-19 as an abbreviation is permissible term to be used as cause
of death.
7. In case death, please refer to the flowchart & checklist attached.


What are the factors associated with a high risk of transmission?
1. Close contact with a person with COVID-19 in the community without PPE.
2. Providing care to a patient infected with COVID-19 without PPE or hand hygiene
(physical exam, nursing care, performing aerosol generating procedures like
sputum induction, open suctioning of airways, cardio pulmonary resuscitation,
endotracheal intubation and extubation, non-invasive ventilation (e.g., BiPAP,
CPAP), bronchoscopy manual ventilation
3. Laboratory exposure to respiratory specimens from infected patients without
adequate PPE

What is the current evidence?

1. Current personal protective equipment and protocols if meticulously followed
are sufficient to prevent transmission in a health care setting.
2. There is widespread community transmission and hence remember to protect
yourself both inside and outside the health care facility.

How can one minimize the risk of infection?

While inside COVID treatment areas
1. Bring only what is absolutely necessary to work.
2. Use the prescribed PPE appropriately for the procedure and exposure
anticipated. This is your last line of defense against infection and prevents
transmission to patients, colleagues and family. Even the best PPE is ineffective if
not used properly.
3. Follow correct donning and doffing protocols as per the posters in the
donning/doffing room. It is always better someone observes you don and doff to
ensure no breach of infection, prevention and control practices
4. Ensure the N-95 fits snugly. Shave off any facial hair along the fit-line.
5. Follow rigorous hand hygiene before and after patient care activities

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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6. While examining patients in their rooms, follow the rule “Minimum number of
people, minimum time, minimum contact”. Close contact = < 1 m distance from the
patient for > 15 minutes.
7. Minimize repeated donning and doffing (i.e., taking too many breaks for coffee,
meals and visiting the rest room)
8. Dispose PPE appropriately after use.
Infection Control Policy:
1. The Hospital Infection Control Nursing Team shall conduct rounds daily and shall
prepare weekly and monthly reports and shall submit to Chairman, Hospital
Infection Control Committee.
2. The HICC shall meet periodically to assess various infection control activities being
performed, discuss the gap identified by various faculties and other members and
ICN team.
3. The committee shall continue training of the healthcare workers periodically and
shall update them on recent developments on COVID-19 transmission and control.
General Instructions for infection control practices:
1. All staff and patients to wear masks all the time.
2. Standard precautions to be followed at all the time.
This include hand hygiene and the use of personal protective equipment (PPE)
when risk of splashes or in contact with patients’ blood, body fluids, secretions
(including respiratory secretions) and non-intact skin. Standard precautions also
include appropriate patient placement; prevention of needle- stick or sharps
injury; safe waste management; cleaning and disinfection of equipment; and
cleaning of the environment. Best practices for safely managing health care waste
should be followed.
3. No patient or attendant will be allowed inside the hospital without the mask.
4. Every person must wash their hands frequently with soap and water for at least
40 sec to 1 minute according to the steps of hand washing. If the alcohol based
hands sanitizer is available, it must be used according to the appropriate steps.
5. Foot operated hand washing facility has been installed at G Block OPD and Ayush
Isolation facility and outside TEM ward.
6. It is everyone’s collective responsibility to ensure that every staff wears mask, and
everyone maintains social distancing of more than 2 m among themselves and as
well as the patients in their respective department.
7. The disposable head caps, face masks, shoe covers, and gloves must be discarded
in appropriate color coded dust bins and shall not litter around.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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When to wash your hands?


 Before, during, and after preparing food

 Before eating food
 Before and after caring for someone at who is sick
 Before and after treating a cut or wound
 After using the toilet
 After changing diapers or cleaning up a child who has used the toilet
 After blowing your nose, coughing, or sneezing
 After touching an animal, animal feed, or animal waste
 After handling pet food or pet treats
 After touching garbage
 For patient care areas, please follow 5 moments for hand hygiene.

Follow these five steps every time.

1. Wet your hands with clean, running water (warm or cold), turn off the tap, and
apply soap.
2. Lather your hands by rubbing them together with the soap. Lather the backs of
your hands, between your fingers, and under your nails.
3. Scrub your hands for at least 20 seconds.
4. Rinse your hands well under clean, running water.
5. Dry your hands using a clean towel or air dry them.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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Decontamination and waste management:

1. Any surface or material known to be, or potentially be, contaminated by biological
agents during laboratory operations must be correctly disinfected to control
infectious risks.

2. Proper processes for the identification and segregation of contaminated materials

must be adopted before decontamination and/or disposal.

3. Where decontamination cannot be performed in the laboratory area or onsite, the

contaminated waste must be packaged in an approved (that is, leak proof)
manner, for transfer to another facility with decontamination capacity

Instructions for Personal Protective Equipment Usage:

1. Rational use of personal protective equipment (PPE) is recommended. PPE
includes gloves, medical masks, goggles or a face shield, and gowns, as well as
for specific procedures, respirators (i.e., N95) and aprons.
2. Patients with respiratory symptoms should:
a. To wear a medical mask while waiting in triage or waiting areas or during
transportation within the facility; (Medical masks are flat pleated masks of
woven fabric which covers the nose and mouth and affixed behind the
head with straps/ elastic fasteners, and are not fluid resistant)
b. To wear a surgical mask when staying in cohorting areas dedicated to
suspected or confirmed cases;
c. Wear a surgical mask when isolated in single rooms and cover mouth and
nose when coughing or sneezing with disposable paper tissues.
d. Perform hand hygiene immediately afterwards.
3. PPE guidelines*:
Setting Target personnel or Activity Type of PPE or procedure

Healthcare facilities

Inpatient facilities

Patient room Healthcare Providing direct care • N95 mask

personnel to COVID-19 • Gown
patients. • Gloves
• Eye protection (goggles
or face shield).

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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Aerosol-generating • Respirator N95 or

procedures FFP2 standard, or
performed on equivalent.
COVID-19 patients • Gown
like • Gloves
tracheal intubation,
• Eye protection/ face
shield / hood.
• PPE suit / coverall.
manual ventilation
before intubation

Cleaners Entering the room of • N95 with PPE suit

COVID-19 patients. • Gown
• Heavy duty gloves
• Eye protection (if risk
of splash from organic
material or chemicals).
• Boots or closed work
Visitors Entering the room of • Not to be allowed.
a COVID-19 patient • If allowed, then they
must wear full PPE.
Other areas of All staff, Any activity that Surgical Masks, social
patient transit including does not involve distancing & Hand
(E.g. Wards, healthcare contact with COVID- Washing
corridors). workers. 19 patients.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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Triage Healthcare Preliminary • Maintain spatial

personnel screening not distance of at least 1
involving direct m.
contact (This • Triple layer surgical
category includes the mask at OPD main
use of no touch entrance.
thermometers, • Wear N95 at COVID
thermal imaging OPD and Screening at
cameras, and limited Trauma & Emergency
observation and as the time spent with
questioning, all while patient is more at
maintaining a spatial these areas.
Distance of at least 1 • Wear Face Shield.
Patients with Any • Give suspect patient a
respiratory triple layer surgical
symptoms. mask and direct
patient to separate
area, an isolation
room if available
• Maintain spatial
distance of at least 1
• Wear N95
Patients without Any  Triple layer surgical
respiratory masks/ N95 mask.
symptoms.  Maintain spatial
distance of at least 1

Laboratory Lab technician Handling of • N95

respiratory samples. • Gown
• Gloves
• Eye protection (if risk

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Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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Administrative All staff No direct/indirect No PPE

offices patient contact • Social distancing
• Medical/ Surgical
* To follow latest MoHFW guidelines.

Mask etiquette:
1. If masks are worn, appropriate use and disposal is essential to ensure they are
effective and to avoid any increase in risk of transmission associated with the
incorrect use and disposal of masks.
2. Place mask carefully to cover mouth and nose and tie securely to minimize any gaps
between the face and the mask
3. While in use, avoid touching the mask
4. Remove the mask by using appropriate technique (i.e. do not touch the front but
remove the lace from behind)
5. After removal or whenever you inadvertently touch a used mask, clean hands by
using an alcohol-based hand rub for 20 seconds or soap and water if visibly soiled
for 40 seconds

6. Replace masks with a new clean, dry mask as soon as they become damp/humid

7. Do not re-use single-use masks

8. Discard single-use masks after each use and dispose-off them immediately upon
9. For N95 respirators adequate fit check must be performed after wearing. CDC
recommends the following hairstyles styles for male HCP suitable for wearing N-95
N95 Respirator Reuse Recommendations of CDC:
1. Reuse of N95 respirators is permitted, by limiting its surface contamination (e.g.,
use of barriers to prevent droplet spray contamination)
2. Can be used up to 5 times. If no manufacturer guidance is available, limit the
number of reuses to no more than five uses per device to ensure an adequate
safety margin.
3. Avoid unnecessary contact with the respirator surface, strict adherence to hand
hygiene practices, and proper PPE donning and doffing technique, including
physical inspection and performing a user seal check.

