2095 Chi Nguyen Phuong Phuong Chi 9424 1353707829
2095 Chi Nguyen Phuong Phuong Chi 9424 1353707829
2095 Chi Nguyen Phuong Phuong Chi 9424 1353707829
I. Introduction................................................................................................................1
II. Content.......................................................................................................................1
1. An introduction to sub-sectors, different types of organisations in the industry
and the market size..........................................................................................................1
1.1 Sub-sectors........................................................................................................1
1.2 Different types of organisations in the industry....................................................2
III. Conclusion...............................................................................................................9
I. Introduction
As the Business Planning Team's Junior Business Analyst. The team worked with
top-level officials to develop strategic procedures and mandates geared at
growing and increasing the company's potential. Analyzing business data such as
budgets, sales performance, and predictions is part of the job. Following that, you
must model company processes and identify areas for process improvement.
Then, analyze the risks associated with the existing solutions and suggest and
define the business consequences inside the firm.
II. Content
1. An introduction to sub-sectors, different types of organisations in the industry
III. Conclusion
The report showed people the overall market size, businesses with different sub-
sectors of the three companies. The three companies also have their own legal
structures. Thereby people can see differences in the way each company operates
and best practices from other high-performing companies.
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