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Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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4. Use a cleanable face shield (preferred) or a surgical mask over an N95 respirator
and/or other steps (e.g., masking patients, use of engineering controls), when
feasible to reduce surface contamination of the respirator.
5. Clean hands with soap and water or an alcohol-based hand sanitizer before and
after touching or adjusting the respirator (if necessary for comfort or to maintain
6. Avoid touching the inside of the respirator. If inadvertent contact is made with
the inside of the respirator, perform hand hygiene as described above.
7. Pack or store respirators between uses so that they do not become damaged or
8. N95 respirators must only be used by a single wearer. To prevent inadvertent
sharing of respirators, clearly write name on the straps (not on respirator surface)
9. Do not stretch the straps so much that they no longer provide enough tension for
the respirator to seal to the face.
10. Ensure the nosepiece or other fit enhancements are not broken

Discard N95 respirators

1. Following use in COVID-19 positive wards.

2. Following use during aerosol generating procedures.
3. Contaminated with blood, respiratory or nasal secretions, or other bodily fluids
from patients.
4. Following close contact with any patient co-infected with an infectious disease
requiring contact precautions.
5. That is obviously damaged or becomes hard to breathe through.

Use a pair of clean (non-sterile) gloves when donning a used N95 respirator and
performing a user seal check. Discard gloves after the N95 respirator is donned and any
adjustments are made to ensure the respirator is sitting comfortably on your face with
a good seal.

Steps of donning PPE (Steps may vary depending on the kit used):
Donning of the PPE must be performed in designated area.

PPE Donning Sequence:

1. Remove all personal belongings like wrist watch & jewelry
2. Wear Scrubs suit
3. Wash your hands
4. Wear Inner gloves
5. Wear Cover-all Gown (seal with inner gloves)

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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6. Wear Shoe cover

7. Disinfect both hands with sanitizer
8. Wear N95 respirator
9. Wear Coverall Hood
10. Wear Goggles
11. Wear Face Shield or cover face with hood.
12. Wear outer gloves
Gown fitness check: Take help of companion for fitness check.

Steps of doffing PPE:

Doffing to be performed only in the designated area, check for any leak or soiling in PPE
before doffing. If any, disinfect the area before doffing. Doffing room should have two
chairs, one labelled “dirty” and the other “clean”. All the PPE must be discarded in the
respective color coded bin. Hand hygiene MUST be performed after every step.
PPE Doffing Sequence:

1. Disinfect Outer Gloves

2. Remove Shoe Cover & put in yellow Bin
3. Disinfect Outer Gloves
4. Remove Outer Gloves in Red Bin
5. Disinfect Inner Gloves
6. Remove Face Shield (in Red Bin) or remove hood
7. Disinfect Inner Gloves
8. Remove Goggles in Red Bin
9. Disinfect Inner Gloves
10. Remove hood with gown & put in red bin
11. Disinfect Inner Gloves & remove in red bin

12. Disinfect Your Hands

13. Wear a new pair of gloves
14. Remove N95 respirator & put in Yellow bin
15. Disinfect your Gloves
16. Disinfect your Shoes

17. Disinfect Gloves & remove in red bin

18. Wash your hands

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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Kitchen & Diet services:

1. Food handlers shall be supervised by the dieticians to adhere to necessary PPE

like face mask, head cap, shoe cover, and plastic apron while processing and
preparing food as well as while distribution of food in the wards.
2. The dietician may consult with the treating faculty and provide appropriate
instructions with regard to any special consideration of diet in case of COVID
suspected/confirmed cases.
3. They must practice frequent hand washing before and after handling food or
cooking items.
4. The food is to be provided for the patients in the COVID wards (Trauma), Pvt. I &
J, J+1 to 5, Ayush Isolation facility and the suspect patients awaiting for reports
at the Vishram Gruha in closed and disposable packets.
5. In certain special situation, food services may be provided to staff on duty with
due approval from appropriate authority.


1. The CSSD services are functional on 24x7 basis. The in charge nursing officers
to send the used N95 masks and other items to CSSD for re-sterilization.
2. The used goggles to be cleaned and disinfected with 0.1% Sodium hypochlorite
solution and can be sent for sterilization.
3. CSSD to maintain separate register for receiving and issue of items and linen
from COVID ward (Trauma), G Block OPD & OT, Pvt. I & J ward, J+1 to 5 wards
and Ayush Isolation ward.
4. Items like Laryngoscope blades, AMBU bags etc. which are emergency items must
be given priority. In case of possible delay, the respective ward must be informed
in order to prevent untoward situation.


1. Before handling any contaminated or used linen always wash your hands.
2. Wear necessary PPE referring donning techniques like PPE gown/ suit, shoes
cover, gloves, face mask, apron or wear on etc.
3. Linen should be collected from beds or from any place after usage very gently and
should not be shaken.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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4. After handling linen, remove your protective wears referring doffing techniques
and wash your hands again.
5. In certain case soiled linen should be decontaminated after carefully removing
any solid excrement. Soiled waste can be discarded in the toilet.
6. Linen used for COVID-19 confirmed or suspect, like staff dress (pant & shirt),
bed sheets, pillow covers, washable surgical gowns, drape sheets should be put
in the bucket with 0.1% sodium hypochlorite in it.
7. Before putting the linen into the bucket, it must be checked for any sharp
materials with it like Needles or blades etc.
8. After soaking for 30mins, the linen must be taken out and squeezed.
9. Now the linen will be counted and will be packed in double yellow plastic bags,
labelled and sealed with micro pore to avoid any leakage
10. The linen will be collected by the Laundry team for washing
11. Laundry team collecting the laundry will also wear PPE as mentioned in Point
No. 2, count the linen, repack and collect the line from COVID units.
12. Linen will be handed over to vender for processing.
13. Clean linen will be collected from the vendor and will be dispatched to COVID
14. If Autoclaving is required (e.g. for COVID OT), the linen can be sent to the CSSD
Department from COVID units. For other COVID units, autoclaving is not
required as processing of linen is done in high speed mechanized machines which
uses water with temperature of 70o C.
15. Separate trolley should be used for dirty COVID linen and Clean COVID linen.
16. The used PPE must be discarded as per BMW guidelines and must not be reused.
This must be followed by hand washing.
17. In case of torn linen, it must be separated as and when identified and shall be
kept separately for condemnation.
18. In case the linen is washed in-house facility:
i) The staff handling the linen must wear PPE (Cap, mask, clean gloves, gum
boots, goggles, plastic apron and yellow heavy-duty gloves.)
ii) The linen to be counted and separated at the cleaning room and shall be
handed over to the vendor.
iii) The cleaning detergent to be used in appropriate quantity along with a
disinfecting solution for cleaning all the linen.
iv) After cleaning and drying of the linen, it shall be folded and packed using
steripacks and sent to the CSSD department with labeling for autoclaving.
The label must have date of cleaning, no. and type of content and the area
name from where it has been collected.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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With reference to the guidelines issued on 21ST July 2020, by the Central Pollution
Control Board, New Delhi and State Pollution Control Board, Odisha for Biomedical
waste management during COVID -19 pandemic.
Areas: Waste generated during diagnostics and treatment of COVID-19 suspected /
confirmed patients like isolation wards, quarantine wards/hostel, sample collection
centre, laboratories, biomedical waste complex.
Collection points of COVID isolation wastes:
1. COVID ward near Trauma & emergency
2. COVID Screening OPD at G Block
3. Isolation ward at Ayush Block
4. Private wards at I & J Block, J+1 to J+5 wards
5. E+1 and F+6 (Triaging wards)
6. Dept of Microbiology, Academic Block.
Important instructions for handling any biomedical waste from COVID-19 areas:

1. Before handling any biomedical waste always wash your hands

2. Wear necessary PPE referring donning techniques like PPE gown/ suit, shoes
cover, gloves, face mask, apron or wear on.
3. At the BMW complex, wear the heavy-duty gloves and gum-boots.
4. After handling BMW, remove your protective wears referring doffing techniques
and wash your hands again.
1. Separate colour coded dust bins to be kept with bags.
2. Double bags to be used for BMW waste packing to ensure no leakages.
3. The bags are to be labelled as COVID-19 wastes and to be transported through the
separate vehicle and to be stored separately.
4. General waste from COVID Isolation ward and Trauma ward, PVT I & J Block ward
which is generated in the COVID patient care areas to be packed in yellow bag which
are contaminated. Other general wastes like packaging materials etc. which is not
in direct patient care are to be packed in black colour bag.
5. Used masks and gloves from quarantine area and general solid wastes generated
from quarantine wards/hostels shall be packed in black bags, stored for 72 hrs. and
then shall be disposed as per SWM Rules 2016. The masks must be cut to prevent
6. Other general wastes to be disposed in Black bags.
7. Sharps to be put in Puncture proof containers and labelled as COVID 19 isolation

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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8. Dedicated staff shall handle the COVID -19 wastes in separate trolleys and e-vehicles
with labelling.
9. All trolleys and e-vehicle to be disinfected with Sodium hypochlorite solution and
washed thoroughly.
10. It shall be collective responsibility of the faculty, residents, nursing officers,
attendants & housekeeping staff to ensure correct segregation of BMW.
11. Segregation to be ensured as per guidelines to prevent needle stick injuries to waste
12. Separate records to be maintained for handling COVID-19 waste, cleaning of
transportation vehicles & waste bins.
13. With regard to management of waste water from hospital/ isolation wards will be
continued in ETP and the utilization of treated waste water in other utilities within
the healthcare facility to be avoided.
The above-mentioned points to be followed in addition to BMW Rules, 2016, BMW
Amendments 2018 & 2019.

Waste Segregation as per Central Pollution Control Board Guidelines revision -3, Dated
10th June 2020
General Waste -Black Yellow Red Puncture Puncture
Bin Proof Proof
Dry Wet Container Box
COVID-19 Empty Juice Fruit Peel Medical & Goggles, Sharp Glass
patient bottles, Tetra , Surgical Face items, wares/
care areas Packs, Empty vegetables Masks, N95 shield, blades, ampules,
Water and left masks, Head Splash broken ampules,
bottles, over food cover, Cap, Proof sharps, vials,
Discarded Disposable Apron, syringes implants
papers linen gown, Plastic with
Carton Boxes Non-plastic Coverall, needles
of medicine or semi- Hazmat
Empty bottle plastic Suit, Nitrile
of coverall, Gloves, IV
disinfectants Diapers, sets,
Any other sanitary syringes
items which napkins, any without
were not item soaked needles,
contaminated with blood or catheters,
by patient body fluids, Urobags,

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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secretions or expiry or drains, IV

body fluids discarded sets/
Wrapper of medicines, bottles
Medicine & Blood bag * Goggles
Syringes may be

Betadine COVID -19 Used

bottles, hand patient: Left gloves,
rub bottles, over food, plastic
sanitizer disposable bottles, any
bottles which plates, plastic
are not used glasses, used carry bags
at covid masks, used etc. used
patient bed tissues, used for COVID-
side. toiletries 19
and covers
used for
plastic cryo
pipette tips

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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Quarantine General General Wastes

Rooms household household contaminated
wastes like wastes with blood or
packing like body fluids,
materials for kitchen expired or
groceries, wastes, discarded
waste papers food medicines,
& plastic, materials masks,
floor cleaning general waste
dust etc. if
generated or contaminated
handled by with blood or
quarantined body fluids.
persons or
their care
Masks &
gloves used
by a person
not infected
by COVID-19
workers or
their family
members to
be kept in bag
for 72 hrs &
discarded as


1. Daily rounds to be conducted by the engineering division focusing on: Electrical

(lighting, air conditioning, ventilation, water filters/coolers & lift), civil works
(wall, floor, tiles, washroom, washbasin, leakages etc.)

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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2. Necessary duty roster of the engineering team must be shared with the control
3. All steps to be taken to ensure any potential break of necessary services.
4. In case of any issues noted by the team shall be rectified on priority basis and
informed to control room in case of hampering any patient care process.


1. The designated engineer shall provide contact numbers duty roster of staff for
medical gas and suction services, to the control room. In case of any changes the
same shall be informed to control room.
2. They shall be readily available for any emergency situation like gas supply failure
in any critical areas like OTs, ICUs, Trauma & Emergency.


Practices for environmental cleaning in healthcare facilities:

Environmental cleaning is part of standard precautions, which should be applied to all
patients in all healthcare facilities. Ensure that cleaning and disinfection procedures
are followed consistently and correctly.
Cleaning agents and disinfectants:

1. 1% Sodium Hypochlorite can be used as a disinfectant for cleaning and disinfection

2. The solution should be prepared fresh.

3. Leaving the solution for a contact time of at least 10 minutes is recommended.

4. Alcohol (e.g. isopropyl 70% or ethyl alcohol 70%) can be used to wipe down surfaces
where the use of bleach is not suitable, e.g. metals.
PPE to wear while carrying out cleaning and disinfection works:
1. Wear heavy duty/disposable gloves, disposable long-sleeved gowns, eye goggles or a
face shield, and a medical mask (please see the PPE document for details)

2. Avoid touching the nose and mouth (goggles may help as they will prevent hands from
touching eyes)

3. Disposable gloves should be removed and discarded if they become soiled or damaged,
and a new pair worn

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Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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4. All other disposable PPE should be removed and discarded after cleaning activities
are completed. Eye goggles, if used, should be disinfected after each use, according to
the manufacturer’s instructions.

5. Hands should be washed with soap and water/alcohol-based hand rub immediately
after each piece of PPE is removed, following completion of cleaning
Cleaning guidelines:
1. Where possible, seal off areas where the confirmed case has visited, before carrying
out cleaning and disinfection of the contaminated environmental surfaces. This is to
prevent unsuspecting persons from being exposed to those surfaces

2. When cleaning areas where a confirmed case has been, cleaning staff should be
attired in suitable PPE. Disposable gloves should be removed and discarded if they
become soiled or damaged, and a new pair worn. All other disposable PPE should be
removed and discarded, after cleaning activities are completed. Goggles, if used, should
be disinfected after each use, according to manufacturer’s instructions. Hands should
be washed with soap and water immediately after the PPE is removed.

3. Mop floor with routinely available disinfectant.

4. Wipe all frequently touched areas (e.g. lift buttons, hand rails, doorknobs, arm rests,
tables, air/ light controls, keyboards, switches, etc.) and toilet surfaces with chemical
disinfectants and allow to air dry. 1% sodium hypochlorite solution can be used. Alcohol
can be used for surfaces, where the use of bleach is not suitable.

5. Clean toilets, including the toilet bowl and accessible surfaces in the toilet with
disinfectant or 1% sodium hypochlorite solution.

6. Wipe down all accessible surfaces of walls as well as blinds with disinfectant or bleach

7. Remove curtains/ fabrics/ quilts for washing, preferably using the hot water cycle.
For hot-water laundry cycles, wash with detergent or disinfectant in water at 70ºC for
at least 25 minutes.

8. Discard cleaning items made of cloth and absorbent materials, e.g. mop head and
wiping cloths, into biohazard bags after cleaning and disinfecting each area. Wear a new
pair of gloves and fasten the double-bagged biohazard bag with a cable tie.

9. Disinfect buckets by soaking in disinfectant or bleach solution, or rinse in hot water

before filling.

10. Disinfectant or 1% sodium hypochlorite solution should be applied to surfaces using

a damp cloth. They should not be applied to surfaces using a spray pack, as coverage

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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is uncertain and spraying may promote the production of aerosols. The creation of
aerosols caused by splashing liquid during cleaning should be avoided. A steady
sweeping motion should be used when cleaning either floors or horizontal surfaces, to
prevent the creation of aerosols or splashing. Cleaning methods that might aerosolize
infectious material, such as the use of compressed air, must not be used.
11. Biohazard bags should be properly disposed-off, upon completion of the disinfection
Frequency of cleaning of surfaces:
1. High touch surfaces: Disinfection of high touch surfaces like (doorknobs, telephone,
call bells, bedrails, stair rails, light switches, wall areas around the toilet) should be
done every 3-4 hours.

2. Low-touch surfaces: For Low-touch surfaces (walls, mirrors, etc.) mopping should be
done at least once daily.

Precautions to take after completing the clean-up and disinfection:

1. Staff should wash their hands with soap and water immediately after removing the
PPE, and when cleaning and disinfection work is completed.

2. Discard all used PPE in a double-bagged biohazard bag (yellow), which should then
be securely sealed and labelled.

3. The staff should be aware of the symptoms and should report to their occupational
health service if they develop symptoms.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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1. Decision on type of Isolation

HCW tested positive for COVID-19

Assessment for home isolation using


Eligible for home Ineligible for home

isolation isolation

HCW admitted to COVID-19

HCW advised for HOME ISolation isolation ward

1.1. Home Isolation

HCWs who satisfy following conditions shall be eligible for home isolation
1. All COVID-19 positive HCWs, who are asymptomatic/ have mild
2. Have no co-morbidities
3. Age below 60 years
4. Availability of individual room & toilet i n the h o m e o f the p e r s o n
5. Availability of a caregiver to meet the needs of the HCWs
6. Ready to monitor his/her own health, follow medical advice and report, if
7. Willing to install and use an active Arogya Setu app in mobile phone

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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8. Willing to sign an undertaking on home isolation (Annexure 2) and follow home

quarantine guidelines

1.2. Institutional Isolation:

All HCWs who are not eligible for home isolation shall be admitted at AIIMS
2. Care during Isolation
2.1. Institutional Isolation: Treatment and discharge for HCWs in
institutional isolation shall be as per the treatment policy at the institute.

2.2. Home Isolation

2.2.1. Monitoring of health
Apart from the self-monitoring of health and monitoring by State health
authorities, the COVID-19 positive HCWs under home isolation shall be
followed up every day by Department of Community and Family Medicine,
AIIMS Bhubaneswar. This monitoring shall be done telephonically during
the period of home isolation. Monitoring and follow up will be done under
two domains
1. Physiological
2. Psychological

• Assesment of health status, symptoms, personal

Physiological hygiene and self care via interview over
telephone and whatsapp
Domain • Identifying high risk symptoms and ensuring
timely response

• Assessment of mental health status

Psychological • Identification of "at-risk" individuals and
Domain appropriate interventions in need of special care
as per the protocol developed by department of

2.2.2. Information Education and Communication (IEC)

Timely IEC materials shall be disseminated to those under home isolation.
These IEC materials shall be standard materials developed/endorsed by
MoHFW, GOI. Independently freely available online resources shall also be
explored. These IEC materials shall cover both the physiological and
psychological domains. Information in the forms of Whatsapp images and
videos shall be sent from verified portals. (See instructions given in Page No.
5 and 6)

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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2.2.3. When to seek medical attention?

Patient / Care giver will keep monitoring their health. Immediate medical
attention must be sought if serious signs or symptoms develop like
1. Difficulty in breathing,
2. Dip in oxygen saturation (SpO2 < 95%)
3. Persistent pain/pressure in the chest,
4. Mental confusion or inability to arouse,
5. Slurred speech/seizures
6. Weakness or numbness in any limb or face
7. Developing bluish discolorations of lips/face
If any patient under home isolation develops any of the above given symptoms,
he/she must report on COVID 19 Helpline number for AIIMS Staff (82803
46684) or report to AIIMS Hospital immediately
3. Discharge from Isolation
 HCWs in institutional isolation will be discharged as per the discharge
policy and as decided by the treating physician
 HCWs in home isolation will stand discharged from home isolation if
o For mild symptomatic: 10 days after onset of symptoms and being
afebrile for last 3 days.
o For asymptomatic: 10 days from the date of sample collection which
was positive for SARS -CoV -2.
o Based on the assessment, HCW will be informed through Whatsapp
from COVID teleconsultation number about their discharge from home

4. Quarantine after completion of Isolation:

 HCWs shall be in home quarantine for 7 days after discharge from isolation
and they should monitor their own health during this period.
 HCW will be informed through Whatsapp from COVID teleconsultation
number about their last date of quarantine

5. Resuming duties
 HCW can resume duty after completion of isolation and quarantine period.
 If there is any alternate advisory from state government authorities for any
HCW, same should be communicated to Nodal Officer and isolation and
quarantine period prescribed by state authorities shall be considered final
 Repeat testing after the completion of isolation and quarantine
period is not required.
 Signed Isolation and Quarantine Completion Certificate will be sent
to the HCW through Whatsapp one day before HCW is expected to
resume duty.

Instructions for the patient in Isolation

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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1. Patient should at all times use surgical mask. Discard mask after 8 hours of use
or earlier if they become wet or visibly soiled.
2. Mask should be discarded only after disinfecting it with 1% Sodium Hypo-
3. Patient must stay in the identified room and away from other people in home,
especially elderlies and those with co-morbid conditions like hypertension,
cardiovascular disease, renal disease etc.
4. Patient must take rest and drink lot of fluids to maintain adequate hydration
5. Follow respiratory etiquettes all the time.
6. Hands must be washed often with soap and water for at least 40 seconds or clean
with alcohol-based sanitizer.
7. Don’t share personal items with other people.
8. Clean surfaces in the room that are touched often (tabletops, door knobs,
handles, etc) with 1% hypochlorite solution.
9. The patient must strictly follow the physician’s instructions and medication
10. The patient will self-monitor his/her health with daily temperature monitoring
and report promptly if develops any deterioration of symptom.

Instructions for care-givers

1. Mask:
1.1. The caregiver should wear a surgical mask appropriately when in the same room
with the patient.
1.2. Front portion of the mask should not be touched or handled during use.
1.3. If the mask gets wet or dirty with secretions, it must be changed immediately.
1.4. Discard the mask after use and perform hand hygiene after disposal of the mask.
1.5. He/she should avoid touching own face, nose or mouth.
2. Hand hygiene
2.1 Hand hygiene must be ensured following contact with ill person or his immediate
2.2 Hand hygiene should also be practiced before and after preparing food, before
eating, after using the toilet, and whenever hands look dirty.
2.3 Use soap and water for hand washing at least for 40 seconds. Alcohol-based hand
rub can be used, if hands are not visibly soiled.
2.4 After using soap and water, use of disposable paper towels to dry hands is
desirable. If not available, use dedicated clean cloth towels and replace them
when they become wet.
2.5 Perform hand hygiene before and after removing gloves.
3. Exposure to patient/patient’s environment
3.1 Avoid direct contact with body fluids of the patient, particularly oral or respiratory
secretions. Use disposable gloves while handling the patient.
3.2 Avoid exposure to potentially contaminated items in his immediate environment
(e.g. avoid sharing cigarettes, eating utensils, dishes, drinks, used towels or bed
3.3 Food must be provided to the patient in his room.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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3.4 Utensils and dishes used by the patient should be cleaned with soap/detergent
and water wearing gloves. The utensils and dishes may be re-used. Clean hands after
taking off gloves or handling used items.
3.5 Use triple layer medical mask and disposable gloves while cleaning or handling
surfaces, clothing or linen used by the patient.
3.6 Perform hand hygiene before and after removing gloves.
3.7 The waste (masks, disposable items, food packets etc.) should be disposed of as
per guidelines
4. Care of the patient and family members
4.1 The care giver will make sure that the patient follows the prescribed treatment.
4.2 The care giver and all close contact will self-monitor their health with daily
temperature monitoring and report promptly if they develop any symptom
suggestive of COVID-19 (fever/cough/sore throat/difficulty in breathing).

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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Checklist for assessment of Home Isolation of a COVID-19 case

Sr. Questions Yes No
1. Are you having any COVID-19 related symptoms?
If Yes, are they (a) mild (b) moderate to severe?
2. Do you have any co-morbid conditions?
If Yes, mention what? _______________
3. Are you having any disease like any cancer, TB, HIV,
Diabetes or any disease related to blood, or undergoing
chemo or radiotherapy or are you pregnant?
If Yes, mention the condition? _____________
4. Is there a caregiver available at your home 24*7?
5. If the answer to Qn. 4 is yes, then answer the following
a. Is the caregiver fit to be the communication link
between you and the hospital?
b. Has the caregiver taken/started/is willing/fit to
start HCQS prophylaxis?
6. Do you have / are you willing to install and use an active
Arogya Setu app in your mobile phone?
7. Do you have a separate (individual) room and toilet
facility in your home?
8. Are you willing to self-monitor your health?
9. Are you willing to regularly inform the district
surveillance officers about the status of your health?
10. Are you willing to sign an undertaking on home isolation
(Attached Below) and follow home quarantine guidelines
(Attached Below) as per the central and state guidelines?

N.B. This checklist has been prepared from the “Revised guidelines for Home Isolation
of very mild/pre-symptomatic/asymptomatic COVID-19 cases” by MoHFW, Govt. of
India and HFW, Govt. of Odisha.

Ideal Answers for the Eligibility of Home Isolation:

Sr. Questions Yes No
Are you having any COVID-19 related symptoms? No
If Yes, are they (a) mild (b) moderate to severe?
(If the answer is yes, the ideal answers would be (a)mild
2. Are you above 60 years of age? No
Do you have any co-morbid conditions? No
If Yes, mention what? _______________

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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Are you having any disease like any cancer, TB, HIV, No
Diabetes or any disease related to blood, or undergoing
chemo or radiotherapy or are you pregnant?
If Yes, mention the condition? _____________
5. Is there a caregiver available at your home 24*7? Yes
If the answer to Qn. 5 is yes, then answer the following
a. Is the caregiver fit to be the communication link
between you and the hospital? Yes
b. Has the caregiver taken/started/is willing/fit to
start HCQS prophylaxis? Yes
Do you have / are you willing to install and use an active Yes
Arogya Setu app in your mobile phone?
Do you have a separate (individual) room and toilet Yes
facility in your home?
9. Are you willing to self-monitor your health? Yes
Are you willing to regularly inform the district Yes
surveillance officers about the status of your health?
Are you willing to sign Yes
an undertaking on home isolation (mentioned below) and
follow home quarantine guidelines (mentioned below) as
per the central and state government?

Anyone answering anything apart from the above given ideal answers shall be declared
ineligible for home isolation as per the guidelines.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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Isolation and Quarantine Completion Certificate

(For HCWs tested positive for COVID)

 This to certify Ms/Mr/Dr …………………………………………………………………. was

tested positive for COVID 19 (Sample Given on Date……/……/…….).

 He/she was in Home isolation/ Institutional Isolation from …,…./.,……./……

(date) to …,…./.,……./…… (date) at AIIMS (Hospital) / his residential


 Upon discharge from Isolation on ……/……/……. (date) he was in Home Quarantine

for 7 days and has completed the prescribed quarantine period from……/……/…….

(date) to ……/……/……. (date)

 He/she is fit to resume duties from ….……/……/………. (date)

 He/she is not required to produce negative COVID report before joining duty.

Signature of Senior Resident

COVID Screening OPD

Signature of NODAL OFFICER

Important Links for further information

1. “Guidelines on Home Quarantine” by Ministry of Health and Family Welfare, GOI

(Available From :

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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2. “Revised guidelines for Home Isolation of very mild/pre symptomatic/asymptomatic

3. COVID-19 cases” by MoHFW, Govt. of India.
(Available from:

4. “Guidelines for home isolation of COVID-19 positive cases”- Govt. of Odisha.

(Available from:

5. “Guidelines for Handling, Treatment and Disposal of Waste Generated during

Treatment/Diagnosis/ Quarantine of COVID-19 Patients” – Central Pollution
Control Board.
(Available from:
COVID_1.pdf )

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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1. Contact Tracing

1.1. Initial Assessment

 Upon reporting of any COVID positive case (either HCW or patient) at AIIMS
Bhubaneswar, contact tracing team will do initial assessment to ascertain the
areas in the hospital where the patient or the HCWs had been in the last 14

1.2. Reporting mechanism

 Department of Microbiology will dispatch all positive reports to Medical
Superintendent, Joint MS, Nodal Officer (COVID) Nodal Officer (CMFM), All
the diagnostic department head, head of department of anesthesia, Chief
Nursing Officer, Nursing superintendent.
 For admitted patients or outpatients who test positive for COVID 19, based
on the initial assessment of the course of patient in hospital all the
department heads where the patient had been, will be informed by contact
tracing team.
 Contact tracing team will also inform Department Heads or reporting
authority if any HCW from their area has tested positive.
 Department Head or reporting authority should report the details of all
Faculty, Residents and staff members who presumably were in a high-risk
contact with the patient/ HCW tested positive for COVID 19 in the last 14
 Chief Nursing Officer will report the details of all nursing staff, paramedical
and other supporting staff who presumably were in a high-risk contact with
the patient/ HCW tested positive for COVID 19 in the last 14 days.
 It is expected that the information related to high risk and low risk contact
should be reported to contact tracing team within 12 hours of getting the
 Any individual from any other department and presumably having a high-
risk contact in the last 14 days with any HCW/ any patient who has tested
positive for COVID 19 can report his exposure history to his/her department
head/reporting authority and head should communicate this information to
contact tracing team.
 Details should be communicated only in the prescribed format (excel sheet
circulated through mail) and providing phone number and complete
residential address in the format is mandatory.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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 All the details should be communicated only through mail

id with name of patient in
subject of mail.
 For any further clarification or query, HCWs can call on
number 8280346684 which is dedicated tele-consultation number for
COVID 19. Calls will be handled by a Resident doctor of CMFM department.
 After the risk assessment and categorization further advice regarding
quarantine/testing shall be communicated to the department head /
reporting authority from the Nodal Officer.

1.3. Risk Assessment

 For all the HCWs who have been reported to be at high risk contact with any
COVID 19 patient, risk assessment will be done by the contact tracing team.
 Based on the reported history by the department head/ CNO and enquiry
from HCW by the risk assessment team of resident doctors from department
of Community Medicine and Tutors/Faculty from College of nursing.

1.4. Risk Categorization

 The risk categorization will be based on the prevailing guidelines of MOHFW.
All the HCWs who had come in contact with patient/ HCW tested positive for
COVID 19 will be categorized into either high risk or low risk exposure based
on following criteria.
 High risk exposure:
o HCW or other person providing care to a COVID-19 case or lab
worker handling respiratory specimens from COVID-19 cases
without recommended PPE or with possible breach of PPE
o Performed aerosol generating procedures without appropriate PPE.
o HCWs without mask/face-shield/goggles:
o Having face to face contact with COVID-19 case within 1 meter for
more than 15 minutes
o Having accidental exposure to body fluids.
o Lives in the same household as the patient/HCW without any
precaution or movement restriction.
 Low risk exposure:
Contacts who do not meet criteria of high-risk exposure

1.5. Action for High risk and Low risk Contacts


Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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o All the high-risk contacts shall be quarantined. Quarantine period

shall be initially for one week from the date of last high-risk exposure.
o After a week, they shall be tested as per ICMR testing protocol.
o If they test positive but remain asymptomatic, they will be isolated at
home or AIIMS hospital as per the assessment of eligibility for home
o If they test negative and remain asymptomatic, they will complete 14-
day quarantine and return to work after the end of quarantine.
o If there is any acute crisis of human resources in any department,
upon request of HOD, decision can be taken by the NODAL
OFFICER to end the quarantine before expiry of 14 days
quarantine, provided
 HCW is asymptomatic and has been tested negative at 7 days
as per ICMR protocol.
 Such HCW shall self-monitor his/her symptoms, take all
standard precautions, and report to COVID screening OPD/
COVID helpline number for HCW (8280346684) immediately, if
any symptoms develop


o Low risk contacts shall continue to work.
o They will self-monitor their health for development of symptoms
o In case any symptoms develop, report to COVID screening OPD/
COVID helpline number for HCW (8280346684) immediately

Upon receiving information related to quarantine from the NODAL OFFICER
(Quarantine), the HCW should immediately go in quarantine.
2.1. Where to Quarantine
 Home quarantine at place of residence: They should follow all home
quarantine protocol issued by the government revised from time to time. (See
Instructions for Home Quarantine)
 Home quarantine in the individual room in the hostel: Resident
doctors/Interns staying in hostels rooms with attached washroom may be
quarantined in their own room if they wish to.
 Institutional quarantine at B Block (Designated quarantine Hostel): If home
quarantine as per standard guidelines is not possible then institutional
quarantine may be availed at B Block Hostel, AIIMS Bhubaneswar.
2.2. Instructions/ advise for HCW in quarantine

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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Ensure that appropriate hand washing facilities and hand-hygiene
supplies are available.
 Stock the sink area with suitable supplies for hand washing, and with
alcohol-based hand rub, near the point of care and the room door.
 Ensure adequate room ventilation.
 Remove all non-essential furniture and ensure that the remaining
furniture is easy to clean and does not conceal or retain dirt or moisture
within or around it.
 Use a touch-free bin and ensure that used (i.e. dirty) bins remain inside
the isolation room.
 Keep personal belongings to a minimum. Keep water pitchers and cups,
tissue wipes, and all items necessary for attending to personal hygiene,
within the reach.
 Place an appropriate container with a lid outside the door for equipment
that requires disinfection.
Additional Instruction for those home/Room quarantined,
a. They have to ensure absolute restriction of movement outside their room for the
specified duration. (Shall furnish an undertaking in the prescribed format)
b. They should make arrangement for their food and other daily needs on their own
without violating the protocol.
c. They will place the waste generated in the room in a garbage bag provided to them
at the beginning of quarantine from the hostel warden.
d. They may contact Hostel Warden for any assistance

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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2.3. Follow up during quarantine

 Regular follow up will be done by Dept of CMFM for all HCWs in quarantine
to assess following parameters
o Compliance to quarantine
o Monitoring of development of symptoms
o Psychological wellbeing (as per the protocol developed by
Department of Psychiatry)
o HCWs can also contact COVID 19 Helpline for AIIMS Staff (Number:
2.4. Completion of Quarantine
 HCW shall resume duty after the end of prescribed quarantine period
provided, they are not having any symptom.
 On completion of quarantine, HCWs staying in hostel shall be issued a
quarantine completion certificate by the respective hostel warden for
resuming back to duties.
 HCWs staying at their home during quarantine, after completion of
quarantine period, can directly report to their department.
 HCWs after quarantine should submit their leave application along with filled
quarantine completion certificate.
 Signature of nodal officer is not required at time of submission of application.
 Application shall be forwarded by concerned establishment section/dealing
section to the nodal officer for his signature on quarantine completion

2.5. Regulation of Leave during quarantine

 Leave during quarantine will be regulated by the prevailing office order issued
by administration.
 HCWs who have high risk exposure to any COVID 19 positive HCW due to
non-work-related activities like social gathering, having meals together etc.
and have been advised quarantine in public interest, their leave period during
quarantine will be treated as earned leave upon recommendation of nodal
 Staff who have travelled to any place after taking leave and are required to be
quarantined upon their return, based on government regulations prevailing
at the time of return, will be advised quarantine but the quarantine period
will also be counted as leave

2.6. Non-Compliance to Quarantine norms

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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 Information related to HCWs in quarantine is normally provided to relevant

state authorities
 For HCWs staying at their place of residence during quarantine, violation of
quarantine rules shall be taken up as per the prevailing rules of State and as
enforced by the relevant state authorities.
 For HCWs staying in Hostel, apart from prevailing rules of state, Hostel
superintendent is empowered to give warning, levy fine on any instance of
non-compliance by any HCW during quarantine.
 If the non-compliance is repeated for at least two times, the quarantine period
shall be treated as earned leave upon recommendation of Nodal officer

Undertaking to be furnished by HCWs in Quarantine

I …………………………………………………………. S/D of ……………………., resident of
being detected as a high-risk contact of a COVID-19 patient, do hereby voluntarily
undertake to maintain strict quarantine at all times for the prescribed period. During
this period, I shall strictly adhere to the instructions for home quarantine provided to
me. In case I suffer from any deteriorating symptoms consistent with COVID-19, I would
inform the hospital authorities immediately.
I have been explained in detail about the precautions that I need to follow while I am
under home quarantine.
I am liable to be acted under rules of Hospital administration and Government of India,
for any non-adherence to home quarantine protocol.

Contact Number ______________

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Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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Reporting of Non-Compliance during Quarantine
This to bring to notice of Nodal officer that Ms/Mr/Dr.………….……………………… who
is in quarantine for prescribed quarantine period from…………………(date) to
……………………(date) in room no ……………hostel……… …………..or at this residence
at following address…………………………………………………………… has violated the
quarantine norms as detailed below.
1. …………………………………………………… ………….. (on date) …./……./…
2. …………………………………………………… ………….. (on date) …./……./…
3. …………………………………………………… ………….. (on date) …./……./…



Quarantine Completion Certificate

This to certify Ms/Mr/Dr ………………………………………………………………….has

completed the prescribed quarantine period from…………………(date) to
……………………(date) in room no ……………hostel……… or at this residence at following
1. There has been no violation of quarantine norms by him/her during the above
period and his absence from duties during quarantine period can be considered
as on duty.
2. There has been repeated violation of quarantine norms by him/her during the
above period and his absence from duties during quarantine period can be
considered as Earned Leave
(Nodal Officer should strike out any one, as applicable)

Signature of HCW Quarantined

Signature of Warden Signature of Hostel

(for HCWs Quarantined in Hostel)

Signature of HOD/
Signature of NODAL OFFICER

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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Department of Psychiatry, AIIMS, Bhubaneswar
To be provided to all residents, nursing staff, security and other HCW: for
identification and
early referral for Specialized Care.
1. Places- At ENTRY AND EXIT point of QUARANTINE / Isolation Period
2. Time point of application- While advised quarantine / Admission, during the
quarantine / Admission
Red Flag Signs
1. Thoughts of death / suicidal ideas
2. Food and water refusal
3. Minimal social interaction / not taking calls / refusing to talk
4. Irritability, unprovoked aggression
5. Excessive Substance Use
If you notice any of the following in your friends / colleagues / staff / patients
/ caregivers,
kindly refer them to Tele-Psychiatry Services – 8280346660 (9 AM to 1 PM)
In case of urgency, that is RISK OF HARM TO SELF / OTHERS,
Please follow:


Mental Health Interventions for the Staff and Employees of AIIMS,
Bhubaneswar during COVID-19 pandemic (PHASE 1)
Department of Psychiatry, AIIMS, Bhubaneswar
Problem Statement

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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COVID-19 pandemic has affected all strata of the society, at least

psychologically, if not physically, yet. Myths, misconceptions, stigma coupled
with uncertainty, changing protocols, and information overload has led to a state
of confusion, frustration, stress, panic, crisis, aggression, sleep difficulties,
anxiety, depression and other psychological issues. There has been reports of
increased suicidal thoughts and behavior across the globe.
Those providing essential services, like Health Care workers (including
sanitation, security, nursing, paramedical, medical staff, residents and interns),
people suspected of having COVID-19 or detected to be positive for COVID-19
and their contacts, patients and caregivers attending hospitals during COVID-
19 times are possibly at added risk.
In the current scenario, the Department of Psychiatry, AIIMS, Bhubaneswar
wishes to provide targeted psychological interventions for the following categories
in a phased manner. This service is available on complete VOLUNTARY BASIS.
Kindly also convey to the undersigned if you want to VOLUNTARILY OPT OUT.
(Opting In or Opting Out will not be judged by the group)

The Target Population

1. Health Care Workers in Quarantine/ Isolation
2. Health Care Workers working in COVID-19 areas or providing Emergency
3. Patients who are positive for COVID-19 and caregivers
4. Patients/ caregivers who are suspected to be having COVID-19
5. Students (MBBS, Nursing, Paramedical) of AIIMS, Bhubaneswar
Purpose of the Intervention
This service is planned to sensitize and empower all staff and students of
Bhubaneswar towards taking care of their own mental health during such
periods of crisis.
This is in addition to the existing Counselling Cum Wellness Centre.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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Conceptual framework for Mental Health Interventions at Vulnerable

time-points of
COVID-19 Journey

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Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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Issues that will be addressed:

1. Suicide Prevention
2. Identification and treatment of major Mental Illness
3. Psychological First Aid
4. Coping strategies and building resilience
5. Problem Solving Skills
6. Stress Management
7. Conflict Resolution

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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8. Relaxation Therapy
9. Communication skills during difficult times
10. Fostering Positive Mental Health
11. Stigma and Discrimination
12. Prevention and Management of Substance Abuse

Proposed Plan for each Session

Sections Time Topic Mode
Introduction 10 min Problem Statement Audio visual and
with live
Sensitization Video Demonstration
Story 20 mins Catharsis Interactive session
Topic Session 20 mins Intervention Proper Audio visual and
Live demonstration
Next Steps 10 mins Feedback, Interactive sessions
Screening link,
Follow up, CWC
to CWC
Materials for Distribution (Separate links for HCWs and Patients / Caregivers)
1. Quarantine Manual by AIIMS, Bhubaneswar (hard copy and soft copy)
2. Checklist for healthy Lifestyle – (hard copy + online Survey Monkey link, with
instant results)
3. Screening Questionnaire (PHQ-9) and Suicide Risk Assessment- via Survey
Monkey Link
4. Open ended plus pre-designed Feedback – (Survey Monkey link)
5. Display of Helpline numbers at various sites and group circulation
6. Mail id – for sharing Stories / experiential narratives x

Provide Purpose and Meaning – MAKE THE BEST OF YOUR QUARANTINE

1. Quarantine Days – compilation of write-ups, art, stimulating creativity
and innovations
2. SRs and JRs - Volunteer to take classes of UG students on a topic –
record a video and we will share / writing Research papers / Finish
pending Academic tasks
3. Innovative Suggestions of what can be done about handling the
pandemic in a better way (Had you been the administrator what would
you have done?)
4. Relax, Rejuvenate, Reconnect with Family and Friends
Strengthen Support System
1. Create Quarantine Buddies
2. Encourage solidarity and peer support
3. Create What’s app group of each sub-group for easy circulation of

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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4. Prevent Crisis
1. Tailor made activity Scheduling, group activities
2. Reminiscence therapy / Rejuvenation / Recreation – Kapil Sharma /
Dance India
3. Dance / Talent shows
4. Online Yoga sessions by AYUSH team and Physical Activity HELPLINE

1. With COVID-19 Team for mental health triaging and early referral for
Staff / Students who are advised Quarantine / Isolation
2. For HCWs with CWC Counselling Cum Wellness Centre (CWC)
a) Screening Positive – CWC (4pm to 5pm)
b) Risk for Suicidality – Tele-consultation with concerned Faculty/ SR
and CWC
3. For patients and Caregivers –Tele-psychiatry
4. We plan to conduct it in phases. The schedule of the proposal for the
First phase is hereby attached.
The second phase shall be planned after obtaining feedback from the first

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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Annexure: 1 Job Descriptions of Nursing Officers

OT Nursing Officer:

1. Assisting and preparing the procedure room.

2. Gathering sterile supplies needed for the procedure and those that may be
3. Setting up the sterile back table.
4. Assist surgeon and other members of the surgical team in wearing their
sterile attire.
5. Assisting in the placement of the sterile drapes.
6. Passing the instruments to the surgical team and assisting as needed to
enhance the continuity of the procedure.
7. Constant surveillance of the surgical field thus maintaining sterility.
8. Anticipating the needs of the surgeon and asking for items before they are
9. Reporting to the circulating nurse the names of the specimens obtained
during surgery.
10. Helps with the application of the sterile dressing at the end of the
11. Removal of bio-burden from used instrumentation before sending it
to be processed in central processing (CSSD).
12. Assist in the cleaning of the procedure room to make ready for the
next surgical procedure.
13. Relevant documentation (i.e. history and physical, nursing
assessment and pre-anesthesia screen).
14. Entering the patient data during incision, induction and closure so
that it is reflected in the computerized OT Display system (if available).
15. Accurately completed and signed, procedure consent form.
16. Correct diagnostic and radiology test results that are properly
17. Ensure WHO Checklist is filled before surgery to ensure patient
a. It is standardized (as defined by the hospital).
b. It is initiated by a designed member of the team, usually the
circulating nurse.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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c. It involves the immediate members of the team including the

surgeon, the anesthesia providers, the circulating nurse, the
operating room technician or scrub nurse and other active
participants as appropriate for the procedure.
d. It involves interactive verbal communication between all team
members, and any team member is able to express concerns
about the procedure verification by WHO Safety checklist.
e. (During the time-out, all other activities are suspended, to the
extent possible without compromising patient safety, so all
relevant members of the team are focused on the active
confirmation of the correct patient, correct procedure, correct site
and other critical elements. The completed components of the
Universal Protocol and time-out are clearly documented).
18. Check whether any required blood products, implants, devices
and/or special equipment for the procedure is ready prior to procedure,
and if unused are returned i.e. blood.
19. Check the Patient file for any allergy for medications, any history of
illness, consent etc.
20. Marking the procedure site is done for all procedures involving
laterality (side) the surface (flexor or extensor), the level (spine), or specific
digit or lesion to be treated. The procedure site is initially marked before
the patient is moved to the operating room.
21. Confirm the sponge count and instrument count before closure of
site (surgery).
22. Cleaning of instruments and pack the sets.
23. Send instruments, drapes, gauzes etc. for autoclaving.
24. Maintain register for every case done in OT.
25. If emergency cases are done it should be entered in the computerized
OT list.
26. Any other assignment which is given by the DNS.
27. Strives to maintain a cordial and professional working environment
inside the OT.

ICU & HDU Nursing Officers:

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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1. Enter every new patient admitted in Admission register, Treatment book,

report book & computer (if ADT program available).
2. Enter vitals of every patient’s in chart & computer (if program available)
every 2hrly.
3. Assess every patient from head to toe for any trauma, bed sore etc. and
report to doctor concern and wound care nurse for wound assessment.
4. Motivate the patient relative for blood donation during the admission itself.
5. To maintain the personal hygiene of the patients with the help of hospital
6. Care of pressures points and changing position of the patient every 2nd
7. Bed making and to keep bed ready for any new patient.
8. To take care of the elimination needs of the patient with the help of hospital
attendants and sanitary attendants.
9. Care of colostomy/jejunostomy and stoma care (according to ward
10. To maintain the ICU charting, Patient relative-communication note
etc. as per departmental protocols.
11. Make a transfer out note if patient is shifted from one department
to another.
12. Administer medications via I/V, orally, through gastric tubes, or by
other methods and records prescribed medications. To document it in
nurses’ record. Computerized administration of drugs (BCMA) if available.
13. To follow rights of drug administration, Right patient, drug, dose,
route, time, documentation, assessment, evaluation, reasons, education,
right to refuse medication. To report medication errors promptly to
immediate supervisor/in charge.
14. Reports adverse reactions to medications or treatments in
accordance with the policy.
15. Provides basic, bedside care, Initiate patient education plan, as
prescribed by physician.
16. Teaches patients and significant others how to manage their
illness/injury, by explaining: Post-treatment home care needs,
diet/nutrition/exercise programs, self-administration of medication and

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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17. Monitor patients’ fluid intake and output to detect emerging

problems such as fluid and electrolyte imbalances. Maintain the warmer
to provide warm fluids if needed.
18. Orders, interprets and evaluates diagnostic tests to identify and
assess patient’s conditions.
19. Assist physicians with procedures such as bronchoscopy,
endotracheal intubation, tracheostomy, insertion of ICP, CVP, EVD, CSF
tapping, Pleural tubes among others. To maintain the checklist for each
20. Monitor patients for changes in status and indications of conditions
such as sepsis or shock and institute appropriate interventions.
21. Assess patients’ pain levels and sedation requirements. Assess
patients’ psychosocial status and needs including areas such as sleep
patterns, anxiety, grief, anger and support systems.
22. Collaborate with other health care professionals to develop and
revise treatment plans based on identified needs and assessment data.
23. Responds to life-saving situations based upon nursing standards
and protocol. It is mandatory that the nurses be certified BLS Providers.
24. Identify patients who are at risk of complications due to nutritional
25. Records all care information concisely, accurately and completely,
in a timely manner, in the appropriate format and on the appropriate forms
including nurse notes, vitals chart, family education, medication charts,
intake output charting and labelling of all charts with standardized patient
identifiers (name and TC No) in the form of barcode.
26. To comply with computerized patient record protocols. To enter and
update patient care data in various software’s such as CPRS, ICU scoring,
Lab Module, Store system.
27. Applies Hemodynamic, Phlebotomy and IV protocols.
28. Monitors and adjusts specialized equipment used on patients, and
interprets and records electronic displays, such as intracranial pressures,
central venous pressures, pulmonary artery pressures, and cardiac
rhythms from cardiac monitors, respirators, ventilators, manometers,
oxygen pumps, etc. Maintenance of equipment log for assigned beds.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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29. Monitors catheters, leads and tubing for proper placement and
functioning initiates corrective action whenever information from
monitoring/life support equipment shows adverse symptomatology.
30. Acts as patient advocate by supporting the basic rights, values and
beliefs of the patient.
31. Communicates to family/significant others appropriate information
on patient’s condition and documents it promptly in nurse’s record.
32. Administer blood and blood products, monitoring patients for signs
and symptoms related to transfusion reactions. To prevent transfusion
errors by using software for e-transaction, if available.
33. Participate in professional organizations and continuing education
to improve practice knowledge and skills.
34. Any other assignment given by the DNS.

Ward Nursing Officer:

(For a 30 bedded ward minimum of 20 staff & ideally 30 staff are required)
1. Ward is defined as a 'cold' area where there are a maximum of 3
tracheostomy /ventilated patients who require continuous vital
2. If tracheostomy/Ventilated patients are more than 3, a separate area
should be demarcated and called 'HDU' to ensure adequate nursing care
(See HDU staffing).
 Direct Patient care
1. Admission and discharge of the patients (Including entry into computer
program if available).
2. To maintain the personal hygiene of the patients with the help of hospital
3. Care of pressures points and changing position of the patient every 2 nd
4. Bed making and to keep bed ready for any new patient.
5. To take care of the elimination needs of the patient with the help of hospital
6. Care of colostomy/jejunostomy and stoma care (according to ward

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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7. Prepare the patient for various investigations like Ultra Sound, Echo, CT
scan, MRI, Endoscopy, fluoroscopy etc. (Check whether the consent is
8. Assist in feeding the weak and debilitated patients and help the patient
with orogastric/nasogastric tube feeding.
9. Assessment, writing of diet sheet, Supervision and distribution of diets
with the help of dietician.
10. Assist in physiotherapy and conduct chest spirometry & massage,
active and passive ROM exercises, ambulation and rehabilitation.
11. Carry-out patient's teaching and demonstration according to the
need during hospitalization and during discharge (including but not
limited to Ryle’s tube, catheter, tracheostomy, back and wound care).
Inform family about the disease, home care and prognosis of the patient.
12. Counselling the patients, and relatives and have a patient relative
communication note in the nurses record.
13. Administration of Medicines and Injections to the patients in proper
technique. Use of computers for medicine administration (BCMA). Check
the site for any inflammation and care of I/V site.
14. Transfuse the blood bags after scanning with the barcode scanner.
And Verify with the bar code scanned from the blood bank. Inform the
blood bank if any blood bag is not verified and report any transfusion
reactions in enter in computer program (if available).
15. Observing, recording and reporting of vital signs e.g. T.RR. and
Blood pressure, GCS etc. Enter in Computer all vitals at regular intervals
by concerned staff.
16. Carry out technical procedures, such as Naso-gastric insertion (In
special scenarios consult with concerned doctor), Gastric Gavage and
Lavage, Oxygen Therapy, Dressing and Irrigation, Enema, Catheterization,
hot and cold applications, suction in proper technique.
17. Collecting, labelling and dispatch of specimens with proper barcode
label on it.
18. Preparation and assistance in clinical tests and medical/surgical
procedures. And have the checklist filled for each procedure.
19. Computerized OT List to be sent to the concerned area prior the day
of surgery.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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20. Observation, recording and reporting of all procedures and tests in

the nurse’s record.
21. Make a computerized transfer out/in note for any departmental
transfer of the patient.
22. Check and prepare the Crash cart, dressing trolley, Medicine tray,
Injection trolley, Humidifiers, Warmers (Maintain the temperature)
everyday & keep it ready for use. Daily Cleaning of the instruments to be
23. Labelling the Humidifier and flow meter after the cleaning and
change of the distilled water daily.
24. Change the disinfectant solution and prepare it according
prescribed ratio.
25. Care of the dying and dead. Complete the death formalities by
documentation and proper disposal of the body to the mortuary in time.

Ward Management

26. Handing over and taking over charge of patients, and ward inventory
in each shift.
27. Maintenance of therapeutic environment in the ward.
28. Keeping the ward clean and tidy. Maintain cleanliness of ward, its
annexes and environments. Keep the linen and ward equipment properly
and in working condition. Care of clean and soiled linen with the help of
hospital attendants H/A and S/A.
29. Routine care and cleaning of dressing trolleys, cupboards
apparatus, mackintosh etc. by help of H/A and S/A.
30. Disinfection of linen, beds, floor and bed pans, and fumigation of
rooms etc. By help of H/A and S/A.
31. Preparation of room, trolleys, and sets for procedures. Send sets
used for Centralized sterilization unit (CSSD).
32. Preparation of surgical supplies.
33. Maintaining good inter personal relationship among all categories of
staff and with patients and their relatives.
34. Orientation of new staff/students. Demonstration and guidance to
student nurses.
35. Participation in staff education and staff meetings.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
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36. Participation in professional activities arid research activities related

to nursing.
37. To attend Rounds with doctor, Medical/Nursing personnel.
38. Co-ordinate and facilitate work of other staff, e.g. physical therapist,
social worker, dietician, voluntary worker etc.
39. Make indents for drugs, surgical supplies, stores in computerized
store system (If available).
40. Enter the incident report of each staff in the quality improvement
41. Billing of patients in manual or computerized system.
42. Payment exemption of unknown/unattended /BPL patients to be
facilitated through online Form for exemption.
43. Mid night census to be prepared in computerized format and send
to concerned area.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
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Annexure: 2

Reporting - Report to the ward in-charge(s) of the assigned areas.

Cleaning and - Daily cleaning of bed, bed side locker, cardiac tables or any
disinfection accessories
- Cleaning of frequently touched surfaces in each shift
- Clean all medical equipment daily and the other equipment
as per the weekly schedule.
- Clean dressing trays after the use and repack for the CSSD
- Terminal disinfection & carbolization of bed after patient
shift / discharge/ death.
- Cleaning and disinfection of suction jar, oxygen humidifier.
- Cleaning and disinfection of any instrument or articles
used in any procedures.
- Cleaning of ICU slippers daily.
- Cleaning of other surfaces as required
Bed making - Change the bed linen of the patient daily and as and when
Transportation - Assist in any transportation of patient throughout the
- Oxygen cylinder or any medical gas filing.
- CSSD, Pharmacy items & store indent transportation
- Laboratory samples and report collection
- Transportation of dead body to mortuary.
- Carrying the discharge files to MRD
Patient Care - Empty urine/drain/suction jar/oxygen humidifier etc.
- Assist patient in getting into diaper change, dress change
or to meet hygiene need
- Providing morning care to the patients who are in need
- Assist patients in movements (wheel chair, stretcher)
- Care of dead body with Nursing officer.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
Chairman HICC

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AIIMS Bhubaneswar Document: AIIMS/SOP/COVID-19/2
Version: 2.0
COVID-19 MANAGEMENT Date of Issue: 04th Aug 2020
Total Pages-123

- Packing of dead body.

Waste - Solution preparation for liquid waste management
Management - To follow the BMW rules for segregation of wastes.
- Perform the other responsibilities as assigned by the Ward In-Charge or
Nursing Officer on duty.

Annexure- 3

1. Informs the supervisor while reporting on duty and on completion of shift.

2. Clean OPDs, waiting areas, Procedure rooms, patient room, corridors, toilets,
ICUs, OTs, wards, laboratories, lifts, staircases etc. as per cleaning schedule.
3. Checks patient utility items in toilet e.g. liquid soap, toilet roll, deodorant,
naphthalene ball etc.& refill it as & when required.
4. Checks all patient utility items provided in the wash room e.g. Bucket, Mug,
liquid soap, toilet roll & get it changed as & when required.
5. Report to supervisor for any electrical /plumbing problem.
6. Check and control equipment like scrubbing machine, vacuum cleaner.
7. Maintain a polite, dignified and helpful attitude toward the patient.
8. Clears the dustbin of rooms & departments as per the schedule.
9. Replenish housekeeping trolley with patient supplies and detergent.
10. Check all areas according to the area checklist.
11. Supplement all the work of Hospital attendant in their absence.
12. Perform the other responsibilities as assigned by the Ward In-Charge or
Nursing Officer on duty.

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
Chairman HICC

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Version: 2.0
COVID-19 MANAGEMENT Date of Issue: 04th Aug 2020
Total Pages-123

Annexure - 4


DEATH related to COVID - 19

Confirmed Case Suspected Case

Deceased was on treatment Deceased was on treatment Deceased was brought dead
in Isolation ward in COVID-19 ward to Emergency

Nasal Sampling is already done Nasal Sampling should NOT be done

Proper body packing

Dead body transport checklist to be filled up


Dead body hand over after Test report of Nasal sample

Positive (+ve) Negative (-ve)

Medico-legal case (MLC) Non – MLC

State authority
Police Relative
Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
Chairman HICC

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Version: 2.0
COVID-19 MANAGEMENT Date of Issue: 04th Aug 2020
Total Pages-123

Confirmed cases with positive (+ve) result of the test can be directly handed over to
appropriate State authority in Non-Medico-Legal Cases.
1. In-case of delay in hand over of confirmed case of COVID-19 dead body to
appropriate state authority, body can be stored in mortuary to prevent
2. Residents of Hospital Administration can be contacted in-case of any difficulties
in transport of dead body to mortuary.
3. Suspected or confirmed case of COVID-19 dead body should be handled carefully
with proper protective measurements.
4. Copy of this document may be printed after due perusal and circulated to
isolation ward, COVID-19 ward and emergency for smooth functioning.


CR No.: Date:


At Emergency Dept./IPD/Isolation ward

1 Information to Police if Medico Legal Case (MLC)/Relative in non-MLC death Yes/No
2 Entry in the death register Yes/No
3 Letter from CMO/Ward in-charge for body storage Yes/No
4 Labelling body tag Yes/No
5 Sample collection – Nasal sample Yes/No
6 COVID 19 test report attached Yes/No
7 Proper Body wrapping in Polythene Yes/No
8 Body placed in zipped Bag Yes/No
9 Signature of body recipient – Police/Relative/State Authority/Others Yes/No
10 Information to security to escort during body transport Yes/No

Name of the transporter - 01: ______________________________________ Signature:

02: ______________________________________ Signature:

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
Chairman HICC

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Version: 2.0
COVID-19 MANAGEMENT Date of Issue: 04th Aug 2020
Total Pages-123

Signature of verifier at Emergency with seal:

At Mortuary:
During storage

1 Letter from CMO/Ward in-charge for body storage Yes/No

2 Entry in the cold storage register Yes/No
3 Signature of the Police/accompanying relatives Yes/No
4 Submission of Identity proof of relatives Yes/No
5 Signature of the body transporter Yes/No
6 Verification of intactness of body cover Yes/No
7 Storage in the mortuary cabinet Yes/No
8 Labelling of individual rack in mortuary cabinet Yes/No
During despatch
1 Office order of the BMC to collect dead body ( For confirmed COVID 19) Yes/No
2 Signature of body recipient – Police/Relative/State Authority/Others Yes/No
3 Photography of the vehicle in which dead body despatched Yes/No

Name of the body handler - 01: ______________________________________ Signature:

02: ______________________________________ Signature:

Signature of verifier at mortuary:

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
Chairman HICC

Signature Signature Signature Page 118 of 123

AIIMS Bhubaneswar Document: AIIMS/SOP/COVID-19/2
Version: 2.0
COVID-19 MANAGEMENT Date of Issue: 04th Aug 2020
Total Pages-123

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
Chairman HICC

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Version: 2.0
COVID-19 MANAGEMENT Date of Issue: 04th Aug 2020
Total Pages-123

Annexure – 5a

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
Chairman HICC

Signature Signature Signature Page 120 of 123

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Version: 2.0
COVID-19 MANAGEMENT Date of Issue: 04th Aug 2020
Total Pages-123

Annexure -5b

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
Chairman HICC

Signature Signature Signature Page 121 of 123

AIIMS Bhubaneswar Document: AIIMS/SOP/COVID-19/2
Version: 2.0
COVID-19 MANAGEMENT Date of Issue: 04th Aug 2020
Total Pages-123

All India Institute of Medical Sciences, Bhubaneswar

Patient Valuables Handover Form

Date & Time: Dept. /Ward:

Patient name: Sex :
IP/CR No: Age :

Valuables still present with patient

Valuables handed over (If any, which could not be removed due
to any reason)
Sl. Name & description Quantity Sl. Name & description Quantity
No. No.
1 1
2 2
3 3
4 4
5 5
1. Strike out empty boxes. 2. Use additional form if items are more

Above items of the patient were handed over to ___________________________________,

Father/Mother/Husband/Wife/Son/Daughter/if others (specify)
______________________ of patient in presence of undersigned witnesses.

Full Name & Signature:

Designation: Mobile No:

I, hereby, declare that I have received above mentioned items and verified the items still
with the patient (if any) . Hospital personnel will no longer be responsible for any damage
to or loss of the items mentioned above.

Full name & Signature/Thumb print:

ID No. Mobile No.:

Witness – 1 Witness – 2
Name: Name:
Signature: Signature:
Mobile No.: Mobile No.:

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
Chairman HICC

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AIIMS Bhubaneswar Document: AIIMS/SOP/COVID-19/2
Version: 2.0
COVID-19 MANAGEMENT Date of Issue: 04th Aug 2020
Total Pages-123


1. Dept of Hospital Administration

2. Dept of Pulmonary Medicine
3. Dept of CMFM
4. Dept of Anesthesiology
5. Dept of FMT
6. Dept of Psychiatry
7. Dept of O & G.
8. College of Nursing
9. ICN team
10. All Others.

Thank You

Prepared By: Reviewed By: Issued By:

Name: Dept. of Hospital Name: Dr Jawahar S K Pillai, HoD, Name: Dr. Sachidananda Mohanty,
Administration & COVID Team Dept. of Hospital Administration & Medical Superintendent
Chairman HICC

Signature Signature Signature Page 123 of 123

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